IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2011-11-23

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JoolesHi all00:28
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* luke-jr wonders why N900 has a /floppy dir01:02
DocScrutinizercostume jewellery01:04
DocScrutinizerthey prepared the field for H-E-N01:04
JoolesMaybe it's trying to be ironic01:05
DocScrutinizerthere are quite a number of that cruft01:05
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eichidoes the CSSU update works now? also with power kernel update?01:13
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r00t|homesomebody write an usb-over-ethernet host driver, just so we can mount a floppy drive on the n900...01:30
Joolesdoesn't it do USB OTG?01:31
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Jooles'cos I've got a USB floppy.. they're pretty cheap01:31
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r00t|homeJooles: one of the moot points of the n900 is that it does not have otg...01:33
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Joolesah, lame. I've only got an 810 you see...01:34
SpeedEvilYou almost certainly don't care about OTG01:34
SpeedEvilOTG!= host mode.01:34
JoolesI thought that was exactly what OTG was... Host mode on the go. I've never used it or looked into it much01:35
infobothmm... hostmode is, or see ~hostmode-charging01:35
trumeeI have  a Nokia DC-10 car charger whose cable is too short to reach my car windscreen. Is anybody aware of a  female micro usb to female usb adaptor?01:35
infobotmethinks hostmode-powered is
SpeedEvilOTG is to hostmode as a man arrested for loving a chicken is to the chicken.01:35
trumeeI couldnt find it on ebay.01:35
JoolesQuote of the day SpeedEvil :)01:36
SpeedEviltrumee: Never seen that.01:36
SpeedEvilOnthe other hand, car-car adaptors are common01:36
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trumeeSpeedEvil, car-car adaptor?01:37
SpeedEvilA car cig-extender01:37
DocScrutinizerindeed :-D01:37
trumeeSpeedEvil, right might be usefull, any link?01:38
JoolesLocal car hardware shop would probably have some... or ebay at a guess01:38
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SpeedEvil - and cut off all but one01:39
trumeeThe only adaptor i could find is expensive Usb A(F) to Usb  B(F)
SpeedEvilThe easy way is probably to not do that.01:40
SpeedEvilGet a charger with a standard USB-A plug on it.01:40
JoolesYeah maplin have a maplin tax on everything01:41
SpeedEvilAnd then ...01:41
jacekowskinot on tv mounts01:41
jacekowskior it's lower than comet/curys tax01:41
LaoLang_coolIs there a way to attach a note to a todo?01:41
jacekowskibut tv mount costs in maplin 1/3 of comet/curys price01:42
trumeeI would rather extend DC-10 as it is a brilliant charger01:42
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mikki-kunhm, has there been any development towards a video editor on the n900?01:44
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r00t|homewtf are you people doing01:46
bindiSpeedEvil: cracking siri.. could you expand on that "need certificate"? :D01:46
r00t|homemicro-usb<->micro-isb right there, for $201:46
SpeedEvillooks plausible01:46
r00t|home(that is with shipping to germany)01:46
SpeedEvilbindi: You need a certificate from a rooted iphone 4s01:46
bindiSpeedEvil: could always get that :D01:47
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SpeedEvilFor which one needs an iphone.01:48
SpeedEvilI do have one apple product.01:48
SpeedEvilHowever, it is a composite b+w monitor.01:48
SpeedEvilThat somewhat predates the iphone.01:48
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r00t|homeconnected it to your phone's tv-out yet?01:50
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SpeedEvilNot yet.01:51
r00t|homedo iphones have tv-out?01:53
SpeedEvilI think yes - but you have to buy the approved accessory to use it01:53
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mikki-kunaka overpriced :)01:56
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jacekowskiSpeedEvil: you have to use approved accessory to use tvout in n90002:03
Macerapproved accessory? :)02:04
Macerlike an iTV?02:04
Joolesit'd have to be catchier than that. iWatch perhaps02:04
jacekowskino, special cable02:04
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DocScrutinizerthat cable is all but special02:10
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r00t|homei read the n900 normally ships with the cable02:14
r00t|homei got mine used, without cable02:14
r00t|hometried with a 4-contact-3.5mm cable from a camera which had totally different mapping, then ordered one from china that still has not arrived02:15
Jooleswe have a bunch of those cables in a drawer at work (we sell and buy used phnones)02:16
r00t|homei don't think you can send it to me any cheaper than my friends in china can ;)02:16
Joolesheh, probably not. Royal mail ain't cheap02:17
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r00t|home2.03eur from china02:18
r00t|homejust that i ordered on oct. 22. and it hasn't arrived yet02:18
r00t|homenormal, for ground-mail shipping from china02:18
r00t|homealways takes around a month02:19
r00t|homebut it's dirt cheap02:19
r00t|homelisting is in pounds actually:
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mikki-kunhm, about the hd-recording capabilities of the n900... will it be included into a cssu update?02:25
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DocScrutinizerr00t|home: totally different mapping? almost impossible02:31
merlin1991mikki-kun: the problem with the "hd - recording" is that it needs a different kernel and a differently clocked dsp02:33
DocScrutinizerit's just a 3.5mm with 4 contacts. Base/sleeve is always GND, and the other 3 run to 3 cinch02:33
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: there's a thread on it somewhere... the cables that digicams usually use even have ground swapped with some signal, compared to the n90002:34
merlin1991we could add the backportet chages to gstreamer, but on the kernelside that's a nogo for a general public update02:34
merlin1991which is supposed not to void your warranty02:34
mikki-kunmerlin1991: since when does changing th kernel void your warranty?02:34
r00t|homeDocScrutinizer: the n900 has it mapped according to some standard, other devices don't02:34
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merlin1991kernel isn't the prob02:34
merlin1991but clocking the dsp is the prob02:35
mikki-kunisn't any software provided as "as is" actually without any warranty it will work and/or might void the current warranty?02:35
merlin1991sure most software is02:36
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merlin1991but it's not about cssu team getting sued, but rather general public installing cssu and voiding their warranty without knowing02:36
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merlin1991if you terribly need that warranty voiding h-d recording nobody stops you from doing it02:37
mikki-kunhm, didn't cssu need extras-devel?02:37
DocScrutinizerthere's no voiding of warranty with installing custom kernels, on N90002:37
merlin1991but we don't want to force it onto every cssu user02:37
luke-jrmikki-kun: N900 was never capable of video recording afaik02:37
luke-jrmikki-kun: and it's a dead platform02:37
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: I just said like 10 lines above that you need kerenl + oc dsp02:37
DocScrutinizerit's just that if you break your hw with that new kernel, then this for sure isn't backed by warranty02:37
merlin1991and oc dsp does void warranty02:37
camohow is gtk/matchbox dead. and afaik the *still* camera just grabs frames from a video stream. at least electranox/debian docs tell you how to take a photo using mencoder/mplayer02:38
DocScrutinizernothing voids warranty, at least here in germany02:38
merlin1991it's like pk fine as long as you don't go overclocking02:38
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: Nokia doesn't really honour the warranty anyway afaik?02:38
luke-jrI heard they were just replacing N900s with some lame phone now02:38
DocScrutinizeryou can just create breakage that isn't covered by any invoidable warranty02:38
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: same here in the USA>02:39
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: companies like to bluff tho, and nobody sues them02:39
merlin1991anyway cssu is never going to adjust hw clock rates so h-d recording included is a nogo02:39
camohow fast do you need. 1ghz?02:40
luke-jrif adjusting the clock rate is necessary to do HD recording, you could probably force Nokia to honour it in court02:40
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luke-jrsince they advertised it as beign capable02:40
luke-jrtbh, I wouldn't mind less-than-HD video recording tho02:40
camoapple mailed me $17 for an inadvertently adverttized DVD hw-decode feature02:40
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luke-jrcamo: and by accepting $17, you settled02:41
DocScrutinizeryeah, same with "warranty void if this seal is broken" on arbitrary PCs etc. You can happily ignore that, as companies can't declare warranty void on their own definition. Actually they can for what they offer by themselves as warranty, but they can't avoid being legally liable for device defects02:41
camonever bought an apple prod after that. steve came back and ruined it02:41
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camokilling 3rd party devs and customizable builds.. emphasizing slick marketing and UI eye-candy over substance, you knw the story02:42
camoits immortalized in a huge market success now02:42
DocScrutinizerthis liability is 24 moths in whole europe afaik, and no "warranty void" will have any impact on it02:42
camostock vid-rec on n900 is weird. like 10 fps and interpolation/trails between frames02:43
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: it will have an effect once you start drilling around on the boards :) ^^02:43
camoslo-mo and terrible02:43
camoid settle for 30fps in lieu of HD02:44
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* luke-jr too02:44
DocScrutinizermikki-kun: not even then, you still need to cause the defect by doing so02:44
DocScrutinizerthough you have to prove it that you didn't, as company will simply say you did02:44
mikki-kunDocScrutinizer: i was trying to imply that ;)02:44
mikki-kunmerlin1991: did you install the 720p rec capabilities?02:46
mikki-kuncamo: to me the n900 isn't too bad in it's current setup, some framedrops, but apart from that rather good02:48
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mikki-kunanyways, i might give the 720p a try and if it's bad i'll do a reflash (which is needed at this stage, did too much package testing and need to yet again sort out what i need and what i don't need)02:52
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arvuthi, is there a way to install the rename command on the n900? I have a quite up-to-date enhanced busybox (3.1.something) in my xterm.. but cant find the actual command, but there is a manpage for it somehow..03:10
arvutI need to multirename some files from *.mp3 to *.aac03:11
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SpeedEviljacekowski: No, you don't. You need to use a properly designed accessory.03:15
SpeedEviljacekowski: The apple ones have crypo-shit.03:15
SpeedEvilMeaning third party makers can't make them.03:15
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luke-jrarvut: there is no "the" rename command03:27
luke-jrarvut: there are various incompatible scripts03:27
arvutluke-jr: oh. but what about the man-page then?03:32
luke-jrwhat man page?03:33
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aholler_The rename command is part of the util-linux package and is available from
arvutluke-jr: man rename03:36
luke-jrarvut: different depending on OS03:36
arvuthmm, in maemo5 then, as we are in #maemo03:36
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arvuthmm.. apt-get selects busybox instead of util-linux03:40
arvutso busybox is an alternative collection of commands to util-linux?03:40
infobotmessy... err busybox is meant for lean scripting. Regarding all the missing options and immanent limitations (see su) it's not really the interactive shell of choice. A lot of people hate busybox because a lot of system integrators don't understand the difference between busybox and a decent user interactive shell plus unix utils03:41
arvutcare to explain what "lean scripting" is?03:43
aholler_busybox is the embedded swiss army knife, used when people start trying to save bytes or count of binaries ;)03:43
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arvutyeah, that I know03:43
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arvutcan I replace enhanced busybox with util-linux in maemo5 then?03:44
SpeedEvilBut it won't work.03:44
SpeedEvilIt'll also be marginally slower and use more memory, if you hack the scripts to be compatible.03:44
arvutoh, so not a good idea then03:46
arvutand all those scripts, where exactly are they stored? I'd like to have a look at some of them :)03:46
DocScrutinizernevertheless apt-get install bash4 - just works03:47
arvutdone that. not sure if I'm using it by default tho03:47
DocScrutinizerof course you'll want to install a lot of other stuff to support it then, as well03:47
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camobusybox is nice imo03:48
arvutnope, echo $SHELL returns /bin/bash03:48
