IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2010-07-28

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hajMohammadAG51: okay I will :)00:01
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: lcuk: would a button say in dialer be open to tweaks by LD_PRELOAD? I.E. is Qt providing button widgets via a *.so, or are they statically linked in?00:02
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lcuknot sure DocScrutinizer ou would have to do whatever digging yourself, tho i do know that some sort of similar mechanism has been used in other places at random times in history00:03
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DocScrutinizer(or maybe Qt uses even some other weird mechanisms to define themes and thus the way a button looks and works like?)00:03
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DocScrutinizerwell, I'd not even be shy to patch the binary of rtcom-call-ui to get a better UI in dialer00:05
E0xmaybe off topic but ovi map look like change the all GUI look and feel00:05
E0xand look really nice00:05
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DocScrutinizerthe placement and size of [ACCEPT] directly next to [REJECT] for example is as daft and unergonomic as it can possibly get00:06
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DocScrutinizerI'd not expect to change position of the buttons in any easy way, by patching the dialer binary. But maybe you can change the name of the widget to get a completely new type of button there, something working like the physical screenlock switch or the unlock switch on lockscreen - a slider00:08
DocScrutinizerhave the accept switch a right-to-left slider, and the reject a left-to-right slider and you're fine00:09
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kerioDocScrutinizer: the interface just needs to not be jerky and laggy00:13
ham5dial pad default not recent calls!!!00:14
kerioham5: shush you00:14
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keriodialing a number is crap00:14
DocScrutinizerkerio: maybe that's true as well. But even a non jerky non laggy interface doesn't meet my definition of usability when the buttons are so close to each other00:15
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DocScrutinizerfunny shit now the proximity sensor works as a switch now in the sense of sending a d-bus msg every time and making my ill defined kbd slider startrek sound go off. Wasn't like this until recently, I'm rather sure. So maybe it gets enabled by using the dialer or by actually doing a phonecall, first time after boot?00:18
lcukDocScrutinizer, how about we do some mockups of these things in action00:19
lcukusing qt or whatever00:19
DocScrutinizernice idea00:19
DocScrutinizershould be easy with qt designer00:19
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DocScrutinizerprobably after 5h of practicing even I could do that :-P00:19
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, Qt Designer is piss easy00:20
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MohammadAGtill you want to connect the UI to some functions00:20
DocScrutinizerthough I'm not too sure about my ability to create that custom widget00:20
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I know, I modified and improved lots of twinklephone UI00:21
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DocScrutinizersome 5 years ago?00:21
DocScrutinizerfeels like 1000:21
DocScrutinizerprobably actually is 200:22
DocScrutinizerbut designing a slider widget like the one on lockscreen maybe isn't that trivial00:23
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keriothe slider widget in the lockscreen sucks00:30
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papertigersDocScrutinizer: what are you doing, making a slide to unlock widget?00:31
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kerioa slide to answer/reject00:32
DocScrutinizerkerio: well, for you it sucks. For me the whole lockscreen sucks, as does the dialer GUI layout. For that though I'd prefer a slider type button to a simple pushbutton00:33
MohammadAGcan someone test something00:33
MohammadAGlock the N90000:33
DocScrutinizerpapertigers: yes, thinking about that00:33
MohammadAGcall it00:33
MohammadAGclose proximity, open proximity00:33
MohammadAGdoes it say device locked?00:33
MohammadAGor is it something in the new hildon-desktop00:33
DocScrutinizerpapertigers: not to unlock but to replace the pushbutton [ACCEPT] in phone GUI00:34
DocScrutinizerplease rephrase 2 last lines00:35
MohammadAGhmm, sec00:36
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MohammadAGneed a third device for a pic00:36
lcukMohammadAG, i need a third hand to hold third device00:36
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Macerdrove my mother's altima gxe and the damn thing is like turbo charged or something00:37
kerioso... the Designed by Community phone has no physical keyboard00:38
DocScrutinizerkerio: pfff00:38
* kerio <3 keys00:38
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MohammadAGwhy is tinypic so damn slow sometimes00:39
DocScrutinizerdesign by community is a hoax00:39
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: because they want to teach you speaking clear and precise, instead of falling back to gestures or drawing to the wall00:40
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, lcuk
cedakerio: which phone are you talking about? openmoko?00:41
DocScrutinizerdamn, now that's weird00:42
kerioceda: no, the nokia concept designed by the community00:42
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, never seen it?00:42
MohammadAGdo you mind installing a deb?00:42
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MohammadAGsee link here
povbotBug 10613: screen glitches on incoming call00:43
keriowhat glitch?00:43
MohammadAGvideo by someone,
MohammadAGeasily reproducible00:43
papertigersThis is why I want an n900, developing and testing would be sooo much fun00:44
MohammadAGbackport of the latest commit in gitorious fixes it, which is what the deb in that link is00:45
MohammadAGbut I've never seen the device locked part before I installed that deb00:45
MohammadAGcould be a coincidence00:45
Kegetysis it locked when a call is coming and it was locked before that?00:45
MohammadAGlock, call, answer, close proximity, open proximity00:46
MohammadAGjust answer with the device locked00:46
MohammadAGno need to touch the proximity00:47
lcukMohammadAG, ok but the lock button in the callui is not related to your fix in HD00:48
MohammadAGlcuk, it's not exactly in call-ui00:48
lcuksorry, madam's fix00:48
MohammadAGit pops up as an extra dialog00:48
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lcukthe bug you have already indicated is not the same issue is it00:49
MohammadAGI know, I'm just wondering if it's a missing entry in the changelog00:50
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lcukok MohammadAG please do me a favour cos its late and im tired - make a clear writeup about it (doesnt have to be an essay) and I will talk to you properly tomorrow00:51
DocScrutinizerlcuk: you know dbus?00:51
* MohammadAG downgrades to old hildon-desktop00:51
DocScrutinizeror anybody else, d-bus?00:52
lcukDocScrutinizer, a smidge00:52
lcukjust ask it does no harm00:52
DocScrutinizerI think it's rather silly I get absolutely same dbus msgs for press event and for release event for any arbitrary switch, like e.g. lockslider or proximity sensor00:53
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DocScrutinizersignal sender=:1.13 -> dest=(null destination) serial=18709 path=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_kb_lock; interface=org.freedesktop.Hal.Device; member=Condition00:53
DocScrutinizer   string "ButtonPressed"00:54
DocScrutinizer   string "cover"00:54
DocScrutinizeralways  string "ButtonPressed", even on release-button event00:54
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DocScrutinizerno other int changing from 1 to 0, or a boolean from true to false or anything00:54
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DocScrutinizerlooks like a fat bug to me00:55
MohammadAGapparently, the device locked thing is in the old hd00:55
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MohammadAGI just never noticed it00:55
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MohammadAGlcuk, don't smile, you didn't notice it too :P00:56
DocScrutinizerlcuk: any ideas? I just did a `dbus-monitor --system` and compared all the jaggedijagg on button press and on button release00:57
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, read about GPIO switches :)00:57
DocScrutinizerwhere? what? why?00:57
MohammadAGthe lock switch is GPIO afaik00:57
MohammadAG[18824.537536] kb_lock (GPIO 113) is now closed00:58
MohammadAG[18824.967437] kb_lock (GPIO 113) is now open00:58
DocScrutinizerjust everything is GPIO possibly, but what does it tell me about dbus msgs?00:58
lcukDocScrutinizer, you should already know what to do about it00:58
DocScrutinizerfile a bug?00:59
lcuki was thinking more get your soldering iron out and fix it in silicon, but yeah filing a bug works00:59
DocScrutinizerGAN900 suggests filing bugs is moot since cert expired01:00
lcukMohammadAG, have you considered having a go at any of the other hildon-desktop bugs01:00
lcukto see if you could fix one for real01:00
MohammadAGme? fixing a bug in C?01:01
lcukDocScrutinizer, then leave the status quo01:01
DocScrutinizeralso what means that friggin >string "cover"< ?01:01
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DocScrutinizerwho's the component to file the bug against? I bet mce once again >:-(01:02
villagerDocScrutinizer: I think those are the lists of properties that changed state, and that you have to do a HAL function call to retrieve the new state for01:02
DocScrutinizerthat's as stupid a definition/specification of a dbus msg I could think about01:03
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DocScrutinizerok, there's also that cryptic (sorry for paste):01:04
DocScrutinizersignal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus -> dest=(null destination) serial=2842 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus; interface=org.freedesktop.DBus; member=NameOwnerChanged01:04
DocScrutinizer   string ":1.1405"01:04
DocScrutinizer   string ""01:04
ultrasparc-viiihey all, just added a new script called "im-accounts" to the mission control wiki if anyone is interested in a CLI command to control your IM accounts:
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DocScrutinizer   string ":1.1405"01:04
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MohammadAG3. Keep the alarm running until it loses hope <--- LOL how does an alarm lose hope?01:04
villagerDocScrutinizer: well, you're not supposed to use dbus, you're supposed to use libhal.01:05
DocScrutinizerI always thought dbus was implemeted to use it01:06
villagerhal is built on top of dbus, and to reduce traffic the new states aren't transmitted unless you ask for it01:06
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villagerperhaps stupid design, but not a bug01:07
DocScrutinizerthat's nonsense01:08
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DocScrutinizereither the message gets a string "ButtonReleased" instead of string "ButtonPressed", or an additional boolean that is true on button pess and false on button release. Where's the rationale about ""traffic""?01:10
villagerI could put up on the web my code to notify my sdl program about the cam shutter state if you want01:10
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DocScrutinizerI'd be more interested in a working rule for dbus_scripting daemon, to trigger an event on button press of a particular button, instead of triggering on button press AND button release, of ALL buttons01:12
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DocScrutinizerI'm well aware I can read out /sys and do all sorts of shit and jumping hoops01:12
DocScrutinizerbut that's not what I thought dbus is meant to work like01:13
villageryou're not supposed to use /sys, you're supposed to use libhal01:13
DocScrutinizerthat'S daft, and for me smells like a fat stinky bug01:13
DocScrutinizerI'm not supposed, WTF??01:13
villagerwell, then file a bug on libhal for "stupid design", but it's not a maemo platform bug01:14
DocScrutinizerI'm going to use libhal in a shellscript, sure01:14
tremnite all, sweet dreams01:14
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villagerwell, I don't need to touch /sys, libhal_device_get_property() on the changed property gives you the new state, my program calls it from the property_modified callback you register with libhal01:16
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NeverMoreis this a good place to ask for help with sbrsh, or should I hit up #maemo-devel?01:16
villagerwith libhal_device_add_property_watch()01:16
DocScrutinizersending random noise bullshit msgs over dbus on arbitrary events, and then define API as "wait for random noise, then go use libfoo to figure out what actually triggered that", that's clearly a bug as fat as it can be01:16
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villagerDocScrutinizer: well, I told you what to do; if you think a design used by desktop linux everywhere is a "bug", file that where it belongs, it's not maemo's bug01:17
DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-42-11:~# libhal_device_get_property()01:18
DocScrutinizer> -sh: syntax error: end of file unexpected01:18
MohammadAGthat isn't something you'd use in a shell script, I'm sure01:19
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villagerobviously that won't work... using a tool like dbus-send is more likely to work...01:19
villageror perhaps use hal-get-property01:20
DocScrutinizervillager: tell me - why is there a dbus msg like01:21
DocScrutinizersignal sender=:1.20 -> dest=(null destination) serial=29158 path=/com/nokia/phone/net; interface=Phone.Net; member=signal_strength_change01:21
DocScrutinizer   byte 6601:21
DocScrutinizer   byte 9001:21
DocScrutinizerwhile - according to your logic - it should say >string "signalstrengtChanged"< and I'm supposed to use libisi to find out about the new signal strength?01:21
villagerwell, I guess because it's not using hal.01:21
villagerand since when is it "my logic"?01:21
villagerdo you seriously think I'm *defending* hal?01:22
DocScrutinizerI think this is a bug, and I don't realy buy your rationale why it's not01:23
ieatlintdocumenting sucks ass01:24
DocScrutinizeryou told me about reducing traffic which obviously is moot, then you tell me constantly what I'm supposed to do/use01:25
MohammadAGieatlint, nokia thinks documenting is obsolete01:25
MohammadAGsee /usr/sbin/docpurge01:25
ieatlintheh, i've noticed already01:25
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: hehe01:25
lcukMohammadAG, you know exactly why that was done01:25
ieatlintthe only "decent" docs maemo has are for gtk and qt -- because they're done by gtk and qt01:26
MohammadAGlcuk, yeah, cause hackers don't read docs01:26
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lcukand is directly related to historical space01:26
crashanddieMohammadAG: what'd'you think about neopwn?01:26
villagerI'm just a pragmatist, I'm usually more interested in making things work, than I am in raging and deliberately refusing to implement something in a way that might work, and filing bugs about "I don't like how this widely-used piece of software works, design it the way I like it"01:26
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MohammadAGcrashanddie, vaporware01:26
lcukvillager, he only wondered why it sent the presed state twice01:26
crashanddiepress sed?01:27
villagerlcuk: yes, but I explained it... the pressed state changed, and he has to call hal-get-property to get the new state... then he started raving and ranting about it01:27
crashanddieMohammadAG: I'd love to be wrong on this one, but I'm kinda agreeing with you.01:27
lcukvillager, it would be nice to see if its a bug even if nothing can be done about it01:28
DocScrutinizervillager: that's the mindset that constantly gives us poorly architected and specified, buggy implemented and wacky working apps all the time01:28
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lcukanyway, i am resting01:28
lcuk\o gnite all01:28
crashanddielcuk: night  mate01:28
ieatlintMohammadAG: i had to dig through the source code of some random maemo library (libmodest-dbus-client) in order to find out the dbus implementation for composing mail from another application01:28
MohammadAGnn lcuk01:29
ieatlintthe wiki told me to use libmodest-dbus-client and libosso and glib in order to do this01:29
ieatlintit's just a signal fucking dbus call01:29
ieatlintbleh, single01:29
DocScrutinizerdon't get me wrong, there's nothing odd in implementing a decent workaround for a bug in a system you use. But simply accepting it's overly silly and complicated to use, just because there's a bug in specs or implementation somewhere, that's not hte right attitude01:29
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villagerDocScrutinizer: I haven't stopped you from filing a bug... I've only said to file it to the people *actually responsible*01:30
DocScrutinizervillager: appreciated, thanks01:30
villagerDocScrutinizer: which isn't maemo.01:30
DocScrutinizerseems you got a point on that one, yes01:30
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Jucatoexcuse me, is there a way to tell the maemo-sdk-install-wizard to just use what's already downloaded? it wants to redownload all the scratchbox packages everytime01:33
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Jucatothis is the PyQt wizard one01:34
JucatoI'm having problems with the command line version: ERROR: /opt/scratchbox/dev does not contain standard device nodes!01:35 error: no such option: -c01:36
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MohammadAGoh, that piece of shit01:36
MohammadAGidk, use the script01:36
Jucatoheh :)01:36
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Jucatowell, yeah unfortunately, it doesn't work for me either. I'm on Fedora, so I used the tar.gz scratchbox packages instead of the .deb ones01:37
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ieatlintJucato: random shot in the dark here, but "mount -o bind /dev /opt/scratchbox/dev" might fix that error01:39
MohammadAGhe'll probably get more errors01:40
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DocScrutinizervillager: yet on tests on laptop I don't get *any* button-release event related d-bus msgs. Just for button press, so that's kinda sane (within the paradigma of such msg signaling a user input or event of any form)01:42
MohammadAGmy device asked for the lock code at startup01:42
SpeedEvilWho's hte author of flashlight - I forget01:42
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DocScrutinizerhaving two indistinguishable msgs on dbus for button-press and button-release seems insane01:43
MohammadAG ?01:43
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: you are a robot?01:43
SpeedEvilI suspect I may have found a novel use for it.01:44
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, no, I'm a bit faster01:44
SpeedEvilIn a shirt pocket (with a hole) - using it as a light to pick raspberries.01:44
DocScrutinizer...than light01:44
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: you're nuts01:44
SpeedEvilno, rasperries.01:45
SpeedEvil_way_ too many of them.01:45
villagerDocScrutinizer: well, I get ButtonPressed both when I close and open the laptop lid01:45
DocScrutinizernot here01:45
MohammadAGmy laptop goes into standby when I pull out the charger LOL01:45
MohammadAGneed to reinstall ubuntu01:46
DocScrutinizerso seems that's the point where the specs weren't clear enough01:46
MohammadAGor I could dump it for debian01:46
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DocScrutinizerand especially on any special keys like e.g. multimedia_mute-audio I don't see any key-up events on dbus01:47
DocScrutinizerwhich - due to the nature of such key being a toggle - would certainly result in behaviour you don't expect01:47
villagerDocScrutinizer: the acpi multimedia key events are apparently only sent once though, I guess they don't have release events at all01:47
DocScrutinizerfuzzy specs01:48
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DocScrutinizerthe target for bugticket gets clearer01:48
villagerlibhal probably has some property saying whether it's a toggle or not01:48
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DocScrutinizerhmm, lockslider switch on N900 evidently is a toggle01:49
DocScrutinizermuch the same as mite multimedia is01:49
* MohammadAG51 needs a quick fix for his headset01:50
MohammadAG51is there any way to force audio to the jack instead of the speakers?01:50
villagerhm yes, there's a "has_state" on the laptop lid device, but not on the multimedia key devices01:50
villagerso that's why I get the property change event on both open and close01:50
DocScrutinizermhm, and on mine it's probably not like that01:51
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DocScrutinizerthat's a really extremely poor definition of a signaling format and protocol01:52
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DocScrutinizervillager: anyway this:01:59
DocScrutinizersignal sender=:1.0 -> dest=(null destination) serial=965376 path=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer_logicaldev_input_3; interface=org.freedesktop.Hal.Device; member=Condition01:59
