IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2012-07-28

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* ShadowJK notices pali's warning about thumb in sdk01:18
ShadowJKI wonder if it's normal thumb1 (that works) or thumb2/thumbee (that's unstable) that he's referring to01:18
freemangordonShadowJK: it is thumb201:19
freemangordongcc uses thumb2 by default on cortex-a801:19
freemangordonactually I don't think there is a way to use thumb101:19
freemangordon(if targeting anything above arm5)01:19
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merlin1991ShadowJK: the sdk problem is even worse03:37
merlin1991thumb is part of the DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS, so only if a rules file checks for those it has an effect03:38
merlin1991and only a few system packages actually do that03:38
ShadowJKwould be interesting to check binaries in extras* to see how many are built with thumbee03:39
merlin1991autobuilder has yet another set of DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS03:40
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LaoLang_coolWill cssu versoin add the feature call duration log in future06:22
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ensoehello. I realize it's late (at least for some people). I was wondering if I could get some help. My n900 won't boot up - it keeps looping in a boot, I can't flash either because it can't enumerate USB device. I'm stuck. All I really want is try to backup my data.09:26
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kerioEstel_: install kernel-power-flasher (for kp51), make sure you're on the latest cssu-testing and upgrade everything there, then enable the thumb repo, upgrade everything except mp-fremantle-community-pr (because it would require you to change kernels for no good reason yet) with apt-get (you can probably apt-get upgrade, the metapackage will be held back because of the weird dependencies, everything else is a straight upgrade - if not, hold the packag10:45
kerioe with dpkg --set-selections)10:45
kerio- if not, hold the package with dpkg --set-selections)10:45
kerioand then reboot10:45
kerioif stuff breaks, restore your BM backup :)10:45
kerio(straight upgrade: the version is the same, but there's -thumb instead of -testing at the end, so it has a greater version)10:46
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freemangordonWTF? gitorious does not show thumb-testing branch of microb-engine11:57
keriohey freemangordon11:59
kerioi love you <311:59
freemangordonnaah, thanks, I have a GF :P12:00
keriobut srsly, kp > kcssu12:01
freemangordonkerio: today ot tomorrow there will be an updated KCSSU ;)12:03
kerioeven if they're the same12:09
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freemangordonkerio: KCSSU == KP rebranded. And that is on purpose12:15
freemangordonright now what is in the repo is ===KP5012:15
freemangordonmerlin1991: stupid gitorious does not show microb-engine thumb-testing branch, any idea what to do. everything is pushed though.12:29
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keriofreemangordon: you should put in the cssu-thumb thread15:19
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freemangordonmerlin1991: ping16:10
freemangordonPali: ping16:28
freemangordonpaly, what is that trickery KP is doing with joikuspot .ko?16:29
freemangordonPali: ^^^16:29
Palido you want to use joikuspot with kp?16:30
freemangordonno, it is about kernel-cssu16:30
freemangordoni will push a new version with replaces:kernel16:30
freemangordonjust wondering if it wouldn't break something16:30
Paliyou need to load joikuspot.ko before starting joikucpot16:31
Palithen it should work16:31
freemangordonand it searches .ko in lib/modules/current?16:31
Palijoikuspot.ko must be recompiled for current runninf kernel16:31
Palijoikuspot loading module from /usr/sbin/joikuspot.ko16:31
freemangordonaah, ok16:32
freemangordonthat is wahy you divert it16:32
Paliit call "insmod /usr/sbin/joikuspot"16:32
Palidiversion is deleted in kp4?16:32
freemangordonok, I got it now. so we distribute our own .ko16:32
Palisomebody say that it is not working anymore...16:33
keriois supporting joikuspot really a good idea?16:33
Palino joikuspot16:33
PaliI do not care about joikuspot16:33
Paliand noody seems using it16:33
