IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2009-09-27

ShadowJKthe roof in my new car seems like an effective GPS blocker00:02
ShadowJKworks fine when under the window though00:02
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SpeedEvilcars vary.00:07
* RST38h draws a pentagram with word "volatile" in the center00:07
SpeedEvilsome - especially newer/shinier cars have a coating on the window to reduce solar gain - which also blocks GPS - or do rear window demisting00:07
javispedroRST38h: you finally found the source of all the evil in the world00:07
* SpeedEvil wonders what foul demon RST38h is summoning.00:07
RST38hOh shit, even link-time-optimization works00:08
RST38hSpeed: VAX00:08
RST38hSpeed: And it speaks to me in German, unless properly excorsized00:08
ShadowJKVAX <300:08
RST38hjavis: Yes, and I am currently productizing it00:08
* ShadowJK had ssh account on a VAX once00:08
ShadowJKit ran OpenVMS :-)00:08
* RST38h compiled ircii for openvms once00:09
ShadowJKI used epic :)00:09
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johnxRST38h, did you already hear about the bank heist in Stockholm?00:14
RST38hNo, what happened? They airdropped VAX onto the vault?00:15
RST38hah, so the helicopter was involved after all00:17
johnxso who says you only ever hear about the dumb criminals00:17
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fralsyeah that chopper landed a few minutes from where i live, pretty cool00:19
johnxfrals, they cut you in to keep your mouth shut? :)00:19
lardmannight all00:19
johnx'night lardman00:19
fralshaha, i wish :D00:19
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qwerty12_N810"Here, son, get that N900 you've always wanted"00:20
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javispedrothat's how eldar got his prototype00:21
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fralspretty pro to rob a cash storage central with a fuckin chopper tbh00:21
johnxI'd feel a lot differently if it was someplace that wasn't insured or if anyone was hurt00:22
johnxbut as it is: just wow00:22
qwerty12_N810So, is Sweden heaven for bank robbers? If so, I'll get a ticket right now00:23
javispedroyes it is00:24
javispedroI will be waiting for you there to rob you first ;)00:25
qwerty12_N810Of what?00:25
* qwerty12_N810 coughs00:25
johnxyour cool nickname00:25
javispedrowhatever you stole from all those nokians!00:26
qwerty12_N810Well, if you want a 3310 *that* badly...00:27
SpeedEvilqwerty12_N810: Running maemo5?00:28
* rkirti wonders what encryption system would map n900 to 3310......00:28
lcuk2the 3310 is easy enough, but getting a lock of a nokians hair for that voodoo anti-iphone spell is a bit more tricky00:28
lcuk2tho notably, jeremiah has long hair...00:29
qwerty12_N810SpeedEvil: Running some version of Maemo with Snake II...00:29
SpeedEvillcuk2: I thought you simply needed the ash from the heartwood of a Golden Delicious tree, planted in a graveyeard.00:29
javispedroanti-iphone spell?00:29
lcuk2thats to resurect a c64, get with the times00:29
* javispedro would be happy with an anti-rdf spell00:29
SpeedEvilFor that I always used leaded solder.00:30
lcuk2my first attempt at fixing a broken computer involved tinfoil and the expansion port on my zx spectrum00:30
* qwerty12_N810 leaves you old people to it00:30
lcuk2i didnt have to gel my hair for weeks afterwards!00:31
lcuk2speakin of which :O shockingly - for real00:31
lcuk2jake was stupid tonight00:31
lcuk2he idly put the charger for the laptop in his mouth00:31
* lcuk2 facepalmed00:31
lcuk2yes speedevil00:32
lcuk2reactions are quite quick when you get a zap00:32
SpeedEvilIs jake 7?00:32
SpeedEvilThat'll do it.00:32
lcuk2hopefully its his first and final lesson in the dangers of electricity :)00:32
SpeedEvillcuk2: "That's the evil in the internet biting you"00:33
lcuk2nahhh, internet cables arent that shocking00:33
lcuk2they have a bad taste occasionally tho00:33
SpeedEvillive 10base-t cables can be detected with the tongue.00:35
lcuk2i prefer just looking at my color coding sheet and using a regular non living tester00:36
lcuk2my dad had a mega-ohm industrial circuit tester00:36
lcuk2he once asked me to "hold onto these"00:36
lcuk2giving me a pair of crocodile clips00:37
* ShadowJK once thought the electric fence was off and did "I'm not afraid, watch this!"00:37
lcuk2they give a right jolt00:38
lcuk2my mate once peed onto a lamppost and caused a massive electric arc and shorted the post out00:38
lcuk2im surprised he didnt fry anywhere00:38
ShadowJKAlso at work one of the engineers told me he just discovered the failure mode of triacs vs relays.. relays just become a break in the circuit.. triacs become a conductor in the circuit when they break :-)00:39
ShadowJKI didn't ask how he discovered it00:39
fralsmythbuster tested that whole peeing on stuff concept, didnt they?00:39
lcuk2but afterwards we tried other pepole peeing00:39
ShadowJKWell with the electric fence, electricity would be conducted through the body into the ground00:39
lcuk2and only he had explosive electrolitic piss00:39
fralsturns out its pretty hard to get it to arc up to you due to.. well, its not a solid stream all the way to the electric current usually00:40
ShadowJKbut lamppost has live and ground near eachother?00:40
lcuk2yeah -  but sparks flew00:40
lcuk2and we were young00:40
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qwerty12_N810There was some guy in London who took a piss on the train tracks and got elecrocuted as a result of doing so00:42
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SpeedEvilIt depends on the stream.00:43
SpeedEvilIf you can obtain a coherent stream, with under a few cm gap00:43
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zerojayThe Mythbusters fucked that one up anyways.00:49
zerojayTheir piss stream had zero pressure behind it unlike a dude taking a piss normally.00:49
SpeedEvilzerojay: pressure is actually bad00:50
SpeedEvilzerojay: more energy in the stream tends to cause it to become uncoherent sooner00:50
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mavhcif only science let you do your own experiments00:50
zerojayCome to my toilet then. :)00:50
SpeedEvilzerojay: Turn the lights off, and flash photograph some streams from the side.00:51
* SpeedEvil cannot be held responsible for piss all over the floor.00:51
javispedro#maemo. you can talk about ye olde computers, and you can piss.00:51
mavhcdon't use your pick up lines on me00:52
qwerty12_N810Why limit yourself to just pissing?00:52
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lcuk22 girls 1 transformer00:53
t_s_osheesh, do i need to grab the mind bleach?00:53
* SpeedEvil downloads tubgirl to perform photometrology.00:53
mavhcdo you now00:53
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lcuk2ok, lets flush this conversation.  we need to wipe the slate clean.00:54
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qwerty12_N810That's it! Tubgirl! I haven't fapped to that in a while00:54
t_s_oi did not see that...00:54
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lcuk2t_s_o, consider yourself lucky00:55
lcuk2all because of a silly electrocution00:55
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lcuk2Corsac, i dont think its a photoshop - its more like smoking into a projector01:14
* lcuk2 is probably wrong tho01:14
CorsacI would agree01:17
Corsacbut it still looks very nice01:17
Corsac(cigarettes are kind-of hot, on a picture)01:17
Corsacphotogenic, I mean01:18
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zerojayIf you say so.01:18
lcuk2zerojay, ok, dynamic smoke clouds generated by combustion of a mixture of checmicals in a safe filtered environment vented to ECC regulations :D01:19
lcuk2and without going near humans01:20
lcuk2the point was the smoke, not the act of smoking01:20
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lcuk2this is super cool too01:21
zerojaylcuk2: I meant that towards Corsac saying cigs are kind of hot.01:21
zerojaylcuk2: And I can't really separate the smoke from the act of smoking. ;)01:21
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lcuk2smoke rings on that video you can :P01:21
lcuk2they are like the best explosions out of scifi01:21
Corsaczerojay: well, cigarettes *are* hots01:24
Corsacwhen they are lighted01:24
Corsaclcuk2: pretty :)01:25
igagislcuk2: hi01:25
igagislcuk2: I managed to upload theremin to fremantle extras-devel01:26
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MrGoose1lcuk2: who are you and what did you do to luck?01:27
infobotMrGoose1 meant: lcuk2: who are you and what did you do to lcuk?01:27
