IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2010-05-03

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Otacon22When the pr1.2 will be released?00:02
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kthomas_vhif I want to compile source on maemo,  what packages do I need?00:04
* kthomas_vh continues RTFMing00:04
* evilBunny scratches his box00:05
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SpeedEvilkthomas_vh: there are no packages that let you do that installable on the n900 as I understnad ti. (not from he default repos anyway)00:05
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Mace_N900have to install windows00:05
Mace_N900i love using my bt keyboard on my n90000:06
Mace_N900except that it has to stay open00:06
evilBunny? what the slide ?00:06
kthomas_vhSpeedEvil, there must be a C compiler out there somewhere :) ?00:07
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evilBunnyhmmz thats fixable00:07
* kthomas_vh tries cmake00:07
SpeedEvilkthomas_vh: As far as I'm aware, there isn't. At least for maemo 5. There seems to be one in the debian chroot image - install the debian chroot - but I can't work aptitude00:07
Mace_N900evilBunny: it has to stay open for me to use my su8w correctly00:07
lcukkthomas_vh, build-essential is in the maemo sdk/tools repo00:07
MohammadAGThere's one in the easy-debian chroot? cool!00:08
Mace_N900really the only part that is messed up is the part where i can´t use enter when it is closed00:08
MohammadAGthanks SpeedEvil00:08
Mace_N900other than that it seems ok00:08
evilBunnywaiting on a bt kb here atm, but more bsy with trying to figure out if the sdhost has full spi support00:08
Mace_N900enter seems to want to pull up the vkb when it´s closed00:08
wall[e]is n900 lcd capable of 3d display?00:08
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evilBunnyhmmz en if you disable vkb ?00:08
wall[e]using polarized eye glasses like samsung tv00:08
Mace_N900evilBunny: yes00:08
Mace_N900it just won´t work then00:09
Mace_N900when i deactivate the vkb it just won´t work withe the return/enter key00:09
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Mace_N900it is probably just a matter of mapping but i´m too lazy to figure it out now00:09
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Or rather - there appears to be - in the repos it accesses.00:09
Mace_N900it´s nice to be able to use my bt keyboard with it tho00:09
evilBunnyMace_N900 hmmz that is odd indeed , think its the mapping yeah00:09
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: i can't work out how I get aptitude to install build-essentials and everything. It seems to want to change libc - which - ...00:10
Mace_N900evilBunny: i sure figured something like this would work out the box considering it worked with the n810 just fine00:10
evilBunnyyeah one reason i ebayed a mac kb ;)00:10
Mace_N900and the fact that this is a nokia bt keyboard heh00:10
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kthomas_vhlcuk, thanks00:11
Mace_N900it just seriously sucks that this mapping is off. not only that i have to manually run xkb to get it to work correctly00:11
Mace_N900other than that though it works like a champ as you can see. i´m using it right now with xchat00:11
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b-manSpeedEvil: haha awesome :D00:15
BCMMwall[e]: of course not, but it should work fine with red/blue glasses :)00:15
mecehey why is the "youre screwed if you installed prc1.2 thread closed?00:15
JaffaGAN900: Moving the GSoC projects down to the bottom to put them at the bottom of the section00:15
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wall[e]BCMM, :)00:16 and in standard mode are slow on N90000:16 has become awful on most browsers00:17
trumeeajax kills the browser00:17
BCMMdoesn't even work right in konqueror now00:17
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wall[e]new pr1.2 should have it faster?00:17
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BCMMi am beginning to wonder if it's slowly going to get unusable on anything that isn't chrome00:17
SpeedEvilmece: insufficient apostrophies.00:17
wall[e]is tracemonkey thing on in microb?00:17
trumeeBCMM: i have given up konqueror, mostly use FF in kde00:17
meceSpeedEvil, :P00:17
SimonLRDoes the N900 use Nokia / Aplicom 12 GSM module?00:18
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BCMMtrumee: i use konqueror because of KDE integration00:18
SpeedEvilIt is referred to as Rupyama or something similar in the schematic00:18
wall[e]anyway, I use gmail in igoogle00:18
wall[e]i think it's faster there00:18
BCMMbeing able to do things like drag links to a directory to save files just feels like it should work00:18
furunk3lso, i heard pr 1.2 is leaked?00:18
MohammadAGyou heard wrong00:18
infobotfrom memory, pr1.2 is not here yet. Stop asking. Read the topic Just stop asking. Read the topic. AND STOP ASKING.  If you ask then release moves by another week, so do not ask.00:19
* GAN900 notes Sygic still hasn't done anything about their abuse of the trademark.00:19
BCMMfurunk3l: AFAIK the leak is not the version that will be released00:19
furunk3loh lord. i wont ask.00:19
BCMMand is very much work in progress00:19
GAN9003 months after I contacted them about it and they said they were working on it. . . .00:19
BCMMand will eat your cat00:19
furunk3li have 200:19
trumeeBCMM: any way to sync with kontact?00:19
BCMMGAN900: what abuse was this?00:19
BCMMtrumee: gaaaah00:19
BCMMtrumee: after much reasearch, i'm not sure00:20
trumeeBCMM: opensync doesn't work any more with N90000:20
BCMMtrumee: interested in contacts or calendars?00:20
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trumeeBCMM: contacts only00:20
BCMMGAN900: what abuse was this?00:20
BCMMtrumee: dunno about sync, but import/export is easy enough00:21
BCMMlikewise for calendars00:21
trumeeBCMM: i have it working with N95 but not with N90000:21
BCMMi wasn't really looking for contacts answers, so if i did find any way to handle contacts that didn't to calendar too, i ignored it00:21
StskeepsGAN900: isn't just a subname of maemo trademark?00:21
trumeeBCMM: want a sync, import/export doesnt cut it00:22
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trumeeBCMM: did u try opensync?00:22
BCMMtrumee: how does sync work anyway?00:22
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GAN900BCMM, chopping the .org off the trademark00:22
GAN900Stskeeps, it has its own trademark that cannot be applied to maemo.org00:22
mecefurunk3l, an old and buggy release candidate (that obviously did not get released) was leaked. it's from week 12. current RC is week 16.00:22
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BCMMi mean, how does it know, for example, whether you added a contact on the phone or deleted one on the PC?00:22
trumeeBCMM: sync works very well with N95. two way sync. perfect00:23
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GAN900Besides, chopping pieces off of other people's trademarks is generally not considered acceptable.00:23
trumeeBCMM: opensync has some rules00:23
BCMMtrumee: no, i mean i'm a little fuzzy on what sync is and how it works00:23
GAN900Jaffa, ping?00:23
furunk3lthx mece. i was just curiious.00:23
SpeedEvilGAN900: Who owns the copyright to the image?00:23
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SpeedEvilDCMA takedown?00:23
trumeeBCMM: multisync gui for opensync has some settings00:23
GAN900SpeedEvil, I don't have any idea at this point00:24
BCMMit would be really, really useful if i could sync the calendar, but i don't think it will be possible00:24
mecefurunk3l, and to add to the hilarity:
GAN900SpeedEvil, I think Nokia does when it's all said and done.00:24
trumeeBCMM: nokia thinks it is opensyncs fault if it doesnt work for N90000:24
BCMMtrumee: hmm, i thought opensync did work with n900?00:24
trumeeBCMM: opensync can sync calendars as well00:24
BCMMtrumee: so what does sync with it?00:24
trumeeBCMM: nope it doesnt00:25
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trumeeBCMM: only funambol00:25
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trumeeBCMM: something is wrong with the syncml inside N90000:25
BCMMtrumee: googling it produces words like "cloud" - does that involve a third-party server somewhere?00:25
trumeeBCMM: funambol is a crappy solution00:26
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trumeeBCMM: yup. that is why it sucks00:26
BCMMso the n900 is supposed to do opensync, but doesn't?00:26
trumeeBCMM: yup00:26
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BCMMi am confused about terms here00:26
BCMMsyncml is a standard for syncing, and opensync is an open-source impementation of that standard?00:27
trumeeBCMM: i logged a bug for it but it was called invalid00:27
BCMMand the n900 is a broken implementation?00:27
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BCMMtrumee: what is an "invalid" bug?00:27
BCMMtrumee: also, did i get the above right?00:27
jatthi, when I choose "Good quality" in zoutube, the video is not shown, is this a known problem?00:27
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jattonly "Bad quality" works00:27
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trumeeBCMM: there is syncml server and syncml client00:28
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trumeeBCMM: syncml client is for funambol, server is for opensync00:28
BCMMtrumee: not sure i follow you00:28
BCMMtrumee: oh, you mean on the n900?00:28
trumeeBCMM: opensync works with syncml over bluetooth00:29
trumeeBCMM: yes00:29
trumeeBCMM: syncml server implementation in N900 has a problem00:29
trumeeBCMM: so opensync is not able to talk to it00:30
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BCMMtrumee: am i correct that syncml is a protocol and opensync is a client (or server) that implements that protocol?00:31
trumeeBCMM: 'invalid bug' my bug report was given invalid status in bugzilla00:31
BCMMtrumee: what was bug number?00:31
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BCMMtrumee: also, does KDE-PIM have opensync integration? or do you just tell opensync where KDE keeps the vcards?00:32
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PerfDaveIs there a SIP video client like Ekiga for the N900?00:32
trumeeBCMM: opensync writes out vcf file which kaddressbook reads00:32
Netrumis there an xterminal text editor installed on the n900 by default ?00:32
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trumeeBCMM: it is seamless00:32
NetrumThank you :)00:33
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AakashPatelSo I was thinkin about buying a N series phone again00:34
AakashPatelShould I just wait for the N910?00:34
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AakashPatelOr is there anything leaked yet about it00:34
trumeeBCMM: later. got to go.00:35
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NetrumAakashPatel, go for the  n900 m8 :)00:35
AakashPatelI already had one but sold it lol00:36
AakashPatellol nokian910.com00:36
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* AakashPatel will wait a week more00:36
AakashPatellets see if thats legit or not00:36
Netrumyou should wait for the N8 then :) its symbian 3. but with full qt 4.6.2 support :)00:36
Dima202what tha may 8th?00:37
jaska.. symbian00:37
lirakisnice.. i see nexus one advert on nokian910.com00:37
AakashPateloh hell naw00:37
AakashPatelim not using symbian00:37
Dima202I don't even care, I'm not upgrading for at least 2 years.. I am already attached to my N90000:37
AakashPatellirakis: I see one on ever phone maker site lol00:38
AakashPatelphone related site800:38
doc|homeI can't even get an n900 :(00:38
tybolltdoc|home: you donät WANT an n91000:38
tybolltn900, even00:38
doc|hometybollt: why?00:38
* AakashPatel does00:38
lirakisthe only thing i wish the n900 had, is more ram00:38
AakashPatelhow much does it hav00:39
AakashPateli forgot00:39
vanadismobileand more cpu-power00:39
AakashPatel256 o.O00:39
AakashPateloh my00:39
lirakistop shows ~256mg00:39
doc|homeyou know what I have now? This piece of junk:
Netrumif they release a sequel to the awesome n900 i wont buy it. :) Because really the n900 is near perfect :) (my opinion may not be on terms with that others think)00:39
AakashPatelit runs pretty good00:39
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lirakisvanadismobile, (shrug) yeah if it had a snapdragon 1ghz thatd be nice... but it can overclock.. and it runs pretty well as is.00:39
AakashPatelDoes Maemo 5 have a good mulitprotocal chat client yet?00:39
lirakisi think more ram would make it snappier overall00:40
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vanadismobilelirakis, jep, running at 800mhz is better00:40
lirakisNetrum, the n900 is the last gamble i make with nokia00:41
vanadismobileAakashPatel, which protocols do you want?00:41
Netrumlirakis, how is that m8?00:41
DocScrutinizeras always and each time: if you consider getting the N900 and you like what you see, then get it. Do *not* expect it to become more than it's now, and don't waste the time you could be having fun by waiting for N910xx whatever00:41
AakashPatelFacebook mainly00:41
AakashPateloh wait00:41
AakashPatelthey made it support jabber now00:41
AakashPateldoes the chat client in maemo support jabber?00:41
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lirakisNetrum, i dont have an m800:41
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Netrumlirakis, so your basicly just watching nokia atm. too see if they screw up again?00:42
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fralsAakashPatel: eh, maemo5 had a "good" multiprotocol chat client from start00:44
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DocScrutinizernah lirakis is the cute guy who plans to report bugs to bugtrac about flaws in a leaked deprecated inofficial OS version00:44
Netrumaha :)00:44
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AakashPatelwhich didnt support fb chat back in jan00:45
AakashPatelnow it does since fb added jabber00:45
SpeedEvilI'm unsure some of my bugs weren't less important.00:45
fralspretty sure there was a fb plugin for it back then but i wont swear on it00:45
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AakashPatelthere wasnt00:45
AakashPatelther was a plugin for contacts or something00:45
AakashPateli forgot00:45
AakashPatellittle while back00:45
povbotBug 9827: Blocks should have highscore00:46
mecePretty pointless with fb plugin since they use xmpp..00:46
mecesearch tmo for facebook and jabber and you'll find instructions.00:46
AakashPatelrofl SpeedEvil00:47
AakashPatelmece: well yeah they only added that like 2 months ago00:47
meceSpeedevil, Voted.00:48
meceAakashPatel, and a good move it was. If I was on facebook I'd be thrilled :D00:48
meceanyway, I'm off to watch some tv. Toodles.00:48
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infobotDocScrutinizer: thanks01:23
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frals"you hate the leak because its chinese"01:23
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GAN900Anybody want to translate the last line?01:26
GAN900Clearly there are some cultural insecurities there.01:26
DocScrutinizernot really, it might get worse01:26
* DocScrutinizer assigns 'STFU asshole!' to a macro01:28
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b-manhmmm, google translate cant translate that last line xDDD01:29
tybolltfrals: what's this n910 thing? Dom skämtar oss aprillo eller?01:29
DocScrutinizerdoesn't google translate need a hint about which lang it is?01:29
AakashPatelduh lol01:29
AakashPatelcuz its in latin letters01:29
b-manunless he's pronouncing the language01:29
AakashPatelhe is01:29
fralstybollt: mm01:29
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AakashPatelIt would have to be in native 'letters?' for google tran to work01:30
b-manhey AkashPatel :)01:30
AakashPatelyo dawg01:30
b-manwhat's up :)01:30
AakashPatelwaiting for a movie to download lol01:30
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b-manplaying with ubuntu on my n900 again01:31
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b-manfailing miserably :(01:31
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b-manbut my plan B is to use the mer imager ;P01:32
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FIQwhy am I unable to change keyb layout?01:34
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FIQi recently played with the rx-51, will editing it incorrectly result in that?01:35
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FIQif it's that, then i go reset it01:35
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FIQnvm, i spotted the error01:36
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FIQabout PR1.201:41
FIQhold down keys makes it possible to use symbols01:41
FIQwill that be possible to turn off?01:41
FIQbecause i prefer holding them down = spawn more chars01:42
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FIQah, nice01:42
fralstheres a gconfkey for it at least01:42
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DocScrutinizer~nuke gconf01:44
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at gconf ... B☢☢M!01:44
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povbotBug 5421: keys when long pressed should give the blue symbol/number01:44
DocScrutinizera really idiotic one01:45
SpeedEvilAs a configurable - I'm not against it01:45
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GAN900Damned BP01:53
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DocScrutinizerbritish petrol?01:54
lardman|homenight chaps01:54
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, aye, big oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.01:56
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GAN900No seafood for me this Summer.01:57
lcukn900gan, will it kill all the aliens01:58
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: :-(02:10
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* DocScrutinizer opens a can of cheap tuna02:12
njsfDocScrutinizer: happy Hg intake!02:14
SpeedEvilTuna has historically had higher than expected Hg levels.02:16
SpeedEvilIt's not a recent phonemoneon02:16
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SpeedEvilthat word02:16
SpeedEvilAnalysis of samples from museum fish have the same high Hg02:17
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njsfSpeedEvil: I know, its because they are at the top of the food chain02:19
njsfThat does not take from the fact tuna has the the highest Hg of the commonly commercialized fishes02:19
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* DocScrutinizer feels mecurized02:24
njsfDocScrutinizer: now you can tell your temperature :-D ?02:24
njsf(yeah I know, juvenile joke)02:24
jacekowskiit's spellec mercurized02:26
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DocScrutinizerheh, I missed a char, you swapped one :-P02:27
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javispedroGuys can someone help me SPEED UP my N900 with PR1.2??? I'm a total newbie. Just send me some links!!02:30
DocScrutinizerprobably it's really silly to have all the amalgam removed in your teeth and then eat tuna a can a time. But hey I love fish and all seafood02:30
* njsf is wanting to test the kicking as per the topic :D02:30
* javispedro has diplomatic immunity ... or so he thinks.02:31
* FIQ wants to try it too02:31
* DocScrutinizer stares buffled02:31
FIQbut the topic fails02:31
njsfSo... I guess I am free to ask ?02:31
FIQas PR1.2 is released in HK02:31
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DocScrutinizer(friggin mercury)02:32
javispedrowhat did you eat, a thermometer?02:32
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DocScrutinizerI'm told it has enough Hg for ten thermometers02:33
javispedronext time put it on a microwave for a quick test02:33
njsfI prefer the infrared meters personally02:33
lcukn900is anyone in hk?  has anyone tried the HWR app and how does it compare to hwr on other platforms?02:33
njsfthen again, by heritage I love cod, which is the only other fish that might be worse than tuna wrt Hg02:33
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DocScrutinizerhmmm, no idea what's codfish02:35
njsfDocScrutinizer: Are you from PA ?02:36
njsfYou are connected to a Pennsylvania node, that is why I ask02:36
chem|stFIQ: no it will be released in 3days02:37
lcukn900ooooops i think i broke brainstorm02:37
DocScrutinizerbtw google has some pics of codfish, still it's kinda unknown to me02:37
FIQnvm then02:37
fralslcukn900: you killed kenny! bastard!02:37
FIQthe only thing I associates PA with is "PA: Ding dong! Your time's up. Go back to the entrance"02:37
DocScrutinizernjsf: nah, freenode server arbitration works highly at random02:37
lcukn900frals rly02:38
lcukn900i clicked the upvote02:38
lcukn900it asked me to login02:38
njsfDocScrutinizer: Not surprised, at this point cod is so expensive only cultures with heavy emotional association consume it02:38
fralslcukn900: oh no, dont tell me you logged in after that!02:38
lcukn900now whenever i refresh the page it upvotes again02:38
FIQnice bug02:39
Macerthis sucks on so many levels02:39
Macerneed to pull out a wifi card to see what kind it is :) damn you win7!02:39
lcukn900its the moderator forum one02:39
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lcukn900can you just have a peek and see if im showing lots02:39
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njsfDocScrutinizer: Look for a Portuguese restaurant if you want to try some. Recommend "braz" or "gomes sa" as for cod fish dishes02:39
lcukn900it has activity list under the brainstorm02:39
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DocScrutinizernjsf: thanks02:40
fralslol lcukn90002:41
javispedrolcuk: yes02:41
fralsyour showing lots :D02:41
lcukn900oooh crap02:41
fralslast 5 are all you02:41
javispedroit's showing you upvoting numerous times02:41
lcukn900i havent got typing ability to fill out a big bug02:41
javispedrobut vote count is 402:41
javispedroso no big problem02:41
lcukn900thats still crap02:41
lcukn900cos i havent02:42
javispedroyes but at least you're not tricking the system =)02:42
lcukn900i just refreshed02:42
johnsu01is the gps between n810 and n900 different?02:42
javispedro4 votes02:42
DocScrutinizeryou bet it is02:42
javispedrojohnsu01: a lot02:42
lcukn900yes john.  900 seems more rapid/stable to start02:42
johnsu01asking because I got minigpsd to install (fixed the dependency changes) but I have no idea if it's possible to get it to actually work on the n90002:43
johnsu01right now I can telnet to it and get time info but no position02:43
javispedroprobably not as the n900 doesn't have the same device nodes? where did minigpsd get its info from?02:43
johnsu01javispedro: trying to figure that out from the source now02:44
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johnsu01it might be looking for a /var/lib/gps/gps_driver_ctrl02:44
javispedrojohnsu01: either way on the n900 you're supposed to use liblocation -- and you get nice features like cell tower positioning when the gps is offline/without a lock02:45
* DocScrutinizer seems to remember a bug ticket "N900 GPS doesn't report NMEA"02:45
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: ack02:45
johnsu01DocScrutinizer: yeah, NMEA is what I'm after02:45
DocScrutinizerjohnsu01: not sure if N900 supports it02:46
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johnsu01javispedro: apparently there's no liblocation => nmea yet, and liblocation maybe doesn't provide enough info for complete NMEA02:46
javispedrooh i'm pretty sure you can simulate the missing data02:46
javispedroprove is that I have here a NMEA simulator (GNU/Linux) that accepts utm coords as input02:47
johnsu01DocScrutinizer: is the bug report02:47
povbotBug 8905: No NMEA output from GPS02:47
DocScrutinizerwonder if we ever get the datasheets for GSM/GPS chipset API02:47
FIQis KDE usable on N90002:47
DocScrutinizerwhat docs are the phonet guys using?02:47
DocScrutinizerFIQ: lol02:48
FIQi'm not going for plasma lol, but there's nice KDE applications out there like Kate, Konversation, etc02:48
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DocScrutinizerwell, KDE is Qt based aiui02:49
DocScrutinizerso maybe it's not that hard to port KDE apps to hildon02:49
javispedrohildon is gtk based =)02:49
johnsu01well i guess I better give up on this idea for now02:49
johnsu01I was trying to get the n900 working as an external gps for my laptop02:50
javispedrojohnsu01: it shouldn't be horribly hard to make a liblocation -> nmea proxy02:50
lcukn900bugzilla, why of why wont you let me create a new bug based on a similar one i found - i have to pick select all options02:50
DocScrutinizeris liblocation open? guess no02:50
johnsu01there is a gypsy-daemon package02:50
javispedroDocScrutinizer: no, but why you need liblocation source to make a client for it :)02:50
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johnsu01but it doesn't seem to do anything02:51
DocScrutinizerjust wondering if maybe liblocation is a NMEA->liblocAPI in itself, I.E. maybe the modem talks NMEA02:51
javispedroeither way I kinda remember a talk conversation or wiki page about this.. but can't find it now.02:51
FIQThe fact that N810 seems to have full KDE working shows that just porting some applications wouldn't be that hard02:52
johnsu01yeah, minigpsd seems to just be looking for that gps ctrl file from the02:53
DocScrutinizerjohnsu01: maybe check gpsjinni02:54
johnsu01DocScrutinizer: yeah, was investigating that along the way02:54
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DocScrutinizerjohnsu01: mmpf, actually gpsjinni wasn't the one I thought of02:56
johnsu01it just uses the liblocation api02:56
* ShadowJK thought gpsd outputs nmea02:57
johnsu01ShadowJK: it does, but there is no gpsd on n90002:57
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DocScrutinizerjohnsu01: location test gui02:59
javispedrolocation test gui, obviously, uses liblocation :)02:59
DocScrutinizerof course02:59
DocScrutinizerbut it seems to show at least all the info you can get from libloc03:00
javispedroI'm trying to understand where does location-daemon get it data from, but all I get is unbinded unix sockets :(03:00
DocScrutinizeris liblocation open? guess no03:00
javispedrocontains "patented" technology03:00
javispedroor sth03:00
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javispedro(tbh google's "liblocation" isn't open either)03:00
DocScrutinizerso it accesses GSM chipset shared mem interface, like phonet - my guess03:01
javispedroone of the unbinded sockets is PF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW03:03
javispedrobad stuff.03:04
satmdmy n900 decides to share only the onboard emmc, but not the memory card via usb? does anyone have a suggestion for me?03:04
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javispedro(I guess over the phonet interface03:04
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javispedromy strace is too old to understand this =)03:06
javispedro(me too btw... )03:06
lcukn900satmd it should afaik?03:07
lcukn900reboot and see and check it works normally after testing03:07
satmdalright, rebooting...03:08
satmdI already made sure no software is keeping the partition busy03:08
satmdusing lsof03:08
lcukn900is it a new card?03:08
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satmdit's been working some time ago03:09
lcukn900so you are used to seeing it appear on usb?03:09
lcukn900how odd then03:09
satmdbut I had a few reflashings in between03:09
satmdreflashing of emmc and rootfs03:10
satmdreboot done, it mounted the internal device again03:10
lcukn900does it work internally?03:10
lcukn900which versions have you been flashing?03:11
lcukn900yeah on device itself03:11
satmdjust last week03:11
jacekowskilatest 1.2?03:11
satmd1.2 is out?03:11
jacekowskisort of03:11
njsf_satmd: not according to topic on the channel ;)03:12
jacekowskileaked version that some people have some problems with03:12
satmdI chose the latest official images off the nokia site03:12
jacekowskiso it's not official release yet03:12
satmdthen I'm 1.1.x03:12
jacekowskibut nokia already sells 1.2 devices in HK03:12
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lcukn900ok satmd is the card visible in file manager on the device03:12
lcukn900unplug usb03:12
Termanagood morning03:12
* DocScrutinizer ponders kicking jacekowski03:12
lcukn900oh you have the back on the device i assume03:12
satmdvisible if unplugged03:13
jacekowskisatmd: it's ussualy when some programs have files open on card03:13
lcukn900mornin termana03:13
jacekowskisatmd: have you tried rebooting it?03:13
satmdwe have03:13
satmdand I also used lsof to check that03:13
jacekowskiexplain "we"03:13
satmdwe as in 'we had that suggestion before' ;)03:13
lcukn900satmd if it vanishes and appears as expected at tablet end it sounds like your desktop end is the weaklink right now?03:14
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satmdstandard linux desktop03:14
* satmd gets an idea03:15
lcukn900i know lol but look at whats happening..03:15
jacekowskitry checking with dmesg03:15
satmdit says 'Images not available' shortly after connecting03:15
jacekowskiif it's detecting it03:15
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satmdit is detecting ... the emmc instead of the sdhc card03:15
johnsu01DocScrutinizer, javispedro: Yeah, searching turns up a lot of people saying "it shouldn't be too hard to write liblocation => gpsd..." ;)03:15
jacekowskiso what does it say in dmesg?03:15
satmd[  266.576446] musb_hdrc periph: enabled ep1in for bulk IN, maxpacket 51203:16
satmd[  266.576477] musb_hdrc periph: enabled ep1out for bulk OUT, maxpacket 51203:16
satmd[  266.576538] g_file_storage gadget: high speed config #103:16
javispedroHOST dmesg.03:16
jacekowskinot on a phone03:16
* satmd gets a feeling about filesystem labels03:17
* satmd has something to try03:17
jacekowskii feel diseased03:17
DocScrutinizergrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr musb_hdrc03:17
