IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2010-06-25

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SpeedEvilact_dead can use very little power00:03
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SpeedEvilbut yes - if it stays in that state.00:03
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BCMMoh, sorry00:05
BCMMi was trying to /join #networking00:05
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flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: gotta tell you, replacement bme should be high priority, and not just because it would mean more open components00:12
flailingmonkeynot as high as hostmode, I suppose00:12
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ShadowJKYesterday when I charged without bme, 1200mA/4200mV, it tapered off so perfectly to 4100mV (according to bq27200) I got suspicious/worried :P00:14
DrGrovDoes that N900 charger adapter give the same output as the regular USB charger?00:15
ShadowJKIf by charge adapter you mean CA-146C, then no00:15
DocScrutinizer51sorry, missed a few minutes00:16
DrGrovSo it will take much longer to charge?00:16
DrGrovI mean that small adapter that fits for older Nokia charges and out comes the usb charger to insert into the N90000:16
DocScrutinizer51DrGrov: yes00:16
ShadowJKYeah. Let's say it's only practical for overnight charging00:16
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: ok, that will be no problem to charge then.00:17
DocScrutinizer51though 'much' is relative00:17
DrGrovyes, i will use it for overnight charging tomorrow at the summer place then.00:17
ShadowJKI'd also use it on a fireproof surface..00:17
DrGrovi just need it fully charged saturday morning so no hurries00:17
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DrGrovwhy fireproof? it heats up too much?00:18
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DocScrutinizer51alas there's no datasheet or specs for CA-146C anywhere00:18
ShadowJK :)00:18
MohammadAG51sometimes melts00:18
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MohammadAG51it was removed from US N900s00:18
DrGrovah then it is better that i take the normal N900 charger and plug it in the socket and no need for any extra adapter thingies in between. just plain normal charging00:19
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flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer51: did you get my comment about jrbme?00:19
DrGrovi need to tell this to my fiancee as well just to use the default similar charger that the N97 has00:20
ShadowJKSimilar? I'd say it has the same charger00:21
DrGrovah yes, it is infact the same charger00:21
DrGrov1200 mAh as well00:21
DrGrovbut good thing is that she only uses the normal N97 charger without any additional things00:21
DrGrovi will fucking destroy both these evil adapters before it becomes too risky00:22
DrGrovsorry for swearing..00:22
Venemohi guys00:22
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Venemoautobuilder vs. Venemo = 5 - 000:23
Venemo"error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory" -> does anyone know what the problem is?00:23
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yigalhey I just assumed that Modest in Maemo 5 PR 1.2 can't do searches for key terms in header, body etc..  Is this true?00:24
DocScrutinizer51just one line. about prio00:24
DocScrutinizer51DrGrov: please send them to me00:25
yigalExcuse me I didn't mean searches I really meant filter email.00:26
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TomaszDhey guys, can you vote for this ? I'm not the author but I've worked closely with him and tested this app through hundreds of kilometeres of bike rides so it works fine00:28
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DocScrutinizer51filter in modest? you're kidding00:30
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yigalI know, I know, I jest :D00:32
yigalat least works well enough on the n90000:33
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DrGrovDocScrutinizer51: you sure you want to have them? the old Nokia - usb charger?00:36
BCMMSo, Intel is backing Android as well as meego00:36
flailingmonkeyintel is backing linux00:37
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BCMMandroid isn't linux.00:37
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BCMMnah, intel is backing "stuff running in atom as well as ARM"00:38
luke-jrzash: escapement is more than the anchor :p00:38
BCMMstill, was kinda hoping the intel thing meant meego would go further than android00:38
yigalBCMM: you're just a bit faster at typing than I, lol00:38
flailingmonkeyi feel the same, but00:38
BCMMsince i'm somewhat opposed to the idea of making an incompatible fork of the linux kernel and an even less compatible userspace00:39
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SpeedEvilA assymetric multiprocessor solution would be interesting.00:39
BCMM<tinfoilhat>it all feels a bit "embrace, extend..."</tinfoilhat>00:39
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SpeedEvilOne 486 class core.00:39
SpeedEvilOne 'modern' one00:40
flailingmonkeyi frankly think ARM is going to threaten intel00:40
jacekowskiflailingmonkey: not really00:40
ManoftheSealike... what?00:40
BCMMSpeedEvil: shiny, but why?00:40
mavhcintel tried to kill x86, failed, so they'll lose eventually00:40
jacekowskiflailingmonkey: it's not compatible with x8600:40
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BCMMi mean, you'd still have the power-usage consequences of x8600:41
SpeedEvilBCMM: Maintaining binary compatibility across cores, but having one use a couple of orders of magnitude less power at nominal clock00:41
mavhcnew software is all written for non x86 runtimes anyway00:41
flailingmonkeyassymetric is when the booth babes have a perfect... product to sell00:41
jacekowskiManoftheSea: like smp with dedicated hardware for specific job00:41
SpeedEvilBCMM: - x86 - 486/150 - ~1W00:41
BCMMflailingmonkey: i want to put the tinfoil hat back on and say that intel is prepering it's own line of non-x86 things00:41
SpeedEvilBCMM: they had ARM00:41
mavhcCLR, Parrot, JVM00:41
SpeedEvilBCMM: They used to sell 'strongarm'00:41
SpeedEvilwhich did quite well in mobile space00:41
SpeedEvilwell - PDA00:42
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BCMMSpeedEvil: actually, it would make sense in a couple of years, with a slow, low-power x86 core00:42
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BCMMassuming you don't need to run new apps on the x86 thing00:43
mavhcx86 is just risc with a battery wasting emulation layer00:43
flailingmonkeyI just want an ARM laptop already00:43
BCMMSpeedEvil: well, doing non-x86 now would make sense - they don't want to die if x86 dies00:43
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BCMMflailingmonkey: me too00:43
BCMMi think there are a couple00:43
mavhcflailingmonkey: I can sell you an A4 laptop00:44
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SpeedEvilI would put a large bet on x86 not being dead in 10 years.00:44
BCMMi actually can't see a single downside of an arm laptop really00:44
SpeedEvilBCMM: Binary compatibility00:44
SpeedEvilBCMM: IOW - flash00:44
* SpeedEvil saw his first 'upgrade to 10.0' banner on youtube the other day. :/00:45
flailingmonkeySpeedEvil: it won't die, too many legacy systems, but I wouldn't expect it to be the new tech leader00:45
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BCMMSpeedEvil: it won't be dead in ten years, in the same way you can still get software for powerpc macs00:45
BCMMi mean, they aren't dead, but they aren't very well00:46
ManoftheSeaI know what asymmetric means.00:46
ManoftheSeaBut what would you do with it?00:46
ManoftheSeaLike, CPU vs. GPU?00:46
BCMMi think people could actually accept losing legacy software00:46
ManoftheSeaOr are you planning to do a lot of FFTs on your cell phone?00:46
flailingmonkeymavhc: I'm hoping for something in the Cortex-A9 family :)00:46
BCMMi mean, people don't assume stuff will work on the next windows version00:46
BCMMand normal people switch to macs, and so on00:46
flailingmonkeyconsumers definitely do, companies are not as flexible00:47
mavhcthat's what emulation is for00:47
jacekowskiflailingmonkey: there is no alternatives00:47
SpeedEvilManoftheSea: Imagine one processor that just ticks over at 20MHz or so, reacting to events.00:47
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: i think sombody designed tickless '8100:48
jacekowskicompletly asynchronous00:48
jacekowskijust processing data as it comes00:48
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flailingmonkeyfor workstations not runnng heavy apps, the ARM power savings would be a sell. but many are locked into software suites that live in microsoft ecosystem00:48
mavhcarm is fast enough for most things people do, with a dsp/gpu if you're lazy00:48
jacekowskii've read about it in one of polish electronics newspapers couple years ago00:48
mavhcmicrosoft is moving office to sliverlight and web, both run on arm00:49
jacekowskiflailingmonkey: there is no real alternative to x86 for high performance applications00:49
jacekowskiflailingmonkey: only itanium00:50
mavhcor high end risc stuff00:50
jacekowskiflailingmonkey: but there isn't many people that can program itanium00:50
mavhcnoone can program itanium, that's the compiler's job00:50
jacekowskisparc died with sun00:51
Arkenoiwell, the bad news is you cannot really program itanium00:51
flailingmonkeyjacekowski: the alternative to x86 for such apps is a new intel line that gets rid of legacy chip components, but implements the instructions that are relevent00:51
Arkenoithe good is that you do not need to, compiler does the job for you00:51
jacekowskiArkenoi: well, you can00:52
Arkenoiactually, EPIC native code is almost impossible to program in low level00:52
jacekowskiand well00:52
jacekowskiit's hard00:52
jacekowskirequires brain00:53
jacekowskibut it's possible00:53
mavhcwell, someone had to program the compiler, but once that was done, they locked him up in a mental hospital00:53
Arkenoiit is worse than worst case RISC like alpha where you need to keep in mind that you cannot access memory bus until n tacts pass after this instruction00:53
jacekowskiwell, i'm programming itanium sometimes00:53
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jacekowskianyways going back to other alternatives00:54
* DocScrutinizer51 pointing to bell+braben and their 500000mlines of asm for elite00:55
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jacekowskithere is no alternative for hi end workstations00:55
Arkenoijacekowski, and what's the point of programming EPIC in low level manually? I think compiler will do the job better almost always.00:55
jacekowskiArkenoi: i was doing some things and i just gave up on trying to tell compiler what to do00:55
Arkenoia decent compiler, i mean00:55
jacekowskiand i decided to do it in asm00:56
Arkenoibtw used itanium workstations are still inadequately expensive on ebay'00:56
Arkenoii want one but i still cannot afford it00:56
Arkenoitoo much money for outdated slow hardware00:57
jacekowskithing is that gcc seems to generate a lot of inefficient code very often00:57
Arkenoiand if it is not that outdated it is damn a lot of money00:57
Arkenoiyou use gcc00:57
jacekowskior just redundant code00:57
Arkenoigcc is not an option for itanium00:57
Arkenoiit is known issue00:58
jacekowskiwell, icc isn't doing much better00:58
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jacekowskiwell, icc on x8600:58
Arkenoiactually there is just handful of instruction sets that gcc does well00:58
jacekowskii never tried icc for itanium00:58
Arkenoiand itanium is not one of those00:58
jacekowskiwell, name one00:58
Arkenoix86, mips, arm00:59
Arkenoisparc -- not really00:59
jacekowskiwell, i never had chance to play with mips00:59
jacekowskibut i know that it generates shit not a code for x86 and arm00:59
jacekowskii just need to find an example00:59
Arkenoijacekowski, it does much worse on other architectures ;-)01:00
jacekowskiyeah, reversing order of bytes in 32bit int on 8 bit architecture01:00
jacekowskiwhere everything was stored in registers01:00
jacekowskigcc managed to do it in only 50 instructions01:00
Arkenoihppa2, sparc64 are barely usable and itanium is definitely not, you get performance degradation almost twice01:00
jacekowskiwhere it could be done in 801:00
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jacekowskiand i think i saw massive fuck up with conditional execution on arm01:01
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Arkenoidoes icc perform much better?01:02
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jacekowskion x86 - yep01:02
Arkenoion arm01:02
jacekowskinever tried it on arm01:02
jacekowskii've tried it on very old 8085 i think01:03
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jacekowskiold version of it01:03
jacekowskiwith only C89 support01:03
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jacekowski( we still sell devices with that processor )01:03
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Arkenoidoes intel still sell ia64 workstations? hp does not anymore :-(01:05
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flailingmonkeythe sad thing about optimization these days is that most programmers don't have a clue about how to even approach it01:06
DocScrutinizer51they never had a clue about asm01:06
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Corsacthat's the whole point of compilers, though :)01:07
jacekowskiwell, i very often look at assembly generated by compiler to see if C code can be improved to generate faster code01:08
jacekowskiand smaller01:08
DocScrutinizer51usually it can01:08
flailingmonkeyegh. without an understanding of system architecture, they have no hope01:08
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer51: well, with gcc it's quite easy to make it worse01:09
jacekowskivisual studio compiler is hopeless01:09
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jacekowskionly asm compilers generate code i would like to see01:10
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jacekowskihmm, with one exception01:10
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jacekowskii remember when i spent quite some time with macros defined in masm01:11
flailingmonkeytheres a reason compilers sales can still make a profit01:11
jacekowskithat caused me some grief01:11
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DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: I'll come up with a minimalistic version of jrbme until next week01:24
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DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: seems meego needs it01:25
DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: probably Nokia realized the original bme is so brainshot fuckedup they simply can't fix it so it would run under meego chroot or whatever they do to make the nokia blobs behave in meego01:26
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: sounds great, I highly doubt that the Nokians will really be able to fix bme without starting over, and they aren't willing to do that01:27
DocScrutinizerand quite obviously it has other issues beyonf meego incompatibility01:27
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DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: exactly01:27
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flailingmonkeyfrom a project management POV, they don't have the budget for such a task01:28
flailingmonkeyI am very curious what they used in harmattan/N901:28
DocScrutinizermy take on bme is: it's been developed by 57 contractor companies, all the time since 1999 Nokia 611001:28
DocScrutinizerand mow absolutely nobody has a clue what's done for which reason - basically a huge stinking pile of cargo cult01:29
flailingmonkeyI've seen that quite often, the knowledge just evaporates without documentation01:30
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DocScrutinizerand each itteration is composed of more bug caused by false assumptions about what was the meaning of this part of code in last version, plus uneducated bandaids that just *seem* to work01:32
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flailingmonkeymhm. are they able to even tell you what bme's responsible for01:33
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flailingmonkeysome requirements would be nice. but sometimes a little help is too much to ask for :P01:36
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DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: I asked for requirements specs for bme. "We are looking into it, but ut has legal issues" :-/01:38
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flailingmonkeyif you kept bringing it up at hardware adaptation meetings, you might get it. people need reminding01:39
infobotflailingmonkey meant: if you keep bringing it up at hardware adaptation meetings, you might get it. people need reminding01:40
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DocScrutinizerNokia common notion is: "if we tell the battery mustn't become hotter than 70°C, and there's this sensor to probe, then we're liable when some idiot does it wrong and makes the cell explode"01:40
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DocScrutinizerobviously a paradox assumption, but oh well I can't cure that01:41
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DocScrutinizeralso frequently claimed are "patended intelectual properties" in BME. I honestly doubt there are any in N900 bme, but how to prove them wrong, when you can't even get a look on the requirement specs, not to talk about the src01:43
DocScrutinizermaybe there have been, until maybe 2001, and that's now some meta-cargo-cult01:44
SpeedEvilIs there a sane thing that lets me reorganise apps into folders?01:44
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ptlSpeedEvil: ApMeFo01:44
SpeedEvilFor example - I have lots of apps that are in my testing queue, that are cluttering up my app list01:44
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flailingmonkeyN9sorry, changed connections without disconnecting from irc01:45
* SpeedEvil tries ptls suggestion.01:45
DocScrutinizer/msg nameserver ghost <prevNick>01:45
DocScrutinizererr nickserv01:46
DocScrutinizerflailingmonkeyN9: ^^^01:46
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Venemoif the autobuilder successfully build my package, what happens?01:47
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flailingmonkeyit would get imported into the devel repository01:52
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: caught up from irc log site :P01:53
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flailingmonkeyand yeah, no one knows so they have to be cautious rather than take a risk that they'd be liable for (wrt patents)01:53
ptlsoftware patents aren't valid in Europe01:54
ptlan european guy couldn't do an open-source version without worries?01:54
flailingmonkeyhah, as if its ever so simple01:55
DocScrutinizerif battery charging is implemented in sw, then it doesn't mean the paptent regarding charging are sw patents01:55
flailingmonkeysharing that information also encounters export laws01:55
flailingmonkeyas ridiculous as it sounds, these are the realities of the law01:56
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djkrikkeHi guys, the wiki gives me the idea to use " /some/script * * status_changed * WLAN_INFRA" in the dbus scripts directory for wlan changes. Will this work for status changes too?01:59
djkrikkeAnd if someone knows, how do I know how much params I have to pass?01:59
pupnikCrossing the rubycon...02:00
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orangeyhello all02:03
orangeyis the media player in n900 already an UPNP controller / client?02:03
djkrikkeorangey, my n900 detects an upnp device02:05
orangeydjkrikke: ok02:06
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orangeydjkrikke: can you control the UPNP devices?02:07
djkrikkewhat do you mean with control?02:07
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orangeydjkrikke: the upnp also allows people to control upnp devices remotely02:08
flailingmonkeyorangey: there is an app called Zhaan which lets you act as a UPNP control point02:09
djkrikkehmm, I'm not aware of what control means with upnp02:09
orangeyflailingmonkey: yeah, I'm really, really interested in zhaan02:09
orangeyespecially coupled with vera02:09
djkrikkewhat can you control actually?02:10
djkrikkeI mean, you get a list of songs/movies/etc.., what do you have to control on that?02:10
orangeydjkrikke: everything : )02:10
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orangeyplay, stop, etc.02:10
flailingmonkeyI read about Vera, on the blog of the author of Zhaan02:10
orangeyif they're playing on your computer, say02:10
orangeyflailingmonkey: same02:11
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orangeygod. I'm an idiot.. I wasn't on the WLAN while trying to test the uPNP server ; )02:12
orangeyman, 2010 is awesome02:13
djkrikkehaha :D02:13
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dick-richardsonwill meego's gui be based on X? i.e. will ssh x forwarding work as it does now under maemo?02:16
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pupnikgood question.  i think the answer for now, is not really02:16
ptl"not really"?02:16
ptlbut it has QT and X02:16
ptlisn't it?02:16
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pupnikcan you do opengl2 over a network?02:17
DocScrutinizer51WHAT? meego no X???02:17
pupnikwith meego?02:17
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asjI would be shocked if it didn't use X02:18
DocScrutinizer51pupnik: openGL is X->HW, while ssh -X is the software api *to* X02:19
flailingmonkeymeego runs on X02:19
flailingmonkeyno question about it02:19
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BCMMyeah, opengl doesn't work with remote X connections02:19
DocScrutinizer51I'd bet02:19
BCMMwell, there is an experimental thing that does it02:19
DocScrutinizer51BCMM: as there is no ssh -openGL cmd02:20
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DocScrutinizer51same as there isn't ssh -nvidia02:20
pupniki think the deeper question is, "should/will meego's gui eye candy have a reasonable non-animated fallback for devices that don't support compositing (currently via opengl)02:21
DocScrutinizer51or ssh -directX1002:21
BCMMDocScrutinizer51: well, it doesn't even work with X over a normal network02:21
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DocScrutinizer51then it's no X02:21
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DocScrutinizer51but I honerstly doubt you're completely right02:22
DocScrutinizer51of course i can't start mplayer over ssh02:23
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rasterBCMM:  opengl does work with remote x02:23
DocScrutinizer51same as I can't expect any openGL eyecandy02:23
rasterif you use glx.02:23
rasterthats the whole point of glx02:23
BCMMyou can start mplayer over ssh02:23
rasterproblem is everyone wants to bypass x and use "direct" gl02:24
BCMMyou'll get a horrid frame rate unless it's a really tiny video02:24
DocScrutinizer51raster to the rescue, yeah!02:24
rasterand that bypasses x protocl and the x server entirely02:24
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BCMMglx doesn't work over networks does it?02:24
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rasterglx does02:26
rasterits a protocol02:26
BCMMnow i understand02:26
rasterfact is theat the gl app will explicitly decide direct or indirect as a gl init02:26
BCMMraster: by "bypasses x protocl and the x server entirely", you mean DRI, right?02:26
djkrikkeguys, someone knows how to find out the dbus "listener" I can use for registration status?02:26
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ptlI don't02:27
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djkrikkethere are examples on the wifi commands02:27
djkrikkebut none on the phone.net02:27
rasterand indirect == glx protocol02:28
rasterdirect == bypass xserver/protocol02:28
rasterand 99.99995 of things use direct02:28
pupniki think the focus atm is to concentrate on making meego netbook/handheld work and feel like a real modern, slick, easy OS02:28
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asjpupnik: are you implying that my remote X requirements aren't the most important thing they should be considering?02:29
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pupniki am02:29
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asjpupnik: well I'm buying an ipad then! ;)02:29
Venemohey guys!02:29
Venemocheck out the latest invention:
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asjVenemo: hey that's cool :)02:30
DocScrutinizer51raster: servus02:30
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rasterBCMM: correct. DRI is one thing used to bypass x protocol - u bypass x protocol then u bypass the ability to remote display02:31
raster(well its a tad more complex - bu tthats the basics)02:31
wolf^Venemo, nice02:31
rasterDocScrutinizer51: yo yo02:31
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pupnikraster: sounds like with glx i should be able to get hardware accelerated opengl from a VM window02:33
