IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2013-04-06

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Estel_kerio, what bounty on what? on hexrays?00:19
keriohex-rays ARM00:19
kerio106GB of upload credit00:20
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Estel_wasn't a music torrent?00:26
Estel_claiming some vintage elitarism by being iknvite only? what do they have to do with arm hex rays'00:26
Estel_and where is info about bounty00:26
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* Estel_ puts on boba fett helmet00:27
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kerioEstel_: private bittorrent trackers are like that00:27
kerioan upload ratio is enforced00:27
keriothat's why pretty much everything downloads at full bandwidth00:27
Estel_I know, using few of them00:27
Estel_still I don't get whar arm hex-rays got to do with fckin music torrent00:28
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keriothey also have software00:29
kerio"Only music, applications, comic books, ebooks, comedy (audio), audiobooks, and music-related eLearning videos are allowed on the site."00:30
Estel_very interesting, I just enlighted myself about OiNK history00:33
kerioit was a sad day00:33
Estel_what a fail from pornographic... erm, phonographic associations00:33
Estel_sad or not, they failed before the court00:34
keriowell, the two main dudes who didn't plead guilty weren't charged00:35
Estel_huh? they were, only charges against one were dropped at last hour.00:40
Estel_main dude was sentenced not guilty in 201000:41
Estel_charges against 2nd one were dropped at 11 hour, due to fiasco with charges against main one, afaik00:41
Estel_main one was arrested for many months, arrest extended few times, just to get found not guilty... I'm surprised he didn't counter-charged for irrational arrest00:42
kerioer, they were charged, they weren't found guilty00:43
kerionot sure if there's a more specific verb than "not found guilty"00:43
MohammadAGtalking about private trackers is prohibited, unless I'm sent invites :P00:45
kerioMohammadAG: no invites to send, is kinda stingy00:46
kerioi was only ever given one00:46 is the site name?00:47
MohammadAGI thought it was a typo00:47
keriothe thing is, it's kinda hard to get an invite, because they make you only invite people you trust00:48
MohammadAGtbh I somewhat hate torrents00:48
kerio*really* bad behaviour is punished by banning a huge chunk of your invite tree00:48
kerionorth korea style00:49
MohammadAGI like how they're faster than normal downloads, but sometimes I'm limited by my upload speed00:49
kerioyou're not limited by your upload speed00:49
MohammadAGno bandwidth limits, but I kinda cause all devices in my house to have slow down/upload rates00:50
kerioespecially not on, the required ratio if you're seeding everything you've downloaded is 0 until you reach... 30gb?00:50
kerioand then it goes up to 0.600:50
keriothat is, as long as you're seeding everything you've downloaded00:50
MohammadAGthat said I did forget a 32MB file seeding once and I uploaded 9GBs :|00:50
keriowell that's good00:50
MohammadAGanyway, on topic00:51
MohammadAGI think it's time for a Harmattan SSU00:51
kerio*cssu you mean00:52
keriohas nokia stopped supporting HARM too?00:52
MohammadAGI thought the HARM part of Nokia stopped (to exist?)?00:52
arceannot yet kerio00:52
MohammadAGnot yet?00:52
kerioi don't have a n9, never bothered to document about it00:53
MohammadAGI only see a twitter update every now and then00:53
arceanthere're patches waiting for cherry pick // pr 1.400:53
MohammadAGproblem is, unlike Fremantle, a CSSU for Harmattan is a no-way-back thing00:54
MohammadAGwith Fremantle you could just apt-get install the old versions and you'd be back to stock00:54
MohammadAGor you could use multiple sources to upgrade00:55
arceanof course if meego team remnants get a chance to release something '00:55
keriowell i bet you'd get at least double digit problems when doing that00:55
keriobut yes, it's doable in principle :P00:55
MohammadAGbut on Harmattan we need a new aegis source00:55
MohammadAG(which needs inception or open mode)00:55
MohammadAGthat source would be or something00:56