satmdalright... it is exporting both03:17
satmdand both end up on the host03:18
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: ?03:18
satmdbut... *drumroll*03:18
satmdgnome is confused about duplicate filesystem labels, I guess03:18
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: ???03:18
lcukn900satmd meh it happens03:19
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: my special 'friend', Mentor pile of steaming BS03:19
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: awwww, it works pretty well on beagleboard03:20
jacekowskiwhat's a problem with it?03:20
javispedrothe n900 fsckup must be caused by some weirdo interaction with this weird setup03:20
DocScrutinizermissing hostmode03:20
javispedroevery time I read it the less I understand WHY it works.03:20
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: welcome to the club :-S03:20
GeneralAntillesDeclare it magic and burn it for a witch!03:21
satmdseems the n900 is exporting both with the same label :<03:21
javispedrosometimes I think... does the schematic resemble ANYTHING the device I got in my hands?03:21
jacekowskibtw. is there any schematic avaliable for n900?03:21
SpeedEviljacekowski: yes03:21
SpeedEviljacekowski: search wiki03:22
lcukn900satmd mmh odd03:22
* lcukn900 sleeps anywa03:22
SpeedEviln900_hardware_schematic IIRC03:22
javispedrosatmd: the n900 doesn't get to decided the label; you can set it03:22
jacekowskihow accurate is it?03:22
javispedrosatmd: you mean filesystem/partition label?03:22
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satmdwhere can I set it - besides within bluetooth settings?03:22
SpeedEviljacekowski: DocScrutinizer said he saw no differneces when he pulled his phone apart03:22
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: compare to the pics in schematics ;-)03:22
javispedrosatmd: you can use your host for that03:22
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SpeedEviljavispedro: however - his seems to be different to mine - the gold pads definately differ in my device.03:23
javispedrosatmd: use usual  linux relabeling tools (for vfat volume = mlabel)03:23
* satmd lacked dosfstools03:23
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: are the gold pads the same on your new one?03:23
satmdmmh, those don't include mlabel03:23
DocScrutinizeryes, it's the same03:24
javispedrosatmd: if you're sure that's the issue, you could also just pop the card on your average sd reader and rename it, or even use windows.03:24
javispedrosatmd: "mtools" package in debian03:24
satmdalright, trying this03:24
Psihi, you guys might know this. I want to buy a bluetooth serial module for my n900 (or any cellphone) to provide a serial port.  If the bluetooth serial module says SPP (seral port profile) does that mean it will work with any phone that also says it supports bluetooth SPP03:24
Psiie, is SPP a bluetooth standard03:24
SpeedEvilAs I understand, yes.03:25
ShadowJKthere's difference between "client" and "server" though03:25
* javispedro watches the delicate surface mounted usb port and shudders03:25
SpeedEvilPsi: 'all' GPS modules implement this03:25
ShadowJKbut on n900 you've got access to rfcomm utility anyway03:25
jacekowskii'm feeling tempted to get logic analuzer03:26
PsiSpeedEvil: interestingly thats one of the things i want to do03:26
Psibluetooth serial port module --> serial gps module03:26
SpeedEvilwhy - when you can buy GPSs?03:26
ShadowJKwhy not a bluetooth gps module..03:26
SpeedEvilthat have GPS03:27
javispedrodid anyone identify the isp1707 there?03:27
Psithats just one of the things i want to do03:27
Psiwill have other things on the serial bus03:27
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: huh?03:27
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Psiso they need to be seporate modules03:27
javispedroDocScrutinizer: in the high res photos03:27
Psigps needs to be true 10hz03:28
* Psi looks at that one03:28
javispedroI can see gaia, but I don't know where the isp1707 is or what it does look like.03:28
SpeedEvilPsi: If you do your research carefully, you can find devices with seperate GPS and bluetooth devices.03:28
DocScrutinizerI stared on it with my own eyes ;-P03:28
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PsiSpeedEvil: true03:28
Psiwell thanks for your help, ill keep looking into this03:28
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: and I'd hope my scans are good enough you could read the 1707 writing on the chip yourself03:29
SpeedEvilthe bluetooth module is seperate from the GPS03:29
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Maceri'm going to install kde in windows03:36
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: "707A" - clearly readable, next to maincam, a little left and down03:38
javispedroaha, was having my doubts about that one :P03:38
* chem|st is tired and falls asleep03:38
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: directly under the battery contacts03:39
javispedrota, got it.03:39
satmdis the sdhc supposed to be partitioned or is the filesystem usually on the whole disk?03:39
ShadowJKone partition usuallu03:40
ShadowJKoh I give up :)03:40
ShadowJKiirc the n900 mountscripts want to find a dos partition03:41
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DocScrutinizeraiui there are two basically different ways a SD can be formatted: either with partition(s) or in superfloppy mode03:42
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ShadowJKunder linux I just use entire device :)03:43
satmdnow the n900 says broken memory card. great.03:44
satmdso it was not supposed to be partitioned03:44
timeless_mbpTrizt: ping03:45
DocScrutinizerthe nasty part is: a partitioned one with corrupt MBR/partition-table might get recognized as a superfloppy, and that's first step to *really* mangle it03:45
javispedrosatmd: I can assure you I have a particolored SD Card.03:46
javispedrohum.. partitioned will do, spell checker, thanks.03:46
DocScrutinizer~dict particolored03:46
infobotDictionary 'particolored' (1 of 3): Colored with different tints; variegated; as, a party-colored flower. "Parti-colored lambs." --Shak. [1913 Webster].03:46
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javispedronice to know :)03:47
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satmdseem to have fixed it with mkfs.vfat -F32 -n sdhc -I /dev/sdX03:47
satmdnow it's named sdhc and nokia n90003:48
satmdbetter than before03:48
* javispedro now remembers that you can change filesystem labels from within the n900 file manager03:48
DocScrutinizerthat sounds to me like superfloppy format03:48
satmdthanks all :)03:49
javispedrofor future reference, long tap on the memory card in the memory manager =) sorry!03:49
satmdDocScrutinizer: it is03:49
satmdbecause my n900 told me the card was corrupt otherwise03:50
* satmd tries again03:50
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: so what's happening with that usb?03:51
DocScrutinizersatmd: hmm, no problems here with a 16GB partitoned VFAT/ext3/swap03:51
satmdon the sdhc?03:51
satmdmaybe needs a reboot03:51
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: ?03:51
jacekowskiDocScrutinizer: i'm looking at datasheet for similiar chip to that in n900 and at circuit diagram of n90003:52
javispedrofor a start, the datasheet talks about an ID pi03:52
DocScrutinizersatmd: after sfdisk changing partition table, you *must* remove and reinsert the uSD03:52
javispedrothat is connected from usb port to gaia/twl304003:52
DocScrutinizeror at least open and close the backlid03:52
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: which datasheet?03:53
javispedrosorrrrrrrry again.03:53
DocScrutinizeryeah, I know, and I'm sure it's correct but highly useless03:54
javispedrobut this makes me move to another question -- isp1707a also has an id pin, but even schematic says id pin was connected directly to twl304003:54
DocScrutinizeras there are no B-jacks with ID short to GND03:54
DocScrutinizerthe 1707 ID pin is at 3V303:54
jacekowskijavispedro: if you read that isp1707 or similiar chip datasheet it says03:55
DocScrutinizerdoesn't matter03:55
jacekowskiFor OTG applications, the ID (identification) pin is connected to the ID pin of the micro-AB03:55
jacekowskireceptacle. As defined in On-The-Go Supplement to the USB 2.0 Specification Rev. 1.3,03:55
jacekowskithe ID pin dictates the initial role of the link. If ID is detected as HIGH, the link must03:55
jacekowskiassume the role of a peripheral. If ID is detected as LOW, the link must assume a host03:55
javispedrofor non otg -- 3v303:56
jacekowskirole. Roles can be swapped at a later time by using HNP.03:56
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: yesyesyes03:56
jacekowskiHNP - host negotiation protocol03:56
DocScrutinizerwe're not interested in OTG03:56
johnsu01it doesn't really help that people call liblocation gpsd03:56
DocScrutinizerand even less in HNP03:56
jacekowskiisn't that OTG thing?03:56
SpeedEvilIf you read it again, you'll see that that's all done on the USB MAC - the phy does not do anything with the ID pin, but report it to the USB MAC03:57
javispedrothat would make sense.03:57
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DocScrutinizerand again, we're not interested in the ID pin03:58
DocScrutinizerit's merely a way to distinguish A-plugs from B-plugs03:58
DocScrutinizerbut we have no AB-receptacle, ergo no A-plugs on a B-receptacle03:58
javispedroyeah, I'm just trying to guess how it ever worked.03:59
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javispedroisp1707 is plugged via ulpi to 3430, but the driver _as shipped with the N900_ is expecting a 3040 on the other side.03:59
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DocScrutinizerand even IF we ever were interested in ID, then we easily read out from TWL403004:00
* satmd gets the feeling to totally have fscked up04:00
javispedroDocScrutinizer: current driver is already sampling it!04:00
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satmdthere's files I KNOW I deleted reappearing04:00
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javispedroin fact, grounding it would already switch musb to host mode...04:01
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: that's the point where I shouted "screw that" and gave up04:01
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DocScrutinizer(driver not for 1707 that is)04:01
javispedroso the question is: if gadget mode works with isp1707 with twl3040 driver, would switching modes work too? was this ever prepared -- did they made a 1707 driver then noticed wasn't needed because 3040 was "compatible enough", did they never made a 1707 specific driver?04:02
DocScrutinizerthough I guess TWL4030 and 1707 are highly compatible due to the UPLI04:02
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DocScrutinizeryes, probably04:03
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* javispedro would imagine "they ran out of time for 1707 driver then couldn't ask usb-if for we'll-fix-it-later compliance"04:03
satmdhaha, formatted the wrong disk04:03
DocScrutinizerexactly, javispedro04:03
DocScrutinizersatmd: ohhh ferengi!!!04:04
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javispedroanother issue is that the twl3040 seems that everything is rather automated -- I guess the hw itself does something depending on id pin while the isp1707 does not (this would explain the fact that the twl3040 driver is rather simple but the beagleboard works ok with it)04:05
satmdthe only file missing now... is qf04:05
satmdwhich seems to have survived on the sdhc04:05
Mace_N900ok. i am seriously staring to hate the method i need to use in order to use my bt keyboard04:06
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: the 1707 would do if the ID pin was connected04:06
Mace_N900it makes me feel ghetto heh04:06
DocScrutinizerbut anyway we can force 1707 into host mode via the interface04:06
javispedroso I guess the current method of just trying to understand why musb_hdrc forced host mode works OK.04:08
javispedro*doesn't work is OK.04:08
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DocScrutinizerhope so04:09
DocScrutinizerthough of course it would be nice to replace the twl4030 phy defines by the correct 1707 defines (or .h or whatever)04:09
DocScrutinizerexcept for the ID pin of course04:10
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DocScrutinizerand also except of the VBUS control04:10
javispedroeven if it somehow tried to configure the 1707 like if it was a 4030, the driver should enter a confused state and not just refuse to acknowledge host mode..04:10
DocScrutinizerID pin stays TWL403004:10
DocScrutinizerVBUS has to become something completely different#04:11
DocScrutinizerprobably some chatting with bme04:11
javispedrovbus is connected to twl4030 and also miraculously works fine04:11
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javispedro(driver uses twl4030 for sampling it too)04:11
DocScrutinizerVBUS *probing* can stay with 4030 or go to 1707. VBUS *generation* is bme domain04:12
javispedroyesterday's i2cset cmd, which device was that trying to talk with?04:14
* javispedro welcomes it to the party04:14
DocScrutinizeraka USB Charger Chip04:14
javispedrobut probably under strict control of bme04:14
DocScrutinizerthat's the problem here04:14
satmdalright, everything working again, thanks all who helped me :)04:15
DocScrutinizerbme oisn't deaigned to handle VBUS-hostmode, I guess04:15
jacekowskihow is it supposed to provide 5v for it04:15
DocScrutinizerisn't designed*04:15
Funnyfaceon my nokia N900's I have something that looks like cracks near the bottom right corner of the screen, is that normal, e.g. the backlight just showing through the screen, or is it actually a crack?04:16
FunnyfaceI haven't dropped my phone yet so there's no reason it should be there04:16
jacekowskiit's probably a crack04:16
DocScrutinizerjacekowski: bq24150 is supposed to do that04:17
Funnyfacething is, it is showing up worse all the time04:17
Funnyfacemy neighbour's N900 also has something similar but in other spots :p04:17
jacekowskii'm going to get one of these tea like anti flu things04:19
jacekowskiand then i'll go to sleep04:19
jacekowskiso good night04:19
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: bme is a real PITA04:20
Dima202I was extracting easy debian image and my time says 8,35 when in fact it is not 9,20. Possible it will recover or what?04:20
Dima202not i mean now*04:20
DocScrutinizerDima202: hclock --hwtosys04:21
DocScrutinizerhwclock even04:21
DocScrutinizeror simply start GPS04:22
DocScrutinizershould fix the time04:22
DocScrutinizerjavispedro: nite04:22
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Dima202I'll give it another hour...04:25
ShadowJKI suspect he meant the device has been frozen for almost an hour04:25
infobotsomebody said xyawn was coffee04:26
ShadowJKalthough once I encountered a proper IO deadlock too :)04:29
ShadowJKwhich resulted in random things freezing forever04:29
ShadowJKand some things responding fine.04:29
* DocScrutinizer wonders if it's correct we should get a N900 #include instead of the twl4030 and/or 1707 include, for the musb-core04:29
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Funnyfacegrr ok I am so soon going to reflash my N900..04:33
Funnyfacenow the screen calibration tool won't work anymore.. heh04:33
Funnyfaceafter one click, it exits04:33
ShadowJKit's fixed in 1.204:33
DocScrutinizerfsck, 1.2 is a virus04:34
Funnyfacewhich reminds me, I was going to ask, is there anyone out there that approves whatever is being put up on the reposies?04:35
Funnyfaceor can anyone upload anything they like..04:35
DocScrutinizerto *-devel mostly no warranty whatsoever04:35
lcukeverything on extras servers goes through extensive peer review prior to inclusion04:36
DocScrutinizertesting gets better, extras is checked04:36
lcukthe other -devel and -testing repositories are a bit wild west and pot luck04:36
Funnyfaceyeah on my next reflash I am not even going to include those04:36
lcuksounds reasonably sane :)04:36
lcukpeople generally include them for a specific app04:37
lcukbut end up forgetting04:37
Funnyfaceyeah well, some day I noticed that there were updates for xchat, vnc and.. something else, I think it might have been transmission, all from the same user04:37
Funnyfacewhich sounded a bit fishy to me04:37
Funnyfaceall were in extrasdevel04:38
DocScrutinizerending up with bleeding edge versions of roundabout everything04:38
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Dima202Do you think we will get dual cores on phones within 3-4 years?04:53
asjif not sooner? you could argue the n900 is almost dual core04:55
Dima202How is N900 "almost" dual core?04:56
Dima202no hyperthreading or anything04:56
asjit has 2 cpus04:56
njsf_1 is almost 2 ? :)04:56
asjjust need to bring them closer together :)04:56
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njsf_asj: are you talking about the OMAP DSP ?04:57
asjnjsf_: what ever is running the radio04:57
njsf_that is special purpose processor, cannot ever be considered as another general purpose core04:57
njsf_but yes, it is  useful04:58
asjnjsf_: but wait, the main would be getting rid of that and taking care of the radio with the 2nd core, plus giving left over cpu power to the system when required04:58
njsf_even more useful would be a more recent driver for the SGX graphics04:58
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njsf_asj: it is a difficult replacement. specialized DSP can be more effective than general cores taking much more power. in a  mobile device, specialized DSP and Graphics makes sense04:59
njsf_if it is integrated on the CPU chip better, but that is not the point05:00
asjnjsf_: it would be interesting study to see.  The dsp isn't exactly a small cpu either based on the code size of 4-5 megs05:01
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asjwell it's not running a small code base anyways05:01
ShadowJKneon runs parallell with the arm core too :)05:02
ShadowJKbut they share instruction issue unit iirc05:02
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njsf_ShadowJK: that makes some sense in a cache / bus management perspective05:03
njsf_but their instructions are routed differently, so they go to 2 different portions of the chiip05:04
ShadowJKobviously they'll wait for eachother if they touch same data or if there's a dependency05:05
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njsf_Which is fine, since the programmer would have to take care of that when coding the DSP anyway05:12
N900evilI wonder how mch more power neon uses - if it's used occasionally05:15
N900evilmight some stuff do with disabling at compile05:15
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N900evile.g. waking up neon to do 200us of work...05:16
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Dima202HMMM 2 Hours now extracting this debian iso05:25
Dima202I don't know ...05:25
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b-manDima202: i think it's dead05:30
Dima202It's telling me i have mail the led is blinking i have new mail05:31
Dima202But otherwise it's pretty much unresponsive05:31
Dima202How long does it usually take to extract debian iso?05:32
b-manfor me only a few minutes05:32
Dima202Alright then I think this shall be my 3rd restart :( I hate doing it05:33
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rasterShadowJK: correct. though you pay a 20 cycle penalty getting stuff from neon -> arm (eg mov neon-reg -> arm reg)05:38
rasterbut yes - the neon unit will happily execute in parallel otherwise05:39
rasterexcetp that it shares the same cache lines and memory access lines as the arm core05:39
rasterand same instruction decoder05:39
rasterDocScrutinizer: docz!05:39
rasterthe cool bit about that is05:39
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rasterother than sharing memory bandwidht (and u share it no matter what with all hardware on your system unless you have multi-ported ram.. and my bet is you don't :))05:40
jacekowskiso arm and neon is executed in parallel?05:41
rasteruu share instruction decoder - u otherwise can even keep both arm and neon units fed nicely - as long as the instructions are taking longer in general to execute than the instruction fetch/decode overhead05:41
rasterthey are05:41
jacekowskihow does it work05:41
jacekowskii mean if i move stuff around a lot from neon to arm and backwards05:42
jacekowskior just to and from memory05:42
rasterwith caveats - like a 20 cycle penalty for going neon -> arm as well obviously neon stalls to syncronise05:42
rasterthe answer is "don't do that"05:42
rasterdo it all in neon05:42
jacekowskithat's what i was about to ask05:42
rasteror all in arm05:42
rasteruse arm at best to do flow control05:42
rasterand let arm work on its own flow control logic entirely devoid of neon doing its thing05:42
jacekowskidoes it synchronise them properly05:43
rasterneon works on "data" processing it05:43
rasterthe arm then simply controls "eg" when to keep looping or not05:43
DocScrutinizerand neon for the numbercrunching?05:43
rasteryes it does05:43
rasterthe instr's hit arm first 0- thats why it can go arm -> neon with no penalty05:43
rasteras its just part of the pipeline05:43
rasterand neon instr's get passed on as part of the arm pipeline05:43
jacekowskiwhy 20 cycle?05:44
rasterbut... going back means you stall05:44
rasterprob ably thats the pieline depth05:44
rasterDocScrutinizer: bingo05:44
jacekowskiit's much shorter05:44
rasteryou need to recognise what neon was designed for05:44
jacekowskinetburst had around 20 and it was extremly long pipeline05:44
rasterjacekowski:  thats what it impirically ends up being. try yourself and see.05:44
jacekowskihow long does memory write takes on neon?05:45
rasterrememebr you have 2 pipelines here - both arm and neon05:45
rasterdepends on your memory05:45
jacekowskiyou just said it's one pipeline05:45
rasterbut thats 2 pipelines tage end on end05:46
rasterits 1 stream of commands05:46
rasterarm ignores the neon ones it decodes and passes them on05:46
rasterthe neon unit picks up the commands from the pipeline and then continues with its own internal pipeline05:46
rasterthats how it works and why you can control neon flow from the arm with no penalty05:47
rasterbut the reverse is not feasible without a penalty05:47
rasteryou simply design your algorithms+code to avoid or totally not depend on results generated by the neon unit05:48
jacekowskii think it would be nicer to have neon as completly separate core05:48
rasterit may be faster to re-do the results in arm code05:48
rasterthats not how it's done05:48
rasterif it was - it'd also need different interaction05:48
jacekowskiit works out quite well for ps305:49
DocScrutinizernah, it's a question of smart interleaving05:49
rasterlike.. how woould you make it loop and then stop looping (without adding an arm core to the neon cpu to do compare, branch etc.)05:49
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rasteras such arm didn't implement it that way05:49
rasterif you want a whole new core.. u have cortex-a9 :)05:49
jacekowskithe way how it's done now is for lazy programmers05:49
rasteras such neon is quite a nice design considering05:49
rasterthey le3veraged the existing arm core infra very nicely05:50
jacekowskiunroll loops05:50
rasterthat means fewer transistors.05:50
rasteryou dont pay a penalty for loop controol if u keep loop control out of needing to know the computation results05:50
rasterand thqats actually the most common case by a large margin05:50
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rasterwhile (ptr < end) { do number crunching per unit in the array; ptr++}05:51
rasteru pay no penalty05:51
rasterthe pet, end and ptr++ are done arm side05:51
rasteru can even interleave some more arm instructions for free05:51
rasterif the neon instr are heavier than an increment, compare and branch05:51
jacekowskiimagine that your neon core could just decode your video all the time05:51
raster(on the arm side)05:51
jacekowskiand arm core just picks up data whenever it can05:52
rasterthats what you have cortex-a9 for :)05:52
rasterthe neon stuff is actually very neat05:52
rasterwhat you want is to implement a whole alu too05:52
rasteras part of neon05:52
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rasterand then you basically create a new arm+neon core combo05:52
rasterand thats a905:52
jacekowskithat's too much for anything mobile05:53
DocScrutinizercompiler builders' nightmare :-P05:53
jacekowskianything multithreaded is a programmers nightmare05:54
jacekowskilazy programmer nightmare05:54
Maceroh wtf05:54
rasterjacekowski: and yes you ask for a whole other core for neon05:54
Macerctrl shift O enables the browser portrait mode?05:54
rasterwhich is precisely what you say is a nightmare05:55
rastermake up your mind :)05:55
jacekowskii'm going to sleep05:55
rasterand yes05:55
rasterthreadin g is a royal pita05:55
rastera bitch to debug05:55
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jacekowskiit requires you to think in multithreaded way05:55
jacekowskithat's all05:55
rasterbut with neon u are really low level too05:56
rasterso u'd better know this kind of stuff and be careful.. or dont use it05:56
DocScrutinizerwhat makes it a nightmare05:56
Macertoo bad the vkb doesn't do portrait mode as well05:56
Macerwow this landscape only is killing me :)05:56
rasterjacekowski:  as does your suggestipon of a whole neon core than can execute 100% in parallel (ie not have its flow control from the arm core)05:57
DocScrutinizerMacer: stop whining about a nonexistent portrait mode kbd that would be a royal pain to use anyway05:58
MacerDocScrutinizer: haha05:58
Macerworked fine in android :)05:58
* Macer hides05:58
TermanaSell n900, Buy Android device05:59
TermanaBuild bridge, get over it05:59
Macerbut the n900 is so awesome05:59
Macerother than that :)05:59
DocScrutinizermake up your mind05:59
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Maceri didn't say the n900 sucked05:59
rasteractually other than actually running linux.. the n900 is mildly middle-ground.05:59
rasterits rather fat anc bulky06:00
Macerraster: i think i would consider maemo a debian based linux distro06:00
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Macerandroid doesn't have much as far as gnu apps .. if any at all. the term is basically useless06:00
rasterits sluggish - partly due to the omap3 these days being.. well.. middle-ground soc.. and the compositing they have running hurts performance a fair bit the way its done06:00
Macerwell. it serves a purpose every now and then06:00
rasterandroid blows imho :)06:00
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Macerraster: yeah. i don't like it either06:01
rasterbut beyond runing a linux properly on the n900 - its a mediocre device.06:01
Macercyanogen made my G1 bearable06:01
TermanaBut you do like its portrait virtual keyboard06:01
DocScrutinizerandroid blows chunks06:01
MacerTermana: yes06:01
Maceri hated the underlying problems06:01
Macerlike no valid jabber client06:01
Macertons of crashes with apps06:02
TermanaMacer - I guess you never entertained the idea of chucking Debian onto your G1? :P You could access it natively or via chroot06:02
Macerno real term based apps06:02
Maceri did06:02
Macerit sucked06:02
TermanaMacer, mmm you can boot straight into Debian without Android06:02
Macerthat i didn't do. the only one i saw was a chroot to an image file similar to easydeb06:02
MacerTermana: too bad mer didn't get far enough to be run on it :)06:03
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Macerwho knows tho. maybe meego will have portrait mode on the n90006:03
Macerthat would be interesting to see06:03
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TermanaI'll be getting an Nexus One and porting MeeGo over to it - I will be the saviour of all Nexus One users06:04
DocScrutinizerfsck portrait mode - I heard only Americans need it as they have just one hand to hold it, other hand busy... :-P06:04
Macerif ican get cups to work in maemo5 then i'm a pretty happy camper.. right now there are only 3 things that i need on my n900... 1. non-hackish bt keyboard support .. 2. cups ...3. portrait mode for certain things06:04
TermanaDocScrutinizer, lol06:04
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Macerat least a portrait mode sleeping screen that lets you look at an im or txt in portrait mode in quick glancing when you yank it out your pocket06:04
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Macerscrew it.. make it turn the screen on and show the im or txt by shaking it or something haha06:06
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Macerlike a wiimote06:06
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GAN900Termana, I will kiss your feet.06:14
GAN900Termana, I'd love to make that stupid thing useful.06:14
* DocScrutinizer heard nexus one is the best ignition counter for explosive mail to google06:15
* ShadowJK doubts we'll ever ever see a Nokia device with a soc that isn't "middle-ground"06:19
GAN900Love it06:20
TermanaGAN900, hehe :P you got yours at the LFCS didn't you?06:22
TermanaI spotted a few Maemo/MeeGo people in the crowd while watching the videos06:23
GAN900Hate it06:23
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TermanaGAN900, you don't even like it a TINY bit? :P06:25
GAN900Well, it's thin, I guess06:27
GAN900Otherwise I don't get what people see in it.06:27
wiretappedi broke my ability to receive SMS06:28
wiretappedi've been periodically running a script i wrote to purge alerts I get from nagios06:28
wiretappeddelete from Event where group_id like '3___'06:29
wiretappedand the GroupCache06:29
wiretappedand then killing some things that are reading it06:29
wiretappedin retrospect i should've been sending dbus messages telling them to update i guess06:29
TermanaGAN900, yeah, but those same people would probably say the same thing about the n900 so - :P06:29
wiretappedanyway it worked for a while, then started breaking things for a bit but they would work after killing some more06:29
