IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2009-12-28

* Arkenoi noticed that n900 drops frames quite visible way on 624 x 352 24fps XviD 00:00
Arkenoithe video playback is almost smooth, but not completely smooth00:00
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RST38hArkenoi: depends00:04
RST38hArkenoi: I had a few movies where you could see frames being dropped (moving trains, cars etc)00:04
* wazd ponders about E6300:04
RST38hArkenoi: Then someone familiar with video editing said that the movies were encoded at 15fps :)00:04
* lcuk pokes javispedro with a sharp polygon00:05
lcukhey rst00:05
javispedrohi lcuk00:05
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RST38hArkenoi: Aside from that, the only time I have seen N900 drop frames is if Modest decides to check for email in the background and the device has been on for several days00:06
RST38hlcuk: moo00:06
RST38hArkenoi: The sluggishness problem after several days still requires research though00:06
lcukstrangely enough rst i dont notice this00:06
lcukits rare i reboot or poweroff00:06
lcukand not because of suckage like ive seen you describe00:07
* RST38h had to reboot his n900 tonight, after it started acting up (gsm stuff crashed, no top button menu, etc)00:07
RST38hlcuk: 42.11?00:07
lcukat the time, yeah00:07
lcukdifferent usage cases00:08
RST38hlcuk: Could you do this experiment00:08
RST38hlcuk: No I do not think usage cases are relevant here00:08
lcukok gfi00:08
RST38hlcuk: Keep your device up for 4-7 days without reboot00:08
RST38hlcuk: Then try starting some apps (Xterm, video player, browser) and shooting photos00:08
lcuki cannot promise that00:09
lcuki can try00:09
RST38hlcuk: Check if these operations feel sluggish00:09
lcukas ive said, ive not noticed that happening for me00:09
RST38hlcuk: Do not go out of your way to test this of course00:09
lcukive got 2 devices00:09
lcukat least one of them routinely lasts longer than the other00:09
RST38hlcuk: But many people I talked to confirmed what I am seeing, so the problem is apparently there00:09
go1dfishlcuk: have you tried swapping the batteries?00:09
lcukand may again be linked to usage patterns00:10
lcukgo1dfish, swapping the batteries tends to upset uptime, but yeah00:10
RST38hok, <sleep>00:10
lcukspeak to you in 4-7 days RST38h00:10
RST38hah, I am sure we will converse before that :)00:11
javispedrognite RST38h00:11
* lcuk will prolly be offline for a minimum of 24h from tomorrow00:11
lcukmaybe longer00:12
go1dfishcehteh: what's the range on the ir transmitter00:12
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go1dfishI havent managed to get irreco working on anything yet00:12
cehtehgo1dfish: no idea, told to be poor00:12
go1dfishand is it correct that there is no ir receiver?00:12
cehtehi didnt tried yet00:12
lcukgo1dfish, X-Fade tried the ir, he said 2-3metres i believe00:13
lcuknot overly powerful but also not useless either00:13
go1dfishthats not horrible, better than the IR port on my Prism and Zaurii00:13
tbfRST38h: lcuk: those ops will feel slugish as PR1.0 has some serious memory leaks still00:14
wazdany e63 users in here? :)00:14
tbfhopefully all serious leaks are gone with PR1.1 :-/00:14
lcuktbf, which ops are these - do you know what the leak is from?00:14
lcukis it agtk leak or an x11 leak or an app in general leak?00:14
lcukcos that might explain why i dont see them and others do00:14
go1dfishyeah I reboot mine at least once every couple of das00:15
tbflcuk: some of the home applets for instance00:15
lcukahh i have minimum00:15
Robot101tbf: hildon desktop itself also00:15
matango1dfish: No IR receiver.00:15
tbflcuk: i know of the contact applet and the google search applet loosing lots of memory00:15
lcukinfact, i have 1 applet00:15
lcukmedia player00:15
lcukoooh 200:16
lcukip address00:16
lcukthe rest are buttons and links00:16
go1dfishtbf: you're refferring to the google specific one, not touchsearch correct?00:16
go1dfishtouchsearch is one of the few applets I have enabled00:16
tbfRobot101: well, most hildon desktop leaks are applet leaks in fact because of the in-process insanity00:16
lcukin process plugins arent "memory leaks" by default00:16
lcukthats not the problem, its actually difficult to get out of process widgets00:17
tbfgo1dfish: yup. the google specific00:17
Robot101really not that hard with a compositor00:17
go1dfishcool, any read on how well behaved the ap news widget is?00:17
tbflcuk: X11 makes it trivial, but some moron thought they would cause too much overhead00:17
tbflcuk: seems that moron didn't hear about COW and such00:17
go1dfishthats the only halfway active widget I have, besides personal IP, and the media player applet00:17
Robot101make a window with alpha, hint it, and the compositor can swallow it and throw it wherever it wants on the desktop00:17
* lcuk wonders if these things are simple, wheres the concept for them so we can build something better from00:18
go1dfishtbf: out of process widgets are supported in Maemo5? or is that coming in 6?00:18
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tbfgo1dfish: they are00:18
tbfgo1dfish: the contacts applet is one of them. the only one?00:18
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Robot101is planned for 6 for sure, as are UI / engine separated widgets so you can have >1 instance without nonsense going on :)00:18
lcuki thought inprocess was the normal way to do plugins in pretty much any system00:19
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lcukpar for the scourse so to speak00:19
Robot101lcuk: yes, thats what plugin means. but widgets don't have to be plugins.00:19
Robot101lcuk: panel applets in GNOME are able to be separate processes for example00:19
Robot101thats just X embedding, no compositing fanciness00:19
lcukdo many make use of it?00:19
go1dfishtbf: cool, just wondering I dont use the contacts applet currently00:19
Robot101bonobo rather than d-bus, but even so00:19
go1dfishbut knowing it's out of process might make me more likely to try it00:20
lcukx11 really is supremely clever isnt it00:20
go1dfishlcuk: I don't know if clever is the word I'd use00:20
go1dfishextremely flexible00:20
go1dfishpeople come up with all kinds of clever things to do with it00:20
Robot101lcuk: I see 6 separate process applets on this desktop00:20
tbflcuk: just doesn't help if those days programmers come with windows background and believe windows specific crap like "processes are much heavier than threads" and such00:21
lcukRobot101, so does the host still maintain an inprocess stub with the main bulk coming via reparenting00:22
lcukor is it all just x11 mangling00:22
tbffork() costs you exactly one page at minimum. incredibly heavy, isn't it?00:22
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Robot101lcuk: its just x11 mangling if you do something with x embedding or compositing, no stub00:28
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tbfNo symbol "context_value" in current context.00:31
tbfI hate you, gdb00:31
tbfand gcc and whoever.00:31
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ml-N900-O0 ftw00:32
wolf^tbf, have they fixed the template support in gdb already? :>00:32
lcukwolf^, template support?00:33
lcuktheres gdb7.0 test version which works with qt, after the holidays the finalversion of that should be updated to the sdk somewhere00:33
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lcuktbf, what you debugging?00:34
wolf^lcuk, template<class T> class a{ a( T b ) { ... } };00:34
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povbotBug 6298: gdb 6.8 very unstable, please upgrade to >=7.000:34
wolf^lcuk, gdb did not work with such a thing00:34
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lcukthen its not been fixed00:35
tbflcuk: wolf^: libdbus-glib. plain C00:35
wolf^i prefer to use printf instead of gdb00:35
wolf^it's that bad00:36
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tbfml-N900: -O0 disables useful warnings00:36
wolf^tbf, had the same problem with missing variables which obviously were used00:36
wolf^no solution though00:36
tbfwolf^: well, "-O0" like ml-N900 suggested00:36
tbfbut that's also just a really bad work around00:37
wolf^tbf, except it does not help00:37
tbfhmm. still should try harry's gdb7 package00:38
lcukyes and let me know if that works, its almost identical to the 70 standard, but the servers closed down for xmas before i could update it00:39
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tbfwow. in this special case gdb7 is worse: it just skips to end of function for dbus-glib's invoke_object_method00:41
tbfon this statement:00:41
tbf  if (strcmp (string_table_lookup (get_method_data (object_info, method), 2), "A") == 0)00:41
tbf    call_only = TRUE;00:41
tbf  else00:41
tbf    call_only = FALSE;00:41
tbfwell, seems i shall install a -O0 version of libdbus-glib :-/00:42
wazdRST38h: asleep?00:42
lcukare you on actual hardware00:42
lcukor in armel on scratchbox or x86?00:42
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tbflcuk: scatchbox, x86 target, 64bit host00:43
jello69_ty tbf00:47
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tbf ← 400 km/h with this primitive windows and those large gaps between the wagons...00:51
tbfseems any jet is silent compared to this train00:52
wazdis this a word? :D00:52
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wazdor someone fell asleep on the keyboard? :D00:53
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tbfwazd: yes it is.00:53
tbfwazd: compound noun. high speed track00:53
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LuciusMarewhen i try to make an ad-hoc wifi network,i get to the key selecting,i choose all keys the same (abcdefgh) but it always tells me "incorrect characters".00:53
LuciusMareany ideas?00:53
wazdtbf: seriously, that's a damn long word :)00:54
woglindeLuciusMare make an not encrypting ad-hoc network00:54
wazdoh, I see trecke00:54
wazdthat means "tracks" I guess00:54
LuciusMarewoglinde: but i want an encrypted network00:54
wazdHoch is "high"00:54
tbfwazd: yup, geschwindigkeit is the monster00:55
wazdand the 3rd part is speed I guess :D00:55
tbfwazd: "geschwind" - old verb for "doing something quickly"00:56
tbfwazd: +"ig" → adverb00:56
wazdwell, in russia we also have long worls like ïåðåðàñïðåäåëåíèå :)00:56
tbfwazd: +"keit" → noun00:56
wazdtbf: I never knew german :) Only english and bits of french :)00:57
LuciusMarewazd: heh,all i see is iaoaoanioaaaaaaeiaaaa00:57
wazdLuciusMare: yeah, that means "dog"00:57
tbfwazd: well, seems the word "geschwindigkeit" was establish by some Swabian guy. actually benz and daimler came from that region...00:58
wazdjust kidding :)00:58
LuciusMarei thought so00:58
LuciusMarein my language,we also have long words00:58
LuciusMaresuch as00:58
tbfwell... and how do the Swabians promote them self those days?00:58
LuciusMarewhich means00:58
tbf"Wie könna älles, aussa Hochdeutsch"00:58
Maceranybody here know how to disable color in screenrc?00:58
Maceri don't want screen using any type of color00:59
tbfhm. "Mer könna ällesz aussa Hochdeutsch"00:59
tbf(we can everything but proper german)00:59
LuciusMareThe most not farmable00:59
wazdLuciusMare: now that's a dog, i know :D00:59
LuciusMarenope,dog in my language is simply "pes"00:59
wazdheh, like in russian :000:59
LuciusMareMy language is czech.01:00
LuciusMareI bet you know it01:00
wazdoh, now I see :)01:00
wazdseriously, no E63/E71 users in here? :(01:01
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MaceG1omg these frigging colors01:01
MaceG1driving me nuts01:01
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LuciusMarewazd: i am an E17 user01:02
wazdLuciusMare: oh, and how's it? :)01:02
wazdLuciusMare: E63 is pretty the same, only cheaper and plastic01:02
wazdLuciusMare: I wanted E71 but it's hella expensive01:02
LuciusMareno e7101:04
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wazdLuciusMare: ah01:05
wazdLuciusMare: I thought it was a typo :)01:05
LuciusMarenope :)01:05
LuciusMareAnd while we are in #maemo, i heard something about e17 ported to maemo01:05
wazdto Mer01:06
lcukcanola is built on the e17 libraries aint it01:06
LuciusMarewhat is the difference between maemo and mer?01:06
lcukmer is a ground up reconstruction01:07
LuciusMarewait,maemo is opensource,right?01:07
lcukusing sane parts and trying to be open01:07
LuciusMaremaemo... is not opensource?01:07
lcukto a degree, theres many OSS components used but somethings are closed01:07
LuciusMaresuch as?01:08
* lcuk does some handwaving, others are better at explaining it01:08
* LuciusMare catches his hand01:08
javispedromost user visible applications01:08
javispedroincluding the calculator01:08
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LuciusMarecalculator is closed source? *giggle*01:09
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javispedrothe notes app, the sketch app, the rss viewer, the calendar (iirc), the browser interface, ...01:09
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jello69_the apps that brand a user expierence are controlled01:09
tbfLuciusMare: historic reasons. historic reasons.01:09
LuciusMareholey carp01:09
LuciusMarewhy didnt they just open it?01:10
jello69_because .. look at the screwups who write community software01:10
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tbfLuciusMare: before nokia understood this maemo thing, they had the policy of keeping all UI stuff closed01:10
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LuciusMaretbf: i guess they *can* releaes the codes now,when they fully understood these linuxes?01:10
tbfLuciusMare: and now project leaders have to do a lot of paper work and deal with many nokia lawyers to undo such crap01:10
woglinde_so where is the gdb-7.0 package?01:10
lcukwoglinde, in that bug report i posted earlier01:11
povbotBug 6298: gdb 6.8 very unstable, please upgrade to >=7.001:11
woglinde_thanks luck01:11
tbfLuciusMare: so unless there is a lot of motivation behind opening some stuff, it just won't happen01:11
woglinde_I have to debug navit01:11
lcukive got the 7.0 here, ill find some server space if yo uwant it01:11
LuciusMarei think that especially the browser interface should be open01:11
lcukthe 7.0 mentioned in the comments is a side by side install01:11
LuciusMare(the whole browser*01:11
tbfLuciusMare: say thank you to the lawyers. as usual.01:11
woglinde_ah harald from trolltech01:11
jello69_try tear browser01:12
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tbfLuciusMare: for instance we have an open source ticking running for the contacts application...01:12
* LuciusMare gathers an OSS flag, printed GNU/GPL,cd's with debian and approaches nokia rapidly01:12
tbf...but those lawyers are slow... incredibly slow01:12
jello69_LuciusMare: you may be interested in working on #mer01:13
tbfguess we'll have Maemo7, before they even came to a conclusion.01:13
LuciusMaretbf: i dont understand you,what is "open source ticking" ?01:13
tbfLuciusMare: ticket01:13
woglinde_wtf the fuck01:13
LuciusMarefor instance,we have what?01:13
woglinde_I cannt type the ~ into the browser url window01:14
jello69_redundant woglinde_01:14
tbfLuciusMare: quim and my project leader did all necessary paper work for opening contacts about two (or three?) months ago.01:14
tbfstill no progress.01:14
jello69_ty for that tbf01:14
woglinde_{ works01:15
woglinde_but  ~ which genuis thought about that01:15
SpeedEvilHow do you open the symbols page?01:16
woglinde_-> sym01:16
LuciusMareis there a chance that one day,maemo will be released as free?01:16
SpeedEvilI usually bang on ctrl/blue a bit and it sometimes pops up01:16
woglinde_speedevil right01:16
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woglinde_and when I type on the ~ its got marked01:16
woglinde_nothing more01:16
SpeedEvilwoglinde: what is the proper keystroke?01:16
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woglinde_if I type the { it got inserted01:17
tbfLuciusMare: parts of it will always be closed01:17
LuciusMaretbf: such as?01:17
tbfLuciusMare: for instance parts of the GSM stack cannot be opened for license and regulation rules01:18
redwoglinde_: i've noticed that aswell01:18
redhad to copypaste it so far01:18
SpeedEviltbf: that's completely seperate. That's - at the moment at least - running on a seperate core.01:18
tbfLuciusMare: or for instance battery management won't be opened, cause nokia don't want to pay compensations for victims of exploding batteries01:18
woglinde_red thanks01:18
SpeedEviltbf: as is bluetooth, wifi.01:18
woglinde_red is cut and paste working for that?01:18
redfor me atleast01:19
SpeedEviltbf: and the battery managment is usually in actual hardware. - at least for the 'not blow up' functions.01:19
woglinde_dont works on shell either01:19
woglinde_okay evil trick01:19
redit doesnt work anywhere :p01:19
woglinde_paste per ssh01:19
redhere you go01:19
woglinde_and cat the the file01:19
woglinde_I chatting from my desktop01:19
ifreqanyone familiar with ?01:20
redi made a alias to connect to irc since i have a ~ in the line01:20
redwas driving me crazy at first01:20
jello69_quicksynergy runs on tablet01:20
SpeedEvilHmm. Overlaid transparent symbol keyboard for the term would be nice01:20
jello69_ypu can add symbols to xterm border01:21
redSpeedEvil: would be cool to pick up what symbols are shown in x ter01:21
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SpeedEviljello69_: yeah - I want to nuke that though.01:21
redlike the pgup pgdn etc01:21
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jello69_i have ~ | >01:21
woglinde_hms what was the cut paste sequenez?01:21
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SpeedEviljello69_: Actual fullscreen01:21
SpeedEvilwoglinde: ctrl-c/v?01:21
redmm, where do I fiddle around in order to add symbols there jello69_?01:21
woglindewow worked01:22
jello69_someone posted gconf strings to irc01:22
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LuciusMareis there a guide how to boot off a sd card on rover?01:25
lcukhey johnx01:25
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tbfjello69_: if open source contacts is important for you, please vote on
povbotBug 5549: libosso-abook should be open source01:25
MaceG1well... this is a little better01:25
jello69_  red01:25
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LuciusMareno? :(01:27
SpeedEvilIs it possible to reflash from SD card?01:28
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redjello69_: doh01:29
redshoulda checked irc01:29
redwas browsing thru ruskies posts :D01:29
LuciusMareay,i hate my dog01:30
LuciusMarehe has got a hump-toy01:30
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LuciusMareits a big plushy mouse he humps, i dont want to have him doing himself on the couch,so i always throw it behind a corner,in his house,but he keeps pulling it back01:30
redty for info01:31
LuciusMarekinda tmi,eh?01:32
jello69_luciusmare know any python?01:32
LuciusMarejello69_: like, /usr/bin/python ?01:32
jello69_i want some ui tweaks to gpodder and my changes dont work yet01:32
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WM-Sefhello :)01:33
* n900evil leaves to flash.01:33
jello69_like downloads window to retain most recent files fetched and let me launch them01:33
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WM-SefI've a problem guys01:33
SpeedEvilWM-Sef: Can nobody else solve it?01:33
jello69_going to 10 different feeds to play updates is bad UI01:34
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SpeedEvilIf so, maybe you can call the A-team?01:34
WM-SefI have a Nokia N900 image, and I want to extract it01:34
WM-SefI can extract the bin01:34
WM-Sefbut now it stuck on the rootfs.jffs201:34
DiseaseI have a question, MaStory is good for Dotclear or only wordpress ?01:34
WM-Seferror reading superblock while mounting :/01:35
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SpeedEvilLuciusMare: A 6" nail would solve that problem.01:36
LuciusMareSpeedEvil: i am afraid to understand it01:36
WM-Sefany helps on this one?01:37
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SpeedEvilLuciusMare: nail the mouse to the floor01:37
javispedrodo you think it would be... um... "right" to post software in extras that allows one to override the "no-headphones" restriction in the fmtx?01:37
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LuciusMarei thought you mean a fingernail01:38
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redjello69_: what are pgup and pgdown called there01:38
redim adding mostly same buttons than listed there01:39
redbut i wanna keep those and perhaps control aswell01:39
jello69_i renamed yo Up and Dn01:39
redye but whats the "key" name?01:40
redpageup and pagedn ?01:40
WM-Sefhow to extract rootfs.jffs2 guys?01:40
lbtWM-Sef: yeah, they're all drunk. Sorry I sent you here :)  Someone will help though. IIRC you need the flasher3 tool01:40
lbttry ~flashing01:40
infoboti heard flashing is
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WM-SefI have it01:41
SpeedEvilWM-Sef: why/01:41
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lcukwazd, your menu - how does the transition between h/v work?  can you do one of your flash mockups (like parallax/fade/context ones) ?01:41
pwnguinanyone know a way to bump up the quality of jpg the camera makes?01:41
WM-Sefcuz I want to look in the image01:41
redAnyone know what Page Up and Page Down are called on the device? the actual key names01:42
pwnguinright now it seems set to 85, which is kinda not good =(01:42
redfor use with customizing the x term bar01:42
SpeedEvilpwnguin: more light?01:42
SpeedEvilpwnguin: More attractive friends?01:42
pwnguinclever, but not really helping01:42
lcukyou have as always presented those mods very nicely :) i do like the bar of quicklaunch items01:42
SpeedEvilpwnguin: you mean the jpeg quality?01:42
SpeedEvilpwnguin: there is an option in the camera I think - and 85 is usually quite OK01:42
SpeedEvilpwnguin: consider also that the camera really isn't that good. You are not losing the sharpness due to 85 quality01:43
SpeedEvilpwnguin: I would look to see where in the camera I found it - but I'm currently flashing01:43
pwnguinyea, but i'd like to know how much of it is camera and how much is compression loss01:44
SpeedEviltake a blank white frame, with a small bit of detail in teh middle01:44
WM-Sefdoes the Maemo sdk have a rootfs too?01:44
SpeedEvilah - finished01:44
redjello69_: i suck at googling, can you recall the correct syntax for page up and down keys?01:44
pwnguinred: in what api?01:45
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wazdlcuk: don't have much time now for flash - too much work01:45
redx terminal, pwnguin01:45
redreconfiguring the bar with esc ctrl pgup pgdn01:46
redbut wasnt sure and couldnt find01:46
redill try those01:46
redpwnguin: u sure it requires the key_ prefix?01:47
redas dead_grave, bar etc dont01:47
lcukwazd, fair enough, if you do get creative with it though, add it to the article it would help to see how it wouldreact01:47
pwnguinred: no, which is why im asking what api01:48
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redk, i think i found the file with the aliases01:48
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LuciusMarei installed ssh2 server01:49
LuciusMareit wants a new ROOT password01:49
pwnguinred: just a guess, but maybe you're looking for this?
