IRC log of #meego for Wednesday, 2010-02-24

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sivangslaine_: so how do I get acces for docs publishing at the CMS ?00:01
slaine_sivang: I've no idea what you're talking about, sorry. Got a url ?00:02
slaine_ali1234: Isn't that the point of the obs system though00:02
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sivangslaine_: what needs to happen so I can publish my PySide tutorial there as well when it is done?00:03
slaine_it'll pull in the rpms needed for each package00:03
ali1234slaine_: i guess so, yeah00:03
slaine_sivang: to what site00:03
ali1234slaine_: it isn't about pulling in rpms though, mock does that. it is about building them in the right order so you link against the new ones instead of the old ones00:04
ali1234but i guess OBS does that too00:04
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slaine_but linking against the default packages is still ok at the build stage00:04
ali1234is it?00:04
ali1234what if something gets static linked?00:05
ali1234it might be ok, but there's no way to tell without testing every binary for SSSE3 instructions00:06
slaine_That would be a problem then alright. You could rebuild the packages listed in the obs config, the ones that it uses for the chroot00:07
slaine_starting with glibc and then gcc00:07
ali1234"manual bootstrapping"00:07
ali1234alternatively, bootstrap it against a distro that does not use SSSE3, eg F12 :)00:08
ali1234that is, build the chroot packages against F12, then build all packages again against that, in dependency order00:08
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sivangslaine_: here ->
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slaine_baby duty, brb00:14
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* CosmoHill sniffs00:14
CosmoHillpoor slaine00:14
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wiretappedlol @ "The kernel is the heart of Linux" O RLY?00:25
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Is qgil arguing for or against power-user/enthusiasts being close to developers here: (Given comments about device-specific app stores as well...)00:25
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Hydroxidewiretapped: well, in the sense that the fingers, thumb, palm, and back of hand together are the heart of the hand00:26
CosmoHillJaffa: hmm00:26
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GAN900Jaffa, against.00:27
GAN900Jaffa, especially based on his ml comments.00:27
CosmoHillwhy should they be closed?00:27
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* lbt wonders if meego has lighttpd in the repos...00:28
sivangwiretapped: hehe00:30
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* sivang makes thai food00:30
ali1234Jaffa: how do you define power-user/enthusiast? i would consider myself one, but i would not go anywhere near such forums as listed on that post you link00:30
ali1234Jaffa: and if i want to talk to android develoeprs i know where to find them00:30
ali1234Jaffa: essentially, the people on those forums are not power users, they are just regular users00:31
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Jaffaali1234: "Power-user/enthusiasts", IMHO, are the majority of the * users to date. Anyone who is committed enough to post to a forum more than a few times for longer than a couple of weeks is a power-user/enthusiast.00:38
CosmoHilli think i would class myself as a power user00:38
CosmoHilli mean my server is running a distro built from source packages00:38
CosmoHill(and it's not gentoo)00:38
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ali1234Jaffa: that definition would seem to include several prolific trolls... and not me, since i don't ever go on tmo00:38
Jaffaali1234: is a hive of scum and villainy - but for every clueless n00b, I've got someone else willing to deal with them on my behalf and someone else to provide valuable feedback on applications at various levels.00:39
ali1234i posted there like twice00:39
Jaffaali1234: Obviously, a power-user/enthusiast is more than someone who posts in a forum, but you asked for a definition in the context of a forum.00:39
CosmoHillwe have some trolls on LFS00:39
CosmoHilland some people where you need to sit down and talk them through stuff00:39
Jaffaali1234: Someone who hangs out on an IRC channel and is engaged in meta-discussions counts too ;-)00:39
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JaffaMrs Jaffa is a *regular* user - she doesn't go to any website about her N810 - she just uses the thing. She installs a few pieces of software from Extras and then users them. No engagement in the community at all. *That's* a regular user.00:41
ali1234so, to put the question another way, do you think developers should be expected to read the forums?00:41
ali1234i mean, regards "closeness"00:42
JaffaWhich developers?00:43
JaffaAnd I'd object to the word "expected".00:43
ali1234"for or against power-user/enthusiasts being close to developers" <- those developers00:43
lcukjaffa :) well defined views as usual, i still cringe everytime i read fora, but thats just for getting used to :D00:44
JaffaI'd expect anyone who is passionate about a platform to try and be aware of what's going on there, whether it's directly posting/reading or through some kind of aggregation service00:44
Jaffalcuk: Sorry, I find "forums" so... unclassical ;-)00:44
ali1234aggregation service ftw00:44
Jaffaali1234: Indeed ;-)00:44
lcukheh ofc00:44
ali1234but... and it is a big but... it has to be an aggregation service, not a gateway00:45
Jaffaali1234: And, I say this as someone who prefers mailing lists for detailed technical discussion, offline reading, .... However, being *hostile* to non-developers isn't a good idea, IMHO.00:45
ali1234still, i think you are wrong in saying that regular users never see the community at all00:47
ali1234a lot of people will only go to the forum when they have a problem00:47
ali1234or any part of the community for that matter00:47
ali1234they only want an answer... nothing more... still, nothing wrong with that00:48
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lcukjaffa would your remarks have been the same if it occured when internettablettalk was the semi official forum00:48
lcukit being this meego00:49
Ambyali1234: I wonder, if forum is the right channel for problem - answer type of things00:49
ali1234Amby: the question is irrelevant because people will use it for that whether you like it or not :)00:49
lcukits a good place to chill and discuss with budies00:49
lcukbut its rarely an information source00:49
ali1234but i guess what i am trying to say is: if "regular user" has a problem and goes to post on the forum - does that instantly make them a power user?00:50
Ambyali1234: in our team we use a bit structured question - answer tool (kinda Yahoo Answers)00:50
lcukid like to see a hybrid where forum threads span out from information00:50
lcuklike having the talk page on a wiki being an actual thread00:50
Jaffaali1234: I said regular posting over an extended period of time, didn't I? Two posts over two weeks about a specific problem don't make them part of the community.00:50
slaine_lcuk, the Ubuntu forums are pretty good for getting answers to issues00:51
lcukyes because they are question/answer oriented00:51
slaine_there's a massive ratio of data/noise though00:51
ali1234indeed. and the popular threads get stickied, and then transfered to the wiki. there is established protocol for this kind of thing :)00:51
lcuki see ubuntu more as bugzilla00:52
slaine_a forum can be what you want it to be00:52
ali1234ubuntu doesn't use bugzilla, launchpad is vastly superior from a user point of view00:52
lcukmaybe i just dont see tmo as information because its not filterable and on many pages00:52
Jaffalcuk: An interesting question (about the ITT thing). ITT existed really from about the same time as, but was more useful and more community based straight off. There was no competition so no fragmentation and the OS was so immature that a lot of stuff was still happening with "pure" techies on the mailing lists. One'd hope that MeeGo - and MeeGo devices - are more advanced than OS2005/770 so it's a different game, I think.00:52
slaine_it doesn't have to be a free for all flamefest. Though it's particularly good at that :)00:52
slaine_I've never used tmo being from the moblin side of the fence00:52
Ambya forum is more like the all-capturing net - if there is no structured way to get info (bugs, brainstorm), it can be anything00:53
lcuki would still be really interested in seeing tmo offer "Thanks only" views onto the threads00:53
lcukjaffa, yeah itt was == official for a long time00:53
Jaffaslaine_: It's got some growth problems with the popularity of the N900 - but being able to have a subset of sub-fora which show up in "New posts" has helped00:53
AmbyJaffa: isn't it because w the smaller user-base power user = community member = developer?00:54
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JaffaAmby: It's a vicious (or virtuous depending on how successful you are) circle. Without developers, you don't get apps so you don't get users. But with more users you get more developers.00:55
JaffaAmby: So yes, when a platform's smaller you need to be pretty committed to be a user, because it won't do much.00:55
slaine_see Moblin :)00:56
AmbyI find it somewhat natural that with high traffic different uses separate more (e.g. end-user, community, developer)00:57
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JaffaAmby: But "community" isn't a use. It's a side-effect, a by-product, an emergent property.00:57
JaffaAmby: Moblin's had a developer community and random users popping up occasionally to ask for install help (AFAICT).00:58
lcukthink how many developers ask for install help for us00:58
JaffaThis can lead to developer navel gazing, continual reinvention and never actually delivering something users want00:58
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ali1234hmm... "continual reinvention?"00:59
slaine_man, I'm bunched00:59
AmbyI meant community contributors wanting different channels than end-users00:59
slaine_time to call it a night and have some sleeps00:59
slaine_catch you all bright and early tomorrow ;)01:00
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Jaffaali1234: Many developers often find it enticing to throw everything away and start again (hell, I recognise it in myself far too often - and *definitely* in my teams and *many* open source proejcts). The second system is almost certainly so generic it can do anything. And so, nothing.01:01
ali1234Jaffa: but i don't see what that has to do with forums...01:01
ali1234and i certainly don't see how that was a worse problem for moblin than it was for maemo01:02
* lbt thought he saw Moblin subtext01:02
JaffaAmby: Yeah, but people are selfish - no-one starts out wanting to be a "community contributor" unless there's a community to contribute to - and there's rarely a "community commmunity" ;-)01:02
* lbt goes back to ldap hackery01:02
ali1234Jaffa: ubuntu has good meta-community... training people to triage, package etc01:02
Jaffaali1234: I was talking about if the space in which developers operate is hostile to end-users.01:02
sivangoh, never buy a cheap wok01:02
sivangwhat have I missed?01:02
lbtsivang: cheap woks are good01:02
Jaffaali1234: But then there's a strong "Ubuntu" community.01:02
lbtyou burn oil on them01:03
sivanglbt: I guess I'm a bad cook :)01:03
ali1234Jaffa: but it didn't happen by accident :)01:03
Jaffaali1234: And when did I say that Moblin suffered from reinvention worse than Maemo?01:03
sivanglbt: It always gets burnt the first time I cook with it01:03
lbtyou need to cure it01:03
sivanglbt: how ?01:03
lbtburning things makes them better01:03
GeneralAntillesCheap aluminum or cheap cast iron?01:03
lbtpour oil in and heat it up until it smokes01:03
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sivangGeneralAntilles:  /me checks01:03
Jaffaali1234: Yes, and there are lots of integrated systems in Ubuntu (such as Launchpad) and the wide range of people who use ubuntuforums.org01:03
GeneralAntillessivang, if you don't know, there's your problem. :P01:04
lbtthe cheap thin steel ones01:04
GeneralAntillessivang, there's no such thing as a "good" wok that isn't cast iron. :P01:04
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GeneralAntillesand there's no such thing as "cheap" cast iron. *g*01:04
lbtafter the smoke clears the burnt residue is quite useful01:04
* lbt looks at Maemo.....01:04
GeneralAntilleslbt, better to do it in the oven01:04
GeneralAntillesSince you'll get a better cure.01:04
sivangGeneralAntilles: right! so it is aluminium "foil" :-p with very cheap teflon coating.01:04
lbtnever tried that GA01:05
GeneralAntilleslbt, really?01:05
lbtnot oven01:05
GeneralAntilleslbt, what do you season with?01:05
lbtjust oil/salt01:05
sivanglbt: hehe01:05
sivanglbt: pun intended?01:05
GeneralAntillesWhat oil?01:05
ali1234Jaffa: i would say that moblin has no problems with reinvention when compared to maemo01:05
sivanglbt: re: maemo01:05
* Jaffa 's points are: 1) lots of developers start as users - i.e. they buy a device - and then want to scratch an itch. You need a migration path. 2) developer resources which are overly hostile to end-users don't get valuable (and useless) feedback.01:05
Jaffaali1234: Again, when did I say that Moblin suffered from reinvention more than Maemo?01:05
* lbt looks at Jaffa's comment and then a mirrot01:05
JaffaI didn't even *mention* EITHER when talking about reinvention.01:06
ali1234Jaffa: you didn't. you implied that moblin suffered from reinvention problems.01:06