DocScrutinizer   string "ButtonPressed"01:59
DocScrutinizer   string "lid"01:59
DocScrutinizerand the previously quoted mute button msg01:59
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DocScrutinizermake me wonder if the "cover" string in N900 really is that great02:00
JucatoMohammadAG: hehe now I realize why I was getting device errors. somehow, my /dev was empty :)02:01
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villagerwell, "cover" would be the name of the button02:01
Jucatomust have rm'ed something by mistake (just woke up) :P02:01
villagerat least as identified by hal02:01
MohammadAG51Jucato, hmm02:02
MohammadAG51did you rm -rf /scratchbox/*?02:02
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Jucatoearlier, yeah02:02
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villageranyway, gotta go I guess, it's late02:02
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, see? that's what killed my i502:02
Jucatothen some rm failed, noticed there were some bind mounted stuff. just realized I probably nuked /dev too :)02:02
MohammadAG51Jucato, same thing happened here about a month ago02:03
MohammadAG51i left my i5 in IL running02:03
MohammadAG51i rm -rf'd /scratchbox/*02:03
MohammadAG51i couldn't ssh back into it02:03
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MohammadAG51NICs should wake up when power goes down, seriously...02:04
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DocScrutinizervillager: strange thing: I get "cover" for lockslider switch as well02:04
Jucatoheh this is almost similar to how I rm'ed my $HOME a few years ago ... but that time I was chrooted and my $HOME was linked/mounted >.<02:05
Jucatoalso done when I just woke up ...02:05
DocScrutinizervillager: and for kbd-slider02:05
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DocScrutinizerso that's definitely a bug now02:05
DocScrutinizeragainst N900/maemo02:06
MohammadAG51prolly a WONTFIX tbh02:06
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: actually a CANTFIX02:06
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, maybe in the new bugzilla version02:07
DocScrutinizeras you're not supposed to break a API spec to fix a bug02:07
MohammadAG51hey, google does it02:07
MohammadAG51see zoutube, it's dead now02:07
MohammadAG51even though it was quite a useful app :(02:07
DocScrutinizeryou must by all means keep backward compatibility as much as possible, there might be apps relying on that buggy behaviour02:08
DocScrutinizerso only way is to define a new *additional* dbus-msg sending the proper switch name, and possibly also the state as well02:08
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DocScrutinizernow it's pretty clear why dbus-scripting daemon had no means to connect the playback of that kbd slider sound to the kbd only (not to mention to kbd OPEN only)02:11
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DocScrutinizerit's all the same random dbus msg, for arbitrary buttons press and release events02:12
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: what insane policy is that?02:12
DocScrutinizerask villager :-D02:12
luke-jrif apps are relying on undocumented and even buggy behaviour, they deserve to be broken02:12
DocScrutinizerhehe, so apps using dbus generally meet that definition, as dbus msgs obviously are rarely ever specified02:13
DocScrutinizeraka documented02:13
DocScrutinizerso using dbus == using undocumented features02:14
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: anyway I tend to agree with you about we could evaluate how likely it is that there's any number of apps out there that relys on kbd-slider called "cover" in dbus msg02:15
DocScrutinizerand then conclude it's not worth the ugly scheme of keeping that bug for compatibility reasons02:16
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: any app coder using this specific behaviour should have noticed there's something stinking fishy, and should have filed a ticket very same moment, then think about a way to implement a workaround that does not break when the bug gets fixed02:18
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DocScrutinizerhow would I identify the process called "signal sender=:1.13" ?02:20
DocScrutinizerI bet it's mce, but you never know02:20
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villagerDocScrutinizer: while the "cover" string is not different, the UDI path is different for lock and shutter02:22
DocScrutinizeryes, but that's not exactly what we expected, no?02:22
DocScrutinizerok, you got me. these msgs are not exactly same02:23
villagereach device is its own namespace I guess, so each gpio switch can have something called "cover" I suppose, as long as they're different device paths02:24
DocScrutinizervillager: you got any pointer to the freedesktop or whatever specs about that particular dbus msg?02:24
luke-jrthe whole sysfs gpio-switch path is not supported by Linux02:24
villagernot handy right now... I just searched for docs with google when I needed'em02:24
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villageranyway now I really should go to bed... gotta get up early02:25
DocScrutinizernight villager :-)02:25
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DocScrutinizerhaha, dbus-scripting daemon doesn't support matching on path=/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_kb_lock;     >:-O02:39
* DocScrutinizer gets out the lart and wonders to whom to apply it02:39
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ptloh noes.02:42
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tybolltDocScrutinizer: 's ok, you can olways lart me if no other suspects are around :)02:44
DocScrutinizerOMFG, restricting the swoosh sound to kbd-slide-open means I need to keep state copy of the slide, as nobody will tell me the dbus event actually was for kbd slide, or possibly random other switch and kbd is open since epoch02:44
DocScrutinizerwell, I could do a tail dmesg and hope no other spam scrolled out the event, and it wasn't just the wrong event happening shortly after actually opening the kbd :-/02:45
ptlyou don't have different dbus events for keyboard slide close and keyboard slide open?02:46
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DocScrutinizerand I got even practically (as of dbus-scripting daemon) indistinguishable events for *any* key pres and release event02:47
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ptlisn't there a readily available state flag to see this -- if the slide is open or closed?02:48
ptlyou have to keep track yourself?02:48
DocScrutinizerthis is what I got in /etc/dbus-scripting.d/dbus-scripts-settings:02:48
DocScrutinizer/etc/dbus-scripts.d/playswoosh * * org.freedesktop.Hal.Device Condition ButtonPressed cover02:48
DocScrutinizerand it triggers an proximity sensor, scrennlock slider, cam lens slide... everything02:49
DocScrutinizeron open and on close02:49
DocScrutinizerptl: and nope, I got no flag anywhere in system that could *easily* tell me "_last_ event was kbd-open"02:50
DocScrutinizerI just can check if kbd *is* open or closed02:50
ptlseems awkward!02:52
DocScrutinizerso I need a local copy of kbd slider state, and compare that to actual state of kbd on each dbus event for arbitrary key, and just execute the action if states of local copy and real thing differ02:52
papertigersso is $520 for an n900 worth it?02:52
papertigersDocScrutinizer: cheaper?02:53
DocScrutinizerpapertigers: nevermind02:53
Kegetysdepends on how much $520 is worth for you :P02:53
DocScrutinizerI'm just extremly upset atm02:53
papertigersKegetys: not money thing, just is it cheaper elsewhere02:53
DocScrutinizerhere in Europe you can get for same amount of EUR, so I can't comment02:54
ptlFor me it would be worth. Even with its downsides, the N900 was one of my best acquisitions ever.02:55
DocScrutinizerdespite that dbus switch signalling idiocy02:55
luke-jrI'd rate the N900 as a $300 smartphone, but not a $520 handheld computer02:57
DocScrutinizerdamn, now it swooshes even when putting into pocket :-/ (prox sensor) - giving it a boot02:57
luke-jractually, let me revise that02:57
jogafor me it's worth more than its cost :)02:57
luke-jrI'll give it a $400 smartphone+digital camera+light GPS02:57
luke-jrbasically, it replaces a couple of handheld appliances, but doesn't fit the "computer" bill02:58
papertigersI have a nexus one but I want this as a mobile tablet that I can write python apps for, and switch out sims if wanted02:58
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luke-jrpapertigers: you can write apps, sure02:58
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luke-jrbut you could write apps for [Android] phones too02:59
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papertigersluke-jr: python *03:00
papertigersdont like java03:00
luke-jrpapertigers: meh, Python's not much better03:01
papertigersluke-jr: love it03:01
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* luke-jr marks SpeedEvil's house on his map03:05
SpeedEvil(sign issue with altitude rate)03:05
SpeedEvilfree raspberries for the next week.03:05
luke-jrhmm, really?03:05
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SpeedEvilPick your own03:06
luke-jryou're at -104.5m alt?03:06
jMCgHello happy people.03:06
SpeedEvilI'm running out of freezer space03:06
SpeedEvilno - +03:06
SpeedEvilthat site is at +106.2m +-10cm03:07
luke-jrSpeedEvil: I lost your hexdumps ☹03:07
luke-jrwhat's the problem then?03:08
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SpeedEvillook at the alt rate03:08
SpeedEvilit goes from small positive to 65530cm/s or so03:09
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luke-jrthere probably *is* a signing problem with altitude too03:11
luke-jrbut I'm not really sure how to check :p03:12
SpeedEvilI found the hexdump file - would it be of use?03:12
SpeedEvilhire a submarint03:12
luke-jrno, I know what you mean now ☺03:12
luke-jrSpeedEvil: does GPS work underwater?03:12
luke-jranyone here in New Orleans or some other negative-altitude city?03:12
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SpeedEvilnot significantly03:13
SpeedEvilAlso - have you checked it with anyone east of grenwich>03:13
luke-jrSpeedEvil: if you want to test, the climb bug should be fixed at the same URI03:13
luke-jrSpeedEvil: no, why?03:14
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SpeedEvilsimilar issue possibly03:14
luke-jrspeed is always positive03:14
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SpeedEvilI mean when longitude goes negative03:15
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luke-jrSpeedEvil: Longitude is already negative for me and you :P03:17
luke-jrand I put the same code for Latitude03:17
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SpeedEviloh - doh03:18
SpeedEvilIt updates 5 sat positions per packet?03:20
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SpeedEvilOh - also - it doesn't seem to disturb other GPS apps03:21
luke-jrSpeedEvil: it just dumps what the GPS says :p03:23
luke-jrSpeedEvil: it does for me, when I exit it03:23
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luke-jrif they're running then03:23
SpeedEvilI've been running a GPX logger since ...03:24
luke-jrI'm pretty sure the core code doesn't interfere with the Maemo GPS daemon03:24
luke-jrbut the start might03:24
luke-jrand the stop definitely does03:24
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SpeedEvilsince 10:4003:25
luke-jrif you strip the start/stop out, it will only dump when Maemo starts/stops the GPS ☺03:25
luke-jrSpeedEvil: note Maemo will continue to report the same lat/lon and such even when the GPS is dead03:25
SpeedEviland forgot I'd been running 'gps' beforehand - started it and it worked fine03:25
SpeedEvilseems to work here03:26
SpeedEvilthen I killed gps, ran gps2, and it still works, carrying on logging03:26
luke-jroh well03:27
luke-jrif you have to reboot, don't say I didn't warn you03:27
luke-jrnot like it'd be the end of the world :P03:28
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: bq24150 reports 82% 3.95V on discharge, 4.16V during charging, bat icon shows 50%, lshald thinks 2/8 bars and 14%... o.O03:37
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: you say ^C to strace attached to a running process disturbs or breaks that process?03:41
DocScrutinizeror is your app not using the strace hack?03:42
luke-jrit's not03:42
DocScrutinizeraah ok03:42
luke-jrit's opening a direct phonet socket03:42
luke-jrit doesn't require any proprietary software03:42
DocScrutinizeri c03:43
Jucatoyay SDK up! installing nokia-binary stuff. btw, how do I know if I'm on pr 1.2 already?03:45
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Jucato(also, I thought pr 1.2 would make Qt installed by default?)03:45
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer: though it does require cellmo to be initialized; I would be interested in someone else testing my initcellmo binary ;)03:49
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JucatoMohammadAG51: thank you for your guide :D
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Jucatoanyone know how to connect the SDK emulator (the one running on Xephyr) to Qt Creator so that when I have Maemo as a target in Creator and click on run, it will run there? (I have no device yet)04:17
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: fingerscrolling in xterm pumps up the current drawn from battery from 230 to 50005:10
DocScrutinizerand that's with display at maximum05:11
DocScrutinizerwith display at minimum it's like 120 to 45005:13
DocScrutinizereven down to 10005:15
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DocScrutinizer2G, WLAN, bq-script running loop 505:16
DocScrutinizerand xchat05:16
ShadowJK\o/ compositing05:16
ShadowJKantialiased vector fonts05:16
SpeedEvilminimum is surprisingly light05:16
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SpeedEvileven playing video if the codec is supported05:17
ShadowJKvideo playback bypasses sgx :)05:17
DocScrutinizeryay, xcat activity (this one prolly) pushed it to 25005:18
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DocScrutinizerwell, cranking up again, to hit dead flat before going to sleep05:19
DocScrutinizerlshal got better idea bout batstate now, after charging finished05:20
DocScrutinizerbtw, bought a BL-5J today, for fun and features05:22
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DocScrutinizero2 shop: 50EUR, unpacked BL-5J (?) from handyshop impexp 15EUR05:24
SpeedEvilFor use, or abuse?05:25
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DocScrutinizerget me desktop charger tomorrow05:26
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Jucatoanyone know if screen rotation is possible on the emulator (Xephyr)?05:30
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SpeedEvilI suppose other than xrandr - o left onthe host?05:31
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DocScrutinizerviewfinder in nightmode with brightness +2 has almost better sight than I do. Of course noisy like hell, but looks almost like day, though it's full moon. Alas the photos are waaay darker, no idea why it refuses to take photos that look like viewfinder06:03
DocScrutinizerand the stupid batery tells me to stay awake another 4..5h :-(. Need to do some filesharing over 3G :-P06:04
asjDocScrutinizer: fcam might help you there?06:05
DocScrutinizerfcam failed epically. white screen06:06
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DocScrutinizerthough it somehow figured ISO3200 would be right, no idea why06:07
asjhuh, ah well06:07
DocScrutinizerand histogram gave some non-null info06:07
DocScrutinizerhonestly I gave it a 10s chance, then continued my way back home, after I did some 20..30 shots with genuine pr1.2 cam, with all permutations of settings06:09
asjI would have expected some sucess, especially if you went full manual06:09
asjbut <shrug>06:09
ShadowJKgpsjinni, 3g, camera video recording06:09
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DocScrutinizerprolly should have correctly closed the other cam app before starting fcam06:10
DocScrutinizerheh :-)06:10
asjDocScrutinizer: heh, maybe ;)06:10
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papertigers$450 online, should I do it!? n90007:31
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Spyzerhi all08:04
Spyzer what do i need to install on my nokia 900 to run qt applications compiled for maemo ??08:04
Spyzeror does it already have that runtime08:04
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Spyzeranybody please tell...08:06
Stskeepsit'll put it in automatically08:07
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ieatlintif you're running PR1.2, it has qt support08:10
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Spyzerhow to check what i am running, i mean whether i have gtk in my nokia 900 or qt ??08:10
ieatlintyou definitely have gtk08:11
asjSpyzer: are you have a particular problem?08:11
Spyzerso does it have qt environment, for running qt apps as well08:11
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Spyzerno not a problem, i am beginning development for maemo with qt apps, but do not know beforehand whether they will run on my nokia 900 which only has gtk08:12
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asjSpyzer: it does not only have gtk, and you will not have a problem08:12
Spyzerokay thanks :)08:12
Spyzerone more thing, do i also have jvm in the nokia 900 (I mean Java J2ME) for running java apps08:13
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ieatlinti think you're the first person i see ask for java08:14
ieatlinterr, i've seen08:14
ieatlintthis whole conjugation thing is hard08:15
Spyzerwell actually, i have to benchmark something running on java and qt08:15
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Spyzerand give the performance stats08:15
asjSpyzer: simple answer, no there's no jvm08:15
Spyzercan i install it?08:15
asjSpyzer: no08:15
Spyzerwhat, really??08:15
Spyzernothing like <apt-get install sun-java6-jre> :)08:16
slonopotamusSpyzer: google: n900 opera mini08:19
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ieatlintyou may find your answers through google... you're unlikely to get anyone to walk you through it here08:20
ieatlintslonopotamus: i think you mean opera mobile, which is native code and not java08:20
Spyzerwell it seems the only solution is using micremulator08:21
slonopotamusieatlint: ...08:21
Spyzerslonopotamus: aren't they running opera mini on microemulator ??08:21
slonopotamusSpyzer: dunno. i just saw that someone had it running.08:23
slonopotamusStskeeps: yes!08:24
Spyzeri saw that the nokia sdk has a simulator for testing your apps, is that a generic one, I mean does it represent both symbian and maemo ??08:25
ieatlintsome people are masochists... i can believe it08:25
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slonopotamusSpyzer: nokia qt sdk?08:27
slonopotamus"yes" would be shorter :P08:28
slonopotamusSpyzer: i think answer to your question is yes.08:30
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EbzzryRegarding the flasher, what are the differences between the -F and -r flags?08:58
Stskeeps-F specifies what fiasco file to use, -r means reboot after doing whatever09:00
asjEbzzry: well...most people use fiasco images...and unless you're haking together your own root / won't need -r09:00
Ebzzry-r is for root image. -R is to reboot09:01
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Ebzzryasj: I'm sorry, but doesn't answer the question.09:02
asjEbzzry: <boggle>09:02
Ebzzryasj: you'd have to explain in turn what difference do fiasco and root images have, assuming they have any.09:03
StskeepsEbzzry: ah, not enough coffee09:03
asjEbzzry: you could also learn to use google :)09:03
Stskeepsfiasco can contain multiple things, like mmc, rootfs, kernel, initfs, initrd..09:03
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Ebzzryasj: I did my homework09:04
EbzzryStskeeps: Hmm09:04
EbzzryStskeeps: Is that documented somewhere?09:04
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naknomikDoes MfE support Google mail?09:06
asjnaknomik: you can do it via if you want to pay to play09:08
* asj gives up and goes home09:08
Ebzzryieatlint: we're you answering my query for Stskeeps?09:09
ieatlintfor google mfe support09:09
ieatlintalthough if you're asking if something is documented, i'll default to saying no09:10
ieatlintsafe guess, etc09:10
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Ebzzryieatlint: OK09:12
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naknomikasj, ieatlint: it looks like contacts and calendar sync works, but mail sync doesn't, is that correct?09:13
ieatlinti've heard that some people got contacts and calendar to work... i was unable09:13
ieatlinti believe there is an epic thread about this on talk.maemo.org09:13
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EbzzryStskeeps: Thanks for the link, but it isn't as detailed as I hoped to be.09:16
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sulliwanHi. Does anyone know if I can somehow get the n900 calendar to show more than 1 month of events in agenda/week view?10:06
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redsulliwan: there is atleast a better calendar widget that you can set to show up X amount of things upcoming. Can show up to like 10 or so upcoming events regardless of how long ahead time they are.10:16
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sulliwanyeah, that's not quite what I want. Would simply want to scroll down in agenda view and see more events10:17
