IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2012-08-21

Estel_DocScrutinizer06, this looks like good place to show support for not agreeing to "unfriendly takeover". It's also thread when discussion about migrating infra is happening00:01
Estel_it isn't obvious from first sight, but it's also about giving keys.00:01
Estel_(aka sysadmin thing)00:02
Estel_also, notice date of my last post, and fact that no one feel that it's necessary to answer - both from Council, and from rest of Community. Like, no one is interested in this sysadmin problem, at all00:02
infobotEstel_ meant: also, notice date of my last post, and fact that no one feel that it's necessary to answer - both from Council, and from rest of Community. Like, no one is interested in this keykeeper problem, at all00:02
DocScrutinizer06nota bene I think Council is absolutely right entity to hand over keys from one sysadmin to another, in case the former sysadmin is silly enough to not insist in direct handover to his successor00:03
DocScrutinizer06but hey have to understand that they are neither competent nor entitled to *00:03
DocScrutinizer06use* those keys00:03
DocScrutinizer06just like our president (not in Germany, but meh, you get the picture) can appoint judges, but never may play judge and sentence criminals00:05
Estel_yea, I got the point00:05
DocScrutinizer06the more power you got, the less you may use it00:06
Estel_the nthing is that by bylaws, they can grant board of Directors whatever rights they want, to appoint judges, to be judge, etc, and they don't think it's - like changing Council statute - subject to referendum00:06
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Estel_I don't accept POV, that disbanding Council and replacing it with BoD, with different "permissions granted", doesn't require referendum, and only changing current Council statutye require it00:07
Estel_I just don't buy it00:07
DocScrutinizer06they better get their asbestos underwear, if you're actually right on that00:07
Estel_replacing council with different entity is *much more* than changing Council's statute, not *less*00:07
Estel_well, in the topic I've linked You in00:07
Estel_I wrote about it, but forget to link it :P00:08
Estel_all my things from:00:08
Estel_<Estel_> DocScrutinizer06, this looks like good place to show support for not agreeing to "unfriendly takeover". It's also thread when discussion about migrating infra is happening00:08
Estel_were about this thread00:08
Estel_<Estel_> DocScrutinizer06, this looks like good place to show support for not agreeing to "unfriendly takeover". It's also thread when discussion about migrating infra is happening00:08
Estel_DocScrutinizer06, ^^^00:08
Estel_I just re-applied my question, as it was already unanswered for more than 2 weeks, so it's not latest post, but one before, that I've mentioned :P00:08
Estel_hoever, this thread doesn't cover whole story, as part of it is presented in bylaws draft on mailing list00:09
Estel_oor spread all over the place, generally00:09
Estel_I think that is main reason why no one else protest - only few people have full picture, derived from compositing mailing list, TMO, council logs, etc00:09
Estel_s like they - or at least chair - want to "slip" idea,s using fact, that not many people will protest, due to ideas being slipped in 24324324 places.00:10
Estel_so, searching for mailing list post with bylaws draft may be good idea too00:10
Estel_I think that merlin1991 is searching for it already :P00:10
DocScrutinizer06what's that?00:11
Estel_I dare to suggest, that they're as poorly informed about it, as You are ;)00:12
Estel_(pure assumption, no proofs)00:12
Estel_well, you know this rule of thumb? during turbulent times, like revolutions, hand-over of power etc, many "smartie" people tend to push bad laws without anyone noticing it early enough ;)00:13
Estel_it's funny, how this real world things apply to "virtual" communities00:13
DocScrutinizer06like UEFA-cups and football world chanpionship ;-P00:14
DocScrutinizer06virtual worlds are as real as the other real world00:15
DocScrutinizer06you're just wearing a different pair of socks00:16
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* kerio sees doc and estel talking in the backscroll00:20
* kerio grabs some popcorn00:20
Estel_why? we're not arguing, surprise!00:21
Estel_instead of popcorn, grab Your own pair of uzi's and go to thread linked :p00:21
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freemangordonmerlin1991: I just read your email re "CSSU meeting" and judging from your answer,I am starting to thing there is some deep misunderstanding what KP is. So, in short, KP is stock maemo kernel with some set of patches on top of it08:55
freemangordonKP is not something written from scratch ;)08:56
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chem|stgood morning11:06
freemangordonchem|st: hi11:10
