IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2013-10-04

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freemangordon_www hits swap?09:04
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DocScrutinizer05hit swap is an euphemism09:16
DocScrutinizer0512063  1739 www-data   20   0 7872M 5097M 17716 R 37.0 86.3   203  18.5 05:14 13:46.92 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start09:16
DocScrutinizer05  PID  PPID USER      PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%  IORR  IOWR START   TIME+  Command09:17
psycho_oreos5GB on res, that's huge.09:17
DocScrutinizer05that's idiotic09:18
DocScrutinizer05I killed it09:18
* psycho_oreos wonders if switching to a more lighter httpd might help, something like nginx for instance. *shrugs*09:18
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DocScrutinizer05this is a class of madness where no tuning helps09:19
DocScrutinizer05this is fundamentally wrong09:19
DocScrutinizer05btw usually our apache processes are memlimited to some 100s of meg09:20
DocScrutinizer05only exception: php jobs09:20
psycho_oreosI guess if httpd cannot be lightened, it's whatever the underlying processes that depends on www-data to be using that much memory.09:20
psycho_oreosHmm.. then I guess it's PHP that is making it bloat? *shrugs*09:21
DocScrutinizer05some php jobs lift that limit09:21
DocScrutinizer05midgard "memleaks"09:21
DocScrutinizer05objects with circular pointers (self-referential), so GC can't clean out destroyed objects09:22
DocScrutinizer05that's what the cracks told me09:22
psycho_oreosSo in other words there needs to be one who can find out and eliminate those circular pointers.09:23
DocScrutinizer05in midgard-ONE, yes09:23
DocScrutinizer05or simply rewrite the php jobs to use different midgard links than exactly php09:24
DocScrutinizer05thransscribe to python, bashscript, whatever09:24
DocScrutinizer05when the php interpreter ends, all memory gets free'd09:25
DocScrutinizer05but no sooner than that09:25
DocScrutinizer05nemein "fixed" that problem by throwing a dedicated physical server (with 64GB RAM?) just on the jobs09:26
psycho_oreosI wonder which one is easier. Probably the latter one maybe easier to implement. From there on it's just a matter of tracking down broken PHP bits and pieces and rectify them.09:27
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DocScrutinizer05it's just that PHP in itself is broken by design, and midgard using a lot of PHP09:28
DocScrutinizer05afaik the midgard core is C, but all the rest is a bunchof PHP wrappers around that09:29
psycho_oreosThrowing more memory at it doesn't necessarily solve the issue in the long term, but it sure does save the un-necessary headaches with the initial term of migration/ownership transferral.09:29
DocScrutinizer05we would need non-PHP bindings for the functions used in those scripts, then rewrite the scripts from PHP to sth sane09:29
psycho_oreosHeck, that would sound like a nightmare.09:30
DocScrutinizer05we don't own sufficient amounts of RAM to "solve" this madness that way. We can't even plug enough RAM into our server to do this09:30
psycho_oreosYeah and besides adding more RAM even if it09:31
psycho_oreosit's doable isn't going to solve it in the long run.*09:31
DocScrutinizer05not at all09:31
DocScrutinizer05it's simply inacceptable that a 200 lines linear(!) script that simply goes "for Obj in $maemo-objects; do bla bla midgard bla; done" is eating 8GB of memory09:33
DocScrutinizer05it's not recursive in any way09:33
DocScrutinizer05so the number og objects to process is a few 100 or a very few 1000, one after the other09:34
DocScrutinizer05s/og /of /09:34
infobotDocScrutinizer05 meant: so the number of objects to process is a few 100 or a very few 1000, one after the other09:34
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DocScrutinizer05I'd unscrupulously replace that PHP loop by a bashscript loop that calls PHP for each single obj, and PHP ends after the object got processed and thus memory free'd09:36
psycho_oreosSeems like lots of globbing (in programming sense). For (whatever amount there is) in (all of this area); do (all this for each).09:37
DocScrutinizer05well, it's really a nightmare of poor coding09:38
DocScrutinizer05or ok coding using a poor tool09:38
psycho_oreosSome interesting factoids (maybe old, fictitious, outdated by now) that I found whilst looking to see what was midgard's role in *.m.o seems like its mainly wiki stuff:
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DocScrutinizer05no, midgard is basically our main DB09:39
DocScrutinizer05every project in repo is a midgard object09:40