sulliwanthe month view is pretty much useless :P10:17
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sulliwanthere' the GPE calendar in repository which I assume can do that, but it can't sync with PC suite, right?10:18
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DuckbootAnyone remember the place which was mentioned here some time ago which sold high grade batteries for the N900?10:38
SwedeMikehigh grade?10:41
SwedeMikehigh capacity or high quality?10:41
DuckbootSwedeMike: Both10:42
jacekowskinobody made anything better10:42
SwedeMikewell, I bought stuff from, but they're mostly cheap.10:42
SwedeMiketheir battery seems to have survived me washing it full cycle in the washing machine though, so it's not too bad quality :P10:43
Duckbootjacekowski: Nah - There was some place with batteries which costed _alot_ and was considered High-grade.10:43
DuckbootSome German producer I think10:43
SwedeMikethe one you needed a new cover for because it was twice the size?10:45
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DuckbootSwedeMike: I think that was it.10:46
DuckbootNot sure though10:46
SwedeMikegoogle for <extended battery n900>, there are quite a few references to be had.10:47
DuckbootMugen - There it was10:47
Duckboot2400 mAh10:48
SwedeMikeI solved it by buying 4 batteries instead, at USD4 a pop that feels more price efficient10:49
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DuckbootSwedeMike: Well - That might be a solution too - But as I go for extended hiking trips, a big battery or a solar charger is my solutions - And a big battery is the best, cause then I don't have to remember any extra stuff to bring along.10:53
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SwedeMikeDuckboot: so you're going to buy two batteries anyway?10:57
DuckbootSwedeMike: Nope - 1 big one10:58
jacekowskioriginal batteryis like 1.6mAh isn't it?10:59
psycho_oreosfor n900 its 1320mAh10:59
SwedeMikeDuckboot: so you're going to have USB solar charger only?10:59
jacekowskihmm twice the size10:59
DuckbootSwedeMike: Dunno yet10:59
jacekowskithen you still have problem with bme and stuff in the phone10:59
jacekowskias there is no bsi value for that10:59
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Duckbootjacekowski: Can you give me a short rundown on what problems you're talking about?11:01
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jacekowskiDuckboot: there is 3rd contact on battery11:06
jacekowskiDuckboot: BSI11:06
jacekowskiDuckboot: it's used to detect battery type and adjust charging according to it11:06
jacekowskiDuckboot: if you use not standard battery there is no BSI value for it11:07
Duckbootjacekowski: Mhmm - Not standarized then, so the software controlling the charger just have some presets?11:08
jacekowskifor different batteries11:09
Duckbootjacekowski: Kk11:09
DuckbootThat's really dumb11:10
jacekowskibut it only has values for nokia batteries11:10
jacekowskiit's what you are supposed to to11:10
jacekowskievery battery has unique charging specs11:10
DuckbootShouldn't be that difficult to make an algorithm to support all batteries, if BSI was standarized.11:10
jacekowskiBSI is just a single value11:11
jacekowskithat specifies specific nokia battery11:11
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jacekowskiso it checks bsi and then it knows what is the maximum voltage, minimum, charging current11:12
jacekowskiand couple other values11:12
jacekowskiand 2x bigger battery needs 2x charging current11:13
DuckbootHmmm. I see the reason, since it would secure phone manufactorers, so that customers only buy their products, but it wouldn't be that hard to standarized on values for different charging profiles.11:13
jacekowskiit would be hard11:13
jacekowskias every single battery is different11:13
SwedeMikejacekowski: when you say "needs 2x charging current" is that for optimal, or you're saying it doesn't work at all?11:14
DuckbootYes - but if you have a standard, then producers would have to make batteries complying to the standard.11:14
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jacekowskibut you can't11:14
jacekowskibecause of how battery works11:15
jacekowskiideally you would need different charging profile when battery is new11:15
jacekowskiand different when it has aged11:15
Duckbootjacekowski: I know that, but when you produce a battery, you don't produce a random battery, and watches how the outcome is.11:16
tybolltjacekowski: sorry but that'd mean the manufacturers would have to admit that computer gear actually change and age over time - no marketing derpartment EVER will allow that :11:16
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jacekowskiDuckboot: you do produce random battery11:17
Bluewindanyone know if something like this exists for maemo?
jacekowskiDuckboot: only batteries from same factory and same series have comparable parameters11:17
Duckbootjacekowski: So each and every battery is different? And would have to have different charging cycle?11:17
jacekowskiideally - yes11:17
jacekowskibut because similiar batteries have similiar parameters11:18
jacekowskiand bme can learn11:18
DuckbootSo basically the reason for not complying to standards is costs of changing the production parameters?11:18
jacekowskipartialy yes11:19
jacekowskipartialy because benefits are not big enough to overcome costs11:19
DuckbootSo it all boils down to costs then. That I can understand.11:19
jacekowskiyou could maybe replace BSI with some 512bytes eeprom11:20
jacekowskilike some laptop batteries do11:20
DuckbootBut a BIG battery with its own charger would be OK, but not the internal charger iside the N90011:20
jacekowskiso all parameters would be stored inside battery11:21
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jacekowskibut that would break compatibility11:21
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Duckbootjacekowski: Hehe - there is always a pitfall11:21
jacekowskiwell n900 charger is just simple stupid power supply11:22
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jacekowskiand inside there is bq2415011:22
jacekowskithat's controlling charging11:22
jacekowskiand that chip is capable of delivering current that's enough to charge even that bigger battery11:22
jacekowskiwell, almost11:22
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jacekowskihmm, 1.25A max11:23
jacekowskinah, that's not enough11:23
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jacekowskiand with that sort of difference it wouldn't be even able to charge that bigger battery to 100%11:24
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MohammadAG51anyone pinged me?11:47
jacekowski02:57 < Jucato> MohammadAG51: thank you for your guide :D
DuckbootMohammadAG51: Nah - but if you feel lonely I can ping you.11:47
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MohammadAG51thanks jacekowski11:51
tybollt was about to ... ehr "ping" you mohammad11:51
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ieatlinti'll ping you ;)11:53
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divanGood day. Did someone got such error "ERROR running /etc/buildme.d/check_build: Unknown user.(root)"  in log after uploading package to the Garage?11:56
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jacekowskiX-Fade: builder broken12:08
jacekowskidivan: speak to X-Fade12:08
X-Fadedivan: Did you accept your invitation?12:11
MohammadAGbah, I lost the source for synaptics that builds properly12:12
MohammadAGshould've uploaded it...12:12
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divanX-Fade, already solved. It was simple dependancy problem and it was clear from the logs. But this message was confusing.12:14
X-Fadedivan: There is a problem with your account, looking into it.12:14
divanWhere to look?12:14
divanInvitation accepted, yes.12:14
X-Fadedivan: Nothing you can do.12:15
MohammadAGX-Fade, may I ask why qt4-maemo5-homescreen-loader is still on the repos?12:15
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MohammadAGit should've been taken down with libqt4-maemo5-* packages12:15
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X-FadeMohammadAG: Need to check.12:15
X-FadeMohammadAG: -devel?12:15
MohammadAGI think so, but it's causing users problems12:16
MohammadAGhmm, nvm, it seems to have been removed, but packages depending on it might be there12:17
tybolltMohammadAG: that's an interesting point you make there...12:17
tybolltare -devel shitz allowed to be so busted it fuck peoples phones up?12:17
tybollt(Case in point: browser switchboard)12:17
MohammadAGtake libsdl1.2-mixer for example12:17
MohammadAGsomeone updated it, the update breaks mp-fremantle-generic-pr12:18
tybolltright, what about it (I'm not aware of the details, sorry)12:18
MohammadAGwrong package name up there ^, but check
MohammadAGlibsdl-mixer1.2 1.2.6-5+0m5+ogg+mp3 breaks the SSU package12:20
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X-FadeMohammadAG: qt4-maemo5-homescreen-loader dependencies removed.12:28
X-FadeThe sdl-mixer on is bad. That needs to be removed from the repos.12:29
X-FadeIf someone wants to improve sdl-mixer then it needs to be renamed unfortunately.12:29
divanX-Fade, how to edit/add homepage for project? Sorry for dummy question, but I already spent 30 minutes to find how to do this.12:30
lcuk lol X-Fade has MohammadAG been breaking repos again12:30
MohammadAGlcuk, aww, don't blame me, I'm helping fix what others broke12:30
X-Fadelcuk: No, not him.12:30
divanI mean in Garage. Page for my_project.garage.maemo.org12:30
X-Fadedivan: put www dir in your svn/git and put the pages there.12:31
divanclear, thanks.12:31
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X-FadeMohammadAG: Evil mixer removed.12:33
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MohammadAGThanks X-Fade12:33
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lcukX-Fade, yayyy @ having bug cert renewed :D12:35
MohammadAGthe bmo one?12:36
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lcukyes it appears valid12:36
RST38hheya lcuk12:37
lcukhi RST38h \o12:37
lcukas of yesterday MohammadAG12:37
MohammadAGshouldn't be closed12:38
povbotBug 9109: SSL certificate expired12:38
lcukX-Fade, ^^12:39
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X-Fadelcuk: Yes, it isn't used anymore.12:41
jacekowskihttps junkies12:43
MohammadAGis https that secure?12:44
MohammadAGI thought it can be easily faked12:44
jacekowskiif you have fingerprint of certificate12:44
jacekowskiobtained in secure way12:44
jacekowskithen it can't12:44
jacekowskibut otherwise somebody can be using fake certificate12:45
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lcukdoh X-Fade my mistake yeah, MohammadAG you meant to highlight 10951 :p12:45
MohammadAGbug 1095112:45
povbotBug SSL certificate for expired12:46
MohammadAGlcuk, no, I meant to highlight 9109 :P12:46
ieatlintfake certs require that a root CA get compromised... the easiest way is to find one of the handful of root CAs that still uses md5 hashes, and find an md5 collision12:46
ieatlintit would require a lot of effort, and still requires a man in the middle attack angle12:46
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jacekowskiieatlint: not really12:47
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jacekowskiieatlint: most CAs don't verify that you are legitimate owner of domain that you request cert for12:47
jacekowskiso you can buy "fake" cert12:47
ieatlintmore specifically they have poor verification, such as "well, put this html file with this hash on the domain, and then we'll assume you own it"12:48
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ieatlintmight be able to BS a phone call to authorise it12:48
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ieatlintbut i doubt too many would fall for that12:48
ieatlintif any12:48
jacekowskione is enough12:48
ieatlinttrue enough12:48
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ieatlinti have a friend who made a browser plugin to cache the ssl fingerprints of sites, so that it both forces you to https if the site also supports http, and detects if the cert has changed12:49
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jacekowskiwell, all browser cache fingerprints12:50
ieatlinton a related topic, you hear how google added ssl support for searches?12:52
jacekowskiyeah they did12:52
jacekowskibut it's useless12:52
ieatlintso load and laugh12:52
jacekowskihmm, they removed it12:52
jacekowskihmm, no12:53
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ieatlint works fine12:53
jacekowskiwell thing is that it's useless12:53
ieatlintit's not12:53
jacekowskibecause if somebody will see theat you went to google12:53
jacekowskityped something12:53
jacekowskiand then opened 3 websites after that12:53
jacekowskiand because of that autocompletion thing12:54
ieatlintyeah, it is possible to figure out the nature of your search through it12:54
jacekowskihe knows you typed 4 letters12:54
jacekowskithen with 99% probablity he will know that you typed "porn" into google12:54
ieatlintbut it still can protect some sensitive data12:54
ieatlintyou'd be surprised the stupid shit people search for12:54
ieatlintSSNs being a good example12:55
jacekowskieverybody can get that number anyways12:55
ieatlintnot that easily12:55
jacekowskithat number is used in too many places12:56
jacekowskifor it to be treated as anything secret12:56
ieatlintonly banks12:56
ieatlintnot that surprising... first 3 digits are place of birth, and yeah, it's then issued "sequentially" with the luhn algorithm12:57
ieatlinttrial and error rate is still high12:57
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jacekowskinot high enough to consider it secret12:59
Wolfiehuh... the finnish SSN is awesome. Date, sequential id for that day and verify13:00
ieatlintso the basis of your argument is "well, with your place and date of birth, and a bit of bruce force, i can get your ssn... so you might as well just hand it out"13:01
ieatlintWolfie: most US states used to use the SSN as their ID card number... hawaii only switched away from it in 200613:01
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ieatlintand military contractor cards print the SSN on their ID cards, hehe13:02
jacekowskino, you shouldn't use it at all for any verification purposes13:02
ieatlintnot saying it's secret13:02
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ieatlintjacekowski: very true, which is why i refuse to give it to anyone who doesn't have cause13:02
ieatlintwith very specific exceptions, opening a bank account requires a SSN here13:02
ieatlintsame with getting a driver licence13:03
Wolfiei'm amazed that giving out your SSN in the US is so hazardrous13:03
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Wolfieokay, i guess someone could change my ADSL subscription, having a male voice and knowing my name and SSN, but, iirc, there's always a paper copy I need to acknowledge13:04
crashanddie_I'm amazed that something so off-topic is being discussed13:04
jacekowskiWolfie: well, here you just need name and address13:04
jacekowskiWolfie: and no paper copy to acknowledge13:04
ieatlintwith someone's name and SSN, i can get a credit card in their name and have it mailed to an address of my choosing13:05
Wolfiejacekowski: "here" being the US13:05
ieatlintcrashanddie_: it's irc... be amazed when shit is on topic13:05
ieatlintUS here13:05
Wolfiethat's scary13:05
jacekowskiwell, nobody abuses it13:05
crashanddie_ieatlint, Wolfie, jacekowski: please take this some other place. Thanks13:05
Wolfiecrashanddie_: aww, how boring13:06
ieatlintcrashanddie_: it's ruining the idle on-topic conversations going on? right, sorry..13:06
Wolfie(no community thrives without an off-topic section, btw)13:06
Wolfieanyways, back to work/idle13:07
crashanddie_feel free to create #maemo-offtopic13:07
jacekowskiwell, nobody would want to change my adsl subscription ( same one i'm using for my maemo based phone ) because that wouldn't give them any profit - is that on topic enough?13:07
ieatlintisn't #maemo supposed to be the general chat?13:07
Wolfiecrashanddie_: that's hardly the point :)13:07
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crashanddie_damn, sorry for the spamming mate13:08
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jacekowskicrashanddie_: that's little bit rude13:10
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crashanddie_it is indeed13:10
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crashanddie_but I'm pissed off at all the snake oil salesmen blaming comunity for their failure13:11
crashanddie_boo fucking hoo, you got guys knocking you down from your pedestal, and it hurt your motivation?13:12
ieatlintmaybe you should bitch at people then13:12
jacekowskicrashanddie_: besides, there is no community support13:14
jacekowskifuck all13:14
crashanddie_jacekowski, quite frankly, I'm happy it's just a "little bit rudeing", I've done far worse.13:14
MohammadAGthere can't be community support13:14
jacekowskisame with chromium13:14
MohammadAGthere's nothing to start supporting13:14
jacekowskinobody decided to help13:14
MohammadAGdid you ask?13:15
crashanddie_well, chromium is just yet another browser, who gives a shit13:15
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MohammadAGjacekowski does13:15
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jacekowskinot really13:15
jacekowskii'm using opera13:15
MohammadAGk, then who gives a shit13:15
crashanddie_this is (alegedly) packet injection, mac spoofing, and what not13:15
Stskeepsmac spoofing's easy13:16
jacekowskiwell, original driver supports mac cpoofing13:16
jacekowskiand packet injection is easy13:16
BCMMcrashanddie_: wow, fixed-width for the interface font sure makes an app look 1337...13:16
crashanddie_a lot more interesting than clicking on icon a or b to view the exact same webpage13:16
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MohammadAGjacekowski, it is easy, making a driver for it isn't13:17
jacekowskiwell, how many people from community are working on development really13:17
crashanddie_the guy has everthing closed13:17
MohammadAGand they're not from the community13:17
jacekowskibut i'm talking in general13:17
jacekowskihost mode13:17
jacekowski2-3 people13:17
MohammadAGnot everyone can help in that field jacekowski13:17
jacekowskiand community just asking stupid questions13:17
crashanddie_I think there are more devs outside the community than inside it13:17
BCMMcrashanddie_: i know it's a minor point, but it instantly makes me feel like the whole thing isn't terribly serious13:18
TermanaN900why so serious?13:18
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crashanddie_well, I'm guessing after he scripted the text scrolling, he had a lot of time to change the fonts13:19
BCMMlike, it makes it look like somebody had to talk him out of matrix-theming his security application13:20
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crashanddie_jacekowski, reading comics to understand what it would be like to talk to girls?13:26
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technomikehey guys. i seem to have lost the "availability" option on my n900 for some reason. any ideas on how to restore it?13:38
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MohammadAGrestart :P13:38
MohammadAGor kill telepathy13:38
technomikehaha I have restarted many times now. no luck :(13:39
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mc_teoyo, gstreamers! can you help me fix this article for
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mc_teofor n90013:41
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benbrownIs it really bad to use pthread_* in a gtk app? Or is it ok as long as threaded gtk stuff is inside gdk_threads_enter/leave ?13:44
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mc_teospecifically after tried running the shell script, it said no element "gconfvl2src"13:49
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mc_teoso i changed it back to v4l2src13:50
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mc_teonow it says no element "hantro4200enc"13:51
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tybollthow do I zoom in the picture app? :-S14:25
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SpeedEvilor is it volume buttons14:25
SpeedEvilmoving your head closer to screen also works14:25
lcukI find moving arm closer to be more socially acceptible14:27
benbrownvolume buttons seem to work, as does moving head14:27
Corsacmoving arm works too14:27
lcukon that score, using the inverted ar stuff I have been playing with, changing the scale of photos as the device is lifted off the table is a curious effect14:28
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crashanddielcuk: doesn't that feal unnatural?14:31
hajwasn't there some discussion on the forum about making a app (or a mod) that would ask you what you wanted to start when opening the camera lens?14:31
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lcukcrashanddie, when i dont do it, maintaining the scale feels wrong14:32
tybolltSpeedEvil: I tried circle instinctively14:33
lcukthe current version in github does that and picking device up should be adjusting the scale14:33
crashanddiethen don't maintain it?14:33
tybolltSpeedEvil: EPIC FAIL, suffice to say :)14:33
tybolltSpeedEvil: might try volume buttons, thanks14:33
lcukit was just more jumpy with initial sketch version so i blocked it14:33
lcuknow i have tied down the system to be smoother :)14:33
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hajah.. here..