* CosmoHill wonders if Meego would work with this:
GeneralAntillesI never could get a good cure out of canola back before I stopped using it.01:06
sivangJaffa: that's why I'm gonna start a user story issue tracker01:06
lbtsivang: it did didn't it?01:06
sivanglbt:  what?01:06
sivanglbt: what did ?01:06
lbtmoblin ubuntu, moblin rpm, moblin meego01:06
Jaffaali1234: Meh. Whatever. It probably does. Nokia definitely has with Maemo multiple times, and *definitely* with MeeGo.01:07
lbtgood that the issue was recognised + addresssed01:07
Jaffaali1234: Reinvention is sometimes necessary if you don't get the traction envisaged.01:07
lbtI had some +ve comments earlier Jaffa01:07
ali1234Jaffa: but here's the thing. ubuntu forums contributes very little to ubuntu overall. it certainly isn't where most developers start out01:07
lbtre having CPAN in meego01:07
GeneralAntillesWhat percentage of the top-50 contributors to started out on Talk/itT I wonder.01:08
lbtand that attitude/intent seems to address my upstream concerns to a degree01:08
JaffaBut then you've got apps like Mauku which reinvent themselves so totally to support any use case they don't meet any well. Or countless other over-engineered systems.01:08
lbtGeneralAntilles: good Q01:08
sivangali1234: true, and the users stories there are mostly neglected unless ubuntugeek gets them and files specs or bug reports, which I don't know when was the time he did01:08
Jaffalbt: Cool.01:09
sivang"Do one thing, and do it well" (tm)01:09
ali1234indeed, the ubuntu forums seem to exist only because people expect them to exist01:09
lbtalthough I want to change the spec on that01:09
Jaffaali1234: Fair enough. Maemo's forum operates differently. The PalmOS and EPOC ones I've been involved in worked more like the Maemo one than the Ubuntu one then.01:10
GeneralAntillesOf the first 2 pages of top contributors (60 users), approximately 30 originated from Talk/itT.01:10
lbtI wonder if MeeGo needs a universe01:11
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Looking through the first page, almost all of the 30 are active/very-active on tmo AFAICT01:12
lbtwasn't quite the question01:12
GeneralAntillesJaffa, yeah, the activity level for nearly all of them is high.01:12
Jaffalbt: Indeed.01:12
lbtadded this to the Repo group: Package the world: Meego plans to be a 1st class distro and should not prevent packages from being made available. Cf MeeGo:Universe and MOTU01:13
Jaffalbt: So it doesn't matter where you've come from, the most active contributors to Maemo are also (in addition to doing other stuff) active in the forums01:13
lbtor at least the karma says that :)01:13
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Of course, those of us who joined ITT back before the 770 went on sale had nowhere else to go ;-)01:13
* lbt looks up tautology01:13
GeneralAntillesJaffa, true enough.01:13
Jaffalbt: yeah yeah01:13
* lbt looks up xkcd01:14
Jaffalbt: I'm the president of the tautology club beca... yeah01:14
* lbt looks up interru01:14
Jaffalbt: However, I hope you'd agree that the top 30 add value to Maemo, rather than just chatting on a forum.01:15
ali1234what percentage of nokia developers are active on tmo? and if you include them in your list of "most active contributors" - how does it look then?01:15
lbtoh yes01:15
ali1234and on an open project, why draw a line between them, and "community"01:15
GeneralAntillesMeeGo - | Web coordination meeting @ 20:00 UTC February 24th in #meego-meeting | FAQ | This channel is logged, see them at | - add yourself and help facilitate communication and work01:15
Jaffaali1234: Many Nokia developers are; not enough. Long standing complaint.01:15
ali1234why should it be a complaint? how many ubuntu devs do you think post on ubuntu forums?01:16
GeneralAntillesActive anywhere in
Jaffaali1234: Nokia is part of the Maemo community; many Nokia employees are part of the Maemo community. Many Nokia developers are not and work 9-5 on a project without ever talking to anyone except their colleagues.01:16
lbtopensource development == develop in the open01:16
ali1234Jaffa: indeed. there has to be a in between point01:17
lbtthey need to realise their colleagues don't all sit at desks in Hel01:17
ali1234Jaffa: and that doesn't necessarily mean getting everyone on the forum01:17
Jaffaali1234: The complaint, as GeneralAntilles says, was they weren't active anywhere. Not on the mailing lists for technical discussion of problems; not in Bugzilla for their products; not talking about their plans.01:17
* GeneralAntilles expects MeeGo may reduce progress on bug #630 in some ways.01:17
Jaffaali1234: Where did I say it did? Can you stop saying that that's what I'm suggesting.01:17
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ali1234Jaffa: well your original question was composed around developer/community relations in terms of community forums01:18
Jaffaali1234: Yes. Because Nokia's community manager was suggesting that trying to keep developers and non-developers separate was going to be a Good Thing - in the context of forums.01:19
GeneralAntillesNokians are in for a culture shock.01:20
Jaffaali1234: There are lots of other places where having developers/non-developers separate is also bad. There are lots of ways of contributing and being involved in a project without being a prolific user of a forum.01:20
GeneralAntillesS60 people should suffer for abusing the platform so.01:20
lbtJaffa: you disagree?01:20
JaffaNot of these things is in doubt.01:20
ali1234Jaffa: in context of forums - that is what all open source projects do01:21
infobotJaffa meant: None of these things is in doubt.01:21
* lbt thinks users should not be allowed in -dev01:21
lbtpower-users may look01:21
lbtproto-devs are welcome to be quiet01:21
Jaffalbt: I don't disagree - but people don't stay in neatly defined buckets, even if you can start them off like that.01:22
JaffaIsn't that the basis of open source - start of as a user, find an itch and scratch it. Suddenly you're now a contributor and git has better docs ;-)01:23
lbtyep - role based01:23
JaffaBah. Typo city.01:23
lbtrole is based on quality of communication01:23
GeneralAntillesHopefully no docs from Jaffa. :P01:23
ali1234meh, i stopped being a "user" long before i started using open source01:23
GeneralAntillesThe problem with these discussions is that everybody seems to define "user" differently.01:24
Jaffaali1234: Then we're approaching this discussion from a different definition of "user".01:24
lbtI think the 'someone' can change roles from email to email (or post)01:24
ali1234or to put it another way, i got the itch a long time before maemo even existed01:24
GeneralAntillesand explaining what sort of "user" one or another person is talking about never seems to help.01:24
JaffaI'm a senior architect at a software company at the moment. And started off as a Maemo user when a developer at one of the largest IT companies on the planet whilst having been a "developer" of some quality for about 20 years.01:25
ali1234i'm still trying to scratch it... haven't managed yet though01:25
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JaffaHowever, I bought a device which promised to do some exciting things for me as a user.01:25
sivangali1234: lotion ?01:25
JaffaJust because I'm a developer at work doesn't necessarily mean that I'm a developer in everything I do.01:25
ali1234sivang: open sores :)01:25
lbtmy ldap worked and then failed :(01:25
Jaffalbt: Which LDAP server?01:26
* Jaffa shudders.01:26
lbtvia ruby01:26
ali1234i must have missed the part where maemo promises to do shiny things for the user01:26
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lbtslapd is nice01:26
ali1234surely the whole selling point is that you can hack on it?01:26
Jaffaali1234: This is my point. Every user is different. Every user's use cases are different.01:26
* lbt made slapd talk kerberos01:27
lbtmmm tickets01:27
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lbtshould we have a meego meetup now?01:28
Jaffalbt: You've reminded me I've got to revamp our LDAP code at some point :-/01:28
VLJlbt: the x86 vmdk image of mer does include hildon ?01:28
sivanglbt: is there a schedule for the meeting?01:29
lbtVLJ: yes01:29
lbtsivang: dunno - there was a maemo meetup due in feb-ish iirc01:30
lbtI may have missed it01:30
lbtIntel and Nokia should sponsor a day meetup in London with free drinks01:30
VLJhildon does not include any aesthetic effect such as compiz ?01:30
lbtVLJ: which release of Mer?01:31
lbt.17 has some movement towards GL stuff01:31
VLJhow is it in maemo ?01:32
lbtit doesn't use compiz as such01:32
VLJi though it had some nice visual effect01:33
lbtbut there is compositing etc01:33
lbtit does use clutter a lot01:33
VLJhildon implementation in maemo is not open source ?01:33
lbtthe problem is the closed dependencies01:34
lbtMer is about resolving them01:34
lbtusing open components01:34
VLJand hildon in maemo rely on closed dependencies ?01:35
lbtfor sure at some levels01:35
lbtin general it's open01:35
lbtbut actually building it...01:35
VLJand hildon in mer is not the same as in maemo ?01:35
VLJI mean hildon in mer 0.17 is not the same as hildon in fremantle ?01:36
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lbt0.17 used fremantle source01:36
* lbt checks where we are...01:36
VLJ"used" in the past ?01:36
lbtin the run up to 0.17 was the first time we grabbed any fremantle code01:37
lbthmm we're on testing11 still01:39
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lbtOK ... bedtime01:40
VLJsee you01:40
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sivangcan someone please oh mighty please help login to the wiki?01:45
sivangor at least help me find out what's wrong?01:46
VDVsxsivang, do you have a account ?01:47
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jebbasivang: did you try logging into the main page, not the wiki?01:50
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jebbai couldn't log in if i tried via the wiki, but could log in via the main page, then edit01:50
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VDVsxjebba, you need(ed) to confirm your email again when you log in the wiki with you account o_001:53
sivangjebba: yes01:55
sivangVDVsx: yes01:55
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embeddedhi all02:00
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sivangI give up.02:14
sivangHopefully wiki/CMS integration will be fixed by tomorrow.02:14
sivangCosmoHill: what?02:15
sivangCosmoHill: you don't think it is going to be fixed? :)02:16
* CosmoHill shurgs02:16
CosmoHilla hammer?02:16
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CosmoHillcasual violences can solve a lot of things02:17
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sivangCosmoHill: let's hope we don't need to get so low :)02:22
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qwertyuiopis there an official meego forum up anywhere yet?02:27
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CosmoHillnight night02:39
* CosmoHill ponders how he ended up in 5 channels02:39
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solarionTexrat: hey04:19
Texratis Jaffa on?04:19
solarionI've no idea04:19
solarionJaffa: you on?04:19
Texrathopng he would ;)04:19
solarionI'm just amazed that tab completion worked like it should :)04:20
Texrattrying to have a presentation ready for meego meeting tomorrow04:20
Texrattab completion?04:20
solarionah, cool04:20
solarionirc client04:20
TexratI'm rusty at irc04:20
Texratbeen a while04:20
solarionwelcome back then. :)04:20
Texratthanks ;)04:21
* solarion is also solarion on t.m.o04:21
solarionwhere is this meego con?04:21
Texrat#meego-meeting I believe04:21
Texrat20:00 UTC tomorrow04:21
solarionah, thanks04:21
solarion2pm CST?04:22
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Texratheck I forget the conversion04:22
Texratok someone test this pdf link04:23
solarion"Enhancing, capturing and leveraging the MeeGo device user experience04:24
Texratok cool04:24
solarionis this gonna be webcasted or something?04:24
Texratstill needs work but it will do for now04:24
solarionor do you post it and we follow along on irc?04:25
TexratI'm just gonna have the link ready04:25
TexratI don't know if I'll have a chance to bring it up, but I want to be ready04:25
Texratin a week or so I should have the whole thing done, then I'll share it out04:25
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Texratok gotta go04:26
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AmbyGood morning09:23
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Stskeepsmorning peopl09:48
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slaine_morning all10:37
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dl9pf_morning !10:42
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slaine_man, I need some wakeup juice10:46
* gladiac prefers coffee to wake up10:47
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Stskeepsmorning qgil10:49
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Stskeepsqgil_: thanks for gtk+ reply, clears things up10:59
leinirlink? :)11:00
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qgil_Stskeeps: appreciated  :)11:02
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qgil_I hope the interest in having GTK+ well supported in MeeGo (as seen in many comments last week)  comes together  with a word from the maintainers11:03
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qgil_Stskeeps: follow-up
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leinirYeah, absolutely - while i personally have zero interest in using gtk+, it would be a hit against the whole freedom ideal if it was lost somewhere along the way11:06