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lcukapart from got kicked earlier01:28
MrGoose1lcuk: who are you and what did you do to lcuk2?01:28
rohanrhuis maemo installable to nokia n95 ?01:28
Tiredgot a good kickin...01:28
* MrGoose1 resumes his sleep01:28
javispedrono. no. no.,01:29
javispedroand no.01:29
b-man16can anyone help me with this? :(
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Andy80hi all01:31
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javispedrob-man16: as a temporary workaround, you could try with "export DISPLAY="01:31
kpelb-man16: add a line in /etc/hosts for localhost?01:31
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pupnikit's fun watching people play the game01:33
b-man16javispedro: didn't work :(
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SpeedEvil1pupnik: yup01:35
SpeedEvil1pupnik: I have played over gprs with my neo197301:36
SpeedEvil1pupnik: (openmoko) this was very silly though01:36
SpeedEvil1and didn't really work very well, due to the limited virtual keyb01:36
javispedrob-man16: is xephyr listening, and on display 2:?01:36
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b-man16javispedro: yes01:37
SpeedEvil1pupnik: I have a tiled screensaver I made once - that shows a dozen in-progress games.01:38
javispedrouh, well..01:39
b-man16i ran "Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac -kb &"01:40
javispedrob-man16: does /tmp/.X11-unix/X2 exists in sbox01:41
MrGoose1n900 for vodaphone?01:42
b-man16ls -a /tmp/.X11-unix; x001:42
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MrGoose1sorry for the long link01:42
SpeedEvilMrGoose1: also t-mobile01:42
SpeedEvilMrGoose1: not bad prices01:42
pupnikok adding to /etc/hosts01:43
MrGoose1SpeedEvil: In UK?01:43
SpeedEvilMrGoose1: in that compared with buying from nokia, you get a discount of maybe 70-100 quid including the discounted plan. yes01:43
SpeedEvilactually - more in some cases01:43
MrGoose1SpeedEvil: I cant find a link for t-mobile01:44
SpeedEvilYou get a discount of 100 quid if you get it with a PAYG SIM. - vodafone simplicity - it's another tab01:44
SpeedEvilabove the list01:44
SpeedEvilmych the same price01:45
MrGoose1SpeedEvil: oh right! sorry01:45
b-man16javispedro: only /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 exists01:45
javispedrob-man16: that /tmp should be the same as the host /tmp01:45
javispedrodoes X2 exist there?01:45
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SpeedEvilMrGoose1: Look at the price of the individual plans - without phones - on the voda/t-mobile website - and you save perhaps 100-200 quid buying through there - compared to buying from nokia and the sim-only plan. And of course - nothing to pay up-front.01:46
SpeedEvilMrGoose1: I am unsure if the phone would be locked to the carrier - I suspect not01:47
b-man16javispedro: nope01:47
rangeWhat does vodafone mean with "unlimited web"? Internet or Intarweb?01:47
SpeedEvilrange: it's a lie.01:47
SpeedEvilrange: As they all are in the UK01:47
SpeedEvilrange: they mean you can have it up 24*701:47
rangeSpeedEvil: Only UK-Web? :)01:48
pupnikAhh to fix DNS in Maemo Scratchbox VMware image, need to edit ubuntu's crazy /etc/nsswitch.conf - just copying resolv.conf into SBOX does not help...
SpeedEvilrange: there are 'fair use' quotas - that vary from 500M/mo to 5G/mo depending on plan01:48
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lcukrange, yeah, only sites available :(01:49
SpeedEvilrange: I'm currently using vodafone 3G to connect over - ssh works, http works - I haven't checked out much else.01:49
rangeSpeedEvil: Additional data plans, I guess. Okay, I'm not envious then :)01:49
lcukyou have to pay more for long distance internet01:49
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javispedrob-man16: are you using a vm too?01:49
SpeedEvilAh - my DSL has synced again - so I can stop using 3G.01:49
* SpeedEvil stabs.01:49
javispedrowhere are you running xephyr?01:49
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wazdOmg, Eldar on t.m.o.01:49
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* SpeedEvil sighs.01:50
* javispedro sighs at tmo thread01:51
wazdSo much strive to show n920 in  his profile01:51
b-man16javispedro: i'm running it within virtualbox in ubuntu01:51
javispedrob-man16: maybe ? :P01:53
javispedro(first google hit, not that I ever experienced that)01:53
lcukwazd, whats he gonna be like when he finds out he missed out on the n930 \o/01:55
qwerty12_N810lcuk: What are you talking about? I mean, he "already gets all the devices".01:56
lcukhe mustv missed the memo then01:56
* javispedro has a n9000 with builtin granade launcher01:57
qwerty12_N810lcuk: With contacts like his in his phonebook?! /s01:57
lcukpah javispedro so last week01:57
mavhcbut does your phone have an extra large 5?01:58
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lcukin 10 years time, people will still be wondering whether bringing in King C. Gillette to maemo was a good move.  a 5 screen tablet seems too much for some people.02:00
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* SpeedEvil _wants_02:01
lcukyeah :)02:01
SpeedEvilA foldable tablet would be awesome.02:01
lcukmultipule cohesive units acting as one is desirable02:01
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* javispedro wonders if the n9000 will still have ir port.02:01
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lcukneural interface02:01
javispedroI want my IR port!02:02
SpeedEvilImagine a n900 where you could grab the top of the screen, pull, and it unfolds to a 3*10" display02:02
johnxyeah, that was the readius concept02:02
qwerty12_N810I just want a tablet with the ability to alert you if there are northerners around you02:02
johnxthey couldn't seem to get to market02:02
lcukSpeedEvil, more like if you could spread a deck of cards across the table02:02
lcukand have the entire surface just appear :)02:02
lcuksmall area - just one02:02
lcukor maybe 2 ;)02:02
SpeedEvillcuk: that too02:03
lcukthey would have to know where abouts they were in relation to each other tho02:03
SpeedEvillcuk: but that solution has the problem that overlap is hard to do02:04
lcukmmm really02:04
SpeedEvillcuk: I want seamless edges02:04
lcukbezelless devices are possible02:04
lcukbut doubt you would get one in near future02:04
SpeedEvillcuk: so it looks like a 3*10" display, not a segmented one02:04
SpeedEvilbezelless devices are not really possible at the moment02:04
lcuklook at the lcd walls in use in tv studios02:04
SpeedEvilthey are thin bezel, not bezelless02:05
lcukthe seams use a lens02:05
lcukand remove appearance02:05
SpeedEvilyeah - that doesn't work well for high-res text02:05
lcukor you can use projection methods02:05
lcukand blending02:05
lcukits possible02:05
SpeedEvilWhich they don't care about02:05
lcukbut impractical on small devices02:05
lcukdepending on the fresnel lens and design of components it could be eliminates02:06
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lcukbut on the whole, a windowed effect isnt that bad02:06
ShadowJKI wonder if it's not really an IR port, but bitbanging the proximity sensor's emitter02:06
SpeedEvillcuk: I disagree.02:06
SpeedEvillcuk: It sucks for my primary use-case - reading text split over screens02:06
lcukthen your dream wont be a reality for a while :P02:06
lcukjust buy a bigger tablet02:07
javispedroShadowJK: well, there's a window on a side of the "gadget"02:07
SpeedEvillcuk: I really want some e-ink film so I can do this.02:07
SpeedEvillcuk: a 2cm*10cm wand. The screen is wrapped round it.02:07
Tiredyou just need your pixels on a stretchable material...02:07
SpeedEvillcuk: e-ink screen. You unroll the screen, and drag the wand over it, and it prints.02:07
Tiredresolution would stay the same, but you could just pull the screen to the desired size02:07
SpeedEvillcuk: drag the wand back, and it reprints02:08
pupnikFailed to fetch  Temporary failure resolving ''02:08
pupnikFailed to fetch  Temporary failure resolving ''02:08
pupnikFailed to fetch  Temporary failure resolving ''02:08
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mavhccan't download this02:09
lcukSpeedEvil, i know your principle, but its not gonna be practical to have a flexi screen02:09
SpeedEvillcuk: why not?02:09
SpeedEvillcuk: This is more for a cheap large-screen book reader, it's not an internet access device.02:09
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lcukrolling unrolling will cause lots of stress02:09
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lcuki like the folding all in one one ive seen02:09
SpeedEvillcuk: The screen is _completely_ passive02:09
