IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2017-08-26

MaxdamantusI imagine you should be able to do SMS just using ofono and the Python scripts included with it.00:02
Maxdamantus(it won't be very nice interfacially though)00:03
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sunshavimaxdamantus: very nice. What about phone calls?. are you talking just about cli, right?03:30
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Maxdamantussunshavi: yes, just CLI.04:20
brolin_empeyVajb: You can look into bitlbee.  I have not researched it for years, do not even know if it is still maintained.04:21
Maxdamantussunshavi: last time I tried was before there was open cmt-speech code, but iirc I was able to make calls but not hear/say anything.04:21
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brolin_empeyI primarily use Facebook Messenger in Pidgin on my home computer but there are some times when I have to use Facebook Messenger for the Android OS or the Facebook or Facebook Messenger Web site because what I need to do is not possible with the Pidgin (actually, libpurple) plug-in.  There used to be Finch, which uses the same backend/stack as Pidgin but uses text/character mode.  Presumably Finch is still maintained?04:26
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brolin_empeyI wonder if there is some model of smartphone running the Android OS with an integrated hardware keyboard of which I am unaware because it is marketed to business instead of consumers.  I noticed that, at least in my area, the courier companies, at least FedEx and the UPS, still use a handheld computer with both a touch screen and an integrated hardware keyboard for text input instead of playing the frustrating game of trying to use a touch screen to edit04:39
brolin_empeytext.  The integrated hardware keyboard is one of the best hardware features of the Nokia N900 in my opinion even though I prefer the integrated hardware keyboard of the Nokia C6-00.04:39
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sunshavimaxdamantus: mmmm. nice. that's very near to what i have know, making phone calls from cli and also sending sms messages from cli. But I need to hear what the person in the other side of the phone is saying :)06:34
sunshavibrolin_empey: I used bitlbee until 4 year ago and It was working nicely. Then I moved to jabber (just for not having another process running)06:35
brolin_empeysunshavi: ACK, am busy.06:39
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Vajbbrolin_empey: i saw that there was bitlbee version as well, but i doubt it wont work on n900.08:11
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brolin_empeyVajb: s/wont/will/ ?09:02
Vajbno idea to be honest09:15
Vajbjust first thought...09:15
brolin_empeyVajb: Doubting that it will not work means that you expect it to work.  Read your message more carefully.09:24
Vajbi stand corrected and to be honest, i had first written will, but corrected it to wont.09:27
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siceloVajb: brolin_empey is right :-)10:07
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Vajbsicelo: im not native writer. My excuse ;)11:36
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Wizzupfreemangordon: can you summarise what things I can do for the .deb packages while the build infra is being worked on. I wanted the build infra in place because I figured that would provide a more organised grounds than just fetching and locally building+packaging the maemo pkgs12:30
Wizzupbut I'm also happy to work on that latter part, it's just hard(er) for me to keep track of what to do, and what has been done, by who, etc12:30
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jonwilfremangordon, is it true you have been working on RE-ing hildon-plugins-notify-sv? If so, great :)12:41
jonwilI also see what looks like bits of a libplayback clone out there, also great :)12:41
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NotKitWizzup, any luck with Droid 4, btw?13:12
Wizzupif you're asking about mainline, didn't have time for it yet. managed to flash the bootloader and everything on it though13:12
NotKitI couldn't get the display, it seems to require patches which don't clearly apply to 4.1213:15
Wizzupyes, I know hdmi works, but not sure about internal display13:17
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rysiek|plhi all19:05
rysiek|plso I was trying to set up my n900 (running CSSU) as a bluetooth speaker19:05