DocScrutinizerand you probably don't want to install the original stuff, as it breaks messybox bootscripting03:48
arvutoh my03:49
DocScrutinizerI got /bin/gnu in my $PATH03:49
camoarvut: a ton of stuff symlinks to busybox. ike ls -> busybox, and busybox takes the $0 as a selector03:49
aholler_a small for-loop instead of rename is less pain ;)03:49
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DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# which find03:50
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# echo $PATH03:50
arvutneat, I like loops, but I can only work with them in C++ and C#03:50
aholler_sp time to learn a bit bash ;)03:50
aholler_or shell03:50
camoDocScrutinizer: obv murphy's law but busybox is almost always a subset, rather than flags having dif fmeaning03:50
camoso, it proably wouldnt break *too* much03:50
aholler_it's as easy as in $real_programming_language ;)03:50
camoOSX/iOS use really old forks from BSD utils like.. from 1986. defintiely diff flags than GNUserspace stuff on linux03:51
camotheir tar always messed w my head03:51
camoperhaps theyve updated some userspace since 10 yeasr ago when i last touched OSX tho03:51
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DocScrutinizercamo: eh?03:52
aholler_at least the shell got much better in the last years03:52
DocScrutinizercamo: nope, it's known to break sysinit for at least PR1.2--03:52
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DocScrutinizerafaik nobody ever tested since ;-P03:53
camoyes, murphy's law , even subtle change here or there break everything :)03:53
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arvutI'll dig around in some zines then and see about those for loops.. what should I loop btw? gimmi a hint please ;)03:53
DocScrutinizernota bene it's no problem for root (reportedly) but for *user* you don't want bash as default shell, with all the messybox stuff replaced by the real thing03:54
aholler_btw, busybox's echo understands -e and -n, much better than dash ;)03:54
* SpeedEvil has a build of busybox on one router with no ls.03:55
aholler_a shell debian uses do pain people ;)03:55
arvutSpeedEvil: there is probably a good reason for that, right?03:55
DocScrutinizerarvut: see find /somewhere -name '*.somext" -exec "do-sth {} ; "03:55
DocScrutinizer-exec unknown by messybox find03:56
SpeedEvil# cat /proc/meminfo03:56
SpeedEvilMemTotal:         6124 kB03:56
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SpeedEvilI can't upgrade, as this one has a comedy bug, which is useful to me.03:56
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SpeedEvilMy ISP (well, not really, but simplifying), their DSL modem negotiates with mine and asks it to do a rather high SNR margin.03:57
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SpeedEvilNow, this modem is supposed to be able to increase the SNR margin - and reduce speed by saying 'adsl --snr 1003:58
SpeedEvilFor example.03:58
arvutSpeedEvil: you lost me there, what's a SNR margin?03:58
SpeedEvilIf you however tell it adsl --snr 65525 - it decreases margin, and increases speed.03:58
SpeedEvil(16 bit overflow)03:58
SpeedEvilSNR margin is signal-noise ratio margin. It's a measure of the margin between the minimum ADSL signal, and the noise.03:59
SpeedEvilDEcreasing it can increase speed but decrease stability.03:59
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arvutnot clear on how analog datatransfers and modems work actually. but decreasing speed should logically increase stability unless high speed == stability04:00
arvutthat noise talk always confuses me04:01
camoshannon son04:02
DocScrutinizerarvut: do-sth maybe like "f={} mv $f ${f#.mp3}.MP404:02
camo for the obligatory Norbert reference04:03
camoshell scripting is overraated. any language can readdir()04:03
arvutDocScrutinizer: I'm afraid time lost me too, and so did you =)04:03
camoplus you'll get a typechecker (Sometimes) and eliminate a whole host of trivial string parsing/quoting issues04:03
DocScrutinizerarvut: bash::  f=abc.ext; echo ${f#.*}  --> abc04:04
DocScrutinizerthe pleasures of a *decent* interactive shell04:05
arvuti know way too little bash to understand that :(04:05
DocScrutinizeron messybox it will silently fail and return BS04:05
arvutf=abc.txt does what?04:06
aholler_you can't understand bash, you have to learn it ;)04:06
arvutdeclares a variable?04:06
DocScrutinizeryes, f=xy defines $f04:06
DocScrutinizeras xy04:06
DocScrutinizerecho $f --> xy04:06
DocScrutinizerecho ${f#y} --> x04:07
DocScrutinizerecho ${f#d*} --> abc04:07
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arvuthmmm. my ctrl/sym key doesnt respond anymore..04:10
sasquatchreally %?04:10
DocScrutinizerooops replace all # by /04:10
DocScrutinizerecho ${f/d*} --> abc04:10
arvutwas gonna ask about those and the brackets04:10
sasquatch$ f=abcdefdef ; echo ${f#d*} ${f##d*} ${f%d*} ${f%%d*}04:10
sasquatchabcdefdef abcdefdef abcdef abc04:10
arvutand the arrow04:11
DocScrutinizerthe arrow is my way to say "gives output like:"04:13
arvutactually.. think sleep could be an alternative, its 03:13AM and stuff to do tomorrow04:13
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arvutaha, like an std:out04:13
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DocScrutinizeryou enter04:13
DocScrutinizerecho ${f/d*}04:14
arvutmoves whats in f into d?04:14
DocScrutinizerit prints-->: abc04:14
SpeedEvilarvut: Decreasing speed increases stability - but the ISP overestimates the amount needed to get stability, so reduces my speed.04:14
arvutSpeedEvil: lovely, goodnight :)04:14
DocScrutinizerI always forget the less /<pattern> to find about all the bash env-magic04:15
arvutthis room is awesome. how many MB do you thinl it would take to idle here over 8 hours time?04:15
DocScrutinizerso I think I created an alias or microscript for it04:16
DocScrutinizerbut I forgot its name04:16
DocScrutinizerless than 1mb04:16
DocScrutinizerwaaaay less04:16
arvutI'd like to remember the pattern for showing progress of a task in bash, like the mv or cp command04:16
arvutcheers, ill do that then! ;)04:17
DocScrutinizeryou're welcome :-)04:17
arvuti actually mean the traffic to 9 channels via irssi 8.15 :)04:17
DocScrutinizerjr@halley:~> du -h .kde/share/apps/konversation/logs/04:19
DocScrutinizer476M    .kde/share/apps/konversation/logs/04:19
DocScrutinizeris for like 3 years 24/7 online on 10some chan in IRC04:19
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DocScrutinizersome of them busy, others not that much04:20
arvutanyway, nn ty 4 the bash lessons. more tomorrow :)04:20
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* DocScrutinizer goes searching for his alias04:21
Maceri am finally movingn stuff over to my synology :)04:26
Maceri should throw 10 video cards into my old server and turn it into a retarded gaming rig04:26
Macerit already has a KW psu04:26
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sasquatchDocScrutinizer: less -p$SOMEPATTERN04:28
DocScrutinizerman bash|less +"/^ *Parameter Expansion"04:29
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* sasquatch . o O ( oh great! my stealth cap works... noone notices me... )04:35
DocScrutinizersasquatch: eh? SOMEPATTERN  not the searchstring I was looking for04:36
DocScrutinizer'Parameter Expansion' section in bash manpage has all the goodies04:36
DocScrutinizerwhich I never can recall when I need them04:37
sasquatch${f/d*} is a degraded search/replace... ${f%d*} is strip tail04:38
DocScrutinizerecho -e '#!/bin/sh\nman bash|less +"/^ *Parameter Expansion"' >bin/envhelp; chmod +x bin/envhelp ;#   ;-D04:39
DocScrutinizersasquatch: indeed04:39
sasquatchsh knows % and #, but not /04:40
DocScrutinizerand even more amazing: it still works :-D04:40
DocScrutinizeraaah, k04:40
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DocScrutinizeryeah, the most annoying part in bash manpage: it has no highlighting for bashisms (as opposed to things that can be found in korn shell)04:41
DocScrutinizeraka posix shell04:41
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sasquatchi think the interactive commandline features and scripting should be split into 2 tools...04:43
sasquatcha noninteractive scripting shell without all that bloat and a cute userinteface04:43
DocScrutinizerhmm, isn't that what messybox tries to do?04:44
sasquatchyou still can do sh -c "somecommands" or python -c '...' but then you explicitely name the interpreter04:44
DocScrutinizerduh, wait... I forgot about /usr/local...04:45
DocScrutinizermhm, nuttin as well04:46
* DocScrutinizer mv's bin/envhelp to /usr/local/bin04:47
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DocScrutinizerhah, one of the rare occasions a rehash is a nice idea04:48
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DocScrutinizerI love my silly snippets in /usr/local/bin :-)04:50
DocScrutinizerjr@halley:~> cat `which whichgrep`04:51
DocScrutinizerfind `echo $PATH|tr ":" " "` -name "$1"04:51
sasquatch${PATH/:/ } ?04:52
DocScrutinizersure :-D04:52
sasquatch${PATH//:/ } ?04:52
sasquatchone  only substitutes 1st :04:52
sasquatchbut havin system scropts sh compatible is a better style than using all bashisms04:53
DocScrutinizerthe benefit of scripts, you can do pretty and clean as you do it only once and for all04:53
DocScrutinizerIFS=: find $PATH ... ;-D04:54
sasquatchi just was lookung fpr that way04:55
DocScrutinizermeh, doesn't work04:56
DocScrutinizerIFS prolly is a line discipline thing04:57
DocScrutinizermay work fro read, but not for parameter expansion04:59
DocScrutinizeryay 22% of upload finished... DANG I NEED A FATTER CABLE05:00
DocScrutinizermight be funny when finished to upload:
sasquatch$ dash -c 'args() { IFS=" " echo $* ; } ; IFS=: args $PATH'05:03
sasquatch/usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/bin/X11 /usr/games05:03
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DocScrutinizer5some hours for ridiculous 170MB upload :-((05:07
* DocScrutinizer wonders where's the bottleneck as even my crappy DSL line could do twice that bw up05:08
* sasquatch has round about 72kbytes/s on DSL and approx 4 times that upload on UMTS05:08
sasquatchquite funny... faster via mobile phone than via copper @home05:08
DocScrutinizerI pondered to go back to "unlimited" (aka 5GB/month) for 25bucks on UMTS, when I started that upload, as I knew it will piss me05:09
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DocScrutinizerwell, so time for a nap, then it'll be finished ;-)05:09
sasquatch04:10 here... i'm looking in that direction too05:10
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DocScrutinizerfunny video of N9 doing spooky touchscreen events like mad05:11
DocScrutinizersame TZ05:11
Estel_hi there05:11
DocScrutinizerhi, and bye :-D05:11
Estel_bye. I hope it doesn't mean I'm getting kickbanned now (silly joke)05:12
Estel_good night05:12
DocScrutinizer(faster via mobile phone than via copper) wait for LTE, it will blow copper out of the water05:13
SpeedEvilThen comes 60G with beamforming.05:13
SpeedEvilgigabit easily.05:14
DocScrutinizerand then I *really* get me a tin foil hat05:14
SpeedEvilThough over short ranges.05:14
Estel_a propos - does anyone have idea what TCP 4713 is for on Maemo?05:15
* DocScrutinizer hopes for trans-10GHz band getting used, as then it doesn't even scratch my skin anymore05:15
Estel_I found it open and can't recall using anything related to05:15
DocScrutinizernetstat is your friend05:15
DocScrutinizerthe *real* netstat05:16
DocScrutinizernot this messybox crap05:16
DocScrutinizernetstat -ntupla05:16
Estel_I was just to say that there fun begin, cause netstat doesnt list it05:16
Estel_but nmap does05:16
Estel_but You said that maemo included netstat is wrong, eh?05:16
DocScrutinizerkinda yes05:17
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DocScrutinizertry netstat -a|grep 471305:18
DocScrutinizernetstat -nt actually05:20
DocScrutinizernetstat -nta05:20
DocScrutinizermight be a random port outbound?05:21
DocScrutinizeroh, you said nmap05:21
Estel_yea. BTW, I wonder, why nmap for maemo works flawlessly under user, but fail to do as root05:26
Estel_as root it can't detect wlan0. Must be some "small" bug, but for few months porting person wasn't able to detect it05:26
Estel_pity, firewall evasion doesn't work (mostly) without root - no packet fragmentation etc05:27
DocScrutinizer doesn't know about your 471305:27
Estel_yea, tried googling around for it05:28
Estel_tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN05:28
Estel_result of netstat -nta05:28
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Estel_detected it by accident - forgot to exclude myself from hostlist, while nmap'ing05:29
DocScrutinizerhah, PA what else05:30
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Estel_oh, damnit05:31
Estel_why the hell it's listening @ outside world?!05:31
Estel_yes, I use x11vnc, but limited to localhost only05:32
DocScrutinizererr VLC05:32
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Estel_no vlc here05:33
Estel_and x11vnc is indeed limited, it port is visible only from inside05:33
Estel_I wonder if other ppl devices also listen on such port, or similar one05:34
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SpeedEvilNot mine.05:34
Estel_discovered it with nmap05:34
Estel_nfc what is causing this05:34
DocScrutinizernot mine05:34
SpeedEvilStupid - need to reboot to reget internet.05:35
DocScrutinizerapt-cache search netstat05:36
DocScrutinizerapt-get install netstat05:36
Estel_by default, nmap scan first 1000 ports - I'm going to ask nmap maemo user, to scan around first 6000 ports and check05:36