psycho_oreosSo for the objects that are doing circular references are done none other than project's hosted on the site?09:41
Kaadlajknet use \\%HTCSIP%\c$ /user:%USERNAME% %PASSWORD%09:43
KaadlajkIF exist \\%HTCSIP%\c$\%HTCSFOLDERSUBBED%\testset\addshuttles\auto (echo folder exists ) ELSE (mkdir \\%HTCSIP%\c$\%HTCSFOLDERSUBBED%\testset\addshuttles\auto)09:43
freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: I'll look at midgard memleaks as soon as I have SSI driver working09:44
DocScrutinizer05psycho_oreos: yeah, or users, groups, whatnot else09:48
psycho_oreos*nods* ahh ok.09:48
DocScrutinizer05*everything* is a midgard object09:48
DocScrutinizer05except maybe garage09:49
psycho_oreosYeah I was thinking about wiki "objects", i.e. each wiki entry on w.m.o are deemed as objects to midgard.09:49
psycho_oreosI dunno, some google results keep cropping up showing that it's stuff.09:50
DocScrutinizer05wiki is not related to midgard, that's wikimedia09:51
DocScrutinizer05everything except (wiki|bugs).m.o is midgard though09:52
DocScrutinizer05starting with09:52
infobotpkg is probably
psycho_oreosMy bad. Speaking of wikimedia, that name does ring a bell in my head. I was looking into mirroring awhile ago.09:52
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DocScrutinizer05all is midgard actually09:53
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psycho_oreosOuch, if that's the case then I guess the cleanup won't be any easier.09:55
DocScrutinizer05only garage is some other CMS of which the name I never can recall, sth with p*09:55
DocScrutinizer05or maybe the p* is from postgreSQL that's used in garage by that other CMS09:56
inzIsn't garage run by forge09:56
DocScrutinizer05gforge, pforge sth09:57
inzer, gforge, yeah09:57
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DocScrutinizer05this stuff works mostly flawlessly09:58
DocScrutinizer05mut it starts to become a nightmare as soon as garage users are synced from gforge to www midgard09:59
DocScrutinizer05this job which also been a php script like scetched above "for u in users;... done; for g in groups ... done;" used to use 6 or more GB as well. Users: ~50k, groups a few 1000 or even <1000, can't recall10:01
DocScrutinizer05that's sinply idiotic10:01
DocScrutinizer05what's also idiotic is the concept to sync *all* users from garage to www every 3h. even when ZILCH changed10:03
DocScrutinizer05and since it's done that way, and often failed, the removal of users got removed, since otherwise every now and then 90% of user accounts would get deleted10:03
DocScrutinizer05the not even funny minor deatil in all this: *garage* *knows* about each change in project/user/group db, and could ask www to simply update that particular change: ONE user to update, ONE group to add... You see where I'm aiming at10:05
DocScrutinizer05they use "dd" where they should've used "rsync", to use a technical metaphor10:07
DocScrutinizer05and since "dd" takes ages (hours) it's triggered by cronjob a few times a day, instead of being event-triggered by changes in garage10:08
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DocScrutinizer05garage *could* simply invoke a www.m.o webpage and fill in the changed data, as soon as user actually changes something in his account. NFC why the architects of decided to poll garage and sync whole user/group db each time10:10
DocScrutinizer05and particularly why that script has to run on www and not on garage10:12
DocScrutinizer05broken by design10:12
DocScrutinizer05and we got 2 dozen of those10:12
DocScrutinizer05update download statistics etc pp10:13
DocScrutinizer05one of them more "WTF?!" than the other10:14
DocScrutinizer05and of course zilch docs abozt what exists, why it exists and what and how it's supposed to do10:15
DocScrutinizer05no idea which of those 2 dozen caused today's RAM madness
DocScrutinizer05we sanitized the garage sync script by a bit of refactoring and cleanup so it now is relatively humble and needs less than 1GB usually. I guess it's what you see as regular sawtooth pattern in above link10:18
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divVerent19:37:01         ShadowJK | Modern good SD have portions of the flash running as SLC, and caches stuff there before flushing to main MLC10:27
divVerent                          | or TLC storage area, so a simple write followed by read verify only checls if slc cache is working :P10:27
divVerentsure, that is why I suggested writing the full disk first, then comparing :P10:27
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DocScrutinizer0532462  1739 www-data   20   0 1232M  945M 20280 R 11.0 16.0     0     0 07:29  2:18.92 │  ├─ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start10:48