wiretappedbut now... even after moving aside my .rtcomm-eventlogger directory and getting a fresh db... and rebooting...06:30
wiretappedi cannot receive SMS.06:30
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TermanaGAN900, anyway, i'll keep you updated with any progress I make on getting MeeGo onto the Nexus One (when I get mine)06:31
DocScrutinizeryou checked your SIM and the number of free SMS storage on there?06:32
wiretappedcan i get a "Cool Story Bro" ? anyone else ever mess with the rtcomm eventlogger?06:32
ShadowJKcool story bro06:32
wiretappedTermana: w00t i wish you great success :)06:32
luke-jrTermana: hey!06:33
Termanawiretapped, thanks :P06:33
luke-jrTermana: where's your git tree? :o06:33
Termanaluke-jr, hello :)06:33
Termanaluke-jr, for n810?06:33
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Termanaluke-jr, - it only contains a patch for .33.106:34
GAN900wiretapped, sorry we didn't get together in SF06:34
* DocScrutinizer shrugs and focuses on other things06:34
GAN900bergie went and got me drunk on soju. <_<06:34
wiretappedGAN900: enjoy your stay here?06:34
TermanaI don't have enough bandwidth to be uploading the whole trees so I just upload patches :P06:34
GAN900You guys should've snuck in. :P06:35
luke-jrTermana: wtf? :(06:35
luke-jrTermana: you should be able to branch on gitorious and only upload the changesets you added...06:35
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Termanaluke-jr, hmm, I'll have to look into that. But I think that requires a full git pull anyway, which has more data to download than just patching my trees to get them up to date :P06:36
luke-jrTermana: -.-06:37
Termanaluke-jr, you'll get over it, I'm sure you know how to use a patch file anyway :P06:37
luke-jrone-big-diff means to make any sane use of it I'd have to comphrehend it, split it into multiple changesets, apply and commit each one with a comment on what it does, etc...06:38
luke-jrTermana: try: git clone --depth 1 ...06:39
luke-jrshouldn't need to download the full history that way06:39
luke-jrif you're based on my tree, it's git://
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luke-jrif based on vanilla -omap, git://
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Termanaluke-jr, Its not against either. Its against mainline. Plus, I never used git for it, so all I have is one big patch anyway.07:02
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luke-jrTermana: -.-07:06
luke-jrso it's worthless :(07:06
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Termanaluke-jr, well, I think thats a prick of a way to say it. I don't think its worthless. It has allowed everyone to upgrade their kernels if they want, and it has helped the n8x0 MeeGo Adaptation (since MeeGo requires a newer kernel (i'm running MeeGo in chroot now as well :P))07:13
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TermanaJust because you can't put it in a git tree with the whole history of it, doesn't make it worthless.07:14
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Dima202Does anyone know of a Audacious port07:25
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Macerhaha. omg. ever see the movie last dragon? where random people are kung fu fighting around the neighborhood?07:35
Macerthat stuff used to happen for real!07:36
Macer:) have to love zoutube07:36
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Trizttimeless_mbp; pong07:55
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shinkamuiafter that reflash, im STILL installing from backup08:14
shinkamuiI will never make that mistake again08:14
shinkamuiI don't remember apt being this slow08:14
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shinkamuiis the app manager just an apt frontend?  or does it have its own additional overhead08:15
TriztI think it's just a front end which checks quite frequently if there have been updates if you do a one package at the time install08:16
shinkamuiwell, the backup restore is doing all of them one at a time, but at least queued08:17
shinkamuiappmanager wouldn't be so bad for daily use if it let you queue up downloads08:17
shinkamuithat should have been a pr 1.2 feature :)08:18
Surfahow much stuff doyou need to install at once with app manager?08:18
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shinkamuithere are times when 3 or 4 new apps are added that I want to install08:18
shinkamuinot a huge deal, but I have to babysit the device and wait for the catalog to be refreshed after each install08:19
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* Trizt agrees with shinkamui 08:19
shinkamuican be quite annoying installing over 3g08:19
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shinkamuiand at work, im stuck on edge, so I don't bother trying then08:19
Triztthat can explain the slowness08:20
shinkamuiwell, im at home now on wifi trizt08:20
shinkamui26mbit cable08:20
shinkamuiand 2.6gigs has been installing for 2 hours08:20
shinkamuiI know the device probably can't handle the full bandwidth, but I've installed stuff using the text apt interface and its just muuch faster08:21
Trizt:) oh, I think that the "file system lagness" thats the problem, it's damn slow to write a lot of data on the n90008:21
shinkamuiwhenever I can, I use the console to install new things08:21
shinkamuiwell, enough griping, Im still really happy with the N900 overall, I guess everything can't be perfect08:22
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Surfathere is no such thing as perfect08:22
trumeewhy is the disk IO slow on n900?08:23
trumeeis it slow storage or slow chipset?08:24
Surfatypical thing with mobile devices08:24
Surfait's just damn slow to write anything to phone memory08:24
trumeeby memory you mean emmc?08:25
Surfawhatever it is :)08:25
Tuukkahow come talk is down again...08:25
Surfaall the options are too slow currently08:25
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Triztshinkamui; you can try: echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness08:26
Triztcould help a little bit08:26
Surfa..even that the situation is much better already than it was couple of years ago08:26
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timeless_mbpTrizt: ping08:28
timeless_mbpTrizt: so i've got a new pair ready08:28
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Trizttimeless_mbp; okey, last time I got the 1.8 again08:30
Triztso you say I will get the 0.1-7 now?08:30
timeless_mbpbut you should end up w/ translations-pr11-enus108:30
timeless_mbpi've moved all the strings into a dependent package08:31
timeless_mbpand it's supposed to pull in the proper dependency08:31
Triztokey, ltest try08:31
timeless_mbpsee privmsg for note about repo path08:31
Triztwill do tha08:32
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shinkamui154 apps successfully installed08:33
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shinkamuia few failed due to dependencies08:33
Trizttimeless_mbp; it offers me 0.1-8, thats correct?08:33
timeless_mbpwhat matters is what packages it pulls in08:34
Triztit says also "cannot update"08:34
timeless_mbpwell um, that's unhappy08:36
timeless_mbpdoes the log explain why?08:36
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Triztthat I lack the hildon1 or what it's called08:37
timeless_mbpoh brother08:37
TriztI think your | didn't work as expected08:38
timeless_mbpit's possible that i screwed up on the package names :)08:40
timeless_mbpsadly, the packages seem to work fine here08:40
timeless_mbpat least 'details' tells me it's offering pr1208:41
TriztThe only think in details is that I don't have >= 2.2.1008:41
TriztI have to rush, won't be able to test until back home after work :( wifi suxx at work08:42
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pupnik_brain party is a well made game ... kudos to the porter too08:47
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* RST38h yawns08:50
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RST38hSooo... Is leaked PR1.2 disappointing people already? =)08:50
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dotblankim just going to wait for the actually release08:53
dotblankisnt that leaked release old by like a month?08:53
timeless_mbpRST38h: leaked?08:55
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RST38hdotblank: well, the cutoff date for PR1.2 fixes may be even earlier than that, so who knows08:58
dotblankWhen is the actually release date for pr 1.208:59
RST38hShit, I can apt-get install in the diablo rootstrap, but in the fremantle rootstrap, dpkg coredumps.08:59
pupnik_not published08:59
RST38hdotblank: once pigs fly08:59
dotblankI saw the changelog and it does fix MANY of the problems I have08:59
RST38hAnd the worst part, I have no idea how to debug the crash =(08:59
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timeless_mbpdotblank: sometime before the release after pr1.209:01
timeless_mbpwe hope09:01
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RST38hShit, if only I had GDB installed inside the rootstrap...09:08
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meceIt's not just you!  looks down from here.09:12
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asjoff topic, but win for me :) nothing like having a your isp be an ubuntu mirror, dl at 1300kB/s :)09:14
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asjswc|666: url isn't working for me... ;)09:16
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RST38hAnyone knows what version of GDB I have to install on Ubuntu to debug programs running in qemu?09:20
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summelyay testing the new SDK09:29
summeliot is full of FAIL09:29
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* timeless_mbp looks for someone w/ pr1.1.1 or lower and a bit of time09:30
summelhow do i check that? :D09:31
summel3.2010.02-8 is my version09:31
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timeless_mbpsummel: that'll do09:33
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summelhow can i help?09:34
mecetimeless_mbp, whacha need? I've got 1.1.109:34
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* timeless_mbp points to the other channel09:36
meceon a sidenote, I'm running out of schadenfreude and starting to feel sorry for the non-douche people who got tricked into using leaky rc, and are now having troubles.09:36
summelmece: my troubles are "A N900 device with updates installed. Note that PR1.2 is the minimum firmware supported." -_-09:37
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mecesummel, well... this is worse:
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asjoops lol09:39
summelmece: leak is probably nopt finished.,, dunno.... i think it is worse that i cant use ANY off my apps on my n900 because nokia is too stupid to provide an sdk for pr 1.109:39
asjwhat week-rel did that guy have?09:40
summeldunno... im not interested in any leak... i would be hapier about an 1.1 sdk then haviing 1.2 released -_-09:41
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asjsummel: i can understand that09:50
summeli have 3 apps ready... they all work some way in the sdk... but i cant use them :(09:50
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asjsummel: I'm sure pr1.2 will be out soon09:53
asjand I'm hoping they learned their lesson09:54
summeli hope so... its been long enough... i probably could sue nokia for not providing an sdk in which i can build and release and SELL my apps... so i could sue them for the profit im missing out because of them or somethiing like that xD09:54
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timeless_mbpasj: people here don't learn lessons09:55
fralsgo ahead, sue everyone summel, let us know how it goes09:55
timeless_mbpwe just get new people :)09:55
* RST38h sues summel for wasted network traffic09:56
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RST38hmoo wazd09:57
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wazdRST38h: heya :)09:57
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TuukkaHopefully it will take few more weeks till pr1.2 is out so that all those over eager people will suffer. Muahahahahaaahaaaa!09:58
summel~nuke Tuukka09:58
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at Tuukka ... B☢☢M!09:58
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Tuukka:D lol09:58
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RST38hERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded10:01
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RST38hactually this is not what causes the crash10:02
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TuukkaIs there a help command to see all the commands the freenode server uses?10:07
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fralsno mwkn yet?10:08
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_abhishekHi I have diablo device (N810 ) I have written some code which generates image using QImage and saves image using QImage save function this programs works fine on Desktop and scratchbox too but won't work on Device it won't save the file is there any problem in saving with QImage or some alternate method to use ?10:16
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summelcan someone with an n900 and a "decent" camera do me a favor? :D10:29
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asjsummel: ?10:31
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summeli need a pic of an n900 on its stand with a lit keyboard on a green/blue/white background siplaying this picture in fullscreen10:32
asjoh displaying10:32
summeloh yes sry10:33
summelim a bit tired10:33
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asjhorrible url10:34
Tuukkaquassel what's that?10:35
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summelTuukka: irc client10:35
zokierTuukka, an irc-client10:35
asja horrible irc client ;)10:35
summelTHE irc client10:35
summel~nuke asj10:35
* infobot prepares 100 missle silos, and targets them at asj ... B☢☢M!10:35
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asjTuukka: it's so bad I'm tempted not to help summel, but alas I am a nice guy10:36
Tuukkaright... I don't even bother to get a client, using the webchat :DD10:36
asjTuukka: if you can't irc with telnet you shouldn;t be on irc ;)10:36
summelasj: <310:36
asjtwouters: oh shush ;)10:37
asjsummel: ok sec10:37
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Tuukkaasj, well i hardly ever use irc. Using it only to troll in here :)10:39
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summelTuukka: quassel has a client/core architecture... you set the core up to connect to your irc networks/channels and then you use the multiplattform client to connect to the core... so cou are online 24/7 :)10:40
asjsummel: the picture you want isn't going to happen...10:40
* noobmonk3y throws a troll at frals 10:40
* asj looks at what he got10:40
* frals slaps noobmonk3y around a bit with a large trout10:41
summelwhy not? :o10:41
fralsdid you fix that bug yet? ;D10:42
asjsummel: very bright screen washes out the background.  If you have enough light to show the phone then then keyboard isn't lit10:42
asjsummel: I'll upload what I have10:42
summelwrite over the light sensor with a pen!10:42
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asjsummel: you can post your phone to:10:43
summeli dont have a camera :(10:43
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noobmonk3yi really am amazed with how arrogant and rude some people on t.m.o are10:43
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mecenoobmonk3y, tmo is the internets. It brings out the dicks.10:44
noobmonk3ylol :P good point10:44
asjnoobmonk3y: and you think irc will be better?10:44
Surfanoobmonk3y, well, facing too many idiots makes even nicest people rude at some point :)10:44
mecenoobmonk3y did you get stacked windows fixed?10:44
asjheh, I just realized tmo is, tmo to is t-mobile ;)10:45
noobmonk3yasj - the real numpties havn't figured out how to use irc ;)10:45
noobmonk3ymece :( no not yet10:45
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noobmonk3yit's definitley not easy - and that line doesnt just translate into python10:45
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asjsummel: picture is uploading, patience is required, vacation pics are going first10:46
mecewhat's your current line then? I can translate perhaps.10:46
noobmonk3ySurfa, i actually agree, but some people are just rude to begin with kinda upsetting10:46
summelasj: thx :)10:46
mecenoobmonk3y, pastebin the problem area of the code10:46
TuukkaThis irc chat is behinde so many links that an average troll won't get trough :D10:47
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asjsummel: eyefi just uploads them in order, no control10:47
tybollt<-- very much average troll10:47
noobmonk3ymece, self.setAttribute(QtCore.WA_Maemo5StackedWindow)10:47
* tybollt trolls tuukka10:47
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noobmonk3yTake a look at ossipena = = this guy only knows one thing... how to be a cock....... i just wish he would think before he typed10:48
noobmonk3ymece - tried a hundred different versions of that line10:48
mecethat link did nothing10:48
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TigerTaelI saw on the forums everyone suffering at the hands of the PR1.2 Beta...10:49
mecenoobmonk3y, ossipena is one of my favorite tmo:ers :D I truly enjoy his merciless asshole attitude. He speaks business and not bs too.10:49
_abhishekHi I have diablo device (N810 ) I have written some code which generates image using QImage and saves image using QImage save function this programs works fine on Desktop and scratchbox too but won't work on Device it won't save the file is there any problem in saving with QImage or some alternate method to use ?10:49
noobmonk3ymece - entirely disagree10:49
TigerTaelSure glad I didn't find it out till later.10:49
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noobmonk3yshouldnt be a mod, and shouldn't be so god damn cocky10:50
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mecenoobmonk3y, is he a mod?10:50
noobmonk3yTigerTael, i have it ;) - no problems :P10:50
noobmonk3ymece, yeah10:50
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TuukkaTigerTael, +1 for that10:50
noobmonk3yit's dangerous10:50
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TigerTaelSo I'm guessing the radio gets upgraded with that beta update eh?10:52
noobmonk3yhmmm to be honest, no idea10:52
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noobmonk3yi was more interested in testing my app on it :P)10:52
noobmonk3yand as it is broken - i have work to do hehe10:52
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meceTigerTael, cell radio gets updated yes. and can't be downgraded again afact.10:55
noobmonk3yyayness lol10:55
asjI would not mess with it10:57
asjit's not ever pr1.2...10:57
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asjmece: you can use flasher to downgrade afaik10:58
meceasj, the cell radio? Are you sure?10:58
meceasj, haven't seen anyone actually succeeding with it. just people suggesting that it might work.10:58
asjmece: I have not done with it with an rx-5110:59
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TuukkaWould it be possible to create a widget which when pressed would hide shortcuts from desktop and when pressed again would display them again? That way the desktop wouldn't be as cluttered and you could see your lovely wallpaper. :p11:03
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TigerTaelasj, I'm not even considering it.11:03
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asjthough, I can say I do live overclocking the n900 to  800mhz, the underclocking to 125mhz really seems to help battery life11:04
meceTuukka, I guess you could make a script that does that, and create a .desktop file for it.11:04
asjTuukka: why not just leave 1 desktop uncluttered?11:05
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asjor two of them, one on either side, a swipe to either side and voila11:06
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Tuukkaasj, i need all that space.. One dektop for phone, @, messages. Second for games. Third for web bookmarks, and last for utilities11:07
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TuukkaMaybe it could work as desktop activity manager?11:08
Tuukkadoesn't it do something similar?11:09
asjTuukka: you play to many games, and stop calling people it's not a phone ;)11:10
TigerTaelThat sort of mentality is not good. ;/11:11
asjI think it's just fine, imho, I would suggest it's perhaps not helpful ;)11:12
pupnikall desktops here are web bookmarks11:13
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TuukkaI made amazing wallpapers of ME2 loading vids and want see them properly :)11:13
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TuukkaNormandy SR-2 shown from different angles <311:14
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D-Iivilxfade: ping?11:15
D-IivilX-Fade: ping (typoed)11:16
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opdf2geez theres alot of people messing with leak pre w/e 1.211:35
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mikki-kunthey just can't get wait to get their hands on something not offical11:40
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mikki-kunjust curious what will happen once the official pr1.2 comes out11:44
asjsummel: try 1, 3 more coming11:44
mikki-kunis there actually a way in changing the googles searchoption?11:45
mikki-kuni hate it to have the mobile google11:45
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asjmikki-kun: google does that for you11:45
asjwhen the n900 first came out it didn't if I remember correctly11:45
sulxthat leaked 1.2 is far away from mature...11:46
mikki-kunasj: uhm, not exactly, all the google references point towards$SOME_MAEMO_STRING if you look towards it really close11:46
mikki-kunif i type "" it gives me google.com11:47
asjmikki-kun: but then google can decide which page to popup no?11:47
mikki-kunthat is device-specific afaics11:47
asjit just sets client=nokia-maemo11:47
asjerr ms-nokia-maemo11:48
mikki-kuni also looked yesterday in that google-widget with a hex-viewer and even that had a string point not towards "" but something longer11:48
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asjdon't need a hex viewer, just do a search, then bring up the url it's right there11:48
auenferr, you're referring to mobile google coming up instead of desktop google?11:49
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mikki-kunyeah... and that is what i wanted to get changed11:49
mikki-kunevery single search which i just type in the browser bar will be transfered to the ms-nokia-maemo page11:50
mikki-kunauenf: isn't there a webpage already for "phones" and small MIDs?11:53
auenfmikki-kun, surely changing the user agent would get around that easily anyway11:53
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timeless_mbpthe maemo primary catalog is broken11:55
mikki-kunauenf: where could i get that done?11:55
timeless_mbpandre__ / tekojo: who can we poke?11:55
auenfuseragentswitcher if its available for microb11:55
mikki-kunain't there somewhere a config-file for microb?11:56
auenfor about:config would have it11:56
tybolltgo timeless11:57
floriangood morning11:57
* noobmonk3y grins11:57
noobmonk3ytimeless,  Stskeeps maybe?11:58
pupnikn900 browsing is so good sometimes i use it even when a laptop computer is sitting in front of my face.11:59
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wazdoh, legal wars at t.m.o, cool12:00
noobmonk3ylol pup - i am in bed with my lapto pon my lap and the n900 on the laptop keys :P12:00
mikki-kunauenf: ahhhh, big thx :D that is way more helpful than an app for changing that :)12:00
tybolltwazd: Huh do explain12:00
wazdso now is an oficcial nokia website? :)12:01
noobmonk3y"We advice"? lol ;)12:01
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noobmonk3yhmmm or is reggie coming from an official hat on angle? maybe12:01
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noobmonk3yeither way it makes sense.... just trying to remove tmo's image of an illegal file sharing site ;)12:02
arnorhi there!12:02
mikki-kunuhm, lol12:02
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mikki-kunthe geckorelease which microb is based on is kind of old :D12:02
asjwell it's bad to have buggy versions flying around12:02
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Khertan_Hi !12:02
RST38hwazd: It isn't like ever wasn't an official nokia website...12:02
timeless_mbpmikki-kun: not 'kind of'12:03
arnorcould someone tell me if it's possible to remotely control my N900 from a Linux workstation?12:03
pupnikarnor: of courst it is12:03
arnorpupnik: how could I do it?12:03
Appiaharnor ssh12:03
N900evilssh phone12:03
RST38hwazd: and yes, some of these community functionaries actually think they owe to Nokia =)12:03
arnorpupnik: no graphical front-end?12:03
Appiahyou could install a vncserver12:03
pupnikyou can also use "synergy" to control n900 with keyboard/mouse12:03
N900evilwhat do you mean control12:03
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arnorAppiah: this is what I'm searching for? any website for me? ; ]12:05
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Appiahcheck talk.maemo.org12:05
arnorpupnik: synergy? :)12:05
Appiahbeen discussed several times12:05
arnorAppiah: thx :)12:05
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pupniki still enjoy using synergy, but my build is buggy.12:06
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D-IivilX-Fade is on vacation? :)12:12
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timeless_mbppupnik: how are you w/ debian magic?12:14
mikki-kunauenf: btw, changing the useragent didn't work... so i really suspect the thing is hardcoded12:14
pupniknot so great, sorry timeless_mbp .  can i try to help with something?12:16
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timeless_mbpi have a pair of packages foo-pr11 and foo-pr1212:17
timeless_mbpi have a meta package foo-meta12:17
mikki-kunahhh, ok i found it... had to search for google12:17
timeless_mbpand i want it to depend on foo-pr11 | foo-pr1212:17
* TriztFromWork smiles12:17
timeless_mbpif i try to depend on foo-pr12 | foo-pr1112:17
timeless_mbpthe package doesn't install w/ ham on pr1112:17
timeless_mbpit works w/ apt-get12:17
pupniki would have to google to get that |12:18
timeless_mbpif i reverse the order to foo-pr11 | foo-pr1212:18
linuxcentosIs the developer/porter of Carman here?12:18
timeless_mbpit works w/ ham w/ pr1112:18
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JaffaMorning, all12:18
D-IivilGood morning.12:18
SpeedEvilGood moaning.12:19
linuxcentosFirst of all, hello to all Maemo ppl12:19
timeless_mbpJaffa: life sucks12:19
Jaffatimeless_mbp: AIUI, HAM is shit (it reimplemented apt's algorithms - incorrectly and inaccurately)12:19
timeless_mbpthe maemo repository is corrupt12:19
timeless_mbpJaffa: does ham suck less in 1.2?12:19
tybollttimeless_mbp: lovely having to try to second guess the proprietary HAM algorithm every time innit?12:19
linuxcentoscurrent Android user switching over to Maemo after reading how good this is12:19
timeless_mbptybollt: ham is open source :)12:20
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tybolltmaemo good? Eh, c'mon :)12:20
timeless_mbp(be careful with your use of "proprietary")12:20
tybollttimeless_mbp: meh, don't ruin my buzz :P12:20
timeless_mbptybollt: do you be readin my buzz? :)12:20
tybollttimeless_mbp: let's s/proprietary//12:20
linuxcentostybollt: Yeah, Maemo sees to be impressive12:20
tybolltor not :P12:21
Jaffalinuxcentos: welcome :)12:21
timeless_mbptybollt: i'll resolve that12:21
linuxcentosJaffa: thx :)12:21
Jaffatimeless_mbp: You need to ask m-vo12:21
fralstimeless_mbp: what was the url to the google maps site that actually worked decently on device?12:21
linuxcentostybollt: not ? :)12:21
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linuxcentostybollt: i'm really looking forward to sell my Samsung Galaxy to buy one Maemo12:22
Jaffalinuxcentos: I'll take this opportunity to plug if you want a summary of what's going on at the moment (today's issue is 2 hours old)12:22
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timeless_mbpfrals: um, ?12:23
fralsJaffa: there seems to be some encoding issues (see "super testers" article for example)12:23
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fralstimeless_mbp: ty, was using :p12:24
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linuxcentosJaffa: thx, i'm really excited about Maemo12:24
linuxcentosJaffa: never even felt to try to make any code in Android due to it's system12:25
linuxcentosJaffa: even though i've 2 Android phones12:25
Jaffafrals: Yeah, just spotted. Annoying. Fixed12:26
timeless_mbplinuxcentos: maemo is retiring...12:26
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SpeedEvilMaemo is mutating!12:26
SpeedEvilAnd gaining shiny new powers!12:27
SpeedEvilAnd becoming meego!12:27
tybolltlinuxcentos: as timeless_mbp says it - let's be carefull shall we12:27
fralsJaffa: :) same in kfzcheck under announcements12:27
SpeedEvilMaemo evolved!12:27
TigerTaellinuxcentos, haven't heard of MeeGo?12:27
tybollthowever for a different reason12:27
tybolltmaemo is not the be all end all  überOS12:27
tybolltit has its potential but let's not go all fanboi about it :)12:27
TigerTaeltybollt, what is?12:27
SpeedEvilHowever - in many cases - with the right programming - GUI/qt - stuff should run on maemo and meego pretty much unchanged12:27
summelSpeedEvil: no :(12:28
tybolltTigerTael: Is there one?12:28
TigerTaeltybollt, I wish. ;]12:28
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Surfamaemo got supercow powers12:29
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asjsummel: did you see your picture?12:30
summelasj: yes thx :)12:30
asjsummel: there are probably all 3 now12:30