muepimo it is not at all related to software freedom11:07
leinirmuep: no - it's related to developer freedom :)11:08
leinirThe freedom to choose whatever software development tools you want, while still being able to make something that looks like it belongs :)11:08
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slaine_to my knowledge, GTK+ in Moblin (and presumable MeeGo) is stock GTK+, so I'd imagine it's a case of keeping abreast with upstream per release.11:11
Stskeepswhile maemo gtk is a mutated beast, to say it gently11:11
qgil_leinir: sure, but useful software freedom comes together with good software maintenance11:12
qgil_ and this is why I'm asking about plans to sync GTK+ 'flavors', find out the  plan for Hildon, etc11:12
slaine_Stskeeps: hmm, true11:12
slaine_Does Hildon patch GTK+ ?11:12
benbrownHow easy is Qt for people who've never used c++, but are ok with c?11:13
leinirbenbrown: Well... How's your OOP knowledge? :)11:13
benbrownslaine_: Don't think so, if I understand it correctly then Hildon's a layer on top of GTK11:13
villemvbenbrown: do you mean "ok with c + gobject"?11:13
Stskeepsslaine_: yes11:13
benbrownnot really used much OOP.11:14
Stskeepsslaine_: in concept hildon doesnt rely on maemo gtk, but in practice it does11:14
villemvwell, Qt is easy for pretty much everybody11:14
benbrowndone a tiny bit with some perl stuff11:14
slaine_benbrown, learn some C++, if you're good at C it won't be a huge leap11:14
leinirjust a second...11:14
slaine_I tend to program in C++ as C + Classes11:14
benbrownI'm not awesome at C, but I'm fairly competant and getting better11:14
slaine_But that's because 99% of the time I code in C11:15
villemvif you know C, you know nothing yet... GObject is a whole universe of its own11:15
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slaine_lol villemv11:15
benbrownThere a good place to start reading up on it?11:15
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leinirit's a universe of PAIN! ;)11:15
villemvC => Qt & C++ is easier than C => GObject IMO11:15
slaine_GObject or C++ ?11:15
villemvGObject of course11:15
benbrownor are you being overly dramatic ;)11:15
leinirbenbrown: yup, right here: <-- in particular the Getting Started bit in the top left corner :)11:16
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benbrownI'll give that a try later, at work now so probably should get some done ;)11:16
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slaine_you can do OOP with C, it's more convoluted than with C++. GObject11:16
slaine_is C with OOP11:16
leinir"you can TRY TO do OOP with C" there, i fixed it for you ;)11:17
gladiacuahah, gobject is so ugly11:17
muepI understood that GObject implements more dynamic object model than for example C++ does11:18
thiagoGObject has a two-pass construction mechanism11:18
thiagoyou can't have that with stock C++ (but you can if you stop using new)11:18
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muepI think their docs say that a lot of the complexity comes from the intention to ease interoperability with different programming languages11:19
Jaffasolarion: pong11:19
villemvand of course you can use GObject from C++ if you feel attraction to the pain11:19
benbrownI'm new to all this gui stuff. I'm finding GTK+ to be a pain in the ass.11:20
thiagothe problem is that C casts don't check for validity. C++ static_cast check that you can do it.11:20
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thiagoC++ also closes the "void star loophole"11:20
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robstabenbrown: did you use a gui builder (glade) with gtk+?11:20
benbrownno. might be where I was going wrong11:21
hhartzbenbrown: you could also get the 2nd edition of the programming with Qt4 book. 1st edition is free online:
benbrowndid it all in vim11:21
robstabenbrown: it's certainly a huge new API at first (same holds for qt)11:21
leinirYes, i can definitely vouch for that book - very easily red, and brilliant introduction :)11:21
slaine_qgil_: whens the MeeGo community meeting scheduled for ?11:23
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robstabenbrown: as regards gobject don't pay too much attention to the gripes11:23
Stskeepsslaine_: 20 UTC i think11:23
X-Fadeslaine_: 20:OO UTC today11:23
villemvrobsta: "never mind that bullet coming at you"? ;-)11:23
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slaine_And will it be here ?11:23
benbrownWhere's gobject fit in?11:23
benbrowndoes qt sit on top of it?11:24
villemvgtk sits11:24
slaine_Qt is of itself11:24
slaine_GTK+ and Qt are two different toolkits11:24
benbrownahh ok.11:24
slaine_From which Gnome and KDE sprotted as two different DE's11:24
slaine_GTK+/Gnome, Qt/KDE11:24
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benbrownyeah I knew that bit, just unsure on the nuts and bolts11:25
robstabenbrown: gobject is a C infrastructure, if you write your library with it you can easily use that library from a variety of programming languages like python, javascript, ...11:25
robstabenbrown: writing applications with C/gobject is not really recommended these days11:25
benbrownahh right11:25
robstait's just that so many people have gotten used to it over the years11:26
slaine_GTK+ is built ontop of glib and glib has portability layer in there with the likes of gchar, gint etc. There's also higher level abstractions like GList and the daddy of them all GObject11:26
slaine_Everything on GTK+ is based on a GObject.11:26
robstabenbrown: read "not recommended if you are new to it"11:26
slaine_robsta, if you want to do lowlevel stuff though, you kinda have to know it11:27
slaine_Implementing custom clutter actors etc.11:27
villemvslaine_: what do you mean?11:27
villemvcan you poke custom clutter actors into hildon-dekstop?11:28
slaine_via clutter-gtk I'd imagie so11:28
slaine_Wasn't that how the launcher on the n900 was done ?11:29
villemvso there is a plugin system that loads them to the hildon-dekstop process?11:29
villemvthey are explicitly loaded plugins I think11:29
villemvdunno if you can add your own11:29
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slaine_excellent, thanks qgil_11:29
robstaslaine_: yes, writing actual apps in clutter is a chapter of its own11:29
slaine_It's lots of fun though :-D11:29
villemvand clutter is mostly n900 stuff11:29
villemvnot necessarily part of the glorious meego future11:30
* slaine_ <3 clutter11:30
StskeepsX-Fade: you have op acceess in here if you want to change topic to advertise meeting11:30
X-FadeStskeeps: You do too, right?11:30
slaine_villemv: The hardest part of the MeeGo announcement for me and the stone tablet, erm, I mean architecture diagram was that Clutter/MX seems to have been pushed off to the side11:31
thiago10:30 -!- Topic set by Stskeeps11:31
robstaslaine_: for many of us11:31
* slaine_ hugs robsta11:31
StskeepsX-Fade: yes, but i am in a car and topics dont turn well out when n900 is shaking :P11:31
villemvslaine_: it also disappeared from faq11:32
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villemvat least mx11:33
slaine_the power of the wiki11:33
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X-FadeDude ;)11:35
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slaine_Where does the OBS build command get it's environment variables from for the chroot. The host system or the chroot packages ?11:46
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lbtslaine_: chroot11:51
lbtsome stuff is passed through11:51
slaine_that's even weirder then :(11:51
lbtthe objective is to setup a 'pure' chroot11:52
slaine_Does it build as user root or some other generated user ?11:52
slaine_in the chroot11:52
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lbtand any env set by the user for the build is passed through11:52
lbtit runs as an anonymous user11:52
slaine_So PATH for example gets passed though ?11:52
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lbtthings like CFLAGS ovverrides maybe11:53
slaine_'cause the path seems to include /sbin and /usr/sbin which makes lots of the .src.rpm's fail (make install will create a /usr/share/info/dir which the spec files don't package)11:53
lbtI know how it works fairly intimately for deb building.... less so for spec11:53
lbtOK, I'd suggest that's a packaging issue though11:54
slaine_Oh indeed11:54
lbtOBS does tend to pick up on niggles11:54
slaine_And one I pointed out over a year ago11:54
lbtas it's a very very clean environment11:54
lbtin Mer we had to polish a fair few maemo packages11:55
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slaine_Obviously the Moblin guys are doing something that they've not documented to get around these problems11:56
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lbtwhere are you building?11:56
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slaine_On a fedora 12 desktop11:56
lbtok, what OBS are you using11:57
timeless_mbpso, fwiw took a bit over 25 hours to index11:57
* timeless_mbp grumbles at the vm that's hosting moego being a bit slow11:58
slaine_I followed that11:58
timeless_mbp(it seems that it's using a kernel which is not xen friendly)11:58
lbtslaine_: ah11:59
lbtso that's like a manual run of the osc build cmd11:59
lbtBTW the moblin.txt file is what gets downloaded each time you use 'osc' to build12:00
lbtsince it contains config stuff for the chroot that may change12:00
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lbt(well, not each time - the depends are done each time - other things are cached)12:01
slaine_hmm, the very end of that config file actually has commands that may well be the root cause of the problem12:01
tybollttimeless_mbp: Dude, it's meego, we've ben over this, M-E-E-G-O :)12:02
* tybollt runs and hides ;)12:02
timeless_mbptybollt: i'm waiting for mxr.meego.org12:02
lbtslaine_: yes - that's the macro stuff12:02
timeless_mbpuntil then, is what i've got12:02
lbtI didn't use any of that in my deb building12:03
timeless_mbperr i'm waiting for mxr.meego.com12:03
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lbt(and I can't tell which %s are macros and which are section headings)12:03
tybollttimeless_mbp: I think that's the spot on right there... it's a .com... says just about everything doesn't it? :-S12:03
timeless_mbptybollt: i was given mxr.maemo.org12:03
tybolltthat's my point...12:03
timeless_mbpi'm hoping to be able to get, i don't see why it should be different12:04
tybolltthere is a transition from .org to .com12:04 dns is owned by a .com12:04
timeless_mbpok, not a dot-com12:04
timeless_mbpbut a com12:04
timeless_mbp(perhaps a .bomb?)12:04
tybolltbut it is still meant to be an org12:04
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sivangMorning all12:20
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sivangCan someone please fix my Wiki login?12:20
sivangI've been hitting my head on the desk since last night12:20
sivangstill no go.12:20
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timeless_mbpsivang: so12:29
timeless_mbpyou want to log in from, not the wiki12:29
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timeless_mbpthe two things seem to have conflicting concepts of login12:29
timeless_mbpthe former works, the latter is just there to annoy you12:29
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sivangtimeless_mbp: okay, let's try again.12:32
sivangso, login to first, yes?12:32
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sivangtimeless_mbp: right, done that.12:33
timeless_mbpthen go to the wiki, it should know who you are12:34
timeless_mbpyou can also try killing all your cookies for *meego*12:34
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sivangtimeless_mbp: right, I should clear the cookies, wiki refuses to admit he knows me :)12:34
sivangtimeless_mbp: no go :...-(12:36
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hrwstill no informations from nokia/intel about how much components will be closed in meego?12:44
slaine_still no anything12:44
robstahrw: since meego is a platform for netbooks, handhelds etc it might depend on the actual device12:46
timeless_mbphrw: i wouldn't expect real info for a couple of months12:46
timeless_mbp3-27 months perhaps :)12:46
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hrwtimeless_mbp: was worth asking12:47
timeless_mbpnot really :)12:49
Stskeepshrw: open source platform, possibly closed source hardware blobs, open kernel stuff, differentiation apps as far as i can hear12:50
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tybolltStskeeps: 'possibly'?12:51
slaine_I'm not sure how that'll play either12:51
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slaine_as Intel refused to ship binary drivers for Moblin12:52
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tybolltThis is intel we are talking about - mother of all things NDA12:52
tybollt"Hi, so you're employed at Intel? Is it fun working there?" -Sorry, you'll need to sign this NDA here, there and on the last page there, before I can talk to you.12:52
hrwStskeeps: you forgot about closed applications12:53
Stskeepsbut selling your soul is fun for the whole family12:53
Stskeepshrw: no, differentiation apps (closed)12:53
tybolltStskeeps: >:D12:53
tybolltStskeeps: good ol family fun!12:53
robstatybollt: totally unlike, say, google or apple12:53
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tybolltrobsta: do you think I own an iPhone bubba? :)12:54
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slaine_I do, and I love it12:59
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slaine_lbt: is there a way to get build to provide you with a shell into the chroot ?13:07
