IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2011-02-01

w00t_other than that, great :)00:00
anidelbecause that's what the Community SSU seems to do .. keep the default behaviour and let people change it00:06
anidelI'm adding a Setting now00:06
anidelso it can be configured properly and not via gconf only00:07
anidelQuoting Community_SSU Wikipage: "Are you a developer? There are numerous patches floating around for hildon-desktop; but they can't be included in the CSSU until they are configurable (via gconf) and default to off. "00:07
anidelI guess that applies to all new patches.. and indeed it makes sense... some00:08
lcuk\o/ anidel00:08
anidelhey Gary00:08
lcukhiya \o00:08
anidellike this patch ? :)00:16
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anidelCool, setting in Settings is done as well... now I only need to update the translation file for a full patch00:39
anidelhow do I update it? mmm00:40
anidelI forgot how I did it in Xournal :(00:40
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Jaffaw00t_: Certainly feedback can be got about changing the default at a later point, but let's try and not annoy people first off :-)01:07
w00t_Jaffa: more or less agreed, but I think that should at least start to be thought of now - with at least a list of possible changes that can then later be run through some kind of voting or something01:08
Jaffaw00t_: Agreed; some user survey seems sensible about changing defaults.01:11
Sc0rpiusyou people pushed another update today?01:13
Sc0rpiusI don't wanna lose my modest patch :(01:13
Sc0rpiusI was evaluating changing the folder list to a folder tree in modest01:14
Sc0rpiusso we could collapse/expand subfolders01:14
Sc0rpiusbut I think it's a major change01:15
Sc0rpiusand I don't think it is in the modest scope, I guess it's a tinymail thing01:15
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anidelso, is there a Makefile command to update the po files in Modest?01:26
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anidelmmm so ok... the default translations are not the same in the en_GB.po file.. Copyright issue from Nokia ? however the .deb files doesn't overwrite the .mo file...01:41
anidelhow are we tackling this ?01:41
JaffaMohammadAG: Should bug 11841 be closed as INVALID? Unless there's a patch, I don't think the CSSU component should be used for general wishlist items. (Or should it?)01:42
povbotBug request: line-wrapping in email composer in modest01:42
Jaffaanidel: There are extra packages for the modest i18n which presumably aren't regenerated by the base package?01:42
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anidelso how should I proceed to add the translation needed for this new setting?01:45
anidelmodest-l10n-engb I guess.. let's see01:47
anidelJaffa: btw, about 11839 (my patch), how does it work.. someone will review the code and eventually accept it ? One has (I guess not), write access to GIT somehow?01:50
anidelbut 1183901:50
anidelops bug 1183901:50
povbotBug Show the previous e-mail after deleting an e-mail in VIEW mode01:50
MohammadAGJaffa, yes, I think it should01:59
MohammadAGJaffa, though I'm currently facing a slight problem with no idea what's causing it - internet connection only works on windows02:00
MohammadAGcept for IRC02:00
MohammadAGand I'm not a fan of windows02:00
MohammadAGoh hey, it worked02:07
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Sc0rpiusI'm still fighting to migrate from list to a tree view in Modest02:58
Sc0rpiusand I actually have something working02:58
Sc0rpiusbut it looks horrible02:58
Sc0rpiusbut it works02:58
Sc0rpiuswell it kinda works03:00
Sc0rpiuswanna take a look?