opdf2is that n8 really gonna be quad band umts/hsdpa?12:31
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SpeedEvilsummel: no?12:32
opdf2i usually see either 900/1700/2100 or 850/1900/210012:32
summelSpeedEvil: sdk has pr 1.2 so apps built in the sdk do not run on the device :(12:33
linuxcentosMeeGo , oh yes12:33
linuxcentosIntel + Nokia12:33
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linuxcentosright ? *12:33
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SpeedEvilsummel: I mean in principle.12:34
SpeedEvilsummel: I'm for the purposes of argument supposing a seperate buildchain12:34
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SpeedEvilsummel: you take your cod, and build it on a meego sdk12:34
summeli'm for releasing pr 1.2/an 11 sdk12:34
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SpeedEvilI'm doubtful that the exact same binary will run12:34
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summelbut yes i did just compile my qt4 desktop app for maemo and it runs (in the sdk)12:35
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SpeedEvilThe sdk not building 1.1, and 1.2 not releasesed has shades of openmoko.12:37
summelbut the n900 is not as ugly as the freerunner was :D12:38
SpeedEvilBut the n900 has no lanyard hole.12:39
summelit dpoes12:39
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SpeedEvilNot as easy to use! :)12:40
TigerTaelI should consider a lanyard.12:41
summely<ou have to open the device12:41
summeland the hole is pretty small :/12:42
summelbut i wouldnt use it anyways :D12:42
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summelsamsung nc10? :d12:46
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chem|stmece: wb13:06
chem|stmece: wo bist du denn her?13:06
summelchem|st: finnland würd ich sagen ;)13:06
chem|sthaben finnen nen ä13:07
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mecechem|st, finland :)13:07
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summeldie ham auch ein °a oder sowas13:07
mikki-kun|N900mece: in german finland is written with double n13:07
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meceheh funny.13:08
meceAll the german I know I've learned from Kondom  des Grauens13:08
chem|stmece: you got ä?13:08
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meceyep. åäö actually, since I'm a swedish speaking finn.13:09
summelmece: not the best german movie :D13:09
mikki-kun|N900i actually have a finnish N90013:09
mecesummel, yes it is!13:09
summelno :D13:09
mikki-kun|N900but am using a german keyboard-layout13:09
summelthere are better13:09
mecesummel, yes!13:09
mecesummel, like?13:09
SpeedEvilI'm editing on the wiki - moved a page. How do I find links to the previous page title?13:09
summelwer früher stirbt ist länger tot13:09
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summelbella martha13:09
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summeljust to name a few13:10
chem|stthought you got just stuff like å13:10
summeloh and in a way titanic and 2012 independence day etc are german movies :P13:10
mecesummel, heh13:10
chem|stSpeedEvil: I think backlink is not implemented13:11
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TuukkaDeutschland Deutschland über alles13:11
meceno å in finnish really though.13:11
mecesummel, Good Bye Lenin was an excellent movie13:11
summelyes that one also13:12
chem|stTuukka: ü...13:12
pupnik_agree mece13:13
SpeedEvilchem|st: :/13:13
meceok, maybe kondom des grauens is not a good movie on a generic good movie kind of scale. But I found it excellent, mostly due to random crazyness and poor production values :)13:13
Tuukkachem|st, ??13:13
summelmece: most german movies are "cheap" compared to ... for example US movies... but that does not mean they are bad :) also kondom des grauens is pretty old13:14
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mecesummel, yeah. It's also a b-movie, even by german standards I understand. I'm a big b-movie fan.13:14
opdf2anyone using sipsorcery? I cant get it to ring my n90013:15
summelyou should also watch "der bewegte mann" and "stadtgespräch"13:15
summel<3 katja riemann13:15
Tuukkapolizei hund Rex, that's an amazing german tv serie!13:16
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pupnik_ty summel13:17
chem|stTuukka: just 'Kommissar Rex' and its austrian13:18
Tuukkachem|st, translated it straight from finnish. Still show it in Tv here... lol13:19
mecewe have Der Alte too! But nothing beats Ein Fall Für Zwei!! Saako matula turpaan?13:20
summelTuukka: sooooo much cuter! :d13:20
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_abhishekHi I have diablo device (N810 ) I have written some code which generates image using QImage and saves image using QImage save function this programs works fine on Desktop and scratchbox too but won't work on Device it won't save the file is there any problem in saving with QImage or some alternate method to use ?13:22
SpeedEvilI would attack it with strace, and see where it's trying to save the file. Perhaps it is a permissions issue?13:23
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alteregoI can't believe xsomeone leaked PR1.213:24
alteregoOr, maybe PR1.1.2? ^.^13:24
SpeedEvilI can't believe it's not butter.13:24
andre__it's yogurt!13:24
alteregoDid anyone try the gesture video zooming?13:25
alteregoI might be wrong, but that's what I thought it looked like on that promo video ..13:26
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tybolltso that there post wazd posted was basically a cease and desist because someone put PR1.2 online?13:26
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noobmonk3ygesture video zooming on playback?13:28
noobmonk3yor on record?13:28
alteregoWell, I've got the image, but I'm unlikely to flash it13:29
noobmonk3ydoesnt work13:29
alteregoFalse advertising then :)13:30
noobmonk3ythe second you touch the screen it gives you the pause / fforward etc menu13:30
alteregoYeah, no change there then.13:31
alteregoI wonder if the h264 codecs are better now.13:31
alteregoI'm gonna unpack the image actually and have a poke, rather than flash it :)13:31
noobmonk3yall vids are working fine for me, most are bbc iplayer downloads13:31
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noobmonk3ybut they worked fine b4 :P13:31
alteregoWhat do you use for iplayer downloads?13:32
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noobmonk3ywell i did b4 i flashed, erm the command line downloader13:32
noobmonk3yi just go into xterminal and type iplayer <<web address>13:32
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noobmonk3ytekojo, are you imitating a yoyo? ;)13:33
alteregoCool, and no one has wrapped a ui around that yet? :)13:33
* frals slaps noobmonk3y around a bit with a large trout13:33
noobmonk3yalterego, no cos the install is a bit of a pain13:33
* noobmonk3y grins13:33
noobmonk3ymornin frals13:33
fralsafternoon o/13:33
Jaffanoobmonk3y: That's what tekojo gets for running unauthorised firmwares ;-)13:33
noobmonk3ymece helped fixed the stackable windows - ... .in the end pyside works, qt doesnt lol13:33
tekojonoobmonk3y the ******* wlan in here is13:33
noobmonk3ylol Jaffa  ;)13:33
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noobmonk3ytekojo, is....... not very good?13:33
tekojoexactly :)13:34
tekojoooh, and I have an unofficial N900 too!13:34
noobmonk3yunofficial OoOooo is it pink?13:34
fralshmm, i dislike when im told to call someone, he wont pickup and wont answer emails13:34
fralsand now i got a doctors appointment in 3 hrs >_<13:34
tekojomy trusty old prototype still works :)13:34
noobmonk3y:D :D13:35
MohammadAG_prototype ftw13:35
* MohammadAG_ goes back to his ps313:35
meceprototype ftFw!13:35
* frals waits for noobmonk3ys HAM to start flashing13:35
noobmonk3yham n eggs on my device ;)13:35
* tekojo works for nokia and has used this same n900 for quite a while now :)13:35
noobmonk3yhadnt re-installed fmms, better redo that ;)13:35
* noobmonk3y doesnt work for nokia and has used the same n900 for a while now ;)13:36
fralsnoobmonk3y: did you fix the problem with healthcheck not closing properly?13:36
noobmonk3yfrals - thats my next trick13:36
noobmonk3ysorting out the menu and stackable windows is done now :D13:36
fralswas wondering why device was sluggish, having 2x healthcheck open at 60megs each explained it13:36
noobmonk3yhehe :P it was hugging your memory :P13:36
noobmonk3yoh i mean hogging lol13:37
meceeeeheheh.. pyqt apps take ridiculous amounts pof memory, I've noticed.13:37
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noobmonk3yyeah it does, doesnt help when healthcheck won't close it'self properly13:37
noobmonk3yi wish there was just an Unload all command like vb used to have ;)13:38
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noobmonk3yawww installed fmms and it auto added itself onto my desktop in its old place :P13:39
alteregoI was mistaken, the gesture zooming is a video playing mebedded in a web page ^.^13:39
noobmonk3yooo and settings still there13:40
noobmonk3yfreaky deaky13:40
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fralsnoobmonk3y: does the mms apn show up in "connect automatically" for you?13:40
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noobmonk3yconnect automatically?13:40
noobmonk3yno option in fmms for that?13:40
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fralsin internet connections settings13:40
fralswhere you can select wlan/blabla13:40
noobmonk3yoh i removed the apn, cos it kept trying to use the internet on it13:41
fralsright so you had that problem then :P13:41
noobmonk3ywas assuming fmms now manually configures apn?13:41
fralsyes but it adds it to the system13:41
fralsremoving it means it wont have any settings :D13:41
* noobmonk3y re-installs fapn13:41
noobmonk3ytoo late13:41
PerfDaveHahaha, fapn sounds like "fapping"13:41
fralsjust do gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/fmms and start fmms13:41
noobmonk3ymeh meh13:42
jogaPerfDave: heh I thought so too13:42
noobmonk3yinstalled fapn, doesnt matter?13:42
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fralsdoesnt matter13:42
noobmonk3yas root?13:42
fralsshould be fine13:42
noobmonk3yok ran it, nothing happenned, gonna try fmms13:43
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fralsye that gconftool just removes ur old settings so now you have the pleasure of redoing it13:43
noobmonk3yok first load failed - second load looks good13:43
noobmonk3yall reset13:43
noobmonk3yjust have no idea what my phone number is lol13:43
noobmonk3yit loaded then vanished13:44
fralswell dont have to put it in there really13:44
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fralsor well, depends on operator, on most it doesnt seem to matter13:44
noobmonk3yjust checking, the settings i should use are the vodafone mms ones on here - (UK)13:44
fralsand access point name should be and not "vodafone mms" :)13:45
noobmonk3yhmmm it's forcing capital letters on first letter13:45
noobmonk3yand i cant unforce13:45
fralsspace first then type then remove space13:46
noobmonk3ydouble entered the letter then removed the capital one, work around13:46
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tybolltso the n900 is now selling w/ 1.2 in hk?13:46
fralsnoobmonk3y: thats a bug in H-I-M fwiw and not fmms specific :p13:46
tybollt(cording to that post on TMO)13:46
alteregoI can't help but notice that the timestamp on the leaked PR1.2 is the 31st of March ..13:46
alteregoSo it's over a month old,13:47
tybolltby the time we got 1.1 it was several months old _several_13:47
ccookealterego: that just means a (potential) month of bugfixing going in to the final pr1.2, most likely13:47
fralsnoobmonk3y: is the mms apn showing up as connect automatically?13:47
alteregoYeah, suppose you're right.13:47
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alteregoYeah, but a month of bug fixing is a lot of bug fixing.13:48
* RST38h building stuff for Symbian13:48
RST38hPain, PAIN13:48
noobmonk3yits not there as you told me not to re-add fapn lol13:48
RST38hGetting flood of warnings about Nokia's own S60 headers13:49
fralsnoobmonk3y: fmms installs a new apn automatically13:49
noobmonk3ydefinitley hasn't13:49
fralsnoobmonk3y: but if you go to "internet connections" and then get the list13:49
noobmonk3yin there13:49
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fralsright, what connection mode are you using?13:49
alteregoQt will be the only thing to get me to develop for S60 again ..13:49
fralsdoes it list a apn named "MMS"?13:49
fralsah that explains it13:49
noobmonk3yoh not to use havoc?13:49
fralscan you switch to rude and go look again?13:49
noobmonk3yok its there ;)13:50
fralsdoes it show up as "connect automatically"?13:50
noobmonk3ygot connect automatically to any connection13:50
fralswell its gonna show either your normal conenction or "mms" in that list13:50
noobmonk3ygot wlan and mms in that list13:51
fralsopen a terminal and run /opt/fmms/ please13:51
tybolltconsidering how bitch slapped I got this morning by Timeless wrt my reckless usage of the term 'proprietary'... is the firmware image really ... 'proprietary'? Isn't it basically just a bunch of gpl shitz?13:51
tybolltis distributing it then illegal?13:52
RST38hShadowJK: Here?13:52
fralstybollt: its not only foss on it13:52
RST38htybollt: it has proprietary stuff in it13:52
tybolltfrals: ah, that's a confirm then, ok sure13:52
noobmonk3yrun it13:52
fralsnoobmonk3y: as in typ /opt/fmms/ <enter> ;)13:52
fralsnoobmonk3y: and then check the list in internet connections again13:53
tybolltno I'm not running it - I want other gerbils to test this and work out the kinks before I put it on mah precious :)13:53
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noobmonk3ywlan and internet gprs now in there13:53
fralsnoobmonk3y: awesome, thanks13:53
noobmonk3yno mms13:53
noobmonk3ythat right?13:53
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fralsit should still be in the list of all access points but no in the connect automatically13:54
fralsgreat, tis working then :D13:54
mecefrals, o'rly? Starting to sound like I might have to have another go at fMMS then :)13:54
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noobmonk3yright..... was meant to pick the missus up an hour ago13:55
noobmonk3ybetter get my ass in gear13:55
fralslol noobmonk3y13:55
noobmonk3ywill test it n let you know  ;)_13:55
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Khertan_hum ... it will be funny if nokia post information about pr1.2 saying that there are waiting to release it as they are implementing a migration process for the leaked firmware :)13:57
Khertan_hum ... it will be funny if nokia post information about pr1.2 saying that they are waiting to release it as they are implementing a migration process for the leaked firmware :)13:57
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TigerTaelDoubt they would do that.13:57
Khertan_anyway ... PyGTKEditor 3.0.16 released13:57
meceKhertan, more like sad, really.13:58
Khertan_TigerTael: of course they will not do that13:58
meceKhertan_. what is different from, say .14?13:58
Khertan_the 3.0.16 fix bugs of 3.0.1513:58
* noobmonk3y is sending an mss :D13:58
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noobmonk3y(Sent the missues a picture of some flowers - close enough)13:58
* mece doesn't know what an mss is, but would like to send an mms :P13:58
Khertan_and the 3.0.15 fix bug of 3.0.1, and implement a theming for syntax hilghting color13:58
noobmonk3ymeh failed13:58
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noobmonk3yname or service not known13:59
Khertan_and the 3.0.15 fix bug of 3.0.14, and implement a theming for syntax hilghting color13:59
noobmonk3yplease make sure your APN settings are correct13:59
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* noobmonk3y blames frals13:59
fralsnoobmonk3y: prolly because you messed smth up! what does the log say?13:59
noobmonk3ywtf all my settings have vanished!14:00
frals(god i bet its my regexp on the mmsc)14:00
noobmonk3ynot sure really better go!14:00
fralscould you send me a log? ;o14:00
noobmonk3ywill sort it tonight!14:00
noobmonk3ycan doooooooooooooooooooo!14:00
* noobmonk3y waves n runs out the door14:00
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cityOfLightshi all14:01
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cityOfLightscan anyone here pls help me with connection to my cellular internet?14:01
cityOfLightsI need help with ppp chat14:02
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cityOfLightssecond question is about mobile hotspot. does anyone here use it?14:02
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: anyone else interested in USB host. I've edited to reflect current reality a bit better. Anyone with stuff to add, please do. I may add more refs/links later.14:09
andre__cityOfLights, any concrete questions?14:09
SpeedEvil(no, USB host isn't working right now)14:09
opdf2im lovin sipgate, sipsorcery, google voice. I dont know why I still pay for cell minutes14:10
cityOfLightsandre__: hi , do you use mobile hotspot?14:10
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andre__cityOfLights, no. what is that? verizon?14:14
SpeedEvilandre__: mobilehotspot is an app in fevel14:15
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cityOfLightsits a way to share the N900 cellular internet with other clients over wifi14:15
Tuukkasimilar to joikuspot?14:15
MohammadAG_but it patches the kernel14:16
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MohammadAG_joikuspot loads a module14:16
cityOfLightsso - is it stable?14:16
cityOfLightsI only got one N900 - and can't risk it stop working14:16
ShapeshifterSpeedEvil: mh. interesting stuff on the usb host mode. good news actually. there is hope ;)14:16
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zokierjoikuspot uses its kernel module to create an access point?14:16
cityOfLightsfirst question was in regard to the script issued when establishing cellular connection14:17
MohammadAG_it uses a bouncer module14:17
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MohammadAG_it's like bridging a connection14:17
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cityOfLightsdoed anyone here got expirince using the chat in pppd?14:18
zokiershouldn't it be quite trivial to route traffic from wlan to 3g and back14:19
cityOfLightsI mean look at my last post here:
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cityOfLightshow should the chat "talk" with the cellular terminal?14:19
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cityOfLightsI figured I can find more ppl using pppd_chat here14:20
SpeedEvil - hmm14:21
SpeedEvil720MHz rated processor is $30 more than 600MHz14:21
SpeedEvilI wonder if you can get a 'drop in' upgrade, and how much faster it'd overclock.14:22
SpeedEvilzokier: yes.14:22
SpeedEvilzokier: however.14:22
TuukkaOdd prices...14:22
SpeedEvilzokier: The problem is that the stock software does not use standard tools to bring up/down interfaces, and those tools are at best unclear, and at worst won't let you do that14:23
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SpeedEvilTuukka: ?14:23
TuukkaSpeedEvil, the more you buy the cheaper it'll get14:23
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zokierTuukka, thats the usual case14:24
SpeedEvilTuukka: Entirely normal.14:24
zokierah, that one. i was wondering the other day what kind of networkmanager maemo was using14:24
SpeedEvilNeedless to say, the prices go down significantly more if you order a hundred thousand.14:24
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: (wiki) awesome14:25
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: my take on the whole situation is slightly different though, will probably add to the wiki eventually14:25
RST38hAnyone knows if Diablo Extras still accepts uploads?14:26
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DocScrutinizer(ID pin, reasons why Nokia did this, mail from Igor...)14:26
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yeah - this was just a first cut without much thought involved, or without bothering to chase up all the references I vaguely recalled14:26
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SpeedEvilincliding the igor/... mails14:27
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: leave it to me, so my name shining up somewhere as well :-)14:27
DocScrutinizerbut now COFFEE14:28
meceman I'm diggin gerbick's posts on tmo today.14:29
meceVery very collected responses to the overwhelming amount of stupidity being spread on tmo about the leaked software.14:29
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* Arkenoi thinks it is definitaly good we have leaked software tested with quite wide community audience14:30
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Arkenoileaks are good14:31
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SpeedEvilLeeks are good too.14:31
SpeedEvilEspecially with potato, chicken and onions in a soup.14:31
Veggenopinions in a soup?14:31
DocScrutinizerI suppose you're No Frenchman?14:32
DocScrutinizeropinion soup, very popular in France14:32
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tybolltDocScrutinizer: ? I thought the french much prefered the surrender soup - w/ a touch of rudeness on the side ::)14:34
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* DocScrutinizer thinks it's definitely good a lot of people who never want to listne now had to learn the hard way there's some rationale in the warning of the 'old farts'14:35
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TigerTaelDocScrutinizer, I laughed.14:36
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TigerTaelI was just logging onto the talk forums and then I saw it flooded with people having problems with it.14:36
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meceman ossipena and gerbick are hammering the poor leaksufferers today.14:36
MohammadAG_they deserve it14:36
* MohammadAG_ goes back to his self compiled image with broken crap14:37
mecewell, ossipena is hammering, gerbick is plotely informing them of their stupidity.14:37
DocScrutinizerfull ack14:37
MohammadAG_giving them a mirror would help14:37
tybolltmece: "But this... has to be the oddest, yet most feverish hunt for an update I've seen in years. I hope PR1.2 doesn't disappoint... " - that's just a gem =)14:37
TigerTaelIt's just a fricken update. ;/14:37
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MohammadAG_TigerTael, it's not just an update14:38
MohammadAG_it's THE update14:38
MohammadAG_that will solve most world problems14:38
tybolltstarving children in africa etc14:38
MohammadAG_Qt is overrated14:38
mecetybollt, yeah14:38
DocScrutinizerand bring peace to galaxy14:38
tybolltMan I'm so gonna isntall PR1.2 on my iphone!14:38
TigerTaelMohammadAG_, OH JESUS!14:39
TigerTaeltybollt, great idea.14:39
pupnik_it is surprising how many weeks pass between 1.2 fixes and release14:39
AppiahDoes anyone know why the level on the FM transmitter goes down from 111 to 88 when i plugin the charger?14:39
Appiahand back to 111 if i plug it out..14:39
TigerTaelAppiah, 1.2 should fix that.14:39
DocScrutinizerAppiah: check the bug in tracker14:39
summelcan i use the front facing camera for taking pictures/vodeos or do i have to wait for pr1.2 for that? :P14:39
TigerTaelsummel, 1.4 I bet.14:39
meceAppiah, install the fm transmitter booster to avoid that.14:39
tybolltsorry summel - the N900 can't take 'vodeos'14:39
* ab hopes most of update hunters have N900 as their only internet accessing device and after flashing and failing there will be much expected silence on the web14:40
tybolltperhaps if you trying taping videos14:40
jogaAppiah: I read mentioned that it was because some regulations could be violated, in theory at least, when the device is plugged in and transmitting14:40
summel*writes a voodoo-app*14:40
jogaor maybe it was just a speculated reason14:40
pupnik_tybollt, enough attempts at wit for the rest of 2010 from you14:40
TigerTaelab, I'm one of those people...14:40
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TigerTael(At home anyway)14:40
tybolltpupnik_: awww :)14:40
DocScrutinizerab: don't worry, the rest of them will vanish in a few weeks/months when OC electrocuted their CPU14:42
tybolltquestion is why the thread wasnt' just locked/deleted though...14:42
TigerTaelI don't recommend that.14:43
DocScrutinizerbecause that wouldn't help14:43
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abDocScrutinizer, :)14:43
Khertan_tybollt: because discution will be at another place14:44
Khertan_tybollt: here we can at least warn people14:44
Khertan_it s what i think14:44
Khertan_maybe not the "official" talk moderator view14:44
TigerTaelAnybody who is willing to flash an unofficial image should be prepared for the worst.14:44
TigerTaelWorst being a completely bricked phone.14:45
Arkenoianyone tested if there is SIM application menu in the leakware?14:46
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Arkenoii have multiple IMSI/Ki's on my sim card selected via SIM app14:46
tybolltArkenoi: not dual sim?14:47
Arkenoiit is not cellular network operator provided sim14:47
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Arkenoiit is just blank sim i programmed myself14:47
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Arkenoientering cellular network access codes by hand is so 90's14:48
Arkenoireminds me of ESN/MIN etc ;-)14:49
mecewho was that douche that kept aggressively saying it's safe and everyone should install the leaked software again?14:49
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mecesame asshole who's been hazzling folk in the pr1.2 waiting thread.14:49
* Arkenoi sees no point in installing the leakware *unless* you are extremely curious, willing to experiment and ready for consequences.14:50
MohammadAG_tbh I would've closed it before it got uploaded to 4 different places14:50
Arkenoii am not but it is good there are people who are14:50
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DocScrutinizerTigerTael: you forgot "unrecoverable"14:50
TigerTaelDocScrutinizer, completely bricked is my idea of unrecoverable.14:51
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TigerTaelIt is REALLY a brick.14:51
TigerTaelI'm tired of everyone saying their phone is bricked when they can still flash it, etc.14:52
* Arkenoi doubts it is that simple to brick "completely"14:52
TigerTaelI have an HTC Magic in my drawer, which is almost completely bricked.14:52
tybolltI understand why people ar curious - though can't someone try to emphasize why letting others be the 'test dummy' is indeed  good thing? Compare to medication - how many of you would use meds that are yet to be approved by the govt?14:52
* joga agrees that 'bricking' is far worse than messing up so it needs reflashing14:52
TigerTaeltybollt, if that medication was 1.2... LETS DO IT!14:53
TigerTaelI mean seriously v1.2 > 1.1.114:53
TigerTaelWhat could possibly go wrong?14:53
jogatybollt, many would use if they were unregulated also ;)14:53
Arkenoiwell, i guess there are many people who consider 1.1.1 to be seriously sick and feel themselves in the need of urgent medication ;-)14:53
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TigerTaelArkenoi, haha.14:54
viliny_whats this? 1.2 came out?14:54
TigerTaelSeriously, I am quite happy with the way my N900 is now.14:54
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TigerTaeloh god14:54
jogaI'm looking forward to video chat in skype14:54
joga(never tried it)14:54
alteregoI'm pretty happy with up-to PR 1.1.1 it does everything I want in a phone, and is my life as a mobile computer.14:55
* Arkenoi wants faster flash player, but it is still the same in PR1.2 and leakware i think?14:55
alteregoUSSD codes would be nice actually,14:55
BCMMit would be kinda nice to have an application other than "mirror" that actually uses the crap camera14:55
BCMMactually, a firmware that fixes the crap camera a bit would also be nice14:55
TigerTaelI just need a better hardware device, that's all. ;]14:55
TigerTaelJust use magic to fix it!14:55
TigerTaelSoftware Magic (c)14:55
ableakware is what, 12-9?14:56
BCMMi want websites to stop using flash14:56
meceI doubt pr1.2 is that far away though. And looks like there are some really cool new features in it.14:56
meceab, yep.14:56
ArkenoiBCMM: not until we get html5 video14:56
Arkenoiwhich we do not have either14:56
BCMMwhile i dislike the iphone on both practical and philosophical grounds, i think it's likely to do good things to the internet14:56
LynoureHow can one see if they have PR1.1 or PR1.1.1?14:56
DocScrutinizer~wiki bricking14:56
abmece, that should be almost 1.5month old if naming scheme still holds14:56
infobotAt (URL), Wikipedia explains: "{{Refimprove|date=November 2008}} When used in reference to consumer electronics, "'brick'" describes a device that cannot function in any capacity (such as a device with damaged firmware). This usage derives from the fact that some electronic devices (and their detachable power supplies) are vaguely brick-shaped, and so those which do not function are useful only as actual bricks. ...14:56
TigerTaelmece, like what?14:56
tybolltOTOH - if sites are to stop using flash - then what? Mpeg instead? you have no idea buddy no idea whatsoever14:57
Lynoureuname -a or About product  do not mention PR at all14:57
BCMMsince it seems to be the only way to make dim people notice that not everybody has the same screen resolution and flash version14:57
meceTigerTael, well I like the skype video calling. Good one to show off to friends and such.14:57
TigerTaelDocScrutinizer, yep, sounds like what I'm saying.14:57
TigerTaelcannot function in any capacity!14:57
alterego"Peter@Maemo Marketing" ?14:57
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TigerTaelMy HTC Magic is almost bricked. The only function it provides it turning on to display a little logo and then turning off.14:57
TigerTaelAnd that's it.14:58
TigerTaelThat's all you can do.14:58