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tybollt"okuda theme"14:39
tybolltnot fair to name it that when okuda himself didn't make it14:39
th3hatewhat happens if i replace in /usr/lib/browser/plugins, with the one from ubuntu (10.1)?14:40
tybolltth3hate: is that ubuntu for for armel?14:40
th3hatefor x64 lol14:40
th3hateshould i give it a shot?14:41
tybolltno you should not14:41
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tybolltif you do I'll tell you mum to thwap you upside your head14:41
cehtehjust do .. it will crash and eat kittens .. but its your device :P14:41
tybolltcehteh: meh :)14:42
tybolltthere's no harming the kittens14:42
cehtehwell there is bochs in the repository .. maybe you can run x86_64 flash in bochs14:42
th3hatereboot loop is worst thing that could happen14:42
th3hatebut i think browser will just crash14:42
cehtehyou dont know about really worse things yet :)14:43
cehtehbut for sure, it will not work14:43
tybolltlike battery self igniting?14:43
MohammadAG51reboot loops aren't possible by mozilla plugins14:43
cehtehyeah like that :)14:43
th3hatereplaced it already, time to try youtube14:44
MohammadAG51won't work14:44
cehtehMohammadAG51: come on .. a really bad plugin may exploit the device and erase the flash14:44
MohammadAG51see? i'm optimistic14:44
MohammadAG51cehteh meh14:44
MohammadAG51so can dd14:44
DuckbootMohammadAG51: You are optimistic - That will be the day ;-P14:44
cehtehth3hate: its rather 'can not work' than 'wont work'14:45
cehtehi mean deterministically impossible14:45
th3hateA huge earth icon appeared in the middle of where is supposed to be a video14:45
th3hatewell at least i tried14:45
MohammadAG51yeah, that's microb's way of saying wtf14:45
cehtehhope dies at last :P14:46
Duckbootth3hate: You cannot crank in an x86_64 lib into an Arm device and truly believe it will work ;-P14:46
cehtehhe tried :P14:46
SpeedEvilI wonder what fraction of a percent of apps in extras-testing have their sourcecode read by someone who could in theory pick up system("sudo rm -rf /")14:46
cehtehwell you can write a wrapper like nspluginwrapper which hooks in and runs the plugin under bochs14:47
MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, 0/x14:47
cehtehwill give spectacular performance ...14:47
cehteh1pps (pixel per second) :)14:47
Duckbootcehteh: Sure - but that's a bit more than copying.14:47
tybolltSpeedEvil: like that is unique tio Maemo...14:47
SpeedEviltybollt: Sure.14:47
tybolltoh it IS unique to maemo?14:48
th3hateat least we found a way to fake flash 10.1 on maemo14:48
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th3hatecheck this
* tybollt frowns14:48
SpeedEvilneat th3hate14:48
SpeedEvillying about the bits?14:48
tybolltSpeedEvil: besides it's all binary blob flash shit... you couldn't review the source if you tried14:48
MohammadAG51"we" is a strong word th3hate14:48
tybolltso the argument is void14:48
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SpeedEviltybollt: I mean - in the case of most apps. Not flash.14:49
mc_teodo you know gstreamer, im trying to get the streaming workings, and its a no-go14:49
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SpeedEviltybollt: and flash is just another VM.14:49
SpeedEviltybollt: in principle you can do the decompiling thing14:49
SpeedEvilflash video streaming would be awesome.14:49
mc_teoi want to stream using gstreamer, and ive n90014:50
tybolltyes because everyone knoqws reverseengineering by heart - right?14:50
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mc_teoof course14:50
mc_teofirst i get a error with "gconfv4l2src" so i have to change it back to "v4l2src"14:51
th3hateMohammadAG51: by "we" i mean the community14:51
mc_teoand then i get a warning with "hantro4200enc"14:51
* SpeedEvil points at jacekowski.14:51
SpeedEvilThough I don't think he does flash.14:51
mc_teoso, is there something im missing for hantro4200enc?14:52
* DocScrutinizer *cough*14:52
tybolltth3hate: there's no need for such language.14:52
th3hateit was a joke :)14:53
MohammadAG51a bad one14:53
MohammadAG51tybollt, let it go14:53
th3hateI broke someones heart :'(14:53
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SpeedEvilth3hate: I dare you to take a version of that, make it flash 12, and point it at a flash detector site, then screenshot to TMO, with a post in all caps.14:54
mc_teoso, is there something im missing for hantro4200enc?14:55
th3hateSounds like a plan!!14:55
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mc_teogawd, i hate repeating myself14:57
mc_teoeven if for just dramatic effect14:57
th3hatei opened using notpad to edit it, but that didn't go very well14:57
th3hatefreezed pc14:57
MohammadAG51notepad'ing a binary is stupid14:57
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MohammadAG51or any text editor14:58
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th3hatedoes something like "binary editor" exist?14:58
E0xth3hate: hex editor14:58
MohammadAG51decompile, edit, compile, or hex it14:58
MohammadAG51i'd leave that to people who know it though14:59
MohammadAG51like jacekowski14:59
jacekowskiyou can't decompile software14:59
jacekowskinot easily14:59
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MohammadAG51i know14:59
jacekowskiyou have to trace execution14:59
MohammadAG51I never tried it14:59
MohammadAG51never will14:59
jacekowskiotherwise that code will not compile back14:59
mc_teolearn to code in binary, problem solved15:00
MohammadAG51yep, easiest solution15:00
lcukmc_teo, not the whole story, just knowing binary is one thing, but you still need to understandthe featureset and opecodes of the specific architechure the binary isrun under15:01
Duckbootlcuk: == Assembly Coding15:02
Corsacat least, risc is way more readable than cisc :)15:02
lcukDuckboot, sure, abstract the problem away - mc_teo was clearly calling for binary and not some high level language15:02
Duckbootlcuk: ;-P15:02
jacekowskibut it's quite easy to modify binary15:03
jacekowskibiggest problem is when you have to add something15:03
Corsacjust use >>15:03
jacekowskibecause you have to find place for that bit of code you are adding15:03
th3hateanyone knows a good flash version detector site?15:04
DuckbootCorsac: Sure you want stdout?15:04
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CorsacDuckboot: why not?15:04
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th3hatejacekowski: thanks15:05
DuckbootCorsac: cause what you're trying to do is clearly is an error - Then 2> would be more correct ;-P15:05
Corsacare you implying that my code is an error?15:06
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mc_teo`i think <3 would be more correct overall15:07
mc_teo`Duckboot: ^15:07
DuckbootCorsac: Let's settle this peacefully then &>15:07
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jacekowskihmm, is there an ARM version of flashplayer 10?15:07
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MohammadAG51jacekowski, yes15:08
Duckbootmc_teo`: Not familiar with redirection of stderr and stdout?15:08
jacekowskidroid version?15:08
MohammadAG51but it won't work on microb, though I'm sure you know that15:08
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MohammadAG51Nexus One's version, yes15:08
jacekowskiyeah i know that15:08
jacekowskido you have binary?15:08
MohammadAG51you might find it in #nitdroid15:09
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mc_teo`do you know gstreamer, im trying to get the streaming workings, and its a no-go15:10
mc_teo`so, is there something im missing for hantro4200enc?15:10
Duckbootjacekowski: I have NitDroid on my phone, I could look for it.15:10
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MohammadAGdeja vu15:10
MohammadAGDuckboot, libflashplayer.so15:10
th3hatemaybe we could use that dj_steve used for nitdroid?15:11
jacekowskith3hate: no15:11
jacekowskith3hate: it's different15:11
jacekowskiquestion is how different is it15:11
th3hateboth are armel nop?15:11
DuckbootMohammadAG: Nope - No libflashplayer.so15:11
jacekowskiyes, but libs are different15:12
th3hatemaybe we can edit the libs15:12
MohammadAGandroid browser != microb15:12
MohammadAGfor one15:12
MohammadAGfound it15:12
th3hatewe need specifically for microB? thats never gonna happen15:13
MohammadAGwell duh15:13
jacekowskith3hate: do you want to bet?15:13
MohammadAGjacekowski, he meant officially15:13
th3hatei mean officialy15:13
MohammadAGunofficially, I don't have a doubt you can do it15:13
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th3hateif bet is between us and getting flash 10.1 then hell yea i wanna bet @15:14
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MohammadAGjacekowski, sec, I'll get you the lib15:14
MohammadAGwould've been easier if I had an account on xda15:14
jacekowskilunch time15:15
alteregoI just made a bowl of cereal, and there was a spider in it ..15:15
jacekowskii've got to eat something15:15
alteregoI did think about eating it ..15:15
E0xalterego: proteins15:15
MohammadAGalterego, what he ^ said15:15
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lcukalterego, crunchy, when you bite down there is a taste explosion!15:17
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achipaduh, /usr/src/tweakflashver/tweakflashver/TweakFlashVer-build-maemo/../../../../include/gnu/stubs.h:7: error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory15:17
achipawhy can't this SDK thing just work15:17
* SpeedEvil is recently eating a lot of porridge.15:17
alteregolcuk: yuk :/15:17
achipaevery time I want to do a 10 min project I reminded why python rocks15:18
SpeedEvil40g oats, 100g milk, 4 dates, 0.1g salt, in a small glass bowl, nuked for 3 mins.15:18
SpeedEvilAdd some cold milk on top, and _nom_15:18
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SpeedEvilreally cheap too.15:18
alteregoI like dates15:18
alteregoNot sure why you'd addd salt though :P15:18
SpeedEvilSalt adds significantly to the taste.15:18
alteregoAnd is it really important for the bowl to be glass? :)15:18
* lcuk ate chocolate coated ants and other assorted insects a couple of weeks ago15:18
SpeedEvilalterego: well - it's microwave safe15:19
tobis87Hi, is it possible to block any silent sms on the n900? I read that you cold turn on the microphone remotly with this kind of sms.15:19
SpeedEviltobis87: haha15:19
lcuktobis87, o_O15:19
SpeedEviltobis87: That sort of stuff is not suppoted15:19
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SpeedEviltobis87: Even mms's had to be added by a third party15:19
jacekowskitobis87: that's one of urban myths15:19
tobis87at least some bugs are usefull :-)15:19
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jacekowskibased on that there was bug in one of phones15:20
jacekowskithat you could do that kind of trick15:20
jacekowskibut it was that you could call somebody and phone would automaticaly pick up the call15:20
lcukjacekowski, backup with facts not further muck spreading - its no good if a friend of a friend of a friend once heard her boyfriend was once heard doing blah because of this15:20
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jacekowskigive me a second15:21
jacekowskii'll go eat first15:21
MohammadAGI'll legally upload it to somewhere... in russia15:22
jacekowskiup it to my server15:22
jacekowskii'll be back in a moment15:22
jacekowskii have to eat15:22
tobis87i mean nokiasiemens are famous for monitoring people:
stondaaren't all network manufacturers?15:23
MohammadAGjacekowski, how?15:23
fralstobis87: theres a big difference between supplying a tool and using a tool15:24
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tybolltfrals: or indeed; being a tool15:25
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alteregoOh, I had my USB gender bender here the whole time ..15:26
tybolltalterego: o_O15:26
alteregoWhat kind of an idiot would put it in his laptop bag ...15:26
DocScrutinizertobis87: you cna NOT15:27
DuckbootMohammadAG: ARM flashplayer?15:29
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MohammadAGDuckboot, froyo's flashplayer15:29
MohammadAGextracted from the apk15:30 ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped15:30
DuckbootSeems OK15:30
MohammadAGI don't do rm -rf libs15:31
DocScrutinizereavesdropping and privacy breaches on GSM are quite well understood. You can send silent sms to make the ME answer and thus you get a good location. You can configure the phone in a way (by flashing new firmware or whatever) so it may start transmitting without proper notice, usually on inbound call. You even can make a phone divert all calls to another number and still claim it's the number you originally dialled.15:31
th3hatefroyo's version is significantly bigger in size than maemo, that's a lot of trimming to be done15:31
DocScrutinizerbut all this does NOT apply to switching on microphone on a standard GSM phone by any remote means15:31
SpeedEvilYou can track peoples location globally15:31
SpeedEvilYou can intercept their calls, and decrypt them if you're close15:32
MohammadAGth3hate, or it could be that flash 10 is larger than 915:32
MohammadAGsomething I'd expect tbh15:32
th3hatecould be15:32
SpeedEvil - intercepting peoples calls15:33
SpeedEvil tracking GSM phones globaly15:33
tybolltSpeedEvil: Hmm some of those were known - yes?15:33
MohammadAGtybollt, are you here to waste CPU cycles by forcing Xorg to update the screen with what you say?15:33
kerioSpeedEvil: it's not exactly decrypting15:34
kerioit's a man in the middle attack15:34
tobis87DocScrutinizer: Ok, I'm just paranoid on these things. But if you read stuff like this: you have to become paranoid.15:34
DocScrutinizertybollt: obviously all of those were known15:34
SpeedEvil decrypting calls15:34
tybolltDocScrutinizer: uhuh.15:34
SpeedEvilkerio: I was meaning seperate attacks15:34
tybolltDocScrutinizer: I mean isn't defcon shitz about presenting new attacks?15:35
SpeedEvilCompletely neglecting the fact that tehre is no encryption at all once it hits the cellular companies network15:35
tybolltMohammadAG: I'd actually throw the question back at you :)15:35
MohammadAGtybollt, zing15:35
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DocScrutinizertybollt: that doesn't mean the attack wasn't known of before. Maybe just somebody found a way to *implement* it15:35
tybolltheh fair enough15:36
MohammadAGth3hate, maemo's flash is 6.4, android's is 8.x, not that big of a diff15:37
th3hateAnyone noticed sound is much louder and clearer in nitdroid than maemo?15:37
DocScrutinizertybollt: the A5/1 rainbow tables forex are completely useless for authorities as they use IMSI catcher or simply go via official standard eavesdropping gateway at provider's PBX15:37
SpeedEvilth3hate: sound from what?15:37
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th3hateMediaplayer, games .. everything15:37
th3hatei think maemo sound drivers are crappy15:37
th3hateis it possible to replace them?15:38
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MohammadAGsound 'drivers'?15:38
DocScrutinizerIMSI catcher is a MITM. Officail tapping is a standard worldwide now, on GSM and I'd call it "man in control"15:39
MohammadAGI don't think it's drivers15:39
MohammadAGLEDs are brighter in ubuntu, could be something limiting voltage?15:39
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: huh??15:39
DocScrutinizercheck /sys/*/*/current15:40
X-Fadeth3hate: That is because on Maemo there is a limiter actually preventing damage to your speakers.15:40
th3hateMohammadAG: try asphalt 5 on nitdroid, sound is almost as loud as nokia 580015:40
th3hateand very clear15:40
X-Fadeth3hate: Full power output to the speakers will blow them up.15:40
keriofuck yeah15:40
MohammadAGthat would be interesting15:40
kerioa remote blow up15:41
DocScrutinizerkerio: n900nuke (c) DocScrutinizer15:41
kerioDocScrutinizer: ._.15:41
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matthew-Hey guys15:41
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, /sys/kernel/debug/pm_debug/registers/current?15:41
matthew-anyone tried using the N900 to capture video straight onto my laptop ?15:41
matthew-well, my -> his/hers; laptop -> computer15:42
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: *led*  fool!15:42
keriokeep spamming .5s flashes every .6 seconds, blow up speakers, overclock the cpu, keep flashing everything15:42
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alteregomatthew-: I had it streaming H264 to my laptop a while ago uising gstreamer15:43
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: shutdown was at ~3.2V iirc, at least bq27200 nicely registered at least the 7% threshold15:44
alteregoover RTP15:44
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: with?15:44
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: was trying all kinda weird things to deplete battery further - no avail15:44
th3hateX-Fade: I wanna try the speakers at their full power, any idea how to :P?15:44
DocScrutinizerwith? PR1.2 bme15:44
X-Fadeth3hate: Open device, get soldering iron and hook up to your 1000W stereo set?15:45
tybolltDocScrutinizer: right that's the pint innit? Why eavesdrop on the wireless when the govt has the means to pwn you at the PBX-level15:45
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: bme always kills it right on the learn threshold for me - apart form maybe 1/50 discharges15:45
th3hateX-fade, lmao i mean edit the sound driver or something15:45
MohammadAGapt-get source kernel15:45
X-FadeUse plain alsa or dsp IIRC.15:46
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DocScrutinizerI might even assume it kills system *on seeing* that 7% flag from bq2720015:46
X-Fadeth3hate: And make sure you play low frequencies, that will kill them nicely.15:46
DocScrutinizerlemme try to access the log file15:47
MohammadAGth3hate, tape it15:47
MohammadAGthen up to youtube15:47
th3hateX-Fade: does warranity cover that kind of damage?15:47
X-Fadeth3hate: Of course not.15:47
MohammadAGno, I'm afraid brains don't come with a warranty15:47