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chem|stmerlin1991: what happened to the cbs-widget discussion?11:31
kerioi swear to god if you guys keep pushing that piece of crap i *will* convince Estel_ to do a hostile takeover11:33
chem|stkerio: ?11:34
keriochem|st: it never worked properly for me11:34
chem|stthen fix it!11:34
keriothe version in -devel, that actually updates connui-home-cellular, flat out shows *nothing* half of the time11:34
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kerio"cssu is long term support" my ass11:35
chem|stkerio: calm down pls, it is not in stable yet and in current condition it wont get there11:35
kerioi don't give a shit about cell broadcast, my main operator is 3g only, and custom operator names are silly anyway11:36
chem|stso why are you so upset then?11:36
kerioand there's no reason for it to be in cssu proper, because it's clearly something that can be made completely optional11:37
keriochem|st: because i had to uninstall the metapackage11:37
chem|stkerio: that is what I said, so is camUI11:37
keriobitches love metapackages11:37
keriodoes the new camui have known regressions?11:38
keriomaybe it's because of that, then? idk11:39
chem|stbut it is something not for cssu from my understanding11:39
chem|stI do not want to force users into things, system ok but not userexperience11:40
kerioi suppose that having it not a replacement would mess up the lens cover controls11:40
keriochem|st: there's not even this issue when talking about operator-name-cbs-widget11:40
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chem|stkerio: have it as a replacement, but outside of cssu11:40
keriobecause apart from pali's silly repackaging, it could just Provide and Conflict with connui-home-cellular11:41
chem|stand lenscover control shouldn't be an issue11:41
DocScrutinizer05that's just a symlink11:41
kerioDocScrutinizer05: we both know that dpkg diversions are stupid11:42
DocScrutinizer05pretty easy to set up something convenient for user to pick default camera that gets started with lens cover11:42
keriothey're not for replacing11:42
keriooh, you meant the camera thing11:42
DocScrutinizer05and such a picker is the only correct way to handle such stuff11:43
DocScrutinizer05like selection of standard web browser, mailer etc, in windows11:44
keriocamera-ui2 has that11:44
kerioDocScrutinizer05: well, to replace the default mediaplayer you have to change a .desktop11:45
kerioanyway, having some sort of "protocol" for default applications in cssu would be neat11:45
kerioprograms that want to qualify put a .desktop somewhere, we provide a UI to choose between one of those or a custom one11:45
kerionot sure if it's something that's there already11:46
kerios/custom one/custom command/11:46
DocScrutinizer05number of cases to handle is too small to invent some protocol for that11:47
DocScrutinizer05you design a specialized app for each case11:47
DocScrutinizer05one for camera selection, one for mediaplayer, one for errr... what else? MicroB mustn't get replaced I guess11:48
keriosurely we won't conflict with other program-choosing programs11:48
kerioapart maybe for dbus switchboard which is a piece of crap11:48
DocScrutinizer05then you  might collect the UIs of all those in one settings screen11:48
DocScrutinizer05sure those apps still need some "API" so new camera-ui pkgs can link in11:50
DocScrutinizer05that API however doen't have to be identical for camera, MP, browser, XY11:51
kerioi see11:52
DocScrutinizer05I guess usually you'll use the concept of /etc/foobar.d/* files11:52
DocScrutinizer05compare /etc/alternatives11:53
DocScrutinizer05well, not exactly a good example11:53
chem|stmerlin1991: I opt out on camUI and CBS...11:59
keriomerlin1991: i opt out on cbs11:59
keriochem|st: why don't you like the new camui :(11:59
keriohrmpf, i want to test if OMP will be used to open stuff in microb12:01
keriobut the only websites with links to .mp4s are porn sites for mobile phones12:01
chem|stkerio: it is not a very update but a replacement of something that has the same color-mismatch^^12:07
chem|stmy sister and I took pictures of red shoes, 2n900s one with 'old'camui one with new and an N9... n900 cam-colors are way off12:08
chem|sttried with testpictures later at home as I suggested it might be the screen colors being off...12:08
chem|stbut no it is the camera12:09
chem|stis the new cam ui developed further than now? I doubt it12:09
keriochem|st: you do realize that it's meaningless if you don't try both versions on the *same* n900, right?12:46
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chem|stkerio: both n900s have the same picture taken with same result... doubt it makes any difference, though we wanted to see if her camera chip is broken12:58
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merlin1991so much rage13:26
merlin1991also, so much for "quality" the monitor is only 6 months old13:33
