IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2016-12-04

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DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: what are the chances you set up OBS on a server where you get sufficient permissions and help by sysop, and what are the resource requirements?04:30
DocScrutinizer05starting point04:42
DocScrutinizer05TL;DR: you need a audio policy that enables MICBIAS, then you need a sort of daemon (prolly dbus scripting) that triggers whatever action you want, on the event "holdbutton pressed"04:50
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DocScrutinizer05arrrgh, maemo server backup time, lags like mad05:07
DocScrutinizer05LOL >>The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later.<<05:09
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DocScrutinizer05and here to the roots:
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ymartin1040Hello. It seems to me that targets FREMANTLE_ARMEL_GCC472 and FREMANTLE_ARMEL are not "aligned"... for instance I have not found debhelper7 package11:09
ymartin1040I tried to build it from sources but then: maemo-optify: Command not found11:12
bencohdo we have debhelper7 in FREMANTLE_ARMEL?11:16
DocScrutinizer05I guess the real issue is "maemo-optify: Command not found"11:17
bencohthis one just mean you should add maemo-optify to builddeps and install it :)11:18
infobotoptification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the systeminit *and* partitioning is FUBAR,,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs, or ""OMG - I wish they looked into FHS and moved /usr to eMMC"", bullet1,2 and fhs-2.3.html#PURPOSE16 dot3"11:18
DocScrutinizer05no idea here about that whole autobuilder stuff11:19
DocScrutinizer05neither about scratchbox11:19
DocScrutinizer05neither about debian packaging11:19
infobotwell, pkg is
ymartin1040I forgot to configure "extras-*" repositories in GCC472 target...11:24
DocScrutinizer05hey, niiice:
ymartin1040DocScrutinizer05: thank you. I do not install debhelper7 because it conflicts with debhelper (upgraded to 7.0.15-maemo2)11:27
DocScrutinizer05lots of goodies at
KotCzarnywho was asking about eink phone?
bencohit really looks great apart from the snapdragon430 :/11:37
KotCzarnyyeah. but good thing eink in more mobile format is catching up11:38
bencohwell the n9 had quite a killer feature as well with its amoled11:39
KotCzarnybut os sucked, didnt it?11:39
bencohn9 os? at least the UX seemed kinda great (as a phone, not commparable to n900)11:39
KotCzarnydev wise11:40
bencoh(n900 UX sucks a bit to be honest ;p)11:40
jonwilI still think the N900 has the best keyboard of any mobile device ever made.11:41
KotCzarnynokia 5510 had better kb11:41
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DocScrutinizer05  ;-P11:54
bencohseriously ....11:54
KotCzarnythis is one package probably11:55
KotCzarnyall dates are the same11:55
DocScrutinizer05CBA to log in and clean out that crap, particularly since - thanks midgard - the fallout of the cure is prolly much worse than the problem11:58
DocScrutinizer05Exempi sounds specific12:00
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DocScrutinizer05  ;-D12:07
DocScrutinizer05>>No results found for "Exempi is a library to ensure".<< :-/12:11
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DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: jonwil:
jonwilwhats special about that vs the MeeGo implementation?12:20
DocScrutinizer05nothing I guess12:21
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DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# cat /var/lib/telepathy-ring/memlock12:21
DocScrutinizer05it just looks like a convenient level for interfacing to new modems12:22
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DocScrutinizer05>>The version used on the N900 talks to a proprietary daemon to drive the cellular hardware<< but we don't have such proprietary hardware and thus don't need any proprietary driver, when we use modems that talk AT12:33
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: I can't take yet another task, thus I am trying to find who is going to do it for me12:35
bencohwhy would "we" need OBS?12:36
