IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2010-11-08

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mc_teohow stable are the Qt4.7 python bindings?00:03
mc_teoid prefer pyqt rather than pyside00:03
GeneralAntillesI'm so tired of the stupid N900 crashing
timeless_xchatstable as in crashy?00:04
timeless_xchatgeneralantilles: how's it manage that?00:05
timeless_xchatimproper eject?00:05
GeneralAntillesHell if I know.00:05
GeneralAntillesWhen browsing directories00:05
GeneralAntillesIt'll fail to load a folder every once and a while00:05
timeless_xchatgot a stack?00:05
GeneralAntillesWhich gives you a spinning beach ball.00:05
GeneralAntillesThen it wont restart with a -10810 error00:06
GeneralAntillesWhich requires a reboot00:06
jacekowskiGeneralAntilles: it's not n900 crashing it00:06
GeneralAntillesSnow Leopard bug that's brought out by various things.00:06
jacekowskiGeneralAntilles: it's that has a problem00:06
timeless_xchati'd use dtrace00:06
GeneralAntillesIn my case, by the goddamn N900 whenever I need to copy over something critical.00:06
timeless_xchatto get a log00:06
jacekowskii would use windows00:06
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GeneralAntillesjacekowski: go jump out a window.00:07
* GeneralAntilles reboots.00:07
nox-timeless_xchat, dtrace on linux?00:07
timeless_xchatdoes run on linux?00:07
jacekowskilinux has SystemTap00:07
* timeless_xchat kicks jacekowski 00:07
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timeless_xchatoh, it's 0degC outside00:09
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sivangtimeless_xchat: snowing?00:11
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timeless_xchatactually, it seems to have gone up +2deg so far00:20
timeless_xchatsp3000 : did you watch the chilean miner run the nyc marathon?00:21
mc_teotimeless_xchat: well stable as in not crashing epically00:21
sp3000I did not00:21
mc_teoi just need a qwebkit and a qlistbox00:21
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timeless_xchat"just qwebkit"00:24
* timeless_xchat just needs a pony00:24
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timeless_xchata listbox should work...00:28
timeless_xchatbut expecting a web browser not to crash...00:28
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timeless_xchat... is asking for more than a pony00:28
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timeless_xchat@central railway station00:29
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alteregoCrazy, so when you charge the N900 it goes to max clock speed?00:31
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jacekowskionly when you connect usb00:32
jacekowskifor couple seconds00:32
nox-on 1.3 also with charger00:32
alteregoYes, I'm talking about 1.300:33
nox-(as DocScrutinizer found using powertop)00:33
alteregomine is currently reporting max freq on usb connected to laptop and fully charged (green led lit)00:33
alteregoUnless: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq00:33
alteregoisn't live?00:33
nox-it is00:33
nox-put a sleep 5 before it00:34
alteregoStill reporting 500mhz00:34
DocScrutinizerit does. We discussed this in epic length here some days ago. Bug in PR1.300:34
alteregoDocScrutinizer: okay, just checking.00:34
DocScrutinizerkernel, I might add00:34
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alteregoSo, does this effect power kernel users?00:35
alterego(I'm using hostmode2 kernel)00:35
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DocScrutinizerno, as power kernel not yet has PR1.300:35
nox-kernel-power is still ok00:35
alteregoOh, okay.00:35
* alterego wonders what's messing with the scaling thing ..00:35
alteregoOkay, I think I get it :)00:36
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nox-powertop seems broken with kernel-power tho00:37
DocScrutinizerup til & incl PR1.2 this was a intentional behaviour to service USB when hooked up to a host (wild guessing), in PR1.3 it sneaked over to charging state as well00:37
DocScrutinizerit is00:38
nox-ok thx for confirming :)00:38
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DocScrutinizerPaulFertser:  (500MHz lock)00:48
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khertan_Hi, someone have try ?00:59
khertan_does the ensureVisible part is working for you ?01:00
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alteregoCripes, my head is spinning, didn't realise how big this project had become.01:01
* alterego contemplates seperating some stuff into plugins or libs01:02
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opdf2somtimes my n900 makes a short beep noise when I reboot it, using reboot from power menu01:04
opdf2what is that?01:04
alteregoIt's normal, don't worry about it.01:04
alteregoI think it's supposed to happen everytime, but doesn't.01:04
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opdf2I notice when it does do it, proximity sensor does not work from shortcutd01:05
opdf2when it doesn't, proximity sensor works01:05
alteregoI don't use shortcutd01:05
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opdf2also, there are times when the Nokia handshake animation doesn't play during reboot01:06
opdf2is that normal01:06
alteregoWell, I rarely use reboot.01:07
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alteregoI think the startup animation has always worked for me, but again, I wouldn't worry about it too much.01:07
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opdf2alright, just wondering cause I'm using a fresh 1.3 + emmc reflash01:07
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: either way, that does not explain why not deeper than C1 states.01:13
javispedroDocScrutinizer: And I put my finger that 500Mhz vs 250Mhz does not make a dime in power usage, C1 vs C4 will.01:13
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ShadowJKwell, C4 is 0MHz :)01:13
ShadowJKclocks off, voltage off01:13
javispedroprobably musb craps itself with clocks off :)01:14
DocScrutinizerdoesn't explain why we need it for charging :-P01:15
mgedminC4 is an explosive01:15
javispedrocharging from dumb charger01:15
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alteregoProbably a mistake in their "something is connected to my usb port" bit.01:15
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: I here think I prefer Matan's approach. The PR1.3 change is loosely explained, and I am yet to experience whatever it tried to fix.01:15
alteregoOr maybe they sneakily put it in to push hen forward ;)01:15
DocScrutinizersee pr1.3 changelog01:15
alteregoAnyhow, bed time for me.01:16
NirtalHello! Does anyone knows how to use your computer as a bluetooth headset?01:16
javispedrocya alterego01:16
alteregoSee you all later folks.01:16
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: sorry, didn't get it01:16
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: Matan suggested somewhere in tmo that future power kernel versions will have that exact PR1.3 change reverted01:17
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DocScrutinizer:nod: seems reasonable enough01:17
nox-javispedro, thats great news01:17
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nox-(and where is the 1.3 changelog?)01:17
javispedrograb kernel package for original, or search irc logs01:18
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javispedroeither way, as I said, not much reasoning there.01:18
nox-hm ok01:18
javispedroso, if someone is capable of charging their N900 from a dumb charger now and pre-PR1.3 couldn't, I'd like to know.01:19
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nox-ah you mean this;a=commitdiff;h=a2abd51199b9e61542a24ae9086ac1c6263106c4#patch901:19
nox-~bug 16119101:19
povbot`Bug was not found.01:20
javispedronox-: NB is the internal nokia bugzilla01:20
nox-oh ok01:20
javispedronox-: your only hope for any disclosement of such information is file a bmo and cross fingers01:20
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DocScrutinizernox-: ack for 16119101:24
nox-do you know more details?01:24
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DocScrutinizerhell, how I hate that ambiguity in bug descriptions! Is "Rover does not differentiate charging downstream port from dedicated charger" what they implemented now (which would sound like a correct statement), or is it a descriptions of a bug (that's what the wording sounds like) which the tried to fix but actually messed it up completely?01:26
javispedroDocScrutinizer: probably, that's the bug title.01:27
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DocScrutinizernow if I were smart enough to spot the diff for that nb#161191 :-S01:29
javispedrochances are, it's just the musb changes01:30
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DocScrutinizeryou know what *usually* happens to devels dumping patchsets of >4 unrelated diffs to the public?01:33
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javispedrodiscussed already the changes to the swap algorithm in pr1.3'01:34
DocScrutinizernope, not afaik01:34
DocScrutinizerI guess that's ShadowJK's domain01:34
nox-btw fennec really seems to be swap-happy...01:35
wmaronefennec eats ram like candy01:35
cehtehstill no official compcache for the n900 .. :/01:35
nox-wmarone, :)01:35
DocScrutinizermmmmyummy, candy01:36
javispedroDocScrutinizer: gaps_rbtree_insert, gaps_rbtree_add new symbols nowhere to be seen in upstream, seems to be part of a new scheme to allocate pages01:36
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javispedropossibly NB#166185 - swapping algorithm improvements & re-calibration01:38
javispedrosomebody should test the uptime with pr1.3 kernel01:38
DocScrutinizersomebody who actually suffers from that swap fragmentation01:39
DocScrutinizerI got uptimes of >30 days with pr1.2 and no real problems01:40
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DocScrutinizerbut then I usually have no swp-happy apps running01:40
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DocScrutinizerwhich would also explain why Nokia didn't realize there's a problem. Probably their testers' usage patterns were more like mine, and both are quite different to John User's01:42
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javispedrothey tend to shutdown stuff from time to time.01:42
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DocScrutinizerthat too01:42
ShadowJKMine can be "open 30 browser windows, get distracted, open gpodder and watch some videos, pause video, switch to one of those browser windows, read it, close it, go back to video"01:43
DocScrutinizerhi ShadowJK :-)01:43
javispedrotalking about the devil =)01:43
ShadowJKSo I'm guessing they find/keeptrack largest gap of free pages in the swap area01:44
ShadowJKand fill that01:44
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chrissbxI wanted to rename stations in fmtuner.01:47
chrissbxSeems it just doesn't allow to do that from the gui; so I figured, let's check whether I can modify the file where it stores those.01:48
javispedrono file01:48
chrissbxThing is, I just can't find any file that could contain them; grepping doesn't help.01:48
javispedrochrissbx: you should grep ~/.gconf*01:48
chrissbxThere's no .gconf01:48
mgedmingconftool -R /|grep foo01:48
mgedminonly problem, you don't see which key you're in01:49
mgedmingconftool -R / | less +/foo01:49
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javispedro/var/lib/gconf :P01:51
chrissbxThanks mgedmin, that works01:51
javispedrobut if you edit the file you might need to kill gconfd-01:51
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chrissbxyeah, I'll update using gconftool then.01:52
chrissbx(I wonder why they choose such a location?)01:52
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javispedroediting that with gconftool is a pita because there are two independent list iirc01:54
johnxchrissbx, cause that's the system provided defaults? (in /var/lib/gconf)01:54
chrissbxjohnx: no, it stored my changes there.01:55
chrissbxSo it's not just defaults.01:55
javispedrojohnx: read /etc/gconf/2/path lately ? ;)01:55
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johnxjavispedro, I made an ASSumption that they'd do the same thing as debuntu01:56
johnxmy mistake :)01:56
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javispedroand mine01:56
chrissbxMust either have been someone who thought having just one location to backup for "system" data would be nice (let the user care about files he knows about only); or maybe an intern that just enabled writing that location for users.01:57
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johnxmy thoughts: concerns about read/write speeds of the emmc that /home is on, and/or concerns about writing to it too many times01:59
johnxand/or the famous "historical reasons"01:59
javispedroI think it's the latter.01:59
chrissbxhistorical reasons about what the intern did.01:59
johnxsounds about right01:59
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johnxwhenever you see "osso-" the "historical reasons" explanation is almost always the right choice02:00
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mgedminwell, before they were historical reasons there must have been some original reasons, I suppose02:01
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johnxright, but the reasoning might have been for a totally different device02:01
johnxpossibly as far back as the 77002:02
javispedro/var/lib/gconf, /var/lib/install ...02:02
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johnxI'm thinking either backups or possibly some thought about being able to "restore to defaults" easily02:03
johnxalso, though the Maemo/MeeGo team is *now* very adept at Linux, I'm not sure that every member of the original Maemo team actually came from a Linux background02:04
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chrissbxYeah, I guess they wanted to avoid the user restoring home and breaking app configs with that.02:07
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chrissbxOr then maybe that was not the original historic reason, but at least it looks like a better reason.02:08
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chrissbxWhat are people mainly writing guis with for Maemo or MeeGo?02:14
chrissbxLike a tool for editing station keys, or a new gui for the fm tuner.02:15
chrissbxPython,Lua,C,Perl,  Gtk I guess Hildon,..02:15
johnxQt is the way to go for Meego compatibility02:15
johnx(also, it seemed easier than gtk+ in my very limited experience)02:16
chrissbxAh hm true hm. But isn't Hildon still used with Qt or something?02:16
chrissbxLike a common layer atop gtk/Qt?02:16
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johnxno, AFAIK02:16
tybolltthere been a changelog posted for 3.1 yet02:16
tybollt1.3, too02:16
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johnxthere's instructions for doing the right thing in Qt to make the GUI fit in with Maemo/MeeGO02:17
johnxhaven't looked yet02:17
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chrissbxI wonder if there's a Qt gui server, like for gtk. (Both to protect from the Qt license directing the license of your app, and to give memory separation (easier for some language frameworks))02:24
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johnxthere's a GUI server for gtk?02:25
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johnx(though gtk+ is LGPL ...)02:25 is it I think02:26
johnxalso, qt is not LGPL I think02:26
lpotterqt is lgpl02:26
johnxaugh. that should have read "now"02:26
johnx<- distracted typing02:27
chrissbxHm ok so the license may not be a problem; but it may still be a good idea, actually the main plus point: never have to recompile anything.02:27
johnxI'm ... not sure how that would work02:27
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johnxalso, qt and gtk are both shared libraries. They take advantage of shared memory, so they're only loaded once02:28
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chrissbxDepends on how the toolkit works, I've never programmed anything real with either gtk+ nor qt;02:28
chrissbxbut for example wxwindows pretty much assumes you compile, it has many macros that need expansion;02:29
chrissbxso if you write your app in a scripting language, you want it to be backed by something that takes away the need for recompilation.02:29
johnxisn't that the interpreter?02:30
johnxI think I'm lost ...02:30
johnxI'm more sysadmin than programmer. use small words :)02:30
chrissbxWith wx, you write a .c file which contains something like WX_START_OF_APP and WX_MAINLOOP etc. (I forgot the real names, long time ago);02:31
DocScrutinizergconftool -R -> /apps/osso/image-viewer:  recent_types = [2.4475800000000002e-307,1.2552999999999999e-307,6.9660200000000004e-308,7.8062300000000002e-308]   X-P02:31
chrissbxthose would expand to C code that does the right thing for setting up stuff, open the first window, create the main event loop etc.02:32
johnx2.4475800000000002e-307 is by far my favorite image type02:32
DocScrutinizerwonder if I could find my recent_types with an electron microscope02:32
johnxchrissbx, but that's for making your program toolkit agnostic02:32
johnxif you use Qt, I don't think that's really a problem ...02:33
chrissbxyes; my point is, if you want to use a scripting language, someone has to figure out how to enable changing how windows are setup etc without needing to compile C code02:33
chrissbxactually I guess that's solved for most scripting languages.02:33
chrissbxWell, my train of thought was: if I want to use Scheme to write my app, I'll have to deal with the C interface, which I'd like to avoid,02:34
johnxah. no qt bindings for scheme? sad02:34
chrissbxbecause then I'll probably have to recompile the parts handling the ffi all the time, because blocking calls in C code usually blocks the vm of the language and hence user-space threading,02:35
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chrissbxand if I want to move on to say android then my work with that wouldn't be worth a dime.02:35
chrissbxSo better abstract it away and then why not go cross process to something like gtk-server.02:36
chrissbxNo blocking issues, clear separation.02:36
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alteregoWe've got loads of scripting languages that can work with maemo02:37
DocScrutinizerjohnx: interested in a bet? they to ""if (r == 1)... "" an are surprised why r = 1 doest yield true for ( r == 1 )02:37
alteregoYou should check out qml :)02:37
DocScrutinizerthey Do*02:37
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johnxDocScrutinizer, agh. what language am I looking at?02:38
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DocScrutinizerdunno, whatever is dealing with /apps/osso/image-viewer:  recent_types02:38
johnxso probably C02:38
DocScrutinizerlesson: never use real if you don't know why02:39
johnxI guess I would have made that mistake too, since I have no idea what you're talking about. OTOH, I haven't done C seriously in ~10 years02:40
DocScrutinizer2.4475800000000002e-307  != 002:40
DocScrutinizerso I *guess* they meant to set  /apps/osso/image-viewer:  recent_types = [0,0,0]02:41
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DocScrutinizerbut some gashead used reals for the recent_types vars02:41
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johnxaaaah, right. FP math. fun times02:43
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johnxI forgot the part where those were referred to as "real types" and instead all I could think of was the math definition of "real"02:44
johnxI was like, "Real? Instead of using imaginary types in C? HowTF does that work?"02:44
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toresbe"God is real, unless declared integer"02:51
DocScrutinizerI'd declare it boolean, bit ooops, no C02:52
BCMMtoresbe: ah, a fellow FORTRAN nerd?02:52
DocScrutinizerhim? Thy?02:52
toresbeBCMM: Nah! Forth love if honk then!02:52
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toresbeActually I mostly code C. But an interest in computing history has at least caused me to know about some of those languages.02:54
BCMMfortran isn't history02:54
BCMManyway, i seem to recall the existance of a modified hildon desktop with keyboard shorcuts and so on, but can't remember how to find it02:54
ScribbleJI guess Nokia no longer provides a "Desktop" version of the SDK image?02:55
BCMMalso, anyone know if the keyboarding works right with catorise?02:55
DocScrutinizerI coded those:  in a forth like language, in the early 80s02:56
toresbeBCMM: well, fortran being a dominant language (fortunately) is ;)02:56
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DocScrutinizeractually mid-eighties02:56
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BCMMtoresbe: try telling that to a physicist :-)02:57
psycho_oreosBCMM, how do you mean?02:57
BCMMpsycho_oreos: wrt what?02:57
psycho_oreos<BCMM> also, anyone know if the keyboarding works right with catorise? <-- how do you mean by that?02:58
* toresbe really needs to brush up on his CDC Cyber skills02:58
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johnxtoresbe, center for disease control?02:59
toresbeControl Data Corporation02:59
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johnxI forgot my <feigned naivete> tag :)03:00
BCMMpsycho_oreos: iirc, there is a modified hildon-desktop floating around which features, amongst other things, kb shorcuts for using the app launcher03:00
BCMMpsycho_oreos: i was wondering if sais03:00
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BCMMshortcuts work with catorise03:01
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psycho_oreosBCMM, I'm using matan's modified hildon (enables 9 desktops) and the shortcut buttons for catorise I tried for the first time after you mentioned it seems to work with matan's modified hildon03:02
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BCMMpsycho_oreos: thanks, where does one find it?03:03
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psycho_oreosBCMM, the shortcuts for catorise? I used trial-and-error.. it seems like the first few alphabetical keys (i.e, q, w, e, r, t, y) corresponds to the first row of icons under catorise03:04
psycho_oreosand to go back using keyboard with catorise is backspace03:05
GeneralAntillesCatorize shouldn't have anything to do with the shortcuts03:05
psycho_oreosI thought he meant keyboard shortcuts03:06
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DocScrutinizeratorize is just an editor for desktop files, which get handled by applauncher anyway. There's been a menu in applauncher prior to PR1.2 ("More"). So you'd think MHD works with catorize as well, yes03:09
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javispedroah, #maem03:11
javispedroif I try to read from xchat's red line I would get crazy03:11
javispedroa nice prospective from, to floating point, to categorize...03:11
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johnxwe're already crazy. you might as well join us :)03:12
javispedrohey, I'm crazy already too.03:12
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DocScrutinizerxchat's red tab labels? *.*03:15
javispedroxchat's last-time-I-focused-the-window-I-was-here line.03:16
* ieatlint loves that line03:16
DocScrutinizerthe red tab labels give me eye cancer03:16
DocScrutinizereven my TV refuses to display them03:17
javispedrowhat are you doing to your poor tv03:17
javispedrohelp: automatically spawns rm -rf /03:17
javispedroReminds me of an old email I once got; forgot about the context but I remember some words from it...03:19
javispedro"There is no help. There is NO help."03:19
ieatlintsounds like open source03:19
javispedrosome of it gets lost in translation, he was writing that like if it was the end of the world :)03:19
GeneralAntillesLet there be blood!03:20
ieatlintdear god... try changing the colour to something else then03:20
GeneralAntillesExtra hour to use today and I'm still going to be up 'til 2.03:20