Estel_yea, that too05:36
DocScrutinizernetstat -ntap05:37
DocScrutinizerc'mon, tell us the program finally :-D05:38
Estel_hm, better netstat doesn't have a clue - it just it as listening - bugt qnetmanager confirm its pulseaudio and nothing else05:39
Estel_Still nfc why pulseaudio listen to outside world :(05:39
SpeedEvilIs it actually?05:39
SpeedEviltelnet yourphone 471305:39
SpeedEvilHere at least the only port open is ssh05:40
DocScrutinizertcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1628/dnsmasq05:40
DocScrutinizertcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      711/sshd05:40
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Estel_I also got ssh open, but also 53 (dnsmasq) and this 4713 (pulseaudio)05:40
SpeedEvildns should be internal only05:41
Estel_You know what?05:41
Estel_mine 53 is also localhost only via netstat05:42
Estel_but, nmap still list it as open from outside05:42
DocScrutinizerduh, VPN?05:42
Estel_4713 is even more funny, netstat list it as
Estel_still visible from outside05:42
Estel_no VPN here05:42
DocScrutinizerand no program associated??05:43
Estel_in netstat, no05:43
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DocScrutinizernetstat -ntap05:43
Estel_qnetman associate it with pulseaudio, and 53 with dnsmasq05:43
Estel_yes, yes05:43
Estel_-ntap result in '-' as program05:43
aholler_paste the output in a bin, it's more verbose.05:44
DocScrutinizerwhatever might be qnetman05:44
Estel_while, for example, xchat is listed with it's pid05:44
SpeedEvilnmap phone -p1-65535 - lists 59879/tcp filtered unknown05:44
SpeedEvilas well05:44
Estel_I haven't got 59879, tried all ports range05:45
SpeedEvilhmm - the filtered port seems to be moving.05:46
SpeedEvilI wonder if my router is screwing up05:46
Estel_4713 was also unknow in nmap, but it's definitelly pulseaudio05:46
Estel_aholler_, what do You mean as bin? You want output as some text file?05:46
Estel_I can, but nothing to look at there, just unknown05:47
Estel_... and thatis why DocScrutinizer is going to be sleepppy again, tommorow ;)05:48
DocScrutinizermeh, I should've speeded up nmap a bit05:48
DocScrutinizertakes forever to scan those 65k ports05:48
Estel_yea, takes a while without tightening probing05:48
Estel_still, no more than 5 minutes ;)05:49
DocScrutinizeroh well05:49
aholler_btw. means it's listening on every ip05:49
Estel_ah, right05:49
Estel_but, dnsmasq should listen on, still, it's listed in nmap as outside listening05:50
DocScrutinizer5min are gone05:51
aholler_Estel_: and you are sure your phone was the target? ;)05:51
* DocScrutinizer twiddles thumbs05:51
Estel_yes ;) definitelly05:51
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  if we're aksing rethorical questions, You haven't set Your whole network as target? ;)05:52
DocScrutinizergeeeez 7 min05:52
Estel_strange, for me 65k ports scan was faster even without tightening05:53
Estel_aholler_, have You tried nmap'ing Your phone full ports range?05:53
DocScrutinizermaybe my crappy router is maxed out05:53
aholler_Estel_: just use iptables ;)05:53
DocScrutinizerthere's an upload running in background05:54
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Estel_aholler_, I like to filter out possible malfuncionts, that why I'm talking about direct outside test05:54
DocScrutinizerHAH nmap answers to <cr> on stdin05:54
Estel_if I got asomething open in nmap, I'm rather sure it's open really05:55
DocScrutinizerConnect Scan Timing: About 87.43% done; ETC: 04:55 (0:01:19 remaining)05:55
aholler_Estel_: if netstat doesn't show it, but nmap does, something is cruel with your phone05:55
Estel_using netstat I would get false results05:55
Estel_netstat show it, but - 53 dnsmasq as localhost (nmap detect it from outside) and 4713 is listed both by netstat and nmap as outside05:56
Estel_other ports are listed as should05:56
Estel_i.e ssh port etc05:56
Estel_or other internal localhost'ish05:56
DocScrutinizeriptables fsckd up?05:56
Estel_thats the riddle ;)05:56
Estel_correct way of checking this, i.e to avoid smth screwed as with native netstat?05:57
DocScrutinizerStats: 0:11:37 elapsed; 0 hosts completed (1 up), 1 undergoing Connect Scan05:57
DocScrutinizerConnect Scan Timing: About 92.87% done; ETC: 04:57 (0:00:53 remaining)05:57
DocScrutinizerweird spacetime continuum nmap lives in05:58
Estel_hieh, hieh05:58
Estel_btw, isn't busybox-power netstat fixed?05:59
Estel_default netstat gives me same results as MAG netstat05:59
DocScrutinizernfi, I won't touch this weird stuff - messybox-power, a paradox06:01
DocScrutinizerI just know default messy netsstat missing -p06:01
aholler_exactly, painful ;)06:01
Estel_Cmon, busybox-power is well prepared package ;) And iDont is good maintainer. His fixes get also included mainstream ;)06:01
DocScrutinizerI won't get interested in it06:02
Estel_whatever - for me it's like kernel-power06:02
DocScrutinizerthere's bash4, there's ttrue netstat and all06:02
Estel_also a mess in many parts, but mess that is going better and better06:02
DocScrutinizerwhy mess with mess, when you can get the real stuff?06:03
Estel_bash4 can be used at near-boot state?06:03
Estel_I like to use busybox power at recorvery console invoked from preinit06:04
DocScrutinizernah, I'll keep messybox (not the power version) for that06:04
Estel_+ some useful packages that would require big re-write for default messy06:04
Estel_due to missing flags, arguments etc06:05
Estel_and works fine with b*-power06:05
DocScrutinizerInteresting ports on IroN900 (
DocScrutinizerNot shown: 65534 closed ports06:05
Estel_any results from Your nmap?06:05
DocScrutinizerPORT   STATE SERVICE06:05
DocScrutinizer22/tcp open  ssh06:05
Estel_and nothing else? damnit, I wonder what is causing this on mine (messybox isn't ;) )06:07
DocScrutinizerI guess you fell for the PoC malware in extras-devel or somewhere06:07
DocScrutinizerthere've been always rumours about such stuff06:07
Estel_can't recall anything that could mess with pulseaudio Hm06:08
DocScrutinizermaybe not with PA, but rather iptables/NAT06:08
aholler_iptables -v -L should show it06:08
DocScrutinizereavesdropping daemon, tapping your microphone06:08
Estel_any ideas how to fix it without breaking anything totally?06:08
Estel_will check06:09
aholler_first you need to find what to fix06:09
DocScrutinizerI gather that's PK though06:09
aholler_ps | grep dnsmasq06:09
aholler_if that shows -i lo -a and netstat says too it's listening on 127*, than your nmap means something other than dnsmasq06:10
DocScrutinizerI easily could figure somebody injected some backdoor to PK patches06:10
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  You're not using pk? aholler_, checking...06:11
redeemani should really get my n900 fixed06:11
redeemanhasnt worked in 1+ years06:11
DocScrutinizerEstel_: not on IroN90006:11
luke-jris there seriously no color laser printer on the market with free software drivers anymore?06:11
redeemanluke-jr, HP?06:11
luke-jrredeeman: HP has none on the market with free software drivers :|06:12
DocScrutinizerfree maybe, but not open?06:12
luke-jrall their new ones require proprietary blobs06:12
redeemanhow are they not free? you just get the ppd06:12
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: if it isn't open, it sure isn't free06:12
luke-jrredeeman: ppds are useless on their own06:12
redeemanluke-jr, not if they dont call external stuff06:12
Estel_aholler_,  1529 nobody    2160 S    /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -k -i lo -a -z06:12
luke-jrall these printers have stupid proprietary protocols now06:12
luke-jrwell they do :/06:13
Estel_and 3557 user      2820 S    grep dnsmasq06:13
redeemanhp cp 3505 ?06:13
redeemancant be gotten anymore?06:13
aholler_Estel_: get a netstat which offers -p06:13
redeemani see its out of production now06:13
Estel_ok, and?06:13
aholler_than you should see what listens on port 5306:14
redeemanluke-jr, well, printing sucks anyway06:14
luke-jrLaserJet 2840 would be nice, if it was available06:14
redeemanluke-jr, minolta sells some hugely expensive ones that will work, but i suspect thats not what you want06:14
luke-jrredeeman: yeah, but not being able to print sucks more06:14
luke-jrwell, my goal was under $200. but that doesn't look remotely likely.06:15
redeemani dont really know about consumer devices06:15
aholler_<$200 for a color laser?06:15
luke-jronly Samsung has them under $200, and I can't find ANY word on if splix works with them06:15
redeemani would have thought $400 for color laser was more doable06:15
luke-jraholler_: + scan + fax too!06:15
luke-jrI got my current black laser for $50 :/06:16
aholler_than they rip you off with the toners06:16
luke-jrwhy is colour so much more?06:16
luke-jraholler_: well, that's why I don't buy toner. just printers.06:16
redeemanthats also not economical06:16
redeemanget the nonbranded toner06:16
redeemanthe ones that comes with the actual printers are only like 10% full06:16
luke-jrthat $50 black laser lasted me like 2 years06:16
* luke-jr checks that06:16
redeemanthey will lie about their own fullness btw06:17
luke-jrthey can't lie if I have no way to read the level06:17
aholler_all color lasers will track you ;)06:17
redeemanits a big scam all of it06:17
luke-jraholler_: I don't really care :p06:17
redeemannoname toner is cheapest06:17
redeemancan be hard to get for newest devices though06:17
redeemandue to all their crappy security chips06:17
DocScrutinizerLJ P1505 lasts since >1y and ~500 sheets now06:17
luke-jrok, got my $55 black laser in Aug 200806:18
luke-jrit's just running out of 'starter' toner now06:18
redeemanluke-jr, ofcourse depends on how much you print06:18
luke-jrso 3 years :p06:18
redeemanbut why not get inkjet if you dont print lots?06:18
DocScrutinizerHPLIP sucks though06:18
redeemanits also not producing as many toxic fumes06:18
luke-jrredeeman: inkjet is a pain. always has issues06:18
SpeedEvilInkjet dies if you don't use it often.06:19
luke-jrthat too06:19
DocScrutinizerredeeman: inkjet sucks donkeyballs, esp when you print on a random schedule06:19
DocScrutinizeror what SpeedEvil says06:19
redeemanprinting ALWAYS sucks, just so we are clear06:19
Estel_aholler_,  my netstat offer -p, but both using -l and without, i can't get 53 shown 0_o06:19
aholler_use an online service which sends you posters if you need to print colors ;)06:19
luke-jr <-- old printer06:19
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aholler_or some photo service06:19
redeemanluke-jr, get an old parallel matrix printer06:19
redeemanthat shit works forever06:19
redeemani have one thats 20 years old06:19
DocScrutinizeryeah! :-D06:20
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aholler_and they can produce carbon copies06:21
luke-jrredeeman: where from?06:21
* DocScrutinizer is missing his citizen swift-2406:21
luke-jrit works with current CUPS?06:21
redeemanluke-jr, used06:21
redeemanofc it does06:21
DocScrutinizerwith color option06:21
redeemanif you have parallel shit enabled in kernel06:21
redeemanand if your computer has it06:21
redeemanwhich is the biggest issue with laptops06:21
redeemancan get usb->parallel though for those purposes06:21
redeemanthese devices are indestructable06:21
luke-jrnothing has parport anymore06:21
redeemanthey might be findable with rs232 too though its rare06:22
redeemanthis is oldstyle stuff06:22
DocScrutinizerCENTRONICS FTW!06:22
redeemanyes :)06:22
aholler_i still should have an old epson fx* somewhere in the cellar too ;)06:22
redeemanthe one i had, was continuously printing pages for 9 years before they went to laser06:22
redeemanday in day out06:23
luke-jrif I print a page every week, think I can keep inkjet functional?06:23
redeemanluke-jr, shouldnt really be an issue06:23
DocScrutinizerno way06:23
redeemanive seen people doing way worse06:23
redeemanmonths between printing06:23
redeemansure it may stick a little first page06:23
redeemanso print a test page06:23
redeemanand it will work afterwards06:23
SpeedEvilredeeman: It depends.06:23
SpeedEvilIf actually powered off, then no, the head can die permenantly.06:24
SpeedEvilNo amount of cleaning will fix.06:24
redeemanin my experience that doesnt really happen06:24
DocScrutinizerwell, if you really do a test print every 7 days, it may stay OK06:24
SpeedEvilI've had 3 printers do that.06:24
luke-jrnot a test print, a weekly schedule06:24
aholler_if you only print one page a week I really would check out some photoservice around the corner06:24
redeemanmy dad has a canon bjc 24006:24
SpeedEvilIf powered on, the periodically clean teh heads.06:24
redeemanits roughly 10 years old or so06:24
redeemanhe prints a page every year these days06:24
SpeedEvilPrinters vary.06:24
redeemanit still works06:24
luke-jrwhat's "thermal" inkjet? any better?06:24
SpeedEvilThermal inkjet heats the ink to make little bubbles06:25
SpeedEvilwhich push ink out06:25
Estel_hey DocScrutinizer aholler_, netstat show 4713 is PID 1045/pulseaudio06:25
luke-jrSpeedEvil: which does what for me? :P06:25
Estel_as for 53 can't find it with netstat :(06:25
SpeedEvilluke-jr: it's an alternative method of putting ink on the paper.06:26
luke-jrEstel_: netstat -ulpn06:26
SpeedEvilluke-jr: All print nozzles can clog - if unused.06:26
Estel_so, any ideas about fixing it or finding bugger?06:26
SpeedEvilThe method of getting the ink out is less important.06:26
SpeedEvilEstel_: diff your /etc against a known good one06:26
SpeedEvillook at pulseaudio config file06:26
DocScrutinizeryeah, more like that06:26
luke-jrok, I don't get this. how do these inkjet printers have scanners for $60, but a scanner by itself costs $110?06:27