SpeedEvilLuciusMare: so supply one01:49
lcuk\o/ holy returning features coming back from history batman!01:49
pwnguinLuciusMare: new? try first01:49
GAN900LuciusMare, that's because the default is really easy to guess.01:50
GAN900pwnguin, default is rootme.01:50
pwnguini figured it came without one01:50
GAN900pwnguin, there's just no easy way to use it.01:50
GAN900No user password01:50
tbfRobot101: YES. may crazy facebook hack works01:51
type_t#  <WM-sef>   lets see where did you get the one you have now?.. . full root_fs_ext2 you can open..01:51
SpeedEviltbf: You haven't created an account so sidestepped all the drama?01:51
tbfRobot101: working around the TOS by injecting a component into microb :-D01:51
redpwnguin: You know the little toolbar in bottom of x term app. The one with "Esc Ctrl PgUp PgDn"01:52
pwnguinred: and tab01:52
pwnguinhandy handy tab01:52
tbfRobot101: facebook chat via telepathy is coming.01:52
* pwnguin demands bash-autocomplete!01:52
reddoing something like that :)01:52
WM-Sefvia a friend of mine01:52
WM-Sefhe owns a N90001:52
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pwnguinred: why not go look at the source code for it?01:53
redim a newb :)01:54
LuciusMare ?01:55
redatleast with anything that is linux based01:55
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type_t# no way to do a $ sudo mount -t jffs2 /thefs/root_fs.jffs2 /mount -o loop   right..?01:55
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redjust wonder why my gconftool says unknown option -201:56
WM-Sefmtd block device method:01:58
WM-Seferror reading superblock01:58
redahh, iit was gconftool-201:58
rednot -2, hah01:58
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zashred: /usr/bin/gconftool: symbolic link to `/etc/alternatives/gconftool'02:00
zash/etc/alternatives/gconftool: symbolic link to `/usr/bin/gconftool-2'02:00
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redhow does one doa  prntscreen dump to a jpg or similar?02:15
zashred: i saw some shortcut cheeetsheet02:16
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zashred: ctrl-(maybe other modifier)+p02:16
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lbtnight all02:17
redwhoops, wrong button :)02:17
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redsomeone replied, but didnt read it yet02:17
redpaste please :)02:17
zashred: something + p02:17
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redMeh, can't get a screenshot off the terminal window02:20
Diseaseplease, who can help me for MaStory ?02:20
redany ideas?02:20
zashred: ctrl + shift + p02:20
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zashred: and imagemagic has import, like import -root screenshot.png02:21
redthanks for that link aswell02:22
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zashah, it's `import -window root filename.png `02:23
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redhere we go =)02:33
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redeemanin the filemanager, in the upper most root, it says my N900 phones name, what else entries can be there? can it list other computers? if so, what protocols?02:53
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fragmentredeeman: memory card is there too02:54
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redredeeman: i saw my friends shared folders when i was on his wifi02:54
redeemanshared via smb?02:55
ShadowJKthat dlna media sharing thing02:55
ShadowJKno smb..02:55
redeemanwtf dlna02:55
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ShadowJKn810's file manager did smb...but then upstream gvfs removed it02:56
redredeeman: didnt ask him what he used to share the folders02:56
redwindows 7 machine and he uses his xbox to view movies and series that are located din those shared folders02:57
redmight have just been shared folders via the windows gui02:57
ShadowJKif you share it in wmp n900 sees it02:58
Macertoo bad s. darko sucks02:59
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Macerthen again though... so did donnie darko (kind of)02:59
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redi likeed gyllenhaals acting in it03:00
redbut story could have been lot better03:00
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pupnik20 seconds to join03:01
Macerit was ok03:01
pupnik01:02 -!- Irssi: Join to #maemo was synced in 41 secs03:01
Macerit could have been better :) a lot better03:01
pupnikjavispedro: awake?03:01
javispedropupnik: yep03:02
Macer9 is interesting03:02
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pupnikpretty fast in wing cmdr.  i broke mouse.  have you looked at making it act like touchpad?03:02
Macerkind of weird but still interesting03:02
Macerlooks like a tim burton film heh03:03
pupnikmouse.cpp does some things i do not understand03:03
pupnikso i try just removing and adding xrel, yrel now03:03
pupnikapparently profile generate works03:03
pupnikcheck size of exe also03:03
javispedropupnik: nope, not done anything yet. url gives me 404.03:03
tbf.oO(amazing how much chinese people overestimate importance of their country)03:04
pupnikmy error?03:04
javispedro <--03:04
pupnikretry 30sec03:05
VDVsx~seen qwerty1203:05
infobotqwerty12 <n=faheem@Maemo/community/contributor/qwerty12> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 24d 6h 41m 56s ago, saying: 'Khertan: "As of hildon 2.2, HildonDialog has been deprecated in favor of GtkDialog. "'.03:05
pupniki think touchpad mouse and accel joystick03:06
tbf.oO(factory workers cannot even effort a flat, but of course they have 600 EUR for a smart phone. lol)03:06
pupnikfor starters no...03:06
pupnikbut which button would you want to trap for mouse03:06
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pupnikcertainly the device is not mass market cost point yet03:06
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pupniklets work to make it so03:06
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GAN900VDVsx, did the bastard go on vacation. . ..03:23
VDVsxGAN900, abandoned us :´)03:24
javispedrosometimes, you REALLY need a vacation after reading a few tmo posts ;)03:24
VDVsxGAN900, "You was able to find me on the FreeNode IRC network, in the #maemo channel, under the nickname of qwerty12. But not anymore. "03:24
pupnikok i do need to detect mousedown and only call mousemotion on mouseup03:24
VDVsxonly tmo it seems, need to kick him :P03:24
javispedroI guess IRC is a known time sink.03:25
wazdlooks like E63 is a pretty nice device03:25
wazdnever used symbian but whatever :)03:25
VDVsxjavispedro, I've the same opinion about tmo :P and some others even worst03:26
GAN900VDVsx, his parents figured out he's an uberh4x0r03:26
GAN900Maybe bad grades. ;)03:26
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wazdbad timing for bad grades :D03:27
pupnikjavispedro: dosbox tells me "dynamic" is not a valid cpu core - do we not have m-ht dynamic recompilation enabled?03:27
javispedropupnik: this is on my build?03:27
pupniki have 198803 Sep 24 04:56 dosbox_0.73-7maemo4.diff03:28
javispedrothough if you played with configure it may have broken itself03:28
pupnikdoes your build accept 'dynamic' from dosbox config?03:29
javispedroPossible values: auto, dynamic, normal, simple. <-- yep.03:30
pupnikdid you try it03:30
pupnikok thanks03:31
javispedrojust did it now03:31
woglindesegfault in freetype03:31
woglindebut now to sleep03:31
luke-jrlatest qemu's N810 support is totally broken03:31
woglindehrw should fix it?03:31
t7g_Is there any preferred standard dbus debugger used on Maemo? I can't seem to apt-get d-feet.03:31
woglindebut good-bye now03:32
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t7g_Well that doesn't help much since he left me with no answer as to if the style or interface was the same as d-feet.03:33
mzaV: Giving up, because failed to: echo -e 'Yes\n' | maemo-tools --mirror03:33
mzathis thing is broken03:33
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b-man17~seen xnt1403:35
infobotxnt14 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 27d 1h 18m 59s ago, saying: 'ok lol'.03:35
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pupnikoh please who made browserd necessary for device operation03:38
mzai will try with debian03:39
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pupnikis there a way to boot device into console + ssh03:43
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SplasPoodhrm, these ruby 1.9.1 packages seem to cause qemu to hang under the scratchbox env03:56
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SpeedEvilAm I confused, or does the browser actually not save pages when you ask it to?04:00
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pupnikwell i think it is flash with wonky usb time04:05
* pupnik bends quantum probability for luck04:05
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Robot101pupnik: in soviet #maemo, quantum probability bends you04:10
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cedalooking for a guide on how to get usb-net working (just like the OpenMoko guys did)04:11
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pupnikflash successful04:12
* pupnik wobbles the room04:12
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K`do you have an N90004:26
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pupnikK`: yah04:38
pupniknp Hayseed Dixie - Enter Sandman (so awesome)04:38
K`I was checking out your page yesterday04:39
K`a lot of good looking projects04:39
K`my N900 should be here by 9am tomorrow, and I wanted to start with some of those sweet looking ports04:40
pupnikthere's lots free04:40
K`GemRB is going to be my first shot04:40
K`I also started on my first project last night in the scratchbox04:41
K` maemo interface04:41
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luke-jrI just semi-bricked my N810!04:45
pupnikgemrb needs some real playtesting and script testing04:48
pupnikbut it's fun to watch run04:48
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K`pupnik: do you use the scratchbox and Xephyr when building or just direct to device04:51
K`Im trying to figure out if the speed is normal04:51
K`because my scratchbox seems to run extremely slow04:52
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pupnikjust on device04:57
mzainstall lenny-2009-104:58
mza /bin/sh: maemo-tools: command not found04:58
mzaecho: write error: Broken pipe04:58
mzaV: Set fatal to: Installing tools environment lenny-2009-1 (takes about 15 minutes)04:58
mzaV: Giving up, because failed to: echo -e 'Yes\n' | maemo-tools --mirror04:58
mzathis thing is fucked up04:58
cehtehgrr device bricked for no reason05:04
pupnikit may just have timed out mza05:05
mzanah, maemo-tools doesnt exist on my system05:05
mzawhat package is that installed with?05:05
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cehtehwhat can i do when the bootloader hangs at   oOooo .. seems i cant even turn it off05:06
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mzathere are so many instructions for installing this sdk05:08
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pupniki went with the vmdk image for system portability and skipping the setup05:16
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wazddamn, there is black E63 but (you guess) not for Russia05:30
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MaceG1ah well05:46
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pupnikanybody want to emulate touchpad for dosbox06:05
cehtehanyone of you have openvpn running with seamless switching between home wlan and mobile?06:07
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DocScrutinizer51RST38h: (sluggish after uptime 7d) I had a almost freeze when browserd ate all my cpu and storage. Probably flash, js, or similar active content. Also there is the frequrntly reported problem of / getting filled by unknown reasons which is cured by boot. Plus sth seems to memleak as I have quite some dozen MB swap used now even with almost all apps closed. now will kill / close the remaing apps and reboot07:34
DocScrutinizer51this might enable videostreaming with buffer in /var/temp once again07:35
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* Arkenoi wonders why almost all pico projectors on the market are 4:307:48
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wazdArkenoi: oh, btw, what can you say bout e63? :)07:52
mzaok, got the sdk running07:52
wazdArkenoi: and mornin' :)07:53
mzathere are no applications though? just the app manager and like 2 settings?07:53
Arkenoiwazd: is has plastic back cover unlike e71 iirc?07:53
wazdArkenoi: yep07:53
mzawhen i try and load up the app manager i have no packages and the logs say i have no internet connectivity07:53
wazdArkenoi: and it's rur 5k cheaper :)07:53
wazdeven 607:54
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Arkenoiward: orly? i've seen e71's sell-out in local m-video store for 8,300rur07:54
wazdArkenoi: nowai07:54
wazdArkenoi: it's 15k everywhere now :(07:54
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Arkenoiwazd, quite strange, once it was out there for that price i doubt anyone will buy it for any higher price07:55
Arkenoiwell, i may check if there still are some. i haven't notice it caused much interest, it was on the corner stand and people mostly ignored it07:56
Arkenoithere were hs-12w for $10 and stuff'07:56
Arkenoibut i already have hs-12w and it sounds awfuly07:57
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Arkenoiwazd: it could be local discount not available via internet or in other m-video stores07:58
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wazdArkenoi: well, anyway, any good thoughts bout E-series symbian? :) Is it worth trying? Reviews says that e63 is pretty zippy device08:00
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Arkenoiwazd: you may buy secondhand one, it will likely cost no more than $200, and the replacement case will be no more than $70 (complete with keyboard, back and front covers)08:01
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Arkenoiwazd: i owned e90. well, it has excellent power management so it really lasts 2 days of moderate use being always online with SIP and push email. You cannot get that with Maemo. Everything other is just terrible.08:02
wazdArkenoi: meh :)08:03
Arkenoi(terrible if you look at at the communicator way. as smartphone it is simply the best)08:03
wazdArkenoi: what cpu e90 has?08:03
wazdArkenoi: e63 has pretty beefy ARM11 369Mhz08:04
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Arkenoi300MHz i think and there is second cpu as well don't know how it is used though08:04
ifreqi wouldnt compare e90 vs n900 battery usage as e90 cant even do half of the stuff n900 can do.08:04
Arkenoii doubt there is much difference 369 vs 30008:05
Arkenoiifreq: actually it can more than half. it is just not that handy, you can do similar things but you probably won't ;-)08:05
ifreqit doesnt even have vpn included (e90).. and ppl call it business communicator08:06
Arkenoiifreq, keyword "included". you can do vpn, it is just tricky to set up.08:06
ifreqyes very tricky08:06
wazdArkenoi: the only thing that really pisses me off is fucking russia discrimination - no black e63 herer08:06
Arkenoiand it is the symbian way for almost everything08:06
Arkenoiyou can, but..08:07
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wazdArkenoi: I can buy enchanced e71 with TV and 2 sim slots for just 6k! :D08:09
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* RST38h moos08:30
RST38hwazd: what is enhanced with TV anyway?08:30
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Vrathahi guys08:35
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Vrathais there any way to use the n900 to record a call made to another party, including the other party's voice?08:36
Vrathamaybe some package out there for maemo?08:36
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LaiskaHave not tested but maybe just put the conversation to speaker and use Recorder?08:41
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Vrathayeah, i was just trying out the recorder, but i was talking on it like a regular phone.  other person's voice was very faint, leading me to the suspicion that it's picking up the speaker08:49
Vrathaspeakerphone is not going to work for me08:49
Vrathai guess i should try again tomrorow with hand's free, as my girlfriend is getting annoyed with the testing08:50
Vrathaif anyone else knows of a phone conversation recording app for the n900, i'm all ears :)08:50
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wazd_n800i'm in nokla flagship now)09:14
threshleaving the earth to a better place?09:14
wazd_n800yeah, preparing for symbian seduction :D09:15
wazd_n800e63 is kinda cool09:16
wazd_n800I can type with one hand09:16
threshwazd_n800: duh. on Tverskaya? :)09:17
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threshthe place i bought my n900 :)09:17
wazd_n800they have  only  n900 here disabled09:17
wazd_n800and dry09:18
threshif you want to buy one, they surely will give a new one to you :)09:18
wazd_n800I wish I had spare 1k bucks :D09:18
threshi didnt09:19
threshbeen saving on school food and stuff09:19
ifreqthresh: fast runner?09:19
threshwazd_n800: you need to find a way to monetize your blog09:21
threshifreq: ah, no. i've paid my hard-earned money.09:21
wazd_n800wtf is braek app))09:22
LaiskaJust makes a "broken glass" effect on your screen09:23
wazd_n800yeah, I see :)09:23
ifreqthresh: yeh was just kidding.09:25
wazd_n800yeah, n900 s awesome09:26
LaiskaBTW, just noticed this morning, the headset that comes with the phone is quite crappy09:26
* thresh never unpacked it09:27
LaiskaAt first I thought they were actually quite good, but just happened to try another set today and.. wow.09:27
* ifreq uses pioneers bassboosted headphones :P09:27
wazd_n800can anybody tell me if there's a euroset around?09:27
wazd_n800or svyaznoy09:27
LaiskaAn Equalizer app would be cool though.. and preferrably integrated to the media player09:27
threshwazd_n800: there's ion if you move down to Red Square09:28
threshi'll look up on google maps now09:29
wazd_n800nah, I need one of these09:29
wazd_n800they have e63 for 8.5k, nstore has it for 10k09:29
threshi've found euroset09:29
threshmove up from Pushkin Square, it's on the other side of the street one block away09:30
threshin front of Mariott Hotel09:31
threshTverskaya 25, i think09:32
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wazd_n800found it)09:34
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wazd_n800they have it here for 10k to09:38
wazd_n800greedy stards09:38
pwnguin10k sounds like a lot of something09:38
thresh~235 euros09:38
threshsvyaznoi really says it's 8.5k09:39
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wazd_n800ok, any euroset around?)09:42
pwnguinis there really any need for tracker?09:42
wazd_n800oh, I have an idea09:43
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Vrathahmm, does anyone know if the n900 uses a micro-A or micro-B usb cable?  how do you tell the difference?09:45
Vrathareason i'm wondering: i'm buying a car charger and a wall charger09:45
Vrathafor the office and on the go09:45
pwnguindo they make microA?09:46
Vrathaoh, i don't know.09:46
threshmicro-B i think09:46