javispedroDocScrutinizer: composite output at its best :)03:20
johnxmornin' GeneralAntilles03:21
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: duh, southern hemisphere?03:22
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DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: ...or what's that with the extra hour?03:24
DocScrutinizeraah no. I *always* get confused with that stuff03:24
GeneralAntillesStupid DST03:25
DocScrutinizeractually now's northern hemisphere extra hour season03:25
johnx~lart the inventor of daylight "savings" time03:25
* infobot makes a balloon animal out of the inventor of daylight "savings" time03:25
javispedrops: not foundation fault03:25
javispedro/ # /bin/sh: r03:25
javispedrosshd getting crazy03:25
ebzzryHi! What is the dbus command for opening files with their default handlers?03:26
johnxI wish we had xdg-open ...03:28
* javispedro notes that writing hildon-mime-open app would be in the trivial realm03:28
* johnx can't be arsed to put much time into maemo when meego development is in full swing03:29
DocScrutinizerebzzry: you *might* try and replace the ""URL"" with a real resouce locator string. Might work, aiui for some filetypes it does03:29
ebzzryDocScrutinizer: Let me check that.03:30
jpinx-eeepcis forwarding X over ssh the only way to get the n900 X session onto a remote box - or is there some other app that will do it easier?03:31
johnxjpinx-eeepc, like a vnc server?03:31
DocScrutinizerwasn't there this.... errr03:32
GeneralAntillesApplications that doesn't respect the usability paradigms of their host OS should be burned.03:32
jpinx-eeepcis vnc easier?03:32
johnxx11vnc specifically03:32
johnxpretty easy yeah03:32
johnx(or it should be)03:32
jpinx-eeepcI have been struggling trying to get X over ssh, but it's  not playing nicely for me :(03:33
johnxyeah. I know that at least some maemo apps did (still do?) some stupid things that prevent them from being forwarded03:33
jpinx-eeepcyea :03:34
* jpinx-eeepc looks into vnc03:34
johnxso yeah. x11vnc basically lets you see the whole desktop remotely, but it should be slower than actual X11 forwarding03:34
johnxit's a tradeoff *shrugs*03:34
jpinx-eeepcslow is not an issue03:34
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* jpinx-eeepc waits while HAL updates and allws me to do something,..03:35
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ebzzryDocScrutinizer: osso_browser? Does Maemo use the browser to handle everything, like in the file manager?03:38
DocScrutinizerebzzry: I'm wild guessing and have no real clue03:38
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ham5gconftool-2 --set "/system/osso/dsm/locks/devicelock_autolock_timeout" --type int 15003:43
ham5if tried killing gconf first, setting the xml file readonly, after each reboot it always returns back to 6003:43
ham5what do I do, this is new to 1.3, before I could just edit the xml and be done03:43
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ebzzryIs this channel logged? If yes, where?03:44
ham5look at topic ebzzry03:44
johnxlisted in the topic03:44
ebzzryArgh! Sorry. My bad.03:45
johnxno worries :)03:46
jpinx-eeepcjohnx: vnc works - thanks - a bit clunky, but easy indeed :)03:47
johnxglad to hear it03:48
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johnxyeah. clunky is the word03:48
johnxso, what's the goal of all this? or just for fun?03:48
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jpinx-eeepcbigger keyboard and screen for a start ;)03:48
johnxalso, semi-related. has anyone managed to make the N900 show the mouse cursor?03:49
jpinx-eeepcHmm -- tightvncviewwer doesn't appear to support cop-n-paste - which is a pity..03:49
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DocScrutinizerjohnx: I think I heard of that, yes03:51
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jpinx-eeepccool - I can dial calls over vnc - and put the speaker phone on ;)03:51
johnxx2vnc might be a lot of fun then03:51
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johnxsynergy would be best, but would require repackaging03:51
jpinx-eeepcjohnx: on breaking and reconnecting I get this-- root@Nokia-N900:~# channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused03:54
GeneralAntillesAh, nothin'll get your blood pressure up like IT.03:54
johnxIIRC, there's a switch to add to x11vnc to make it persist03:54
johnxGeneralAntilles, then maybe IT isn't for you :) or you need to work on maintaining your Xen03:55
johnxor your boss constantly breaks things03:55
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GeneralAntillesThe more I use technology, the more I hate it.03:57
johnxyeah, if I was your career advisor, I'd say "Maybe you should consider other fields besides IT"03:58
johnxI mean, if you end up stressed over dealing with it, don't do it unless you need to03:59
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GeneralAntilles1johnx, not in it, thank goodness.04:07
GeneralAntilles1Just dealing with it at the moment.04:07
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johnxwell, I'm bored, so ping me if you want to bounce ideas off me04:08
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ebzzryGah, the author of kernel-power hasn't been on IRC for quite some time.04:19
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Termanagood morning04:22
johnxmornin' Termana04:22
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ebzzryI hope kernel-power will soon be updated with hostmode.04:28
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Maceryou know.. i just thought about it.. and realistically other than a new ui maemo is done lol04:28
Macerdoesn't maemo just use xorg?04:28
Maceri am curious as to why someone cant just make a new ui with the umderlying base04:29
Macerthe base is great04:29
Macera ui upgrade is all it would really need04:30
Macerbetter than most port linux distros04:30
johnxthat's not saying much04:30
ShadowJKBut I like the UI04:30
johnxthe kernel support is good04:30
ShadowJKthe UI change is the biggest thing that scares me about harmattan/meego04:31
johnxthe actual 'distro' stuff is kinda ... iffy04:31
ShadowJKthat and the new restrictions04:31
DocScrutinizer~seen t-tan04:31
infobott-tan <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 149d 6h 50m 50s ago, saying: 'smoking hot device?'.04:31
DocScrutinizer~seen titan04:31
infobottitan <~zero@pdpc/supporter/student/titan> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 212d 16h 45m 12s ago, saying: 'extra ips on the default interface'.04:31
MacerShadowJK: well. i still wouldnt mind a profile "desktop" ;)04:32
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Maceror a liq based rotating gles one04:32
ebzzryDocScrutinizer: =(04:32
Macerwould be awesome to have a 3D based wm04:32
TermanaMacer, could just port MeeGo Handset UI, I suppose04:32
Termanaif that's your "thing"04:32
MacerTermana: that is what i was wondering04:33
Macerwhy cant someone just backport the meego ui?04:33
Macerthen all the hw would work04:33
Macerand you get the new phone based ui04:33
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Maceras well as all the maemo apps04:33
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: full ack04:33
b-man`MeeGo UI on top of debian perhaps? ;)04:33
Macernot really debian04:34
Macermaemo is fine as a base04:34
b-man`it's a subset04:34
ShadowJKMacer, I think you've got it backwards04:34
Macerworks great on the n90004:34
Macerhow so?04:34
ShadowJKMaemo base is pretty crap04:34
ShadowJKMaemo UI is quite superb04:34
johnxMacer, you only think maemo is fine as a base because you haven't been chin deep in it ...04:34
Macerjohnx: i suppose ;)04:35
TermanaI wouldn't mind hildon-desktop being ported and packaged for Debian04:35
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ShadowJKWhat MeeGo is doing is making the base OK, and allegedly dumbing down the UI04:35
johnxTermana, been there. tried that04:35
Termanajohnx, ugly?04:35
MacerShadowJK: but all the n900 he doesnt work yet04:35
johnxTermana, it was called Mer04:35
TermanaNot the look itself obviously04:35
b-man`btw, i doubt you guys would be interested in this, but it looks like some people who were hoping to hack flash player from webos will be running into quite a wall based on the observations i've made:
Termanajohnx, ah right ;)04:35
ShadowJKMacer, are you refering to meego hacker's edition?04:36
Termanab-man`, why not just get the flash player plugin from TI? (If they are still allowing people to grab it)04:36
ShadowJKThey aren't04:37
MacerShadowJK: yes04:37
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b-man`Termana: they kinda stoped distributing it after what has happened lately :P04:37
Macern900 is not directly supported04:37
Macertoo bad04:37
ShadowJKThey closed it pretty much same day they realized end-users were grabbing it04:37
nox-how about android's flash, could that be used?04:37
Maceri wouldnt mind using it if all the hw worked04:37
Termanab-man`, meh. I'm more of a HTML5 person anyway04:37
b-man`nox-: Android's flashplayer is built agenst a non-standard libc04:37
b-man`Termana: meh ;)04:38
ShadowJKMacer, so you're saying that because MeeGo isn't finished yet, someone should start a new UI ontop of Maemo. So then you'd have MeeGo UI at progress 75% and Maemo new-UI at progress 0%, except that MeeGo has more people working on it. :-)04:38
Macermaemos flash works fine with the fake out reporter04:38
johnxbest thing apple ever did was kick adobe's flash strategy between the legs04:38
MacerShadowJK: well. not really04:38
nox-johnx, true04:39
Maceri just don't think meego will ever work 100%04:39
Macerwith the hw04:39
johnx... and the best thing adobe ever did was point out the apple walled garden situation with lots of advertising $$$04:39
Maceri know maemo does ;)04:39
johnxwin-win for open source all around :D04:39
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TermanaMacer, it will, most likely, eventually.04:40
b-man`sometimes it bugs me that 80% of the web relies on a closed binary that is controlled by one entity :P04:40
ShadowJKIt would be cool to port the Maemo4 UI back to Maemo5, but it's probably alot of effort to resurrect all the killed code :-)04:40
johnxMacer, comparing meego to the past maemo backport / HE efforts is apples and oranges. the amount of resources the meego-on-n900 team is at a different level than in the past04:40
nox-b-man`, not only that, its full of secuirity problems too... :(04:40
Macerjohnx: more or less?04:41
johnxMacer, tons more :)04:41
TermanaShadowJK, Debian is packaging it, so I suppose not ;)04:41
johnxand a mandate to meet as well, not just a "do your best"04:41
ShadowJKjohnx, it's pretty confusing afaict. There's like MeeGo, MeeGo-harmattan, and MeeGo HE for N900, which is MeeGo-harmattan port to n900...04:41
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MacerShadowJK: so utter dev confusion again? :)04:42
TermanaShadowJK, it really isn't THAT confusing.04:42
ShadowJKand the MeeGo-proper and MeeGo-harmattan variants don't have ABI compatibility :D04:42
johnxbut the mainline meego-for-n900 is the one to care about. it's a step ahead of the curve rather than behind it04:42
johnxbeing behind the curve has been one of the big problems in the past04:42
ShadowJKMacer, it's Nokia not adopting full MeeGo yet04:42
TermanaShadowJK, actually your statement about ABI compatibility isn't true04:42
johnxsame reason why linux-for-$(some-winmo-device) always ends up half assed and forgotten before it's finished04:42
MacerShadowJK: sounds like the same cycle ;)04:42
TermanaShadowJK, as long as 1.2 gets hardfp, it will be ABI compatible04:42
ShadowJKOh? I thought one was hardfp abi and the other was softfp abi..04:43
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Macermaybe nokia will just release all the hw code and open it next month and let everytging take off04:44
Macerliving the dream04:44
ShadowJKI'm not sure they have much to open04:45
DocScrutinizermeh, for now I can't see meego getting so incredibly much saner or better or whatnot than maemo04:45
johnxDocScrutinizer, luckily we don't have to take it on faith04:45
johnxin the mobile world however, it does seem to be the best option for people who actually care about having a phone running a (mostly) open unix-like OS04:46
ShadowJKI guess there's really just one Nokia component in N900, the modem, the kernel phonet drivers are open source, and oFono is (I think?) open source..04:47
TermanaMacer, the only bits that are closed is 5 userspace parts, SGX blobs, wifi firmware, bluetooth firmware, pulseaudio speaker protection (open work around being worked on) and the modem firmware04:47
Termana(modem firmware isn't userspace though)04:47
DocScrutinizerthe promised support from Nokia (at least for N900) doesn'z happen fo rmeego as it never happened for maemo04:47
johnxDocScrutinizer, what do you mean by support?04:48
TermanaShadowJK, ofono is open source04:48
DocScrutinizerISI, bme, wait till I recall more04:48
Termanaah right, BME was the one I forgot04:48
Termanabut anyway04:48
johnxDocScrutinizer, uhm. those *are* supported in meego for N90004:49
DocScrutinizertermana got some more :-P04:49
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johnxDocScrutinizer, so what's not supported in MeeGo for N900 that isn't on the TODO list?04:49
DocScrutinizerHTF should I know about any friggin todo list??04:50
johnxso you're complaining that meego for N900 isn't finished yet? or what?04:50
TermanaThere isn't an actual to-do list, johnx was merely insinuating a hypothetical to-do list04:51
DocScrutinizerfact is meego is using a fuckedup lis302 gmeter driver, a crippled lP5523 driver, NO bq24150 driver...04:51
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ShadowJKand no bq27200 driver? :P04:51
ShadowJKjust continuing the binary blob practice04:51
ShadowJKfor things that already exist as drivers in mainline linux kernel ;p04:52
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rasterDocScrutinizer: boop04:53
nox-.oO(i guess that happens when you submit multiple unrelated patches in one drop...)04:53
Termanamorning raster04:53
DocScrutinizernota bene lis302 driver in maemo is FOSS and magnitudes better than the lis3lv02 driver meego is using "because that's the upstream one" - alas that upstream one seems has been developed for WII04:54
johnxDocScrutinizer, not supported != I don't like the implementation04:54
DocScrutinizerlo raster04:54
DocScrutinizerjohnx: so what? does that make meego any better?04:55
rasterTermana:  beep04:55
DocScrutinizerdoes that prove Nokia's extensive support for N900-meego?04:55
wmaroneif the maemo one is FOSS and better, why hasn't anyone pushed the improvements?04:56
johnxwmarone, because people complain in IRC rather than improve things04:56
DocScrutinizerjohnx: I'm at least complaining - others do nothing. I *checked* both sources side by side04:57
rastersupported isnt black and white04:57
rasterits a scale04:57
rasterit has many levels of gray04:57
johnxI'll agree with raster04:57
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rasterif u fixed 1 bug ever in a 5 year lifetiem of a product04:57
johnxDocScrutinizer, so maybe we're just arguing semantics here04:58
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rasterand that was all it took to say "its supported"... i doubt anyone would agree with that evaluation04:58
rasterfor example04:58
rasterthe question is.. is the quality/level of support "acceptable" to someone04:59
rastereveryone will draw a different line04:59
rasterlikely consumers/users will demand much more than the provider/company is willing to do04:59
rasterso there will almost always be a gap04:59
johnxwow, well thanks for ruining a perfectly good internet argument with your rationality05:00
DocScrutinizerraster: consumer wants working battery charging. Nokia isn't willing to open up the specs and instead is thinking evil tricks how to argue for keeping battery management closed05:00
DocScrutinizerTHAT is Nokia support05:00
DocScrutinizerfor meego05:01
wmaroneso point it out on the mailing list05:01
rasterjohnx: hahhahaha05:01
nox-maybe they're afraid of lawsuits?05:01
DocScrutinizerwmarone: wtf? do you think that fact is unknown?05:01
rasterDocScrutinizer:  you have a valid point05:01
* GeneralAntilles gets a bowl of ice cream before diving into mwkn.05:01
wmaroneDocScrutinizer: if it's such a critical issue then why let it sit silent05:01
wmaroneknown but ignored isn't good05:02
DocScrutinizerwmarone: I never let it silent. I just gave up on it05:02
DocScrutinizerwmarone: you *might* have heard of jrbme.garage.maemo.org05:02
TermanaDocScrutinizer, if we have our own solutions for charging outside of BME, does it really matter if Nokia does anything about it?05:03
rasterthe only things i see that should not be open are05:03
raster1. things nokia dont own copyright too and thus cant control05:03
DocScrutinizerTermana: almost not really anymore05:03
raster2. things that dont run in the os (eg firmware on the wifi chip cpu, or on the modem cpu etc.) <- nice if they were open, but not needed05:04
raster3. highest level apps, if nokia want to keep their product look to themselves - make their own contact app, launcher, whatever closed and their own05:05
DocScrutinizerraster: for 1) they need to find a way to cope with it. I asked for specs, and they for sure own he specs of their devices and batteries05:05
rasterbut keep the middleware, drivers, base, services and core display system open05:05
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rasterDocScrutinizer: #1 is intended to cover things like sgx opengl libs05:05
rasternothing nokia can do about license there. imgtec is in charge05:06
nox-i wonder if nokia is afraid of malware causing battery `explosions' or something like that...05:06
Termanaraster, which is basically the case, besides the exception of PulseAudio speaker protection and BME05:06
DocScrutinizernox-: whatever they are afraid of, it's mere nonsense05:06
DocScrutinizerit's their utter incompetence05:06
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rasterTermana:  battery driver as best i know05:06
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rasteras well05:07
Termanaraster, the kernel driver is open, BME isn't though05:07
rasterthats just the userspace part of the driver05:07
DocScrutinizerraster: nope05:07
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DocScrutinizerthere *is no* kernel part05:07
raster(much like gl - kernel part vs userspace component).05:07
nox-DocScrutinizer, yeah but if they could end up being sued in america etc?05:08
Termanaraster, no, the userspace and kernel driver is independent in BME's case05:08
rasterDocScrutinizer: well kernel part has to at least be an i2c line or some mmeaped region made available to userspace.05:08
rasterit may simply be  recycling an existing syscall :)05:08
DocScrutinizernox-: sorry I'm not going thru the last year's debate all again05:08
nox-ok :)05:08
DocScrutinizernox-: all moot points05:08
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* nox- was just wondering about their reasons anyway05:09
DocScrutinizerand that's the whole bottom line I will share on this05:09
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rasteri suspect it'd either be that its a fear of exploding batterties + begin sued05:09
nox-(last year i wasnt here :)05:09
rasterand anything that may make it easier to make that happen engenders major fear05:09
rasteri guess05:09
DocScrutinizertheir reasons: IP in bme, we have no competence inhouse to even sort that out, we have no manpower to even look at it05:10
SpeedEvilraster: there is no kernel part that deals with charging - it's BME talking directly over I2C05:10
rastereither that or nokia do indeed not own something somewhere and they cant release as owner of ip wont let it out05:10
rasterSpeedEvil: still need to talk to kernel to talk i2c :)05:10
rasterthats just a generic kernel driver tho05:10
SpeedEvilraster: Any malware can simply kill BME, and set battery charge voltage to 4.3V05:10
SpeedEvil(that's the hardware limit)05:11
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SpeedEvilIt's highly questionable if that would cause explosions, even one in a few thousand batteries you do it to.05:11
javispedrob-man`: and what you think I'm doing atm05:11
nox-SpeedEvil, ok05:12
DocScrutinizerand that's the whole point. bme is bullshit. the hardware is fine. the specs are no 3rd party IP. Nokia were stupid if they'd believe there's any danger in helping with FOSS charging05:12
rasterSpeedEvil: what does an d doesnt happen isnt the issue... it's the FEAR of it happening05:12
b-man`javispedro: ?05:12
rastereven 1 in 10,00005:12
javispedrob-man`: a fbdev -> x11 wrapper =)05:12
rasterif it blows up while in luggage on a plane05:12
b-man`javispedro: ah :)05:13
rasterand plpane has a fire, plunges into the ocean...05:13
SpeedEvilBut the right way to deal with this is a driver in kernel that enforces the 4.3 limit05:13
rasternokia would have some mucho bad PR05:13
rasterif they figure out it was an exploding nokia n900 which had some hacked up drivers based on their5 src for the battery charging logic05:13
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rasterthey may or may not even get sued05:13
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DocScrutinizerraster: BS, how do you05:13
rasteri dont know if it would happen or someone would win05:14
rasterbut.. nokia are afraid of it05:14
DocScrutinizer*charge* battery in luggage of plane??05:14
rasterits a fear05:14
javispedro.oO("I am at least complaining, others do nothing" goes into javispedro's quote book)05:14
rasterDocScrutinizer: leave plugged into laptop to charge. keep laptop on05:14
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rasterdont pick nits :)05:14
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rastermy point is that even 1 in 10,00005:14
rasteror 1 in 100,000 case05:14
rastercan turn into a massive pr disaster05:15
rasterwere it to happen05:15
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rasterand they are afraid05:15
rasternow if that fear is really justified is another matter05:15
rasterhow likely is it?05:15
GAN900Well, now we've got a lot of burnt out hackers.05:15
rastershouldnt they simply make sure that software cannot do any such thing?05:15
GAN900So, too bad Nokia.05:15
rasterie hardware enforces safety checks05:15
DocScrutinizerraster: what if the 500 7' nails in your luggage pierce the cell? this probably will cause a fire. Charging definitely won't05:15
rastermaybe thats an issue for a future device05:15
johnxit's nice and easy to characterize "Nokia" as a monolithic entity with singular motivations, but the reality is probably that the programmers and possibly even *everyone* on the Maemo/MeeGo team want to open source the BME code and just can't get it past the legal department05:15
javispedrobtw DocScrutinizer, if you get jrbme into usable state go tell Stallman; there was a page where he or one of his minions said that "the common joke is that you cannot charge the 'open' n900 with free software" :)05:16
rasterDocScrutinizer:  ahahha05:16
rasterjohnx: thats very likely05:16
GAN900johnx, doesn't make me more inclined to give the monolith my time or money these days.05:16
rasterjohnx: i have had to wrestle with similar crap05:16
rasterwhere i firmly believe it to be a gpl violation05:16
rasterlegal dept disagrees05:16
johnxraster, so have I. and my company is made up of like 100 people total05:17
rasterand the other division that owns the code refuses to release it even to another internal division05:17
johnxI can't even imagine how insane it is in a big corp05:17
DocScrutinizerraster: no "haha" - if user does bad to a Nokia device, no matter nails or a software, how can nokia say they want to try and stop that?05:17
rasterand some 3rd divison has a requirements list REQUIRING that feature or no product ships05:17
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nox-that reminds me of...