aholler_Estel_: just add a firewall, that might protect you from stupid apps too. and you can filter what's going out too.06:27
Estel_PID 1529 dnsmasq06:27
Estel_firewall to N900?! Other than that, I suspect those ports are listening only all the time, my network is kinda bulletproof stronghold06:28
Estel_SpeedEvil,  whole /etc/ directory?06:29
DocScrutinizeryeah, lol06:29
aholler_firewall on n900 (iptables)06:30
Estel_ok, but just to clear thnings up - having PID's of program using 53 and 4713 can I check if it's really pulseaudio and dnsmasq or fake one, yep?06:30
DocScrutinizerI think we should find other PK users to nmap their stuff06:30
SpeedEvilFor example, as a zeroth cut, all of my /etc/pulse files are older than 201006:30
aholler_than you don't have to fear that some stupid stuff opens a security hole.06:30
DocScrutinizerumm, lsof should tell you which binary file these processes got started from06:31
aholler_Estel_: ps usually doesn't lie06:32
Estel_SpeedEvil,  /etc/pulse/ files are all 14/06/2010, except xpolicy.conf SYMLINK that is 12/09/201106:32
SpeedEvildame here06:32
DocScrutinizeraholler_: it's easy for an app to fake own listing in ps06:33
SpeedEvilmd5sum xpolicy.conf06:33
SpeedEvil06f8607f5e961294aef1d0091db47926  xpolicy.conf06:33
aholler_i assume we don't assume he got hacked06:33
DocScrutinizera process may rename itself06:33
DocScrutinizerI understood he was suspecting exactly that06:33
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aholler_than he's lost.06:34
DocScrutinizerI bet it's PK06:34
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  1sof, nfs what it is? SpeedEvil I'm checking md5sum06:34
DocScrutinizeror some "cute improvements to PA"06:34
aholler_to listen on port 53 the app needs to be root and than that app could do everything06:35
DocScrutinizerls open files06:35
Estel_btw I have NFC what is causing this - common sense tells me I have"mt been hacked, but who knows if someone could inject malicious path to something. Uploading new version of packages is open for everyone06:35
Estel_I doubt so, but worth checking06:35
DocScrutinizerlsof|grep <pid>06:35
Estel_SpeedEvil,  different checksum for xpolicy.conf06:36
SpeedEvilSo read through the file, and see if anything leaps out06:37
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  lsof | grep <dnsmasq_pid> result in lotta hell results06:38
DocScrutinizer|grep txt06:38
DocScrutinizerwill give you the executable file06:38
aholler_Estel_: how does your nmap-line looks like?06:40
DocScrutinizerdnsmasq   1628     nobody  txt    REG      254,1   139520      33203 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq06:40
Estel_aholler_,  nmap-line? I'm afraid I'm lost here?06:42
aholler_Estel_: how do you have scanned?06:43
DocScrutinizernmap <phone> -p5306:43
Estel_SpeedEvil,  doesn't seem that something suspicious is in xpolicy.conf, but I admit that some parts are out of understanding for me. Well, most of them06:43
Estel_ah i see06:43
Estel_nmap <phone> -p1-65535 -sV --version-intensity 3 -sC06:44
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Estel_but --version-intensity 1 is also enough to find it06:47
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Estel_anyway, I re-testes it, and only 4713 remain as outside open, 53 dissapeared 0_o06:48
Estel_+ ssh of course bugt that is legit06:48
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Estel_DocScrutinizer,  |grep txt result in /usr/bin/dnsmasq06:51
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Estel_lsof | grep 4713 result in:06:52
Estel_pulseaudi 1045      pulse   57u  IPv4       4336                 TCP *:4713 (LISTEN)06:52
Estel_'pulseaudi' isnt typo06:52
Estel_no txt for 471306:52
ahollerbusybox ps is crippled ;)06:53
DocScrutinizerthat's lsof aiui06:53
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aholleruups, sorry06:54
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Estel_any ideas? Menwhile, I'm learning about iptables on Maemo06:55
DocScrutinizerwell, you maybe should check all the files pulseadi uses - as well as has used at startup, aka config files. See if sth looks new there06:55
Estel_to cover teory about stupid app opening security hole. Another theory, about backdoor on purpose, still need love06:56
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  any helping command example?06:56
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# lsof|grep pulseaud|wc -l06:57
DocScrutinizerso you probably don't want to check all 12306:57
Estel_yea ;)06:58
Estel_ok, so we assume that it's really pulseaudio listening on 4713, not some program spoofing? Can we, given research performed?06:59
Estel_if yes, I think I should check what may've tinkered with pulseaudio. If not, I've NFC what to do ;)06:59
ahollergrep tcp /etc/pulse/default.pa07:00
aholleror  grep tcp /etc/pulse/*07:00
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DocScrutinizerlsof|grep pulseaud|grep -v unknown|grep -v .so|grep -v CHR|grep -v FIFO07:01
DocScrutinizeror simply check /usr/lib/gconv/gconv-modules.cache07:01
DocScrutinizeras there's nothing else interesting in lsof07:01
DocScrutinizerobviously all the interesting cfg files got closed after reading them, on startup of PA07:03
DocScrutinizerso better listen to aholler07:03
Estel_iptables ready and understood, just need to get accustomed to it... Trying Your suggestions now07:05
Estel_grep tcp /etc/pulse/* :07:06
Estel_/etc/pulse/ module-native-protocol-tcp.so07:06
Estel_/etc/pulse/ module-native-protocol-tcp auth-anonymous=107:06
Estel_/etc/pulse/ module-cli-protocol-tcp07:07
Estel_/etc/pulse/ module-native-protocol-tcp.so07:07
Estel_/etc/pulse/ module-native-protocol-tcp auth-anonymous=107:07
Estel_/etc/pulse/ module-cli-protocol-tcp07:07
Estel_<end of pasting>07:07
Estel_or simply check /usr/lib/gconv/gconv-modules.cache - only few strange symbols there07:10
ahollerI would say that auth-anonymous=1 is it07:10
aholleryou could try auth-ip-acl=; instead. but I don't know much about pulseaudio07:11
Estel_lsof|grep pulseaud|grep -v unknown|grep -v .so|grep -v CHR|grep -v FIFO07:11
aholler(wihout that ;)07:11
Estel_lotta hell of results, but one seems interesting:07:11
Estel_pulseaudi 1045      pulse   57u  IPv4       4336                 TCP *:4713 (LISTEN)07:12
Estel_(from lsof|grep pulseaud|grep -v unknown|grep -v .so|grep -v CHR|grep -v FIFO)07:12
Estel_hm, aholler, will try...07:12
Estel_replace auth-anonymous=1 with auth-ip-acl=, yes?07:14
Estel_safe, or should i perform full backupmenu backup before applying and rebooting? ;)07:14
Estel_(i.e no risk of being unable to boot, I suppose?)07:15
Estel_sorry for silly question, but when changing things I doesn't understand well, better to ask07:15
ahollerbetter read the pulseaudio docs. I wonder why the server listens everywhere (or even why it is enabled)07:16
ahollercurrently it looks like you could use e.g. mpd on your pc to play stuff on the n900 ;)07:17
infobotaholler meant: currently it looks like everyone could use e.g. mpd on your pc to play stuff on the n900 ;)07:17
Estel_You think I could check it by using mpd? Of course as addition to reading docs?07:19
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Estel_Thinking about it, I wonder if program recaller [record all] - mean't to record conversations, microphone or system sounds (available in repositories) may have something to do with it07:20
Estel_It's only think related to sound I can imagine could do smth like that07:20
Estel_on purpose or by accident07:20
Estel_BTW, aholler, Your pulseaudio doesn't have same settings?07:20
DocScrutinizerI got recaller but no open port07:21
Estel_I mean  auth-anonymous=1?07:21
Estel_I see07:21
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  could You also check that  auth-anonymous=1?07:21
DocScrutinizergrep auth-anonymous <where?>07:22
Estel_grep tcp /etc/pulse/* - it's in one of results07:22
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# grep auth-anonymous  /etc/pulse/*07:22
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DocScrutinizer/etc/pulse/ module-native-protocol-tcp auth-anonymous=107:22
DocScrutinizer/etc/pulse/ module-native-protocol-tcp auth-anonymous=107:22
Estel_same here, but no open port for You07:24
Estel_You got another device with PK? ;)07:24
DocScrutinizerbut then I got no PA listening anywhere07:24
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DocScrutinizerancient PK, yes07:25
Estel_why not newest on non-iron? ;)07:25
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DocScrutinizert900 is my hostmode test device07:32
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DocScrutinizernot really eager to test new kernels on it07:32
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DocScrutinizerMPFFF - 57479/tcp open     unknown07:33
DocScrutinizer32770/tcp filtered sometimes-rpc307:33
DocScrutinizer655/tcp   filtered unknown  +20 up to 60296/tcp filtered unknown07:34
Estel_i see. BTW about pk, aren't You afraid that Your hostmode testing may be irrelevant, due to hosmode being used by people in practice with new kernel?07:34
DocScrutinizerI'm not testing kernel anymore, until recently maybe07:35
Estel_I see.07:35
Estel_erm You got 20 open ports on Your ancient kernel device?07:35
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DocScrutinizerfiltered ports07:36
DocScrutinizerone open port though07:36
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Estel_I see. what is using Your 57479?07:37
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DocScrutinizercan't that easily install anything on that old device, which makes it prone to a complete re-install soonish07:40
DocScrutinizertcp        0      0    *               LISTEN07:41
DocScrutinizertcp        0      0 ::1%65024:57479         ::%169:*                LISTEN07:41
DocScrutinizertcp        0      0 ::1%65024:53            ::%167:*                LISTEN07:41
DocScrutinizertcp        0      0 ::%65024:22             ::%167:*                LISTEN07:41
DocScrutinizerudp        0      0  *07:41
DocScrutinizerlots of iIPv6 carp07:42
DocScrutinizercrap! crap!07:42
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DocScrutinizerDUH VoIP of course07:43
DocScrutinizertelepathy 6846       user    9u  IPv4     104735                 TCP (LISTEN)07:44
DocScrutinizertelepathy 6846       user   11u  IPv4     104737                 TCP Nokia-N900-02-8:57479 (LISTEN)07:44
DocScrutinizertelepathy 6846       user   13u  IPv6     104739                 TCP localhost:57479 (LISTEN)07:44
Estel_I see07:44
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DocScrutinizerdon't ask me why I don't see anything like that on IroN90007:45
Estel_my telepathy-sofiasip is listening only, when I'm connected07:45
Estel_to sip provider...07:46
Estel_for a second I thought maybe pulseaudio is listening because of that, but, no ;)07:46
DocScrutinizerIM SIP Skype07:46
DocScrutinizerand PA might simply be a stale port07:47
DocScrutinizerPA stalling isn't exactly exciting news after all07:47
DocScrutinizert900:~# uptime07:48
DocScrutinizer 20:36:16 up 34 days,  7:22, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0107:48
Estel_no worries, mine also got 30+ days uptime, unless I'm testing some stuff like boot recovery console or reboot problem ;)07:49
Estel_like in last few days07:50
Estel_still, no idea about 4713 pulseaudio07:50
DocScrutinizeranyway no PA open port at all on t90007:50
Estel_I guess I'll shut it down via iptables, and investigate further07:50
Estel_yea, thanks for testing07:51
DocScrutinizerno port at all07:51
DocScrutinizerEstel_: stop pulseaudio && start pulseaudio07:52
Estel_done, 4713 still open07:55
Estel_will try with pulseaudio disabled07:55
Estel_guess what, with pulseaudio disabled, port is closed07:56
Estel_I wonder if I would replace pulseaudio binary with other known good one, I would break anything? ;)07:57
Estel_from same CSSU and kp version (kp should not matter, but)07:57
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DocScrutinizerI dunno07:59
DocScrutinizerI'd do a BM-backup anyway ;-D08:00
DocScrutinizerare you sure you haven't installed any anti-stutter-tweak for PA?08:01
asdffdsahello, which file should i flash on my n900?08:01
reenignEesreveRis there an SDK or something for maemo development on ubuntu?08:01
DocScrutinizerreenignEesreveR: called scatchbox08:02
reenignEesreveR* i meant Ubuntu HARDY08:02
Siceloasdffdsa: u now have a charged battery?08:03
reenignEesreveRi can't find the information about 10.04 here
asdffdsai dont know ^^08:03
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Estel_DocScrutinizer,  surely I've not installed any tweaks for pa08:04
Estel_why should I, it's working fine for me. No tweaks boosting sound etc08:04
Estel_I hope easy debian isn't responsible for this ;)08:04
DocScrutinizerasdffdsa: see08:05
infoboti heard maemo-flashing is
asdffdsaDocScrutinizer, thx...but which file should i use 4 flashing?08:05
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Estel_read wiki article08:06
Estel_everything is there08:06
DocScrutinizerthe most recent one on Nokia's download page08:06
Estel_if You got any specific quewtion about specific problem, feel free to ask08:06
Estel_ok, bye for now - I'm going to investigate further this mysterious 4713 issue ;)08:07
Estel_later today...08:07
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asdffdsawhich release is the newest?08:08
sasquatchDocScrutinizer: IFS=: set -- $PATH ; echo $*  # :-)08:11