rasterpupnik: yes.02:34
rastertho the hw accel would happen outside the vm's virtual fb etc.02:34
Arkenoifunny, builtin media player recognizes mkv as media file but refuses to play it02:34
pupnikwould the VM look to the graphics card just like a local application?02:35
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pupnikno, that's not possible.  blergh02:35
Venemoasj, wolf^: thanks for the kind words02:36
VenemoI would be glad if you gave the app a test drive :)02:36
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wolf^Venemo, but doesn't install02:37
wolf^Unpacking sticky-notes (from .../sticky-notes_0.1.2_armel.deb) ...02:37
wolf^dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute new pre-installation script: No such file or directory02:37
Venemolet me check02:37
Venemopackaging is still something I don't excel in02:38
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n900-1hey guys02:41
n900-1a question about the latest qt sdk 1.002:41
Venemon900-1: we're listening02:41
pupnikraster: the xen guys said i can switch between OS's and after I switch, each has 'native' control of the GPU.  Is that possible?  Can the gpu 'save the state' in one OS before switching to another?02:42
n900-1i know that we can set the target to be n900 and hence keep on coding in qt and running that code will result in the app automatically transfering to n900 and running on it (madde totally integrates now right?), can this be done with n97 also, that is what my friend want to know?02:43
Venemon900-1: yes, you can develop for Symbian devices as well02:43
Venemoalthough you'd better check a symbian forum or channel about how02:44
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rasterpupnik: depends on drivers really02:45
rasterpupnik: asa such you have 1 bit of real hardware being given to multiple os's02:46
rastermaybe one after the other02:46
rasterbut the drivers assume they are the only os and onyl thing using the gpu02:46
pupniki read some posts about hardware support for virtualization02:46
rasterso - chances are u're asking for trouble02:46
rastersaving gpu state reauires full gpu knowledge02:46
n900-1aha so Venemo , the n97 will be connected to my pc and the same experience of development like n900?02:46
n900-1oh yea, i'll check the forums02:46
rasterthe safest would be each os totally from-scratch inits the gpu when it starts using it02:47
trip0how does the qt sdk 1.0 make maemo development easier?02:47
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rasterand totally shuts it down/cleans it up before it gets handed over02:47
trip0does it include a crosscompiler?02:47
n900-1its going to most probably require the qt libs to be present in n97, thanks to pr1.2 that takes care of that on n900.02:47
rasterthats about the best u can do without a proepr virtualised gl driver02:47
pupnikjust imagining all the stuff that would have to be done is boggling me02:48
rasterthese days a gpu is not unlike a whole cpu in complexity02:50
rasterso sharing that resource is non-trivial - indeed.02:50
rasterthe best bet is almost always to have a single real driver sit on top of the gpu and this real driver exposes a "virtual" driver02:50
rasterthat uses a different "protocol" and handles gpu context switching, resource sharing etc.02:50
nkinkadeHi all.  Does anyone happen to know how one can set/get whether the USB port is in "mass storage" or "pc suite" mode (N900 question)?02:51
rasternot really unlike how xserver does for multiple processes and 2d gfx02:51
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nkinkade... set/get programmatically, that is.02:51
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pupnikraster: does the term "gpu hypervisor" make sense?02:52
rasterit would - if gpu's were open02:53
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rasteras such i dont believe in the xen model02:53
rasterie hypervisors in general02:53
rasteri believe in the simpler "kvm" "vmware" etc. model02:53
rasteru have a host os02:53
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asjok the comic strip widget rocks02:54
rasterand if u want virtual machines - they just lurk as your run-of-the-mill process there02:54
pupnikraster: so the switching isn't limited to the hardware capabilities02:54
rasterand after that life is pretty easy compared to the hypervisor way02:54
pupnikoh for the user, very much02:54
pupnikwas just testing meego in qemu02:54
rasterimplementing a virtual gl device here - as well as pretty much any hardware, now is easy and actually is the right model/way to go02:55
rasterguest os doesnt see real hw02:55
rasterit sees fake/virtualised hw02:55
rasterand the real host hw is an entirely different matter02:55
pupnikright and if the OSes both use a decent graphics API, then we have a better situation02:55
rasteru can chnage host hardware at will - and guess doesnt need to know or care02:55
rasterwell yes02:55
rasterfor example a virtual gl device would be a bit of hw where u stuff an opengl api call + needed data into some command-=queue buffer thats is exposed as a hw memory region02:56
rasterthe other end simple decodes and sends it right to gl02:56
Robot101raster: we've done this with qemu02:56
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Robot101well there was an old branch, its updated to work with kvm now, and do pageflipping into and out of the host gl02:57
raster(and sends back responses as needed - of course this is a simplified view - attached data like texture data to upload means more data - maybe view opening up and exposing memory pages from the guest os to the host)02:57
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rasterRobot101: sounds like the right way to me02:57
rastertho last i heard of this - i don't know if we talk of the same thing, this only partially worked - ie principle was right, but not fully/properly implemented?02:58
Robot101works fine now02:58
Robot101its not strictly virtualised because its only as 'secure' as the host gl driver/hw02:58
GAN900w00t_, ping?02:59
rasterbut for the purpose of emulating let's say opengl-es in qemu on top of a host opengl for development- it'd be sufficient02:59
rasteri assume that was the intent? :)02:59
Venemowhat is this ping-pong stuff?02:59
Robot101yup, exactly what it was for :)02:59
GAN900w00t_, Maemo/community/contributor/w00t OK?02:59
raster(well u had to als do gles -> gl along the way - but thats not too hard)02:59
w00t_GAN900: ack02:59
rasterRobot101:  :):)03:00
GAN900w00t_, OK, updating bug #845003:00
povbotBug Add remaining IRC cloaks03:00
Robot101raster: lemme find a link03:00
w00t_the thought of emulating opengl makes me happy03:00
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Robot101raster: glReadPixels really fucks the whole day up though :)03:00
Robot101sloooo oooooo oooooooooow03:00
w00t_GAN900: ta03:01
Robot101even works on windows03:01
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rasterRobot101: glreadpixels fucks pretty much everything up03:01
rasteras does glwritepixels03:01
rasterand glcopypixels03:01
Robot101bit of a lack of kvm there though03:01
rasterin general - avoid them like the plague03:01
rasterif they DO work right.. they invariablyu work as software fallbacks at the speed of continental drift03:02
Robot101well if your host gfx card doesn't use main memory, you have to snort the render results out of it to give them to your guest to composite or whatever03:03
Robot101not quite sure the stuff is up to moving gl handles in and our of your guest system03:04
Robot101but its performant even on non-intel gfx so they sorted it somehow03:04
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Robot101raster: you still in korea or moved on elsewhere?03:05
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* Robot101 decides to sleep03:06
Robot101raster: catch you later03:06
rasterRobot101: in kr03:06
rasterpeople around03:07
Robot101no worries, I gotta crash03:07
Robot101trouble keeping my eyes open03:07
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asjpr1.2 has made the n900 a much better phone, I've made/received 4-5 calls in the last 2 days and it hasn't screwed up any of them03:14
pigeonis there a way to disable usb charging on the n900?03:14
pigeonraster: muhahahaha03:15
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pigeonraster: indeed03:16
obsidiethhmm. my wireless stopped working over night03:18
obsidieththis happened to anyone else? seems like it might have slept or something03:18
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pigeonthe power management stuff maybe?</wildguess>03:21
obsidiethwhere would one look for this?03:21
pigeoni believe in internet connections in the settings, for each network there's a power saving settings or something like that.03:22
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obsidiethah. it was on.03:23
obsidiethand now i can see it03:24
obsidiethshould i try setting it to intermediate perhaps.03:24
pigeoni read somewhere on the wiki, the power saving might not work well with some access point03:24
obsidiethinteresting, it would seem thast the case03:26
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mortinipigeon: aha. that's annoyed the heck out of me.03:28
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obsidiethi need a psm supported router apparently.03:31
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obsidiethbleh. this is quite strange.03:34
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obsidiethwireless os disappearing.03:34
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mortiniobsidieth: while not as convienant, i don't have the problem when it's plugged into my laptop03:37
mortinidepending on what you're trying to do03:37
mortinioutside of general use.03:37
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obsidiethi was experimenting with 'wireless switcher' in an ill guided attempt to save battery03:37
obsidieththat might be it, i had no issues previously.03:37
mortiniwhen i first got my n900 a few weeks ago, i was trying to download pr1.2 & it kept dying on me03:38
mortinibecause of that, i think, idk, it was super annoying.03:38
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obsidiethhmm anyone been using cpan for perl modules03:46
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obsidiethseems to be exploded by gzip.03:49
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obsidiethGoing to read /home/user/.cpan/sources/modules/02packages.details.txt.gz03:53
obsidieth/bin/gzip: unrecognized option `--decompress'03:53
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n900-1what is rx71 ?03:57
n900-1anybody knows03:57
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n900-1ab $ mad list  Targets: harmattan-1021     (installable) fremantle-pr12     (default) maemo412-1         (installable)  Runtimes: rx71-harmattan-1021  (installable) rx51-fremantle-pr12  (default) rx48-diablo          (installable)03:57
n900-1mad terminal shows that03:57
mortiniobsidieth: might need to install the gnu-gzip03:57
mortiniand gnu-tar packages03:58
mortinii know i had issues with the busybox tar not working properly on some tarballs03:58
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arachnistn900-1: an unknown device by nokia. possibly a phone, tablet or a development board04:03
ManoftheSeaarachnist: that's a pretty good guess.04:05
ManoftheSea"device X: an unknown device by an unknown company, possibly made of matter"04:06
obsidiethhmm. what repo are they in.04:06
obsidiethpure 'gzip' involves dependency hell. and i see no gnu-gzip package.04:06
n900-1its in the "mad list" of the new madde installed with the qt sdk 1.0 arachnist04:07
arachnistn900-1: so it would seem that nokia people are already developing/testing software for that device04:08
n900-1rx71-harmattan-1021  (installable)04:08
n900-1rx51-fremantle-pr12  (default)04:09
n900-1rx48-diablo          (installable)04:09
n900-1harmattan-1021     (installable)04:09
n900-1fremantle-pr12     (default)04:09
n900-1maemo412-1         (installable)04:09
obsidiethbasically im just trying to obtain 'IO::Socket::INET6'04:10
obsidiethmaybe ill have to compile a full gzip?04:10
mortiniobsidieth: sorry, i thought there was a gnu-gzip, just a gnu-tar04:11
mortinitry building it manually?04:11
mortinior, extracting it and then building it manually?04:11
obsidieththeres a gzip on the forum, but04:12
obsidiethit throws anohter error in cpan04:12
obsidiethGoing to read /home/user/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz04:12
obsidiethCan't exec "/home/user/gzip": Not a directory at /usr/lib/perl/5.8/IO/ line 70, <FIN> line 1.04:12
obsidiethCould not pipe[/home/user/gzip --decompress --stdout /home/user/.cpan/sources/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz |]: Not a directory at /usr/share/perl/5.8/ line 5728, <FIN> line 1.04:12
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mortiniobsidieth: imo, go manaully grab the file04:14
mortinicopy it over and try it yourself04:15
Macerfunny thing04:15
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Maceri have almost completely stopped using laptops and PCs and use my n900 more than anything04:15
mortinidammit. no wget.04:16
Macerif it had cups and real bluetooth keyboard support i wouldnt need a laptop04:16
Macerany plans to add either?04:16
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n900-1Macer: n900 is awesome, but i just want to replace its keyboard with a one that has softer keys :) .. when i write a  lot on it, i keep going back to the virtual keyboard, and vkbs i dont like04:17
Maceri want bluetooth kb support like maemo4 had on my n81004:17
Macerwith su8w support04:17
mortinidammit, i hate it when i screen in screen.04:17
Maceror any travel keyboard will do tbh04:18
n900-1i cant carry a keyboard .. and i want to write a lot ..04:18
Macerand a working koffice would be great04:18
obsidiethseems like a good idea.04:18
Macerwith cups support04:18
n900-1if the keys were a lil soft in pressing, it wudnt tire me ever from writing on n90004:18
Macermy su8w is the same size as the n90004:19
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Macerfolded it easily fits in a pocket04:19
n900-1aha cool04:19
Macerthere are a few traveling keyboards like that04:19
ptlI had a bluetooth keyboard04:19
ptlI sold it04:19
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n900-1what is it, i havent seen it04:19
ptlI don't think it's practical04:19
n900-1give me some link, or a name i can google Macer04:20
Macerptl: i loved using it with my n81004:20
Macerjust image google it04:20
Macernokia su8w04:20
ptlmaybe mine wasn't practical04:20
ptland batteries and such04:20
ptlI know nokia su8w04:20
n900-1doing it04:20
mortiniobsidieth: 'course, the dependancies will suck04:20
ptlit was just a little smaller than mine04:20
Macerptl: i used to use cups with my n81004:21
Macerit was awesome04:21
Maceri didnt need a laptop04:21
Macerfor school04:21
Macerused to use my n95 more04:21
ptlI never even tried to use cups in N900. Is it easy to print via bluetooth?04:21
Maceri dont think there is cups for n900/maemo 504:21
Macernor any apps that support it04:22
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n900-1yea this looks cute :)04:22
n900-1shud have it !! Must have it now !!04:22
Maceron the n810 i used PB's kde chroot04:22
n900-1can always have it around in my backpack04:22
n900-1how much is it for04:22
Macern900-1: not worth buying for the n90004:22
Macerthe bt keyboard support is a pain to do04:23
Macerno support for it in the ui04:23
Macerand requires remapping04:23
Maceri was only able to get it to work properly when the n900 was open04:23
Macerwhich seems a step backwards04:24
obsidiethlet us see.04:24
Macerconsidering the n810/maemo 4 worked fine with it04:24
pupnikit is difficult for a linux geek to care about n900 discussions - they revolve around theings we do not care about04:24
ptlMacer: you can use cups via easy debian04:25
Macerptl: i considered that04:25
obsidietheh. does this tar have different syntax04:25
Macersince ooffice is included04:25
Maceri need bt keyboard support04:25
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Maceri want an ultra portable office suite04:26
Macerit would be nice if all this could be native04:26
Maceri remember seeing work done on a maemo ver of koffice04:27
Macerwonder how far along that has gotten04:27
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n900-1well maybe nokia doesn something that wud add the support for it04:29
Macerwell the lack of bt kb support sucks04:30
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obsidiethhmm im almost there04:32
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obsidiethit looked like the module compiled, but i dont see it.04:32
pigeoni thought bt kb works with the n900?04:33
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flailingmonkeyi've heard it works from some people, but i've also heard that it doesn't04:35
pigeonspeaking of which, i was trying to get a bt mouse working with the n900, they paired ok, but that's about it.04:35
flailingmonkeyafter enabling bluetooth HID, you need a pc102 layout (usually) and there isn't one04:36
flailingmonkeyno cursor probably would be and issue04:36
pigeonnot only that i think.04:36
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pigeonit feels more like they're not connected.04:36
pigeonand i couldn't get them to connect04:37
obsidiethanother thing, has anyone had success running irssi with perl scripting included? seems like a custopm build might be needd there too.04:37
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Macerthere... filed a bug for bt keyboard support04:38
ptl22:45 *** Irssi: Unknown command: script04:39
ptlno luck04:39
Macerdo people still use scripts?04:40
Macerlast i remember was using venom in ircii heh04:40
obsidiethperl modules done, that worked nicely.04:41
obsidiethjust had to build one dependency :D04:41
ptlfor irssi?04:42
obsidiethbut yeah, it seems the binary of irssi hasnt got perl enabled.04:42
obsidietheh, i was messing with some v6 perl.04:42
ptlI thought you had built irssi with perl support for maemo04:42
obsidiethi will try and build it from scratch some time soon.04:42
obsidiethif it cannot just be turned on04:42
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ptldon't forget to optify it04:45
obsidiethim not sure what that is.04:45
flailingmonkeyit's a fun maemoism04:49
dotblankhmm I get this error when trying to deploy my Qt app04:50
dotblankDeployment failed: Could not copy local file '/scratchbox/users/eli/home/eli/qt4/Groove-build/groove' to remote file '/home/developer/groove': SFTP Error code: <4>, description: Failure.04:50
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the_lord-n900MohammadAG51, ping04:55
dotblankoh nvm gdb had messed up04:56
the_lord-n900hi, I'm having trouble installing ovi store apps from apt-get04:57
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the_lord-n900I've read the forums and I know it's a problem with apt, and I can solve it installing a previous version of it, but I can't find it04:58
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51 had a link I think.04:59
SpeedEvilI forget04:59
the_lord-n900SpeedEvil, yes, but the link is broken04:59
Macerwas chromium removed?05:00
Maceri wanted to try iy05:00
Macergoing to try tear i suppose05:01
Macertear wasnt so bad05:02
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Macerguess tear wont run05:04
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pigeonMacer: chromium was removed, yes05:13
pytherI have my phone set to connect to wifi automatically, does that mean it will ask me to connect to the 3g?05:17
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Macerpigeon: any reason why?05:19
SpeedEvilpyther: no05:23
SpeedEvilwireless and 3g are seperate05:24
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Macerpigeon: hahaha05:24
Macerisnt chrome open source?05:24
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Macerwtf? lame05:25
arachnistMacer: chrome isn't. chromium is.05:27
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pytherSpeedEvil: so since wireless is automatic it will also connect me to the 2g/3g automatically?05:27
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arachnistpyther: it will only connect to wifi if you set it to connect automatically only to wifi05:28
Macerarachnist: which is what the repo had isnt it?05:28
Macera chromium build?05:29
Macerblah. whatever :)05:29
pigeonMacer: i'm as confused as you are05:29
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SpeedEvilpyther: no.05:36
SpeedEvilGo to settings ->wireless->connect automatically05:37
SpeedEvil'always ask' = it always asks you if you want to05:37
SpeedEvil'wlan' = always for wlan05:37
SpeedEvil'your network operator' - always connect automatially to that network05:38
SpeedEvil'any connection' - connect automatically to anything05:38
SpeedEvilThe latter can be dangerous near UFOs.05:38
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pytherSpeedEvil: so if I have wlan automatically it will ask me for to connect to the 2g/3g connection?05:40
arachnistpyther: only if no wlan is around that you conneted to before05:40
pytherok great05:41
pytherand then with mms will that use the 2g/3g connection automagically?05:41
SpeedEvilonly if you install fmms05:43
SpeedEvilotherwise no05:43
pytherok i installed fmms but the network settings seem to be wrong05:43
SpeedEviland even then, I think you can set it up05:43
pytherI used what was in the wiki and it failed :(05:43
pytherI thuogh maybe it was trying to use my wifi connection05:43
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pigeonthat makes me wonder, where is the antenna of the n900?05:48
asjpigeon: take the back cover off, I think you can see them there05:48
SpeedEvilpigeon: It is around 17 inches to the right of the right-hand side of the case.05:48
SpeedEvilOr more accurately, below the camera button, and right-hand speaker05:49
SpeedEvilthat is - the 3g05:49
asjapples' answer to the problem, which I dunno I can't give them to hard of a time over:
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SpeedEvilThis is pretty much unavoidable.05:51
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SpeedEvilThe n900 has noticably poorer 3g reception with the screen open, and your hand over the antenna05:51
SpeedEvilas you will, when typing05:51
SpeedEvilWell - if you use two thumbs05:51
asjit was very noticeable on the n97, in week signal strength you had to hold it with your finger tips and not like a gorrila grip with your palm covering the whole back05:52
pigeonSpeedEvil: that's good to know05:53
asjit's also hard when people want all metal cases, there's any so many locations you can put plastic bits to let it radiate05:53
infobotasj meant: it's also hard when people want all metal cases, there's only so many locations you can put plastic bits to let it radiate05:53
asjthe 3g ipad I think takes a big design hit with it's big black plastic bar across the top.  of course it advertises to everyone "hey look, not only am I rich enough to spend $1000 on an ipad, I bought the fancy 3g one"05:55
GeneralAntillesWho spends $1000?05:56
pigeoni got the non-3g one cos the 3g ones sold out, and my wife couldn't wait.05:56
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asjGeneralAntilles: hmm?05:56
GeneralAntillesTop-of-the-line iPad costs $82905:56
asjGeneralAntilles: ah, $AU100005:56
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pigeonturns out it wasn't that bad, i just get the ipad tether to my n900 for internet, works quite well.05:57
dotblankpigeon, nice05:57
pytherI can't get my phone out of my otterbox case :(05:58
asj3g ipad has a nice telstra pre-paid data plan, $20/mo for 1gig.  It beats their $10 for 150meg option05:58
pigeonasj: you're in au too?05:58
pigeonah, me in sydney05:58
asjpigeon: brissy05:58
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luke-jriPad = lame06:11
asjI would like an iPad like device running maemo/meego, bah then I would need a mad purse, which is the problem06:12
SpeedEvilNaah. back holster.06:14
SpeedEvilI want a device the size of the ipod that is robust enough to beat blendtek06:15
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luke-jrasj: TouchBook?06:15
luke-jrso um, I have a question/theory06:16
luke-jrmy N900 hasn't been on power for about 5 hours now...06:16
luke-jrbattery meter is still 100%06:16
luke-jrtheory: N900 lies06:16
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pytherAnyone on ATT USA using mms messaging?06:20
SpeedEvilluke-jr: using it?06:22
SpeedEvilluke-jr: The battery meter canbe somewhat inaccurate06:23
SpeedEvilluke-jr: However - I get a standby of ~120 hours idle06:23
luke-jrSpeedEvil: sortof06:23
luke-jr5 hours is > 1% of 120 :)06:23
luke-jrI tried playing with the FM transmitter earlier06:24
luke-jrdidn't work, but if it did should have drained the battery a bit06:24
SpeedEvilfmtx uses almost no power06:24
SpeedEvilThe transmitted power is ~50nW06:24
asjluke-jr: make a crypted sip call :)06:24
luke-jrasj: I don't think my endpoints support encryption06:25
luke-jrdid at least 5 minutes of SIP calling tho06:25
asjluke-jr: oh well, find one that does, that's 100% cpu and wifi with power saving disabled06:25
SpeedEvil - see inherent limitations06:26