alteregoWas wondering how long it'd take Nokia to say something about the leakware14:58
mecealtarego, what about him?14:58
BCMMbut yeah, till the web sorts itself out a faster flash player would be nice14:58
BCMMespecially since i get the impression that it is possible14:58
mecealterego, luovanto mentioned many hours ago.14:58
BCMMbecause videos tend to stutter for a bit, then play smooth, then stutter again14:58
BCMM(as opposed to constant stutter)14:58
TigerTaelJust overclock your phone!14:59
viliny_are we allowed to ask about the leaked pr1.2 or is that also risking a kick?14:59
tybolltadobe provides the better flash for windows - deal w/ it14:59
TigerTaelviliny_, go ahead and ask.14:59
DocScrutinizerLynoure: settings -> about14:59
tybolltviliny_: ask away14:59
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BCMMoh my, another way to find the MAC address15:00
viliny_Okay, so they leaked it and people are using it now? Would you recommend it if you have tried it and where can one get it?15:00
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DocScrutinizerLynoure: about product lists the real firmware version15:00
LynoureDocScrutinizer: Like I said, About product does not mention PR for me at all15:00
summeldo not use it15:00
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TigerTaelviliny_, quite a few people tried it, many have big problems... some say it's fine for them...15:00
viliny_i see... thank you TigerTael15:00
TigerTaelBut you cannot downgrade properly to get a fully working N900 again...15:00
BCMMi spent some time trying to find it, including remembering that /sbin/ifconfig is not in the path by default on debian15:00
LynoureDocScrutinizer: so I am not sure if I have PR1.1 or PR1.1.1 or what.15:00
BCMMthen got it from ifconfig15:00
BCMMthen saw it on the damn box it came in...15:00
DocScrutinizerLynoure: you have to transcode the 2010-xx.yy to PR15:00
TigerTaelviliny_, so if you don't feel like buying a new N900, just wait for the real thing.15:00
LynoureDocScrutinizer: yes, but how? 3.2010.02-8 is what?15:01
DocScrutinizer3.2010-02-8 is PR1.1.115:01
LynoureDocScrutinizer: thank you. :)15:02
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DocScrutinizerthe '02' part is week of year15:02
TigerTael8 is how awesome it is15:02
BCMMwhen pr1.2 does come out, will i have to do anything special? or will it just appear like a normal package update?15:02
meceviliny_, note that the leaked fw  might cause unrecoverable problems.15:03
DocScrutinizerI thought it's how many Nokians it needed to hit the enter key for the compiler run15:03
summelBCMM: normal update15:03
meceBCMM, just update from ham.15:03
TigerTaelDocScrutinizer, ahaha.15:03
infobotham is probably oink oink15:03
infobotrumour has it, bacon is a filling substance which will make you even fatter than you already are... Take my advice, bacon is a food for the gods or for underweight models such as that McBeal chick...15:04
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summelham - hildon apt mechanic15:04
DocScrutinizer~hams also is Hildon Application Manager15:04
infobotDocScrutinizer: what are you talking about?15:04
mecehildon application manager. Not to be confused with Hammy from over the hedge. hammy -> FAST, ham -> slooooow15:04
summelDocScrutinizer: close :D15:04
DocScrutinizer~ham also is Hildon Application Manager15:04
infobotDocScrutinizer: what are you talking about?15:04
DocScrutinizer~ham is also Hildon Application Manager15:04
infobotokay, DocScrutinizer15:04
DocScrutinizerweird syntax15:04
tybolltDocScrutinizer: What are you talking about?15:05
meceinfobot beaten into submission!15:05
Khertan_~ham is also Hazardous Application Manager15:05
infobotKhertan_: okay15:05
DocScrutinizertybollt: botsnack15:05
infobotrumour has it, ham is oink oink.  Hildon Application Manager.  Hazardous Application Manager15:06
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viliny_tybollt, TigerTael & mece : Thanks for the info, any fun thread about this where they discuss it? I mean people who had problems so far and whatnot? or is that the one in the topic? (did not go through it completely)15:06
StskeepsX-Fade: ping15:06
X-FadeStskeeps: pong15:06
meceviliny_, anything in active topics will work. Bring popcorn.15:06
Tuukka3.2010.02-8 is 1.1.1 i think15:07
StskeepsX-Fade: so, what's steps if we'd like to get community SSU a repo on not sure if jeremiah's picking up on the task since it was largely ignored since 25 april15:07
Tuukkaa bit late....15:07
X-FadeStskeeps: Who will be uploading?15:08
meceviliny_, some of the most tragicomic ones are in this thread:
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StskeepsX-Fade: i guess i can take responsibility of it if need be15:08
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StskeepsX-Fade: but lma is primary author15:08
X-FadeStskeeps: Ok, is signing it?15:08
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: what are you after, mate?15:09
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: booze and cheap liquor15:09
viliny_mece:  i was reading that yeah :) poor guy, hope he gets his phone working again15:09
StskeepsX-Fade: hmm. that is a good question - what's the difference if it is and if it isn't?15:09
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: fix your iron!15:10
X-FadeStskeeps: It needs to be signed and the key must be known by HAM, iirc.15:10
X-FadeStskeeps: So you need a package which adds the key.15:10
StskeepsX-Fade: right15:10
X-FadeStskeeps: Why don't we setup a meeting to get this going. I can take care of the server part.15:11
StskeepsX-Fade: yeah, it sounds like a good idea15:11
X-FadeStskeeps: We should be able to set this up in a short time.15:11
StskeepsX-Fade: 'Re: Community updates for diablo' on maemo-developers thread should be an ideal place, set up a doodle or something15:12
X-FadeJust pick a time to meet in #maemo-meeting15:12
alteregoRight, I'm going to flash my device ina bit.15:12
Stskeepsi'll reply to the mail then15:12
alteregoWith 1.1.1 ^.^15:12
alteregoGonna do a backup first.15:12
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mecealterego, what are you running now?15:12
alteregomece: 1.1.1 just had some issues recently, with changing themes.15:13
X-FadeStskeeps: Let's try to get it done this week then :)15:13
alteregoBAsically, I can't change themes.15:13
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tybolltso is there no gossip at all about N910 around here? :)15:14
alteregoI'm waiting for the N900 wimax :P15:15
sandstormI am very new to this stuff and wonder if I can compile the source codes in maemo with its native c flags and optimization sets in order to have an effectively ported open source software. But as far as I know, GNU tools are not natively included in maemo. Any workouts for this?15:15
andrewfblackI see I missed all the fun this weekend with Pr 1.2 Leak15:15
mececatch you later maemites. I'm off. *waves*15:15
Termanayeah, "fun" :P15:15
achipathe pr-unnamed of yesterday was enough gossip for the whole year...15:15
jacekowskiandrewfblack: you can still flash it15:15
Termanacya mece15:15
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tybolltmece: 'marmites'15:15
alteregoandrewfblack: me too, just reading dome of the insanity at the moment.15:15
andrewfblackjacekowski: I wouldn't want to I mean the fun of t.m.o going crasy15:15
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viliny_did we see any actual fun stuff in the leaked pr?15:16
andrewfblackviliny_: Yeah I think its funny how the community is acting15:16
jacekowskicouple broken things15:16
jacekowskibut it's apparently month old15:17
jacekowskido you want to try it?15:17
viliny_i really don't15:17
andrewfblackjacekowski: not sure why anyone would15:17
X-FadeBeware that you can't go back to an older release.15:17
viliny_didn't know they maemo community had such asshats on the forums though :P15:17
X-FadeWell, without losing your phone capabilities :)15:17
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viliny_X-Fade: yeah, modem apparently gets permaflashed :P15:18
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andrewfblackviliny_: there are a lot of those on the forums15:18
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X-Fadeviliny_: Yes, cellmo versions are linked to releases. So there is no mixing possible.15:18
Stskeepsit's a bit awkward you can't downgrade fwiw15:19
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TermanaIsn't it possible to just flash the rootfs rather than the full fiasco image?15:19
viliny_No official word of when the real version is coming then? I mean the guy basicly has a slightly more powerfull n800 untill then?15:19
alteregoIt is possible, but all the kernel modules are in the rootfs15:19
andrewfblackWhats that alot of people say that N900 really isn't a phone I guess for some people now it really isn' a phone15:20
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alteregoI was thinking of maybe taking out the firmware for the cellmo in the latest so it doesn't update it on flashing.15:20
sandstormdo the firmware upgrades clean up and reinstall the whole operating system from scratch or do they leave trails for conf files and etc ?15:20
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Termanaalterego, right, and your flashing the rootfs so the modules will be there. And if the kernel has been updated, then you just flash the kernel as well.15:21
X-FadeStskeeps: Yeah, I guess cellmo doesn't have a fixed api.15:21
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: (linked to releases) I wonder why that is...15:22
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Modem is the sensitive black box, voodoo happens there ;)15:23
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AppiahDocScrutinizer: I cant find a bug in the tracker for that (Fm transmitter)15:23
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: I know, but unless API change there's no reason to hard-associate it to a certain / version15:24
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: No idea, I'm glad I'm not working on that ;)15:24
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* MohammadAG_ wonders why Khertan doesn't upload to devel15:24
TermanaMohammadAG_, because hes a man of Jesus15:25
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG_: ou've been living under a stone?15:25
MohammadAG_DocScrutinizer, no, in a cave maybe but not under a stone15:25
* Khertan_ didn't understand why everyone blame me for that15:25
MohammadAG_no one blames you lol15:25
MohammadAG_it's already enabled here15:26
MohammadAG_just wondering why15:26
Khertan_MohammadAG_: oh ... i ll not explain it again here as such discution to be end in troll ...15:26
viliny_heh, this thread is gold...15:26
Khertan_and people saying that i m destroying the community15:26
viliny_wonder what logic people use when they decide a dodgey firmware is worth putting in your phone without any questions asked15:26
Khertan_so i keep reason for me15:26
MohammadAG_Khertan, I don't troll :)15:26
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MohammadAG_as you wish *types apt-get upgrade*15:27
Khertan_you aren't ... but others do each time15:27
Stskeepsviliny_: especially when all the tools are there to make a fraudulent fw release..15:27
viliny_yeah, what stops me from taking a fw and just plain out damaging it on purpose and the spreading it and watching the first 100 people flash their phones15:28
viliny_if they community really doesn't take more caution than this15:29
Khertan_you can also put crappy malwares in it too15:29
Khertan_or time bombed hw destroy function15:29
TermanaEveryone have their tin foil hats ready?15:29
* achipa wonders what he has done to offend the gods of QNap15:29
X-FadeDid they change the API on you? :)15:30
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DocScrutinizerAppiah: bug 679215:31
povbotBug FM radio transmitter does not play while USB cord is connected15:31
viliny_Then again, im downloading a bunch of crap people are uploading to extras and extra devels and all those risky places without much further caution so who am i to judge these people... won't be flashing the leaked firmware though, i have _some_ survival instinct built up in these years of electronics dickery15:32
AppiahDocScrutinizer: does not play while USB cord..15:33
AppiahNot my issue really but it maybe has some relevant info in there15:33
AppiahI'll check it out15:33
* achipa is in the perfect storm - the official firmware ftp dir is empty, the NAS is dead, it's a holiday, and the vendor forum dies with a DB error on login attempts15:34
DocScrutinizerAppiah: what kind of plug does your charger use?15:35
Appiahohwell fixed in next version15:35
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AppiahI've tried both the car charger and the normal charger15:35
Stskeepsachipa: i gave in and bought a ss4200e, control over my own software :P15:36
MohammadAGAppiah, the normal charger works15:36
Appiahboth works15:36
Appiahfor me15:36
DocScrutinizerapiand both had.... USB-plug - dadaaah15:36
MohammadAG(needs a signal boost, and fm-boost handles that quite well)15:36
Appiahbut they  drop the strength15:36
Appiah(Yes I have booster)15:36
MohammadAGRerun it and the signal will be boosted more15:36
AppiahYe thats what I've been doing15:37
MohammadAGmetal in the charger should also help boost it more15:37
Appiahbut I'd rather not play around with the n900 in the car :)15:37
DocScrutinizerAppiah: ^^15:37
achipaStskeeps: my fault really. Should have insisted on Debian at deployment. But nooo, shiny web interfaces are gooood.15:38
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MohammadAGAppiah, duplicate the shortcuts on a full desktop :P15:38
Stskeepsachipa: i have a lovely solaris install on my 4x1tb server.. loving it :P15:38
AppiahI'm gonna dedicate one desktop for car use15:38
achipaachipa: yeah. rub it in. :)15:38
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achipaStskeeps: talking to myself. that bad.15:39
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Appiahhmm , can you make the desktop icons bigger? =)15:39
tybolltyou sound like my mum15:40
tybolltThey gave her a 22" screen at work and she ran it in 640*48015:40
alteregoThink I might doa full reflash today, eMMC and root15:40
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viliny_tybollt: i didn't know you could run modern screens at that resolution :)15:41
tybolltme neither >:)15:41
MohammadAGviliny_, Windows can do anything!15:42
viliny_mine only goes to 800xXXX here at work15:42
viliny_a 22" acer15:42
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MohammadAGmine can go down to 640x480 on windows, same as viliny_ on Ubuntu15:42
* MohammadAG waves goodbye @ Ubuntu15:42
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viliny_...what? :P15:43
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viliny_Oh version... well eh, actually this is a xp machine but im running a linux mint (which is ubuntu, yeah....) inside a virtual machine15:46
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DocScrutinizerAppiah: there's a package called python dbus scripting or somesuch. You could set up a script triggered on plug insertion that does a "echo 150 >tx_level"15:47
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AppiahDocScrutinizer: yes I thought about it15:48
SpeedEvilthe kernel limit is 11815:48
SpeedEvilit is implied in the driver soure this is a hardware limit15:48
zomgHi, I'm getting "su: must be suid to work properly" on N900 when attempting to run a Qt app. I compiled it in Scratchbox with FREMANTLE_ARMEL target. Any ideas what's up?15:48
Appiahbut since its fixed in PR1.2 and I read some blog about it coming soon :)15:48
Appiahjust kidding15:48
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AppiahI was just gonna do a script and a shortcut to it15:48
Appiahfor now15:48
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: (118) this was an abstract stanza15:49
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SpeedEvilorry - for some reason I thought this was fmtx15:49
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DocScrutinizerdarn, coffee doesn't kick in15:51
DocScrutinizerMOAR COFFEE15:52
tybolltI'm olready at my fifth or so cup today and I'm yawning still...15:53
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MohammadAGany ideas? :/
viliny_MohammadAG: what was the ubuntu comment about earlier?15:57
MohammadAGwhich one exactly15:57
viliny_MohammadAG> mine can go down to 640x480 on windows, same as viliny_ on Ubuntu15:57
MohammadAGerr, resolution15:58
MohammadAGubuntu's gone now, if only I can get debian running...15:58
alteregoOkay, here goes nothing, about to flash15:59
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alteregoI use my N900 as a modem, it's my only access to the internet, if I'm not back in 10 minutes then presume that I can't get access to the internet anymore.16:00
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tybolltMohammadAG: sorry you're not going to rickroll/tinypic-me :P16:02
DocScrutinizer~ubuntu MohammadAG16:02
* infobot lovingly explains to MohammadAG in a way that causes MohammadAG to weep with gratitude that MohammadAG must read the fine, friendly manual16:02
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, Ubuntu's failing ;)16:02
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MohammadAGinfobot, forget MohammadAG16:03
infoboti didn't have anything called 'mohammadag' to forget, MohammadAG16:03
DocScrutinizer~debian MohammadAG16:03
* infobot tells MohammadAG to RTFM!!!! GAH!!! HELL FIRE AND BRIMSTONE!!!! BURN!!! DIE!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!16:03
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MohammadAGinfobot, forget Ubuntu16:03
infobotMohammadAG: i forgot ubuntu16:03
DocScrutinizer~factinfo ubuntu16:04
infobotDocScrutinizer: there's no such factoid as ubuntu16:04
DocScrutinizer~unforget ubuntu16:04
infobotDocScrutinizer: Successfully recovered 'ubuntu'.  Have fun now.16:04
MohammadAGthat's a smart bot16:04
infobotRed Hat's package management system. URL:
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, if you defined it with MohammadAG in it why'd you unforget it :)16:05
Termana~unforget analsex16:05
infobotTermana: that factoid was not backedup :/16:05
MohammadAG~Ubuntu test12316:05
* infobot lovingly explains to test123 in a way that causes test123 to weep with gratitude that test123 must read the fine, friendly manual16:05
TermanaI'm pretty sure it was "backed up"16:05
MohammadAGoh, I failed16:05
DocScrutinizer~rpm tybollt16:05
* infobot performs rpm -e tybollt.rpm16:05
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viliny_Newest ubuntu release candidate actually managed to severely fook up my bios on laptop, i was well impressed.16:06
FredrIQinfobot, what is maemo about?16:06
infobotI think you lost me on that one, FredrIQ16:06
* achipa slips into berserker rage because he realize se just lost 3 hours because someone MISdocumented THE DISASTER RECOVERY SECTION16:07
DocScrutinizerinfobot, what is maemo16:07
infobotmaemo is probably
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FredrIQ~factoid Arch16:10
* infobot gives Arch a cup of trinitrotoluene16:10
DocScrutinizer~factinfo arch16:11
infobotarch -- last modified at Thu Apr 22 18:04:26 2004 by jim!; it has been requested 5 times, last by d1b at Fri Jan 15 07:27:03 2010.16:11
infobotObject-oriented library of tools for MP machine and networkprogramming. URL:, or version control software aiming to be better than cvs; at
DocScrutinizer'a cup of TNT' - wow16:12
DocScrutinizercheers :-D16:12
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DocScrutinizernow, I know about medical use of Glycerinetrinitrate16:13
DocScrutinizer...but toluenetrinitrate?16:13
zomgIs there something else I need to do other than install maemo SDK + the Qt stuff to make things work on N900?16:14
zomgI tried compiling for FREMANTLE_ARMEL in scratchbox but can't run it on device16:14
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Lynourezomg: "can't run"... so what happens?16:14
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zomgLynoure: trying to run with su -c ./testapp user says "su: must be suid to work properly"16:15
Lynourezomg: that's not how you run it.16:15
zomgWhy does it say so in the maemo wiki then >_>16:15
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Lynourezomg: ./ yourapp  seems to work well16:16
zomgOn device, not in scratchbox16:16
MohammadAG_without the ./16:16
Lynourezomg: yes, on the device.16:16
MohammadAG_zomg, actually it does help on both16:16
zomgoh hm, I shall try that then16:16
Lynourezomg: can you point me to the wiki page in question?16:16
DocScrutinizerzomg: there's no real su on maemo16:17
Lynourezomg: you can test how things work in the scratchbox, interesting if that works in the x86 side of it16:17
alteregoAnd success16:17
zomgLynoure: ah so I should think of the scratchbox environment more like a vm?16:18
zomgso I guess I should also install the packages I did apt-get on scratchbox to the N900 too?16:18
Lynourezomg: That's up to you, but I do test my app on the scratchbox before bothering to test it on the device.16:19
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zomgcause I don't have runstandalone on device =)16:19
Lynourezomg: makes it faster, by far.16:19
Lynoureit = development cycle16:19
DocScrutinizerzomg: first of all: why do you want to run your apt with root-perm?16:19
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zomgDocScrutinizer: I don't. It just said that on the wiki page16:19
DocScrutinizerthat's nonsense16:19
LynoureDocScrutinizer: it does say so.16:19
LynoureDocScrutinizer: Dunno why.16:20
DocScrutinizerfrequently you want to run your apps under user16:20
zomgInstallation of the whole dev thing was a breeze until this point where I actually need to run the stuff on the real device16:20
zomgNow it's just not quite working :D16:20
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DocScrutinizerzomg: create a ELF for armel; copy that ELF (aka binary) to user@N900/, run it from xterm on N900 like 'chmod a+x ~user/myApp; ~user/myApp'16:23
Lynourezomg: run-standalone.sh16:23
Lynourezomg: I missed the - as I was typing from memory16:23
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DocScrutinizerthat's also nonsense. only needed when running an app under a non-user environment16:23
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DocScrutinizerlike e.g. from crontab16:24
zomgah yes now it seems to be trying to actually do something16:24
LynoureDocScrutinizer: Interesting, it was in the packaging tutorial that I ran into. Oops :)16:24
zomgand looks like I can't put it in MyDocs either, has to be in /home/user16:25
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alteregoIt really annoys me how the file manager doesn't use back for navigation. I keep closing the window instead of navigating up :/16:25
DocScrutinizerzomg: MyDocs is a VFAT mounted noexec16:25
zomgThat doesn't really say anything to me :)16:25
LynoureDocScrutinizer: any harm in using it needlessly?16:25
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DocScrutinizerLynoure: not really16:25 cannot open shared object file16:25
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zomgDid the wiki omit the part where you install Qt on device? :P16:26
DocScrutinizerzomg: means you simply can't start executables stored there16:26
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adeuscrontab is on the device?16:27
DocScrutinizerno, actually not :-P16:27
DocScrutinizeradeus: use alarmed app instead16:28
adeusah thought so :)16:28
zomgAh great16:28
zomgafter doing apt-get install libqt4-xmlpatterns the app launches16:28
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zomgmaybe it would be a good idea to include little details like these on the wiki page cause they sure can be confusing to noobs like myself =)16:29
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DocScrutinizerhmm, seems a little tad too generic for mentioning it on a wiki about maemo16:30
SimonLRThe error seems self explanatory16:31
DocScrutinizeras you'll need to install libraries for an app on any OS16:31
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zomgMaybe a short section saying you may need to install qt libraries on device16:31
DocScrutinizerusually apt/ham is doing that for you, by checking the dependencies16:32
zomgYeah if you install it via the app manager I think16:32
BCMMi am a bit confused about different sources of applications for maemo16:32
BCMMthere is the app manager, ovi store and maemo select16:32
DocScrutinizerzomg: no, as you may also need to install other libraries, depending on what your app is linked against16:32
BCMMis that all, and what is the overlap between those three?16:32
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zomgDocScrutinizer: ok, I did manage to figure it out pretty quickly so maybe it's not so vital =)16:34
zomgIn general it probably comes more naturally to linux guys16:34
zomgMore of a windows guy myself16:34
zokierBCMM, apps installed via app manager are usually free software, ovi store is meant for commercial/proprietary apps16:35
DocScrutinizerzomg: so add a passage pointing to the need to care about installing all referenced libs yourself, if you just copy an executable. This will be enough to catch all issues16:35
zokierapp manager also manages apps installed via ovi store to make things even more confusing16:35
BCMMzokier: so stuff from ovi store isn't in the repositories, or what?16:36
BCMMi mean, does they automatically update?16:36
BCMMand is maemo select just a list of things that can also be found in app manager?16:36
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Khertan_BCMM: there is something in the ovistore ?16:37
zokierBCMM, i think that ovi store has a special repository in app manager, but im not sure about that16:38
Khertan_it s a joke16:38
Khertan_there is nothing interesting in ovistore :16:38
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Khertan_and yes... when a update is release on ovistore, the update manager will also blink to warn you about new update16:38
Khertan_as ovistore is managed as a special repository16:39
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DocScrutinizerbasically there's only apmanager HAM. Everything else is just a funky way to control HAM's operations (except apt-get)16:40
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BCMMi can't seem to use ovi store16:45
BCMMi have made an account16:45
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TigerTaelOVI store is a bit dodgy for me sometimes, selecting certain items in the list is almost impossible.16:45
BCMMbut when i click "download" on a free app i get a progress thing in the address bar for a couple of seconds, then nothing happens16:45
toresbeSo PR1.2 is coming up soon, or?16:45
toresbeoops, sorry, just saw topic.16:46
BCMMah, they forgot to mention the verification email16:46
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dazothat last post "NO PR1.2 YET" really shows a true open source oriented involvement .........16:57
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Khertan_dazo: this has nothing to do with open source17:00
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dazoKhertan_: N900 is based primarily on Open Source software ... it promotes open source software, tries to drive a community around this ... it got everything to do with open source!17:01
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Veggenwell. In a  way it does. It's a bit none-open-sourcy to be so tight-lipped about what you do/when you release etc.17:01
Khertan_dazo: and ?17:01
TigerTaeldazo, I think you should be barking up MeeGo's tree.17:01
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dazoKhertan_: there are people willing to use their own devices, time and energy to test out PR1.2 ... and their willingness are just killed immediately with such responses17:02
TigerTaelOh Geez... you're one of those people?17:02
dazoKhertan_: the post basically says:  Stay of the lawn until we open the gate17:02
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Robot101if you file bugs on PR1.2, it will make it later17:03
TigerTaelFalse bugs...17:03
Robot101there has been enough of that already17:03
TigerTaelHurts the community.17:03
Khertan_dazo: the post stay of the lawn until we have something stable to test17:03
Khertan_it s old from unknow source firmware ... there is nothing to test on an outdated things17:04
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dazogah ... you're not serious?  you don't see that if more are interested in helping out, that the transition from "unstable" to more stable is going easier and quicker?17:04
pgas( emacs development, lead by stallman, has done without a public repository or even publicly available beta release for years the release date was "when it will be ready" , it's still the case for bash )17:04
TigerTaeldazo, no, you will slow it down...17:04
Khertan_dazo: no, false bug report on outdated version without crashlog will not help ...17:05
Robot101dazo: we've been involved in PR1.2 on the inside.... believe me, people moving the goalposts around is the last thing you want if you're trying to call it done and ship it17:05
pupnik_dont miss the call for Super Testers :
TigerTaelI say if you want to use it, go right ahead... just don't come crying here and don't submit bug reports on something that isn't fit for public consumption.17:05
Robot101if you keep moving your destination away from you, you never get there. it's like a team of football with 11 players, and 1000 people who are taking the goalposts out of the stadium... :)17:05
dazoKhertan_: I can agree if it is not updated ... and then you have my point:  If we got more often test version which are suitable and more updated ... you'll get more and better test results17:05
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TigerTaelI wouldn't say that is always the case.17:06
