IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2017-10-20

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ss942I can't update CSSU (and use it) because I don't have right version of Qt. I can't apt-get qt because apt-get doesn't work anymore for me00:50
ss942what do?00:50
ss942libqt0core (- is missing00:52
ss942it tells me that it can't update because of missing: libqt-core (-
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ss942I'm too poor to buy next phone01:23
ss942I was at paid intern as android developer and now I'm too poor to afford phone with android01:24
ss942I'm back to n900 in 2017 and work at market01:24
ss942kill me already01:25
ss942you fucker01:25
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infobotjrrepos is probably
DocScrutinizer05should feel happy to finally be back to decent linux, from their android excursion02:00
Paliok, got it, on linux the whole routing between localhost and other interfaces does not work unless net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1 is set02:08
PaliKotCzarny: ^02:08
Paliafter that also IP_TRANSPARENT sockets starts working between eth0 and lo02:08
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ss942deb files doesn't want to install. cssu doeasn't want to work because no libqt-core. Apt-get doesn't want to work03:02
ss942is my n900 useless?03:02
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ss942deb files doesn't want to install. cssu doeasn't want to work because no libqt-core. Apt-get doesn't want to work03:11
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Vajbhmm, should apt give some error and suggest using dpkg-reconfigure -a? At least that has been the case when my apt failed from reason or another.06:34
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DocScrutinizer05next time ss9575 does that drive-by asking I'll quiet them08:43
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OksanaAt least, it's a registered with NickServ user and not an anonymous one?09:28
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teotwakiLong time, no see.11:03
bencohwelcome back :)11:04
Gamerawhen the hell is that long overdue and over budget fucking board coming out11:15
Gameraand in the massive graveyard of linux devices that have been made by phone companies that excel in build quality and phone making, is anyone even going to buy it apart from the weirdos who already ordered it11:16
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KotCzarnyno, because it is made-to-order11:18
KotCzarnyso there will be no units available otherwise11:18
Gameraso preorders only11:19
Gameraand only the people with it will develop for it11:20
KotCzarnyno, because it will use fremantle and/or the next release of maemo11:21
Gamerawho is releasing maemo11:21
KotCzarnymaemo community11:21
Gamerawho is releasing fremantle11:21
Gamerahow many other maemo devices are there? the almost decade old n900 and...11:22
bencohwell actually, nokia released maemo. a small group in the maemo community still releases maemo updates11:22
GameraI used it until it was useless to me11:22
Gamerawhen whatsapp didn't work anymore it became functionally useless as a daily11:23
Gameraand I think messing around on their servers is what prompted them to encrypt everything. you did that without permission11:23
KotCzarnypeople using whatsapp are self inflicting pain on them11:23
sixwheeledbeastI don't anyone interested in the new board is interested in whatsapp11:23
infobotsixwheeledbeast meant: I doubt anyone interested in the new board is interested in whatsapp11:24
Gamerathey're clearly not interested in anything normal11:24
sixwheeledbeast#define normal11:24
Gamerawhat's an n900 worth these days11:24
Gamerahaha fuck off11:25
GameraI've seen them for 200 locally in the same condition mine is in11:25
KotCzarnysure, and i've seen people buying monster cables11:25
KotCzarnyso fuck off yourself11:25
bencohsixwheeledbeast: tbh I might have been "interested" in whatsapp, just because sometimes that's the "only" way to interact with a group of people11:25
bencoh(or doing otherwise would be quite awkward/uneasy)11:26
Gamerait's one of very few ways people with phones chat11:26
bencohsadly, yeah11:26
Gameragirls for example use that shit compulsively11:26
sixwheeledbeast"only" is wrong everyone should have the choice, like bookface and skype11:26
KotCzarnygirls also eat fastfood11:26
Gamerafacebook and skype are worst11:26
bencohsixwheeledbeast: you get my point though ;)11:26
KotCzarnywhich isnt going to do them good11:26
Gameraof course he does he's trying to pretend like there are viable alternatives11:27
Gamerayeah, girls are fucking idiots, that's why you stay away from them right11:27
sixwheeledbeastbencoh: there's always other options, I cba with anything like that11:28
Gamerait usually necessitates another person TO TALK to11:28
sixwheeledbeastIs this not a conversation11:29
sixwheeledbeastI see no whatapps11:29
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KotCzarnyfunny how that rant was wrongly directed11:30
bencohsixwheeledbeast: err, you know I do agree with you btw, just referring to what (some) people think, and have a large group change their mind and habits isn't always practical11:30