asjluke-jr: why not just install Battery Graph? then you can get pretty graphs too06:27
luke-jrSpeedEvil: well, it didn't work from driver's lap to car radio06:28
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SpeedEvilluke-jr: yes- see above page06:29
SpeedEvilesp bbc quote06:29
luke-jrit talks about 4m...06:29
luke-jr4m isn't *that* bad, in theory06:30
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pytherIs there a place to enter in a phone number on the current fmms app?06:42
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ham5still want my dial pad to come up with I go into the phone07:02
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asjham5: huh?07:03
ham5open the phone and it goes to the dial pad not recent calls...07:03
ham5that should be an option07:04
asjok, write an app07:04
asjof course it's still faster just to type a number on the homescreen07:04
ham5have to open the keyboard07:05
asjit's there for a reason ;)07:05
pytherYippy got MMS messaging to work07:09
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pytherDoes anyone knowif there is a buddy list desktop application?07:18
mandarais maxima available in fremantle?  can't find it in
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ptlno, it's not07:20
ptlbut it would be easy to recompil eit07:20
ptl*recompile it using scratchbox07:20
mandaraptl, ok, thnx!07:21
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PhonoN900I watched the USA World Cup win live on my phone. Guess gow many other phones were able to stream that match live via some random flash-based site08:29
PhonoN900go ahead, guess...08:30
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PhonoN900It was a trick question. There are no other phones capable of such awesomness.08:32
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* PhonoN900 pumps fist08:32
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luke-jrPhonoN900: that's not a feature08:32
luke-jrit's a bug08:32
luke-jrFlash = crap08:32
luke-jralso, N900 isn't a phone08:32
luke-jrso your argument is fail08:33
luke-jrask how many handheld computers are capable of such "awesomeness" next time08:33
luke-jrthen you'll realize there's nothing special about it08:33
luke-jrif you want to brag about N900/Maemo, go for the integration aspect ;)08:34
luke-jror the 5MPcamera08:34
luke-jrthat component is actually useful08:35
asjluke-jr: oh come now08:35
luke-jrtoo bad the GPS doesn't work, or it'd do geotagging too08:35
PhonoN900Well, one could say the same of football. But, the World Cup is exciting. So, streaming the World Cup is exciting. All very exciting08:35
luke-jrPhonoN900: I don't even know or care what this "World Cup" is08:35
luke-jra bunch of adults being paid to play childrens' games?08:35
asjluke-jr: you bash the n900 for doing flash, then say "look it's it's wonderful 5mpx camera" which if are follow your reasoning is 3 year old tech and just as lame as doing flash08:36
luke-jrasj: no, Flash sucks in general08:36
luke-jrcameras are pretty nice08:36
PhonoN900luke-jr: It is a phone.08:36
pytherflash is closed and is buggy08:36
luke-jrit's the integration that makes the N900's camera special08:36
luke-jrPhonoN900: nope08:36
luke-jrPhonoN900: it's a handheld computer08:37
luke-jrthe earlier models didn't even support cellular networks08:37
asjluke-jr: you're caught in the trap, of what you want is what everyone else wants08:37
PhonoN900It's pretty simple. It has a quad-band gsm module. It is a phone.08:38
luke-jrasj: what makes you think I want Maemo? :p08:38
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asjluke-jr: you typed /join #maemo08:38
luke-jrPhonoN900: by that logic, iPad and many other obvious non-phones are also phones08:38
asjluke-jr: ipad doesn't make voice calls08:38
luke-jrasj: no, I didn't.08:38
luke-jrasj: my point exactly08:38
asjluke-jr: n900 makes phone calls just fine, it's one of the first things the intro video does :)08:39
luke-jrthe N900 hardware is no doubt *capable* of being a phone... like if you install Android08:39
luke-jrbut the older models never could have been, and Maemo wasn't designed to be a phone platform08:39
luke-jrasj: my desktop PC makes phone calls just fine.08:40
luke-jrbeing able to make a call doesn't make a device a phone08:40
asjluke-jr: no one has ever said n800, so you can't even argue that point if you want to be pedantic08:40
luke-jrN800 is nothing less than an older model of the NIT line08:40
luke-jrit is a predecessor of N90008:40
asjluke-jr: sure, you can's shove your computer in your pocket and walk around the streets08:40
luke-jrand N810 is a direct predecessor of N90008:41
luke-jrasj: I can shove many of my computers in my pocket08:41
luke-jror at least C760 and N81008:41
PhonoN900we all know exactly what we mean. Pedantic bullshit is bullshit08:41
rasterout of the box the n900 is capable of making and recieving phone calls and sms's - it is capable of remaining attached to a network ready to make calls for days. it is a phone. that is what all phones do too.08:41
asjPhonoN900: ^508:41
luke-jrraster: my N900 wasn't08:41
rasterif you wish to have some other personal definition of phone - that's your business08:42
rasterluke-jr: mine did08:42
luke-jrphones *only* do that08:42
luke-jrraster: really? you didn't need to install a SIM card?08:42
rasteri stuck a sim card in and replaced my phone with it08:42
asjluke-jr: we also bought ours08:42
luke-jrasj: irrelevant detail08:42
rasterit was about one of the buggiest phones i've had - only openmoko beat it :)08:42
asjraster: you never owned an n97 v10.0.x obviously08:42
rasterluke-jr: putting in a sim card is required of almost every phone (except cdma)08:43
rasterwho puts it is is irrelevant08:43
luke-jrasj: FWIW, there is no compatible 3G service here08:43
asjluke-jr: where are you btw?08:43
luke-jreverything is CDMA08:43
luke-jrexcept AT&T, and N900 doesn't support their frequencies08:43
rasterif your minhdset is an american - i live incdma land one where sim cards are rare/not relevant08:43
rasterthen u are in the vast minority of people in the world08:44
rasterworld-wide sim cards are by far and wide *THE* primary way a phone device accesses a network08:44
luke-jrmy point is this: a phone would be useless without service08:44
asjluke-jr: umm,  you know the n900 does gsm right?08:44
rasterthe shop may put it in when u buy the phone and get a contract there08:44
luke-jrasj: sure08:44
rasteru may buy a phone separatelyt and then just geta  pre-paid sim card account08:44
asjand both tmo and att I'm sure have coverage at least along bits if i-8008:44
rasteror even a contract plan on one08:44
rasterits largely irrelevant08:44
rasterthe n900 is a phone by all accepted properties of a phone08:45
luke-jrasj: TMo claims to not have service here08:45
rasterit is small/portable, lasts long enough to take around with you all day to make/get calls and sms's08:45
rasterand it actually does that08:45
luke-jrraster: a phone is useless without service; N900 isn't08:45
rasterso it's a phone08:45
PhonoN900well anyhow, it's a hell of a device08:45
rasterluke-jr: 100% incorrect08:45
rasteryou may think of a dumphone (featurephone)08:45
rasterthe ones that put up a nice "please inser sim card" and refuse to work without one08:46
rasterif thats what you think - then you think in a very different decade08:46
rasterlike maybe 1990's08:46
rasteris the g1 a phone?08:46
luke-jrraster: so you think that by adding a GSM module, the N900 gets moved from the (superior) handheld computer category into the (inferior) phone category?08:46
rasterinferior or superior is your own addition08:47
rasterthats an evaluation i frankly do not share08:47
rasterand i bet ylou many others wqill disagree with you too08:47
asjconsidering nokia sold <100k n800s I'm not sure which is superior eh?08:47
rasterphones have been computers for a long time08:47
rasterin terms of hardware08:47
rasteronly software was different08:47
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luke-jrasj: considering most n00bs who come in here seem to think N900 is a phone, you need to adjust your statistics08:48
rasterthey have cpu's, ram, disk (flash), modems, network (bt, wifi), screens, and many more peripherals08:48
rasterthey suspend and resume08:48
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chOnehey everyone08:48
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luke-jrraster: 'computer' usually means general purpose08:48
arachnistand they have a multitasking-capable os08:48
chOneumm is there any chrome browser related channel on freenode?08:48
asjluke-jr: it's a phone just like symbian is a phone, iphone is a phone, and most android devices are08:49
luke-jrSymbian, iPhone, and Android were designed to be phone platforms.08:49
luke-jrMaemo was not.08:49
luke-jrcellular capabilities were only just added in version 508:49
asjluke-jr: ah, but Fremantle was :)08:49
rasterluke-jr: phones hw-wise are general purpose08:49
rasterno more or less than the n90008:50
rastersee above08:50
luke-jrraster: we're talking about software, not hardware08:50
rasterdifference is OS08:50
rasteras of symbian they had a general purpose multi tasking os08:50
rasteractually before that even08:50
luke-jrTRON is a movie08:50
rasterwinmo/pocketpc, android08:50
rasteri can go on08:50
rastertron is also an os08:50
rasteras is nucleus08:51
rasteritron (derivative of tron)08:51
rasterand many others08:51
ljptron this!08:51
pytherCan I remove the apps that are in the menu that want to download themselves?08:51
PhonoN900luke-jr: to the original point then: name a mobile computing device no larger than the n900 that would be able to stream a live feed via flash of the World Cup over 3G08:51
asjPhonoN900: lol, he'll argue with that08:52
rasterPhonoN900: nexus one08:52
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rasterhtc incredible08:52
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rastersamsung galaxy s08:52
rastersamsung 360 h1 and n108:52
luke-jrPhonoN900: that wasn't the original point08:52
TigerTaelHTC Hero?08:52
luke-jrN900 is unusually too small08:52
rasterits a long list08:52
ljpeveryone knows flash is so 90's, man08:53
luke-jrthough I admit, it doesn't seem to be as bad as I had expected08:53
luke-jrnow that I've seen one08:53
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PhonoN900raster: no android device that I'm aware of supports flash natively. am I wrong?08:53
luke-jrPhonoN900: nothing supports flash natively; it's all software08:53
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luke-jrand again, crapy software that I'd rather not have08:54
PhonoN900My N900 supports flash out of the box. That is what I mean08:54
luke-jrGoogle "Android Flash"-- plenty of info08:54
rasterno one said "out of the box"08:54
asjluke-jr: you have rm, go to town08:54
rasterbut currently not out of the box08:55
rasterthe 360 h1 and m1 will do it out of the box08:55
PhonoN900raster: I just did08:55
luke-jrasj: :)08:55
rasterthey run linux08:55
rasterwell u asked08:55
raster<PhonoN900> luke-jr: to the original point then: name a mobile computing device no larger than the n900 that would be able to stream a live feed via flash of the World Cup over 3G08:55
luke-jrPhonoN900: changing the criteria to make your point is a fallacy, I'm pretty sure08:55
rasternothing "out of the box" :)08:55
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luke-jryeah, I think it's called "no true Scotsman"08:56
rastertime to see if my network works08:56
luke-jror at least closely related08:56
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PhonoN900luke-jr: I said name another phone that can do what my N900 did. That was the original point. Scroll up, take a look08:56
luke-jrPhonoN900: and raster did it08:56
luke-jrthen you added a new qualifier "out of the box"08:57
luke-jrraster named two that remained with the new requirements08:57
luke-jrwhat next? :p08:57
PhonoN900what, the h1 and m1? never heard of them tbh08:57
PhonoN900have you?08:57
luke-jrah, so now we add "that I have heard of"08:57
PhonoN900give me a sec, I'll google them08:58
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PhonoN900awesome stuff here
TigerTaelJust give it up.08:59
asjPhonoN900: keep in mind, luke-jr is in Nebraska, other than cow tipping, there's shit all to do out there...08:59
luke-jrasj: I am learning tonal, and building a pendulum for my wall schedule...08:59
luke-jrwhilest teaching my children to do the same08:59
luke-jramong many other subjects08:59
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luke-jrI have quite a bit to do :)09:00
rasterthare be network09:00
Corsacnobody cares about live world cup stream anyway09:00
Corsacand streaming through flash sucks09:00
Corsacand it'll take all you battery life in no time09:00
luke-jrCorsac: I made those points waaaaaaaaay back at the start :)09:00
PhonoN900the m1 seems badass too
Corsacnow, if only the n900 could not choke when it's feeded with few gigs of photos and music, it'd be nice09:01
luke-jrCorsac: Linux can't handle I/O :(09:01
Corsacmediaplayer seems to leak, it's a bad idea to have it running all day long in the background :/09:01
Corsacluke-jr: it's not (only) a linux problem09:01
PhonoN900Corsac: Word. It does fall on it's face pretty often09:01
luke-jrI don't remember having that problem when I used Window...09:01
luke-jrof course, that was like 10 years ago09:02
Corsacluke-jr: I mean, there are ways to workaround that (fine tuning the kernel might help, if not done)09:02
asjluke-jr: /me boggles09:02
Corsacbut anyway, the interface nor the media playing should choke on that09:02
luke-jrCorsac: sure. I could get more RAM so I don't need swap.09:02
Corsacluke-jr: 640k ought to be enough and that sort of thing09:03
luke-jrbut DDR1 RAM is kinda expensive, so I'm holding off until my next PC09:03
Corsacluke-jr: in my case, my laptop's pretty ok wrt. IO09:03
asjPhonoN900: ok, the flashlite android app for symbian is the lamest thing I've ever seen09:03
luke-jrCorsac: Bill Gates might be right if we take his advice and avoid KDE09:03
luke-jrCorsac: I have 2 GB RAM. I use at least 2 GB swap on top of that regularly.09:03
PhonoN900asj: Just a quick google search, no worries09:04
Corsacluke-jr: my real grip is against the n900, which can't display my pictures correctly, can't display fluidly all the music I have, can't play it without jitter...09:04
Corsacluke-jr: I use Xfce09:04
luke-jrCorsac: I might try Xfce, if it didn't use GTK09:04
Corsacyeah if you don't like GTK+ it might not be the one for you :)09:04
luke-jrCorsac: I'm tempted to install Gentoo on my N900, but pondering getting it a MicroSD first, to put swap/build data on09:05
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CorsacI don't like Qt, but I think there's a place for a Qt-equivalent of Xfce09:05
luke-jrNokia has been ruining Qt, but it's still better than GTK09:05
luke-jrI won't let my systems install glib/GTK/GNOME anymore :)09:05
Corsac(though seeing the manpower missing for Xfce, I'm not sure there's enough for that kind of project)09:05
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PhonoN900for all the N900's issues (and I admit, there are many), there are few "phones" that can do what the N900 can do.09:07
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PhonoN900I mean, I'm on my N900 now. Using xchat. Seriously.09:08
rmrfchik_PhonoN900: what special N900 can do?09:08
rasterfirc on a g109:08
luke-jrX-Chat sucks too :p09:08
Corsacn900 can do a lot of thing, but it doesn't do it really well09:08
PhonoN900PLAY FLASH FFS09:08
luke-jrAndroid has some awesome speech recognition IRC client09:09
rasterflash is out for android09:09
rasterwhy does this all have to be "out of the box"09:09
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luke-jrno Flash is better than Flash09:09
PhonoN900Corsac: It does most things prettyy well.09:09
rasterif its available and can be trivially added/installed - it doesnt matter09:09
CorsacPhonoN900: I disagree09:09
luke-jrno Flash > installable Flash > preinstalled Flash09:09
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PhonoN900Corsac: Fair enough09:09
rmrfchik_i don't care about flash09:10
rasterthe only thing the maemo has going for it that android doesnt is that it is a full linux os base09:10
dotblankI think my n900 is easier to developer for then any other phone09:10
luke-jrraster: uh, no09:10
* PhonoN900 cares about flash content09:10
Corsac(it doesn't do *everything* bad, but still, in the end, I'm slightly disapointed about the result)09:10
luke-jrMaemo has X11 and Qt, and Android does not09:10
asjraster: plus it's Not Evil (tm)09:10
luke-jrother than that, they are the same09:10
rasterwith proper glibc, userspace, x11, etc. and that makes it easy - if u already develop for or use linux heavily, to use it, develop for it and adapt it09:10
rasterunlike android which is an entirely different/foreign os09:10
Corsacluke-jr: and security model :)09:11
dotblankQt is good... it still needs some more work but for right now.. it works perfectly fine09:11
luke-jrraster: Maemo doesn't use standard GNU userspace, and won't work with standard Linux09:11
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luke-jrCorsac: uh, no?09:11
dotblankigh writing in java... makes me feel sick09:11
luke-jrCorsac: Maemo is a single-user OS09:11
rasterluke-jr: says who?09:11
rasterit works for me09:11
luke-jrraster: you've tried booting a standard Linux kernel?09:11
rasterall the tools i am used to are there09:11
Corsacluke-jr: yes, so?09:11
dotblankluke-jr, well the kernel doe srun in multi-user mode09:11
luke-jrraster: BusyBox is not GNU09:11
luke-jrraster: try tar xjvpf09:12
rasterbusybox is good enough09:12
Corsacluke-jr: android has a rather complex security model, while maemo5 has basically none :)09:12
rasterho pedanticisms09:12
luke-jrdotblank: irrelevant09:12
PhonoN900You know what else my "phone" handles perfectly? aXXo movies. Drag and drop.09:12
Ken-Youngluke-jr, Just install Easy Debian, and you get full gnu utilities.09:12
Corsacluke-jr: it's quite easy for any app to access everything on the device09:12
rasteri've been doing linux on arm devices for about a decade09:12
asjraster: where have you been the last hour??? this is all about being pedantic09:12
luke-jrPhonoN900: sounds illegal09:12
Corsacor for anyone else, for that matter09:12
rasterbusybox is par of the course09:12
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rasterit is a userspace "fileutils" that is good enough09:12
asjraster: he'll also argue it's not Linux because you can't boot an x86 kernel on it09:13
dotblankluke-jr, axxo is just his brother and he puts his homemade movies on his phone via drag and drop09:13
rasterasj: time to give up09:13
rasteri have better things to do09:13
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luke-jrasj: doesn't build binaries09:13
rmrfchik_asj: lol09:13
PhonoN900I've had a few phones, and nothing handles divx better than my N900 ('cept my laptop)09:13
asjraster: and now he's going to argue with me about that ;) told you Nebraska makes ya strange09:13
rastermaemo is a proper linux userspace by all accepted definitions i have ever seen when it comes to running on arm devices like this09:13
dotblankI ahve to say my old Palm OS actually handled movies really really well09:14
luke-jrraster: even if you ported N900 hardware support to Linux, Maemo wouldn't boot with it09:14
rasteri've been doing it for long enough i think to realise that09:14
rasterbut if others want to be pedantic... let them09:14
luke-jrraster: proper, yes. full, no.09:14
asjah well it's quiting time :)09:14
rmrfchik_PhonoN900: it wiil be better for N900 to play music without jerking09:14
PhonoN900Again, name a "phone" that can run divx out of the box.09:14
luke-jrPhonoN900: the fact that N900 can just proves it isn't a phone09:14
rmrfchik_damn... music skipping drives me mad09:14
PhonoN900Or, name a phone that can run VLC09:14
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asjrmrfchik_: the choice of pa probably screwed em there09:14
rasterluke-jr: you really need to learn something of these devices, hardware etc. etc.09:14
dotblankrmrfchik_, Have you tried a different player09:15
rastereach soc is basically a new hardware platform09:15
rastereg like a whole new pc arch09:15
rasteryes - a standard from kernel-org kernel wont work09:15
luke-jrraster: seeing as I'm pretty involved in porting Linux to N8x0, that comment seems misdirected :)09:15
rasterpartly due to russel king simply getting in the way09:15
rasterpartly due to companies not having traditionally wanted to upstream09:15
luke-jrraster: I'm not talking about hardware support issues here09:15
rmrfchikdotblank: yes. it's not handy. "headset daemon" pauses only built-in player, and I use this feature09:15
rasterthen why "boot a kernel" ?09:15
luke-jrraster: I'm talking about Maemo depending on non-standard features09:16
luke-jrlike /proc/bootreason09:16
rasterthats in the name of producing a product that works09:16
rasteru cant rely on standard features for everything09:16
luke-jrbad excuse09:16
rasterthere is not always a "standard" for what u want09:16
rasterand u have a product to get out09:16
luke-jrthen make it optional09:16
rasterso u deal with it09:16
PhonoN900luke-jr: I'm talking with you over 3G. That means it has phone capabilities, at the least09:17
luke-jrif /proc/bootreason is missing, ignore it in some sane way and move on09:17
rastermore often than not its simply a product requirement and the developer assigned to do it didnt know there was such a standard or feature09:17
luke-jrPhonoN900: phone capabilities doesn't make it a phone09:17
rasterand impelemented it another way09:17
PhonoN900That it can exploit those to deliver voice makes it a "phone"09:17
luke-jrraster: and this is why companies are a bad environment for development09:17
rasterPhonoN900: don't worry. you're right :)09:17
PhonoN900raster: I know :)09:18
rasterluke-jr: i'm afraid i disagree09:18
rasteras companies provide a very importan tthing... MONEY09:18
dotblankI like being able to scp music to my phone09:18
rasterwithotu that very little gets done09:18
dotblankI think thats cool09:18
PhonoN900it's been fun though, glad I spoke up :)09:19
luke-jrtoo bad you can't buy a N900 w/o buying Maemo ;)09:19
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PhonoN900That World Cup shit was epic. It made me happy.09:19
luke-jrone of those four letter words belongs. the other doesn't.09:20
PhonoN900luke-jr: You can dualboot android 2.109:20
luke-jrPhonoN900: I can probably dualboot Gentoo too09:20
luke-jrand probably will09:20
luke-jrand install KDE09:20
PhonoN900well there you go.09:20
dotblankso meego handset I think is approaching very soon09:21
pupnikreally, thanks09:21
PhonoN900What's with all the hate then? Sincerely?09:21
luke-jrit's very simple09:21
pupnikwhen does whining become whinging?09:23
PhonoN900I don't know how to click/select the url. Let's hear a synopsis, please, luke-jr.09:24
Corsacxchat can't click on an url?09:24
PhonoN900honestly, I'd click on it if I could09:24
luke-jr"Are you coming to bed?" "I can't. This is important." "What?" "Someone is *wrong* on the internet."09:24
PhonoN900classic :)09:25
PhonoN900op, got it. please hold09:25
PhonoN900luke-jr: fine synopsis09:26
PhonoN900clicking on shit does work. my fault09:26
PhonoN900luke-jr: Do you have an N900?09:28
PhonoN900just for the sake of conversation09:29
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* PhonoN900 is having a fine time09:29
PhonoN900do you like it?09:29
luke-jrdunno yet09:29
luke-jrstill forming an opinion09:30
PhonoN900did you just get it?09:30
* magic_silver_box is *wrong* on the internet.09:30
luke-jrMonday or Tuesday09:30
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PhonoN900right on09:30
PhonoN900The browser is pretty ill09:31
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luke-jrkinda wish I knew who sent it so I can clarify what I'm expected to do in exchange <.<09:31
* magic_silver_box slaps ChanServ around a bit with a large trout09:32
luke-jrguess I can reply to the email asking for my address...09:32
PhonoN900I have issues with stuttering Panuchi playback. Also sometimes it lags to such an extent that I have to set it down, for fear of throwing it through a floor09:32
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PhonoN900but for the most part (aside from placing a quick call to the wife) I like it. Nice, high resolution display... great codec support. .. awesome browser... decent battery life...09:34
PhonoN900and oc'd to 850, it just hums09:35
PhonoN900can definitely feel the lack of physical memory09:36
PhonoN900fail what?09:36
rasterPhonoN900:  how's your battery life? :)09:36
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PhonoN900raster: It's pretty good. Not as good as my E71, better than my N9509:37
luke-jrPhonoN900: overclocking = void warranty + device dies sooner09:37
PhonoN900luke-jr: don't be a girl about it09:37
PhonoN900it works fine09:38
rasterPhonoN900: ever @ 850mhz?09:38
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luke-jrPhonoN900: of course it works fine09:38
luke-jrwhy wouldn't it?09:38
PhonoN900that's what it's at right now09:39
rasterPhonoN900: don't worry about the oc - sure. it'll die sooner. lasts 4 years instead of 15 :)09:39