Vrathai thought they did if they made microb09:46
threshat least i recon it says B on the cable09:46
pwnguinit's micro B09:46
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Vrathathanks; that's what i thought it had as well09:47
pwnguinhowever, official nokia stuff i hear will provide more power than usb proper09:47
Vrathai'm not interested in the high power output09:48
Vrathathat's just used to charge faster.  at the office or on the road i'm okay with slow charges09:48
pwnguindo you not have a computer at the office?09:49
Vrathai do09:49
pwnguinthen a simple a-to-microB cable suffices09:50
Vrathai work at a bank09:50
Vrathahooking things to the computer would be grounds for firing09:51
Vrathaotherwise i'd do something like that09:51
pwnguinnormally they lock those features out09:51
ifreqVratha: n900 has wall charger inc09:52
Vrathaifreq: but not two wall chargers...09:52
ifreqyou need another at home or?09:52
ifreqat home you can charge with usb cable from computah09:52
LaiskaMaybe use the adapter that came in the package and use an older Nokia charger?09:52
ifreqatleast i do. wall charger is at work atm :P09:52
Vrathano, i cannot, because i don't have the computer in my room09:52
ifreqaha ok09:52
Vrathaand i use this as an alarm clock :)09:53
pwnguinLaiska: what adapter?09:53
Vrathai'm way too cheap ass to buy a real alarm clock09:53
ifreqwell most ppl these days use i guess :)09:53
Vrathayeah :)09:53
pwnguinit seems the american model didn't come with this magical nokia adapter09:53
Vrathapwnguin: i have an american n900, and it came with a wall charger and USB cable09:54
Laiskaone of those09:54
ifreqim planning to get this for backup power:
pwnguinyea, dont remember seeing one of those09:55
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LaiskaPackage contents probably depends on the region somewhat09:56
* Laiska shrugs09:56
Vrathaifreq: wow, that's pretty neat.  if i had anything more than a phone and regularly needed extra power, i'd think about that09:56
ifreqVratha: yeh i have phone and cycle gps .. need for longer trips :)09:56
Vrathai'm getting a 3-way socket splitter for the cigarette lighter so i can plug in my GPS and n900 simultaneously, leaving one extra port for some unknown future device09:57
ifreqige got no such options with my bicycle *g*09:57
Vrathaoh, yeah, very true09:57
Vrathamy GPS device can supposedly last 8 hours on its battery09:57
ifreqand for biking/camping 1-2 weeks i need to charge my devices few times atleast09:58
Vrathadon't know if it does though.  it's pretty pimptastic though.  i thank my girlfriend greatly for it09:58
ifreqyeh mine has also some 8-10h capasity09:58
Vrathaah, yeah, if you're out that much, i guess you'd need that09:58
ifreqyeah, one of my rare non-computer hobbies09:59
wazd_n800they have it for 8490 in e-store. Just ordered09:59
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dmj7261I saw the n900 in Fry's Electronics the other day.10:04
dmj7261It made me think that closing the Flagship stores in the US is a bad idea.10:04
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dmj7261Electronics stores never have the real devices, and nobody is going to buy an n900 based on a cheap plastic mockup.10:05
* thresh bought one without even looking at the device10:06
dmj7261I might have without seeing the actual device.  Though using it at the flagship did help with the decision.10:07
dmj7261Of course I had already used the software on the PC for a month by then, so I just had a few other things to check out.10:07
dmj7261Most people won't try out the Maemo SDK.10:08
pwnguinnot without a Win A Billion Dollars in Google Stock contest10:09
dmj7261At any rate, Nokia will do what Nokia will do, and they may have a plan to get actual devices on display somewhere.10:09
pwnguinim not sure nokia wants to do another round of n90010:10
dmj7261Most people like to at least play with the device they're going to buy before they put down $500 dollars.10:10
pwnguintheyve got another device planned10:10
dmj7261why n900?10:11
pwnguinhow much effort are you going to spend making a device a 'hit' and then throw it away to promote an n910 or whatever maemo6 is10:11
dmj7261I'm refering to Nokia devices in general here, not just the n90010:11
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pwnguinoh, well then you're being dense10:12
pwnguinwhen iphone brags about having lots of market share10:12
pwnguinits smartphone marketshare not general cellphone10:12
Arkenoithe next device will not fit for n900 users well, as if rumors are correct there will be capacitive touchscreen and no qwerty10:12
Vrathahmm, at that point i may just get a smartbook and el'cheapo phone10:13
simulai lubs my n900, just waiting for madde integration with qt-creator :)10:13
pwnguinits a simple fact, they sell more cheap phones than expensive ones10:13
dmj7261I know several people who have an iphone (or an itouch which is equivalent for the "play for a few minutes" test).  I don't know anyone else I could ask to try out their n90010:13
Vrathathe n900 is okay.  hardware is excellent, but the software needs a lot of fixing10:13
pwnguinand you dont need a store front to sell expensive phones10:13
pwnguincheap phones10:13
* Arkenoi btw thinks that nokia plans are surprisingly smart. 10:13
pwnguindmj7261: your subject to selection bias10:14
Arkenoifirst, make a tablet, so it is niche PDA market and does not compete with smartphones, a thing so special so no one will blame it for being inferior to other products10:14
dmj7261I know about selection bias10:14
pwnguini know of one guy with an iphone10:14
Arkenoithen wait several years until there will be software already developed and make a phone10:14
pwnguinand i work at a college IT dept10:14
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dmj7261how about an itouch?10:15
pwnguinwho cares?10:15
VrathaArkenoi: don't believe the marketing hype.  the n900 is competing squarely against smartphones and doesn't do as good a job at it as, say, the Droid or iPhone10:15
Arkenoibut most of the software is not finger friendly at all, so wait another year or so until it will get adapted to capacitive screen10:15
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ArkenoiVratha, why? what's wrong with it?10:15
VrathaArkenoi: a lot of software bugs and lack of features10:16
dmj7261I actually really enjoy the resistive screen10:16
Vrathadon't really want to rant about it again rigth now10:16
simulai love being able to use the stylus with my n900... gives me precise control over an 800x480 screen10:16
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ArkenoiVratha: *shurgs* not that many bugs. about lack of features - well, iphone users were tortured with lack of features for 2 years and did not complain10:17
* pwnguin finds it annoying that iphone has a wesnoth port but not n90010:17
Vrathayeah, except now it has all those features10:17
dmj7261Heck, I just enjoy being able to use my finger nail without surgery.10:17
Vrathaand since it's considered the gold standard, you kind of have to live up to at least that10:17
Arkenoinow the device is just a few months on the market and there is lack of features to complain?10:17
wazd_n801then do it10:17
Vrathaand there are lots of bugs in the n900 software10:17
simulai have an open development platform that is a debian box, just what i was looking for :)10:18
wazd_n801buy an iphone, n900 sucks10:18
Vrathai do have an iphone10:18
pwnguinhere's a phone bug10:18
wazd_n801then goodbye10:18
pwnguinI can't do tmobile carrier messages10:18
Vrathawazd_n801: lol10:18
dmj7261when will the iphone get 3rd party repositories and a wvga screen?10:18
pwnguinto check prepaid minutes etc10:18
Arkenoiiphone being gold standard? you must be kidding10:18
Vrathadmj7261: don't think it'll get extra repos soon without jailbreaking, but i would guess a wvga screen is in the next iteration10:19
dmj7261to a lot of people the iphone is the standard to compete against10:19
thresha lot of people are stupid10:19
dmj7261Would certainly hope iphone gets has a really blurry screen.10:19
wazd_n801a lot of people think that cow is a saint animal10:20
Arkenoidmj7261, "for some people a horse is a suitable bride" (russian proverb ;-)10:20
pwnguinwazd_n801: it's also delicious!10:20
Vrathadmj7261: yeah, it could be better.  for me i don't notice it much, because i stick mainly to text-based games and apps10:20
dmj7261I'm not saying I agree with those people.10:20
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dmj7261You notice the difference whenever there's video, pictures, or webpages on the screen.10:21
pwnguinits odd to me to see so many russians10:21
pwnguinin this channel10:21
Vrathadmj7261: yeah, the video and pictures do suck next to a higher res device10:21
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Arkenoitext looks like shit on the iphone10:22
wazd_n801pwnguin, soon we'll be at your door :D10:22
Arkenoilow dpi+aa -> blur10:22
Vrathaeh, if that's the only bad thing going against the iphone until they release a new iteration, i'd say that's not so bad10:22
Stskeepsmorning wazd_n80110:22
Vrathai personally want multitasking on the iphone10:22
dmj7261n900 has a very crisp picture, though I can still see the individual pixels if I look for them.10:22
Vrathathat annoys the hell out of me, and the jailbreaking solution kind of sucks10:22
wazd_n801Stskeeps, noon)10:23
* Arkenoi wonders why there are so many people who claim that iphone screen is "awesome", "excellent", etc. 10:23
dmj7261Multitasking and app store alternatives that don't require jailbreaking.10:23
ifreqwhat about physical keyb?10:23
Arkenoifor me physical keyboard is a must10:23
Vrathai would love a physical keyboard, but only for ssh'ing to other places.  i guess that's not a big priority for most people10:23
dmj7261physical keyboard is really nice.  I don't think it's any faster for typing, but the ability to see your whole screen while typing is great.10:24
Arkenoii do note taking and email much10:24
wazd_n801what about shitty back10:24
Arkenoidmj7261, try typing several Kb's with on-screen keyboard and you will figure out it is just not a way to do things10:24
wazd_n801what about stupid screen that I need to  poke every time10:24
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Vrathai actually type quite a bit faster on the iphone's keyboard than the n900's10:25
Arkenoithough n900 keyboard is not good10:25
Arkenoibut it is not really bad either10:25
Vrathai would agree with that10:25
infobotVratha meant: i  agree with that10:25
wazd_n801e63 kb is awesome10:25
dmj7261the big difference is that the on screen keyboard covers up the window.10:25
ArkenoiVratha, how much do you type? If you constantly take lecture notes and write documents it makes a difference.10:26
threshwazd_n801: n900's is even better. True story.10:26
Vrathadmj7261: yeah, i have only found that to be a hassle when i ssh somewhere10:26
wazd_n801I got used to it in 0.5 secs10:26
Arkenoithumb boards suck10:26
VrathaArkenoi: i use facebook and twitter apps on the iphone.  if i had to do note taking, i'd use a computer10:26
Arkenoii need 4-6 fingers to type with comfort, not 210:26
ArkenoiVratha, i do not want to carry a computer with me10:26
wazd_n801Arkenoi, you suck! :D10:26
wazd_n801Arkenoi, Shahidzhanyan detected :D10:27
VrathaArkenoi: don't know what to tell you then.  i don't think any phone keyboard is really going to let you type all that fast10:27
pwnguinsadly, the n900 doesn't do hostAB, so external kbds have to be BT10:27
Vrathathere is one feature on the n900 that i personally consider to be a "killer feature": full skype integration10:27
Vrathafreaking love it10:28
ArkenoiVratha, 9210 keyboard was amost nice. e90 was not so good, but quite acceptable10:28
Arkenoithor keyboard could be perfect, but thor was cancelled10:28
VrathaArkenoi: oh, i wouldn't know.  i'm not familiar with many nokia devices10:28
Arkenoithor looked like that: , circa 200010:29
dmj7261looks like it could have been a really good phone keyboard10:30
Vrathahmm, that's pretty nice for a portable device.10:30
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Vrathabut for any real, long-term note taking i'd still stick to a computer10:30
Vrathaor at least an external keyboard10:30
RST38hMoo all10:30
pwnguini donno10:30
pwnguinthat doesnt look much smaller than a netbook10:31
wazd_n801RST38h, heya10:31
dmj7261The main reason I still use my netbook at all is: tabbed browsing and the keyboard10:31
RST38hheya wazd10:31
wazd_n801RST38h, I'm trying to buy e63)10:32
Vrathai'm waiting for the asus smartbook to arrive next year.  they say it'll cost less than $200 and run on an ARM cpu.  i guess i'll have to see it first.  probably won't buy it though, seeing as i have an n900 now10:32
Arkenoivratha: i am using communicators since 1998, and i used pocket computers before that. i do not carry a bag nor i dirve a car, i prefer to go empty-handed10:32
Vrathabut if i iddn't have an n900, i'd probably be all over it10:32
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Arkenoiwhat is the "safe" dac volume "percentage" so i won't damage builtin speakers?10:35
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sayjava_hello peeps, is it possible to flash the n900 with android?11:02
dmj7261technically, it would be11:03
dmj7261nobody has though11:03
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sayjava_dmj7261:it would be an interesting thing to see11:06
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luke-jrsayjava_: would it?11:12
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luke-jrdoes anyone actually *like* Android? XD11:12
RST38hit's all relative11:12
sayjava_luke-jr: not much about liking but just thinking about the possibility tech-wise11:13
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luke-jrsayjava_: definitely an april fools day joke11:20
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dmj7261don't think so11:22
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sayjava_its a real product shipping soon from vmware11:23
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sayjava_and its inevitable giving the power these phones now have11:23
furunk3lmorning everyone11:24
RST38hNot sure what the goal of such a product is though11:25
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bigbrovar_applications I look forward to seeing a maemo5 port. gthumb,abiword,rhythmbox, choqok11:59
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luke-jrbigbrovar_: you're porting all those? nice12:02
bigbrovar_luke-jr: which I knew how to program12:02
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luke-jrbigbrovar_: easy to learn; in the meantime, wd on packaging those apps... not programming, but still pretty good ;)12:05
bigbrovar_luke-jr: there was a gthumb,abiword, and rhythmbox port for maem412:05
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bigbrovar_luke-jr: I can do the packaging part.. its the UI design part that I cant do :(12:06
bigbrovar_luke-jr: cus its not just about packaging12:06
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luke-jrbigbrovar_: no need for UI changes, I'm sure12:07
luke-jrmight not work as nice as one might expect, but it should still be usable12:08
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bigbrovar_luke-jr:  well I rather it is properly Hiddonized .. nothing i hate more than an app that doesnt follow the UI guidelines of maemo5.. you also have to consider optification .. (although that could be taking care of during compile)12:09
luke-jrbetter than nothing12:09
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guardiani just discovered the MADDE project, is it going to replace scratchbox?12:20
Hukkaerr... all my stausbar applets have disappeared12:20
RST38hprobably not12:20
Hukkawhat could cause that?12:20
Hukka(maemo 5)12:21
andre__guardian, I think Nokia themselves don't know the future yet, but currently it's not planned to replace Scratchbox (but instead move to SB2)12:21
andre__Hukka, a crash of hildon-statusbar-menu for example12:21
Hukkahmm. the standard buttons are still there. crash wouldn't affetc those?12:22
Hukkaps shows two hildon-staus-menus running12:23
Stskeepsguardian: no, it's just a cross-compiler that doesn't replace a debian build environment12:23
Stskeepsit is a subset of a debian build environment for a certain purpose12:23
luke-jrit wants to make me pizza12:27
luke-jrguardian: I like pizza.12:27
guardianit's just that the wiki page states Linux also12:27
guardianthat's why I wondered whether it would replace sb12:28
Stskeepsguardian: it is mostly suitable for building qt applications and tiny libs without autoconf12:28
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jpeluke-jr:about you're android remarks: one big advantage, the calendar app syncs with google calendar out of the box...12:31
luke-jrjpe: who uses that? :P12:32
Stskeepsvendor tiein++12:32
guardianthx for the answers12:33
jpeluke-jr: euh,,, give me an alternative ...12:35
luke-jrjpe: sorry, I use my own homegrown scripts12:35
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SpeedEvilThe sunlight glaring through my window would seem to indicate that.12:44
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SpeedEvilWoo - apt-get install lynx works.12:49
Corsacall xkcd fans, please vote for :)12:50
povbotBug 7377: image tooltips are truncated12:50
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andre__Corsac, that report misses information12:54
andre__Corsac, that's why it says "(Explain in detail what you do (e.g. tap on OK) and what you see)"12:55
Corsacare you kidding?12:55
andre__e.g. you don't mention cursor mode.12:56
andre__be exact.12:56
Wolfiesuure he does12:56
SpeedEvilIs there any way to select the URL of an image.12:56
Wolfie1. run browser12:56
Wolfie2. to to xkcd.com12:56
Wolfie3. display tooltip with cursor12:56
SpeedEvilI'm sure I did it once, and can't find again12:56
andre__wolfie, yeah. and the last one is vague and does not explain *HOW* to do that.12:56
fcrozatCorsac: hehe, I saw this bug too.. /me votes12:56
CorsacI can explain how to use cursor mode but I have to admit I'm expecting the browser devs to know it12:56
Wolfieandre__: i really hope you're just a troll, and not in the dev team12:57
andre__Corsac, that's true. but there's also triagers trying to reproduce issues.12:57
andre__Wolfie, you completely miss the point. congrats.12:57
Wolfieandre__: i think you need to be more precise with your information. Please explain which point I have missed, and by how much12:58
andre__Corsac, in this specific case there's only one way to activate cursor mode. However for a lot of functionality there's two or three ways. hence I ask for being exact so it's easier to reproduce issues...12:58
andre__Wolfie, point 3 does not explain how to activate cursor mode. clear enough?12:58
Arkenoieveryone knows how to activate cursor mode12:59
furunk3lwhat is cursor mode?12:59
Arkenoithere is no need to describe it further12:59
andre__Arkenoi, no.12:59
furunk3ljust kidding :)12:59
Wolfieandre__: i think i should introduce you to one of our company's dev teams. they appreciate such nit picking, and being completely unable to be grateful that someone has taken their time to report an issue, albeit "vaguely"12:59