SpeedEvillcuk: It has _no_ electronics. Simply a e-ink layer, laminated with a conductive transparent plastic film. And that's it.02:10
lcukoh jees, thats worse than i thought lol02:10
lcukjust go look at reusable paper - which uses eink02:11
lcukits already there02:11
lcukyou can buy it02:11
SpeedEvilPlease point me to a source - I haven't seen any.02:11
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SpeedEvilThere have been lots of 'oooh - wouldn't it be nice in the future' announcements.02:12
SpeedEvilI have yet to see where I can buy a ream.02:12
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mavhchow is the eink controlled?02:14
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SpeedEvilmavhc: in the above case - by an electrostatic printer in the wand02:14
lcukok SpeedEvil i misread, you can buy it but its not fully out lol02:14
SpeedEvillcuk: I can't find anywhere where I can buy one sheet.02:15
SpeedEvilMaybe my google-fu sucks.02:15
SpeedEvil(for under $100)02:15
javispedroeink! lovely02:16
* SpeedEvil thinks of bacon.02:17
johnxSpeedEvil, I'll sell you a sheet of bacon for $10002:20
lcuke-bacon :D02:20
lcukits reusable02:20
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SpeedEvilA bacon-printer. You'll never look at spam email the same way again.02:22
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lcuki found the article about erasable toilet paper02:23
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pupnikok fixed02:36
pupnikneed to run sudo /scratchbox/sbin/sbox_ctl restart02:36
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lcukhey fiferboy \o02:50
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infantejggood evening  some body knows what's the command for reset my nokia 6120C?03:35
infantejgit's working but slowly03:36
infantejgthis tipe of terminal would have viruses???03:36
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zerojayinfantejg: This channel isn't for any other Nokia devices other than the 770, N800, N810 and N900, sorry.03:38
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johnxinfantejg, I mean, there's no harm in asking, but there aren't many people who are experts on stuff besides the maemo devices03:42
johnxif it's an s60 device I think there must be a couple s60 channels03:43
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infantejgthanks I'll try03:44
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pupnikgcc version 3.4.4 (release) (CodeSourcery ARM 2005q3-2)....04:24
pupnikSun Sep 27 03:24:26 CEST 200904:24
fernand0hi :d04:24
pupnik"Gcc 3.4 and beyond!  June 1st, 2004"04:25
fernand0quick question.. any idea why an app compiles and runs ok on scratchbox armel but segfaults on a n810?04:25
javispedropupnik: diablo's.04:25
pupnikhi fernand004:25
javispedroif it matters you, config sbox to use fremantle's04:25
javispedroeven though in my (useless) benchmark it was a bit slower04:25
javispedrofernand0: debugging on device may be even easier than debugging on armel target, so i guess you're kinda lucky. just install gdb on device.04:26
fernand0javispedro, ok, let me see, I need to add some repos for that, right?04:27
javispedrofernand0: yes, the sdk tools repo. be careful with it, just install gdb and then remove it; do not upgrade from it.04:28
fernand0javispedro, ok, thanks, now I can see that it actually crashes on the armel target when I execute it without run-standalone.sh04:30
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fernand0going to install gdb anyway heh04:30
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johnxkeyboard problems?04:48
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luke-jr]later tell slonopota* seriously considering selling my N810 to get a HTC Touch Pro2-- thoughts?04:52
luke-jroh, my bot isn't here. :/04:52
* luke-jr fails04:53
pupnikgcc > 4.4 can do -fprofile-generate=/path/to/gcda/files   which means no more hacking with paths when profiling on N80004:54
johnxluke-jr, a touch pro 2? someone got linux running on it?04:54
fernand0hey javispedro, gdb complains.. it says "file"  not in executable format: File format not recognized04:54
javispedropupnik: ah, good! :)04:54
luke-jrjohnx: almost, it sounds04:55
javispedrofernand0: what's "file".04:55
fernand0my binary file04:55
luke-jrjohnx: apparently there is a decent community of hackers for HTC phones04:55
luke-jrjohnx: the port is actually for the Pro (1), but Pro (2) seems to mainly just be a bigger framebuffer and more RAM04:57
johnxluke-jr, lol. goodluckwithtthat.04:58
fernand0thanks pupnik :p04:58
luke-jrjohnx: thanks, I might need it :p04:58
johnxluke-jr, yup, you'll have your totally open source phone with no power management and probably missing sound and the actual phone part04:59
luke-jrjohnx: apparently most of the drivers are open from HTC's Android phones05:00
johnxyeah, the status page looks super-complete *rolls eyes*05:00
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luke-jrjohnx: looks outdated; I know TI released a GPL Wifi driver05:02
johnxand you still have a closed source bootloader :P05:02
johnxthe progress at the bottom was updated on 2009/09/1805:03
johnxso yeah, I think the page is current05:03
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luke-jrjohnx: huh? even that page has links to the open source bootloader05:03
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pupnikFrom the days of Computer Gods: a short story of ARM and Acorn
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johnxluke-jr, thought they were using haret?05:15
luke-jr"We use HaRET. (More on HaRET here..) The source for HaRET can be obtained from CVS. This is a snapshot from November 5, 2008. To build HaRET on an otherwise ready-to-build i386 linux machine, you need CEGCC. (Prebuilt mandriva cegcc mingw32ce-0.51.0-1.i586 worked for me (on an intel ubuntu vbox / Jobo). This one is prebuilt, modified to not complain about large images.)"05:16
johnxluke-jr, depends on wince, doesn't it?05:17
johnxyeah, and those "partials" probably won't ever actually get worked out05:17
luke-jrjohnx: now you're just trolling -.-05:18
johnxluke-jr, nope. look at past linux ports to the htc devices05:19
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johnxit's a cool port, but people scratch itches05:19
johnxif no one cares about getting the GPS working, then you'll be left without a working GPS05:20
luke-jrIIRC, the GPS is NMEA05:20
luke-jrso just needs UART05:21
johnxfirst of all, that was just an example. second of all, it looks like they ran into problems with it anyways05:21
* johnx goes back to hacking05:22
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* lcuk hakcs johnx's toe off07:27
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lcukhacks even07:27
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zerojayfernand0: Get started on a Maemo 5 port. :)08:06
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jaemfernand0: DEB link?  or is it not out yet?08:07
jaemnvm that nvm. Is it out?08:08
* jaem is looking08:09
jaemyes, but I don't see an ARM binary there08:10
jaemI can build one, though, but the video would imply that someone has one08:11
fernand0oh, I did08:15
fernand0do you want me to upload it?08:15
fernand0it segfaults when its closed.. need to see why heh08:15
fernand0also I want to enable fullscreen mode08:16
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jaemfernand0, yes please08:24
jaemis it SDL?08:24
jaemone sec08:24
jaemif you upload your sources (if you've modified them, that is), I can patch that for you08:25
jaemor I can point you to the wiki08:25
jaemit's not hard08:25
jaemsee this article:
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fernand0let me check, I'll upload the asciiportal bin if you want, you need to use the maps, and sounds folder from any of the build08:28
jaemyay, thanks08:32
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Macerwow ncis sucked08:43
jaemfernand0: is that built from vanilla sources, or did you have to do some porting work?08:46
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fernand0jaem, it's vanilla source, I have not touched it heh08:47
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fernand0jaem, oh, I think I removed the gcc -O2 optimization flag, I'll add it again.. besides that, nothing08:49
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jaemfernand0: is it like the original game, in that portals only stick to certain surfaces?08:52
fernand0jaem, yea08:57
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jaemhow are they marked?09:06
pupnikawesome - ascii portal rules09:17
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fernand0jaem, this one should run faster, also if you use the -f parameter should be fullscreen on 800*480 heh, only the white blocks can be used to place portals09:27
