IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2011-06-21

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thopiekarhi.. is there anyway to get a "Esc" key on the N900?00:02
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thpthopiekar: you could remap the keyboard:
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trumeethopiekar: you can get hold of ntpdate for fixing time problems,
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thopiekarwell, thanks, again ;)00:11
trumeethopiekar: unfortunately, i am away from home so cant test your binaries00:11
trumeethopiekar: but where are we at the moment ? ;)00:12
thopiekarat home00:12
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thopiekarplayback works but a shame that I can't get quit a view.,.00:12
trumeethopiekar: ah00:13
thopiekarbecause the Esc key is missing00:13
trumeethopiekar: you can enable network control and telnet to mythtv00:13
trumeethopiekar: telnet localhost 654600:13
thopiekardunno if I have enabled :D00:13
trumeethopiekar: so is it Livetv which you tested?00:14
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trumeethopiekar: another option could be to use easystroke with mythtv00:15
thopiekaryes but the video is bad.. I think I'll need to fix the resolution00:15
trumeethopiekar:is this SDTV?00:15
trumeethopiekar: my guess SDTV has a higher resolution than max resolution of N90000:16
thopiekarI wouldn't try to watch HDTV00:16
thopiekarmyth should scale it..00:16
thopiekarwe can expect HDTV in 0.25 when they enable OpenGL ES support00:16
trumeethopiekar: did you have to disable opengl?00:16
thopiekaropengl != opengl es00:17
trumeethopiekar: yes, aware of that00:17
trumeethopiekar: cpu usage is 100% atm?00:17
thopiekardunno still trying to fix the keybindings :D00:17
trumeethopiekar: you can always ssh into the device.00:18
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thopiekargot it00:19
trumeethopiekar: try to use the slim playback profile.00:19
thopiekarok set it now.. I'll check a recording now00:19
thopiekark, the video is lagging..00:20
thopiekarI'll play with the ringbuffer settings later00:21
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trumeethopiekar: did you have to disable mythtranscode?00:21
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thopiekaryes to make the code qt3 independen00:22
trumeethopiekar: i wonder if mythtranscode does the video scaling00:22
thopiekargoing to take a bath.. so you later ;)00:23
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trumeethopiekar: right, later00:23
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angeloxHi all00:29
angeloxflashed my phone and it now says "no initfs \o/"00:30
angeloxwhat should i do?00:30
andre__angelox, what phone, and what software version?00:31
andre__(well - I assume N900, but still)00:31
angeloxyou are asking about phone software or my pc software?00:31
MohammadAGflasher-3.5 --disable-rd-mode00:32
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andre__and the version you try to install on the N900?00:32
andre__what's the exact complete command you used?00:32
angeloxi was trying install another distribution,was running in maemo pr 1.2 i guess...00:33
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andre__angelox, well, which distribution?00:34
angeloxon phone? SHR00:34
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andre__so you get "no initfs" when trying to install SHR? or when trying to install back Maemo on it?00:34
GNUtoowhen he's trying to get back maemo00:34
angeloxyes,when i tried to install back maemo kernel...00:35
andre__I'd try first what MohammadAG wrote (might be related that R&D is enabled)00:35
angeloxbtw,i'm from Brazil and i'm downloading from here a full image,could i download a USA release?00:35
angeloxok,i'll try00:35
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angeloxUnable to enumerate USB devices!00:36
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vldcnstandre__: is ferenc still the sysadmin?00:37
andre__vldcnst, one of them, yeah00:38
angelox"I'm from Brazil and i'm downloading from here a full image,could i download a USA release? "   Sorry,i said wrong,it was about UK release00:38
vldcnstandre__: I sent him some important emails a few weeks ago and still no response. Might I forward them to you? ( vulnerabilities related)00:39
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andre__vldcnst: not that I can do something myself but I can try to ping people. feel free to00:39
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vldcnstandre__: andre@maemo?00:41
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Khertan_n900Hello !00:42
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Khertan_n900i hope this is'nt that00:45
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Khertan_n900look like no keyboard00:45
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vldcnstlooks identical, so yeah00:45
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cehtehi think i saied about one year ago "the n900 successor will be more sleek and mainstream but piss off all geeks"00:46
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Khertan_n900the n810 is more sleek than n90000:47
Khertan_n900vldcnst it s rumors. But hum no keyboard will made this MeeGo a NoGo for me00:48
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cehtehno stylus either and very likely a capacitative touchscreen00:49
thopiekartrumee: I'm back00:49
vldcnstKhertan_n900: there are rumours this will be the consumer device and the dev (n950?) will be the one with qwerty and stuff00:49
javispedrobut no resisitve either00:50
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cehtehno freenode too00:50
javispedroI meant split.00:50
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javispedrobut spit was good too.00:50
Khertan_n900oh god if it s true i hope a real manufacturer will give us a MeeGo Handset !00:51
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Khertan_n900And why announce that so late in the night for European. Europe is clearly not a targeted market00:52
angelox_123what's the difference between Global Version and UK version from Maemo's releases?00:52
javispedrosingapore is, khertan.00:52
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Khertan_n900javispedro singapore is'nt buying chineese meego device ?00:54
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angelox_123no one?00:58
cehtehsomeone what?00:59
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angelox_123what's the difference between Global Version and UK version from Maemo's releases? Can i use a UK version in a phone from BRAZIL?00:59
javispedrokhertan: singapore buys anything once elop plants atrojan horse in the country01:00
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cehtehangelox_123: its just software, you can reflash the international firmware image anyways01:01
cehtehthe only hardware difference could be the keyboard layout01:01
angelox_123ok,so i can flash?01:01
angelox_123without problems01:01
_trineI would like to know what the difference is between the UK version and others01:01
cehtehyes i think so01:02
angelox_123ok thanks01:02
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cehtehmaybe some regulation .. radio transmitter and receiver  frequency range?01:02
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_trineI just wonder why they go to the trouble of having different versions01:02
angelox_123ok thanks01:04
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x29athe qt sdk 1.1 is the way to go (no sandbox no more?) when developing for the n900 on maemo freemantle?01:05
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angeloxAnyone with a solution for this? Unable to enumerate USB buses! Already tried manage blacklist01:16
mrsellouttry sudo flasher ....01:17
angeloxalready as root01:17
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Spydemonhow can we see a list of applications which are in a postpone execution with alarmd ?01:21
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GeneralAntillesArbitrary TLDs01:53
GeneralAntillesI like it.01:53
SpeedEvilhttp://GeneralAntilles/ could work01:53
GeneralAntillesI wonder how many big companies are going to buy in.01:53
SpeedEvilAll you need is to plop down $150K01:53
GeneralAntillesIf only I had $180,00001:53
SpeedEvilIs it 180K, or 180k/year?01:53
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GeneralAntillesDon't remember.01:54
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SpeedEvilIndeed - I'm unlikely to be buying it.01:55
SpeedEvilI do have a four letter .com01:56
SpeedEvilBut - ... :)01:56
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* SpeedEvil ponders the virtues of staying up another hour.03:15
SpeedEvil'iTWire reported they received an invitation from Nokia Australia for an announcement and demo of a “new market disrupting device” on June 21st.' - it's a ICBM, running meego, pointed at Cupertino.03:16
nox-hmm so it really not just rumors?03:20
nox-its even03:21
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SpeedEvil'a market disrupting device' does not inherently mean a purchasable device.03:26
SpeedEvilIt could be something new and innovative that nobodies thought of before, like a netbook, into which plugs a phone.03:26
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DocScrutinizerwell, that's already existing :-)03:29
SpeedEvilI know.03:29
* SpeedEvil says screwit, and gets a coffee and begins assembling his teeny oven.03:30
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DocScrutinizerhmmmm coffee03:47
infobotrumour has it, xyawn is nap03:48
DocScrutinizerher advice is different03:48
SpeedEvilOn a random matter. I s anyone aware of reverse engineering of Opera Turbo?03:49
SpeedEvilBecause in here, it might cause the flow of vibrant communication to be disrupted.03:52
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draglyWill the Nokia Connection event be streamed?03:53
Ken-Youngdragly, Yes.03:54
nusseso we will get another nokia phone running what?03:56
draglyKen-Young: Where? I haven't seen any links. And bambuser seems to be down at the moment.03:57
dragly(Not sure if I'll stay up, though.)03:57
Ken-Youngdragly, I was afraid you'd ask me that.   I'll hunt around for it.03:57
draglyKen-Young: Thanks! :) I have been hunting around on the event website, the "EPIC" thread and more, but without success :(03:58
Ken-Youngdragly, Oh God - nobody will ever find anything in the Epic Thread.03:59
loft306been searchenf round  nhe connection site for hours trying to find link04:00
draglyKen-Young: I figured that out. Every time I've been looking at it there is another page. And I've set the Talk settings to list 40 posts or so on each page.04:00
nid0supposedly itll be up at
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Ken-YoungI've read it will be streamed here:
draglyIf something is disruptive today, it is the traffic in that thread.04:01
SpeedEvilIt's scrolling faster than /b/04:01
loft306that is what i heave read too Ken-Young / nid004:02
Ken-Youngdragly, This page: claims it will be streamed at that site.04:02
draglyKen-Young: Thanks. I suppose they are running around thinking about everything else but to set up the stream over in Singapore right now.04:03
Ken-Youngloft306, My experience has been these streamed sessions work about 10% of the times that they are advertised.04:03
loft306if your on the rite os with the rite browser04:04
loft306anssh the whole bloody thing dont crash04:04
nid0it is amazing how huge globocorps can struggle with making a video of a planned-in-advance-for-ages event available online04:04
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Ken-YoungTexRat will be tweeting during the event.   That might be a safer bet.04:06
draglyYes. I've been attending to a few events where the video surfaces 6-7 months later or even never. But that was mostly non-profits with volunteers.04:06
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DocScrutinizerwell, I think I'm completely comfortable with waiting here for the "news" impacting04:06
draglyI was just hoping Nokia would have things set up in due time.04:07
draglyDocScrutinizer: You're right :) Might as well wait for the pics and videos to surface.04:08
loft306hey its Nokia04:08
loft306that and ontime dont go in tehsame sentance04:08
ShadowJKi thought it was an hour from now04:08
Ken-YoungShadowJK, THat's right.04:08
draglyBut I must admit I was looking forward to see how Elop would present Meego. Would he look excited?04:08
* DocScrutinizer wonders why everybody is so excited about presentation of s stylish toaster with rubber feet04:09
draglyloft306: Haha. We should probably wait till next week for the event to actually have happened.04:10
Ken-YoungI MUST KNOW NOW04:10
draglyDocScrutinizer: I'm not excited about Elop's presentation. I'm just really curious if his love for WP will shine through or not :-p04:10
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Ken-YoungWell at least Elop has the sense to hold the event as far as possible from the place Gates got the pie thrown in his face.04:12
draglyKen-Young: Hehehe :D04:12
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DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: any further explanations about that chan??04:13
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, BE THERE04:13
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, just the channel for the conference chatter.04:13
GeneralAntillesAll the cool people are there.04:13
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, excepting you, though. :P04:15
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DocScrutinizertbh I don't give a flying F* about what Nokia is going to announce04:19
draglyDocScrutinizer: Not interested? Or tired of Nokia?04:19
DocScrutinizerI've put my money on "SUCKS" like 18h ago04:19
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, well, come whine with us.04:20
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Ken-YoungDon't spoil Christmas Eve!04:20
draglyDocScrutinizer: Hehe. I see.04:20
Ken-YoungI know we'll get socks, but we can still hope for 40 more minutes.04:20
draglyAre we getting socks?! :o04:21
DocScrutinizerthis seems more like a wedding where everybody likes to join just to cry about why it's not him/her that is standing there saying "yes"04:21
draglyMy expectations just raised to a new level.04:21
draglyAnd now you lowered them again...04:21
draglyDocScrutinizer: Nice analogy.04:22
DocScrutinizerwhile I think "fsck off, bitch"04:23
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Ken-Youngloft306, Thanks!04:29
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loft306np it popped up in the channel ch e  chatter went to04:31
loft306!/nokia/status/82982390078771201   though just points to same stream04:33
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Ken-YoungSo, DocScrutinizer, if you've gu pinning your hopes on these days?iven up on Nokia, what phone, if any, are yo04:35
Ken-YoungSo, DocScrutinizer, if you've given up on Nokia, what phone, if any, are yoyou pinning your hopes on these days (sorrya about the glitch)?04:35
DocScrutinizerN900, what else04:35
Ken-YoungGood man!04:35
Ken-YoungAre you playing with Meego?04:36
DocScrutinizerI'm just starting about making myself feel comfy with maemo04:36
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DocScrutinizerI'm one of that sort of guys that always visit same place for holiday, you know04:37
Ken-YoungDo you find the gta04 interesting at all?04:37
DocScrutinizerI'm not testing a new brand of tea each week04:38
DocScrutinizerKen-Young: basically gta04 is interesting, but stillborn04:38
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DocScrutinizerand honestly, the LCM and case are both crap ;-D04:40
DocScrutinizerthe LCD is not bad at all, but the touchpannel is abysmal04:40
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DocScrutinizererr, well. Even the LCD controller is a piece of crap04:42
Ken-YoungWell, I'm impressed with what they've done.   I never thought they'd produce anything.   I am glad I was wrong.04:42
DocScrutinizerindeed, Nikolaus did an amazing job04:42
johnxmornin' all04:43
DocScrutinizermorn johnx04:43
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DocScrutinizerKen-Young: and still I don't see this device ever passing GSM cert, simply for economic reasons. So basically you must not use it as a phone04:45
DocScrutinizerI'd even questionable if selling it is legal04:46
Ken-YoungDocScrutinizer, I'll bet I can use it on T-Mobile anyway (if I can get one).   T-Mobile doesn't seem to care at all what phone you use on their network.04:47
DocScrutinizerno carrier except a few rogue ones in Korea and Japan does04:48
DocScrutinizerut users might run into severe trouble whenever somebody really cares04:48
* ShadowJK tried a imei:000000... device once, didn't work04:49
Ken-YoungI'll certainly buy one if I ever get the opportunity to do so.   It's gotta be the all-time nerdliest phone.04:49
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jpinxrem1teshellKen-Young: which phone? I am in Thailand and can get most wierd stuff;)04:50
DocScrutinizerit's definitely illegal to use uncertified transmitters, unless you are a developer or got a amateur radio licence - and even then you mustn't use sucha device as a regular everyday phone04:50
Ken-YoungDocScrutinizer, I've got a Ham license...04:51
DocScrutinizerthen you know about the situation and legislation04:51
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Ken-Youngjpinxrem1teshell, We're discussing the gta04 phone, the community-developed successor to the Openmoko Freerunner.04:51
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Ken-YoungDocScrutinizer, I'll just send morse code.04:51
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DocScrutinizerwell, it's not exactly community-developed04:52
* jpinx googles...04:52
jpinxgta04 phone, the community-developed successor to the Openmoko Freerunner.04:53
DocScrutinizerjpinx: searchword goldelico04:53
Ken-YoungWell, Beagleboard/Freerunner Frankenstein monser, then.04:53
infobotKen-Young meant: Well, Beagleboard/Freerunner Frankenstein monster, then.04:53
DocScrutinizerit's more like Nikolaus decided to do the job all on his own (with a little help from 1 or 2 others unknown)04:54
DocScrutinizercommunity contribution been, well... exactly zero04:55
Ken-YoungDocScrutinizer, I was unaware of that.04:55
DocScrutinizerfor community driven hw development, check out qi-hardware, even #qi-hardware, the successor of the better parts of Openmoko04:56
DocScrutinizergoogle for atben/atusb to find true community driven hw development04:56
Ken-YoungThat hardware's just a bit too limited for my taste.   It's like a 1990 pocket organizer.04:57
DocScrutinizerthe Ben NanoNote? indeed, it's not meant to be anything beyond that04:57
Ken-YoungI know.   But if you have to be that limited to be fully open, I don't think it's worth it.04:58
DocScrutinizeryou're free to start a more ambitioned project over there. I bet you're welcome04:59
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Ken-YoungDocScrutinizer, I've corresponded a very little bit with them, but I have no hardware skills.05:00
Ken-YoungI pat myself on the back for an hour when I get a flashlight working.05:01
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DocScrutinizerfunny enough how excitement about that supposed disruptive new device of Nokia seized all this chan, while #meego* went without taking any notice05:01
GeneralAntillesBe there or be square.05:02
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DocScrutinizersee what I meant? :-P05:02
jpinxlooks lke fun :)heh05:02
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DocScrutinizerI'm demonstrating what's my attitude towards Nokia roadmap and new devices emerging from that, by ignoring this chan, the event, and everything about it05:03
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DocScrutinizerhonestly whatever it is they may announce, I neither like the guy announcing it nor by any chance the announced item itself05:05
DocScrutinizerat very best it boils down to "this is our first and last 'meego' device, comes with an OS chimera that we think looks really cute in the eyes of an andridiot"05:07
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GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, ssssh.05:08
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DocScrutinizerotoh, witnessing the flying tomatoes could be real fun, so... /joining05:09
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DocScrutinizerfuckin hoax05:19
Ken-YoungDocScrutinizer, You're watching the stream?05:19
DocScrutinizerno way05:20
DocScrutinizer"you need to enable cookies on your brwoser" what definitely I did05:20
DocScrutinizer"recursive link, aborted"05:20
DocScrutinizersimply stalling05:20
NIN101yes this page is so fucked.05:20
DocScrutinizerI already regret going outa my way and paying any attention to this fsckup05:21
DocScrutinizerin the end I'll win my bet on "SUCKS", no matter what05:21
DocScrutinizerand if there's really a huge stinking foul ostrich egg hitting and killing Elop, I'm sure I'll see the pretty cut edition on youtube tomorrow05:23
DocScrutinizerjust next to
DocScrutinizerif no such event, it's a rather boring way to waste my time anyway, to watch that presentation05:25
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DocScrutinizerI mean it's not like watching p0rn to see Elop pulling a pink device out of his pocket05:26
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trxwtf is she doing with her jaws?05:30
trxeating some food remains or what?05:31
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DocScrutinizerfreenode: >>We would like to express our thanks to those individual donors and corporate sponsors who made the 2008/2009 fundraiser a massive success! In particular, Canonical Ltd (you know, the company behind Ubuntu, who generously donated £1700.00!).<< ROTFL GBP170005:33
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Termanagood morning05:34
DocScrutinizerhonestly shuttleworth better hadn't done this at all05:34
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DocScrutinizerTermana: morning05:36
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Termana<DocScrutinizer> honestly shuttleworth better hadn't done this at all <--- has anyone really been far even decided to use even go want to do look more like?05:40
TermanaAre you meaning to say - it would have been better for him if had not donated the money?05:40
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DocScrutinizerTermana: parser segfailt05:41
DocScrutinizerTermana: a multimillion $$$ company donating 1700 GBP just looks really really bad. Better do nothing than this05:42
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DocScrutinizerI mean that's probably the anount of electric energy the freenode servers need for one week hosting #ubuntu05:43
DocScrutinizerso if *you* went to donate 1700GBP to freenode fundraiser campaign as you're so happy about #ubuntu, everybody says "kudos". If ""ubuntu"" themselves aka canonical is donating 1700, it's a nasty joke05:45
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* DocScrutinizer is wondering if everybody joining that nonsense over in that other chan already got drunk by now05:47
DocScrutinizeror committed suicide as Nokia announced they opted to go for winCE for their new devices05:47
ds3go yocto go05:48
* jpinx agrees with DocScrutinizer 05:50
jpinxnokia have lost it,,,05:50
jpinxshame, they used to make good phones, but lost the plot some years ago05:51
DocScrutinizeryeah, watching Elop isn't exactly like watching the drowning man, as Elop is more like the one supposed to help but actually pushing the drowning one under water even more, deliberately05:52
DocScrutinizerloft306: wut?05:52
loft306they kust announced it05:52
DocScrutinizeroh WOW *cough* giggle05:52
Ken-Youngloft306, THey still haven't mentioned the OS>05:52
loft306not yet05:53
DocScrutinizerwhich definitely will be "meego"-harmattan chimera crap05:53
ds3can't afford to shutdown the market by dropping too much in a single day ;)05:53
loft306-tould me harmattas05:53
loft306nyping with kb in lap aint easy05:54
DocScrutinizer[2011-06-21 04:07:32] <DocScrutinizer> at very best it boils down to "this is our first and last 'meego' device, comes with an OS chimera that we think looks really cute in the eyes of an andridiot"05:54
jpinxit spoke volumes when the main guy for meego left05:54
jpinxextended leave? <joke>05:55
Ken-YoungDoesn't Baldy know we want to see him run a python script in a shell window?05:55
ds3you mean the time it takes CE to boot? ;)05:56
DocScrutinizerbet he never heard about shell windows or python05:56
DocScrutinizerds3: ECHAN?05:57
loft306only 8mp carl zeiss05:57
DocScrutinizeryou're aware that, given formfactor, you're better off with 5MP than with 12 ?05:58
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil will love to explain to you in gory detail why huge number of megapixel is absolutely useless for a sensor of <1cm^305:59
loft306ok so the n950 is the developer phone06:00
loft306its /l/i-ted at the bottom of that page06:01
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DocScrutinizerok, no hw kbd -> ***USELESS***06:02
DocScrutinizertake your N9 and eat it06:03
Ken-YoungI want one if it's Meego.06:03
Ken-YoungOh, it is.06:03
loft306qt lives06:03
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internetishardanything confirmed for after the n900 yet?06:04
jpinxDocScrutinizer: plug-in kbd?06:04
jpinxok - screw-in then ;)06:05
DocScrutinizersee, I was able to "plug in kbd" to my old 6210 of 1999. Using a N810 "kbd"06:06
DocScrutinizerI don't need nor want yetanother iPhone-me-too06:06
Choomwhen's the N9 coming out?06:06
DocScrutinizerwho cares?06:06
Choomthe one asking the question06:06
GeneralAntillesChoom, "Later this year"06:07
Choomaight, thanks06:07
Choomis there a list of hs specifications?06:07
ChoomI didn't manage to find one on that site06:08
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loft306as usual didnt give a ship date06:08
Choomthey're there on the right06:09
ChoomThe document you tried to retrieve does not exist on this server. You might have misspelled the name of the file, or the link is outdated. Please remove the incorrect bookmark or inform an administrator.06:09
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DocScrutinizerwell, it's been pretty obvious since months if not "years" meego is heading towards a crippled iphone/android-alike UX. Now we see the result. I simply hate it06:10
jpinxheh - nokia at their best :/06:10
* DocScrutinizer hugs his N90006:11
* DocScrutinizer hugs his other N90006:12
* DocScrutinizer starts watching ebay for cheap 3rd and 4th and 5th N90006:12
jpinxmy N900 is doing well - need a 2nd one for a 2nd sim card ;)06:12
* DocScrutinizer hugs his both N810, so they don't feel sad06:13
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* jpinx is waiting for the chinese to make a n900 dualsim version ;)06:13
DocScrutinizeronly part that *constantly* sucked on all maemo devices been the vkbd. Quite obvious reasonable decision to go for a hw-kbd-less N9 ;-P06:14
Choomdon't tell me their big innovation is ... swipe?06:14
Choomnot even something with multitouch?06:14
internetishardYeah, I don't want the next n900 to come out yet06:15
internetishardI like my n90006:15
internetishardDon't want to have to spend anymore06:15
internetishardand redo all my configs06:15
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: 100% on your page06:15
internetishardThough I still need a work around to automatically connect to only my home wifi, and nothing else besides the gsm connection06:16
ChoomI do, though I may end up joining the iphone bandwagon if it turns out to be crap06:16
* DocScrutinizer doesn't really wish all the best to N9 "meego"06:16
internetishardHow's cosmology going DocScrutinizer?06:16
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DocScrutinizerwell, seems they still got no answer what's dark energy, not to mention dark mater06:17
internetishardBecause it is a mathematical fudge factor to correct the big bang theory06:17
internetishardso it doesn't look ridiculous in the face of new observations06:17
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bindioh hi06:17
DocScrutinizerand /me is still wondering if there shouldn't be planets made of dark mater out there06:17
bindiso, n9's out now D:06:17
internetishardwhat is your training on this topic DocScrutinizer?06:17
Ken-YoungThey'd microlense.06:18
Choombindi: I wish06:18
lofty306shipping later this year they say06:18
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bindiannounced/released whatever :P06:18
bindiwondering what kind of cpu does it have06:18
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: my training on any topic is, well unconventional06:18
internetishardThat's cool06:18
internetishardI mean, what did you read, etc06:18
DocScrutinizeron a strict start-early-start-solitaire approach06:18 bindi06:19
ChoomI'm more concerned about its sensors and touchscreen06:19
bindilofty306: yes?06:19
internetishardDocScrutinizer, what do you think of the tired light theory?06:19
internetishardIt might be a fun thing to look into06:19
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: TV, internet, occasional scientific mags - for cosmology06:19
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DocScrutinizerinternetishard: tired light has quite some appeal to me06:20
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DocScrutinizerI'm even pondering a slow change in some cosmological constant that affects light during the billions of years it travels06:21
internetishardIt has appeal to me too06:21
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internetishardDo you have any research in being part of a research group?06:21
internetishardMaybe you could help with some software models06:21
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DocScrutinizerlike a slow tuning of the *global* clock06:21
internetishardYes, I believe in an evolving universe06:22
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: not enough spare time to waste on that06:22
internetishardbut mostly on the local level06:22
internetishardAh, okay06:22
internetishardJust curious, you seem interested enough06:22
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NIN101 lol not in germany?06:25
* DocScrutinizer claims the wins from hiis "SUCKS" bet06:25
DocScrutinizernihtoo close to me? ;-P06:25
DocScrutinizerNIN101: ^^^06:25
internetishardN9, no hardware keyboard06:26
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DocScrutinizerChoom: haha, that's definitely a hoax, no?06:28
NIN101 i would trust this06:28
jpinxKen-Young: Ken-Young they'd only micro lense anti-light ;)06:28
ChoomDocScrutinizer: I don't know06:28
internetishardhopes > /dev/null06:29
internetishardiphone clone that is06:29
DocScrutinizerChoom: I don't see that nice slide-out kbd of that picture, in any of the orginal Nokia shots06:29
internetishardI don't think the most efficient interface is something with a bunch of app shortcuts06:29
internetishardany idea of it is resistive or capacitive touch?06:30
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: [2011-06-21 05:06:35] <DocScrutinizer> I don't need nor want yetanother iPhone-me-too06:30
internetishardI kind of got used to resistive, I'd rather have it06:30
internetishardhaha^ yep06:30
DocScrutinizer[2011-06-21 05:02:51] <DocScrutinizer> ok, no hw kbd -> ***USELESS***06:30
internetishardpeople think I'm chatting to them from my computer still06:30
internetishardAnd sometimes they still can't keep up - which is sad06:30
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: for all known it's c-ts06:31
internetishardusing my phone with gloves on in front of other people is so bad ass06:31
ChoomI'd rather have capacitive06:31
internetishardin chicago winters06:31
DocScrutinizerespecially sad given the missing hw-kbd06:31
internetishardChoom: then again, you'd almost rather have an iphone06:31
internetishardand the n9 doesn't look like an easy phone to get a battery out of06:32
DocScrutinizerit's not06:32
internetishardI carry 3 batteries always and can run all the time06:32
DocScrutinizerprobably secured by screws06:32
Choominternetishard: indeed, too bad apple forces so many restrictions on sw development06:32
internetisharddepends what you're after06:33
jpinxinternetishard: change batteries without halting the system?06:33
internetishardif it is money, then yeah, go dev for the iphone (or better yet android, depending upon the app)06:33
internetishardI don't no, but I heard people can06:33
internetishardbut I get them in and out and booted pretty quickly06:33
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internetishardno fucking around with screws06:33
DocScrutinizerChoom: the extend in which meego is approaching the android way, you're not much better off with an N9 than with an iPhone06:33
internetishardthe hardware the n9 packs doesn't seem more open than the n90006:34
DocScrutinizeryou bet it isn't06:34
Choomthat's not my issue06:34
Choommy issue is not being able to run daemons on an iphone06:35
internetishardAh fuck06:35
DocScrutinizerN9/meego never been about more openness06:35
internetishardYou sure of that DocScrutinizer?06:35
DocScrutinizerin my book06:35
internetishardwell, then, I wonder if openmoko will come back or something06:35
internetishardI want my pocket unix workstation06:35
internetishardwith limitless modularity06:35
SpeedEvilModularity is hard.06:35
* SpeedEvil should write up this rant.06:36
internetishardand a pop-out telephone booth06:36
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: OM is dead06:36
internetishardI heard06:36
internetishardif the n9 sucks I want something like openmoko revitalized06:36
DocScrutinizerthey came up with a movie bookmark site idea recently06:36
internetishardhow expensive is n900s R&D anyway?06:36
DocScrutinizersome mio06:36
SpeedEvilIn short - if you want modularity - there are lots of hidden costs to it. You have to pick a size for the module - which will be non optimal for some, not fit for others. You need a case around the module, static protection, extra decoupling, a case and a hole for the module.06:36
Choomif the n9 ends up sucking I'll just buy an iphone 506:37
SpeedEvilThis weakens and makes the case less stiff.06:37
internetishardsomeone should front the money and get the best specs in there to make the n900 replacement06:37
internetishardI guess I didn't mean that type of modularity, SpeedEvil06:37
SpeedEvilinternetishard: To make a mass market phone with - say - 50000 units up front - you need 10M06:37
internetishardI always wondered how hard it really is06:38
internetishardto plan ahead, to say, make sure the n900 doesn't have gps like today's06:38
DocScrutinizer(in reply to SpeedEvil ) all this ends with a rationale it's cheaper to throw everything into one model of non-modular phone than having any changeable modules at all06:38
internetishardI'd still use a resistive screen, I think06:38
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internetishardmultitouch though06:39
DocScrutinizerstantum r-ts FTW06:39
internetishardYes, that is nice06:39
internetishardHow hard is it to make a phone that is compatible with cdma & gsm?06:40
internetishardNot that I'd want cdma, but 4g would be nice06:40
SpeedEvilinternetishard: CDMA basically means - as you probably mean it - operator approval.06:40
SpeedEvilYou literally cannot make a phone if the operator does not want it.06:40