DocScrutinizer-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       233942 Jul 28 06:13 bqlog-fullcycle.txt15:47
X-FadeAnd as this channel is logged, you're probably out of luck.15:48
DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-42-11:~# tail bqlog-fullcycle.txt15:48
DocScrutinizer  battery.reporting.last_full = 1222  (0x4c6)  (int)15:48
DocScrutinizer  battery.reporting.unit = 'mAh'  (string)15:48
DocScrutinizer  battery.type = 'pda'  (string)15:48
DocScrutinizer  battery.voltage.current = 3216  (0xc90)  (int)15:48
DocScrutinizer = 4200  (0x1068)  (int)15:48
DocScrutinizer  battery.voltage.unit = 'mV'  (string)15:48
DocScrutinizer  info.capabilities = {'battery'} (string list)15:48
DocScrutinizer  info.category = 'battery'  (string)15:48
DocScrutinizer06:13 3150 7    6    -839 117  107  107  65535 8     46  115:48
DocScrutinizer06:13 3187 6    6    -754 116  106  106  65535 8     46  115:48
crashanddiedon't make me use quiet on you, doc :P15:49
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: perhaps15:49
MohammadAGplease, let me15:49
ShadowJKWell in default setup you don't get to 7% with bq27200, it reaches 3200mV at about 43% ;-)15:51
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: crashanddie is waspy today15:51
ShadowJKOr atleast on my N900 bq27200 came with ILMD of ~2000.. run just "./" to get the ILMD from eeprom on yours15:52
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: right15:52
DocScrutinizer06:12 3230 43   42   -777 883  865  865  65535 67    46  015:52
DocScrutinizer06:12 3238 7    7    -671 127  127  127  65535 11    46  115:52
ShadowJKah, right :P15:52
MohammadAGjacekowski, got the .so?15:52
ShadowJKbme threshold for me is higher than 3230 though.. :P15:52
jacekowskiMohammadAG: in progress15:53
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th3hatejacekowski: is that a lot of work, or something you can finish today?15:54
jacekowskiporting something to different platform takes sometimes lot of time15:55
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MohammadAGrushing things = the mother of all fuck ups15:55
jacekowskithat's nice article15:55
DocScrutinizerbtw it gave me nice TTFF of <~10s indoors! just for starting gpsjinni to pump up to 800mA15:55
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DocScrutinizerother measures taken: while true; do :; done15:56
MohammadAGcurrent in maemo is 215:56
DocScrutinizerand taking video15:56
MohammadAGcurrent in ubuntu is 5015:56
MohammadAGsays a lot15:56
DocScrutinizer50 will burn your LEDs I think15:57
DocScrutinizerthose are most probably specd at 1015:57
jacekowskias far as i remember that chip has current limiter15:57
Lantiziacan anyone remember that good maps program (with voice) for n900?15:57
Lantiziajacekowski, is that out now?15:57
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: (current limited source) that's what we talk about15:58
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, that's a bit worrying15:58
DocScrutinizer"a bit" is euphemism15:58
jacekowskiso we are not talking about flash LEDs?15:58
MohammadAGno, RGB one15:58
DocScrutinizerthey stole parts of my (c)ed n900nuke code :-((15:59
MohammadAGthe lp552315:59
alschroeHi is there a way to turn the red light while taking a video off ?15:59
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: also cjeck kbd led current!!15:59
ShadowJKI think the biggest issue is the cooling.. In order to push LEDs at 50mA+ in flashlights they went from plastic boadies to metal bodies in order to provide adequate heatsinking.. And even then it's not enough if the light isn't designed right, maglite drop-in LED conversions have built in thermal throttle beacuse there's no good thermal path to the metal case.. Old incandescent lightbulbs didn't care, they could run very hot15:59
ShadowJKBut a LED tolerates slightly less heat than a CPU does :P16:00
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, same, 5016:00
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DocScrutinizerfor a 3color though, 50mA may be waaay too much16:00
MohammadAGyes, it's a bit blinding16:00
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MohammadAGat 25516:00
DocScrutinizeralso for those micro buggers lighting the kbd16:01
DocScrutinizeryou'll deteriorate the chip16:01
DocScrutinizerSTOP IT, NOW!16:01
MohammadAGI only had it on for 1s...16:01
DocScrutinizerok, so maybe only half the chip gone up in smoke16:02
MohammadAGwhat's the kernel module for sound16:02
divanone more question - how to add 'Homepage' field for application(as seen in maemo packages site)? I see how to add Bugtracker field(Xsbc-Bugtracker) but cannot find how to add Homepage.16:02
chem|stalsa is not a sound module...16:03
DocScrutinizerchem|st: the alsa card drivers are16:03
chem|stbut they dont even have alsa in their name do they?16:04
DocScrutinizerthey are even the nly audio card drivers out there, basically16:04
DocScrutinizereverybody is using them16:04
MohammadAGso what's the module?16:05
DocScrutinizercheck lsmod16:05
DocScrutinizeryou'll prolly find it there16:05
MohammadAGI'm not on maemo16:06
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DocScrutinizerhmm, actually no16:07
DocScrutinizeraka compiled in16:07
MohammadAGsound isn't working on ubuntu16:08
DocScrutinizeras they have the snd_* not compiled in to kernel :-P16:08
MohammadAGsame kernel as maemo16:08
DocScrutinizermost probably also missing all the nasty weird PA framework specially tailored to meet N900 needs16:08
MohammadAGPA's there16:09
DocScrutinizer>>...specially tailored to meet N900 needs16:09
DocScrutinizerpolicy enforcer, dunno what shit16:09
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MohammadAGbattery went off16:10
DocScrutinizer(PA) look at that: then see if you can find similar thing on ubuntu :-P16:11
alschroeHi is there a way to turn the red light while taking a video off ?16:11
DocScrutinizeralso should give you a clue where to look for modules16:11
SpeedEvilalschroe: yes16:12
SpeedEvilalschroe: From memory, live-focus will do that16:12
MohammadAGor rip it off the whole board16:12
DocScrutinizera really crappy clumsy app, but will do its job16:12
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DocScrutinizerI suggest black sticky tape - less invasive16:13
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: on a sidenode: I charged the phone for ~6h via 3V stabilized + CA-146C, seems bat recovered sufficiently to boot flawlessly16:14
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DocScrutinizerbattery.charge_level.percentage = 46  (0x2e)  (int)16:15
DocScrutinizerCSOC: 33 % RSOC: 33 %16:15
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DocScrutinizerNAC: 585 mAh CACD: 585 mAh CACT: 585 mAh  Reported Battery Voltage: 3739 mV16:16
jacekowskiwhere that nand is physicaly16:17
jacekowskiis it ON omap?16:17
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tybolltjacek: did it work?16:21
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jacekowskinot so fast16:24
jacekowskiit's not something that can be done in monites16:25
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* tybollt prods jacek ;)16:25
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ShadowJK3g ups power consumption pretty dramatically for me16:33
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DocScrutinizerjacekowski: yep, is on POP16:33
jacekowskiso where is ram16:33
ShadowJKon 2g with xchat it's 30-60mA.. 3g and it's 250-350 pretty much constantly16:33
jacekowskibecause it looks like there is only one chip on cpu16:34
ShadowJKi think it's combined nand+ram chip?16:34
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: that bit of NAND prolly is in base SoC16:34
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DocScrutinizeror maybe what ShadowJK said16:34
DocScrutinizerOMAP35x Silicon Tech Ref Manual16:35
DocScrutinizerwill tell ya16:35
E0xShadowJK: yep , i try every time stay in 3g but is not posible16:36
E0xconsume a lot16:36
* ShadowJK stays at 2g most of the time16:36
E0xme to16:36
* Corsac stays at 3g with data off16:36
DocScrutinizeryesterday night when I tried to run down battery quickly, switching back from 2G to 3G didn't 'help'. Even ping didn't help16:37
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DocScrutinizermaybe 50mA diff16:37
E0xi am alway connected16:37
E0xDocScrutinizer: web surf16:37
E0xin 3g16:37
E0xdrain it fast16:37
ShadowJKtry ping -s 1000, you need to trigger upgrade to 3.5g16:37
E0xShadowJK: exactly16:37
DocScrutinizerdid that16:37
DocScrutinizerthough -s nnnn not supported by MESSYBOX16:38
DocScrutinizer-f isn't at least16:38
E0xim connected and web surf drain power like will not tomorrow16:38
DocScrutinizerwell it was at 3.5 all the time16:39
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DocScrutinizerI have good signal here, obviously16:39
DocScrutinizerE0x: yep. noticed that as well16:39
DocScrutinizerbut was not eager to surf just for draining battery, while watching TV :-P16:40
ShadowJKatleast beagleboard has nand and memory in same pop16:40
E0xDocScrutinizer: a youtube playlist will do the work16:40
ShadowJK-s is supported16:40
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DocScrutinizerE0x: yep, NOW you tell me :-P16:40
DocScrutinizeranyway, is there a new pastebinit that actually *works* ?16:41 ?16:41 command not found16:42
DocScrutinizercat foo | patebinit -16:42
DocScrutinizergives me the basic URL of the service lately, not any link to actual pastebin I just upped16:43
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DocScrutinizerall the pastebin services changed their API it seems16:43
DocScrutinizerso need a new pastebinit binary to deal with that16:44
DocScrutinizersorry for asking here, lil OT16:44
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CorsacDocScrutinizer: useless use of cat!16:46
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DocScrutinizerI know, but makes it more obvious16:46
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DocScrutinizerpastebinit foouto wouldn't give a real clue about what I'm talking ab16:47
mc_teo`docscrutinizer: do use a binary? i thought they released it as a python script16:47
DocScrutinizerpastebinit foo wouldn't give a real clue about what I'm talking about16:47
CorsacDocScrutinizer: pastebinit - < foo16:47
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DocScrutinizermaybe py script, maybe even other nasty scripting lang16:47
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DocScrutinizerapt-cache search on N900 seems unable to locate it16:49
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DocScrutinizermeh, think that's the non-working version I got on laptop16:49
mc_teo`i had the same problem with this version  too16:49
mc_teo`so i use now16:50
DocScrutinizeryup pastebinit v0.1116:50
E0xDocScrutinizer: pastebiinit from debian unstable work16:50
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DocScrutinizeralas RPM based distro here16:51
mrmokuDocScrutinizer: hmm... nopaste still works16:51
E0xpastebinit v1.116:51
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DocScrutinizerand I'm somewhat sure I had a working pastebinit on N900 some months ago. Can't find it now16:53
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drizztbsdDocScrutinizer: wgetpaste?16:55
drizztbsdonly depends on bash and wget16:55
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DocScrutinizerMANIFEST, META.yaml, Makefile.PL?? WTF?16:56
mrmokubut works ;)16:56
DocScrutinizerbut HOW?16:56
mrmokusome perl modules and a commandline thing16:57
DocScrutinizerisn't there some yum install nopaste?16:57
drizztbsdyum? on maemo?16:57
mrmokufor Fedora yes... guess you're using the other one?16:57
DocScrutinizerno on maemo I'd prefer apt-get, honestly16:58
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DocScrutinizerlocal distro16:58
mrmokuhehe... that is long ago ;)16:58
DocScrutinizernot really, HQ still some 3000m away16:59
mrmokuahh... you could take a walk and ask them then :-)16:59
DocScrutinizeror kick asses16:59
DocScrutinizerwhen all the KDE4 devel have a meeting there :-D17:00
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* DocScrutinizer idly wonders about other keystrings for apt-cache search17:01
DocScrutinizeron maemo17:01
DocScrutinizeryou'll never get that nice battery drain log that way, gents and gals XP17:01
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DocScrutinizerEHLO GAN90017:02
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, so, any idea what limits currents?17:05
MohammadAG51clearly it's not the chip17:05
MohammadAG51kernel's the same17:06
t_s_oto order a archos, or not to order an archos, that is the question...17:06
SpeedEvilwhat limits what currents?17:06
MohammadAG51led currents17:06
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: which LED currnets?17:06
MohammadAG51led_current is 2 in maemo, 50 in ubuntu17:07
MohammadAG51th RGB and kb leds17:07
MohammadAG51but it's not the chip limiting currents17:07
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SpeedEvilI would not assume that brighter than the maemo settings is safe17:07
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DocScrutinizerfsck pastebins -
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: of course it's the chip17:08
SpeedEvilthe chip limits the currents, yes. What else might?17:08
MohammadAG51well why is it 2 in maemo and 50 in ubuntu17:08
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DocScrutinizerbecause buntkuh is BS?17:08
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, not good enough17:10
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: ???17:10
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: Settings in ubuntu may not be correct.17:10
SpeedEvilWhy does this surprise you?17:10
DocScrutinizeryeah, it has to be even worse than BS to screw the LP5523.c driver for N90017:10
GAN900Hi, DocScrutinizer.17:10
MohammadAG51settings for what, it's the same kernel, and the same kernel modules17:11
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SpeedEvilmce does stuff to LED settings17:11
MohammadAG51unless mce controls current, I don't see what's different17:12
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SpeedEvilwhere are you setting current or seeing the different values17:12
SpeedEvilmce or bme or ... may in fact be setting the driver up differently.17:13
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SpeedEvilUbuntu needs to match this.17:13
SpeedEvilIf the LEDs are brighter than normal, this could in principle be a hardware damaging bug.17:13
SpeedEvilAt least, it will drain battery17:13
DocScrutinizer781         led->led_current = LP5523_DEFAULT_CURRENT;17:14
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DocScrutinizer87 #define LP5523_DEFAULT_CURRENT          50 /* microAmps */17:14
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SpeedEvil255*50 is a sane current for LEDs - 12.7mA17:15
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, it's the same kernel module...17:16
MohammadAG51copied from maemo17:16
DocScrutinizer(hardware damaging bug) you bet. Those 3color LEDs aren't spec'd for 50milliAmps17:16
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: that's not how LP5523 works17:17
DocScrutinizerthe current setting programs a constant current source, which then is PWM by brightness17:17
DocScrutinizerso currect(avrg)=current(cfg)*brightness/25517:18
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DocScrutinizeranyway  87 #define LP5523_DEFAULT_CURRENT          50 /* microAmps */  <<<<MICRO Amps17:18
DocScrutinizerI don't see where's the 2mA on maemo from17:19
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DocScrutinizermaybe mce17:19
MohammadAG51that's what i was asking about17:19
MohammadAG51oh well, will edit the module and set it to 217:20
ech0Asussup everyone17:20
DocScrutinizerand I aswered with precise quotes from driver source17:20
SpeedEvilanyway - if ubuntu is makign the LEDs brighter, somethings screwy with ubuntu17:20
MohammadAG51or missing17:20
MohammadAG51in this case, mce17:20
DocScrutinizermce missing17:20
DocScrutinizerso simple17:21
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DocScrutinizer236         for (i = 0; i < chip->num_leds; i++)17:22
DocScrutinizer237                 lp5523_write(client,17:22
DocScrutinizer238                              LP5523_REG_LED_CURRENT_BASE + chip->leds[i].led_nr,17:22
DocScrutinizer239                              chip->leds[i].led_current);17:22
DocScrutinizercheck datasheet of LP552x for actual unit of that register17:22
DocScrutinizerdriver might be buggy on assuming it's microamps17:23
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MohammadAG51k, laptop up in car17:23
MohammadAG51awkward, but less time wasting17:23
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DocScrutinizerD1 output current control register. Default 17.517:26
DocScrutinizermA (typ.)17:26
DocScrutinizerD1 CURRENT17:26
DocScrutinizerso 0b10101111 = 17.5mA17:27
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MohammadAG51k, compiled it w/ 2mA as default17:27
DocScrutinizerwhich means 0xAF = 175 == 17.5mA17:28
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DocScrutinizer50 as in  #define LP5523_DEFAULT_CURRENT          50   should result in 5mA, which sounds about right17:29
DocScrutinizerobviously the /* microamps */ bit is BS though17:30
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DocScrutinizershould read /* units of 0.1mA */17:31
DocScrutinizersigh, coders17:31
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MohammadAG51can i tether over usb?17:33
MohammadAG51not as a modem17:34
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MohammadAG51like with ssh, or sth17:34
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MohammadAG51nvm, i'll use joikuspot and turn off all hoggy processes17:34
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: you got that? with the current units?17:35
DocScrutinizerwhat's the value you got in buntkuh? 50?17:35