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ivgalvezSeen some misunderstandings lately, if anyone wish to ask for clarification I'm not "unfriendly" to do so14:27
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merlin1991ivgalvez: you should look at Topic #314:31
merlin1991"A new version of CSSU enabler is now in devel" is plain wrong14:31
merlin1991apart from that I see no misunderstandings14:33
ivgalvezmerlin1991 I understood from Pali that a new version of CSSU enabler is already packaged in CSSU devel14:34
ivgalvezand it's going to enter CSSU testing soon14:34
ivgalvezam I wrong?14:34
merlin1991ah then maybe reword it14:35
ivgalvezit seems that I'm referring to Extras Devel14:35
merlin1991when you read the full sentence it looks like the package is in extras-devel should land in extras-testing soon and then go to extras14:35
merlin1991exactly :D14:35
merlin1991but it is true, that we have the new enabler in cssu-devel already14:35
ivgalvezabout the "unfriendly takeover"...14:35
merlin1991where, what?14:36
merlin1991Estel read a bit too much between the lines when I commented on the older meeting14:36
ivgalvezMonday logs here:
ivgalvezat least I think that I'm quite freindly :-(14:37
merlin1991nobody in here seriously thinks about an unfriendly takeover14:37
merlin1991I basically said that I had to laugh when I read "CSSU team looks to have stabilized where they are going." and from there on weird interpretation started14:38
merlin1991sometimes there is nothing to read between the lines :)14:39
ivgalvezhands up and give me all your bits!!!!14:40
ivgalvezActually I'm really concerned about this comment:14:40
ivgalvezyes, that comment was because after CSSU meeting14:41
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merlin1991I think it's actually my email that made freemangordon post that, but I didn't have a chance to talk to him yet14:42
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merlin1991I should have been back earlier when he's still around, but didn't manage :/14:43
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chem|stI do not want to hurry a new kernel... but enabling thumb for the masses should be considered14:43
ivgalvez_What worries me is the fact that we only have a few developers still standing and we cannot afford loosing any of them14:43
ivgalvez_what about keeping community kernel and Thumb2 out of Stable but in Testing14:44
ivgalvez_for those adventurous14:44
ivgalvez_and keep Stable only with minimum aditions14:44
merlin1991we do need a kernel with the pselect fix though14:44
merlin1991and *nobody* wants todo that14:44
chem|stivgalvez_: that would mean no more stable releases if we do not want thumb in stable14:45
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ivgalvez_well, having a minimum kernel for Stable is a task that shouldn't avoid inclussion of more stuff in Testing14:45
ivgalvez_chem|st: I'm not sure about that14:46
merlin1991ivgalvez_: it would14:46
ivgalvez_AFAIK Thumb2 is a question of building the packages with apropriate flags14:46
chem|stwell if testing evolves to a thumb-repository... I would need to have an extra testing run for stable14:46
merlin1991nope you need a different toolchain, different libc on device, ...14:46
ivgalvez_can't you keep that patches in Testing and only move those relevant patches to Stable?14:47
chem|stivgalvez_: not if they are thumb-combined14:47
ivgalvez_chem|st: point taken14:47
merlin1991so basically everything that turns thumb cannot go to stable anymore14:47
merlin1991chem|st: did you have a chance to compare testing and stable?14:48
chem|stI'd love to just say "yeah hit it" but that would brake stable in the long run14:48
ivgalvez_seriously I cannot imagine how many people could use the N900 as a rock solid server for critical tasks14:48
chem|stthat would mean we decide to have thumb for good and dodge current setup14:48
ivgalvez_I can't even imagine that there are tons of N900 users out there14:48
chem|stivgalvez_: but there are...14:49
ivgalvez_chem|st that's an assumption14:49
chem|stany n900 showig up in pricecomparison is gon within 2 days14:49
ivgalvez_considering that in 3 years a lot of people has moved14:49
ivgalvez_yes, but that's also because USB ports are breaking badly14:50
ivgalvez_and people still around need devices14:50
ivgalvez_anyway, we need to be practical14:50
ivgalvez_and we don't have muscle to maintain such a variety of flavours, so it's up to developers to work in one direction or the other .... or do not work at all!!!14:51
ivgalvez_because of that I suggested to have scheduled meetings14:52
ivgalvez_for CSSU14:52
ivgalvez_endless discussions are useles14:52
ivgalvez_it's better to have a fixed agenda: "do we include items A, B, C... etc? " then provide minutes, so there is no point to continue arguing14:53
freemangordonmerlin1991: BTW it is not you mail that made me post that :)14:58
