IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2012-05-07

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Kamping_Kaiserhi maemoists. i just got cssu installed on an n900 so i thought i'd jump in and say hi :)13:00
MohammadAGHi Kamping_Kaiser13:32
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DocScrutinizerhi Kamping_Kaiser14:07
DocScrutinizerlong time no post :-D14:07
DocScrutinizerhope you'll enjoy CSSU14:07
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ivgalvezI see there still discussion around introducing World Clock and OMP15:08
DocScrutinizerunrelated to CSSU15:10
ivgalvezWhy is that unrelated?15:12
DocScrutinizer  >>It won't, however, bundle software which can (or could) be installed through the Extras repositories.<<15:12
ivgalvezthe purpose of CSSU is to Fix bugs in already existing Nokia software and even replace proprietary stuff from Nokia in order to accomplish that15:13
ivgalvezLike the replacement for osso-calculator15:13
ivgalvezor camera-ui15:13
DocScrutinizercamera-ui was definitely a failure15:14
ivgalvezif you don't want to see bugs in CSSU use Stable instead of Testing15:14
DocScrutinizerand there's very little discern about that15:14
ivgalvezCamera-ui works for me (tm)15:14
DocScrutinizernevertheless it's definitely not in scope of CSSU15:15
DocScrutinizerCSSU is about maintenance15:15
DocScrutinizerit's NOT the alternative OS15:16
ivgalvezevery thing can be in the scope of CSSU if there are developers willing to15:16
ivgalvezand deinitevely substituting the closed source World Clock for a open source reimplementation that is feature complete15:16
ivgalvezand free of bugs15:17
DocScrutinizerthat's mere BS. CSSU isn't defined as an environment to deliver app stuff in it.15:17
DocScrutinizerthere's no benefit at all in "replacing something"15:17
DocScrutinizerand for sure not in "replacing an app"15:17
DocScrutinizer  >>It won't, however, bundle software which can (or could) be installed through the Extras repositories.<<15:18
ivgalvezby a better open source replacement.? definitively yes15:18
ivgalvezOMP still has some bugs, but WC hasn't15:18
ivgalvezand without pushing it into CSSU-ÇTesting, there won't be people enough to test it15:19
DocScrutinizernow THAT is THE killer argument15:19
DocScrutinizerdevelop random app, claim it has to go into CSSU as otherwise not enough users testing it15:20
DocScrutinizerlisten buddy, what stops you from publishing your app via extras, like every other devel would do?15:20
ivgalvezWC is not a random app and not my application15:21
DocScrutinizernevertheless still a normal application15:21
ivgalvezsome people have already tested it for quite some time, bugs have been fixed and it's feature complete15:21
DocScrutinizerfine, then promote it from estras-testing to extras15:22
ivgalvezit's not packaged, please read15:22
DocScrutinizerthat'S what apps do, when they are feature complete, bug free, and tested15:22
ivgalvezbecause it was supposed to be a REPLACEMENT to enter in CSSU15:22
DocScrutinizersupposed to??? WTF15:22
ivgalvezit only needs one developer to actually pushed the code in Gitorious15:23
DocScrutinizermy app is supposed to conquer the world15:23
ivgalvezyou are quite unpolite15:23
DocScrutinizerno Sir, *you* are unpolite to all those CSSU users that want a minimum of random messing with their working original maemo - esp for no good reason (where good reason is BUGFIXES!)15:24
ivgalvezyou can decide whether or not to install CSSU15:24
ivgalvezif you don't want to see bugs use Stable flavour15:25
DocScrutinizeryou can NOT desice what's CSSU15:25
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ivgalvezneither do you15:25
DocScrutinizerno, I'm just quoting15:25
DocScrutinizerand explaining to you what that quoze means15:25
DocScrutinizeras you seem to fail to understand15:25
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ivgalvezI have actually come to politely ask about the situation of these two applications, considering that it was disscused by real developers a few days ago15:26
ivgalvezand you are over reacting and insulting15:26
DocScrutinizerwell, you're not alone with your idea to change the world for the better by forcing it to use better apps than those it got now15:27
DocScrutinizerI'm insulting?15:27
ivgalvezplease reread your posts and some of your comments15:28