tybolltMohammadAG51: how is joiku better than the stuff in the repos?17:36
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MohammadAG51tybollt, idk, the stuff in the repos wasn't in the repos when i got it17:36
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, I didn't reboot, road trip17:36
tybolltMohammadAG51: fair point ;17:36
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: eh? you're not supposed to reboot. You just need to understand that 50 in current means 5mA17:37
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I'm in  maemo, I can't check the value in ubuntu17:37
MohammadAGunless I kill mce, bme17:37
MohammadAGand load the modded module17:37
DocScrutinizerwhich is an absolutely sane and reasonable default for RGB LED17:38
cehtehhas apple announced the "iPad nano" yet? :)17:38
DocScrutinizerbtw LP5523 can't go higher than 25.5mA per LED - for obvious reasons :-P17:38
MohammadAGit'd implode?17:39
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MohammadAGcehteh, yeah, a rebranded iPod17:39
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cehtehDocScrutinizer: hey i hoped for high power rgb leds ... usually only driven at 10% or so for normal notifications .. but in some cases flashing really bright would be cool17:39
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: TROLL! it's max of 8bit unsigned, for a unit of 0.1mA17:40
cehteh(and hey there is a light sensor too .. damn closed source blobs controling all that crap)17:40
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MohammadAGscreen readability in the sun sucks ****s17:42
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cehtehMohammadAG: i am waiting for a white theme, high contrast theme17:45
MohammadAGcehteh, I was referring to my laptop, the N900's screen is k in sunlight :)17:46
cehtehand not grey with a lot gradient .. really white background17:46
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MohammadAGjust turn off the leds17:46
cehtehits ok but not really great17:46
DocScrutinizercehteh: for f in /sys/class/leds/lp5523:*/led_curr*; do ls -l $f; cat $f; done17:46
cehtehmy laptop is good readable in sunlight too17:46
cehteh(ok not good, but one can use it)17:47
DocScrutinizercehteh: for (but in some cases flashing really bright) I recommend to set this values for r, g, and b to 10017:47
MohammadAGyour laptop isn't a crappy LG that's a 2004 model17:47
cehtehDocScrutinizer: huh why?17:47
MohammadAGI should've bought a laptop instead of two desktops17:47
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* cehteh used 25517:47
MohammadAGo/ crashanddie17:47
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DocScrutinizercehteh: for all I seen from specs of SMT LED like the RGB indicator, I'd assume they are specified at a ABS MAX continuous current of 10mA17:48
cehtehmy normal pattern goes between 1 and 9 .. just dark glowing17:49
cehtehDocScrutinizer: i suspect that they are throttled with a resistor or whatever17:49
DocScrutinizercehteh: nah, that's the CURRENT programmed to the constant current source of LP552317:49
cehtehdoesnt look to me that 255 is too bright17:49
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DocScrutinizerI'm NOT talking about brightness17:50
cehtehno way to throttle it with some external resistor?17:50
cehtehi somehow dont believe that you can blow the rgb led with bad patterns17:50
luke-jrgpsd makes me sad17:51
DocScrutinizercehteh: please reread my last 5 posts17:51
luke-jrit used to leave the GPS off until some client connected17:51
cehtehyes, i dont believe that :P17:51
DocScrutinizercehteh: you can NOT set led_current with patterns17:51
luke-jrnow it insists the GPS be constant on because that was "too confusing" -.-17:51
cehtehah ok17:51
DocScrutinizerwhat you set in pattern is the PWM ratio for a given current17:52
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DocScrutinizerso pattern aka brightness = 255 means current(avrg) = lp5523:*/lled_current (in unit's of 0.1mA)17:53
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DocScrutinizermce obviously is setting max current aka led_current for G and B to 0.2mA, and for R to 0.8mA17:54
cehtehso you can blow the led when reprogramming the current .. nice :P17:54
DocScrutinizerjust like you can blow the flash LEDs by setting torch mode current to 200mA17:55
cehtehbtw rgb are here all 0.2ma17:55
cehtehnot 0.8 for are17:55
DocScrutinizerhere R is 817:55
cehtehnot 0.8 for red17:55
DocScrutinizer-rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         4096 Jul 28 15:25 /sys/class/leds/lp5523:r/led_current17:56
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DocScrutinizerthe kbd are all 50 aka 5mA17:56
cehtehsame here17:56
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DocScrutinizerb and g are 2, r is 817:57
cehtehthey where all 2 here before i stared playing17:57
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cehtehyou think 10 is sane?17:57
DocScrutinizerhigher current for R actually makes sense17:57
cehteh(you know exactly which led is soldered on the board?)17:58
DocScrutinizernope, nobody except some Nokians know17:58
MohammadAG_compiz crashed grr17:58
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DocScrutinizerbut I'm confident the RGB LED is capable of 10mA at least17:58
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MohammadAGand 5017:59
DocScrutinizerso setting led_current to 100 should be safe for short flashing really bright17:59
MohammadAGfor 5 minutes, at least17:59
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: STFU17:59
DocScrutinizeryou can NOT set led to 50mA18:00
DocScrutinizeryour 50 means 5mA18:00
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, hmm, funny, I remember last week I had the LED on for 5 mins18:00
MohammadAGoh, that18:00
cehtehyes this smd leds are surprisingly capable ... i think i dont know a model which is rated fore less than 10 ma18:00
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DocScrutinizercehteh: that's virtually what I said18:01
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, so the ubuntu one is safe18:01
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: yes18:01
DocScrutinizerplease read your backscroll18:01
DocScrutinizerI told you18:01
MohammadAGcool, I was starting to get worried about the script I made18:01
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, on the road, I pinged a lot18:02
DocScrutinizer~ubuntu MohammadAG18:02
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MohammadAG~unforget ubuntu18:03
DocScrutinizerinfobot offline18:03
cehtehwell .. mce resets the current and does funny things .. so no way to configure this i guess18:03
cehtehunless there is some hidden config18:03
DocScrutinizerI'm not sure mce is resetting led_current every 3 seconds18:04
cehtehat least on changing the pattern it resets the currents18:05
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cehtehls /usr/lib/mce/modules/ ... aha18:07
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h4xordoodi think my n900 is bricked any help ?18:08
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h4xordoodcan i install maemo5 again on phone ?18:08
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h4xordoodplease help18:09
X-Fadeh4xordood: Depends on what you did.18:09
h4xordoodno no flashing18:09
h4xordoodi see nokia screen18:09
h4xordoodafter that its rebooting18:09
jacekowskihmm, nolo is ok then18:09
jacekowskiflash it18:09
h4xordoodhow ?18:09
jacekowskihmm infobot is gone18:10
MohammadAG_from memory... flashing is ...
MohammadAG_I'm the new infobot18:10
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h4xordoodits rebooting again and again till i take battery of from n90018:10
h4xordoodit gets on18:10
h4xordoodand every thiing18:10
jacekowskih4xordood: switch it off18:10
jacekowskih4xordood: and flash it18:10
h4xordoodbut it reboots everytime18:10
MohammadAGhmm.. i heard mohammadag is special18:10
h4xordoodokay :)18:10
PolarFoxh4xordood: overclocked with smartreflex? :)18:10
jacekowskih4xordood: if you drain the battery you won't be able to flash it18:11
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h4xordoodfirst i have maemo518:12
jacekowskiwe don't care18:12
h4xordoodi need to download maemo 5 right ?18:12
jacekowskilatest version18:12
h4xordoodfrom where ?18:12
jacekowskiread that page18:12
jacekowskieverything is ther18:12
jacekowskiif you have question that's not answered there then ask it here18:13
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jacekowskiotherwise - stop wasting our time18:13
MohammadAGjacekowski, any progress on the lib?18:17
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jacekowskii'm backing up porn from my hdd before sending it back18:17
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h4xordoodDocScrutinizer: i banged n900 today ;P18:17
slonopotamusjacekowski: back into internets? :)18:17
h4xordoodi buyed it last week18:17
h4xordoodjacekowski: thnx alot . well how much time will it take to load maemo 5 on n900 ?18:17
jacekowskih4xordood: depends18:17
X-Fadeh4xordood: @ l33t h@x0rdood l1K3 y0u sH0ud b3 @bl3 t0 f1X 1t?18:17
jacekowskih4xordood: if you read that page - couple minutes18:17
MohammadAGh4xordood, 2 mins, or less18:17
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jacekowskih4xordood: if you don't read then probably couple days18:17
h4xordoodjacekowski: ha :)18:17
h4xordoodyeah i know lol18:17
h4xordoodX-Fade: may be :)18:17
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crashanddie_~nickometer h4xordood18:20
MohammadAGh4xordood is 1000% lame18:20
crashanddie_infobot gone?18:20
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MohammadAGkerio, aww gee18:21
MohammadAG(yes, I'm this bored)18:21
tybolltMohammadAG: :( I thought you reserved those special insults for me? :(18:21
crashanddie_~rape kerio18:21
* MohammadAG takes kerio .... umm, I'm supposed to do this?18:21
keriohell no18:21
* kerio runs18:21
* tybollt holds kerio18:22
crashanddie_behind wallmart and makes some grunts and screams18:22
keriowhat's the hole near the headphone slot for?18:22
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crashanddie_kerio: it's to eject the CD if the power is cut18:22
kerioon the n90018:22
crashanddie_kerio, or it's the microphone18:22
kerioi see18:22
tybolltkerio: that's where you refill the gas - try it! Regular lighter fluid - zippo will do fine!18:22
X-Fadekerio: meet the microphone ;)18:23
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crashanddie_kerio, or it's the microphone is when calling... on a phone.18:24
h4xordoodhey image is that .bin file right ?18:24
crashanddie_damn, up-fail18:24
crashanddie_nope, that's the trash18:24
h4xordoodeh ?18:25
MohammadAGROFL @ crashanddie_18:25
MohammadAGslonopotamus, you wish18:25
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crashanddie_h4xordood, images are usually JPEG or PNG. Sometimes even gif.18:26
cehtehDocScrutinizer: any idea if the current for the leds can be configured somewhere? .. gconf maybe?18:26
DocScrutinizernope, sorry. mce is closed18:26
* luke-jr mutters at Fremantle using a poor IO scheduler18:26
DocScrutinizerafk, bbl18:27
BCMMluke-jr: which one does it use?18:27
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crashanddie_anyway, I'm off for yet another job interview!  Later18:27
DocScrutinizercrashanddie_: bragger18:27
crashanddie_hey, I've always been a bastard...18:27
luke-jrBCMM: dunno, but it doesn't support ionice18:27
GAN900crashanddie_, bye.18:27
luke-jrBCMM: and kills interaction18:28
tybolltcrashanddie_: GL HF18:28
MohammadAGcya crashanddie_, good luck, you bastard18:28
tybollt(I hope I got my TLA's right there ;)18:28
DocScrutinizer>>do they pay you good for that stuff that you do?<< >>well I can't complain when the checks come thru<<18:28
crashanddie_GAN900: we need your input on the neopwn thread @ tmo18:28
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crashanddie_tybollt, those are TLA's not TLA's!18:29
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* DocScrutinizer suggesting F.Z. didn't sing about the devil, but maybe about crashanddie_18:29
tybolltcrashanddie_: :)18:29
Corsacaha exactly what I though18:29
BCMMluke-jr: my n900 is using cfq18:29
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* luke-jr wants to ionice trackerd -.-18:30
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BCMM_gah, dodby 'net connection18:31
DocScrutinizershortened three letter acronym18:31
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kevloralHello all18:31
kerioDocScrutinizer: you mean S18:31
DocScrutinizeror 2LA18:31
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Corsactruncated three letter acronym18:32
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BCMM_luke-jr: shouldn't it be using noop on a device with no seek time?18:32
DocScrutinizeras that 2LA really is a 2LA as it has a digit as 3rd 'letter'18:32
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tybolltdocs :-)18:33
BCMM_also, shouldn't CFQ support ionice?18:33
DocScrutinizerwell, TLA is a TLA, ETLA is a ETLA, so 2LA should be a true 2LA18:33
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DocScrutinizernot a ETLA like in STLA18:34
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* DocScrutinizer should stop posting BS18:36
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jacekowskibut BS is 2LA18:38
DocScrutinizerobviously :-D18:39
MohammadAGjacekowski, how many GBs of porn do you have anyways, you should've finished backing up by now18:39
DocScrutinizerhe's transcoding to super-HD on the fly18:40
MohammadAGbrb peeps18:40
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jacekowski16.2 GB (17,417,868,343 bytes)18:40
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jacekowskithat's part of it18:44
jacekowski+ i have couple dvd's18:44
jacekowskione with autograph18:44
jacekowskiher dvd -
tybolltboo she sucks18:45
tybollt(literally :)18:45
jacekowskiit'll be worth a lot of money when she catches aids and dies18:46
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E0x <- this guide is valid for maemo 5 ?18:51
DocScrutinizerbug: proximity sensor doesn't get powered down/disabled when triggering even on proximity sensor while dialer app is about to tear down a call18:54
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DocScrutinizerbug: SIP VoIP settings "advanced" doesn't allow to delete entries for "username", "proxy", on editing18:55
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DocScrutinizers/even /event /18:55
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keriolol buying porn19:04
lcukE0x, hmm not sure, i dont make themes, andrewfblack did most of htat doc by the sounds of it in 2008 and its only had marginal editing in 2009/2010 which to me sounds at least likely that it could still be valid19:09
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lcukE0x, would it be possible to have a try using its instructions, and if its correct or wrong indicate as such on the wiki (a note in the head saying this is ok for Fremantle is enough if it works) ?19:10
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E0xlcuk: yes look valid , i downloda the theme maker and say fremantle build target19:10
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h4xordoodis it necessary that battery should be fully charged ?19:17
h4xordoodfor flasinh ?19:17
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h4xordoodi have an odd problem19:18
th3hate30% is enough afaik19:18
h4xordoodwhen i turn on n900 it shows nokia logo then vibrates and reboot19:18
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h4xordoodso i took battery off now its silent19:18
th3hateit's called a reboot loop19:19
h4xordoodthats big problem ?19:19
th3hatetry to flash latest firmware..19:19
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kerioneed to reflash19:19
mgedminit's unpleasant19:19
th3hatenot really19:19
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h4xordoodi am new to maemo19:19
alteregoI've still not witnessed one of those :)19:19
h4xordoodactually i hacked to much with my n900 ;P19:20
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h4xordoodtried installing meego and + mmc card is corrupt19:20
mgedminh4xordood, what were the last things you did on the n900?19:20
alteregoh4xordood: have you reflashed the original kernel? That might be all you need ..19:20
h4xordoodsfdisk /dev/mmcblk019:20
h4xordoodi think i merged partitions19:20
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h4xordoodso  now bootloader doesnt find root part and it reboots19:21
mgedminrootfs is not on /dev/mmcblk019:21
h4xordoodi guess thats what i did19:21
mgedminrootfs is on the internal 256 MB NAND flash19:21
mgedminyou may have broken /home19:21
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h4xordoodi didnt flashed kernal19:21
h4xordoodactually while installing meego i flashed19:22
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h4xordoodbut not with -f option19:22
h4xordoodused -l19:22
mgedminwell, if you flash the firmware _and_ the eMMC image, your n900 will be as good as new (and will lose all data you put on it)19:22
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mgedminI don't know if borking /home and/or /home/user/MyDocs can cause reboot loops, but I wouldn't be surprised19:23
h4xordoodi didnt had any data cause its like 5 days now when i buyed it19:23
h4xordoodbeing h4xordood i hacked it19:23
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th3hateactually you bricked it :P19:23
h4xordoodth3hate: exactly :P19:23
mgedminwe abuse the word 'bricked' here a bit19:24
th3hatewell, not total brick19:24
mgedminit's not really bricking if you can revive it by flashing19:24
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h4xordoodbut was my first attempt and learning19:24
th3hatewhat do we say then? killed it?19:24
h4xordoodwhat if phone gets bricked ?19:24
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th3hateyou throw it into the garbage19:24
