thejsa | sources.list and apt output when trying to install u-boot flasher -- | 15:38 |
thejsa | since it seems I can't install u-boot-flasher without dealing with this kernel-modules issue, as installing kernel-modules as it requests would hose my system: | 15:42 |
enyc | thejsa: hrrm not sru ewhat i did but i can say u-boot-flasher went ok | 16:13 |
Pali | now I pushed lot of changes to flasher and fiasco image unpacker/generator | 18:44 |
KotCzarny | starting flasher, connecting cable then insert battery | 08:49 |
newn900 | C:\Program Files (x86)\maemo\flasher-3.5>flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R | 08:49 |
Pali | ~flasher | 15:43 |
infobot | refer ~flashing; (also .exe!), or or generally HARMattan(N9):; list of filenames/md5sums:, or | 15:43 |
Pali | I would be happy if there is one place where everything is archived (firmware bin files, flashers, apt repositories, ...) | 16:44 |
bencoh | I mirrored apt repos from nokia, and firmware/flashers from | 16:46 |
infobot | i heard firmware-n950 is The latest OneClickFlasher for the Nokia N950 is available from | 15:32 |
infobot | from memory, n950-firmware is The latest OneClickFlasher for the Nokia N950 is available from | 15:33 |
untakenstupidnic | the flasher tool is hosted on nokia | 11:38 |
KotCzarny | ie. has flasher, also downloads proper firmware, checks etc | 11:40 |
pere | btw, anyone know why ./ uses prebuilt binary flasher-3.5 instead of 0xFFFF which is already in Debian? | 09:18 |
pere | anyway, is 0xffff now able to replace flasher-3.5 completely, or is there still some functionallity missing? | 09:54 |
sicelo | Put leste on sd card and boot it from uboot or flasher/0xffff | 11:02 |
Maxdamantus | dotcomma: ie, run `flasher_3.5 --disable-rd-mode` and plug in the N900 while it's off. | 08:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | well, you *may* succeed to extract the kernel image for flasher-3.5.exe ... --flash-only = kernel from the .deb package of powerkernel | 03:15 |
DocScrutinizer05 | when you did a >>flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin --flash-only = kernel -f<< then your system will not come up since you previously installed powerkernel modules in rootfs | 03:26 |
DocScrutinizer05 | and how do you recover from a flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin --flash-only = kernel -f ? | 03:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | which in turn should fit for flasher-3.5 -F zImage- --flash-only = kernel -f ; I hope | 04:42 |
DocScrutinizer05 | if it doesn't, check fiascogen to package that file in a way so it meets flasher's taste | 04:43 |
k1r1t0 | ii kernel-cssu-flasher 1:2.6.28-10cssu3 Linux kernel updater (kernel cssu | 12:35 |
kirito | apt-get install u-boot-flasher kernel-cssu-bootimg ln -s /etc/bootmenu.d/20-Maemo5-kernel-cssu- /etc/default/bootmenu.item u-boot-update-bootmenu | 12:51 |
kirito | Nokia-N900:~# apt-get install u-boot-flasherReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency treeReading state information... DoneSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you haverequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstabledistribution that some required packages have not yet been createdor been moved out of | 13:21 |
kirito | Incoming.The following information may help to resolve the situation:The following packages have unmet dependencies: u-boot-flasher: Depends: kernel-modules (= 2.6.28-20103103+0m5)E: Broken packages | 13:21 |
kirito | u-boot-flasher Depends: kernel-modules (= 2.6.28-20103103+0m5)E: Broken packages | 13:54 |