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DocScrutinizerasdffdsa: >>Latest Maemo 5 Global release for Nokia N900<< see right col08:23
DocScrutinizerasdffdsa: actually >>Latest Maemo 5 $WHATEVER release for Nokia N900<<08:25
luke-jrugh, building GCC 4.5 on N900 takes forever08:25
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luke-jrit's been going all day08:26
luke-jrat least it's on stage 3 now08:26
SpeedEvilIIRC -j2 made it faster08:26
luke-jrSpeedEvil: not with N900's pathetic 256 MB RAM08:27
DocScrutinizerasdffdsa: >>PR 1.3 version 20.2010.36-2<<08:27
SpeedEvilFor kernel at least08:27
SpeedEvilgcc may differ08:27
luke-jrmaybe I should have set USE=-fortran08:27
luke-jrwho really needs a Fortran compiler anymore?08:27
asdffdsaDocScrutinizer, thx found it08:30
luke-jrit pains me to think I haven't even started upgrading KDE yet…08:30
* luke-jr wonders if he'll need to resort to qemu to link qt-webkit still08:31
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Paliping X-Fade08:44
Pali~seen X-Fade08:44
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo #harmattan #meego, last said: 'I want it as much as anyone, but we need to prevent dependency hell :)'.08:44
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MaceSynam i missing something? i don't remember this many people being in #maemo?10:05
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MaceSynwill n900 owners be spared during the rapture or something?10:06
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merlin1991MaceSyn: ofc they will10:11
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MaceSynoh lord10:13
MaceSynbinutils just got installed to my synology10:13
* MaceSyn triple checks that he can still login to the thing10:13
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MaceSyni built oidentd on my synology using gcc and make... i feel like i am using 1992 slackware all over again10:39
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psycho_oreosin a miniature device10:41
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MaceSyni guess10:45
MaceSyni honestly was expecting the typical linux cascading dependency effect10:45
MaceSynwhere src 1 requires lib 2 3 4 which all require 5 6 7 which require 8 9 10.. but 10 requires 2 so now you're stuck10:46
psycho_oreosit all depends on how its written as well as its deps :)10:46
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MaceSynyes i know.. but you come to expect these sorts of things nowadays10:47
MaceSyni was almost in shock when it just built and worked with no errors10:47
MaceSyni almost felt like i was using an iDevice10:47
* MaceSyn hides10:47
psycho_oreosyou'll be glad to know that iSheep wishes to be a little more like N900 *ducks*10:48
MaceSynthey all do..... deep down... they all do10:49
MaceSynok.. Zzz time for me. have like 20 hours of file moving anyways10:49
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Macernot really10:50
Maceri am getting 35MB/s xfers from my synology10:51
Maceri need to figure out how to speed it up10:51
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freemangordonEstel_ hi10:56
Estel_freemangordon,  I'm here10:56
Estel_to Your service, as Djiinis use to say10:56
freemangordonso, what exactly happens under which conditions . i.e. is there a charger attached when trying to shutdown, how do you try to shutdown, etc. ?10:57
Estel_ok. I've tested it without charger/anything on usb port in every situation10:57
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Estel_as for shutdown, I tried with both reboot from terminal, and by using powerkey button10:58
Estel_the latter is my usual way of doing it10:58
Estel_(I've commented out reboot from powerkey menu settings file)10:58
freemangordonyou mean you are trying to reboot, but instad the device powers off?10:58
Estel_under all rebooting condition, I get errors You've already seen on photolog10:59
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Estel_not exactly.10:59
Estel_device shut down, then, start to reeboot10:59
Estel_Nokia logo appeara10:59
freemangordonso what, i still fail to understand what exactly happens10:59
Estel_followed by framebufer output10:59
Estel_You've seen this output in photolog11:00
Estel_without fbcon of course there is no output11:00
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Estel_and, shut itself down coz it entered state shutdown11:00
freemangordonok, got it11:00
Estel_AFAIK, every device affected by this bug act like that11:00
freemangordonis there a way to make a video of console output right after reboot command is issued11:01
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slonopotamusfreemangordon: chvt to it?11:01
freemangordonno need11:02
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slonopotamusah, misread your msg11:02
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freemangordonwith fb enabled after X has gone south messages appear11:03
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freemangordonin framebuffer console11:03
Estel_the same second i issue reboot11:03
Estel_device goes down11:03
Estel_no fm output until past nokia logo11:04
Estel_fb output*11:04
Estel_as for video11:04
freemangordonhmm, that is very strange11:04
Estel_if You issue reboot, You got fb output?11:04
freemangordonfrom ssh terminal11:04
Estel_strange, it worked for me like way it is even before I get affected by this bug11:05
Estel_oh shit11:05
Estel_of course I'll try from ssh11:05
freemangordonlet me check what happens if i issue reboot from xterm11:05
Estel_but, as for video, You mean I'm going to have output video from ssh terminal, or from device screen itself?11:06
freemangordonfrom device screen11:06
freemangordonfbcon is still alive11:06
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Estel_as for video, I've tried it, but my camera got crappy video mode - no way to make it sharp on such fast rolling messages11:06
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Estel_thats why I spended hour or so catching photos ands doing photolog11:07
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freemangordonyeah, the same from xterm, fbcon messages appear in a second or so11:07
Estel_N900 got better video recording, thanks to one guy You may not heard of ;) but I have not second N900 to film screen of first one11:07
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Estel_at least until I arrange mirror aparature ;)11:08
Estel_let me check reboot from ssh, wait11:08
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freemangordondoesn't your camera has capability to capture video?11:08
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bindi_mobile hotspot doesnt work, got the power kernel11:25
bindi_no encryption, ap doesnt show up on friends phone11:25
bindi_latest cssu too11:26
psycho_oreoshotspot on N900 is only ad-hoc mode11:27
bindi_hmm? so can my friend connect to me or not11:28
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Estel_freemangordon,  sorry for long delay, had to test several reboots11:29
Estel_You're right, there is fbcon output after reboot11:29
Estel_many times it's just covered by nokia logo tearing11:30
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Estel_actually, when I tested it before, it was so covered by tearing screen, that I got no idea framebuffer is there11:30
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Estel_but, once for 3 reboots I got output clean to the point, thqt I can make photolog of it11:31
Estel_BTW, does power menu reboot button works the same way as reboot command, or is it different? after reboot from power menu, I don't see framebuffer11:31
freemangordonseems no, that is why i told you to reboot from terminal11:32
freemangordonis it the same when rebooted from terminal11:32
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Estel_unfortunately, yes11:34
Estel_I mean shutdowning, havent compared full fbcon output yet11:34
Estel_but final result is same11:35
freemangordonno, that is good, we can have pre-reboot fbcon output11:35
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Estel_ok, I'll try to photo it, right?11:37
Estel_also, there really isn't any way to dump it instead of photo'ing? ;)11:37
freemangordonsu. but you can just upload video somewhere, will be faster11:37
Estel_some magic command or what11:37
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freemangordonthere should be11:37
Estel_as i said video is too blurry11:37
Estel_no way to read output11:38
freemangordonit does not make sense then11:38
Estel_so i must take photos11:38
freemangordonisn't there some option on your camera to lower the resolution, hoping for higher framerate?11:39
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freemangordonBTW let me chech if console messages could be redirected to a file11:40
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Estel_would love to (second option)11:43
Estel_as for camera, I'm using N900 for most things, so my compact camera got only two video modes, crappy 640x480 and 320x240. And it's 10mp camera, lol!11:44
Estel_i can't even change focus in video mode.11:45
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Estel_so, close to screen is blurry, and far from it is too small.11:45
Estel_on the other hand, taking photos is quite good thus photolog11:45
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Estel_but, honestly again, I would preffer doing that with N900. In this single case I can't11:45
freemangordonok, try to make a photo of last messgaes before reboot, I cannot find a way to redirect console to a file.11:46
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Estel_roger that, brb11:47
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vi__freemangordon: yo11:47
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freemangordonvi__, I think i smash famous "reboot instead of shutdown" KP bug11:48
vi__freemangordon: For 1000s of years ancient folk wisdom told us no device could SR over 805.  You programming heracy has smashed our TMO dogma.11:48
vi__They are going to write folk songs about you to be passed to our children.11:48
freemangordon:D :D :D11:48
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vi__freemangordon: I am intrigued, what is the cause of the ancient bug?11:49
freemangordonit needs some more tweaking, but yeah, in general seems to work11:49
freemangordonhostmode ;)11:50
vi__L O L11:50
freemangordonIf you have time look at usbhostmode.diff11:51
freemangordonfrom debian/patches11:51
freemangordonin KP11:51
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freemangordonsearch for musb_platform_resume11:52
freemangordonUSB resumed but... guess11:52
merlin1991freemangordon: are you working on the hostmode patch?11:53
merlin1991because you want to smash the kp bug? :D11:54
merlin1991err pk11:54
freemangordonJust this bug which was driving me crasy for about an year11:54
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: ping11:54
freemangordonI've already discussed it with joerg11:55
merlin1991it's something else I want to ask :)11:55
vi__well done freeman11:56
vi__a hearty congratulations is in order11:56
vi__I also have a (somwhat less) exciting discovery in the pipeline...11:56
freemangordonAnd the winner is?11:57
vi__The maemo boot sequance (simplified) goes - boot stuff>5 dots>hildon home11:57
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freemangordona bug there?11:58
vi__The 5 dots is actually a short session of matchbox WM.  It is started and then killed before hildon home etc is loaded11:58
freemangordonyeah, sure11:58
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vi__this Matchbox session is to 'contain' the 5 dots program11:59
vi__and the pin code request program11:59
vi__5 dots gets killed when hildon home is ready to start11:59
vi__AND pin entry is complete (or not required)11:59
vi__It is extremely easy to hijack this session12:00
vi__For example you can start xterm12:00
vi__instead of the 5 dots12:00
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vi__consider this12:00
vi__in act dead mode, the 5 dots runs continually except the screen is switched off.12:00
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vi__It is rather easy to keep the screen on and display conky with a huge clock and a battery charging graphic to display how much the battery is charged12:01
freemangordonahaa, got the idea12:01
vi__Or anything for that matter12:01
vi__it is a 'free' short lived xsession just for the taking.12:02
vi__Consider this...12:02
freemangordonbut afaik in act dead it only programs chargers and switch the device off12:02
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vi__no, the device is booted to the 5 dots.  All radios off.12:02
vi__screen off and keypad lock blocked.12:03
freemangordonsshd running?12:03
vi__no, but that is easily remedied.12:03
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vi__You can set it to have USB networking probably.12:04
vi__Forgot your password? No problem, I have a secret telnet backdoor...12:04
vi__^(ssh backdoor)12:04
vi__(but telnet is moar LOLsy)12:04
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vi__So pin request program can possibly be removed and replaced with another 'security' entry method.12:06
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vi__join the dots12:06
vi__photo of face for computer vision analysis12:06
vi__blah blah blah12:06
vi__Or perhaps allow ANY pin code however if you get the wrong one it takes a photo of your face (front cam) and does the whole reverse ssh to your home IP with GPS tracking etc etc.12:07