freemangordonbencoh: because it makes no sense to build the packages by hand every tim12:36
bencohright but ... don't we already have autobuilder?12:37
freemangordonbencoh: which is based on scratchbox12:37
freemangordonand h-d port has nothing in common with SB12:38
bencohwhat do you mean by "nothing in common"?12:38
bencoharen't you guys trying to bringup a hildon environment on a modern debian/debian-like?12:39
freemangordonh-d is build natively in a distro by your choice12:39
freemangordonyes, and this is unrealted to SB12:39
bencohright, but it doesn't conflict with SB either12:39
bencohI mean, one could bringup a SB/autobuilder env for modern debians12:39
DocScrutinizer05sorry for the noob question, but... are you aware that Suse offers a generic OBS service?12:40
DocScrutinizer05it seems to 'just work'12:40
DocScrutinizer05and free to everybody12:41
bencohI just don't really see the point of "moving" to OBS since the rest of the maemo community/projects are "stuck" on "debian"12:41
bencohI could be totally wrong12:41
DocScrutinizer05OBS is orthogonal to RPM/DEB12:41
freemangordonI think the same12:42
bencohI kinda remember it was supposed to be "open"/distro-agnostic12:43
bencohI'm not sure it eventually was12:43
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: Yes, I am aware, but I really want to see some participation from the "community", be it maemo or devuan12:43
bencohas for rpm/deb, sure, you can build .deb packages12:43
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: ooh sure, good point12:43
freemangordonhowever /me is going to find something for lunch, bbl12:44
bencohthis might still work actually
freemangordonbencoh: this is not the point, what we're trying to achieve is not some pet project12:49
bencohthen what are you trying to do? have hildon included in devuan?12:50
DocScrutinizer05hmm I'm not all sure suse OBS actually builds (or can build) for other "distros" too12:50
freemangordonbencoh: yes12:50
DocScrutinizer05ooh bencoh beat me to it12:50
bencohDocScrutinizer05: see my point now? ;p12:51
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DocScrutinizer05err nope12:51
bencoh12:50 < DocScrutinizer05> hmm I'm not all sure suse OBS actually builds (or can build) for other "distros" too12:51
DocScrutinizer05[2016-12-04 Sun 11:48:11] <bencoh> this might still work actually
bencohDocScrutinizer05: this document is quite all, I dunno if it's still supposed to work12:52
bencohand if it does what you want12:52
bencoh(wtf brain?!)12:52
DocScrutinizer05why would OBS disable/discard that feature?12:53
DocScrutinizer05anyway, this is academic since fmg has a point in asking devuan for support and a builder home12:55
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WizzupI don't know how hard it is to set up an OBS service, hm13:02
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Wizzupparazyd: around?13:02
Wizzupfreemangordon: would you like the builds to be for arm and intel? I guess so13:05
DocScrutinizer05when fmg wants devuan to host this, then he will want to use what devuan has. No idea if that's OBS or something else13:05
WizzupDocScrutinizer05: yes, that is why I poked parazyd13:05
WizzupI have some (semi) fast arm machines that we can use for building13:06
DocScrutinizer05poke how900 ;-) aka hellekin13:06
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DocScrutinizer05devuan uses jenkins13:08
DocScrutinizer05whatever that is13:08
Wizzupjenkins is a CI system13:09
WizzupThat seems mostly for the server architecture, not necessarily for builds, but we'll see13:10
Palihi! Do you know if it is possible on Maemo to check which GSM encryption is in used? (e.g. to verify that A5/0 or A5/2 is not used)13:11
Paliold Nokia phone show some open lock icon on display when A5/0 or A5/2 was chosen13:12
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DocScrutinizer05NetMon has zilch13:14
DocScrutinizer05no idea if that's since BB5-ISI doesn't support it or NetMon simply doesn't show it13:15
jonwilI use Jenkins on another unrelated project and its great for producing builds in that case (although in that case what we produce are just zip files, not full package files)13:16
DocScrutinizer05Pali: ^^^ +
PaliI have netmon installed13:16
Paliand do not see cipher in it13:16