rasterDocScrutinizer: if nokia provided the source my bet is that nokia's legal dept looks at it as a "we provided the tools to do it and made it easy - therefor legally we bear at least some responsibility"05:18
rasterdont think like an eningeer05:18
rasterthink like a lawyer05:18
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer: you're not going to win this discussion.05:18
johnxGAN900, fair enough. I got burnt out for a while and took a "holiday" from it for most of a year. I came back refreshed and with some perspectives that I didn't have before.05:18
DocScrutinizerraster: if they DO NOT share the specs how to treat their battery properly, they bear much more of a part of the fault if jrbme would ever go boom05:19
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer: that's not lawyer thinking.05:19
rasterjohnx: its nuts in a big company. when u have a few hundred thousand people... :)05:19
GeneralAntillesIf you screw around with shit that has warnings on it, it's your own damn fault when it blows up.05:19
rasterDocScrutinizer: in a legal sense i'd say they wouldnt05:20
johnxraster, I don't even want to think about it ... ugh05:20
rasterfrom an engineers pov - yes05:20
rasterbut from the legal side.. i'd say no.05:20
javispedrogoing on a lawyer kill spree. wanna join?05:20
johnxin fact, the lawyers probably consider keeping it closed source as some sort of "anti-tampering due diligence"05:20
rasterGeneralAntilles:  well not just warnings - when nokia actively makes it difficult and requires you go to great lengths to reverse-enigneer05:21
DocScrutinizerpublishing specs can not create any legal fault. Otherwise they mustn't open up *any* part of their firmware05:21
javispedroDocScrutinizer: You have to consider why they added the "lock" feature into the fmtx kernel driver05:21
rasterDocScrutinizer:  its risk evaluation05:21
DocScrutinizernot even publish voltage of their batteries, as that makes it easier to build clones05:21
johnxDocScrutinizer, but doing that costs money.05:21
javispedroDocScrutinizer: only reason is ... lawyer told them to.05:21
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer: there are a lot of stupid people in this world.05:21
rasterDocScrutinizer: what is the likelihood of it going wrong05:21
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rasterwhat is the possible financial consequence05:22
DocScrutinizerraster: exactly, and Nokia is too incompetent to do that risk evaluation properly05:22
rasterfinancial consequence of the blown up plane could cost 100's of millions of $05:22
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DocScrutinizeras they have NFC what's the likelihood of something going wrong with charging05:22
johnxDocScrutinizer, exactly my point. but in this case "Nokia" means "middle to upper management" not "the Maemo/MeeGo devs"05:22
nox-phb's :)05:23
rasterfinancial consequence of a device not being able to boot an needing to "fix it" - much less.05:23
johnxso *those* are the people you need to convince, not the people hanging out here on IRC or in the mailing lists05:23
rasterDocScrutinizer:  but.. in this case05:23
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rasterit's nokia's risk05:23
rasterthey evaluate their risk05:23
GeneralAntillesSadly none of the people who need convincing are ever available.05:23
rasterits their arses on the line05:23
* javispedro imagines few managementeria also understand why they should spend money into opening specs and/or doing proper risk evaluation when closing stuff is so easy and cheap05:23
rasternot yours05:23
DocScrutinizerso what a fuckedup management is there to make butchers decide about risk of a space travel, without asking their rocket engineer neighbours?05:24
rasteryour chocie could be to simply not buy nokia products05:24
rasteras you believe their dont give you the freedom you want from your products05:24
johnxjavispedro, and when it's the thing they've been doing for years. it's not just cheap, it's well understood. which is possibly even more important05:24
rastertheir risk evaluations are not in line with your expectations05:24
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johnxraster, there you go again with your logic. :P05:25
GeneralAntillesIt's depressing that there still isn't a better alternative to Nokia.05:26
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GeneralAntillesWhich means we'll just keep coming back for more abuse again and again.05:26
rasterGeneralAntilles:  alternative for what?05:27
DocScrutinizerraster: nonsense, my expectations are just "Nokia doesn't support meego" - and I'm not arguing here to convince anybody in charge to decide, I just want to prove that point, as there's NO SUPPORT of Nokia the way they once promised would come from them05:27
hatake_kakashiname your poison05:27
GeneralAntillesA mobile Linux platform that doesn't suck and isn't inherently evil.05:27
GeneralAntilles(completely suck)05:27
javispedrowell... platform...05:27
javispedroI'd think Meego has the platform part covered.05:27
rasterGeneralAntilles: aaaah. so basically u dont like android?05:27
javispedronow, the devices part..05:28
rasterjavispedro:  qt. meh.05:28
raster(totally personal opinion)05:28
GeneralAntillesraster: Google's business is based in advertising.05:28
rasterGeneralAntilles: i know :)05:28
GeneralAntillesWhich means they're interested in prying into your information05:28
rasterGeneralAntilles: i'll just suggest you wait and save your pennies then.05:28
javispedroraster: as long as they keep x11, I'm happy05:28
GeneralAntillesand means that their motivations are more soiled than most.05:28
* javispedro boos at wayland.05:28
rasterGeneralAntilles:  where are u? us? europe?05:28
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rasterok. lets see then :)05:29
rasterGeneralAntilles: but... what iw as getting at is.. u dont like android.. right?05:29
rasteru want something regular-linux like05:29
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rasterglibc, dbus, x11, wm;s, composite mnagers, toolkits, c/c++ or whatevrr lang as long as u can compile it (and if u support c/c++ thats a no-brainer)05:30
GeneralAntillesGoogle is fundamentally incompatible with me.05:30
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GeneralAntillesThere's no alternative to Maemo/MeeGo that is both usable and non-evil.05:30
rasternone that.. you know of... yet :)05:31
wmaronewait, raster was it you I was talking to the other day in #meego?05:31
DocScrutinizerraster: GeneralAntilles is a kbd-lover afaik05:31
rasteras for alternatives.. oh they do exist. much more usable than maemo or meego at this stage.05:31
hatake_kakashiin other words you know of another one but you're not willing to share it with GeneralAntilles, raster?05:31
rasterand gasp... at least slated to all be open.05:31
rasterjust haasnt gotten its public announce yet. i'm just strategically leaking :)05:32
b-man`raster: webos?05:32
javispedroVaporphone 3.4?05:32
rasterb-man`: not "regular linux"05:32
rasterits in the "hey lets just create out own ui system" camp05:32
javispedroit's nearly the nearest to "regular linux" I know from all other phone platforms05:32
hatake_kakashiI thought webos was getting cannibalised05:32
GeneralAntillesraster: not more super-expensive niche crap from those Hildon guys is it?05:32
rasterholdon guys?05:33
GeneralAntillesWhat the hell was the name of that thing?05:33
javispedroHouldron guys!05:33
javispedroraster: awww, c'mon, name any platform, we want to flame!05:33
GeneralAntillesSomebody must remember that $800 netbook that those ex-Nokia guys developed last year.05:33
DocScrutinizerthe platform is easy to tell: Samsung05:34
* javispedro falls off the chair05:34
rasterjavispedro: i'm here in korea. seoul. samsung. i am a principal eningeerin in the mobile platform group.05:34
GeneralAntillesBada bing, bada boom!05:34
rasterwe have our own linux os05:34
rasternot bada05:34
rasterbada != linux05:34
rastertotally different group05:35
DocScrutinizerbada is just a hickup </quote raster>05:35
GeneralAntillesis exactly what we need.05:35
rasterits actually debian05:35
javispedroGeneralAntilles: well, you asked for it!05:35
GeneralAntillesjavispedro: evidently.05:35
javispedroeither way...05:35
javispedroraster: non-existant phone platforms are not enough! cannot flame!!!!05:36
Termanaraster, completely open you say?05:36
GeneralAntillesNokia demonstrated fairly well why just ripping a desktop distro straight isn't a good plan for mobile usage.05:36
rasterand yes - when meego requires that the platform iq qt based, you do need another mobile linux05:36
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rasterTermana:  yes.05:36
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Termanaraster, so an N900 port would be possible05:36
johnxGeneralAntilles, not really. they mostly demonstrated how to take the worst of both worlds05:36
rasterTermana: only stuff that we cant control (3rd party software like imgtec opengles libs) is closed05:36
GeneralAntillesjohnx, well, yeah.05:36
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DocScrutinizerTermana: no, as we lack specs for N90005:36
rasterTermana: sure. if you want to do that05:37
GeneralAntillesjohnx: Deblet demonstrated, then. :P05:37
rastertho frankly... our hw is better :)05:37
Termanaraster, ;)05:37
GeneralAntillesraster: I'd sure as hell hope so.05:37
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johnxGeneralAntilles, I think the lesson there was how much of a PITA it is to maintain a de-facto distro fork even if you try to minimize differences05:37
rasterif nokia release some omap4 thing.. then nokia will have an upper hand05:37
rasterbut until then...05:37
DocScrutinizerraster: that would really be a sad case if 2 years later the hw wouldn't be better05:38
rasteralso the gl drivers we have are signficantly better05:38
rasterso compositing and rendering is so much smoother:)05:38
GeneralAntillesraster: good for you, get back to us when it's actually a "thing".05:38
rasterDocScrutinizer: well not 2 years. n900 came out end of last year05:38
GeneralAntillesUsing tech from early 2009.05:39
rasteras such our hw is already out - galaxy-s sclass is what we are playing with05:39
DocScrutinizerwith quite some delay I'd hope Samsung was able to avoid05:39
rasterlike any large company we of course have better in-house prototypes05:39
rasterbut production-level hw is galax-ys grade05:39
rasterand that does run rings around the n90005:39
rasteranyway - nokia decided to totally change mobile os strategy05:40
rasterwe were moving towards maemo long ago05:40
rasterto help reduce massive differences in os base05:40
rasterbut we're not moving ot meego05:40
rasteryet another pkg format change05:40
rasterand its "qt all the way" then which frankly isnt going to work for us.05:41
rasterso nokia has kind of made joining in the meego stuff an impossibility for us05:41
rastereither way - we are involved with linaro05:41
rasterwhich is much more our style05:41
javispedrobut Linaro is nothing05:42
javispedronot to mention that their fathers tend to also love Qt...05:42
rasterits just ubuntu for arm05:42
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rasterlove qt?05:42
rasternews to me05:42
javispedroerr.. *Shuttleworth.05:43
* DocScrutinizer burps05:43
hatake_kakashi<GeneralAntilles> What the hell was the name of that thing? <--- Aava mobile? :)05:43
GeneralAntilleshatake_kakashi: way before that.05:43
hatake_kakashiGeneralAntilles, nfi05:43
rasterja 2008... qt based gnome? ahhahaha05:44
Termanaraster, no thumb2 I hope05:44
rasterands... since july 2008... how much of that has happened?05:44
rasterthat is an off the wall quote based on no reality there :) (by mark)05:44
javispedronothing, but he keeps talking about it05:44
rasternot too often05:45
javispedroGeneralAntilles: suddently I remembered about a "hildon laptop". but wasn't that just for the fun? I do not remember they wanted to sell it.05:49
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rasterthe same thing as asking the kernel guys to rewrite the kernel in c++ :)05:50
rasternot going to happen05:50
GeneralAntillesjavispedro: I recall it being sold.05:50
GeneralAntillesBut dunno.05:50
rasteror not rewrite05:50
rasterbut import large blobs of c++ in05:50
javispedroraster: nokia did05:50
rasterlinux kernel?05:50
javispedroraster: worse, rest of operating system :)05:50
rasterthat wasnt my point05:51
rastermy point is - "base gnome on qt" is like saying "lets base linux kernel on c++"05:51
rasteru can say wht u like05:51
rasteru can be mark shuttleworth05:51
rasteror any pundit05:51
rasterit wont happen05:51
rasteryou're pushing poo uphill05:51
javispedroso, Nokia said "lets base Maemo on qt" which was like saying "lets base Hildon on qt" which is like saying "lets base Gnome on qt"05:52
javispedroof course the result is yet to be seen.05:52
rasterno it isnt05:52
javispedroit is -- smaller scale, less employees, less LoCs.05:53
raster"lets base maemo on qt" is like canonical saying " our default will now be the kubuntu load, not the gnome-based ubuntu one. we're just swapping names. kubuntu -> ubuntu, ubuntu->gubuntu"05:53
javispedroof course, they have to manage to make kubuntu reasonably similar to existing ubuntu.05:54
rasterbut thats not what mark said05:54
rasterhe said make GNOME qt based05:54
rasternot ubuntu05:54
javispedroit's not what Nokia said either.05:54
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rastervery big difference05:54
javispedromarketing guy speaking!05:54
rastershuttleworth was not playing marketing speak05:56
rasterif he was he'd just say "make ubuntu more qt based"05:56
rasteras you want to push your own brand05:56
rasterTermana: sorry umm.. thumb2?05:58
rasterno thumb2?05:58
javispedroGeneralAntilles: aha, found what I was thinking about:
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rasterasking if it is or isnt supported?05:58
Termanaraster, I hope it's not being compiled with thumb2 is what I meant (like Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10)05:58
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rasteroh no05:58
GeneralAntillesjavispedro: nope, later than that.05:58
rastersamsung are performance freaks05:59
rasterthey have entire teams who focus to try and get 5% speedups05:59
GeneralAntillesjavispedro: 2008 three Hildon guys left Nokia to form their own startup.05:59
rasterentire design decisions are made for 10% speedups :)05:59
GeneralAntillesthey ended up releasing a pricey Linux/GTK-based netbook targeted at very average users.05:59
GeneralAntillesNettl or something05:59
Termanaraster, because the N900 has buggy thumb2 AFAIK, although there is a kernel workaround that is suppose to fix it but slows it down - but then a port wouldn't really work that well if it was all compiled with thumb206:00
javispedroah, by the time Gtk->Qt migration started to sink down06:00
rasterGeneralAntilles: i heard they left for some startup06:00
rasteri never heard of it again :)06:00
GeneralAntillesraster: they posted a product page at some point.06:00
GeneralAntilles$800 or $900 USD06:00
GeneralAntillesLooked interesting, but way pricey for an Atom-based device.06:01
rasterGeneralAntilles: never saw/heard of it06:01
rasterdid they survive? die? where?06:01
rasterwhat company?06:01
GeneralAntillesCan't remember06:01
GeneralAntillesI wish I could come up with the name06:01
GeneralAntillesHad an article on digg.06:01
rastergoogle comes up with nothing i can see06:01
GeneralAntillesGoogle's hiding it.06:02
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GeneralAntillesThere was a bunch of furor about them leaving Nokia06:02
GeneralAntilleseverybody thought it meant Maemo's ship was sinking.06:02
rasteri rememebr that06:02
javispedroand it was.06:02
javispedroah, tmoers already realizing Meego might never be "fast"!06:03
javispedroah no, false alarm. there's still enough hype seems.06:03
rasterlet's see06:04
wmaronejavispedro: should move to crush all hope ;)06:04
rasteri hope meego doesnt stumble badly and end up a horrible os06:04
rasteri like to have some friendly competition that takes some effort to beat :)06:04
Termanajavispedro, I think it would help if OMAP3 DVFS was pushed mainline quicker :p06:05
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javispedroand it would also if imgtec started taking the way we composite seriously06:06
GeneralAntillesHmm, need another CF for Dublin.06:06
GeneralAntillesThere's no way I'm offloading an 8GB card onto an 8GB netbook.06:06
rasterjavispedro: what do u mean?06:06
javispedroh-d takes a weird way to compositing06:07
javispedroiPhone: apps are given a fbo06:07
javispedroWebOS: no compositing06:07
javispedroAndroid: nfi atm06:07
javispedroh-d: Nokia's X11_to_texture extension06:07
rasterwhat is "weird way"06:07
rasterthats standard x compositing06:08
javispedroit is the common way in desktop06:08
javispedrothat is why I like it.06:08
rasterwith pixmap->texture extn06:08
rasteras best i know06:08
rasterours is06:08
rasterwe even have done some goodies to remove all sorts of copies in the pipeline06:08
javispedromaemo is the only platform that does anything similar. then again it is also the only platform that does x11.06:08
rasterwell not the only06:09
rasteropenmoko did x1106:09
javispedrobut the iphone way seems "more natural" to a resource limited platform.06:09
rasterhow is an fbo different to a window with a pixmap?06:09
rasterits the same thing06:09
rasterUNLESS u are talking of gl using clients06:09
rasterand forcing a client to render to a backbuffer06:09
rasterand copy to the frontbuffer06:10
rasterwhich is the pixmap06:10
Termanajavispedro, aren't you suppose to be linking this to your original statement of imgtec and how they are effecting how we composite?06:10
rasterwhihc is then in turn composited again?06:10
Termanaraster, openmoko06:10
Macerlmao. RED is awesome06:10
Macerit's funny06:10
rasterTermana: still was an os and still used x11 :)06:10
rastermaemo isnt the only one06:10
rasteractually samsung did some ooold phones in combo with mizi research06:10
Termanaraster, right, though there was no GLES06:11
rasteronly found them in kr/cn but they were x11 too06:11
rastermany years back06:11
rasterno no gles06:11
rasterbut what is weird about forcing rendering to a window to be redirected to a pixmap (which is an fbo for all intents and purposes)06:11
javispedroTermana: a) we composite in a weird way b ) their weird suggestions like copying!!! instead of swapping in compositor06:12
javispedrowhich to an outsider appear would be destined to cripple the platform06:12
javispedrobut they're the experts, I guess.06:12
rasteroh trust me06:13
rastermaemos compositor is definitely sub-par06:13
rasteralong with the gl-es drivers/libs06:13
javispedrobecause of imgtec.06:13
rasterdone right u have a zero-copy swap for gl clients06:13
rasterand z aero-copy swap for frontbuffer (triple buffered) in the compositor06:13
javispedroraster: imgtec says "maemo's way" is best one in their benchmarks06:13
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javispedroraster: yes, even with copying.06:13
rasterand imgtec dont stop that from happening06:13
rasterimgtec says many things06:13
rasterimgtec isnt always right06:14
rasteri had a long argument with them a few months back06:14
rasterthey insisted my proposal would be horrible and slow06:14
rasterand it shouldnt be done06:14
rastercopying was better06:14
rasterguess who is the more stubborn out of me and imgtec.. and guess who finalyl got it implemented.. and tested it... and got a nice 3.5x speedup as a result :)06:15
javispedroif they do not care about your platform, you're gonna repeat same missteps Maemo did.06:15
wmaronedoes yours have tearing?06:15
rasterjavispedro: nah. we have stubborn pricks like me to fix that :) we have the src. we can add what we need/want.06:16
rasterwmarone:  none.06:16
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rasterwmarone: frontbuffer is actually vsync swapped - triple buffered. so a swap is just that - swap a pointer value for fb location06:16
rasterand clients are also swapped06:16
rasterand synced to compositor06:17
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raster(if they are gl they also do a literal swap, if they are not they draw to their pixmap as usual, but they can talk a sync protocol to avoid partially-rendered screen content)06:17
javispedrowmarone: note that on Maemo a lot of the tearing and general sluggishness comes from gtk+ apps themselves06:18
javispedrowmarone: you can check this by killing hildon-desktop06:18
Gorrothpump your fists in the air, everybody!  i can now build ettercap as a maemo package06:18
Gorrothand soon you shall have it too06:18
rasterjavispedro: actually its both06:19
javispedroraster: yes06:19
rasterjavispedro: compositoe just dumbly copies regions from back to front buffer06:19
rasterwith no vsync06:19
rasterso no matter what gtk did - that'd walways be a problem06:20
rasterin addition last i checked gtk had no sync protol support for a compositor06:20
javispedrofor ex. opera has virtually no tearing (pure Xlib app)06:20
