IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2015-05-26

bencohfreemangordon: you can add it as remote, fetch, and git diff remote1/branch remote2/branch00:22
Paliand as I wrote you will see one big mess00:23
Palieven git diff cannot fix modest mess00:23
Palirecursive git merge algorithm was not able to tell me which commits was not included...00:24
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Paligit cherry command is not useful too00:27
Palimanual work with git show-branch or git cherry is needed00:28
Palibencoh: I have no other idea what to do...00:28
bencohyou could try with tig (or gitk, or any git frontend) to navigate between commits00:30
bencohwhich repos/branches are you trying to diff ? and ?00:30
Palimaster and PR1.300:33
Pali$ git cherry -v master PR1.3 | grep ^+00:33
Palithis is the best command which can be used00:33
Paliit show diffs which are not in any commit in master branch, but are in PR1.3 branch00:34
Paliand it really compares diff, so it does not matter on commit message or author/date00:34
Paliso above command ignore commits with same diff in both branches00:35
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Paliand it is 264 commits!00:37
bencohright, tig gives me 492 commits between the two branches00:37
keriobut why are we talking about modest when openssl is still not properly thumbified? :(00:38
kerio༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give OPENSSL00:38
Palibencoh, use git cherry which ignores commits with same diff in both branches00:39
Palior tell to tig to do that :-)00:39
kerioi was about to say "convert both repos to darcs"00:39
Palikerio: do you have patches?00:39
keriofor what?00:39
keriono no, we have an openssl 0.9.8zwhatever package00:40
kerioand it's not thumby :c00:40
bencohhe doesnt like pinkies, he wants thumbs00:40
Paliso compile packages00:40
kerioi'm using a distributed compiler00:41
keriocalled freemangordon00:41
Paliso start using any other compiler...00:41
kerioyou whine on IRC and you eventually get a package00:41
Paliif you do not like current..00:41
Pali$ git cherry -v master PR1.3 | grep ^+ | grep -v week | grep -v 'change log' | grep -v Revert00:43
Palifull command which show all relevant modest commits00:43
Pali| wc -l --> 16700:44
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Pali$ git cherry -v master PR1.3 | grep ^+ | grep -v week | grep -v 'change log' | grep -v Revert | sed 's/^+ \([0-9a-f]*\) /\1 /' | while read commit line; do if ! PAGER= git log master --oneline --grep="$line" | grep -q "$line"; then echo "$commit $line"; fi; done00:53
Palithis command will also filter commits which have same commit message in branch master and PR1.300:53
Pali| wc --> 7200:53
Paliso only 72 commits needs to be manually checked00:54
Paliany volunteer? :D00:54
Palibencoh: I decreased your 492 commits to 72 only!00:55
bencohwhat are you looking for btw ? where a button was added/removed ?00:55
Palilist of those commits ^^^00:56
Palibencoh: all regressions, all missing features, all problems00:56
bencohoh :)00:57
Palicssu modest basically missing all above commits compared to PR1.3 modest version00:58
bencohhow comes ?00:59
Paliread log ^^^00:59
bencohoh, and ... what about rebase ?00:59
* bencoh gives a try00:59
Paliread log again00:59
Palimaster and PR1.3 branches are divergented01:00
bencohyeah I guessed that, the part I'm missing is "how comes"01:00
Palibecause MAG decided to use master branch for cssu01:00
Paliand nokia used other branch...01:00
bencohhmm, okay01:00
Paliand there are two branches and both have different features...01:01
Palino idea why01:01
bencohokay, git rebase looks awful01:02
bencohnot sure I wanna do this :]01:03
Pali[23:24:19] <Pali> recursive git merge algorithm was not able to tell me which commits was not included...01:03
Palirebase using recursive merge...01:03
Palianyaway, going offline now, bye01:03
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APicI want to do the CSSU-Update, but i get:  „Could not resolve host: (Domain name not found)“15:38
APicWhat do i have to write in the /etc/apt/s instead?15:39
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APickerio? DocScrutinizer (where the Heck is he)? Anybody?15:47
keriothat's not the cssu repo15:47
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