freemangordonPali: if we still want to have community kernel, we should break as little as possible16:33
Paliif somebody want to test.... we still providing kernel module16:33
freemangordonwell, joikuspot has foss replacement, so yes,16:34
kerio...why does joikuspot store modules in /usr/sbin?16:34
freemangordonwe can live without it16:34
Palisorry but app which load kernel module from /usr/sbin is BAD app16:34
Paliwhich should be removed!!16:34
kerioit's shit like this, developers of closed-source programs16:34
Paliwe have more open source hotspot apps which working16:34
freemangordonPali: do fcam drivers work with KP?16:35
PaliI do not see reason to support some closed source...16:35
PaliI do not know what is state of fcam16:35
PaliI never used this sw16:35
Palimaybe asking fcam devs is good idea16:35
freemangordonwhich software uses fcam drivers?16:35
keriofcamera :)16:36
freemangordonis it in extras?16:36
kerioand hdr-something16:36
kerioyeah, they're opensource16:36
freemangordonok, going to try it16:36
ShadowJKalso lowlight16:38
freemangordonwell, one application should be enough to test16:38
keriohrmpf, doesn't show reverse dependencie16:39
freemangordonfcamera works like charm16:42
freemangordonNokia-N900:/root$ uname -r16:42
keriobut... how?16:42
kerioNow compiles a version for the power kernel and a version for16:43
kerio   the vanilla kernel and packs them both into the same .deb16:43
keriooh, cheating ¬.¬16:43
freemangordonkerio: I don't have KP installed16:49
kerioyou have something really similar16:56
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merlin1991freemangordon: the gitorious webinterface is only slow as fuck on the uptake17:56
merlin1991by now it does show the thumb-testing branch17:56
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: Pali: seems you start to get my point why CSSU won't ship own kernel for a looong time to come17:59
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amiconnfreemangordon:  Which foss hotspot app exists that fully replaces joikuspot? I do have "mobile hotspot" installed, but that only does WEP, not WPA. So essentially no security...21:07
keriooh god we found the one joikuspot user21:11
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amiconnI'm not...21:13
amiconnJust saying there's no full replacement, afaik21:13
kerioso write one! :D21:13
* amiconn never really needed a hotspot app so far21:14
Estel_amiconn, joikuspot doesn't do wpa, and if it claims it does, it lies21:22
Estel_any kind of mobile hotspot on n900 is essentialy ad-hoc, which can do wep only21:22
Estel_QT MobileHotspot (nmot sure it it's exact same as mobilehotspot, seems like based on code of the latter)21:23
Estel_+BTW, on N950, joikuspot also does wep only21:23
DocScrutinizer05+BTW all this is rather irrelevant as we never know who's doing what wrt kernel modules, and a policy of "app $XY not compatible to our ACME kernel? so what, it can go get lost, as we don't care" is not exactly what the vast majority of maemo users will appreciate21:35
DocScrutinizer05every user is free to do that decision on his/her own discretion, whether the kernel used should support all stuff like stock kernel (means it will be stock kernel after all, as I still don't see that ABI-compatible kernel coming), or installing any ACME kernel that has nice new features but doesn't support $XY anymore21:38
DocScrutinizer05CSSU however will NOT force users to switch to any of those non-compatible ACME kernels21:38
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DocScrutinizer05not until we need to fix some really catastrophic bug in *system* that in turn depends on a fixed/tweaked kernel21:41
DocScrutinizer05CSSU will not introduce a "depends $random-kernel-feature" just for the leetness21:42
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Estel_Well, I'm fine with that, but I'm afraid it may result in stall of cssu development, and need for someone to backport features from CSSU-thumb kernels22:05
Estel_CSSU-thumb features, not kernels22:05
Estel_it shouldn't be sop hard to do, but still requires someone working on it22:05
Estel_I doubt that joikuspot (which works, BTW), will be enough to keep people on cssu-compatible22:05
Estel_not my problem, though22:05
kerioEstel_: the problem isn't joikuspot, the problem is $bitrotten_closed_program22:28
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