lofty306if it sux.. ill just revert to the 900  aadn put droid in it too06:40
internetishardMaybe more people would buy such a phone if it closed more of the gap between netbooks and phones06:41
internetishardfor example, the next n900 comes with a bluetooth fold up keyboard06:41
internetishardthe retards would be like, "no fukcing way"06:42
internetishardthus, opening a new market of sorts06:42
internetishardheh, sorry, when I'm in IRC I'm usually in #startups06:42
jpinxand a projector screen06:43
internetisharda projector keyboard06:43
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internetishardthoes exist06:43
internetishardbut I wouldn't do the projector, of course (I took that as a joke)06:43
jpinxI'd go for an optional projector screen06:44
ChoomSpeedEvil: why doesn't the FCC regulate those things?06:44
internetishardbecause the people who are appointed to the FCC were from the industry06:44
SpeedEvilChoom: It does.06:44
internetishardand get props if they help it06:44
SpeedEvilChoom: But not in the way you want.06:44
internetishardhelp the industry = help their friends who profit from it06:45
SpeedEvilChoom: GSM came from europe.06:45
SpeedEvilChoom: From phone-makers, and was closed.06:45
SpeedEvilCDMA came from network operators, and was closed.06:45
internetishardAlso, I'd like to have more privacy from the man (men?) than a google phone could offer06:46
RST38hHello all06:48
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DocScrutinizerhi RST38h06:48
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internetishardnice talk guys06:48
DocScrutinizeryou ""missed all the fun""06:48
RST38hDoc: But at least I got some sleep06:48
RST38hDoc: So, how bad is it?06:48
internetishardanyway, if anyone figures out a way to trick my phone into only auto connecting to my home wifi network (not others - but without getting rid of the other wep keys I've saved), then I'd appreciate it.06:49
RST38hDoc: ?06:49
DocScrutinizera me-too-iPhone06:49
RST38hI am ok with that. Anything specific?06:49
DocScrutinizerno hw kbd, not even configurable mostly06:49
internetishardsomeone needs to get close to nokias staff/designers and befriend them06:49
RST38hDoc: You mean, no shell?06:50
internetishardI know some girls that would bang them if they promise to put a mechanical keyboard on it06:50
Choomwas beginning to think I was alone feeling excited about the me-too-iphone thing06:50
krayonI know some GUYS that'd ... nvm06:50
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jpinxheh - krayon is volunteering?06:51
RST38hMeanwhile: To aid the speedy development of apps for the Nokia N9 smartphone, Nokia has produced a limited number of developer phones, the Nokia N950 phone. This phone isn't available for purchase and can only be obtained through selected developer programs, such as Nokia Developer LaunchPad.06:51
Chooma pocket linux workstation on a me-too-iphone kind of device is exactly what I wish06:51
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DocScrutinizerRST38h: I mean "swipe" and "only 3 locations to look at"06:51
RST38hDoc: Ok, so, no keyboard. I can see that. What about the rest though?06:52
krayonjpinx: Depends what we're talking about :/06:52
ChoomI'm also hoping for a digital compass and a multitouch-able capacitive touchscreen this time06:53
krayonjpinx: If it's a newer awesomer N900 and it doesn't have a keyboard then... maybe.06:53
DocScrutinizerRST38h: obviously no slot for removable storage (read SD card)06:53
RST38hDoc: But a 64GB internal option.06:53
RST38hDoc: Any other bad surprises?06:53
RST38hnon removable battery?06:53
DocScrutinizernone for me06:53
DocScrutinizeryeah, probably06:53
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DocScrutinizerhonestly this device is as boring as a new iPhone variant of case color06:54
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RST38hDoc: Again, I am ok with iPhone, as long as the toilet plunger is taken out of the picture06:55
DocScrutinizerdefinitely built for another customer target group06:55
internetishardI wonder how many different antennas would have to be used for a phone that had am/fm, gsm, and 4G...06:55
RST38hDoc: If this slab is iPhone sans the plunger,I am all for it06:55
ChoomRST38h: same06:55
internetishardi.e. how much does that much more compatibility raise the cost ( or size)?06:55
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DocScrutinizerinternetishard: not that many chipsets for 4G yet06:56
internetishardso it is the chipset, not the physical antenna?06:57
DocScrutinizeralso like 3G the 3(4)GPP will ask for royalties which are like 10% of sales price of device06:58
internetishardmainly, I want something that does everything. By far the best is the n900 - and I like how obtainable it is.06:58
internetishardwhere can I read about royalties like that?06:58
RST38hDoc: Anyway, so far this looks relatively ok06:58
DocScrutinizerRST38h: yeah it's prolly ok for an iPhone/Andridiot-Me-Too06:59
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DocScrutinizerI don't think a large number of users that came from N8x0 and hoped for a device that integrates phone functions into their beloved nit, will be happy with this device though, no matter how smart the friggin 3-homes-GUI, no matter how fast the html5-browser07:01
DocScrutinizermy take on it: N900/maemo got taken over by the folks that came to it while actually searching for a Nokia alternative to iPhone. So this "successor" "meego"-phone is definitely abandoning the NIT concept and satisfying this new customer class07:03
internetishardwhat about the people in charge of building and designing the hardware?07:03
internetishardisn't it their fault or the fault of their employers?07:03
internetishardalso, I'm curious about this 4g royalties thing07:04
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konttori_workDocScrutinizer: well, obviously, it's more mainstream, but what don't you like about it?07:04
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Choommost people I know with an N900 did not come from the N8xx crowd, me included07:04
DocScrutinizerkonttori_work: basically the whole concept07:05
RST38hDoc: I do think a lot of Maemians will jump to it though07:05
jpinxnor me - I wanted a smaller eeepc that could phone ;)07:05
RST38hDoc: Because, it is still a Maemo device07:05
Chooma linux workstation inside an iphone is all I'm lookignf for, actually07:05
konttori_workah. that it doesn't have kb?07:05
loft306i skippd the N8xx07:05
RST38hJust looking mainstream is not a sin07:05
DocScrutinizerkonttori_work: main point, yes07:05
konttori_workwell, that's something we all yearn for07:06
RST38hDoc: But I do think Nokia will squander it the way it squandered N900, with the burning platform and all :((07:06
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konttori_workvkb works surprisingly well, but it's never full kb07:06
konttori_workn950 of course does have it07:06
RST38hkonttori: Personally, I will be trying to get the N950 instead :)07:06
konttori_workdid we announce that?07:06
PolarFoxIt's more like a "smartphone" less of a computer..07:06
RST38hkonttori: You did. In a single 4-line paragraph at the bottom of N9 developers page.07:06
PolarFoxN900 was a computer. That means a tool for a computer type stuff, not just for comms.07:07
DocScrutinizerkonttori_work: you know nobody can get a N95007:07
loft306doc put in forc an n95007:07
RST38hDoc: We will see to that =)07:07
konttori_workI have a n95007:07
ChoomPolarFox: most of my computer-y interactions with my n900 are through ssh07:07
konttori_workBut surprisingly, I have been using lankku only07:07
RST38hDoc: It should be available via DDP, and if it is, I am getting it.07:07
konttori_workit's really much better media and all around device07:08
loft306the 9 or the 950 konttori_work07:08
internetishardwell, how do you know what royalties you have to pay for what cutting edge hardware you put in your phone07:08
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DocScrutinizerinternetishard: usually you get to know when talking with chip manufs, cert authorities, etc07:09
PolarFoxlawyers make money finding out what licenses you need to pay and to who.. :)07:09
krayon:( that thing doesn't look very nice.07:12
DocScrutinizerkonttori_work: 250 N950 devices - that's definitely nothing. Plus a nice proof what I definitely dislike about the N9: it obviously needs a developer device as you can't do real work on the main model N9 meant for the lusers07:12
konttori_workno, you can develop on N907:13
DocScrutinizerso why a N950 then?07:13
konttori_workproblem is that we don't currently have CE certified versions of it (as far as I recall, that was the reason).07:13
konttori_workAnd we wanted to get the devices out to devs as soon as possible07:13
konttori_workI am not 100% sure if that's the ultimate reason, but that's my understanding07:14
DocScrutinizerwell, I *might* be interested in a N950, to evaluate and find ways to improve it. I'm definitely not interested in N907:14
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DocScrutinizerkonttori_work: I offered to do such evaluation for the >new device> for Nokia, for free. Nobody been interested, explanation mainly been 'my diction on IRC is mostly erratic'07:16
konttori_workI don't know how we offer the devices. As a dev yu should be able to get one for sure07:17
loft306konttori_work what cpu in the N9? if you can tell?07:17
wmaroneomap3630, it's in the data sheet07:18
loft306data sheet link    40407:18
loft306 on this page07:18
loft306right side07:19
DocScrutinizerkonttori_work: those 250 lucky devels applying for a N950 are supposed to contribute to appstore with cute projects. I'm definitely no devel by this definition, as my contributions are more about things like wiki hardware pages, H-E-N USB hostmode enabling, kernel patches, stuff like that07:20
jpinxkonttori_work: maybe you need real testing rather than  developing - to make sure the device actually islly is useful to the maximum number of users07:21
loft306thnx wmarone07:21
DocScrutinizerkonttori_work: *#-enabler...07:21
DocScrutinizerkonttori_work: quite in line with what jpinx says07:22
jpinxthe n900 was a brilliant concept, but poorly executed in it's original form and has taken a lot of work by guys here to make it really useful07:25
mikhas_konttori_work, congrats on the N9 ;-)07:25
loft306konttori_work is the battery integrated or removable?07:27
krayonI think the N900 is by far still the best thing available and I'd be 100% happy if it were a little more powerful and the batteries lasted a little longer.  But I fear I'm a minority of a minority.07:27
jpinxkrayon: DocScrutinizer came up with a battery-swap routine withour powering down ;)07:28
mikhas_krayon, I am still happy with my N90007:29
jpinxand nokia would do themselves a huge favour if the devices were dualsim07:29
macmaNkrayon: im with u07:30
* macmaN put Michael Jackson record on. Yooou are not alooooone07:30
* jpinx earmuffs on07:31
krayonjpinx: I was unaware of that... that'd be a bit nicer then.  I carry 3 batteries on me to get through the day. Not powering down would be good.07:31
ChoomI think the n900 is lacking in many aspects07:31
rm_youGAN900: So.... Is the N950 the N9 but with a slider keyboard on the back? would they BOTHER making two versions of the device, one for devs? >_>07:32
SpeedEvilWith keyboard device would be 1000% awesome.07:32
rm_youkrayon: nah, i'm with you. if i weren't constantly paranoid about it breaking, and if it were a little faster, i would be in heaven07:32
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rm_youi don't want a new phone, i want a more stable n900\07:33
rm_youSpeedEvil: yes07:33
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SpeedEvil(device, not complete unit)07:33
rm_youSpeedEvil: i could care less about the n9 without a keyboard, but maybe the n950 is the slider version? there was that marketing clip with a new slider...07:33
Choomit's way too thick for a phone, comes with a resistive touchscreen, lacks some sensors that I'd really like to take advantage of (compass, gyroscope), and maemo 5 lacks polish07:33
SpeedEvilSoftware may make it less so07:33
lofty306ditto rm_you07:33
rm_youwhat's wrong with resistive? capacative blows07:34
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rm_youi can't ever get capacative to function properly07:34
rm_youapple seems to have brainwashed everyone into thinking capacative is somehow better T_T07:34
rm_youi'd take resistive hands down any day07:35
Choomrm_you: featurewise it is07:35
Choomyou have capacitive styli too07:35
rm_youi use my fingernails 99% of the time07:35
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rm_youlike to see someone make them work with a capacative screen <_<07:36
Choomthat's because your resistive screen isn't sensitive enough for you to use your fingertips07:36
rm_youmaybe capacative fingernail polish?07:36
kerioChoom: haha07:36
rm_yourofl no07:36
rm_youthat is *not* why07:36
krayonrm_you: Agreed, res > cap.07:36
keriowhy can i use my n900 with my fingers, then?07:36
rm_youmy fingers WORK, but fingernails allow for actual precision07:36
Choomkerio: so can I, but it's nowhere nearly as sensitive as a capacitive screen where you barely have to touch07:37
krayonIt's funny, I'm starting to see women with fake nails and their index nail is always missing/short :/07:37
rm_youi'd like to see anyone ever even *joke* about using capacative for art tablets07:37
rm_youit's just not done07:37
lofty306resistive drives me nuts half the time tapping things  6 times to make it workk07:37
kerioChoom: and why is that bad?07:37
kerioanyway, the n9 will be a horrible failure07:37
Choomkerio: it sucks for dragging stuff over the screen07:38
kerioChoom: stylus07:38
rm_youwhich is more precise anyway07:38
DocScrutinizeranyway the often quoted mantra of N900 "it's NOT a phone" seems to have shifted for N9 to "it's not a computer"07:38
rm_youcan use buttons without them being like an entire inch across07:38
kerioyeah, as i said, it's going to be a horrile failure07:38
Choomrm_you: the US is supposed to be designed for fingers, not styli07:39
Choomerr UI*07:39
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: To an extent - yes.07:39
rm_youmy point is just that it's far more accurate07:39
Choomuse a capacitive stylus07:40
Choomif it matters that much07:40
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: In principle if it can be a mass market device (though that is looking less likely, I admit) then volume of devs can make it work as a computer for those that want that - to a degree.07:40
jpinxrm_you: grow pointy fingernails?07:40
rm_youwhenever my roommate hands me his iphone i have to struggle for a minute or two just to navigate to the right place because it always selects the wrong thing <_<07:40
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ChoomI'd trade fingernail usage with uber sensitivity and multitouch any day07:40
rm_youjpinx: lolwut07:41
Choomand then there are also the optic screens07:41
ChoomI have one on my desktop07:41
Choomthey combine the best of both worlds07:41
GeneralAntillesChoom, a stylus wont make it more precise.07:41
* GeneralAntilles dislikes the "uber sensitivity"07:41
GeneralAntillesAlways sending presses I don't intend to.07:41
* SpeedEvil also.07:41
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: ++07:42
Choomoptic = multitouch + sensitivity + being able to touch it with anything, though I don't know how feasible to is to implement those on a phone07:42
DocScrutinizerI just say Stantum, to answer that07:42
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DocScrutinizer for those who want to know more07:44
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krayonYeah THAT is awesome.  When I first saw that ... I couldn't speak for a minute or two I was that excited... I had to lie down.07:45
rm_younice DocScrutinizer07:46
Choomseems quite cool07:47
Sazpaimonits also old and the tech hasn't been used in anything07:47
Sazpaimonwhich either means that it's expensive to produce or doesnt work as well as advertised07:48
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macmaNso is there anything that the new meego device is not better at compared to n900?07:51
DocScrutinizerit's just everybody hypes capacitive, without knowing shit about what that really means. More often than not capacitive is used as a synonym for multitouch. Then when sourcing is searching for capacitive touchpanel they hardly run into stantum07:51
rm_youmacmaN: having a useful keyboard?07:51
rm_youit's MUCH worse at that07:51
macmaNaside from that obviously. purely software wise.07:52
macmaNmaemo 5 vs meego 1.207:52
Sazpaimonrm_you, you dont know that07:52
macmaNand apps on top of that07:52
Sazpaimonit could have a great virtual keyboard07:52
macmaNhardware specs anywhere?07:52
krayonDocScrutinizer: Oh YOUR joerg_rw?07:52
DocScrutinizer~ DocScrutinizer07:52
macmaNnone of the screenshots on show any vkb shots07:52
infobotwell, docscrutinizer is jOERG, a HW-developer and engineer of Openmoko07:52
rm_youDocScrutinizer: yeah i was saying earlier, apple just managed to brainwash everyone into thinking that capacative was BETTER, because they were scared of going to market with an inferior technology, so it was easier just to convince people it was better first :P07:52
Sazpaimonthe few people that HAVE used the N9 say the vkb is really nice07:53
krayonDocScrutinizer: Thanks for all your awesome posts then :D07:53
DocScrutinizermacmaN: guess why07:53
Sazpaimonregardless, I signed up for an N950 through the company i develop for07:53
rm_youSazpaimon: it could have the best vkbd in the world and it would be crap compared to hardware kbd >_>07:53
DocScrutinizerkrayon: yo are welcome. Nice to hear you like them07:53
Sazpaimonwe specialize in video streaming technology07:53
Sazpaimonso I'm pretty sure we can get a N95007:53
macmaNrm_you: i feel you with the kb thing, but im kinda torn with the thickness issue that it brings07:54
macmaNunless we can get to a point where we could get a paper thing hw kb...07:54
rm_youi'm holding out hope that the n950 is a slider version of that with a real keyboard T_T\07:54
rm_youeh, the thickness is well worth it07:54
macmaNpaper thin*07:54
wmaronerm_you: it is, but getting your hands on one will probably be... difficult07:54
rm_youi used to carry around a BT keyboard with my n800 everywhere i went07:54
rm_youliterally everywhere07:54
rm_youpeople made fun of me quite a bit <_<07:55
keriostowaway keyboard ftfw07:55
rm_youso would much rather have it ATTACHED to the phone07:55
Sazpaimonmachia, the E7 is only slightly larger than the N807:55
Sazpaimonand it has a hwkb07:55
rm_youyeah I will have to sign up for the dev program somehow <_<07:55
rm_youthrough maybe07:55
rm_youi still have some dev cred there...  a shred at least <_<07:55
rm_youmaybe it will be enough07:55
Sazpaimonrm_you, you can sign up at for open source devs07:56
Sazpaimonprofessional developers (like myself) can sign up through nokia.com07:56
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rm_youi don't have a problem just BUYING one tho07:56
rm_youlike srsly07:56
rm_youSazpaimon: i actually have a corp nokia account from the last device program...07:56
rm_youthe n900 one07:56
rm_youi wonder if that works...07:56
Sazpaimongive it a try07:56
rm_youhrm. need to find the meego device program page... had it before...07:58
DocScrutinizerrm_you: heard you opted for 128 steps rather than 5, for brightness setting :-) I feel with you - though pobably 12 steps would be enough, from a physiological PoV07:58
rm_youfound it07:58
rm_youlol Doc07:58
rm_youdid you ever use ABL?07:58
DocScrutinizerwhat's ABL?07:58
rm_youAdvanced Backlight'07:58
DocScrutinizersure, can't live without07:59
rm_youthe program i wrote like 3 years ago for Diablo07:59
DocScrutinizererr, it's simple brightness though07:59
rm_youyou still on n800 then? :P07:59
rm_youyeah that was Qwerty07:59
DocScrutinizerI'd have to check what's on my diablo device07:59
rm_youprolly ABL07:59
rm_youdoes it combine volume  and backlight?08:00
rm_youand allow rotation?08:00
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DocScrutinizerdunno about rotation08:00
rm_youit will just show up in there08:00
rm_youif you install the right version of Xomap and xrandr08:00
DocScrutinizeraah, never did08:00
rm_youthat was jott08:00
rm_youmiss that guy, lol08:01
konttori_workDocScrutinizer: there will be extras devel and you can be as hard core as you want08:01
DocScrutinizerkonttori_work: sorry? please rephrase08:01
konttori_workjpinx-away: well, at the moment, we are doing a lot of QA ourselves and now that we can start using it in public, we'll be able to have very widespread real world issue reporting from all of our internal devs08:02
konttori_workDocScrutinizer: that we are not blocking you from changing kernel or anything else08:02
konttori_workyou don't need to do cute, you can do hardcore08:02
DocScrutinizeroh, you suggest I try to apply for N950 lease nevertheless? :-)08:03
konttori_workmikhas_: thanks! loft306: it's removable, but behind screws and display. Not easy, but I've done it a few times.08:03
mikhas_we need kernel guys08:03
konttori_workIt's perfectly safe to do, but not something you do on the road08:03
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konttori_workDocScrutinizer: why not08:03
konttori_workI'm waiting for overclocked kernel.08:03
ShadowJKcan one buy a N950?08:04
DocScrutinizerjust thought it'd be useless as I clearly don't fulfill the prerequisites of being an app devel08:04
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: nope08:04
konttori_workWith aegis reporting true without any checks (saves RAM, speeds up boot times).08:04
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konttori_workShadowJK: no, n950 is strictly dev device08:04
konttori_workDocScrutinizer: fill it in. I'll discuss with developer program guys that we need a few community hackers as well08:06
robbiethe1stkonttori_work:I didn't know it was anything more than a name and meego device coming out in the next year08:06
DocScrutinizerkonttori_work: will do08:06
Sazpaimonis tmo dead?08:07
Sazpaimonor down08:07
Sazpaimoni can connect to but not tmo08:08
Sazpaimonoh wait there it goes it was just slow08:08
ShadowJKif I wait 2-3 yers will we get a real kb? :(08:08
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GeneralAntillesWith WP7!08:10
GeneralAntilles(or 8)08:10
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lofty306thnx konttori_work!08:11
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achipayipee, is up !!!08:13
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SazpaimonN950 firmware?08:14
wmaroneSazpaimon: not in 2 bytes :)08:15
Sazpaimonwmarone, select one08:16
Sazpaimonthe linux one specifically08:16
Sazpaimonit downloads as 600MB08:16
wmaroneweird, they need to fix the listing08:16
Khertan_n900Ouch the news no keyboard on the n9, hard wake up08:16
Sazpaimonbut if it's just a standard FIASCO image we shold see if we can make it work on an N90008:16
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Sazpaimonor qemu08:16
wmaronecould give it a shot, probably not enough RAM in the N900 to do much of anything08:17
wmaroneconsidering the target device08:17
wmaroneboard support files have been in the kernel for a while now08:17
SazpaimonN950 is 512MB ram08:17
PolarFoxN9 1GB?08:18
SazpaimonN9 has 1GB yeah08:18
Sazpaimonbut N950 i believe has 512MB08:18
achipaSazpaimon: let's wait until it gets spec-announced08:18
Sazpaimonso N900+swap should suffice08:18
wmaroneSazpaimon: for stalling the device yeah ;p08:18
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Sazpaimonwell yeah08:19
Sazpaimonbut for demoing the UI08:19
Sazpaimona qemu image would be okay though08:19
GeneralAntillesAlright, enough tantalizing disappointment for one night.08:20
GeneralAntillesOne step forward, two steps back.08:20
GeneralAntillesStory of Nokia's open source endeavors.08:20
Khertan_n900did they announce a n950 or rumors ?08:20
SazpaimonKhertan_n900, they soft announced it08:20
GeneralAntillesKhertan_n900, yes, but only as a limited developer device.08:20
GeneralAntillesAnd by name only08:20
Sazpaimon250 developers of get it08:20
GeneralAntillesStill hate you Nokia.08:20
Sazpaimonand commercial and professional developers get the rest08:20
Sazpaimoni already signed my company up08:21
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Khertan_n900Commercial and Professional ?08:21
Khertan_n900only ? Just sucks !08:21
Sazpaimonif you develop open source stuff you can sign up through meego.com08:21
Sazpaimonbut that's limited to 250 devices08:21
Sazpaimonif you register as a nokia developer (like I did), you have a better shot08:21
Khertan_n900how to say take off to the community08:21
GAN900What they're best at.08:23
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Khertan_n900GAN900 Indeed08:23
Sazpaimonanyway, I'll be checking my company inbox in the morning08:23
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Sazpaimonhopefully I'll have some good news :)08:23
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DocScrutinizerhaha, now I recall why I never cared about Nokia Developer: It doesn't allow to log in with Konqueror webbrowser08:24
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loft306 HA HA08:28
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macmaNzomg, who took conversations and put those dumb ass chat bubbles there08:30
lofty306i thought i saw that looked like a port on the engadget spy shots... though that could be for SIM08:31
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* DocScrutinizer feels like an idiot, every effort to get on launchpad page ends on a page with a link to "register for launchpad" - I *AM* registered, so where is launchpad???08:35
lofty306get out of bed on other side try aaagain?08:36
robbiethe1stSo, erm, what's this page on to register as a developer and try to get a device?08:36
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mrselloutwhile you're there, I notice you're hosting a flashable rootfs image with backupmenu installed08:43
robbiethe1stYea, an old version08:44
mrsellouthow about hosting a backup image that people can restore with backupmenu?08:44
robbiethe1stThat negates the purpose - The idea behind that image is that you can flash it, then restore your own backup08:45
robbiethe1stIf you just want to restore a stock image... that's what the fiasco image is for08:45
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mrselloutBut there are people who have broken usb ports that want a fresh install08:45
keks-nI suddenly realized, that they have released Harmattan08:45
keks-nIs it still based on deb-packages and scratchbox?08:46
mrselloutso this is one way of doing that08:46
robbiethe1stYea, you do have a point there...08:46
keks-n1) Is it possible o install it to N900?08:47
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keks-n2) Is it possible to access repos?08:47
mrselloutthat's a fresh install if you want.08:47
keks-nThanks                                                                                                                                                                                              TH08:47
robbiethe1stthat makes things easy08:48
keks-nAre extras available at this time?08:48
mrselloutkeks-n: that's maemo5 I posted08:48
keks-nI misunderstood you08:49
mrselloutlol I know :)08:49
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keks-n>>RELEASE NOTES FOR MeeGo Harmattan SDK Beta08:51
keks-n>>This release includes:08:51
keks-n>> Maemo SDK installer08:51
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keks-nSuddenly lold08:51
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keks-nWho is the Harmattan's debmaster?08:52
hiemanshuso looks like the N9 is out08:55
Khertan_n900and no keyboard08:56
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keks-nYoucan get N95008:56
Khertan_n900if you chance08:56
keks-n>>To aid the speedy development of apps for the Nokia N9 smartphone, Nokia has produced a limited number of developer phones, the Nokia N950 phone. This phone isn't available for purchase and can only be obtained through selected developer programs, such as Nokia Developer LaunchPad.08:56
Khertan_n900as it not sold08:56
keks-nBTW, did anyone tried to install Harmathan to N900?08:57
DocScrutinizer>>Developer account registration08:58
DocScrutinizer>>     group membership operation already in progress08:58
DocScrutinizerthis whole website is such a PITA08:58
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khertankeks-n, and how to be "selected" ?08:59
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khertanpabs3, this is the community selection :)09:00
khertanonly 250 device09:00
khertanso you need to be lucky09:00
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pabs3khertan: right09:00
wmaroneyou need more than "luck" ;)09:00
robbiethe1stDocScrutinizer: I got the same message as you09:01
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khertanwmarone, indeed ... no the choice ... is keep n900 and try to help for MeeGo09:01
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khertanor switch to Android ... and contribute to Python Port09:01
robbiethe1stYea, sadly09:02
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robbiethe1stThe N9... does *not* look that interesting, sadly09:02
meceKhertan, robbiethe1st, what?09:02
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khertann9 ... no keyboard useless09:02
khertann950 can't be bought directly09:03
khertanneed to be "selected"09:03
robbiethe1stN950's different?09:03
DocScrutinizerrobbiethe1st: you found where to apply for that friggin n950?09:03
khertana keyboard from what i heard09:03
robbiethe1stDocScrutinizer: Uh, no.09:03
DocScrutinizerisn't that plain incredible?09:04
keks-nWhy not just try09:04
khertankeks-n, something without keyboard ?09:04
robbiethe1stI found the flaer, though:
khertankeks-n, because i was on n800 and i really prefer the n810 and n900 due to keyboard09:05
wmaroneI simply hope the N9's price point is appropriate for its hardware class09:05
wmaroneconsidering that even Apple will probably be going multicore in a few months09:06
ruskiehmm no HW kb? :(09:06
GonzoTheGreat1GB RAM seems more important than multicore09:06
wmaroneGonzoTheGreat: yes, but 1GB of RAM does not command a high price09:07
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robbiethe1stI'd argue that the *most* important thing is a better filesystem. The N900's OptFS gets corrupted quite frequently, and when it does, performance drops like a rock09:08
internetishardkrayon and rm_you, I'm late, but I'm right with you in terms of the n900, resistive screens, etc - maybe a community of like minded people could help promote the next sensical product09:08
wmaronerobbiethe1st: honestly I've never  had the /opt filesystem get corrupted09:08
wmaroneand I would not expect such from ext309:08
krayoninternetishard: Not enough of us :/  Too many people who like stuff like Apple's.09:09
robbiethe1stI hadn't either until a few weeks back; my n900 had been running for several weeks straight, and things got slow. I rebooted, and it took like 5 minutes to boot.09:09
robbiethe1stBooted into backupmenu, ran fsck, and loads of FS errors. I ended up having to fix it on my desktop by completely reformatting it, reloading a backed up OptFS image.09:09
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robbiethe1stBoots in 1min now, way better performance09:10
wmaronerobbiethe1st: overclocked?09:10
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DocScrutinizermece: uhuh, thanks09:10
DocScrutinizerwill try09:10
rm_youinternetishard: yeah i feel like the actual "hardcore community" that actually knows or cares about these things is very small T_T but i'd totally be there09:10
meceonly 250 of them :/09:10
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robbiethe1stwmarone: Well, yea, and if there was *any* instability, I'd consider that the problem. But there isn't, and non-OC'd devices seem to have the problem as well.09:11
flailingmonkeyi'm trying to think of a reason that N950 was so broken they can only give it out as dev platform :/09:11
wmaroneguess I'm just the luckiest N900 owner ever09:11
khertanflailingmonkey, it could be a Windows Phone killer09:12
DocScrutinizermece: this links to, this is basically where I'm wandering around for like one hour now09:12
robbiethe1stEither that, or you rebooted once in a while(it runs fsck when it boots)09:12
wmaroneonly issue I ever had was the 32wd_to reboot bug back after the device came out09:12
khertanwmarone, only issue i ve is with trackerd eating all ram and cpu09:12
khertanbut having 12Go of 21mpx pictures on device probably didn't help09:13
robbiethe1stFunny thing was that until this glitch happened, it ran great for me too. Then, at that point things basically became sluggish, trackerd went crazy, some few apps wouldn't open etc.09:13
lofty306one of the reasens gives was that the N9 hasnt passed CE yet so they were giving out n950's insteaaad for dev09:13
internetishardkrayon: we need the uber geeks to have creative control, and then a larger majority of the masses will line up behind us09:13
lofty306reaasons given * but hee didnt know if it was the real reason09:14
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internetishardespecially once they see us doing cool shit with their phones that they've only seen in science fiction movies09:14
flailingmonkeyi've been thinking about what sort of work would qualify for one of those N950 units :/09:14
internetishardI had my n900 on a stand last year in school with a bluetooth keyboard and people freaked the fuck out09:14
DocScrutinizermece: following this text adventure takes me to where I'm asked to apply for launchpad membership which I did. This ended in a deadend loop like09:14
DocScrutinizer[2011-06-21 07:58:12] <DocScrutinizer> >>Developer account registration09:14
DocScrutinizer[2011-06-21 07:58:12] <DocScrutinizer> >>     group membership operation already in progress09:14
rm_youinternetishard: lol yeah my n800 was like that09:14
Choominternetishard: without improving the development tools, I can hardly see anyone having the patience09:14
DocScrutinizermece: and *WHERE* do I apply for a N950 now?09:15
Choominternetishard: also, cool things come with seemingly useless sensors and capacitive screens09:15
lofty306i give up09:15
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khertanDocScrutinizer, if i understand to apply to n9 will give you n950, isn't it ?09:15
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internetishardChoom: the patience for what?09:16
DocScrutinizerI apply for a N9-devkit which is the only thing you can apply for it seems09:16
DocScrutinizerit ended like I told above09:16
internetishardI don't get the cool things comment Choom09:16
khertandev kit is for me n950 :)09:16
Choominternetishard: when I bought my N900 I had development in mind09:16
khertanNow the real question is : Does QWidget is Themed or Not ?09:17
krayoninternetishard: I'm not so sure.  I had a great conversation with an Apple fan recently.  He explained how he LOVES that Apple tell him what he can and can't do and how.  He said that he trusts in (the Church of) Jobbs and wouldn't swap it for anything.  It was a major flaw in my thinking to assume that everyone wanted to be able to do what THEY wanted to do.  That everyone wanted to make their own decisions.09:17
Choominternetishard: but that quickly worn off as soon as I installed the sandbox thing09:17
Choomnever looked at it again09:17