Robot101the point is Nokia isn't intending to involve a community test process in PR1.2, at the moment, so they have no process in place to deal with it17:06
TigerTaelBeta firmwares on-top of other beta firmwares could cause more problems.17:06
Khertan_dazo: from what i see from the test of packages available in extras-testing repository ... believe me ... nothing usefull17:06
Khertan_so i didn't trust users testing fw17:06
Robot101it's not even clear they're /allowed to/, due to certain software having to be certified before distribution by Nokia17:07
timeless_mbpdazo: you won't get better results17:07
timeless_mbpyou'll get later results17:07
timeless_mbpor no results17:07
Robot101a leaked devel image and a bunch of bugs which might already have been fixed... don't suddenly create this valuable process for them17:07
Robot101it's just noise, or if you try and listen, a distraction, as timeless_mbp says17:07
timeless_mbpdazo: there are hundreds of uncommitted things in the 'post' 1.2 queue17:07
timeless_mbpbut if the 1.2 gate moves later, then people will try to push those things into the 1.2 gate17:07
dazoRobot101: that's my point!  get more solid and frequent test fw's out!17:07
timeless_mbpand some of those will be buggy17:07
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timeless_mbpsome of those bugs might not be found17:08
timeless_mbpin which case they'll end up in customers' hands17:08
Robot101dazo: so make that point on its own, not by jumping up and down just because some PR1.2 image was leaked.17:08
timeless_mbpand others will be found, in which case you have to move the gate further out17:08
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dazotimeless_mbp: how do you think f.ex. distributions like Fedora get their distros put together?  by letting a big, limited group of people hack until they have Alpha and Beta releases available?17:09
timeless_mbpdazo: do you think this is a good use of my time?17:09
timeless_mbpi could either:17:10
timeless_mbpfix bugs in the product you care about17:10
timeless_mbpor explain to you why you're wasting my time17:10
timeless_mbpwhich would you rather?17:10
dazotimeless_mbp: maemo (and the coming MeeGo) is a distribution as well17:10
Robot101dazo: people who find problems in fedora can fix them - people who find problems in parts of maemo can only whine at nokia until they fix them. meego should be better, but that remains to be seen/proven.17:10
dazotimeless_mbp: with that attitude, I'd say you have not understood the core concept of open source involvement17:10
TigerTaelThe argument that Nokia should just release package fixes has a lot more merit than this...17:10
* pupnik_ thanks timeless_mbp for caring what random chatter thinks and gently nudges him workwards17:10
fralstimeless_mbp: explaining sw development to users is no doubt the best way to spend your time17:10
TigerTaelAnd even that has its problems.17:10
Robot101dazo: Nokia has understood that this is broken, that's why MeeGo exists17:11
* alterego wonders if this drama with the PR not 1.2 leak will force nokia to release a proper image to rescue all the idiots/devs that flashed their devices.17:11
timeless_mbpRobot101: not quite, but ok :)17:11
Robot101dazo: they shouldn't be spending time/money on distro stuff which everyone needs17:11
dazoRobot101: I hope you're right17:11
TigerTaelalterego, if I was Nokia, I wouldn't.17:11
timeless_mbpalterego: not a chance :)17:11
alteregoTigerTael: me either ;)17:11
Robot101timeless_mbp: yeah I appreciate there's a difference between a distro and a product image17:12
timeless_mbpRobot101: oh, i'm not talking about that17:12
TigerTaelalterego, it might even cause a greater delay.17:12
alteregoIt's a good learning experience for the "community" imo17:12
Robot101timeless_mbp: but it lowers the stuff that Nokia is carrying the can for by itself17:12
timeless_mbpmerely as a reason for converting from maemo to meego17:12
Robot101timeless_mbp: oh, it's /a/ reason, I know there are a load of other crazies going on :P17:12
alteregoI might flash meego actually.17:12
Khertan_alterego: if i was nokia i ll post information saying that due to leaked image ... now the testing squad instead of validating the current fw will delay it to test the migration from the leaked fw17:12
timeless_mbpKhertan: standard policy is to not comment about leaks17:13
pupnik_hahah evil Khertan_17:13
TigerTaelKhertan, I wouldn't say it if it weren't true...17:13
timeless_mbpor even to acknowledge they exist17:13
Khertan_timeless_mbp: yep but will be funny :)17:13
alteregoEven though I just flashed 1.1.1 just to get a clean device, might flash meego and have a play.17:13
TigerTaelKhertan, but it might cause an extra day or two.17:13
timeless_mbpas far as i know, no information has ever been leaked by anyone17:13
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timeless_mbpleaks can't happen!17:13
Khertan_like titanic ,17:13
achipaespecially after too much beer !17:13
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dazolast famous words ....17:14
Khertan_god ... key broken on my keyboard ...17:14
TigerTael"We don't need a professional, I can fix it!"17:14
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timeless_mbpJaffa / GeneralAntilles: have you ever seen17:15
timeless_mbp"%s breaks the third party package policy\nContinue installing?"17:15
Khertan_timeless_mbp: but anyway not comment it ... his a good things i think.17:15
Khertan_timeless_mbp: but anyway not comment it ... is a good things i think.17:15
timeless_mbpKhertan: it is ok for us to note that we only support officially sanctioned updates17:15
timeless_mbpif you try to brick your device, you might very well succeed17:16
timeless_mbpand that's not a supported configuration17:16
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Khertan_timeless_mbp: of course ... but i'm not too fool enough to trust something from an unknow source17:16
alteregoJust noticed, how the meego n900 "codedrop" is timestamped the same asthe PR1.2 leaked image.17:17
alteregoCoincidence? :D17:17
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TigerTaelalterego, what would that mean?17:19
alteregoI was also expecting, after the first meego code drop, regular, maybe weekly builds or something.17:19
timeless_mbpanyone here intimately familiar w/ ham?17:19
* timeless_mbp got an error message which people here don't recognize :)17:19
alteregoBut nothing has been happening in the public meego arena as far as images is concerned for quite some time.17:20
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alteregoAnd seeing the videos of meego on youtube from that conference in Japan made me wanna play! :)17:20
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Khertan_alterego: the video you see with a netbook ui isn't really meego ... but part of moblin on top of the meego code drop17:23
alteregoKhertan_: yeah, that thought did cross my mind17:23
alteregoWhat about the TV and the phone? :)17:23
Khertan_for tv and phone i didn't see anything17:23
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alteregootoh, it did look like the the screenshots posted of the meego ui for the netbook17:24
tybollttimeless_mbp: 'in ur device - fixin ur spelling'?17:24
tybolltmaybe not an errormsg - more like an info msg17:24
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spectre-jesus christ my isp is terrible17:25
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timeless_mbptybollt: i'll post a picture for you17:25
spectre-can anyone see this?17:25
timeless_mbpspectre-: i can't see what you're writing, write louder!17:26
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spectre-any word on when the new os update will be out?17:27
alteregoHaven't you heard?17:27
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Khertan_spectre-: read the topic17:28
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N900eviln900 admirer:
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tybolltspectre-: please do not ask - people in here are a tad edgy and you will get on their nerves by asking :)17:30
spectre-lol :) sorry17:30
spectre-having lots of reboot crashes lately17:31
tybollttimeless_mbp: lolcat pics are always welcome17:31
spectre-been itchin for a reason to reflash :p17:31
DocScrutinizerRobot101: do you by any coincidence have deeper knowledge about bme internals?17:31
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Robot101DocScrutinizer: I don't even know what bme is... sorry!17:35
Robot101bong management entity?17:35
Robot101baseband modem equipment?17:35
Robot101battery mangling entropy17:35
DocScrutinizerbattery management entity17:35
Robot101see? I'd have got there in the end :D17:35
Robot101but no, sorry, no clue17:36
DocScrutinizerthanks anyway17:36
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RST38hAh, gnumeric has been rebuilt for n90017:39
RST38hehlo zap17:39
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tybollttimeless_mbp: ugh17:40
tybolltwas it you doc who got the extended batt or was it sjk?17:40
RST38hAnyone knows why this is a broken dependency:  ???17:41
tybolltmemory eludes me...17:41
povbotBug 10090: Unlocalizable string in Application breaks the 3rd party package policy17:41
DocScrutinizerI got no special bat17:41
DocScrutinizerShadowJK planned to get a whole zoo of second source batteries. And afaik e's got a mugen17:42
RST38hDoc: Care to check what the libosso1 version is on your n900?17:43
ShadowJKThe mugen is so good I lost interest in getting a zoo17:43
fralsso this nokia qt sdk was nice, until youa ctually wanted to compile17:43
frals/bin/sh: C:NokiaQtSDKSimulatorQtmingwbin/uic.exe: No such file or directory17:43
fralsawesome \o/17:43
ShadowJKAnd people buying the "Gold 1900mAh" battery seem to have figured out on their own that it's a lie17:43
DocScrutinizerRST38h: toss a cmdline17:43
RST38hShadowJK,frals: could you check the version of libosso1 on your tablets?17:43
timeless_mbpfrals: it probably doesn't expect to be hosted by sh17:44
timeless_mbpuse cmd.exe17:44
RST38hDoc: ls -l /usr/lib/*osso1* ?17:44
fralstimeless_mbp: i wonder what file i would be editing to change that17:44
DocScrutinizerNokia-N900-02-8:~# ls -l /usr/lib/*osso1*17:45
DocScrutinizerls: /usr/lib/*osso1*: No such file or directory17:45
timeless_mbpfrals: procmon.exe is your friend17:45
achipaRST38h: 2.26-1+0m517:45
achipaon a PR1.1.117:45
RST38hachipa: thanks17:45
RST38hachipa: thus, is broken again17:45
achipayou mean - still17:45
ShadowJKn800 diablo: ii  libosso1                                         2.16-117:45
RST38hwell, it was supposed to be fixed17:46
ShadowJKn900: ii  libosso1                                            2.26-1+0m517:46
RST38hShadowJK: More interested in N900. I am pretty sure that Diablo build will work17:46
RST38h(but commits to Diablo Extras are also broken, it seems)17:46
pupnikhmm sdk has 2.3117:46
Shapeshiftermight it be possible to configure irreco to send the appropriate signal to open my '89 Citroen? It has a PLIP and I have the number which is used inside the transciever17:46
tybolltDocScrutinizer: ja, the mugen is what I was getting at... been some time - wondering what the usage has been like17:46
tybolltsjk: so, do spill it mate :)17:47
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: what's PLIP?17:48
achipaRST38h: what's your original depends ?17:49
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achipaare you doing through shlibs or manually ?17:49
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: usually those car remotes work with rolling key, but maybe not the IR ones17:49
RST38hachipa: manually17:49
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RST38hcalling pkg-config17:49
tybolltShadowJK: well?17:49
RST38hBut 2.26 should be a valid dependency, as it is present in pr1.1.117:49
RST38hNo idea why marks it as missing17:50
achipaRST38h: are the others valid too ?17:50
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achipa'cause you could have a dep that pushed the thing to pr1.2 and there it's not valid anymore17:50
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: well it's an IR one...17:51
Shapeshifterand it's pretty old, this thing. 21 years17:51
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: I remember I shocked a friend by copying his IR key code into my IR controler wristwatch and unlocking his car17:51
achipahey, lookie here, the link actually goes to 2.23-1+0m517:52
DocScrutinizerwas ~199817:52
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: yeah well I bet that would work on mine as well... 1989 ;)17:52
Shapeshifterbut I have no clue how to enter such a key on the n90017:52
RST38hachipa: the rest is deemed valid17:52
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DocScrutinizerso just find a way to record the signal17:52
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: record?17:52
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* RST38h sighs17:53
achipaRST38h: actually, you are invalid for PR1.0, not sure if that's a blocker or not...17:53
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: check out the LIRC docs about how to add new remotes17:53
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ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: thanks17:53
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: ...17:53
timeless_mbpthe policy i hit is something that complains about foo (< bar)17:54
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alteregoI couldn't sort mine out, as I don't know the brand of my TV :(17:57
alteregoOn the plus side, we have an infrared decoder at work I was going to use to generate my own files :)17:57
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alteregoI was slightly annoyed that no-one has a file for the Dell XPS media remote either ..17:58
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DocScrutinizeropen up the remote, check the name of the chip used. google for that chip name to find other brands of remotes using same chip17:58
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alteregoDocScrutinizer: I'll try that, I was contemplating doing it, but didn't think it'd be viable.17:59
alteregoHAve you had success in the past?17:59
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DocScrutinizersometimes yes, sometimes no18:01
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alteregoWell, I'm guessing that as it's a very cheap TV, that they'd use very common parts, so I was thinking it'd be pretty generic and available.18:01
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DocScrutinizeralso skimming the lists of remote types and associated programming codes, as used by 'programmable universal ir-remote" sometimes help a lot18:02
SmokeyDhey everyone. I am trying to get the nokia map loader to download maps on my N900. I see a lot of guides telling me it should work if I connect my phone in mass usb storage mode. But if I do and then start map loader, it complains that I should connect the phone in pc suite mode. If I do that, and start ovi maps, it complains that I need to start it in mass storage mode. Which is it?18:02
SimonLRSmokeyD, stop using Map Loader.18:03
SmokeyDSimonLR: how else should I do it?18:03
SmokeyDor is there another mapper app that lets me get the map data offline?18:03
SimonLRSmokeyD, please hold. I will find you this link.18:04
SmokeyDSimonLR: Cool, thanks18:04
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ShadowJKtybollt, sorry? I missed the question18:06
ShadowJKtybollt, Oh, well, it's the promised 2400mAh capacity, what more can I say :)18:06
ShadowJKActually depending on how you measure it, it would be perfectly marketable as 2500 mAh too :P18:07
DocScrutinizeralterego: for example18:07
timeless_mbpTrizt and co: i think i have a set of things that might work18:07
DocScrutinizeralterego: find your remote -> find other remotes using same codenumber18:08
alteregoDocScrutinizer: thanks, I'll have a look now :)18:08
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SimonLRSmokeyD, let me know if you have any problems18:09
SmokeyDSimonLR: Cool, thanks a lot. Going to try it now18:09
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ag0nyIs it possible to increase the output strength of the IR-Sender of the Nokia N900? When I sit right in front of the tv Irreco works, if I sit back on the couch (where i would need a remote) it does not work.18:10
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DocScrutinizerbut possibly N900 isn't operating on the exact carrier frequency18:11
ShadowJKis the PWM fixed frequency?18:11
DocScrutinizerwhich would result in a drastically reduced range18:11
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: for sure not18:11
ShadowJKUser programmable somehow?18:12
ag0nyDocScrutinizer: How can I find out the correct freq and is it possible to be set via software?18:12
DocScrutinizerno idea18:12
ShadowJKIt's "supposed" to be 38kHz for everything18:12
ShadowJKI guess inaccuracies in the receiver and in the transmitter can add up though18:12
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: err, what?=18:12
ShadowJKoh it isn't 38?18:13
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X-FadeThere are a lot of carrier frequencies in use for IR remotes.18:13
DocScrutinizerthere's everything from 32KHz to 46KHz out there18:13
SpeedEvilyes, it can be set by software18:13
ShadowJKThis receiver I dug out of a dead VCR seems to pick up every remote I have :)18:14
ShadowJKso I assumed the freq was same :D18:14
SpeedEvilsensitivity may vary18:14
SpeedEvilit may pick up its design freq at 10m, but others at only 3m18:14
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tybolltShadowJK: ja but uhm...18:15
ag0nySo, not much a hardware-related mildly knowledged, interested user can do...18:15
DocScrutinizerand that's what I suspect we see with N900 short range of operation18:15
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DocScrutinizeras the IR LED itself is quite beefy18:15
tybolltShadowJK: "I'm loving the battery life but unfortunately since it is so bulky I have had three pairs of pants destroyed.18:15
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tybolltthat kind of :)18:16
ShadowJKI have one pair of jeans in which it becomes a bit uncomfortable :)18:16
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: is there a sysnode to adjust CIR freq?18:17
SimonLRShadowJK, so quit wearing those tight nut-huggers!18:17
ShadowJKfor sure18:17
ShadowJKI think N900+Mugen is the first cellphone in a long time that I actually carry with me around the house18:17
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ShadowJKMy previous few phones have had such bad battery life they always sat in a room on charger somewhere :P18:18
centoslinuxDoes Nokia N900 have WPA enterprise support?18:18
tybolltI know the feeling :)18:18
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I don't remember. It's hooked to a PWM unit though. So it's flexible18:18
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DocScrutinizerI know18:19
DocScrutinizerPWM counters are quite flexible18:19
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ShadowJKtybollt, anyway the measurements are on the website, so just stuff your wallet with more loose change until it's as thick as N900 and then put it in your front pocket18:20
DocScrutinizerusually you can adjust the frequency at a range of f(clock) * (2^16 / n) with n=1..2^1518:21
DocScrutinizerand the pulsewidth in a range of 1/1..1/n18:22
tybolltShadowJK: I do not carry coins. If cashier hands me coins I flat out reject them or hand them back :)18:22
tybolltehr clerk18:22
SimonLRShadowJK, let's get a picture of this beast.18:23
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DocScrutinizerusually you can adjust the frequency at a range of f(clock) / (2^16 / n) with n=1..2^1518:23
timeless_mbptybollt: wow18:23
tybolltthen there are these FUCKNUTS typicaslly in a conenience store that on breaking a hundred gives you like 9 tenner coins back... that I can tell you agravates me to no end...18:24
SmokeyDSimonLR: It works very nicely. Thanks a lot. Is there any way to do the same for the mapper application (I guess it is called maemo mapper)? Make it use a cached version of google maps or open streetmap?18:25
MiXu-I need coins for parking.18:25
SpeedEvilSimonLR: yes18:25
tybolltso you have a bunch of coins in the coin-sta18:25
SimonLRSmokeyD, You'd have to talk to the author.18:26
tybolltsh in the car console18:26
MiXu-Altough fortunately you can usually pay your parking with a credit card where I live.18:26
SmokeyDSimonLR: ok18:26
tybolltMiXu-: jo,18:26
SimonLRSmokeyD, glad it worked for you.18:26
peterloorkeHi everyone i compiled my kernel to activate screen rotation on my N800 (to 2.26-1 omap1)18:28
peterloorkeNow i want to revert my kernel to the original one18:29
peterloorkei found a n900 forum thread about this but not for a n80018:29
peterloorkeany suggesitons?18:29
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ShadowJKtybollt: n900 taking picture of itself in a mirror would be such an unhole fusion of emo and nerd, I refuse ;-)18:31
infobotShadowJK meant: tybollt: n900 taking picture of itself in a mirror would be such an unholy fusion of emo and nerd, I refuse ;-)18:31
SimonLRShadowJK, He actually just wants to see the bulge in your pants.18:31
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DocScrutinizerwe're not going to compete who's got the largest bulge in his pants, are we? ;-P18:33
MohammadAG_wrong channel for doing that anyways18:33
tybolltShadowJK: FAIL - I didn't ask for pics18:33
MohammadAG_#joystick is one18:33
SpeedEvilShadowJK does.18:33
SpeedEvilHe's got an extended battery.18:33
SpeedEvilit's bigger.18:34
tybolltShadowJK: If I was I'd /msg you and I'd surely ask you to show your bitchtits too ;-P18:34
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ShadowJKoh, oops18:34
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alteregoDocScrutinizer: Found out info on the IR transmitter chip, can't seem to find a driver for lirc though :/18:38
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DocScrutinizeralterego: so either you get your feet wet and check the chip's datasheet for the format of the IR codes, then find a matching driver/confic for LIRC. Or you simply record the original remote and create your own18:41
alteregoI was thinking of the forme18:41
alteregoAs I don't have a receiver here, it's at work18:41
DocScrutinizerthird possible approach is simply try&error18:42
SimonLRWhat would you guys say if I had a functioning 2.6.28-x local kernel exploit?18:42
alteregoSimonLR: Well, I'd say, tell kernel.org18:43
alteregoDocScrutinizer: would you think I was crazy if I tried to work out the codes from the piunout of the chip ;)18:44
DocScrutinizeror use it to make real money ;-P18:44
DocScrutinizer(just kidding)18:44
* MohammadAG_ shrugs18:45
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DocScrutinizeralterego: you might work out the key matrix, but not the codes18:50
GeneralAntillesalterego / Khertan, that actualy IS the MeeGo netbook UX.18:50
SpeedEvilSimonLR: meh18:51
GeneralAntillesThe hilarious thing is that when Moblin became MeeGo (the super-open new Linux-based operating system from Intel and Nokia that's super open), it because super-closed.18:51
DocScrutinizerand as codes for certain keys are mostly welldefined in all commonly used IR standards, you won't gain much this way18:51
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, how is there a 3rd party packaging policy?18:51
alteregoDocScrutinizer: well, what am I looking for? The data codes for the keys?18:53
RST38hhow did it become closed?18:53
alteregoTiming information?18:53
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, dunno.18:53
GeneralAntillesRST38h, presumably because of work to merge the two groups working in both companies.18:54
GeneralAntillesRST38h, but it seems a bit silly given the limited information I have.18:54
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timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: dunno see bug i filed?18:54
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, I fail at keeping up with Bugzilla for the past few months.18:55
DocScrutinizeralterego: etc18:55
povbotBug 10090: Unlocalizable string in Application breaks the 3rd party package policy18:55
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timeless_mbp=> GeneralAntilles18:55
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, I hate Andre's comments on your bugs.18:56
* GeneralAntilles shakes fist at andre__.18:56
RST38hGeneral: On the Intel's side, at least, I do not see any changes18:56
andre__GeneralAntilles, why?18:56
GeneralAntillesandre__, because stupid Nokia devs need to manage their own damn bugs.18:57
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GeneralAntillesSo, I'm tired of the idiotic bug tracking arrangement Nokia has forced upon us.18:57
timeless_mbpthe bug's assigned to someone18:57
timeless_mbpwho i think has a pulse18:57
timeless_mbplet that guy deal w/ it18:57
andre__okay, up to timeless to force that guy to comment on it...18:58
* timeless_mbp sighs18:59
timeless_mbpmy package is empty18:59
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timeless_mbpok, i need some help w/ debian packaging :(19:01
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SmokeyDwow, maemo mapper is also really cool. It just lets me specify the top-left and bottom-right corners and detail of the maps I want to download, and the source (google maps, osm, etc) and it downloads them for me for offline use,19:02
timeless_mbphow do debian/rules and debian/control and debian/{packages}.install relate? :)19:02
* DocScrutinizer wonders if there's any chart or diagram or whatever to understand the organizational structures building up Nokia/maemo/meego etc pp19:02
_llll_debian/rules is the makefile that does all the work19:02
timeless_mbp_llll_: thanks19:02
_llll_debian/control is for meta data19:02
_llll_the install bits are from debhelper19:03
timeless_mbpbut the problem i'm having is figuring out how to ensure that the files rules generates end up in the proper packages19:03
_llll_typcially the dh_install (or whatever it's called)  line in rules installs the files in install19:03
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timeless_mbpoh, doh19:05
* timeless_mbp spots the bug19:05
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_llll_oh, it's just dh in the latest debhelper, not dh_* any more19:07
timeless_mbpwe don't use the latest dh :)19:07
* timeless_mbp sighs19:08
timeless_mbpok, i'm still confused19:08
timeless_mbphow do i debug this stuff?19:08
timeless_mbpi have a package named "foo"19:09
_llll_dh_installdeb and dh_builddeb do the work19:09
timeless_mbpin my debian directory, i have debian/foo/19:09
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_llll_i would start by reading the output of "debuild" it shows what gets run19:09
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_llll_or however you are building the package19:09
timeless_mbpin debian/foo/ is a directory tree 'usr/share/...'19:09
timeless_mbpor 'opt/maemo/usr/share/...' really19:10
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timeless_mbpbut those files don't seem to be in my .deb19:10
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_llll_directories only get created if a file is put there19:10
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timeless_mbpi think i found my problem19:11
_llll_you can ship empty dirs with a debhelper command19:11
timeless_mbpapt prefers foo_{arch}.deb over foo_all.deb, right?19:11
_llll_not really "prefers"19:11
_llll_i dont think it's allowed to have both in the same archive19:11
_llll_call the arch:all one a different name or something19:12
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timeless_mbpnot the same archive19:12
timeless_mbpbasically i once built foo_i386.deb/foo_armel.deb19:12
timeless_mbpand then realized that those were empty/bad/wrong/useless19:12
timeless_mbpso i started building foo_all.deb19:12
timeless_mbpbut i forgot to delete foo_{arch}.deb from my repo19:12
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_llll_i have no idea how apt will react to that, sounds unlikely to work, but i dnot know19:14
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* alterego wonders if he can use his wiimote as a CIR receiver19:15
alteregoApparently the wiimote already works with lirc as a receiver, how awesome :D19:16
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Maceralterego: what have you used it woth so far?19:17
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Macerdoesnt the wiimote connect bt?19:17
Macerhave you tried it with a game?19:18
alteregoYes, worked well with mario :)19:18
SmokeyDhey everyone, Another question. I alway use tomboy as a note taking app and synchronize it between machines using sshfs. I found conboy for maemo 5, but is there a way to also synchronize it with sshfs s I have the same notes as in tomboy on my desktop?19:18
alteregoNo, I mean using the wiimote's IR camera as an input for lirc for IR remote training.19:18
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alterego"... for IR remote training" ...19:19
_llll_SmokeyD: rsync? or sshfs is avaialble somewhere i thought19:20
GAN900Since buying an IR receiver costs money.19:20
alteregoYes, quite a lot of money ..19:20
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SpeedEvilwiimote however can be paired with the n900 in principle19:21
lcukyeah speedevil its been demonstrated multiple times19:21
alteregoYes, though using it with the N900 wasn't actually my end game ^.^19:21
alteregoUsing the N900 as the remote once I've generated a config file otoh is ;)19:22
alteregoOf course, if I could wrap it all up nicely on the N900, then I'd just need to carry around a wiimote for remote training ^.^19:22
dottedmagIs there a frontend for mplayer for N900 which provides GUI for selecting audio/video streams and subtitles?19:22