keriocan't you disable aegis in some way?00:56
MohammadAGopen mode00:56
MohammadAGbut you lose your lock code00:56
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MohammadAGwhen you go into open mode, cal is switched into ro mode00:56
MohammadAGit can't be written to unless you make it rw again00:57
MohammadAGand to do that, you have to flash stock00:57
keriothat's silly00:57
keriosigned bootloader?00:57
MohammadAGI remember DocScrutinizer05 mentioning that some NANDs have a read only mode that can't be changed in the kernel or something00:57
DocScrutinizer05yep, they have a r/o mode for each page afaik00:58
DocScrutinizer05but usually you can unlock that00:58
keriowell, bindmount a nandsimmed mtd partition on /dev/mtd<cal>00:58
DocScrutinizer05dunno what's the situation for OMAP HS arch00:58
MohammadAGtbh, if we have a CSSU, I think the lock code thing can be dumped anyway00:58
Estel_the question is, who will be interested enough in harm to do cssu for it00:58
MohammadAGreplaced with something that doesn't use cal and is probably more secure than something that can be john'd in 13 minutes00:59
kerioMohammadAG: it sounds risky to do something like a community distribution00:59
merlin1991Estel_: actually the question is, what a CSSU for harm should target00:59
keriocan you always go back to stock?00:59
merlin1991it's not like we have sources to a lot of things00:59
keriocan you brick a n9?00:59
merlin1991besides security updates for system libraries00:59
Estel_merlin1991,  exactly00:59
MohammadAGkerio, yes, unless you ++ the version00:59
DocScrutinizer05a CSSU for HARM is ... a rewrite00:59
MohammadAGmerlin1991, there are some patches here and there01:00
merlin1991kerio: you can brick it if you flash a sw cert you loose your key to01:00
Estel_I can imagine mobile computer people sticking with N900 and phone first people buying jolla soon01:00
Estel_+ few luckers installing (probably) jolla'ified mer on N950's01:00
MohammadAGand I'd really like host mode01:00
MohammadAGor OTG actually, since the pin's there01:00
kerioso, the probability of bricking N9s is more than 0 when doing a CSSU01:00
Estel_that doean't leave much place for harm01:00
merlin1991hm I have excessive shell amounts open atmp01:00
merlin199110 bash sessions split over 3 screens01:00
merlin1991and I'm not even working on maemo01:01
MohammadAGtime a forkbomb in all 10 sessions01:01
keriohi merlin1991!01:01
MohammadAGkerio, well, you could always reflash01:01
Estel_not that I'm trying to discourage anyone, but I remember comment of TheOneWhomNameIsForbidden about hostmode on N9/5001:01
MohammadAGfrom what I gathered, OTG on the N9 should be easy01:01
MohammadAGOTG pin is there, so no GUI is probably needed01:02
merlin1991well the last 2 pages in the meego forums hostmode thread are quite promising, only that nobody does further digging (at least visibly)01:02
* Estel_ was always lame to get difference between otg and hostmode, at least more than hostmode is "better"01:02
kerioEstel_: otg uses a special cable with a special pin to tell the host side to be the host01:02
MohammadAGHostmode is manual switching of client -> host due to lack of ID pin or otherwise01:02
Estel_merlin1991,  interesting - after all, there was a time when no one belived N900 hostmode01:02
Estel_ah, I see01:03
DocScrutinizer05merlin1991: nobody does, anymore. Invisible digging happened for a few occasions in hostmode chan01:03
MohammadAGOTG is auto switching because pin 4 and 5 on the cable are shorted and the device has a pin to detect that01:03
Estel_so otg is kinda marketting name for that 5th pin functionality?01:03
DocScrutinizer05but when we realized that HARM is thoroughly infested on every level by that aegis thing, we really lost interest01:03
DocScrutinizer05at least me01:03
MohammadAGthe 5th pin is technically always there, just not connected01:03
merlin1991otg is marketing speak for auto mounts your flash drives01:03
Estel_hm, I don't understand, then, why Pali's usbmode can't use ID pin, if we can read it's state from kernel (on N900)01:04
DocScrutinizer05and javispedro didn't even show up during half a year now01:04
arceanyou know I have a couple of patches for harm...