h4xordoodand how does phone get bricked ?19:24
th3hatemany ways19:25
h4xordoodexamppple ?19:25
h4xordoodso i dont brick it19:25
mgedmindropping it from a considerable height19:25
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h4xordoodha :D19:25
kerioh4xordood: charge it before flashing19:25
mgedminputting it in a dishwasher19:25
kerioalso install n900fly19:25
th3hateerase the bootloader so device can't boot anymore19:25
th3hateno way to fix that19:26
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h4xordoodkerio: i tried charging but it reboots and reboots :(19:26
h4xordoodi think i have battery more than 30 %19:26
th3hatedude just flash it, will take like 2 mins19:26
kerioit should be ok19:26
kerioSpeedEvil: what was the window of bricking in the flash?19:27
h4xordoodSpeedEvil: heya :)19:27
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h4xordoodflashing doesnt brick phone ?19:27
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th3hatewhy would flasher brick phone?19:28
h4xordoodi mean like while install or updating bios on computer if u get error19:28
h4xordoodbios gets corrupted19:28
kerioh4xordood: it might, if the power drops in a... 2 milliseconds window?19:28
h4xordoodha :D19:28
kerioafter that tiny window, it gets usb power back so...19:28
h4xordoodlast question19:29
h4xordoodwhen i connect usb with phone i see with in 2 sec that kernal written and phone vibrates is that all ?19:30
MohammadAG51it would brick if you flash a corrupt bootloader19:30
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SpeedEvilh4xordood: have you done anything wierd to it?19:32
SpeedEvilkerio: a few miiseconds19:32
h4xordoodmay be i deleted some partitions19:32
h4xordoodthats all19:32
SpeedEvilreflash it19:32
keriomeh, you should be fine19:32
keriostart the flasher, connect usb while holding u, wait19:33
h4xordoodwait till ?19:33
keriotill it's finished19:33
h4xordoodi mean phone vibrates19:33
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keriowell, you should also flash the eMMC19:33
SpeedEvilRemove the battery19:34
SpeedEvilplug in the USB cable19:34
SpeedEvilStart the flasher program.19:34
SpeedEvilIt will say 'no suitable device found19:34
SpeedEvilplug in battery19:34
SpeedEvilwait till flasher completes19:34
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KhertanHello All !19:35
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h4xordoodi got message CMT flashed successfully19:37
h4xordoodnow i should remvoe battery ?19:37
kerioyou probably need to reflash the mmc too19:37
h4xordoodwhy mmc ?19:38
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h4xordoodyes yes yes :P got it workin :)19:39
h4xordoodthanks alot guys :)19:39
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h4xordoodwhy mmc need to be flashed ?19:40
kerioyou partitioned shit19:41
h4xordoodyeah it says low memory19:42
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h4xordoodhow to flash mmc ?19:43
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DocScrutinizercharge battery, flash EMMC_VANILLA, flash rootfs19:45
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h4xordoodDocScrutinizer: after flashing nokia boots fine but i see 101 mb available. that means i should download Latest Vanilla version of the eMMC content for Nokia N900?19:48
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DocScrutinizerwhat? 101mb? so what you are complaining about?19:49
DocScrutinizerdf -h / ->101MB is excellent19:49
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h4xordoodwhat is vanilla for ?19:50
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DocScrutinizer read that!19:52
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h4xordoodi get message operation temporarily disabled due to low memory19:52
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MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, we need infobot20:08
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h4xordoodMohammadAG51: i did flash with indian firmware as i live in india20:09
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h4xordoodbut i think partitions arent same as it used to be when i buyed it20:10
h4xordoodso if i install vanilla would it be like factory reset now ?20:10
h4xordoodor i wont be able to get factory reset ?20:10
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h4xordoodjreznik: hi :P20:12
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jreznikh4xordood: hi here ;-)20:13
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h4xordoodjreznik: just inaugrated hack on n900 and flashed it :P20:14
h4xordoodi am on stage to make native install of meego20:14
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jreznikh4xordood: really?20:14
h4xordoodbut little bit feared about meego unstaibility20:15
h4xordoodit could brick my phone20:15
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MohammadAG51You can't brick an N90020:28
th3hateyou can delete the bootloader20:28
* jaska puts some clay around it and puts it in the oven20:28
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h4xordoodk :)20:31
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kerioMohammadAG51: citation needed20:39
kerioflashing a bad bootloader results in something that has to be sent to nokia to get fixed20:39
keriodoesn't it?20:39
SpeedEvilAs I understand it20:40
h4xordoodif something is written on rom than yes i guess20:40
SpeedEvildd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ubisomething will do it20:40
kerioSpeedEvil: awesome20:40
h4xordoodthats how meego gets install20:40
kerion900nuke: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ubisomething count=16384; reboot20:41
h4xordoodSpeedEvil: i did dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ubisomething on newly buyed 16gb microsd20:41
h4xordoodand now its corrupt :(20:41
kerioyou zeroed it20:42
h4xordoodn900 says memory card corrupt20:42
kerioyou need to partition it and make a fs20:42
keriowell, duh20:42
h4xordoodbut computer doesnt read it20:42
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h4xordoodso iwas trying to correct microsd from terminal on n90020:42
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h4xordoodand i got into problem on n900 itlesf20:43
h4xordoodthat was the time may be when i was correcting micro sd i did bad to n900 partition itself20:43
h4xordoodkerio: but computer isnt reading that card :( any softawe you know ?20:44
kerioreading what?20:44
keriothere's nothing on it20:44
mgedminthe software is called "fdisk"20:44
h4xordoodon n900 its sfdisk20:44
h4xordoodmgedmin: but computer shows no card20:44
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kerioshows what where now20:45
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MarcusMI've heard something about that we can't create bright themes, If thats true, then how come?20:56
prontobecause it might offend the dull people20:57
MarcusMah i see. that seems fair20:57
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sudoj0nesomg pronto ilu20:57
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luke-jrBCMM_: what?21:05
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th3hateHow can i cd MyDocs/Video clips21:08
th3hatespace doesn't work21:08
mortini se \21:08
mortini Video\ clips21:08
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mortinior "MyDocs/Video clips"21:08
mortinior cd MyDocs/Video<tab>21:08
E0xor use tab21:09
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th3hatenone did the trick xD21:09
th3hatetab doesn't auto complete too21:10
E0xVide Clips exist ?21:10
E0xi think not21:10
th3hateVideo clips21:11
ShadowJKor .videos21:11
E0xVideo clips don't exist21:11
th3hateShadowJK: thanks21:11
E0xth3hate: the command: ls21:11
E0xlist the directorys21:11
E0xman ls, for more info21:12
th3hatewould've been useful if you told me 15 mins ago21:12
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E0xif you from some point are point directly to a folder i understand by common sense that you already know that point21:13
th3hateOk inside /.videos there a folder called The Prestige21:14
th3hateterminal wont accept space21:14
th3hatei wanna cd to it21:14
mgedminquote it21:14
mgedminor use a backslash21:14
mgedmintab-completion (a) works, (b) inserts the backslashes appropriately21:14
th3hatefinally after 15 mins of trying commands i reached the folder i want21:15
mgedmincall that 15 mins of learning21:16
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ShadowJKwhy are you doing this..21:16
mgedminthat's exactly how long it took for me to figure out how to bind pageup/pagedown in zsh command line editor today21:16
th3hatepasuspender -- mplayer -ao alsa:device=hw=0.0  MyDocs/.videos/The Prestige21:16
th3hateis supposed to play video without pulseaudio = louder21:17
teilzeitstudentSome time ago, the "MyDocs" gets mounted using "rodir", which obviously means I cant change any file. Is there any reason why "rodir" should appear in /etc/fstab?21:17
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mgedminI've no idea what 'rodir' means; my MyDocs is mounted the same way and I can change files, so it doesn't mean what you thing it means21:27
mgedminnow I know what it means:;a=commitdiff;h=dfc209c0064efef5590f608056a48b61a5cac09c21:29
RST38hmoo all21:30
RST38hheya mgedmin21:30
teilzeitstudentmgedmin, ah.. thanks. Well, in some folders it tells me "read only fileystem" when I try "touch foobar".21:31
mgedminthat folder is read-only21:31
mgedminchmod +w folder21:31
teilzeitstudentDCIM, for example. ls -l lists r/w/x for the user21:31
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teilzeitstudentand group and everyone else.21:31
mgedminMyDocs/DCIM is rwxrwxrwx here21:32
mgedminand touch works inside it21:32
mgedminmaybe your _filesystem_ has been remounted readonly when the kernel detected corruption in it?21:32
mgedminrun dosfsck or something21:32
mgedmindoesn't the n900 file manager have a GUI frontend to dosfsck?21:33
teilzeitstudentAh my bad.. forgot to remount MyDocs in my previous test; it tells me "Read-only filesystem" in all folders and MyDocs itself.21:33
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teilzeitstudent"FATs differ but appear to be intact. Use which FAT? First or second FAT".21:36
teilzeitstudentWhatever that means21:36
mgedmin"you're screwed, and we won't help"21:37
mgedminthat's what it means21:37
jacekowskiFAT - file allocation table21:37
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jacekowskithere are two copies on filesystem21:38
jacekowskiwhich should be exactly same21:38
jacekowskiin your case shit happened and these copies differ21:38
jacekowskiso you need somebody who can understand fat FAT or program that displays both or something21:39
jacekowskiand verify which one is still usable21:39
jacekowskior pick one at random21:39
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jacekowskido you understand?21:40
teilzeitstudentYea just found a couple of posts. There appear to be some cyclic directory errors or whatever... starts printing stuff like "/Pictures/Pictures/Pictures/somefile.png".21:40
teilzeitstudentAnd filenames with a lot of "?"s in them.21:41
jacekowskitell it to use second copy then21:42
jacekowskiand hope for the best21:42
jacekowskiotherwise you'll have to format it21:42
jacekowskiwell, i would format it anyways after major damage21:42
jacekowskiand verify that's not memory card problem21:43
teilzeitstudentAnd how can I check wether or not its a hardware problem?21:44
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teilzeitstudentsomething like sdparm for memory cards?21:45
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jo-erlenduh, I have N900 with latest Maemo update. I have activated a SIP account and I can call and receive calls without problems, except that I can only seem to dial numbers I actually dial. That is, I can't call my contacts using SIP.21:45
jo-erlendwhat am I doing wrong?21:45
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technomikeHey guys, I have lost the "Availability" option on my N900, and I cannot use instant messaging etc, or Skype etc etc. Kind of a wierd problem, and I do not know how this has happened. Any ideas how to get it back?21:47
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teilzeitstudentOn the other hand, those "abstracted directory names" in the file browser might have something to do with my problems. In `ls` there used to be no folder called "Pictures"; the filebrowser displayed one though. I created one via console to put some comic strips into. And those folders are beeing complained about in dosfsck.21:49
teilzeitstudenttechnomike, did you check if your skype account is still there? :P Did you install some 3rd party apps that modify the IM behaviour (like extra protocols, pidgin, facebook-to-IM stuff)?21:50
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jacekowskihmm i just came up with idea21:55
jacekowskibuy blank omap21:55
jacekowskiwithout HS shit21:55
jacekowskiand resolder it21:55
jacekowskithat would probably void warranty21:55
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ssvbjacekowski: are you by chance having problems with nolo bootloader?21:57
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ssvbjacekowski: ok, nevermind, I was just curious whether you did have some practical problem or it was some random blabbering :)22:05
technomiketeilzeitstudent - Nope, nothing at all like that22:08
technomikeI can't understand why it has just disappeared22:08
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SpeedEviljacekowski: on the flipside.22:10
SpeedEviljacekowski: you can buy an 850MHz one22:11
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ShadowJKWhat's "HS shit"?22:13
jacekowskihigh security22:13
teilzeitstudenttechnomike, thanks. dosfsck fixed the problem after a couple of runs.22:14
jacekowskissvb: my problem is that it can't be changed22:15
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kevloralHello all22:15
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teilzeitstudentThough I do wonder how to get rid of those lame "Pictures", "Audioclips" etc. meta directories. they do not exist as actual directorys but are generated somehow. Does anyone have an idea how to get rid of them?22:16
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ssvbjacekowski: that's the harsh reality22:18
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ssvbjacekowski: fortunately, it should not cause much problems22:19
mgedminwhat do you mean, do not exist?22:20
mgedminls -A MyDocs22:20
mgedminthere are .documents, .videos etc.22:20
mgedminPictures is probably mapped to MyDocs/DCIM22:20
ssvbjacekowski: and even with the non-HS OMAP chips, you are still not able to change ROM anyway, so you probably would not be completely satisfied either22:21
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: I'm not root on the box infobot lives in22:27
MohammadAG51DocScrutinizer, i thought you were the owner22:27
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG51: so no idea why she is offline, or how to get her online again22:27
DocScrutinizernope, TimRiker is22:28
DocScrutinizeris the genuine first of all infobots, the mother ibot22:28
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keriometadirectories suck22:30
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keriobut nokia appears to like them ._.22:31
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: mwkn *# your courtesy?22:38
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h4xordooddid any one tried sfdisk to format 16gb mmc ?22:38
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DocScrutinizerseems sfdisk is the wrong tool to _format_ anything22:39
E0xthis is nice22:41
DocScrutinizerI'd suggest mkfs for any formatting purposes22:41
h4xordoodwhat if mmc card is corrupted ?22:42
GAN900DocScrutinizer, hmm?22:42
DocScrutinizerE0x: without looking at it, it sounds like a lame excuse for a proper subdirectory structure for orting / grouping apps22:42
DocScrutinizerGAN900: just asking whom to thank for eternal fame once more22:43
E0xeven with proper subdirectory structure i think this is more22:43
DocScrutinizermwkn as of 26.22:43
GAN900DocScrutinizer, which story? It was largely Jaffa's work this issue.22:43
DocScrutinizer*#22:43 is used for ?22:44
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DocScrutinizer...the purpose that's in readme comment at start of same file?22:44
GAN900Oh, Jaffa.22:45
DocScrutinizerstrange enough it didn't really have *any* impact on
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DocScrutinizerat least got me one thumb-up it seems - so thanks to Harald Schmidt unknown for the effort :-)22:47
DocScrutinizerand of course thanks to Jaffa22:47
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h4xordoodis there any fdisk for maemo ?22:49
keriofdisk or mkfs?22:49
keriothere's both22:49
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h4xordoodi see sfdisk not fdisk22:49
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h4xordoodi ask for fdisk22:50
keriomeh, same thing22:50
h4xordoodsfdisk is different22:50
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ppmandoes n810 do packet injection or not?22:52
ppmanI'm confused22:52
kerioh4xordood: huh, it's the same22:53
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BCMM_i'm trying to look at the geotags on my n900 photos22:56
BCMM_what can i use on the Linux command-line to extract that EXIF tag?22:56
SpeedEvilapt-get install exif22:58
SpeedEvilI forget what package it's in22:58
SpeedEvilbut it's on my phone22:58
BCMM_it's ok, it's installed on my desktop already22:58
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BCMM_SpeedEvil: thanks, that's useful23:04
zeltakhya. slightly off topic but  i just bought a used n900 (love it!!). everything seems to work fine apart23:04
zeltakfrom the fact that there is a slight noise when i shake the n90023:05
zeltaklike theres something loose moving inside it23:05