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Maceralterego. i still dont understand wjat you are doing19:25
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Macerusing a wiimote to get ir codes then putting them on your n90019:25
* luke-jr glares at Macer19:26
alteregoUsing a wiimote with irrecord to geenerate a lircd configuration file which I can use on the N900 to control my TV ..19:26
pupnikmacer, join club19:26
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Maceralterego: awesome19:26
Macermake one for an mce remote19:27
Macerhow is the wiimote sending it to the n900?19:28
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alteregoErm, it's not ..19:29
alteregoAt least, not how I was planning on using it.19:29
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Shapeshifteralterego: I don't get it.19:32
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Shapeshifteralterego: I thought the n900 can't receive anything.19:32
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alteregoYes, a wiimote has an IR camera inside it19:34
alteregoThough I'm not sure it's capable of the 38000Hz19:35
alteregoActually, definitely not capable of that, I think the wiimote camera is about 100Hz ..19:35
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SpeedEvilyou don't need to measure the 38000hz19:36
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SpeedEvilyou measure the amount of IR19:36
SpeedEviland then you assume it's 38khz19:36
SpeedEvilif it doesn't work, you try 40khz19:36
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achipathough, considering how crappy the front-cam is I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out it has no IR filter and you can record it straight away (well, within fps limits, obviously)19:38
SpeedEvilThe main cam has no IR filter.19:39
achipathere you go19:39
SpeedEvilOr at least a sucky one19:39
achiparight, I recall having photos with heaters in the background looking way silly :)19:39
SpeedEvilI have somewhere a pic of my toaster ovens elements glowing a bright purple.19:39
mikki-kunhm, was there in pr1.2 supposed to be a change in the virtual keyboard layout?19:39
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: WTF? 1707 reports CHRG_DET to bq24150. So we should be able to get a signal from there, no?19:41
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SpeedEvilsignal of what?19:43
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: also, on detecting external VBUS a device is supposed to enter gadget mode aiui. gadget mode means you have a 2k2 pullup on one dataline19:43
DocScrutinizerthis pullup will serve perfectly to detect the short on D+/-19:44
SpeedEvilThe comment I made on TMO?19:44
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SpeedEvilCan you actually sense the levels of the lines though19:44
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DocScrutinizerI don't really understand what kind of problem they are discussing there19:44
DocScrutinizerUSB charger spec is somewhat awkward, but it's not totally brainfucked19:45
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bullet``hello everyone19:46
DocScrutinizeralso watch THE DATE! 2009-12-08!!19:47
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bullet``i was readint a thread on tmo about pr1.2 rc19:47
SpeedEvilI think it's a generic framework to gerect USB chargers on USB things connected to linux in general19:47
bullet``nobody is mentioning the link to it19:47
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: So - it was released by then.19:47
bullet``whats so desasterous about that?19:47
bullet``can anyone tell me where to download it ?19:48
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fralsno bullet``, its illegal to distribute it.19:48
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SpeedEvilIt's basically warez at this point.19:48
DocScrutinizerand it will wreck your N90019:48
bullet``so how r so many ppl talking about it?19:48
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_llll_they werent, until you came in :[19:48
bullet``it wont i think cuz so many ppl r pretty happy using it19:49
mikki-kunmost of them don't know what unoptimized software can do to hardware19:49
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DocScrutinizerme points to CHANNEL TOPIC19:49
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bullet``how have others got the pr1219:50
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frals* Topic is 'Welcome to #maemo | | | Maemo Community Council | | | Free software mirror:  ---  NO PR1.2 YET, askers will get kicked'19:50
MohammadAG_lol was gonna ask DocScrutinizer to op up :P19:50
brikbullet``: it doesn't work yet, you don't want it19:50
lcukwhich channel/forum do hong kong people goto?19:50
MohammadAG_lcuk, 0? :P19:51
Garyso tempting to say " anyone got pr1.2? "19:51
lcukim serious19:51
MohammadAG_on a more serious note, no idea19:51
fralslcuk: im curious as well, need to figure out where the asian n900 users hang out19:51
bullet``brik, what about so many ppl using it already posting faster browser benchmarks19:51
lcuktheres a lot of asian maemoers on the map19:51
fralslcuk: i got an email from a .jp who had found a patch to fmms on some obscure blog19:51
lcukbut we rarely see them around19:51
MohammadAG_frals, tbh I've never seen non-english IRC channels19:51
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MohammadAG_but that's just me19:51
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fralslcuk: problem was none had bothered pinging me about it so i could patch master with it :/19:52
lcukMohammadAG_, thats because you dont look19:52
MohammadAG_lcuk, did I say I did? :)19:52
lcukyeah frals19:52
lcukits like russian deligation19:52
brikbullet``: just wait until it comes out19:52
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lcuktheres a thriving community over there from what i hear19:52
MohammadAG_lcuk, I propose #maemoHK19:52
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lcukwell you can propose all you want19:53
MohammadAG_could be made into an official channel19:53
lcukbut if they never visit freenode it wont be used19:53
* MohammadAG_ takes away the bacon19:53
Khertan_n900hi again19:53
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MohammadAG_hey Khertan_n90019:53
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lcukhi Khertan_n90019:53
bullet``whats wrong in just asking my question... i just want to know that the ppl who r discussing pr1.2 on tmo the ones who also r using it on their devices, how have they obtained it19:53
fralsbullet``: illegally19:53
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Khertan_n900hi MohammadAG and lcuk19:54
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fralsyeah, mostly illegally* i guess19:54
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SpeedEvilAll illegally.19:54
* MohammadAG_ didn't get the mostly part19:54
SpeedEvilApart from the person that leaked it19:55
lcukreally SpeedEvil ? what about ari19:55
* frals heads off to spam twitter some more about fmms19:55
* MohammadAG_ assumes there's an update to fmms19:55
Khertan_n900Someone else to answer : 'illegally'19:55
fralsSpeedEvil: nokians/subcontractors etc probably have it legally ;)19:55
bullet``i dont get it than y not delete the whole thread? they r posting browser benchmarks, skype video calls etc and yet delete any post that mentions how to download it19:55
lcukMohammadAG_, im just gonna rename that button "new fmms"19:55
SpeedEvilThe ones commenting on aspects of the PR1.2 are typically the ones that haven't signed NDAs19:55
Khertan_n900speedevil : not sure : it s can be leak from a trojan, backdoor, security hole19:55
DocScrutinizerbullet``: please bother to read as suggested in the topic. Take it as a fact the NON-PR1.2 will damage your device, and just stop nagging about it here19:55
Khertan_n900from a real tester19:55
lcukSpeedEvil, that sounds reasonable19:56
cowbotis there some debian utility for editing changelog file?19:56
Khertan_n900lcuk : not sure that he sign an nda :)19:56
fralslcuk: i need some RT love on twitter! ;)19:57
kthomas_vhI am booting from memory card,  maemo will not recognize internal flash,  even after reformat,  any suggestions?19:57
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Khertan_n900praying ?19:58
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SpeedEvilhow are you booting from card? And what fs are you trying to mount the internal flash with19:58
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PerfDaveWho doesn't need RT love on Twitter? :p19:58
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fralslcuk, he only needs bacon19:58
chem|stcowbot: vi?19:58
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Khertan_n900oups ...19:59
Khertan_n900we are in may and i ve still not send my loaned n900 device19:59
kthomas_vhSpeedEvil, bootloader;  internal flash was FAT32...19:59
Khertan_n900ouch shame on me19:59
cowbottyty frals20:00
SpeedEvilkthomas_vh: which internal flash20:00
lcukok frals i retweeted "frals @anidel *rolleyes*"   for you20:00
SpeedEvilKhertan: have you been doing actual development on it?20:00
fralslol lcuk20:00
kthomas_vhSpeedEvil, n810,  (built-in)20:00
Khertan_n900um who i should contact at nokia for the address to return the device they loan me ?20:00
SpeedEvilkthomas_vh: ah - sorry - no clue on n810.20:00
Khertan_n900speedevil: i m always doing dev on it20:01
DocScrutinizerkthomas_vh: you'll want to ask Stskeeps about it20:01
fralsKhertan: theres a thread on talk in community about it afaik20:01
andre__yes there is20:01
Khertan_n900for me n900 is the perfect python onboard developper tool !20:01
kthomas_vhDocScrutinizer, tks20:01
SpeedEvilKhertan: there have been comments about if you're doing dev stuff on it - then they may consuder leaving it with you20:01
Khertan_n900thx frals20:01
Khertan_n900speedevil : oh ...20:02
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lcukfrals, another tweet for you20:02
Khertan_n900thx to them ... but i m not sure they will like that i m doing dev on it and not publish to maemo repositories :)20:02
Khertan_n900thx andre__20:02
* frals runs away with all lcuks bacon20:03
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cowbotcongrats on fmms / extras promotion20:03
fralsnot promoted yet! need few more testers on latest version to make sure its safe20:04
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fralsbut thanks in advance! ;)20:04
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cowbotfrals: i am taking a program with version (1.6.11-1) and changing significant parts for maemo/tablets.  so i should make version =(1.6.11-1maemo0) ?20:06
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Khertan_n900funny to see that it use less battery to phone during one hour than chatting on irc, coding during one hour ... :)20:06
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fralscowbot: dunno, has the answer i think20:06
wazdso I guess n900 is not supported by ovi suite even though it's listed on the nokia site :)20:07
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alteregoI might unpack the PR1.1.1 release install a "You're an idiot" start upscreen and "leak" it as PR1.320:17
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cowbotHas Nokia improved the quality of the speakers in N900 since initial release?20:18
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cowbotIt seems like their supplier delivered some units that didn't perform up to spec reliably20:19
alteregoYes, the leaked PR1.3 image I'm about to release will replace your internal speakers.20:20
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cowbotIt would probably be NDA violation to comment on that, i guess20:21
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GeneralAntillesalterego, you're sick. :P20:29
GeneralAntillesSwitch the boot video out for a Rick Roll.20:29
GeneralAntillesOh god.20:29
GeneralAntillesPlease do that.20:29
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Chikuthey opened back the thread about leaked PR1.2. cool20:31
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GeneralAntillesChiku, why is that cool?20:31
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alteregoGeneralAntilles: that's such a good idea ..20:32
alteregoIS there an app for _that_ ? :)20:33
GeneralAntillesalterego, maybe to reduce the level of evil just make it a package you have to grab from some repo.20:33
alteregoI  think this might be a good oportunity to write an app that allows you to create your own PR1.2 releases and add stupid start up screens.20:33
alteregoIt might disuade people from using images from dodgy sources :)20:34
GeneralAntillesEmphasis on the stupid20:34
cowbotwho has done a QT app for maemo and symbian?20:34
cowbotfor studying20:34
alteregocowbot: I've played, not really done anything production. Though I am working on one at the moment.20:34
DocScrutinizer~hail alterego20:35
* infobot bows down to alterego and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"20:35
fralstmo just died?20:35
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alteregofrals: HDD 100% usage reached ;)20:35
cowbotalterego: you are forced to wait for pr1.2 to test on N900?20:35
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alteregocowbot: Well, I've been using an old version of Qt that's on 1.120:36
opdf2frals:  yeah im getting the same thing20:37
DocScrutinizercowbot: I'm not aware of sub par speaker component quality issues. But there's been a fix to avoid very low frequencies going to the speakers and fry them20:37
opdf2anyone using gv + sipgate +sipsorcery? is it common to have delay during calls?20:38
DocScrutinizererr, what?20:39
DocScrutinizerI'm having 'gv' occasionally. :-P20:39
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Something you said way back about the debug pads made me think you may have had a different version to me. I must have misunderstood or something, the photos of the debug pads are identical20:39
DocScrutinizerand I got a sipgate account that works like a charm with N900 and N81020:39
opdf2google voice20:40
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GeneralAntillesBoxwave protectors are finally here.20:40
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opdf2I'm hearing the other party okay, but when I talk they dont hear until 2-3 secs later20:41
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: nah, I always just claimed there's no dif whatsoever between my debug pads and the photo in schem20:41
cowbotDocScrutinizer: i have difficulty imagining that this software eq to prevent speaker damage was part of the initial device design ;)20:41
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: hmm - maybe I misread the schem images then20:41
DocScrutinizerfor sure not20:41
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alteregot.m.o runs off of MSISS?20:43
luke-jrno, it runs off WinCE20:43
luke-jrwith some hacked up webserver20:43
DocScrutinizerno it runs off a 770 farm20:43
DocScrutinizerand we all know 770 is running maemo20:44
cowbotDocScrutinizer: i guess there is no information on speaker fix/upgrade forthcoming.   I was hoping for one.  I love the headphone quality so much.20:44
DocScrutinizersorry don't get that20:44
* microlith imagines a cluster of internet tablets20:44
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Odd. The schem seems to match. I must just have gone briefly insane.20:44
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: don't worry - happens to each of us every once in a while20:45
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: fact is they swapped the AB for a B20:46
RST38hAnyone with Karmic Koala here?20:46
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DocScrutinizerto say F*CK-U to cert authority20:46
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MohammadAGRST38h, wish I was on it...20:48
MohammadAGDebian doesn't seem to detect my HDDs, as well as my CD drives20:48
MohammadAGso I'm stuck with 10.04 crap20:48
* RST38h is considering upgrading to 10.0420:49
cato`I learned not to upgrade on release when I went from 9.04 -> 9.1020:49
dubz11MohammadAG: you could look into sidux, based on debian sid, and more hardware detection out of the box20:49
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alteregocato`: ditto, I wait one month ;)20:49
RST38hMohammadAG: SB2 QEmu crashes on me when I try running dpkg20:49
MohammadAGdubz11, I'd rather get the real Debian working20:49
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: for the rest I see no idication whatsoever for the schem to be incorrect20:49
MohammadAGRST38h, why SB2?20:50
RST38hBecause SB1 is too damn horrible20:50
cato`alterego: I do too, hope for a smoother experience20:50
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MohammadAGimo SB2 is the same as Grub220:50
RST38hI am not running NFS to localhost just to access my host fs from SB120:50
jebbawiki down?20:50
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Earlier I commented also about the components round the MMC - but that was bogus - as I diddn't realise there was a daughterboard20:50
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MohammadAGboth were very unnecessary upgrades20:50
GeneralAntillesFinally, a screen protector.20:50
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MohammadAGjebba, seems like it20:51
RST38hwell, to me sb2 is way better than sb120:51
RST38hBut nobody seems to be supporting sb2 any more20:51
jebbai dont do maemo stuff for weeks, go to do something, and its down..... pfft.20:51
MohammadAGIt's not just you!  looks down from here.20:51
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MohammadAG(if anyone finds it useful
SpeedEvilhere too20:51
SpeedEvilMaybe I broke it editing too fast!20:51
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Stskeepslo jebba20:52
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, too slow.20:52
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X-FadeI see all hosts down from my end, so ISP issue?20:52
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cowbotsidux is an excellent way to do 'real debian'20:52
Stskeepsmeh, okay20:52
cowbotjust saves you some time and headaches20:52
X-FadeAll my ssh sessions just froze :(20:53
mtnbkrgosh is s-l-o-w20:53
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meceaaahaha windows 8 thread is killer!20:54
RST38hE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg received a segmentation fault.20:55
mtnbkrhhmmm   I just loaded it moments ago, found the thread for the app and went to submit a comment ... So it was up very recently for me  arg...20:55
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fralsanyone know of a maemo python app thats using localization? need to see how its suppose to be odne :D21:02
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mintuxis it possible to reinstall maemo 5 on nokia n900 / I would like to buy an n900 but I afraid I'll destroy it because im a linux user and I love to test everything on it. and I only buy it because of linux . so is it possible to install free version of maemo on it?21:05
microlithmintux: yes, it is relatively trivial to reflash the device21:05
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MohammadAGfrals, .po files21:07
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MohammadAGfrals, this might help
korhojoais it just me or is the maemo wiki down?21:07
X-FadeNot just you21:08
korhojoafrals: get round to checking that picture sms thing?21:08
RST38hSomebody installed leaked firmware to 770s21:08
RST38hAnd now they are dead21:08
mintuxmicrolith: so I can test everything on it and if it break I can change it to first day I have ?21:08
korhojoahuh :D21:08
microlithmintux: yes21:08
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fralskorhojoa: yeah, not gonna do it im afraid as its unrelated to mms :)21:09
* cowbot is trying to make a working maemo package without autotools, just makefile21:09
DocScrutinizerjebba was here and I missed him :-S21:09
fralsMohammadAG: yeah i know, just want to steal the code for it ;)21:09
MohammadAGfrals, run xgettext on the source :)21:10
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: (AB->B) the particularly funny bit about that is we got same confusion for gta01/02, and til today obody complained about the usb receptacle isn't actually a AB type. Probably due to the fact there are virtually no mini-A-plugs out there in the wild21:12
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SpeedEvilHowever - nokia gets lots more attention paid to them than someone shipping ~10000 units21:15
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cowbotis it possible to make packages for meego simpler please.  i am running out of time and this .deb stuff is still broken21:15
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mintuxare there different between n900 made in Finland and china ? somebody say made in Finland is original21:18
ShadowJKI think the ones made in Korea are original21:18
ShadowJKprototypes were probably made in Finland21:18
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ShadowJKBut you know, Nokia has a factory in china too, so it's entirely possible to see genuine Nokia N900 from China too.21:19
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mintuxShadowJK: so there is no different in quality ?21:19
X-Fademintux: If it is an original, then no.21:20
ShadowJKI think random luck makes bigger difference ;)21:20
X-Fademintux: If it is a chinese clone, looking like a N900, then yes.21:20
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ShadowJKthe clone ones don't even run the same operating system...21:20
X-FadeIndeed :)21:20
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SpeedEvilShadowJK: on the other hand - they are $60, and have dual SIM! :)21:21
mintuxShadowJK: you mean it's not nokia n900 and just like it ?21:21
Zeddywhy does the qt nokia maemo SUCK21:21
Zeddy? :)21:21
ZeddySDK i mean21:21
mintuxso I should looking for Korea21:21
Zeddykinda feel like fading away21:21
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RST38hYes, why does it suck?21:21
ShadowJKmintux, well there are genuine Made in China Nokia phones, and then there are fake Nokia phones21:22
Zeddywell it sucks mainly because i do #include <QMessage>, only to find out QMessage contains one line: #include "qmessage.h"21:22
Zeddyand qmessage.h is not included? :D21:22
Zeddywtf is up with getting my hopes up only to crush them on compile21:22
mintuxnokia n900 doesn't have usb host . means I can connect any hardware like printer ?21:22
Zeddystupid stupid stupid21:22
BCMMmintux: well, there are bluetooth printers21:23
Zeddy../../../NokiaQtSDK/Maemo/4.6.2/sysroots/fremantle-arm-sysroot-1014-slim/usr/include/QMessage:1:22: error: qmessage.h: No such file or directory21:23
ZeddyIn file included from mainwindow.h:7,21:23
BCMMand printers that can print from a mass-storage device21:23
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mintuxand is it possible to install gcc compiler on maemo 5 or softwares like apache or ... ?21:23
BCMMNoma: basically, you can't plug in USB sticks, but there are bluetooth versions of quite a few things...21:23
BCMMmintux: pretty sure easy debian chroot does all of that21:24
mintuxit's great21:24
BCMMas far as i know, it lets you install regular ARM debian stuff, but i haven't tried it21:24
ShadowJKmintux, it is almost like a normal linux system. And you can have root access. So anyone who's a linux power user can do what linux gurus generally can do :)21:24
BCMMNoma: sorry, meant taht for mintux21:24
lpotterZeddy: as far as I know, it has only been released as 'beta'21:24
BCMMi'd say it is a normal linux system21:24
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BCMMmintux: i have seen some imitation n900s on the web21:25
mintuxso I can install it easily again if it break21:25
BCMMthey are basically a bit like those cheap chinese mp3 players in plastic ipod-shaped cases21:26
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BCMMthey presumably make phone calls, but don't really have anything in common with an n90021:26
mintuxI want buy n900 because im a linux user and love terminal and programming on bash and do a lot of things with terminal21:26
mintuxhow can I sure the n900 I found it made in korea ( and it's not just a label ) and it doesn't be fake phone21:26
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lpotteryou can make phone calls with term on an Openmoko :)21:27
mintuxbut openmoko doesn't has keyboard21:27
microlithmintux: buy from a reputable vendor21:27
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ShadowJKhint: dealextreme doesn't sell genuine N90021:28
mintuxmicrolith:in my location we can not trust to reputable vendor also21:28
ShadowJKDo you have opportunity to try the device first?21:29
BCMMexample of an imitation n900:
BCMMimho, that site doesn't make it anything like clear enough that it isn't actually a nokia product21:30
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ShadowJKreal n900 doesn't have dualsim, and doesn't have java ;)21:30
alteregoRST38h: ?21:31
mintuxShadowJK: why doesn't have java21:31
* dottedmag facepalms21:31
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BCMManybody recognise the OS on that?21:31
RST38halterego: the chinese knockoff21:31
mintuxShadowJK: its linux and you can install everything21:31
BCMMi can't imagine that they made one specially21:31
ShadowJKmintux, well there's sun's jvm you can download, and microemu from somewhere for j2me... but it doesn't come with java by default21:32
BCMMalthough i suppose they might have thrown together a different-looking interface in java21:32
alteregoI'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to flash the image, but I can wait. The only thing making me want it is having Qt 4.6 on there ..21:32
mintuxShadowJK: hmm so you can have java if you want21:32
BCMMi especially like the thing they have where the word "nokia" would be on an n90021:32
ShadowJKYeah but it is not easy.21:32
dottedmagBCMM: just re-skinned something ready, I think.21:32
BCMMit's low contrast so you can't read it in a photo :21:33
Gizmokid2005is erroring/not loading for anyone else?21:33
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X-FadeYes, ISP has datacenter issues.21:33
DocScrutinizertakes eterities but load for me21:34
Gizmokid2005thanks X-Fade21:34
Dima202wow, thats a very cool imitation21:34
Dima202and cheap21:34
Gizmokid2005DocScrutinizer: same took forever to initially load as well.21:34
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BCMMDima202: that's because it is, presumably, nothing like a modern smartphone21:34
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DocScrutinizererr, 700k storage???21:35
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Dima202lol, I'm glad I got the real thing21:35
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BCMMfor a start, it mentions WAP - not a good sign21:36
lcukand we have had folks in #maemo wanting to do same21:36
lcuk- that lol21:36
SpeedEvilMobile internet  WAP - it's 2000 again!21:36
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mintuxShadowJK: somebody says to me their phone broke up when they  installed different softwares . the problems like do not display images or another things . have you ever face to these problems or broke your phone ?21:37
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BCMMSpeedEvil: bloody facebook has started serving WAP pages to user agents it doesn't recognise21:38
DocScrutinizernow THAT  really is a cheap cool imitation21:38
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aspiditesis it a bug that HILDON_SIZE_AUTO doesn't style the buttons when used?21:38
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BCMMSpeedEvil: ironically, i was looking at the full version of facebook on my phone while my desktop choked on the WAP version...21:38
aspiditesor that setting any other flag while the buttons are in a gtk.Table causes the background image to repeat?21:38
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BCMMDocScrutinizer: "dummy phone" - does that mean it isn't actually a phone?21:39
aspiditesHILDON_SIZE_THUMB_HEIGHT for example21:39
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BCMMDocScrutinizer: ah, is that the one made by nokia for shops to display?21:40
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* SpeedEvil ponders finding a nokia authorised service centre with a skip.21:41
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* DocScrutinizer wonders how they manage to switch to portrait mode on that thing, like suggested by the producr pictures21:42
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hrw~curse nokia21:44
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, nokia !21:44
hrw~curse nokia again21:44
RST38hhey, hrw, got a nasty problem that you may be able to help resolving21:44
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, nokia again !21:44
hrwRST38h: go21:45
RST38hhrw: Upgraded host to Karmic Koala (intel, 32bit)21:45
RST38hhrw: Installed Karmic version of MaemoSDK+ (SB2, etc)21:45
qmid~curse nokia again21:45
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, nokia again !21:45
qmid~curse nokia again21:46
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, nokia again !21:46
RST38hhrw: now, armel dpkg fails with a core dump every time I try installing a package (-i)21:46
DocScrutinizer~kick qmid21:46
* infobot kicks qmid21:46
RST38hhrw: sometimes, qemu writes something about illegal instruction *or* some functions not being found in libc.621:46
hrwRST38h: echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr?21:46
qmidsorry dude21:46
RST38hhrw: I think I have done that, but let us see21:46
qmidi was curious to see funny messages21:46
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hrwnokia suxx anyway21:47
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qmidthe new phone seems to be good N821:47
hrwfirst they leaked pr1.2 then they try to scare users to not use it.21:47