rm_youyeah i just want to buy an n950 i don't want an n9... maybe i can ebay if i don't get dev programmed in09:17
Choomscratchbox, that is09:17
ruskiewill there be a n950?09:17
internetishardkrayon, sure basically that makes it easier for him and lots of other people - I agree with him09:17
internetishardI don't completely understand the hypothetical line between power users and the rest09:18
khertanrm_you, same here ... didn't want this n9 ... want a n95009:18
Choomthen the packaging requirements, the amount of work required to publish simple things, the inavailability of documentation for things such as pulseaudio that should be very well documented, etc. contribute a lot to turning me off09:18
wmaronesimple: power-users are a niche to be ignored and attacked by legions of useful idiots09:18
wmaroneChoom: oh you tried to do maemo5 development as well?09:19
internetishardMaybe sometimes people want to be power users, and sometimes they want pure productivity - but there should at least be a complete poweruser phone out there. If we tie up the various subsets of powerusers, then there would definitely be enough to warrant R&D for the next good n900 replacement09:19
krayoninternetishard: I think that's it.  A "power user" says "how am I going to get the system to do what I want in the way I want" whereas the majority say "tell me how to do what I want and if it can't be done, fine, and if it can but requires me to put my hand in a blender, that's fine too, just PLEASE tell me what to do".09:19
Choomwmarone: just third party applications09:19
wmaroneChoom: exactly09:19
khertanDev is easier than on iPhone or Android SDK ! You can even dev onboard on an n900 !09:19
khertanJust choose the right language09:19
wmaronekhertan: it's easier -now-09:19
Choomc should be the right language09:19
khertanwmarone, it s easier since the NOkia n80009:19
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Choomat least I was expecting it to be09:20
internetishardkrayon: indeed, they learn about cool new shit because they just learned that it exists (so they'll do it). We have ideas, and we want to test them - in essence, power users are scientists.09:20
jpinx-awaykrayon: power users can give the normal users more to do :)09:20
khertanChoom, lol ...09:20
wmaronekhertan: scratchbox was terrible, end to end. I'm still not sure about madde.09:20
khertanChoom, if you like losing time managing ram ... why not09:20
khertanwmarone, i didn't use nor scratchbox, nor madde09:20
internetishardFor example, I like how I've integrated stuff my multi terabyte server via 3g, wifi, whatever into my n900 system. Stuff that I wanted to do before I knew it was possible09:21
khertanMaemo is the best mobile python plateform09:21
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wmaronekhertan: the problem with python is that some of its best uses, like mediabox, are terribly slow09:21
khertanwmarone, it s slow because not well coded09:22
khertanwmarone, in a gui apps, most used time is waiting user action in the main loop09:22
wmaronewell aware of that09:22
Choomhigh level languages are good for scripting, frontend, UI, prototyping, and duct taping09:23
Choombeyond that I default to C and C++09:23
khertanwmarone, and most computed time is used in the gui drawing, which could be qt or gtk ... which are in c or c++09:23
khertanChoom, yeah yeah ...09:23
internetishardn900 v2 should be the next one. with fixes and everything open!09:24
khertanChoom, frontend, ui, prototyping .... there is nothing more :)09:24
Choomkhertan: of course there is, the core09:24
khertaninternetishard, an n900 with more ram09:24
wmaronekhertan: but even with the ability to use python, it is not the target language of most developers. nor should it be the only option. The problem is that the default option of C was a painful, slow process.09:24
khertanChoom, in a mobile app ? which core you display data ;)09:24
internetishardfixed gps, open OS dev, compass, etc09:24
khertanwmarone, some are coding in c directly ondevice09:24
krayonI'd be happy with a RAM slot slapped on the side that I have to wrap in static sensitive tape and bubble wrap to protect.09:25
khertanwmarone, lcuk for example :)09:25
wmaronebut that doesn't lend yourself to easy redistribution09:25
krayonWell, that an a CPU upgrade.  Perhaps one of those beefy CPU fans hanging out.09:25
khertanwhy you can package them too :)09:25
wmaronelet alone the space consumption on device09:25
Choomkhertan: voice recognition, for example09:25
Choomkhertan: games, as another example09:25
wmaronepackaging is another problem, I do hope that is somewhat automated in the new system...09:25
khertanChoom, ok ... here ... clearly ... you made a python extension in c :)09:25
internetishardDoes the n900 really feel like a flop to nokia?09:26
Choomkhertan: touch-sensitive applications that do not rely on any of the provided widgets but for which you still wish to provide a smooth experience09:26
internetishardI mean, if it doesn't, then why don't they just upgrade the hardware and leave its essence?09:26
Choomkhertan: libraries09:26
krayoninternetishard: Probably to their ex-MS head guy, yeah.  That and it was dead before it was alive.09:26
Choomkhertan: telepathy modules09:27
krayonIn Australia, I was unable to get one.  Had to buy off eBay.  They came out VERY VERY late here.09:27
internetishardwhose fault do they think that was?09:27
Choomthe list goes on and on09:27
internetishardthe dead part09:27
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khertanChoom, touch sensitive app can be done in python, i ve rewrite a part of kinetic scrolling in python ;)09:27
krayonAnd they were only available for hardly any time as a result ... maybe a few months.09:27
khertanChoom, and custom qwidget are faster in python than qml ... :)09:27
khertanChoom, most library can be write in python09:28
Choomkhertan: yes, but the rendering can not -- read the part where I said "without using any of the provided widgets"09:28
Choomkhertan: no they can not, because then you lose portability09:28
khertanChoom, to be honest i prefer a python lib than a badly written c one that leak everywhere09:28
khertanChoom, ? lost portability ? why ?09:28
Choomkhertan: you can bind C stuff to python, but it doesn't make sense to do it the other way around09:29
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khertanChoom, yep... but why writing thing in c ... if this run well in python09:29
khertanc is usefull only when speed is required09:30
khertan(or to avoid eating too much battery)09:30
Choomit's a bit like writing C++ libraries that don't export C symbols, you can still call the C++ code if you make assumptions about the implementation, but that doesn't make any sense09:30
khertanChoom, yep09:30
Choomkhertan: you can not make assumptions about performance requirements while writing a library09:30
khertanChoom, i was talking for apps ... not lib09:31
jacekowskikhertan: C is usefull always09:31
Choombecause the applications that are going to use it are abstract09:31
jacekowskikhertan: and it's faster to write in C09:31
khertanjacekowski, lol09:31
khertanit s faster to execute you yep ... not to write :)09:31
jacekowskithen you are bad C programmer09:31
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Choomdepends on what you're writing09:32
Choomin some cases the abstraction forces you to bend over backwards in order to achieve things that the ability to use pointers would simplify a lot09:32
Choomtake shared memory and IPC, for example09:33
khertanin some case python library will help you a lot to write thing really faster09:33
Choomvery wasy to work with in C; I don't even wanna think about the nightmare of attmepting to tackle it with a higher level language09:33
khertantry to write a app that sync with ms online office in c ... will be faster to write it in C# dotnet as it s only 100 lines to writes as many libs will help you09:34
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Choomsure, but that's not core functionality09:35
khertanChoom :
keks-nMS Office provides COM-interface09:35
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khertanms office ... i was talking about their online office09:36
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Choomkhertan: I'm not claiming it can't be done, I'm claiming that you have to work harder to achieve the same09:36
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Choomon top of losing performance09:36
khertanChoom, harder ... i didn't think ... losing performance ... sure it ll loose09:37
Choomkhertan: those are low level concepts09:37
khertanyep... and should be writen in c09:37
Choomso yes, you have to work harder in order to bend the abstract logic09:37
khertanusing python for this is unappropriate09:37
Choomin essence, that's one case where the abstraction is getting in the way09:37
keks-nWho thinks about the client side perfomance when working with online service?09:37
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Choomkeks-n: we're talking about native mobile apps09:38
keks-nYou will lost about 15-30% of the perfomance of your code09:38
keks-nBut it isn't the bottleneck09:38
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khertanChoom, in core ... but mobile app haven't really a core ... it s mostly a ui displaying data09:38
Choomkhertan: you can't really tell what the bottleneck is in the case of libraries09:39
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Choomwas for keks-n09:39
Choomkhertan: I've already given you examples of apps with C requirements09:39
Choomyou don't do audio processing in python09:39
khertanChoom, yep09:39
Choomyou don't do video processing in python09:39
Choomyou don't write telepathy modules in python09:40
keks-nYou can do it in C#, lol09:40
khertanChoom, i do it ... but i use a c lib for audio processing :)09:40
keks-nIt has native pointers support09:40
khertanChoom, so it s not python really :)09:40
Choomyou don't write mobile games in python (unless they are really simple)09:40
khertanyou should see more python than a glue to call already existing libs ... ;)09:41
* keks-n wrote a pair of games for WinMobile in C# and got a good FPS even without video acceleration09:41
khertandon't need to reinvent the wheel :)09:41
keks-nAnyway, the graphics core library was written in C09:41
Choomas I said earlier, high level languages are appropriate for scripting, frontend, prototyping, and duct taping09:41
khertankeks-n, because most of time is passed in the graphic libs which are in c09:41
khertan... hum ... this will not give us a keyboard to n90009:42
khertan... hum ... this will not give us a keyboard to n909:42
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Choomso long as it makes them thinner, I don't really mind09:42
keks-nLanguages like python and c# are perfect for logic part of the application09:42
keks-nC is perfect for media processing09:42
Choommy n900 is a brick09:42
MrPPSmy brick is an n90009:43
* MrPPS plays ominous music09:43
keks-nJust combine them and you will get the perfomance boots both in run-time and "write-time"09:43
keks-nIt's quite simple to interact with C code09:43
keks-nC# has a lot of useful tools to do it09:44
crashanddieNokia really is falling low.09:45
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crashanddie""Unlike some competitor products you don't need to hold it a special way to make reliable phone calls," Ahtisaari said. The phone will come in black, cyan and magenta."09:45
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ruskiecrashanddie, hehe09:45
crashanddiewhen you have to resort to slander and cheap shots at competitors...09:45
ruskieit does look nice though09:45
khertanNokia N9-0009:46
khertanMeeGO 1.2 Harmattan09:46
ruskieI might get it on contract from the cellco once they have it09:46
khertanIt s Maemo, It s MeeGo, No it ven't keyboard ... it s a Flop09:47
ruskieno it's Elop ;)09:47
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khertan    OpenGL ES 1.109:48
khertan    OpenGL ES 2.009:48
khertan2 microphone ?09:48
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khertanCompass (Magnetometer Sensor)09:48
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Choomdoesn't the N900 already have 2 microphones?09:49
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khertan <<< ?09:49
khertanChoom, ? really ? where is the second one ?09:49
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ChoomI don't even know where the first one is09:50
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Choombut doesn't it record in stereo?09:50
crashanddieYo it's DJ Dan, I'm running a Nokia with Harmattan, I may sound like a wild or wise man, but that's just from the inspiration of my beer can. The new N9, running Harmattan, will be about as useful as a frying pan; built entirely in Kazakhstan, only a few idiots will buy it in Japan. Don't think Elop forgot the employee stock ownership plan, he's just an neanderthal man (with a plan), he's just the a con artist from the repub09:50
crashanddielic of Sudan, who came, conquered, and Nokia overran.09:50
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ChoomI see people blame nokia for targeting the mass market09:51
crashanddieChoom, you don't need two microphones to record in stereo09:51
Choomand people blame them for not targeting the mass market09:52
Choomyou can't have it both ways09:52
Choomcrashanddie: oh, wow, how does that work?09:52
crashanddieDuplicate mic input on both channels?09:52
crashanddieIt's *very* common in the telco industry.09:52
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Choomthat's not stereo09:52
crashanddieactually, it is.09:53
crashanddieit's exactly the same technique used by the Nokia N9 for their Dolby Headphones crap09:53
crashanddielook up pan-pot stereo.09:54
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Choomhow can you tell the direction sound is coming in?09:54
crashanddieyou add a random modulation to the amplitude.09:54
khertan* N950 is physically larger and is made out of aluminum, whereas N9 has09:54
khertan  a polycarbonate unibody09:54
khertan* N950 has 1320mAh battery, the N9 has 1450mAh battery09:55
Choomcrashanddie: that means nothing to me :P09:55
khertan* N950 supports Bluetooth version 2.1+EDR, whereas N9 supports09:55
khertan  version 4.009:55
Choomexplain it in layman's terms09:55
crashanddieChoom, it gives a fake reverberation, which tricks your brain into thinking it's stereophonic09:55
khertanN950 has a 4” TFT LCD display whereas N9 has 3.9” AMOLED display.09:55
khertan  Display resolution is same on both devices (854x480). Due to the use09:55
khertan  of different display technologies, developers should avoid one pixel09:55
khertan  with fonts and graphical objects with lines one pixel wide. Also avoid09:55
khertan  the extensive use of bright colors, especially white, when developing09:55
khertan  for OLED displays as this increases the power consumption (typical09:55
khertan  for OLED displays).09:55
khertan* N950 has a different physical camera module than N9. Both camera09:55
khertan  modules have very similar image quality (Carl Zeiss branding in N9)09:55
khertan  and both modules support 8Mpix image mode.09:55
khertann950 : * Over-the-Air updates may not be available for the next software version.09:56
Choomcrashanddie: that's not what I was referring to though, I was referring to being able to record where sounds come from, but I guess the N900 can't do that09:56
crashanddieit can't.09:56
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crashanddieChoom, basically, you have track 0 at amplitude 80dB naturally, you record it once, with a dB gain of whatever depending on your microphone. You duplicate it, and run an algorithm on it that will either overpass or lower the gain of resulting track 109:56
crashanddieSo effectively, one track is slightly lower in volume than the other one (not technically correct, but you wanted layman's terms)09:57
Choomcrashanddie: yeah, I understand that09:57
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Choomwas thinking they were using some kind of black magic to gain perception of sound direction with a single microphone09:58
crashanddieChoom, most pop in recent years isn't stereo.09:58
crashanddienot stereophonic, anyway09:58
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khertancrashanddie, or good09:59
crashanddieplus, recording stereo is a lot trickier than it might sound (hardy har har)09:59
ChoomI was thinking of something in the lines of how your brain can tell the difference between sounds coming from ahead or behind without an extra pair of ears10:00
crashanddiewell, that's the time-of-arrival stereography combined with intensity stereography10:00
crashanddie(or something along those lines)10:00
Jaffakhertan: Nothing about NFC differences?10:01
khertanJaffa, * N950 does not have support for NFC10:01
khertanit s clear :)10:01
JaffaAh, OK10:01
JaffaThopught so10:02
khertan* Certain types of use may drain the battery faster than normal.10:02
khertan* Echo may be heard during some voice calls. This can be eliminated10:02
khertan  by turning speakerphone on and off during the call.10:02
khertan* The device may not always see all available WLAN’s (refresh)10:02
khertan^ it s about n95010:02
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crashanddieChoom, in order to do proper toa stereography you need hardware that is capable of processing time differences of less than a millisec when the mics are less than 30cm apart10:02
khertan* N9 has slightly more sensitive magnetometer and ALS10:03
cloudyLightswhere is this guy that made myth frontend work on the N900?10:03
cloudyLightskhertan: hi there10:03
khertanhi cloudyLights10:03
crashanddieCould you tell I've been in the telco industry and have been reading up on sound recording? :P10:03
khertanFurther, as N950, including its device software, is not a commercial10:03
khertandevice, the quality and/feature set of N950 is of beta quality and comes10:03
khertanwithout any warranty or support whatsoever.10:03
khertanFinally, when we in these release notes make statements as to the features10:03
khertanof N9 (e.g. describing differences between N950 and N9), it is not a10:03
khertanrepresentation that the commercial version of N9 will actually include10:03
khertansuch features.10:03
khertanDocScrutinizer, Nokia N9 Devkit10:04
khertanTo aid the speedy development of apps for the Nokia N9 smartphone, Nokia has produced a limited number of developer phones, the Nokia N950 phone. This phone isn't available for purchase and can only be obtained through selected developer programs, such as Nokia Developer LaunchPad.10:04
khertanDocScrutinizer, so n9 devkit is the n95010:04
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khertanand the n950 is the rm680 device10:09
cloudyLightsare you in singapoore now?10:09
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ruskieso basically if you're a user you can't get a N950 at all...10:10
cloudyLightshow may I become a Nokia Developer ?10:10
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cloudyLightsno problem, I need the N950 for work10:10
meceruskie, meego dev program is for open source developers.10:10
mececloudyLights, companies can probly get it...10:10
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ruskiemece, yet I don't really develope stuff10:11
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* RST38h moos10:11
* crashanddie moos back at RST38h 10:12
khertancloudyLights, no i m not in singapoore10:12
ruskieI really wish wouldn't redirect to https10:13
cloudyLightswell, I think my boss may consider getting us the N95010:13
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cloudyLightslet me wait  untill someone here gets it10:13
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crashanddieruskie, why?10:14
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cloudyLightskhertan: can you share the experience of having this device , when you have it?10:16
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cloudyLightskhertan: can you share the experience of having this device , when you have it?10:16
ruskiecrashanddie, because of this: SSL handshake failed: A TLS fatal alert has been received.10:16
khertancloudyLights, yep ... but i doubt i ll get it one day :)10:17
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jaskableh, nowhere to buy n950, n9 is useless without a kbd :|10:28
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flailingmonkeyn950 only for developers10:33
khertanI haven't tried, but you can do it this way if you have all the pieces: terminal app (it's open source and maintained) and wget (not sure if it comes with Busybox out of the idem). I'm installing packages directly from the browser, by clicking .deb links. Very convenient. This is not the behavior by default but you can enable it through the settings UI.10:33
khertanjaska, haj yep n950 only for "selected" dev10:34
khertanand i agree ... n9 sucks without kbd10:34
khertanThe default approach is to have a Nokia proprietary UX layer including the applications.10:35
khertanstill closed10:35
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hajkhertan: not that it matters.. N900 is my last Nokia device. (because of their silly customer service)10:36
flailingmonkeyi understand though. you have to make different design choices to emphasize use of keyboard, portrait vs. landscape10:36
khertanflailingmonkey, and user choice ?10:37
khertanmaybe some didn't care about portrait use10:37
hajkhertan: it doesn't really make any sense to make the N950 only for developers...10:37
khertanwhy every phone should look like iphone ?10:37
flailingmonkeystill there is design choices of which should be emphasized10:37
khertanhaj, yep... it s not make any sense to make windows phone10:37
khertanhaj, there is probably design problem with it10:38
flailingmonkeyhaj: making it only for devs means they don't have to do the productization work10:38
khertanhaj, as some component is different in the n9, i think there is someproblem10:38
flailingmonkeyhaj: and indications have shown the slate/plank form has carried the most consistent _consumer_ success10:39
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jaskakbdless slate is about as useful as a coaster or mousepad to me :)10:39
jaskacurrent phone hw landscape is looking bad :(10:40
khertanjaska, looking bad ? what did you mean ?10:40
jaskakhertan: there are no suitable replacements for n900 in sight10:40
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khertanjaska, hw-wise ... some htc ...10:41
flailingmonkeymilestone 3 is looking decent10:41
khertanbut software is android10:41
jrayhawkPresumably they'll be fixing the hinge and releasing the n950 eventually.10:41
cloudyLightswell, I still can't publish my small app10:41
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jaskais motorola getting rid of their awful lockdown junk yet?10:41
cloudyLightsone problem is that when you change profiles using dbus in the N900 the volume is muted10:41
jaskaplus android is sorta awful as an os10:42
cloudyLightsso I use mafw to save and restore the volume10:42
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cloudyLightsbut, python-mafw is in extras-devel so10:42
krayonIf they're making the N950 anyway, why not offer pre-orders or something :(10:42
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cloudyLightshow to make it easy for users to install the dep if it is in extras-devel?10:43
flailingmonkeyjrayhawk: no way, by that time the hardware spec for n950 will be ancient compared to competitors10:43
mecekrayon, they're not making them.10:43
mecekrayon, they are already made.10:44
krayonTrue, they COULD have though, I mean.10:44
keks-n>>how to make it easy for users to install the dep if it is in extras-devel?10:44
keks-nmove it to extras-testing, lol10:44
cloudyLightsI sitll need to see it installs ok10:45
keks-nActually  deps  are moved automatically if something in extras-testing depends on them10:45
cloudyLightsso I tried instlling scratchbox10:45
keks-nUse original rootfs from firmware10:45
keks-nIf you want to see, how it installs10:46
cloudyLightsbut I can't get X up in scratchbox10:46
cloudyLightsthis is because I can't switch to i386 target10:46
keks-nYou need X for installation?10:46
cloudyLightsand so I seek someone to try installing these 4 files10:47
cloudyLightsI need X to verify my app works after installing10:47
keks-nExtract rootfs somewhere in your /home on the device10:47
keks-nmount proc, sys and dev10:47
keks-nexport DISPLAY=:010:47
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keks-nAnd you will have a clean system10:48
cloudyLightsyou mean I should do that? this seems odd10:49
cloudyLightsbut this may be a solution10:49
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cloudyLightsI mean it is hard to find N900 users near me10:49
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khertanouch n9 battery can't be removed10:53
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khertanclearly not a device for me10:54
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krayonditto unless it's about 4 times more power efficient than the N900 :/10:54
cloudyLightscan someone pls look at this:
cloudyLightskeks-n: any idea what could be wrong with my scratchbox?10:54
keks-nAre you installing it on 64-bit system?10:55
keks-nThere are some problems with running it on 64-bit10:56
keks-nTry to install it in a virtual machine or something like that10:56
cloudyLightsah ok10:56
keks-nI've installed it on a Xen-based VM on my server10:57
keks-nAnd use this system for compilation10:57
cloudyLightsemm ok , I need to look in to it then...10:57
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keriokhertan: write python, feed python code to cython, ???, profit!11:22
kerioor maybe just write the inner loops in real cython for extra speed there11:23
khertankerio, i didn't need extras speed11:23
Termanakhertan, krayon - but.. but... it's so beautiful! Nevermind no removeable battery!11:24
khertanmy apps works well in py11:24
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khertanTermana, lol ... if it drain battery as fast as my n900 ... ah ... yes it ll drain less ... there is no keyboard11:24
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keriokhertan: yeah but you can tell that to the people who claim python is slow11:25
khertankerio, no ... people saying python is slow need to understand how to code11:25
keriopeople saying python is slow need to understand the distinction between a language and its implementations11:25
keriobut yeah, "how to code" is a close second :)11:26
khertangui app pass most of time doing ui in the gui framework (qt so in c++), and waiting user action11:26
khertanso most of time is passed in c++ lib ... not in python interpreter11:26
khertanpeople saying python is slow need to understand the distinction between a language and its implementations <<< also11:26
khertanbut understand how things works is number 1 ... and i call that : "how to code"11:27
kerioand cpython is incredibly fast for a VM11:27
Choomnot there are many implementations of python11:27
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kerioChoom: pypy takes an ungodly amount of ram but it's balls fast11:27
khertanChoom, 3 or 411:27
kerioand i really mean balls11:27
kerioand it's written in python itself, so that's awesome11:28
Choomnot *that* there are11:28
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chainsawbike:( my n900 died11:49
PolarFoxNice timing11:50
krayonDoes anyone know of a cheap or free DNS host (other than DynDNS and ZoneEdit)?11:50
khertanPolarFox, not really n9 isn't yet available11:51
PolarFoxConspiracy 1-0-111:51
PolarFoxkhertan: True.. :D11:51
khertanbut nice time to bought an n900 at a cheap price11:51
chainsawbikeit survived multiple motorcycle accidents to be taken out by a little water11:51
PolarFoxMultiple? :O11:51
khertanCorex A8 3630 1Ghz s a rumor or is it a fact about the n9 cpu ?11:51
keks-nEhm... They told that it will have 2-core CPU11:52
hiemanshukhertan: that seems to the CPU11:52
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Sicelokhertan: fact11:54
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khertani ask because didn't see it on Nokia PoorDev Site11:55
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bash`hi all, I installed the CSSU, everything works great but I've ~40 out-of-dated packages, the application manager doesn't show them as Out-of-Date, should I run apt-get upgrade manually?11:56
keks-nApplication manager is a crap11:56
keks-nUse apt-get11:56
bash`ok thanks!11:56
keks-nOr even aptitude11:56
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keks-nIt's better to use aptitude11:56
khertanbut do not do dist-upgrade11:57
khertanwill remove many essential package11:57
keks-nIt's resolves dependencies like a charm11:57
javispedrosoltys, what's new11:57
bash`ok, can I disable the application manager completely then?11:57
khertankeks-n, hum ... seems i m feel his charm11:57
javispedrosoltys: sorry, damn autocomplete.11:58
javispedrosoltys, what's new and evil?11:58
keks-nbash`: you still need it for installing something from browser11:59
keks-nWith that "Big green button"11:59
* javispedro curses autocompletion algorithms for having gained self consciousness11:59
bash`keks-n: neither the "auto-update"?11:59
bash`I mean, when I connect to a network it starts to update the repositories list11:59
keks-nbut I've disabled it12:00
bash`can I disable that?12:00
keks-nIt eats my GPRS traffic12:00
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keks-nI've just moved some executables12:00
keks-napt-worker, for example12:00
khertanSicelo, thx ... seems they update it between now and my first read12:01
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khertanMicro SIM12:02
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javispedroonly 250 n9devkit (aka "n950")?? god, feels bad to request one.12:03
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: indeed12:05
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DocScrutinizerkeks-n: I doubt your advice and notion regardin HAM been correct. AFAIK CSSU relies on HAM for some things12:07
DocScrutinizerand it's known some packages break when installing then by any other means than HAM12:07
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keks-nI think, that any package should install normally via dpkg12:09
keks-nIn other case it should be removed from repo12:09
cehtehis that 1GB ram on the n9 marketing ram or real ram? :)12:10
cehtehn900 had 1GB marketing ram too :P12:10
javispedron9devkit has 512m12:10
DocScrutinizerkeks-n: hah12:10
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DocScrutinizercehteh: tey seem to use qtm etc, so probably it's real RAM12:11
cloudyLightsI would put 250$ for a N95012:11
cloudyLightskeyboard looks better then the n90012:11
cehtehwhy dont they market the n950 .. duh12:12
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robbiethe1stMaby because they found some glaring flaws in it?12:13
hiemanshuI would sell my soul for a N950 #JustSaying12:13
cehtehwell finally a compass .. but lack of resistive touchscreen and keybaord prolly pisses a lot people12:13
robbiethe1stOr that they couldn't manufacture it cheaply enough; maby they need to wait for a few months to get it out12:13
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obcecadon9-00 does not have flash ?12:14
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reenignEesreveRWhich OS is Nokia N9 running?12:15
hiemanshureenignEesreveR: MeeGo 1.212:15
hiemanshuI still don't understand how Moblin + Maemo = MeeGo, none of them have a G in the name12:16
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fluxyou need to take the b and stick an l into the topmost joint. it detaches the joint, making the bottom curve of G. then the topmost part of the l is curved to the right, completing the top curve in G12:18
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DocScrutinizerkonttori said they can't get CE cert for N95012:26
Hurriannokia's trolling again, they're giving the N9... a SGX53012:26
DocScrutinizerwhatever that means, each moron in China does CE for his own devices12:26
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javispedroohmy its going to selfexplode12:26
javispedroexactly Doc, that means its probably cancerigenous o12:27
javispedroor worse12:27
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javispedro(or ran out of money =) )12:27
DocScrutinizerhiemanshu: reenignEesreveR : I'd say this is 'meego' harmattan12:27
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hiemanshuDocScrutinizer: well its still meego 1.2 :P12:28
Hurrianwonder if we'll be able to get harmattan for the n90012:28
DocScrutinizerCE is a selfissued cert12:29
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Hurriansomething's making me worry that nokia used at least 768MB of that 1GB RAM12:29
DocScrutinizerHurrian: which was the only way to make that OS my friend, so certainly not my best friend12:29
HurrianDoc: given nokia's track record on PR1.0 quality, i'm probably right12:30
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DocScrutinizerI an see why maemo5 wasn't backported to N8x0, but why can't N900 get maemo6 aka meego-harmattan?12:30
HurrianDS: we can get it, same GPU, still omap312:31
Hurriannot like the big jump N8xx to N900 was12:31
DocScrutinizerI'd guess yes12:31
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robbiethe1stNot that it looks all that great, though...12:32
Hurrianif nokia doesn't give it to us, somebody'll have it running on the meego kernel12:32
DocScrutinizerwell, there's an image out there, I bet the first hackers feeling venturous are already killing their N900 :-P12:32
Hurriannow, if only we can use the crappy front camera as the swipe sensor12:32
robbiethe1stI'm thinking more in terms of backporting the kernel or drivers...12:32
DocScrutinizerrobbiethe1st: indeed, YUCK12:33
DocScrutinizerif N900 had to mandatorily upgrade to that UX, I'd probably revert to N810 and solder some GSM module to it, like blueled did12:33
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HurrianDoc: of course the N900 isn't designed for that UX12:34
Hurrianwe have all the buttons we need12:34
DocScrutinizernah, not me12:34
cloudyLightsDocScrutinizer: can you offer a url for that hack12:34
DocScrutinizerI'm missing the menu button12:34
Hurrianmaemo 5 on the N9 would be terribly whut12:34
DocScrutinizercloudyLights: mompls12:34
HurrianDoc: there's an image, you say?12:35
Hurrianiirc only filenames leaked12:35
DocScrutinizernah, there's an image for download12:37
DocScrutinizeron or somewhere12:38
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HurrianNokia N950 OneClickFlashers12:41
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Hurrianget em while they're hooooot12:41
javispedrohaarrl harrl, flash them on your ipod!!!12:42
Hurrianhopefully, nokia didnt do the wrong thing, which would be, putting root on a OneNAND.12:42
robbiethe1st...Y'know, all I can say is that at 1ghz, with swappolube, improved transitions, hardware-sync(that powervr.d setting) and a *clean* optfs-filesystem, the system fairly flies.12:43
Hurriantime for fuuuuun looking for where the script ends and image file starts12:43
Hurrian@robbiethe1st: it's all about the new and shiny things ;)12:43
robbiethe1stIt's still slightly sluggish rendering 30-page Slashdot topics, but...12:43
Hurrianand i bet the slow browser is because of the slow browser.12:43
ruskieHurrian, it's probably sharred or something like that so should be obvious12:43
Hurrian@ruskie, sharred?12:44
ruskieshell archive12:44
Hurriani dont feel like oc'ing all the way to 1GHz, i stay on 750 and it's good enough for me12:44