fcrozatArkenoi: well, you need to watch the various videos first :)12:59
* Stskeeps passes andre__ a christmas beer12:59
fcrozatI know I didn't and missed some gestures for some time :)12:59
andre__Wolfie: no problem. continue filing vague reports and simply don't wonder why they end up closed as WORKSFORME then12:59
andre__instead of getting FIXED. that's life.13:00
andre__Stskeeps, cheers :)13:00
Corsacthought there is a difference between nitpicking and bad faith13:01
andre__Corsac, :) also true13:01
Wolfieandre__: i wish you all the best on growing a successful community.13:01
andre__don't get me wrong. I do understand your report. But for testers and developers it's really helpful to provide a braindead how-to as some people *are* very lazy.13:02
andre__Wolfie, thanks a lot. You're welcome to help with that :)13:02
fcrozatandre__: just wondering : is it possible to select text in modest with finger ?13:02
fcrozatI tried but failed13:02
fcrozatand since there is no "cursor mode" in modest...13:02
lardmanWolfie: I'm afraid I've got to agree with andre__  there, which tooltip are you talking about?13:03
Stskeepscopying text from emails is copyright infrigement, fcrozat ;)13:03
lardmanthe one on the main image presumable?13:03
fcrozatStskeeps: I wanted to remove quoted text :)13:03
Wolfielardman: sorry, it's not my ticket in question. You'll need to ask Corsac13:03
lardmanok, np13:03
* andre__ wonders whether we talk about alt or title here13:04
Wolfielardman: but, i'd imagine it's the tooltip over the XKCD comic strip. Any developer not knowing the XKCD tooltip really needs to do a re-check on their nerd'o'meter13:04
andre__fcrozat, editor? viewer?13:04
fcrozatandre__: editor.. If you want to remove the "bottom" quoted text when you reply to a mail :)13:05
andre__fcrozat, keyboard only I think13:05
lardmanWolfie: lol, but still, just adding that extra bit of info makes it completely clear13:05
StskeepsWolfie: well, andre__ isn't a developer, he's a bugmaster and probably has the most rough job of all people at employers :P13:05
Stskeepser, employees13:05
fcrozatandre__: I guess I should fill a enhancement request :)13:05
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z5xsx]2HNDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 013:05
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Wolfielardman: no arguing there13:05
z5xsx]2HN DCC SEND "поÉпоɦʞɔпɟ¦ÊžÐ¿Ð¾É¦ÊžÉ”пɟɔпɟ" 0 0 013:05
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andre__z5xsx]2HN, got problem?13:06
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Stskeepsstartkeylogger exploit13:06
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Stskeepsfor people stupid enough to run norton internetsecurity13:06
lardmanhmm, no pluto on the current comic13:06
aquatixStskeeps: nice13:06
aquatix0 bytes :/13:06
Wolfielardman: stabbing in the dark here, but pluto isn't a planet anymore13:06
aquatixit's a planetoid13:06
lardmanyeah I know, had hoped the geeks would refuse to conform though!13:07
lardmanTitan, Europa, etc aren't either of course13:07
aquatixtrue, but those are famous moons13:07
Wolfieor perhaps he just ran out of canvas? :)13:07
lardmanWolfie: true13:07
aquatixif (running_out_of_canvas()) { enlarge_canvas(); }13:08
lardmanI'd be tempted to bet that more people have heard of Pluto though13:08
lardmanOOM error, Pluto is too far away!13:08
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Hexagoonhow far is too far away?13:08
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aquatixlardman: what's this Planet X you're speaking about?13:09
lardmandepends on your dpi13:09
Hexagoondots per inch?13:09
aquatix(star)dust per infraredspectrometer13:10
Hexagoonaaah, i see13:10
infected69hey all my n900 just got bricked when i tried to rename a file... it freezes in the startup with the 5 bubbles like in this moive -> do someone have a guide to get it working again.. ?13:11
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lardman2.87007874e14 inches to Pluto, so lots of dots13:11
lardmangive or take an inch or two13:11
Wolfieandre__: just out of curiosity, have you looked at/considered using
Hexagooninfected69: what file did you rename ? :)13:12
infected69a movie file in .videoes... did it i x terminal rm n900.mp4 n900.avi and the it rebooted13:13
andre__Wolfie: didn't know that one, thanks. Some time ago some folks decided to have Brainstorm for, see
andre__infected69, I don't think that "rm" actually renamed those files :-P13:14
Wolfieandre__: no problem. Sites like used that with great success, and our company has just started getting used to it. It's great with a good community with people not bothering with nitty-gritty techical feature-request tickets13:14
Wolfiei'll take a look at brainstorm, haven't heard of it.13:14
Hexagooninfected69: you probably have to reflash it, there's a guide at the wiki13:14
Corsaclardman: the first step is “go to”13:14
Corsacthe second, sorry13:14
Hexagoonit think you could do it with NSU too though, a little simpler13:16
Wolfieweird. isn't loding for me13:16
Wolfiecorrection, isn't loading13:16
Wolfieneither is the [..]/community/ uri13:17
Wolfieok, community loaded, just takes a very long time13:18
infected69thx i will try13:19
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infected69hexagoon -> do i need to download "Maemo 5 Global release for Nokia N900" if i live in denmark? (RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin)13:22
Stskeepsinfected69: should work fine13:23
jeremiah_infected69: You don't _have_ to, but you might want to.13:23
* Stskeeps undrer sig hvor infected69 kommer fra13:23
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Stskeepsmorning jeremiah_13:23
jeremiah_Hey keepsie!13:23
jeremiah_How are you?13:23
Stskeepsi'm good, survived polish christmas13:23
jeremiah_Excellent. :)13:23
jeremiah_Probably a few kilos heavier?13:24
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jeremiah_I know I am13:24
infected69stskeeps -> kbh13:24
jeremiah_But I did some skiing so I feel like I skied off some calories.13:24
Stskeepsjeremiah_: christmas eve in poland is without meat. i think i might have gotten thinner.13:25
MyrttiI still have some Christmas pigsie to eat :-) and carrot casserole13:25
Stskeepsinfected69: ah, was in aarhus and herning when i lived there13:25
Stskeepsjeremiah_: i wanted to start crying when i realized it :P13:25
jeremiah_The Swedish Christmas is nearly _only_ meat13:25
Stskeepssame with denmark13:25
Wolfieandre__: should the brainstorm site be publicly visible? since it takes an awful lot of time to load13:25
Myrttijeremiah_: surely you had lutefisk too? ;-)13:26
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jeremiah_I don't do lutefisk. :)13:26
jeremiah_I'm not a big fish eater.13:26
Stskeepsthey had fish in gele here13:26
jeremiah_That sounds fancy13:27
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wazdwee, e63 is mine :)13:27
Stskeepswell, yeah, but not a big gele fan13:27
Stskeepswazd: woo13:27
andre__Wolfie: yeah, it's public, but the servers suck. currently new hardware gets installed13:27
wazdthat's a damn great phone13:28
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wazdnot as good as n900, but still can warm my heart this new year :)13:29
redYay I got a verdict on my iCrap complaint towards TeliaSonera.13:30
harrivthey need beowulf cluster of n900's13:30
redMade a 24 month deal on iPHone and 4 devices broke inside two months :)13:30
SpeedEvilred: hardware or software?13:30
jeremiah_red: wow13:30
redso switched to N900 and they refunded what I had paid them, it took damn 3 weeks but thank god13:30
Stskeepsred: good choice13:31
redSpeedEvil: first two had wifi trouble. First device it just died, 2nd had the overheating chip13:31
jeremiah_red: You're in Sweden (I assume) - so where'd you buy your N900?13:31
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red3rd one had a broken microphone out of package13:31
redjeremiah_: Finland actually. and I reserved the phone after third device broke like month ago :)13:31
Wolfieandre__: ok13:31
X-Fadered: No, you installed fm radio on the 3rd one ;)13:31
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jeremiah_TeliaSoner is in Sweden too.13:32
redso got it 7.12 already13:32
redX-Fade: talking about iPhones here actually :D13:32
X-FadeAh ;)13:32
redApple knows people do not want FM transmitters!13:32
redAll in all, I do miss some of the apps, but otherwise N900 rocks 3GS hard :)13:33
red+ the screen I miss13:33
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redthe n900 sensitivity is ok, but would have preferred glass surface so dont need a screenguard13:33
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Wolfieoh, just noticed the Madde blog post. So, it's just for compilation, and doesn't play together with Esbox or Xephyr?13:35
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StskeepsWolfie: it is a thing for building qt apps and small libraries without autoconf, basically13:35
Wolfiered: I'm not sure whether glass works well with resistive tech :). I can imagine that the nokia hw guys remembered that capacitance doesn't work well with gloves, so the home country of finland would have very chilly hands when handling the phone13:35
Wolfie...during winters, that is13:35
WolfieStskeeps: ah, ok. thanks.13:36
redwhen its -20 outside i use gloves, and i wouldnt really use my phone then :P13:36
redand its that cold only couple of months13:37
redsome hybrid tech would been neat, but more expensive I guess13:37
ifreqi want my glass to be diamond plated13:37
ifreqactually im quite happy with the current resistive *g*. should get a screen protector tho.13:38
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wazdwoo, opera mobile 10 is really nice13:38
redifreq: yeh I like the screen otherwise, but just not the part of having to add a protector13:39
ifreqprotector is a must?13:40
redI suck at applying them, always get some damn small dust particle or something there sticking there13:40
ifreqi usually dont keep it with my keys and coins :P13:40
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redwell I don't want the screen to scratch, and from experience this type of plastic does show wear quite easily13:40
redglass would have been harder, so less wear :)13:40
redit breaks easier though, but I haven't dropped a phone in years13:41
ifreqyeh now you say :)13:41
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redread somewhere that most of iPhones taken into service are due cracked glass from dropping :)13:41
ifreqi once dropped iphone to concrete.. tho it was 1st gen (aluminium) so it survived quite nicely13:41
redgimme airplane windshield grade surface! :D13:42
jeremiah_Anyone here tried Madde yet?13:42
ifreqred: what protector you got? i was looking for some zagg13:43
fluxred, I don't really see understand that idea, not using phone when it's cold outside, when one regularly would use it if it were warm?-)13:43
redifreq: haven't picked one yet :)13:44
rednext week after I get some more $$ I wil13:44
jeremiah_wazd: How do you zoom in on Opera 10?13:44
wazdjeremiah_: eh, center button :)13:44
redflux: cause I avoid going out and staying there if it was that cold. I do fiddle around alot with my phone outside during warmer days since for some reason I spend alot more time there too apart from just traveling from A to B asap13:45
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fluxlet's say I'm waiting for bus..13:45
redI have a car :>13:46
redonly use busses when I'm drinking13:46
fluxyeah, they've forbidden to drive cars when drunk here as well ;(13:46
redye, fuck!13:46
jeremiah_What kind of world do we live in when you can't drive dri=unk?13:47
redyou can, just don't wanna get caught13:47
redhar har13:47
jeremiah_Or die in the process.13:47
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redAye but seriously. I understand the "glove" point, but I have noticed I really don't tend to pull my phone out when it's cold enough, just try to get from A to B asap, and I use buss maybe twice a month, and tend to time it so that I never have to wait more than 1-2 minutes, and I tend to smoke a cigarette before going in13:48
wazdoh, snap :D13:48
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jeremiah_wazd: What are those?13:49
SpeedEvilI've found the right gloves work ok13:49
SpeedEvileven for keyb13:49
infected69wee itworking again.... 2 bad my backup is 2 weeks old :/13:49
SpeedEviladmittedly, they aren't my warmest gloves.13:49
jeremiah_Oh - just themese, meh13:49
redand my gloves are the sort where the fingertips are cut open :)13:49
wazdjeremiah_: E and N series themes in maemo style13:50
SpeedEvilbut I often use it with stylus - which I've lost again.13:50
redsince I like to drive with them and would be too slippery otherwise13:50
jeremiah_wazd: Cool13:50
SpeedEvilwith gloves13:50
redSpeedEvil: my stylus has been on an adventure for a week now13:50
SpeedEvil7 euro! Madness.13:50
SpeedEvilThe lack of 3 styluses in the pack is a dealbreaker.13:50
redcost of a new stylus? :P13:50
wazde63 stock themes are godawful13:50
redyou could mold and build ur own for that price13:51
redgiven you had the access to the gear somewhere13:51
redi mean alot of em :D13:51
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SpeedEvilit'd be a lot less than 7e13:51
SpeedEviland you could make the end a little penguin.13:52
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redso u send a 3D model there and they do it for u?13:52
reddamn :)13:52
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redgotta bookmark13:52
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Miihkailgood carrying case is all you need to keep screen healty imho...else depends on user13:55
* RST38h moos again13:56
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lbthey, andre__  is osso-wlan 3.0.14+0m5 source available?13:57
woglindelbt dont think so13:57
andre__lbt, context? :-)13:57
woglindelike icd213:57
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lbtbug 641613:57
povbotBug Wifi won't connect until rebooted...13:57
andre__lbt, if it's not in - no.13:57
Stskeeps has 3.0.613:58
Stskeepswhat's it on PR1.0?13:58
woglindelet me see13:58
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woglinde osso-wlan                                           3.0.6+0m513:58
lbtpresumably the source should be available though... /me checks gitorious13:59
woglindehm should I open a whishbug for applet which can invidual enable or disable wlan/gsm/gps/bt ?13:59
WM-Sefhow do I extract a rootfs.jffs2?13:59
woglindewm-sef search google14:00
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WM-Sefdone that ;)14:00
WM-Sefbut all the methods I found14:00
woglindeyou have to emulate mtdblock on desktop pc14:00
WM-Sefwith script of maemo wiki14:00
WM-Sefit gives14:00
WM-Seferror reading superblock :-s14:00
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lbtoh, andre__ sorry I missed your request for a syslog in that bug :(14:02
andre__hehe :-)14:03
lbtI'll add a request for the source to the bug...14:03
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SpeedEvilHas anyone successfully paired a bt keyboard?14:05
SpeedEvilI get the pairing dialog - enter the passcode - and it says failed14:05
wazdRST38h: heya14:06
wazdRST38h: time to steal your emulators :D mooohahaha! :D14:06
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konttoriHey, I have been using pygtkeditor now for a day for editing qml files on the device -> totally rocks! Now, if only the execute button would open qml files with qmlviewer by default, that would be even better.14:08
wazdwow! Pidgin for symbian!14:10
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redpidgin sawks14:16
wazdthat's fake I guess :(14:20
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DocScrutinizer51kewl. Epic fail on watching videostreams from 26C3. From 'file not found' to 'codec not supported' to mere frigging segv of all browser windows (plus mediaplayer I assume)14:21
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joppuAnd this is why you should always use mplayer for video playback instead of any fancy "multimedia frameworks":14:34
povbotBug 7327: Xvid encoded videos unwatchable14:34
Stskeepsi don't have an issue with xvid though14:35
Stskeepsonly some14:35
ShadowJKIt's either qpel or gmc14:35
ShadowJKI bet the decoder can't handle gmc14:35
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ruskiedjmount+xmms2+mplayer :)14:37
ruskieand I have all I really need for my media needs :)14:37
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infected69what is the best picture resolution for pictures used in the phonebook?14:38
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ShadowJKoh ok, that screenshot doesn't look like gmc/qpel fail14:39
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joppuIt's probably some "obscure" encoding option they decided not to support14:42
ShadowJKHm. I wonder if I have xvid installed14:43
javispedroa big green square doesn't look like a missing "obscure" stream feature?14:43
joppuI'd be still kinda nice to have DSP accel for xvid14:43
joppujavispedro: I mean that the video is encoded in "nonstandard" way14:44
wazdRST38h: can you advise some IRC good symbian IRC client?14:46
javispedroxvid encoded with ffmpeg/libxvid works for me14:46
RST38hwazd: Putty14:47
wazdsomething more user friendly maybe? :D14:48
RST38hwazd: I do suggest saving a bit more money for n900 though: e63 only has 320x240 screen14:48
Wolfiewazd: mIRGGI was my favorite14:48
wazdRST38h: too late :)14:48
wazdRST38h: it has 320x240 but (shame on you Nokia) 18 bit :P14:49
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Wolfiebut i mostly used putty to access my primary irc/shell acount14:49
RST38hwazd: yes, well known =)14:49
joppuPutty with irssi is actually pretty user friendly when you get used to it. Most inportant of all, it's powerful14:50
Wolfiejoppu: otoh, word is also pretty user friendly, once you get used to it.14:51
Wolfieso is gentoo14:51
RST38hmoooooar pooooooooooooooooar14:51
Wolfiejoppu: i'm afraid "once you get used to it" is incompatible with "user friendly". Software that never become user friendly in that sense is just user hostile, and failures in their own right ;)14:52
ShadowJKjavispedro, well it could be, if it just gave up at first point where it couldn't decode14:52
ShadowJKpacked B frames in avi vs nonpacked is another issue I guess14:52
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MacerDCC SEND from z5xsx]2HN [ port 0]: startkeylogger [0B bytes] requested in channel #maemo14:54
Macerstartkeylogger? wtf? :) is that an actual app?14:55
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javispedrohi wazd_e63 :)14:55
LuciusMare_n900hi,how to set subtitles in kmplayer?14:55
wazd_e63Too small font)14:55
Macerhow to update kde2 in fbsd?14:56
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wazd_e63ah, that's better)14:56
wazd_e63It can multitask)14:58
LuciusMare_n900so,the subs?14:59
joppuLuciusMare_n900: try naming the str/sub/ass/ssa file with the same filename as the vidya file14:59
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Wolfiewow... using the mirror app, i noticed that the camera produces a black band about one fifth of the screen all the way to the right15:01