rasterin fact only compositor i know that has that kind of thing is e17's06:20
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rasterboth e17 and efl talk a sync protcol so clients will send special "dont with kmy frame" renderings to allow comp to defer update until then06:21
* javispedro knew e17 was going to appear soonar or latter in the scene06:21
rasterthen comp will "lock' the window while it uses the pixmap as src for compositing06:21
rasterso pixmap keeps same src content06:21
Termanaraster, what do you think of the new ones for MeeGo/N900 that were for Harmattan? (They are suppose to implement vsync) better?06:22
rasteri havent seen tyhem personalyl06:22
rasterso cant comment06:23
rasterthey may be better06:23
rasterdont know06:23
javispedroTermana: also, Qt.06:23
rastergtk's rendering model is an old one06:23
rasterjust draw whatever bits changed in the window06:24
rasterthats kind of fine06:24
rasteras it really cut copies down06:24
rasteru draw driect to the window06:24
Termanajavispedro, right there is the toolkit change, but I was more interested on his thoughts on the drivers themselves compared to the ones in Maemo06:24
rasterthen gtk got the "draw regions to a pixmap then copy that onto the window" code06:24
rasterbut this means some reagons may be copies while others are still being prepared06:24
rasterbut compositor gets "damage" event for the partialupdates already06:25
rasterthus u get a redraw06:25
rasterits a simple matter of waiting for comp to finish with your window06:25
rasterand sending a "i'm done drawing to it now" message to get rid of that06:25
javispedroTermana: afaiu you should be able to do proper vsync with current postpr1.2 drivers06:25
rastercompositor itself of course needs to mvoeto full buffer swaps06:25
rasterand driver needs to alsosupport this with vsync06:25
javispedroTermana: as long as you do not use h-d06:26
rasterand u'd need triple buffering to avoid stalls06:26
raster(well avoid them more)06:26
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javispedroI hate it when I start to get results in a hacking session just minutes before bedtime06:29
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johnxsleep is for the weak (or the weekend)06:30
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VOAhello i'm getting soon the nokia n900 can youn tell me if there is a good market app for maemo yet at the level of the other majors ?06:33
javispedro<vader voice>Nooooooooooooooooooooo</vader>06:33
MacerVOA: there is not.. there is the ovi store but it sucks06:34
johnxVOA, there's a pretty decent application manager, which does mostly the same as the market apps.06:34
VOAso if we want to buy apps for the n900 we must use the ovi right?06:34
johnxyou can see the available applications in advance at
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johnxyeah. if you want paid apps it's pretty much ovi or nothing06:34
johnxfree apps can be found at or
javispedroand ovi is mostly nothing...06:34
VOAis that the application manager jhonx?06:34
johnxthe application manager can pull from multiple "repositories"06:35
johnxso is one and the ovi store is another06:35
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rasterVOA:  if you want to pay, use ovi06:36
rasterif u want free, just use the app manager06:36
rasterboth come on your n90006:36
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VOAthaks people as my primary use will be afther web gps is the ovi gps and world wide maps free?06:37
chxVOA: in case noone told you, the mobile app selection on Maemo is nowhere near the number of Android or iPhone. it's a Linux computer in your pocket with a phone wired on top06:38
* javispedro notes that VOA has currently mentioned two usually bleak topics of the N90006:38
VOAwell i all ready got 32 gb ipod touch so for apps i'm ok i just get n900 for internet tab quality pen testing and for gps06:39
johnxVOA, yeah. maps is included, but it's *not* the same program as the one for symbian06:39
javispedroapp store = impressive free catalog, lacking paid catalog06:39
johnxI actually use google maps on it in the browser and have liked that just fine06:39
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javispedrogps = useless -- unless sygic and/or free maps are good enough for you.06:39
VOAwell as long the gps works good and the world wide maps are free dosen't matter if it's ovi or not06:39
javispedroVOA: ovi doesn't do voice routing nor autonavigation06:40
VOAso what will we use for gps software on n900 ?06:40
javispedroVOA: commercial, downloadable maps there's only sygic.06:40
javispedrothen you have the web stuff -- google maps in the browser, which I never tried, but I'm sure also doesn't do voice.06:41
VOAill check it out a other question when new realise of maemo comes out we have free autopdate of the Os with n900?06:41
javispedroand the osm stuff.06:41
javispedroVOA strikes another bleak topic.06:41
johnxVOA, there probably won't be major updates to maemo06:42
VOAwell i want to make sure it has all i need as it cost alott of money :)06:42
javispedroVOA: why don't you ask about the geek stuff so that we can try to convince you? =)06:42
javispedrofor ex.06:42
javispedroit has excellent irc client.06:42
johnxnokia is working on meego now, and there's a "not officially supported" port of meego to the N900 under way06:42
rasterVOA:  a lot of money? its cheap.06:42
rasterlike $400-$50006:42
johnxraster, cost is relative. kthx06:43
VOAi  am in Europe and here cost around 400 euro06:43
javispedroraster: your definition of cheap is nowhere near mine.06:43
rasterjavispedro: in the real of smartphones.. its cheap06:43
VOAso to be pricise when maemo 6 will come out we can't update to latest os or yes?06:43
rastermost will cost $500-$60006:43
rastern900 is on the lower end of the scale for sure06:43
rasterVOA:  there will be no maemo 606:44
johnxVOA, maemo 6 will be for the next device. Nokia won't provide maemo 6 for the N90006:44
rasterthere will only be meego06:44
javispedroraster: (meego vs maemo6) long story...06:44
johnxyeah, what raster said is's uhm...kinda complicated06:44
rasterjavispedro: hehhehee06:44
rasterand meego for the n900 is.. well.. a topic on its own06:44
rasternot going to go into that06:45
rasterlong story06:45
javispedrothis will get more confusing when harmattan is finally released and someone "correctly" deduces they always wanted to run harmattan on n900 instead of meego.06:45
VOAi see so basicaly it will remain a maemo 5 os based smartphone ?06:45
johnxVOA, yes. but there will be an unofficial port of meego which is under way06:46
javispedroVOA: describe how will you use the device?06:46
VOAgps internet plus video mp3 pics06:46
johnxbut the version of meego that will be for the N900's successor won't run directly on the N900. Instead there is a community version of meego being worked on for the N90006:46
VOAand pen testing06:46
johnxVOA, you'll probably love it06:46
VOAand few other stuff06:46
javispedrogps - bad. internet - excellent. video -- excellent. mp3 -- if battery life is enough for you -- excellent.06:47
javispedrowell, so make it mp3 -- good :)06:47
VOAso if i am seeking specificaly gps you advise me the nokia navigator 2 option?06:47
johnxto be fair, it's not so great for in-car GPS, but the GPS chip with AGPS is pretty good, in my experience06:47
VOAas gps is what i need most06:47
johnxand google maps is fantastic on it, but has no voice directions06:47
VOAi am walking no car06:47
VOAand need a voice guide is that possible to achive ?06:48
johnxjavispedro, are you talking about the GPS apps or the GPS reception itself?06:48
javispedrojohnx: apps06:48
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johnxok, I'll agree. the gps apps are kinda lame. I never tried sygic06:48
johnxmight be worth finding a review of it somewhere06:48
javispedroVOA: johnx: gps reception is fine, it's software that is ... not up to the level a commercial users expects.06:48
johnxyup. can agree with that, though I'm happy with google maps for the most part06:49
VOAwhat about the nokia navigator i will pay much less you advise me it ?06:49
johnxbut I think the options for a "real" GPS app are pretty much: sygic06:49
javispedrojohnx: OSM "migth" be alternative depending on country. for ex. on spain it isn't currently.06:50
johnxsorry, but what is nokia navigator?06:50
VOAas that is my 2 option but i don't like it's symbian but if it does update to meego will be good as that phone as all06:50
javispedroah, so you're looking for Nokia phones.06:50
johnxah, hardware06:50
VOAit's a model from nokia made for gps06:50
javispedroa lot of #maemo people hate symbian, and I at least personally hate every. other. single. non. Maemo. Nokia. phone. ever. made.06:50
johnxyeah, I thought you meant a maemo app :)06:51
VOAno i am looking for a good gps in a smarthphone but i like the n900 couse you can use it for pen testing also06:51
johnxas a rule of thumb: don't expect meego to show up on any existing phone in a perfectly working end-user ready form06:51
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johnxthe only existing phone that is actually somewhat likely to have meego working is the N90006:52
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VOAwell i am looking at this sygic seems to work great has voice guide for us walking gps users06:52
VOAso i might go with n90006:52
VOAwhy you say it's not so good as commercial gps aps?06:52
javispedrobecause.. .there's only one =)06:52
javispedroif it's ok for you... for the better, welcome to the club. but ensure you check it out first.06:53
chxjavispedro: wait, excellent IRC client?? which? all i found sucked more or less.06:53
javispedrochx: and you didn't port your favourite irc client to the n900 yet?06:53
VOAso if i understood correct maemo will become meego soon ?06:53
chxjavispedro: porting is not enough, the problem is that zooming is per app06:53
johnxVOA, mostly yes. or more accurately. maemo will die, and meego will be the future06:54
chxjavispedro: it'd be better if zooming would be a feature of the system somehow06:54
javispedrochx: "zooming"?06:54
VOAso  we will see meego on n900 that will be cool06:54
chxjavispedro: ie. i can't find a gooddamn irc client which can zoom06:54
chxjavispedro: yes06:54
Termanajavispedro, chx, xchat on the N900 is far better than anything else on any other platform06:54
javispedrosounds like something trivial to hack on xchat.06:54
chxjavispedro: with a fixed font either too little text on screen or can't read it , so small.06:54
Termanachx, increase font size?06:55
VOAdid anyone did try installing backtrack for pen testing hacking on the n900 yet?06:55
chxI am dreaming of a Firefox-like zoomer.06:55
VOAhow does it work as ethickal hacker device?06:55
chxtap, zoom.06:55
chxVOA: it works too awesome :) someone is porting firesheep too.06:55
VOAwhat is that for?06:55
hatake_kakashiget ready to be fleeced06:55
VOAhi hatake_kakashi was reading your reviews before06:56
VOAhow you doing?06:56
hatake_kakashiyeah alright I guess, yourself?06:56
VOAvery well now in my country you can get the n900 half price with 306:57
hatake_kakashino better time to get n900 ;)06:57
VOAi basicaly give an account then must buy every month 10 euro of recharge and if i stay 24 months with em the pay the last part of it06:58
VOAyes i'm think to get it for xmas you all ready have it?06:58
hatake_kakashior you could save money up and buy it outright, slightly better than contracting imo06:58
hatake_kakashiyes I already do06:58
VOAcan i show you this option from 3 mobile ?06:58
hatake_kakashiwouldn't mean much to me lol06:59
VOAas it looks convinient like this i pay it just 249 euro06:59
VOAinsted of 40006:59
VOAbtw as i got ipod touch 32 gb all ready my question is if keep it or not for the apple apps that are n1 one now on market and have both what you advise?07:01
hatake_kakashiI suppose you can keep ipod touch for apps if you're not really linux savvy :)07:02
hatake_kakashithere are a fair few n900 owners here having qualms with n900's email client07:03
VOAyes my idea was that even couse to sell app products eve if the as new you lose more then earn07:03
hatake_kakashias an end user you shouldn't be worrying too much about that :)07:03
VOAi'm upsett with apple as i got the ipod touch last xmas and now they all ready want you to buy the cam mic new one so if you follow apple you must buy a device every year basicaly this is good that n900 is long lasting07:05
hatake_kakashithen again, once you have properly experienced n900 you'll know what it is like07:06
Macerthe social network sucked07:06
Macerwhat a crappy movie07:06
javispedrowhat would you expect from a fad movie about a fad?07:06
rasterVOA: device manufacturers make their living off selling you new devices. hell yeah they want you to buy new devices often. its how they put food in their mouths.07:08
VOAyes expecially apple07:08
VOAthey make a part of software every year so you update like give you a mic but no cam etc07:08
hatake_kakashior charging you to be able to transmit music to your FM tuner07:09
hatake_kakashias a product07:09
VOAso the usb can share files with all nokia phones or even non nokia as on apple unless we jailbreak we can't07:10
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hatake_kakashican share files: yes, can share files with all nokia phones: depending on the extension and which platform you are targeting07:12
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VOAso if we want to share with non nokia what we have to do and thanks for all the info07:13
hatake_kakashidepends on exactly what you want to share07:13
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chrissbxIs it possible to record fm radio input? Well I guess so, but with which program?07:19
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VOAso when you people think meego will come out and replace maemo?07:26
wmaroneapril, though it won't ever replace it fully07:26
wmaroneat least, not on existing devices07:26
VOAwill he very intrerstng can i use meego for the netbook yet try it ?07:28
wmaronethe user interface has nothing in common with what's intended for the N900 though07:29
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DocScrutinizerhostmode more dangerous than OC@900 - muhahahaha. Actually a good one, matan!07:37
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Macersplice was pretty stupid07:42
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Macerhas anybody tried that?08:03
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VOAso how much extra ram can you add to the n900?08:22
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iliusVOA: do you mean swap???08:25
iliusVOA: or memory card?08:25
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VOAmemory added08:30
VOAthat you can add to the all ready 32 gb08:30
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VOAwith microsd08:33
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rasterVOA: you cant add any ram08:34
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rasteryou can add more flash storage08:34
rastervia micro-sd08:34
VOAyou know how much?08:35
papuasat me work 4 Gb08:35
rasterhowever big your micro-sd is08:35
rasterit does sdhc08:35
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papuasVOA: he built-in 32 GB storage is big enough to store up to 7,000 of your favourite songs or 40 hours of DVD-quality video. And with an external microSD card you can expand the storage to up to 48 GB.08:42
papuas32 GB internal storage08:42
papuasExpandable to up to 48 GB with an external microSD card08:42
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rasteri see no reason it shouldnt handle 32b micro-sd's08:43
rasternow that they are out08:43
papuas48-32 = 1608:43
rasteri know08:43
rasterno reason it shouldnt handle 32gb micro-sd's08:43
rasternow that they are out08:44
rasterit hasnt crossed over into sdxd land @ 32bg08:44
rastererr 32gb08:44
Gorrothhmm, interesting08:45
Gorroththe N900 is only $400 on newegg now08:45
rasterGorroth: see. i keep saying its cheap08:45
rasterand people idsagree08:45
Gorrothyeah, it's not terribly priced08:46
* VOA slaps VOA around a bit with a large trout08:46
rasterthats actually pretty damned cheap08:46
rastermost smartphones start at like $500->$600 wholesale08:46
rasterto telcos08:46
rasterand retail ends up closer to $800->100008:46
Gorrothi bought my N900 when it first came out.  i think i got it for $500 because i preordered, but they were charging $550 for it08:46
keriothe n900 is cheap but there are cheaper options for a tiny computer08:47
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kerioif you don't need the monitor08:47
rastermost smartphones will come down in price 6-12months later08:47
rasterbut still08:47
raster$400 is a good deal08:47
Gorrothtrue, but not one that you can fit in your pocket and do major hacking on... on your own phone or others, ol08:47
papuasi buy $750 in russia $)08:47
rasterkerio: theres always cheaper. each level of cheaper u lose something08:47
rasterlose screen08:47
rasterlose 3g modem (go to 2g)08:47
rasteror lose modem entirely08:48
rasterlose bt08:48
rasterlose wifi08:48
rasterlose ram, lose flash08:48
keriolose ram?08:48
rasteru go from 256m to 128m08:48
rasterfor example08:48
Gorrothwhat maemo needs is a good turn-by-turn map app though; ovi maps sucks on the n90008:48
kerio400$ is 4 sheevaplugs08:48
rasterGorroth: make one using osm street data08:48
Gorrothraster: i don't want to make one08:48
kerio4*1.2GHz cpu, 4*512mb ram, 4 usb ports, 4 gigabit ports08:48
Gorrothraster: i just use my nexus one for that08:49
* slonopotamus yawns08:49
rasterkerio: but those have NOTHING in them except the cpu, some ram and storage08:49
rasterpretty much08:49
rasteror and wifi08:49
kerioand gigabit08:49
keriodon't forget teh gigabit08:49
Gorrothand usb08:49
rasterno screen, no modem, no large built in flash.. no kbd..... :)08:49
slonopotamuskerio: alternatively, $400 is a hell lot of icecream.08:49
Gorrothbut the n900 you can connect to a cellular network and do good or bad things with it >:)08:49
kerioor a lot of bacon08:49
rasterGorroth:  and thus the problem will persist08:50
rasterbecause peoplpe just say they want/need an app08:50
rasterand dont get up and DO it. :)08:50
Gorrothraster: yeah, well, maybe nokia could get on it :)08:50
kerio"There's an app for that. Compile it."08:50
Gorrothraster: but the cost/benefit doesn't pay off for me to do it, because i have a nexus one08:50
kerioyou infidel08:50
Gorrothi have been compiling and package software for the n900 lately though08:51
Gorrothi added squid to extras-devel the other day08:51
Gorrothwith ssl bump and transparent proxy support08:51
Gorrothand i'm about done with libnet-dev and ettercap08:51
Gorroth(bit new to debian packaging; so, it takes me some guesswork sometimes to make it work)08:51
papuasn900 work with aircrack-ng :)08:53
Gorrothdoes kernel-power include all the modules necessary to setup a WAP?08:53
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Gorrothwireless access point08:54
kerioGorroth: yup08:54
kerioand there's an app for that!08:54
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Gorrothyeah, i know there's an app, the "Mobile HotSpot" app?  that looks like it sucks :)08:54
Gorrothi was just going to setup some scripts08:54
Gorrothbut kernel-power is having problems on pr1.3 right now?08:55
papuasat me work fine08:56
Gorrothokay, i'll try installing it soon08:56
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iliusGorroth: maep is good09:05
iliusGorroth: i much prefer it to damn ovi maps09:06
iliusGorroth: faster and support for different map types from different servers09:07
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iliusGorroth: it just need  some new features like favorite places and routing09:07
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Gorrothilius: thanks for the recommendation.  i'll check it out, but i assume it doesn't do voice navigation either09:12
iliusGorroth: no09:14
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iliusGorroth: its simple and clear09:14
Gorrothokay, cool09:15
Gorrothpapuas: with kernel-power, it doesn't automatically overlock the n900 does it?  i'm not interested in that particular feature09:16
Gorrothi missed the very last sentence in the apt-cache show for it09:16
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jvesiluomaoh crap, I forgot the usb cable to my home, can't test that usb thingie now, aeergh...09:17
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iliustill-: ping09:24
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iliushow to see/set target (i386 or armel) in scratchbox?09:37
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Psianyone else have an issue where the fm radio only works once, then you need to reboot?09:52
Psiit used to work, i think it may have been the latest update09:52
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Gorrothilius: sb-conf select FREMANTLE_<X86|ARMEL>09:56
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iliusfakeroot sb-menu -> Install -> FREMANTLE_ARMEL -> check C-runtime and OK09:57