robbiethe1st...I wonder, has anyone tried replacing the default-browser's backend on the N900?12:44
Hurrianrobbiethe1st, opened a topic about that on TMO (upgrading to FF4 engine) but it seems that doing so may break crap nokia did wrong12:45
robbiethe1stHurrian: Mine goes to 1.15ghz stably, but I typically keep it at 950mhz max, due to it being able to run at that without getting (too)hot when maxing it out12:45
Hurriansuch as ovi and conversations12:45
robbiethe1stOvi? don't care about. Conversations, yes, but that ought to be doable.12:46
robbiethe1stMight be interesting to try...12:46
robbiethe1stIf only copying the browser-ui and using it with a seperately linked xulrunner12:47
Hurriani don't know how to write code, so even if i did look up/diff the patches nokia made to make microb-engine, i wouldn't know where to start12:48
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jhbjust reading the topic of the channel: is there a clear recommendation for a boot setup that allows Backupmenu+standard kernel+power kernel+android (+meego) (instead of using multiboot +?)12:49
khertanJust for clarification: the whole thing about future disruptions is about what comes after the N9, not the N9 itself. The N9 is very much about world's firsts: all-screen phone, webkit2 browser, 8 MPIX camera with 16:9 wide angle lens, Dolby Headset support...12:49
khertan^^peter@maemo marketting say on tmo12:49
ruskiekhertan, they forget a mini-hdmi ;012:49
ruskiewebkit!!! yay!!!12:49
Hurrianjhb, android + meego = NOPE12:49
ruskie<-- has been using webkitgtk browsers for the past 2-3 years12:49
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Hurrianuntil nitdroid moves to uboot it wont happen12:50
jhbHurrian: the meego is optional, the first four ones I need12:50
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Hurrianjhb, multiboot then12:50
Hurrianthe only way12:50
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jhbHurrian: thx. I thought I missed something12:50
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khertan <12:51
Hurriani wonder if nokia board will kick themselves if the N9 becomes a hit, microUSB issues notwithstanding12:51
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ruskiethey can still decide to go with meego devices along the way12:52
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ruskiejavispedro, ?12:52
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javispedroits too late for redemption12:53
javispedroms already gave them a bazillion dollars12:53
ruskiejavispedro, your point?12:53
ruskielast I checked the word was meego is a long term R&D12:53
robbiethe1stI'm just hoping Intel will come out with an Intel-branded open x86 phone which we can throw a mostly-open Kubuntu Mobile on.12:54
ruskierobbiethe1st, ugh...12:54
ruskiewtf would anyone want to run x86 on a mobile device...12:54
robbiethe1stIt'd mean I'd be able to basically run Wine and any games from about 2000-2004 and older12:55
Hurrianin before we have nvidia fermi pciex16 cards on phones!12:55
ruskieand run it for 2 hours12:55
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robbiethe1struskie: You mean like the N900? It too only gets about two hours at maximum CPU usage12:56
javispedrorobbie: get an atom. test your 2004 game. laugh.12:56
javispedroor die waiting.12:56
robbiethe1stI'm thinking in terms of games which worked *just fine* on a P3 1ghz with a video card that couldn't do Direct3D...12:56
Freak5Will there be a successor of the N900 somewhen? Can the N950 be seen as an Update?12:56
khertanyeah full cpu power even not overclocked give me 2 hours of juice no more12:57
Hurrianfreak5, the n9 is the update12:57
robbiethe1stThings like Sim City 3/4, Populous: The beginning etc.12:57
javispedrorobbie: those do not work on an atom12:57
Hurrianin fact, nokia didnt even bother to replace the GPU12:57
robbiethe1stwhy not?12:57
khertanHurrian, it a downgrade12:57
javispedrorobbie: believe me I'm sc4 fan12:57
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Freak5Hurrian: But it doesn't include a keyboard, does it?12:57
javispedrorobbie: horribly slow12:57
Hurrian@robbiethe1st , i think i can feel linus' pain when doing ALLYES builds on an atom laptop12:57
Hurrianthat must've been horrible12:58
robbiethe1stSC2/SC3 ought to work, though...12:58
Hurriannetbooks are too small, and the flipping takes too much space12:58
Hurriani'd rather have a 11" x86 tablet with a jumbo battery12:58
robbiethe1stAnd if Populous doesn't(requiring a 100mhz Pentium 1)...12:58
robbiethe1stI want a 5-7", 720P screen. Something the same density as our N900's screen12:59
Hurrianfreak5, well, unless you want to pay $9999 on eBay for a N95012:59
Hurrianrobbiethe1st, i guess we'll get those specs if nokia decides to revive the NITs13:00
Hurrianuhh, the tablet NITs that is13:00
robbiethe1stYea, maby. But it'll probably be someone else that does it, sadly.13:00
Freak5Hurrian: I hoped "development version" means that they just don't want to support it :-/13:01
Freak5Is there any other manufacturer producing a mobile, which includes a keyboard and a real linux?13:01
robbiethe1stand I expect it to be a few years, sadly...13:01
robbiethe1stwell, MeeGO should be "real" linux, I think13:01
Freak5A meego on a HTC would be cool I guess13:01
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Freak5At the moment I only know the maemo/meego mobiles of Nokia13:02
Arkenoiis n950 really released in SIngapore? or is it an error? if not, why not in the rest of the world?13:02
Hurrianthe only maemo devices are made by nokia, the meego devices are made by a few chinese companies13:02
Hurrian@freak5, once the RM680 EMMC finishes downloading, i'll check to see if i can get the image out of it13:03
ruskieNokia announced four new phones at an event in Singapore today, three aimed at emerging markets and one at collectors of esoteric dead-end mobile hardware.  <-- love the register comment13:03
khertanHurrian, there is cheap chineese maemo copy of maemo 4 :)13:03
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Hurriandoes it run maemo 4?13:03
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Arkenoiwell, releasing keyboardless phone while killing qwerty one looks much like Elop's evil plan to show "your meego is doomed, not even fans will buy it", as a phone without qwerty hardly qualifies as n900 successor, and people who never owned n900 are unlikely to switch to new operating system13:04
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khertanHurrian, a customized one ... with some part of maemo13:04
khertanArkenoi, exactly13:05
MohammadAGwhere's the RM680 flasher?13:05
Hurrian@ruskie, don't really get why nokia would bump the processor all the way up to the latest and greatest omap3. and still have a gpu still inferior to the iphone3g13:05
khertanMohammadAG, on my hardware :)13:05
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khertanbut it flash n900 with last maemo release :)13:05
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HurrianMAG, saw the link?13:05
MohammadAGkhertan, what hardware? you got the N9?13:06
Hurriansurprisingly, it didnt need a login13:06
khertanMohammadAG, nope an n90013:06
MohammadAGoh, /me clicks13:06
khertanMohammadAG, just a try ;) to see what happen13:06
MohammadAGthanks Hurrian13:06
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khertanMohammadAG, as i launch it thinking it ll uncompress first ... but it s found my n900 on usb and try to flash it13:07
Hurrianapparently on linux it looks for phonet device, and with any hope it'll try to flash the n90013:07
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Hurrianfremantle update 7? did i miss something here?13:08
MohammadAGwell at least we know flasher isn't open source now :p13:08
khertanfremantle update 7 ?13:08
MohammadAGwoah, big ass eMMC image13:09
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HurrianMAG: 558 MB13:09
Hurrianlets hope it boots with the meego kernel13:09
meceheh the colors aren't always correct..13:09
khertanyou have flash a n900 with it ?13:10
mece1:1.0.2-maemo4+0m5 vs 1.2.0+339+0m6 <- doesn't look like a downgrade to me..13:10
meceare we already running harmattan on N900?13:10
Hurriani'll probably do it tomorrow, i'll still have to get the full root13:11
Freak5Hurrian: Do you know any device which could replace the N900 somewhen? Should I look up the chinese companies? Are their products competetive?13:11
TermanaFreak5, wait and buy an N913:11
TermanaStop raging about the keyboard13:11
robbiethe1stNear as I can tell, nothing can replace the N90013:11
robbiethe1stTermana: Um...13:12
robbiethe1stKeyboard == important. Hard to type out comments with a virtual keyboard13:12
hiemanshuand get a BT keyboard13:12
Hurrianrobbiethe1st, true, but as long as no one else's making decent maemo/meego phones, there's no one else13:12
meceN950 seems quite nice imo.13:12
hiemanshuHurrian: how about webOS? :P13:12
hiemanshuit has Qt too13:12
Termanamece, too bad it's not going retail. I would have rathered a retail n950 than the N913:13
khertanhiemanshu, try to use a bt keyboard in the subway13:13
Hurrianhiemanshu: big proprietary POS13:13
khertanhiemanshu, old qt version 4.513:13
meceTermana, yep. I think a lot of people agree with that.13:13
hiemanshukhertan: we have no subways in India :P13:13
meceTermana, are you a developer?13:13
hiemanshuHurrian: heh :P13:13
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hiemanshuI wouldn't mind getting a developer N950 and paying for it13:14
Hurrianhiemanshu, prepare your anus13:14
khertanhiemanshu, so trying standing up in the bus to write13:14
Termanamece, yesish. I've done kernel work for the N810, but nothing much else for MeeGo/Maemo besides that13:14
Freak5Is the keyboard the only difference between the N9 and N950 and it can be added like it is shown for the iPads?13:15
hiemanshukhertan: maybe they can make one with a case13:15
Hurrianfreak5, nope13:15
Hurrianthe n950's slider is built in like the n90013:15
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Hurrianand nope, i dont want a crappy laptop kb case13:15
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hiemanshuHurrian: ask swype to support meego13:16
Termanahiemanshu, You mean like the iPhone ones? We can be rich, quickly lets start on this idea.13:16
ruskieI wonder if there will be an accessory like the one for the iphone that attaches a small bt keyboard to the device13:16
Hurrianthat's viable, seeing as meego isn't just nokia13:16
hiemanshuTermana: err no, I meant swype like the android ones :P13:16
Hurriantermana, i'd like a case that wraps around the whole n9, making it look like a mini-laptop13:17
ruskiethat would be nice as well13:17
Freak5Hurrian: I didn't mean the slider mechanism. I just have never used a non PS/2 Keyboard yet.13:17
hiemanshupeopple still use PS/2?13:17
ruskieHurrian, but it has one prob... you can't see the screen13:17
ruskiehiemanshu, or they are confused and meant usb|ps/213:17
ruskiehiemanshu, and yes HP still ships their boxen with ps/2 crap by default13:18
Freak5And I have seen people having problems with USB keyboards at their computers when changing bios options. Bluetooth will be even more problematic, won't it?13:18
khertan <<< the know diff between n9 and n95013:18
Hurrianruskie, one like the HP laptop with rotating screen then13:18
hiemanshuruskie: sure, I have a HDMI port on my GPU, doesn't mean I have to use it :P13:18
Hurrianthe screen is inside a frame, going round and round13:18
hiemanshuFreak5: I have a wireless keyboard/mouse for almost all my computers, no issues at all13:19
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Freak5hiemanshu: In case I want to use IRC or Skype on a train, there will be keyboards which are connectable to the screen? If I used one hand to hold the screen, there would be a half hand for typing, since I had to use two fingers for holding the keyboard, too.13:24
Freak5One last question: I have heard that the N800 and N900 allowed an usb host mode. Will this be possible for the N900, too. Not that I really needed it, but it would open a lot of possebilities to show of. I could flash an ATmega by using a smartphone for example ^^13:24
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Hurrianfreak5, yes, hostmode works13:26
Hurrianon both devices.13:26
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javispedroon the n900 it might be a bit flaky13:26
Hurriani can't speak for the n8x0 series, but on the n900, it's got everything i've thrown at it13:26
hiemanshuFreak5: you could always build yourself a case with anything you feel comfortable13:26
javispedrodunno if I'd use it for flashing anything13:26
javispedro(but it is doable)13:26
Hurrian1TB hard drives, hp print+scanners, numerous flash drives13:27
hiemanshujavispedro: and I assume you need a different cable for the hostmode?13:27
Hurrianyou need a female-female usb adapter13:27
Hurrianthe nokia otg cable will not fit13:27
hiemanshuah, I have male to male, no female to female13:28
hiemanshumaybe I can make one13:28
Freak5Hurrian: Lol I just Imagined someone having a big printer on his shoulder (like a Getthoblaster) searching for a power-socket to print stuff from his mobile :-P13:29
TermanaRead in context, I think Freak5 might have actually been asking about host-mode on the N9/N95013:29
Termananot the N90013:29
Termana"I have heard that the N800 and N900 allowed an usb host mode. Will this be possible for the N900, too"13:30
Freak5Err, yes. I was asking about the N9/N950. Argh... Thx.13:30
Freak5I mistyped there. Sry13:30
Freak5Is there something known about the N9?13:30
Hurrianuhh, the n9/50 will obv have otg13:30
Hurrianas with every nokia smartphone nowadays13:31
khertanthere is a easy mod for an n9 keyboard :  +
Termanakhertan, lol scotch tape. I rikey13:31
Freak5Hurrian: uhh, the n9/50 will obv have otg <- ??? obv , otg?13:31
Hurrianobviously have otg13:31
TermanaFreak5, On The Go13:32
Hurriansorry, typing this all out on a n90013:32
TermanaFreak5, it basically means yes in answer to your question13:33
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jacekowskinokia n9 info released13:33
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jacekowskiit's happening13:33
jacekowskimeego device13:33
X-Fadejacekowski: And how do you think this is still news? :)13:34
infobotX-Fade meant: jacekowski: And why do you think this is still news? :)13:34
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crashanddiedon't blame him, he's in the UK, one hour differnece13:34
jacekowskii've just heard it about it13:34
X-FadeAh yeah, always laggy :)13:34
crashanddieX-Fade, you're in a stoner country, you can't make fun of people who "lag".13:35
jacekowskicrashanddie: on d-day we will live hour longer13:35
Freak5Hurrian: You are using IRC on your N900? It must be a good keyboard. I'll think about taping a N9 to a standalone minikeyboard then ^^13:35
jacekowskiback to work13:35
JaffaX-Fade: Does COBS have Harmattan targets yet? And is there going to be a wiki page on using Qt SDK and/or MeeGo SDK to target MeeGo & Harmattan through COBS?13:35
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X-FadeJaffa: Working on it.13:35
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X-FadeJaffa: The idea is to have full build targets at MeeGo cobs.13:36
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keks-n - what have I done ._.13:38
HurrianFreak5, yes, i'm using the N900's keyboard.13:39
crashanddieCEO walks around, talking about wanting to buy our own TLD13:39
crashanddieSaying "I can live with a 150k euro investment if we're guaranteed to operate everything we want"13:39
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Hurrian>buy a TLD13:40
keks-nGuys, I managed to setup remote debuggin on N900 in visual studio ._.13:40
X-Fadecrashanddie: Did you tell him about the extra costs? :) Like people with skills and servers etc :)13:40
crashanddieThen I slip in "The 150k has to be paid regardless of TLD acceptance, so we could pay 150k and end up with nothing"13:40
crashanddieX-Fade, we run 200 servers?13:40
Hurriankeks-n, MSVS debugger blows!13:40
X-Fadecrashanddie: Still, you need to assign time. And time is money :)13:40
Hurrianthen again, gdb is worse :(13:40
crashanddieX-Fade, yeah, we can make up for that13:40
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keks-ngdb is useless with _managed_ code13:41
crashanddieX-Fade, anyway, he doesn't want to gamble away 150k, so the discussion is over :)13:41
Termanacrashanddie, you should have told him to buy ".ugo"13:41
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Termanawould have made some great domain names13:41
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Termanahere.ugo, thisway.ugo13:41
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hiemanshuso converting a male to female to a female to female usb hub would work for the N900?13:51
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ruskieshouldn't really matter since all you're doing is just connecting wires13:52
ruskiethe type isn't an issue13:52
Freak5I wondered about the same ^^. But then it would be just sick if somebody sits somewhere having a mobile printer, hard disk and a keyboard connected to a phone ^^13:52
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Hurrianfreak5, what do you think i'll retire the N900 to once i find a suitable new device?13:53
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meceThe N900 will be much more awesome as a secondary device, because then I don't have to worry about breaking it when hacking :)13:54
Freak5Hurrian: If you ask that way....err... I don't know.13:54
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Hurrianfreak5, nettop :)13:55
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MohammadAGthe N950 will have a 2GB /home13:57
MohammadAG 4GB preserve, whatever that is13:57
MohammadAGand the rest is "mmc2", an equivalent of MyDocs13:57
internetishardmece, isn't there a way to have two partitions, one you can fuck up and one you can use for everything else? kind of like dual booting OSs on computers?13:57
Hurrianmag, O RLY?13:57
MohammadAGthere seems to be a way to restore CAL backups through flasher13:58
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internetishardI mean, why can't it be designed the way PC OSs are - those don't "brick"13:58
MohammadAGyeah, that's what the image says :p13:58
meceinternetishard, well you can easily run something from microsd13:58
internetishardyou just boot the backup kernel, or wathever13:58
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meceN900 is really hard to brick13:58
Hurrianmag, downloaded the image?13:58
meceby brick I mean brick13:58
internetishardSure yeah.13:58
internetishardI thought I did once, but I didn't13:59
Hurrianif anyone's done with the image, lemme know if it has the full root13:59
Termanamece, well I don't know about that. Having someone dip mine in water did the trick ;) :p13:59
MohammadAGHurrian, yes13:59
NIN101 i laughed.13:59
MohammadAGroot seems to live on the eMMC if I'm not mistaken14:00
Hurrianyaaaaaaaaaay14:00's gonna have a field day14:00
meceTermana, well that happens to a pc too...14:00
MohammadAGQt libraries are in the image, as well as an agreement between the developer and Nokia14:00
nusseso i need to become a developer14:00
TermanaNIN101, no one expected BME to become open14:00
TermanaAnd if you did, you were kidding yourself from the start14:00
NIN101yes I know.14:00
Hurrianmag, lol agreement14:01
MohammadAGmaps app is Ovi Maps For Developers14:01
Hurriananyone have any idea what the kernel version is?14:01
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MohammadAGprobably 2.6.3714:02
javispedrowhy does this aegisfs thing sound much like palmpre's cryptofs14:02
NIN101if you trust this of course14:02
Hurrianjavispedro, probably another NIH from nokia14:02
javispedroboth are propietary14:02
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Hurrian2.6.32. oh nokia, what are you doing14:03
javispedronewer kernels are a waste of power either way14:03
Hurrianoh well, hopefully they didnt patch that kernel everywhere14:03
hiemanshuHurrian: tell RHEL who are on .18 :P14:03
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internetishardIs there a bootloader to choose OSs to boot?14:04
javispedromy isp was on 2.4 until this week14:04
MohammadAGlet's make sure of that14:04
internetishardone that kicks in before stuff you usually brake when messing with one OS?14:04
DocScrutinizer((USB hotmode/OTG)<Freak5> Is there something known about the N9?) the spec page doesn't mention any of those capabilities14:05
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MohammadAGoooh flasher is quite intersting14:05
internetishardrunning xcalib on the n900 would be sweet14:05
FIQ|n900So, Nokia is confusing14:05
MohammadAG have fun14:06
FIQ|n900First they announce maemo/moblin merge, spending money on it, then switches to winmobile... and all of a sudden announces a MeeGo phone?14:06
FIQ|n900winphone* i guess14:06
NIN101I don't like the "cert" parts.14:07
pabs3FIQ|n900: not only that, the MeeGo phone has Maemo underneath14:07
JaffaFIQ|n900: This has been the strategy since Feb11th14:07
TrewasFIQ|n900: the most surprising thing was releasing a maemo phone over a year after it was killed in favor of meego14:07
MohammadAGthe image I was linked to is a self extracting image, not a flasher one -> 150M    emmc.bin 408M    img.bin14:07
Jaffapabs3: Define "Maemo"? Have you looked at the package comparison between Maemo 5 & Harmattan?14:07
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pabs3Jaffa: Maemo has always been .deb based, seems Harmattan is too?14:08
internetishardhow hard do you think it would be to port a simple unix app with an xorg dep to maemo?14:09
MohammadAGRX-71 images in img.bin14:09
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MohammadAGRM-716 too, as well as RM-69614:09
Jaffapabs3: Yes. But you think the packaging is *really* that important?14:09
JaffaMohammadAG: Interesting. Maybe RX-71 -> RM-680?14:10
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: \o/14:10
pabs3Jaffa: IIRC its part of the spec for MeeGo14:10
MohammadAGNIN101 is right, Linux version
MohammadAGJaffa, no, references for lots of devices, RM-71, RM-716, RM-680, RM-690, RM-69614:11
MohammadAGcmt-algo_RM-660+RM-680 cmt-algo_RM-690 cmt-algo_RM-696 cmt-algo_RM-716 cmt-algo_RX-7114:11
nid0im confused, nokia conversations is talking about a new design of charger theyll be shipping with the n914:11
javispedrowell, no sense to keep different fw14:11
nid0that comes in white14:11
nid0for a phone that's black, pink, or blue :\14:11
javispedrofor a dev device14:11
MohammadAGas well as lots of HW Revisions for the RM-68014:12
Jaffapabs3: Yes. However, I've got an app which can run on Symbian, Maemo 5, Harmattan and MeeGo with very little changes.14:12
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MohammadAGHW revisions here
Jaffanid0: And it's exactly like the Kindle's.14:12
Jaffanid0: ...with a black cable.14:12
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MohammadAGmmc0 and mmc1 images too, I wonder if they have two eMMCs in the device14:13
HurrianMAG, how are you unpacking it?14:14
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG at his best - dissecting new "firmware" releases :-D14:14
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: go, GOOOOO14:14
DocScrutinizerHurrian: I guess with the appropriate flasher command14:14
MohammadAGthey packed flasher binaries in the bin14:15
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: quite possibly two eMMC, to make for 64GB14:15
Hurrianah, i thought he was extracting root images14:15
MohammadAGhaven't tried the old flasher, this one seems a bit nicer14:15
internetisharddoes it matter what kind of USB cable I get to go from the micro usb to a usb thumb drive?14:15
MohammadAGwiping user data, restoring cal etc14:15
MohammadAG      --backup-cal=ARG          Take backup of CAL area14:16
MohammadAG      --restore-cal=ARG         Restore CAL area14:16
NIN101MohammadAG, could you give us a link to the image you have?14:16
MohammadAGsomeone gave it to me some lines up14:16
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: use a good one :-)14:16
MohammadAG<Hurrian> @mag:
cloudyLightsMohammadAG: any dea why this happens to me ?14:16
internetishardDocScrutinizer: sorry I don't follow14:17
cloudyLightsI am using a 64 bit pc, but ran the vdsd=0 thing14:17
MohammadAGcloudyLights, sb-menu -> last option (kill), signal 1114:17
internetishardIs it better with a hub? Good one = shorter? what?14:17
MohammadAGand try again14:17
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: actually it doesn't matter much14:17
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: though we've seen a lot of troubles on H-E-N caused by poor cables and esp defect USB-F - USB-F adapters14:18
cloudyLightsMohammasAG: solved! thanks14:18
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: how's your day? :-D14:19
MohammadAGrootfs is 4GBs14:19
MohammadAGtype ext414:19
MohammadAGexpected ubifs or btrfs14:20
MohammadAGoh well14:20
internetishardYeah, might get this: goes right to it14:20
DocScrutinizerprobably no NAND for rootfs14:20
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MohammadAG                label = "rootfs";14:20
MohammadAG                size = 4096;14:20
MohammadAG                fs_type = "ext4";14:20
MohammadAG                options = "anyfstype";14:20
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: sounds good, yes14:20
cloudyLightsMohammadAG: I still can't get X to work in scratchbox14:20
MohammadAGI wonder if NOLO changes the fs type on device14:20
cloudyLights[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~] > start14:21
cloudyLightsbash: command not found14:21
Hurrianext4, oh well14:21
MohammadAGthe 4GB rootfs and 4GB reserve are interesting14:21
Hurriani wanted btrfs :(14:21
MohammadAGI wonder if it's some sort of backup option for devs to store rootfs backups14:21
Hurrianmag, 4GB reserve is probably for bad block reallocation14:21
MohammadAGthere's also another 2GB reserve, probably for /home14:21
Hurrianor nokia will troll us and use 4GB for swap14:22
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MohammadAGI'm pretty sure it's for backups14:22
DocScrutinizerHurrian: highly unlikely14:22
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MohammadAG4GB rootfs, 4GB reserve on other eMMC14:22
MohammadAG2GB /home, 2GB reserve on other eMMC14:22
DocScrutinizerrecovery OS14:22
cloudyLightsbut I like your "feed" here about the N950 better...14:22
internetishardphones like this seem to need a better von neumann architecture14:22
Hurrianwait, hold on a sec. nokia's using 2 EMMC's, UNSTRIPED?14:22
cloudyLightsbut when someone can help me with scratchbox - please do14:22
MohammadAGso it's basically each eMMC backing up the other14:23
internetishardbetween cpu cache, memory, and fairly low latency flash14:23
internetishardMaybe it is merely a lack of RAM though14:23
OkropNickgreat news:
DocScrutinizerHurrian: where's the use of such fancy stuff when there'S only one interface and both are slow on writing back a block14:24
MohammadAGcloudyLights, install nokia binaries14:24
MohammadAGeMMC layouts here
internetishardyeah, since only devs need to be able to type14:24
Hurriands, isn't the omap3 soc able to handle multiple mmc devices?14:24
internetishardelitist assholes14:24
Hurrianinternetishard: see massive success of slabphones14:25
MohammadAGSDK is on device14:25
MohammadAGinstallable over USB mass storage14:25
internetishardunderstood14:25  SDK-installer-os-x.dmg14:25
MohammadAGSDK-installer-linux-32bit.bin               SDK-installer-windows.exe14:25
internetishardcritique not withdrawn14:26
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HurrianMAG: SDK is on device14:26
Hurriandid they strap all the headers etc on it?14:26
MohammadAGyes, meaning devs don't have to download it when they get the N950, simply plug and install14:26
MohammadAGmmc1 is the system eMMC image14:27
Hurrianthat's great, no more downloading 350MB of crap only to have it sputter on non-debian systems14:27
MohammadAGcontaining /home14:27
MohammadAG.lzo files are compressed files right?14:27
MohammadAGhow do I uncompress them?14:28
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Hurrianapt-get install lzop14:28
Hurrianlzop -d maemo6.lzop :)14:28
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MohammadAG# lzop -d rootfs.lzo14:29
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MohammadAGlzop: rootfs.lzo: not a lzop file14:29
hiemanshuMohammadAG: file rootfs.lzo14:29
hiemanshushould tell you type of file14:30
MohammadAG# file rootfs.lzo14:30
MohammadAGrootfs.lzo: data14:30
Hurriangoddamn it nokia14:30
hiemanshudata means binary but it can understand it :/14:30
hiemanshuMohammadAG: head rootfs.lzo14:31
Hurrianwhen file says data, it does not know what the fuck it is14:31
MohammadAGnothing helpful hiemanshu :/14:31
hiemanshuHurrian: yeah14:31
DocScrutinizer~bash Nokia lzo14:31
* infobot beats Nokia lzo with ksh14:31
Hurrianin before nokia stripped the magic off the lzo file14:32
DocScrutinizerI sometimes wonder if she's way more conscious than we would think14:32
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: try ksh ;-P14:32
Hurrianwell, apparently it's packed14:33
hiemanshuyeah, its packed14:33
MohammadAGgives me ideas14:33
hiemanshuit shows /mnt14:33
HurrianMAG, lzop -df file.lzo14:34
Hurrianmight help14:34
MohammadAGI need fiasco-gen :/14:34
Hurrianlzop -dff file.lzo14:34
jrayhawkinternetishard: the rumormill's been that the n950 was severely delayed due to hinge problems; it's probably not going to go into a full production run any time soon and the development runs are unsellable, so handing out legally-locked-down loaners is the friendliest compromise Nokia can offer.14:34
Hurriando eet :)14:34
MohammadAG# lzop -dff rootfs.lzo14:35
MohammadAGlzop: rootfs.lzo: not a lzop file14:35
Hurrian - try to decompress files that do not have a valid suffix14:35
Hurrian - try to handle compressed files with unknown header flags14:35
hiemanshuMohammadAG: try mounting it?14:35
MohammadAGtwo USB interfaces to flash? Suitable USB interface (bootloader/phonet) not found, waiting...14:35
MohammadAGhiemanshu, no dice14:35
* hiemanshu shoots nokia in the head14:36
MohammadAG# ./flasher -r rootfs.lzo14:36
MohammadAGflasher 3.11.5 (May 17 2011) Harmattan14:36
MohammadAGERROR: rootfs in this format requires a layout file - you need to use fiasco-gen14:36
MohammadAGERROR: Error processing option -r14:36
DocScrutinizer–Ziv–Oberhumer  WIWF14:36
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MohammadAGI wonder if I should backup my N900's cal and try to restore it14:37
MohammadAGwith the Harmattan flasher14:37
Hurrianin before brick14:37
MohammadAGbackup should be read only, /me tries it14:37
Hurrianwell, if backup doesn't work, you know what not to do :)14:37
cloudyLightsMohammadAG: are you now trying to install maemo6 on your N900?14:37
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cloudyLightsor did you allready have the N950?14:37
HurriancloudyLights: dont we all want to install maemo 6?14:37
cloudyLightssorry I am at work trying to keep up with this channel14:38
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: STOP IT14:38
bash`guys I just installed aptitude but it segfaults:14:38
bash`Ouch! Got SIGSEGV, dying ..14:38
bash`Segmentation fault14:38
DocScrutinizermake a conventional "backup" first (dd)14:39
MohammadAGERROR: Failed to backup CAL: Use APE flashing algorithm.14:39
DocScrutinizerin case nothing helps you probably can dd it back to NAND14:39
bash`aptitude segfaults after "Building tag databases"14:39
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MohammadAGwell, new flasher features don't work, bummer14:41
MohammadAGcloudyLights, nope, no N95014:41
MohammadAGotherwise I'd be probably be tied to some agreement to stfu about all I said :p14:42
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I bet these new features aren't tailored to cooperate with old NOLO14:42
internetishardjrayhawk: Well, why not start with something that is tried and true (*hadhhjn900dacksagh*) instead of doing something from scratch?14:45
internetishardThen you won't have hinge problems14:45
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, worse14:45
MohammadAGI tried to read something about the CMT14:45
MohammadAGit failed14:45
MohammadAGbooted up back to maemo, and I have a crossed sim14:45
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jrayhawkActually, the question is more "why not start many things and par down the ones that don't work". Which they did.14:46
jrayhawkAnd now we have the N9.14:46
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: OUCH14:46
hajanyone ever tried to dump a backup of N900's calendar and convert it to something useful that can be imported into google.. ?14:47
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internetishardn900 did work jrayhawk14:47
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: it recoverd?14:47
internetishardhaj, I wish14:47
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jrayhawkAre you arguing that you want an N900 running meego? Because that option is still entirely available to you.14:47
internetishardnot at all14:47
edheldilhaj:  it's just sqlite db14:47
internetishardJust keep the qualities of their previous phone that people chose it for being the best on the market in terms of14:48
internetishard(hardware keyboard, etc)14:48
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MohammadAGnot yet14:49
DocScrutinizerinternetishard: the N900 kbd been criticised a lot for only being 3row, too clumsy, whatnot14:49
HurrianMAG, it actually wrote to mtd1?14:49
MohammadAGI'll try flashing the cmt again in a bit14:49
internetishardIndeed, at least it is physical, though14:49
hajedheldil: I know.. just wondered.. :) I'm still hoping Nokia gives me a N900 back soon... though I guess it's going to take them months..14:50
Hurriani still have 2 hours remaining on the EMMC image download D:14:50
jrayhawkSo you're arguing that it was a bad idea to attempt to innovate the keyboard they way they did.14:50
DocScrutinizerhaj: tell them you want a N950 instead :-P14:50
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hajDocScrutinizer: don't think that will work.. :)14:51
DocScrutinizerprolly not14:51
internetishardwho, jrayhawk?14:51
jrayhawkOr the hinge, rather.14:51
internetishardinnovate, copy?14:51
hajDocScrutinizer: the keyboard was better on 9300i14:52
DocScrutinizerhaj: I dunno N950 kbd14:52
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DocScrutinizerI always thought N810 kbd been better than N90014:52
internetishardthe fact that the n900 slides open probably saves enough time to make up for the gap between the 9300i and itself (for my usage pattern anyway)14:53
DocScrutinizera lot likes to disagree14:53
hajDocScrutinizer: .. compared to N900.. :)14:53
DocScrutinizerdunno 9300i either14:53
jrayhawkI'm with you on the n810. The properly functioning USB and ample use of aluminum were also big advantages.14:54
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TermanaI personally liked the N900 keyboard better than the N810 keyboard, the N900 one felt more responsive14:56
Hurrianmag, any breakthroughs?14:56
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jrayhawkWell, it probably was more responsive, what with the better hardware.14:56
MohammadAGyeah, m modem broke :p14:56
TermanaNo, I bent the tactile feedback being more responsive14:56
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Shapeshifterexcuse me, but what is this?