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DocScrutinizerh4xordood: /me suggests cfdisk23:05
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zeltakbut everything seems to work well. was wondering if i should just ignore it or should i do something about it?23:05
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lcukzeltak, hold your finger on the kickstand23:06
lcukand see if the rattling stops23:06
lcukalternatively, insice the flap/cover on the MMC might not be clipped in23:07
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h4xordoodcfdisk not installed where can i find ?23:08
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zeltakthx lcuk i did both but the noise is still there..also i think it moves from place to place23:09
SpeedEvilh4xordood: it's also in the repos I think23:09
lcukzeltak, take the back cover off and narrow it down23:09
DocScrutinizerapt-cache search cfdisk; apt-get install cfdisk23:09
zeltakok lcuk taking it off now23:09
zeltakok holding the mmc metal thingi but the noise is still there (seems like its coming from the middle?)23:10
DocScrutinizerzeltak: there are reported cases where some small plastic latch of the kbd frame broke off and rattled inside the housing23:11
zeltakDocScrutinizer:it is definantly a rattle coming from inside the housing i think23:11
zeltakDocScrutinizer: how serious is it ?23:11
DocScrutinizernot really23:11
DocScrutinizerunless it blocks your vibra23:12
technomikecool. just installed rdesktop on my n900 and i am on it now. this is really cool.23:12
DocScrutinizeras it did for MohammadAG5123:12
zeltakno the phone still vibrates as far as i can tell23:12
zeltakso just live with the annoying sound i guess?23:12
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MohammadAGzeltak, blue noise?23:12
zeltakMohammadAG: blue noise?23:12
MohammadAGthought you were talking about the camera, nvm23:13
lcukno MohammadAG actual noise23:13
lcukthe audible kind23:13
MohammadAGmy vibra isn't broken atm23:13
zeltaki just got it a few days ago and im loving it so much i cant stand the thought of sending it to nokia for repairs lol23:13
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, if the vibra is detected as a led23:13
DocScrutinizerthough the housing is basically open to the overlapping area between lower and upper half. so holding it face down and shaking might eventually make the debris fall out23:13
MohammadAGI wonder if it's 'stronger' in ubuntu23:13
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MohammadAGno perverted talk please, thanks23:14
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: has it led_current?23:14
hqkysqSomeone can help23:14
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, it has brightness and all23:14
DocScrutinizerno it hastn't?23:14
lcukzeltak, theres numerous accelerometer test programs you could install and try and try to shake out the stuff lol23:14
DocScrutinizerthen it won't have different setting for led_current23:14
hqkysqDoes everyone success to install PPA on maemo?23:14
zeltaki see DocScrutinizer not to technicall so i wont trust myself with opeing the n900 :) i can live with the noise if there is no damage23:14
lcukwhat is PPA23:14
lcukin relation to maemo23:15
MohammadAGnope, no led_current23:15
hqkysqpersonal package23:15
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lcukhqkysq, if its just a standard repository i believe it should be viable23:15
lcukbut i dont know how the PPA is seen at backend23:15
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MohammadAGzeltak, being a techy or not does not mean you can/'t ruin your device23:15
zeltakbtw DocScrutinizer which keyboard part is it the broke and fell ?23:15
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zeltakyeah MohammadAG i meant bad with tools such as a screwdriver ;-) that does ruin a device lol23:16
hqkysqWhen I try to install a ppa packet I have this message : /bin/sh : add-apt-repository: not found23:16
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MohammadAGadd the repo manually then23:17
lcukhqkysq, then this is part of porting - you need to find the source for add-apt-repository and find a way tomake it installable23:17
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lcukif you wanted to do it properly :P23:17
DocScrutinizerzeltak: do NOT try to disassemble the N900!23:17
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lcukbut MohammadAG is right23:17
hqkysqthanks, so I return to my scrachtbox?23:17
lcukas I said, if it is just a debian repository you can add it from the app manager?23:17
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zeltakDocScrutinizer: i i said i dont trust myself :) but thx for the warning :)23:17
MohammadAGzeltak, his warning comes from personal experience23:18
MohammadAGand he's an engineer23:18
lcukzeltak, you have an analog multitasking musical instrument!23:18
lcukpeople told you the N900 was multitasking ;)23:18
MohammadAGI wish I could desolder the 256MB ram and assemble 51223:18
zeltakheheh lcuk good one :)23:19
DocScrutinizerzeltak: just hold the device like small "NOKIIA" on screen is most down facing, then slightly shake and knock gently. Depris might fall out between screen and kbd half23:19
Osama<MohammadAG> what about USB Host Mode ?23:19
Osamait is done ? or not yet ?23:19
zeltakok DocScrutinizer will try that23:19
MohammadAGwhen it's ready it'll be on the forums23:20
DocScrutinizeryeah MohammadAG - FINISH hostmode!!23:21
MohammadAGwhy does everyone ask _me_? DocScrutinizer knows better, unless you assigned me as a FAQ communicator23:21
Osamaaha thanks ; i hope it well be soon23:21
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jacekowskiMohammadAG: i was thinking about that23:22
jacekowskiMohammadAG: but you can't do it easily23:22
jacekowskiMohammadAG: you would have to modify nolo23:22
jacekowskiMohammadAG: as it's nolo that sets up memory map23:22
MohammadAGjacekowski, well, first you'll have to get past the hardware problems23:22
MohammadAGthen you can worry about nolo23:23
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jacekowskilike what?23:23
DocScrutinizerooh, we're back to RAM extension BBQ? Nice :-P23:23
jacekowskimemory chips are about the same size23:23
zeltakbtw guys since it is a used phone another issue i may have is battery life..i think i get like 5-6 hours of battery that normal?what kind of battery life do you gusy get?23:23
jacekowski24h on gsmonly23:23
zeltakgsm only..gotcha23:24
MohammadAGI have 3 batteries, I need more for one day23:24
zeltakso jacekowski no wifi etc23:24
MohammadAGI'm always online with GPS always on23:24
zeltakMohammadAG: u need more then 3 for 1 day??23:24
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zeltakmy old phone was a CRAPPY n97 but at least it had a full day of battery :)23:25
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zeltakcoming from n97 to n900 is like switching from win95 to kde 4.5 :)23:25
DocScrutinizerzeltak: with coninuous data over 3G plus GPS???23:25
DocScrutinizerzeltak: unlikely23:26
zeltaknah no 3g anf no wifi (most of the time)23:26
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, actually23:26
MohammadAGthe N97's battery life was epic23:26
zeltakso is it worth getting a fresh batter DocScrutinizer ?23:26
MohammadAGI kept 3G on all the time at school, and it lasted me a whole day23:26
MohammadAGbut then again23:26
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DocScrutinizerno IRC23:26
jacekowskiwell, that would solve 2 problems23:27
MohammadAGCPU is crap, RAM is crap, vibrator made a noise23:27
jacekowskiOC and memory23:27
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I was on IRC and twitter23:27
jacekowskiso it would be possible to mount not HS chip23:27
MohammadAGnot this server though23:27
jacekowskiand more ram23:27
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jacekowskii suppose it would be possible to do it with proper hotair rework station23:27
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MohammadAGjacekowski, done with the backups?23:28
MohammadAGstarted on the lib?23:28
jacekowskido you maybe have older version of flash for droid23:28
jacekowski9 i mean23:28
MohammadAGit never had flash afaik23:28
MohammadAGonly flash lite 423:28
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: what? new SoC POP? No problem (well at least compared to->)modifying POP for larger RAM? FORGET IT!23:28
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zeltakbtw one of the great things about the n900 is the awesome a long time linux user i truly feel at home :)23:29
jacekowskii once resoldered bga23:29
jacekowskiwith just normal soldering iron and some stuff23:29
jacekowskielectric owen23:29
DocScrutinizerzeltak: yep, almost as hostile and offending as every community :-P23:30
jacekowskijust as proof of concept23:30
jacekowskiboard never worked again23:30
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jacekowskibut there was no visible damage23:30
jacekowskii suppose overheating killed it23:30
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GNU\caust1chi! my n900 ran out of battery (while deinstalling an app). i have now attached the charger and it keeps turning on and off, showing the nokia logo with the usb symbol. i cannot turn it off, and the charing led isn't on23:30
DocScrutinizereither that, or solder short23:30
jacekowskibecause i had whole board heated up to ~200C for couple minutes23:30
zeltakDocScrutinizer: good one ;-)23:31
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jacekowskiGNU\caust1c: switch it off23:31
jacekowskiGNU\caust1c: connect charger23:31
jacekowskiGNU\caust1c: and wait23:31
GNU\caust1cit said "malfunctioning device, turning off" now, but it didn't do it23:31
jacekowskiGNU\caust1c: don't try to boot23:31
GNU\caust1ci cannot switch it off23:31
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jacekowskiremove battery23:31
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jacekowskimalfunctioning device?23:32
GNU\caust1cit was a camera app, maybe it tried to deinstall a kernel module :/23:32
jacekowskithat's not from nolo23:32
jacekowskinot from nolo-2nd23:33
DocScrutinizerremove battery, attach WALLcharger, insert battery. If it doesn't show amber indicator, the switch off/remove bat immediately, then prepare for immediate reflash23:33
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GNU\caust1cafter attaching the charger, it got into the reboot loop again23:34
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DocScrutinizerI.E. attach USB to computer, prepare and fire flasher, nsert batery while holding "u"23:34
GNU\caust1cwell, the battery isn't charged23:35
DocScrutinizeryesyes that's why I say do it NOW23:35
E0x1000 replys the adobe flash thread :S23:35
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jacekowskiwell, malfunctioning device message is from dsme23:35
DocScrutinizerdon't waste further battery charge on useless endeavour23:35
DocScrutinizeryou could *try* and enable R6D23:36
GNU\caust1c i guess that one?23:36
DocScrutinizersee if that makes bootloop stop23:36
DocScrutinizerGNU\caust1c: yep23:37
GNU\caust1cwhat is r&d⇧?23:37
DocScrutinizerR&D mode, set by flasher tool23:37
MohammadAGResearch & Developments23:37
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DocScrutinizerflasher --help23:37
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DocScrutinizermight allow you to get normal boot, charging, and a console to fix things. Or at very least normal reflashing23:38
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: yeah23:38
* DocScrutinizer waves23:38
GNU\caust1c--enable-rd-mode i guess?23:40
zeltakso coming back to the batt there a diagnostic tool to see how much the battery is "dead" compared to a fresh one?23:40
lcukzeltak, theres plenty of battery monitoring things23:41
zeltakany recommedations?23:41
lcukbut the usage/consumption of bettery is usually more tied to how you use it than the battery itself23:41
zeltakyeah i know lcuk ..just wanna see if the battery i got withthe used phone is still in normal condition23:42
lcuki use batterygraph but barely concern myself with it23:42
prontotheress a maeomo 5 update? o.O23:42
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GNU\caust1cthe flasher doesn't find the device and it seems to disconnect immediately23:43
ShadowJKDo you use IM/VoIP/Skype, do you have facebook widget, twitter widget or any other widgets?23:43
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ShadowJKemail of mfe on autoupdate?23:43
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: one more weird than the next, those bat monitor thingies23:44
GNU\caust1ccrap crap crap, battery seems to be empty now23:45
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DocScrutinizerget, make sure RS=3023:45
ShadowJKI think 20 is closer to truth23:46
DocScrutinizerGNU\caust1c: dead bat and borkes rootfs := you're screwed23:46
ShadowJK(it certainly matches better with charger)23:47
magick777zeltak: this is wholly unscientific, but Li-ion is expected to lose roughly 20% of its capacity per year, so if you know how old it is you can make inferences23:47
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magick777if older than a couple years, I'd be surprised if it wouldn't benefit from a new battery23:47
ShadowJKand the capacity of a BL-5J ends up as 12xx :)23:47
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DocScrutinizerShadowJK: did a calib last night, see link to log I posted some hours ago. Now did a full readout which told me battery last measured=1700, changed 20->30: last measure 119723:47
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zeltakthx magick777 for the info23:48
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lcukmagick777, since n900 hasnt been around over 2 years i didnt think it was necessary ;)23:48
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, starting value about 2000, max learndown 2000/8 = 250, 2000-250 = 175023:49
magick777fair point :)23:49
zeltakyeah but maybe the guys put in a bl-5j from a old 5800 etc..i dunno im just getting really bad abttery time and i have 3g off and wife off most of the day23:49
GNU\caust1chmno, battery isnt dead. i'm holding the u key, usb is connected, the flasher is started and i then insert the battery, but the flasher doesnt recognize the telephone23:49
lcukwhen do you turn your wife on?23:49
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Osamai advise all to test " contact-zoom and Extended Contacts Search " it very nice add for contact23:50
zeltaklcuk: "your wife" lol..?23:50
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, try a few more cycles from VDQ to EDV1 :P23:51
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GNU\caust1cDocScrutinizer: any ideas?23:51
lcukzeltak, it was you that said "i have 3g off and wife off most of the day"23:51
ppman_turning the wife on takes a lot of energy?23:51
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lcukits simple, just reach down23:52
lcukput hand into pants23:52
lcukpocket and grab the wallet23:52
ShadowJKand scream "Chooo chooo! all aboard!" ?23:52
zeltakahh didnt see that lcuk heheh ..yeah good thing my wife doesnt use irc ;-)23:52
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lcukzeltak, ok, how long is battery lasting then? it might actually be worth you grabbing a new one to confirm difference23:53
magick777zeltak, how bad is "really bad battery time"?23:53
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DocScrutinizerGNU\caust1c: just the usual, as mentioned on wiki23:54
zeltakhmmm id say 5 hours max?23:54
DocScrutinizermake sure you use no hub, use other USB port on PC...23:54
magick777and that's on standby or with active use?23:54
zeltaki havent testes it from 100 to 0 yet but i think thats about it23:54
ShadowJKthat's approx what you'd get with constant surfing or moviewatching23:55
magick777I can pretty much kill a brand new N900 in 4-6 hours of active use23:55
zeltakmagick777: mixed..not continous use but i do use it every 10-15 minutes or so for a few minutes23:55
lcukwhat apps do you run23:55
magick777but if that's yer standby time, something's up...23:55
lcukplaying games gps maps etc?23:55
lcukrecompiling kernel23:55
zeltakhmmm some deamons (headphone daemon etc..) the terminal  sometimes the broser23:56
zeltakmagick777: its definantly not all standby..23:56
magick777even voice calls in 3g mode will knacker it, is only rated for 5h of 3g talktime23:56
DocScrutinizer[2010-07-28 22:49:15] <ShadowJK> DocScrutinizer, starting value about 2000,23:57
lcukzeltak, flash sites?23:57
DocScrutinizereeprom data:23:57
DocScrutinizer         ILMD=1370 EDVF=3000 EDV1=3248 ISLC=1323:57
lcukDocScrutinizer, LRN2PASTEBIN :p23:57
GNU\caust1c> If the USB logo does not appear, and the device turns off - ensure the battery is charged by connecting to the wall charger for an hour and try again.23:57
zeltaklcuk: no not at all flash sites23:57
DocScrutinizerfor 2 lines???23:57
* lcuk pasted a 20line log earlier lol23:57
GNU\caust1cso im screwed because its not charged enough?23:57
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, so what's your LMD now?23:58
zeltaki think ill try to run it down to zero tomorrow after a night charge and time it then ill reoprt back23:58
lcukzeltak, install the batterygraph or similar app23:58
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zeltakill will do lcuk23:58
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: huh? LMD? got ILMD, see above23:58
lcukand then whilst you are using it and whilst idle it will log23:58
zeltaksweet thats good23:59
lcukits a pretty graph that can help jog your memory about what you were doing23:59
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, Last Measured Discharge23:59
lcukand if its REALLY draining whilst you are idle can look again etc23:59
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DocScrutinizerLast Measured Discharge: 1196 mAh23:59

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