IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-05-19

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juicemeWin7Mac, yes, that is worth looking into.11:34
chem|stwarfare: juiceme you got mail14:12
chem|stlet me know if you need assisstance14:13
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*** Guest10 is now known as gerbick22:45
*** Win7Mac has joined #maemo-meeting23:01
juicemeWin7Mac o/23:02
Win7Macspecial hi to gerbick!23:02
gerbickhi guys, sorry for the disappearances - been swamped23:02
Win7Macjust sent Mentalist a reminder-email...23:02
gerbickin fact, working but brought my laptop along23:03
juicemegerbick, o/23:03
gerbickHi juiceme, hi Win7Mac23:03
juicemehow's things states-side?23:03
gerbickBusy, busy, busy... but good. And you guys?23:03
Win7Macjuiceme, hope you've recovered...23:03
juicemeWin7Mac, yes, no lasting harm done :)23:04
Win7Macgood to hear23:04
juicemescratches on my face but that won't make it less beautiful :)23:04
juicemegerbick, startts to look like summer. +19 today23:05
juicemeokay, so I'd like to have now a timeframe for the referendum23:09
juicemecan we decide on when to launch it?23:09
juicemedoes a referendum fllow the same general timeline as an election, excepting the initial stages of candidate introduction etc. ?23:10
Win7Macafaik, yes23:11
juicemethe voting period is one week. What happens before that?23:12
Win7MacBylaws: "(12) Voting in such referenda will be open to anyone eligible to vote in the council elections.23:12
Win7Maca) The referendum options must be debated for a minimum of 1 month prior to the referendum.23:12
Win7Macb) Referendum voting will be open for the same length of time as the council elections."23:12
Win7Macwarong translation, actually it's 4 weeks23:13
juicemehow is the one month calculated? as I see it the debate has been going on for a *long* time now23:13
Win7Maca proper announcement would be expected i guess23:14
Win7Macnot just a tmo-thread...23:14
Win7Macbut since the debate is that old...23:15
juicemeyes, it was not announced on the mailing list, just on TMO23:15
gerbickjuicme, it's 31 here23:16
gerbickokay, referendum; care to explain it to me guys? It's been overlooked it seems and that's not cool23:17
Win7Macbut a fews weeks are fine to mine as long as the ref. finally lifts off and is properly worded23:17
juicemegerbick, too hot for any physical activity barring swimming :)23:17
juicemeWin7Mac, If I send mail on the list reminding people to check the relevant TMO thread?23:18
gerbickjuiceme, it's not even Summer yet. It'll be 40+ here soon23:18
gerbickPlease do, Win7Mac23:18
gerbickthanks for the link23:18
juicemegerbick, today I bicycled 109 km, try to do that in your weather....23:19
Win7Macok, i'll try to put it in simple words again, if you don't mind23:19
juicemeWin7Mac, please do :)23:19
Win7Macsubstance of the ref. is more important than a few days IMHO...23:20
Win7MacSimply put, in NOK times, council was a voice for the community, that was it23:21
Win7Macthey had no say for anything that would require NOK Board action...23:22
Win7MacNOW, with the e.V., there opens an option for Council to finally HVA a say...23:22
Win7Macbut that obviously can't be unlimited23:23
Win7MacGA is the native "superior force" in any e.V.23:23
Win7Macsome things might be done by council though, but then they need to be clearly defined23:24
Win7Mactha'S basically all i'm asking for, the bylaws are my work and they have zthis obvious flaw which i left there, aware of the problems, but...23:25
gerbickDoubtful that the powers-that-be would allow the Council to have any more say since they've moved upward to GA.23:25
gerbickThe bylaws seem to suppress this level - read: Council has no say in anything23:26
Win7Macdue to the heated discussion back then (and Niel leaving btw.) that was on purpose, not to ruin everything23:26
gerbickeV or not; it seems by design.23:26
gerbickmeanwhile, the GA does... what?23:26
Win7Macbut that needs correction23:26
gerbickA lot of them aren't even connected or are far too willing to pass the buck from what I've seen. There needs to be a removal of certain members that are unwilling to do/say anything23:27
Win7MacI have great respect of almost all members23:27
gerbickI don't.23:27
Win7Macand basically it's about sharing duty23:27
gerbickI don't respect the people in power that are wagging their finger doing nothing.23:27
Win7Macalmost... ;)23:27
Win7Macplease don't speak in pictures23:28
Win7Macunsure if i get the right sense...23:28
gerbickAnd as it stands; I've seen folks during this bank stuff in the US that were happily posting on Twitter their daily operations and other witticisms yet did want to help expedite that process.23:28
juicemegerbick, you do have a point there, only by getting involved you earn respect.23:28
Win7Macjuiceme, THAT'S the spirit of an E.V.!!!23:29
Win7MacSo far, council is responsible for all elections23:30
gerbickAs an American that's lived in Germany; it's not the path that I consider worth my time when you say "community" yet your personal issues (real or not) interfere with your duties that you've been shirking this entire time.23:30