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luke-jroverclocking doesn't damage immediate usability (unless you go to extremes), it damages longevity and battery use09:39
raster(numbers pulled out of arse - but u get the drift)09:39
luke-jror 1 instead of 409:39
rasteromaps are built to run much more than 4 :)09:39
PhonoN900raster: if you meant how's the batt life @850, that's what I was referencng above. better than some, worse than others09:40
rasterthat was my ref09:40
rasterfair enough09:40
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PhonoN900raster: exactly09:40
rasterthe n900 isnt the beefiest one09:40
luke-jrI was surprised by the thickness09:41
luke-jrN900 is at least 2x as thick as N810 was09:41
rastertho i am used to other soc's daily clocking in at 800->1000+ as the nominal normal rate09:41
rasternot oc09:41
PhonoN900man, the scroll bar in xchat is a bitch09:41
rastern900 is indeed a very fat device09:41
rasterembarrassing almost09:41
luke-jrmeh, not fat09:41
rasterit'd fat.09:41
luke-jrit could be thicker without being inconvenient09:41
PhonoN900indeed, it's a chubby fucker09:41
rasterbut i have desks full of devices much slimmer, faster and slicker.09:42
luke-jrit's still thinner than my C76009:42
rasterbut i'm spoilt.09:42
rasterso take that with a grain of salt09:42
PhonoN900i like my bitc er phones with a bit of meat on their bones09:42
jdi never get really god battery life on the n900 and i rarely even have any app open and i only connect to gprs when i need it which is not even 1h a day09:43
luke-jrI like my C760's form factor09:43
rasteri like mine sleek and glowing09:43
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PhonoN900jd: I keep my backlight @ 3. Seems to help09:44
jdmine is at 209:44
jdand i don't have any widgets or anything draining battery09:44
PhonoN900jd: well then...09:44
jdbut i can't seem to make it to barely 8h of battery life09:44
luke-jrjd: mine took 6 hours to drop below 100%09:44
jdi noticed a bit of a battery improvement in PR1.209:45
PhonoN900jd: I don't make 8 either, probably... I've always got mine plugged into the computer @ work09:45
jdother than the battery the n900 is the best device ever09:45
luke-jrjd: maybe because I have no SIM09:45
`0660mine usually lasts all day even with 3g, skype and fb-chat09:46
PhonoN900honestly though, if I leave it alone in my pocket, or just sitting around @ my house, it'll last forever.09:46
PhonoN900but if I use it, no more than 8 hours off charger09:47
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PhonoN900hell, it's plugged into the wall right now09:47
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PhonoN900luke-jr: if you've only just gotten the "phone", for your own sanity, try not to be SO negative. there's no fun in dissing something you spent a mint on09:51
PhonoN900cheers though, catch y'all next time09:52
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jdhi PhonoN90009:55
PhonoN900meh, fuck :) not like I have anything better to do09:55
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dotblankPhonoN900, want to test my app?09:55
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PhonoN900dotblank: maybe... what does it do?09:56
jdirc is a good way to waste time09:56
PhonoN900jd: word09:56
dotblankPhonoN900, groove shark client.. I added playlist support but its acting funky09:56
jdi always get on xchat from work from my n900 :P09:57
PhonoN900it's been a while since I screwed around in IRC. it destroys my battery, unfortunately09:57
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PhonoN900dotblank: sure, let's do this09:58
* PhonoN900 pumps fist09:58
dotblankPhonoN900, do you ahve a sdk or a scratchbox environment? if you don't I can just send you build binaries09:59
PhonoN900i've only got my phone...09:59
dotblankoh thats right.. can you click links in your xchat on your phone10:00
Stskeepsdotblank: how's the client coming on?10:00
PhonoN900i'll install whatever you're serving though10:00
dotblankStskeeps, my playlist is buggy and can't fiqure out why adding songs isn't working10:00
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PhonoN900yes, I can click links10:00
dotblankStskeeps, it plays songs once but...10:00
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VenemoGood morning!10:03
dotblankPhonoN900,  one sec as I have to upload the libs and bins to my server10:03
PhonoN900dotblank: no worries, let me know when you're ready10:03
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PhonoN900Venemo: good morning10:04
_0x47amigadave: you are here! :)10:04
amigadave_0x47: morning10:04
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dotblankthats the library.. download that then open the terminal and copy it to /usr/lib10:05
LillyIs there a guide to confirgurare filezilla to connect to openssh?10:05
_0x47amigadave: I set up the new target and everything. Now I'm about to build, but have one unresolved dependency. After installing all the packages from the maemo repos, "cdbs" is 0.4.48, but I need 0.4.49. I have the Ubuntu .deb here, that works fine. Is it safe to install? I mean the error did not seem to lead from there right?10:06
amigadave_0x47: you could check why you need the newer version, you may be able to drop the dependency10:07
Venemohey folks, is there anyone here who can help me with a weird issue with the auto builder?10:07
amigadavebut you can try using the Ubuntu package10:07
_0x47amigadave: how to check this? Or just lower it and hope it works?10:08
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amigadave_0x47: that would be my first attempt, yes ;)10:08
_0x47amigadave: ok, let me try that10:08
amigadaveor you could check the changelog of the package and of cdbs to see what changes might be relevant10:08
dotblankPhonoN900, you'll need to be root to copy it10:09
PhonoN900dotblank: out of my depth, sorry... i'm in the directory where I saved it. what is the command i need to cp from/MyDocs/DOWNLOADS to /usr/lib ?10:10
PhonoN900i am10:10
dotblankPhonoN900, should be cp /home/user/MyDocs/DOWNLOADS/ /usr/lib10:11
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dotblankPhonoN900, once the file is copied run this command ln /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
PhonoN900dotblank: it says file exists...10:17
dotblankPhonoN900, for which monnad the cp or the ln?10:17
PhonoN900feel like i'm doing it wrong10:17
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PhonoN900Nokia-N900-42-11:/usr/lib# ln /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ File exists10:18
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dotblankPhonoN900, can you run ls /usr/lib/libqjson*10:19
PhonoN900Nokia-N900-42-11:/usr/lib#  ls /usr/lib/libqjson*10:20
jpetried my n900 with a ford navigation system -> no go, sometimes i have a connection, sometimes not. phonebook does not show up10:20
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PhonoN900hold on, not right10:20
PhonoN900/usr/lib/      /usr/lib/
dotblankPhonoN900, odd I have no idea how that got there...10:21
dotblankanyway... lets continue10:22
PhonoN900classic :)10:22
PhonoN900i'm just not savy10:22
dotblankjust download that wherever10:22
dotblankthen chmod +x groove10:23
PhonoN9003.6 mb saved to DOWNLOADS10:23
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dotblankin the downloads folder10:23
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dotblankerr rather chmod+x ./groove10:24
dotblankchmod +x ./groove10:24
dotblankonce thats done try running it10:25
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PhonoN900i'm doing it wrong. i'm not a good tester. my apologies10:28
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dotblankPhonoN900, does it error or say it can't find libqjson?10:29
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PhonoN900dotblank: neither... as sudo, I'm in DOWNLOADS, run chmod +x ./groove10:33
PhonoN900and it doesn't do anything10:33
dotblankPhonoN900, thats ok10:33
dotblankPhonoN900, can you run ./groove/10:33
_0x47amigadave: sry had to take a crap. The build has the same error regarding "Mix_Chunk" (was previous declared). So I'd like to check your idea regarding the SDL_Mixer version. How to do that? BTW: I decreased the dep. version of cdbs, so far no complaining...10:34
PhonoN900permission denied10:35
dotblankPhonoN900, ok try chmod +x ./groove10:35
dotblankwithout sudo10:35
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dotblankthen run ./groove10:36
amigadave_0x47: you could first try removing the forward declaration and just including the SDL_Mixer header instead, might be quicker10:37
PhonoN900well i'm at the folder with sudo gainroot...10:37
dotblankPhonoN900, oh ok.. try chown user ./groove10:37
_0x47i think that's what I tried before, it will fail at another point then. but let me do it to insure10:38
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dotblankthen chmod 777 ./groove10:38
_0x47@ amigadave10:38
amigadave_0x47: ok, if you want to check the SDL_Mixer version then you can do a dpkg-query --show libsdl-mixer1.210:39
amigadavealthough the package name may be different on Ubuntu10:39
PhonoN900dotblank: sorry for being such a douche, like i said, out of my depth... don't put youself out trying to talk me through it. i'm a willing paticipant, just not a capable one10:39
dotblankPhonoN900, no no its fine10:40
_0x47[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL2: ~/MyDocs/vcmi_armel/vcmi-0.81-svn1610] > dpkg-query --show libsdl-mixer1.210:40
_0x47libsdl-mixer1.2 1:1.2.6-5+0m510:40
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PhonoN900sorry man, didn't mean to waste your time with my ineptness10:43
dotblankPhonoN900, nah its ok. its really my fault for not providing a package so uyou can't apt-get install it10:43
infobotvldcnst: :)10:44
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PhonoN900meh! fail whale. cheers dotblank, sorry i couldn't be of assistance10:47
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PhonoN900it's 3 here, gotta wind down. g'night all10:50
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ham5how do I access the rootfs pluged into usb?10:52
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Lillyn900 is  very better phone :) . Ihave setting filezilla  to transfer file on n900 good very good11:00
Lillyhappy to buy this phone :)11:00
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chem|stmoaning has bro'ken *sing*11:14
chem|stham5: you don't but by setting up usb networking and ssh'ing to the device11:15
mirfhas anyone got samba working on maemo5?11:17
mirfI notice there is samba-common for maemo211:17
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mirfmight have to be my first compile :/11:17
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Duckbootmirf: There is som wizard-mounter-stuff - Might be in therer11:18
chem|stmirf: as there are other ways...11:18
JaffaMorning, all11:18
mirfother ways like winscp, ftp etc?11:18
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chem|stDuckboot: I think he is looking for providing share not mount shares11:19
mirfyeah that's right chem|st11:19
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Duckbootmirf: Samba is in there11:19
Duckbootsamba - SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix11:19
Duckbootsamba-common - common files used by both the Samba server and client11:20
chem|stmirf: you might be able to "mount" / somehow to your windows, never done that but as you can run a linux atop a windows I am pretty sure someone did it already11:20
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mirfbit of a dirty habit of mine is putting samba shares on my linux boxes11:21
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chem|stmirf: you mount samba shares between linux boxes?11:22
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chem|styou like to provide shares then?11:22
chem|stno matter if needed or not11:22
mirfDuckboot: I see samba-common is there but it's not valid for install11:23
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mirfdepends how you define 'needed'11:23
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mirfsamba shares are great to have on predominately windows networks11:24
chem|stneeded in "my girlfriend got windows and will never make it to mount a non windows-share to her laptop, even windows-share needs me to write a bashscript she can click on"11:24
Corsaceven on Linux networks, cifs/samba shares are good11:25
CorsacI'm not sure I prefer nfs over cifs11:25
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chem|stmirf: a server in between who checks for bugs/horses/viruses is what we do here11:26
_0x47amigadave: dunno if that makes sense, but I added the SDL_mixer.h and removed the declaration in CMusicHandler.h. Now it complains that it wouldn't be declared later. WTF?11:26
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chem|stmirf: most of the machines don't have a direct share open and our network is able to separate infected machines11:26
amigadave_0x47: i would file a bug11:26
DrGrovAnyone using a 3G usb internet for a Mac ever? Sorry for offtopic11:26
chem|stDrGrov: which type? and yes there is11:27
DrGrovDocScrutinizer51: hello, you there? i got a memo from you about the chargers. perhaps yes i could send them for you11:27
DrGrovchem|st: it is a Huawei E169 and DNA is the finnish operator I use11:27
_0x47amigadave: I swear it compiles on my ubuntu machine...11:29
chem|stthere is a bug with E169 and you might fix it with a patch11:29
chem|stDNA should be irreleveant11:29
amigadave_0x47: well, that's a good point of reference that you can use in the bug report11:29
mirfthat setup sounds interesting chem|st, is it active directory network?11:30
chem|styeah its a windows server, all that security measure drains speed from 1Gb/s to some like 8-700Mb/s but ok11:32
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_0x47amigadave: where to report it? maemo or the software's maintainer? I don't get who's fault this would be if it doesn't compile in the SDK. I assume it's the SDK's fault...11:32
mirfsounds super secure11:32
mirfunfortuantely we have nothing like that at work11:32
mirfanyway I better crack on and get this samba working ;P11:33
chem|stthe "doh" on it is that till we setup access to some machines directly you had to sit infront of the machine you needed files from to get them into your folder on the server *pain-in-the-A*11:33
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mirfah yeah that sounds a bit poop11:33
mirfbut still11:33
mirfnice and locked down11:34
amigadave_0x47: i would report it upstream, as they know the code that does not compile11:34
chem|stmirf: it's windows.... secure windows is an oximoron11:34
chem|stif the server gets a cold all machines are infected anyway11:34
_0x47amigadave: Thanks, that's what I will do. If you like I'll let you know the result.11:34
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amigadave_0x47: sure!11:34
chem|stwhat about this?11:36
DrGrovchem|st: thank you, i already found it. it was just a double-click away to get it working :)11:36
chem|stah ok11:36
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chem|stwell bit of a fail! to need the 220 drivers to have a 169 working...11:36
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DrGrovchem|st: it seems like that i presume. i do not have the macbook around me to test now. just at the summer place i have a possibility to test it out in practice. perhaps it will work without any problems but i am not 100% sure that it will work just like that. perhaps i need of course to do some manual settings in order for the 3g usb to find it.11:38
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Corsacgood luck / have fnu11:39
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DrGrovthanks :)11:39
DrGrovi am a bit too old for this fancy shit talk ;)11:39
DrGrovwell, gotta run.11:40
DrGrovthanks for the help11:40
DrGrovhappy midsummer to you who celebrate it11:41
DrGrovtake care guys and gals11:41
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mirfthe latest update installed support for portrait browsing... how does one activate that?11:57
jacekowskisame as in the iphone11:58
jacekowskibesides, use opera11:58
Surfamirf, from the browser options11:58
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jacekowskiit's a lot better11:59
eitamaOpera has no flash ):11:59
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Surfaopera is worst browser ever.. at least on n90011:59
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jacekowskieitama: who needs flash12:00
Surfaportrait mode keyboard is the only thing i remotely like in it12:00
eitamaI Do (:12:00
eitamaIt's not fun to reach a site and face the fact that you need to copy the URL and move to microB just for that page12:00
mirfso does portrait work in microb?12:01
jacekowskiwell, i don't use flash at all12:01
eitamaIt does12:01
mirfgood :)12:01
jacekowskithing is that it's too unsecure12:01
jacekowskithere are 3 known exploits for it12:01
jacekowskione which is widely used12:01
crashanddieBest TMO post ever:
eitamamirf: exit fullsceen mode, press on the title at top, and enable it in the options12:01
jacekowskiand it's matter of time before somebody modifies it to use arm shellcode12:01
mirfcool thanks eitama12:02
crashanddieSurfa: Opera is excellent. It's 10 times faster than microb12:02
eitamaI'll give opera another try though.12:03
Stskeepscrashanddie: begs to differ ;p but quite good post12:03
mirfwow gooo woody12:04
* Trizt thinks microb is the best of the browsers, but it could been nice if had been a bit fstare12:04
mirfmicrob is mozilla right, it was always gonn abe slow12:04
mirfbut it has other benefits12:05
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crashanddieA French convict who killed his cellmate and ate his lung was sentenced to 30 years in prison on Thursday.12:05
Triztit's not as lowe as the other one Fennic or what is called12:05
eitamaBTW guys - offtopic question, what IRC client you using on the PC?12:05
Triztcrashanddie; so he will have his snack bar for another 30 years12:05
asj_eitama: the best client ever writen ksirc ;)12:06
andre__eitama: xchat12:06
crashanddieNokia Oyj will use Linux MeeGo software in its N-series lineup, hoping the new platform will give it a better chance to battle against rivals such as Apple Inc and Google Inc.12:06
crashanddieeitama: macirssi12:06
Trizteitama; XChat or iirc12:07
mirfeitama: irssi!12:07
eitamais that another acronym?12:07
eitamaor name of an app?12:07
mirfit's the app :P12:07
Lillyif you expert irssi, else xchat12:07
mirfirssi in a screen on a shell tunnelled through ssh12:08
mirfits' the only way ;)12:08
eitamai tried using xchat, it seems nice - but for some reason, when I try to connect to 4 channels it just ignored my /join commands12:08
eitamaI'll take a look12:08
eitamathanks for the suggestions guys12:08
eitamaMIRC is crap12:08
eitamaxchat gave me a hard time12:08
eitamanow using IceChat12:08
Trizteitama; I'm connected to two networks and 10 channels, no problems12:08
eitamaand it's notification handeling is lame12:08
jacekowskiirssi FTW12:09
pahartikeitama: "irssi"... Works within "screen" and has proxy12:09
eitamaYeah I am now too12:09
eitamaI'll go look now12:09
eitamaat irssi12:09
asj_eitama: under windows try pidgin as well12:09
Triztor go to and download a new os12:09
jacekowskii use irssi + screen + ssh + jabber_notify + jabber12:09
Lillyis there game zuma to maemo?12:09
eitamalol trizt12:10
eitamaI tried insalling ubuntu 10.04 like 6 times12:10
eitamaalways failed.12:10
eitamaeven live cd didn't work12:10
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eitamaGave up12:10
eitamaBurned CDs at 2x, changed CDs Checked MD5s12:10
eitamaPosted on ubuntu forums12:10
Trizteitama; if you failed then it means you didn't install that ms thing yourself, you got it when you bought the hardware12:10
eitamanothing worked12:10
crashanddieenter isn't a form of punctuation12:11
mirfthat's the great thing about irssi and screen, you can connect to it from pretty much anywhere and still pick up your chat where you left off12:11
crashanddiewho cares, really?12:11
eitamaTrizt: I installed xp, windows vista, windows 7, openSuse, ubuntu 8.04 and debian on this laptop12:11
crashanddieonly geeks and nerds care about replicating all the logs from a single channel, and be permanently connected12:11
eitamaTrizt: The only OS I really want, and can't install, is ubuntu 10.0412:11
eitamaTrizt: Believe me, I tried everything.12:12
Trizteitama; go for Gentoo instead, better12:12
crashanddieif you're not there, just disconnect, nobody gives a flying fuck whether you're online or not12:12
mirfcrashanddie: guilty as charged!12:12
eitamaI like the Compiz thingy on ubuntu12:12
mirfI give a flying a fuck whether I'm online or not.. jeeeeez12:12
eitamaThe visuals are great, the OS is fun, I like debian, it fits me like a glove.12:12
Trizteitama; you can get it on any Linux dist12:12
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eitamaWhat package manager does that use?12:13
Trizteitama; portage12:13
eitamaNever heard of that one12:13
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eitamaI'm so inlove with apt-get12:13
eitamaIt beats windows expirience anytime.12:13
eitamaUmmm about Irssi, on windows, what exactly does the UI look like? is it terminal style? or what?12:15
eitamacan I hit links and they open?12:15
eitamaare there tabs?12:15
mirfyou can't run it directly on windows12:15
jacekowskiyou can12:15
jacekowskithere is windows irssi12:15
eitamaI see on the site there is a windows installer12:15
mirfcool :)12:16
eitamaBTW, any of you tried my app? horizontal-call? i'm looking for feedback.12:16
mirfthere are tabbed windows in a way12:16
mirfeitama: got a link?12:17
infobotwell, wifi-psm is
eitamaIt's in devel12:17
eitamaTrizt: Thats not for me.12:18
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eitamaTrizt: I want the "windows" expirience12:18
Trizteitama: then use x-chat12:18
eitamaI tried it12:18
eitamaFor some reason12:19
eitamait won't connect to more then 2 chat rooms12:19
eitamaat once12:19
Trizttry another version or a proper os12:19
eitamawhen with mirc and iceChat i am connected to 5 channels12:19
eitamaWindows 7 is a proper os lol12:19
mirfthanks eitama12:19
jacekowskieitama: it will12:19
TriztI use X-Chat and I'm cyrrently on 10 channels where one is another irc-net12:19
jacekowskieitama: you just don't know how to do it12:19
cehtehchem|st: ping12:20
jacekowskieitama: it's /connect not /server12:20
eitamaI believe you 100% Trizt12:20
eitamajacekowski: sorry I missed the context of what you are saying12:20
Triztanother good irc client is AmIrc12:20
eitamafor what?12:20
jacekowskieitama: to connect to another irc server12:20
mirfon windows I used to like hydrairc12:21
mirfbut it was a bit buggy12:21
eitamaI don't need a few servers12:21
eitamajust freenode12:21
eitamaI was able to connect to freenode12:21
eitamaand join 2 channels12:21
eitamafrom the moment12:21
eitamawhen I typed /join #name12:21
eitamanothing happened12:21
jacekowskimaybe channel doesn't exist12:22
eitamawether i typed it in the console channel or one of the previous channels12:22
eitamathey exist12:22
jacekowskior you are banned12:22
eitamaNo way12:22
eitamaI barly use IRC to get banned12:22
jacekowskieitama: because you are already on that channel12:22
jacekowskieitama: so you have to switch to that window12:22
jacekowskieitama: not join them12:22
Triztjacekowski he will get to chennel if it don't exsist, the only time he won't if the channel is password protected or invite onely12:22
eitamalol jacekowski12:22
eitamagive some credit mate12:22
chem|stcehteh: pong12:22
eitamayou know what12:22
eitamai'm installing xchat now12:23
eitamato prove it to you12:23
jacekowskiTrizt: well, x-chat had some problems handling channels that redirect to different one12:23
cehtehchem|st: s. /query12:23
eitama5 channels : qt qt-maemo maemo maemo-devel qt-creator12:23
Triztjacekowski; okey, didn't know and never really needed to go to a such chan12:23
cehtehhah .. lol12:23
cehtehi just found the email inbox cache from the first device i had in december (amazon warehouse deals) of the former owner in my backups12:24
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eitama_now it's working12:26
eitamaWhat's that?12:26
MohammadAG51Problem Exists Between Keyboard and Chair12:27
eitama_MohammadAG51,  I'm so lucky you are here to enlighten me mate12:27
eitama_Thats so true btw12:27
MohammadAG51now then12:27
MohammadAG51why was i g/k/zlined?12:28
MohammadAG51* Closing link [Timeout] oh, nvm12:28
eitama_MohammadAG51, You remember the problem with the dbus?12:28
chem|stcehteh: got no query...12:28
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MohammadAG51eitama_, yeah?12:30
eitama_You remember it?12:31
MohammadAG51i think so12:32
eitama_Where I had to add the path12:32
eitama_to the /include folder?12:32
eitama_for it to compile both on madde and autobuilder12:32
eitama_I found out what was the problem12:32
eitama_I had QT += dbus <whatever>12:33
eitama_at the top of the pro file12:33
eitama_somwhere to the end12:33
eitama_there was another line12:33
eitama_QT = core gui12:33
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eitamaLame eh?12:41