DocScrutinizer0532462  1739 www-data   20   0 1247M  960M 20280 S 11.0 16.3     0     0 07:29  2:21.80 │  ├─ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start10:48
DocScrutinizer05prolly garagesync script10:49
DocScrutinizer0532462  1739 www-data   20   0 1301M 1017M 20280 S 14.0 17.2     0     0 07:29  2:32.12 │  ├─ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start10:49
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DocScrutinizer05all other apache processes are limited to ~300MB, as we have configured it:
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DocScrutinizer0532462  1739 www-data   20   0 1687M 1424M 22448 R 61.0 24.1  15.8  18.5 07:29  4:31.57 │  ├─ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start10:59
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gormuxhi all12:15
gormuxI have a little problem on my n90012:16
gormuxin the sqlite db where sms are stored, I try to get unread messages12:16
gormuxbut the problem is, something marks the message as read in the db 2-3 secs after it is received12:17
gormuxdoes someone have an idea on what it could be, or how to find the program responsible for this ?12:17
DocScrutinizer0512835  1739 www-data   20   0 2151M 1820M 20760 S  3.0 30.8     0  2.63 08:30 16:05.58 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start  DAMN!12:20
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DocScrutinizer05gormux: hard to tell12:29
gormuxit seems thi sis because the messaging ui was running in the background12:30
gormuxso it means the "read" status means messaging ui saw it, and not the human user :/12:31
DocScrutinizer05I'd bet you installed some app that's somehow related to SMS. Maybe some remote control that reacts on special SMS (to e.g. erase the data or locate the device)?12:31
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DocScrutinizer05it's hard to tell if user actually *reads* the SMS, so it is tagged as "read" when it got displayed12:32
gormuxyeah... even if the screen is off12:32
gormuxit'll be harder to make what I wanted then12:33
DocScrutinizer05that's actually a design flaw, if not actually a bug12:33
DocScrutinizer05should only get tagged when in foreground and screen unblanked12:34
gormuxyeah, that's how it works on android12:34
DocScrutinizer05but this is a known age old bug in SMS/messages UI12:35
DocScrutinizer05it also doesn't sound proper SMS alarm when message UI is open when SMS comes in12:35
DocScrutinizer05unclear if that's a bug or a feature12:36
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DocScrutinizer05so best practice: close you messaging ui as soon as you don't actively use it anymore12:41
DocScrutinizer05(btw same applies to browser windows as well as basically all other apps)12:42
DocScrutinizer05interactive apps running idle in background at best cause only RAM usage, but as well can cause extreme battery drain and a lot of other strange effects like the missing alarm and the tagging of SMS despite they never really got displayed on screen12:44
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gormuxyeah, maybe i could kill sms ui when screen is powered off12:57
DocScrutinizer05good plan, and probably quite easy to implement. dbus is your friend13:01
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jonwilif rtcom-messaging-ui wasn't closed, it could be fixed to not suck (i.e. not mark it as read if the screen is off, not suppress the SMS notification if the screen is off etc)13:08
jonwilbut unfortunately its closed so we cant do that :P13:08
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DocScrutinizer05yes, exactly13:17
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DocScrutinizer05Nokia's differentiation ;-P13:21
* DocScrutinizer05 idly wonders wtf been the idea behind that "differentiation" mantra13:27
DocScrutinizer05maybe ask Jolla, I bet it will resurrect in their business policies13:27
jonwilAt least we are slowly replacing those bits of software that are mission critical with open versions (Pali13:27
jonwil(Pali's BME replacement for example)13:28
jonwilor my replacement for wl1251-cal (which no-one seems to care about)13:28
DocScrutinizer05well, nobody implemented it yet13:28
DocScrutinizer05we don't have the CFOSSU distro13:29
DocScrutinizer05though several peeps seem to think CSSU *is* CFOSSU13:30
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DocScrutinizer05but for CSSU primary goal of rock solid quality it's not relevant if a component is FOSS and replacing a blob by FOSS is detrimental to quality and reliability as long as there's no better reason than just the FOSS property of the replacement13:33