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BCMMSc0rpius: that doesn't really look horrible04:10
BCMMapart from the expand/collapse icon overlapping the other icon04:11
Sc0rpiuswell eventually it should show folder icons04:11
Sc0rpiusand I hope GTK lets me change exapnd/collapse icon04:11
Sc0rpiusto a bigger one or something04:11
Sc0rpiusit's just random tests I'm making, I'm still not sure if I can reach a version that's comfortable and usable04:12
Sc0rpiusand the worst part is that libtinymailui-gtk has to be patched...04:12
Sc0rpiusand that's not included in CSSU04:13
BCMMSc0rpius: on an IMAP account, does modest check each folder for new mail, or only poll the inbox?04:15
Sc0rpiusevery folder04:15
Sc0rpiusI want an arrow at the left of the icon04:33
Sc0rpiusa "triangle"04:33
Sc0rpiusif it can't be changed easily, I can "hide" it and use my own but I have to change it everytime a row is collapsed/expanded04:36
Sc0rpiusyeah I can totally change it04:42
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awwaiidI've installed the community SSU and it seemed to go well, but it appears that my theme (perhaps just pure gtk components) is a little wacked -- small fonts, wrong colors, etc.06:07
awwaiidSo I figured I'd flip it from this theme to another via the settings -> theme app06:07
awwaiidalas, though the settings app loads, none of the buttons do anything.06:08
awwaiidAnyone run into this already?06:08
Sc0rpiusand that's weird06:36
Sc0rpiushave you rebooted?06:36
awwaiidyes. the system rebooted on its own of course, and then I rebooted again after that06:36
awwaiidnow I've started to google about for how to switch the theme (or start the theme switcher) from the command line06:37
awwaiidI think I was running "D-Theme Blue"06:47
Sc0rpiuswhat theme switcher do you have installed?06:54
Sc0rpius"Theme Customizer"?06:55
awwaiidnope, just the default system theme switcher06:56
awwaiidI was thinking of getting theme customizer just to force it to switch though06:56
Sc0rpiusthe system doesn't have a theme switcher I think06:56
* Sc0rpius thinks06:56
Sc0rpiusoh via Settings?06:56
Sc0rpiuswhat about:07:00
Sc0rpiusapt-get install theme-customizer07:00
Sc0rpiusand then07:00 /opt/theme-customizer/theme-customizer07:00
Sc0rpiusand then uninstall it if you want, sorry, but I can't find a way to run Setting applets from the command line :S07:00
Sc0rpiusthere must be onw07:00
Sc0rpiusI mean there must be a way...07:00
awwaiidya, I'll try that. bbiab07:03
awwaiidGot it! a long time ago I shuffled (swapped) my partitions, and did some by-hand optification, including a symlink from /opt -> /home/opt. the ssu put a real folder back at /opt and some python in /opt/pymaemo07:27
awwaiidputting my symlink back (plus a reboot) fixed it07:28
awwaiidand the ssu fixed my ssh/screen/vim enter key! thanks maemo-ssu people :)07:29
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awwaiidwhat gave it away was a sudden brakage in apt-get update :)07:31
awwaiidthough i have that crazy modest-constantly-crashing bug, which I fixed previously by removing modest. comm ssu brought modest and the bug back, but removing modest removes mp-fremantle-community-pr which sounds important?07:38
Sc0rpiusand here's another peak of my effort of "tree view" in modest07:40
Sc0rpiushow do you know your modest crashes?07:41
microlithSc0rpius: does gmail try to sync junk mail via imap for you?07:41
Sc0rpiusonly the headers but it doesn07:42
Sc0rpiusit does07:42
Sc0rpiusmodest checks for new messages in all folders, even Span and Trash07:42
microlithThere's a mod, I should see if it's possible to add a list of folders to skip on imap sync07:43
microlithcause pop3 is just broken :?07:43
Sc0rpiusI haven't ever tried a POP3 account in modest07:43
Sc0rpiusbut a POP3 should only synchronize the inbox folder and that's it, since there is no folders definition in POP3 at server level07:44
microlithI have one that gets auto forwarded stuff07:44
microlithprecisely cause of the junk sync07:44
awwaiidbecause it says something like "email has crashed and will be restarted". I think at the time I tried from a shell too and couldn't get it to run long enough to diagnose stuff (ie disable accounts). maybe it was mfe related, can't recall07:44
Sc0rpiusbut I guess you're getting junk in the "inbox" folder?07:44
microlithno, it creates the folder and syncs 500+ items07:44
microlithunfortunately with pop3, it'll sit and not check for long periods of time despite a 5 minute sync, then randomly download every message in a huge mass07:45
Sc0rpiusbut it's weird, POP3 only syncs "inbox"07:45
Sc0rpiusactually just "new messages in inbox"07:45
Sc0rpiusit doens't even "sync" it just download the messages07:45
microlithmaybe I'm phrasing this badly07:45
microlithI'm not using imap4 because it syncs junk mail07:46
microlithso instead I use pop3, which has its own problem07:46
Sc0rpiusit doesn't sync junk mail07:46
Sc0rpiusit just tells you there is junk mail there07:46
microlithand I don't even want to see that07:46
Sc0rpiusunless you click on the folder, there is no sync involved07:46
Sc0rpiushmm and how do you that, for example, in Windows Live Mail or Thunderbird?07:46
microlithso it may be easier to add the feature I'm thinking of, rather than to fix the pop3 bug07:46
Sc0rpius'cos I can't avoid that in any mail client I use07:47
