IRC log of #maemo-ui for Tuesday, 2009-12-22

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mikhasI've added some animations for miniature, so if anyone wants to comment: it's in extras-devel02:19
lcukmikhas, i have downloaded it :)02:19
lcukyou may be shocked/pleased/nervous that im using it as a test case for qt stuff :)02:19
mikhasit is annoying that I had to add some performance hacks already02:20
lcukeveryone does02:21
mikhasmost notably of course: enabling opengl app-wide02:21
lcuko_O you use gl02:21
mikhasbut the others are just hideous02:21
mikhascaching, caching, caching02:21
mikhaswell, might be overkill now02:21
mikhasbut my svg rendering performance was like 3 frames per second02:21
mikhasand those were all simple svgs!02:21
lcukmy god02:22
mikhasso then I enabled opengl, which somewhat it improved02:22
lcukdid you know, i have explained to people in the past02:22
lcuki do sketching, but dont allow svg yet02:22
mikhasbut now it is all pixmaps, sigh02:22
lcukand when they ask02:22
lcukits because i dont want them to load in a mona lisa and expect it in real time02:22
lcukso at runtime you load the svg, and make pixmap at right size/02:23
lcukgood plan02:23
mikhasI let the svg renderer render the pixmaps02:23
lcukdo you invalidate cache on resize?02:23
mikhasno resizing yet02:23
mikhas=> lot of code02:23
lcukfair enough then02:23
mikhasbut yes, I have to02:23
lcukresizing should be simple02:23
lcukis the board a class on its own?02:23
lcukgameboard i mean02:24
mikhasgameboard, and each piece is02:24
lcukwell, i suppose i should just look02:24
mikhasthough for performance ... it's drawn as the QGV background02:24
mikhasno dont look =)02:24
mikhasit uses webkit to render SVG correclty =)02:24
mikhasthere was a transparency bug in qt 4.6 whhich should be fixed soon02:25
lcukyou  used 4.6?02:25
mikhaswell yes02:25
mikhasQGraphicsObject, QPropertyAnimations ... not in 4.502:26
mikhasthough a QGO is easy to build for yourself02:26
lcuki dont know the specific differences yet beyond remembering a few class names02:27
mikhasthe code needs a lot of clean-up already, but I blame that on the hackish nature of performance improvements02:27
lcukim working on the gdb debugger02:27
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lcukcos it doesnt work for qt02:27
mikhaswell, I can debug in my code, with the native-gdb02:28
lcukyeah i know this is for the sdk02:28
mikhasbut if it is a library method that crashs I have to switch to valgrind02:28
lcuksomeone already posted gdb702:28
lcukthis replaces that temporary version02:28
lcukwith the properly validated one02:28
* lcuk gulps a bit02:29
lcukso, your app becomes test horse #1 :)02:29
lcukill worry about the code when it doesnt work02:30
* lcuk bets calltracing qt will be intestering02:30
lcukmikhas, so your ui is so complex it wouldnt actually render smoothly without turning to gl02:33
mikhaslet me reword that: QGV is not optimised for hand-helds yet =)02:33
lcukis it possible to convert and generate a qt class based on a c library defintion02:35
lcukerrr how is it called02:35
lcukive got a c library02:35
lcukid like to use it in qt02:35
mikhasit should be fairly easy, no?02:36
lcuki can do it in c++, but theres usually a qt way02:36
mikhasthe NIH way?02:36
lcuki want a qt class encompasing liqcell02:37
lcukwell at some level the code comes from somewhere02:37
mikhasI would make the C context a member of a wrapper class which then forwards method calls02:37
mikhaswhat more is there for a C/C++ wrapper, from my naive point of view?02:38
lcukindeed, i just need to construct a set of qt classes based on the existing classes02:40
mikhasyou can use non-MOC-ed classes in Qt just fine. and even for signals you could proxy that to another QObject member of your wrapper class ....02:40
lcukwhich internally contain the members and call the c02:40
lcukeverything is instentiated anyway and so i just need to store an opaque pointer in a qt class private member02:40
* lcuk is just thinking out loud lol02:41
lcuki did originally start the new framework in c++02:41
lcuki got as far as probably 2 days of code setup before i gave up02:41
mikhasjust treat it as a c++ wrapper but restrict yourself from the stl maybe ...02:41
mikhasI actually like the fact that qt is not really c++02:42
lcuki would prefer c+strings+classes02:42
lcukand nothing more02:42
mikhasno copy ctors by default (id semantics for objects), pointers in most of the API ...02:42