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ivgalvez_freemangordon: have you tried LTO (Link Time Optimization) with newest toolchain? (you know, big Phoronix fan)15:13
freemangordonyep, but cannot say if it is for good and bad :)15:14
ivgalvez_I can only think on Firefox15:17
ivgalvez_it's so damn slow that any improvement might be useful15:17
ivgalvez_In response to Estel_ comments here during last two days: please check
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Lava_Croftprotip: use a spell checker if you are going to link to your own posts15:31
Lava_Croftthanks nontheless!15:31
ivgalvez_Lava_Croft: I'm absolutely noob to IRC, sorry. I only use it as part of Council duties15:32
Lava_Croftno, its not meant for IRC15:32
ivgalvez_do you mean the post?15:33
Lava_Crofti meant to say in a somewhat too harsh way maybe, that the forum post has a spelling error15:33
Lava_Croftyes, sorry if i sounded too harsh15:33
Lava_Croftweather here is so humid and lack of oxygen that im a bit grumpy15:33
Lava_Croft4th alinea15:33
Lava_Croftfirst word15:33
Lava_Croftnp, its a bit lame to note such spelling errors in general, but this is not exactly a random post:)15:34
ivgalvez_We will try to publish the proposal in it's current state by the end of this week15:35
Lava_Crofta good proposal beats a rushed proposal15:37
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merlin1991hm system update, time to rebuild my realtek kernel module15:46
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Estel_^^^ WTF?17:50
Estel_normally, I would bash ojn someone, who "threat" with leaving some group, unless some ultimatum is fulfilled. The problem is, that he is right there :(18:00
Estel_I think that graph plotting time spent on developing and time spent on convincing that improvements are not "devil" would be interesting. I bet on 50/50.18:01
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freemangordonEstel_: BTW I am not threating anyone, was answering the question WTF is going on and why the updates have ceased18:52
* Estel_ nod18:52
Estel_~span freemangordon for such reason for ceasing thumb updates18:52
infobotEstel_ meant: ~spank freemangordon for such reason for ceasing thumb updates18:52
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ivgalvezEstel_ ping20:06
Estel_ivgalvez, pong20:06
ivgalvezplease see
ivgalvezin response to your latest comments20:06
Estel_thank you. i've responded there20:08
Estel_basically, I would like to be sure, that we understand each other correctly. What I mean, is that aquiring of anything "belonging" to community - databases, "keys" for system administration, etc, by 3rd party legal entity (so called "hildon foundation", no matter of final name) should be acceptedn by Community via referendum20:09
Estel_which would also mean agreeing to final version of bylaws (whatever it will look) of such foundation20:10
Estel_otherwise, in my understanding of current statute, such legal entity wouldn't comply with standards required to maintain infrastructure, transfered from Nokia and Nemein. It need mandate for it20:10
Estel_as creating legal entity + replacing council with Board of Directors is essentialy renaming Council, and giving it much more power. I don't say it's bad thing - it jsut need to be confirmed by popular vote, IMO20:11
ivgalvezeverything needs to be done by popular vote20:11
Estel_currently, Community is "owner" of data (except for bizzare and hilarous situation with TMO), as said by Nokians, and represented by Nokia, Nemein maintaining it, and Council cooperating20:12
Estel_legal entity and board of Directors +_ Nokia pulling plug changes everything20:12
* Estel_ nods at ivgalvez20:12
ivgalvezthere is no way for current Council to make any action without community approval20:12
Estel_so basically, we agree :)20:12
ivgalvezbasically yes, the question is "how to organize it?"20:12
Estel_well, we have tool for it - referendum20:13
Estel_announcing it the same way as council election work, with all things like time from annoucement for voting start (and 2 weeks period of voting) ensures, that everyne interested can participate20:13
ivgalvezfirst voting for bylaws, then for Council, then for Board? or one single step with both Council and bylaws?20:13
Estel_as we know from CA experiences, other means of deciding always leave many people with "I haven';t had chance to protest! - no matter if it's jsutified or not20:14
ivgalvezor no Council at all...20:14
ivgalvezI mean, that's yet to decide20:14
Estel_well, bylaws delete Council, msot likely, so I would say "first voting for bylaws"20:14
Estel_if bylaws is accepted, then, vote for board20:14
ivgalvezimagine that for bylaws there is a tricky point with great disagreement20:14
Estel_personally, i don't see reason for Council to exist, if we will have elected board of directors20:14