kirito | HiWhere can I find the latest kernel image Community SSU / Thumb for firmware via Flasher 3.5 or 0xFFFFFI executed the command:flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin --flash-only = kernel -f -RAfter this system does not start | 16:34 |
Tr4sK | I would like to try maemo-leste. For this I want to do it with u-boot. But, for some reason I cannot install u-boot-flasher. Got some dependencies problem | 00:09 |
Tr4sK | unmeet dependencies u-boot-flasher: Depends: kernel-modules (= 2.6.28-20103103+0m5) | 00:10 |
akossh | I have u-boot-flasher installed | 00:18 |
AStorm | got the flasher and stuff, but is there anything actually new for this ancient hardware | 12:45 |
AStorm | so, flasher can do full backup right? | 12:54 |
AStorm | however the standard cable I have is not compatible with flasher - I have the nokia cable but elsewhere | 13:04 |
AStorm | anyway flasher cannot make a backup, I'll have to get here some Linux | 13:25 |
AStorm | hmm the device is "seen" but not by flasher | 13:26 |
Pali | Nokia's flasher-3.5 can flash eMMC images viac USB | 00:50 |
badcloud_ | u-boot-flasher: Depends: kernel-modules | 21:24 |
sicelo | you can just reinstall - u-boot-tools, uboot-flasher, kernel-cssu-bootimg | 21:34 |
badcloud_ | Broken package: u-boot-flasher: Depends: kernel-modules | 21:39 |
sicelo | same error? menaing "Broken package: u-boot-flasher: Depends: kernel-modules" ? | 22:16 |
sicelo | apt-get update && apt-get install u-boot-tools uboot-flasher kernel-cssu-bootimg | 22:22 |
infobot | i heard firmware-n950 is The latest OneClickFlasher for the Nokia N950 is available from | 15:22 |
infobot | methinks n950-firmware is The latest OneClickFlasher for the Nokia N950 is available from | 15:22 |
FatPhil | i might be able to get over it by excessive use of flasher | 13:02 |
Maxdamantus | I think holding "u" is meant to do something, but in my experience, you don't need to do anything special on the device. You just have the flasher running on a computer while it boots, connected using USB. | 06:21 |
Maxdamantus | Since NOLO or something will probe for a flasher on USB before running the kernel/uboot. | 06:22 |
zenev0 | so i take out battery when i plug in my phone-run the flasher-put back the battery | 07:48 |
KotCzarny | are there any messages from the flasher? | 07:51 |
zenev0 | the flasher cant install on 64 | 07:52 |
zenev0 | phone wont boot and the flasher is still waiting | 07:54 |
zenev0 | take out battery when i plug in my phone-run the flasher-put back the battery | 08:04 |
KotCzarny | i think device wont go into flasher mode below some level | 08:07 |
zeneb | so i did all this (zenev0) so i take out battery when i plug in my phone-run the flasher-put back the battery again | 08:40 |
zeneb | and the flasher says booting device into flash mode | 08:45 |
Vajb | flashed stock kernel via flasher | 19:21 |
Vajb | and since backuprestore was also succesfull I had indentical device to test other approach which was "reinstall kernel-power-flasher" instant profit! | 23:52 |
Wikiwide | I don't get it. I can find , but I do not see anything like "u-boot-flasher for power kernel v52", yet | 13:28 |
Wikiwide | I have kernel-power 1:2.6.28-10power52 , flasher and modules too. I don't have kernel-power-bootimg installed. HAM has U-Boot with kpv53. | 13:40 |
Wikiwide | So, if I install u-boot-flasher and kernel-power-bootimg v52, it should work? | 13:44 |
KotCzarny | flasher can back you up | 17:24 |
Jeffrey04 | after a night of plugging and unplugging from the power, i finally managed to get it to charge to 11% via flasher and flashed PR1.3 into it | 08:21 |
Jeffrey04 | however, when I attempt to boot it `flasher -R` it is now stuck with the nokia logo screen | 08:21 |
Jeffrey04 | and it is not responding to flasher | 08:33 |