microlithSc0rpius: all pop307:47
awwaiidI'm off to bed, but will return in case you want to poke at my modest07:47
Sc0rpiusPOP3 = obsolete!07:47
Sc0rpius(and very insecure)07:47
awwaiidthanks for the help :)07:47
Sc0rpiussure awwaiid nite07:47
microlithbut I don't even want to be informed of junk, 500+ pieces of unread junk07:47
* Sc0rpius thinks07:47
Sc0rpiusmodest doesn't show you unsubscribed folders07:47
Sc0rpiusbut of course, you must unsubscribe them using another client07:48
Sc0rpiusif you use, for example, Thunderbird, and unsubscribe folders "junk" and "spam" and whatever07:48
Sc0rpiusthey will disappear from modest forever07:48
microlithI'll have to try that out07:48
Sc0rpiusin my email account from work I unsubscribed "junk-mail" and "spam-mail" folders and I don't see 'em in my N90007:49
microlithactually I'll try that right now then07:49
Sc0rpiusbut there's no way to unsuscribe them using modest, you have to use a PC client07:49
microlithand I can use thunderbird for that07:49
Sc0rpiusI just unsubscribed another folder and re-confirmed it disappears in modest07:51
microlithI had no idea that was even possible07:51
Sc0rpiusacutally you know modest is kind of front-end of a mail client called tinymail07:52
Sc0rpiustinymail does a lot of stuff modest doesn't have GUI/configuration to do07:52
Sc0rpiusthat's why those kind of things work07:53
Sc0rpiustinymail supports NNTP (news servers) and everything07:55
microlithI think I get why a lot of people don't like modest07:55
Sc0rpiusmodest can be great software07:55
Sc0rpiusbut it looks nobody is working on it07:55
Sc0rpiuswe have changed some stuff here07:55
microlithso I've been reading07:56
microlithgood stuff07:56
Sc0rpiusthe good thing is that if we don't like something, we change it hehe07:57
Sc0rpiusI really hate I can't collapse my subfolders so that's what I'm working on now07:57
Sc0rpiusanother thing I should do is the ability to configure special folders08:04
JaffaMorning all08:35
microlithcrap, thunderbird is going to sync half a million headers :/08:36
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Jaffaanidel: gitorious merge request is the best way; otherwise someone could pick up the patch off the issue and create one, or MohammadAG might merge the patch directly.10:27
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hirabayashitaroHi evertone, I'd like to post this bug to irc also:
povbotBug 11843: Missing fields in Contacts for prefix, suffix and non alphabetical language phonetic transcription11:54
Jaffahirabayashitaro: And these were in PR1.3?12:10
hirabayashitarono, they were not12:10
hirabayashitaroin facts it is a new feature, i wrote bug, sorry...12:11
JaffaRight, not really a CSSU issue, then?12:11
JaffaAnd, AIUI, the Contacts app is closed source12:11
hirabayashitaroIt's not very clear for me wich is the system behind maemo, expecially at this state of development.12:13
hirabayashitaroI think it is not clear at all who is responsible for what at this time12:13
hirabayashitaroand where a specific thing should be submitted12:13
hirabayashitarocan you please explain me to whom should I refer for this kind of thing?12:15
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hirabayashitaroAnyway, really... where can I find som information about the actual structure and development of maemo?12:37
Venemohirabayashitaro: for start, visit http://maemo.gitorious.org12:48
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hirabayashitaroWell, maybe I'm not able of undestanding these kind of stuff. I just hope that the community (the meego one also) could seriously evaluate the importance of that improvement and of the managing of the contacts in general, which is supposed to be basic on a cellphone.13:01
Venemohirabayashitaro: the MeeGo contacts reference application is open source.13:35
hirabayashitaroI am sorry for being such a newbie, but it's not clear for me how to use gitorious services. Can you explain me waht informations can I obtain from it?13:37
Venemohirabayashitaro: you can obtain the full source code and the commit log.13:38
Venemohirabayashitaro: the user interface should be friendly enough13:38
hirabayashitaroVenemo: well, I'd like to be a programmer but in fact I am a simple user with some good ideas for internationalization (I suppose). So my will is to inform the community that there are some issues needed to make the software more usable for people who have relationships/are living in non european countries, or at least more complete for the user.13:41
Venemohirabayashitaro: well if you try them out and have such ideas, open bug reports or enhancement requests at the relevant sites13:42
hirabayashitaroVenemo: I'm trying to do so, but everyone don't miss me to inform that the thing could not be implemented because of a lack in some other part of the system13:44
Venemohirabayashitaro: is the site that you want for this13:45
hirabayashitaroVenemo: anyway I already have a enhancement proposal in meego, so I hope that the person responsible for future planning will take in account the fact. What I am not understanding is the system behind the planning of features implementation, and why some things are passed under silence which is very frustrating for who commits bugs13:49
hirabayashitaroVenemo: also a "not so important issue, will be evaluated in a far future relase" will be appreciated13:49