Estel_well, if people say "no" in referendum, bylaws must be improved, and accepted again20:15
ivgalvezand we need to set up a voting to choose between two options20:15
Estel_before that, nothing change3s, legally20:15
Estel_sure, as long as there is 3th option to not agree with both proposals20:15
ivgalvezyes, is more a technical question than any other thing20:15
Estel_we need more than 50% of Community to accept some idea20:15
Estel_that's good to hear20:15
Estel_I was worried, as Woody, repeatedly, stated that in his opinion, referendum is kind of wasted time20:16
ivgalvezwhat's the point in creating a community nobody is followint?20:16
Estel_and as he is chair - responsible for organising things like referendum and elections, directly - it was worrying20:16
Estel_sure, we totally agree here20:16
Estel_the thing is - time20:16
Estel_council can't, IMO, assum,e that 1st attempt at bylaws will suceed20:16
Estel_in case of fail, fixing it, and 2nd referendum require much time20:17
ivgalvezbecause of that first it needs to be ironed with everybody's help20:17
Estel_I'm afraid that with current speed of events - no offense - there will be time only for one referendum, before Nokia pulls plug20:17
ivgalvezbad timing the summer20:17
ivgalvezI agree on that20:17
ivgalvezI'm also worried with current pace20:17
ivgalvezbut that's what we have20:18
Estel_I'm not pushing You, as, after all, it's Councils decision, but if anyone ask me, I would took bylaws and merge it with suggestions from mailing list, then announce everywhere (TMO, news, etc)20:18
Estel_to start discussion about it20:18
Estel_SD69 is great guy, but it can't be paralyzed because of his absence20:18
ivgalvezthat's the plan20:18
Estel_well, we have also problem of upcoming time for next Council's election. I hoped to have referendum about bylaws before that time, but it seems hardly doable now20:19
Estel_it also complicated thing. Have  You tried to project possible timeline for legal entity/bylaws thing? I'm little afraid, that it can be humanly impossible to end it - without panic rush - before dcecember 3120:20
Estel_you know, mixed with election for Council20:20
ivgalvezI don't want to think about that :(20:20
ivgalvezI'm also afraid after Qt operation20:20
Estel_sure, but i'm afraid You should, to be ableto start some kind of plan B20:20
ivgalvezwith qgil's position20:20
Estel_yea, that's another story20:21
Estel_any "blackout" of infrastructure, even temporary, would be catastrophical20:21
Estel_(temporary as in "2 weeks" or "month" blackout)20:21
Estel_what's the result of last Monay's meeting with obs team?20:22
Estel_haven't found anything rellevant in friday's Council's meeting logs20:22
Estel_anything new yesterday?20:22
ivgalvezI didn't assist20:22
ivgalvezso we didn't have first hand information20:22
ivgalvezdon't refrain yourself from  helping even if you are no longer a council member20:23
Estel_sure, but OBS-council communication was took by Woody, AFAIK, which practically means "lack of diplomatic relations" with me and vice-versa :)20:24
ivgalvezhe's on holidays this week20:24
ivgalvezso he couldn't help on that20:24
Estel_I'll gladly help on shaping bylaws, when they'll be published anywhere else than mailing list only20:25
ivgalvezI'm also very worried with lack of response from X-Fade20:25
Estel_I know You probably have much work to do, but You know, month have only ~4 weeks, and it's short time before cadence ends - maybe instead of waiting for woody, you could mix bylaws draft with mailing list suggestions, and put it in TMO, news, etc?20:26
ivgalvezany possibility to start creation of community sysop group is being deferred20:26
ivgalvezyes, as I said that's the plan20:26
ivgalvezin last meeting20:26
ivgalvezwe decided to publish it this week20:27
ivgalvezas it is if no further asistance is received20:27
ivgalvezI'm also worried that at this time of the year, we won't receive too much feedback20:28
ivgalvezhonestly, I'm sending dozens of mails to developers about promotion of packages20:28
ivgalvezand nobody answers20:28
Estel_yea, but developers are different beast. You may count on zillions of discuttant, that will criticize bylaws :)20:29
ivgalveznot many people yet in here20:29
Estel_BTW, see query20:29
ivgalvezOK, I have to go now, I'll paste later some of this random thoughts in TMO thread as a response to your latest message, just for reference and for those not following IRC20:30
Estel_feel free to post both quotations form irc and link to logs, or Your summary, i trust You on doing it well :)20:30
ivgalvezwhat do you mean wit "see query"?20:30
ivgalvezcase sensitive Me sounds good :D20:31
Estel_ private irc message20:31
ivgalvezdidn't receive it20:32
Estel_change Your irc tab ;p20:32
ivgalvezyes I see20:32
Estel_fine, as i was jsut about to spam you with copy of it, in 2nd attempt :P20:32
ivgalvezsee you20:33
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