javispedroWolfie: same as mine15:01
threshsame here too15:01
javispedro*sound of collective relief*15:02
Stskeepsit's just not kernel calibrated right15:02
Wolfieso, is that a type fault, or something the app should profile for?15:02
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Wolfieis the camera really that poor quality, or does the app just pixelate it like that?15:02
Wolfieboth ISO and resolution wise15:02
ifreqbest pics ive had are outside on sunshine15:03
Wolfieifreq: yeah, they usually are15:04
Wolfieapplies to any digital camera15:04
kamuispeaking of the front cam15:05
kamuiare there any video support for any of the IP calling apps?15:05
kamuiyou can see how that sentence kind of morphed from one line of questioning into another15:06
kamuimy 900 is on the truck for delivery :)15:06
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ifreqkamui not yet imo15:08
ifreqwould assume skype atleast support it in distant .future15:08
kamuididn't skype support video on the N800?15:09
ifreqno idea15:09
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kamuinot that its a dealbreaker or anything, but I havne't ever been able to use my front cam on any of my nokia phones for anything since there is no video call support in the US yet15:10
kamuiI wonder why no one takes advantage of that15:10
threshnokia folks this line is fixed in driver in PR1.115:10
threshnokia folk says i mean15:10
kamuiin their mobile apps that have video support in the desktop15:10
javispedroPR1.1 is the one that comes with "videocalling"?15:11
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SpeedEvilI did some streaming from the front cam over wifi.15:16
SpeedEvilmencoder + netcat15:16
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ShadowJKOK, it doesn't really liked packed b frames. Low framerate, but watchable15:21
ShadowJKWith qpel enabled, I get distortion in moving areas. It doesn't handle qpel15:22
ShadowJKno wait, that was qpel+gmc-nopacked15:23
ShadowJKyeah just qpel is fine15:23
ShadowJKgmc however isn't.. but I don't get the green distortion15:23
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ShadowJKonly newbies use gmc though, it's hardly ever any gain and has poor decoder compatibility :-)15:25
wazdRST38h: lets test VGBA :)15:25
pupniksvn checkout
ShadowJK(and packed bframes are a nonstandard hack to work around broken windows dshow system)15:27
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wazdwhere can I locate received via BT file?15:35
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andre__anybody running 1.2009.42-11 who can tell me whether in the User Guide the section "User Guide > Basic Use > Text input > Switch keyboard layout" mentions Control+Space?15:39
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ShadowJKandre__, timeless posed a better challenge a few weeks ago. Can you find the user guide? :-)15:40
andre__ShadowJK, harhar... File Manager > N900 > Documents > User Guides15:41
ShadowJKi think there were 2 people who had found them ;)15:42
andre__still, if anybody could answer my question it would be cool :)15:43
ShadowJKyeah it does15:43
ShadowJK"Switch between input languages\nPress the ctrl and spce keys simultaneously. This also switches the language for the virtual keyboard."15:43
Shadikkaumm, lolwtf15:44
Shadikka13:01 [freenode] DCC SEND from z5xsx]2HN [ port 0]: startkeylogger [0B  bytes] requested in channel #maemo15:45
DocScrutinizerwazd: as this is part of the big bluepill conspiration, I sugest you try ``find / -name "<*part-of-yur-filename>*" ''15:45
StskeepsShadikka: idiot who assumes #maemo people run norton internet security15:45
Shadikkaah, I see.15:45
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andre__ShadowJK, thanks a lot15:46
wazdDocScrutinizer: nah, I'm about Symbian v315:46
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Stskeepswazd: Symbian definately needs updated artwork, i mean.. look at their LSD-induced stuff15:47
DocScrutinizerduh. LSD is mega-OUT15:47
wazdStskeeps: yeah, their default "business styled" themes are "oh my"15:48
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jeremiah_andre__: Yeah, it seems that ctl-space doesn't work15:48
jeremiah_Even though it says "input language switched."15:48
jeremiah_nothing changes15:48
wazdStskeeps: wifi receiption is weaker than n800's btw15:49
ShadowJKi suspect you need to have two languages setup15:49
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: seen eli skipp? 26c3 talk?15:49
andre__jeremiah_, another bug, already filed15:49
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jeremiah_andre__: Ah, okay. :)15:49
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kamuicrazy question15:51
wazdand the most ridiculous thing is ofcourse no dataable in box15:51
kamuican the N900's transmitter be used in call15:51
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kamuiI read somewhere that the transmitter is turned off when the phone is charging too, which makes no sense, so I started wondering if it shuts off in a phone call15:52
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ShadowJKwazd, eh?15:55
ShadowJKthere was datacable in my box..15:55
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wazdShadowJK: no cable for e6315:56
ShadowJKoh :)15:56
wazdShadowJK: "budget" stuff15:56
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ShadowJKyeah e63 is the retarded cousin of e71, iirc :)15:56
wazdwell, keybard is better, tactile feelings are better :)15:57
wazdnot so retarded as it tended to be :)15:57
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ShadowJKI thought it was the same as e71 except made entirely out of plastic, and cheaper radios :)15:57
bigbrovar_ShadowJK: and e72 > e72 < N90015:57
ShadowJKtwo e72?15:58
wazdShadowJK: no, they are a bit different15:58
bigbrovar_ShadowJK: sorry  e71 > e72 < N90015:58
ShadowJKhow come e71 > e72?15:58
bigbrovar_ShadowJK: ooh heck   e72 > e71 < N90015:58
wazdShadowJK: e71 is too expensive for what it does15:59
bigbrovar_ShadowJK: I really should stop drinking :p15:59
ShadowJKMy E75 is currently sitting as modem..15:59
kamuiare you saying the E72 and N900 are on equal ground?15:59
kamuior uncompareable15:59
ShadowJKcome on, it's symbian, it loses by default16:00
bigbrovar_am saying N900 is greater .. I have all 316:00
wazdE72 is a bit overkill :)16:00
kamuisoo, N900 > E72 > E7116:00
ShadowJKunless you need mfe and those things16:00
kamuiI had an E90 for about a week16:00
kamuimight have kept it too if at the time there was something it could run16:01
ShadowJKE90 is very weird, in the sense that it actually got bugfixes for more than 6 months after sale ;p16:02
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kamuiheh, after the N95 and the N80 burned me16:02
kamuiI refused to buy another symbian phone16:02
Macerman if zimbra would fix 2 damn things then it would be awesome16:03
Macerwell. 1 really. the second one i am being selfish :)16:03
fluxshadowjk, yeah. I wonder how things will be with n900 ;-).16:03
kamuiI know they're in teh business of selling hardware, but its shite that they never offer OS upgrades to faithfulls who like their devices16:03
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ShadowJKqwerty, putty, irc client and opera mini was adequate for me while waiting for n90016:03
kamuiI have a scary feeling that the N900 will not see the light of Maemo 616:03
Macerlike the n810 will not see the light of maemo5? :)16:04
kamuibut its such a great device for me, Im keeping it16:04
Macermer will fix that heh16:04
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StskeepsMacer: you did see the recent 3d driver movement on n8x0? :P16:04
Maceryou got it working?16:04
kamuiI looked a little at Mer, looks pretty cool16:04
bigbrovar_Macer: well there is always the mer project to help out16:04
fluxI have a feeling that n900 already has a significantly larger developer base than n[78]xx ever had, though16:04
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MacerStskeeps: where? i'd love to see a video if you have one. actual 3d accel stuff?16:04
Stskeepscompared to a year ago with Mer, we're much better in shape to take on supporting n900 when nokia gives up though :P16:05
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Macermight have to dust the old n810 off and use it if you got the gles stuff going16:05
StskeepsMacer: still work in progress but we have stuff rendering..16:05
Macerwoah. sounds good :) awesome16:05
Macerwhat kind of timeline are you looking at to actually do stuff with it?16:05
StskeepsNokia N800/N810/N810 OpenGL ES 1.1 driver teaser screenshots:
Macerlike integrate it into the ui? :)16:06
kamuiwhat graphics chipset is in the N810?16:06
kamuiI didn't know it had 3D acceleration capabilities16:06
StskeepsMacer: working on it16:06
Maceryou are using the maemo5 ui now right?16:06
Stskeepskamui: PowerVR UI16:06
bigbrovar_kamui: Macer: Stskeeps:  I  tot I heard that the hardware acceleration drivers for the N810 would soon be opensources16:07
siriusnovaman the battery life sucks on the n90016:07
siriusnovai need a extended battery like about now16:07
wazdRST38h: is there any way to remap keys in Symb VGBA? :)16:07
Macerdamn that's awesome Stskeeps16:07
bigbrovar_siriusnova: u can say that again16:07
sejoStskeeps: nice work!16:07
Stskeepsbigbrovar_: open source kernel drivers, closed source libs.16:07
bigbrovar_siriusnova: am always charging the thing16:07
Macerseems like you're still running the older maemo4 hildon stuff :)16:07
siriusnovabigbrovar_ same16:07
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StskeepsMacer: that's from someone using it on maemo416:07
Stskeepsnot mer16:07
Maceras far as the desktop goes on the n810?16:07
Macerah i see16:07
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Maceryou're making me anticipate the day mer will be off to the races ;)16:08
kamuisiriusnova how many hours are you getting with heavy use16:08
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siriusnovakamui - like 416:08
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Macersince maemo5 seems rather nokia only devices16:08
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siriusnovathe moment i pop on 3G i see the battery level go down a notch16:08
Macertmzt was talking about getting mer going on a G1 heh16:08
siriusnovayes 3G16:08
* kamui wipes his brow16:09
Macerthat would be pretty awesome too. said he was working on phone functionality16:09
kamuigood thing16:09
kamuiIm in the US on At&t16:09
kamuiI'm counting on good battery life with edge and wifi only16:09
Macerkamui: you poor bastard :)16:09
siriusnova3G rapes the battery on the N90016:09
siriusnovaits amazing16:09
kamuiIll live, I never use 3g16:09
Macer3G rapes the battery on anything :)16:09
kamuiim always in wifi coverage16:09
TermanaMacer - that would be a Good Thing. No one wants to have to live with Android on their phone.16:09
siriusnovaMacer - not on my HTC Hero Android :P16:09
kamuibut on a good note, I was looking at some of the mugen batteries16:09
kamuiI heard the N97's battery fits the N90016:10
MacerTermana: yeah. android kind of sucks16:10
siriusnovathey make mugen batteries for the N900?16:10
TermanaThats like cruel and unusual punishment16:10
kamuinot yet16:10
Macerthe way they made it just drives me up the wall16:10
bigbrovar_siriusnova: Macer: not on my Nokia E7216:10
Macerlike the self closing apps to save mem16:10
Macerand the lack of any type of command line environment16:10
kamuiI just read a blog article from Jkk yesterday that said mugen sent him the two N97 1800mah and 4000mah batteries16:10
Macerno gnu apps :) and the only way to get them is some chroot debian image that kind of sucks16:10
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kamuiso Im interested in finding out if they work16:11
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siriusnovaI have to be honest16:11
TermanaMacer - The whole thing is rather lack luster, I mean, it was a silly idea to make developers write programs in Java only16:11
siriusnovaNokia Symbian phones are pretty rock solid16:11
kamuithe 1800 doesn't have a different form factor, but the 4000 needs one16:11
MacerTermana: not java16:11
Macerdalvik :)16:11
kamuinew battery cover16:11
Macerfake java haha16:11
kamuisiriusnova Im totally in agreement16:11
Macerwhoever brainstormed that one should be shot16:11
kamuiminus their quick aging16:11
kamuithey're pretty nice16:12
siriusnovakamui - i have a Nokia 5800 XpressMusic16:12
siriusnovawith S60 V516:12
TermanaMacer - lol :P16:12
kamuigreat multitasking capabilities16:12
kamuiIm still S60v316:12
siriusnovaand its amazing how rock solid and good of a "phone" it really is16:12
kamuikept my N9516:12
MacerTermana: not to mention the complete and utter lack of any market qc it seems16:12
siriusnovai was using it as a GPS all day long and it was amazing with ovi maps 3.016:12
siriusnovaeven in the middle of a desert :P16:12
Maceri don't think i've ran into an app yet that hasn't crashed16:12
siriusnovawhere I am16:12
Macerafter a year of dev.. other than like... connectbot :)16:12
Macerwhich i have to admit is awesome16:12
kamuilols macer16:13
Maceri have been waiting for like a year for a damn jabber client that actually works in android16:13
Macerthey either crash.. or disconnect all the time... or some other thing that makes them suck16:13
Macerlike 90% of all android apps :)16:13
TermanaMacer - Not just Market control, it seems the phones they have it running on are lacking QA as well. The Droid anyone? Did everyone see that stupid arse Verizon bandaid16:13
kamuidoes jabber support video16:13
Macerkamui: xmpp does16:14
Macerso that would be a yes kind of :)16:14
Maceri was just happy my zimbra server could connect to gmail contacts16:14
Maceri thought yahoo and aim were supposed to swap over but i suppose it's just a matter of waiting16:15
kamuidoesn't google support msn now16:15
Macerhaven't checked in a while though and plus people who use aim and yahoo messenger should also be shot16:15
TermanaGood night #maemo :)16:16
Macerheh.. Termana me too ;)16:16
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Maceri have to buy an n900 this week16:16
Maceri'm scared right after i buy it that an n910 will be out16:16
Macerwimax edition :P16:16
Maceri'm kind of sad i didn't decide to buy a wimax n810 when i had the chance16:16
Macernow that they have coverage in chicago16:16
kamuishit, the N900 has only been retail for about a month and a half iirc16:16
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Macerkamui: heh. well. it's always about the next best thing ;)16:17
kamuinokia is bound to release an N900i though16:17
Macermaybe the n910 will have a compass16:17
Macern900gs? :)16:17
Macerwith compass included?16:17
kamuia compass, and better camera16:17
Macerapple made me bust out laughing with that one16:17
Macer"now with video"16:17
bigbrovar_kamui: there would release a N900 mini or a N900 wimax edition LOL16:18
Macerwelcome to 200116:18
fluxbah, second time my wlan started acting funny on n900, need to reboot it16:18
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kamuiN900 wlan supports monitor mode and packet injection?16:19
kamuiman, Im all over the place16:19
kamuiwith excitement :)16:19
kamuimax of 5 hours until I have mine16:19
kamuidamn you fedex16:19
kamuiand your standard overnight delivery by 3pm16:20
kamuiluckily those jerks never show up later than 116:20
Macerwow. avatar is up to $280million?16:21
Maceranything past $275 million is profit :)16:21
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SaBerIf I wan't to develop an application and test it on a device, is there some faster way to deploy than using dpkg-buildpackage and install the package?16:22
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fluxsaber, ..just copy the package to /tmp?16:24
fluxuh, I mean the binary16:25
Stskeepsandre__: sometimes i wonder if bugs i filed in the past will come swinging right back and getting assigned to myself :)16:25
fluxlike: make && rsync binary n900:/tmp && ssh n900 env DISPLAY=:0.0 /tmp/foo.bin16:25
andre__Stskeeps, might happen ;-)16:26
SaBerflux: yeah, I guess copying via some script is feasible (I'll have more than one file to copy)16:28
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wazde63 screen is really good, nice angles, nice colors16:29
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kamuianyone develop using the scratchbox16:30
ShadowJKlow res though :/16:30
ShadowJKcan't fit 80 columns on it D:16:30
kamuitrying to figure out if its a waste of time for anything short of a widget, its extremely laggy on my system16:31
ShadowJKtesting on scratchbox is probably pain16:31
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kamuiwell, I finally got the dev environment set up16:32
kamuitrying to start my first project without the actual phone16:32
kamuiand this thing is slow as balls16:33
kamuibut my cpu isn't even spiking16:33
kamuigranted its a 3ghz p416:33
kamuibut I figured that would be faster than running a virtual on my quad core system16:33
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ShadowJKit's doing the 3D stuff in software16:37
kamuiahh, thats true16:37
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DocScrutinizer51kamui: aiui no packet injection. /me not sure about monitor and even AP16:47
kamuiI read that monitor mode does work on the N900 in the talk forums16:48
kamuihowever, there was no "proof"16:48
kamuino video, no screens16:48
DocScrutinizer51flux: what's the funny behaviour with your WLAN?16:48
kamuianyhow, not a dealbreaker or anything16:48
kamuijust trying to figure out the scratchbox16:48
fluxdocscrutinizer51, the sound cuts off at times, no idea why (might not be related to wlan)16:49
fluxalthough I guess it's possible that wlan and bt don't work perfectly at the same time16:50
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fluxsame band, possibly same antenna or even same chip..16:50
DocScrutinizer51flux: I managed once to completely mess DNS resolv. Possibly by messing around with BT (and PC connectivity?)16:51
fluxdocscrutinizer51, agh, I misunderstood uyour question16:51
fluxso, the WLAN-issue was that there was no connectivity16:52
ebtschi_worksome questions:16:52
ebtschi_work1) has anyone here used the beagle board with maemo?16:52
DocScrutinizer51flux: I had to reboot. Then BT was enabled after boot though it's been off before16:52
ebtschi_work2) has anyone here used python on maemo?16:52
fluxdocscrutinizer51, at a second location there were many messages about wlan support restarting itself in dmesg16:53
ebtschi_work3) how fast is the typical boot time?16:53
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51, PaulFertser: you don't know of some tool that takes a lib, takes it's exported symbols, makes stubs of them and writes out a new lib?16:53
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DocScrutinizer51err. what's the use of that exercise?16:53
SpeedEvilI wondered that back in 1992 ish16:54
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: building against GLES1.1 libs without having them16:54
Stskeepsand mesa doesn't have it yet as far as i can tell16:54
SpeedEvilWRT nuking all not-used funcs in libs16:54
PaulFertserStskeeps: oh, sorry, out of my knowledge area :(16:54