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dotblankim in a super happy mood :)12:50
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mirfwhy dotblank ?12:55
dotblankwhy because I fixed a bug that Ive been trying to fix for the last 3 hours12:56
Stskeepsmorn dneary12:56
mirfso prior to being happy you were FAR from it12:56
dotblankmirf, well.. I wasn't really angry12:57
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dotblankI mean its amazing what one int can mess up12:57
dnearyStskeeps, Can I ask your advice?12:57
Stskeepsdneary: always12:57
dnearyI'd like to change the behaviour of the "Go" button in the wiki so that it doesn't go, it sarches, even if there's an exact name match12:57
dotblankhad to fix it in a seemingly unrelated part of the code12:57
dnearyDo you think that's a good idea?12:57
Stskeepsdneary: i hate the default of 'Go' as it says Search above the text field12:58
dneary(basically, if you look at a normal mediawiki, there are two buttons - there's search & go, and I'm going to swap the behaviour for Maemo)12:58
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SpeedEvilWhy make it non-standard?12:59
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Stskeepscos standard sucks?12:59
SpeedEvilI have no objection - as long as the page of the title comes first.12:59
SpeedEvilIt is an extra click, and more data downloaded, which can be annoying for those on slow connections.13:00
* ShadowJK has never figured out how to make the search actually find things :P13:04
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dnearyStskeeps, Try it now, see it you prefer13:06
dnearySpeedEvil, To fit with the style of one search button13:06
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dnearyStskeeps, There is a serious down-side to using search, and that's short searches13:06
dnearySearching for Qt doesn't find the exact matching page now13:07
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MohammadAG51what revision of debian is maemo closest to?13:08
dnearyStskeeps, Too big a change to make before leaving for a weekend13:09
dnearyMohammadAG51, Tough question13:09
dnearyMohammadAG51, I'd say no released version.13:09
MohammadAG51guess i'll have to check dependencies myself13:10
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dnearyMohammadAG51, If you have a specific question, Stskeeps is our distmaster around here13:13
dnearyHe's sure to be able to help you out13:13
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MohammadAG51dneary, nah, he has a thing against helping out and making you find the answer on your own :P13:14
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dnearyMohammadAG51, The meanie13:19
dnearyAnyway - off. Bye!13:19
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Venemohi all!13:20
VenemoI have good news for you13:20
StskeepsMohammadAG51: a mix of sarge, etch13:20
SpeedEvilYou have ported maemo to the nokia 3310?13:20
VenemoThe Sticky Notes widget is now working correctly13:20
SpeedEvilOn the 3310?13:21
VenemoSpeedEvil: almost :P13:21
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VenemoSpeedEvil: btw, the 3310 doesn't quite provide the necessary harware requirements for Maemo13:23
MohammadAG51Stskeeps, I was referring to the touchscreen problem above, but ty anyways :P13:23
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Stskeepswhat touchscreen problem? :P13:23
MohammadAG51Stskeeps, the one where the ts doesn't work on ubuntu 9.10 :)13:24
StskeepsMohammadAG51: didn't i tell you to look at how we got that working in meego? :P13:24
MohammadAG51Stskeeps, no, you sent me to mer :P13:25
MohammadAG51and the tsc2005.ko thing didn't work :)13:25
Stskeeps.. no i didn't13:25
MohammadAG51as well as the mer xorg.conf file13:25
Stskeepstsc2005.ko being there is one part, second part is xorg.conf configuration, third part is getting rid of xserver-xorg-input-synaptics13:25
SpeedEvilVenemo: That just makes it a challenge! :)13:26
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obsidiethhmmm. anyone played with the infrared?13:33
obsidiethi cant say mine actually fires.13:33
nidOhow've you checked it13:33
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asj_camera I presume13:33
obsidiethwell its not controlling my tv, and im trying the shutter ap.13:34
obsidiethim not quite sure how to test with a camera, though.13:34
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asj_ccds are very sensitive to IR13:34
nidOmanually send a command through lirc while pointing a digital video camera at the ir port13:34
nidOyou should see blue flashes on the camera if the port's sending the command13:34
obsidiethone sec.13:35
asj_doesn't have to video, anything with live preview13:35
obsidiethwheres the IR port? :p by the way13:35
nidOtop right of the device13:35
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Corsacexcept that usually there are filters before or after the cmos/ccd?13:36
obsidiethright. i can see the flash of my tv remote.13:36
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obsidiethah yes. its flashing for shutter.13:37
obsidiethok. definitely flashes13:37
obsidiethits some sort of remote misconfiguration one would assume13:37
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nidOif you're trying to use qtirreco remotes yes13:38
nidOloads of them are duff and send invalid/nonexistant codes13:38
obsidiethwell. i was trying to get the device info and create my own remote13:39
obsidiethit was one model number at the end off, ill try another tv13:40
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MohammadAG51tsk tsk tsk, who optifies a -dev package :)13:42
alteregobuilder4 broke?13:43
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MohammadAG51meh, gparted failed to build :(13:48
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alteregoMohammadAG: gnome deps?13:52
MohammadAGalterego, nope13:52
MohammadAGalterego, all deps satisfied, configure script goes well, make fails13:52
alteregoOh :(13:53
alteregoAre you planning to hildonize it? :)13:53
MohammadAGalterego, how would I if the regular one doesn't build :)13:54
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alteregolooks like you might have the wrong version of something?14:00
obsidiethworks on one tv14:01
Stskeepshm, cool:
Stskeepsthey really do mean open source seriously14:02
MohammadAGalterego, well the debian/control file doesn't have versioned deps so :)14:02
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alteregoThere should be a kayboard shortcut to open a browser window.14:06
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alteregoAlso, has anyone had an issue where microb opens with juust location bar and stop button?14:07
MohammadAGand the blue 'bar' keeps moving, yeah14:09
alteregoNo, loads thepage fine, just those are the only widgets in the toolbar.14:10
MohammadAGhappened to me once14:10
hajuhm .. say.. isn't the camera in the N900 supposed to auto rotate photos?14:10
alteregoHahah, "Apple releases advice on how to hold iPhone 4" pahahah14:10
alteregoAdmitting there's a problem is the first step :)14:10
MohammadAGe-yes, I checked out the boot.log file, it had some permission denied entries in it, who should the files be owned by?14:11
MohammadAGalterego, link?14:11
hajalterego: actually Jobs calls the users idiots... it seems.. :)14:11
hajalterego: they'll buy it anyway, which proofs his point.. ;)14:11
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Stskeepsor hate lefties14:12
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alteregoDIY iPhone: "Alternatively, said Apple, customers could buy a case to shield the antenna. "14:12
hajor another phone14:12
DuckbootI'm so glad I'll never ever gonna have _ANY_ product from Apple.14:13
alteregodiyPhone :D14:13
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nidOus lefties never get any love :(14:13
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MohammadAGLOL Mr Jobs wrote that "All phones have sensitive areas".14:13
zash"a case to shield the antenna" .. wait what14:14
jacekowskiwell, if i grab my n900 in both hands14:14
jacekowskito cover everything on a back14:15
nidOi tried that yesterday, i couldnt get the signal to drop below full14:15
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nidOtried completely covering it from every way, signal bar stayed rock solid14:15
MohammadAGI've never had a signal drop on any phone tbh14:15
nidOme either, not appreciably14:15
DuckbootJobs will never ever admit an error or design flaw.14:16
chem|stnidO: you think you do deserve it?14:16
andre__anybody knows how to start the Clock app in maemo5 from the terminal?14:16
nidOchem|st: yes, im not evil :(14:16
* chem|st hands a flower to nidO, left handed14:16
jacekowskinidO: i can14:16
jacekowskinidO: if you grab it in both hands14:16
jacekowskinidO: i can make it go from 3g to 2g14:17
SpeedEvilIt is extremely noticable for me when typing on the keyboard14:17
SpeedEvilthe 3g signal can decrease by a lot14:17
nidOlemme try that, mine's forcibly stuck to 2g atm14:17
jacekowskiwell, 2g is different14:17
jacekowskiso it's harder to affect it that much14:17
alteregoI get issues in low signal areas like that, but that is too be expected tbh, sometimes the signal actually gets better when I hold it.14:17
hajMohammadAG: My old 9300i's never worked very well in GSM-900 areas..14:17
chem|stSpeedEvil: true, gps and wifi can be irritated easily14:17
MohammadAGandre__, hmm, sec14:17
alteregoThye issue with the iPhone 4 is a manufacturing defect.14:18
andre__MohammadAG, can't find the freaking name of it14:18
nidOif i completely shield the phone with both hands as best I can14:18
nidOI can get 3g to drop from 4 bars to 314:18
chem|stalterego: yea it's just dumb14:18
alteregoWell, actually "it's really cool engineering" defect.14:18
nidOto put two antenna in a "short-them-on-each-other" position14:18
chem|stalterego: as I said in tmo, mac is doing the microsoft way of it's not a bug it's a feature fail14:19
jacekowskialterego: well, n900 had problems with usb port14:19
MohammadAGbut that's a minority of devices jacekowski14:19
nidOsome users not being careful enough with inherantly-fragile usb ports != all devices having a design flaw that lets the two antenna short on each other and fail14:19
chem|stjacekowski: that was what I wrote first on tmo, I just pull my device off the cord for 6 month now!14:19
jacekowski7650 had problems with ribbon connecting keyboard and screen14:20
alteregojacekowski: sure, N900 has problems with software too. I phone doesn't even have USB, but if it did .... I'm sure it'd start downloading your brain to iTunes when you touched it in the wrong way :D14:20
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MohammadAGandre__, LOL it's called worldclock for some reason14:20
alteregojacekowski: a lot of slides wear out that way. I had to fix an N95 the other day that had a fucked ribbon.14:21
chem|stthe iPhone is a style gadget not something to work with, and I don't like those show-offs14:21
nidOmain point really is though that yeah some devices have weaknesses in certain components that wear out a bit quicker than they should or whatever, but it's a pretty spectacular fuckup to make a phone that doesnt function as a phone when you're *shock* holding it.14:21
jacekowskiwell, n900 is a brick14:21
jacekowskibrick shape14:21
BCMMdo we have a z-machine?14:21
jacekowskibrick size14:21
jacekowskibrick weight14:21
jacekowskibrick battery life14:21
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BCMMi've alwats wanted handheld zork14:21
alteregonidO: exactly :)14:21
jacekowskibattery life is the worst one14:22
MohammadAGjacekowski, k, we got it...14:22
chem|stjacekowski: a not true on the battery life14:22
jacekowskii want something that can last 3 days14:22
alteregojacekowski: we're all aware of your tard fanboiism for Steve's iPeenus :P14:22
nidOI want something like my e90 that could manage a week :(14:22
andre__MohammadAG, garr. thanks14:22
MohammadAGbuy 10 batteries14:22
chem|stjacekowski: just because you cannot handle it doesn't mean it is worse14:22
jacekowskii'm not saying it's worse14:22
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MohammadAGandre__, had to launch it and watch the output of top to see which process would spike :) and np14:22
jacekowskiif everybody here would be saying how good iphone is14:23
jacekowskii would be on opposite side14:23
chem|stnidO: you exchange battery life with always on14:23
jacekowskito remind people about the problems14:23
alteregoI'm still suprised he said customers could by the DIY insulation ...14:23
andre__MohammadAG, oh, nice idea to find out. Hope I won't forget :)14:23
jacekowskibut battery life is the biggest problem i had with n90014:23
nidOmy e90 was more always on than my n900, tbh. I could get 6 days out of that with bluetooth and wifi enabled, my n900 gives me 2 and a half ish, tops, with wifi disabled when not in use14:23
jacekowskiand because it doesn't have standard usb connector14:23
alteregoI would have tholught he'd give them away, but I guess he actually honestly thinks that insulating an antenna is work thirty fucking dollars ...14:24
jacekowskii can't charge it everywhere14:24
chem|stjacekowski: you had?! now it is gone?14:24
chem|stjacekowski: why not?14:24
jacekowskiwell, mini usb is more common14:24
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nidOthe most annoying part about the battery life is the fact that the n900's battery is plain 15% lower capacity than the 5-year-old design in the e90, despite being physically the same volume14:24
mirfI think the usb is a strange choice too14:24
jacekowskito get n900 cable( micro usb? ) i had to walk a lot14:25
SpeedEvilmicro USB is required14:25
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: why?14:25
mirfbut I like the little adaptor you get in the box for plugging it onto oldder nokia chargers... everyone has them14:25
jaskaits also a fairly fragile connector.. compared to miniusb14:25
chem|stjacekowski: I bought 5 micro cables for 7eur14:25
SpeedEvilsee that14:25
alteregonidO: E series are designed for a different purpose though. I'm not bothered by battery life, it's never going to be enough on any device.14:25
nidOwas agreed like a year or two ago that all new phones have to use microusb now for charging14:25
nidOin the eu at least14:25
SpeedEvilnidO: And china14:26
mirfahhh wicked14:26
MohammadAGdamn EU, always brings problems to everyone14:26
mirfI thought they were goning to make mini the standard14:26
mirfbut that's great14:26
chem|stalterego: true, I want my netbook to last 4 days like I get my n900 to14:26
nidOmini was abandoned very quickly because it's shite14:26
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: You'd really rather every phone has it's own charger?14:26
nidOfar far more fragile than micro14:26
alteregoMohammadAG: the micro usb is an issue for when I'm torrenting through my phone as modem :P14:26
chem|stI have to do the same with my netbook as I have to do with n90014:26
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: thing is that why they went for micro not mini14:27
mirfholy schism host mode usb!14:27
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, do Nokia chargers work with any MicroUSB device?14:27
TermananidO, you make it sound like it was an EU REQUIREMENT where as AFAIK, it was just a bunch of manufactures saying they will do it14:27
TermanaIncluding Apple, and they don't do it14:27
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: yes14:27
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: they are 'normal' USB chargers with a microb plug14:27
alteregochem|st: netbooks, tablets will be awesome when they start building them with the kind of stuff we have in phones (like iPad) but then you'll end up paying more than we pay for phones.14:27
nidOTermana, it was an agreement between all the major manufactures including nokia who were one of the initial proponents of a charging standard, so yes they did have to do it on the n90014:28
chem|stMohammadAG: micro B14:28
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alteregoBigger screen, bigger batteries ..14:28
HtheBjo guys14:28
HtheBis there anyone over here that can read (and translate) spanish for me?14:28
jacekowskiyeah, bigger batteries14:28
HtheBGoogle translate > fail14:28
chem|stalterego: I manage to get 4 days out of my netbook if I hit standby any time I am not needing it14:28
jacekowskiHtheB: well, i know somebody who speaks spanish14:28
alteregochem|st: I just use hibernate :)14:29
jacekowskiHtheB: ask on ubuntu-es14:29
chem|stHtheB: link14:29
TermanaHtheB, I can do better than Google Translate14:29
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TermanaAll I have to do is bang the keyboard a few times14:29
HtheBwhat do they say about 3)14:29
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jacekowskiHtheB: i don't speak spanish at all14:30
jacekowskiHtheB: and i can understand it14:30
alteregoI bet the issue with the iPhone 4 is, it just doesn't _like_ being touched. It wants to be put on a thrown under a spot light so every one can see it's shiney!14:30
alteregoDon't touch me!!!14:30
* lcuk frals trout with a MohammadAG 14:30
alteregoYo'll grease up meh screen bro.14:31
nidOfrom the ease of shattering the backplate combined with the antenna problem, it would seem that way14:31
* MohammadAG slaps lcuk with a trouty frals14:31
jacekowskiHtheB: something that you proposed to use front camera to make photos of people that touched your phone14:31
nidO"touch me and ill either shatter or not work as a phone."14:31
HtheByeahthats right14:31
HtheBLo bueno? (something good?)14:31
HtheBLo malo14:31
HtheBlo extrano? O_o14:31
TermanaiPhone 4 - I love how the Apple fanboys mocked the Nexus One's 3G issues, and now the iPhone has 3G issues.14:32
jacekowskiHtheB: the good, the bad, the ugly14:32
alteregonidO: I thought it was funny how the fanboy spinners were saying it only shattered because it was an empty case. I wonder if they tried it with their own devices :)14:32
jacekowskiHtheB: so called pros and cons in english14:32
chem|stHtheB: malo bad extra~no strange14:32
nidOwell there've been several real users with their brand new phones shattering their backplates already14:32
nidOfrom drops of like14:32
nidOa foot14:32
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alteregoI thought it only happened in that tesst.14:33
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HtheBso, what is their opinion about it? XD14:33
alteregoI have one question for Mr Joba though ..... "Will it blend"?14:33
chem|stHtheB: the pros and cons of taking a picture with frontcam to identify a person who found/stole your phone14:33
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TigerTaelUse both front and rear cam14:34
* TigerTael shrugs14:34
nidOalterego: im suprised that question hasnt been answered already tbh :(14:34
nidOwe got the ipad answer like same day it was released14:34
chem|stHtheB: that it is some kind of not useful as police does not have channels for it yet14:35
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HtheBi see14:36
chem|stgood in terms of security measure, but they doubt that it will hold proof of concept14:36
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chem|stHtheB: teh ugly part is about... hmm overdoing it14:37
HtheBgoogle trans says sometihng about family and friends?14:38
chem|stlets say its something that can be abused in "big-brother" style14:38
alteregoWow, the iPhone looks like pure evil once it's blended ...14:39
TermananidO, he isn't selling enough blenders to buy an iPhone 414:39
HtheBthnx chem|st !14:39
chem|stmy spanish is not that good but like watching friends and family not touching your device14:39
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chem|stHtheB: all three... the good the bad the ugly are normal statements that are known issues of security measures14:40
nidOoh neat, that doesnt seem to be on their own site yet :p14:41
HtheBheh :D14:42
alteregonid0 it's not real, but I don't know how I missed that :D14:42
HtheBlets hope that I will win :p14:42
nidOhm, hopefully its gonna get blended today then!14:42
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alteregoHe said 25th I think14:42
alteregoOh yeah!!! :D14:42
chem|stHtheB: the bad is also about quality of pictures14:42
alteregoDon't taze me bro!!!14:42
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chem|stoh I put that wrong..14:43
HtheBit could make bad quality14:43
chem|stHtheB: the bad is not about missing channels of the police but about if it is of any use for the police to find your phone14:43
HtheBits not sure it will make good pictures of the oent hat uses the phone14:43
HtheByeah, I got that part :)14:44
HtheBlets hope for it :D14:44
HtheB2 days left!!!!14:44
HtheBover 59.000 people likes the idea14:44
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HtheBthis is the shortlisted link:
HtheBsee the differences between the facebook "I like this" stuff :p14:45
HtheBwell.. ill bbl now.14:46
HtheBthanks again chem|st !14:46
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chem|stHtheB: I like the idea but I think that pictures aren't the best idea, the best idea would be that the phone starts to hand out all stats every 5 minutes per email/cloak-sms (not visible in conversations), like GPS, HotSpots in range, phone number and ID of simcard and so on14:47
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chem|stshould be triggered somehow so it doesn't do it if the phone is not missing14:48
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jacekowskiwell, probably first thing thath thief would do is restore the phone14:56
jacekowskiso anything in software is not going to work14:56
jacekowskikernel modification + playing with bootloader so kernel can't be changed would be better idea14:56
jacekowskibut it's still something that's not100% reliable14:56
jacekowskiand besides14:57
chem|stjacekowski: deaktivating the flash functions, so it can't be flashed is some kind of... you know14:57
jacekowskiin england for example al banks give you phone insurance/travel insurance/lot of usefull stuff for free with your account14:57
jacekowskichem|st: not deactivating14:57
jacekowskichem|st: it would pretend that it's flashing14:57
jacekowskichem|st: but it would leave kernel intact14:58
jacekowskichem|st: and everything would be in kernel14:58
Lullenanyone here listen to hardstyle/hardcore? :D14:58
jacekowskidoes hardcore porn counts?14:58
Lullenhaha no :(14:58
chem|stchanging the key you have to press is an idea that comes with it, the standard key pretends the other does flash14:58
chem|stLullen: not atm14:59
Lullenchem|st so you like it? I need new music : (15:00
jacekowskiLullen: tastekid.com15:00
jacekowskiLullen: last.fm15:00
chem|stLullen: there is a place called store they have that many vinyls they sell them15:00
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Lullenstores?! I think you are kidding :)15:01
LullenI have never been in a music store in my whole life15:01
jacekowskiwhere do you get your music?15:01
Lullenpiratebay? :)15:01
chem|stLullen: I own some of those old things and like it15:01
jacekowskiLullen: that's fucking theft15:02
jacekowskiLullen: and nobody here supports it15:02
jacekowskiLullen: you want it - pay or don't use it15:02
chem|stLullen: that's where I get nothing but hardcore pr0n15:02
jacekowskiLullen: if you don't think it's worth they price they are asking for - don't pay for it - don't use it15:02
Lullenjacekowski, I did not say I want any links to torrent sites or something, I just want to discuss music :)15:02
jacekowskimusic you have not paid for15:03
Termanajacekowski, alternatively, use iTunes15:03
jacekowskior contributed in any way15:03
jacekowskiTermana: oh no15:03
Lullenand second I will never pay for it, I pay for conserts15:03
jacekowskiTermana: you sad the "i" word15:03
TermanaKidding, there is Amazon MP315:03
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jacekowskiTermana: you will be iRaped15:03
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jacekowskibesides, dinner time15:04
Termanachem|st, lol - vinyls?15:04
the_lordHi! is there any known problem with the n900 ovi store?15:04
jacekowskithe_lord: lot of them15:04
TermanaI've been in music stores, but never any that have records, only CDs.15:04
Lullenwhy is everyone against downloading mp3s? I have never met anyone that bought a cd in the last 5years :P15:04
the_lordjacekowski, one so evil that tells me that my phone is not compatible?15:05
Lullenand now there is spotify...15:05
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TermanaLullen, no one said they were against downloading mp3s. We're against illegally downloading mp3s15:05
chem|stTermana: hell yeah15:05
jacekowskithe_lord: you have to select n90015:05
wazdStskeeps: moo :)15:06
Lullentermana, for me its the same as I have only found 1 song that is legal to download15:06
the_lordjacekowski, if I enter the ovi store using my phone browser, it tells me that the phone is not compatible15:06
wazdStskeeps: I've sent you my details to your gmail inbox15:06
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* pahartik refuses to use "MPEG audio layer 3"15:06
Stskeepswazd: ah, finally15:06
wazdhello righthanded losers :D15:06
TermanaLullen, have you not heard of Amazon? no? Surely iTunes?15:06