Palijonwil: do you have idea?13:17
jonwilI have no idea about encryption on the N90013:17
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Paliyou collected lot of dbus files around csd/sscd/... so I though you could know something..13:20
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jonwilnope, I dont know of any things related to encryption13:20
jonwilno interfaces for it13:21
jonwilNo references to it in any of the ISI headers I have either13:21
DocScrutinizer05dbus_object = bus.get_object('', '/com/nokia/phone/net', introspect=False)13:26
DocScrutinizer05self.cellinfo = dbus.Interface(dbus_object, 'Phone.Net')13:26
DocScrutinizer05def signal_strength(self):13:26
DocScrutinizer05return self.cellinfo.get_signal_strength()13:26
DocScrutinizer05def selected_radio_rechnology(self):13:26
DocScrutinizer05return self.cellinfo.get_selected_radio_access_technology()13:26
DocScrutinizer05you might be lucky to find something in /com/nokia/phone/*/*13:27
DocScrutinizer05(^^^ from in NetMon)13:29
DocScrutinizer05note that NetMon is terribly segfaulty (or whatever it does when it dies)13:30
jonwilI know all the dbus interfaces related to the cellular modem (thanks to dbus introspection etc) although I dont know what they all do13:33
jonwiland none of them look like they would relate to encryption.13:34
DocScrutinizer05encryption has no interface13:34
jonwilor rather to GSM encryption13:34
DocScrutinizer05it's a 2char result13:34
DocScrutinizer05or 4char13:34
jonwilno interface or signals or calls13:34
jonwilnothing in* for cellmo that might be related to GSM crypto at all13:35
DocScrutinizer05might look like get_BCI_data13:35
DocScrutinizer05or whatever13:35
DocScrutinizer05again, crypto is no part of GSM interface13:36
DocScrutinizer05it's a property of the connection13:36
jonwilI know what GSM crypto is13:36
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jonwilmy point is that there is nothing in the dbus stuff related to any of the cellular daemons that in any way could be related to GSM crypto13:37
DocScrutinizer05again, "crypto" is not even a terminus used in GSM when querying the connection properties13:37
jonwilnothing for BCI either13:38
DocScrutinizer05well, that's no surprise since that's zhe Base Control Channel iirc13:38
jonwilI doubt Nokia would have any reason to expose any of that information from the cellular services daemon to userspace.13:40
jonwilI mean from the cellular radio13:40
DocScrutinizer05it might come embedded into whatever name, like *monitor*" or "*status*" or "*connection*" whatever13:40
DocScrutinizer05what reason would Nokia have to expose the CellID? yet it's shown in NetMon13:40
DocScrutinizer05but yeah, it's very likely that this isn't implemented in the ISI lib13:41
jonwilOther phones that expose this stuff (e.g. various Android devices) only seem to expose it via various undocumented low-level debugging interfaces that were clearly not intended for public consumption13:42
jonwiland the N900 has none of that kind of stuff (Nokia isn't stupid enough to leave it in there)13:43
DocScrutinizer05hmmm, not exactly13:43
DocScrutinizer05DIAG isn't a forgotten stub13:45
DocScrutinizer05neither "various undocumented low-level debugging interfaces"13:45
jonwilmaybe I am thinking of another different interface13:46
DocScrutinizer05dunno, anyway DIAG is what snoopsnitch uses13:46
jonwilhmmm ok13:47
DocScrutinizer05and yes it's not available for *all* possible modems that android supports13:47
jonwilUnless I miss-read something, diag isn't documented (at least in terms of what info you get and how you get it). Or so says some post I read related to snoopsnitch13:48
jonwilthe SS guys had to reverse engineer it all I believe13:49
jonwilin any case the N900 has no such interfaces13:49
jonwilunless there is something in the cellular modem that is not documented anywhere in the isi headers I have13:49
DocScrutinizer05you can bet there is a lot13:50
DocScrutinizer05BUT... I haven't heard of monitor mode in any other (nokia) BB5 based phones either13:51
DocScrutinizer05~nobbi is
infobotokay, DocScrutinizer0513:53
DocScrutinizer05  *ancient* but...13:54
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DocScrutinizer05~nobbi is also
infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay13:57
DocScrutinizer05Used Information Sources :14:01
DocScrutinizer05[ 1 ] Netmonitor description (RD843.txt) from Nokia Mobile Phones14:01
DocScrutinizer05[ 2 ] Marcin Wiaceks homepage (
DocScrutinizer05[ 3 ] Researches from Nobbi & various other people14:01
sicelosorry to interrupt a productive discussion ..14:08
siceloam i the only one getting this spam?14:09
sicelo09:07 <Chick> THIS IRC HAS      MOVED      TO     #tclmafia                    $t:/D\vM14:09
sicelo09:08 <Chick> THIS      IRC      HAS       MOVED        TO    #tclmafia              PU4cK1$o~RLKvb14:09
KotCzarnymantion to freenode staff14:09
sicelomeaning you're not getting it yourself for example?14:09
KotCzarnyprobably you are on some channel that sucked your nick14:10
sicelo #freenode -  A botnet is PM spamming freenode users. Consider setting user mode +R, which will block PMs from unidentified users (/mode yournickhere +R, or /umode +R)14:11
DocScrutinizer05sicelo: please don't usually repost spam. In #freenode you might even get banned for that14:11
KotCzarnysicelo, but that would also bblock legitimate prvs14:11
sicelowell it seems to be the only solution they recommed for now14:12
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DocScrutinizer05it is the only solution14:12
DocScrutinizer05and no, I've not seen that yet14:12
KotCzarnyyou can also setup your client's /ignore list14:12
KotCzarnyassuming its from predictable address14:13
sicelonope .. multiple addresses, idents, and nicks14:13
DocScrutinizer05that's why +R is the only solution14:13
bencohsicelo: /ignore -regex ?14:16
DocScrutinizer05bencoh: my client doesn't seem to support that14:16
bencohDocScrutinizer05: no offense, but I've never thought you were using a good client anyway ;)14:16
DocScrutinizer05I'm fully aware14:17
sicelobencoh: it doesn't only send the previous text .. has other random stuff.14:17
sicelowill keep the +R .. :)14:17
sicelomaybe revert after a few days14:18
DocScrutinizer05if you wanna do sth about it, join a DDoS attack to the URL of that other irc network14:19
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DocScrutinizer05irc-gangsters really now?14:21
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DocScrutinizer05bencoh: see PM14:44
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Android_808freemangordon: you had some questions re: tiny?18:17
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freemangordonAndroid_808: hi!18:20
freemangordonwell, as a start -0 any idea what it does?18:20
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Android_808what package?18:21
freemangordonnot a package, but src/tiny in hildon-desktop18:21
freemangordonTidyActor etc18:22
Android_808haven't got source hand. do you mean src/tidy?18:23
freemangordonyeah, sorry, typo18:23
Android_808tidy is the Clutter based UI toolkit.  In Cordia-based versions it was replaced by libmx18:24
freemangordonhmm, what to use to replace it then?18:25
Android_808We have a choice.  We can either:18:25
Android_8081) replace tidy with mx as done previously18:26
Android_8082) take a look at libchamplain and use it to update tidy to clutter 1.x18:27
Android_8083) come up with something else.18:28
MoeIcenowyI think there's a 4), which is considered mad18:28
MoeIcenowyuse GNOME Shell's toolkit18:28
Android_808I did look at that :p18:28
freemangordonok, I have no say here, as I have NFC fhat this thing does18:29
Android_808St requires mutter IIRC18:29
freemangordondo we lose something if we choose 1)?18:29
Android_808It is responsible for drawing the desktop components.  The menu, task switcher button and the window bars.18:30
MoeIcenowyIs the menu drawed by Hildon, not the application?18:30
Android_808tidy_blur_whatever_its_called() isn't implemented in mx.18:31
MoeIcenowy(I know nothing to the Hildon architecture18:31
Android_80812 mins battery :(18:31
Android_808Laptop dying18:31
freemangordonAndroid_808: well, I think I have some idea what is going on18:31
freemangordonwill look at that champlain thingie18:32
Android_808The window menus use a special _NET_WM_* atom to tell matchbox what they are.  From there it knows how to handle them18:32