KotCzarnyto the open software instead of the maker that is against open11:31
sixwheeledbeasti know, I was providing conversation. Apparently we are incapable of it...11:31
sixwheeledbeastEveryone I know can contact me fine:- phone, e-mail, SMS, XMPP, IRC, forums. I see no need to follow blindly with the crowd and use services with privacy policies I don't agree with. If someone wants to contact you they will.11:36
KotCzarnytrue that11:36
KotCzarnyyou also forgot about direct face to face contact11:37
sixwheeledbeastI can understand why the maintainer wished to stop support for Whatapp, if the conversation always went that way.11:37
sixwheeledbeastface to face you would "normally" arrange first with above.11:37
KotCzarnyin the past it was also arranged with previous face to face11:38
bencohsixwheeledbeast: I eventually always manage to communicate with people as well :)11:39
bencohbut I cannot force a group of people to move to another platform11:39
bencoh(especially if I'm the newcomer)11:39
sixwheeledbeast:nod: I think society is changing people don't know how to speak to each other without social apps, it's upsetting.11:39
bencohit is11:39
KotCzarnyautistic society11:40
KotCzarnydivided together11:40
bencohwell I haven't given in to whatsapp (or any other, for that matters) either, but still11:40
sixwheeledbeastYou can force anything but if they are worth contacting they should respect your reason for not using xyz, otherwise it's peer pressure.11:41
infobotsixwheeledbeast meant: You can't force anything but if they are worth contacting they should respect your reason for not using xyz, otherwise it's peer pressure.11:41
sixwheeledbeastmy fingers and brain seem to have latency this morning.11:42
bencohit's not really peer pressure when it's a group11:43
bencohand well, technically speaking, if you join a group of person and don't like the way they communicate, you're the one asking for a change11:44
bencohyou're free to not use the same platform, but you'll be the one left out11:44
KotCzarnyyou are assuming there is only one group quantifier11:45
KotCzarnyyou may join the group for whatever reason, and only subgroup might be doing something you dont like11:46
sixwheeledbeastWhat I am saying is your not asking for change. If they want you to be around they will let you know. peers can be multiple or replaced by social.11:46
KotCzarnyone of the definitions: one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status11:47
KotCzarnybut see:
KotCzarnyby definition 'peer pressure' is almost similar to 'group pressure'11:48
sixwheeledbeastReplace whatapp with smoking or drinking for example, some of your friends may smoke or drink but it doesn't stop you going out to the same venues if you don't. They also shouldn't force you to do either to fit in, this is generic teenage peer pressure. I feel it's similar, no matter what age or topic.11:53
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teotwakilol... what?11:58
teotwakiIt's just fucking laziness.11:58
KotCzarnylogging bot got kline11:58
teotwaki"it's not really peer pressure when it's a group" -- erhm, yes, it exactly is. You don't submit to the viewpoint of a single individual, you submit because your "peers" (as in, a group of people you interact with) force you towards something.12:04
KotCzarnyone person can be a group too12:05
KotCzarnyvery specific group usually12:05
KotCzarnyas in 'spouse' or 'girlfriend'12:05
KotCzarnypah, there could be also empty group, as in 'imaginary friends'12:06
teotwakiBut typically, peer pressure refers to you being swayed because one of your convictions gets repeatedly challenged by friends.12:06
bencohteotwaki: nobody "forces" you, actually12:12
KotCzarnypeer pressure forces you12:12
bencohnot really, but if you wanna say so12:13
KotCzarnywe are raised and conditioned by society, family, people around12:13
KotCzarnyso that conditioning is what is hidden inside us12:14
KotCzarnyand forces us12:14
KotCzarnyvery indirect, but it is there12:14
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KotCzarnyimportant book12:35
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siceloGamera also wrong that 'our' poking into whatsapp caused them to encrypt things.15:30
KotCzarnyhe left15:30
siceloi'm just adding15:30
Vajbsicelo: saying to his back :p15:46
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DocScrutinizer05((<Gamera> and I think messing around on their servers is what prompted them to encrypt everything. you did that without permission)) stop spreading nonsense!16:16
DocScrutinizer05KotCzarny: which logging bot got klined?16:23
* DocScrutinizer05 idly wonders if gamera and ss576 were same whining person16:26
DocScrutinizer05hmm nope16:29
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DocScrutinizer05anyway maybe maemo cimmunity should ponder what's the real story behind people chiming in more and more during last weeks with comments like >>is my N900 useless?<< and >>and only the people with it will develop for it<<, but also >>I got this phone for 35 euros and I'm really starting to love it<<. Might be realted to a recently arising discomfort or perceived issue in the Android ecosystem at large, no? And it might hint towards what16:34