TermanaOh gees here we go14:57
TermanaDid you just wake up too?14:57
jrayhawkThat's an n950 developer phone in graphite.14:57
jrayhawkThat thing we are all sad we don't get to buy for the time being.14:58
HurrianMAG well, at least we now know not to use flasher-4.0 with the n900 :)14:58
Shapeshifterjrayhawk: ah. will it probably be released somewhere in the future?14:58
Shapeshifterah I see14:58
Shapeshiftertoo bad.14:58
TermanaShapeshifter, the N9 will be retailed14:58
Shapeshifterlooks decent.14:58
Termanabut not the N95014:58
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: WTF?!!! :-o14:58
MohammadAGrmmoding and insmoding the SIM module fixed it14:58
Shapeshifterwell, clearly I stick with the n900 then ^^14:58
Hurrianshapeshifter, that looks like a graphite jessie's girl14:58
MohammadAGI wonder if it's my device being retarded rather than flasher14:58
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MohammadAG(it drops the sim sometimes)14:58
jrayhawkI expect they want to put the n950 on the market, but it'll depend on how fast and how well they can fix it and what the market looks like by the time they do.14:59
MohammadAGI wonder when N950 requests are processed14:59
jrayhawkA lot of things can go wrong.14:59
Termanajrayhawk, I'm not sure i like calling it the "developer phone", after all, we can assume since there is only around 250 of them, if it gets at least a bit popular developers will have to be buying N9s14:59
jrayhawkThere's 250 for and 250 for Meego, and also a large number floating around for partner companies and internal development.15:00
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: hi!15:00
meceqgil, said there are more for the commercial side on
MohammadAGZogG, you can't get 2 N950s15:01
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Shapeshifterby the way, why isn't it possible to 'hint' the GPS module where you are even without cell towers, like - on a map. can't you mimmick the A-GPS funcitoniality by pointing on a map saying "I'm roughly here"?15:05
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SpeedEvilIt probably is.15:05
jrayhawkThe n810 had an app for that, even.15:06
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SpeedEvilBets on nokia stock price on the NYSE 1 hour after start of trade? Currently at 5.85 - I think 6.215:07
nid0well, premarket's up to 5.97 so far15:07
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: it works like that on N810 AGPS beta app15:07
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: does it speed up the fix?15:07
MohammadAGhmm, the N9 doesn't have HDMI/OTG?15:07
nid0seems not15:07
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: should15:08
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ruskie <-- nice idea15:08
jrayhawkYeah, AGPS on the n810 sped things up significantly.15:08
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RST38hWait wait, I forgot the REALLY IMPORTANT QUESTION:15:09
RST38hDoes N9 have the color LED?????15:09
jrayhawkEspecially since the n810, IIRC, did not actually store your last position.15:09
ThreeMRST38h nope xD15:10
RST38hThreeM: Noooooooooooooooooooooo15:10
X-FadeIt is amoled, just show some color pixels on a black screen :)15:10
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nid0the lack of hdmi is quite baffling :\15:11
SpeedEvilnid0: Penetrations in a case like it has are challenging15:11
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rlinfatistrings ape-algo  | grep modules -> auth_rpcgss? ramzswap??15:11
SpeedEvilnid0: Putting the HDMI slot in the case I suspect is not possible15:12
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nid0SpeedEvil, it happily has 2 flap-covered slots for the usb and sim trays :\15:12
MohammadAGX-Fade, he was referring to the RGB LED :P15:12
jrayhawkNokia has not historically been shy about making weird connectors.15:12
nid0and the one for the usb charger seems way bigger than it needs to be15:12
X-FadeMohammadAG: Yes, I know :)15:12
rlinfatiape is a initrdfs ?15:12
X-Fadenid0: The device is just that small.15:13
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: the problem is the screen has limited angle of visibility15:13
khertanand the kbd15:13
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: So does a led?15:14
khertan... ok ... i repeat myself and go out15:14
vi__nid0: the entire N9 concept is quite baffling15:14
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javispedroomg Stskeeps15:14
javispedrobehave gentleman!15:15
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: N810's LED arguably did15:15
Stskeepsah, damn autojoin..15:15
javispedro*gentlemen ;)15:15
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: For OLED - not so much15:15
X-FadeStskeeps: You know you love it here :)15:15
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: - limited angle15:15
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ??15:15
khertanStskeeps, lol15:15
* ShadowJK stumbles in without a backlog and guesses the N9 wasn't what people expected? (still haven't checked on it myself)15:15
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: For n915:15
Stskeepsno, just morbidly interested in that people claimed they're dissecting emmc images ;)15:16
Stskeepsand wanted to see them work15:16
ShadowJKFirst impression.. "It looks like a samsung" ... "...with nokia ugly added"15:16
MohammadAGthat was one hour ago :P15:16
ShadowJK"Just a swipe away" eh.. isn't apple going to sue?15:16
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: IF you have an OLED display and can power efficiently flash a small area of it for notifications - much of hte justification for the multicolour LED goes away.15:16
RST38hShadowJK: Reading Gizmodo?15:17
ruskieShadowJK, well pretty is in the eye of the beholder ;)15:17
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, well if you have a controller than can do it autonmously like on N900, so you avoid CPU wakeups to do the flashing :P15:17
SpeedEvilShadowJK: indeed.15:17
ShadowJKRST38h, nope, I entered in browser, and that took me to ""15:17
SpeedEvilIn principle, that could be onboard the display15:17
rlinfatitrings  ape-algo  | grep nand -> nand=total-device-destruction15:17
ShadowJKI haven't seen any reactions yet15:17
SpeedEvilYou absolutely don't want to do this on the CPU15:17
* ShadowJK wasn't quoting15:17
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: for one like N900's for sure15:18
RST38hShadowJK: I have checked some on Engadget and they looked suspisiously positive15:18
khertanRST38h, this is because it look like an iPhone15:18
ShadowJKRST38h, that's because their overlord Eldar told them to, surely15:18
RST38hShadowJK: Of course, Gizmodo is back to its "it is not apple and not microsoft so it is a zombie os" again15:18
RST38hShadowJK: No, eldar's sphincter has failed as of this morning15:18
ruskieel-reg wasn't much better15:18
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RST38hShadowJK: He is literally oozing shit about the poor device15:19
ShadowJKhey where are details. This site is just telling me stupid things like "Dolby 5.1". Wtf, I want to know if it plays matroska15:19
RST38hShadowJK: Does not15:19
RST38hBut a moment...15:19
javispedrothe task navigator and app launching is waay too webos3 ;)15:20
RST38hShadowJK: Follow links from here:
RST38hShadowJK: Ignore the text15:20
ShadowJK"combine your email accounts into one inbox" <- oh jesus, the email client is worse than before15:20
DocScrutinizermatroska supported15:21
ShadowJKvi__, I interpreted that as "We thought sorting email into folders was stupid, so we piled all your email into one big pile to make it easier to find!" :-)15:21
javispedroshadowjk: hey, it plays vorbis.15:21
RST38hDoc: really?15:21
javispedroshadowjk: that should account for something!15:21
DocScrutinizerRST38h: says that page15:21
RST38hBTW, returning to earth, has anyone else noticed that many Maemo5 games no longer play audio?15:21
ruskieVideo Playback Formats 3GPP formats (H.263), ASF, AVI, Flash Video, H.264/AVC, Matroska, MPEG-4, VC-1, WMV 9, <-- hmm Matroska is there15:21
javispedroRST38H: I'd have noticed...15:21
vi__RST38h: for example?15:21
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ruskieeven does flac and ogg15:22
RST38hGweled, Hex-a-pop, TecnoballZ all fail to play sound15:22
edheldilis not amoled prone to show ghost images after a 1 or so?15:22
RST38hedheldil: no15:22
edheldil1 year15:22
keks-n>>hmm Matroska is there15:22
keks-nI hope it will support embedded ASS15:22
DocScrutinizeredheldil: yes15:22
edheldileh :)15:22
ShadowJK"Body made of one piece with smooth shapes" <- external battery back required.15:22
RST38hah 1 year15:22
vi__edheldil: thats ok, support is only 1 year.15:23
ShadowJKThe camera and Navigation features, if true this thime, look just awesome :-)15:23
DocScrutinizerindeed, cam looks good15:23
RST38hShadowJK; Surely it is all a false impression!15:23
ruskiethe micro sim thing is annoying though15:23
ShadowJKWebkit2 <- I guess nobody can figure out how to make firefox stop focus stealing (killing VKBDs)15:23
ruskiesomeone needs to shoot apple for that15:24
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ruskiewebkit is nice15:24
Hurrianpeople can just cut up regular SIM's15:24
DocScrutinizervi__: at that pricetag they can affor to swap the sceen/device once, until warranty expirs15:24
javispedroshadowjk: haha15:24
ruskieor do regular sims actually fit back into normal devices as well?15:24
SpeedEvilruskie: If you cut up the SIM, there are adaptors to take you back15:24
ruskieand why isn't there built in SyncML???15:24
DocScrutinizer(micro sim) I'm already wondering if there are adapters like for uSD15:25
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: :-D15:25
ShadowJKMy operator will refuse me micro sim for sure15:25
ruskieand I'm guessing my cellco will be willing to rape me for the price of the microsim15:25
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Dealextreme has one15:25
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SpeedEvilA little cookie cutter to go big to little, and an adaptor the other way15:25
DocScrutinizerI'm a bit reluctant to cut up my ancient (crackable) SIM anyway15:26
vi__DocScrutinizer: not really good design though15:26
ruskiefun 11eur for a sim -> microsim replacement15:26
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ShadowJKWhat about h264, just baseline profile again, or does it do main and high too?15:27 HDMI again.15:27
DocScrutinizerruskie: get a cutter and two beer15:27
javispedrodocscrutinizer: like if you are going to get the device! ;)15:27
RST38hWhy the hell skip on HDMI?15:27
* ShadowJK has about 3 spare sims to try with though..15:27
javispedroor have you been indoctrinated on capacitive already?15:27
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: konttori suggested I should get one15:27
RST38hjavispedro: Just get used to capacitive15:28
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: even though I'm not at all excited15:28
ShadowJKis the battery swappable or not?15:28
javispedroand you accepted without complaining15:28
DocScrutinizernot easily15:28
ruskieand apparently I can't take a combo double sim with one card being a microsim...15:28
RST38hOh he complained15:28
* MohammadAG whistles
RST38hMohammad: yeah.15:28
javispedromohammandag: qt sdk...15:29
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MohammadAGprobably has some device headers15:29
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: hehe, get coffe, tea or whatever you usually use for those occasions15:29
* javispedro ponders whther trying to get some sleep or get up and get into the computer and update sbox...15:30
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ruskieI might as well get the two sims - one number package... that way I can cut one up and the other leave normally15:30
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: backside secured with screws15:30
MohammadAGno use installing it without a device15:30
ShadowJKMore importantly, does it have bq2720015:30
MohammadAGand it's an online installer15:31
DocScrutinizerI'm still waiting to see the first bootlog15:31
MohammadAGso devs have to download crap, meh15:31
StskeepsShadowJK: why don't you chec the kernel..15:31
RST38hMohammad: Doesn't come with an emulator?15:31
MohammadAGRST38h, doesn't seem like it15:31
rlinfatilibbb5 ?15:31
* MohammadAG unzips API references15:31
* vi__ unzips pants15:32
khertanonline installer failed and failed again15:32
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DocScrutinizerrlinfati: FOSS?15:32
javispedrorst38h: sbox does have x86 nokia-binaries. someone mentioned ui does not boot the usual way though15:32
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ShadowJKor will we have to rely on the bme battery reporting algorithm of int battery_percent { static float percentage; return percentage - (float)rand() / (float) (2^31);15:32
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ShadowJKStskeeps, it wasn't in N900 kernel either15:32
MohammadAGjavispedro, which sbox?15:32
MohammadAGwhere's that?15:33
javispedrothe url is somewhere on my microb's history..15:33
rlinfatiDocScrutinizer -> related to the "security" framework .... :/ sw cert, etc15:33
RST38hjavispedro: Good to hear it has still got sbox15:33
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openstandardsthe n950 doesn't seem that much more powerful than the n900 to be fair...15:33
* DocScrutinizer throws up on "security framework"15:33
RST38hopenstand: check the RAM size15:34
khertanand the cpu15:34
RST38hThen remember that low RAM is the single worst performance issue with N90015:34
openstandardsRST38h: any link to the spec of the ram?15:34
rlinfatilibbb5-secbins::SEE_SimLock3Operation :/15:34
RST38hopenstand: google15:34
DocScrutinizertwice the ram, twice the clock (not for GFX)15:34
javispedrotalking about security fw15:34
openstandardsRST38h: i did google it first i found out it had a 1ghz cpu but that was it15:34
javispedrotheres something called aegisfs15:35
openstandardsand the 4inch cap screen15:35
RST38hopenstand: continue learning to use google.15:35
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: 200mhz gfx clock15:35
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: n900 is 11015:35
DocScrutinizerI know15:35
javispedroi suspect this is the same as cryptofs on a palm pre15:35
Stskeepsso no, not twice, but ..:P15:35
khertanStskeeps, it s twice :)15:35
DocScrutinizernot twice though15:35
khertannot really ...15:35
khertanbut near15:35
javispedrothat is, encrypted drmd storage for "protected" apps and media15:35
openstandards1GB OF ram?15:35
RST38hjavispedro: does it cover the whole / or just /really-useless-crap-you-buy-from-a-web-store ?15:35
javispedrorst38h: on a pre, the latter. dunno about harmattan...15:36
meceopenstandards, yes.15:36
DocScrutinizerwho of the "men in black" is going to pastebin a bootlog of N950 now15:36
RST38h<TheBootroo:#meego> i would like working at nokia15:36
jacekowskis n950 available?15:36
rlinfatiradio-wl1273 ? fm radio?15:36
RST38hHe is good. You have to admit he is really good at trolling, this guy.15:36
jacekowskiRST38h: wireless radio15:37
MohammadAGjacekowski, only 250 units15:37
DocScrutinizerrlinfati: WLAN15:37
javispedroqgil said that they're shipping them now for certain devs15:37
jacekowskiMohammadAG: where from?15:37
rlinfatimtdswap.ko :)15:37
MohammadAGswap's on an mtd?15:37
keks-noh shi~15:37
keks-nIt's not funny15:37
javispedrorlinfati: note that ramzswap was pretty much extraoficially confirmed by konttory15:38
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ShadowJKramzswap + mtdswap?15:38
TermanaMohammadAG, jacekowski, someone has informed me that there are 250 through, 250 through and a few more for Nokia partners etc.15:38
DocScrutinizermakes sense15:38
rlinfatijavispedro, ok... i'm string'ing the flash image :P15:38
DocScrutinizerat least a bit15:38
rlinfati <- modules15:38
javispedroit should't be hard to unpack15:38
javispedroso no need to string..15:39
khertanTermana, the qgil blog post inform you ?15:39
ShadowJKOh, finnish radio presented the news awesomely. They said "We nominate Nokia as 'the weeks winnar' for announcing a phone with an operating system that no longer exists" :-)15:39
Termanakhertan, no, someone on one of the channels here :p15:39
Termanakhertan, they probably read the qgil blog post15:39
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: haha15:39
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MohammadAGJoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko damn15:39
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: ok, you got no backscroll I guess15:39
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: WUT???15:40
javispedrodocscrutinizer: i'm on n90015:40
javispedrowell, sleep be damned, lets boot the computer.15:40
ShadowJKSupposedly "wifi hotspot" will be preinstalled on N9. I guess that explains joikuspot...15:40
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: MohammadAG tried to unlzo it... fail15:40
khertanmmc {15:40
khertanname = "internal";15:40
khertanpartition {15:40
khertansize = -1;15:40
khertanfs_type = "vfat";15:40
khertanprefix = "mmc2";15:40
khertanpartition {15:40
khertansize = 4096;15:40
khertanoptions = "preserve";15:40
khertan        }15:40
khertanpartition {15:41
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: SHAME ON NOKIA15:41
khertansize = 2048;15:41
khertanfs_type = "ext4";15:41
khertanprefix = "home";15:41
MohammadAGkhertan, you're a bit late to the party, and use pastebin :p15:41
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MohammadAGcat the other layout file, it has a 4GB /15:41
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khertanMohammadAG, the pastebin script failed15:41
khertanand post direct content15:41
MohammadAGI wonder how certain devs already have an N9 (not an N950)15:42
khertanNokia.FaceTracking.... hum15:42
khertanMohammadAG, probably only commercial dev15:43
MohammadAGkhertan, camera thing15:43
JaffaMohammadAG: Which certain devs?15:43
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: there are PV runs15:43
JaffaMohammadAG: AFAICT, it's only Nokians so far.15:43
openstandardsi wonder if they will use the wifi chipset as the n90015:43
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MohammadAGGravity developer15:43
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ShadowJKopenstandards, probably not as it supports 802.11n?15:43
Hurrianopenstandards, wl127115:43
khertanQt 4.7.4 ... interesting15:44
khertanat least qml is patched :)15:44
Hurriandidn't we get qt4.7.4 in maemo CSSU until MAG pulled the update?15:44
DocScrutinizerJaffa: can't you get a bootlog for us?15:44
vi__Jaffa: +115:45
MohammadAG4.7.2, I'll push 4.7.4 when and if we fix raster15:45
JaffaDocScrutinizer: Me?15:45
JaffaI have no device :-(15:45
DocScrutinizerI suppose you know those who do15:45
* Jaffa had an N900 before the launch, but no N9 or N95015:45
JaffaDocScrutinizer: So do you - frals & achipa are around :-)15:45
khertanJaffa, you was a council member at this time, isn't it ?15:46
DocScrutinizerI didn't even know they had one15:46
HurrianMAG, hit a dead end?15:46
DocScrutinizerachipa: ping15:46
Hurrianwrt Maemo 615:46
DocScrutinizerachipa: how's about a bootlog pastebin?15:46
keriowait, the n950 looks sweet15:46
DocScrutinizerachipa: preferrably of both N950 and N915:47
khertankerio, more than th n9 ...15:47
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keriowill i be able to buy it?15:47
Jaffakhertan: I was a Council member at the time :-)15:47
vi__kerio: NO15:47
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RST38hkerio: Yes, but onlyin exchange to your firstborn15:47
achipaDocScrutinizer: can't for the N9, will do for the N950 once the first one ships, sry, rules are rules :(15:47
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DocScrutinizerfair enough15:48
* Jaffa gets an email direct from Unfortunately it's only an early-bird invite to Nokia World 2011 (300 eur discount, so I can get in for "only" 695 euros! *cough*)15:48
DocScrutinizerachipa: wouldn't expect anything different15:48
khertanJaffa, lol15:48
achipaDocScrutinizer: minor differences due to BT/NFC15:48
javispedroMohammadAG: image linkie?15:48
DocScrutinizerI see15:48
khertanachipa, and battery15:49
khertanand screen15:49
RST38hJaffa: At least you have not got an invite to the Microsoft app store like me!15:49
DocScrutinizerachipa: thanks15:49
Jaffakhertan: I'd hoped it was a "your black, 1GB, N950 with added NFC goodness is on its way" ;-)15:49
MohammadAG<Hurrian> @mag:
achipakhertan: I would assume it's still pretty much the same power control stuff, regardless of different physical battery (due to different casing, obviously)15:49
javispedroRST38h: Microsoft invites everyone =)15:49
khertanJaffa, héhé ... indeed the n950 black look awesome compared to this cutted n915:49
khertanachipa, oh different battery could be different control ...15:50
RST38hjavispedro: no, just Nokia dev programs members15:50
HurrianMAG, hit a brick wall wrt extracting the images?15:50
Jaffakhertan: The black N950 looks awesome compared with the silver one15:50
achipakhertan: could, yes, but I don't think they are15:50
MohammadAGHurrian, nah, just lost interest :p15:50
javispedroRST38h: I got several invitations to their event in MWC15:50
Hurrianah, kden15:50
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khertanachipa, don't know ... didn't have device :)15:50
JaffaAlthough, bigger battery & NFC are tempting on the N915:50
Hurriani'll look into it tomorrow15:50
javispedroRST38h: I bet no one comes to their events =)15:50
khertanJaffa, no keyboard15:50
MohammadAGmore interested in N950 applications being processed :p15:50
Jaffakhertan: Indeed15:50
JaffaMohammadAG: Aye15:50
achipaJaffa: that one is one sexy pieve15:51
khertanJaffa, keyboard the big stopper15:51
* Jaffa has stuff ready (not much, but stuff)15:51
RST38hjavispedro: Some poeple do, do not underestimate the power of money =)15:51
Jaffaachipa: "pieve"?15:51
Jaffaopenstandards: Near Field Communication15:51
DocScrutinizerJaffa: bigger batery?15:51
khertanJaffa, if i can't get an n950 i ll not bought a n915:51
achipaJaffa: n950 battery is replaceable-ish15:51
javispedrobtw, the sbox harmattan sdk is here:
RST38hjavispedro: haven't you seen all those .net developers complaining about MS cutting .net from wp8?15:51
Jaffaachipa: Ah, the black N950s?15:51
MohammadAGachipa, screwdriver needed, not included eh? :P15:51
achipaI rather have 2x 1350mAh than 1x145015:51
khertanjavispedro, if you successfull install it15:51
achipaMohammadAG: you unscrew when you get it and throw away the screws15:51
khertanjavispedro, no download resume15:52
achipain about 3 days, you'll figure out how to open it15:52
MohammadAGachipa, lol15:52
javispedroRST38h: told ya they were serious with that html5 thing in windows815:52
achipatwo weeks later, you'll be able to swat a battery in total darkness, a la gun-training in the marines :)15:52
javispedrokhertan: pfft, I'm a sbox1 guru -- when people disabled vdsos, I fixed glibc.15:52
keriodon't you mean hammer15:52
RST38hjavispedro: only for the desktop though15:52
infobotachipa meant: two weeks later, you'll be able to swap a battery in total darkness, a la gun-training in the marines :)15:52
MohammadAGanyone interested in coding a gecko based browser for the N9? I hate webkit :p15:52
RST38hjavispedro: wait until they axe win32 completely and hear the poor suckers howl15:52
khertanjavispedro, yeah but before fixing things you need to get it :)15:52
ruskiewebkit <315:52
X-FadeMohammadAG: Fennec should work, kind of :)15:53
RST38hJust wait for Opera =)15:53
achipakerio: N950 is not an unibody and has screws (phew)15:53
Hurriannight guys, gonna read the logs in the morning :)15:53
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* vi__ is horny to pilfer ovi-maps binary for n90015:54
javispedrokhertan: not that slow, getting 600KiB/sec out of it15:54
kerioachipa: only noobs use screwdrivers15:54
khertanlucky you are15:54
DocScrutinizerso what's the word from those who should know, about USB hostmode on that thing?15:54
vi__DocScrutinizer: nope15:54
javispedroRST38h: opera is already there, they already made a meego package15:54
achipakerio: still don't have philips-headed teeth just yet15:55
kerioachipa: real men use a hammer15:55
javispedroRST38h: those opera guys do put work on their staments of support.15:55
achipakerio: yes. only if they don't want to use the device afterwards :)15:55
MohammadAGstupid python script15:55
meceMohammadAG, isn't Firefox open source?15:55
kerioactually, real men use a blender15:55
DocScrutinizerIOW: is N9(50) more like N810 or more like N900 regarding USB?15:55
MohammadAGmece, the UI sucks on a mobile device15:56
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meceMohammadAG, but firefox for n900 I mean15:56
keriofennec's not *that* bad15:56
meceMohammadAG, right, fennec15:56
MohammadAGmicroB performs better imo15:56
keriomicroB performs better15:56