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jaemthat's awesome09:52
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johnxahaha...I just got my oldest zaurus running a recent OS again12:17
RST38hInstall Android on it =)12:18
johnxno way. :P12:18
johnxit's gonna be my DAAP/UPNP server12:18
RST38hwill it be able to stream video? =)12:19
johnxwe'll find out, won't we?12:19
johnxit'll be fine for audio12:19
johnxI don't do much video with upnp anyways12:19
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johnxalso, I found something called didiwiki. it's a wiki with built-in web server in like 25KB apparently12:21
RST38hincluding the database?12:22
SpeedEvilhave you seen tiddlywiki?12:22
SpeedEvilA wiki in your browser - powered by js12:22
johnxRST38h, nah, that's just the binary12:22
SpeedEvilIt is quite handy12:22
johnxSpeedEvil, that's cool, but it doesn't sound very multi-user ...12:22
RST38hwikipedia.exe =)12:23
SpeedEviljohnx: no - you need a server12:23
SpeedEvilThough there is a free one12:23
johnxso wait, what? it's a wiki in js, but depends on an external server?12:24
johnxnot trying to be mean, but I don't understand the use-case...12:24
SpeedEvilIt's a wiki in js - that can save to local disk - or upload to a server12:24
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johnxah, got it12:25
MyrttiEmacs <312:26
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johnxhaha! even usb (gadget) networking works12:28
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* RST38h moos at Myrtti12:57
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* lbt o/ Myrtti13:13
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ZambeziAs a Debianfan, I would really like this N900, but unfortunatelly too expensive for me.13:42
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lcukqwerty12_N810, you arent that pessamistic13:48
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* Jaffa feels much better having had a self-imposed tmo embargo since Thursday.14:02
JaffaAnd I've no plans to break it.14:02
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lcukJaffa, good for you14:04
lcuksome threads are a bit meh!14:05
lcuksome are fun tho :)14:05
lcukand theres productive nuggets coming from them14:05
* Jaffa seems unable to avoid hitting the crackpot conspiracy theories more than anything else.14:05
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* lbt mainly goes to tmo by request when Mer come up14:09
lcukjaffa, :P Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by incompetence. — Napoleon Bonaparte14:13
Jaffalcuk: Oh, I know they're incompetent. In reading comprehension etc.14:16
JaffaPeople seem to actively work on misunderstanding etc.14:16
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* Jaffa concentrates on development. Much more fun.14:16
lcukits easy in a text envionment14:17
lcukgood good14:17
* lcuk does in an odd way14:17
JaffaWell, got to do a GUI now. That's pretty boring.14:17
lcukits always pretty boring14:17
lcukvb ftw :D14:17
* Jaffa wonders about playing with Glade or GtkBuilder or whatever is the current in-vogue GUI tool14:17
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Jaffalcuk: s/vb/WimpWorks14:18
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lcukhow did guis get done before the ide?14:18
JaffaOops. I think I've deleted
JaffaAnd it's CVS repo.14:19
JaffaThis could be embarassing14:19
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lcukthats not good14:22
* lcuk needs to do some prototyping and is just too lazy14:22
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JaffaI may have a backup from 200*6*!14:24
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lcukmornin yerga javispedro14:44
yergamorning lcuk14:45
lcukyerga, i notice bacon is high on your priorities too14:46
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yergalcuk, bacon is a wonderful food14:47
yergayou can use it with everything14:47
lcukyeah - its even good for clothing14:48
Lorthirkyer:maybe a bit fat? :D14:48
* lcuk will leave it to google to demonstrate, but bacon bras are quite popular lol14:50
lcukthe uncooked one is a bit off - but nothing a quick grilling couldnt cure14:50
* yerga searches bacon bras in google... :-P14:52
aquatixhey Myrtti ;)14:54
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* aquatix gives Myrtti some good coffee14:56
* Myrtti goes away again in a poof of smoke14:57
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* lcuk gets Myrtti a bacon pony14:59
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lcukmaemo council election voting ends today i believe15:09
lcukso anyone that hasnt voted - get your asses into your email inbox and follow instructions15:09
* SpeedEvil discovers the 'edit' link on that page, and decides what to add.15:11
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qwerty12_N810"Keep the Maemo Community Council northerner free - don't vote for lcuk"15:12
SpeedEvillcuk is clearly a southerner.15:13
lcukin what context15:13
lcuksouth manchester?15:13
* SpeedEvil is in Fife.15:13
lcukhaha cool15:13
lcukglad irc has auto subtitles ;)15:13
lcukit seems that everyone complains about those northerly of them15:14
lcukwho does santa comaplin about15:14
qwerty12_N810People in Manchester15:14
* lcuk notices you arent op right now15:15
* qwerty12_N810 blames the router15:16
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lbtJaffa: there's a voting problem15:37
lbtvoting seems to be closed15:37
lbt"The voting period for the specified election starts on 2009-09-20 00:00:00 (UTC) and ends on 2009-09-26 23:59:59 (UTC). It is not possible to vote now."15:38
lcukthen technically its right, even i miseread it15:38
lcuki tohught it was open all day today15:38
lcukmisread thought15:39
lbtFor those who haven't noticed, the voting for the council is on now, and15:39
lbtwill close on Sunday evening.15:39
lbtfrom dneary's email15:39
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lbthe sent a "Don't forget to vote" email to the community list on 25/9/0915:40
lcukyeah reading now15:40
lbtX-Fade ping...15:44
lcukwe need a batsignal15:46
sp3000}×@×{ ?15:47
sp3000hm, no, that's just a dead pig with weird ears15:47
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lbtI posted on tmo too15:49
lcukthanks lbt15:50
lcuki meant for anything cool where superheroes should come running15:51
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JaffaX-Fade: ping16:09
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thopiekarcan't install fremantle beta2 it seems that the package theme-config is missing..16:13
thopiekarthats what apt says..16:13
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lcukdid you have any problems when you last ran apt-get update16:13
lcukwhich might indicate certain repositories are not availabl16:14
lcukor is this a general problem16:14
thopiekarI'm just trying to install the sdk on sb1 with the script that is available on the maemo / developtment site..16:15
thopiekarjust tried it weeks ago because I thought its somehow a problem with my sb or whatever..16:16
thopiekarbut is doesn't work again..16:16
lcuksounds odd16:16
lcukif its from the normal instructions it generally works16:17
lcuktry reading the faq there and seeing if it has any pitfalls as you describe16:17
thopiekarhmm k16:17
thopiekarthanks lcuk16:17
lcukfailing that, post on -dev mailing list16:18
lcuktheres more devs there that dont always watch the flow here16:18
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zemmi also had one package missing from fremantle repository when i tried it in a hurry couple of weeks ago16:28
zemmdidn't have time to look further, but it really was not there. might be that same16:29
lcukzemm, what package was that16:30
zemmcan't remember exactly, but it was needed for gui. might have been that theme-config16:30
lcukoooh the proto photo browser users the concept i want to do for widgets16:31
lcukit looks like from there it could work16:31
lcukthe rotating thing :$16:32
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keesjWhen does this council actualy have it's last day? it is today?16:34
Jaffakeesj: Yup. Tomorrow a new council is in place.16:35
JaffaWe can retire to the second house16:35
keesjJolly good!16:35
SpeedEvilIs the second house hereditary?16:35
JaffaSpeedEvil: Not any more16:35
lcukJaffa, old council members are now stuffed and mounted on the wall16:36
lcukjust thought i would mention that ;)16:36
lcukkeesj, we will put you in a pose with nbutton concept16:37