DocScrutinizer05maemo should "do"16:34
DocScrutinizer05first of all we need a CSSU release showing that maemo's not dead16:36
DocScrutinizer05then a few peole might ponder to spread the story *why* an old but totally open OS is better than an allegedly "modern" OS with whatshit that deprives you of your rights on your own phone16:38
DocScrutinizer05and tbh we don't even need Android as the antithesis, we have Harmattan for that16:39
DocScrutinizer05HARM already has all the stuff an OS ought and must not have16:40
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ff__is it everythink ok with multiple hildon-home: ?17:43
ff__only last six windows are open17:44
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sixwheeledbeastwmctrl, never used that before17:47
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ff__the same effect with 'xwininfo -root -children'17:53
ff__just curious, OS works fine17:56
ff__is it possible plug keyboard to N900 by OTG and keep powered device up at the same time?18:02
KotCzarnywmctl is cool18:26
KotCzarnyi remember i've made a tool for diablo that was based on it and allowed switching non-ossoized windows around18:26
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ff__sth like that ? :)18:35
ff__yes, it's small & fast18:36
KotCzarnynah, it was python app afair, was showing list of the windows to bringo to front etc18:37
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infobotfrom memory, hen is hostmode-easy-now, or, or see ~hostmode18:42
infobot[hostmode], or, or see ~hostmode-powered18:42
infobotrumour has it, hostmode-powered is
DocScrutinizer05see YT link ^^^18:43
ff__and what's that multiple hildon-home shows by wmctrl?18:44
DocScrutinizer05prolly hidden "windows" e.g the system menu18:49
ff__python language is better than shell, but python is much heavy, can it be lighter? maybe by cut some libs off or sth else?18:49
DocScrutinizer054 desktops, appswitcher, applauncher...18:49
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ff__disabled 4 desktops, only one active18:50
KotCzarnyfor one-off apps, python is good enough, but even for complicated apps it works nicely18:50
KotCzarnyi have ui for my audio player written in python for example18:50
ff__thanks for powered OTG, I'll investigate it18:51
KotCzarnyrewritten it in c later and it also works, with added bonus of requiring ~50% of memory18:51
DocScrutinizer05was "fun" to develop it18:51
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DocScrutinizer05the nice thing in H-E-N app: the VBUS boost mode is via my script, you simply can replace that script by to get charging hostmode instead18:54
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infobotmethinks charge21 is
ff__use both, thx18:54
DocScrutinizer05I.E place in place of the original script18:55
ff__that's new to me18:56
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DocScrutinizer05yeah, to me too :-) Just came to my mind, I might augment H-E-N eventually18:57
DocScrutinizer05or... is it already?18:57
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ff__if N900 would have more mem & cpu clock, you probably don't bother to rewrite in C, do you? :)18:58
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DocScrutinizer05nah, I sould check hardware to find out if VBUS already applied when user clicks "Power" button, then start function if it is, and if not18:59
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DocScrutinizer05don't know why exactly MohammadAG rewrote H-E-N app in C19:00
KotCzarnyff__: i did a rewrite because it was easier and smaller to package it for windoze ;)19:00
KotCzarnyin linux pygtk is readily available, for windoze it was 300MB package ;)19:01
ff__that was I talking about, heavyyy as19:02
DocScrutinizer05odds are you got a complete python env installed on your N900 already19:04
DocScrutinizer05there's quite a lot of python apps19:05
DocScrutinizer05python-based apps19:05
ff__are there some converters python -> automatically ?19:05
DocScrutinizer05python is an OO lang19:05
DocScrutinizer05it's pretty hard to convert OOP -> procedural lang like C19:06
DocScrutinizer05in the end you will get C++ made in C19:07
ff__python-based apps eats mem quite high, on N900 can be issue19:07
DocScrutinizer05and I doubt that fake C++ is more lean than real C++ or Python19:07
DocScrutinizer05btw you *can* write more lean code in Python as well, you just don't make everything an object19:10
DocScrutinizer05but that's pretty tricky19:10
DocScrutinizer05since every string is already an object in Python19:10
ff__KotCzarny: ah, you rewrote it already, misunderstood, sorry19:15
ff__that's nice :)19:15
KotCzarnyyeah, standalone binary with required dlls is ~10MB19:15
KotCzarnya bit easier to distribute/use19:16
ff__good for you19:16
ff__I mean good direction19:19
ff__I know too little to differentiate between C and python structure19:22
KotCzarnymy code was trivial to port because i wrote both19:23
KotCzarnyso no confusion about the flow19:23
ff__in that situation sth like borring formality perhaps, most fun is to create19:29
KotCzarnyit was19:31
KotCzarnystill is19:31
ff__thx for knowledge / links, I go for powered OTG19:33
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