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slaine_Is it just me or have things gone amazingly quiet since the end of last week13:11
slaine_The repo's for meego get turned off and all the devs have disappeared13:11
Stskeepsthere's a thread on openness13:12
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Stskeepsi think there's a lot of discussions going on, even though i wouldn't mind them being public, i do understand that they might need to have intense discussions nokia and intel..13:12
hrwStskeeps: maybe nokia wants to put some of their old crap from maemo5 base system into meego? :D13:13
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slaine_qgil_: nice reply13:15
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tybolltStskeeps: you would think those discussions should've taken place prior to going all in w/ those two projects ... no?13:15
slaine_somewhat surprised at that13:16
tybolltWhen intel is involved - you can't be surprised...13:16
Stskeepstybollt: you have to consider this move was probably very controversial13:16
slaine_It's clear that the Intel coders didn't know much about it and the same for the Nokia guys13:16
qgil_slaine_: well, I understand the concern but I hope people understand the situation13:16
slaine_That would explain the polar views of what MeeGo actually is13:17
lbtslaine_: yes13:17
benbrownI like maemo. Never used moblin. I am biased as a debian user I guess13:17
lbthi qgil_13:17
slaine_benbrown: and I'm the opposite13:17
tybolltStskeeps: mind, I'm a chronic synic... I should just shut up really ;)13:17
slaine_and that's the case for everyone coming here13:17
Stskeepsi think the best thing is just for the 'blackout' to finish asap, and work on the community angle13:17
qgil_tybollt: those technical discussions on the architecture details, API, etc require a lot more people than the people that was involved on high level decisions prior to the launch13:17
Stskeepsand then join in the technical effort13:17
lbtslaine_: build is a component of the obs stuff... there are some cute wrappers around it13:18
slaine_We all want something better than what we had. But we don't want to loose what we had either13:18
lbteg "osc chroot"13:18
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slaine_lbt, I'll check out the other tools13:18
qgil_if we would have tried to involve everybody in order to make a perfect plan, that launch would have happened later, that plan would have leaked and now we would be anyway trying to deal with your uncertainty  :913:18
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Stskeeps+1 for "Everybody is willing to have this bootstrapping process completed, with13:18
Stskeepsall the common ground clearly exposed and publicly documented."13:18
lbtslaine_: we're not fully setup - just expect it to get better with OBS/osc13:18
Stskeepsreally important for future work13:18
slaine_qgil_: I appreciate that. and I think we all do. Your point about any open source project starting behind the scenes and then having a debut is accurate for me.13:19
Stskeepsand especially decisions made and decisions not taken but known should be discussed :P13:19
qgil_also, looking the practical aspect:13:19
qgil_look the deb/rpm discussion *over a decision made*13:19
qgil_now imagine that discussion *prior to a decision*13:19
tybolltall this "all will be well - RSN - we promise" makes me think of other successfull projects like oh... the Neo... for instance >:)13:20
villemvdemocracy won't work13:20
qgil_and now imagine it again next to 101 parallel discussions about other aspects of the platform13:20
slaine_Design by committee never really works13:20
Stskeepsslaine_: design by mailing list may work, but humanity would die out before a consensus was reached ;)13:20
qgil_if you don't agree with the common ground proposed for MeeGo you will have several options:13:21
villemvperhaps people want to be informed early, as opposed to just being able to vaice their opinion13:21
qgil_1. Ignore it and move somewhere else13:21
Corsacqgil_: maybe there was a discussion *because* the decision was already made and not explained technically, that's all13:21
slaine_And also, this is a commercial descision. It's not some hippy love in13:21
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qgil_2. try to improve the aspects you are most concerned13:21
qgil_3. fork the project since at the end all the MeeGo code is open source13:21
tybolltslaine_: point in case!13:21
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qgil_4. use the MeeGo infra to come up with the configuration with the components, API etc iof your choice13:22
tybolltslaine_: things are .com now, not .org (for good and for bad)13:22
StskeepsCorsac: and mostly cos it wasn't a technical one, but an organisational one :P13:22
CorsacStskeeps: definitely13:22
Stskeeps(which shows some degree of tunnel vision for people)13:22
qgil_Corsac: the MeeGo API is not defined today, and the discussion is technical13:22
tybolltsom degree of? I'm in a tunnel w/ no light at the end of it stskeeps.13:23
qgil_Dui is not confirmed (or denied) as an API to be promoted to 3rd party developers, and the discussion is technical13:23
lbtqgil_: 4 is worth stressing to people13:23
lbtit gives reassurance that it's not "our way or the highway"13:24
lbtwhich I think I see between the lines sometimgs13:24
qgil_aspects like "will QML be ready when?", "what about Orbit API?" etc are based on mostly technical discussion: will X be in good shape and when?13:24
qgil_lbt: you (and anybody) can help stressing these things.13:25
lbtheh - will do now :)13:25
lbtkinda more cautious about saying things now I work internally too13:25
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Stskeepslbt: can be elaborated a bit13:27
lbtwant to stretch the definitions here13:27
Stskeepssource spec compatibility/alignment13:27
lbtyes - was going to grab you+xfade etc13:28
lbtto chat sometime13:28
Corsacand MOTU package will definitely need QA13:29
lcuklbt, internal or external you have the most experience and can generally explain obs better and even tend to give people a good understanding once they finish chattin with you about it13:30
lbtI'm hoping to publish some internal docs too13:31
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lbtuntil then just yell13:32
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slaine_Oh, remember yesterday I said that Qt Creator was having performance issues on my netbook ?13:35
slaine_Well, that was when running on the battery, it went away when using power.13:35
slaine_And I know Qt-Creator isn't a benchmark for Qt performance on mobile devices13:36
slaine_However, I wrote my first Qt program, yay (the Hello MeeGo sample from Bob Spencer )13:37
benbrownIs Qt Designer worth using or does it bloat code?13:37
leinirbenbrown: it's well worth using :)13:38
leinirRather, it depends on what you're doing, but in general yes :)13:38
slaine_Whats the diff between Qt Designer and Qt Creator ?13:38
leinirslaine_: Qt Designer is the UI designer, and is embedded in Qt Creator :)13:38
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thiagoslaine_: cool13:38
tekojoslaine_ Designer is a drawing too for UI and Creator is an IDE13:38
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thiagoCreator includes/embeds Designer13:39
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hrwqgil_: question can be: what is definition of 'meego code'13:55
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hrwqgil_: cause 'since at the end all the MeeGo code is open source' does not cover closed source apps which are already confirmed to be present in harmattan13:56
Stskeepsmeego is a platform13:57
hrwStskeeps: moblin was a platform too but gave working system from that. what will meego give? console-image + qt but let user join it by himself?13:59
Stskeepshrw: as far as i can tell it will give you a base environment14:00
Stskeepsas in, it will boot into a ui14:00
Stskeepsthat's how i understand all the marketing talk at least :)14:01
Stskeepsand then vendors put apps on top and maybe service apis and so on14:02
Stskeepsif it's a base distro with connectivity and all that jazz, i'm happy :P14:02
qgil_hrw: MeeGo is platform + reference apps, all open source14:03
qgil_hrw: then device vendors (e.g. Nokia) can take those apps or not, and can add their own apps (open or closed)14:03
qgil_hrw: on top of this, specifically Harmattan will not map 100% the MeeGo platform, so it might be that there is still some closed middleware there (honestly, I don't know today)14:04
qgil_hrw: is it clear now?14:04
GeneralAntillesWe're in for some confusion with Harmattan. . . .14:05
qgil_Stskeeps: "connectivity and all that jazz" is open in MeeGo14:05
Stskeepsqgil_: great :)14:05
* GeneralAntilles hopes conman will match ICD.14:05
qgil_GeneralAntilles: in a world of architecture diagrams without dealines, Nokia would have contributed already whatever needed to ConnMan (and oFono) to make them suitable for Harmattan14:07
qgil_GeneralAntilles: in the real world, though... (ask Patrik Flykt, Aki Niemi & co)14:07
thiagoqgil_: heya14:07
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qgil_thiago: yo ma man!14:07
GeneralAntillesDid we pick a chair for the web meeting?14:08
qgil_thiago: I don't know how you manage producing all the stuff you produce, knowing all the stuff you know and still be present in new mailing lists and IRC channels14:08
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thiagoqgil_: waiting for Qt to compile14:08
thiagoit takes 15 minutes :-)14:08
qgil_thiago: I can manage with new channels but only because I'm half as clever than you  :)14:08
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hrwqgil_: yes, thanks14:13
* thiago installs MADDE14:15
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florianhrw: sounds like we have some work to do in oe :-)14:15
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hrwflorian: you mean "cp meego oe/recipes/" stuff?14:19
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florianhrw: something like this... and "vi" :)14:20
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hrwflorian: first we need to wait half year for code drop14:21
hrwflorian: and I hope that repository admins will be from moblin/intel14:21
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hhartzqgil_: and still, he manages to be in half the phone conferences in the world. I know, I sit in his office ;)14:29
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qgil_hhartz: I guess he even dares to go for lunch!14:30
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* hhartz thinks there are thiago clones out there14:30
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Amby_lunchbreak question: does MeeGo have a fire wall?14:33
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Stskeepsagainst all the flamewars, it definately needs one14:34
qgil_GeneralAntilles: "So, forgive my skepticism." - sure, and I was expecting it14:34
qgil_GeneralAntilles: I just wanted to make sure that my silence was not understood as a concession  :)14:34
Amby_Stskeeps: only girls hide behind firewalls (
zaheermqgil_, btw sorry for disturbing you last week wwhile i was at mwc14:35
zaheermqgil_, they said i needed a nokia contact to get in the nokia building14:36
GeneralAntillesqgil_, quite honestly, the fragmentation from vendor-specific app stores is worrisome.14:36
qgil_hi zaheerm no problem, I just got that weird train in the communter train14:36
qgil_GeneralAntilles: devices are vendor specific14:37
qgil_GeneralAntilles: there is not one single supermarket providing bananas for everybody14:37
zaheermGeneralAntilles, i think it makes sense to have vendor specific appstores, as long as cost to push into multiple is not high (time, admin and price)14:37
GeneralAntillesI get the feeling that we're losing a lot of the advantages a unified mobile Linux platform can bring due to each vendor wanting to bring their own crap.14:37
GeneralAntillesqgil_, Android seems to manage it.14:37
zaheermGeneralAntilles, android has a bad experience because of it14:38
GeneralAntillesReally, Android's shared app market is the only thing keeping the platform cohesive.14:38
qgil_GeneralAntilles: the risk of a mess is there but there is also an opportunity for a more flexible setting really fitting the needs for developers, users and the rest of business involved in the industry14:38
GeneralAntillesPersonally, as a consumer, I'd like to see MeeGo as bringing Maemo to a wider range of devices.14:39
qgil_GeneralAntilles: ask the Android-no-Google stakeholders their opinion14:39
zaheermGeneralAntilles, lots of comments, this doesn't work on nexus one or too slow on g1 or even worse, this app doesn't work until you root the device14:39
GeneralAntillesEspecially since Nokia has been slowly drifting away from their existing customers.14:39
leinirWhat do you mean, the people who used to buy rubber boots from them? ;)14:40
GeneralAntillesleinir, no, I mean people like me who aren't going to buy a capacitive device.14:40
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GeneralAntillesUnfortunately Nokia seems very tied up in pushing their Ovi stuff to the detriment of MeeGo as a platform.14:41
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qgil_GeneralAntilles: Nokia is putting a huge investment in MeeGo development that other competitors don't need to match when using MeeGo14:42
qgil_GeneralAntilles: it makes sense that Nokia tries to combine that investment with investment in other areas that define some difference with their competitors14:43
GeneralAntillesqgil_, I get the business perspective14:43