SpeedEvilIs nokia following the ferengi practice of auctioning freeze-dried segments?16:38
lcukno, but they will be on sale from the store16:39
lcukgold pressed latinum is accepted16:39
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* javispedro likes candidate lcuk words about the important issue at hand ;)16:39
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lcukjavispedro of course, strips of latinum are vital to trade16:41
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lcukdoes paypal have a conversion factor for that btw16:42
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* lcuk leaves a link just in case
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ShadowJKmaybe talk to egold16:44
lcukwasnt there a post your gold thing16:44
lcukwe could have a "postyourgolfplatedlatinum"16:44
lcukgold even16:45
lcuki wonder how much postage would be16:45
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* lcuk does some code to relax himself16:56
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lcuklbt, everything17:08
RST38hmoo wazd17:08
lcukhiya RST38h17:09
lcukand hi wazd17:09
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RST38hEHLO lcuk17:09
lcuk250 OK17:10
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* lcuk drops a 10tonne safe on penguinbait as he enters17:13
lcukhow are you17:14
RST38heliminating competition? =)17:14
lcuknot at all17:14
lcukjust seeing who has super powers17:14
lcukkinda like the dunking witches thing lol17:14
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lcukpenguinbait, is your site tablet oriented17:16
lcuk i mean17:16
lcukits got fonts visible from orbit on my desktop17:16
lcukyeah (H) works nicely from tablet17:17
* javispedro spies lcuk's monitor from orbit17:17
javispedroaka google earth.17:17
javispedrono, I don't see anything :(17:17
lcuklooking on the wrong freuqncy17:17
lcuksee, even my typing letters are phasing in and out17:18
penguinbaitorbit ;)17:18
javispedroarrrrrrrrrgh my eyes17:19
lcukthank god i dont have one of those!17:19
javispedroyou will17:19
lcukbut that looks REALLY good for what i mentioned before17:20
lcuk<keesj> When does this council actualy have it's last day? it is today?17:20
lcuk<Jaffa> keesj: Yup. Tomorrow a new council is in place.17:20
lcuk<Jaffa> We can retire to the second house17:20
lcuk<keesj> Jolly good!17:20
lcuk<SpeedEvil> Is the second house hereditary?17:20
lcuk<Jaffa> SpeedEvil: Not any more17:20
lcuk<lcuk> Jaffa, old council members are now stuffed and mounted on the wall17:20
lcuk<Jaffa> Excellent17:20
lcuk<lcuk> just thought i would mention that ;)17:20
lcuk<lcuk> keesj, we will put you in a pose with nbutton concept17:20
lcuk<SpeedEvil> Is nokia following the ferengi practice of auctioning freeze-dried segments?17:20
lcuk<lcuk> no, but they will be on sale from the store17:20
lcukbut having them in pimp costumers is even more fitting17:20
lcukwe can open an attraction17:20
lcuklike madame tussauds17:21
* GeneralAntilles notices a bunch of random people in his apartment.17:21
lcukhave you considered that its YOU thats in the wrong appartment17:21
javispedroapple employees reparing the RDF no doubt17:21
jaskarandom spawn17:21
penguinbaitI think Quim shaves is chest, lol17:21
GeneralAntillesMy roommate went to a party last night and brought home some baggage I guess.17:22
GeneralAntillesThey turned the AC to "Express Lane to the Poor House"17:22
* lcuk laughs at
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, if baggage == girls, np ;)17:23
lcuk+1 agreed VDVsx lol17:23
zerojayIf baggage == girls, then $$17:24
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, I have no idea, they're all covered head to toe in blankets.17:24
zerojayPay up, mothafucka.17:24
zerojayGeneralAntilles: ELBOW DROP!17:24
lcukhahaha GeneralAntilles thing is, if he brought the football team back with him17:24
lcukyou will be their b***h and have to make em breakfast cos you are up17:24
lcukand wearing a pinny17:25
penguinbaitmake some bacon for us too17:25
lcukgood idea!17:25
GeneralAntillesFuck that shit. The rice cooker made breakfast.17:25
lcuklast act of the council :) lol massive fryup for the community17:25
pupnik_girls fit in baggage, but airlines give discounts for them, so it's kind of a toss-up17:25
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zerojaypenguinbait: Shit.. I think it's working. I smell bacon.17:25
zerojayOh... haha.. my wife's making breakfast.17:26
penguinbaitmmmmmmmmmmmmm bacon!!17:26
lcukzerojay, yeah she made breakfast for me before :P17:26
lcukat least ou can afford bacon17:26
penguinbaitwhy is fried ham called Canadian bacon?17:27
pupnik_more code less chat.
lcukright now, i have a grand total of 26p and some chewing gum17:27
lcukcos canadian bacon is like fried ham17:27
lcukits thin and wiffly and fake17:27
zerojaylcuk: I can't afford much more than that, heh.17:28
penguinbaitdo Canadians call it Canadian bacon? or is that a USA thing?17:28
zerojayIt's an American thing.17:28
zerojayIt's just ham here.17:28
penguinbaitMaybe just a Michigan thing?17:28
zerojayNo, it's not. I heard it in Kentucky as well.17:28
* lcuk buys mild english cheddar17:28
penguinbaithow much beer can you buy with 26p17:29
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zerojayIf you ever want to either feel like the smartest person alive or depressed that everyone else around you is one notch above "brain dead", Kentucky's the place to go!17:29
lcuknot much17:29
lcukbut i have to put that money towards family :)17:29
lcukso its not even all available for beer17:30
ppmanHi there, I'd like to build maemo from source.... how do I do it, and what would I be missing (ie, what's non-distributable)?17:30
zerojayIsn't there a wiki page that outlines what would be missing...?17:30
zerojayppman: What version of Maemo?17:31
penguinbaitI want to run a n64 emulator can someone tell me how?17:31
ppmanpossibly, but I'm not very good at finding it.17:31
ppmanzerojay: I don't know... probably the latest that's not 5?17:31
ppmanI don't actually have a maemo-device, keep in mind17:31
ppmanI'm going to be doing pretty interesting things...17:31
lcuktheres a mobile business conference happenging in amsterdam on oct 28-30, its about emerging telecoms platforms for companies with fleets/salespeople etc17:32
lcuki think it would be great to have maemo representitive there17:32
zerojayppman: Like what?17:32
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lcukso whoever in the council gets in - follow up on it17:32
penguinbaitso your going?17:32
ppmanzerojay: I realize it would be a ton of work, but I was considering trying to bring it to other devices17:32
zerojayUgh.. don't even want to think about Amsterdam right now.17:32
lcuki heard about it through tinker_it offering a seat17:32
lcukim not even sure what next week will bring tho17:33
javispedroppman: so you're trying to reinvent Mer?17:33
lcukbut i think maemo should be a part of it17:33
lcukgetting some bespoke apps on this platform will be vital17:33
ppmanI am a somewhat-active developer of android for the HTC kaiser, and since the whole google legal mess, we're looking in other directions.17:33
ppmanjavispedro: mer?17:33
ppmanI have never heard of that... it's an interesting starting point.17:34
lcukpenguinbait, it would be good for one of us to go and offer services to bring together devs and get their apps built17:34
ppmanhow does it compare to the regular maemo releases?17:34
lcukthis kind of bespoke work was what i did for years17:34
javispedroppman: true. They have ported the Maemo platform libraries to quite a few devices (SmartQ comes to mind)17:34
lcukwell - i wrote the apps17:35
lcukbut i didnt get involved in business side17:35
penguinbaitto target specific apps?17:35
lcukget a few devs together to build their roaming software side using maemo platform17:35
lcukshould get us some cash17:36
lcukcouldnt suggest it before cos maemo wasnt really a mobile platform17:36
ppmanjavispedro: this definitely looks very nice...17:36
lcukbut having solid connectivity and data entry stuff would be cool17:36
lcukie camera17:36
ppmanthink it would scale down to either QVGA (preferred) or hvga (we can emulate)?17:36
lcukand most importantly - customization - this platform thrives with it17:37
Stskeepswe had it on 640x48017:37
ppmanso regular vga17:37
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penguinbaitMan I just want to get one of things in my hands, I feel slightly disappointed in the new device, but have been trying to stay positive until I can review for myself17:37
ppmanI think our screen emulation breaks trying to go that high17:37
Stskeeps320x480 is small but new desktop may go that low..17:37