DocScrutinizer51well anyway wrong address here. Paul might know16:54
PaulFertserStskeeps: and btw, Hi, nice to see you again :)16:55
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: hi :-))16:56
SpeedEvilAnyone paired a bt keyb successfully on the default firmware?16:56
PaulFertserStskeeps: while we're at it, any news wrt usb host? Any hope at least? ;)16:57
SpeedEvilIt's not wanting to know when I do it - refusing to pair16:57
ShadowJKUh, isn't it widely known that they aren't supported?16:57
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: wish I had BT kbd16:57
StskeepsPaulFertser: didn't hear anything, i've been buried in GLES1.1 for N8x016:57
SpeedEvilShadowJK: ah - I was assuming that it would do something other than simply refuse to pair.16:57
ShadowJKI'd try pair with N8x0 or something that supports them first, just to get an idea of the pairing procedure16:58
ShadowJKatleast mine is pretty fragile in the exact sequence required16:58
PaulFertserShadowJK: if you need manual instructions for using bluez4, om wiki has some examples.16:58
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SpeedEvilShadowJK: I've mislaid my keyb manual alas.16:58
PaulFertserSpeedEvil: that was for you apparently :)16:58
SpeedEvilPaulFertser: ah16:59
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: PaulFertser: ShadowJK: is there any need for (hid) support in BT chip itself?17:01
DocScrutinizer51otherwise me would think it's jsut a matter of compiling the needed hid driver17:01
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ShadowJKI think the hid driver is there, probably, but the GUI doesn't know how to connect it up17:02
DocScrutinizer51so see paul's comment about a few lines above17:03
X-FadeCheck that page for enabling hid support.17:03
DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: hey hello :-)17:04
DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: thanks for pointer17:04
X-FadeDocScrutinizer51: Comes up quite often ;)17:05
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SpeedEvilOr meh - thanks.17:05
SpeedEvilTake your pick.17:05
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DocScrutinizer51capslock? ;-P17:06
VDVsxDocScrutinizer, don't expect too much from the BT kb support, a lot of things doesn't work since the pc105 layout is not there by default17:06
DocScrutinizer51well I hope that's pretty standard X domain17:07
DocScrutinizer51hmmm on a second thought...17:08
VDVsxin my case, after adding the complete xkb package and setting the layout, it still doesn't work, I've to investigate better, but there's someone that claims that with the pc105 it works for him17:11
DocScrutinizer51maybe *some* stuff breaks17:12
PaulFertserX-Fade: any idea why tf the plugins were disabled?17:12
VDVsxDocScrutinizer51, more info here:
DocScrutinizer51VDVsx: thanks17:12
VDVsxX server is a new area for me, so perhaps :D17:13
X-FadePaulFertser: No gui, not in spec for fremantle?17:13
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dnaumovyay, just unpacked my N900 and applied a zagg invisibleshield :)17:14
DocScrutinizer51My suspicions are we face same situation with hostmode17:14
X-FadeDocScrutinizer51: Nah, this doesn't require hardware nor kernel changes.17:15
tstaerkHi, I want to compile on my N81017:15
tstaerkNokia-N810-43-7:/media/mmc1# gcc-3.4 main.c17:15
tstaerkgcc-3.4: Internal error: Illegal instruction (program as)17:15
tstaerkPlease submit a full bug report.17:15
tstaerkSend email to for instructions.17:15
VeggenI've been walking past my local cell phone dealer that's supposed to carry the N900...for the 4th time.17:15
tstaerkwhat can I do?17:15
tstaerkhow can I find out what maemo version I have?17:16
VeggenIt got one batch in the beginning, of a few n900s, but since then it hasn't gotten any in...supposedly sold out all over Scandinavia.17:16
VDVsxDocScrutinizer51, just for the record, the bluez HID stuff works pretty well, everything is received and rerouted, the problem is somewhere else (X, I suspect)17:17
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tstaerkI am looking at to download software, but I do not know what maemo version I have or if I have os2008.17:18
tstaerkAnd I do not know what the difference is.17:18
ShadowJKos2008 = N800, N81017:18
tstaerkcool, thanks17:18
PaulFertserX-Fade: hm, i can't see how it justifies disabling bluez plugins but well...17:18
DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: I'm aware the BT hid is a simpler case. Still we *might* have allthe chips in place for usb hostmode and still the drivers are missing due to fremantle17:19
X-FadePaulFertser: It is just a config file, don't make more out of it then it is ;)17:19
pupnikis anybody able to do more than BS about host-mode?17:19
PaulFertserX-Fade: it's just mad surprising to have bluez crippled on purpose. It would trick me and probably demand ours to understand it's just disabled.17:19
X-FadeDocScrutinizer51: Then enable it in your own kernel? That is what opensource is all about, checking things out yourself.17:20
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X-FadePaulFertser: The guy coding bluez works for nokia. And he created this wiki page.17:20
X-FadePaulFertser: Don't search anything more behind this then, we don't need it: disable it.17:20
PaulFertserX-Fade: ok17:21
X-FadePaulFertser: He gave a talk at the summit btw.17:21
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VDVsxPaulFertser, having it enabled will cause a lot of bug reports and noise :), since it's broken/not supported17:23
PaulFertserX-Fade: Marcel? Ok, i hope everybody enjoyed.17:23
ShadowJKtstaerk, where did you get your gcc from?17:23
X-FadePaulFertser: About enabling these parts and playing with it.17:23
Robot101X-Fade: marcel works for redhat17:23
Robot101wait, intel17:23
Robot101he moved this year :)17:23
X-FadeRobot101: Ehm, well got paid by...17:23
DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: PaulFertser is scrutinizing the kernel about hostmode. I'm stuck with 'test custom kernel' on my todo list17:23
* Robot101 thought one thing and typed another... :D17:24
kamuiif I want to get the SDL dev libraries to work with in the scratchbox, would I just do a fakeroot apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev ?17:24
X-FadeRobot101: hehe17:24
VDVsxthe nokian is Johan, not marcel17:24
kamuior is there more to the story than that17:24
woglindekamui yes17:24
woglindeonly apt-get install17:25
kamuiso I dont even need the fakeroot17:25
kamuiok sweet17:25
kamuior was fakeroot only for use with the arm build17:25
woglindeonly for dpkg-buildpackage17:25
PaulFertserVDVsx: how is it broken then? No gui doesn't mean things are broken. Hell, many people blame bluez for the lack of any UI whatsoever, especially a decent console ui.17:26
kamuithat is fantastic news17:26
kamuithanks woglinde17:26
woglindeany only because buildpackage is so old17:26
StskeepsPaulFertser: why enable a feature by standard there's no UI for? that's not very embedded thinking :)17:26
DocScrutinizer51X-Fade: was that talk about usb hm as well? would you incidentally drop in a booth of some hw guy to ask if there is any power source for USB-VBUS at all?17:26
woglindeon latest debian buildpackage does fakeroot autmagicly17:26
PaulFertserStskeeps: the UI is called dbus-send and is present on any modern embedded device.17:27
X-FadeDocScrutinizer51: I'm a few K km away from there, so no.17:27
VDVsxPaulFertser, the pc105 layout is missing among other problems related to the X server, see my links above17:27
StskeepsPaulFertser: anyway. do you enable every single switch on your linux configuration?17:27
PaulFertserVDVsx: not a decent excuse to disable a plugin, imho.17:27
Stskeepsit's better to enable them when there's a feature that can enable it by itself and show UI17:27
PaulFertserStskeeps: come on bluetooth HID is something everybody expects to be enabled on a device like that.17:27
X-FadeDoesn't enabling the plugin advertise the capabilities too?17:27
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PaulFertserAnyway, gtg, thanks folks.17:28
StskeepsPaulFertser: in bizzarro maemo world, maybe17:28
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VDVsxPaulFertser, why you want to enable it, if it doesn't fully works ?17:28
VDVsxX-Fade, yes, people will be able to connect keyboards, and then will complain about it :)17:29
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: it's just a sane best practice to disable drivers and free the bytes' for functions you definitely don't need (whoever is the one to decide on this 'definitely' ;)17:29
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Miniscalopesomeone know if there is a Dbus calls documentation for maemo where i can find all signals and all method calls i can send or catch??17:30
ShadowJKtstaerk, if you have an N810 you most likely have Maemo 4.0 or 4.1 (OS2008) (Diablo). You don't want to use packages from maemo5.0, they're compiled for newer arm processor and that's why you get illegal instruction17:31
tstaerkShadowJK: great, that makes sense.17:31
tstaerkShadowJK: how can I find out what maemo I have?17:32
DocScrutinizer51Miniscalope: th5's one of the most wanted documents :-D17:32
ShadowJKtstaerk, Settings -> Control Panel -> About Product17:32
tstaerkcool, I feel like a noob again17:33
tstaerkShadowJK: thanks17:33
ShadowJKwhat did it say?17:33
tstaerkShadowJK: maemo Linux based OS2008 Version:5.2008.43-717:34
ShadowJKok that's latest17:34
tstaerkwhat maemo do I have now?17:34
* DocScrutinizer51 humms "like viihihirrrrgin...' ;P17:34
ShadowJKMaemo 4.1 Diablo OS2000 ;-)17:34
tstaerkbut it says Version 517:34
ShadowJKit lies17:34
tstaerkok, ok...17:34
ShadowJKI'm sure17:34
MiniscalopeDocScrutinizer51: do you know how can i know what application is on top ?17:34
tstaerkso do I have maemo or Os2008?17:35
ShadowJKSame thing17:35
ShadowJKMaemo 4 = OS200817:35
DocScrutinizer51Good question. Honestly I'm a real noob on maemo based development17:36
ShadowJKtstaerk, :)17:36
* tstaerk recovers from his "the world is evil" spirit thanks to ShadowJK17:36
tstaerkso I have diablo which is a OS 2008 which is a maemo17:37
DocScrutinizer51maemo OS2008 V5.2008.43-717:38
tstaerkwhat does osso3 and osso8 mean?17:38
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Stskeepshey zerojay17:38
DocScrutinizer51aka diablo17:38
kamuisetting up openssh-server in the scratchbox is taking a fucking year17:39
kamuifreeking, pardon my language there17:39
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ShadowJK also17:39
woglindekamui entropy17:39
woglindebut why you need sshserver inside sratchbox?17:39
tstaerkkamui: but it pays :)17:39
tstaerkwoglinde: to use a real keyboard17:40
tstaerksorry, was stupid17:40
DocScrutinizer51woglinde: lol. for generating the key seed?17:40
kamuiit just forced the upgrade17:40
kamuiI surely dont need it in teh scratchbox17:40
kamuibut it appears to be too late to stop it17:40
siriusnovaNeeds more N900 update17:41
siriusnovaisnt there an N900 firmware floating around somewhere17:41
kamuino lie, its been setting up openssh server for about 5 minutes17:41
DocScrutinizer51siriusnova: in your device's NAND!17:42
ShadowJKsiriusnova, weren't you asking yesterday too?+17:43
siriusnovaapart from my NAND17:43
siriusnovai heard there was a firmware released to testers17:43
siriusnovaI wants it!!!17:43
DocScrutinizer51kamui: well if it generates a 8096bit keypair :-P17:43
kamuidamn it17:45
DocScrutinizer51siriusnova: prereleases aren't released to those who want!!! it XD17:45
wazdwow! Picodrive is awesome!17:45
kamuiI need to kill this17:45
kamuikilled the openssh-server setting up17:46
kamuiand removed both packages17:46
VDVsxwazd, port it to maemo ;)17:46
kamuireally no point, not sure why it started17:46
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kamuianyway, looks like I got what i wanted, sdl and sdl-image17:46
wazdVDVsx: yeah, I'm on it :D17:46
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wazdVDVsx: I can pase sega screenshot into maemo UI, that counts? :D17:46
VDVsxwazd, eehhe, you're the master ;)17:46
VDVsxwazd, for a fake, sounds good :D17:47
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GAN900I wish Boxwave would release a screenprotector already.17:48
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wazdbtw jezuschrist! Road Rash!17:48
* fcrozat received his brando n900 protection.. need to install it17:50
philodo you guys thinks it is possible to have a resistive screen with the gorilla-glass thing ?17:53
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: generating private key pairs on anything but the target server isn't a very good idea17:54
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DocScrutinizer51crashanddie: well here the definition of 'target' was at least a lttle fuzzy :-P17:57
jebbahey, a friend of mine just got a new n900 and the camera application crashes on launch *every* time.  Some posts in talk.m.o suggest that it is a corrupt vfat FS. But this is a non-tech user, so doing fsck from another machine is out-of-the-question (plus a lame fix). Any suggestions as to what this could be?17:58
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X-Fadejebba: Does he use the torch app?17:59
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DocScrutinizer51jebba: run a fsck on N900 natively then?18:00
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DocScrutinizer51still a lame solution. But hey iirc it's an active ticket18:01
SpeedEvilI'm sure I saw format card under settings -> memory18:02
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: not so for eMMC I guess18:02
SpeedEvilit seems gto have gone away18:03
SpeedEvilmaybe I imagined it18:03
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: nah. for sure there is for unformated uSD18:03
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Neostriderhello there18:04
Neostridercall my strider, please ;-)18:04
Neostriderwhat up, DocScrutinizer5118:05
DocScrutinizer51call you OM?18:05
DocScrutinizer51Openmoko Neo Freerunner / Neo197318:06
jebbaX-Fade: no torch app (fresh install noobie, nothing weird)18:07
DocScrutinizer51obviously I was wrong18:07
jebbaDocScrutinizer51: not sure abotu running fsck on teh n900, except hoping a reboot does it (which was tried).18:08
NeostriderDocScrutinizer51:  I wish I was involved with that, but the closest thing I had with it was running it on my phone (Motorola A1200i)18:10
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DocScrutinizer51Neostrider: what? Openmoko system? on A1200?18:12
DocScrutinizer51jebba: I don't think boot runs fsck18:12
Neostriderexactly , I've tried the OM system on my phone18:12
Neostriderbut It started overheating and I had to pull of the battery18:13
tstaerkI have a problem compiling:18:13
tstaerkNokia-N810-43-7:/media/mmc1# gcc-3.4 main.c18:13
tstaerk/usr/bin/ld: crt1.o: No such file: No such file or directory18:13
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ShadowJKdo you have libc-dev?18:16
tstaerkI cannot get it from18:18
tstaerkOr, differently: how do I get that?18:18
pupnik_can we safely suspend browserd?18:18
pupnik_it is sitting there chewing my cpu with no pages open18:18
pupnik_like a bored dog18:19
tstaerkdamn! libc is to be found under g18:19
tstaerklike glibc18:19
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pupnik_gnu's not unix18:20
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wazdanother question for symbian users, is there any app to trace WiFi signal realtime?18:26
kamuiim having a problem building a basic sdl app in the scratchbox18:26
kamuikeep getting the was not declaared in this scope error18:26
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Neostriderkamui: what is your compiler line command?18:27
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kamuig++ helloworld.cpp -o helloworld $(sdl-config --cflags) -L libSDL.a18:28
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kamuithe error appears to only affect line 9, which is screen = SDL-SetVideoMode (800,480,16,SDL_SWSURFACE);18:29
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kamuiits complaining about SDL, SDL_SWSURFACE, SetVideoMode18:29
Neostriderthe correct is SDL_SetVideoMode18:29
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pupnikwhy link to libSDL.a18:30
pupnikto have it static?18:30
kamuiman, Im a twerp, should have seen that18:30
Neostriderdont worry18:30
kamuiwell, this is my first shot at building an N900 app, so I was trying to avoid worrying about deps for now18:31
Neostridersometimes we stare a code for too long and start making simple mistakes18:31
NeostriderSDL is a sure way to get a simple App running in no time18:31
pupnik -L/usr/lib -lSDL  is what i link-in18:31
Neostriderpupnik: do you know anything about special g++ command line optimization swtiches for N770 and N8x0?18:32
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pupnikyes, select the correct cpu and arch18:32
Neostriderpupnik: its actually better to trust the SDL script18:32
Neostrider(sbox doesnt do it for you?)18:32
pupnikecho $CFLAGS $CXXFLAGS18:32
Neostrider`sdl-config --cflags --libs`18:33
kamuiI didn't know about --libs18:33
kamuiand that solved everything :-D18:33
Neostridergreat =-D18:34
pupnikfor n800 try -mcpu=arm1136j-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp18:34
pupnikmaybe -fast-math18:34
kamuilooks like it worked too18:34
kamuiscreen flashed18:34
kamuiand then I got the window manager18:34
kamuiwell, the multitasking selector18:34
NeostriderI've always used -fast-math18:34
Neostriderkamui: device?18:34
kamuino, scratchbox18:35
kamuidevice should arrive in about an hour18:35
Neostridermyself, im going to buy a beagleboard very soon18:35
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kamuifor no apparent reason I had convinced myself this was going to be an extra complex dev environment18:35
Neostriderpupnik:  and how about the N770?18:35
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Neostriderkamui: it is until you get its grasp18:36
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pupnik  Neostrider18:37
lardmanevening chaps18:37
pupnikevening lardman18:37
Neostriderlardman:  evening18:37
lardmanandre__: you about?18:40
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lardmanhmm, anyone happen to remember what # the bug on app manager remembering its position in the list after an install is?18:45
lardmanah, 5135 fwiw18:46
kamuidamn, the scratchbox crashes a lot18:46
kamuiwell Xephyr does anyway18:46
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lardmanhmm, something has regressed in the past two flash images for the N900 as I now have real troubles connecting to my router18:50
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Stskeepsreboot wifi router18:52
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lardmanyeah, getting that feeling18:53
lardmanhmm, /me looks for the reboot button18:55
GAN900lardman, yes, VERIFIED it yesterday.18:55
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lardmanI think it's still broken18:55
lardmanin that it now spits you out to the "All" list rather than leaving you in whatever subsection you had chosen18:56