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DocScrutinizer05IOW FOSS is a means but no reason to replace some blob13:34
DocScrutinizer05fixing bugs though definitely is a good reason13:34
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jonwilyeah makes sense13:38
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jonwilThere are parts where being FOSS would help though like MCE or cellular services daemon or dialer/messaging UI13:38
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: nevertheless I think gormux' approach to "kill" (actually: close) the rtcom-messaging-ui whenever it goes to background or screen gets locked is a good workaround13:39
jonwilyeah :)13:39
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: sure. Thus your wl1251-cal FOSS replacement is a pretty nice option as soon as somebody needs to fix a bug in it, or for those who are interested in getting every blob off their system13:40
DocScrutinizer05for MCE I already have ~3 or 7 bugs I'd really like to fix as soon as we get a FOSS replacement13:41
jonwilif we ever get one :P13:41
DocScrutinizer05I heard there are already working replacements allegedly13:42
DocScrutinizer05I'm eagerly waiting13:42
jonwilReason #1 for writing wl1251-cal and things was for alt-os-on-N900 (i.e. meego/mer/nemo/etc) where they only have a few remaining binary blobs left (having ditched closed pulseaudio blob etc)13:42
DocScrutinizer05might as well come in handy for Neo900 where we need to deal with a different WLAN chip13:44
jonwilwell Neo900 will have its own kernel driver13:45
jonwiland its own firmware blob13:45
DocScrutinizer05we want to make that look like wl1251 as much as we can - this includes wl1251-cal i'd think13:45
jonwiland its own means of doing whatever init is needed for the device13:45
jonwilI dont think we need to make it look too much like wl1251, anything that is specific to that chip is already oss13:45
jonwili.e. wlancond13:46
jonwilI dont think osso-wlan-security is in any way tied to the hardware specifically13:46
jonwilneither is icd-network-*13:48
DocScrutinizer05yep, but stuff like setting of allowed channels is probably a good idea to keep similar to stock fremantle13:48
jonwilwifi chip is the same as in gta04?13:48
DocScrutinizer05unclear yet13:49
DocScrutinizer05that plan been to use same, yep13:49
jonwilMy understanding was that the plan was to use the same unless a better option can be sourced13:49
DocScrutinizer05but maybe that's already a EOL component and we need to find a new module anyway13:49
jonwilin any case whatever chip ends up being used (which will not be a wl1251) will have its own way of setting the settings13:50
DocScrutinizer05also this WLAN module attached via SPI, and we might need the SoC interface for sth different in Neo90013:50
DocScrutinizer05the concept is to adapt kernel drivers to mimic "old" N900 hw whenever possible13:52
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DocScrutinizer05so no changes in userland are needed13:52
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DocScrutinizer05only when that's absolutely not feasible we will ponder what userland bits need to get (RE'd and) adapted to work with new changed kernel API for that subsystem13:55
DocScrutinizer05when both not feasible, we go for hw changes to adapt GTA04 to N90013:56
Gh0styits way too expensive13:56
Gh0stysaw that neo900 thing13:56
Gh0styclicked on the gta04 link13:56
DocScrutinizer05Gh0sty: thanks, we know13:56
Gh0stysaw a price of 600$ to replace the hw :(13:57
DocScrutinizer05donate 50k$ and we may reduce the price13:57
jonwilI dont see a reason why we need to try to copy old kernel interfaces if we dont have to (i.e. if we can just change userland bits to talk to however mainline kernel devs would like it done)13:57
Gh0styand that means you have an n900 bulky phone with some 'newer' hardware inside13:57
DocScrutinizer05or buy 10k devices and we also may reduce the price13:57
DocScrutinizer05Gh0sty: THANKS we know13:58
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DocScrutinizer05jonwil: the concept is to keep maximum compatibility to stock maemo fremantle13:59
DocScrutinizer05thus kernel adaptions have priority over userland adaptions13:59
DocScrutinizer05particularly when userland is hard or impossible to adapt14:00
jonwilit makes sense to support kernel interfaces where userland is too hard to change (e.g. audio stuff thanks to pulseaudio-nokia)14:01
jonwilbut it doesn't make sense to make special hacked kernel modules if changing userland is better (e.g. in the case of cellular services daemon)14:01
DocScrutinizer05audio is a case where we need to do hw adaption since nothing else will fly14:01