Stskeepswe're from 800x480 world so17:38
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ppmanlucky you... :P17:38
Stskeepsdesktop should scale though17:38
ppmanso no chance of native 320x240?17:38
RST38hpenguinbait: which device?17:38
Stskeepsno idea how apps would react17:38
Stskeepsgive it a try?17:38
RST38hah... well, it is a phone, not a tablet17:39
ppmanStskeeps: sure..17:39
RST38hso, I guess one should use S60 as comparison point rather than N8x017:39
ppmanthat was one of the main problems with android on 320x240 - all the apps were built for 320x480... that's why we built the screen stretch code...17:39
Stskeepsppman: easy way; grab VMDK version, tell virtualbox to use your reso and see how it works17:39
Stskeepsor try with Xephyr17:40
javispedroRST38h: problem is I personally don't expect any other "tablet" soon. Then again i'm a pessimist :)17:40
penguinbaitI would NEVER buy a nokia phone again, I swore that long ago17:40
javispedropenguinbait: lol. I did the same a decade ago iirc.17:40
lcukpenguinbait, its an internet tablet with a phone app17:40
zerojayRST38h: Gotta disagree with you. Tablet with phone functions.17:40
penguinbaitBut the n900 is not a normal nokia phone, its running maemo17:40
* ppman will buy a n900 if it gets 850/1900MHz 3g...17:41
RST38hzerojay: I will abstain from arguing until after the summit17:41
zerojaypenguinbait: Get your hands on one and I think you'll see a lot of your disappointment disappearing quick, like me.17:41
lbthey ppman17:41
penguinbaitI agree lcuk, I am a little concerned about the screen size of the tablet17:41
Stskeepsppman: #mer's open for all discussion :)17:41
penguinbaitI think so zj17:41
lcuki thought i would be worried17:41
lcuki draw on everything17:41
RST38hpenguinbait: but the screenshots indicate that a lot of effort went into making it behave like S6017:41
lcukit very quickly fades17:41
JaffaMeh, screen size isn't the problem. Battery life might be.17:41
RST38hjavispedro: Nokia isn't the only ompany producing tablets. Also, we have seen the netbook from nokia, so why not the tablet...17:41
lbtwas just commenting onat the Android thread on LWN17:41
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penguinbaithow did everyone get devices?17:42
RST38hnot everyone got devices17:42
javispedropenguinbait: a conspiracy covering all aspects of government17:42
lcukzerojay, some markets see picking up laptop and trying to take a photo with it as clumsy17:42
lbtpenguinbait: they're whores17:42
javispedropenguinbait: a single X-Files episody would not cover enough of this conspiracy17:42
zerojaylcuk: Haha.17:42
pupnik_i like the way it was handled this time17:42
lbtthey sold their souls17:42
javispedrowe would need two or thrww season arcs.17:42
penguinbaitperhaps I pissed off Quim one to many times ;)17:42
RST38hpenguinbait: You have to sacrifice a virgin to the Baphomet and then serve as Satan's enema for 66 days17:42
Jaffapenguinbait: Device programme will have more info at summit, AIUI17:43
zerojayYeah.. getting past day 44 was a toughie, but it's all downhill from there.17:43
Jaffapenguinbait: There is a quiet effort to get as many user-facing apps in Extras for launch as possible17:43
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JaffaMostly involving big sticks and small carrots17:43
penguinbaitJaffa, this is a great idea, as they have always done this backwards in the past17:43
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* pupnik_ knows what his present for quim will be17:43
javispedroand large whips17:44
penguinbaitday 44 heh17:44
lcuki personally think government intervention to restrict access to bacon would be a better way to get app development moving17:44
* lcuk makes a cheat version of grid location17:45
penguinbaiti personally think government intervention to ensure distribution to all would be best17:45
JaffaAnnoying: Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name was not provided by any .service files17:45
penguinbaiti personally think government intervention to ensure distribution of bacon to all would be best17:45
RST38hpenguin: send the marines!!!17:45
lcukit would, but people would be busy eating and have greasy fingerprints on their n810s17:45
penguinbaitThe marines all have breast cancer17:45
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zerojaypenguinbait: That's what happens when your hazing ritual involves directly pinning medals to each other's chests. Ouch.17:46
lcuk:( every area of the world has problems like that, theres nothing we as tablets users can do in a short time17:46
penguinbaitdidnt even know men could get breast cancer?17:46
lcukunless we get them on prescription17:46
penguinbaitI called the police last night, a guy was breaking into the drug store next to my house about 2am17:47
lcukhow did you call whilst breaking a window?17:48
penguinbaitHe's in jail now17:48
lcukgood for you!17:48
lcukand him17:48
penguinbaitIt was bullet proof glass, he was trying to smash a block through it, making lots of noise17:48
penguinbaitit just kept bouncing off17:49
lcukive seen a vid where they throw bricks at windows and knock each other out17:49
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penguinbaitthat was my fun for the day, I was all out of breath calling 91117:49
penguinbaitlooks like voting will get extended until Monday night17:51
lcukhow are you gonna cope swimming across the atlantic17:51
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lcukcool, then vote lcuk :D17:51
penguinbait<----- is a good swimmer17:51
penguinbaitlots of floating on my back17:51
lcuki think sharks are better17:51
penguinbaitNo shark catching this penguin ;)17:52
Jaffapenguinbait: Source?17:52
lcuk2 different movies17:52
penguinbaitqgil: pong from Dave. He will be at home soon. He mentioned in SMS that extending the period to Monday night might be the best fix.17:52
penguinbaitseems fair to me17:53
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RST38hWho came up with this idea of using 48x48 icons for the new app manager?17:56
JaffaAnd who came up with the idea of reusing XB-Maemo-Icon-26 for it?17:57
* javispedro hides17:57
javispedrohey! it was you come to think of it!17:57
lcukJaffa, someone who wanted an easy way to downgrade17:58
lcukbut who didnt think of the consequences17:58
* javispedro votes for breaking all binary and source compatibility NOW at one month left for release.17:58
lcukerrr upgrade17:58
JaffaPoor planning originally, should've just been XB-Maemo-Icon ;-)17:58
lcukhow do you know when release is due17:58
javispedrolcuk: i don't. wild guess :)17:58
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RST38hJaffa: Javis did ;)17:59
lcuki wonder if you will get black helicopters lol17:59
RST38hJaffa: But that was actually ok, least disturbance17:59
RST38hMy problem is that I had 26/40/64 icons and will now render the 48 one18:00
javispedrofortunately 48x48 is a more standard size18:00
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RST38hjavis: Not for Maemo =)18:02
slonopotamuscan't it just automagically calculate iicon size from field length?18:02
slonopotamusassuming icon is square18:02
Jaffaslonopotamus: It does.18:02
slonopotamusJaffa, does it scale?18:03
GeneralAntillesHa! We now one more day to finish up taking over the council for life!18:03
Jaffaslonopotamus: Diablo's HAM will downscale a 48x48 icon to 26x26 for rendering. Fremantle's HAM will downsample a 64x64 icon for rendering at 48x48. Neither will upscale.18:03
GeneralAntillesKeep the working man down!18:03
RST38hslono: But how many different icons can be there?18:03
slonopotamusRST38h, just one. put 256x256 there and be happy :)18:03
RST38hGeneral: Deploy the Doomsday Weapon NOW18:04
JaffaGeneralAntilles: Quick, let's create a Mer section (which I can't do, as I'm not a mod); and then rename Mer whilst Stskeeps isn't looking. Just to serve everyone right. Then, we can take control of and keep being berated for life! Woohoo!18:04
JaffaRST38h: I'm saving it for later18:04
RST38hslono: Bitmaps scale up/down badly18:04
GeneralAntillesLet's rename it N900!18:04
* RST38h screams SVG! and hides18:04
JaffaI've got to put it off for a day now18:04
RST38h(remembering what SVG support has done to S60)18:04
slonopotamusRST38h, then throw it away and usr svg18:04
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infobotslonopotamus meant: RST38h, then throw it away and use svg18:04
Corsacscreaming “SVG!” might be a little weird18:04
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slonopotamusCorsac, vector graphics can't be 'weird'18:05
RST38hslono: performance problems18:05
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slonopotamusRST38h, ...18:05