Termanapahartik, ogg man15:06
chem|stTermana: some got little paper snippets in the box with codes to download the mp3s, one is reading "Because it is the hell of an effort to rip vinyls to mp3 or flac properly we thought this is useful"15:07
Termanapahartik, fight the power15:07
Termanapahartik, fight the oppressive man15:07
Termanachem|st, lol15:07
pahartikTermana: Well, that and "MPEG-4 AAC"15:08
chem|stTermana: I like to have hardware in my hands15:08
LullenTermana, why pay for it when you can get it for free? The artists wont get much money anyways... Thats why I can go to the other side of the globe to see a consert15:08
wazdStskeeps: yeah, my sister will drive me mad one day15:09
chem|stLullen: it is not for free, as soon as you ripped them of for +20k eur it is avenged with 2-5 years jail15:09
dotblankLullen, you would like my app then15:10
Termanadotblank, Grooveshark app?15:10
Lullendotblank, I like grooveshark :)15:10
mirfgrooveshark is great!15:10
Lullenchem|st I can not get caught anyhow as my internet provider deletes all info about me :)15:11
mirfwoah Lullen which isp?15:11
Lullenits swedish15:11
chem|stLullen: they do not care about your internet provider15:11
TermanaLullen, not getting caught doesn't mean its good15:11
chem|stTermana: that's the point15:12
Lullenchem|st you need to know the swedish laws.15:12
chem|styou got no law for property theft?15:12
LullenTermana: the system should be changed... Like 30% of the swedes download illegal stuff15:12
wazdI wonder how apple will solve that problem, since the design is pretty much based on that antenna thing15:12
LullenWe do but the music labels can not get my names15:13
Stskeepswazd: make users operate the device using their butt15:13
Termanawazd, I don't think you can "fix" it - I mean, its how they built it15:13
Lullenas they need to go to court and as my provider deletes my info there is nothing they can find15:13
Termanawazd, I know how the made the mistake though15:13
wazdTermana: yeah, that's what I think too :)15:13
TermanaI have inside information15:13
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Termanawazd, Steve Jobs, in his infinite godism, was testing it by making it levitate in the air. Therefore he never found out that holding it made it lose signal15:14
wazdStskeeps: butt is already busy with vuvuzella :D15:14
LullenBut really I could pay 10-20 euro a month to be able to download everything I wanted...15:14
wazdTermana: oh15:15
wazdTermana: that makes sense :D15:15
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wazdTermana: that also explains the glass back :)15:15
wazdand he was dare to compare it to old Leica camera15:16
Termanawazd, :D also - word has it that you have not been doing your daily worship of the Jobs, by facing Cupertino and praying, 5 times daily.15:17
TermanaYou devil.15:17
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the_lordjacekowski, it was the phone language15:42
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cehtehanyone of you uses mobilehotspot? i dont get a dhcp offer16:00
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ham5cant manually set ips?16:03
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tybolltmaker of the micro usb connector needs a headshot16:07
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BCMMwhat's the name of that package which can create buttons to launch arbitrary commands?16:09
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Lillygame swf run low :( are there soluction?16:12
lcukhold device higher up16:12
Venemojust out of curiosity16:13
Venemowhat do you think, how many percent of people know what is a browser?16:13
pahartikVenemo: Define "people"16:14
dotblankI think 25%16:14
BCMMyeah, define people16:15
alteregoSpeedEvil: thanks for your bug report :)16:15
dotblankok by world population maybe 10%16:15
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Venemopahartik: if you go to a public square and ask the question "what is a browser?", how many people would know the answer?16:15
alteregoSpeedEvil: you were slightly too late though, as I just uploaded 0.3 for testing.16:15
Venemofor example, on the Time Square16:15
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andre__I remember explaining to a friend that s/he can install another program than the default MSIE on her machine to view internet websites.16:15
BCMM"english-speaker with an internet connection" is the interesting one16:15
alteregoSpeedEvil: anyhow, I've modified the config loading for the daemon process as you suggested, will upload 0.4 later once enough people have tested 0.3 :)16:15
Venemonah, what are your estimated?16:16
Venemonah, what are your estimates?16:16
SpeedEvilalterego: np16:16
SpeedEvilalterego: I should have gotten round to testing it faster. :)16:16
SpeedEvilalterego: I don't have a well-organised queue - I just tend to go to the qa list, install 25 things, and then test them at random.16:17
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Venemothe truth is, less than 8% of people knew16:17
lbt_Stskeeps: he's not around today. personal day16:18
obsidiethis there any other media players out?16:18
Stskeepslbt_: ah, ok16:18
SpeedEvilobsidieth: A few16:18
lbt_unless that was yesterday...16:18
pahartikVenemo: Without knowing what HTTP and HTML are, concept of HTML browser is unreachable16:18
SpeedEvilobsidieth: I recall symphonie, and some other16:18
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SpeedEvilparasight: of course it's not.16:18
SpeedEvilparasight: 'it's the program you acess the web with'16:19
Venemopahartik: you don't need to know anything about HTTP nor HTML to understand what a website or a web browser is16:19
mortinido schools still teach 'the internet' as 'how to design a web page'?16:20
SpeedEvilIndeed, you can build websites with no http or html16:20
mortinier, 'how to write html.'16:20
zashSpeedEvil: xml and ftp?16:20
VenemoSpeedEvil: this is about the visitors, not the builders of websites16:20
lbt_SpeedEvil: yup.... gimme $5000 and I give you a website :)16:20
SpeedEvilzash: yep16:20
SpeedEvilor flash16:20
SpeedEvilVenemo: I know16:20
SpeedEvilVenemo: I'm just saying that knowing http is pointless. As ftp can be a functional equivalent.16:21
obsidiethany recommendation SpeedEvil?16:21
VenemoSpeedEvil: true16:21
obsidiethill check some out16:21
pytherCan someone tell me how to see/view missed calls?16:21
SpeedEvilVenemo: As is knowing http without just understanding that tehre are many ways to layout pages16:21
VenemoSpeedEvil: still, the 8% number scared me really16:21
VenemoSpeedEvil: watch the video16:22
SpeedEvilYou have to understand fundamentally that people don't have time for boring shit.16:22
alteregoVenemo: that's pretty awesome.16:22
SpeedEvilEven if we think it's interesting.16:22
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Triztdo someone know if the language in qtify is hard coded?16:23
SpeedEvilMany people use their effort to learn vastly more important things, like how to pole-dance, or how to strip and rebuild a rabbit in 23 seconds.16:23
Rabidusdamn highlights16:23
VenemoSpeedEvil: what amazes me most about this is that people use a browser in their daily lives without knowing what it is16:24
SpeedEvilWhy do you have pole-dance on highlight?16:24
SpeedEvilVenemo: no, they don't.16:24
SpeedEvilVenemo: They know what it is.16:24
SpeedEvilVenemo: They don't have a term for it. The two are very differnet.16:24
VenemoSpeedEvil: huh, good point16:24
SpeedEvilFor example - if you asked them about another program that does the same thing as internet explorer, they might well answer firefox/... - even though they can't answer the browser question.16:25
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pahartikSpeedEvil: Those persons mostly call it "internet", not "browser"16:26
nidOfor the layman, the advantage of internet explorer is the fact that it's very name tells you what it does16:26
nidOno other browsers do so.16:26
VenemonidO: true :)16:27
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alteregoSpeedEvil: anyhow, 0.3 is in testing now, rather than vote on it, just test it and any issues I'll fix in 0.4 which will be the stable release :)16:29
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SpeedEvilWill do.16:31
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scripthas anyone made any ipv6-experiences with the -power-kernel?16:31
* SpeedEvil wonders why his phones internet has fallen over.16:31
chem|stscript: you again....16:31
scriptchem|st: :D16:32
nidOSpeedEvil - you didnt... touch it, did you?!16:32
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nas_where can I see what program starts every time I start my n900 ?16:34
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BCMMrun ps right after boot16:36
nas_thanks , I allready did that16:37
nas_I would like to see the programs that start every time I boot my n90016:37
BCMMis there a way to make a desktop button that launches an arbitrary command?16:37
nas_is there any config file ?16:37
alteregonas_: you can look into the upstart directory, that will show you all the scripts configured to run on startup16:37
nas_I think it is allready done , check extras / devel16:37
BCMMnas_: but ps shows you that...16:37
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BCMMi don't know what it is called16:38
chem|stnas_: rc.x16:38
nas_on /etc ?16:38
alteregochem|st: that doesn't work, maemo uses upstart like ubuntu, not sysinit16:38
nas_BCMM: I would like also to disable some of theese16:38
chem|stwell both doesn't it?16:39
BCMMi have disabled upstart scripts on maemo16:39
BCMMcan't remember how though16:39
nas_where can I find upstart ? it wasn't in /etc ...16:39
BCMMi set it up so ssh needs to be started manually16:39
nidOupstart's generally in /etc/event.d isnt it?16:41
nidO< much more familiar with sysinit though16:41
SpeedEvilBCMM: queen-beecon16:41
nidOyep, upstart scripts are in /etc/event.d16:42
nas_93 scripts ...16:42
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alteregoWhere's the sys entry for the battery on the N900?16:47
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SpeedEvilthere isn't one16:47
SpeedEvilby default16:47
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alteregoOh, is there anything that will give me a value in relation to that by default?16:48
SpeedEvilinstall the 'power kerenl' then modprobe bq27x00_battery - and there is a semi-ok driver.16:48
SpeedEvilsorry - what are you trying to figure out?16:48
alteregoI'm not installing a stom kernel :P16:48
alteregoOh, basically, whilst tethered to my N900 (via USB) and using Transmission, the phone loses charge rather than charging.16:49
alteregoObviously the handset thinks it's charging, so I want to know the exact status.16:49
cehtehcould happen16:49
SpeedEvilyes, that's to be expected16:49
cehtehthe phone can suck more power than usb can provide16:50
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SpeedEvilThe cellphone can draw lots more power than ...16:50
alteregoSo, I have no way to know how much battery I have, and at somepoint probably in the next hour, my phone will dia and restaert :)16:50
cehtehexactly :P16:50
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SpeedEvilalterego: See
SpeedEvilnot that16:51
SpeedEvilwrong completion, sorry16:51
cehtehwell if you dont transmit data all the time it should charge more or less sloly16:51
alteregoOh, it's fine charging when I'm just browsing etc.16:52
alteregoJust hammering it with torrents tends to kill it.16:52
SpeedEvilThe above script outputs lines like:16:52
alteregoBasically, I want to know the battery, so I can pause the torrent for a while and then resume it once the battery has recovered :)16:52
SpeedEvil      mv   RSOC CSOC mA   NAC  CACD CACT TTF   TTE   TEMP EDV116:53
SpeedEvil14:52 4000 70   70   278  853  853  853  117   65535 313 016:53
SpeedEvilThe intereesting parts are - mv - curent voltage - 4V in this case. *SOC = state of charge in %. mA - current charge rate in mA. CAC* - current available capacity - TTF/TTE - mins till full/empty16:54
obsidiethoh my.16:54
alteregoThis is my one problem with USB charging, you can't plug in a separate charger whilst tethered. Also, would be nice if a powered hub would fix the issue, but I doubt that'll improve things at all.16:54
SpeedEvilthat is with the -r switch16:54
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SpeedEvilalterego: All you need is a way to tell bme to charge at full rate, even with a hub, and it would just work16:55
SpeedEvilbut - ...16:55
SpeedEvil(or some alternate tether)16:55
alteregoWell, I think if I force it to charge at full rate, it might get a bit too hot, it's already cooking when I use it heavily like this.16:55
SpeedEvilOpening out the keyboard will make it slightly better at radiating heat16:56
alteregoThat's a good point, I should have thought of that myselkf :)16:56
nidOum, bme or not, an unpowered hub isnt going to be able to charge at full rate surely16:56
SpeedEvilAs will dipping it in cold lemon juice.16:56
alteregoI tried putting it in a fridge, but it screws with my signal :)16:56
SpeedEvilnidO: powered16:56
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alteregonidO: obviously I meant a powered hub :P16:57
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alteregoI may have omitted that fact though, I thought it would have been obvious :P16:57
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nidOi must have read badly, you mentioned that it'd be nice if a powered hub would fix it and SpeedEvil said that you just need bme to charge at full rate16:58
nidOas though the powered hub wasnt neccesary16:58
alteregonidO: well, that might also be the case, if my computer can supply enough power and not fry it's internals.16:58
SpeedEvilBME won't of course do this - as it's closed source.16:58
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SpeedEvilThere may be a prototype BME replacement coming soon.16:59
nidOan unpowered hub wont be able to supply more than 500mA regardless though16:59
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SpeedEvilIt's not really that simple.16:59
SpeedEvilFew USB hosts actually limit current to 500mA16:59
nidOI was under the impression any certified host had to be limited to 5 unit loads under the usb2 spec17:00
lcukSpeedEvil, i thought for certification of usb the limit had to be tested and confirmed?17:00
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* lcuk tips hat at nidO 17:00
* nidO nods17:00
alteregoI thought it just had to supply the correct amount, that it wasn't a limiting factor.17:01
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alteregoBut I don't know too much about certification of USB :P17:01
alteregoSpeedEvil: anyhow, thanks a lot for those scripts, I'm glad I didn't have to install a new kernel :P17:01
SpeedEvillcuk: no - it just has to supply not more than (IIRC) 2A.17:01
nidOthe spec defines a usb2 unit load as 100mA with a max of 5 units, and 150mA with a max of 6 units for usb317:01
lcukwell the usb spec specifies that a decide will supply 500ma at max doesnt it17:01
SpeedEvillcuk: and at least 500mA17:02
lcukis it at least? i thought that was an upper bound not a lower17:02
SpeedEvillcuk: Supplying 1.5A won't break the spec at all.17:02
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SpeedEvilIt must supply no less than 500mA17:02
* lcuk learns something if thats the case17:02
SpeedEviland no more than 2A.17:02
SpeedEvilOr something like that.17:02
SpeedEvilThe load draws what it needs.17:02
lcukreasonable enough17:03
SpeedEvilSame as if you have a table that can support 400Kg, it doesn't mean if you sit on it, you weigh 400Kg17:03
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alteregoYeah, that's what I thought :)17:03
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alteregoJust like OTG needs to supply at least 200mA :P17:03
SpeedEvilIn some modes - it's complex.17:04
SpeedEvilIIRC in some modes it's as low as 0.6mA17:04
alteregoYes, I know.17:04
pytherIs anyone using callnotify?17:04
alteregoSpeedEvil: sweet, yopur script updates!17:04
pytherI can't seem to find out how to start it17:04
alteregoI thought it was run once :D17:04
SpeedEvilpyther: i did for a little bit17:04
alteregoSpeedEvil: I can pipe that straight into rrdtool :P17:04
pytherSpeedEvil: whas there an app icon or how did you start it?17:04
SpeedEvilalterego: It's not mine. it's ShadowJK's. or maybe not. It's someones beginning with s17:05
SpeedEvilpyther: There is no icon17:05
alteregoSpeedEvil: cool :)17:05
SpeedEvilpyther: it's a toolbar icon that appears when there is new mail/sms17:05
SpeedEvilpyther: IIRC there is a thingy in settings17:05
alteregoSpeedEvil: though I'm not sure I believe this for TTE "65535" :P17:06
alteregoPrtesumably that's how it's set whilst charging, also, that should probably be -1 ..17:06
SpeedEvilalterego: That's when it's discharging consistently - that means 'not emptying'17:06
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* alterego resumes his torrent to see what happens :)17:07
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pytherSpeedEvil: thanks17:07
alteregoOh my ..17:07
alteregoWell, that makes sense ..17:08
alteregoI suppose that explains how bad my drainage really is ;)17:09
* alterego turns off backlight17:09
Stskeepsdotblank: so it is basically mp3 streaming from grooveshark or?17:09
alteregoBacklight makes a lot of difference ..17:10
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Stskeepsdotblank: i'd pay 50 eur in bounty for the 'download to my music folder while playing' feature :)17:11
DocScrutinizeralterego: script updates?17:11
dotblankStskeeps, well you can very very easily modify the source to save mp3s instead17:12
alteregoDocScrutinizer: the bme monitoring script SpeedEvil just provided me with17:12
Stskeepsdotblank: i'm crap at qt and i have other things to accomplish, so i'm lazy :P17:12
DocScrutinizerumm, URL here? missed that17:12
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DocScrutinizerare you talking about ShadowJK's bq27200 script?17:13
dotblankStskeeps, ah well Im going to have to add the save mp3 feature in order to get playlist support and any experiance out of using it on 3g17:13
alteregoDocScrutinizer: yes I believe so17:13
DocScrutinizeraaah, yes17:13
Stskeepsdotblank: let me know when you set up a donation fund :) really liking this app17:13
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DocScrutinizerit's quite handy esp in -r mode17:13
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dotblankStskeeps, you're using it now?17:14
Stskeepsdotblank: yeah17:14
alteregoDocScrutinizer: that's whaqt I'm using, thinking of piping it into rrdtool17:14
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DocScrutinizerwhatever that is17:14
Stskeepsdotblank: i often have to be offline and i'm crap at synchronising music to my device17:14
Corsacwhich app?17:15
dotblankI had a working download progress bar... but I had to take it out for the upcoming playlist support and I have to redesign it17:16
dotblankwhat I would reallt like to do17:16
dotblankis intergrate it with last.fm17:16
alteregoInteresting at the moment it claims to be charging ..17:16
dotblankand you can click on tracks your friends have listened to and searches via my app for the song17:17
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* Stskeeps wonders if this works on diablo17:17
dotblankit requires libqt4.617:17
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dotblankStskeeps, let me know if it crashes17:18
Stskeepsso far nt17:19
dotblankI tried reducing the memory used too... but without caching yet I would not recommend using it without wifi17:19
dotblankalso I think I can make the ui perform a little better during downloads17:20
dotblankI have too many if calls in progress update17:20
dotblanktoo my knowledge tho this is the first example of phonon working with a stream QNetworkReply17:21
Termanadotblank, just out of interest, any word on weather Grooveshark (dis)approves of you doing this?17:21
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dotblankTermana, no idea17:22
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TermanaAfter all, I know on the iPhone, they sell the app after a trial17:22
dotblankTermana, you should buy the premium membership just to be nice17:22
dotblankbecause my app has no adds, mobile and requires no login17:22
dotblankvery rogue17:23
TermanaI don't have an n900 yet, so I can't use your app yet. But you can bet it will be one of the first apps I install :P17:23
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dotblankTermana, I have a build on ubuntu17:23
dotblankits in my ppa17:24
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dotblankits an older version tho17:24
dotblankbut it does feel much more snappy17:24
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n900-1hey everyone17:25
n900-1i want to ask, is the n900 emulator included with the nokia qt sdk 1.0 for windows ?17:25
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n900-1how do I run it ?17:27
n900-1i'm reading this now lets see17:30
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n900-1yes that page had the answer17:38
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tripzeroso after uploading a package to autobuilder, is there anyway to know if it worked?17:39
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Corsacthere's a mailing list which does some report, but I can't remember the address17:39
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loufoque_Termana: the N900 is no iPhone17:40
Termanaloufoque_, that has nothing to do with anything17:41
Alcohol17646N900 Îî17:41
Alcohol17646How many costs?17:41
StskeepsCorsac: extras cauldron17:41
tripzerocan has obs for maemo yet?17:41
loufoque_tripzero: obs?17:41
tripzeroit's a build server thingy17:42
Termanaloufoque_, Grooveshark makes you sign up for a premium account with their iPhone app. You don't need to with dotblank's N900 app17:42
TermanaI was stating that, Grooveshark may not be happy about that17:42
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loufoque_grooveshark wrote the application for the iphone themselves and chose to implement this limitation17:43
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kwtmHi.  Is there bcrypt (or another handy text encryption program) for N900?17:44
nidOtruecrypt's in extras17:45
DocScrutinizeralterego: what means "it claims to be charging"?17:45
crashanddieAlcohol17646: I really hope you're ready to be banned. BEHAVE!17:45
loufoque_Alcohol17646: about the price of a phone17:47
Termanaloufoque_, Are you just acting stupid or are you naturally that way? If Grooveshark wants iPhone users to sign up for premium membership, it would be fair to say they would want this from other mobile device users. If they find out that this isn't the case on the n900, they could block the app from using the service.17:47
dotblankTermana, untill someone finds a way to unblock it17:48
dotblankTermana, the phone appears as a flash client17:48
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: RFC5508 ?17:48
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loufoque_Termana: this doesn't make sense. A mobile device is no different than a laptop.17:48
StskeepsTermana: technically people can use the flash app directly on n900 as well though17:48
kwtmnidO: I think you're referring to disk encryption for "truecrypt".  I would like to encrypt a text file, and decrypt it when I access it (something like "bcrypt --decrypt $1 $1.decrypted && vi $1.decrypted && bcrypt --encrypt $1.decrypted $1" or something)17:48
pupnik_n900 kicks iphone ass so badly they are not comparable17:48
loufoque_Termana: the protocol is there, the application is just using it17:49
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: something like that17:49
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loufoque_if they don't want people to use it from a mobile phone, they should make it part of the EULA17:49
loufoque_and that wouldn't be enforceable anyway17:49
nidOkwtm: you can essentially do that with truecrypt. granted, itll store encrypted files in a container disk, but you can happily setup a container to store a single file, rather than using the whole-disk encryption on the entire filesystem17:50
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crashanddieloufoque_: anything is enforceable17:50
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kwtmpupnik_: Hey, I want to ask how n900 is better than iPhone on the tech specs.  I already told my friend about the advantages of: not locked to a mobile carrier, not locked to an app store, etc. but I want to be able to promote it on technical merits, too.17:50
kwtmnidO: Hmm, could try that.  Thanks.17:50
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nidOcompared to a 3gs, or a 4?17:50
crashanddiekwtm: you're starting a trollfest17:51
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kwtmcrashanddie: Okay.  Cancel request for iPhone vs. n900.  Cancel cancel.  Thx.17:51
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loufoque_crashanddie: not really. If I make you sign a contract that says you agree to be my slave for life, I cannot expect court to actually enforce this.17:51