ShadowJKthe fennec UI isn't that bad, but its memory use makes me doubt it'll run well even on 1G :P15:56
meceMohammadAG, yes, but that one is not open source15:56
achipathis webkit thingy is way zippier, though there is a tradeoff15:57
keriowebkit > gecko15:57
achipaand of course if the memory helps in any single place, it's the browser15:57
meceachipa, you have the device right?15:57
keriotrue story15:57
mecekerio, we need both though15:57
achipamece: hipothethically, I might :)15:57
kerioachipa: is the n950 made of dreams?15:57
RST38hjavispedro: Opera people are indeed wonderful15:57
mecekerio, no it's rainbows and transsexual midgets15:57
khertanSomething i didn't understand is why there isn't any webkit browser based on qt ...15:57
khertanshould be easy to do15:57
achipakhertan: like, say arora15:58
kerioeven better15:58
meceRST38h, the opera people are proper nerds :D15:58
khertanarora ?15:58
openstandardsi hope nokia have sorted out the problem with the mini usb port coming loose15:58
javispedrothe n950 is people!15:58
keriokhertan: isn't Konqueror based on qt?15:58
keriojavispedro: transsexual midgets are people too15:58
achipait's actually a fairly good thin webkit browser...15:58
ShadowJKmicro usb15:58
mecethat's still webkit15:58
ruskiemece, and what's wrong with that?15:59
DocScrutinizeropenstandards: micro, but yes, I hope so as well15:59
achipaopenstandards: you'll sooner rip out the screen than the USB on this one15:59
ruskiethe webkit browsers work well15:59
RST38hmece: iPhone uses it so it must be good!15:59
* RST38h hides15:59
keriowell webkit *is* lighter than gecko15:59
ruskiewith a smaller footprint that gecko crap15:59
openstandardssorry ShadowJK, micro usb...15:59
khertanruskie, gecko isn't crap !15:59
achipathough knowing you roughnecks, you *will* lose the N9's port cover though :)15:59
ruskiealways has been and still is15:59
meceI like webkit, I'm not complaining.15:59
ruskiemaybe the future will change that16:00
openstandardsrekonq is a nice browser16:00
khertanachipa, didn't support kinetic scrolling :)16:00
* ShadowJK wonders what charging chip is in N9, and whether the phantom resistance between charger chip and VBatt that's present on N900 has been fixed16:00
MohammadAGno one mentioned if the N9 had flash 1016:00
* MohammadAG hides16:00
meceI've managed to loose the tiny metal bit that together with the tiny magnet holds the n900 stand closed...16:00
khertanachipa, i should try to do one ... should be something that can be targeted by qml16:00
SpeedEvil - Ok - prediction is 6.3 in an hour.16:00
RST38hMohammad: it does not16:00
TermanaMohammadAG, troll face16:00
DocScrutinizerachipa: good aftermarket16:00
achipaMohammadAG: no flash in current builds16:00
javispedrooh, increasing!16:00
meceMohammadAG, well about 1000 people have complained about that.16:00
achipaAnd for once, I don't mind16:01
ShadowJKMohammadAG, it doesn't matter, even if it has, a week after you get an N9, your favourite site starts requiring flash 11, and Nokia will never ever update it. <g>16:01
meceI'm a little bummed because I wanted to steal it for MeeGo CE...16:01
RST38hachipa: btw, does it support file browsing via bt?16:01
meceFlash that is16:01
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achipaRST38h: no idea, didn't try16:01
javispedro"Nokia (NYSE: NOK) will launch its new N9 Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) Windows-powered smartphone later this year"16:01
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meceShadowJK, eyup16:01
khertanjavispedro, lol16:01
MohammadAGjavispedro, lmao16:01
RST38hjavispedro: source?16:01
mecejavispedro, wherE?16:02
MohammadAGRST38h, vodka :p16:02
javispedroRST38h: random wallst analyst blog:
mecequick, everyone, flood comments!16:02
javispedroquoted by google finance though16:02
kerioSpeedEvil: jinx16:02
MohammadAG~seen Venemo16:02
infobotvenemo <~Timur@fedora/Venemo> was last seen on IRC in channel #meego, 5d 15h 25m 41s ago, saying: 'user0, yeah, I did need to get my device to R&D mode when I used the rescue initrd'.16:02
TermanaSpeedEvil, so you predict a 4 cent increase from opening? :p16:02
meceLOOOL how embarassing.16:02
khertanlol ... analyst16:02
mecedamn no comments on that one.16:02
the_lordHi! does anyone here knows if N9 will have a rootable meego as in the N900? or we will have to hack it for that?16:03
meceI like the picture too..16:03
khertanmece, no comment16:03
MohammadAGHarmattan SDK failing to install16:03
javispedroMohammadAG: where?16:03
khertanMohammadAG, failed to start qemu16:03
JaffaWhat about this then:
JaffaURL says it all16:03
khertanin qtcreator16:03
mecethe_lord, From what I've heard, yes.16:03
MohammadAGno, failed to install scratchbox packages16:03
the_lordmece: yes what?16:03
khertanMohammadAG, oh ... failed to download them16:03
javispedroJaffa: "Apple Intelligence" is the subtitle. An oxymoron!16:03
the_lordmece: yes, we will have to hack it?16:03
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RST38hJaffa: Title seems to indicate that they have simply copied Gizmodo article16:04
khertanhum ... no alarmd backend16:04
mecethe_lord, it's as difficult as it was on the N900 is what I hear (means it's easy and doesn't need to be "hacked")16:04
the_lordmece: nice! I'll be getting my hands on it then16:05
ShadowJK"Three new touch screen models based on S40 were announced, all called C2, two of which support dual-SIMs." <- srsly, stop doing that16:05
SpeedEvilTermana: Opening is 5.85 isn't it?16:05
keriono seriously can i buy a n950?16:05
kerioor is it reserved for devs?16:05
ShadowJKkerio, I want to buy one too :(16:05
ShadowJKand they said no :(16:05
SpeedEvilkerio: devs16:05
keriothis is bullshit16:05
kerionobody wants to develop for meego handset anyway16:06
SpeedEvilkerio: it specifically says - 'Anyone can buy it except Kerio'.16:06
Jaffakerio: Eh?16:06
openstandardsi wonder if i can get a mate to get me one :)16:06
Jaffakerio: You seem to be frothing at the mouth16:06
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mecekerio, arent you a developer?16:06
openstandardshes actually working for nokia, part of the old symbian team16:06
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DocScrutinizerthe_lord: you're aware Nokia published the SDK for N9 today, are you?16:06
meceshit. I've got to go. Good thing I came to work today...16:06
keriomece: i'm a math student!16:07
RST38hMeanwhile at a standards commitee:
khertanoh there 4.5G icon in the theme16:07
mecekerio, doesn't mean you can't develop.16:07
RST38hmece: no, he is just a troll16:07
ChoomI need to try that SDK out when I get back home16:07
mecewell. anyway I go no work done today. Damn you nokia!16:07
mecebye everyone16:07
Choomheading off to work as well16:07
SpeedEvilWave mece.16:07
javispedroyes, do not download the sdk as of now. leave all the bandwidth to me!16:08
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the_lordDocScrutinizer: yes, but I'm not aware in how is that related with my question16:08
kerioRST38h: i doubt nokia will give me a n950, even if i start coding like crazy16:08
keriowhich makes me a sad panda16:08
DocScrutinizerthe_lord: I'm not sure what is the meaning in "rooting meego"16:08
khertanhum ... a youtube icon16:08
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ruskiekhertan, yes it has a ton of sharing16:08
khertanvodaphone, skype16:08
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the_lordDocScrutinizer: Nokia could launch a Meego sandbox with the N9, as in android16:09
khertanfirefox icon16:09
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DocScrutinizererrrr :-x16:09
javispedrogoogling this aegisfs thing16:09
javispedrolists some pastebins with output of df -h and the like :)16:10
Jaffakhertan: But WebKit based browser16:10
khertanthe icon name is firefox16:10
Jaffajavispedro: Presumably used for securing directories using Aegis from the rest of the system?16:10
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javispedroJaffa: you know anything about it? I understand it is a pre's cryptofs clone?16:10
khertanshazam icon16:10
Aranelany specs on n950? same as n9?16:10
SpeedEvilAranel: no bluetooth, different case16:11
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: OMG, so it's another NIH/"proprietary" Nokia crap?16:11
khertanan icon for need for speed shift16:11
SpeedEvilAranel: no NFC, rather16:11
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: nah, this is security fw thing. the pre one was propietary also.16:11
khertanan gtracing icon16:11
the_lordAranel: different case, keyboard, display different, bigger, no carl zeiss, no warranty16:11
openstandardsn9 has bt 4.0 and nfc...larger battery too16:11
khertanbut no keyboard16:11
openstandardsyea :(16:11
MohammadAG4.0? :P16:12
khertanand rg11 gold16:12
javispedroDocScrutinizer: from looking at the df -h pastebins IMs are stored on aegisfs, so it is probably "user" security16:12
the_lordthe only thing n950 has better is hardware keyboard16:12
RST38hkerio: If you are also rich panda, you can buy an N9!16:12
MohammadAG12MP cam in N950 adaik16:12
khertanso it ll be delivered with some game16:12
Aranel:< so they actually wanted to scare away end-users from n950 lol16:12
MohammadAGafaik even16:12
khertanMohammadAG, 8Mp16:12
DocScrutinizerthe_lord: eh?16:12
kerioRST38h: i want a physical keyboard dammit16:12
RST38hkerio: You can buy a keyboard separately!16:13
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MohammadAGkhertan, sure? I remember the 1st revision had a 12MP cam16:13
kerio...not the point here16:13
kerioi do have a stowaway keyboard16:13
keriowhich is totally bawss16:13
khertanMohammadAG, the flasher release note say 8Mp for both16:13
ShadowJKI don't have 3 hands to use an external keyboard16:13
javispedroShadowJK: soon you will! join the cult!16:14
javispedroyou will also lose your fingernails if you do16:14
javispedrobut believe me it is worth it. multitouchzzz!!!16:14
khertanRST38h, <<< and this16:14
openstandardsnice html5 support out of the box16:14
ShadowJKso multitouch means the thing will never know where I touched16:14
Aranel"N950 supports Bluetooth version 2.1+EDR, whereas N9 supports version 4.0"16:14
javispedroit will know where steve jobs is touching now, which is all that matters.16:14
Aranelhuh o.O16:15
TermanaDocScrutinizer, javispedro, Jaffa, anyone I left off, RE: Ageis -
khertanjavispedro, +
DocScrutinizerTermana: \o/16:15
khertan^the perfect n916:15
vi__kerio: kerio==scotland?16:15
* SpeedEvil == scotland.16:15
openstandardsi wonder if we'lll see what iOS does when it detects email fields in a webpage16:16
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javispedrokerio: spaniards usually use "¿cómo?" (that is, "how come?" instead of "what?")16:16
Jaffaopenstandards: The N900 supported <a href="tel:..." />, FWIW16:16
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vi__SpeedEvil: SpeedEvil==edinburgh?16:17
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ShadowJKJaffa, he said EMAIL fields. I wonder if IOS automatically fills in your own email address in every webform it finds on the internets to make receiving spam easier and simpler.16:17
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keriothat's a weird equality relationship16:17
javispedrokhertan: abuse of scotch tape is not approved by steve jobs. you are banished from the apple cult!16:17
openstandardsJaffa: it does? never noticed it as i use keyboard :)16:17
vi__SpeedEvil: are you that man I saw in his underpants with soup in his beard texting on a n900 on prioncess street?16:18
the_lordDocScrutinizer: nokia could launch the N9 with a sandbox so you can't install openoffice if it's not in ovi store, for example16:18
DocScrutinizerFACK!!! I knew it: security framework, aegis, bullsh*t. Now we got it: TWO DEVICEMODES16:18
SpeedEvilvi__: No, I've not been on Princes street recently.16:18
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TermanaDocScrutinizer, get ready for it16:18
TermanaDRM talk GO!16:18
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: that was known though.16:18
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SpeedEvilvi__: No, Fife.16:18
vi__SpeedEvil: ouch16:18
the_lordDocScrutinizer: then you would have to root it16:18
javispedroDocScrutinizer: however, aegisfs seems to be a fuse filesystem, like the pre. it can be broken.16:19
DocScrutinizerthe_lord: we all know about that16:19
the_lordDocScrutinizer: that was my question, will Nokia do that?16:19
Termanathe_lord, you do not need to "root" it as you put it.16:19
TermanaYour mixing up terms and using things incorrectly16:19
TermanaYou just put it in open mode16:19
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DocScrutinizerthe_lord: no, they do sth way more evil, they implement security framework16:20
the_lordTermana: so, "open mode" is the right term?16:20
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* vi__ vi__ has flashbacks to symbian signed16:20
JaffaShadowJK: I know what he said, I'm saying that *similar* sort of thing (Mobile Safari also auto-identifies phone numbers) can be done on Maemo 516:20
vi__OHH GOOOD!16:20
Termanathe_lord, as long as we assume they have implemented it how they have described16:21
DocScrutinizerIn open mode, no more games, comercial apps, Ovi store, comes-with-music (... dialer, messaging, you name it)16:21
DocScrutinizerin protected mode, no own kernel, no own apps...16:21
vi__DocScrutinizer: sonsofbitches16:21
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Is this assumption - or documented somewhere?16:22
DocScrutinizerI guess I don't want tou touch that devel device16:22
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: why? dev device probably has no closed mode at all16:23
DocScrutinizerthey learned their lessons how to kill FOSS16:23
javispedroit would be a waste of resources.16:23
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: I CAN NOT support this sort of BULLSHIT16:23
vi__DocScrutinizer: but it comes with music.16:24
Aranelany information on when & price for N9 yet?16:24
SpeedEvilI'm unsure.16:24
javispedroDocScrutinizer: we knew it16:24
SpeedEvilIn principle - given best case - it could be OK.16:24
javispedrome, I'm waiting to see what is lost in open mode.16:24
TermanaAranel, Q3/Q4 2011, no price yet AFAIK16:24
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AranelTermana: thank you ^^16:24
SpeedEvilIf - for example - we can push patches to the kernel and get them accepted.16:24
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: it's NOT16:24
SpeedEvilAnd there is some free and relatively easy way to get apps signed.16:24
javispedroif more than 1% of the applications and/or maps are lost, deal-killer. sorry.16:24
the_lordDocScrutinizer: if you have root access, you can remove security framework :P16:24
javispedroif 100% of the music store contents are lost, I don't care.16:25
DocScrutinizerthe_lord: BAS16:25
DocScrutinizerBS even16:25
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openstandardsDocScrutinizer: won't be able to root it at all?16:25
vi__geeze! rootit doesn't mean anything!16:26
MohammadAGyou can only switch to open mode afaik16:26
MohammadAGit's a one way trip, if you do it you can't go back16:26
vi__it is just a dumb word like 'tether' or 'apps'16:26
MohammadAGI could be wrong, but I've heard that once16:26
lardmanhey chaps16:27
lardmanis there any specific website with info about the N9 & N950?16:27
vi__lardman: no you cannot buy an n95016:27
khertanMohammadAG, at maemo summit 2009 they talk of easy switch16:27
DocScrutinizeryou got TWO device modes, an *open* one where you can do what you want - except run any app that requires *protected* mode, which probably will be the complete set of core apps16:27
khertanjust require reboot16:27
TermanaMohammadAG, if it is the same security framework (which, mind you, no one has actually knows that it definitely is), it can be switched back and forth16:27
MohammadAGerr, maemo summit?16:27
lardmanI don't have an internet connection at home atm, so was going to scrape some pages and read them later on (house moving)16:27
MohammadAGthat's kinda irrelevant now, MeeGo didn't exist back then16:27
openstandardsvi__: when i mean root it i mean no root access...16:27
lardmanvi__: how does one apply for one?16:27
vi__lardman: you cannot16:28
openstandardsgood god16:28
vi__lardman: you have missed the boat16:28
SpeedEvilyes he can.16:28
khertanMohammadAG, yeah ... but it s not true MeeGo ... it s Maemo on top of MeeGo16:28
MohammadAG lardman16:28
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: indeed you can't switch back to protected unless you reboot16:28
the_lordI don't understand why it can't be like ni the N900, both "modes" at the same time living happily ever after16:28
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, oh good (in a way), I thought you can't go back to protected mode16:28
khertanthe_lord, there isn't any security framework :)16:28
MohammadAGkhertan, take out MeeGo and maemo fails then16:28
khertantake out maemo and MeeGo failed on Handset too16:29
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: as soon as openmode got enabled, the complete hw is "tainted"16:29
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DocScrutinizeryou need reboot to reset to clean state16:29
lardmanthanks MohammadAG16:29
khertanDocScrutinizer, tainted ? so you can change hardware case color ?16:29
TermanaDocScrutinizer, that's a very hazy way to say it that has a potential for confusion.16:30
DocScrutinizerkhertan: tainted, not painted16:30
the_lordkhertan: that's where I come in and say, in two months after they start selling, there will be a hack to get both modes working (that's what android'ers call rooting, and ios'ers call jailbreak)16:31
khertanDocScrutinizer, read to fast :)16:31
DocScrutinizerthe_lord: you bet there won't16:31
the_lordDocScrutinizer: why?16:31
DocScrutinizerthe_lord: security framework has been evaluated and improved for many years now16:32
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DocScrutinizerand it's based on a cryptokex in hw bootloader and an umbreakable chain of trust from boot til app16:32
the_lordDocScrutinizer: I'll die trying then :)16:32
DocScrutinizeryou're welcome16:33
DocScrutinizerI can't think of anything I'd love more to hear than "security framework got hacked"16:33
SpeedEvil'security framework was removed due to a policy decision by Elop, who announced today that all new nokia phones are to be meego, while naked, bodypainted into the likeness of a penguin.'16:35
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khertanSpeedEvil, source ?16:36
DocScrutinizernot even that, as it wouldn't help for future cases when anybody else thinks DRM and "security" are a good idea16:36
SpeedEvilkhertan: Some russian blogger.16:37
khertanSpeedEvil, i doubt... i think he ll more lock up the thing to say win phone is more open16:37
trx[15:28] <MohammadAG> <- is that n950 ?16:37
Termanatrx - yes16:37
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trxcan anyone who wants to develop for meego apply?16:37
rlinfatiharmattan-meego-arm-sysroot-1122-slim  harmattan-nokia-meego-arm-sysroot-1122-slim :S what is the diference ?16:38
khertantrx, << should be the device16:38
Termanatrx - I assume so yes.16:38
trxthats nice thanks16:38
rlinfati628M vs 383M16:38
openstandardsi can't believe they assigned an ex-microsoft guy to a company which has been interested in producing linux devices for a number of years...16:38
khertanone is meego ... second is meego + preinstalled soft like need for speed shift16:39
khertanand thing like that ...16:39
khertanbut it s supposition16:39
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lardmanMohammadAG: so what happens then? You hit save and then it's gone?16:41
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: aegis manifest file...   PFFFF there it is16:42
Termanalardman, no. You hit save and there it is in your face if you need to edit it16:42
vi__DocScrutinizer: where are you reading this stuff?16:42
lardmanTermana: ah, and for everyone else to read too?16:43
Termanalardman, no16:43
TermanaJust you and whoever is making the decision on who they go out to, I suppose16:43
lardmanok cool16:43
TermanaPlus anyone who has access to the database but anyway :p16:44
lardmanand that was an N9 dev kit applicatioon, which we presume will provide an N950 in the meantime?16:44
Termanalardman, no, you just get a N950, not N916:44
Jaffalardman: N950 *is* the "N9 dev kit"16:44
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lardmanok that's fine, just wanted to work out what's going on :)16:45
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trxi dont like n916:45
lardmana week without a phone and internet is a long long time16:45
trxi would preffer n95016:45
vi__was it like this as the n900 was released?16:45
nid0doesnt it seem slightly peculiar to provide a dev kit that's missing one of the new (nearly)unique features of the n9 though, being the nfc capability?16:45
JaffaI like the way the editor for the application gives you an HTML box, but then it renders without16:45
Jaffanid0: Got to do something with the wonky hardware rather than scrap it16:45
TermanaAnd you have to sign a waiver so if you cut yourself on the hinge Nokia is not liable16:45
Termanajust kidding ;)16:46
* lardman must scrape some info about the devices then head back to his internet-less house to continue unpacking16:46
vi__nid0: it is not a real dev kit, just a scam to punt redundant hardware with no warrenty or support.16:46
Jaffanid0: But yes, no NFC is a big shame16:46
SpeedEvilJaffa: Well - yes, and no.16:46
lardmanJaffa: yeah, doens't like line breaks either16:46
SpeedEvilJaffa:  There are few devices to play with it with16:46
nid0bringing it up to par with the released n9 and giving people a hwkb option would seem like an ideal solution :<16:46
JaffaSpeedEvil: We should all get two N9s ;-)16:46
javispedrothere are not even enough n950s for all people on this channel ;)16:47
JaffaSpeedEvil: But did you see the ideas around using NFC tag stickers around your house to automate actions on ##nokiacnxn16:47
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nid0iv been looking forward to going back to a phone with a decent kb ever since I got my n900 :<16:47
Jaffalardman: You only have a week to apply16:47
vi__I think the correct number of n9's is 016:47
javispedroremind me to do that "if you haven't got your free n9 yet join #channelwithpr0nlinkontopic now" again16:47
Araneljavispedro: maybe they should start from the alphabet (a to z), im just saying..16:47
SpeedEvilJaffa: I pinged out just before I woke up - relogged - and found that I'd forgotten to set the channel to logging16:47
javispedrolast time it was a success =)16:48
khertanjavispedro, :)16:49
vi__wait, android doesnt have a security platform16:49
nid0it's rather worrying that the n9 availability checker doesnt even have the uk listed :<16:49
javispedrovi__: android has a securijoke platform, like everyone else on the market16:49
lardmanJaffa: yep, have just put my application in16:49
khertannid0, and the n950 look like to have a really good keyboard16:49
openstandardsi gueess alot of us will end up buying a bluetooth keyboard..16:50
nid0khertan: yes, i've used the e7 keyboard and its streaks ahead of the n900 pos, and looks like the n950 keyb is very similar16:50
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khertaneven is smaller n900 keyboard is pretty good16:50
khertanbetter than n810 one16:51
Sazpaimon_omap 363016:51
lardmanis there an official page on either of the N9/N950 anywhere?16:51
Sazpaimon_stopped readint right there16:51
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nid0lardman: theres lots of n9 pages up16:51
nid0lardman: primarily16:52
lardmanthanks, will scrape that then16:52
lardmanthose even :)16:52
lardman~lart Beckington for only having 2G16:52
* infobot explains, ever so gently, that if Beckington doesn't give the channel more information, they can't help for only having 2G16:52
nid0nokia conversations has a proper spec list at
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DocScrutinizerbindi: there's supposedly also a N9-0116:53
SpeedEvilJaffa: Also - 'nfc' varies - from being able to read 'barcode' chips - to a more advanced ability to read active tags.16:53
bindiaww a singlecore16:53
Sazpaimon_im actually fine with a single core cpu since it has 1GB of ram16:53
nid0people really get far too hung up on cpu specs16:53
Sazpaimon_i hope it's physical rm16:54
DocScrutinizerbindi: it's honestly beyond me what for you'd need multicore on an embedded device16:54
Sazpaimon_and not 512 physical and 512 swap16:54
Sazpaimon_knowing nokia they might advertise it as that16:54
khertanSazpaimon_, peter seems to let hint it s 1Go physical16:54
vi__DocScrutinizer: ffmpeg16:54
openstandards that looks kinda handy16:54
DocScrutinizervi__: or seti@home16:54
nid0celluon recently released an updated version of their laser keyboard16:54
nid0that's the one to have, tbh16:54
khertanopenstandards, and with this modder accessory ...