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vi__freemangordon: is it possible to set bootstate?  I.e. change it from ACT_DEAD to BOOT from a script?12:10
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freemangordonyeah, it is a file sowhere in /var/..12:10
vi__Cool, I will put a line in pre-init that sets it to BOOT before it actually checks.  No more ACT_DEAD mode.  Plug it in and SHAZZAM, power up.12:12
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merlin1991vi__ is doing them haxx12:26
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Estel_freemangordon,  oh man, that was a ride12:26
Estel_I'm afraid it's going to give You a headache12:27
Estel_There are differences between outpus after reboot12:27
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Estel_I mean that, despite it being simillar, some (crucial?) parts behave differently12:28
Estel_I photographed as much as I can, uploading now12:28
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Estel_by the way, I got ~30% of sucessful reboots lol12:28
Estel_unfortunately, no idea which photo belong to right ones, but I'll mark outputs that for 100% belongs to buggy shutdown ones12:29
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vi__merlin1991: certainly am!12:35
vi__Estel_: POP QUIZ.  What should be in place of the 5 dots startup?12:36
Estel_vi_, framebuffer output continued ;)12:38
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Estel_vi__,  i mean12:38
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vi__Estel_: lolz12:39
vi__Estel_: and have pin request a shell login?12:39
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Estel_vi__,  hahaha. why not. Ho ever, I'm serious about fb output, I want to see it to moment before lock code prompt appear ;)12:41
Estel_freemangordon,  are You there?12:41
vi__Estel_: we could potentially remove the 5 dots.12:43
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vi__Estel_: that would make the loading of the pin code request possibly load faster.12:44
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Estel_vi__,  isn't it just covering some things? i.e something loading in background, and then five dots?12:54
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Estel_freemangordon,  photolog ->12:54
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Estel_(this one is for sure before failed reboot)
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Estel_This one I don't know, might be from working reboot situation
Estel_funny, when fatal errors is there, reboot suceed (probably)12:56
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vi__Estel_: nope, 5 dots is 'just to show somthing onscreen' there is somthing on the screen.12:56
Estel_so +1 for removing12:57
Estel_vi__,  do You use latest pk49 and CSSU and 720p recording?12:58
Estel_and do You have nmap installed?12:58
freemangordonEstel pong13:04
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Estel_freemangordon,  I just sent You pm with same data ;)13:04
freemangordonSorry, were smashing another bug, lagacy from omap113:04
Estel_heh, no worries13:05
freemangordonok, thanks, will look at it13:05
Estel_hehe, in meantime I was checking why the hell my pulseaudio is listening on port 4713 from outside world13:05
Estel_discovered it by accident via nmap, forget to exclude myself from port scanning13:06
Estel_I'll be available via PM, if You need any further data13:06
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Estel_vi__, or anyone else qho is using kp49 - could You please install nmap package and use following command:13:07
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Estel_nmap -p1-6000 -sV --version-intensity 1 -sC13:09
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Estel_...and check if You have any open port that is listed as "unknown"?13:09
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Estel_I'm suspecting some package might have included security hole or even backdoor on purpose, and need help determining what is responsible13:10
Estel_so, if anyone interested in helping, please send me output of mentioned nmap command as PM in forum (Estel)13:11
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kwtm2Hi. Can I get clarification: does the N9 (not N900) run Symbian or Meego?  I'm confused. [repeated --apparently I had been devoiced before]14:07
vi__n9 runs a bastard cross of maemo and meego.14:08
kwtm2vi__: Thx for the clarification.14:09
vi__It is NOT meego.  It is NOT symbian.  It is kinda maemo.14:09
vi__Half maemo.14:09
vi__half meego14:10
vi__ALL suck.14:10
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vi__What is the fastest/safest way to discharge the n900 battery?14:10
vi__(in the n900)14:10
kwtm2vi__: From my experience, turn on the Tuner application, hook up to wifi and turn on GPS where it can't reach the satellites.14:11
andre__kwtm2: the N9 runs "MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan"14:12
kwtm2Or, actually, instead of Tuner, use camera in video mode.14:12
kwtm2andre__: Thx.14:12
vi__So screen on max, wifi on&scanning, video camera recording, gps on, 3G endlessly scanning.14:14
kwtm2vi__: Not sure what you mean by "wifi on & scanning" -- if you mean "looking for a connection", then it's faster if you're actually connected and transferring data, if you can make that happen.14:14
kwtm2E.g. if you are next to a basement wifi router, you can have wifi but no GPS.14:15
vi__I mean:14:15
vi__while true14:15
vi__wlan0 scan14:15
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vi__You say it costs more power to transfer packets than to scan for AP?14:16
kwtm2I suspect so but not sure,14:16
vi__+FM transmitter14:16
kwtm2OH yeah, that too.  Bluetooth while you're at it.14:17
vi__+Smart reflex off.14:17
vi__Bluetooth and FM cannot co-exist.14:17
kwtm2I guess you might as well play sounds loudly, too.14:17
kwtm2Oh, didn't know that.14:17
vi__Cannot be as obtrusive as playing sounds.14:17
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vi__If I stop BME while the n900 is plugged in & charging will the n900 stop charging?14:23
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LaoLang_coolIs there a sms counter for N900?14:25
LaoLang_coolAnd gprs traffic monitor?14:26
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vi__GPRS traffic monitor is built in.  CHeck in settings.  There is also some widget for your desktop.14:32
vi__Dunno about sms counter, does nto sound familiar.14:32
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LaoLang_coolvi__: where is it in settings? I can't find it14:36
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LaoLang_coolAnd what nto is?14:38
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: pong14:38
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MohammadAGYay, first clearance delay in tel aviv14:39
MohammadAGAnother 3 should be normal14:39
MohammadAGThen ill start worrying14:39
merlin1991MohammadAG: mp sources still missing ;)14:40
MohammadAGmerlin1991: I have uni right now14:40
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  aholler, SpeedEvil and others involved - thanks for help in debugging 4713 pulseaudio open port issue14:40
MohammadAGTill at least another hour 2014:40
Estel_I was able to find out how to disable it, finally14:40
DocScrutinizermhm, so enlighten us14:41
Estel_one need to edit /etc/pulse/ and /etc/pulse/ and in 'Other modules' comment out whole IF dedicated to:14:41
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Estel_load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-anonymous=014:41
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Estel_setting auth-anonymous to 0 or 1 doesn't affect port opened for every client adress14:42
Estel_so it was not security hole or backdoor on purpose, and got nothing to do with power kernel ;)14:42
Estel_there are 2 settings related to tcp in default and system .pa's14:43
Estel_native and cli14:43
Estel_latter listen on port 4072 and is disabled by default (commented out)14:44
Estel_I have no idea, why on my device module for tcp was enabled by default14:44
Estel_and, if it is enabled also for other ppl, why it listened. I just think that maybe KP updated tcp module?14:44
Estel_even if yes, it's rather bug with that port, not backdoor, as only one thking one could achieve with it is sending sound to my N90014:45
Estel_Unless it's sound of love making in background of conversation with my wife, no much possible harm scenarios14:46
Estel_still, I would not have find it without aholler and Your help14:47
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Estel_I enlightened myself by reading pulseaudio documentation (come to conclusion that it's feature, not bug) and get back to files where tcp was grep'able14:47
Estel_by the way, does anyone know difference between terminal reboot command and reboot button in power key menu?14:48
Estel_with fbcon enabled, reboot command gives pre-shutdown frames on screen14:48
DocScrutinizergood, so now we need sb to grep across all *install scripts in all repos, to find pkgs that touch that file14:49
Estel_while reboot from power key menu does not, and seems faster. Which makes me worry that it's shutdowning device hard way14:49
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  lol. In fact, You got pont there, but I would check first if other people without open port got this IF also enabled14:50
Estel_if so, it means that we need to check which package change module itself, instead of conf file14:50
Estel_and not every package in every repo, just ones I got installed at some point ;)14:51
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Estel_which, surprisingly, is quite easy to document ;) I'm not install-whole-repo-and-check-after-if-You-need-it type14:51
DocScrutinizerEstel_: waiiiiiit! you got all your pre/post-install scripts still on your device I guess14:54
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Estel_some package that I installed and get rid of later could do something and not clear it after uninstallation, but, there are only few such packages and even less that could mess with pulseaudio14:56
Estel_btw, You're right that it's worth a try with currently installed ones14:56
Estel_any idea for smart grep command?14:57
vi__DocScrutinizer: if n900 is charging and I stop bme will n900 stop charging?14:57
DocScrutinizergrep <basename-of-file-that-got-altered> -r /*14:58
DocScrutinizernot vey smart, but unbeatable in comprehensiveness14:58
DocScrutinizervi__: yes14:58
DocScrutinizerafter max 30s14:59
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Estel_but, with bme disabled, You can use script15:01
Estel_grep -r /*15:01
DocScrutinizertry it15:02
Estel_not any way to tighten it to install scripts? ;)15:02
DocScrutinizerwill take 'a while'15:02
DocScrutinizerfirst approach /var15:02
DocScrutinizer/var/cache ?15:02
Estel_too late, already started whole ;)15:03
Estel_I think excluding vfats could be also good idea15:03
Estel_but NFC how to prepare command like that15:03
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vi__How about this for an idea.15:04
vi__When you start the device in ACT_DEAD mode it goes to a screen that has an option (or two) that allows either:15:05
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vi__1. Normal ACT_DEAD recharge.15:05
vi__2. Battery capacity learn mode. i.e. charge to full(ish) then discharge to learn level then charge to full again.15:06
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Estel_vi__,  quite good idea, but instead of every-time menu15:08
Estel_I would rather do it as command from early recovery shell console15:08
vi__You misunderstand15:08
Estel_I mean every time when You charge15:08
Estel_it's non conveinent15:09
vi__ACT_DEAD mode is when you plug in n900 while it is switched off.15:09
vi__It merely gives you the choice of learn charge with an onscreen button.15:09
Estel_I would rather like to start device, enter console, connect, and invoke script/command/whatever, that do calibration15:09
vi__Otherwise it will just charge notmally15:09
Estel_I know15:09
Estel_or instead of script/command, just option in early boot recovery menu15:10
Estel_I quite don't like idea of on-screen promp every time I connect off device to charger15:10
Estel_also, how do You plan to actually discharg it in act dead?15:11
vi__Estel_: you can just ignore it and after 10seconds it disappears...15:11
DocScrutinizergrep -H `find / -xdev -size -5k`15:11
Estel_thats better idea15:11
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  thanks, trying15:11
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Estel_vi__,  btw how do You plan to discharge it? by backlight/keylight etc? can take quite long time15:11
Estel_some loop to keep cpu usage high would be better ;)15:12
vi__Estel_: Wifi monitor mode, backlight max, play video, FM XT on (maybe), etc, etc...15:12
Estel_then, slowly disable cpu, then backlight etc, to not reach under 3v too early15:12
Estel_video from act-dead?!15:12
vi__Estel_: ya.15:13
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Estel_if its posible, thats ok15:13
vi__It could take 4-5 hours to drain the mutha then 1-2 to charge it.  This is a 'on nightstand@sleepy time ' kind of thing.15:14
DocScrutinizervi__: please first make a very normal script to do all this, then when that works in normal mode, you can deal with implementing/integrating it to act_dead15:15
DocScrutinizercharging always takes at least 2h15:15
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  command not working15:16