mikhasI dont like the extra "keywords", of course02:43
mikhasas if c++ keywords werent bad enough already =)02:43
lcukstick to your favorite subset02:43
mikhasyes, probably02:44
lcukthankfully with most of c++ i can use it as i need02:44
lcukwithout worrying about the extras02:44
lcukand nowadays im coding on my laptop02:44
lcukso speed isnt such a bother from compilation side02:44
lcukthanks mikhas i think this short talk has made me try something :)02:45
lcukand ill go easy on ur chass :p02:47
mikhasnah, critism welcome02:47
mikhaswe already got the "it's easy: just port java" style of comments02:48
mikhasso you couldnt be worse than that =p02:48
mikhas(java: enables jin client for
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lcukdid you see the sheepdrawing game02:51
lcukerrr sheepdog02:52
* lcuk has drawing on his mind cos the code is infront of me02:52
lcuktheres a prototype engine wrote in qt :)03:01
lcukrevdkathy and  were on a bus coming back from portugal and i showed her liqflow and stuff (have you got that btw?)03:01
lcukand i explained about playing old style marble games, and we have sorta come up with a whole game concept and graphics and stuff03:02
lcukbased on that tiny conversation :)03:02
lcukand its looking cool :) anyway, just wondered whether talking to the guy whos doing the qt port would do you any good03:03
lcuk(you i mean)03:04
* lcuk looks back at his typing and finds it so messy03:06
lcukim amazed i get anything compiled03:07
mikhaslol, how could I miss such a funny thread!03:07
lcukglad you like it :) its been great to see people from all over get involved in all different aspects03:08
lcukits the sort of positive collaboration this community is great at03:08
mikhasthis is great:
lcukyeah i saw lots03:09
mikhasdoes your sheep drawing app upload to that site?03:09
lcukno, but someone could make it do03:09
lcuki just wanted a background picture03:09
lcukit is usable for many subjects03:09
lcuksheep is merely 103:09
lcukchange the background to an undersea one03:09
lcukuse a different thread id03:09
lcukand get people drawing fish all day long03:10
lcukcould have 100 ongoing threads of people doodling what they like or making use of em03:10
lcukusing the touchscreen to draw them and seeing on the big screen is usable03:10
lcukive got an irc version coming too03:10
lcukwhich is direct live on the tablet03:11
lcukbi directional group communication involving text and photos and sketches :)03:11
mikhasbut yes, why not use a 600€ device for drawing!03:14
lcukits just one thing03:15
lcukin china, text is best input as strokes03:15
lcukthe keyboard is near useless03:15
lcukthink beyond english03:15
mikhasyeah, I am biased03:15
mikhaswho needs more than 128 characters anyway03:16
lcuki give people a small postit sized note03:16
lcuki always have done03:16
lcuki have thousands of them03:16
lcukthey are digestable message chunks03:16
lcukabout == a tweet actually03:16
lcukin the amount of writing i can put on it03:16
lcukbut a simple "i <3 u" message has so much more meaning when its written by hand03:17
lcukand i can upload them live03:17
lcukthey are small and i can support many thousands of them03:17
lcukjust right :)03:17
lcukits technically already there,
lcuki just need to make the code work properly03:19
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tigertthats a good point about handwriting08:08
tigertcould toss them to twitter via twitpic?08:09
tigert(morning :)08:09
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lcuktigert, yeah they could, ive also got a twit post thing somewhere too17:04
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lcukmikhas, *grin* how do i make it crash, have you found a way yet17:32
mikhascrash what?17:33
mikhasminiature doesnt crash. I proved it17:33
mikhasno idea17:33
mikhasit did crash a lot before I bowed to the power of valgrind17:34
lcuk:D well thats good since im testing the debugger17:34
lcuknice, you are using gpl2+ :)17:35
mikhasoh, try this: open miniature, switch to the "dashboard", run other stuff (but leave miniature running in the background. since I enabled opengl application-wide it should crash sooner or later =)17:37
mikhasat least I had random lock-ups with that17:37
lcukthere are events popping up saying no such signal textChanged(const QString &) :)17:38
lcukQTextControl::textChanged sorry17:39