Android_808champlain did go to mx breifly and then switched back to tidy, then created there own version of it.18:33
Android_808Theres a few classes they've merged together so it isn't 100% the same.  Plus they have clutter fixes.18:34
MoeIcenowyAnd it seems that the status-menu is currently broken?18:35
freemangordonI can't see any reference to tidy though18:36
Android_808it worked in my cordia based version, but it is lacking applets.  Having started to install the hildon init components it messed up dbus so my test applet, profiles, stopped working18:36
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freemangordonseems it was removed in 0-1018:37
MoeIcenowylibchamplain seems to be not a professional toolkit...18:38
MoeIcenowyit's aimed on map drawing18:38
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Android_808battery died.18:39
MoeIcenowyI suggest a Thinkpad X ;-)18:40
Android_808anyway, in champlain repo is a folder called champlain. originally that was a copy of tidy but everything is now renamed as they've essentially forked it18:41
freemangordonone thing though - it seems maemo clutter uses fixed point arithmetics18:42
freemangordonI wonder what will be the performance fit going to float18:42
freemangordonso, I can try to migrate maemo tidy to clutter 1.18:43
MoeIcenowymaybe maemo clutter considered the old OMAP2 devices18:43
MoeIcenowybut on our ARMv7+ devices we have VFPv3/4 and NEON18:43
KotCzarnyn900 has them too18:43
MoeIcenowysomething to mention: add INSTALL file to .gitignore18:43
freemangordonhaving NEON is not exactly the same as using it ;)18:43
MoeIcenowyas it's shipped with automake18:44
MoeIcenowyand will be changed by autoreconf18:44
freemangordonyep, I saw I pushed some INSTALL file yesterday :)18:44
Android_808if its a real issue, can we feasibly depend on a clutter_maemo package thats fixed. Or you could go full Mutter and include a custom clutter in h-d source18:45
freemangordonAndroid_808: lets first try to migrate to clutter 1.0, I don;t see many FxP arithmetics done in tidy18:46
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MoeIcenowyand with updating to clutter 1.0 we can share the advances by GNOME18:47
Android_808just beware that even gnome code still seems to use deprecated clutter apis.  finding up to date examples of animation/effects is like looking for a needle in a haystack.18:48
MoeIcenowyor we may make hildon-desktop a drop-in replacement of gnome-shell?18:48
freemangordonI think I actually find18:48
MoeIcenowyand then hildonize generic gtk+-3?18:48
freemangordonbut it is still to be tested ofc, once I have everything compiled18:49
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MoeIcenowyand how to properly build a mce?18:49
freemangordonpull the source :)18:51
MoeIcenowyfrom where?18:51
freemangordonwhat problems do you have with it?18:51
MoeIcenowyI tried Android_808's mce18:51
MoeIcenowyand I faulted with missing libngf018:52
Android_808MoeIcenowy: i do eventually want to try to replace some components to slim down hildon.18:52
Android_808yeah, thats one's mer based from earlier effort18:52
MoeIcenowyIn fact, what I want is to replace these by gnome-settings-daemon18:52
freemangordonMoeIcenowy: but prepare that you'll have to build a pile of dependencies as well18:52
MoeIcenowyand makes hildon really gnome-mobile again18:53
MoeIcenowyoh this guy has more dependencies :-(18:53
freemangordontimes more18:53
freemangordonbut all of the needed stuff is on
MoeIcenowyare they all gtk3-ized?18:54
MoeIcenowyoh you did so much ;-)18:54
freemangordonwell, there might be problems, but in general they should at least compile18:54
MoeIcenowywhat at all is mce...18:56
Android_808while i remember. h-d should depend on upstart-dev (uses dh_ scrip).  I haven't worked out last bit of patch for upstart-dev yet to rename installed file from filename to filename.conf.18:56
MoeIcenowyno problem as I'm totally not on debian ;-)18:56
freemangordonAndroid_808: anyway I am using your upstart-dev, so whatever is fixed will be pulled18:57
freemangordonMoeIcenowy: mission control entity iirc18:57
freemangordonor somesuch18:57
MoeIcenowyfreemangordon: ?18:57
freemangordon(18,56,01) MoeIcenowy: what at all is mce...18:58
MoeIcenowyok it's a mysterious18:58
MoeIcenowymysterious name18:58