iliusbut in the next time, its still unchecked! where am i wrong?09:57
iliusi can's install C-runtime then i can't compile anything for armel09:58
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Gorrothhmm, i don't know.  i did the entire install from the command line09:58
Gorrothas my dev machine is a debian VM on my mac09:58
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Gorrothi don't use the GUI tools at the moment, as i'm not developing a GUI; so, i can't help you with anything other than sb-conf and basic stuff liket hat09:59
iliusi get this error during compile:10:00
iliusconfigure: error: cannot run C compiled programs.10:00
Gorrothhmm, i don't know what that means; i never had problems setting it up10:01
Gorrothdid you follow all the instructions on the maemo sdk website?10:01
Gorrothalso, i live near NYC; i'm going to take part in that physical dead drops thing this weekend10:01
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Gorrothwhiel i'm hopefully using the n900 for rascally stuff :)10:01
iliusGorroth: :)10:02
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achipaX-Fade: ping10:15
X-Fadeachipa: pong10:15
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iliusin there a good (and update) tutorial for maemo sdk?10:16
achipaX-Fade:  did you do any manual promotion-shuffle around PR1.3 regarding PyQt ? Some packages got promoted to extras, others not, so now it's wreaking havoc on people10:16
iliusi am readig this
iliusbut some command does not exist in my scratchbox10:16
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X-Fadeachipa: I need a list of affected apps.10:17
X-Fadeachipa: You were looking into something last time we spoke.10:18
achipaX-Fade: about everything using PyQt10:18
achipaX-Fade: this got pulled into extras somehow10:18
achipaX-Fade: (without the libs themselves)10:18
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X-Fadeachipa: Hmm yeah, a build depend.10:19
achipa(extras has 4.7.4 and that was ok, 4.7.5 was in extras-devel for a reason)10:19
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achipasoo... what do we do about it ? :)10:20
X-FadeSigh, I really, really need to get OBS working for Maemo. This repo stuff is getting out of hand :)10:20
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achipa(disclaimer: I will be uploading a whole new PyQt shortly, but it will take ~2 weeks to reach extras and fix the issue on it's own)10:21
jvesiluomaahh, managed to mount 8Gb usb memory (Kingston), but after a while, memory stick is automatically dismounted and syslog is filled with errors that FAT read failed..oh well, maybe that memory is bad...10:21
X-Fadeachipa: Well we can push a new pyqt if that solves issues.10:22
infobotsure thing, achipa10:22
achipaX-Fade: the thing is I *would* like QA on it as it's (sp ?) a major update (QtQuick support, yadda yadda)10:23
X-FadeHmm, well how to fix it then?10:23
jvesiluomaand it seems that N900 recognizes my EOS 400D, but in the syslog I get "ke_recv[1397]: device_added:2629: /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_4a9_3110_noserial_if0 is not a storage or volume" arf...well time to try card reader..10:23
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achipaX-Fade: is it too much fuss to remove the offending 4.7.5 parts from testing and prevent the -dev from getting dragged in ?10:24
achipa(it's always too much fuss, I know, but is it WAY too much :) )10:24
crashanddie_jvesiluoma, I don't think Canon's DSLRs show up as mass storage10:25
X-Fadeachipa: I can wipe them from testing and extras if that solves it?10:25
crashanddie_jvesiluoma, don't you need the Canon SDK/API to talk to those devices?10:25
SpeedEviljvesiluoma: how do you read it on linux usually?10:26
achipaX-Fade: but wont the very next pyqt app promotion pull them in again ?10:26
X-Fadeachipa: But on the first promotion from -devel they would come back in.10:26
jvesiluomaSpeedEvil: usually I just use card reader, wich (btw) works10:26
SpeedEvilgoogle on how to read it onlinux10:26
jvesiluomaSo now I can make backup of my photos via card reader when I'm on holidays, hooray10:27
SpeedEviltehre is possiblyanapp10:27
SpeedEvilgphoto - for example10:27
X-FadeIt would be nice for this Qt stuff to be compatible ... ;)10:27
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crashanddie_SpeedEvil, you need the gphoto2 thingy AFAIK10:27
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achipaX-Fade: action plan - remove the offending ones, I upload PyQt 4.8, and if someone promote, he'll be testing with 4.8 and we'll live somehow until the rest of the packages arrive... is that a reasonable compromise ?10:28
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crashanddie_jvesiluoma, if you wish to use the 400D from the N900, you'll have to port gphoto to Maemo. The 400D is supported in PTP mode (Picture Transfer Protocol) through gphoto2:
jvesiluomacrashanddie_: yeah, they don't usually show as mass storage drives, the method they use is PTP or something..10:29
jvesiluomacrashanddie_: okay, have to check that and see if it's easy to port it10:30
crashanddie_well, IIRC, Nikon allows you to select PTP or MSM10:30
achipaX-Fade: there is also another issue that we could resolve in one go: forbid promotion of anything that depends on python2.5-qt4-* (due to HAM braindeadness I now have to suggest everyone to depend on the metapackage and pull in all packages)10:30
X-Fadeachipa: Or you could upload a new 4.7.5 revision and I push that all the way up to Extras?10:30
SpeedEviljvesiluoma: It should be a simple matter of compiling libusb and the command-line app10:31
crashanddie_jvesiluoma, gphoto usually to do nifty things such as timing shots and stuff like that. You could hack your own intervalometer and implement automated FTP/wifi uploads.10:31
SpeedEviljvesiluoma: the GUI will be a little more invoved.10:31
jvesiluomawho needs gui, CLI for teh win ;)10:31
achipaX-Fade: umm, that one has a few nasty upstream bugs as it was the first release that supported mobility, not that good at all (would have pushed to extras otherwise myself)10:31
X-Fadeachipa: Hmm it is never easy ;)10:32
jvesiluomacrashanddie_: yup, that would be very nice, I think I'll have to make somekind of dev environment to my NAS, hehe10:32
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jvesiluomacrashanddie_: oh, and thanks for the link btw10:33
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crashanddie_I'm actually thinking about using the N900 for some quite advanced stuff, related to the project10:34
crashanddie_Such as using it to control a pan/tilt or dolly.10:34
crashanddie_the idea would be to make a 3D timelapse10:34
achipacrashanddie_: you only need 'zoom and enhance'10:35
jvesiluomaahh, interesting10:35
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jvesiluomaDon't know if it really happens, but it would be relatively easi to control CAVE (Cave Automated Virtual Environment) system with N900 and use it to make selections in virtual environment etc... (and if anyone is interested, this is CAVE => )10:36
jvesiluomaeasi = easy10:36
X-Fadeachipa: Ok, then let me shoot all 4.7.5 versions.10:37
achipaX-Fade: ok10:38
* crashanddie_ gives X-Fade a gun#10:38
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opdf2how do i put iNES in full screen?10:40
X-FadeStskeeps: Once we got all this OBS setup sorted out, we might want to reserve some hardware in the future for bringing up other archs etc.10:41
X-FadeHmm -EWINDOW ;)10:41
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crashanddie_damn, how come we still can't open .vsd or .vdx files under Linux?11:18
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crashanddie_achipa, real hackers, like Spock, use the "compute" keyword11:19
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VOAi'm back in black11:35
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RobbieThe1stStskeeps: Just curious, but do you think you could promote bootmenu-n900 to extras-testing? It looks like it's been sitting in devel long enough...11:39
crashanddie_VOA, right11:41
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jase21Does the upcoming MeeGo support GTK+ app development?11:48
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VOAare we ready to rock here?11:51
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Khertan_Morning all12:13
* Khertan_ like the webchat captcha µ@v12:13
Khertan_nice to enter :)12:14
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crashanddie_khertan, you killed 3 people in a row?12:24
RST38h...with his bicycle!12:26
RobbieThe1stOk, I've got a question for you guys: I'm trying to run SSHD from a ramdisk, and I get the error "Privilege separation user sshd does not exist". What am I missing here, and where is it stored?12:26
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marmouteadduser sshd ?12:28
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RobbieThe1stWhere does the information get stored?12:30
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crashanddie_RobbieThe1st, /etc/passwd12:30
crashanddie_you probably need to do a proper install of sshd, though12:31
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RobbieThe1stWell, I have a proper install on the rootfs. But I'm trying to copy the required files into a ramdisk for BackupMenu. I used ldd to get sshd's library requirements, but there are apparently other required bits also12:32
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crashanddie_RobbieThe1st, the users need to be in both systems12:32
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RobbieThe1stErm, not entirely sure what you mean. I create my ramdisk at boot time by copying all the files I need from the source rootfs. Which means the systems should be "one and the same" provided all needed files are copied12:34
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RobbieThe1stIn this case, I -for whatever reason- had no need for /etc/passwd, so it wasn't copied. I'll try copying it and see if anything else is needed12:36
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crashanddie_binding it is probably a better idea12:38
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RobbieThe1stWill it still work once I chroot into the ramdisk and then unmount the rootfs?12:40
RobbieThe1stIt seems like not... but I'm not entirely sure12:40
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RobbieThe1stDoes anyone know what files are required for password authentication for sshd? /etc/passwd- seems to have the encrypted root password in it...12:59
SpeedEvil~/.ssh/ has to be the right permissions, and have an authorised_keys file in it of the right form with the right permissions13:00
SpeedEvillook at /etc/sshd.config I think13:00
SpeedEvilcheck root login is allowed13:00
SpeedEviland also check sshd is running of course13:00
RobbieThe1stYea, I've got sshd running, and have copied /etc/passwd and /etc/passwd- (as root) to my ramdisk at bootup... I can get a SSH console over usb networking, but my root password doesn't work13:03
RobbieThe1stI have checked the password by trying "login root" as root from xterm, and it -does- let me login with that pass13:03
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RobbieThe1stDoes sshd(on the n900) directly interact with the passwd file, or is there some other tool it uses?13:04
SpeedEvilWrong channel, sorry.13:04
RobbieThe1stIt seems close enough13:05
SpeedEvilIf you install the ssshd daemon and client from the repos - opensshd - it should 'just work'13:05
RobbieThe1stI've got -that- working, that's not an issue13:05
SpeedEvilIt should ask for a password when you install it13:05
SpeedEvilfor root13:05
SpeedEvilthen you can just ssh in13:05
SpeedEvil'to my ramdisk' ?13:06
RobbieThe1stI'm trying to run it from my ramdisk-based chroot13:06
SpeedEvilyou are not running sshd on the base system then?13:06
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RobbieThe1stUm... Yes and no. When bootmenu-n900 launches my program, it starts by copying a load of files including busybox and sshd and it's requirements into a ramdisk.13:07
RobbieThe1stI then chroot into that ramdisk, and launch sshd from there. any files that are copied should be the same as the host system(maemo on your rootfs), but I'm thinking this a case of missing some required file13:08
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RobbieThe1stBasically, I'm working on a remote rescue shell that'll allow you to mess with the rootfs, optfs, SD and MyDocs to your heart's content.13:10
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djszapican I set up maemo on 'NokiaN810' ?|13:27
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ebzzryHas somebody been able to simulate the tapping of the Back button (e.g., Modest, upper right area, when it is not the close window invocation) via command or keyboard shortcut?13:30
Juozapashey how to change stanby clock background?13:30
crashanddie_djszapi, Maemo already is on a Nokia N810.13:30
crashanddie_djszapi, yes, and?13:32
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iliusis it possible to use N900 as a TV remote control without using PC or any other hardware?13:33
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Sceltilius: irreco13:33
ebzzryilius: qtirreco13:33
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iliusScelt: ebzzry: i'm reading
iliusbut that descibes about N80013:34
ebzzryqtirreco pretty much does the dirty job of downloading the ir profiles13:34
iliusdoes not have N800 infrared transmitter?13:35
iliusthe image says that it needs PC13:35
ebzzryilius: What image?13:36
iliusebzzry: in my above link13:37
iliusebzzry: image
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ebzzryIf you want to use the N900 as a TV RC, (qt)irreco does the job. If you want the technical details, look elsewhere.13:38
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jacekowskiilius: yep, you need something with ir13:39
ebzzryilius: The image doesn't imply that you actually need to have a PC to control a TV.13:39
jacekowskiyou do13:39
jacekowskior some external box13:39
jacekowskias n800 has no ir builtin13:39
ebzzryilius: Well that's for lirc.13:40
ebzzryilius: But if you are on the N900, then it doesn't necessarily apply.13:42
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ebzzryilius: Give qtIrreco a try and you won't be disappointed.13:44
ebzzryilius: Some remotes have different names, though. YMMV.13:45
iliusebzzry: ok13:45
iliusi installed it and will try tonight13:46
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alteregoI was dissappointed, couldn't get it to work wth any of my stuff :(13:49
Saviqhi all, did anyone notice the calendar reminders synced to SyncML being offset by timezone? i.e. I have an event 12:00, reminder is 30 minutes before but on the SyncML side and on the other synced device the reminder is 12:30 instead of 11:30...13:50
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ebzzryWill somebody please remind me of the keyboard shortcut to change the orientation?14:07
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DocScrutinizerraster: o/ :-)14:13
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rasterDocScrutinizer:  \o/14:17
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andre___so why did I register my nickname if somebody else uses it anyway?14:21
* andre___ grumbles14:21
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yaccandre___, ghost him?14:22
yaccebzzry, C-S-O?14:23
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andre___yacc: ah, didn't know that exists. thanks!14:24
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TermanaYour ignorance and stupidity is beyond me.14:25
TermanaYou should have set it to auto-kill when you don't get identified to within 20 seconds14:25
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andre__Termana: refering to me?14:26
Termanaandre__, anyone else here right now that forgot how to use nickserv properly? :p14:26
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andre__Termana: seems like you expect everybody to have the same level of IRC knowledge that you have.14:27
Termanaandre__, do /msg nickserv set enforce on14:27
andre__Termana: Thanks for showing off that you have the master clue. I'll refer to you in case of future dumb questions ;-)14:28
alteregoDo I remember someone saying there was something wrong with PR1.3 and qmobility geo location?14:31
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Termanaalterego, you seem to be remembering it ;) :p14:34
alteregoTermana: do you know for sure?14:34
alteregoCan't find anything on google, but my app isn't working :/14:34
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alteregoOh, weird, now it's working.14:37
alteregoMaybe that was the problem ..14:37
alteregoIntermittant failre ^.^14:37
Termanaalterego, you just needed me to grill you for a second before it would start working14:37
alteregoOh, nice feature ::P14:37
alteregoAnnnoying, yeah, it doesn't seem to work everytime.14:38
alteregoI remember someone telling me about this.14:38
Termanaalterego, want me to turn the abuse up a bit, see if that helps?14:39
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jacekowskiwhat's a difference between c7 and n814:39
hrwif someone uses apmefo then 0.10-2 is available on tmo14:39
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Termanajacekowski, 11 letters and 1 number14:40
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Termanajacekowski, seriously though, I think they included a lesser camera and no HDMI-out and some other things less on the C714:41
jacekowskihmm, compare site14:41
jacekowskireal keyboard on c714:42
totalizatorhi, how can I append configure script option when compiling with scratchbox (for Diablo)?14:42
jacekowskislightly heavier14:42
jacekowskiled flash instead of xeon14:43
* SpeedEvil ponders a xeon flash.14:43
SpeedEvilI guess that'd be longwave-IR14:43
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ebzzryruskie: Are you there?14:48
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DocScrutinizerdamn that N9 kbd looks lovely - alas I'm sure I'll hate the touchscreen14:51
TermanaDocScrutinizer, your late for the party14:52
DocScrutinizerTermana: party starts when I'm there14:53
TermanaDocScrutinizer, touche good sir14:53
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: do you have pictures?14:53
jacekowskithat's cute14:54
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jacekowskiwhy we get all crap they have14:54
jacekowskiand symbian get's all good stuff14:54
Termanajacekowski, what are you talking about? :p14:55
jacekowskin8 keyboard14:55
jacekowskimuch better than n900 on screen keyboard14:56
TermanaWho wants to use one of those anyway? :p14:56
Termana(on-screen keyboard)14:56
jacekowskiiphone loosers14:57
SpeedEvilI do occasionally.14:57
SpeedEvilCan be useful when one-handed14:57
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crashanddie_I thought it was one-piece, couldn't get loose?14:57
jacekowskiyou don't get it14:57
mtnbkrcan someone help me to convince the built-in "media player" app that my music is still there?    It seems that after the latest update (might be conicidence) media play n longer sees all the music in .sounds, however filemanager can browse the "Audio Clips" symlink and other apps like "MediaBox" can see/play all sonds in .sounds just fine.14:58
SpeedEvilrm ~/wherever14:58
crashanddie_mtnbkr, kill the tracker index?14:58
Termanamtnbkr, wag a finger at it and sternly tell it to behave otherwise you will apt-get remove it14:58
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mtnbkrcrashanddie_: I have rebooted, shouldn't that be enough?14:59
mtnbkrTermana: heh :)14:59
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mtnbkrSpeedEvil: ok, will try that... killing the tracker-indexer did not help...15:01
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: don't talk that dirty to infobot!15:01
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SpeedEvilIf you CPU is pinned, just leaving it alone for a week to finish indexing will work.15:02
keriowaiting? what i hear15:03
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DocScrutinizerwhy hdperf? we got tracker :-P15:04
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MohammadAG51I need to reflash my device...15:05
infobothmm... flashing is
MohammadAG51well played15:06
mtnbkrSpeedEvil: ok, I had to rm that .cache/tracker dir, kill tracker-indexer AND kill trackerd for media player to show the "retrieving information on new files" and it looks like it wants to run for ~7mins so that might have done ti. thanks.15:06
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DocScrutinizerdon't trust in that 7min :-P15:06
timeless_xchatthere's wifi for part of my walk to work :o15:06
DocScrutinizerthe get more rather than less over time15:06
MohammadAG51why not tracker reset?15:07
infoboti guess trackerreset is "tracker-processes --hard-reset" in Terminal15:07
Termanatimeless_xchat, you came on to tell us you are stealing someone else's wifi?15:07