MohammadAGEstel_, afaik there's no ID pin01:04
merlin1991arcean: I have a few too ;)01:04
MohammadAGor it's not connected01:04
kerioEstel_: the ID pin is not connected anywhere it could be used01:04
merlin1991btw arcean any idea how I can throw an easy notification banner without connecting to the session bus ?01:04
Estel_MohammadAG,  thanks. Hm, i remember someone in early pages of HEN thread, that modified otg cable by piller to work with N900...01:04
MohammadAGEstel_, I'd guess the N900 needs to be modified01:05
Estel_showing screen with some terminal text and saying "even id pin is detected properly"01:05
MohammadAGbut yes I do remember someone showing ID pins01:05
Estel_i was beginner, then, can't remember what it was exactly01:05
keriothat's silly, you can buy a USB AF-USB AF adapter for like 1 <currency>01:05
MohammadAGcan't exactly say I was an expert01:05
Estel_kerio, it's exactly what i did01:05
arceanmerlin1991: in harmattan?01:05
kerionote: don't pay 1BTC for such an adapter01:05
MohammadAGkerio, my OTG cable was $1 shipped01:05
Estel_Then i cut it open and added powrr cable, making it Y-cable01:05
merlin1991arcean:  duicontrolpanel: * New: Landscape mode is that my code or did you do it yourself?01:06
MohammadAGI wish I mined a bitcoin :(01:06
keriothat's silly, you can buy a Y-cable for like 1 <currency>01:06
DocScrutinizer05on N900 id pin is connected to twl4030 which is useless since we're not using twl4030 PHY01:06
Estel_kerio, my cable is indestructible01:06
Estel_every other breaks01:06
Estel_well, even that af -af adaptor got broken01:06
Estel_so it cut it open afterwards01:06
kerioDocScrutinizer05: no way to read it?01:06
MohammadAGcan someone make me a Y cable with a 64.9ohm resistor in between the 4th and 5th pin?01:06
DocScrutinizer05you can read it but that doesn't help01:07
arceanmerlin1991: so it's yours ;)01:07
kerioDocScrutinizer05: sure it does, automagical enabling of host mode!01:07
Estel_now it have been through bery rough [strike]sex[/strike] treatement, and it's literally indestructible.01:07
kerio...unless you have to poll for it01:07
DocScrutinizer05kerio: no alas that's not as easy as you think01:07
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DocScrutinizer05kerio: basically indeed you need to poll, or at very least apply voltage to that pin01:08
Estel_yes it is, as Pali's usb mode works from userland?01:08
Estel_MohammadAG,  why you need that resistor in y-cable?01:08
kerioDocScrutinizer05: hm, what about the adapter we talked about?01:08
MohammadAGSamsung related thing :P01:08
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MohammadAGto do OTG + Charging you need to fake a dock01:08
DocScrutinizer05kerio: eh?01:08
keriomicrousb port for wallcharger, microusb plug to n900, 1-port usb hub01:09
MohammadAGthe dock is identified by means of a resistor01:09
Estel_MohammadAG,  I just love the custom usb things from manufacturers :P01:09
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer05, suppose I get i2c tools for Harmattan working, would that incline you to help with OTG?01:10
merlin1991arcean: did you add more hacks than I had already?01:10
DocScrutinizer05sorry, I'm busy with other channels01:10
kerioso we can only poll while charging, or something01:10
MohammadAGEstel_, actually, fun fact, the S3 and Note 2 have an 11 pin microUSB port01:10
DocScrutinizer05MohammadAG: I got i2ctools on N950 working since... 2 years?01:10
Estel_kerio, no IRQ for that thing?01:10
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer05, didn't aegis tell you to gtfo?01:10
DocScrutinizer05I told aegis to gtfo ;-P01:11
MohammadAGso how does one enable boost? or is that done in kernel?01:11
kerioyou silly customer, aegis is there to protect you!01:11
MohammadAGI remember you mentioned that there were two boost chips01:11
MohammadAGand running the two together would make scrambled eggs01:11
DocScrutinizer05but you won't get any hostmode with a stock kernel, and you won't get a semi-working maemo6 system with a openmode kernel ever01:11
Estel_MohammadAG,  how S3 and Note avoided EU regulations re unified usb charger?01:12