GeneralAntillesUnfortunately that perspective doesn't align with my needs as a customer14:43
GeneralAntillesI'd really like to give Nokia my money14:43
GeneralAntillesunfortunately it seems they really don't want it.14:43
qgil_GeneralAntilles: if the Ovi stuff s*cks then you can pick any other vendor going for vanilla MeeGo with decent hardware and a cheaper price14:43
zaheermor flash vanilla meego on a nokia product...14:44
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qgil_GeneralAntilles: the question for Nokia (and anybody putting a mobile business together) is whether it is a good investment to concentrate on "your" needs14:44
GeneralAntillesIn this particular case, my needs are pretty simple14:45
GeneralAntillesI want whatever the N900+1 device is with a resistive touchscreen.14:45
GeneralAntillesand, so, seemingly, do a lot of existing N900 customers.14:45
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qgil_we have examples of other platforms and products that fit well specific needs... but at some point becase non-sustainable businesses14:46
GeneralAntillesBut, whatever, that's all off-topic here.14:46
Amby_GeneralAntilles: do you have an estimate for the "lot of" number?14:46
* GeneralAntilles has found MeeGo is very good for sucking away his enthusiasm.14:47
leinirWhat i want is a device with a capacitative touch screen, that i can use a proper stylus on14:47
GeneralAntillesleinir, unless it's a hybrid device no suck beast exists.14:48
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: leinir, unless it's a hybrid device no such beast exists.14:48
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: well, at least we should let things get started before our enthusiasm fades ;)14:48
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, then I need to get moving fast. . . .14:48
leinirGeneralAntilles: Well, when i say "proper stylus" i'd be fine with that stylus being something a bit odd, like the Wacom ones - and there is hope there, since they're actively working on something there :)14:49
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: first meeting today, which is a start14:49
qgil_GeneralAntilles: what specifically bothers you from MeeGo that didn't bother you before MeeGo?14:49
leinirBest of both world from where i'm sitting - finger control niftiness, plus wacom's brilliant stylus control :)14:49
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hrwqgil_: or we can move to other device with vanilla meego and hack nokia apps to work there14:51
qgil_hrw: that would break an EULA14:51
qgil_hrw: I'm a software freedom lover, which means that I pay attention to license agreements  ;)14:51
GeneralAntillesqgil_, well, it bothers me that Maemo was seemingly just starting to move in the right direction and all of that is now going out of the airlock. It bothers me to see that many of the opportunities to bring a cohesive experience with a unified mobile Linux platform are being forgone in favor of vendors creating their own differentiated playgrounds (which, in the end, will likely impact users). And it bothers me that a brand14:52
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GeneralAntillesNot exactly a series of resounding technical issues, but there you have it.14:52
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: you got cut off at "that a brand"14:52
hrwqgil_: I saw too many environments where people did such hacks. not that I follow14:52
GeneralAntilles. . . And it bothers me that a brand I have a lot of emotional attachment to is being killed in favor of a Fisher Price toy.14:52
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, need a more intelligent client. . . .14:53
MDevelopanyone is living at Helsinki?14:53
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qgil_GeneralAntilles: I can't argue your points with words. Reality comes delivered every day, so we'll see where we are in few months14:54
hrwgenerally so far Maemo was niche distribution and until n900+2 (as second meego device) there still will be small market14:54
qgil_MDevelop: I live in Helsinki14:54
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MDevelopqgil_ I am writing you by private14:54
pillar_MDevelop: close by14:55
hrw770/n800/n810 were community devices, no apps other then nokia or community ones. n900 got released and killed by moving qt, maemo->meego stuff...14:55
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qgil_Reading some posts specially in one gets the feeling that we are idealizing already the past14:56
Stskeepsyes, like people thinking maemo was 100% open source :P14:56
qgil_MeeGo actually fixes many things that were deeply polemic or disappointing for many people14:57
AmbyGeneralAntilles: I share part of that sentiment, for a long time I wanted to fell in love w a Nokia device. Maemo got very close and I had high hopes for M6. But MeeGo will correct one major problem: apps/dev support.14:57
GeneralAntillesqgil_, more concrete, the TSG really needs to make some sort of official appearance.14:57
hrwStskeeps: ;)14:57
slaine_qgil_ Hopefully MeeGo will have more of a community than Moblin too14:57
zaheermit's a major step that the stuff that matters is now being governed by linux foundation and being developed openly14:57
slaine_It was a very lonely place14:57
Corsacqgil_: but meego doesn't exist yet, it's full of expectation only, which is what bother people, I think14:57
hrwslaine_: someone has to provide apps...14:58
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hrwslaine_: so community is required for it14:58
mikhasWe all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place.14:58
Ambyqgil_: some milestones and real objectives from TSG is a good first step :)14:58
Corsacit seems that nokia dropped n900/maemo for something else, and we can't really see a pilot14:59
qgil_I understand your coments about the TSG14:59
qgil_they are two real guys with real email addresses14:59
qgil_I have pinged them already14:59
slaine_Corsac: that was my impression too, well, not so much the n900, but maemo as a platform.14:59
qgil_as MeeGo community guys (note that as for today I don't have any official responsibility)14:59
hrwCorsac: nokia always do that with maemo devices. this time they offer us unknown future with lot of apps etc etc (probably will need to be written by users for users)15:00
Corsacsaying “the community needs to take care” when community didn't have a word about the move in the first place is a bit inconsistant and problematic15:00
slaine_However, I'm open to the possibility that early comments from both sides where somewhat biased to their origins and we really will see something collaborative.15:00
Corsacinconsistent, sorry15:00
qgil_Corsac: who says “the community needs to take care” and im which context?15:00
Corsacqgil_: basically about stuff15:01
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Corsacthat all the .org part was community related, so it needed to be taken care of by the community15:01
qgil_Corsac: 1. I've spent zillion hours on since the launch15:01
Corsacwhich isn't insane in any way though :)15:01
qgil_Corsac: 2. what you you do better in my/Nokia's case15:01
Corsacand your time is greatly appreciated15:01
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GeneralAntillesThe .com on MeeGo is confusing to people.15:02
* GeneralAntilles wonders if anybody made an attempt to pick up the .org15:02
tybolltGeneralAntilles: I love it15:02
qgil_tekojo is also behind this, and we are funding salaries of several community guys to help handling whatever community effort15:02
Corsacqgil_: I'm not sure, but I think it would have been nice to include community ( council maybe?) in the game earlier. I can imagine it's not really what .com like because there was a need to announce that in a big party at MWC15:03
tybolltGeneralAntilles: it's ++ for the cynics like me who like to spread FUD just for kicks ;)15:03
Corsacbut still :/15:03
qgil_so it's not that we have put some curtain and run away, as it reads from your words15:03
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GeneralAntillesCorsac, VDVsx got a briefing 1 week early.15:04
* GeneralAntilles isn't really sure what he was supposed to do with that info, though.15:04
qgil_Corsac: not even the average Maemo developer working at Nokia knew about details about the project, the option was to wait on community topics until the community could get involved after the launch15:04
qgil_Corsac: besides: what do you think the council could have agreed on behalf the whole community, really?15:04
Corsacqgil_: yes, and I think (but it's my own opinion) that it'd have been nicer *for the community* to have a chance to challenge that earlier15:04
qgil_Corsac: challenge what?15:05
Corsacbut I have to admit it's not the kind of think which is fine on a company agenda15:05
Corsacqgil_: the move15:05
Corsacgive opinion, stuff like that15:05
GeneralAntillesCorsac, CEO-level stuff here, community is pretty irrelevant. ;)15:06
Corsacit's a big move for the community, so if Nokia (and intel, for that matters) wants people to know they are a good citizen for the community, it might not have been the wisest move15:06
CorsacGeneralAntilles: yes I agree15:06
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Corsaccommunity has to accept what was decided at that level, that's all15:06
slaine_community == the peeons15:07
slaine_It's a corporate move15:07
slaine_Nokia will be movint to Atom based devices15:07
Corsacthose are _not_ my words :)15:07
slaine_There was some cross sharing of technology15:08
AmbyI guess some kind of risk for "losing the Maemo community" were in the Excels somewhere. If you make a decision w/o the community, that needs to be calculated in as a negative effect. But if you make a decision, where you are convinced - why would you consult?15:08
tybolltI think people should not misstake corporate shitz for community15:08
GeneralAntillesslaine_, let's hope not.15:08
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GeneralAntillesCapacitive is one thing, but Atom would just be laughable.15:08
slaine_GeneralAntilles: In what regards, moving to Atom ?15:08
GeneralAntillesAmby, quite honestly, Nokia's never been worried about retaining community.15:08
Corsactybollt: yes but the thing is, corporate stuff do influence community15:09
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Corsac(which is fine, people just have to know that)15:09
pillar_qgil_: do you happen to know a nokia contact that would know something about overriding ringtone with custom sound? I am trying to make an app that would say the caller id just like in symbian phones..15:09
zaheermi also get the feeling that nokia are moving away from ti and towards experimenting with other processors such as moorestown/intel15:09
AmbyGeneralAntilles: based on your assumption then, there was a "cost" of 0 in the cell ;-)15:09
GeneralAntillesslaine_, yeah, I know.15:10
GeneralAntillesslaine_, it'd be an unfortunate move.15:10
tybolltCorsac: It's all smoke and mirrors my friend.15:10
GeneralAntillesSay goodbye to battery life.15:10
slaine_I can't see how15:10
GeneralAntillesslaine_, because Atom isn't usable on a truly mobile device.15:10
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slaine_I couldn't really give a xxxx on the cpu, so long as it's performance metrics where right.15:11
slaine_Atom now isn't, Atom++ is being targetted there, so we'll have to wait and see15:11
GeneralAntillesslaine_, and Atom isn't going to have performance metrics to match an OMAP in battery life for a long time yet (if ever).15:11
tybolltNokia N910, complete w/ an Intel Core Quad15:11
zaheermalso with qualcomm's announcement re: nokia symbain device by end of 2010, it wouldn't surprise me if ti are reconsidering being so involved in symbian too15:12
qgil_guys, MeeGo is about getting a pleace in the top mobile platforms15:12
slaine_GeneralAntilles: I doesn't have to, it has to be good enough for the mass market15:12
qgil_Maemo and Moblin alone would have got much more difficulties getting there15:12
Ambyqgil_: what you/Nokia could have done better is the Change comms. This is in particular a very weak area of Nok  - MeeGo announcement no exception.15:12
slaine_Nobody disagrees with that qgil_15:12
qgil_if Intel and Nokia would want to sign a contract to cranck products together they could have just done that15:13
tybolltqgil_: no15:13
slaine_How we got here could have been handled better, perhaps, perhaps not. People are just spinning their collective wheels at the moment speculating15:13
tybolltbecuase -> lost customers15:13
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tybolltinstead they blow smoke and put up mirrors15:13
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slaine_GeneralAntilles And MeeGo will give Nokia the scope to have OMAP and Atom products with a common software layer15:14
slaine_And I think that's the main reason they've decided to pursue this15:14
qgil_need to go... but before that15:15
qgil_about "making thngs better" personally (in my own work) I find a conflict between "well polished things" and "honesty"15:16
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qgil_I will go every time for honesty, even at the expense of making evident that some things are not polished yet15:16
qgil_since they need to be poished with you15:16
qgil_but not everybody understands honesty equally15:16
qgil_so I stopped trying to make everybody happy  :)15:17
qgil_reality will come15:17
Ambyqgil_: you can polish your plans and communication - even if many things are not polished.15:17
qgil_releases, SDK, documentation...15:17
qgil_devices, apps, volumnes15:17
qgil_if you are happy with it and want to be involved, good15:17