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jonwilyeah I think its going to be impossible to get audio working unless we are using the same audio chip as N90014:02
jonwiland the same speakers, microphone etc14:02
DocScrutinizer05meh, speakers, phone etc are not critical, as long as they work similar14:02
DocScrutinizer05micro-phone :-)14:02
DocScrutinizer05speakers will be same just for mechanical reasons14:03
DocScrutinizer05mic will be similar in that we'll use a digital one14:03
jonwilspeakers need to be the same because of stuff in pulseaudio-nokia that rely on specifics of Nokia speakers (i.e. xprot etc)14:03
DocScrutinizer05not really14:04
DocScrutinizer05xprot is pretty universal14:04
DocScrutinizer05it wouldn't break even for Bose501 speakers14:04
jonwilwill we keep using the same BL-5J as Nokia?14:05
DocScrutinizer05mix actually is just an alsa card input for the system14:05
jonwilI think we have to if we are using the same shell parts14:05
jonwili.e. battery compartment bits14:06
DocScrutinizer05I wouldn't know which other battery would fit14:06
DocScrutinizer05we might provide options for a DIY smart battery like the GTA02-battery14:07
DocScrutinizer05where the BQ27000 is built into the battery like it really makes sense14:07
janembaI have an issue with maemo. Since 1 hour I can't read my conversations (or sms). When I open a conversation nothing is displaying, did you encounter this kind of issue ?14:08
jonwilTry restarting your phone14:09
jonwili.e. turn it off then on again14:09
janembawell...I did it several times14:09
jonwilhmnm ok14:09
jonwilno idea then :)14:09
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DocScrutinizer05then probably cleaning events-db is next14:09
janembaDocScrutinizer05: how can I do this ?14:10
DocScrutinizer05start with some checks14:10
jonwilobviously screen will be exact screen of N900 (because it has to be so it fits the case and because we want to keep n900 screen attributes like resistive and stylus compatibility)14:10
janembaDocScrutinizer05: ??14:11
DocScrutinizer05janemba: pastebin the result of `ls -l /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/*`14:11
jonwilbtw, I suspect my software development and reverse engineering work more than makes up for my non-ability to donate to etc :)14:12
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: don't worry14:12 currently isn't short of money, only short of manpower14:13
janembaDocScrutinizer05: ==>
jonwilI would donate manpower but I lack the system admin skills to do that :P14:13
DocScrutinizer05ugh! 6MB14:14
janembasqlite file14:15
DocScrutinizer05`cp -a /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/ /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger-backup/; rm /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/*`14:15
DocScrutinizer05then reboot14:15
DocScrutinizer05all your conversations will be "lost" (in backup)14:16
DocScrutinizer05but it should start to work again14:16
DocScrutinizer05everything >1MB for el-v1.db is considered too much to allow proper operation of device14:18
DocScrutinizer05the sqlite engine will eat too much RAM and CPU and time for everything14:18
DocScrutinizer05delay on inbound calls, problems with displaying messages, and eventually even corruption of the db14:19
janembaok I will remember that14:19
DocScrutinizer05after boot your rtcomm stuff should auto-create an empty el-v1.db14:20
DocScrutinizer05when you moved away or deleted the monster file14:20
DocScrutinizer05funny enough Nokia never considered what may happen to this stuff after a few years14:21
DocScrutinizer05so no auto-cleaning or whatever got implemented, no filesize limits or whatever14:21
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DocScrutinizer05maybe a `mv /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/ /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger-backup/; mkdir /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/` is even the better method14:23
janembayes but now I can do it myself14:23
janembanice it works fine thx ;)14:32
DocScrutinizer05:-) great. thanks for feedback14:33
jonwilbtw DocScrutinizer05, if Neo900 cant run Nokia Maps app, I dont consider it compatible enough with Fremantle :P14:44
jonwilbest way to handle GPS is to just reverse-engineer and implement the GPS dbus interfaces :)14:44
Defiantwho needs Nokia Maps?14:45
jonwilI use it :P14:45
jonwilIs there a better GPS app out there which has offline storage?14:45
jonwilI have yet to find one14:46
DefiantI liked tangogps back in the days of the freerunner, but currently on the n900 I use maep14:46
jonwilmaep doesn't seem to support offline maps14:47