RST38hslono: When S60e3 started using svg, the ui slowed down to a crawl18:05
javispedroadopt the Haiku icon format.18:06
slonopotamusfsck /dev/hands18:06
zerojayGeneralAntilles: lol18:06
JaffaRST38h: Everyone should add a gtk-icon-cache-svg-prerender to the end of their postinsts. That'd save it18:06
RST38hJaffa: Yea, I guess so18:07
Corsacslonopotamus: screaming consonnes is18:07
JaffaOf course, I'd rather the system did things like that (and the other things we have to do), automatically. Especially since the existing approach has always been a bit buggy18:07
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lcuksvg is heavywegith18:08
javispedroJaffa: that svg-prerender is quite a nice idea18:08
lcukespecailly cos people expect mini monal lisas to work18:08
Jaffalcuk: Indeed18:08
javispedroand what I am doing at debian package build time with some programs18:08
lcukgod my typing is awful18:08
lcuki need a secretary18:09
Jaffajavispedro: lcuk's right though - a 256x256 SVG has to be carefully designed to look reasonable at 26x26 (although 48x48 gives more room)18:09
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lcukor pa18:09
lcukdamn i shouldv gone to london fashion week18:09
javispedroJaffa: true. but then, I have mini svg versions (for rendering up until 24x24)18:09
javispedroand normal svg versions for rest of sizes.18:09
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Jaffajavispedro: Good plan18:09
javispedrostill, mini look a bit weird, but with such a high DPI...18:10
lcuksvg needs quality rendering18:10
lcukliqbase manages it - alter the level of detail based on size18:10
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slonopotamusJaffa, '256X256 svg' doesn't make sense18:11
lcukie, dont waste tonnes of time rendering pretty pretty in 12*1218:11
lcukslonopotamus, you can base  your svg on an idealsize18:11
lcukit makes sense to actually18:11
lcukscaling svg is similar to font hinting18:12
Jaffaslonopotamus: I know (although, you can provide size hints in the root node). But I was primarily using it as a shortcut for "an SVG file designed to look reasonable when rendered at 256x256px at a 'normal' PPI screen [..."18:12
slonopotamusJaffa, nits have far from normal ppi18:12
lcukjaffa, hows your dayjob release coming along18:12
slonopotamusactually those icons just introduce one more pain at repackaging.18:13
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lcukpackaging IS a pain18:14
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slonopotamuslcuk, in maemo? :)18:14
lcukin general lol18:14
lcukbut at least on windows i have a nice gui and autoscanner available18:14
Jaffalcuk: Release done. Public announcement on Thursday (
Jaffaslonopotamus: Yeah, but either way - the icon is being shown at 26x26 (or 48x48) on /that/ PPI scren18:15
lcukgood :)18:15
slonopotamuslcuk, you're forcing me to go offtopic :)18:16
lcuknot really18:16
slonopotamuslcuk, packaging isn't hard in gentoo18:16
lcukjust pointing out that its "easier" elsewhere18:16
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Jaffalo konttori18:16
lcukhey konttori18:17
* lcuk is being followed by magicbacon18:17
slonopotamusi forgot, who wrote pygtkeditor?18:17
lcukkhertan is principle guy18:18
slonopotamus2.4.3-1 is totally broken18:19
lcukand hes not here lol18:19
lcukwhats the boggle18:19
lcukwhich platform18:19
lcukand whats up18:19
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slonopotamus'GtkWidget.remove_mnemonic_label() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)' on any file open18:20
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slonopotamushow i downgrade it now?18:22
lcukjust a mo18:23
lcukare you on diablo18:23
slonopotamusin context of pygtkeditor - yep18:23
lcuki think you can specify version from apt somehow too18:23
slonopotamushow i tell apt-get to install specific version?18:23
lcukbut i dunno18:23
lcuksomeone else will know18:24
lcukhey guys..18:24
javispedroapt-get install package=version18:24
qwerty12_N810slonopotamus: apt-get install package=version18:24
slonopotamusah, =18:24
* lcuk smiles18:24
slonopotamusqwerty12_N810, thanks18:24
lcukslonopotamus, and happily the directory list i pointed to shows all versions18:25
lcukdo you have to uninstall the old one first18:25
javispedrolcuk: no18:25
slonopotamuslcuk, apt-get is easier :)18:25
lcukor will asking for a specific do it for you18:25
lcukeasier but more hidden as to the usage18:25
lcukits like blind dialing18:26
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lcukgimme a gui and let me decide slowly18:26
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slonopotamusapt-cache policy to list available versions, then apt-get install with specific version. the only thing i forgot was '=' separator18:26
lcukthe UI on the phone system in work is awful in this regard - you press numbers and function keys, but the entire device times out after 5 seconds and resets to front menu18:27
lcukso i am forever typing half a number, looking over at the rest and then getting back and its gone18:27
* lcuk rages often bout daft things like that18:27
* javispedro sends death rays to whoever decided that18:28
* lcuk nods18:28
jaskawhat does that?18:28
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lcukphysical phone system at work18:28
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* lcuk wont miss it18:29
lcuk3 days to go!18:29
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* lcuk is really crapping pants18:29
lcukbut i still dont like the phone18:29
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wazdLcuk: oh, you have work now, congrats)18:29
lcukno wazd, i have the end of my notice period18:30
* lcuk will have to put his energies to job hunting in 3 days18:30
javispedrowhat's the difference between gconf schemas and gconf defaults (i mean, i can put defaults in both)? where can I read more about that?18:31
lcukwell - non maemo job hunting18:31
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RST38hjavis: Schema defines the tree structure18:33
RST38hjavis: And MAY (but does not have to) contain the defaults18:33
javispedroRST38h: so its just a way to separate them, and nothing more?18:34
RST38hguess so18:34
javispedroi'm thinking about how to handle diablo defaults and fremantle defaults18:34
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javispedron810 doesn't have update-gconf-defaults18:36
javispedrothus I guess i was wasting my time :P18:36
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konttoriare the bluez dbus methods available somewhere?18:38
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JaffaYay! It's working from both Facebook *and* Twitter.18:38
RST38hAny deb packaging experts here?18:38
konttoriI wanted to get wiicontrol updated to fremantle, but fremantle has apparently (surprise surprise ) an API break in there.18:38
JaffaPicture for Gary Birkett is []18:39
lcukkonttori, mmm we have accelerometer built in ;)18:39
Jaffa^^^ lcuk :)18:39
JaffaUpdating photo for Gary Birkett18:39
lcuko rly18:39
lcukwhich did u have before18:39
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RST38hlcuk: Accelerometers do suck for classic gaming =(18:39
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Jaffalcuk: none :)18:40
konttorilcuk: I was looking for drnoksnes to be useful with wiicontroller18:40
Jaffakonttori: That'd be cool18:40
lcukthats what keesj's nbutton push! project is for18:40
konttorias then I could just hook up my n900 to my projector and continue gaming on there.18:40
javispedrokonttori: :) btw, I remember not getting any keypress while pressing the wiimote B button18:40
lcuksolution: buy more n900s18:40
konttorialso, we could easily have 2 player gaming that way18:40
javispedrodoes that ring any bell or is me being an stupid :P ?18:40
lcukconsole AND controllers ;)18:40
konttorijavispedro: that's easy to fix.18:41
* RST38h needs to know if the "debian/files" file needs to be present18:41
RST38hOr if it is created automagically when packaging18:41
konttorithe buttons were handled as key press events, but they could be ported to be kb down, kb up events as well18:41
javispedroRST38h: created by some of the late stage dh_somethings18:41
RST38hjavis: Goooooooooooooood18:41
konttoriI *think* direction buttons already worked like that18:41
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RST38hkonttori: Up/Down is of course more preferable18:42
RST38hkonttori: ï¡ÿÿÿan't do much with keypresses in gaming18:42
JaffaPerfect. Happy day for Hermes.18:42
javispedroI'll have to test again.18:43
pupnik_what'd you get, Jaffa18:43