DocScrutinizerso what?15:28
DocScrutinizerquote an insult please15:28
DocScrutinizerI fail on spotting any15:28
DocScrutinizermy appologies if it got percieved as such15:29
ivgalvezit's your general tone, anyway I don't want to argue15:29
DocScrutinizeryour general tone sugesting "you can use CSSU-S or decide to not use CSSU at all if you don't like my idea of what CSSU is meant to do and be" is not any better than mine15:30
ivgalvezI have not come here to argue with you15:31
ivgalvezjust asking CSSU developers about WC and OMP15:31
DocScrutinizerand I answered that question15:31
DocScrutinizerneither is complying with the definition of what shall ship via CSSU15:32
Kamping_KaiserDocScrutinizer: good to see you :) hopefully i'll find time to chat another time - just heading off now.15:33
DocScrutinizerit's up to each user's discretion to either use original WC and MP, or opensource WC and OMP15:33
DocScrutinizerand it's not bound to CSSU being installed or not15:33
Kamping_KaiserDocScrutinizer: i'm sure CSSU will keep me going for  a while to come - once i know how to package stuff (Freeciv 2.1? that needs updating ;))15:33
DocScrutinizerhi Kamping_Kaiser , and c u l8r15:34
Kamping_Kaiseryou too15:34
DocScrutinizerivgalvez: calculator was a bit special, as it's using a commandline tool that has a bug. This commadline tool is not that easy to replace with a bugfixed version by installing a new TheBetterCalculator form extras-repo via HAM15:37
DocScrutinizerthe point about CSSU is: it's not meant to force anything on users when there is a way to give users the freedom of choice15:39
* Sicelo is still kinda unhappy about Calculator 15:42
DocScrutinizerfsck calculator :-D there are better ones available15:43
DocScrutinizerthe original calculator is braindead anyway15:43
Siceloi have ATI85 .. but it's overkill for simple calculations,, lol15:43
ivgalvez"It won't, however, bundle software which can be installed through the Extras repositories. "15:44
ivgalvezThat comment was introduced by Jaffa on 11:29 25 ene 201115:44
ivgalvezPrevious version said: "The packages contained within the CSSU includes fixes for core N900 programs but not programs that exist in other repositories such as extras, extras-testing and/or extras-devel. "15:45
ivgalvezAnd now you are keeping that phrase as the absolute truth15:45
ivgalvezbut it's up to developers to develop what they want15:45
ivgalvezIf any of the CSSU developers want to push WC or OMP is up to them15:46
DocScrutinizeryes, granted. But anyway CSSU is not about replacing original calculator by ATI85 or HP48 for all users now. Neither shall it replace original $app by a "feature complete bug free" replacement, unless that original $app has a bug and is used by other system components as well, so we'd need to fix it to make other things work15:46
ivgalvezHildon-desktop has introduced new features15:47
ivgalvezlike rotation support15:47
DocScrutinizer^^^ Sicelo15:47
Siceloyeah. :P15:47
DocScrutinizerivgalvez: you're free to develop whatever you want. Nevertheless you shouldn't abuse CSSU to deploy your app15:47
ivgalvezand WC replacement fix rotation not working with close source version by Nokia15:47
ivgalvezLet me repeat, it's not my application15:48
DocScrutinizerok, that'S a legal point15:48
DocScrutinizerif it's not working on stock maemo, due to fixes in rotation, then we need to ship it via CSSU15:48
ivgalvezand the only real argument by CSSU developer is that none of them have contributed to the code15:48
DocScrutinizerthat doesn't matter at all15:49
ivgalvezthat's my point15:49
ivgalvezby the way, have you tried Worldclock replacement?15:50
DocScrutinizerI'm happy with worldclock like it is, and I'd not like to have to check any new version that comes just for awesomeness15:50
Siceloanyway, my stance in the whole thing is to agree with Jaffa's statement. the less stuff i have the better. (i'd have bought android device if i wanted tons of apps, lol). ivgalvez: maybe that's why i'm on Stable15:51
DocScrutinizerthere's basically no difference between S and T regarding this pokicy15:51
ivgalvezclicked in the wrong point15:52
Siceloivgalvez: my guess is that you will see OMP and WC on CSSU some day :/15:54
Sicelow/in 3115:54
Sicelosorry .. typo now15:54