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ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, did you see that benchmark I did where omap3 and atom were neck to neck in work per clock? :-)15:17
slaine_qgil_: Take care15:17
qgil_if not, well, not good but at least be upset about the reality and not the current FUD15:17
slaine_catch you later15:17
crashanddieyo qgil_15:18
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, and yet they're not even on the same planet power consumption-wise. ;)15:18
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qgil_see you in few hours!15:18
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ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, while we're busy making up conspiracy theories about intel and atom, we could also make up conspiracy theories about the "Windows®. Life without Walls™. Nokia recommends Windows 7." banners splattered all over ;-)15:20
crashanddie"In a world without gates, we would never have had windows"15:21
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slaine_how drole15:22
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, they're just handing Maemo off to the LF so they can switch to WinMob15:22
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Corsacali1234: + make -k might interest you15:36
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ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, android's shared app market isn't. Half the devices don't have access to it. But it depends alot on where you live, who you bought the phone from, who made the phone, what  version it came with, and whether the manufacturer will update the os for the phone made for the place you got it from for the country you're in.. it's a mess really, and all the operators can do is "*shrug* we've tried to pressure google to give you access to android15:36
ShadowJKstore, but it isn't exactly easy to “pressure” a giant like google"15:37
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ali1234Corsac: nice15:37
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, still, that doesn't invalidate the benefit of a shared market.15:38
slaine_Corsac: does it work ?15:38
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ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, right15:41
ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, I think the idea is that as long as you use QT (or GTK+Clutter?), apps will work on all meego devices15:41
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Corsacslaine_: it's currently building, it already failed on antlr for example15:41
ShadowJKLet's hope meego has sufficient stuff in the base image to be useful15:41
Stskeepslooks like it15:42
ShadowJKotherwise it'll be like j2me all over again, where you had to use vendor extensions to get anything useful done15:42
slaine_Corsac: packaging error per chance ?15:42
Corsacslaine_: be aware that it doesn't bootstrap anything, it just rebuilds everything using moblin repository for build-deps15:42
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slaine_I've done similar in the past15:42
slaine_too many fail15:42
Corsacslaine_: I'll first do a pass on everything and only then look at failures15:42
ShadowJK(and, well, almost all j2me implementations on devices were so buggy that they were incompatible anyway if you stuck to standard APIs)15:42
CorsacI don't keep failed build logs atm15:42
slaine_I had 60+ failures originally15:42
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ali1234i had 100+15:43
slaine_managed to get those whittled down to about 4015:43
slaine_I removed the logs last night, so can't remember exactly15:43
slaine_actually, 27 rings a bell15:43
slaine_anyway, the point is, the stack fails to properly rebuild15:44
slaine_even when using the build command15:44
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ali1234yeah, this is extremely annoying15:48
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megabastslaine_:  are you in da place?16:42
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Ambyeh, concurrent wiki edits17:20
timeless_mbpAmby: they work?17:21
timeless_mbpor you mean collision detection and failure to support anything remotely resembling useful merging17:21
timeless_mbps/you/do you/17:21
infobottimeless_mbp meant: or do you mean collision detection and failure to support anything remotely resembling useful merging17:21
Ambytimeless_mbp: they work, as in Large Hadron Collider.17:21
VLJlbt I don't know if its a bug or not, but I found Mer 0.17 under virtualbox quite slow, even with enabled hardware acceleration17:22
VLJit seems that clutter is not well supported with virtualbox opengl module17:22
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slaine_arjan, you online yet ?17:26
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thiagoslaine_: it's 7:37 in the US West Coast now17:37
slaine_I'm normally in work about then ;)17:37
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thiagoslaine_: I don't wake up until 8:15 and I usually turn the alarm off once or twice :-P17:43
slaine_I get in early so I can head off early and see my kids17:43
thiagounless I hit the Stop button by accident on my N900, then I have to get up17:43
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thiagothat's the problem with touchscreens17:44
slaine_speaking of which, only 45 mins left, woot17:44
slaine_yeah, I do that with my iPhone sometimes17:44
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koupsahi every body18:40
koupsagit clone git://
koupsaInitialized empty Git repository in /home/koupsa/moblin-compiz-plugins/.git/18:40
koupsafatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly  ??? closed ?18:41
hrwno, network problem18:41
hrwretry few times18:41
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koupsaok thx18:42
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arjanmoblin has compiz plugins ??18:43
arjanthat's new18:43
robstaactually it's old18:43
arjanah no it's ancient and dead18:43
arjandoubt it'll even compile ;)18:43
tybolltcompix that's the shit w/ the spining cube and what not?18:43
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arjankoupsa: moblin hasn't even looked at compiz for over 2 years18:44
tybolltheh kids at last worked played around w/ that.. they were runing circles around my crusty ol xterm :-|18:44
koupsaarjan oh! pk18:44
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arjancompiz was great to show that compositing is there and what pieces of technology it needs18:45
koupsabug "alt+tab" on moblin is boring i hope meego correct that18:47
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Corsacthat scares me a little about packaging practices18:57
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gouverneuruh nice a channel w/o ops at all...19:34
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ShadowJKThat's standard on freenode19:35
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gouverneurits not a bug its a feature... is this microsoft here?19:38
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nid0no, its just how freenode generally operates.19:41
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GeneralAntillesgouverneur, there are several ops here.19:45
GeneralAntillesgouverneur, they just don't advertise that fact constantly.19:45
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gouverneurGeneralAntilles: nevermind was just wondering where because there is no chanserv19:51
Unksigouverneur: there is but thats hidden as well :p19:51
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gouverneurnid0: not that often at freenode... well maemo and meego...19:52
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CosmoHilli should add this channel to my autojoin list20:19
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slaine_arjan, auke, either of you about ?20:24
aukeI'm here20:28
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CosmoHillhe's there20:29
aukeI'm clearly here20:29
aukenot there20:29
slaine_I was hoping I might pick over your delicious brains20:29
slaine_regarding my post to moblin dev list earlier20:30
slaine_specifically about rebuilding moblin src.rpm files successfully20:30
slaine_e.g, if I do, sudo BUILD_DIST=moblin build --repo /home/p4/moblin/releases/2.1/ia32/os --target i586 /home/p4/moblin/releases/2.1/source/tar-1.22-1.6.moblin2.src.rpm20:31
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slaine_it failes due to /usr/share/info/dir being unpackaged20:31
aukeyeah, I'm not sure about that one20:32
aukeI was hoping Anas or Arjan could reply on it20:32
aukebut I think they're in a meeting all morning atm20:32
slaine_This is common across a lot of moblin source rpms, I even posted about it last year on just a general script that was rebuilding in a moblin chroot20:32
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slaine_I figure out that if /sbin or /usr/sbin where in the path, it activated the part of the autoconf tools which created that dir20:33
slaine_But the general concensus at the time was that I should be using the build process to make them in a pristine chroot20:34
slaine_Needless to say, I was sad when that didn't work either20:34
slaine_I imagine Arjan and Anas are busy preparing for the meeting in 1.5 hours20:35
slaine_kids permitting, I'll be in attendance.20:35
slaine_thanks anyway auke20:35
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slaine_ok, I'll be back for the meeting20:40
slaine_time for dinner now20:40
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koupsaslaine_ bon apetit me to20:40
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Corsacali1234: boost takes litteraly *ages* to build20:44
mikeleib`phbbt.. ages20:44
mikeleib`openoffice takes *ages* to build20:44
mikeleib`it even includes it's own boost20:45
Corsacarg, forgot there was openoffice indeed ><20:45
Amaranti bet you guys like gentoo20:45
CorsacAmarant: I'm building moblin20:46
mikeleib`meh.  This channel is about meego.  I'm not going to bash other distros here.  however deserving20:46
mikeleib`Corsac: will you be building oo.o?20:47
mikeleib`Corsac: are you using the moblin toolchain/spec to do so?20:48
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Corsacmikeleib: I use mock and the .src.rpms found on the repository20:48
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Corsac(and yes, at one point I'll be building oo.o)20:49
Corsacif I'm not dead before20:49
mikeleibI know it works with the moblin toolchain and x86 arch.  Deviating from that may give you problems20:50
mikeleibFC toolchains *should* work on x86.  other archs are unknown20:50
Corsacafter building for i386 I'll try that on my touchbook20:51
Corsac(which will take ages again)20:51
Corsacthough before meego is officially meego, i don't really think it'll work, moblin isn't really expected to work on arm indeed20:51
mikeleiboo.o is somewhat special20:52
leinirCorsac: got an eta? :)20:52
Corsacand waiting for initial bootstrap is a better idea20:52
Corsacleinir: not at all20:52
Corsacleinir: first x86, then we'll see20:52
leinirok :)20:52
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leinirJust thought i'd ask :)20:52
Corsacleinir: atm I'm just rebuilding all packages blindly, using build-deps from moblin repository20:52
Corsacthat won't work for arm since there is no arm moblin repository20:53
mikeleibI have to say that for building lots of stuff, a cluster of machines is really the way to go20:53
Corsacso either the bootstrap is done and I can use either, either I need to do it myself20:53
Corsacand tbh I don't think I have the time to take care of that myself20:53
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VLJVotan : I've found this
leinirAh, right :)20:56
* CosmoHill shakes fist at script kiddies20:56
VLJit should build a proper moblin ui on any distro, however there are lot of dependencies20:56
VotanI see, mh20:56
VLJit didnt work for me with ubuntu :/20:57
Votanyeh, well i tried that meego image from that site u posted the other day, but it was more pre-alpha than i hoped it to be, so ... i stick to moblin 2.1 for the time beeing :)20:58
mikeleibCorsac: if you run into issues with oo.o, let me know.  I will at least give it a proper look.  I may not be able to devote much time to it (or fix it), but I can look.20:58
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VLJI'd like to try moblin 2.1 :/ but there is no "easy" way to get a nvidia card running it21:01
amby_Community meeting is in 1 hour, right?21:02
VLJat least the moblin ui21:02
VLJbut it did not work neither under fedora nor mandriva21:03
rsuplidoamby_, it's at #meego-meeting -- in 1 hr21:03
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Jaffacoo, an rsuplido on IRC.21:04
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Corsacmikeleib: oo.o is a the end of the alphabet so I guess I still have some time :)21:08
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mikeleibI know.  I'm usually on freenode.  If not, you can use msgserv to send me a message21:10
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CorsacINFO: Done(sources/boost-1.37.0-3.11.moblin2.src.rpm) Config(moblin) 69 minutes 0 seconds21:16
mikeleibinvest in a core i7 or two21:16
CosmoHilldual xeon!21:17
Corsacthing is, it doesn't seem possible to parallelize easily mock (it locks the chroot) and it doesn't parallelize the build atm21:17
Corsacmaybe there's a -j somewhere I could activate21:17
Corsacthough I would gain that much21:17
Corsac(it's a core2duo 2.2)21:17
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mikeleibuse build instead21:20