khertanit ll look like an n95016:55
Sazpaimon_has anyone looked at the N950 firmware image yet16:55
Sazpaimon_oh wait, nokia has a repository now16:55
nid0 thats the keyboard to have tbh16:56
javispedrogod x86 sbox installed and running16:56
javispedrohello nokia home16:56
* lardman has to go to pick up the wife, bbiab16:56
DocScrutinizerSazpaimon_: MohammadAG dissected it16:56
khertan44% of the sdk install16:56
* javispedro needs to remembers to set xephyr to the proper resolution16:56
* SpeedEvil imagines lardman in a wife-carrying contest.16:56
khertanwhaou... i ll got it tommorow16:56
Sazpaimon_DocScrutinizer, is it a simple FIASCO image>16:56
Sazpaimon_with a flasher binary embedded in it16:57
javispedrothree profiles: silent beep and ringing ;)16:57
DocScrutinizerbasically yes, though with integrated flasher AIUI16:57
openstandardskhertan: exactly but with a huge ass keyboard16:57
Sazpaimon_also what kernel is harmattan using16:57
nid02.6.32 apparently16:57
javispedrofscking god16:57
Sazpaimon_so backportin to N900 might not be possible16:57
openstandardsbtrfs support?16:57
javispedrolauncher is landscape/portrait16:57
javispedrobut settings app is portrait only!16:58
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: more interesting: may I finally define own profiles???16:58
Sazpaimon_considering 1. harmattan uses hardfp16:58
Sazpaimon_2. binary blobs16:58
khertanSazpaimon_, 2.6.3216:58
nid0one wierd limitation I did notice with display modes is the image gallery appears to only do 2 angles16:58
* openstandards hopes this support groups out of the box....16:58
nid0it wont flip to "upside down" either landscape or portrait16:58
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Sazpaimon_are they shipping out N950s yet?16:59
Sazpaimon_I signed up a developer account through my media streaming company16:59
javispedroremind me the n9 resolution?17:00
nid0is it me or is tmo going to explode over an apparent lack of flash?17:00
Sazpaimon_hm, can N900 operate with a hardfp libc?17:00
javispedroSazpaimon_: yes, see meego CE17:00
Sazpaimon_okay so it possibly CAN be backported to N90017:00
javispedroSazpaimon_: even got hf sgx libs17:00
Sazpaimon_using meego CE's modules17:00
javispedroa) license issues17:00
DocScrutinizernid0: not apparent17:00
javispedrob) won't happen, experience says otherwise17:01
Sazpaimon_oh well17:01
javispedrohow come xephyr is still stupidly slow on my desktop17:01
javispedrodo I need to resque the vmgl stuff? I though xephyr was to be accelered long ago17:01
DocScrutinizerbecause it *is* stupidly slow?17:02
Sazpaimon_nid0, I dont see why the flash plugin can't be dropped in harmattan17:02
javispedroSazpaimon_: what flash plugin17:02
Sazpaimon_any flash plugin from TI17:02
Sazpaimon_or does TI not make a flash plugin for the 363017:02
javispedrosame as the 343017:02
vi__Sazpaimon_: I take it you didn't get the memo?17:02
Sazpaimon_enlighten me17:03
DocScrutinizerSazpaimon_: seems there's no accelerated flash plugin for 343017:03
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DocScrutinizeror 363017:03
Sazpaimon_DocScrutinizer, who cares17:03
keks-nBTW, N9 is the last nokia phone with linux, right?17:03
Sazpaimon_having flash support would shut people up17:03
nid0keks-n: no17:03
DocScrutinizerSazpaimon_: indeed17:03
rlinfatiwarning: aegisSessionOpen() - failed to open platsec device (ret=-1) ( Qemu EMulator.... )17:04
Sazpaimon_but theoretically people could drop in one of the leaked flash plugins17:04
keks-nI heard rumors that MeeGo division will close this year17:04
DocScrutinizerrlinfati: OMFG17:04
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: SEE?? ^^^^^17:04
Sazpaimon_keks-n, MeeGo/Maemo devices will continue depending on sales of the N917:04
Sazpaimon_already nokia has out advertised the N9 compared to the N90017:05
rlinfatiKernel command line:  init=/sbin/preinit root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 .......17:05
Sazpaimon_and it hasn't even been fully announced yet17:05
keks-nSo we just need to write some cool soft for it17:05
rlinfatimtdparts=omap2-onenand:128k(bootloader),384k@128k(config),3072k@512k(kernel),1024k@3584k(log),519680k@4608k(swap) .....17:05
vldcnstAny idea on N9 prices?17:05
vi__keks-n: whats the point?17:05
vi__keks-n: it is the ultimate burning platform17:05
javispedrosome sdk shots:17:05
Sazpaimon_keks-n, i think most fremantle software will work on harmattan through a maemo 5 chroot17:05
keks-nI mean for both platforms17:06
Sazpaimon_javispedro, awesome17:06
rlinfatiSmartReflex class 1.5 driver: initialized :)17:06
keks-n+I think that most fremantle software just need to be recompiled17:06
X-Fadejavispedro: N9 is a portait device ;)17:06
Sazpaimon_keks-n, not if it's in a chroot17:06
keks-nSo what?17:06
Sazpaimon_i *think*17:07
javispedroX-Fade: you bet, but at least launcher rotates ;)17:07
khertankeks-n, not really ... as we didn't know if QWidget got theme17:07
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keks-nchroot isn't the best way to provide sowtware for end-users17:07
khertankeks-n, if this isn't the case, a rewrite using qml will be needed17:07
Sazpaimon_I'm not 100% sure, but I think a maemo 5 chroot will supply harmattan most of the c libraries that it needs to launch maemo 5 apps17:07
rlinfatiHS USB OTG: revision 0x33, sysconfig 0x2017, sysstatus 0x1, intrfsel 0x1, simenable  0x0 :):):) OTG17:07
javispedrodraggin from each of the edges launches launcher17:07
javispedroI guess that makes keeping the same ui on the n900 "hard"17:08
javispedrobecause edges are hardly usable on n90017:08
vi__why are you thinking backwards?17:08
keks-n> apt-cache search gtk17:08
keks-nlibsoup2.4-1 - an HTTP library implementation in C -- Shared library17:08
keks-nlibglib2.0-dev - Development files for the GLib library17:08
keks-nlibglib2.0-0 - The GLib library of C routines17:08
khertanjavispedro, can you see if a qt qwidget is themed please ?17:08
keks-nThere is no GTK in Harmattan SDK -_-17:08
SpeedEvilAre there any telnettable n950s?17:08
khertanjavispedro, i'm still downloading the sdk17:08
X-Fadejavispedro: I imagine that capacitive even reads over the edges of the actual screen.17:08
javispedrokhertan: get me a sample to run..17:09
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khertanhum ... can you compile just one qt example ?17:09
rlinfatiinput: Atmel mXT Touchscreen17:10
javispedrosadly, composition does not seem to work here under xephyr, but themed maliit looks pretty cool.17:10
khertanif you have pyside in repository i can provide a simple one in python17:10
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khertanjavispedro, or this one for example :
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DocScrutinizerrlinfati: we had the same kind of msg in N900 bootlog17:13
javispedrothe "financial" consequences part is new =)17:13
DocScrutinizerrlinfati: (USB OTG)17:13
javispedroI have to say that this thing looks little like maemo, and more like, say, wp7 or the iphone.17:14
Termanajavispedro, which is probably exactly what they want17:14
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X-FadeWell, amoled drives black themes anyway ;)17:15
javispedronot only about the theme, which was black on the n900 either way17:15
X-FadeNot much one can do there.17:15
javispedrobut interacts different.17:15
javispedrolike if it was done by a different person. or sth like that.17:15
rlinfati/etc/apt/sources.list.d/aegis.ssu-keyring-dadd.list :)17:17
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: X-Fade: [N900]:"It's not a phone, it's a computer"  [N9]:"It's not a computer, it's an iPhone-me-too"17:18
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rlinfati/etc/drm/prdrm-server.conf :(17:18
keks-nWhich debian is Harmattan based on?17:18
keks-nStill sarge?17:18
khertanmeego :)17:18
nid0its meego 1.217:18
keks-nMeeGo is RPM-based17:19
khertanbut packaged with debian package17:19
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khertanit s just a package format17:19
khertanhopefully they use debian package17:19
vi__debian sarge phone, come with 2 button mouse17:19
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* khertan really hate the rpm package tools17:19
keks-nthere are a lot of stuff related to building it17:19
keks-nnot just package format17:19
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keks-nAnother format of hooks, etc17:20
khertankeks-n, it s provided as a full image17:20
keks-nI don't believe, that they repackaged the whole system17:20
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khertanit s not like if you install everything from package17:20
khertankeks-n, no i don't think too17:20
javispedrokhertan: sadly calculator is crashing for some reason =)17:21
javispedrokhertan: but there seems to be a theme17:21
khertanho oh !17:21
javispedrokhertan: QtMaemo6Style17:21
khertanit s not grey on grey17:21
trxfinally some good news!17:21
khertanYEAH !!!!!17:21
rlinfati/home/user/.positioningd/private... nokia will spy us ?17:21
khertan THX javispedro for the INFORMATION17:21
trxyeah, tnx javispedro17:21
* javispedro likes "close all" button on task manager17:22
javispedroas well as effect =)17:22
X-Fadejavispedro: Yeah, that is cool. *poof*17:22
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javispedrook, got calculator to run, screenshot coming after I get rid of the composition glitches..17:22
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: WTF?17:23
keks-nAt least it uses /etc/network/interfaces mechanism17:23
keks-nThere is no /etc/network in MeeGo image17:24
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: what are you running there? meego in SB?17:24
javispedrotrx: khertan:
javispedroDocScrutinizer: yep17:24
keks-nLooks like that they just took the GUI code from MeeGo17:24
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: not meego ;), harmattan17:24
keks-nAnd most of the core system is still based on Debian17:25
keks-nAnd I'm interested on which one17:25
DocScrutinizerthe only OS that's been dead before it even started17:25
keks-nBecause there are a lot of packages that we need to get from Debian or Maemo17:25
javispedrokeks-n: are you a newbie? ;) sarge17:26
javispedrowith a few bits from squeeze17:26
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keks-n[18:18:41] <keks-n> Which debian is Harmattan based on?17:26
keks-n[18:18:47] <keks-n> Still sarge?17:26
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javispedronote that maemo is a fork17:26
javispedroso rebasing is not very easy..17:26
keks-nI hoped, that they merged code with the latest stable release17:26
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jbenis it exist way to query GPS status via dbus ?17:27
keks-nAt least we have a modern debhelper and GCC17:27
javispedrokhertan: liking the qt theme?17:27
DocScrutinizerjben: probably not17:28
hiemanshujavispedro: how did you get the emulator to run?17:28
javispedroscratchbox is not an emulator!17:28
jbenand other ways are ?17:28
hiemanshuoh, not in scratchbox?17:28
javispedroscratchbox, yes.17:28
hiemanshuI mean, I am trying the qemu one17:28
hiemanshuthe one that comes with the SDK17:29
DocScrutinizerthat's the one17:29
javispedroDocScrutinizer: there are two sdks now17:29
khertanjavispedro, there is better theme ... but at least theme exist ... try to run a qt app in MeeGo De and you will understand what i mean ... unuseable :)17:29
javispedrothe application/qt creator one, and the platform/sbox one17:29
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: o.O17:29
khertanDocScrutinizer, the qemu one with qt creator didn't works for me17:29
hiemanshuyeah same here17:30
hiemanshubeen at the same screen for a while17:30
javispedroDocScrutinizer: to be expected, qt creator runs on way more platforms, and is more newbie friendly. fortunately, someone kept sbox around :)17:30
hiemanshuwith the product version and such17:30
pabs3javispedro: Ubuntu manages to rebase pretty often, is Maemo more forked than that?17:30
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khertandownloading the rootstrap ... 1Kb / s17:31
javispedropabs3: ubuntu does not make decisions like convert the distro in a monouser one, move all the installation paths around, etc. etc.17:31
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javispedrothey just make stupid ui decisions like use unity ;P17:32
javispedroinstead of optification ;)17:32
vi__javispedro: what is geoengine map widget?17:33
pabs3hmm, ok.17:33
javispedrovi__: no idea17:33
keks-n>> like use unity17:33
keks-nIt's better than GNOME 317:33
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javispedrosomeone asked what "fenix" was. it is the mail app, seemingly.17:35
khertanjavispedro, and move close button under the menu :)17:35
rlinfatiLD_LIBRARY_PATH=../lib ./dgles2test Function glBlendEquationSeparate not found! :(17:35
khertankeks-n, it s a matter of preferences, i prefer gnome shell (aka gnome 3)17:36
keks-nI use a coombination of AWN and cairo dock17:36
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: s/make decisions/make utterly stupid decisions/17:37
keks-nkhertan, - something like that17:38
* javispedro can't find the browser in sdk despite release notes saying it is there..17:39
hiemanshufound the qcow image17:39
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: fenix also is the flasher program used to flash BB5 phones. Or was that phoenix17:39
khertankeks-n, yep i didn't like17:39
hiemanshuso finally qemy boots up17:39
BluesLeehiemanshu: what are you trying?17:40
keks-nA small screen of my laptop makes me save on the vertical resolution17:40
hiemanshuBluesLee: the new SDK17:40
BluesLeehiemanshu: okay17:40
BluesLeeis there a realistic chance to run harmattan (n9 binaries) from sd on n900 using meego dev kernel?17:41
keks-nAnd because of that I HATE shells that doesn't provide vertical panels that don't look like a crap17:41
Jaffajavispedro: Can you check the quoting standards' compliance of the mail app, please?17:41
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keks-n>>is there a realistic chance to run harmattan (n9 binaries) from sd on n900 using meego dev kernel?17:42
keks-nJust try17:42
DocScrutinizerBluesLee: good question17:42
BluesLeei have the image.bin but how can i extract it?17:42
javispedrotrying to put it on portrait17:42
DocScrutinizerBluesLee: I'd bet on maemo kernel though17:42
keks-nTry with qemu first17:43
DocScrutinizerwell, maybe not17:43
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DocScrutinizerwhatever, I'd just try it under fremantle17:43
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DocScrutinizerand meego-arm (aka the true meego)17:44
DocScrutinizerBluesLee: extract harmattan?17:45
DocScrutinizerAIUI you just start it, it has flasher built in17:45
* javispedro worries about rotation support17:45
DocScrutinizerI don't17:46
nid0apparent lack of 4-way rotation seems peculiar17:46
javispedronot because of non-pervasiveness17:46
javispedrobut because of the non-xrandr way of doing it :S17:46
BluesLeeDocScrutinizer: the original file is a shell script, i cutted it, renamed it to tar, untared it and now i have emmc.bin and img.bin17:46
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BluesLeeDocScrutinizer: and now i hope to extract the rootfs from the raw file img.bin17:47
keks-nTry to mount img.bin17:48
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keks-nAs a UBIFS image17:48
BluesLeekeks-n: okay17:48
DocScrutinizerno idea how MohammadAG did it, but he got
DocScrutinizerrootfs is ext4, no?17:49
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javispedrodoes the n9 have any kind of hardware back button or something?17:49
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Termanajavispedro, nope17:49
DocScrutinizerdefinitely not, modulo the vol+/-17:49
javispedrofeels like if some interactions required it17:49
CorsacDocScrutinizer: yes (ext4)17:49
Corsacat least the kernel assumes so17:50
TermanaVolume rocker and power button17:50
javispedrothat or decorator is failing on xephyr17:50
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keks-next4 on mtb?17:50
DocScrutinizerext4 on mmc17:51
keks-nrootfs on mmc?!17:51
hiemanshujavispedro: nope, its a horizontal slide from the right edge17:51
javispedrowebos style, no wonder.17:51
hiemanshuto go back17:51
javispedroyes you are right17:52
DocScrutinizerblaergh, I hate it17:52
javispedrothat gets me to the task switcher17:52
javispedroso no idea17:52
DocScrutinizerall this no-buttons philosophy17:52
Stskeepsconservative DocScrutinizer17:52
javispedroI'm lost on the mail app =)17:53
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: yeah, strange enough I like it when things *work* as supposed17:53
Stskeepsgood or bad?17:53
hiemanshuwell atleast my app works perfectly using the qemu sdk17:53
javispedrodon't know how to go to settings17:53
nid0speaking of mail, please please please x a million tell me this one'll support imap-idle and local subscriptions :<17:53
hiemanshujavispedro: qemu is slow, but it has everything17:53
* javispedro ponders dusting the blow off vmgl17:54
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javispedroweird sentence17:55
DocScrutinizerCorsac: nice, but where shall I link it in?17:55
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DocScrutinizerCorsac: (data storage SPARQL etc)17:56
hiemanshuif anyone wants to try, I can upload the nand and the meego root image (that one that runs via qemu)17:57
CorsacDocScrutinizer: I don't get it :)17:57
DocScrutinizersee your own past some 13 lines above17:57
CorsacDocScrutinizer: you asked if rootfs was ext4, I just provided you a link with storage details17:57
Corsacfull stop17:57
DocScrutinizernot really17:57
DocScrutinizerthis is about some Qt storage17:58
DocScrutinizeralso I didn't ask, I stated17:58
Corsacdid you miss "filesystem overview" just below?17:58
DocScrutinizermeh, indeed, as I wasn't really interested17:58
CorsacDocScrutinizer: ok, I don't care anyway17:58
CorsacI was just trying to help17:59
DocScrutinizerthnaks nevertheless17:59
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BluesLeeDocScrutinizer: looks to complicated for me, i will try the sdk18:02
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DocScrutinizerCorsac: actually there's an awesome bit in there:>>rootfs directories are laid out in accordance with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, version 2.3<<18:03
infoboti guess optification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the systeminit *and* partitioning is FUBAR,,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs, or ""OMG - I wish somebody had looked into FHS and moved /usr to eMMC"", bullet1,2 and fhs-2.3.html#PURPOSE16 dot318:03
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DocScrutinizerI gather they had no such directive for maemo fremantle ;-P18:05
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DocScrutinizernevertheless very next paragraph says >>Binaries and other files needed for running an application should be stored under /opt/<pkgname>...18:06
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BluesLeedamn the sdk downloads are getting bigger and bigger18:06
DocScrutinizerGB... TB18:07
hiemanshuBluesLee: yeah it was a 500-ish download18:07
nid0hm, the n9 includes a builtin ftp server?18:07
javispedrobtw our beloved icd2 is still here =)18:07
DocScrutinizernid0: o.O ???18:07
nid0oh, nvm, bluetooth ftp profile18:07
Corsachmhm, is there a rootfs link?18:07
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: OMFG18:07
hiemanshuCorsac: for?18:07
nid0the bluetooth profile list seems strangely lacking HID, again :<18:08
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Corsachiemanshu: investigation?18:09
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DocScrutinizerseems none available18:09
DocScrutinizernot even for fremantle afaik18:09
hiemanshuthere is one in the SDK18:09
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hiemanshuits a qcow image of the meego root18:09
nid0hm, the built-in tethering's provided by joikuspot it seems18:09
DocScrutinizernid0: yep :-S18:10
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DocScrutinizershame on you, nokia18:10
nid0I hope it's implemented properly at least rather than an ad-hoc hack like we have currently :<18:10
* hiemanshu mounts the qcow image18:10
DocScrutinizeryou bet it's all the same as on N90018:11
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nid0hey, it does seem to include swype at least tho18:11
DocScrutinizerwhatever that is18:11
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GAN900Oh, Engadget18:14
GAN900You so biased.18:14
javispedroheya GAN90018:15
javispedrocome join our collective brainwashing18:15
GAN900I want an N950 and I want it now.18:15
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Termananid0, no it does not have the swype keyboard18:15
Termananid0, it's the swipe UI18:15
Termana(nokia's UI)18:15
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nid0Termana: sure? netbooknews has a spec list including an apparent list of preloaded software, and it clearly states swype, not the swipe ui18:16
TermanaThen they have interpreted this wrong18:16
TermanaIt is Swipe UI18:16
TermanaIf you've seen the videos then you'll obviously understand why they called their UI "Swipe", even though its a pretty bad marketing move, since obviously people are already getting confused with the Swype keyboard18:18
X-FadeThere are 2 things. The Swipe UI and Swype the input method. Notice the difference ;)18:18
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nid0im fully aware of the difference between the swipe ui and the swype keyboard software, but several spec lists for the device are clearly stating it has both18:19
javispedroI want my Hatterman N9-00!!18:19
X-FadeMad hatter? :)18:20
javispedrothp: absolutely funny "creative mispelling" ;)18:20
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javispedroon mobilecrunch nonetheless18:20
hiemanshujavispedro: the arm image has a lot of stuff, there still seems to be the MyDocs thing18:21
infobothiemanshu meant: javispedro: the arm image has a lot of stuff, there still seems to be the MyDocs18:21
javispedrohiemanshu: obviously18:21
hiemanshuand quite a bit more stuff18:21
javispedrowhich nokia binaries?18:21
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vi__a b c18:22
Termanalardman, whatever you were going to say, my answer is no18:22
infobotvi__ meant: a d c18:22
javispedrohey lardman18:22
lardmanTermana: would you like me to send you a crate of champagne?18:23
lardmanoh sorry, just read your response ;)18:23
loft306ha ha18:23
Sazpaimon_so.... has anyone mentioned haptics on the n918:23
javispedrono, doesn't ring any bell.18:24
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lardmanhey javispedro18:24
Sazpaimon_it was supposed to have tactile feed back18:24
nid0"it was supposed to" or "someone made up that it would"?18:24
Sazpaimon_where it feels like youre typing on a physical keyboard18:24
javispedroSazpaimon_: that was the opitmist version.18:24
Sazpaimon_the latter18:24
* lardman is not quite sure what Termana means by his comment18:24
TermanaWhat comment?18:24
javispedroSazpaimon_: the realistic version is that it will make some vibrations and noises18:24
javispedroSazpaimon_: and thats about it18:25
nid0there was plenty of haptikos speculation, but it was just as much complete guesswork hopefulness as any other guesses18:25
Sazpaimon_what a bummer18:25
BluesLeehow old is the n9's gpu?18:25
lardmanTermana: "Whatever you're going to say..."18:25
javispedroit would have been cool eh..18:25
Sazpaimon_BluesLee, same as the n90018:25
Termanalardman, [00:51] <lardman> re18:25
StskeepsSazpaimon_: no, later revision18:25
Sazpaimon_i thought the 3630 had the same powervr model18:26
lardmanTermana: ah I see, bit slow today, all the cleaning I've been doing18:26
hiemanshuSazpaimon_: yeah same model but a different revision18:26
Termanalardman, and all the cheap champagne you've been drinking ;)18:26
Sazpaimon_also hi stskeeps, good to see you here at least18:26
lardmanTermana: well I blame my wife for being pregnant, means I have to drink almost the entire bottle myself ;)18:27
Sazpaimon_i read the n950 has the same hardware as the nO18:28
Sazpaimon_well, simmilar18:29
Sazpaimon_but no word on the soc and ram18:29
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javispedrothe devkit might have between 512 and 1G of RAM18:30
javispedrowhile the n9 has 1G18:30
lardmandamn these flash sites, makes it hard to view offline18:30
Sazpaimon_yeah i saw some specs before announcement that it has less ram18:31
loft306damn flash in general18:31
Sazpaimon_cant complain if its free though18:31
lardmanloft306: well yes there is that ;)18:31
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Sazpaimon_also over 1300 comments on the engadget N9 hands on article18:32
Sazpaimon_which i just noticed was posted by vlad18:32
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GeneralAntillesHow many of them whining about it not being WP7?18:32
Sazpaimon_which shocked me because he didnt use it to slam nokia18:32
Sazpaimon_which he always does18:32
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TermanaGeneralAntilles, from what I last read, lots of praise about it being MeeGo and people wondering why Nokia made the WP7 deal18:33
nid0GeneralAntilles: it was actually fairly mixed but overall positive, its (unsuprisingly) gizmodo that's really ripped into it being a waste of a device18:33
lardmanhmm polarised glass on the N9?18:33
GeneralAntillesLooking at how slick that device looks18:34
GeneralAntillesI'm floored Elop decided to basically kill MeeGo.18:34
GeneralAntillesDoesn't lend much credence to his claims in that WSJ article from a few weeks ago.18:34
vldcnstHe doesn't slam nokia that much18:34
GeneralAntillesI still think he's a scummy Microsoft plan.18:34
Sazpaimon_gizmodo hates it becausethey thought it was an ipod nano phone18:34
javispedroI do not see it supporting imap idle18:34
lardmanlol, it supports MMS18:35
nid0lack of imap idle and local subscriptions will really kill the device for me as an actual productive tool :<18:35
lardmanthat's quite cool how the numbers become smaller in the dialling pad so that you can still see the whole number18:35
SpeedEvillardman: Oh - noes - what will frals do?18:35
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Sazpaimon_nid0 its an nseries device18:36
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nid0Sazpaimon_: so? basic imap functionality isnt asking a lot.18:36
Sazpaimon_you cant expect productivity from an nseries device18:36
javispedrothat is the "how often check mail" dialog18:36
lardmanSpeedEvil: probably not have to answer silly questions from users about why it's not working because they didn't follow the instructions? ;)18:36
fralsSpeedEvil: who knows, maybe I've done my part on the device when its on sale ;)18:36
nid0Sazpaimon_: Modest supports imap-idle by default. The only reason the n900 doesnt have it is because nokia explicitly disabled it18:36
GeneralAntillesGoing portrait-primary kinda pisses me off.18:37
javispedroI have to admit that the time picker widget is freaking cool.18:37
GeneralAntillesActually, this is the same trend Nokia's been on for years.18:37
Sazpaimon_im not saying it shouldnt be there18:37
GeneralAntilles"Screw the guys we already have, we want other people!"18:37
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lardmanGeneralAntilles: well if the screen is polarised, then I guess they have to make a decision one way or the other18:37
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nid0the "its not a business/productivity device" is not an excuse to exclude basic functionality, imo.18:38
Sazpaimon_but that you shouldnt have any expectation or functionality beyond media and social networking on an nseries device18:38
SpeedEviljavispedro: How does it integrate with setting a claendar event - is there issues with being able to set 'next thursday' ?18:38
SpeedEviljavispedro: Oh - you don't have a device - oops18:38
javispedroSpeedEvil: Have not seen calendar app in sdk18:38
hiemanshujavispedro: there is calendar app in sdk18:38
hiemanshujavispedro: the qemu one18:38
Sazpaimon_be lucky if they port mail for exchange to it18:38
javispedrohiemanshu: so, try it :)18:39
hiemanshujavispedro: powering it on18:39
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nid0its already listed as supporting mfe18:39
hiemanshuit takes a while18:39
TermanaBing is going to be the default search engine ;)18:39
Sazpaimon_im starting to like bing18:39
hiemanshuImma bang the bing out of it :P18:39
* loft306 pukes18:39
Sazpaimon_googles been giving me too many garbage results lately18:40
lardmanfinally, an e-compass, rejoice!18:40
javispedrolardman: yeah, in both devkit and n918:40
lardmancool :)18:41
Sazpaimon_i hope nokia approved my developer launchpad account18:41
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javispedroI created a launchpad account like half a year ago and hasn't been approved yet18:41
Sazpaimon_i did it as a company though18:42
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hiemanshuwell I hope they approve mine too18:43
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javispedrodon't slip the queue dammit. ;P18:43
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Sazpaimon_In order to access Launchpad you need to create a Developer Account and then apply to Launchpad. Please continue to create the Developer Account.18:44
* lardman registers for a developer account18:44
Sazpaimon_the launchpad registration was a bit confusing18:45
Sazpaimon_i thought I signed up for it when i added my company18:45
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hiemanshu'There is an existing membership application already for this program. The applicant will be notified by e-mail once the membership application has been reviewed.' is what I get18:49
keks-nLooks like there will be no other linux devices from nokia18:49
DocScrutinizer(<GeneralAntilles> "Screw the guys we already have, we want other people!" ) BUT... but, there are SO MANY out there that haven't bought our product, and SO FEW here that are happy and and more of what we got! let's just bin it, and start something better, for the masses out there18:50
thpjavispedro: ;)18:50
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Sazpaimon_so wait18:50
Sazpaimon_i just realized18:50
Sazpaimon_the swipe interface stifles developers that wanted to have gestures in their programs18:51
nid0well, it limits them to not having edge-of-screen swipe gestures18:51
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javispedrothose were quite common on n900!18:51
Sazpaimon_hey microb had it18:52
mikhasare you koking?18:52
javispedroyou just were not able to do them due to the poor edge sensitiviness ;P18:52
Sazpaimon_and so did cutetube18:52
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DocScrutinizer... "and first of all let's see what is the stuff *most* people use, then we'll try to outperform Aplle and Google on their own playground. Forget about those linux nerds"18:52
nid0that said, there are quite possibly perfectly good ways round it18:52
mikhasnid0, there are18:53
nid0hell, software that wants an edge-of-screen gesture can probably just make it a 2-finger swipe18:53
Sazpaimon_im gonna miss the fm transmitter18:53
mikhasif people would only read the source code that is available at gitorious, sigh :-)18:53
Sazpaimon_i only ever used it to fuck with people listening to the radio though18:53
javispedromikhas: yes, I was joking ;P18:53
Sazpaimon_that was fun18:53
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DocScrutinizermikhas: if only people would accept that this is a *butt-ugly* UI and nobody should support it ;-P18:55
javispedroDocScrutinizer: stop resisting the brainwashing!18:56
javispedroDocScrutinizer: you... love... portrait ... keyboard-less.... capacitive .... obey!18:56
mikhasDocScrutinizer, some people like butts. fact.18:56
DocScrutinizer even18:56
Sazpaimon_i like butts18:56
lardmanhmm, anyone found the UI docs in pdf form?18:56
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DocScrutinizermikhas: well, definitely the taste of Nokia GUI developers never been exactly mine. That's a fact for sure18:58
DocScrutinizerSazpaimon_: infobot got something for you ;-)18:59
infobotubuntu is probably caca from this ass
vernah that's how arch linux was born.19:01
vergreat photo19:01
keks-nI'm still waiting for a phone with a normal distro inside19:01
javispedrowhy is the Qt SDK Maintainence Tool...19:01
javispedro...written using Gtk+?19:02
javispedroah wait, sorry19:02
javispedroqt linked statically19:02
javispedro(otherwise can't explain 27MiB binary size)19:02
SpeedEviloh. :)19:02
veryeah qt uses glib though19:02
DocScrutinizerwell, the "don't eat your own dogfood" syndrome is widespread common19:03
javispedrowas confused by the fact it refused to run without gtk+ (probably glib though)19:04
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verit only links to glib so it can register fds in "the" system glib event handler afaik19:05
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Sazpaimon_will the n9 have swype?19:05
javispedroi know, but I though it would dlopen it19:05
verglib is sorta like the 'i wish i knew c++' library.19:05
verjavispedro, absolutely it should be :/19:05
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lardmaninteresting, one must choose an application colour19:08
lardmanfor highlights19:08
javispedrolardman: lol?19:08
javispedrolardman: err..19:08
javispedrolardman: where?19:08
lardmanA key visual attribute of all Nokia N9 applications is the highlight color. Each application owns a unique highlight color for personality and differentiation.19:09
lardmanWhen choosing your application's highlight color, consider aligning it with the primary color of your brand to promote your brand's presence and strengthen your application's identity.19:09
javispedroit is a bold move19:09
TermanaSazpaimon_, no, the N9 will not have SWYPE THE KEYBOARD. It has SWIPE THE UI19:09
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* lardman wonders if there are sufficient colours for one per app ;)19:09
Sazpaimon_wait, did nokia remove ALL of hildon from the harmattan?19:10
Sazpaimon_what the hell19:10
lardmansufficient differentiable colours that is19:10
Stskeepsof course19:10
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Stskeepsit was announced long ago19:10
Sazpaimon_i thought they were keeping hildon for backwards compatability19:10
javispedrolardman: let's go back to palmos days, and set up a central registrar for colors19:10
Stskeepsthe gnome foundation bid is so far a failure19:10
Sazpaimon_or was that just gtk19:10
lardmanjavispedro: well I was wondering about that actually...19:10
SpeedEvillardman: 'Your application for orange has been turned down, due to earlier developer applications. YOu have been aloocated 'Puke Green'.19:11
javispedroNokia reserves all of the useful colors. For developers we will allocate a few thousand bright pink variations.19:12
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GeneralAntillesHomescreen doesn't do landscape19:13
GeneralAntillesThat's such bullshit.19:13
lardmanis there any info on how to access e.g. the video stream?19:13
GeneralAntillesProbably closed source, too, so we can't fix it.19:13
lardmandoes one need to use Qt for that, as iirc you couldn't easily access each frame19:13
javispedroGeneralAntilles: launcher does landscape19:14
javispedroGeneralAntilles: I've tried on sdk19:14
GeneralAntillesWasn't in the demo on Engadget.19:14
javispedroalso mail does landscape19:14
javispedrosettings, curiously, doesn't.19:14
Sazpaimon_hey Stskeeps, is the way you can, erm, "speed up" my launchpad application19:16
lardmanah still Gstreamer I see19:16
StskeepsSazpaimon_: you overestimate my importance19:16
Sazpaimon_or is that beyond your realm19:17
StskeepsSazpaimon_: ENOTANOKIAEMPLOYEE19:17
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javispedrothere seems to be a friggin impressive battery usage monitoring app19:21
javispedrosadly, I can only get it to spurt garbage19:21
javispedro(obviously :P )19:21
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t8wow N9 looks sickkk19:24
javispedro#meego-bar, not #maemo19:25
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lardmanhmm, bar sounds good19:26
javispedrosome people are trying to work here19:26
javispedro"some" at least.19:26
lardmanI should really go home, especially as I'm on holiday still19:26
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: huh? BQ2415X?19:37
javispedroDocScrutinizer: found that while grepping through the batt mon app19:37
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DocScrutinizeraaah, great. Well not SO great as it means... err... there's still no proper API, and a lot of mess19:38
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lardmancu tomorrow chaps19:38
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DocScrutinizeralso batt mon app? WTF?19:38
javispedroDocScrutinizer: a dev thing seemingly19:39
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javispedrocannot actually run it19:39