DocScrutinizerafter 1h you never see better than 70%15:16
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vi__DocScrutinizer: yar. Incremental development.15:16
Estel_grep -H `find / -xdev -size -5k15:16
DocScrutinizeradd a ` at end15:16
Estel_gives me another prompt starting with > No idea what it is15:17
vi__BME pumps in what 750mA? into a 1500mA battery around 2Hr sounds about right.15:17
DocScrutinizerenter a `15:17
DocScrutinizerand that >prompt15:17
Estel_vi__,  bme puts 950 but not whole charging15:17
Estel_li-ions are charged differently15:17
Estel_after reaching high volt it enter saturation charge15:17
vi__DocScrutinizer: I have just figured out how to hi-jack 5 dots screen and ACT_DEAD.15:18
vi__DocScrutinizer: toying with ideas of what to do with it.15:18
Estel_argument too long15:18
vi__Estel_: 950 0_0'   !15:19
DocScrutinizerfind / -xdev -size -5k -exec "grep -H {} ; "15:20
DocScrutinizerbut then -exec doesn't work on MESSYbox :-S15:21
Estel_I hope that it isn't revolwer-spinning command (silly joke)15:21
Estel_actually, it works15:21
Estel_just need argument for -exec15:21
Estel_find: -exec requires an argument15:22
Estel_vi__,  yes if You're using capable charger15:22
Estel_but as joerg_rw said15:22
Estel_so more You put into it from start15:23
Estel_the longer saturation part is15:23
Estel_advantage is, that LiPo live much, much longer (and age less, much less) if You use them between 20-80% i.e charge when they reach min 20% and charge to no more than 80%15:24
Estel_in industry, where long-life is important for cost-effectives, they never charge lipo to more than 80% and discharge to less than 20%15:25
SpeedEvilYou can do this with your thinkpad.15:25
SpeedEvilMy battery is set to charge to maximum 70%15:25
Estel_nice, would love it for my notebook...15:26
Estel_also, to not charge it while on AC15:26
Estel_i.e charge only when it reaches lets say 30%15:26
Estel_so no charging from 65% to 70%15:26
Estel_and so goes on15:26
Estel_You know what I mean15:27
DocScrutinizerEstel_: find / -xdev -size -5k -exec grep -H "{}" ";" 2>/dev/null15:27
Estel_it's battery killer, my XPS m1530 85Wh battery got now almost 50Wh only due to this15:27
Estel_ok performing search15:28
Estel_btw what was that strange > prompt?15:28
Estel_silly question, probably15:28
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DocScrutinizer"unclosed `bracket` "15:29
DocScrutinizerprint "test15:29
DocScrutinizermore test15:29
vi__Well 1500mAh bl-5j batteries are common as bird shit.  So I am leaning towards Maxmimum battery life at the expense of BATTERY life.(!)15:30
DocScrutinizeror  basically the answer is: $PS315:30
DocScrutinizererr $PS215:30
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vi__Estel_: rip it open and re-cell that mutha.15:30
LaoLang_coolHow to export contacts to .vcf on n900?15:31
DocScrutinizervia menu15:31
LaoLang_coolDocScrutinizer: thank you!15:32
Estel_vi__,  in fact none of battery is 1500 except scuds, that for short time was unavailable15:32
DocScrutinizerEstel_: PS2="please close whatever you've opened"15:32
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  got lotta hell of results15:32
Estel_I see :D15:32
Estel_and what could be put in that another promp?15:32
Estel_closing character?15:32
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DocScrutinizerwhich one? PS4?15:32
Estel_vi__,  as for notebook, You're right about re-cell15:33
DocScrutinizerPS1 is your normal prompt15:33
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DocScrutinizerEstel_: PS2="please close whatever you've opened >"15:33
DocScrutinizerecho "test15:33
vi__Estel_: scuds are easy to get.  You just have to buy more than 1 at once (which suits me fine).15:33
Estel_vi__,  not exactly15:33
Estel_blue scuds are now 1200 mAh15:33
Estel_all available15:34
Estel_they made it thinner, cause many customers complained about it being to thick to fit in dumbphones15:34
Estel_now one need to buy yellow scuds 1445 mAh and in aliexpress only lucialui got it15:34
Estel_they're basically same cell as old scuds, but with different label ;)15:35
Estel_but they're costing more15:35
LaoLang_coolCan I export contacts in .csv format?15:35
Estel_basically, because only one seller sell them, otherwise they're for chineese market only15:35
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  latest command is giving so much results15:36
DocScrutinizerLaoLang_cool: I don't think so15:36
Estel_that I think something is wrong15:36
vi__Those yellow skinned sons of bitches15:36
DocScrutinizerat least not without "tricks"15:36
LaoLang_coolDocScrutinizer: hmm15:36
Estel_maybe it looks for default or pa? ;)15:36
vi__I am of course referring to the yellow skinned scud batteries.15:36
Estel_vi__,  of course ;)15:36
LaoLang_coolone contact, one .vcf file. I want a one file solution :)15:36
DocScrutinizerEstel_: minfd to paste one or two lines?15:37
Estel_of course I can15:37
Estel_/usr/share/X11/xkb/compat/japan:default partial xkb_compatibility "japan"  {15:37
Estel_/usr/share/X11/xkb/compat/accessx:default partial xkb_compatibility "basic" {15:37
Estel_/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/scapy/layers/    def default_payload_class(self, pay):15:38
Estel_and so goes on15:38
vi__how much is a yellow scid these days?15:38
Estel_I must admit, it also listed history of my leafpad edits to default.pa15:38
Estel_but, otherwise15:38
Estel_lotta hell of trash. Thanks anyway, I've nfc how to prepare such commandes15:38
DocScrutinizerfind / -xdev -size -5k -exec grep -FH "{}" ";" 2>/dev/null15:40
Estel_vi__,  13.47$ for one, 24.61$ for two, 22.11$ per two when ordering min. 10 at once15:42
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  testing15:42
Estel_it works and perform15:43
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Estel_first results coming out, still search15:43
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# find / -xdev -size -5k -exec grep -FH "{}" ";" 2>/dev/null15:44
DocScrutinizer/usr/share/lintian/overrides/pulseaudio:pulseaudio: script-not-executable ./etc/pulse/default.pa15:44
Estel_I'm on /var/lib/dpkg/info/pulseaudio.conffiles:/etc/pulse/default.pa15:45
DocScrutinizerif the "hacker" got nasty, he introduced a second level of obfuscation15:45
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DocScrutinizereasy to do15:45
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DocScrutinizerdo_nasty_hack_to $f15:46
DocScrutinizeror simply tar it15:46
DocScrutinizeror delete the script doing the hack when it's done15:47
Estel_/usr/share/lintian/overrides/pulseaudio:pulseaudio: script-not-executable ./etc/pulse/default.pa15:47
Estel_it seems i dont have this15:48
Estel_still searching15:48
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  I really doubt its hack, no use for that15:48
Estel_rather some bug15:48
DocScrutinizerwell, not in /var, or not in plain text form15:48
Estel_or at worst security hole by some not bright dev15:48
Estel_Finally it found15:49
Estel_/usr/share/lintian/overrides/pulseaudio:pulseaudio: script-not-executable ./etc/pulse/default.pa15:49
Estel_aqnd ash history15:49
DocScrutinizerEstel_: nonetheless it's exactly what I'd expect for that PoC hack I heard of, commented like # now let's test maemo repo QA15:49
Estel_of my leafpad edits15:49
Estel_and, its all15:49
Estel_but You haven't told me15:50
Estel_if Your /etc/pulse/default.pa15:50
Estel_and system.pa15:50
Estel_contain such if to load tcp module15:50
Estel_cause i suspect everyone may be having it15:50
Estel_and in such case15:50
Estel_I need to search for package that updated this module15:50
DocScrutinizerEstel_: just one single chance: reflash rotfs, reinstall pkg by pkg, and check the corruption-prone file after each install15:50
vi__DocScrutinizer: have fun with that.15:51
Estel_no way :P15:51
vi__Estel_: how certain are you that ALL blue scuds now suck?15:52
DocScrutinizervi__: *I* have fun with stuff like that: first step: start a script with initify call in it, that also sigstops dpkg, apt, plus any other running task15:52
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DocScrutinizerexcept self and xterm and a few system processes15:52
DocScrutinizerinotifywait --help15:53
Estel_vi__,  totally certain15:54
DocScrutinizerprobably it's sufficient to hardcode TASKS_TO_STOP="apt-get dpkg hildon-app-manager"15:54
Estel_You can read about story of finding it in 3000mah battery mod thread15:54
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DocScrutinizerand then rise a fat alarm as soon as the file gets touched15:54
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Estel_I discovered it, others confirmed, sellers confirmed, SCUD confirmed15:54
vi__Only in china whould they establish a brand then completley undermine it to make a quick buck.15:55
vi__Estel what stuff have you installed that would dick with pulse?15:56
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Estel_I really believe that idiots complained about fat batteries15:56
vi__audioboost script thing?15:56
* DocScrutinizer stares in disbelief at some guys talking about 6% +/- in capacity of a bat like "totally sucks" vs "ACME the ultimate best"15:56
vi__Headphone boost script thing15:56
Estel_vi__,  I dont use audioboost script15:56
Estel_1200vs 1520 is difference between totally sucks and ultimate15:57
Estel_cause dual battery is15:57
Estel_3000 mAh vs 240015:57
Estel_600 mAh is 50% of standard battery capacity15:57
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vi__it is more like 10-12% doc15:58
Estel_and 300 (1500 - 1200) is 25% of 120015:58
Estel_and 20% of 150015:58
vi__and on a power starved device, that counts.15:58
Estel_not 6%15:58
vi__Estel_: original battery is 135015:58
Estel_on label :P15:58
DocScrutinizeryou know what sucks? batteries sold as 2000mAh and actually provising 550mAh15:58
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  there are some that provide 400 mAh15:59
Estel_but, scuds arent that cheap15:59
DocScrutinizeryeah on label, in real life it's more like 138015:59
Estel_to contain 1200 mAh15:59
Estel_normally, they advertised 1420 and contained 1520 real15:59
Estel_with change to 1200 they didn't changed pice ;)16:00
Estel_and, 1445 now are real 1520 to, same battery16:00
Estel_ok, I'm pff now16:00
Estel_if someone can check16:00 and default.pa16:00
Estel_for mentioned if and load module16:00
Estel_I would be grateful16:00
Estel_cause I suspect module was changed, now config16:00
Estel_see ya!16:01
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vi__They could have fitted more battery in if they wanted.16:01
DocScrutinizerI lost you on the module part, completely16:01
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luke-jrwee, GCC 4.5 finished16:07
MaceSyntake like 10 days?16:10
MaceSynhey luke-jr i built oidentd for my synology! woo :)16:11
MaceSyni felt like i was using slackware in 1993 all over again16:11
luke-jrMaceSyn: 116:11
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MaceSynwow so doing some sort of cross compiling is out of the question?16:12
MaceSyncan't you set up a cross compiler and distcc ?16:12
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MaceSyni need to find out how to make pkgs with ipkg16:13
MaceSynso i can pkg up my oidentd :) .. fisher price.. my first package16:14
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SpeedEvilluke-jr: - why - rather than the one in build-essential?16:18
luke-jrSpeedEvil: what one?16:19
luke-jrMaceSyn: cross-distcc requires having the compiler everywhere first16:19
luke-jrSpeedEvil: there is no build-essential16:20
SpeedEvilThere is in the tools repo16:20
luke-jrthere's a tools repo for Gentoo?16:20
* SpeedEvil diddn't realise this was #gentoo16:21
luke-jrpay attention16:22
MaceSynit is gentoo on n900 using maemo modules16:23
MaceSynand a maemo kernel i suppose16:23
luke-jrmaemo modules?16:24
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MaceSyni figured you needed the modules to get the hw working16:24
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MaceSyni am sure you had to use some sort of disgusting hackery of maemo in order to get your gentoo abortion running on the n900 :-)16:26
luke-jrMaceSyn: Fremantle kernel built fine with GCC 4.4 at least16:27
luke-jrhaven't tried building with 4.5 yer16:27
luke-jrbut I imagine a MeeGo kernel might work better now16:27
luke-jranyhow, now that I have GCC everywhere at the same version, I can cross-distcc to help a little16:28
luke-jrdunno how I'll deal with qt-webkit yet16:28
MaceSynlol. well i am sure the distcc will help more than a little16:30
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MaceSynbut can gentoo make phone calls??? :-)16:31
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luke-jrMaceSyn: dunno, ofono 1.0 supposedly supports all 2G/3G functionality, but Nokia abandoned the N900 driver…16:31
luke-jrI only has 100 minutes anyway16:32
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MaceSynsounds like typical nokia16:32
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MaceSynbut the driver in place should still work16:32
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luke-jrwhat driver in place?16:32
MaceSyndidnt nokia release a blob?16:33
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MaceSynyou sure?16:34
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MaceSyncould have sworn they did16:34
MohammadAGBlob of?16:35
RST38hNokia Siemens to cut 17,000 jobs as part of global restructuring16:36