mtnbkrSpeedEvil: is there a know set of circumstances that would cause that15:07
MohammadAG51as user of course15:07
mtnbkrMohammadAG51: thanks15:07
* Termana rings the police15:07
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mtnbkrMohammadAG51: but killall trackerd is shorter and it "seemed" to work  :)15:08
* MohammadAG51 calls the internet police, escort Termana to cell 404 please15:08
SpeedEvilmtnbkr: I would like to say that it should be possible to find bugs in tracker by inspecting the source, but IIRC it's closed.15:08
DocScrutinizerpolice beats up Termana and takes him out for a friendly interview15:08
mtnbkrSpeedEvil: I hear that15:08
MohammadAG51mtnbkr, well, that command rms the directory, stops everything, then you have to start the media player15:08
MohammadAG51so, it's a bit cleaner :P15:08
TermanaSpeedEvil, find bugs in? It is a bug in itself :p15:08
mtnbkrMohammadAG51: ahh got it15:08
MohammadAG51also, 7 mins?15:08
SpeedEvilTermana: I'd argue not.15:09
MohammadAG51mine usually says 45:xx15:09
SpeedEvilTermana: It's in principle a useful service.15:09
SpeedEvilIt's just ratehr broken.15:09
TermanaLike your spelling?15:09
SpeedEvilTermana: for example, it indexes for stuff that nothing uses.15:09
SpeedEvilTermana: My spelling is fine.15:09
SpeedEvilMy typing, is not.15:09
SpeedEvilAs it's 7C in here, I'm typing under the blankets, and looking at the fishtank, not the screen.15:10
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SpeedEvilThough the looking at the fishtank is not relevant to the temperature.15:10
phellarvSpeedEvil: What survives in the fishtank at 7C?15:10
SpeedEvilFancy ones.15:10
timeless_xchati'm using 3g15:10
MohammadAG51phellarv, you15:10
SpeedEvilOh - and koi - in principle, though there are none in it.15:10
jacekowskiphellarv: in winter you have 4C and most of stuff survives15:10
phellarvSpeedEvil: With build in heaters?15:10
* MohammadAG51 puts phellarv in a fish tank :P15:10
timeless_xchathelsinki has an open network downtown15:10
* DocScrutinizer wonders if the fish are wearing wool jackets15:10
timeless_xchatbut the edge of downtown has grown15:11
timeless_xchatsadly, my mac is not geolocation aware15:11
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, no, they use a freerunner with a mugwarmer :P15:11
phellarvFish in Wool jackets, singing "I will survive.....:"15:11
timeless_xchatit didn't notice i changed time zones :(15:11
jacekowskifish can live in water that has 4C15:12
jacekowskiwithout any problems15:12
phellarvjacekowski: I know, but very slowly.15:12
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DocScrutinizerlive slowly - I'l print a poster with that15:12
phellarvDocScrutinizer: Hehe15:13
* MohammadAG51 wonders if the pandaboard it out15:13
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MohammadAG51also, why is bme retarded, as in, it drops the battery meter from half to 1 bar if you restart it15:14
mtnbkrMohammadAG51, SpeedEvil:   seems it is finished, and it found my 234 Videos (pod casts) but STILL only sees 63 songs, and there are FAR more than that15:14
alteregoMohammadAG51: because battery monitoring isn't an exact science, mine does that then a few minutes later it goes up again.15:14
phellarvMohammadAG51: "PandaBoard is available for ordering now through Digi-Key. Visit and click on Order now."15:15
SpeedEvilalterego: odd15:15
Sargun_Screenppanda board is omap4?15:16
alteregoIt's probably due to consumption, on startup it's using more power, then when it idles for a bit the measurements stabalize.15:16
MohammadAG51phellarv, ty15:16
MohammadAG51alterego, no, I meant when restarting bme itself15:16
MohammadAG51(stop; start)15:16
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alteregoOh, no idea then.15:17
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psycho_oreosalterego, was it you that suggested to use dar to create an archive of n900 :)15:23
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bleaderis there a way to get vibration and/or beep in xterm-oss ? I cannot seem to find a way to get something like this working15:25
mtnbkrMohammadAG51: I just tried that command you posted to... it locates a bunch of db files, and removes them, and kills off the trackerd and indexer processes, but still only finds 63 of 1662 songs   is there nything else I can try?15:26
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TermanaDelete the songs15:28
TermanaUse VLC instead15:28
TermanaUse Groove and stream them instead15:28
TermanaRed pill or Blue pill?15:29
RST38h"No credibility but Symbian is still "the most successful failure" in tech history" (C)AllAboutSymbian15:29
keriothere is no spoon!15:29
kerioand the cake is a lie, too15:29
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mtnbkrDo or do not. There is no try...15:29
RST38h"A hugely entertaining read by Tim Ocock (formerly of Symbian) over on Tech Crunch Europe this morning."15:29
TermanaRST38h, you don't need to convince US that Symbian sucks15:30
mtnbkrsrsly... why does my N900 only see a (very) small subset of my music all of a sudden?   :)15:30
TermanaCause the US already doesn't have a Symbian marketshare. BA DUM CHHHH15:30
RST38hTermana: I am long past this point and well into "Watch clowns suck"15:30
TermanaSee what I did thar?15:30
SpeedEvilBlead:  cat /usr/local/bin/beep15:30
SpeedEvilplay-sound /usr/share/sounds/game-chess_checkmate.wav15:30
SpeedEvilmtnbkr: Are they all of one sort of file?15:31
RST38h"Yet the difficulty of writing good Symbian code was hugely beneficial to Symbian as a business in the early days. For many years, 80% of Symbians revenues were earned through consulting for licensees."15:31
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bleaderSpeedEvil: will this be called when some application in xterm generate a 'beep' ?15:31
* RST38h warms his hands in the flames of someone's burning business model15:32
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mtnbkrSpeedEvil: just about all of them are ogg vorbis .ogg files15:32
MohammadAGwhat's a good gstreamer based DVD decoding app?15:32
* Termana snorts15:32
TermanaOGG Vorbis :p15:32
MohammadAGeven if it's terminal based, mplayer sucks for DVDs15:32
MohammadAGon the N900 at least15:32
lcukif symbian is open source, can it be built for maemo/meego?15:32
mtnbkrSpeedEvil: "just about all" 1659 of 1662 Or soemthing like that15:33
kerioMohammadAG: you connected a dvd drive to your n900? :O15:33
* kerio is impressed15:34
MohammadAGkerio, you're a bit late, :P15:34
keriomeh, 1 day15:34
MohammadAGlcuk, probably, it works on a beagleboard15:34
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kerioalso eew it lags so much15:34
psycho_oreoslcuk, or was it you that suggested to use dar?15:35
Termanalcuk, I hope you meant for the N900, not maemo/meego...15:35
lcukTermana, well meego considers much more than just n900 so, no i don't just mean n90015:35
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MohammadAGkerio, mplayer!15:36
lcukpsycho_oreos, dar?15:36
MohammadAGlcuk, should work fine on OMAP2/3 :)15:36
Termanalcuk, let me make sure I'm getting you're question straight then15:36
MohammadAGyou could probably port it to the N81015:36
psycho_oreoslcuk, disk archiver, for when it comes to restoring whole bunch of setups15:37
MohammadAGit'd suck, but still :)15:37
Termanalcuk, you're not asking to have Symbian build FOR MeeGo15:37
Termanaare you?15:37
lcukpsycho_oreos, no, i would recommend using hte osso backup tool and stuff15:37
lcukTermana, i am asking if its possible15:37
ccookeHmm. We're still not expecting a new meego phone until sometime mid next year, aren't we?15:37
lcukwhether some enterprising symbian developers actually want to is another matter15:38
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MohammadAGkerio, hence my question, any gstreamer based DVD decoders?15:38
ccooke(Afternoon :-)15:38
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* MohammadAG attempted to port totem once, didn't work out well15:38
Termanalcuk, jesus no.15:38
keriodvd is just mpeg2, innit15:38
ccookekerio: right.15:39
lcukTermana, not your problem.  if someone else wanted to its their problem, not yours.15:39
keriowith some libdvdcss15:39
MohammadAGkerio, idk, don't have a lot of DVDs, only 3 seasons of house15:39
MohammadAGI never checked how they work15:39
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Termanalcuk, no I meant in answer to your question15:39
kerioit's just mpeg215:39
MohammadAGbut they need a custom mplayer (compiled with libdvdread-dev)15:39
Termanalcuk, the possibility of doing it.15:39
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MohammadAGI doubt the stock media player has libdvdread support15:39
keriompeg2 + drm15:39
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ccookeMohammadAG: It's a particular filesystem, with the streams in fixed-size .VOB files. That's basically just a container for mpeg2, but most DVDs are encrpted with CSS.15:40
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ccookeMohammadAG: also, note that libdvdread is just the ability to read mpeg2 data from a disk - knowing the file structure and putting all the stuff back together15:40
ccookeMohammadAG: libdvdcss is the decryption bit, and that's another library15:41
kerioyarr arr fiddle dee dee15:41
Termanakerio, being a pirate is alright to be15:41
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Termanakerio, do what you want cause a pirate is free, YOU ARE A PIRATE!15:41
chem|stTermana: aye15:42
psycho_oreoslcuk, not quite it, alot of personalised settings would go awol and lot of other misc debs not found in the usual repos would disappear with that normal osso-backup15:42
lcukpsycho_oreos, why are you not pushing those "random debs not in usual repos" into the usual repos15:43
psycho_oreoslcuk, because those random deps belongs to other devs who may not have any interest in putting them into the usual repos.. stuff like matan's 9 desktop hack15:44
psycho_oreos*sighs* I need to talk to the guy who suggested dar, I just had to reflash my firmware because of a stupid minor fuckup15:45
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crashanddie_ccooke, libdecss?15:51
ccookecrashanddie_: libdvdcss15:51
ccookeis the usual one, but there've been a couple of other names for it15:52
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uchadzodzuashvilanyone has seen penguinbait15:54
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ebzzry~seen penguinbait15:55
infobotpenguinbait <~mlewis@Maemo/community/contributor/penguinbait> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 80d 20h 42m ago, saying: 'good, summer time here, spend lots of spare time outside ;)'.15:55
* ebzzry sighs15:55
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crashanddie_hey iPeter-15:59
iPeter-Could someone tell that application or what ever its called in statusbar to show cpu and ram usage15:59
iPeter-maemo 515:59
MohammadAGlcuk, no more lagging, probably cause skype isn't in use, mplayer of course16:00
crashanddie_iPeter-, load applet16:00
lcukMohammadAG, nice :)16:00
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MohammadAGlcuk, can I replace videos on youtube?16:00
iPeter-crashanddie_: Does it show cpu and ram usage next to clock?16:00
lcukMohammadAG, not that I know of, once its there its fixed url etc16:00
crashanddie_MohammadAG, "There is currently no way to replace an old video with a new one and retain the original view count, comments or ratings. You'll have to start over with your newer video."16:01
lcukif that was the case, everyone would post caat videos, get 10zillion views, then replace them with other things16:01
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uchadzodzuashvilanyone here knows about CUPS compilation for maemo16:02
SpeedEviliPeter-: yes16:02
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crashanddie_uchadzodzuashvil, this is not your personal help channel. Please don't feel offended if people don't answer your questions.16:03
iPeter-crashanddie_: I found that what i did seek, cpumem-applet16:04
iPeter-SpeedEvil: Does it show as percent or how?16:04
SpeedEviliPeter-: two little bars16:04
lcukuchadzodzuashvil, last time i heard anything about cups it was on n81016:05
lcukbut have a look around the internet, i am sure someone has tried16:05
iPeter-okay, ill use cpumem-applet, coz it doesnt install any crap screenshot things to "dropdown" menu16:05
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uchadzodzuashvil~seen penguinbait16:09
infobotpenguinbait <~mlewis@Maemo/community/contributor/penguinbait> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 80d 20h 56m 14s ago, saying: 'good, summer time here, spend lots of spare time outside ;)'.16:09
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uchadzodzuashvilanyone has tried ARCHOS 70?16:15
haltdefugh android16:16
haltdefx86 based tablet running win7 please :P16:16
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haltdefalready have an ARM device running a mobile OS, why on earth would I want a second, bigger one also running a mobile OS16:16
haltdefI blame apple16:16
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xkr47was it adam or eve who was lured by the snake?16:17
alteregoxkr47: is that a serious question?16:17
xkr47no I'm just tired and preparing to go home from work..16:18
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MohammadAGhow do I suspend tracker?16:22
RST38hkillall trackerd =)16:23
MohammadAGI said suspend, not stop :P16:23
MohammadAGstopped on its own heh16:23
MohammadAGand with TV out, it's perfect :D16:25
MohammadAGlcuk, ^ :)16:25
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iPeter-Hey, is it possible to change default application manager. I'd like to change my application manager to Faster application manager16:27
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iPeter-crashanddie_: I bet you know if it is possible.16:29
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crashanddie_AFAIK, it's not.16:29
crashanddie_but i'm not certain16:30
chadihi.. do you guys know any app that warns me if i'm over a specific speed limit?16:30
crashanddie_what, if you're downloading too fast?16:30
chadierr, I meant car speeding :P16:31
iPeter-:- D16:31
crashanddie_there's a device called a "speedometer", it's fitted standard on all cars.16:31
crashanddie_it's the little round thing (or digital display)16:31
lcuksome digital speedos have a high score table too16:31
chadiyea, but the km/h display is very small, so I can hardly see it, so i was wondering if there was an application that does a sound for example when i'm over 50km/h16:32
lcuktho its always tricky to enter your initials16:32
crashanddie_lcuk, gas gas gas gas gas gives you e?16:32
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chadimy car is american so it has the mph in big characters, the km/h are small16:32
crashanddie_chadi, works a lot better if drive using the same counting system as what the roadsigns tell you. Well, i guess if it says "35" and you drive at 35kph, you'll never get a ticket, but still.16:33
lcukmy car actually has that sort of thing built in chadi16:33
chadicrashanddie_: 50km/h max in the city (beirut, lebanon)16:34
lcukand because its got a digital dash, i can select kmph or mph for display *grin*16:34
chadithey started to implement that today :P16:34
chadilcuk: that's a handy feature16:34
lcukchadi, 31mph16:34
lcukdont go over that speed16:34
lcukor you will become a time traveller16:35
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chadilet's not change the topic :P16:35
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jacekowskiwell, here at 30mph limit you can do 35mphish16:35
lcukchadi, i just solved your problem16:35
lcukjacekowski, :) when your speedo is uncalibrated and can already be on the wrong side of the line at 30mph already, are you sure you want to take that risk16:36
chadilcuk: i don't look at the speedometer16:36
SpeedEvilIt's a legal requirement that the speedo under-reads if there is any error.16:37
lcukchadi, i am glad I am not in your country16:37
SpeedEvil(assuming correct, properly inflated tires)16:37
nidOlcuk if your speedo is overreading it's illegal anyway, in the uk at least16:37
SpeedEvil(in the UK)16:37
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lcuknidO, changing the wheels etc on the car and trye pressures even can shift the balance16:37
jacekowskilcuk: thing is that speedcameras here have 10% accuracy16:37
chadihaha we have none of these laws here :P16:38
nidOlcuk, regardless, if your speedo reads a slower speed than you're travelling at, it's illegal16:38
jacekowskilcuk: i mean on official calibration certificates16:38
chem|stlcuk: ducati... I know my gear and I hear the engine sound... and I would be crazy looking down to read my speedometer, thats just dangerous!16:38
jacekowskichem|st: well, are you able to tell if you are doing 28 or 3216:38
chem|stjacekowski: I dont care I got no license plate up front!16:39
nidOand because a 100% accurate speedo is very difficult to do, this is precisely why every car manufacture purposefully calibrates speedos to overestimate your speed by a few %16:39
jacekowskichem|st: well, here in uk speed cameras make you photos from back16:39
chem|stjacekowski: I know16:39
nidOdepends on the camera16:39
jacekowskiwell, average speed cameras are exception16:40
nidOaverage speed cameras and some ir-based gatsos will take photos from the front16:40
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chem|stwell I can tell if I am above 50 or above 3016:40
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chem|stas first gear a little turn on the gas is about 30 the same for 2nd gear and 5016:41
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chem|st2nd gear 30 is when I am cursing about the gear/rpm ratio of 2nd gear...16:44
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dnearyHi all16:45
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luke-jr_how many states actually have laws enforcing speeding cams?16:51
luke-jr_last I heard, most require you to be ticketted on the spot16:51
luke-jr_and mailed tickets are unenforcable16:52
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ScribbleJUsed GUI SDK installer on fresh install of Ubuntu.... twice... it core dumps.  Has anyone tried a fresh install of a recent version?16:55
MohammadAGScribbleJ, use the scripts16:57
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MohammadAGalso, does anyone know how the f fcam detects kernel version at bootup?16:57
ScribbleJI did use the script.  There' a .py you can download that is supposed to be the preferred install method that provides a GUI installer.16:58
ScribbleJ  This script.16:58
jacekowskiMohammadAG: why it would detect kernel version?16:58
MohammadAGjacekowski, it builds modules for both power and omap116:58
jacekowskiMohammadAG: it's probably checking if certain ioctl fails16:59
jacekowskivery unlikely16:59
jacekowskithere is no gcc on a phone16:59
jacekowskiand fcam doesn't depend on it16:59
MohammadAGerr, fcam-drivers16:59
jacekowskifcam-drivers as well16:59
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MohammadAGI have the source open in front of me, it has modules twice16:59
MohammadAGonce for "vanilla" and once for "power"17:00
keriothat sounds like a bad design choice17:00
keriowhat does debian do wrt kernel modules?17:01
jacekowskimodules are built before17:01
jacekowskiMohammadAG: download binary package17:02
MohammadAGjacekowski, I know, I want to add support for a third kernel17:02
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jacekowskitake a look at /usr/share/fcam/fcam.conf17:03
jacekowskiinstall fcam-vanilla /sbin/insmod /usr/share/fcam/isp-mod.ko && /sbin/insmod /usr/share/fcam/omap34xxcam-mod.ko &&  ....17:03
jacekowskiand next line17:03
jacekowskiinstall fcam-power /sbin/insmod /usr/share/fcam/power/isp-mod.ko && /sbin/insmod /usr/share/fcam/power/omap34xxcam-mod.ko &&  .....17:04
jacekowskiit's just trying to load all of them17:04
MohammadAGsigh, that's kinda.. stupid17:04
jacekowskiit works17:04
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ScribbleJThere used to be  a VM with the full SDK preinstalled.  Is there still one of those available anywhere, since the .py installer doesn't produce a working environment in a fresh VM I've created myself?17:09
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ScribbleJ   The one here doesn't include the "Desktop" version which has the full SDK (the "Server" version has never included the full SDK)17:10
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: you know something about new fmtxd17:13
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MohammadAGjacekowski, hmm?17:16
jacekowskiMohammadAG: what they changed?17:16
MohammadAGjacekowski, kernel sources, not fmtxd17:17
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MohammadAGthey added a power lock, PaulFertser explained that17:20
MohammadAGI simply compiled 1.2's sources against 1.3's headerss17:20
* MohammadAG sighs at double s17:20