TermanaI don't think you understand. If Grooveshark don't want it to work, they will find a way to try to make it not work. In some cases, Grooveshark could sue. The whole argument stemmed from weather dotblank knew weather Grooveshark approved of his app, and any trademarks used in it. Say like the Grooveshark name?17:51
pupnik_yes i apologize for my comment.  if you want a toy get iphone17:51
dotblankTermana, you are right.. they could implement ways to detect it17:52
nidOon the pure technical side, it's pretty easy. n900 v iphone 4, the iphone lacks a physical keyboard and has severe reception problems when you hold it without a case17:52
crashanddieloufoque_: completely out of proportion.17:52
nidOin almost every other measure, the iphone 4's better17:52
dotblankTermana, but ultimately youc an always spoof the flash client17:52
nidOsoftware-side it's a hugely different story though.17:52
loufoque_crashanddie: you said "anything".17:52
TermanaUnless they start trying to charge for using the flash client17:52
dotblankTermana, it just needs to be a good enough spoof17:52
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crashanddieloufoque_: yada yada yada17:53
loufoque_kwtm: the iphone is not locked to a mobile carrier17:53
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loufoque_locking a phone to specific carrier is illegal in most countries17:53
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crashanddieIt ain't illegal in the UK, nor in France, nor in the US, nor in Spain17:53
loufoque_which shows how much you're ignorant about the laws that govern you.17:54
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TermanaNor in Australia17:54
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crashanddieTermana: indeed17:54
Stskeepscrashanddie: well, beyond 6 months in .dk it's illegal17:54
GAN900nidO, does not.17:54
nidOwhat does not what?17:54
luke-jrStskeeps: that sounds nice17:54
crashanddieloufoque_: can you be less aggressive?17:54
jacekowskicrashanddie: it is in the UK17:54
GAN900nidO, it has reception problems when you hold it in such a way as to have a finger bridge the two antennas.17:54
jacekowskicrashanddie: sort of17:55
luke-jrStskeeps: a nice compromise, I mean17:55
jacekowskicrashanddie: they are required to unlock it on request17:55
DocScrutinizer(BME) seems Nokia decided to keep the battery charger floating @ ~4180mV, and does NOT stop charging like supposed to be done. At least that's what cell manufacturer strictly recommended to Openmoko, and that's also how all hardware charger chips I studied are built like. Strange Nokia decided to go with the float approach in BME17:55
nidOGAN900 which can also be easily defined as "holding it" - especially for those of us that are lefties.17:55
alteregoDocScrutinizer: by "claims to be charging" I mean the battery status icon acts like it's charging "animated loop of battery level".17:55
alteregoBut it clearly isn't ..17:55
DocScrutinizeralterego: lol17:55
crashanddiejacekowski: nope, if you buy it from Vodafone, they are allowed to request compensation if you are taking the contract elsewhere. However, if you negotiate properly they'll give it for free. But it's definitely not illegal.17:55
DocScrutinizeralterego: maybe you stopped bme?17:55
nidOGAN900 a trend-follower friend of mine bought an iphone4 and I had a play with it last night, nowhere on the box or device does it mention that the phone's designed to be usable as a phone by right-handed people only.17:55
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: well, big lead acid batteries are kept charged by small current flowing trough them17:56
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nidOyet, effectively, it is.17:56
luke-jrcrashanddie: contract enforcement is quite legit IMO17:56
alteregoDocScrutinizer: it just uses too much pwoer whilst under heavy 3G use :P17:56
loufoque_crashanddie: the only compensation they ask is for you to break your contract early.17:56
jacekowskicrashanddie: contract is different thing17:56
crashanddieluke-jr: indeed17:56
GAN900nidO, meh.17:56
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: I know, but seems we got no Lead-Acid cell here17:56
luke-jrmaking the device useless if you break the contract, is arguably questionable17:56
jacekowskicrashanddie: you have to pay fees for early termination17:56
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alteregoAnyhow, my torrent will be finished in 3 minutes, so I expect my phone to die in about 2 minute s50 seconds :P17:56
jacekowskicrashanddie: but that's all17:56
luke-jrespecially if the provider refuses to unlock it if you terminate the contract legally17:56
nidOhe lives in the middle of a city, like me - max bars when the device is sitting in front of me, i pick it up and hold it to my ear, signal almost entirely vanishes over about 15 seconds17:57
luke-jror goes out of business17:57
jacekowskicrashanddie: so if you decide to go pay&go and still keep contract as well17:57
jacekowskicrashanddie: they are required to unlock your phone17:57
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: besides, i saw many chargers for different batteries17:57
crashanddiejacekowski: when I moved to Australia, my blackberry didn't work with an australian vodafone SIM. However I got my assistant (in the UK) to call Vodafone and she argued that the phone would come back to the UK and be used by another employee as soon as I got a AU contract, however needed the phone immediately. We got the unlock codes17:57
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: hep, stadig 28 92 41 56 ?17:57
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: and every sigle one has different charging curve17:57
Stskeepswrong paste17:57
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: and manual always states that it is the best curve17:58
TermanaStskeeps, winning power ball numbers?17:58
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: NiCad, NiMH??? wtf?17:59
jacekowskii hate fscking firefox17:59
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: ah, maybe wrong battery type17:59
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DocScrutinizerI know of the "decrease-in-voltage" charge termination method17:59
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: it's NOT APPLICABLE to LiIon17:59
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: either way, it shouldn't wonder me if there's a thought behind the overvoltage17:59
luke-jrcrashanddie: what does it matter how the phone is used, provided you maintain your contract?18:00
crashanddieluke-jr: contract wasn't maintained18:01
crashanddieluke-jr: I kept the handset for about 6 months in Aus before it was returned to the UK18:01
luke-jrcrashanddie: my point being, what if I got a N900 and wanted to sell my subsidized phone?18:01
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crashanddieluke-jr: and I was a juicy contract, roughly 1000 every month18:01
jacekowskiluke-jr: you can sell it and do whatever you want18:01
jacekowskiluke-jr: it's yours18:01
luke-jrjacekowski: not if it's locked18:02
jacekowskiluke-jr: well, mine isn't18:02
jacekowski90% of phones in the uk are sold unlocked18:02
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: I don't care too much about a single charger unit manuf claiming he found Columbus' egg. I start to think when I learn a cell(!!!) manufacturer when asked by his customer(!) is recommending exactly what is implemented in at least 3 charger chips18:02
nidOthe remaining 10% are iphones and blackberries18:02
jacekowskin900 battery is lipol?18:03
nidOother than those, no networks sell contract phones locked as a matter of course any more18:03
crashanddieluke-jr: "n the United Kingdom, mobile phone network providers are not obliged to provide unlocking, even after the end of the contract. Most operators offer some form of unlocking service, depending on the state of the contract and the model of phone, but usually for a charge."18:03
luke-jrnidO: what about blueberries?18:03
kwtmloufoque_: Oh!  I thought, at least in the USA, that it had to be locked to a certain mobile carrier.  Well, one less reason not to get an iPhone.18:03
jacekowskicrashanddie: but they don't lock the phones18:03
crashanddiethey do sometimes18:03
jacekowskicrashanddie: they have contract with you18:03
jacekowskicrashanddie: you have to pay them because of that18:03
loufoque_kwtm: in the US maybe yes, but not in Europe at least. Anyway I think it's pretty easy to unlock or buy an unlocked iPhone.18:03
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crashanddiemy point was that there hardly is any "law" prohibiting SIM locking for subsidised phones.18:04
jacekowskicrashanddie: why make your life harder if they have guarenteed £20-40/month for 24 months18:04
crashanddieMy point still stands.18:04
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: then I see Nokia in BME isn't doing that, and I frown18:04
jacekowskicrashanddie: or early termination18:04
loufoque_crashanddie: there is no law prohibiting it, but there is one compelling to unlock upon demand.18:04
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: well, thing is18:04
crashanddieloufoque_: only in France as far as i can tell18:04
alteregoWeird ..18:04
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: that how do you keep battery charged when phone is connected to charger18:04
alteregoDoes the charger pulse?18:05
alteregoLike, 1 minute on 1 minute off?18:05
DocScrutinizer~tell jacekowski about bateryfaq18:05
DocScrutinizer~tell jacekowski about batteryfaq18:05
jacekowskiwell, so it should stop18:06
jacekowskilet it discharge18:06
DocScrutinizeralterego: which charger? nevertheless, none of the units called charger in any of the phones I know does that18:06
jacekowskiand then what?18:06
alteregoDocScrutinizer: USB cable into my laptop ..18:06
jacekowskiyou have empty battery18:06
kwtmAnyone have experience with the "PyQt4 demo" package on the n900?  It won't download due to missing dependencies.  I wanted to check it out before I downloaded the entire full PyQT4 installation.18:06
jacekowskior you charge not completly empty battery18:06
jacekowskiwhich has negative impact on battery capacity18:06
alteregoThere seems to be a spike in charge every minute or so.18:06
jacekowskinot a major one18:06
jacekowskialterego: it affects battery capacity18:06
alteregojacekowski: not for LiIon's18:07
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jacekowskiit does18:07
jacekowskinot as much as for other types18:07
alteregojacekowski: nope, they like being charged ..18:07
jacekowskibut it does affect it18:07
alteregoYou should never drain a lion ..18:07
kwtmDocScrutinizer: where is the batteryfaq?  I want to see why my USB cable won't charge the n900 when connected to a USB charger (not a computer, just a USB charger18:07
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jacekowskibattery has limit of charge/discharge cycles18:07
Corsacthey like to be in the 30-70% range and stay there18:07
infobotbatteryfaq is, like,
alteregojacekowski: full cycles maybe, that number grows a lot when you keep it above 50%18:08
jacekowskialterego: but it still affects battery life18:08
kwtmIt's "", so I guess it's about cellphone/palmtop batteries in general and not about the n900 (or any nokia phone) in particular?18:08
jacekowskialterego: everything affects it18:08
alteregojacekowski: that's known as life :P18:08
dotblankI thought you were calling a destructor on batterfaq18:08
dotblankI need sleep18:08
crashanddiedestructors are evil18:08
alteregodotblank: that would be: delete batteryfaq :P18:09
crashanddie~burn C++18:09
jacekowskibatteryfaq = new batteryfaq();18:09
* infobot pours gasoline all over C++, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze18:09
DocScrutinizerkwtm: the generic statements therein (the nes not reerring to OM Freerunner) are applicable to Nokia battery as well18:09
jacekowski~burn crash and die18:09
* infobot pours gasoline all over crash and die, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze18:09
jacekowskii'm going home18:09
crashanddiejacekowski: Batteryfaq batteryfaq = new Batteryfqa();18:09
infobotcrashanddie meant: jacekowski: Batteryfaq batteryfaq = new Batteryfaq();18:10
jacekowskianyways, bye18:10
dotblankOh god look what I started18:10
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dotblank#include "batteryfaq.h"18:10
crashanddiedotblank: I am looking.18:10
DocScrutinizeranyways, at OM we had to learn doing the "Nokia way" we got 'pregnant' cels after ~6 months18:11
crashanddieanyway, got shit to do, later all18:11
crashanddieAlso, loufoque_, please stop bullshitting your way through life. And don't go calling people ignorant because they are claiming things you don't believe, even though, obviously, they would appear to be right.18:12
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fluxcan I find 3g signal strength (in dBm) from /sys or dbus somewhere?18:12
alteregoWho are you talking to?18:13
DocScrutinizerwhile my old Nokia 6210 (strange enough) took care about the LiIon by strictly following the 'orthodox method' of ocasional topup charge cycles nad discharging in between to ~80%, has managed to keep the cell alife (= >75% of design capacity) for EIGHT YEARS18:13
alteregoflux: signal strength is advertised by dbus signals18:13
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loufoque_crashanddie: you're wrong.18:13
alteregoloufoque_: he thinks you're wrong, agree to disagree and change the subject.18:14
loufoque_crashanddie: and unemployed18:14
crashanddiewhat does that have to do with anything?18:14
kwtmDocScrutinizer: That's probably the first info about battery charging that I've seen that has evidence to back it up. :)18:14
alteregoloufoque_: no need to be a dick now.18:14
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jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: pregnant cells?18:14
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loufoque_alterego: you told me to change the subject!18:14
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crashanddieanyway, 'later18:14
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: cell swelling18:14
jacekowskicrashanddie: you're unemplyed?18:14
alteregoHeh, I did tell him that ..18:14
kwtmjacekowski: I think he's talking about how batteries grow larger (thicker) with use... I didn't know until recvently.18:15
crashanddiejacekowski: aye18:15
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: well, i saw that happening only on nokia phones18:15
jacekowskicrashanddie: and you live off my taxes, like SpeedEvil?18:15
crashanddiejacekowski: nope18:15
kwtmIf I want to write a ash script using dbus, is there something like qdbus on n900 so I can browse what's on the dbus?18:15
MohammadAGNeed testers NAO
crashanddiejacekowski: I'm not getting any benefits, regardless of the fact that I've lived and worked and paid taxes in 3 countries18:16
* MohammadAG slaps alterego, an 'eye' for an 'eye', go test my app!18:16
dotblankMohammadAG, I'll test it18:16
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jacekowskii'm going home18:16
DocScrutinizerkwtm: exactly. The cells become twice as thick and electrically dead18:16
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loufoque_that was violent.18:17
DocScrutinizeryeeha, thunderstorm18:17
loufoque_DocScrutinizer: the nokia battery is not as bad as people make it to be18:17
DocScrutinizerloufoque_: "people"?18:18
loufoque_people on the internet18:18
DocScrutinizerloufoque_: [citation needed]18:18
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DocScrutinizernobody here said BL-5J is bad18:18
AppiahI heard there are rumors on the internets18:19
DocScrutinizerI have doubts about N900 maybe treating it bad though18:19
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MohammadAGAppiah, you can't believe everything you read on the internet
kwtmWhy do I get "unable to install <package name>/ Some application packages required for the installation are minssing"?  Does that mean the Maemo repository is missing some packages?18:20
MohammadAGlogs would be more useful than some generic UI message18:20
loufoque_kwtm: happened to me as well18:21
loufoque_kwtm: had to manually add some repositories18:21
alteregoDocScrutinizer: you're going to make me insgtall perl?!?18:21
loufoque_which are the missing packages?18:21
DocScrutinizeralterego: I'm not THAT pervert18:21
kwtmMohammadAG: Are you referring to my error message?  It says that the following are missing: "python2.5-qt4-core (listed twice), python2.5-qt4-xml, python2.5-qt4-gui ... (among others)18:21
nidOI say the bl-5j is bad :(18:21
Lillyis there adbe flash player 10 for maemo?18:21
SpeedEvilLilly: yes.18:22
dotblankMohammadAG, perl-modulues is missing from either extra-dev or testing18:22
loufoque_also is it a non-global firmware?18:22
SpeedEvilLilly: But you can't have it.18:22
kwtmloufoque_: What other repositories are there to add?  WOuld love to know.  Thx.18:22
alteregoMohammadAG: you're going to make me insgtall perl?!? sorry DocScrutinizer18:22
dotblankMohammadAG, preventing me from installing it18:22
nidOthe bp-4l is like 5 years older, the same physical volume, and like 15% higher capacity18:22
Lillyrepository or hack18:22
MohammadAGdotblank, perl-modules is in devel, I'll check testing18:22
SpeedEvil(neither can anyone else not of the select few who have had it running for nokia.)18:22
SpeedEvilLilly: Good question.18:22
SpeedEvilLilly: It was demonstrated running ~6 months ago.18:22
kwtmnidO: Have you been using bp-4L?  Works well?  Any experience with not-officially-from-Nokia batteries?18:22
MohammadAGX-Fade, ping18:23
nidOI used the bp-4l in my e90, never used an aftermarket battery instead of it though18:23
nidOand gave me ~6 days use on that device18:23
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loufoque_kwtm: can you paste the content of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hildon-application-manager.list somewhere?18:23
DocScrutinizernidO: It (bp-4j) might have other unpleasant properties, like dependencies on env temp, or high Z18:23
MohammadAGalterego, lol sorry who?18:23
MohammadAGalterego, and you made me install PySide:p18:23
alteregoMohammadAG: but this is perl!!!18:24
alteregoMohammadAG: why does it depend on Perl?18:24
Lillyi must hacking flash.*.tar.gz?18:24
SpeedEvilLilly: There is no released package of flash 10 anywhere for maemo.18:24
kwtmloufoque_: Umm... not that great at pasting something from inside the n900.  Do I need to connect to the internet via n900 to do so?  (I can't just hook up the n900 to my laptop via USB, right?)18:24
Lillybut for linux 32 bit there is18:25
loufoque_kwtm: you can just hook up the n900 to your laptop via USB18:25
SpeedEvilLilly: In principle it might not be impossible to repackage one of the other flash 10s for arm that have been released, but it's a _huge_ task18:25
SpeedEvilLilly: The n900 does not run on x8618:25
loufoque_kwtm: or you can transfer between your N900 and your PC using wifi18:25
loufoque_by wifi I mean your local network18:25
LillySpComb,  thx18:25
loufoque_you could also use bluetooth18:25
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LillySpeedEvil, thx for all18:25
kwtmloufoque_: But when I connect the n900 via USB, the root directory is not visible, just /home/user/MyDocs (there's a VFAT volume that it umounts and then gives to my laptop).18:25
* SpeedEvil wants flash 10.18:25
loufoque_kwtm: if you have a SD card you can physically move it too18:26
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dotblankkwtm, this is how its supposed to work18:26
SpeedEvilI hit the 'flash 10 only' content on youtube a couple of times this week18:26
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kwtmloufoque_: Still new at transferring ... I don't have a router here; the hotel WiFi won't let me talk between devices.18:26
SpeedEvilkwtm: Do you ahve a USB cable?18:26
MohammadAGalterego, cause... "# Yes it uses Perl, you non-believer :-)."18:26
kwtmSo I guess I'll copy the /etc/apt/sources onto MyDocs and then hook it up to the laptop.18:26
loufoque_kwtm: you could copy the file to /home/user/MyDocs with your terminal on the N90018:26
kwtmSpeedEvil: I do have a USB cable.18:26
MohammadAGalterego, the whole game is in perl18:26
SpeedEvilkwtm: you could tether over USB.18:27
kwtmI'll do as loufoque_ suggests since I know how to do that, but, SpeedEvil: how do I "tether"?  Does that mean I can see all of the N900 file structure on my laptop?18:27
SpeedEvilkwtm: Hmm. You can setup USB networking18:28
loufoque_that means you can have the N900 use USB for the networking18:28
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alteregoMohammadAG: :(18:28
nidOif you setup usb or bluetooth networking you could just access the entire device via scp18:28
SpeedEvilOr setup an ad-hoc network.18:28
MohammadAGalterego, anyways, test it later when I'm the maintainer of perl-modules, cause I can't promote it18:28
E0xis anyway to use the Nokia SDK emulator for test python code ?18:28
obsidiethid like samba.18:28
alteregoMohammadAG: oh, okay. PM me or summink :)18:28
SpeedEvilobsidieth: I assume this is a windows laptop?18:29
obsidiethit is.18:29
obsidiethwinscp is a bit annoying. i like mounting network drives.18:29
dotblankscp on linux is the best thing since sliced bread18:30
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kwtmdotblank: scp is the only usable file transfer method I've found, but I find it very unwieldy. I need something to browse the remote files, or I might not spell the pathname correctly.18:31
loufoque_sshfs is quite nice as well18:31
loufoque_if you want something graphical18:31
loufoque_I mean if you want to be able to run your own graphical apps directly on the files18:32
loufoque_otherwise you can just do everything in the ssh session18:32
loufoque_with vim18:32
SpeedEvilkwtm: browsing over sftp 'just works' - onmany linux distributions file managers.18:32
kwtmloufoque_: pasted to
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kwtmSpeedEvil: Oh, there's sftp on n900?  Didn't know --will explore.18:32
SpeedEvilafter that, I mean18:33
kwtmsources.list shows and ; should I add other repositories?  Didn't see any others on casual googling.18:34
alterego300K/s on 3G nice :)18:34
obsidiethi get about that if im near melbourne18:34
obsidiethelse its poop.18:34
alteregoActually ~320K/s that's pretty sweet18:34
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loufoque_there is also dropbear18:36
FredrIQor Kb?18:36
loufoque_which is more lightweight than openssh18:36
* FredrIQ gets around 45KB/s on 3G at home18:37
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FredrIQacually it's like 47.6 constantly18:37
alteregoloufoque_: drop bear is rubbish though :P18:37
FredrIQit doesn't want to go over that18:37
loufoque_alterego: why?18:37
alteregoloufoque_: I just find somethings don't work .. like sftp ..18:38
loufoque_haven't tested sftp18:38
loufoque_don't use that crap18:38
alteregoI've rhad far too many issues with dropbear to want to ever use it again tbh.18:38
loufoque_I do think sshfs doesn't work though18:38
alteregoThat's because sshfs uses sftp ..18:38
loufoque_kwtm: I personally have something different for deb ./18:39
loufoque_kwtm: do you use a non-global firmware?18:39
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ebzzryHi! I have put 'exec /bin/bash' in my ~/.profile and now I'm in a reboot loop (6 dots). What should I do to recover?18:45
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dotblankebzzry, ouch im not too sure what you can do18:47
dotblankyou may have to reflash18:47
DocScrutinizerwow. a ~100kA discharge arc, ending on a roof 100m away, is definitely a nice experience :-DD18:48
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ebzzrydotblank: iirc, I have installed an app that lets me recover without reflashing; I forgot the name.18:49
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dotblankive been testing my app but now im out of songs to test with18:51
dotblankanyone have recommendations for music?18:51
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ebzzryGah. I may really have to reflash. What's the most ideal starting point?18:52
DocScrutinizerdotblank: Stockhausen18:52
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loufoque_is there a way to choose which icon to use for contacts?18:54
loufoque_sometimes it assigns the msn icon but not always18:54
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an0therb0xis there a way to save all my contacts to sim on the N90019:02
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an0therb0xalso is there a way or an app that displays date + time on the desktop ?19:03
* alterego plays some zen bound, really like this game. Makes me want to get into GLES19:03
mirfare friends electric?19:03
DocScrutinizeran0therb0x: N900 has 'rich contacts' - you can't save that type of contacts to a SIM19:04
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jakdefor the price of an n97 what do you guys suggest i get19:04
jakdei've heard the software on n97s are bad19:04
jakdeany ideas on what i should get, i could throw in a little more if i can get something with maemo on it19:05
DocScrutinizerjakde: The SW on N97 isn't maemo anyways19:05
jakdei know19:05