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lardmanif I could actually connect to the web I'd test it again and reopen the bug18:56
* lardman pulls the wall plug, brb18:56
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GAN900I wish it wouldn't count two APs with same SSID and different channels as separate networks. . . .18:57
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lardman|homehmm, Stskeeps still troubles here, I stand by my regression commnet18:59
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lardman|homeactually was only in the pre-Xmas image now I think about it, had all sorts of troubles trying to re-install the package list as I had to keep rebooting the N90019:00
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kamuiis there a quick command to kill a stopped process?19:10
kamuieg, if I ctrl-z a fg process, I can use bg to background it or fg to return it19:11
kamuihow about a quick way like that to kill it19:11
kamuishort of a kill -9 with the pid19:11
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Neostrider-mcpu=arm926ej-s  -march=armv5 doesnt seem to make much diference for N77019:15
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threshadding random flags wouldnt help19:16
Neostriderthresh: what do you suggest?19:16
thresh-mcpu=cortex-a8 -mtune=cortex-a8 -march=armv7-a -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=softfp could help.19:16
zashkamui: ^Z kill %119:16
Neostriderthresh: Nokia N770 , not Nokia N90019:16
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zashkamui: %1 would be a shortcut for whatever pid of the first suspended/backgrounded process19:17
zashkamui: if you ^Z a process it says "[1]+  Stopped"19:17
kamuikill -9 %119:17
zashthe number in [ ] is what you use then19:18
zashyou can use them with bg/fg too19:18
kamuiin reality, I should just code an exit routine into my misbehaving app :)19:18
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Neostridergtg []s19:24
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lardman|homebug 731519:28
povbotBug X Terminal application icon looks ugly compared with previous versions19:28
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LuciusMarecould you please gently kick me into direction where can i find informations for porting apps to maemo?19:29
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pupnikwhat kind of apps LuciusMare19:29
LuciusMarei just need to recompile the app19:29
pupnikdepends on what it uses19:30
LuciusMarethe app "talk"19:30
pupnikis it a windows 95 app?19:30
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pupnikah ok19:30
* wiretapped is at
pupnikcool stuff wiretapped19:31
pupnikfastest start is to download the vmware sdk LuciusMare then compile the hello world in it19:31
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LuciusMarepupnik: it's a CLI app19:33
pupnikif you have a working sdk, apt-get source [packagename]19:35
pupnikcd to the source tree root19:35
pupnikdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b19:35
LuciusMare? :o19:36
LuciusMareno "./configure;make;obscure ocmmands;optify;profit" ?19:36
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LuciusMareoh and,has ynbody ported the "netcat" to maemo yet?19:41
* SpeedEvil wants to see netcat with finger-friendly GUI.19:43
SpeedEvilapt-get install netcat19:43
SpeedEvilGet:1 fremantle/tools/free netcat 1.10-32osso2 [67.8kB]19:43
pupnikthere is 'socat'19:43
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kamuimore sdl help19:44
kamuiwhat do I need to include events19:44
kamuiis there a separate SDL events-dev lib I need19:45
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kamuiin fact, that was a stupid question19:45
kamuiforget I asked it19:45
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lardman|homehmm, could of sworn I'd seen it before but can't find it now. Anyone seen where the autofocus stuff is actually passed out of gstreamer and to the hw? I'd like to try implementing this in Python19:47
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kevloralHi all19:47
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LuciusMareSpeedEvil: what repository should i add?19:57
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SpeedEvilLuciusMare: All of them!20:00
SpeedEvilextras at least.20:00
SpeedEviltools is good.20:00
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LuciusMareits not in extras20:02
SpeedEvilthe tools repository has lots of command line stuff.20:02
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LuciusMareurl and components?20:02
SpeedEvilsee teh above wiki page20:02
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kamuimy N900 just arrived20:16
kamuidamn, touch is pretty sensitive for a resisitive screen20:16
kamuiand I like the haptic20:16
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* RST38h mentions the Tentacled's name in vain20:22
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kamuiwhats the default lock code20:25
kamuitried 0000 1234 123456 0-920:25
kamuiwow, thanks20:26
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mtnbkrthe extr "5" is for extra security :)20:27
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kamuianyone set up google's exchange with M4e?20:34
kamuiMfE :)20:34
Robot101it doesn't work20:34
dnaumovhas anyone here succesfully done a sync/backup/restore of data from N95 to N900? my contacts/calender tranfer fine, but my Notes dont20:34
Robot101kamui: MfE on the N900 doesn't support the right version of the server, that google provides...20:35
Jaffakamui: Go via www.nuevasync.com20:35
Robot101kamui: there are threads on about it but basically expect poor results, unless/until Nokia fix it up20:35
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kamuiI read a ton on it in talk20:36
kamuihalf the comments say it works, the other half say it doesn't20:36
kamuiso I was wondering what you guys were seeing20:36
Robot101you can plug the settings in but it doesn't work, my brother tried it like 2 days ago20:36
Robot101it looks like its working but syncs nothing, we found20:36
Jaffakamui: As Robot101, using Google's ActiveSync service directly is flaky, but nuevasync have been working on compatibility since Sept. when timsamoff and I first tried it. Working well now.20:36
kamuihaven't used that in a while20:37
kamuidoes it finally support multiple calendars20:37
kamuiand email?20:37
JaffaIt merges them for the N900, but can support multiple calendars on some devices, apparently. Not tried email, but works well for calendar.20:37
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kamuiI really mostly only care about calendar and contacts20:38
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kamuimail can just be simple imap20:38
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kamuiyes, I see what you mean20:38
kamuijust completed a sync20:38
JaffaIndeed. I use IMAP for email with Gmail and NuevaSync for calendar.20:38
kamuiand no contacts20:38
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Arkenoidoes nuevasync copy event descriptions properly?20:42
Robot101I wish there was some working SyncML20:42
Robot101I should make a deal with mobical and get some minions to work on it or something20:42
kamuione more thing20:43
Arkenoisyncml is definitely better than activesync20:43
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Robot101worth sending an e-mail tbh, actually20:43
kamuiso im still using MfE20:43
kamuibut with the nuevasync server settings20:43
kamuiinstead of the settings20:43
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JaffaArkenoi: yup, although Calendar doesn't make URLs clickable. Hmm, must report that.20:43
ruskiewell atleast calendar seems to have some idea that there are other than only local or special calendars... would be nice to see ical and syncml support20:46
Wolfieis there a way to sync the n900 calendar with google calendar?20:46
luke-jrdo do do do dooooo20:47
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toggles_wWolfie: mail for exchange20:50
JaffaWolfie: scroll up, it's what we've been discussing. Short answer:'s free account and Settings > Mail for Exchange20:51
Wolfiesorry for that. thanks20:51
JaffaWolfie: np :)20:52
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clmntchsome ass hole tried to send me a keylogger20:55
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ruskieactually no20:55
ShadowJKdcc send to entire channel20:55
ruskiethey were trying to disconnect people20:55
ruskiethere was some bug in norton firewall or whatever a few years ago20:55
ruskieif it spoted keylogger in the string it disconnected20:55
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ruskiemost linux chans didn't have any probs20:56
clmntchall of my boxes are linux, so i don't need to worry, but it still pissed me off that he/she tried20:57
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kamuican't believe the N900 is a linux tablet20:57
RST38hMoo, ShadowJK20:57
kamuiyet it has no tab key20:58
RST38hno escape key is more of a problem20:58
kamuiprobably have to map a shortcut to something like shift space20:58
kamuiyea, that too20:58
lardman|homehmm, thankfully Norton has plugged that bug20:58
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lardman|homeotherwise someone is currently reading my taps20:58
ruskiewell irssi seems to be smart enough to ignore the bad dccs anyway20:58
luke-jrnot just Norton20:58
ruskielardman|home, actually it just disconnected you nothing else :)20:58
luke-jra lot of SOHO routers too20:58
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luke-jrgo into any major IRC channel and do it, a couple of people will likely be d/c'd20:59
luke-jrand you will likely get K-lined ;)20:59
* ruskie is happy his fw is an openbsd box20:59
luke-jrFreenode even has a script in #Ubuntu to K-line for it automatically :p21:00
ruskieI would say the better location would be #windows ;)21:00
dmzhowdy y'all; any n810 users here? i just reflashed mine and was wondering if there was any easy way to install and have root be on the flash disk; or some way to be able to use the flash for extra space; i don't install that many apps; but it fills up the tiny / partition setup pretty quick (canola alone is 100M+ w/all it's plugins)21:00
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kamuiI've played with pidgin in the scratchbox21:08
kamuihowever, is there a better way to get msn integrated21:08
kamuiI like the whole systemwide integration21:08
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kamuior should I just be looking at jabber with transports21:09
luke-jryou should just refuse to use MSN21:09
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adeusor use bitlbee :)21:10
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K`no way, it took me years to get everyone I know off of aim21:10
K`stale connection I see21:10
luke-jrK`: so you should have got them on to standard services, not MSN21:10
K`give me an example21:10
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luke-jrJabber, Google Talk, Gizmo21:11
K`jabber wasn't going to happen21:11
K`too complex for some of my family21:11
K`google talk was an option, but too much resistance21:11
luke-jrthere's no complexity for end users any more than any other protocol21:12
K`well, its not really important now21:12
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K`what do you use luke-jr21:12
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luke-jrK`: I run my own private service for my family\.21:13
K`I was referring to on your N90021:13
RST38hCheck this out:
luke-jrwhich of course federates with any other standard compliant service21:13
luke-jrK`: I don't own a N90021:13
RST38hsee anything different?21:13
luke-jrK`: want to buy me one?21:13
ShadowJKRST38h, games, apps21:14
K`I could barely buy myself one :)21:14
luke-jrI have a N810 with Gentoo21:14
zerojayluke-jr: You know, you can just say "I run a Jabber server" instead of trying to sound like you're doing something all important-like. :)21:15
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RST38hShadowJK: Apparently, you CAN create folders in Maemo5 menus21:15
luke-jrzerojay: it's not Jabber. Jabber is a specific XMPP service.21:15
RST38hShadowJK: But it does not work very reliably, the poster reports that he has killed his device doing this21:15
K`man, what did I start21:15
ShadowJKRST38h, it's funny they motivated it with aligning with symbian, but there you can create folders too?21:15
zerojayI don't care if they call it XMPP now.. it will always be Jabber to me.21:15
RST38hShadowJK: Of cause you can21:15
Robot101Web / HTTP ~= Email / SMTP+POP+IMAP ~= Jabber / XMPP21:16
Robot101the network as a whole is called Jabber too21:16 is a particular service21:16
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zerojayGosh.. it's been... a loooooong time.21:17
luke-jrhow on earth did you ~= Web/HTTP with Email/SMTP+IMAP?21:17
zerojayluke-jr: HTTP is called the web, just like SMTP/IMAP is called Email just like XMPP is called Jabber.21:18
Stskeepswb javispedro21:18
zerojayAt least that's my interpretation of what Robot is saying.21:18
luke-jrzerojay: I see, in that case, I would argue that XMPP is called "instant messaging" :)21:18
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Robot101luke-jr: not really, if you say "do you have an e-mail address?" and I give you an X.509 address which isn't a valid SMTP endpoint, you're going to think I'm an idiot :P21:21
ShadowJKX.509 :D21:21
Robot101the other e-mail protocols are irrelevant now, whereas the same is not true for IM21:21
pupnikexport SDL_MOUSE_RELATIVE='0'  javispedro - that might fix some things21:23
luke-jrRobot101: you're doing that backward21:23
GAN900zerojay, on the upswing?21:23
luke-jrand yes, I consider all non-XMPP protocols irrelevant for IM21:23
Robot101luke-jr: yes, but in the real world, no.21:23
luke-jrRobot101: in the real world, I haven't used any of the others in years21:23
woglindeirc is somehow im too21:23
luke-jrwoglinde: IRC is deprecated MUC :P21:24
Robot101"what's your IM address" to $random off the street could get you an MSN id, an AOL id, a google id, etc21:24
Robot101so, in the *real world*, namely *not you and your friends*, this is true21:24
javispedropupnik: I never had mouse problems actually... then again I don't play games but run apps and the dosbox works fine21:24
pupnikjavispedro: when I dpkg-buildpackage the maemo5 dosbox, is there anything i need to change to configure or setting defines?21:24
zerojayGAN900: Sorry, what?21:24
javispedropupnik: for m5, none that I know of.21:24
zashRobot101: didn't aol play with xmpp? and gtalk is xmpp-ish21:24
Robot101anyway, this is an utterly failing conversation. the XMPP standards foundation themselves refer to the network as Jabber.21:24
javispedropupnik: for n810, DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=vfp21:25
luke-jrRobot101: if it's not standards-compliant, I insult them and demand they get something compliant? :D21:25
Robot101so you're trying to be more catholic than the pope or something, just give it up21:25
zerojayRobot101: Hahaha.21:25
pupniknice job making the packages work with the deb builder21:25
javispedropupnik: if you can send me a nice diff I'll try to integrate your changes21:25
javispedropupnik: but no prob if you don't, diffing them from my tarball should be trivial21:25
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javispedropupnik: one thing I am interested in is a benchmark where the dynamic core "helps".21:26
Stskeepsjeremiah_: ping21:26
GAN900zerojay, are you feeling less sick? :P21:26
javispedroI am yet to see a great speedup from it, but then all my tests are real mode21:26
ShadowJK'"G=Harald;S=Alvestrand;O=Uninett;P=Uninett;A=;C=no" — the unwieldiness of this addressing format is believed by many to be one factor in the lack of success of X.400.'21:27
GAN900Howdy, javispedro, by the way. Good holiday?21:27
javispedrohiyo GAN900, of course :)21:28
javispedrowas quite busy this month, so every holiday is appreciated21:29
zerojayGAN900: Yeah, finally feeling mostly better now.21:30
pupnikjavispedro: will try to find one.  the mouse click-on-tap is a broken model and will not stand though.21:30
javispedrohope you're all enjoying this Christmas too :)21:30
javispedropupnik: I can understand your wish; there are games where getting a pixel perfect absolute mouse is impossible21:31
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woglindejavispedro sure21:32
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pupnikevery game is broken atm21:32
javispedrothe trick is try to disable mouse acceleration ingame21:33
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javispedroand play with mouse speed.21:33
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pupnikwhere do you turn off mouse-acceleration ingame javispedro ?21:38
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javispedropupnik: depends on game :)21:38
javispedrofor that oldie game called "windows 3.1" it's system.ini ;)21:39
pupnikah ok21:39
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pupnikyou looked at accel and dosbox joystick yet?21:41
javispedronope, doing some other stuff and then want to go back to my emu again (so near h-d scaling)21:42
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pupnikcool :)21:43
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dnaumovis the latest version of rdesktop broken?21:48
dnaumovit complains that it "cannot work properly as there is some problem with the connection network"21:49
dnaumovirrelevantly of what network I use21:49
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HiskiBoywhat is maemo 5 "n900" superusetr password21:56
HiskiBoywhat is maemo 5 "n900" superuser password21:56
Stskeepsnone, get rootsh21:56
woglindesudo gainroot21:57
K`I enabled the extras repo, but I don't see anything21:57
Wolfiewoglinde: doesn't work out of the box21:57
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K`specifically looking for xchat21:58
dnaumovrdesktop-gui is broken if your server has a nonstandard port21:58
woglindewolfie hm?21:58
dnaumovrdesktop-cli works21:58
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dnaumovbut rdesktop gui tries to resolve hostname:port as a hostname in its entirety21:58
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Wolfiewoglinde: you need rootsh first, otherwise you aren't given access21:59
Wolfieor something else...22:00
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cehtehso .. after a lot of coursing i got openvpn working in a *seamless* way, with some hacks. anyone here interested in improving that, then i can make a wiki page or so22:05
zashcehteh: define seamless22:06
redif seamless is 30fps no hickups then yes22:06
redotherwise its the way most vncs just work :p22:06
zashhow does framerates relate to vpns?22:07
Ceron haha :)22:07
Ceronparkin camera systems crash22:08
cehtehi can turn it on and off in my home wlan (which is not a separate network but in the same net as the rest of the home network)22:08
redzash: when you want to use your pc remotely, fluently22:08
cehtehand switch to mobile and back .. and possibly to any other wlan22:08
cehtehwithout loosing connections22:08
LaiskaOk since Ceron went OT so will I (sorry..) , just something I really want to share..