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* SpeedEvil realises MohammadAG is really gollum.17:21
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keriomy precioussssssssssss17:21
jacekowskii'm trying to find that code17:22
jacekowskiand i can't17:22
MohammadAGpower lock?17:22
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, lolwut17:22
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jacekowskifound it17:23
crashanddie_jacekowski, stfu17:26
crashanddie_d1b, don't worry, jacekowski is a bit of a retard, he has a non-obvious case of tourettes sometimes17:27
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crashanddie_he knows he'll be banned again if he keeps this up17:28
jacekowskiand unbanned within couple minutes17:28
crashanddie_jacekowski, you really want to try that?17:29
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* SpeedEvil cues up the 'Do you feel lucky' speech.17:30
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crashanddie_is that the rainman one?17:32
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Yoehi -- anyone know of a way to connect the n900 calendar application to a CalDAV server?17:33
ccookeYoe: external sync apps are about it, I'm afraid17:34
jacekowskii finally found full usable opcode list17:34
Yoeccooke: that's fine, but I can't find it; that's what I'm looking for17:34
crashanddie_jacekowski, holy cow, is that a reference for ARM assembly?17:35
Yoecrashanddie_: a quick reference, perhaps17:36
SpeedEvilArm assembly is easy.17:36
Yoenot very useful, it doesn't list the side effects17:36
Yoeat least not all of them17:36
SpeedEvil'The wristbone's connected to the elbow bone. The elbow bone's connected to the shoulder bone'...17:36
* MohammadAG uploads youtube-dl17:39
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KaffeeJunky123does anyone know how to enable flash in opera mobile for maemo?17:48
KaffeeJunky123Or does opera mobile not support flash at all?17:48
jacekowskii think it's in settings17:50
jacekowskiplugin support17:50
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chadihow do right click in easy debian LXDE? tried a long click, it failed17:52
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lolcatWhat basic things do my maemo need?17:56
KaffeeJunky123lolcat: depends on what you want it to do =)17:57
KaffeeJunky123lolcat: the additional codec package is something you might need17:57
lolcatI guess I need the linux thing, openttd, a nintendo 64 emulator17:57
KaffeeJunky123for flac and some other stuff17:57
lolcatYeah, I  like codecs17:57
lolcatCan I get vlc without beeing in desktop mode?17:58
KaffeeJunky123lolcat: there's one in extras-devel mupen64plus, but it's not really usable yet17:58
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lolcatKaffeeJunky123: Can I use ps3 controllers for supernintendo emulators?17:58
KaffeeJunky123lolcat: yes you can17:59
lolcatI guess that will have to do then.17:59
KaffeeJunky123lolcat: you've to install the software for the ps3 controller though17:59
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KaffeeJunky123lolcat: also if you're trying to play anything, try it without sound first, the sound on the current mupen64plus version for maemo isn't good17:59
lolcatCan I use the controller for anything?18:00
lolcatLike texting?18:00
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KaffeeJunky123If you can controll the cursor with it, it might be possible to use the onscreen keyboard, but I'm not sure, I'm quite new to maemo18:01
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lolcatI have to say, maemo is the best.18:05
lolcatI just hope they make Meego with a real keyboard so I can try it too.18:05
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lolcatDoes it run apache?18:07
KaffeeJunky123it should18:08
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KaffeeJunky123but why would you want an apache websever on your mobile?18:08
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KaffeeJunky123lolcat: it's a fullblown gnu/linux, as long as you get the dependencies, there's no problem18:09
KaffeeJunky123lolcat: ofc gui applications won't just work on maemo, because of the whole hildon thing18:09
lolcatOne more thing, can I playback movies using vlc?18:10
lolcatWithout the desktop (it is slooow)18:10
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KaffeeJunky123I don't know if there's a vlc version for maemo, you could search the downloads page on for it18:11
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KaffeeJunky123but maemo comes with a preinstalled media player that can playback movies18:12
lolcatBut vlc is the holy grail of playback:P18:12
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KaffeeJunky123I don't use vlc at all on my Debian Desktop18:13
SpeedEvilStuff that does not use the DSP accellerated codecs han have _lots_ higher CPU usage18:13
SouBEI'm not still being offered PR1.3 OTA, why?18:13
SpeedEviland hence battery18:13
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aquatixso, only way to run pr1.3 update without connecting to nokia suite was by initiating from a pc?18:16
nidOor by doing it ota.18:16
sjkis it safe to use apt-*?18:16
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lolcatI am updating to 20.2010.36-218:16
aquatixnidO: ota wants to do a backup, presumably through nokia suite?18:16
nidOthe backup is through the backup app on the device called "backup"18:17
aquatixk :)18:17
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SouBEapt-get dist-upgrade offers 995 updated packages for me18:17
aquatixwonder why the description of the upgrade says it 'needs' the suite then18:17
nidOif your upgrade tells you it needs to go through pc suite its because you either dont have enough rootfs space or have an incompatible package, most likely libgles118:17
lolcatShould I do dist-upgrade?18:18
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aquatixhow much rootfs space does it need, approx?18:18
nidOsomewhere under 60mb18:18
* aquatix will try this evening18:19
aquatixit's my wife's phone, so i better make it work ;)18:19
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lolcatIt has its own facebook app now? Oo18:23
lolcatI lost my stylus :(18:23
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flexxxvI want to reflash my device and install all installed apllacations again after reflash18:37
flexxxvhow do i do this the best?18:37
wmaroneflexxxv: make a backup, and after reflash re-add any repositories you were using then restore the backup18:38
flexxxvwill it automatically reinstall all apss?18:38
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flexxxvwill it install the right version? because some apps are from extras devel...18:39
wmaronewhich is why I said to re-add any repositories before restoring the back up18:39
crashanddie_flexxxv, if you enable the correct repos, yes18:39
flexxxvhmm I haven't updatet all the apps to devel and I also don't ant this to be after restore...18:40
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flexxxvall contacts and conversation are stored in the backup,aren't they?Also the ones from other protocols like icq? how aboout email?18:42
wmaronethough things like that are stored such that they won't be erased when you reflash18:43
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flexxxvcalender is also backed up right?18:45
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RST38hOk, anything new andexciting tonight?18:46
crashanddie_RST38h, new CoD coming out18:46
RST38hCoD = ?18:46
eranicall of duty: black ops18:47
* RST38h goes back to playingMonopoly18:47
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RST38h"Nokia take on Symbian governance, Symbian Foundation to retain only licensing"18:51
* RST38h continues playing Monopoly =)18:51
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alteregoAnyone know what the name of the task switcher icon is for fullscreen apps?18:58
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KaffeeJunky123are there any usable packet searching tools for apt on maemo?18:59
KaffeeJunky123I mean for the shell18:59
KaffeeJunky123like apt-file18:59
SpeedEvilIIRC there is18:59
SpeedEvilone of the other more basic apt-searchers is there also19:00
KaffeeJunky123SpeedEvil: I tried to install aptitude already, said it's referenced by a package but not installable19:00
SpeedEvilapt-cache search?19:00
SpeedEvilI forget19:00
KaffeeJunky123I'll try that one19:00
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SpeedEvilyeah - that19:00
SpeedEvil   search - Search the package list for a regex pattern19:00
KaffeeJunky123posix regex?19:01
lcukmost single keyword searches work to reduce the problem to just a handful19:02
SpeedEvilI have not personally verified the sort of regex19:02
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KaffeeJunky123it seems to use * for any symbol19:02
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KaffeeJunky123instead of .19:02
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lcuk"apt-cache search stuff" is normally enough :P19:03
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opdf2how to restart proximityd?19:04
MohammadAGstop proximityd; start proximityd?19:04
* MohammadAG would add a sleep in between19:04
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arkenoiwell, once again:19:13
arkenoianyone is willing to add zRTP support to gstreamer, OTR to telepathy and GPG to modest? I know some people who would like to provide some sponsorship for the project19:13
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SpeedEvilpost on maemo0-devel?19:16
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flexxxvcan I install the openssh server in a way that it doesn't run permanently in background?19:34
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mgedminyou'd have to remove /etc/event.d/openssh-server19:35
* mgedmin checks if he got the filename right19:35
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slonopotamusflexxxv: inetd19:35
RST38hrename,not remove19:35
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cehtehsometimes i really miss a fax solution on the n900 :P19:37
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cehtehwell is it even possible to send fax over gsm?19:38
flexxxvand how do i start afterrneming sshd? just type ssshd on command line??19:38
keriohmm... what could cause constant disconnections of the cellmo with an unofficial battery that don't happen with the official one?19:38
keriopower loss?19:38
keriothe rest of the system is fine19:38
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cehtehkerio: not enough amperes .. voltage drops19:39
cehtehmust be a really cheap battery :P19:39
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* cehteh has a 10Eur battery which works as good at the original19:39
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keriocehteh: when did you buy it?19:40
cehtehabout half a year ago, but rarely use it19:40
kerio>no shit19:40
SpeedEvilcehteh: yes19:41
SpeedEvilcehteh: there is a special fax mode.19:41
SpeedEvilcehteh: It's a variant of CSD IIRC19:41
cehtehSpeedEvil: but not supported on the n900 or at least has no frontend i guess19:41
lolcatDoes the bluetooth dialuper allow me to leech of other peoples phones internet connection?19:41
lolcatcehteh: Dealxtreme?19:42
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cehtehlolcat: local 2nd (cough) hand handy shop here ...19:42
SpeedEvilcehteh: yes19:42
MohammadAGcan anyone explain why this code doesn't work
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MohammadAGI can only blame Maemo19:42
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ieatlintare you running it as root?19:44
cehtehlolcat: as always i recommend to buy cheap batteries which dont fake nokia but try to establish their own brand, they have at least a little credentiability to loose19:44
MohammadAGI made the code, I obviously know it's supposed to be run as root :)19:44
cehtehmine is "X-Power, made in PRC" ...19:44
ieatlintjust checking :P19:45
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KaffeeJunky123mupen64plus makes me rage...19:45
slonopotamushow i compare two package version strings for ><=?19:45
KaffeeJunky123I've to kill it through an ssh session19:45
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ieatlinti'm wondering how qfilesystemwatcher works... perhaps it doesn't work on /sys "files"?19:46
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slonopotamusfound it19:47
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slonopotamusieatlint: why you think it doesn't?19:48
cehtehMohammadAG: btw does the usb-hostmode work with the power kernel?19:48
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BCMM_how many modified version of hildon desktop are around now?19:49
ieatlintgot to run in 2 secs... but as i'm not at all sure how it works, it was merely a theory.. as it's not a normal file, i could see it being an issue, but i have no real evidence to think otherwise19:49
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lcukBCMM_, at least 4-5 distinct patchsets19:49
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BCMM_lcuk: current ones that work with 1.3 and all?19:50
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BCMM_is there a wiki page or something summarising all of them?19:50
lcukstatus unknown, just what I know - they should be submitted as merge requests and cleaned up into one combined best of community branch19:50
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lcuksomething that will work well without breaking peoples systems.  ie - the 9 desktops tweak - that should be configurable, but come on by default with 4 still19:51
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BCMM_the only one that seems to turn up much in searches is Mattan's19:51
lcukthp has hacks, MohammadAG has done some backports, theres numerous branchsets cloned from the gitorious one, some of which may reveal other branches and thought processes19:52
BCMM_but MohammadAG has one too, right?19:53
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BCMM_oh, you beat me too it while i was on a different window19:53
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BCMM_sorry MohammadAG, we'll stop highlighting your nick now19:53
* MohammadAG isn't bothered19:53
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BCMM_anyway, anyone know if there are any other than Mattan's which do the "alt-tab" thing?19:54
slonopotamusso. anyone ported diablo patches on top of 2.6.22?19:56
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slonopotamusi don't care about newer kernels right now.19:56
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flexxxvhmm after reflash there are still some packages in the package manager installed?! How this?19:57
flexxxv(old packages)19:57
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slonopotamusdefine "old"19:57
flexxxvI mean packages that were installed before the reflash19:58
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flexxxvlike fmtx faker19:58
slonopotamusdid you run restore-from-backup? afaik, it installs programs back, no?19:59
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flexxxvi didn't used the backup yet19:59
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slonopotamusare you sure you reflashed it? :)20:00
flexxxvFinishing flashing... done20:01
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flexxxvand just a few apps20:01
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MohammadAGtest and vote, it's not my script, but it is useful to ditch flash ;)
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slonopotamusMohammadAG: i'd prefer html5 support :P20:02
nidOslightly offtopic question, anyone have any experience with running adwords ad campaigns?20:03
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jacekowski1i'm trying to understand what they done to fmtxd and everything around it20:03
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flexxxvis it normal that some libqtm* libaries are at the app manager (there where I can select apps I would like to uninstall) after reflash?20:04
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jacekowskiand it looks like they shot themselves in a foot20:04
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jacekowskii mean once power level is set it will stay at same level20:04
MohammadAGjacekowski, yeah, it's locked to the new value20:05
MohammadAGso you can't lower it :P20:05
jacekowskiso just simple echo 120 > /sys/wherever/level20:05
jacekowskiand then echo 1 > /sys/wherever/lock20:05
jacekowskiin init scripts20:05
MohammadAGor change fmtx'd value to 120, and it gets locked to it20:06
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jacekowskithat's amazing20:06
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jacekowskii don't get why they changed it at all20:07
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MohammadAGjacekowski, how do you change fmtxd anyways?20:08
RST38hnid0: Generally ineffective at the amount of spending you can afford.20:08
jacekowskiMohammadAG: sort o20:09
jacekowskiMohammadAG: disassembler to understand what is where20:09
nidORST38h: I only technically actually need one ad to show up once for one person20:09
jacekowskiMohammadAG: and then winhex to modify it20:09
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: i could try to compile disassembler listing but it's not worth the effort20:09
MohammadAGand how do you disassemble it?20:09
jacekowskiwith a disassembler20:10
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: i can give you some links if you are interested20:22
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MohammadAGjacekowski, hmm, I don't mind I guess20:22
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Gh0styanyone had the following problem already:20:46
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Gh0stya couple of days ago I sent an sms, the receiver did not receive it, he tried to call me, got voicemail immediatly, on my phone I could see full cell reception but could not make outgoing calls either20:47
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Gh0styafter I rebooted my N900 the sms got sent and I got messages that people left voicemail ...20:47
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hrzflare there different language localizations for the N810 and can I re-flash the device with a different localization than it was originally sold as?20:51
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hrzflI doubt there was space for several languages, so there was probably different images for localization?20:53
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mgedminhrzfl, the space for localizations is not much; a single image provides all of them20:56
mgedminI'm not sure why there are several regional variations for images20:56
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hrzflthat's mean I could just reconfigure the current image for a different language without reflashing?20:56
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mgedminthere's language selection in Settings20:57
hrzflI've not seen that option... I bought it in the US but now am back in Germany and would like to give it to one of my parents who doesn't speak/read English...20:57
mgedmininstalling new languages, now I don't know how easy/hard that is20:57
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mgedminGerman, I believe, is one of the supported languages20:58
hrzfllet me check again... I guess I just assumed localizations were not there as even man-pages are stripped20:59
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hrzfloh :)20:59
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hrzflha, indeed!20:59
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hrzflsays it needs to restart, but... :) lets see20:59
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hrzflmgedmin: ok, neat, thanks... guess I just assumed too much :)21:01
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* MohammadAG hands javispedro some pills21:22
javispedrooh, Stskeeps did leave this channel.21:23
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Noobmonk3yjavispedro: yup21:25
MohammadAGjavispedro, why?21:26
javispedrotoo many die-hard users in there I guess :)21:26
* MohammadAG needs to wipe his eMMC, 400MBs left21:26
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Noobmonk3y_irc'ing whilst having my haircut...... i r geek....21:28
* javispedro does louder maniacal laughter21:28
Noobmonk3y_mo, can see irc flashing on the pc, but cant get to it21:28
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javispedrowhere are those pills?21:28
hrzflmgedmin: ha, but of course the applications like canola don't or mediabox don't honor it21:28
* MohammadAG hands javispedro 42 pills21:29
MohammadAGthat's the answer to life21:29
javispedroMohammadAG: seconds ago I just used 42 as a magic number21:29
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mgedminhrzfl, not every app is translated, yes -- sad but true21:29
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javispedroMohammadAG: = 42; :)21:29