rysiek|pland might have borked my pulseaudio settings19:05
rysiek|plof course I'm an idiot and did not back them up before meddling with them19:06
rysiek|pltrying to reinstall pulseaudio to get the default settings, but...19:06
rysiek|plReinstallation of pulseaudio is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.19:06
rysiek|plI am sure this package is available *somewhere*19:07
rysiek|planybod any hints where?19:07
enycrysiek|pl: hrrm not sure ;p  outdated repository maybe?19:29
rysiek|plwell, solved it in a different way now19:30
enycrysiek|pl: you might do well just ot get another user to read/copy their settings file19:30
rysiek|plfound an old file somewhere19:30
rysiek|plseems to work19:30
enycnow istall robbiethe1st backup  and do backup ofd everything to sd-card...19:30
rysiek|plhaha good idea19:30
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rhn_mk1hey! a question to N900 gurus: I'm afraid I bricked my phone, is it possible to dump the flash contents?20:48
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sixwheeledbeastdefine bricked?21:33
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NIN101rhn_mk1: yeah with rescueOS21:34
rhn_mk1bricked - doesn't react to power button or plugged cable21:34
rhn_mk1if it doesn't get fixed by some drying, did anyone try to connect directly to the flash chip?21:36
sicelodrying? you mean it was bricked by moisture?21:37
rhn_mk1sicelo: I tried washing it - when I powered it on after drying, the screen went weird after booting21:38
rhn_mk1it did work for a few minutes at least21:39
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enycrhn_mk1: hrrm may be difficult ;p22:07
enycrhn_mk1: also, using an external battery charger can be helpful22:07
enycrhn_mk1: even on working n900 it CAN do silly things with flat battery states hard to get out of22:07
rhn_mk1enyc: as opposed to PC USB or battery?22:07
rhn_mk1the battery is good :/ I have a replacement n900 ready22:07
* rhn_mk1 prays it works tomorrow so that I can copy the data out22:07
enycrhn_mk1: dont panic =)22:08
rhn_mk1enyc: butbut... how can I survive without my calendar :P22:09
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DocScrutinizer05rhn_mk1: drying device needs dissemblance and TWO weeks on 60°C warm heating or other heat source. Or alternatively no dissemblance and 3 months of drying, ideally in an environment with <10% relative humidity (air). BEWARE! operating any device (inserting battery is already "operating it")  _before_ it been _completely_ dried will most likely ruin the device physically within 5 to 30 minutes from electrolytic corrosion23:05
rhn_mk1DocScrutinizer05: thanks for the info, it will come in handy next time...23:06
DocScrutinizer05and totally absolutely completely forget about RICE23:06
DocScrutinizer05it does NUTTIN to dry your device23:06
NeKitany better if distilled water is used?23:07
DocScrutinizer05ideally you disassemble and rinse with 98% ethanol or isopropanol. These alcohols are hygroscopic and non-conducting, thus neutralizing any water hiding under chips and wherenot23:08
rhn_mk1DocScrutinizer05: where is it possible to get those in Germany?23:09
DocScrutinizer05but the REALLY IMPORTANT thing is: TAKE OUT BATTERY and don't insert it again before device is absoltely dry23:09
rhn_mk198% isopropanol or ethanol23:09
DocScrutinizer05alcohol? use Spiritus23:09
rhn_mk1I washed with 70% solution23:09
DocScrutinizer05or better: your Apotheke23:09
rhn_mk1yeah, they gave me 70%23:10
DocScrutinizer0570% already ahs 30% water: bad!23:10
rhn_mk1Spiritus get some additions to make it poisonous, isn't that also bad?23:10
DocScrutinizer05well, should be a very minor problem23:11
rhn_mk1DocScrutinizer05: do you think it's worth to try spiritus to displace any remaining water?23:11
DocScrutinizer05those Denaturierung substances are very toxic or bitter and only <1% of Spiritus23:11
DocScrutinizer05yes, absolutely23:12
rhn_mk1I saw concerns of spiritus leaving residue23:12
DocScrutinizer05for sure it's preferable to use clean 99% Ethanol from pharmacy23:12
DocScrutinizer05or 98% or whatever they offer23:13
rhn_mk1DocScrutinizer05: thanks, that gives me something to start round 323:13
DocScrutinizer05:-) YW23:13
DocScrutinizer05I love helping to rescue hardware :-)23:13
DocScrutinizer05another more industrial method: use aqua_dest to rinse thoroughly, then vacuum dry for an hour or so23:15