DocScrutinizerjakde: obviously you want N900 then19:05
jakdeits symbian, i jsut got the phone today but many are telling me the software is crap on this19:06
jakdeis it a big price difference between the n900 and n97?19:06
alteregoNot so much anymore n;)19:06
IkarusDocScrutinizer: it would be useful if the N900 could export contacts to a sim, even if only as an emergency backup19:06
DocScrutinizergoogle is your friend - and amazon19:06
loufoque_jakde: a N90019:07
barisione why does it says that some deps are missing?19:07
barisionethose libs are in pr1.2...19:07
jakdeok nn900 is at $48019:07
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DocScrutinizerIkarus: which part of contacts? the "phone" or the "phone (home)" or the "mobile" or what? it's really a lot of manual work for the *user* to do that19:07
loufoque_barisione: do you have the global firmware?19:07
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barisioneglobal firmware?19:08
jakdeand n97 is at $35019:08
an0therb0xDocScrutinizer: "rich contacts" is that an app or system setting ?19:08
loufoque_barisione: or do you have UK, US, African firmware?19:08
barisioneIkarus: sims are crap19:08
barisionethey have too many limitations19:08
DocScrutinizeran0therb0x: it's a make up term I invented to describe the properties of N900 contacts to have multiple info stored to one contact19:09
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barisioneloufoque_: I would guess UK, but those libs should be at the same version19:09
IkarusDocScrutinizer: my SE phone exports contacts like name;M -> number name;H -> number name;W -> number (representing mobile, home and work19:09
loufoque_jakde: 450 for the N90019:09
jakdeloufoque_ yep19:09
Ikarusand enough other variations19:09
loufoque_barisione: you would guess? Didn't you flash it yourself?19:09
barisioneloufoque_: no19:10
DocScrutinizerIkarus: sure there's a plethora of proprietary ways to deal with that19:10
loufoque_oh right you can do over the air as well19:10
IkarusDocScrutinizer: yup, the point is "emergency backup"19:10
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DocScrutinizerIkarus: but what's the use of it19:10
barisioneIkarus: it's an emergency backup that loses data19:10
IkarusDocScrutinizer: I need to be able to drop my SIM in any other phone and atleast with some difficulty call my contacts19:10
DocScrutinizerIkarus: do 'emergency backup" by exporting vcard to uSD19:10
loufoque_barisione: I don't know if it's because I had UK firmware, but I noticed my repositories were not the same as someone else and I was missing packages19:10
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IkarusDocScrutinizer: no, none of my spare phones have uSD19:11
Ikarusanyway, pizza19:11
barisioneIkarus: save your contacts in another way (backup, vcf file, whatever) but sims lose data so it was decided to consider them legacy and handle them only for import19:11
ebzzrydotblank: Since the offending part is in my ~/.profile, should I reflash the eMMC?19:11
DocScrutinizerIkarus: I see the validity of the demand - but I as well see the difficulties19:11
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barisioneloufoque_: I'm sure those libs are at the same version everywhere (I actually work on libosso-abook)19:12
Ikarusbarisione: I prefer to have something over nothing19:12
loufoque_barisione: I could install contacts merger fine19:12
barisioneloufoque_: yeah, I cannot understand why it says that. but nobody complained19:12
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barisioneIkarus: a half broken feature is not very good for a consumer product19:13
loufoque_barisione: oops sorry I thought you said you were missing the packages...19:13
BCMMdoes maemo have a vnc viewer that supports "reverse" vnc?19:13
DocScrutinizerI suggest you write up a script maybe involving sqlite3 for contacts retrieval and pnatd to generically write to SIM19:13
BCMMe.g. vncviewer -listen19:13
jakdei dont know if i made a bad decision19:13
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jakdei tried maemo and like it but went with symbian instead19:13
barisioneIkarus: people would complain that they names are cut, details are missing, etc.19:13
jakdejust curious19:14
Ikarusbarisione: yet Sony Ericsson does it, Siemens did, etc19:14
barisioneDocScrutinizer: there is no sqlite involved in contacts19:14
jakdein what ways is the maemo better than the symbian software19:14
jakdein speed?19:14
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jacekowskii can't think of one19:14
IkarusDocScrutinizer: but yeah I have been tempted to write just such a thing19:14
DocScrutinizerbarisione: mhm. what else then are contacts stored in?19:14
jakdeit's got a faster processor?19:14
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jakden900 has no java does it?19:14
loufoque_barisione: the page you gave is for pr1.0, not 1.219:14
BCMMjakde: compatibility19:14
barisioneIkarus: symbian does too, but the richer the address book gets the more crap the exports becomes and the more complains people have19:15
SpeedEvildoes nokia pay license fees for sybian?19:15
jakdeBCMM: nnoted19:15
SpeedEvilwho owns it?19:15
jakdebut does it have java?19:15
barisioneSpeedEvil: nokia owns it19:15
jakden900 doesnt have jav19:15
BCMMjakde: maemo is a pretty standard linux distro19:15
jacekowskijakde: processor isn't related to os19:15
jakdejacekowski: ok19:15
jakdebut it does have a faster proc does it not than the n97?19:15
barisioneDocScrutinizer: bsddb, but some details are stored in other backends19:15
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: nokia owns symbian19:15
BCMMjakde: there is no java atm, i think, but it is quite feasible19:16
jacekowskijakde: not a lot faster19:16
jakdejacekowski: also it has no java19:16
jakdeBCMM right19:16
jakdeissnt that a drawback?19:16
loufoque_barisione: Fremantle1.2 Extras seems to be missing from maemo.org19:16
jacekowskinobody cares about java19:16
jacekowskiand flash19:16
loufoque_except java and flash developers19:16
jakdeerm the iphone and android do and19:16
jakdewell you want to upload flash videos if you liekd19:16
jakdeits a big step19:16
barisioneloufoque_: pr1.0? really? why? /me doesn't see any point in having a page for a so old release19:16
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loufoque_barisione: on the link you gave, if you hover libosso-abook it says PR1.019:17
ebzzryHi! Is reflashing the only option if I have 'exec /bin/bash' in my ~/.profile and I get stuck at the 6 dots during bootup?19:17
Stskeepsthat was a bit stupid, ebzzry19:17
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jakdeso there is no flash support for maemo yet?19:18
loufoque_ebzzry: probably19:18
loufoque_jakde: flash has had flash for ages19:18
loufoque_I meant maemo19:18
BCMMjakde: maemo comes with flash...19:18
mmarc__hi, do we have bionic threading lib on maemo?19:18
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jakdeah ok19:18
ebzzryStskeeps: Yeah. But I wanted to see it myself. :)19:18
jakdeso whats the replacement for java in the n900?19:18
SpeedEvilebzzry: In principle you could use flasher to boot the kernel with init=/bin/sh - or whatever. But that won't quite work.19:18
ebzzryIf that's the case, is reflashing the eMMC the only option available left?19:18
jakdei mean since it has no java, what was the alternative?19:18
ebzzryOr there are some better alternatives?19:18
BCMMjakde: what do you mean?19:19
ebzzrys/there are/are there19:19
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BCMMjakde: native apps, i guess19:20
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BCMMjakde: portable binaries aren't a big deal when you can just recompile most Linux applications19:20
BCMM_jakde: the n900 alternative to Java is C++19:21
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loufoque_BCMM: setting up a cross-compiler is no easy task19:23
ebzzrySpeedEvil: Really?19:23
BCMM_loufoque_: eh?19:23
loufoque_you can run java on the N900 if you really want to19:23
BCMM_yeah, i know19:23
BCMM_but it is not a supported thing19:24
loufoque_what do you mean "eh?"19:24
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BCMM_well, i was under the impression that there is a pre-set-up cross-compiler for maemo that one can download19:24
alteregoYeahm, no one is crazy enough to do their own cross compilation tool chain ...19:25
alteregoWell, no one sane would bother considering we have a fair few already built for us.19:25
BCMM_jakde: anyway, a replacement for which java use case?19:25
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alteregoJava is a pos19:25
BCMM_for browser applets, people use Flash or modern HTML for most thigns now19:25
loufoque_BCMM_: only on linux19:25
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loufoque_what if you're into bsd19:25
alteregoloufoque_: works on BSD too ..19:26
BCMM_for applications, well, a java app need modification for a new platform really, since the platform will have a different screen resolution and input system  and file system structure19:26
alteregoDoesn't BNSD have that Linux compatibility layer ?19:26
jakdeBSD does but not sure how it works on phones19:26
loufoque_what if you run on powerpc19:26
BCMM_all using c++ instead adds is having to do a recompile...19:26
jakdelinux has a BSD compatibility layer for POSIX and such19:26
alteregoloufoque_: then you deserve to be left out for dead :P19:26
BCMM_jakde: i'm not quite sure i understand19:27
BCMM_BSD and Linux are both POSIX systems19:27
loufoque_too bad Qt isn't really C++19:27
BCMM_and BSD has a compatibility layer for Linux binaries19:27
ebzzryBCMM_: *BSDs aren't.19:29
BCMM_ebzzry: BSD supports POSIX19:30
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jakdeBCMM: lionux is not a POSIX system19:30
jakdeit supports it19:30
jakdeUNIX/BSD is19:31
jakdeamong others19:31
BCMM_Linux supports posix, but is not officially certified19:31
BCMM_jakde: what does that mean?19:31
jakdeposix compatible?19:31
BCMM_what is a POSIX system, other than a system that will run POSIX-compliant software?19:31
SpeedEvilebzzry: The flasher can pass kerneloptions, yes. If that will help is another question.19:32
jakdeits not a fully posix compliant system19:32
ebzzrySpeedEvil: Do you think what you suggested earlier will work, to avoid the reboot loop?19:33
jakdeanyhow this is OT19:33
ebzzryjakde: I agree.19:33
SpeedEvilebzzry: yes. However, you will not be able to easily repair the boot loop, as you have no fbconsole. I'm unsure if the keyboard is attached tot he console in the normal way either.19:34
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ebzzrySpeedEvil: for the sake of redundancy, I'll repeat what I said earlier. The culprit 'exec /bin/bash' is in my ~/.profile. So will flashing a FIASCO image not work?19:35
SpeedEvilebzzry: I'm unsure.19:35
ebzzrySpeedEvil: OK. I hope somebody else can answer that question.19:36
alteregoHeh, imagine the negative publicity and it's effect on Apple this antenna issue is causing. I still don't think it'll effect their sales though ..19:38
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alteregoApple fags will buy a phone that's defectivee, if it comes from Steve's butt hole.19:38
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dotblankneed another song19:39
ebzzrySlightly off-topic, what are the key differences between the US and Global release of the firmwares have?19:39
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dotblank /artist19:39
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alteregoebzzry: not anything really, just about how yourregional updates occur afaik19:39
ebzzryalterego: OK19:40
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alteregoebzzry: I'm sure there are some other differencesx sbut I wouldn't worry baout it.19:40
ebzzryIs there a way to get the data on the eMMC when I can't boot properly?19:43
alteregoErm, have you tried having the device off, then just plugging it in to the usb port?19:44
alteregoI think it defaults to mass storage mode then.19:44
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alteregoHah, read a comment where some guy blamed the iPhone 4 antenna issue on Wozniac, pahah19:45
mortinithat crazy woz breakin' the iphones.19:45
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alteregoI also like how they're all calling the iPhone _4_ a first gen product because of this gigantic failure19:58
alteregoIt's the forth generation, O_O19:58
alteregoThat's why it's called iPhone 4 ..19:59
dotblankim not going to get an iphone and I never will20:00
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alteregoI really want one ..20:00
alteregoSo I can use it to throw at people that actually buy Apple shit :)20:00
dotblankI'm boycotting MS and apple20:00
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dotblankim trying to boycott google but thats just impossible20:01
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alteregoMeh, I only use google for searching20:02
alteregoMainly because of muscle memory :P20:02
mirff6, boobs20:02
dotblankmy email runs on gmail20:02
pytherDoes anyone have ATT's Unlimited Messaging Plan?20:02
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alteregoPoor you :P20:02
alteregoI use hotmail muahahaha20:03
dotblankpyhimys, no but i have tmo's unlimited msg plan20:03
alteregoAs a spam bucket account, I've had it for probably 11 years20:03
alteregoI use an independant Net BSD shell provider for my personal email.20:03
alteregoAnd I host my own email server for serious stuff :)20:03
dotblankI have gmail accounts going from username1-10020:03
alteregoThat's really sad.20:03
dotblankalterego, I agree20:04
dotblankalterego, I hate how gmail doesn't support gpg20:04
ebzzryalterego: I did follow what you advised me to do. But on my system I get /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc both unreadable and unmountable.20:04
dotblanklike at least acknowledge somthing is valid20:04
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alteregoebzzry: interesting, well, I've not actually ever used that feature.20:07
alteregoebzzry: if you just flash root fs, you don't wipe eMMC btw :)20:07
ebzzryIs there a way to reset the contents of /home/user (not including MyDocs)?20:08
alteregoErm ..20:08
alteregoMaybe, but sounds like there's something very odd going on if you're seeing device nodes for your drives but no partitions, what Linux dist are you using?20:09
ebzzryalterego: Debian20:10
alteregoHmm, 32 or 64 bit?20:10
ebzzryalterego: I tried plugging the device to a Windows system, and it shows up as two (2) Removable Disks, which are both inaccessible.20:10
ebzzryalterego: 3220:10
alteregoHrm, well, that should work :P20:11
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alteregoMaybe ask on t.m.o20:11
ebzzryalterego: Will do.20:11
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alteregoWow, even the iPhone's 5M acmera is in a pathetically stupid position,.20:12
alteregoIs it actually only me that thinks all the iPhones look shit?20:12
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alteregoAnd I look at this, and it makes me feel really sad about Apple fags:
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alteregocell based location services, wow, that's revolutionary. Being able to set alarms programatically, wow ...20:19
alteregoBackground uploading to flickr ...20:19
alteregoGreat ...20:19
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Lillycan i install jvm? Or i must install microemulator?20:26
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ebzzryalterego: I have just posted to t.m.o. I have started crossing my fingers.20:28
flailingmonkeyLilly: you have to install java for microemulator to work20:28
flailingmonkeythe microemulator install probably automatically installs a java runtime though20:29
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pupnik_can n900 store contacts to sim card?20:30
LillyOk, i install microemulator thx flailingmonkey20:30
flailingmonkeymicroemulator is written in java after all. your usual desktop java install can't run the java programs that are made for feature phones. so that is why microemulator exists20:31
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DocScrutinizerpupnik_: is that a prank question? we got that topic some 2h ago20:43
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timeless_mbphey, has anyone written a group sms feature?20:43
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DocScrutinizerpupnik_: quite obviously there's an import-from-sim menu in contacts-app, but no export-to-sim feature20:46
DocScrutinizerpupnik_: and also quite obviously SIM isn't capable to store a complex contact like found in contacts-app/db20:47
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DocScrutinizer(I admit this rationale is true since 1999 when 6210 nevertheless DID export of contacts to SIM)20:49
Dassuany app that allows me to draw on images?20:54
nas_Dassu: GIMP ! ! ! ! !20:58
chem|stDassu: hmm many...20:58
nas_EasyDebian -> gimp20:58
nas_and actualy runs quite fast ..20:58
chem|stnas_: 1337?20:59
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nas_ ?? what ?20:59
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merlin1991chem|st h3 d03$n't kn0w wh4t 1337 !$21:03
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chem|stmerlin1991: h3 d03$ d/-\mn 133721:05
merlin1991I think we should stop again :D21:06
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chem|stused to live in a city with car registration DA.. a matte black sportscar with "DA-MN 1337"21:07
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alteregoWow, you do an image search on google for "iPhone 4" and you get nothing.21:11
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chem|stalterego: 5th picture is an iphone 4 for me21:16
alteregoThe one steve is holding? rubbish21:16
alteregoThis is 5 for me
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pytherHow can I have my phone prompt me to connect to the 2g/3g network using pidgin?21:23
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trip0ptyher: how would the phone "prompt" you?21:24
trip0via IM?21:24
pytherbasically I want to allow 2g/3g access only to pidgin21:25
pytheris this possible?21:25
pytherAhh man that sucks21:25
trip0i suppose you could do some fancy iptables stuff21:25
pythersomeone told me I could do it on a per-application basis21:25
trip0but i have no idea how to do that...21:26
trip0you can always just stop running apps that would use 3g21:26
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pythertrip0: hmm that would work, although I do like my weather applet21:27
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trip0pyther, look up the man pages for iptables.  you shoudl be able to block all the ports except the ones pidgin uses21:28
pythertrip0: I might do that, however my carrier isn't being to friendly to tell me what IM services are bundled under the "Text Messaging" plan21:29
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trip0pyther, i'm not sure of your carrier specifically, but i think generally they will give you a "data" plan which covers IM and all other internet activites21:30
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trip0text messaging actually happens over the voice not the data iirc21:31
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pythertrip0: my carrier is ATT they want to sell my a data plan, but I don't want it, there unlimited text messaging includes instant messaging21:32
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trip0pyther, its probably "instant messaging" for specific phones.21:33
trip0the n900 does instant messaging over the internet which requires data21:33
trip0or wifi21:33
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trip0i have att as well.  i can't even get attwifi on my n90021:34
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alteregoThey can firewall usage to only allow IM protocols and ports21:34
pytherHmm I thought my LG used 3g probably just safer no to bother with 2g/3g21:34
benno2Hi, does anyone when I launch an app from the application menu, are stdout,stderr redirected to /dev/null ?21:34
alteregoSo, it might work like that with the N900 regardless.21:34
flailingmonkeypyther: that plan isn't for data21:35
pytheralterego: yah the only problem is I can't get any specs on what ports traffic the blacklist from data charging for IM21:35
pytherflailingmonkey: yah I know, I only want to use it for IM21:35
flailingmonkeypyther: some at&t phones have IM clients that use SMS to send and receive IMs21:35
pytherflailingmonkey: ahh do they really21:35
pytherok that is probably what my LG was using :(21:35
flailingmonkeypyther: yes, its a terrible hack21:35
alteregoAnd if it's firewall and not some crazy protocol analytics, you might be able to setup an SSH proxy on one of those ports and use it as an unlimited internet copnnection :)21:36
alteregoThough, if they had their shit they'd probably limit by remote address too.21:36
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pytherwell it is att and they are stingant on their network21:36
pytherCan't justify the $15/month21:37
flailingmonkeyalterego: see above, it is all SMS based21:37
alteregoflailingmonkey: oh, they have some kind of IM gateway?21:37
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flailingmonkeyalterego: yeah, that way the feature phone apps just use SMS instead of dealing with IP networking21:38
alteregoThat's interesting,21:38
alteregoActually, I'm completely uninterested tbh :)21:38
alteregoI think everyone should have unlimited mobile internet access.21:38
alteregoflat rate, let contension ratio decide on bandwidth :)21:39
flailingmonkeyalterego: of course, but we don't have to engineer their network architecture :P21:39
alteregoPrioritize emergency services and done.21:39
alteregoInstead, we get stupid 500Mb limits21:40
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alteregoI can't work with 500M, I'd need, I estimate at least 5G ..21:40
flailingmonkeymobile phone companies don't want to provide internet. its a big can of worms, and doesn't use the infrastructre they had put in for voice21:40
alteregoThis is mainly because my phone is also my home internet connection ..21:40
flailingmonkeybut they have to because competitors already do21:41
alteregoflailingmonkey: I don't agree, I think they do want to be ISP's, because they're doing it. And they make a lot of money doing it, and it was they who installed the new data orientated infrastructure to handle it.21:41
alteregoMobile telecoms are now internet comms and they need to fully understand that.21:42
flailingmonkeynew companies can't enter the market because of the barriers to entry due to the very high costs to set up their own infrastructure, and the frequency licenses too21:42
alteregoThe internet is the future, VoIP will take over and it'll all be about data pipes in the end.21:43
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flailingmonkeyand new companies would orient themselves in that direction. but as I said, they aren't able to enter the market21:43
flailingmonkeyso the current carriers make decisions to make money from all the infrastructure they already have for voice21:44
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flailingmonkeyas long as they move as slowly as possible, they minimize competition from each other, and make more money for less cost21:45
alteregoi love maem21:45
mlfosterglezos: Dimitris? time for a quick question about uploading a po file to a project on
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pytherSkype can recieve and send sms messages, right?21:53
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luke-jrpyther: unlikely21:53
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flailingmonkeythe skype implementation in fremantle, i don't think it supports sms22:36
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BCMMgah, street view stopped working23:03
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E0xis not flash 10 now requierd ?23:05
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Arkenoiit damn sucks that any received notification resets crtl-shift-R state :-/23:07
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MohammadAG51X-Fade, ping23:11
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alteregoPerfect video:
alterego3:40 in23:38
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* lcuk2 puts 10p in the channel23:45
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lcuk2MohammadAG51, do the words per minute increase based on the number of 10ps?23:46
MohammadAG51lcuk2, nope, only the period of time23:46
lcuk2thats reasonable im quite busy lol23:47
* lcuk2 will just bob back everynow and then23:47
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* RST38h swallows 10 pennies and predicts the future23:50
lcuk2oooh, go on then23:51
* lcuk2 is just unpacking all his stuff and filling desk back up23:51
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RST38hlcuk: The End is definitely coming.23:53
RST38hGood night.23:54
MohammadAG51lcuk2, that's what you get for 10p :P23:55
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pytherAnyone know if there is a way to group contacts?23:57
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