freemangordonnbo, this is how nokia used to name their daemons, iiuc18:59
Android_808anyway, got to drive home. i'll check irc logs later18:59
freemangordonok, bye18:59
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MoeIcenowymce, dsme... all seems advanced but difficult to understand18:59
MoeIcenowyI can only understand "ngf" is "non-graphical feedback"19:00
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freemangordondsme is Device State Management Entity afaik19:00
KotCzarnynokia technology mostly?19:00
MoeIcenowymaybe killing mce is a good choice ;-)19:01
bencohwhy would you kill it?19:02
bencoh(at least it's opensource :)19:03
freemangordonbecause of the weird name :p19:03
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MoeIcenowyI think most things in MCE do have fd.o replacements...19:08
MoeIcenowyGNOME-Shell has also historically used tidy...19:51
MoeIcenowyThe "ClutterFixed" issue seems so easy to solve that it only needs a sed20:07
MoeIcenowyoh not so easy...20:09
freemangordonnot easy at all20:09
freemangordonMoeIcenowy: any experience with cogl/clutter?20:10
MoeIcenowyonly build experiences ;-)20:10
freemangordonanyone? I am trying to replace  cogl_blend_func with clutter 1.0 equivalent. I guess it is some blend string, but can;t find an example.20:11
freemangordonmaybe cogl_pipeline_set_blend20:13
MoeIcenowyI checkout two GNOME projects which used to use tidy20:15
MoeIcenowygnome-shell and libchamplain20:15
MoeIcenowythey all didn't have the file before...20:15
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MoeIcenowyAs the git history of libchamplain said, mx is the successor of tidy20:26
MoeIcenowyReplace the outdated tidy library with its successor - mx. This will help us to use fixes and updates from the mainline. -- git commit dcd152746c36e1be8141cb30231d406b280bae6320:27
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parazydWizzup: hey. sorry i tend to be offline mostly on weekends21:55
parazydWizzup: what is it you needed?21:55
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Wizzupparazyd: yo!21:59
Wizzupparazyd: we were wondering if you can provide some info on how you build packages for devuan, and if we could either use your (Devuan) buils system/help, or if you could tell us how to set up our own21:59
parazydyeah, they are built on the gitlab afaik22:00
Wizzupby what service, and how, automatically?22:00
Wizzup(got a page on it)22:00
WizzupWe saw some jenkins service22:00
parazydyes jenkins builds all of it22:00
parazydyou'd be best to ping nextime at #devuan to find out more22:00
parazydjenkins is at fwiw22:01
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Wizzupparazyd: I see22:24
parazydnextime is your best bet22:24
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how900indeed Wizzup.  I see no problem with hosting Maemo packages and adding a overlay for it in amprolla. but the docs are missing, so nextime is your man,22:51
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Android_808freemangordon: pushed a few more commits for hildon.23:06
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Wizzuphow900: thanks, I'll see if I can find him and figure out how to proceed23:27
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MoeIcenowyAndroid_808: are you re-porting hildon?23:31
Android_808yeah, the previous version was based off the Cordia fork and has a lot of components removed.  I'm going through the CSSU version, merging my changes where possible and porting the rest as I go23:33
DocScrutinizer05MoeIcenowy: for much fund, do:  root \n killall mce; sleep 2; killall mce; sleep 2; killall mce; sleep 2; killall mce;23:37
infobotMCE = Machine Check Exception.  Mode Control Entity23:38
MoeIcenowyI will try it (escape23:41
DocScrutinizer05why is no link to on, zilch?!23:41
DocScrutinizer05~#maemo mce is
infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay23:43
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DocScrutinizer05MoeIcenowy: for more sustainable and elaborate fun `stop mce`23:48
CatButtsyou cant23:50
CatButtsstop rock and roll23:50
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MoeIcenowywill reboot rescue this?23:54

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