lcuknot drastic by any means17:40
mikhasI still regard this as a bug17:40
lcukhaha :D17:41
* lcuk hasnt got many gl things on device17:41
VDVsxmikhas, btw, I got package conflicts with the last version of miniature17:52
mikhasVDVsx, me too. I had to remove the libqt4-maemo5* packages before =(17:53
mikhas(which is, as I learned, not the way to go)17:54
VDVsxmikhas, humm, strange17:54
mikhasmaybe because I manually installed libqt4-maemo5 it couldnt update them17:54
mikhasauto-dependency vs manual dependency?17:54
VDVsxmikhas, doubt, should be a problem in the qt packages17:56
VDVsxoh, my cache shows 7 installable versions of libqt4-maemo5-maemo5 o_018:01
lcukall the same or different versions?18:01
mikhasyou dont delete your cache?18:02
mikhasI need all the root fs space I can get =(18:02
VDVsxlcuk, no, but that's messy :p18:02
lcukmikhas, needs moar optification18:02
lcukof VDVsx after the optification thread18:02
mikhashave fun optifying miniature har har18:02
lcuki went lookingat how maemo-optify works18:02
lcukand i think theres a bug in it18:03
mikhasone single fat binary =)18:03
* lcuk cuts it into 64 pieces and places them unsorted on a grid18:03
lcukif the user can reassemble the binary they can play the game18:03
mikhashow do you certify whether the binary is correct?18:05
mikhasrun each resulting binary?18:05
VDVsxjust gained 33 mb on rootfs :P18:06
mikhasI ... I ... never knew Miniature was capable of *this* (famous last words)18:06
mikhasput the above in quotes18:06
lcuk"the above"18:06
lcuk:D yw18:07
mikhasthose jokes never get old =)18:07
* lcuk needs coffee and bacon18:07
mikhasor perhaps they simply age at the same speed as we do18:07
mikhasyesterday I wanted to run some oldschool demos inside of dosbox, on the device (after lcuk *had* to put a youtube link @ #maemo to some classics ....)18:08
mikhasthey all crash18:08
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lcukyou mean the state of the art one :D18:12
lcuki used to rock to that, it was best example of hq stuff on amiga18:12
mikhasyeah, what a blast from the past18:12
lcukits not surprising that the demoscene dos demos fail18:12
mikhasfunnily, it had most of the other classics in the "related" box18:13
lcukcos they bang the hardware like its a cheap hooker18:13
mikhasI guess18:13
mikhasI thought if dosbox would run, maybe the demos could as well ...18:13
mikhasbut that's of course naive18:13
lcukyou have to think outside the (dos)box18:13
mikhaswell, you have to try18:13
thptigert: gpodder's episode actions dialog (WIP) - not downloaded (, downloading ( and downloaded (
mikhasthp, new/old episodes is a filter?18:18
mikhasor a flag?18:19
mikhasand "downloading" without a real progress bar? for podcasts you know the size beforehand, no?18:20
mikhaseasier to install gpodder and learn about this "podcasts" thing I guess =D18:21
thpmikhas: new/old is a flag, but i abused the "filter" widget (radiobuttons) for it18:22
thpmikhas: downloading progress is displayed in the download manager18:22
mikhasah ok18:22
thpthe size is known beforehand for most podcasts, and even if not, starting a download mostly gives the size in the http header18:23
mikhasthp, will you be @ 26C3?18:25
mikhasVDVsx, if your package conflicts were libqt4-maemo-opengl related then it is probably a packaging bug, indeed18:36
VDVsxmikhas, no, maemo5 and svg18:38
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Naruto_secanyone have the N900 here?20:33
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tigertthp: nice21:19
tigertthp: you can use a touch selector instead of filter too21:19
tigerttwo lines of text and press toggles if theres just two choice21:19
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tigert| *Automatic deletion*   |21:22
tigert|  Keep this episode     |21:22
tigertlike on some settings dialogs21:29
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thpmikhas: would like to, but probably won't be able to make it (26c3)23:44
thptigert: touch selector has the disadvantage of having to open yet another subview23:44
tigertyea, but i saw one that just toggled the two-value-pair23:45
tigertmaybe it was a hack23:46
tigertbut it was kinda neat23:46
tigertjust cant remember which app23:46
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thpah, so you mean a HildonButton with a value that (when touched) will simply change the value?23:51

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