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pillarwhen is the meeting happening?21:27
rsuplido33 mins more ovet at #meego-meeting21:28
slaxiumin 30 min on #meego-meeting21:28
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CosmoHillhey DawnFoster21:56
CosmoHillI see you're on a mac21:56
lbtDawnFoster: #meego-meeting ?21:56
DawnFosteryep. Did Adium give me away?21:56
GeneralAntillesWeb coordination meeting in #meego-meeting in 4 minutes.21:56
DawnFosterI'm in #meego-meeting, too21:57
slaine_I think everyone is :)21:58
CosmoHillwhat's gonna be talked about?21:58
CosmoHillI'm assuming most people will be silent21:58
GeneralAntillesCosmoHill, basically connecting all of the stakeholders in one place for the first time.21:58
lcukuntil their speaking part comes up21:58
GeneralAntillesDawnFoster, random aside, we're discussing Adium for IRC in #maemo. If you haven't already, you might try the yMous theme for group chats. ;)
slaine_here we go, ding ding22:00
ikke-t1hi, is the OBS being used as such for meego, or is there meego specific branch of it?22:00
DawnFosterGeneralAntilles: Thanks, i'll take a look22:00
lbtikke-t1: it is and kinda22:00
CosmoHillis the chat being logged?22:01
lbtthere's no code fork ikke-t122:01
ikke-t1i went to web pages to get if I could download it and give it a run, but don't find much from meego web22:01
ikke-t1so it's something still under plannin..?22:02
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lbtikke-t1: there's a #meego-meeting  happening now - would like to chat l8r though. I do a lot of relevant OBS work22:03
CosmoHillis #meego-meeting being logged?22:03
slaine_So behave22:03
X-FadeCosmoHill: yes, meeting bot.22:03
ikke-t1lbt, ok, talk to you later.22:04
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lbtmaybe change the subject in there someone? so joiners know about the logging22:04
* CosmoHill is gonna sit out22:04
lbtCosmoHill: sit in and listen :)22:05
lbtthe agenda is all community and not rpms :)22:05
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CosmoHillwhat have i missed?22:09
GeneralAntillesNothing important22:09
CosmoHillsounds like today's lectures22:10
GeneralAntillesDiscussing services and/or target audience.22:10
CosmoHillam I allowed to speak in there?22:13
GeneralAntillesCosmoHill, sure, although make sure it's on-topic and contributing. ;)22:14
CosmoHillbrb need battery charger22:14
CosmoHilldamn phone22:14
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AmbyTexrat: project and process oriented - I really like that, but I already exceeded that 1 sentence limit :)22:16
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lbtGeneralAntilles: hi522:22
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GeneralAntilleslbt, I thought we settled the whole developer/contributor thing in 2007. :D22:22
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CosmoHillI can spell developer22:22
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CosmoHillbut struggle with the other22:23
GeneralAntillesCosmoHill, aimed at jeremiah.22:23
GeneralAntillesCosmoHill, bugzilla is usually a fair choice22:24
bergieGeneralAntilles: you can imagine it was fun to find a semantically correct Finnish word for "contribution" :-)22:24
* CosmoHill likes getting involed but is also scared22:25
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lbtbergie: thingy-that-is-given22:25
Myrttibergie: jumping in, what did you find then? ;-=22:25
GeneralAntillesCosmoHill, just absorb for a bit. ;)22:25
CosmoHillI will22:25
bergieMyrtti: we settled on "työpanos", a "contribution of effort"22:26
bergieMyrtti: this was for association founding papers for a project22:26
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CosmoHillwho is the chair?22:31
lbtte kojo22:32
th0br0we should've outlined some meeting rules before :S22:32
GeneralAntillesth0br0, probably. ;)22:32
lbtnow we know22:32
CosmoHillnext topic you say? :p22:32
GeneralAntillesHopefully wont kill anybody, though.22:32
* lbt considers asking about debs...22:33
th0br0GeneralAntilles: sure not, but reading the log might by a pita in the end ;)22:33
th0br0don' :P22:33
lbton the sidebar here... is sub-areas important?22:35
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Ambyorder, order in my meeting room!22:36
th0br0^^ Amby22:36
GeneralAntilleslbt, quite possibly.22:38
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* GeneralAntilles 's answer to most stuff right now is "I don't know".22:38
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CosmoHillwhat is SSO?22:40
Ambysingle-sign on22:40
CosmoHill-.- damn that as obvious22:40
Ambyonce logged in in one area, you are logged in everywhere22:40
CosmoHillI guess we're using git then22:42
lbtof course22:43
th0br0there is no alternative, is there, CosmoHill? :D22:43
th0br0and don't come talking about svn ... :P22:43
CosmoHillI use git so infrequently I have to look up the commands22:44
th0br0well, there are some git cheat sheets around AFAIR22:44
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lbtCosmoHill: simple, use it more22:45
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Ambyadded SSO to :)22:46
CosmoHillthanks :)22:46
CosmoHilloh an OSU22:46
lbtno-one wants karma ?22:46
VDVsxnooooooooooooooooooo :D22:47
th0br0i'm against it22:47
VDVsxlbt, yes, but direct numbers IMO22:47
VDVsx1 bug -> 1 p, 1 post -> 1p ...22:47
lbthow can we karma-whore w/o karma?22:47
th0br0i think karma-whoring is enough of a reason to be against it22:48
lbtVDVsx: nah - the fluid & mind bending algos are part of the fun22:48
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lbtwith secret -ve karma rules too22:48
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AmbyI would prefer karma, but it did not make my 3 highest priorities list :)22:49
* VDVsx makes lbt responsible for the karma algos :D22:49
lbtyeah - but all yours are already there..22:49
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lbt-10 if nic =~ /^V/22:50
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Go to the preferences page, fill in your email and confirm it.22:50
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, have done that 3 times now.22:50
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Nice.22:51
GeneralAntillesIt works once, then the next day I try to use the wiki it tells me I'm not confirmed.22:51
X-FadeAh, some automated copy ;)22:51
CosmoHilltekojo: can i ask a question about IRC rules?22:52
GeneralAntillesStupid goddamn wiki22:52
GeneralAntillesCosmoHill, don't pull the chair into the sideline channel is #1. :P22:52
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CosmoHillwell as far as i know there are no formal rules22:53
lbtjust common sense22:53
Ambylbt: what is that?22:53
* GeneralAntilles would really like to discuss the Midgard issue before everybody gets set off on Drupal.22:54
CosmoHillmidgard? drupal?22:54
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lbtAmby: I'll let you know when I see some22:54
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CosmoHilland then you'll shoot it22:54 is Midgard22:54
GeneralAntillesand the much larger community with a big, established infrastructure in place. :P22:54
bergieGeneralAntilles: I'd propose using the existing planet and social news implementation, but we can make Midgard use Drupal's user DB22:54
Ambylbt: never heard of that thing :-) It's only in fairytales22:54
GeneralAntillesbergie, I'd rather just use Midgard.22:54
bergiejust like now's Midgard implementation uses GForge's DB22:54
bergieGeneralAntilles: I wouldn't mind that either22:55
th0br0midgard is slow.22:55
JimiDini+1 for midgard ;)22:55
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GeneralAntillesI dislike having that decision forced on us thanks to which sides' web team had more people under NDAs. . . .22:55
JimiDinith0br0: not necessarily. new versions are pretty fast22:55
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JimiDinith0br0: doesn't uses previous generation22:56
slaine_GeneralAntilles: more likely they'd already made one 'cause they where told to22:56
infobotJimiDini meant: th0br0:  uses previous generation22:56
th0br0ah ok :)22:56
slaine_then we had the big reveal22:56
lbtth0br0: in here... OBS...22:56
th0br0sure lbt :) i was just wondering whether he also wanted that group to talk about packaging policies etc22:56
Ambywhere do we put the community services subgroup wiki pages? ;)22:57
th0br0lbt: as in ... if yes, then i'm willed to help22:57
lbtthat group needs a meeting :)22:58
th0br0indeed we doo.22:58
th0br0also some mailing list if possible :)22:58
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timeless_mbpanaZ: ping (#meego-meeting)22:59
CosmoHilldoesn't the meeting end soon?23:00
timeless_mbpCosmoHill: dunno, duncare23:00
anaZis there a meeting?23:00
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CosmoHill/join #meego-meeting23:00
CosmoHillhey you use adium too23:00
AmbyI cannot eidt the Community website meeting anymore23:02
GeneralAntillesAmby, it was locked23:03
AmbyGeneralAntilles: thanks, see it now23:03
GeneralAntillesWhich just compounds my list of issues with the wiki today. <_<23:03
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th0br0lbt: maybe we should have the whole repository group take careo f OBS?23:04
lbtanaZ: you missed build ;)23:04
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lbtth0br0: yes...23:04
lbtslaine_: almost23:05
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lbtmore as in
anaZlbt: I missed build how/23:05
anaZsorry, I am having difficulties following the discussion23:05
lbtanaZ: no real worries - it's a 'community' meeting is all23:05
lbtnoisy and it'll raise ideas and allow us to identify interested people23:06
slaine_looking for the who's who for people to go to for XXX service23:06
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CosmoHillanaZ: there are logs...somewhere23:06
lbtslaine_: I was updating the wiki but qgil locked it - I guess it was also the agenda :)23:06
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anaZcan we have the meeting on the wiki instead? :)23:07
Ambyqgil: if you could let go of the meeting wiki page?23:07
anaZgoes slower23:07
CosmoHilldidn't we have one23:07
lbtAmby he's not in here23:07
anaZso what about the build?23:08
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anaZis there an agenda? items to discuss?23:08
slaine_anaZ: if you're around for a while, I'd like to pick your brains about
anaZoh man, that was a while back23:09
GeneralAntilles Somebody mind re-alphabetizing the MeeGo community list?23:10
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anaZbut sure, we could even move it to the wiki23:10
anaZactually it was moved to the wiki...23:10
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: not me, i lost my passwords when i swapped hdd's23:10
th0br0does anyone  know who the mailinglist admin is?23:10
timeless_mbpincluding my wifi password for my home network :( — tethered to n90023:10
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th0br0meego-repository should get some ml of our own asap if possible23:10
CosmoHillsomething like that for meego projects?23:10
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slaine_anaZ: yeah, it was. It doesn't seem to work though. I'm still getting that same unpackaged error for /usr/share/info/dir, same thing I got using my own scripts on a regular moblin install23:11
timeless_mbpCosmoHill: is there a way to get black text in adium?23:11
anaZand this needs some enhancements to allow download of needed packages instead of relying on complete repo23:12
* timeless_mbp hates this stupid blue text23:12
CosmoHillblack text?23:12
anaZslaine_:  it needs a new config file23:12
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, what theme?23:12
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* timeless_mbp wonders what a theme is23:12
slaine_anaZ, could you be kind enough to reply to my email with the new config attached ?23:12
* timeless_mbp is using yMous23:12
Ambymeeting wiki page unlocked23:13
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, it's black-on-white here.23:13
GeneralAntillesCheck the Messages settings?23:13
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timeless_mbpi have green/blue on white23:14
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AmbyOpen Content Syndication?23:17
leinirOpen Collaboration Services23:17
X-Fadeopen collaboration services API23:17
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CosmoHillis that on the glossery?23:17
leinirNo, it's on fd.o :)23:17
bergieprobably not yet23:18
AmbyCosmoHill: in a minute :)23:18
bergiewe provide Maemo Downloads app listing via OCS API so you can show it on your own site or build a better "app store client"23:18
th0br0lbt: alright, added a link to the repo group to the meeting23:18
* GeneralAntilles notes jeremiah isn't in a sideline channel so I can harass him. . . .23:19
X-FadeCosmoHill: Check appinstaller for maemo 5.23:19
X-FadeCosmoHill: This uses the information from
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jeremiahlbt: You can hate on me now :)23:20
lbtnah - just wanted to answer but in sidebare23:20
Amby is updated, if anyone feels to add a longer desciption to OCS23:21
infobotlbt meant: nah - just wantd to answer but in sidebare23:21
lbtyes OSI license23:21
jeremiahOSI only!23:21
jeremiahNo DRM23:21
bergieAmby: added a bit23:21
jeremiahNo non-free23:21
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lbtbut it's the vendor instance of MeeGo I run on23:21
Ambybergie: thx23:21
GeneralAntillesjeremiah, let's take a particular case of RST38h's emulators.23:21
jeremiahSorry, he has to host externally23:21