Estel_just because they're not phones?01:12
MohammadAGEstel_, they work with all 5 pin stuff01:12
arceanmerlin1991: quite possible, there might be a couple of changes from me and Vesuri01:12
DocScrutinizer05MohammadAG: I enabled boost, and I posted about it on FMC or tmo01:12
MohammadAGthe 6 pins are extra01:12
merlin1991you should do a mini repo so I can incept a few debs :)01:12
DocScrutinizer05it's basically similar to N90001:12
MohammadAGbut userspace wouldn't need anything, unlike the N90001:13
MohammadAG(a GUI, scripts, etc01:13
Estel_well, considering jollafolks use N950 for daily tests, working jollamer with updated open kernel for N9/50 could use some hostmode from community01:13
MohammadAGthat too01:14
Estel_the thing about semi-working harmattan isn't valid, then01:14
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* Estel_ wanna hildon UI for mer01:14
MohammadAGas much as I loved hildon, it's outdated by now tbh01:14
* Estel_ shows obscure gestures to dead cordia project01:14
MohammadAG(and iOS's UI is outdated)01:15
Estel_MohammadAG,  I haven't seen more convenient mobile UI01:15
kerioMohammadAG: is not01:15
Estel_swipe get on my nerves andl feels too limited for mobile computer01:15
MohammadAGEstel_, some android apps have the best UIs out there01:15
MohammadAGUbuntu touch isn't all that bad either01:15
arceanmerlin1991: qt-components - on the left PR 1.3, on the right our master :)01:15
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MohammadAGSailfish is good too01:15
* Estel_ shows even more pbscure gestures to android apps, after being forced to use them for a while01:16
Estel_MohammadAG,  but I talk about whole system UI01:16
Estel_for mobile computer, you need something more01:16
MohammadAGEstel_, Android is good nowadays01:16
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MohammadAGbut still, Sailfish, BB10, and Harmattan are slightly better01:16
Estel_yes, it is, especially when it arbitrary decided that I don't need ad-hoc01:16
MohammadAGAd-hoc needs to die tbh01:17
keriono it doesn't?01:17
MohammadAGwhy not use infrastructure?01:17
Estel_well, I like it when no trusted AP around, and I need wifi connection between two devices ;)01:17
MohammadAGagain, why not use infrastructure?01:17
MohammadAGAndroid tethering use it, iOS uses it01:17
keriobecause infrastructure requires one dude to always be there01:17
keriofrom the beginning to the end01:17
Estel_because most mobile devices doesn't support being full-fledged AP01:18
Estel_+ what kerio said01:18
MohammadAGwhen tethering that doesn't matter01:18
MohammadAGbut yeah, I forgot that, sorry01:18
Estel_there are other use cases for ad-hoc, seriously01:18
merlin1991Estel_: what exactly stops the chip in the phone to run full AP?01:18
MohammadAGI did use them two years back Estel_01:18
MohammadAGI just forgot about them01:18
Estel_and for tethering i preffer PAN for battery reasons01:18
MohammadAGWi-Fi Direct needs to be adopted into new mobiles01:19
kerioPAN/DUN aren't fast enough for modern mobile connections though01:19
merlin1991for tethering I prefer the good old usb cable, for security reasons :)01:19
Estel_merlin1991,  you ask about N900, or rhetorically, why phone chip manufacturers doesn't add infra?01:19
MohammadAGmerlin1991, afaik the N9 one can run in AP mode01:19
Estel_kerio,  wifi isn't fast enough neither01:19
MohammadAGJoikuSpot isn't doing that though01:20
Estel_merlin1991,  I preffer usb cable too, most of the times ;)01:20
Estel_well, on N900 i never cared to touch joikuspot, qt mobilehotspot over all01:20
MohammadAGI prefer not to tether :)01:20
Estel_even with my dislike for qt01:20
MohammadAGthat's why I installed a router in my car01:21
Estel_why oh why qt have to suck so much?01:21
Estel_especially, with upcoming embedlite browser for n90001:21
MohammadAGQt doesn't suck, Fremantle's implementation of it sucks01:21
MohammadAGit's too slow compared to Gtk01:21
MohammadAGbut on Harmattan it's awesome01:21
Estel_well, qt doesn't have problems with respecting xkb hardware remap on desktops?01:21
MohammadAGno, afaik01:22