Venemohirabayashitaro: ask about these in #meego please. this channel is for the Maemo community ssu13:50
hirabayashitaroVenemo: well, it happens the same in maemo anyway. And the proposal was done also in the maemo talk in which is been suggested me to contact the ssu community13:51
Venemohirabayashitaro: problem with Maemo is that these applications in it are closed source13:52
hirabayashitaroVenemo: so they are supposed to be unchanged forever if not rewritten in open source?13:52
hirabayashitaroVenemo: Because as far as I know nokia abandoned the development for them, isn't it?13:53
Venemohirabayashitaro: sadly, Nokia doesn't want to spend any more efforts on the Maemo closed source apps13:54
Venemohirabayashitaro: the best bet for this kind of thing is to hope that they'll get it right in MeeGo13:54
hirabayashitaroVenemo: Just intalled the latest dev. version of meego yesterday, and been disappointed by the roughness of the thing. Nokia plans are obscure for me (and for many people). But the maemo situation is a little more clear thanks to you. Thanks a lot, and sorry for stealing you precious time.13:56
Venemohirabayashitaro: you didn't steal any of my time13:58
Venemohirabayashitaro: I like talking :)13:58
Venemohirabayashitaro: which version of MeeGo are you talking about? handset?13:58
hirabayashitaroVenemo: yes, the handset one13:59
hirabayashitarolet's move to meego room, you do mind?13:59
Venemohirabayashitaro: oh, yes, that is not intended for end users yet.13:59
Venemohirabayashitaro: okay, I'm also there too13:59
JaffaThanks guys :-)14:03
Venemoyw Jaffa14:07
MohammadAGJaffa, shall I close bug 11841?14:08
povbotBug request: line-wrapping in email composer in modest14:08
* MohammadAG wonders if he should push the patched libqt4-* packages into the SSU14:09
JaffaMohammadAG: Or move it to Modest14:11
JaffaMohammadAG: The patched libqt4-*?14:11
JaffaHmm, Qt's being actively maintained so I'd say that's a bit nasty14:15
JaffaMaybe raise a Bugzilla entry for it and ping it over to the maintainer of the package?14:15
MohammadAGJaffa, afaik libqt4 can't be updated without a new PR14:16
MohammadAGlibqtm can though14:16
MohammadAGand there's a merge request14:16
JaffaMohammadAG: Actually, better suggestion - raise it on maemo-developers about shipping fixed Qt. Foum Nokia guys like achipa and vivainio might have some knowledge of technical difficulties.14:25
JaffaBut a small bug fix should be OK, I think14:25
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hirabayashitaroDon't know if some future plan is to related to Qt mobility, but submitted post for it:
JaffaWho's an op?15:37
* Jaffa wants: /topic Maemo Community SSU channel, Known bugs:
X-FadeJaffa: lcuk, MohammadAG, DocScrutinizer ^^15:39
lcukremove the fullstop after the first link15:40
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer has op here o_O15:42
*** Jaffa changes topic to "Maemo Community SSU channel, | Known bugs:"15:42
MohammadAG-ChanServ- Flags +votriA were set on Jaffa in #maemo-ssu.15:43
lcukjaffa, since andre__ said that the wiki and bugzilla links are there15:43
lcukcan you potentially put that grid onto a clean wiki page with some info above it15:43
Jaffalcuk: Last time I looked, you couldn't do arbitrary searches15:43
lcukahh Jaffa, perhaps andre__ will know of a way15:44
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Jaffalcuk: I'll have a play at the top of Community_SSU/QA where the "Open bugs" link is15:45
andre__I never looked into it, just remembering from the Maemo Sprint meetings that this also existed15:45
lcukandre__, I am really impressed by how it is being used on the dialer15:45
lcukloads of people curse at maintaining similar wiki pages to keepontop of their bugs15:46
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: anything wrong with that? I guess it's been you who added me to accesslist. You're free to remove me any time15:50
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, no, I just forgot I added ops here15:51
Jaffalcuk: Something like ?15:56
lcuk:D impressive15:58
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DocScrutinizerhow would I possibly create a redirect in wiki? (e.g from back to  ;-D )16:13
DocScrutinizerfriggin autotext feature of conversation!16:20
DocScrutinizer#redirect \[\[page]]16:20
anidelMorning all...16:25
Jaffa'lo anidel16:26
anidelhey Jaffa16:27
JaffaDocScrutinizer: Yeah, I think I did something similar for Mer/16:27
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DocScrutinizerJaffa: yeah, done. works. check16:27
DocScrutinizerI just wonder now how to convince friggin mediawiki to #include subdir-link-table16:29
DocScrutinizeri.e a autogenerated list of href's derived from ""ls <pagename>/""16:31
DocScrutinizerthere's a vaguely similar concept for the footnotes/references16:32
DocScrutinizerbut somewhat I feel odd with reinventing fs directory concept, on a system that has no notion whatsoever about directories16:34
DocScrutinizerI mean, for mediawiki there's zero difference between  and¿___!QA#Current_bugs16:36
DocScrutinizerit's obviously a flat database without any concept of, or support for subdirectories16:37
DocScrutinizer...or am I mistaken here?16:38
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JaffaDocScrutinizer: AFAIK, you're correct18:52
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