lbtif I use a vendor API then I still want to be on Meego planet23:22
CosmoHillX-Fade: i will23:22
GeneralAntillesjeremiah, and that doesn't hurt users?23:22
lbtand I may need different versions to use various location APIs23:22
GeneralAntillesjeremiah, that's a hardline that harms everybody.23:22
jeremiahGeneralAntilles: It may, but look at what they get23:22
jeremiahThey get real freedom23:22
* GeneralAntilles groans.23:22
jeremiahGroan all you want23:22
GeneralAntillesFreedom is picking the types of applications they want to use.23:22
jeremiahSure, as long as those freedoms are passed forward23:23
redexcluding stuff is like playing a nazi (like apple)23:23
CosmoHillI got versioned23:23
jeremiahLook, the LF cannot host non-OSI licenses23:23
slaine_but didn't dneary just point out that maemo is non-OSI ?23:24
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thiago_homeMaemo contains some non-OSS packages, yes23:25
jeremiahslaine_: he meant the SDK23:25
jeremiahBut it is not certain that will be included in the repos23:25
GeneralAntillesCosmoHill, chatter.23:25
jeremiahApparently there is a new SDK23:25
redI can't see how it would be a good thing for MeeGo to exclude that sort of stuff23:25
GeneralAntillesAmby, Maemo/MeeGo/Moblin/Mozilla Cross Reference.23:25
GeneralAntillesAmby, mxr.maemo.org23:25
redsince it makes it harder for users, and users want their apps easily23:25
thiago_homered: because there will be OSS equivalents23:25
redif something, that has become clear past couple of years23:25
* CosmoHill feels that his head will explode at some point23:25
thiago_homered: and because the idea is that anyone can take MeeGo and put it on a device23:26
jeremiahred: Closed apps are easily available anywhere.23:26
jeremiahApp stores for example23:26
slaine_surely you should be able to do, yum groupinstall "MeeGo Desktop Development", to get the SDK's ?23:26
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GeneralAntillesjeremiah, so if RST38h wants to distribute freeware emulators, he has to use Ovi Store (hurts him) or host his own 3rd-party repo (hurts users).23:26
jeremiahslaine_: That is not how it has been in the past23:26
* lbt notes jeremiah is a raving freedom fighter.... and I thought I was fairly extreme!23:26
redthiago_home: and having such software available makes that impossible how?23:27
jeremiahGeneralAntilles: Why on earth does it hurt him to have those apps in the OVI store?23:27
GeneralAntillesjeremiah, because he has to carry a non-trivial amount of insurance and needs to pay a fee to do so?23:27
jeremiahIs he not a commercial entity?23:27
GeneralAntillesEr, pay a fee to distribute through Ovi.23:27
jeremiahDoesn't he already have to do this?23:27
slaine_jeremiah: that's how it is on Moblin23:27
lbtCosmoHill: RPM version not important or relevant atm23:28
GeneralAntillesThat's a specific case anyway.23:28
jeremiahslaine_: I hope it will be that way in the future23:28
CosmoHilllbt: i think they are23:28
jeremiahIt will be if I have my way23:28
thiago_homered: if the base distribution contains non-OSS, then it can't be redistributed/deployed without constraints23:28
CosmoHillRPM5 is not RPM version 523:28
thiago_homered: you'll need to contact each individual copyright holder and ask for permission23:28
jeremiahBut I have to fight to get stuff released open23:28
lbtCosmoHill: yep - but not in this meeting23:28
CosmoHillfair enough23:28
slaine_Though, Intel did package up a Moblin SDK for non-Moblin dev environments too23:28
jeremiahYeah - there is tons of closed stuff that will be based on MeeGo23:29
redseems like legal jibberjabber is cutting in front of sanity once again :23:29
jeremiahThat is why it is so important that MeeGo is open23:29
thiago_homered: no, it looks perfectly sane23:29
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thiago_homea device shipped by a company can contain non-OSS on top of MeeGo23:30
redperhaps in your pov, but from an end user and hobbyist programmes pov not so much23:30
CosmoHillmeego is lgpl?23:30
thiago_homeand you can obviously install non-OSS as a user23:30
jeremiahI think MeeGo will be any OSI approved license23:30
jeremiahNot just lgpl23:30
thiago_homefor example, Ovi Maps is not OSS. And yet you can expect it to be present in whatever Nokia devices Nokia ships based on MeeGo23:30
thiago_homehowever, Ovi Maps will not be in the MeeGo base distribution23:31
jeremiahAnd it should not be23:31
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lbtso my MeeGo app can't use ovi maps?23:32
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lbteven though that's the map app on the users device?23:32
jeremiahOf course it can23:32
thiago_homeif a company making (say) a cable TV decoder wants to ship Ovi Maps and Ovi Store on their MeeGo-based device, they can contact Nokia and obtain the license23:32
lbtso it's a nokia only meego app23:32
jeremiahIt can pull in the map, use the map23:32
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CosmoHilllbt: if i can it would require you to use a meego based nokia23:32
jeremiahBut the proprietary code cannot be served from the MeeGo repo23:32
thiago_homelbt: or there may be a generic Maps API23:32
thiago_homethat allows you to interact with Ovi Maps or another implementation23:33
lbtthiago_home: or I'd have versions per subdomain in meego23:33
lbtboth happen23:33
jeremiahYou and subdomains23:33
thiago_homein any case, this is an example case.23:33
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lbtthiago_home: it just happpens to be the one I used in meego-meeting ... :)23:34
thiago_homethe same STB company could negotiate with Google for a Google Maps version for MeeGo. It doesn't have to be OSS.23:34
thiago_homebut they can also simply take Marble, which is OSS.23:35
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thiago_homethe same applies for browsers. Want to ship Opera MeeGo (hypothetical)? Contact Opera.23:36
thiago_homeotherwise, there are plenty of OSS browsers.23:36
thiago_homered: does it make sense now?23:36
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bfreemaemo and moblin both include non-OSI licensed things :-/  have to wait and see if Meego actually removes them all.23:40
bfreeSimilarly I don't understand the official Vs community (or main Vs universe) ideas, if Meego is a Open project then how is "official" different from "community", surely "official" will be run by the community?23:40
GeneralAntillesthiago_home, we're not talking about vendors, we're talking about community developers.23:40
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thiago_homepeople from the community can produce non-OSS, if they want23:41
thiago_homeand make it available for vendors to pick and choose23:42
slaine_So if I create a new map app that uses the OviMaps API, I can't push it to the meego garage ?23:42
thiago_homebut the point is that the base distro mustn't have those packages23:42
GeneralAntillesthiago_home, the issues here is distributing freeware non-free stuff to users through meego.com23:42
thiago_homeslaine_: depends on whether the API is OSS or not.23:42
lbtthiago_home: we're talking community, not base23:42
GeneralAntillesthiago_home, obviously, but we aren't discussing distro or vendor stuff. :)23:42
slaine_Well, I think the argument was that OviMaps wasn't23:42
thiago_homeGeneralAntilles: I hadn't thought of freeware non-open23:42
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GeneralAntillesthiago_home, a large number of the emulators on Maemo fall under that description.23:43
th0br0yay glezos! sticking to the fedora meeting eof's ;)23:43
thiago_homebut, again, sure, the community can create a non-free repo23:43
lbtI think I started the arg with jeremiah - he said no non-OSI. I was on 'subdomains' and dependencies on closed APIS23:43
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thiago_homeLF probably won't touch it, but the community can organise it23:43
GeneralAntillesDefine "community"23:43
lbtthiago_home: this isn't a non free repo though23:43
lcukbut will it be hosted23:43
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thiago_homelbt: what is it then?23:44
lcukor will devs of such titles have to host their own repo23:44
lbtit's a community dev doing an OSS app that runs on a vendor device and uses a closed API23:44
slaine_I've had to host my own repo for rpms that Moblin won't ship23:44
lbtslaine_: exactly23:44
jeremiahIf you're not OSI compatible, you won't be hosted in the official MeeGo repos23:44
slaine_How does that fit in now23:44
lbtslaine_: you're a community dev23:44
lcukjeremiah, does that count for vendors too?23:44
GeneralAntillesslaine_, currently distributes non-free stuff.23:44
jeremiahlcuk: Yes23:45
GeneralAntillesPersonally I think should provide that service for the community, too.23:45
lbtlcuk: ignore the troll ;)23:45
thiago_homeGeneralAntilles: for that I can agree23:45
lbtGeneralAntilles: yes23:45
thiago_homeI mean, nothing wrong in providing the service23:45
slaine_So this would be akin to the debian non-free repo ?23:45
thiago_homethe community organises and maintains the repo23:45
bfreelbt: in debian speak that's needs a "contrib" repo as it would be a Free package that depends on non-free23:45
lbtwe want to host open apps that use real-life devices23:45
* CosmoHill seems to have stopped paying attention23:45
jeremiahor not23:45
lbtbfree: and that was my point about 'subareas'23:45
ahynes1can the community themn agree on a standard non-free repo hosted elsewhere?23:46
lbtspecialist places23:46
lbtbut 1st class citizens23:46
jeremiahahynes1: Yes - good idea23:46
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lcukfragmentation problem23:46
lbtahynes1: not non-free23:46
lbtbut non-OSI app23:46 community repo was built to outlast enthusiasts23:46
lcukbecause too many repos come and go23:46
lbtwhich is almost the same23:46
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GeneralAntilleslbt, do something Ovi Store-style where your useragent or profile prefs set which software you see?23:46
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lcukthe web front end is not the only way to install things surely?23:47
CosmoHillweb front end?23:47
thiago_homeI think that's how the Intel AppUp works23:48
ahynes1lbt: yeah non-OSI or nonlibre free23:48
CosmoHilllcuk: you thinking of installing programs via the terminal?23:48
lcukyes, or via restore tool or anything thats not ust browsing web and supplying user agent23:48
lbtsorry - in meeting23:49
lbtahynes1: the app code must be OSI but it can depend on closed API23:49
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Ambytimeless_mbp: the idea is to provide some kind of backend for simply managing actions (tasks)23:49
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bobbydI'm an n900 ownner and sometimes developer23:52
bobbydjust seeing what's going on23:52
bobbyd(and being annoyed that my wireless keyboard seems to double up letters sometimes!)23:53
ahynes1bobbyd: iI'm using Xchat from  my N900 right now23:54
bobbydI suppose the fact there's an n900 on the front page of the meego website is no indication of whether meego will actually run on the thing :)23:54
bobbydahynes1: :)23:54
GeneralAntillesbobbyd, yeah, I find that rather depressingly hilarious23:54
CosmoHilli thought that was an n90023:54
CosmoHillit looks nice23:54
CosmoHillbut costs way to much23:54
GeneralAntillesAlthough MeeGo is more likely to run on the N900 than Maemo 6 was.23:54
bobbydI suppose this is a good thing23:55
bobbydmeego will have more weight and will be more likely to be able to compete against Andriod23:55
bobbydAndroid even :)23:55
GeneralAntillesbobbyd, personally I'd like to beat the Nokia business folks with frozen trouts.23:55
bobbydjjust got to see if smashing the two projects together works23:55
GeneralAntillesWe shall see.23:56
strike1so is maemo 6 not going to happen or will meego take over after that23:56
bobbydGeneralAntilles: I don't think Maemo was ever going to rival Andriod, just in terms of awareness and adoption23:56
bobbydapparently maemo 6 will be a version of meego23:56
GeneralAntillesstrike1, Harmattan/Maemo 6 is now Harmattan/MeeGo23:56
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GeneralAntillesWhich is mostly a marketing thing.23:56
strike1ok that makes sense.  jw23:56
GeneralAntillesSince the platform isn't going to resemble it in the slightest.23:56
GeneralAntilles(basically still Maemo 5)23:57
ahynes1i'm pretty optimistic. iMve run some RPM and Fedora ARM stuff on my N90023:57
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bobbydin reality though, if meego is completely open, it should be able to get it to run on the n90023:57
GeneralAntillesbobbyd, only problem is what actually makes up that platform.23:57
bobbydwhich might make the n900 the longest lived phone ever :)23:58
ahynes1and sshed from a moblin laptop to my N90023:58
bobbydGeneralAntilles: you mean there might be closed additions for specific devices?23:58
GeneralAntillesbobbyd, right23:58
jeremiahThere most certainly will be23:58
GeneralAntillesand certainly Harmattan is composed of closed components23:58
GeneralAntillesSo MeeGo on N900+1 wont be the same as MeeGo on N900.23:58
jeremiahBetter off with Debian Mobile23:59
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GeneralAntillesAssuming somebody doesn't beat the stupidity out of the business people.23:59
ShadowJKMeego is closer to what Mer wants/wanted to become :-)23:59
jeremiahYou are an eternal optimist GeneralAntilles! :)23:59
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GeneralAntillesjeremiah, Nokia beat THAT out of me a long time ago.23:59

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