juicemebut there's this thing, we do have garage account holders not joining to the e.V, and we need to carter to them too23:30
Win7Maci mean, that's the only "duty" council has23:30
gerbickanyway, I'll quiet that stuff down; it resolves nothing.23:30
Win7Macgerbick, I'm with you23:31
juicemeas I see it, there are 2 ways to "fix" the council issue;23:31
gerbickso the referendum; what expansion, contraction or addendum do you see necessary?23:32
Win7Maclimit council responsibility to holding elections and that's it23:32
Win7Macdefine that in bylaws23:33
juiceme1. the council is like now, it is elected by garage users, and can have members that are not e.V members; in this case the power must be limited23:33
gerbickokay, but how does that go against the definition Win7Mac is describing?23:33
juiceme2. the council is moved to be elected by GA only, and it can have more power23:33
Win7MacOTOH, if council WANTS to show responsible for other stuf, why not allow them, as long as nobody disagrees?23:34
juicemeWin7Mac, are my points 1&2 valid?23:34
gerbickso would you say that the council is a failsafe wherein the GA/eV or whomever else hasn't fixed a situation?23:34
juicemeor have I understood it wrong?23:35
Win7Mac#2 is not really an option IMHO, since it's meant to be community proxy23:35
juicemeWin7Mac I agree23:35
Win7Mac*council is meant...23:35
juicemeI'd like to see council as the contact point that anyone can come to, and raise issues.23:36
juicemeand be responsible of elections23:36
Win7Macjuiceme, I agree23:36
Win7Maccouncil is most vital group after all...23:36
Win7Macat least they meet once a week23:37
Win7Macit's working... ;)23:37
juicemewe try to, more or less. to be available hee in case someone wants to talk23:37
juicemeeven as many times it is just idle chatting :)23:37
Win7MacBasically it's an invitation to council: If you want to have a say in certain aspects, name them and we can discuss it23:38
juicemeso it boils down to one thing; in the bylaws there's the statement:23:39
juiceme(5) The Board of Directors executes the Council's and General Assembly's rulings.23:39
Win7Mac#2 otherwise limit council responsibilty to holding all elections (and remove the corresponding part in Articles of Association §7 (5)23:40
Win7Macyes again ;)23:40
juicemeso the sensible thing is to change this one sentence to (5) The Board of Directors executes the General Assembly's rulings.23:41
juicemeI think §8 is okay23:42
Win7Macto both23:42
Win7Macthe referendum cannot do that, AG has to...23:42
Win7Macbut, as i said, i trust them, I#m sure they will execute that referendums' wish...23:43
Win7MacI also would love to see (simply put) a BBBIIIGGG YES for the e.V. in general and have it cleared for once and all, that there's only this one council which is a part of MC e.V. now and for all23:45
juicememmh, so basically the referendum is to be held to have a general understanding of te issue, not to decide? And then GA needs to vote on the actual changing of the wording of the Bylaws?23:45
Win7Macmore or less23:46
juicemeis there still something that's on the way of the understanding that we have just one council?23:47
Win7Macthe council election rules also needed slight adjustment which should be accepted too23:47
juicemecan you detail that change?23:47
Win7Macsorry, that change already been donne23:48
juicemeah, good :)23:48
Win7Macbasically altered all "1 month" to "4 weeks"23:48
juicemeis that just to make it more exact?23:49
Win7Macand got rid of that obscure "Nokia Community Manager"...23:49
juicemewot'? i thought all "nokia" references gone already...23:49
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juicemeOksanaa, o/23:50
Win7Macthe 4-week thing was made in order to have better control of the weekday and to shorten the min. time a day or 223:50
Win7MacAll of that has already been done...23:50
gerbickbrb guys, need to finish up my day with my team23:51
juicemegerbick, okay, see you later then.23:51
Oksanaamoin, juiceme, gerbick23:51
Win7MacBut it not been done by only way possible as described but by MC e.V. Founding meeting23:51
Win7Maccouncil was fully present back then23:51
Win7MacHi Oksana!23:52
* Oksanaa is not fully awake yet...23:52
Win7MacPlease help me understand your reasons for wanting "as many options as possible" incl. "leave everything as is"23:53
Win7MacOksana, i want to understand23:54
juicemeOksanaa, we have been discussing the referendum, have you read the backlog?23:55
OksanaaIf something is possible-plausible, it should be on the table for voters. They should not feel like all the options are evilnot suitable in one way or another.23:56
OksanaaSorry, hasn't read the logs yet.23:56
juicemeI fear if there's an option for "just leave everyting as it is" some people might choose this out of laziness to think about it23:57
juicemeand as it happens, that option is broken, it can lead to problems at a later date, depending on people elected to council23:59
OksanaaThen phrase it on line with other options, so that you would not be able to see it without reading options first?23:59

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