jonwilwhich is feature I need so I dont have to use up so much of my expensive mobile data14:47
jonwilor can make it work even if for some reason I cant get cell signal14:48
Defiantmaep caches the map and doesn't ask every 5 minutes for a connection like nokia maps does14:48
jonwilin any case I am happy with nokia maps :)14:48
DefiantI'm not..14:49
jonwilAbout the only feature that I really want but Nokia Maps is missing is the ability to use the Google Transit public transit data14:49
Defiantnokia maps is missing too much streets14:49
jonwilbut I cant find ANY N900 maps app that can use that data14:49
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jonwilNokia Maps isn't missing any streets in my area14:49
jonwilor even the new housing estate where one of my family members now lives14:50
DefiantAlso OSM has all forest paths14:50
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jonwilIf I had the skills I would write something for the N900 that can use Google Transit data14:52
jonwilboth mapping and route planning14:53
jonwilbut I dont have the skills14:53
DocScrutinizer05ps: I think we (GolDeliCo) might hand out some Neo900 prototypes for free, for the most active fremantle porters to test the fremantle adaption14:53
Defiantbtw Did I already ask if GolDeliCo still gets Omap support? Since a lot of Linux devs had to leave TI...14:55
jonwilbtw re cellular modem I think the way to go is to figure out all the dbus calls and write support into ofono or gsmd or whatever so they talk to the existing N900 backend (i.e. make ofono or fsogsmd a drop-in replacement for cellular services daemon on N900) then once that is working, rewrite backend to talk to Option modem. Easier to verify by comparing stock and new cellular daemon bits.14:56
jonwilThats just my opinion though and others may have other thoughts :)14:56
DocScrutinizer05Omap support? Never knew GolDelico ever got any14:56
jonwilbonus is that we get a usable open CSD replacement for whatever someone might want one for :)14:57
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: ack14:58
DocScrutinizer05jonwil: and I already suggested to start such project right away, using an USB UMTS stick on N90014:58
jonwilBetter to be talking to N900 stock cellular modem than to try to talk to USB stick. Most of the relevant bits of the N900 cell modem is documented enough to figure out or can be figured out from reverse engineering :)14:59
jonwilI recon the most difficult parts of the Neo900 FPTF project are going to be (in order) Cellular audio, Cellular Modem, GPS in that order15:02
jonwilOMAP DSP may also be an issue depending on how compatible the Neo900 OMAP and the N900 OMAP are in that area15:03
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NeutrinoPowerwhy I cannot reach with sudo ping and opera on N900 anymore but on PC in same network and why has Maemo a dns running? WTF15:58
DocScrutinizer05spilling the beans: headroom on each side of N900 PCB: max 1.6mm. Height of Option modem module: 2.1mm15:59
DocScrutinizer05( PCB thickness: 0.8mm ;-D )16:00
DocScrutinizer05NeutrinoPower: huh?16:01
DocScrutinizer05NeutrinoPower: maemo is using dnsmasq for routing16:01
jake42DocScrutinizer05: thats gonna be too tight a fit :-/16:02
DocScrutinizer05wait and see what we might come up with, Neo900 not dead yet16:03
DocScrutinizer05~1.5 + 1.5 + 0.816:03
jake42I'd be surprised if you wouldn't16:03
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jonwilI for one intend to do whatever reverse engineering and programming work I can towards the Neo900 project16:04
jonwiland the porting effort16:04
jonwiland FPTF :)16:05
jake42DocScrutinizer05: do you know the height without the rf-can?16:06
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DocScrutinizer05of the module? we can't do that16:06
jake42yeah, I know, just hypothetically16:06
DocScrutinizer05just hypothetically I see a modem module sitting in a hole of the PCB16:07
jake42right, that's first thing that comes to ones mind..16:08
jake42not pretty, though16:08
DocScrutinizer05on its own tiny support PCB, with B2B connectors to simply plug into the mainmoard16:08
jake42but what is16:08
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jake42swapable modem16:10
DocScrutinizer05actually it *might* even fit on last PCB layer when we just remove 7 of the 8 layers. But I think the remaining 0.1mm PCB are not rigid enough16:10
DocScrutinizer05and not sufficient for heatsink16:11
jake42haven't seen the inside of a n900-case, but may it be possible to move the point where the PCB sits?16:13
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jake42on the gta04 most of the components on one side16:13
