IRC log of #maemo-ui for Tuesday, 2010-01-26

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aSIMULAtorcheck pm09:28
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GeneralAntillesBy the way, do any Nokians in the room here want cloaks?14:01
fralsoh, its 500 karma now, hook me up with a /contributor/ GeneralAntilles ;)14:07
GeneralAntillesfrals, ah, did you pass the threshold? :P14:07
fralsyepp ^^14:08
fralsthanks :)14:09
GeneralAntillesI'll get X-Fade to add the rest as soon as he stops having to put out fires. ;)14:09
aSIMULAtorwell none of the cloaks actually describe what i do :P14:21
JaakkoVnew one would be grate.. something magnificent :P14:26
aSIMULAtorthat's the 3rd time i've seen you write "grate"14:26
aSIMULAtorare you starting a trend14:26
aSIMULAtoras in14:28
aSIMULAtoryou realized that it's "great" not "grate?" :P14:28
aSIMULAtori just went outside and i'm glad i'm back INSIDE14:29
GeneralAntillesaSIMULAtor, feel free to pick your own.14:34
GeneralAntillesThose are only examples. ;)14:34
aSIMULAtori dunno, maemo/uxdesigner14:35
aSIMULAtorfor all of us in here14:35
aSIMULAtorwho has worked on it14:35
GeneralAntillesThat'd work.14:35
GeneralAntillesMaemo/UX/<nick> ?14:35
GeneralAntillesor Maemo/UXdesigner/<nick> ?14:35
GeneralAntillesMmm . . . donuts14:36
GeneralAntillesfrals, OS X keeps wanting to correct frals to frills. . . .14:37
aSIMULAtormartinG and jaakkov might be interested14:37
GeneralAntillesActually, lowercase uxdesigner looks better.14:39
GeneralAntillesWe did Maemo/ for tekojo, so. . . .14:40
JaakkoVUXDesigner looks weird enough14:46
GeneralAntillesaSIMULAtor, feel free to point anybody else you think might be interested in my direction.14:46
GeneralAntillesJaakkoV, you want one?14:46
JaakkoVGeneralAntilles, sure and give MartinG one too14:47
GeneralAntillesJaakkoV, /msg nickserv register14:48
MartinGI want to be a User Experience Evangelist14:48
GeneralAntillesSince you'll need to be identified to get the cloak.14:49
MartinGit asks for a password and email14:50
aSIMULAtoryeah that's normal14:52
aSIMULAtorthey have nickserv up in hurrr14:52
aSIMULAtornickserv, you must register your nick14:53
aSIMULAtorso everytime you log into this server, you have to msg nickserv identify your password14:53
aSIMULAtorit's to keep people from stealing each other's nicks14:53
aSIMULAtorcomes from the old days of IRC when ppl used to get all pissy cause so and so took my nick14:54
JaakkoVaaaahhh oh14:54
aSIMULAtorthen u'd get a lot of dDOSING14:54
aSIMULAtorand u know, scripkiddy wars14:54
GeneralAntillesWe still get those.14:54
GeneralAntillesFreenode seems completely incapable of stopping them, too. <_<14:54
aSIMULAtori find it funny when i see netsplits here as well14:55
aSIMULAtorit's like ahhh efnet back in the days14:55
GeneralAntillesAll. The damn. Time.14:55
JaakkoVaSIMULAtor,  so /msg nickserv register <blaablaa> <>?14:55
GeneralAntillesFreenode got too popular for its own good.14:55
aSIMULAtoror something14:55
aSIMULAtoror msg nickserv help14:55
aSIMULAtorto get a list of the commands14:55
aSIMULAtori'm not sure what it is off the top of my head14:55
aSIMULAtorbut be sure you want the nick JaakkoV14:56
aSIMULAtorhow about the nick grate14:56
aSIMULAtoror brokeback maybe14:56
JaakkoVhmm well not14:57
GeneralAntillesYou can register more than one nickname14:58
GeneralAntillesand you can always drop ones you don't like later.14:58
JaakkoVhow nice14:58
GeneralAntillesYou can even take other people's nicks away if they don't use them for 60 days. ;)14:59
JaakkoVmy email is so not valid14:59
* GeneralAntilles wishes the buttons for the alarm were bigger and had iconography.15:00
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JaakkoVGeneralAntilles, ok im registered15:36
GeneralAntillesJaakkoV, cool, I put your name on the list for the next time X-Fade has some free time.15:36
GeneralAntillesJaakkoV, a Freenode staffer should contact you after X-Fade passes on the list.15:36
JaakkoVGeneralAntilles, ok. ill get martinG to register also15:37
GeneralAntillesHe is, isn't he?15:38
GeneralAntillesWell, A marting is registered, anyway.15:38
MartinGhow did that happen?15:41
GeneralAntillesMartinG, not you?15:41
aSIMULAtorno it's not registered your nick martin15:43
aSIMULAtoroh what am i talking about15:43
aSIMULAtori forgot that when you whois on this network and you don't have ircop or admin status there's no way of telling :P15:43
GeneralAntilles /msg nickserv info15:43
anidel /msg nickserv info15:44
MartinGaSIMULAtor: oh well then15:47
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