Estel_Mainly, I'm pissed on qt due to it sucking on keyboard input, and wontfix bugs01:22
MohammadAGthose are hildon-related bugs01:22
Estel_X11/xkb ? 0_o?01:22
MohammadAGyes, but Qt themes its input boxes with hildon stuff01:23
MohammadAGit's basically one big hack01:23
Estel_and that thing about FM radio written in qt that can't get stereo, ever, due to qt?01:23
Estel_I see.01:23
Estel_well, so i don't like qt only on fremantle, then ;)01:23
MohammadAGthe Qt implementation of FM radio sucks01:23
Estel_+ dislike having both qt and gtk loaded in memory01:23
MohammadAGyou should try it on Harmattan01:24
MohammadAGexcept there's no QWidget support01:24
Estel_so radio is fremantle related too?01:24
MohammadAGthere's MTF or QML01:24
MohammadAGafaik yes01:24
keriocfm radio is good01:24
MohammadAGbut Harmattan doesn't have official FM radio01:24
Estel_ok, sorry qt, then *pink flowers*01:24
Estel_kerio, cfm radio is good, but I observed something bad today01:24
Estel_if, during extended period of time, while listening, I plug and unplug headphones repeatedly without stopping radio, device goes into "I pretent I'm dead" mode (not confuse with act-dead)01:25
Estel_0 reaction to anything, only battery removal and insertion brings it back to life01:25
Estel_if kept in that blackout stage, it heats and eats battery like mad01:26
Estel_I observed in only using cfm radio, probably, because it doesn't shutdown receiving, when headphones are out01:26
Estel_I suspect something kernel-related? no idea01:26
Estel_seems bluetooth/fm hardware get berseker and kills everything, if repeatedly lefvt without headphones, still fully working, and back with antenna again01:27
Estel_btw, once, I tried using radio with headphones as antenna connected, + bluetooth headphones paired and in use01:28
Estel_failed miserably01:28
Estel_I wonder if messing with alsamixer could help?01:28
Estel_from "different barrel", one guy claimed once, that somehow, using wireshark on phonet0, he was able to sniff gsm connections on N900. Couldn't eavesdrop conversations, obviously, but saw connections between other devices in network?01:31
Estel_hoax, or possible?01:31
kerioEstel_: what did the syslog say?01:31
Estel_kerio, strange thing - it say nothing01:31
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Estel_normal messages, the nothing, then messages after next restart01:31
Estel_device is like fuckin frozen, then01:32
Estel_I also checked screen with external light, to see if framebuffer have printed anything01:32
Estel_(in MALF bootreason, it shows "dim' things)01:32
Estel_I wouldn't know it uses power, if not that I had to keep it in that state in pocket for hour01:33
Estel_well, ~90 minutes, even01:33
Estel_it was quite hot01:33
Estel_and ate 1Ah of power01:33
keriodual scud battery?01:34
Estel_from battery. Battery itself was around 45-50C, when I cycled it to boot device again01:34
keriootherwise, it wouldn't've lasted 90 minutes at 1A01:34
Estel_well, it was little less, ~700 mA, as it wasted 1Ah during 90 minutes01:35
Estel_seems like it transformed into pocket heater, then01:35
* Estel_ wonders, how to debug01:35
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Estel_and I'm still interested if technically, that wireshark on phonet0 interface thing is possible, or there are reasons why it couldn't ever work01:36
Estel_well, if it would be proven to work reliably, ebay prices for N900 goes to 1K pounds, quickly, I'm sure.01:37
kerioEstel_: i strongly doubt that cmt will ever bother passing the n900 more than it needs to01:37
kerioanyway, it's kinda easy to test, just run tshark against phonet001:38
Estel_Well, i wonder if anyone tried that, and what results it gave01:38
Estel_it's on my long list of things to do01:38
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ShadowJKand yes, you can tcpdump phonet, but what's the point, all you see is the communivation between OS and modem :)13:10
freemangordonmerlin1991: how's CSSU repo?13:13
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merlin1991freemangordon: didn't get to it this week, but it will be done by monday16:23
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