*** DocScrutinizer05 changes topic to "Welcome to #maemo | "firmware" see ~lf (or ~tabletsdev ~combined ~emmc ~flasher) sdk: ~sb | | Source: | Chanlog: | #maemo-ssu is where the (few) devels and maintainers of the maemo-future meet" | 20:31 |
KotCzarny | flasher-3.0 --set-root-device mmc | 16:34 |
KotCzarny | interestingly you can also set boot device via flasher | 16:34 |
pirla | I see I need flasher, which isn't around from some time | 18:30 |
KotCzarny | either 0xffff and flasher-3.5 is freely available | 18:30 |
KotCzarny | ~flasher | 18:32 |
infobot | refer ~flashing; (also .exe!), or or generally HARMattan(N9):; list of filenames/md5sums:, or | 18:32 |
KotCzarny | dd the image to an sd card. Then boot from the sd card using either 0xFFFF/flasher-3.5 or u-boot/bootmenu: | 18:56 |
KotCzarny | or read how to boot using flasher booting mode | 18:57 |
KotCzarny | if not, i guess you can just take kernel+ramdisk and boot with flasher in one-time mode | 18:58 |
KotCzarny | then if you have pc available, just boot it via flasher | 19:01 |
pirla | if I try to launch flasher I get a non-existent file/folder error | 19:02 |
pirla | I just can't understand how to "boot from flasher" | 19:04 |
pirla | what does "boot from flasher" mean? | 19:08 |
KotCzarny | i suspect the usual flasher instruction applies. although important change is adding -b param to boot instead of flashing | 19:09 |
pirla | excuse me, why can't I execute flasher? it exits with a "non existent file/folder" error | 19:20 |
pirla | root@DESKTOP-K6M1K7O:~/Scaricati/maemo_flasher-3.5_2.5.2.2# ./flasher-3.5 --help bash: ./flasher-3.5: File o directory non esistente | 19:20 |
Juesto | if its there then you need to run bash ./flasher-3.5 | 19:21 |
KotCzarny | where do you run the flasher? | 19:42 |
pirla | root@DESKTOP-K6M1K7O:~/debian# 0xFFFF -I 0xFFFF v0.7 // Open Free Fiasco Firmware Flasher Not a local device Waiting for USB device... Found USB device: SU-18/RX-44/RX-48/RX-51/RM-680/RM-696 (0x421:0x105) in NOLO mode USB device product string: Nokia N900 (Update mode) USB device serial number string: MUM415144 Detected USB device: RX-51 Initializing NOLO... Device: RX-51 HW revision: 2101 NOLO version: 1.4.14 Kernel v | 19:59 |
vahe | hi, i need Maemo_Flasher-3.5 for centos :) Help to find | 08:04 |
luke-jr | is there a maemo flasher for POWER9? | 08:34 |
vahe | install qflasher was normal | 09:14 |
DocScrutinizer05 | flasher* | 09:21 |
DocScrutinizer05 | as stated above, I'd assume this maemo-leste-1.0-armhf-n900-20180424.img is a disk image to get copied to a uSD, not a fiasco file meant to get used with flasher | 09:56 |
Maxdamantus | There's not much that restricts the size of partitions .. that's just decided at flasher time or later. | 14:19 |
Maxdamantus | afaict from 0xFFFF/maemo-flasher, it seems to still work. | 09:39 |
APic | ~flasher | 16:16 |
infobot | refer ~flashing; (also .exe!), or or generally HARMattan(N9):; list of filenames/md5sums:, or | 16:16 |
MartiniM1e | hi guys, my n900 is not booting, it only shows the nokia logo, then turns off. any idea with that? maybe the u-boot is broken? i installed this one and it seemed to work fine: | 01:35 |
DocScrutinizer05 | the whole scropt is just a tad talkative, mainly due to flasher's diagnostic output | 02:04 |
sicelo | get the kp53 zimage, and load it via flasher | 01:05 |
enyc | flasher over usb? | 01:05 |
KotCzarny | somehow flasher charges the battery | 00:58 |
rm_work | i forget if there was a windows version of the flasher... i see a deb that i am able to download on the wiki for N9 flashing, but i've only got OSX and Windows handy here | 01:04 |
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