DocScrutinizer05real vaccum, not a vacuum cleaner23:16
DocScrutinizer05slightly elevanted temperature will help a lot23:16
DocScrutinizer05as for your original question: probably almost impossible to unsolder the eMMC chip without risking to lose the bits inside23:17
rhn_mk1DocScrutinizer05: I'm afraid I don't have that kind of equipment :)23:18
rhn_mk1*some* bits or *all* bits?23:18
DocScrutinizer05sure, didn't assume you had :-D23:18
rhn_mk1good enough, I don't need perfect copy of my calendar23:18
DocScrutinizer05it's risky anyway and outcome unclear23:18
rhn_mk1true, I hoped it would be easier23:19
rhn_mk1anyway, how long to dry after rinsing in alcohol?23:19
DocScrutinizer05if you really want to do this, use preheating to 180°C then a hot air gn with 260°C to do the actual unsoldering23:19
DocScrutinizer05one day should suffice, when placed at warm location23:20
DocScrutinizer05alcohol is also way less critical even when remnants stay around under chips etc23:20
DocScrutinizer05it won't instantly turn your copper traces into copper-oxide when voltage applied23:21
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DocScrutinizer05when heating device, you may want to remove all plastic parts beforehand23:21
DocScrutinizer05heating >120° that is23:22
rhn_mk1I'll probably be back on IRC if I decide to go this route23:22
DocScrutinizer05>80° is already critical for the plastic23:22
DocScrutinizer05please watch out for main camera, it's not made to cope with any liquids23:23
rhn_mk1taken out out of abundance of caution23:23
rhn_mk1I can't believe I got on this boat without backing up23:23
DocScrutinizer05hah, that's probably the sentence you only bet on *when* it gets spoken, not if23:24
* DocScrutinizer05 needs to check his automatic backup stuff again - didn't for maybe half a year now23:25
rhn_mk1it's funnier if you know that I considered backups just before taking out the first screw23:25
DocScrutinizer05the correct forensic way to recover content from eMMC while accepting device destruction would be to unsolder the SoC and contact the memory bus on the SoC pads (as long as the traces from SoC to eMMC are still OK)23:32
rhn_mk1DocScrutinizer05: in order to get multiple tries at the pads?23:33
DocScrutinizer05or you cut the PCB to get the eMMC chip incl PCB, the carefully file away the PCB until you reach the eMMC balls23:34
DocScrutinizer05or - with precision tooling - you could even drill holes through the PCB until you just touch the eMMC solder balls23:35
DocScrutinizer05rhn_mk1: in order to not apply any heat to the eMMC and instead unsolder the SoC and contact the PCB pads on SoC side23:35
rhn_mk1that's a lot of work23:37
DocScrutinizer05sure, I'm just sttaing what's the "correct" methods23:38
rhn_mk1always interested in forensic methods, even if they may be overkill for me :)23:38
DocScrutinizer05you also could check if the eMMC has JTAG pins, which you could use to read out content via JTAG boundary scan23:38
DocScrutinizer05but to start with, you need supply voltage on eMMC23:39
DocScrutinizer05on a defect device, that's not a given23:40
rhn_mk1what's the problem with providing it externally?23:40
DocScrutinizer05the power supply chain is highly sophisticated (TPS65950 GAIA companion chip) and needs to get controlled/configurated by a working CPU23:41
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DocScrutinizer05you could probbaly supply external voltage, given you have access to the signal path for VCC and you accept any adverse effects to the regulator in TPS6595023:42
rhn_mk1I see, you mean it's necessary to start GAIA properly if VCC is not accessible23:42
DocScrutinizer05well, wait. I *guess* the regulator for eMMC supply must come up without CPU intervention, so CPU could potentially boot from eMMC23:43
DocScrutinizer05though, see above23:43
DocScrutinizer05odds are GAIA will provide eMMC VCC as soon as you power up the device23:44
rhn_mk1is VCC for MMC separate from CPU?23:45
rhn_mk1oh, that's surprising23:46
DocScrutinizer05not really, considering that CPU needs at least 3 voltages23:49
DocScrutinizer05it will share  V18_IO with eMMC I guess, but eMMC will probably need more than only V18_IO23:51
rhn_mk1surprising for a HW newbie that is23:51
rhn_mk1DocScrutinizer05: thanks for all the help and explanations23:52
rhn_mk1I'll report tomorrow at noon - not enough time to wait the full day :(23:52
rhn_mk1wish me luck! good night23:53
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