DocScrutinizerhaha, the picked our dead simple tools to read out the chips?19:39
DocScrutinizerstrace, probably it still uses direct I2C access19:40
javispedrodoesn't seem19:40
DocScrutinizerthat's prolly why it fails19:40
javispedrolooks like they have a kernel module19:40
DocScrutinizercool shit19:40
DocScrutinizera KERNEL MODULE for bq24150? DUH!19:40
* DocScrutinizer points at his semi-finished spec for such module's API19:41
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DocScrutinizerWTF indeed19:43
DocScrutinizerImplementation is based on BQ24153/6/8 datasheet19:43
DocScrutinizerwe got bq24150 on N90019:43
DocScrutinizernow WTF we couldn't get this for maemo?19:45
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: mind to toss a URL to git?19:46
javispedrotoss a url to git?19:46
DocScrutinizerLKML not really helping to review src19:46
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: something like mxr or similar19:47
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javispedrosee above19:47
javispedro :)19:47
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: thanks19:48
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: ENABLE_OTG just enables a input pin, needed for energency charge fastcharger detection basically19:49
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DocScrutinizerdon't ask me what they thought about that naming19:50
GeneralAntillesOh, Intel.19:51
GeneralAntillesYou're just too adorable.19:51
DocScrutinizeroh, GeneralAntilles19:51
DocScrutinizeryou're so cryptic19:51
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, the silly emotion-based hating on Harmattan.19:52
DocScrutinizerhaha, Intl joins in?19:52
javispedroI do think arjan's post on lwn is a bit over the top19:52
GeneralAntillesTheir complete lack of pragmatism will be their undoing.19:53
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, not entirely.19:53
GeneralAntillesJust that they want to be strict about their bullshit19:53
javispedrosounded like me when I shout "the SDK is NOT AN EMULATOOOOOOOOOOOOOR", but arjan shouted "Harmattan is NOT MEEEGOOOOOO"19:53
GeneralAntilleswhen Nokia is the only company shipping an exciting product19:53
GeneralAntillesRather than leveraging Nokia's buzz.19:53
GeneralAntillesTypically of short-sighted engineering types, though.19:53
* GeneralAntilles <- saying that as someone who's been in that mindset more than once on several issues.19:54
javispedroGeneralAntilles: Intel style is to announce and demo absolutely cool products, then ship nothing.19:54
javispedrolike that stantum tablet19:54
loft306 ....Whaaa.. usa not in the list19:56
javispedro<troll>stay away from this european invention and keep buying wp7 phones!</troll>19:57
DocScrutinizerthere's basically nothing in that list19:57
loft306though alot of places arent in tehlist19:57
DocScrutinizerthe better part of EU missing as well19:58
DocScrutinizerfor Germany I can check either Suisse or Poland19:58
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DocScrutinizerUK, Fr, seems most of EU missing19:59
pabs3anyone know how long the N950 loans are for?19:59
Jaffapabs3: "As long as necessary"19:59
DocScrutinizerit's been written somewhere? or maybe not?19:59
Sazpaimon_when are N950s going to be distributed19:59
Sazpaimon_I'm still waiting on approval for my launchpad account20:00
DocScrutinizerJaffa: I finally arrived to register for Launchpad20:00
X-FadeSazpaimon_: 2 weeks.20:00
javispedroas I was saying, I've been waiting for half a year for my launchpad account20:00
javispedroor more iirc20:00
Sazpaimon_javispedro, post about it on the forum20:00
Sazpaimon_they have a developer forum for feedback20:00
DocScrutinizerbut now it says I have insufficient perms for joining developer programs20:00
Sazpaimon_i dont think I did my launchpad registration very well though20:01
loft306lol DocScrutinizer20:01
Sazpaimon_I kind of did my membership request as a sales pitch20:01
javispedroSazpaimon_: same, on MWC.20:01
javispedrocan't be...20:02
javispedrowell, don't remember where.20:02
Sazpaimon_saying "We want to work with Nokia to hit the global market as opposed to a US-Centric iOS and Android approach"20:02
Sazpaimon_neve really dove into our projects20:02
javispedrothen us-centric elop came to power20:03
javispedroand your registration was lost in the elop-mandated book burning session20:03
Sazpaimon_i only applied last night l)20:03
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loft306he burns nightly20:08
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DocScrutinizerI'll burn him ;-)20:10
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loft306so what bring it out september then fush it back to christmas?20:13
rm_worklol well, I guess whether i get in to a developer program or not, I will have to find a way to get the N950 <_<20:14
rm_worksome amount of money will have to be able to part someone from one20:15
loft306bump and grab?20:15
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DocScrutinizerAIUI somebody Nokia claimed they would like to sell N950 but have issues with CE cert (??? :-o )20:16
javispedrohard to believe20:16
swordiyo doc20:16
DocScrutinizerI'd guess they'll sort those issues out eventually20:16
javispedromore believable is that elop burned ce certs in latest book burning20:16
swordiwill you buy n9 ?20:16
rm_workmaybe one of the people i know there would be able to figure out something to help me... <_<20:16
rm_worki would never buy an n920:17
rm_workn950 on the other hand I would probably steal candy from a baby for20:17
DocScrutinizerisn't it incredible?20:17
rm_workdo you have full specs somewhere?20:17
rm_worki haven't seen them20:17
rm_workonly seen the pic20:17
rm_workyeah don't care about the n920:18
loft306ohthat one20:18
DocScrutinizerNokia announces a device most people wouldn't want to get for xmas gift, with a strictly limited number of "devel devices" that will probably cause murder and robbery20:18
loft306havvent seen anp20:18
* javispedro looks at /opt folder in desktop pc... QtSDK & PalmSDK. Yep. So similar..20:18
rm_workyeah honestly don't care if i have to buy a stolen one or what, i'll pay for it <_<20:19
rm_workthough i guess i'd rather not know it's stolen :P20:20
loft306  just a little bit here .. not much rm_work20:20
ruskieI might get the N9 actually20:20
rm_workyeah i saw that one loft306, with the pic20:20
ruskieas a device to play with20:20
rm_workDocScrutinizer: so that has the specs for n950 but the pics from the n9? rofl20:20
ruskiemaybe use it for in car nav20:20
rm_workif i wanted in-car nav i would buy an android tablet20:21
loft306nomething to loose and leave in the car20:21
rm_workprolly cheaper evem20:21
DocScrutinizerrm_work: not really20:21
GeneralAntillesrm_work, you're getting an N9.20:21
GeneralAntillesDon't deny it.20:21
rm_workGeneralAntilles: nope :/20:21
rm_workGeneralAntilles: would rather just buy a G220:21
javispedrorm_work: you are indoctrinated already... just sleep...20:21
ruskieneed to contact my operator to see how much the extra sim costs20:22
GeneralAntillesrm_work, pfff20:22
GeneralAntillesAndroid is shit.20:22
GeneralAntillesAt least the N9 has a good OS.20:22
rm_workGeneralAntilles: and it's unusable20:22
rm_workso that's awesome20:22
rm_workit's like hey, have an awesome os, but you don't get to actually use it, because we're taking your keyboard away20:22
GeneralAntillesAndroid is more unusable with a keyboard than MeeGo without.20:22
javispedroI'm starting to get scared with this n950 scarcity20:22
javispedroNokia will need to send personal bodyguards along with the devices20:23
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MohammadAGI'm starting to think not everyone will get a device :P20:25
* javispedro shoots MohammadAG20:26
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javispedroone competitor less20:27
pabs3anyone know how many N950s are going out to commercial devs?20:27
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GeneralAntilles250 from MeeGo.com20:28
GeneralAntillesMore from Nokia Developer20:28
MohammadAGthat's one less dev to worry about :P20:29
pabs3yeah, I mean what does "More" mean?20:29
GeneralAntilles"lots" was a term I saw used.20:29
pabs3very informative :)20:29
MohammadAGno, we're not commercial devs :P20:30
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GeneralAntillespabs3, I don't have an answer, sorry.20:30
GeneralAntillesGo talk to
GeneralAntillesNot a bunch of losers on IRC.20:31
DocScrutinizerLOL >> Echo may be heard during some voice calls. This can be eliminated   by turning speakerphone on and off during the call<< another OM deja-vu20:31
javispedrolosers WITHOUT a device20:31
pabs3huh, there is a post claiming 92,000 N950s:
divanGeneralAntilles, how you know it's 250?20:31
rm_workdivan: it says so on the site :P20:31
pabs3250 seems a bit low for the open source devs if so :(20:31
MohammadAGjavispedro, you applied?20:31
divanpabs3, prooflink?20:31
javispedroMohammadAG: not yet, I'm waiting for everyone else to die first20:32
javispedroa master plan I have.20:32
infobotdivan meant: rm_work, prooflink?20:32
disco_stuomg the n950 actually exists..20:32
rm_workUnits available: 25020:33
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javispedrowhat kind of init does harmattan use??20:34
javispedroI do not recognize it20:34
divanrm_work, it's website bug :)20:34
rm_worklol sure20:34
rm_workit's been there for ages20:34
DocScrutinizer(commercial devices) it's probably safe to asume there will be at very least 1000..2000 devices from any serious preproduction run20:34
javispedrodivan: not a website bug. that's the truth.20:34
DocScrutinizerpossible more20:34
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divanjavispedro, it's pity. And how many units are available through Nokia Developers portal?20:35
javispedroDocScrutinizer: elop is keeping them all for the grandchilds20:35
javispedrodivan: as GeneralAntilles said, >250. That's all we know.20:35
rm_workhrm, i know i'm already registered on, wth >_>20:35
DocScrutinizeras I said, >>25020:35
divanAnd any information on Harmattan? What parts are actually from Maemo and what are from Meego?20:36
divanSorry if you already discussed it today :)20:36
javispedroDocScrutinizer: I agree that a batch is probably on the thousands, but we do not know how many are available to launchpad and how many will be kept around for N other reasons20:36
javispedroah, init is upstart XP20:36
Stskeepsdivan: and
Stskeepsdivan: that's not a complete list of harmattan packages though20:37
divanStskeeps, thanks20:37
Stskeepsa lot of shared linux/qt packages but also big differences20:37
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: btw friggin launchpad, I still fail to make my way there20:37
Stskeepsapt vs zypper, rpm vs dpkg20:37
rm_workStskeeps: so, how funny/ridiculous/sad does this N950 > N9 feeling that's going around seem to you? lol20:37
Stskeepsrm_work: you should really try the hw. it's delicious.20:38
rm_workStskeeps: the n9 or the n950? :P20:38
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: that comparision has your personal touch, no?20:38
Stskeepsrm_work: both20:38
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: hmm?20:38
GeneralAntillesHoly shit, Stskeeps is in #maemo.20:38
DocScrutinizerlooks like it's done by you20:38
GeneralAntillesWorld's gonna end.20:38
rm_workStskeeps: lol, I assume so :P hoping the N950 is actually *available*20:38
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: well, maybe not20:39
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: no, thank god, it's a script20:39
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DocScrutinizerI got hickup on reading "alsatools: removed"20:39
DocScrutinizerthen I figured we probably can get them back any time20:40
javispedroI think not being in the base image means they are not used by the base firmware, so that is for the better.20:40
rm_workStskeeps: i won't be caught dead with just a virtual keyboard >_>20:40
javispedrorm_work: maliit also has landscape vkb20:41
rm_workStskeeps: or rather, if I am caught with one, i hope I AM dead... and there's a chance it might have been the cause20:41
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rm_workI can see the headlines now: "Lack of Hardware Keyboard Causes Man's Death -- New Legislation Underway to Require Hardware Keyboards on Mobile Devices"20:42
javispedroonly less person to worry about in the n950 BATTLE ROYALE!20:42
divanDid N9 Devkit was presented in Singapore? I saw 3 images of it over the net and they all differ.20:43
SpeedEvilN9 was presented.20:43
GeneralAntillesN9 DevKit is N95020:43
SpeedEvilThe N9 is to be a curvy thing with a rectangular slab of brightly coloured plastic as the base.20:44
divanSpeedEvil, I know about N9. Some news sites write then N950 (N9 devkit) was presented as well. But use old "leaked" photos.20:44
SpeedEvilThe n950 is not so shiny, and is the dev platform for the n95020:44
MohammadAGthat's the same device20:44
divanMohammadAG, proof?20:44
MohammadAGexcept the leaked device had a 12MP camera20:44
divanok, here is the first photo of N950 (I like most) -
divansecond -
divanthird -
divaneven fourth -
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divanthird photo is actually is a screenshot from this video -
divana few more screenshots:
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verdivan, i like that first one most too.20:49
Jaffadivan: ver: The N950 is strongly expected to now look like
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divanJaffa, sounds good.20:50
ververy nice20:50
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hajIf one could get a N950...20:51
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* MohammadAG wonders when they'll start shipping20:51
verany day now20:51
divanN9 devkit apply deadline is June 28th..20:51
DocScrutinizerdivan: the #3 link looks really odd20:51
divanDocScrutinizer, take a look at the video :)20:52
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divanDocScrutinizer, looks like it was N950 with some modified plastics20:52
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MohammadAGdivan, yes, that's how N900 prototypes were20:53
MohammadAGit's just a plastic cover on it20:54
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divanMohammadAG, I've seen today the comparsion table for N9 and N950 - it's has some hardware differences. Maybe rumour, don't know.20:55
rm_workdivan: DocScrutinizer just linked me the official release20:56
rm_workwell, a pastebin of it20:56
MohammadAGrumors? Nokia said what was going to be missing20:56
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rm_worklooks fairly legit to me20:56
JaffaIt's freely described on
divanrm_work, thanks20:57
DocScrutinizerrm_work: no pastebin:
rm_workok well, i applied to the meego device program for n950... *crosses fingers*20:58
rm_worki would honestly like to get ABL working on MeeGo20:59
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rm_workthen my project wouldn't just be stalled/dead like it is now20:59
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Jaffarm_work: Looks accurate - but as DocScrutinizer says, go straight to the source20:59
rm_workJaffa: lol, he's the one that linked it to me to begin with :P20:59
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Jaffarm_work: He's playing with you like the puppetmaster that he is ;)21:00
* javispedro ponders what to put in "project name" in the request form21:00
rm_workjavispedro: i put my project's name :P21:00
rm_workjust to give you an idea ^_^21:00
javispedrowhich one21:01
rm_workAdvanced Backlight21:01
rm_workI want to get it working on MeeGo21:01
rm_worksince I never got it working on Maemo521:01
javispedroso you're behind ABL?21:01
javispedronever connected dots21:01
rm_workyeah, I started it... and GA did the art :P21:01
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rm_workI had to reverse engineer DSME >_<21:01
rm_worknot that it actually turned out to be that bad21:02
rm_workbut just... dumb that it was necessary21:02
DocScrutinizerrm_work: indeed21:02
DocScrutinizersame thing with mce21:02
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rm_workin Berlin i just spent my time hounding the poor devs about opening DSME21:03
JaffaHappy days21:03
rm_workand they kept saying "there's nothing in there, why do you care, it's useless"21:03
rm_workto which I just kried inside21:03
rm_workand then kept hounding :P21:03
rm_workeventually they were like "OH, well, sure, THAT'S in there..."21:03
javispedrorm_work: we could hire you again, same thing is happening these days21:04
MohammadAGjavispedro, was in the same situation, I just put one of my apps21:04
javispedro"oh well, look: mce's source" "but it doesn't have all the plugins!!" "why you want those? they do nothing! nothing!!!"21:04
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JaffaMohammadAG: I put one and then linked to for the other two :)21:04
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rm_workJaffa: yeah, was sad I didn't make it to SF, but not sure i missed much21:05
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: it'd be a LOL if it wasn't a :-(21:05
rm_workJaffa: I guess I was sad I didn't make it to the other one in Spain too21:05
rm_workbut GeneralAntilles and I have this thing, only one of us is actually allowed to be at any given Nokia related event21:06
rm_workit's cosmic law21:06
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DocScrutinizerso you're the anti-GAN?21:06
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DocScrutinizerwill you annihilate when you meet?21:07
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rm_workDocScrutinizer: something like that21:07
rm_workDocScrutinizer: we'd probably hate each other and the meeting would end with both of us lying in a pool of blood21:08
MohammadAGJaffa, linked to gitorious and profile in the last field21:08
DocScrutinizermo profile been my chice21:09
DocScrutinizerchoice even21:09
rm_workAh i should have linked to that too21:09
rm_workI wonder who actually goes through these applications21:09
rm_workI don't pity them21:09
rm_workthere's so many levels of filtering...21:10
JaffaTexrat is one of them21:10
javispedroI blame myself for putting all my source in, gitorious, github, svn.javis... , and my random crap folder.21:10
Jaffa+ qgil?21:10
Jaffa+ Dawn(?)21:10
rm_worklike the random people who are like "free stuff gimmie" and don't even know what coding is21:10
JaffaShould be documented21:10
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rm_workand then once they deal with all that crap, they have to look at the serious use cases and actually decide, with very little real information, who has the most important/useful/interesting projects and actually deserves the devices21:11
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rm_worki'd admit to being on the lower end of THAT list, like i guess it'd be nice to have ABL on there but it's nothing revolutionary compared to someone who might have the next hit video streaming solution or something21:12
Jaffaqgil said they've almost always got devices to people who "deserve" them in the 3 times so far21:12
javispedroJaffa: sadly, that is not going to happen unless the 250 headcount is increased.21:13
rm_workam I the only one who uses that acronym? lol21:13
javispedro400 is min required21:13
rm_workI *always* called my project by that acronym and i tried to get everyone else to use it but i guess it never really stuck, lol21:13
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hiemanshuso I just flashed my device to the pr1.3, and when trying to connect the wifi it keeps blinking, never connects, but the router is giving it an IP (I can see Nokia-N900 in the device table)21:13
rm_workSpeedEvil: ABL = Advanced Backlight21:14
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rm_work"AB" was just too generic / lame21:14
GeneralAntillesJaffa, I probably agree there.21:14
GeneralAntillesrm_work, it took a ridiculous amount of time for that idea to actually start being developed.21:15
* GeneralAntilles wonders where jott is these days.21:15
rm_worki have a phone number for him still21:15
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rm_worksometimes i feel like i should just call it21:16
rm_worki hope he hasn't died21:16
MohammadAGwho's jott?21:16
rm_workone of our ABL contributors21:17
rm_workit was basically me on code and GAN on design/art at first21:17
rm_workthen daperl and jott contributed some patches21:17
DocScrutinizerrm_work: you ever pondered getting gamma in there?21:17
rm_workand then jott merged his rotation project with ABL21:17
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rm_workDocScrutinizer: I could look into it21:17
rm_workDocScrutinizer: that'd be changing software stuff, not hardware tho21:17
DocScrutinizeresp for ALS multiplier21:18
rm_workso it'd require another completely seperate layer21:18
rm_workbut it'd be doable21:18
rm_workDocScrutinizer: tell you what, i'll see if i can do that, if i get a device :P21:18
cityLightsMohammadAG: hi, so is it 250$ to buy the N950?21:18
cityLightsMohammadAG: I can find a friend to bring it from the us... want one?21:19
rm_workbrb, calling jott :p21:19
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javispedroswipe horizontally in the harmattan terminal to change color scheme21:19
javispedrofun fun.21:19
jamiehellow people :)21:19
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cityLightscan anyone PLS give me the short list of what is going on now?21:20
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cityLightsdid everyone decide the N9 is not relevent?21:20
cityLightsare ppl ordering the N950?21:20
DocScrutinizerexactly ;-P21:20
cityLightsdevelpers - that is21:20
cityLightsis anyone trying to install new flash on our N900?21:21
cityLightswhat is going on21:21
SpeedEvilYou cannot order the n921:21
ChoomcityLights: I like the N921:21
unixSnobdamn n800 reboots spontaneously every couple hours or so... anyone else have that problem?21:21
cityLightsI NEED the keyborad....21:21
Choomin fact I'm pretty excited about the N921:21
SpeedEvilYou cannot strictly order the n950 either - you need to beg for one.21:21
DocScrutinizerunixSnob: have that with N81021:21
Guest85089n9 is like n8 ... noting special :D small screen21:22
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MohammadAGif you think the N9 is the same as the N8, buy an N821:22
ChoomI was nearly sold out to the iphone 5, but now that the N9's specs have been unveiled, I'm pretty excited about it21:22
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unixSnobDocScrutinizer: ok, thanks.. just wanted to know if i did something weird to cause that.21:23
cityLightsMohammadAG: I saw you have analyzed the spec and also got some flash unpacked21:23
cityLightswhat is your current verdict?21:23
DocScrutinizerunixSnob: I have definitely no good clue what's causing it - might be related to WLAN21:23
MohammadAGcityLights, I'm not buying an N950 from anyone21:23
SpeedEvilI would be surprised to see then N9 for sale before christmas.21:24
unixSnobDocScrutinizer: well i keep my device in offline mode overnight, and it still reboots periodically21:24
cityLightsI mean : would YOU buy one?21:24
DocScrutinizerunixSnob: ShadowJK claims it's frequently caused by old battery21:25
rm_workunixSnob / DocScrutinizer: my n800 reboots now too, i figured some solder got loose or something, because it even does it on a brand new flash :/21:25
rm_workyeah possibly that21:25
rm_worklike, the voltage drops randomly too low21:25
rm_workand it just triggers a reboot?21:25
cityLightsDocScrutinizer: would you buy one?21:26
DocScrutinizerbme lockup or sth21:26
jamie_does anyone know how to put live desktop on n900?21:26
rm_workcityLights: i'd buy an n950, not an n921:26
DocScrutinizercityLights: N950? nope21:26
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DocScrutinizerN9? never ever21:26
cityLightsI want my boss to buy me one , my reason is: ssh to the office and a linux env to test small scripts21:27
cityLightsand also write cleaver tools21:27
rm_workcalled the number i had for jott, got some strange german automated recording, asked me to leave a newsmessage or something? so i said my name and then it said something else and hung up21:27
rm_workunfortunately my german sucks21:27
* RST38h yawns21:27
cityLightsDocScrutinizer: at 250$ it seems a bargain21:27
rm_workcityLights: yeah i used mine a lot for work / personal server maintenance and such21:27
rm_workit is amazing for that21:27
RST38hrm_me, javispedro, Doc: reMoo21:27
rm_worki don't think it's actually $250? where would you have seen that21:27
rm_workRST38h: lol, hey21:27
javispedroheya RST38h21:27
rm_worki have to run to a meeting <_< bbiab21:28
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DocScrutinizercityLights: who told you 250?21:28
* rm_work is at work, after all21:28
RST38hDoc:Any new developments?21:28
DocScrutinizercityLights: I heard sth of >60021:28
cityLightsI saw here the cost 250$ a few hours back....21:28
DocScrutinizerRST38h: nah21:28
javispedroRST38h: mail client is called "fenix". be prepared to point your laser guns to it.21:28
rm_workcityLights: I think you saw "250" in relation to HOW MANY there are, not how much they cost >_>21:28
rm_workcityLights: specifically, how many there are in the meego device program21:29
rm_workanyway, bbl21:29
cityLightssee ya21:29
RST38hjavispedro: "laser guns" is a nice euphemism for it...21:29
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MohammadAGat least Harmattan isn't giving the finger to all plain Qt devs21:29
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DocScrutinizerqtm pffff21:30
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DocScrutinizerthough qtm is also pfff21:31
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ShadowJKIf old N800/N810 battery causes reboot, it happens repeatedly when you insert charger21:32
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javispedroShadowJK: yes, yes, any way to fix? please?21:34
ShadowJKnew battery21:36
ShadowJKor weaker charger21:36
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loft306ok so its 250 usin- gor romunity devs andnokia has more units gor partners and progessional devs21:37
javispedroandnokia is what happens after google buys nokia?21:37
RST38hjavispedro: nondroid!21:38
loft306ok so its 250 units for community devs and nokia has more units for partners and professional devs21:38
ShadowJKnot fair, I want to buy a N950 :(21:39
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loft306ShadowJK we all do21:52
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javispedrothere won't be enough for devs21:53
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loft306atleast the oss devs21:54
ShadowJKwhy cant they make 25000 and sell it21:55
ruskieI don't get it as well21:55
Stskeepscome on, the device isn't even out yet and people fall into the default trap of " It's linux, open source, so all the Maemo and MeeGo devs will eventually turn their heads to it and fill the gaps and provide apps."21:55
ruskiewell other than we don't want to provide warranty&repair service for this device21:56
Stskeeps(in terms of replacing closed with open)21:56
ShadowJKruskie, some people would say that's not a big change from the handling of N900 ;)21:56
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javispedroStskeeps: and only a year later they will open threads complaining about how that never happend and my device is as useless as the first day!21:57
loft306and we bought them21:57
Stskeepsjavispedro: well, at least we are ahead of the curve for once, since we have for them..21:57
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Stskeepsthem being the new devices21:58
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javispedrothen they will complain that is a .rpm trollzone or some other ridiculous claim.21:59
Stskeepslesson number one i've learnt from the last years: you can never satisfy a community22:00
Stskeepsif they're a consumer-vendor relationship22:00
lcukStskeeps, thought this wasn't your chan anymore?22:00
javispedrolcuk: sshhhht!22:00
ShadowJKor if not n950 then N900i with fixed solder problems and 1G ram upgrade :P22:00
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Stskeepslcuk: i left tmo, not here, but i reserve my right to come by here once in a while :P22:01
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: ruskie: rumor has it Nokia got CE cert problems with N95022:03
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ShadowJKisn't CE self-certified ;)22:04
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DocScrutinizerdunno if it's been konttori who told it22:05
* ShadowJK wonders if this swipe gesture to go to open apps is handled by each app itself or by window manager22:05
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DocScrutinizeranyway O assume eventually they'll fix issues22:05
StskeepsShadowJK: there's a mcompositor-swipe22:05
* ShadowJK guesses easydebian still wont work though, without keyboard :)22:07
DocScrutinizerunless you get a nifty vkbd app running...22:08
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* ShadowJK wonders if freoffice ever became usable22:08
ShadowJKI've been using gnumeric so far22:09
ShadowJKbut I guess gtk stuff is offlimits22:09
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javispedrosome n9 screenshots22:09
javispedroshow a "documents" app22:09
javispedrowhich I bet is freoffice22:09
lcukShadowJK, guessing os level22:09
lcuksince the photos app accidentally swipes to the main system panel22:09
lcukinstead of next photo22:09
ShadowJKjavispedro, knowing past Nokia behaviour that might just be a simple text editor that saves in byteswapped ascii :)22:10
ShadowJKI forget, was koffice view-only and crippled format support?22:10
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cityLightsMohammadAG said that after I install a package , that adds  .desktop file to the status UI it should appear22:10
cityLightshowever it doesnt22:11
lcukcityLights, you have to put the .desktop file in the right place in  file system22:11
lcuk/usr/share/applications/hildon from memory22:11
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lcukand have all the right stuff in it22:11
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DocScrutinizerstatus UI is the key22:12
cityLightswhat is status UI?22:12
DocScrutinizeryou, a nasty critter22:12
lcukthat would be it :P22:12
DocScrutinizeryoh actually22:13
cityLightspls look in my deb package file:
cityLightsin line 40 I tell it to put the file there, and indeed after a reboot the button is added to the menu22:13
DocScrutinizercityLights: you need al the rifgt position numbers in that file22:13
cityLightsbut only after a reboot22:14
cityLightswhy? need I add something to the postintall?22:14
DocScrutinizerkillall hildon-desktop, sth22:14
cityLightsDocScrutinizer: I dont understand, pls tell me what to add to my control file22:15
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, time yet to get your TSG nomination rolling?22:15
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cityLightsthanks, time to read....22:16
MohammadAGplease don't use killall22:18
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cityLightsI remember you told me that22:20
cityLightsas I put in line 46: #no need according to MohammadAG pkill status22:20
cityLightsso how?22:20
MohammadAGnever used python code for status applets22:21
cityLightstzafrir just tried to install it and the button is missing22:21
MohammadAGI'm guessing the deb's unpacking in a way where the desktop file is installed before the plugin22:21
MohammadAGso I'd ask khertan or play with the install lines22:22
cityLightsoh the order is importent....22:22
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cityLightsno no let me try to changer the order22:22
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cityLightsI can put it as the last line22:22
Arkenoin950 is damn great, though i expected the screen (and keyboard!) to be 0.5" bigger, amoled and hdmi out22:23
cityLightsin openvpn-applet I see: gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor/22:23
cityLightso ok I see he did a trick22:23
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cityLightsI saw it before and forgot to put it in the package, I used this in testing...22:24
MohammadAGgtk-update-icon-cache doesn't do anything since PR1.122:25
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rlinfatiflasher -Owait-charging -f -F <fiasco-image> :)22:30
cityLightsMohammadAG: here is what mikko did:
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javispedrothat was a fremantle bug iirc22:36
javispedros/bug/feature request22:37
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Jartzamy wedding pic :)22:37
Stskeepscongratulations :)22:38
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Jartzathanks :)22:39
lcukcongratulations Jartza22:40
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lcukand mrs Jartza22:40
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Jartzathanks :)22:40
hiemanshuJartza: congrats22:40
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hiemanshuJartza: btw, you are showing the wrong finger :P22:41
Jartzahow come? we're showing the ring finger :)22:41
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Turned the computer on to get it going22:41
javispedroJartza: managing to make a wedding picture nsfw is no little feat ;)22:41
Jartzathanks all :)22:43
MohammadAGcongrats Jartza :D22:43
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Corsacnice finger22:43
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cehtehmhm DocScrutinizer couldnt openmoko buy the n9 up .. maybe not now but in a year .. make it completely open  :P23:05
cehtehokok .. forget it23:05
SpeedEvilOpenmoko corporate is currently pushing up dasies.23:05
SpeedEvilIt is not pining for the fjoords.23:05
SpeedEvilIt is not even resting.23:06
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* cehteh wonders when the gta04 will be finally out (for consumers, not development samples)23:06
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Shapeshifterso, why exactly is nokia promoting qt while phasing out symbian?23:10
flailingmonkeyShapeshifter: different groups in Nokia want different things23:11
nomisNokia is still promoting qt?23:12
nomisoh, from the wishful thinking department apparently.23:13
MohammadAGanyone wanna make a guitar tabs application? :P23:13
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merlin1991khertan: latest khweeteur doesn't install for me, postinst fails23:19
PolarFoxMohammadAG: There isn't one? :o23:20
JaffaAnyone got the Qt SDK updates working? Configuring a Harmattan qemu target on Linux doesn't seem to suggest a way of *starting* it23:20
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MohammadAGJaffa, javispedro in SB23:20
MohammadAGPolarFox, no, I was thinking of something to read ASCII tabs23:21
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MohammadAGlike the ones on ultimate-guitars23:21
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MohammadAGerr, ultimate-guitar23:21
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ShapeshifterMohammadAG: sounds interesting23:23
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: I might do it if I have some spare time23:23
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merlin1991khertan: I made a bugreport (#826)23:24
JaffaMohammadAG: javispedro: I thought the Platform SDK wasn't going to be required to app development23:24
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konttori_homeJaffa, app development should not need platform sdk23:26
konttori_homeAs long as it's qt app23:27
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Jaffakonttori_home: That's what I've thought. I've updated the Qt SDK; can see Harmattan qemu under "Maemo Device Configurations"; but can't add it to my existing project (nor choose it for a new project)23:28
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Jaffakonttori_home: Ah, there's an extra "Qt SDK > Experimental > Harmattan" checkbox under "Package Manager"23:29
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anidelWill Harmattan break my Fremantle SDK?23:32
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Jaffaanidel: Harmattan Platform SDK or App SDK?23:33
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Jaffaanidel: It's Scratchbox. You know what that's like23:35
Sazpaimon_almost 4500 comments on engadget relating to the N923:35
Sazpaimon_in less than a day23:35
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konttori_homeJaffa, yeah. There should be even remote debugging done right in there. I haven't yet used it myself. We use SB internally still. Looking forward to do some projects on summer vacation though23:43
* Arkenoi wonders what it takes to run gtk apps on n9/n95023:43
cehtehgtk :)23:43
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anideldamn it won't install and Fremantle SDK is broken...great23:51
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anidelwait, no space left on device...23:51
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