ivgalvezI don't have any special interest in having them in CSSU, I already have installed both15:55
ivgalvezbut I think that replacing closed source components is a gain in the long run15:55
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DocScrutinizerif WC can get deployed via extras-repo under name WC-II and will work on stock maemo, I don't see how it ever gets into CSSU. If OTOH it has a bug that's spoiling other things in system, or can't run on anything but CSSU, it's a must to include it to CSSU optional pkgs at least15:56
Siceloivgalvez: DocScrutinizer's argument holds water imo. i really do miss my working calculator, seriouly.15:57
ivgalvezbeing able to distribute it on Extras should not be an argument, as almos everything (with more or less effort) could be packaged separately and substitute your binaries and/or libs15:57
DocScrutinizerno, that's not true15:58
ivgalvezas an exaple busybox-power15:58
ivgalvezit substitutes the busybox binary15:58
DocScrutinizerwell, busybox-power is something nobody sane would want to ship with CSSU15:58
ivgalveznot very clean, but works15:58
ivgalvezyes, but the point is that almost anything can be packaged separetely15:59
DocScrutinizernot really15:59
DocScrutinizerit's not about packaging, it's about dependencies15:59
DocScrutinizerbasically CSSU got invented to overcome problems introduced by maemo-MP16:00
DocScrutinizerand even while some apps are part of MP, they could still ship around this dependency to get them installed via extras. That's all fine as long as the dependency to MP is not based on any real dependency16:01
DocScrutinizerif there's a real dependency to the rest of system (like above mentioned, if WC would need CSSU rotation support to work, and thus can't work on stock maemo) it qualifies for CSSU16:03
DocScrutinizerotherwise not16:03
DocScrutinizerthat's the baseline we try to defend16:03
ivgalvez"you" try to defend16:03
DocScrutinizerno, it's not my private idea16:04
DocScrutinizerit's been common sense between quite a number of CSSU "inventors"16:04
ivgalvezsorry, I have failed to see any one else defending this idea16:04
DocScrutinizerSicelo: any comments?16:04
DocScrutinizerif not by obvious best practice and common sense about trying to keep a thing maximum liberal and compatible, it should at least be clear from you yourself mentioned it's been Jaffa who wrote that very sentence in
ivgalvezanyway, now that we are talking, would you mind to change subject to HEN?16:06
Siceloivgalvez: i'm one of them. but then, i agree with you no one else is defending the idea. that's why i said you will see such stuff in CSSU sometime soon. I'm no dev, so i'm not in a deciding position. but if i was, i can definitely say i'd do my best to have things done exactly as DocScrutinizer just said16:07
ivgalvezSicelo: that's a great answer16:07
ivgalvezDocScrutinizer: any chance to see a new version of HEN with updated booston script?16:08
DocScrutinizerno one else is vocal about it, nevertheless I frequently get thanks-/queries16:08
DocScrutinizerumm, I'd like to see such update. But it's MohammadAG who's h-e-n maintainer16:09
ivgalvezthat sghouldn't be a problem, anyone can push a package to Devel and then ask for maintenace permission to promote it16:10
ivgalvezbesides I think MAG is maintainer of a ton of packages16:10
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merlin1991MohammadAG: how's your laptop/scratchbox doing?19:00
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MohammadAGUpgrading ubuntu19:15
MohammadAGanyone familiar with how/where hildon-desktop executes stuff?19:15
DocScrutinizerwhere? in RAM. How? you don't wanna know each gory detail19:22
MohammadAGwhere as in which line of code19:22
MohammadAGI've talked about this before but I'm planning a hooking platform19:23
DocScrutinizercool, moh the pimp19:23
MohammadAGC hooking :P19:24
MohammadAGthe platform would load .so files if available19:24
MohammadAGwhen starting rtcom-call-ui for example, it'd check /opt/usr/lib/hooks/rtcom-call-ui/*.so19:24
MohammadAGif available, LD_PRELOAD, then exec19:25
MohammadAGtrap SIGSEV, write to /tmp/brokenhooks so they're not reloaded till you verify they're ok19:26
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer: this channel is all about the gory details ;)19:30
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