zashred: virtual *private network*22:09
LaiskaThat PocketMail..22:09
redzash: think ill glo clear my eyeglasses22:09
cehtehand dont use the maemo-update-resolv stuff but integrated the vpn into the dnsmasq thing22:09
redi read vnc :)22:09
zashred: :D22:09
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RST38hCryptographers have moved closer to their goal of eavesdropping on cellphone conversations after cracking the secret code used to prevent the interception of radio signals as they travel between handsets and mobile operators' base stations22:12
go1dfishoh dear22:12
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zashRST38h: Didn't GSM encryption suck?22:13
zashas in 56bit suckage22:13
RST38hzash: well, not enough to be easily breakable22:14
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moo-_-zash: they change key very frequently (matter of seconds) I think22:15
fredrinaaah i want a n90022:15
* fredrin got a HTC Hero for chistmas :(22:15
fredrinwhat a stupid santa22:15
RXrenesis8ebay ebay ebay22:16
Stskeepssell it to buy a n90022:16
fredrini got it exchanged for a giftcard22:16
fredrinso i'll get a n900 eventualy22:16
fredrinjust got to wait for the shop to get more of them22:16
fredrinwas sold out :(22:16
RST38hIs it safe to do apt-get upgrade in SB2?22:16
fredrinso much for being late on the trend22:17
fredrinand more expencive22:17
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cedafredrin: at least it's worth the wait!22:20
fredrinceda: :D i know22:21
HiskiBoysanta where not stupid because i get n90022:24
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K`no way to make red pill mode permanent?22:34
RST38hWhere do I set the list of packages my package depends on when using autoconf?22:37
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pupniki think debhelper scripts add that22:40
* ShadowJK got openvpn working seamlessly in a trivial way, but I'm probably not using it for the same thing or in the same way22:41
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RST38hI am close to giving up :(((22:44
StskeepsRST38h: debian/control22:44
Stskeepsand autoconf has nothing to deal with that22:44
RST38hI need to make autoconf add Python include/lib directories to cflags22:44
RST38hHow the hell do I do that? :(22:44
StskeepsPKG_CONFIG stuff maybe22:44
RST38hBut WHERE?22:44
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woglinderst give me a pointer22:45
woglindeto your source22:45
RST38hwoglinde: XChat source in Extras22:45
RST38hit appears to build on sb1 but fails on sb222:45
woglindexchat needs python support?22:45
woglinderst ah22:45
RST38hI do not see where it includes python22:45
RST38hplugins do22:45
woglindeyeah sdk+ is broken22:45
woglindeforget abiout it22:46
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RST38hcan I somehow ï²disable python dependency?22:48
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woglindedepends on the autotools stuff22:49
woglindelet me see22:49
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* RST38h is trying to fix crashes and finally build a working xchat package for n90022:49
Stskeepswe should just pool together and employ qwerty12 for a year22:50
woglinderst hm I would switch to cdbs22:50
RST38hqwerty is apparently grounded =)22:51
RST38hwoglinde: oh, please, not *another* build system22:51
* RST38h never writes more than a single makefile for a project22:51
StskeepsRST38h: oh dear, really? :P22:51
RST38h~seen qwerty1222:51
woglinderst it would simply the rules file a lot22:51
infobotqwerty12 <n=faheem@Maemo/community/contributor/qwerty12> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 25d 2h 27m 55s ago, saying: 'Khertan: "As of hildon 2.2, HildonDialog has been deprecated in favor of GtkDialog. "'.22:51
woglindebut let see22:51
StskeepsRST38h: i'd think he was focusing on college22:52
RST38hOr that, yes22:52
Stskeepswhich is not entirely a bad choice :P22:52
woglindefrom configure.in22:52
RST38hwoglinde: REALLY?22:52
woglindethat was easy22:52
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RST38hwoglinde: I build it with sb2 dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -d -b22:53
RST38hwoglinde: Do I supply --disable-python to dpkg-buildpackage?22:54
thopiekarcould someone please tell me how to build maemo mapper on ubuntu karmic?22:54
woglindeedit debian/rules22:54
RST38hhmmm ok22:54
thopiekarI've installed libgdbm3.. a package called "libgdbm" isn't available on karmic.. but I get this while ./configure'ing maemo mapper: "configure: error: not found. Please install libgdbm."22:55
RST38hfound it22:55
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woglinderst let me see maybee you have to touch some more22:55
RST38hthere was --enable-python there22:56
woglinderst I meant packaging and install22:56
RST38hA5/1 kaboom22:57
woglindebut there is only suggest22:57
pupnikthe -d will ignore dependencies, meaning it might build with broken control / rules22:57
woglindeand build-dev22:57
javispedrothere's still a .install file somewhere expecting /usr/lib/xchat/.../python.so22:57
RST38hwoglinde: if it builds with sb2 now, I should be well on my way debugging it22:57
woglindepupnik yeah but otherwise sb2 is borken22:57
RST38hjavispedro: The only install I see does not require it22:57
woglindejavis nope22:57
woglindeI checked it22:58
javispedroRST38h: see debian/xchat.install22:58
javispedroit requires /usr/lib/xchat22:58
woglindehm okay22:58
javispedrothis (may) only get created if there's a plugin, and if you disable the pyton plugin, then there's no plugin22:58
woglindethanks javis22:58
woglindewasnt seen that the python stuff goes there22:58
javispedrothis was the original failure he was getting22:59
RST38hjavispedro: it is a directory though22:59
woglindeah okay22:59
javispedroRST38h: that is the reason of the "may"22:59
woglinderemove the line in the .install line22:59
woglindeargs file22:59
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woglinderst a5/1 it was known23:00
MacerTSA hahaha23:01
Macerwhat a joke23:01
woglindebut at the congress now it was one of the first speeches23:01
Maceryou know what the one thing that is holding back terrorists from inflicting major damage? ignorance23:01
Macerall they have to do is send one guy into one airport a day and kill the unarmed tsa people and that's it. ALL airports are closed23:01
woglindewhich terrorists?23:01
woglindethe one from the cia?23:01
Maceri mean i'm sure after about a month of doing that trillions of dollars would be lost23:02
Maceras the airplanes are constantly on the ground23:02
Macerterrorists don't understand that money is more important to the US than actual people :)23:02
javispedrowell, look at the bright side, that year's summer would still be even more hot23:03
woglindemacer nope heating the home is important23:03
woglindeor driving car23:03
Macerwoglinde: those are just 2 forms of money woglinde ;)23:03
woglindethey should blow up some tankers anf pipelines23:03
Macerwoglinde: no. that doesn't affect the right kind of person23:04
woglindeif there is no gasoline no money can buy it23:04
woglindeand that would hit the usa much more23:04
Macerwoglinde: plus. believe me. if gas stops flowing the emperor will send the sardukar23:04
Macerthe spice must flow23:04
Macerthere will be an entire battalion around every pipeline in existance :)23:04
Macerwith sats watching it 24/723:05
n900evilmacer: be flying naked soon enou23:05
Macerwoglinde: money is what is most important to the US. trust me. when 9/11 happened there were 2 things that politicians did23:06
Macer1. try to score political points23:06
Stskeepseat beacon?23:06
Macer2. try to find a way to profit on it and watching the market die and tumble23:06
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Macerthey were watching the dow more than the stories about the victims23:07
Macerstatistically .. most people dont' care if strangers die23:07
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Macereasy fix to making rich white people happy is to start a war and tell them to buy defense stocks :)23:08
ebtschi_workyeah! buy nokia stocks instead!23:08
Maceriridium would have been a better choice :)23:09
PavlovMacer: way to bring race in to play23:09
Pavlovgood job23:09
MacerPavlov: truth is truth :)23:09
ebtschi_workiridium - you'd have lost your money23:09
jeremiah_Stskeeps: Hi.23:10
jeremiah_Sorry, I wasn't around earlier.23:10
Stskeepsjeremiah_: it's friday evening, it's a sign of health ;)23:10
Stskeepswait, it's monday23:10
luke-jrMacer: that part isn't truth23:10
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javispedroStskeeps: that's surely not a sign of health ;)23:12
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Macerluke-jr: ;)23:13
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Macersee where the stock starts to go up ?23:13
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Macersharp drops when the economic bubble popped near end of 08 and another huge dip when obama started his rantings of getting troops out23:14
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* RST38h digs into setup.c23:16
RST38hSomewhere there should be a crash23:16
RST38hcan't make it drop core23:17
RST38hdunno why23:17
RST38hso, printf()s.23:17
woglinde_but you can run it with gdb23:17
woglinde_install the gdb7 package23:17
RST38hyea, but I am too lazy to install gdb :)23:17
woglinde_then go the slow way with printf23:18
woglinde_reboot now23:18
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RST38hMacer: conspiracy!23:18
MacerRST38h: not really23:18
Macerthere's another goodie :)23:18
Maceryou can see the same dip when obama announced pulling out of iraq23:19
Macerthen it spikes back up when he said "we need to stay" haha23:19
RST38hWell that is Hughes. They are huges warprofiteers23:19
MacerRST38h: of course haha23:19
RST38hA lot of these companies are essentially states within a state23:19
Macerdo you think hughes cares about troops or their stock price? ;)23:19
Macerlike i said. nobody cares about a stranger dying more than they care about their own money23:20
RST38hAnd they are soooo friendly with the government, that feel more like Soviet industries than capitalist enterprises23:20
Macerwhen the last hurricane hit new orleans... did you see how all their cameras were trained on the levies?23:20
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Maceri am willing to bet you all my money. all reporters were HOPING.. the levy broke again23:21
RST38hMacer: Do you remember the story where they drove empty trucks between two Iraqi towns, on schedule?23:21
RST38hBecause the US government was paying for regular convoys23:21
MacerRST38h: haha yeah23:21
RST38hThe drivers called it the road of death23:21
Macerwhy bring actual supplies when you can just waste a little gas23:21
Macerand make a killing hehe23:21
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javispedroah, Palm to bring new product on jan 7th23:22
Macerpeople still use palm? :)23:22
Maceri thought they went bankrupt23:22
RST38hno doubt, it will be rrrrevolutionary23:22
Macerthey were so ahead of their time back in the day23:22
Macerand then became complacent23:22
Maceri was a big fan of the newton based things.... too bad that never worked out23:23
javispedro"Newton based things"?23:23
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javispedrowhat a weird way to name a PDA.23:23
Macernewton was an OS23:24
Maceri don't think apple actually released their own23:24
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sheepbatand there was the eMate23:26
sheepbatbased on the Newton OS, but not an Apple Newton23:26
Macerthere were a few. i'm sure apple had their own but23:26
Maceri think sharp made one23:27
Macerthose things were ahead of their time too23:27
Macernewton OS wasn't bad at all23:27
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Macerwonder how long it will take lifetime to make the made for tv movie about the guy who had to go to south american court to get his son back from his ex wife's family after she died during child birth23:28
Macerhow the hell would the family ever expect a judge to say "no. the boy doesn't go back to his father who he was kidnapped from.. he should stay with uncle phillipe instead"23:29
n900evilwas the father successfully portrayed in court as a danger ...23:30
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lolowdo you have a list of phones on which maemo works as expected?23:32
dmj7261It only works on one phone23:32
lolowcould i install maemo to other phones?23:32
n900evilIt's a short list.23:32
infobotfrom memory, mer is, or on #mer23:32
luke-jrlolow: no23:32
Stskeepsis probably what you are looking for23:32
dmj7261If you ported it to the other phones, yes.23:33
lolowok i'll check it out23:33
dmj7261It would be a lot of effort though23:33
n900evildmj: err no.23:33
luke-jrlolow: Maemo is closed source (overall); Mer is the open-source "version"23:33
dmj7261I mean mer23:33
Stskeepswell, Mer did run on freerunner ;)23:33
lolowluke-jr: thanx for that, i thought maemo is open source too23:33
n900evildmj: and used all of the closed source bits illegally.23:33
luke-jrlolow: Maemo is the corp umbrella which Nokia contributes to Mer23:34
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lolowoh okay23:34
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luke-jrbut Maemo-the-OS is not open itself23:35
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Stskeepsluke-jr: for once i agree with you :P23:35
Stskeepson the other hand, things could be a lot worse23:36
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charkinsHowdy folks. Anyone know how to get SSL working with MicroB in the SDK? There doesn't appear to be any default certificate authorities and I'm not sure how to configure any. I am ultimately trying to get libgdata (which is using libsoup) to work with https.23:36
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n900evilI can - with approval - install gcc on device, compile apps, and sell them.23:37
n900evilworks for me.23:37
RST38hStskeeps: BTW, apparently, Maemo5 app menu suppots folders23:37
luke-jrn900evil: why approval? you don't need approval23:37
RST38hStskeeps: some crazy russian folks enabled them23:37
charkinsn900evil: was that directed at me? (ssl works for you out of the box with sdk?)23:37
n900evilluk: err23:37
StskeepsRST38h: oh23:37
StskeepsRST38h: URL?23:37
n900evilluk: I mean without jailbreaking or violating licence terms.23:38
n900evilchar: not used sdk23:38
StskeepsRST38h: oh, interesting23:39
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lolowgoodbye guys ;D23:41
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luke-jrn900evil: what license terms?23:44
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ebtschi_worki'm asking my question from before again:23:44
ebtschi_workhas anyone here done something with maemo on the beagle board?23:44
luke-jrebtschi_work: no23:44
luke-jrebtschi_work: replace 'maemo' with 'mer', and you might find someone23:45
Stskeepsactually no23:45
Stskeepsebtschi_work: Maemo on OMAP?23:46
Stskeepsluke-jr: funny fact, we don't have an active beagleboard port atm :P23:46
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luke-jrStskeeps: I'm sure someone's done *something* with it tho?23:46
Stskeepsluke-jr: yeah, me23:47
Stskeepsi'm an octopus in many regards23:47
ebtschi_workStskeeps, you don't?23:47
Stskeepsno beagleboard port of Mer, as in, not published23:48
Stskeepscos i don't have a kernel source to build from scratch23:48
ebtschi_work (+)23:48
Stskeepsebtschi_work: yes, that's old23:48
Stskeepsuse the URL i gave above23:48
Stskeepsebtschi_work: what board do you have? if it's B5 it's not good ::/23:48
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ebtschi_worknone atm23:49
Stskeepswhat's your intended use?23:49
ebtschi_worki'm trying to find it out before i buy one ;-)23:50
Stskeepsconsider looking at a zoom2 instead23:50
Stskeepstypical components for development in there23:50
Macerlol @ 21 jump street23:51
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ebtschi_workapplication is some OEM hardware, with USB, sdcard, ethernet, audio23:52
ebtschi_workwith a "modern os" on it, and text to speech23:52
ebtschi_workas well some application software, that currently exists on symbian (python)23:53
luke-jrebtschi_work: no graphics?23:53
Stskeepsebtschi_work: mm, i would look at zoom2 then. it might seem expensive but it contains everything you could imagine to need23:54
ebtschi_work"kinda low power"23:54
luke-jrebtschi_work: Maemo and Mer are graphical OS23:54
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luke-jrebtschi_work: possibly consider RouterStation (?) or EFIKA MX as well23:55
Stskeepsluke-jr: technically it could operate with a null framebuffer though23:55
luke-jrStskeeps: yeah, but then what's the point? :P23:55
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Stskeepsluke-jr: visually impaired users?23:55
ebtschi_workzoom2.... for development the price isn't that important, but what about the end product?23:55
ebtschi_workwith the beagle board the schematics are there - ore we could just use the board as is for ~ 100€ which is crazy low23:56
Stskeepsebtschi_work: true23:56
Stskeepsebtschi_work: not sure if they exist for zoom2, but they might23:56
Stskeepssheevaplug isn't a bad idea either23:57
Stskeepsthat and ubuntu or something23:57
Stskeepsor debian23:57
RST38hOHMYGOD! It dies in libsexy!23:59

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