DocScrutinizer05I pondered that, particularly to have own PCB for kbd (to avoid mechanical stress to FBGA chips when kbd pressen and PCB bends) - evaluation not finalized16:14
jake42good :)16:14
jake42I'm sure I can't tell you anything new16:15
DocScrutinizer05well, I'm doing that job a few years ;-)16:15
jake42looks like :P16:15
DocScrutinizer05ok, I think Nikolaus won't kill me when I disclose his 80% done feasibility study pdf16:16
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jake42DocScrutinizer05: not found17:02
DocScrutinizer05too late ;-)17:02
jake42damnit, was getting some groceries17:03
jake42looks alot harder than I thought..17:07
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DocScrutinizer05note that some components are fixed, especially camera (which is also "thru-hole")17:38
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jake42judging from the already setplacement of sim-card holder, battery contacs, vibra and the space in between17:58
jake42it looks hard to find a place where the option modem will fit just considering the area it needs17:58
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jake42that is for the GTM801, which is considerably bigger than the GTM60118:02
DocScrutinizer05a tad bigger, yep18:03
DocScrutinizer05think anthroposophic aka forget about 90° angles, then it might fit18:05
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jake42ah, you got me18:06
DocScrutinizer05at least that's what Nikolaus told me18:06
jake42as he's got the modem and the n900, I'm pretty sure he did some puzzling18:08
DocScrutinizer05he did :-)18:08
DocScrutinizer05and he was positive about my suggestion to remove a few layers of PCB to embed the 2.1mm some 0.6mm into the PCB18:10
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jake42sounds crazy18:10
DocScrutinizer05as long as we can route that, with only 4 layers18:10
jake42cost isn't an issue I guess18:11
DocScrutinizer05cost becomes an isse after feasibility got accomplished18:11
DocScrutinizer05might cost twice as much18:11
DocScrutinizer05but hey18:12
DocScrutinizer05still cheaper than building a new case18:12
DocScrutinizer05another really crazy idea: lift the LCD from kbd half a few mm18:13
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DocScrutinizer05but THAT will get BUTT UGLY18:13
jake42don't fiddle to much with the case..18:14
DocScrutinizer05option #3: no modem module but direct chipset-on-PCB. Downside: no more FCC approval at all18:15
DocScrutinizer05no calibration done, no nuttin18:15
DocScrutinizer05no tempting alternative18:15
DocScrutinizer05and not even shielding, since those cages/cans are not exactly sourceable18:17
jake42the comunity needs a factory ;-)18:18
jake42community even18:18
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jake42shows how lucky we were that OM could use FIC's stuff18:21
jake42at least that's what I gathered over the years18:23
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DocScrutinizer05yep, without FIC Openmoko wouldn't even have been thought of19:17
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DocScrutinizer05actually it's unclear if Sean or his Sher's nephew student peer room mate had the idea for OM19:21
* DocScrutinizer05 just tries to figure a 0.4mm wider gap between kbd and screen body19:23
DocScrutinizer05maybe 0.4mm aren't even noticeable?19:24
DocScrutinizer05(cans) I think tooling for the cans is ~1000EUR, so it *might* even be feasible for one metal object19:26
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kerioDocScrutinizer05: goddammit now that you said it we're all going to notice19:35
kerio(also, won't stuff get in?)19:35
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DocScrutinizer05there's already a gap of >0.5mm19:58
DocScrutinizer05and yes, stuff already gets in19:59
DocScrutinizer05inserting a credit card can even break your FPC19:59
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cyberthequei am having a tough time locating discussions about setting framerate capability for /dev/video0 v4l2camsrc on the n900 -- experiments so far have only worked with 60 and 499/100.  gst-inspect says 0/1, 100,1 -- wiki says nothing...20:23
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Tekk_has anyone tried running non-linux oses on the n900?21:37
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Tekk_a bsd or something homebrew22:05
Tekk_I mainly just like the idea of dual booting my phone22:05
Tekk_doesn't have to have access to camera or much of the hardware aside from display/keyboard. I just want to mess around with stuff22:05
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