qmidplus the development is in Qt and not avcon21:48
DocScrutinizer~tell qmid about query21:48
hrwqmid: it is symbian. it can not be good21:48
Stskeepshrw: was actually users themselves discovering adverse effects21:48
jaskahrw: leaked pr1.2 so everyone would brick and the installed base of n900s would vanish :)21:48
qmidDocScrutinizer, lol i agree, but things are changing i hope for good21:48
RST38hhrw: OMG it worked21:49
hrwRST38h: curse nokia for not updating qemu to 0.12+21:49
RST38hhrw: The funny thing is, NOBODY, including sdk+ people, could help me :(21:50
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hrwStskeeps: so far I only saw errrors in extras packages21:50
hrwupstart-job is not existing in 1.2 for example so goodbye IM addons21:50
Stskeepshrw: the issue is that they cannot downgrade again21:50
Stskeepsdisabling celluar modem which was updated21:50
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hrwStskeeps: I will worry about it when it will break. so far it works21:51
Stskeepshrw: :nod:21:51
Stskeepsnot for the faint of the heart21:51
DocScrutinizerRST38h: seems we had that mmap-thing 24h to the past at most21:51
hrwStskeeps: and at 12 November I would probably use other phone then n900 so official pr1.2 will not interest me but second/third/etc owner of my n90021:52
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RST38hOk, now, the second problem: How do I install squeeze tools on sb2? :)21:52
RST38hBut that should be a bit easier21:52
qmidnokia always had leak problem all the time, but I think N8 is a good phone from Nokia after N97 problem.21:53
* RST38h goes to install symbols first21:53
cowbotany luck with that incorrect missing dependency RST38h ?21:53
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hrwStskeeps: because there is one sure thing for me - next nokia maemo/meego device would need to cost me <100€ otherwise I go for other platform/vendor21:53
RST38hcowbot: X-Fade told me what the problem was21:53
Stskeepshrw: mmkay21:53
RST38hcowbot: But I also found out that things are pretty fucked up if you are using sb221:53
cowbotis anyone online who can take a look at and figure out why it isn't responding?21:53
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qmidcowbot, yeah i am seeing the same problem21:54
RST38hhrw: ah come one, there is no better phone than n900 in terms of flexibility21:54
hrwStskeeps: they have nice hardware team but software teams suxx too much21:54
MohammadAG<hrw> upstart-job is not existing in 1.2 for example so goodbye IM addons21:55
qmidactually loaded, but it very slow21:55
MohammadAGI have the old packages that work :P21:55
hrwRST38h: sure, but this is closed development21:55
* RST38h tried the Nexus One last time he was to US. Feels like a toy compared to N90021:55
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RST38hhrw: ah, that's different21:55
Jaffatimeless: Related to bug 4754?21:55
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hrwRST38h: I do not even bother with reporting bugs for maemo. 105% of them gets WONTFIX, other gets ignored21:55
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mgedminspeaking of bugs21:56
hrwRST38h: any 'please improve your app by doing X' ends with MOVED to brainstorm == fuck you user very much21:56
mgedmindid anybody notice that typing 'xyzzy' in the on-screen VKB and pressing the Enter virtual key actually sends "\nxyzzy" to the program running in the terminal?21:56
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RST38hhrw: Well, it *is* a bit better than Maemo421:57
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hrwRST38h: I think that next step is get current hw and work on some working system + dialer/etc21:57
MohammadAGmgedmin, "xyzzy\n" here21:57
lpotterhrw: hate to inform you, but maemo is not low end21:57
RST38hhrw: But yes, in many cases it feels like reimplementing Nokia apps is the only reasonable way to get thigns working21:57
GAN900hrw, bullshit.21:57
MohammadAGactually both, it depends on the weather I think21:57
hrwRST38h: becaue n8x0 was sold in much less amount then n90021:57
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GAN900hrw, I've run the numbers on WONTFIX and that claim is clearly not even vaguely related ever to hyperbole.21:58
hrwlpotter: you mean?21:58
mgedminMohammadAG: yes, I also see both21:58
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lpotterhrw: meaning maemo is not in low end phones21:58
hrwbug 699321:58
mgedminin vim I usually see "\nxyzzy", though21:58
MohammadAGhrw, * down21:58
RST38hGAN: I guess the problem is that the *important* bugs are not getting fixed21:58
hrwlpotter: maemo is in just *one* phone21:58
mgedminwhich screws up things like you wouldn't believe21:58
mgedminpovbot, bug 699321:58
povbotmgedmin: Bug Bluetooth handsfree loss of sound brand jabra BT205021:59
MohammadAG* down....21:59
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pupniki bet RST38h broke :P21:59
GAN900RST38h, also bullshit21:59
RST38hGAN: And I do not even pretend to claim personal importance here21:59
MohammadAGyeah povbot, go ahead, post the link to show * is up21:59
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hrwpovbot: bug 693321:59
povbothrw: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.21:59
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hrwpovbot: bug 693321:59
marcusmollerHeya. Anybody know how to make VNC Viewer work with openGL apps on my unix machine? I tried running WoW on my remote desktop, but it was like a frozen image22:00
povbothrw: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.22:00
RST38hGAN: The Evil PA Bug, The Hardware Keyboard Bug, POP3, The Slowdown Bug <== none of them are getting fixed22:00
mgedmin"Error: timed out"22:00
mgedminin the logs22:00
hrwlpotter: and it looks like 'we released hw, did 2 updates and let users be happy'22:00
RST38hGAN: And these are big, bad motherfuckers22:00
microlithEvil PA / hw keyboard bug?22:00
mgedminI'm guessing it can't access maemo.org22:00
mgedminwhich is funny, since I can22:00
hrwlpotter: there is not even maemo UI style compatible Qt for normal users available22:01
RST38hmicrolith: Evil PA Bug - when Media Player is playing music, any 3rd party app using PulseAudio will lack sound, then hang on exit22:01
hrwlpotter: qt 4.5/maemo does not follow UI, qt 4.6/maemo is not available for users22:01
mgedminhm, I can get the front page of b.m.o, but not do anything with it22:01
mgedminwell, it randomly times out22:01
RST38hmicrolith: HW Keyboard Bug - Ctrl+Space does not switch keyboard layouts as it should, UNLESS you have got a Russian N90022:01
hrwbug 6933 is example of how simple things can be fucked up and no one cares about it even if it looks like <1h fix22:02
mgedminbug 875022:02
hrwetc etc etc22:02
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lpotterhrw: wait for it :)22:03
hrwsure, maybe android is not so great as people say but at least there is something moving there. maemo5 has only users waiting for mystical pr1.222:03
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RST38hAnd you have probably all experienced system performance deterioration after 5-7 days uptime...22:03
hrwlpotter: I am waiting for few months already and I got tired22:03
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microlithat 12 now, no issues22:03
hrwlpotter: I dropped any development of my ideas22:03
hrwlpotter: even Qt documentation lies about maemo things22:04
RST38hhrw: It makes sense writing stuff in a portable way, then adopting it to whatever gadget comes handy22:04
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hrwlpotter: autorotation is simple - documentation says.... but forgets to add "you need to work for Nokia to have it"22:04
RST38hhrw: [of course, it means rendering the whole UI by hand into a bitmap :)]22:04
* DocScrutinizer yawns, prods povbot, and heads out for dinner22:04
mgedminhrw, you presume a $random_developer @ Nokia could have it just by asking22:05
lpotterhrw: autorotation should be banned22:05
hrwRST38h: sure, but I like to use qt 4.6 in app. maemo5 does not allows me to give my app to users22:05
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RST38hhrw: Why? Isn't Qt4.6 universal?22:05
RST38hOr is there some license problem?22:05
microlithnot until Pr1.2 comes out22:05
MouseyQt is GPL22:05
hrwmgedmin: I know that not everyone but I am talking about maemo related morons^Wdevs22:05
RST38hAh that22:05
mgedminI'd expect a big bureaucratic process banning autorotation for all apps not explicitly listed in The Original Design  or something22:05
lcuki want meego ux on dalek technology22:05
RST38hMousey: LGPL22:05
lcukthe nice colored ones they rolled out a couple of weeks ago :D22:05
hrwRST38h: users of current firmware do not ahve qt 4.622:05
hrwRST38h: users do not use extras-devel22:05
RevdKathy@lcuk: meego exterminate!22:06
RST38hhrw: Well, Khertan jumped ship22:06
fralsevening RevdKathy o/22:06
RevdKathyTellytubbie daleks?22:06
RevdKathyEvening frals22:06
RST38hhrw: So can everybody else22:06
hrwRST38h: I understand him22:06
fralsRevdKathy: hows you?22:06
RST38hme too22:06
hrwRST38h: there is nearly no one left anyway. never was22:06
RevdKathyfine, thanks :) you?22:06
RST38hhrw: As to Qt4.6 availability, I do hope that damn update will come during the next 2 weeks22:06
hrwmaemo does not have luck to have developers22:06
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hrwRST38h: 12 November22:07
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mgedminnoooooo please don't time out on process_bug.cgi!22:07
fralsRevdKathy: tis good, went to the doctor today to have a look at my cough, got a prescription for cocillana so im all good ;)22:07
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* hrw -> out as this is getting boring as always when it comes to pr1.2 related talk22:07
hrwhave a nice whatever22:07
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RevdKathyOuch! Bugs in your lungs!22:07
RevdKathyHoodnight RST38h22:08
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RevdKathyor even Goodnight22:08
* RST38h isn't leaving yet. There is a nasty dependency problem to resolve22:08
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fralsRST38h: hate when dependency-hell prevents me from going to bed!22:10
RST38hfrals: well, looks like I am gonna lose this battle22:10
RST38hno way to squeeze squeeze into sb222:10
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Khertan<RST38h> hrw: Well, Khertan jumped ship <<< ??? gnié ?22:14
fralsi assume he meant you created your own repo22:15
RST38hKhertan: Were discussing extras22:15
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maddlerevening all22:15
KhertanRST38h, ah :)22:16
Khertanso ... :)22:16
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Khertanlol b.m.o seems down here :)22:16
fralsquick hide its sjgadsby22:16
fralsKhertan: pretty much everything except talk is acting up22:16
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RST38hok, time to read something then hit the bed22:17
fralsnn RST38h22:17
lcukwont that hurt?22:17
Khertanfrals .... and talk should be the things to down :)22:18
fralsmy bed is pretty soft, dunno what youre sleeping in thou lcuk22:18
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RST38hlcuk: depends on who is already there.22:18
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sjgadsbyHuh. Frals talking about a 1.0 release of fMMS really DOES bring everything crashing down.22:18
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fralsanyone wanna give him a tempban so we dont have to watch the quit/join flood?22:20
* frals takes a look over at DocScrutinizer22:20
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lostinmirkwoodis anyone else having an issue with
mgedminno, but I'm having an issue with bugs.maemo.org22:23
SpeedEvilit's all broken22:24
marcusmollerAny way to speed up the vnc? I am using x11vnc on my Arch Linux.22:24
marcusmollerUsing VNC Viewer22:24
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fralswow, glad im not using swedish localization on the device22:28
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meceoh righty.22:30
Stskeepsfrals: i thought same about danish22:30
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mecefrals, what's wrong with swedish localization?22:30
fralsim only using it to see what fmms looks like in swedish atm, and "delete message?" has been translated "vill du ta bort meddelande?"22:31
fralswhich just sounds wrong :<22:31
fralsid explain why its wrong, but i have no idea what the grammar terms are called in english :D22:32
Surfathen you would probably like to contribute in localization22:32
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fralsSurfa: i should probably file a bug against that at least22:33
Surfaprobably yes22:33
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Surfaat least if youre native?22:34
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Sceltfrals: it sound just fine :D22:36
Surfabut remember that translations should stay somehow in line with other devices22:36
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fralsScelt: no it doesnt :P22:36
fralsScelt: it should be meddelandet22:36
fralsshame is timing out ;(22:37
lostinmirkwood<mece> seems everything is down...22:37
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andre__ISP is down according to Niels.22:38
andre__as stated on .22:38
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__afrals, Scelt: "Ta bort meddelande?" eller "Vill du ta bort meddelandet?" imho22:39
frals__a: yeah22:39
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alteregoI will laugh if the md5sum of the geniune PR1.2 is identical to that of the leaked one ^.^22:41
pablo2Hi , guys, How to acess the camera in n900, using dbus gstream?22:41
alteregopablo2: gstreamer, uses the standard v4l2src22:41
DocScrutinizer51strange, so mething set my xchat net_ping_timeout to 6022:41
__afrals, Scelt: just got my n900 yesterday... is there a swedish channel/community?22:41
frals__a: #maemosweden afaik22:42
fralsand or something22:42
ZogGfrals are you from sweden?22:42
Sceltfrals, __a: I'm a Finn so don't listen to me22:42
fralsZogG: yepp22:42
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__afrals:  k, thnx!22:42
fralsScelt: figured... ;-)22:42
ZogGfrals my ex was sweden22:42
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__aScelt:  hehe ok22:42
ZogGbut she turn to be bitch and broke my heart22:43
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Sceltfrals: I actually meant to say it only to __a cos I thought you already know. as we once talked about it already :)22:43
fralsScelt: aye ^^22:43
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ZogGfrals Akander her surname if maybe you know her )22:44
Sceltfrals: when you use "borta"? "Vill du ta det borta?" sounds fine to me but I think I'm forgetting some very strict rule about something22:44
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ZogGbra is good in swedish22:45
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fralsScelt: 'borta' is more like gone22:45
ZogGMohammadAG, hey22:45
Sceltfrals: oh, okay. so it's a fine word but used to another purpose22:45
fralsScelt: yeah22:45
* ZogG mp> The.Drawn.Together.Movie.The.Movie.720p.Bluray.X264-DIMENSION.mkv [1280x720 avc1 23.976fps]22:45
SceltZogG: stop warezing22:46
ZogGScelt =(22:46
Sceltfrals: thx for the tip :)22:46
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ZogGi'm drinking on my bday - can i annoy once =)))22:46
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lcukholy crap - looking the part already:
DocScrutinizer51taurus - like me :-)22:48
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lcuk"<ZogG> frals my ex was sweden"22:49
lcukZogG, you dated a country?22:49
RevdKathyI call that STAMINA!22:50
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ZogGlcuk swidish22:50
* lcuk pokes RevdKathy 22:51
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ZogGdamn, can you excuse drunk russian guy22:51
* RevdKathy pokes lcuk back22:51
RevdKathyZogG - excused and absolved22:51
lcukZogG, you would have to be drunk22:51
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ZogGRevdKathy =*22:51
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lcuk"i woke up in vegas with a massive headache and a country as a wife"22:51
arnorhi all!22:51
lcuki cant remember its name tho22:52
arnorcould someone tell me where I could find the package named "upstart-job", please?22:52
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lcukdont worry ZogG you can get it annuled :D22:52
ZogGfrom the word anal?22:52
ZogGit was too much sorry22:53
andre__arnor, why?22:53
ZogGi should prob stop talking till i get myself in trouble22:53
arnorit appears to be missing when I try to install Pidgin plug-in22:53
DocScrutinizer51lcuk: 'fear and loathing...'?22:53
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andre__arnor, maybe helps?22:53
povbotBug 10006: Msn (Haze) changes port settings to -2147483648 by itself22:53
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arnorandre__: thanks, I'll see that22:54
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SimonLRI just punched a baby22:55 server is reported to be back22:55
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* mece looks away from the leak fw thread clenching his fists.22:56
lcukSimonLR, :S22:56
andre__at least works for me again so I hope the rest is available again too22:56
SimonLRlcuk, YOU WANT SOME OF THIS?!22:56
lcukno and i'd rather you didnt use language and mannerisms like that around here22:56
ZogGwho is quip or someone with nick similar to this?22:57
lcukqgil - quim gil ?22:57
meceOMG aaahahaha.22:57
chem|stlcuk: true22:58
* mece is reading the leaked rc thread22:58
SimonLRlcuk, calm down. It's called humor.22:58
mecethis thread is comedy gold!22:58
pupniki need a job where i get to beat people up.  so i can vent the frustration from my hobby22:59
mecemy favorite so far: "This IS supposed to be a debate but STILL none of you agree to a thing i have said" Bwyuahahahahaaa22:59
Jaffamece: Ha. URL?22:59
DocScrutinizer51pupnik: usuallz it's other waz round22:59
meceit's , you guessed it, abill_uk22:59
microlithdude has a screw loose23:00
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meceI think he's the most entertaining poster for a very long time.23:01
pupnikDidn't realize you were a qwerty typer with a qwertz device, DocScrutinizer51 :)23:01
DocScrutinizer51I am since a wek23:02
DocScrutinizer51but the other way round23:02
DocScrutinizer51week even23:02
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ZogGlcuk he said as pr was leaked it would be released tomoorow23:04
ZogGhe was here23:04
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ZogGi'm not sure if it was really him23:04
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lcukok well grep back yourself and find a proper quote23:05
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meceqgil hasn't been here since 2010-03-1023:07
lcukwell i didnt think so either, hence asking for proper quotes23:08
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DocScrutinizer51~seen qgil23:10
infobotqgil <> was last seen on IRC in channel #meego, 33d 21m 17s ago, saying: 'ever'.23:10
mintuxsomebody said the original nokia n900 is from Korea but here we have made in Finland ?23:10
meceminitux, preprod devices were made in finland23:11
mintuxits fake ?23:11
DocScrutinizer51doesn't matter where it's built23:11
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GAN900DocScrutinizer51, #meego, these days.23:12
mintuxDocScrutinizer51: why ? we have faked chines has symbian23:13
DocScrutinizer51there's no such thing like Nokia N900 fakes afaik23:13
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DocScrutinizer51there's lookalikes and dummy 'phones'23:14
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ShadowJKit'd be pretty obvious23:15
ShadowJKThe real thing has x-terminal ;-)23:15
ZogGlcuk, found it - it wasn't quim )23:15
DocScrutinizer51and uname -a23:16
ZogGsquiddNokia will release it tuesday. Now that its out in the open anyways theres no reason to hold it back23:16
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* ZogG sys Linux 2.6.33-gentoo [965P-S3; x86_64 Desktop]23:16
ZogG^uname -a23:16
ShadowJKwhat did you find where?23:16
ShadowJKand, um, I hope they aren't going to release this allegedly unstable thing :)23:17
ZogGhope too23:17
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SpeedEvil1.2 rc may not be the current release candidate23:18
ShadowJKperhaps :)23:18
mecewohoo! found the ignore function :D23:19
mecealthough... is it wise. I'd miss a lot of entertainment.23:19
mtnbkrmintux: mine says "Designed in Finland" and inside the battery compartment "Made in Korea"23:19
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alteregoSo did Quim notify this abill_uk idiot to revert his N900 and wait until tomorrow?23:20
alteregoI was wondering what his post meant ..23:20
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DocScrutinizer51whatever current release candidate and 1.2rc might mean here23:20
lcukit was not quim23:20
ZogGmece, i hope not me is ingored - thoug it's fair23:20
ZogGalterego, perhaps not23:21
mintuxmtnbkr: so the im looking for korea ? because the Finland has price higher than made in korea here23:21
ZogGnot sure who was it?23:21
microlithmintux: where are you looking?23:21
meceZogG, why would I ignore you?23:21
mintuxmicrolith: IRAN23:21
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alteregoWell, I'm sure someone contacted him, otherwise I can't work out any reason for him to know there's an update in "36 hours" ..23:21
microlithOH, that makes things... interesting23:21
ZogGmece, because i'm drunk and act like an ass23:21
RevdKathyZogG that's a reason to follow you! Much more fun. :D23:22
ZogGRevdKathy haha23:22
mintuxthere are no warranty here . so I should be careful what will I buy . because I can't fix it or change it23:22
ZogGRevdKathy, my tweeter in russian and i'm sad f#$k23:23
meceRevdKathy, still, I think abill_uk has raised the bar for crazy posting by a mile today!23:23
RevdKathyI'm not convince he isn't OrangeBox's Bastard brother come home from the war23:23
lcukdoesnt god still have the record for crazies per day23:24
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RevdKathyWould be appropriate, lcuk23:24
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mintuxmece:prototypes is better or worst ?23:24
ZogGi spent a lot of money on n900 - more that i can and sometimes i feel pity but i'm happy with it after all23:24
mecelcuk, huh.. right, but that was different.23:24
mintuxmece: prototypes is better or worst ?23:24
mecemintux, well the same or worse I'd think.23:24
mecemintux, isn't the device released in Iran?23:25
mecemintux, or are you looking for used devices?23:26
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pupnikZogG: camera plus phone plus computer makes it worth it23:26
mintuxmece: yes. but it doesn't has any warranty . and it can be fake here . because Chinese or another models23:26
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mecemintux, well if you buy from a shop, and is able to test it, ctrl-shift-x and you can read the kernel version right there. Should confirm if it's a proper device.23:28
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mintuxI have to pay 580$ for Finland and 550$ for korea here  with no warranty23:28
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alteregoWhat do you mean no warranty? Don't you get manufacturers warranty as Nokia are a finnish company ..23:29
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mecemintux, if you buy straight from Nokia, and they deliver to your home, then warranty should be there.23:31
ShadowJKalterego, I am guessing Nokia doesn't sell it in Iran and has no Service in Iran. I'm also guessing there are some logistical issues with having it repaired or claiming warranty in europe... :(23:31
mintuxalterego: doesn't support here . Nokia doesn't has offical support center in this country . maybe my phone has warranty but I can not use it . because I can send it to another country for warranty . and another products there are some department they have fixer and they fix some phone's themselves and they guarantee some products23:32
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mintuxalso the garranty label is just for sell their wares and it is not really23:33
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ShadowJKHow the hell does your supplier have Made in Finland N900s, there aren't that many of them I think :)23:33
nomisfor some reason ubuntu 10.4 does not want to play nicely with my n900. Network manager just does not offer the connection in its plugin.23:33
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mintuxShadowJK: so I can find korea and finland too here ( which one better ? )23:35
DocScrutinizer51mintux: if somebody wants to sell bullshit to you then they will do anyway. they won't tell you in advance on their website.23:36
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Dima202I've got 2 years of warranty because I bought using my American Express card whcih doubles it :)23:36
ShadowJKmintux: I'd get the Korea version23:37
ShadowJKit's probably newest23:37
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mintuxmy friend has Finland ( and he bought in Dubai ) but I think it's better to get Korea23:37
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mintuxin my country most of people knows original Nokia from Finland . and some sellers put Korea label on the phones and sell them it and pay much for it23:38
DocScrutinizer51that's all mere  handwaving23:39
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DocScrutinizer51nobody but Nokia knows what vesion is built where and if/how thez differ23:40
chem|stwhats a good ebook reader?23:40
chem|sttripzero: for maemo23:41
chem|stI already suggested kindle23:41
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chem|stbut dor on the busstop23:41
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RevdKathyI use fbreader, chem|st23:41
DocScrutinizer51and odds are the Monday's batch of anz origin is worse than Thursday's arbitrary competitor23:41
chem|stRevdKathy: supported formats?23:42
Dima202I've read 5 books on n900 and it's awesome, I wish the vince ebook reader could fit the text side to side perfectly at max resolution23:42
SpeedEvilfbreader works for me23:42
SpeedEvildoes at least epub and html23:42
SpeedEvilI haven't tried others23:42
Dima202evince for .pdfs23:42
chem|stDima202: evince is not an ebok reader23:42
SpeedEvilread ~100 books23:42
SpeedEvilpdfs are barking mad on a mobile device23:42
Shapeshifterbah this pyside/qt mess because of pr1.2 is getting on my nerves23:43
Dima202Evince is a great for me as an ebook reader.. it remembers where i left off23:43
SpeedEvilso does fbreader23:43
SpeedEvileven if the n900 crashes23:44
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Dima202fbreader cant handle pdfs and evince never crashed on me23:44
SpeedEvilI mean n90023:44
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SpeedEvilAdmittedly tht was when I was doing something silly in /proc23:44
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RevdKathyRight - got a busy day tomorrow and need my beauty sleep (don't say that's a lost cause!)23:45
RevdKathyGoodnight all!23:46
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TeQuillaaaAheyho...i have my n900 with usb plugged on my usb port (with out nokia pc-suite) can i access the filesystem?23:47
TeQuillaaaAi only hab access to dcim, sounds, images etc23:47
DocScrutinizer51that's as good as it gets23:48
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DocScrutinizer51mass storage exports MyDocs and uSD only23:49
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TeQuillaaaAand how can i access to filesystem?23:49
TeQuillaaaAwith pc suite?23:49
DocScrutinizer51for full access to the device you want to use sftp23:49
DocScrutinizer51or scp23:49
SimonLRuse SCP.23:50
SimonLRsFTP is for grandmothers and buffalo.23:50
TeQuillaaaAand how?23:50
TeQuillaaaAi have a debian lenny...23:50
TeQuillaaaAon pc :)23:50
SimonLRinstall openssh on the device.23:50
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alteregoI like how gnome integrates ssh into nautilus for browsing, that's what I use.23:50
DocScrutinizer51SimonLR: muhahahaha23:50
mintuxdoest it channel has logs ?23:50
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SimonLRThen use scp as if it was cp.23:50
SimonLRDocScrutinizer, brewhahaha23:50
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DocScrutinizer51SimonLR: I'm using sftp in my filemanager and I don't think I'm less 7331 than you23:52
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SimonLRDocScrutinizer51, do you have a daughter who has 2 children?23:52
SimonLRBecause that would make you a grandmother.23:53
SimonLRAnd you'd be okay to use sftp.23:53
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Dima202what tha?23:54
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qmidHi, how do i change the oriantation of xephyr?23:55
qmidrite now it is landscape23:55
lirakisqmid, put it in a dress ?23:55
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Zeddyturn your screen23:55
Zeddy^_^ sorry red wine..23:55
SpeedEvilrotate your head.23:55
qmidcome on guys23:55
SimonLRsnort LSD23:56
SpeedEvilxrandr -o left?23:56
DocScrutinizer51SimonLR: of course from zour POV each 16 years old is a grandma23:56
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SimonLRDocScrutinizer51: Surely you jest.23:56
qmidxrandr did not help23:57
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* GAN900 is 22 and using SFTP23:58
GAN900Either I'm old or SimonLR is full of it.23:58
DocScrutinizer51/mode +q #maemo *23:59
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zokiersftp is actually newer protocol than scp23:59

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