jonwilAs far as I know no binary bits are required to use the cellular functions of the N900 with ofono except the cell modem firmware itself16:37
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jonwilofono is GPL and contains no binary bits whatsoever16:37
jonwilbah, why did nokia have to hard-code the list of valid hwkb layouts in not ONE but TWO closed-source binaries... :(16:38
MohammadAGjonwil, what are you doing now? :P16:39
vi__jonwil: Complete lack of future vision.16:39
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jonwillooking into how hard it would be to clone, and hildon-input-method-configurator.bin which would cover all the bits one needs to expand the list of valid hwkb layouts16:40
jonwiland like pretty much anything with UI, the first of the 3 is a mess16:40
jonwilI mean anything with a GTK UI16:40
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jonwilif hell freezes over and we get more N900 code, top of my wishlist are (in order) connui-*, hildon-input-method-*, icd-* :)16:47
vi__why those particular pieces?16:48
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luke-jrjonwil: lame16:49
jonwilbecause all 3 are things which it would be very usefull to be able to extend and change and mess with for all sorts of reasons16:50
* SpeedEvil notes the redundant bit of jonwils wishlist, and shortens to "*"16:50
luke-jrstop prioritizing useless crap16:50
jonwilWhat would YOU put at the top of the wishlist?16:50
luke-jrPowerVR driver.16:50
SpeedEvilWhat would16:50
SpeedEvilyeah - that16:50
SpeedEvilpowervr driver is some orders of magnitude harder.16:50
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vi__powervr is not even nokias16:51
luke-jrstill at the top of my list.16:51
jonwilyeah but that's never going to happen and never was even when nokia was at least pretending to consider options for open-sourcing stuff.16:51
luke-jrN810 gpsdriver is next16:51
vi__unless anonymous hacking group or somone corrupts there servers you will NEVER see code for it.16:51
luke-jrvi__: leaked code isn't useful much either16:51
vi__luke-jr: lol orly?16:52
luke-jrI suppose someone could taint themselves and document it from the code16:52
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luke-jrand someone unrelated could use the docs to write a new one16:52
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vi__'taint themselves'...hah!16:52
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vi__we are talking about obscure binaries from an obscure 3 year old device that has been aboinded by its manufacturer.16:53
jonwilI recon if people can figure out the NVIDIA desktop GPUs with no help from NVIDIA, there is no reason why the same couldn't be doing for PowerVR if you put in the effort16:53
vi__You really think anyone cares enough to check for 'tainited' code let alone complain to the relevent authorities?16:53
* SpeedEvil votes for luke-jr to put in the effort.16:54
jonwil"you" being "someone with the skills"16:54
jonwilIF I had the ARM ASM skills, I would try it myself16:54
jonwilbut I dont16:54
SpeedEvilI wish there was a nice funding solution.16:54
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SpeedEvilFor example, I'd like to contribute $5 for a working powervr driver16:54
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jonwilmaybe someone needs to set up a donation drive then, get guys interested in other phones with the same PowerVR architecture as the N900 (e.g. android phones) to contribute skills or cash or whatever16:56
jonwiland yes powervr would be my #1 wish to have16:57
jonwilbut the others are my #2, #3 and #416:57
vi__SpeedEvil: well we pool our money and either pay a reverse engineerer or a black hat hackerer...16:57
jonwiland yes hildon-input-method closed bits are VERY usefull to have, there is a LOT of things going on there that arent easy to replicate, same with the icd daemon and its plugins17:00
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jonwiloh and I think that if someone stole PowerVR code (regardless of which chipset or device it is for) PowerVR would pursue all legal avenues they can to get it taken down and stop people using it17:02
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vi__yeah, but once it is out there it is OUT THERE.  It is a perfect spot to start creating a free alternative.17:03
* jonwil suspects PowerVR would probably use their patent portfolio to shut things down if they thought there was a threat to them somehow17:04
jonwiland yes they do have one17:04
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* jonwil thinks he will see how hard libicd_network_wlan is to clone17:06
jonwilor to figure out17:06
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vdvanybody using mscim here? i've installed it, how should it be used? in the settings menu there's a section for mscim, but there's only two buttons17:28
vdvdo i understand right, that mscim is for switching input languages?17:29
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* jonwil is beginning to see why people hate GTK so much17:44
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arvutoink! its time 4 a... $h0w€®!18:15
r00t|homea what?18:16
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r00t|homea "$h0wâ¬Â®"?18:16
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arvutr00t|home: =)18:34
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slonopotamusfor some mysterious reason my n900 doesn't send/receive anything when it shows "3G" connection. all other (2G, 2.5, 3.5) work perfectly18:47
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luke-jrslonopotamus: you should quit forking :P19:02
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Paliping X-Fade19:11
Pali~seen X-Fade19:11
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo #harmattan #meego, last said: 'I want it as much as anyone, but we need to prevent dependency hell :)'.19:11
DocScrutinizerPali: pong19:13
Palipong DocScrutinizer19:13
Paliwhat is state of kernel module for charging?19:14
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Palihas somebody start writing code?19:15
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DocScrutinizerthere's never been plans for such a module, I sketched a API for controlling the bq24150 via sysfs, but seems nobody is interested in implementing it, and no wonder as it conflicts with bme19:15
DocScrutinizerso this module would basically implement in kernel what is now handled by our script19:16
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DocScrutinizeryou still need userland stuff to do things like USB enum and negotiate power-consumption, signal charge state to HAL/whatever, etc19:18
PaliI'd like to start writing bq24150 kernel code, but I do not know that bq chip19:18
DocScrutinizerno problem, my half-done API spec has all the details you need to know19:19
DocScrutinizeror, if anything not clear with it, just ask me19:19
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DocScrutinizerbut then we got the problem of bme acting up when this module is loaded, just like we see with bq2720019:21
Paliproblem is that I do not know how to access to that bq registers19:21
Paliwe can create wrapper library for BME19:22
DocScrutinizerduh, simple. via i2c19:22
DocScrutinizerjust look at bq27200.ko19:22
DocScrutinizeryou basically can c&p the stuff from there19:22
PaliOk, I already created some patch for bq27x00_battery.ko so I can start from this point19:23
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PaliI already have downloaded this txt19:25
PaliIs original datasheet with all bq24150 registers available?19:26
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TofeHello !20:45
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TofeI googled and googled this around, but still, I didn't find a way to solve one problem with my N900. Long story short, my problem is exactly the one described here:
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Tofeof course I tried all the possible workarounds: delete the conversation database, restore the default theme from a clean backup... still, the problem occurs. I *think* the database is ok, as the list of messages appears , but I don't know how to check that20:49
Tofeit's a phone I got just two days ago, so destroying the messages database and restarting from scratch is not a problem for me. But it doesn't seem like it solves anything.20:50
Tofewould anyone here have solved this problem in the past, by chance ?20:51
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TofeSolved !!21:10
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Tofe <-- deleting ~/.mozilla/rtcom was the key here. \o/21:11
povbotBug 11456: History of every conversation (SMS, IM) empty after update to PR1.321:11
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smegheadzglad you got it solved21:23
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TofeI'm glad too :)21:24
smegheadzi'm stuck trying to figure out a simple way to get all my contacts from my n900 to my work phone which is a wp721:25
Tofeexport/import of vCard isn't possible ?21:25
smegheadzn900 doesn't support pbap so can't bluetooth sync21:25
ShadowJKmy n900 syncs quite nicely with my e7 over bluetooth21:25
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smegheadzsymbian is fine21:25
smegheadzi can do that21:25
smegheadzbut n900 to windows phone isn't21:25
ShadowJKwhat did they leave out of the windows phone? :D21:26
smegheadzsymbian, android, ios, blackberry to wp7 all works fine for contact sync21:26
smegheadzit's the n900 doesn't support pbap21:26
ShadowJKAnd that windows phone doesn't support the sync thingy profile N900 and symbian does?21:27
smegheadzyou can sync contacts from symbian, andriod, ios and wp7 fine with each other. but n900 can't21:28
Sicelopbap, aiui is not for contact transfer21:28
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smegheadzguess thats why then haha21:28
smegheadzi'm clutching at straws here21:28
smegheadzi tried using gmail account21:29
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smegheadzexported all my contacts as vcard then merged them and imported to gmail contacts21:29
smegheadzbut contacts with multiple numbers only have the first number copied21:29
smegheadzi don't have outlook to do it that way21:30
ShadowJKbefore E75 -> N900 transition, I always used the sim as contacts carrier :)21:30
smegheadzthats a messy way. i tried that and i ended up just deleting all haha21:31
smegheadzwhen i did n95 8gb to n900 it was easy. synced fine21:31
smegheadzi'm trying to revive it now to go back to it then to this wp7 junk21:31
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smegheadzthere are things which are good about wp7 but there's lots still not good. they really need to get the basics sorted. if i've 2 numbers for a contact and i get a text from them, i can't tell which number they txt from.21:35
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smegheadzanyone want to give me a free lcd for n900 :D21:36
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smegheadzthis is why i thought it was pbap that was stopping me from transfering from n900 to wp7
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Phlogistiquesmegheadz: I recently saw a non-working n900 on sale on ebay21:39
Phlogistiquefor parts21:39
smegheadzhmm interesting21:39
smegheadzi've got to drop into a repair place saturday and if there's issues with getting it sorted i will go the ebay route.21:40
smegheadzcheers for that. well i'm off now. l8r21:40
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asdffdsahello, thx 4 your help. i resolved the problem with the battery21:49
chem|stasdffdsa: details?21:50
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asdffdsai went to a cellphone store and charged the battery for 10 minutes. went home flashed the n900 and now all works fine....still reinstalling the software, but it works ^^21:52
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Sicelonice asdffdsa21:54
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asdffdsawhats the R&D Mode for?22:02
Tofeit's for going root (the official way)22:03
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asdffdsaoh...hmm...gainroot :D22:03
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Cor-Aianyone got an micro usb port for sale? :P23:30
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DocScrutinizerasdffdsa: R&D mode is for R&D ;-D23:44
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asdffdsalol but what means R&D?23:45
DocScrutinizerit enables some functions usual users don't need (no, I don't mean root access), and it disables some functions that can get annoying for hardcore devels (e.g watchdog timer reboots)23:45
DocScrutinizerR&D = Research&Development23:46
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DocScrutinizeror maybe Rock'n'Roll & DaDaism23:46
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DocScrutinizerTofe: you're sure R&D is the *official* way to get root access?23:50
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DocScrutinizerI thought it's been "install rootsh pkg" since days of diablo23:51
DocScrutinizermaybe even longer23:51
asdffdsawhats the diablo?23:52
DocScrutinizerN8x0 OS23:53
DocScrutinizermaemo diablo23:53
DocScrutinizeraka maemo423:53
chem|stCor-Ai: shops usually have that many that they even sell them!23:56
asdffdsaanyone tryed the multiboot of maemo5 and meego?23:56
infobotsomebody said multiboot was at
chem|stasdffdsa: not worth it btw23:57
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