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MohammadAG836.8M./Flashing Files21:29
MohammadAGexplains shit :P21:29
mgedminin theory you could write the right .po files, compile them into .mo and drop them into /usr/share/locale/...21:29
* MohammadAG thinks21:30
MohammadAGdo I really need PR1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 files on my N900?21:30
* javispedro deleted them from his desktop21:30
javispedrolike if I am ever going to use PR1.021:30
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MohammadAGI went back to 1.0 after 1.2 tbh21:30
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MohammadAGwas for about a day, to see the difference mainly21:30
hrzflmgedmin: usually I don't see the point of translations... they're pretty often horrible :) but if the person doesn't speak english and is also kind of technophob... needs to be as easy as it gets21:31
MohammadAGvkb was win21:31
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RST38hhelo javispedro21:34
javispedrohiya RST38h21:34
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hrzflok, thanks again, laters21:37
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jacekowskii've done something to my fmtxd21:58
jacekowskiand it's not working now21:58
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ZogGfrals, ping22:21
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NirtalHello! Does anyone know how to set up so I can use my computer(with mic and headphones) to make calls on my n900. Like using my computer as a headset?22:26
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ZogGfrals never mind, added russian translations. btw as i assume removing setting is switching to default right?22:27
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DocScrutinizerJaffa: ping22:29
marks256i'm trying to download the virtual sdk image from, but there aren't any available (except the intrepid server, which is useless?) am i doing something wrong?22:30
ZogGDocScrutinizer bingo22:30
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: any notion regarding NB#161191 ? (CPU @ 500 while charging)22:30
fralsZogG: removing settings means all fmms/mms connection settings are removed22:30
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: about 500Mhz egoshin knows; about why not C3.. no idea.22:31
ZogGfrals oh - so i translated right, as i thought it would be setting to default settings22:31
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ZogGfrals, translated it as removed though22:31
fralscheers :)22:31
marks256is there an alternate download site for the SDK VM? There are no torret seeds :(22:31
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ZogGand other options whent to default settings as - cause reset settings sounds wierd in russian22:31
PaulFertserjavispedro: the related patch for pr1.3 seems bogus. This all area (charging detection etc) is so messy that it's hardly understandable. Very messy, very stupid. We'd like to know wth they were fixing by that patch.22:32
ZogGRST38h, you can translated too you know, my russian is not that good =\22:32
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javispedroPaulFertser: 100% agreed. I actually made a similar statement yesterday :)22:32
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: should we revert;a=blobdiff;f=drivers/usb/musb/musb_core.c;h=6cb7d13fdf067c95ff943ae0326598a9ef6f9d6f;hp=6adab83d7948b98b7d9fece2c921f94b8965a25a;hb=a2abd51199b9e61542a24ae9086ac1c6263106c4;hpb=a78d411c6518eb7dd038eef6668f78a7e6c14ec4 ?22:32
PaulFertserjavispedro: can we somehow read NB#161191 ?22:33
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DocScrutinizerandre__: can you help?22:34
javispedrowas also to going to ping him :)22:34
marks256Every website i come across dealing with the Maemo SDK VM says i have to visit to download the image, but it's simply not there22:34
andre__DocScrutinizer, javispedro: the bug description internally for the bug that was "fixed" by that patch is: "N900 does not properly support charging downstream port as is specified in USB charging standard. (port that supports VBUS current > 500mA, for example a hub that has an external power). When it is connected to a CDP port it recognises it as a dedicated charger and the data connection is not established at all. This detection is made b22:35
andre__y the HW. SW support is needed to make the data connection."22:35
javispedroDocScrutinizer: yeah, thats what I would revert.22:35
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DocScrutinizerandre__: thanks very much. Sounds odd / invalid though22:36
PaulFertserandre__: big thanks.22:37
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marks256i guess i'll just have to build my own test environment.22:37
andre__no problem. I like interpreting my NDA. :-P22:37
DocScrutinizerand for sure above mentioned/linked patch is targeted to this but actually completely missed the target, and introduces even more madness22:37
javispedroDocScrutinizer: think a bit about it -- so they want to keep data connection alive even if charger detection runs22:38
javispedrodo not really understand the reasoning about that exactly,22:38
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javispedrobut it evokes the actual problem: that acting as a gadget locks cpu to 500Mhz.22:38
DocScrutinizerme neizher, but I know it can't work :-P22:38
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer: i'm not sure it actually misses the target. Probably it works like advertised, but that 500MHz on wallcharger is just a side effect -- it keeps the SoC ready in case it's not a charger but a CDP :)22:38
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javispedroPaulFertser: do you happen to know if CPU awake is absolutely required for proper gadget operation?22:39
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DocScrutinizerPaulFertser: hmm, possible. But then howTF will they deal with chargers that are actually standard USB hosts that can't supply >500 ?22:40
DocScrutinizeresp when host is maybe suspended or sth22:40
DocScrutinizeralso charger detection definitely breaks data bus22:41
PaulFertserjavispedro: no idea here, sorry.22:41
javispedroDocScrutinizer: this entire issue comes because they reset the connection after charger detection no mather if char detectected or not22:41
javispedroDocScrutinizer: previously I guess they left it broken22:42
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javispedrowhen charger was detected22:42
* javispedro should try to stop making up words22:42
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RST38hZogG: ? Translate what?22:43
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ZogGRST38h apps22:45
ZogGanyway night22:45
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RST38hZogG: Why translate>22:45
PaulFertserHeh, does anyone here has Charging Downstream Port or ever used one?22:46
ZogGRST38h to help22:46
RST38hZogG: Anyone who cannot learn a dozen of English words is probably not worth programming for22:46
DocScrutinizerwell, I vote for reverting this patch. 1) I don't know a single ticket or report that would need this for fixing 2) it introduces quite some ugly behaviour and potential hw threats. 3) odds are it's broken/not working anyway for the intended "fix"22:46
ZogGi use english locale on all phones and computers but not everyone does22:46
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer: +122:47
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ZogGRST38h you can say as well who can't program that app for himself doesn't worth it, and who does — doesn't need it22:47
RST38hZogG: Same here, not using Russian on any of the devices in the house22:47
ZogGRST38h but still it would be nice to help people22:48
PaulFertserLC_MESSAGES=C ftw22:48
RST38hZogG: every time I see localized device (e.g. Windows) I cannot figure out WHAT the hell they mean by this or that word22:48
ZogGeven if they know language it would be nice to have native language in all apps and not a mess22:48
ZogGRST38h me too - but eveyone choose what they want22:48
RST38hZogG: Naah, too many people, can't help 'em all, can just as well limit yourself to your family, then friends, then people you like22:48
RST38hZogG: [which is usually a finite,countable set]22:49
RST38hThe rest can go to t.m.o and bitch there.22:49
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ZogGanyway night22:50
* ZogG xmms2> Erykah Badu - In Love With You ["Mama's Gun" 2000]22:50
ZogGRST38h they can' as they don't know english =)22:50
RST38hZogG: Good! Less noise.22:50
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PaulFertserRST38h: this last statement of yours is surprisingly the same i thought.22:52
RST38hIn related news: TSA Bans Toner and Ink Cartridges On Planes22:53
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crashanddieold news22:55
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RST38hWill probably ban dogs too...22:55
crashanddieare dogs even allowed?22:56
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RST38hyes, in the luggage compartment, caged22:56
tripzeroor under the seat caged22:57
tripzeroif it's a small dog22:57
MohammadAGRST38h, why?22:57
tripzero"TSA bans bubblegum on planes"22:58
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RST38hMohammad: Some Afghans tried sending expliosive-stuffed dogs to US by plane22:58
MohammadAGno, the ink part22:58
RST38hMohammad: Same, but with inkcartirgdes and Yemen22:58
MohammadAGmight as well ban people22:59
RST38hMohammad: right22:59
tripzeroapparently TSA executives saw that episode of McGuyver where he brought down two apache helicopters with a stick of bublegum and a paperclip22:59
RST38hMohammad: Next time you go to .PA, plant an idea to smuggle explosives onto planes rectally22:59
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RST38hMohammad: I am sure TSA reaction will deliver millions of lulz worldwide23:00
crashanddiejust equip cops with pigs blood23:00
cehtehfsck .. hostmode flashes its own kernel without ext4 support23:00
crashanddieif suicide bomber kills himself, spray the remains with pigs blood23:00
cehtehhow do i flash the power kernel back :P23:00
crashanddiecontaminated remains, guy doesn't get his virgins23:00
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MohammadAGcehteh, lies, I compiled it with EXT4_FS23:00
cehtehdoesnt mount my FS's23:00
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RST38hcrashanddie: Easily avoidable with clarification from a prominent cleric23:01
MohammadAGit's a module23:01
MohammadAGmodprobe ext423:01
cehtehfsck :)23:01
crashanddieRST38h: there is no prominent cleric in Islam. There is no "pope"23:01
RST38hcrashanddie: Something along the lines of your empty shell not beingof any interest to Allah23:01
RST38hcrashanddie: As far as I know, Islam is similar to Judaism in this sense23:02
crashanddieRST38h: actually, uncontaminated remains are the cornerstone of islam23:02
cehtehMohammadAG: on what kernel is that based? pr1.3 or titans?23:02
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crashanddiewhich is also related to the don't drink alcohol, don't eat pigs23:02
MohammadAGcehteh, custom 1.323:02
MohammadAGcehteh, building a kernel-power based one right, not sure if it'll work23:02
RST38hcrashanddie: I.e. there are highly respected religious leaders who can make judgements in religious matters23:02
cehtehyes please :)23:02
crashanddiewe're getting slightly offtopic though23:03
MohammadAGlet's talk about dolphins23:03
crashanddiethen we can claim to be on-topic23:03
RST38hcrashanddie: anyways, pig blood will not work as apermanentsolution23:03
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RST38hcrashanddie: bring in the anal probes and forced x-rays instead!23:03
RST38h(or just ban people, as Mohammad says, makes sense)23:03
cehtehMohammadAG: btw what happens when one turns hostmode on while on charger?23:04
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RST38hcehteh: boom?23:04
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cehtehyeah .. i wondering about that23:04
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cehtehjust melt without boom would be bad enough23:04
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MohammadAGcehteh, you can't23:04
cehtehMohammadAG: and ehn23:04
MohammadAGcehteh, bme is stopped right when the app is started23:05
RST38hcrashanddie: A dolhphin!23:05
cehtehwhen plugging in charger with hostmode on?23:05
MohammadAGit won't charge, as simple as that23:05
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cehtehMohammadAG: well still power on the pins then23:05
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, will probably know more though23:05
RST38hMohammad: The big question is, will it burn, blow up, or something?23:05
alteregoI'm starting to get that desease again ..23:05
MohammadAGRST38h, it will end the world23:06
* cehteh wonders if he really needs hostmode ... 23:06
alteregoWhere I over engineer and lose sight of pragmatism.23:06
* MohammadAG gives alterego 42 pills23:06
RST38hMohammad: For my N900, at least?23:06
cehtehwhat happens when i plug my n900 into the LHC remote console? :)23:06
RST38hdepends on which end you plug it with23:06
MohammadAGRST38h, no, for all of us23:06
RST38hMohammad: you are tempting me.23:07
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RST38hcehteh: if you plug it with the audio jack, the LHC intercom will start playing music23:07
cehtehdamit busybox / module utilities dont respect /etc/modules on the device .. can someone kick nokiaans into the balls?23:07
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MohammadAGcehteh, [ 9556.279510] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI removable disk23:07
crashanddiecehteh: this happens:
MohammadAGNokia-N900:~# uname -r23:07
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cehtehMohammadAG: it works, ship it!23:08
MohammadAGI will, outside the UI for now23:08
MohammadAGyou'll have to install it manually23:08
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crashanddieMohammadAG: check that link :P23:08
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MohammadAGseriously though, is that photoshopped? :P23:09
cehtehis that shopped or some real thing (inlet for a powerhouse or whatever?)23:09
crashanddiedunno, I just modified it quickly, it usually comes with the "you divided by zero, didn't you?"23:09
cehtehwhere is that?23:09
RST38hAny place with a cascade of lakes that have pipes connecting them23:09
RST38h(yes, it usually means the lakes are artificial)23:10
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DocScrutinizercehteh: wtf?23:10
cehtehthe rock formation in the back look like limestone/karst ... might be plausible23:10
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cehtehDocScrutinizer: wtwhat?23:10
crashanddiedid you just insult DocScrutinizer of being a twat with a handful of gummybears in your mouth>?23:11
DocScrutinizercehteh: go play with matan.23:11
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cehtehah .. ext4 is loaded ... but filesystems are not mounted .. so possibly it processes /etc/modules after rcS-late23:11
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DocScrutinizercehteh: on a serious note - what should happen when you apply 5V to 5V? the worst thing of plugging in Nokia wallcharger to hostmode is you're shorting D+/- and that will probably confuse the RX23:13
DocScrutinizercehteh: do you really think I'd publish something that could damage your device, without even mentioning that threat23:14
cehtehDocScrutinizer: iff charger and n900 provide exactly 5v .. if there is a difference, then current flows .. in whatever direction, dunno how well the charger is regulated and all the crap around23:14
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dRbiGand most probably there'll be some difference23:15
DocScrutinizerso what? both devices are built to deliver flowing current23:15
cehtehDocScrutinizer: well no, i suspected it reasonable safe .. but just be cautionous and want to be sure23:15
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cehtehbetter safe than sorry23:16
DocScrutinizersorry, I'm in matan-bashing mood still23:16
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dRbiGanyway - if the hostmode works will other stuff work beside mass storage devices?23:17
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MohammadAGduh :P23:17
MohammadAGas long as there are no drivers limitations (and power limits, can be overcame with a hub), then anything should work23:17
dRbiGmy guess here is that once low-level usb stuff works getting devices to work is just getting drivers23:18
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cehtehwell .. i still have problems mounting my ext4 partitions .. now added "/sbin/modprobe ext4" directly to rcS-late23:18
dRbiGas i thought, very good23:18
dRbiGcan't wait to plug my usb joypad :D23:18
MohammadAGI'm just pissed at Matan being an asshole in everything I'm involved in23:18
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MohammadAGdRbiG, thp got a joypad working23:18
cehteh[   15.530029] EXT4-fs: mmcblk1p1: Filesystem with huge files cannot be mounted read-write without CONFIG_LSF.23:18
cehteh[   16.146148] EXT4-fs: mmcblk0p1: Filesystem with huge files cannot be mounted read-write without CONFIG_LSF.23:18
cehtehMohammadAG: there is a missing kernel config!23:19
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MohammadAGcehteh, see latest post23:19
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dRbiGMohammadAG: great, so hid devices should be available too :)23:19
dRbiGreal keyboard23:19
dRbiGahh, future is bright :)23:19
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cehtehlooks like i am up to brick my device :P23:20
MohammadAGcehteh, wfm23:20
cehtehcan you tell me a oneliner how to flash the kernel, i never did only that :)23:20
dRbiGand btw. is there any definite source for hostmode news and progress report?23:20
MohammadAGcehteh, dpkg -i all packages23:21
MohammadAGdRbiG, mailing lists23:21
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MohammadAGfor end users, tmo or #maemo I suppose23:21
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dRbiGi'm willing to do beta testing and some lower-level technical notes could be useful too23:22
dRbiGi'll have a bit more spare time this week23:22
crashanddieMohammadAG, DocScrutinizer: who the hell is matan?23:22
dRbiGso why not give it a try23:22
MohammadAGsee tmo then23:22
MohammadAGcrashanddie, matan (n.) -> see asshole23:22
MohammadAGdRbiG, seriously, you missed the thread?
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crashanddieMohammadAG: you mean this guy: "Matan aka CaD aka FrenchTwat@IRC" <>?23:23
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dRbiGMohammadAG: it seems that i did23:24
dRbiGcatching up right now :)23:24
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MohammadAGlol crashanddie23:24
MohammadAG~seen Matan23:24
infobotmatan <530f167a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #meego, 53d 13h 31m 2s ago, saying: 'morning'.23:25
MohammadAGcrashanddie, him23:25
cehtehMohammadAG: thanks .. installed all .. is ext4 still a module?23:26
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MohammadAGcehteh, as per power40, not sure how that handled things23:26
fralswtb 2 votes :[23:26
cehtehif you didnt changed it then it should be buildin23:26
MohammadAGfrals, testing is dead23:26
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* cehteh reboots23:26
MohammadAGcehteh, only changed hostmode related lines23:27
MohammadAGcehteh, don't upgrade to the repos version, for obvious reasons23:28
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cehtehhow long does it take to sink in?23:28
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cehtehok works ..23:31
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BCMMwhat is the n900's screen refresh rate?23:49
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NirtalHello! Does anyone knows if it's possible to make calls from my computer though my n900. Using the computers headphones and mic to talk23:49
cehtehthere is asterisk packaged for the n900 .. maybe that helps23:50
koz4use sip protocol23:50
cehtehbtw since 1.3 smartreflex seems to work reliable for me ..23:51
cehtehjust for the record23:51
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b-man`hmm, i think i'm failing with this C book, the program that i wrote does exactly the opposite of what it was intended to do :X23:54
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MohammadAG51cehteh, kernel-power is based on 1.2's kernel, for the record23:55
nidOdisplays "dlrow olleh"?23:55
mikhasnidO, :-D23:55
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* MohammadAG51 s off23:55
cehtehMohammadAG: i know, i suspect crashes before where from firmware blobs (gpu, dsp)23:55
cehtehat least i had no crash yet, before powerreflex crashed my device within minutes or maybe at least after few hours23:56
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