VDVsxkonttori, I'm not a bluez guru, but can give you some tips, if you need ;)18:48
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konttoriVDVsx: thanks. Is ListDevices the same as the old DiscoverDevices?18:51
Jaffapupnik_: Lots of photos in Contacts. Now just to do birthdays and a quick GUI.18:53
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VDVsxkonttori, yes, if you are referring to Adapter -> ListDevices18:54
konttoriSo nice of them to rename the method18:55
RST38hWhy does set OSNAME=Maemo5;echo $OïÿSNAME  prints empty string???18:56
derf$OïÿSNAME ?18:56
ShadowJKI would guess the ïÿ between O and S in OSNAME ;)18:57
javispedro$ set OSNAME=Maemo5; echo $OSNAME --> WORKSFORME18:57
javispedroash doesn't like set though.18:57
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VDVsxkonttori, almost everything d-bus related changed in bluez4 :(18:57
javispedroso just drop it.18:57
RST38hderf,ShadowJK: typo, it was $OSNAME, still did not work19:00
VDVsxkonttori, there's a couple of useful python test scripts using the all API inside the bluez tarball, may be handy if you are using python ;)19:00
derfRST38h: What shell?19:00
RST38hderf: let us say bash19:00
RST38h(same in sh, but with less diagnostics)19:00
derfRST38h: You want "export".19:01
derfOr drop "set" and just do the assignment.19:02
RST38hderf: Understood19:02
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konttoriVDVsx: thanks. And yeah. I am. Just need to take care of the baby at the same time, so can do probably 3 lines of change tonight.19:03
VDVsxkonttori, good luck then ;)19:04
konttorithanks. I think the equivalent to old discoverdevices is startdiscovery19:05
VDVsxkonttori, yeah, you are right, misread :(, the other one is to find the devices that you have plugged in your system, in Bluez4 you need to specify the path of the device you want to use19:10
VDVsxone line in the bluez3 turns into something like this in bluez4:19:11
VDVsxmanager = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object("org.bluez", "/"),"org.bluez.Manager")19:11
VDVsxpath = manager.DefaultAdapter()19:11
VDVsxadapter = dbus.Interface(self.bus.get_object("org.bluez", path),"org.bluez.Adapter")19:11
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RST38hderf: Yea, it worked. Thanks!19:12
derfYer welcome.19:13
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derfset with no option flags, in bash, is used for setting positional parameters.19:13
derf(e.g., $1, $2, etc.)19:13
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penguinbaitunixSnob - I like it19:18
RST38hdeb packager always creates *_armel.deb file for me19:20
RST38hno matter what I do19:20
RST38hwhere does _armel come from?19:20
derfI gave up trying to figure out the Debian package manager.19:20
CorsacRST38h: from the arch19:20
javispedroRST38h: debian/contron19:21
javispedroRST38h: debian/control19:21
derf"You are in a dark, nested hierarchy of undocumented scripts, all alike."19:21
javispedroYou're eaten by a grue, no matter what man page you read.19:21
Corsacundocumented scripts?19:21
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lardmanevening all19:25
javispedrohi lardman19:25
lardmanhi javispedro19:25
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RST38hjavis, Corsac: which field?19:26
javispedroRST38h: file debian/control, search for "Architecture"19:26
Corsacafaik it comes from the dpkg architecture :)19:26
Corsac(check the output of dpkg-architecture)19:27
javispedroi misunderstood the problem I guess.19:27
lbtis voting still down?19:29
RST38hjavis: Ack.19:30
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GeneralAntilleslbt, Dave fixed it.19:31
GeneralAntillesEldar needs to grow up.19:32
RST38hNot only him though19:33
javispedroquite a funny thread19:34
GeneralAntillesWould be funnier if it weren't so pathetic.19:34
javispedrowtf is going up there19:34
javispedropage 49 is awful19:34
GeneralAntillesI mean, really, get over yourself.19:34
javispedroclose the fscking thread already. page 49 reminds me of certain EA games forum.19:35
javispedrowhy don't lolcats in the next page surprise me?19:35
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RST38hpathetic is fine19:38
zerojayGeneralAntilles: What I posted to that thread isn't towards you, btw19:38
RST38has long as it is funny19:38
GeneralAntilleszerojay, lies! You're out to get me and I know it!19:39
zerojayThe maemo gestapo.19:39
GeneralAntillesRST38h, unfortunately I can't help but get sinking feelings about the wider ramifications.19:39
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javispedroheh. true.19:40
javispedrowell. this is what we get.19:40
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* javispedro wonders if the usual "well, grab the source and fix it yourself" std answer will work now19:42
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RST38hGeneral: Like "99% of everything is shit"?19:44
RST38hjavis: Actually, the correct answer is "Eldar, if you have such high expectations of Maemo, why not post your concrete ideas on Brainstorm?"19:44
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, like, "this prick is now going to go spread around how much he thinks we suck"19:44
penguinbaitI thought I was 98% water, not I need to re-evaluate my world?19:45
RST38hGeneral: Ah, screw him.19:45
Myrttipenguinbait: poke your finger into it and witness how much of shit is water19:45
derfGeneralAntilles: Most people have pretty good moron detectors.19:45
Myrttino wait, don't19:45
RST38hpenguin: just upgrade to liquishit.19:45
* jmc93739653 is away: Away19:45
javispedroGeneralAntilles: same though.19:45
penguinbaitCan we remove the "well respected" part from the thread at this point?19:45
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derfIt helps that morons make themselves easy to spot.19:45
RST38hderf: Yes, but how ar eyou gonna dispose of the bodies?19:46
penguinbaitfind a pig farmer ;)19:46
derfMy cousin owns a meat-packing plant.19:46
* qwerty12_N810 has an incinerator that is often used for this purpose, RST38h 19:47
lcukMyrtti, thats the first ever time i have seen you swear :O19:47
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penguinbaitEh? is RST Canadian?19:47
* lcuk is thankful he kept away from that thread19:47
RST38hOk, at this moment I do not understand how people make deb packager create them a package with _fremantle0 or _chinook1 in its name19:47
zerojaypenguinbait: Nope.19:47
* RST38h adopts and reuses, just like MS19:48
javispedroI never though of that problem19:48
lcukRST38h, look at how liqbase splits packaging into different pieces19:48
lcuklibs need standard + -dev etc19:48
penguinbaitwhere are you zj?19:48
javispedrolcuk: not the same problem19:48
lcukyou choose the files in each branch and there can be overlap19:48
zerojayGeneralAntilles: I've never heard of him before, and I'm sure after all this, I'll never hear of him again. lol19:49
zerojaypenguinbait: Candadia.19:49
javispedrohm. sorry lcuk, yes, your suggestion is valid.19:49
* zerojay is *.ca19:49
penguinbaitI know CA, but where19:49
lcukGeneralAntilles, then its the communities job to show him its not19:49
GeneralAntillesDamn typos.19:49
GeneralAntilleslcuk, no, it's not.19:49
lcuknot by waffling on a thread19:49
javispedroonly if you can build multiple versions inside the same sbox..19:49
RST38hlcuk: I just need one package19:49
javispedrowhich I'd guess not.19:49
zerojayI'm in Quebec City right now, though moving to Halifax to start a new office for my company in about a month.19:49
lcukbut by seeing and feeling and using and interacting with device19:49
RST38hGentlemen, you worry too much about a simple hack, even a notorious one.19:49
lcukRST38h, you said 2 packages from same source19:49
Myrttilcuk: it's part of the Ubuntu IRC indoctrination19:50
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Myrttilcuk: in reality I swear like a pirate19:50
javispedro2 packages which need diferent sbox target.19:50
RST38hHe liked Maemo. Then he went on a sponsored trip to Korea, liked sponsored trips and now he dismisses Maemo.19:50
mchermHi. I have an N810 and have a problem with  updates (because I am both ignorant and cursed with regard to Linux package management!). Is this the right place to come for help?19:50
penguinbaitQole's in BC right?19:50
lcukahhh to get your pass, you are placed in random chans lol19:50
lcukim quite certain hes not a time traveller19:50
RST38hWhen pressed for details, he first says that Maemo is "unstable", then quickly turns to the lack of portrait mode and MMS, and he is currently bitching about missing voice control and Java19:51
javispedroRST38h: I'd say the only way is to dch -v into the choosen "version" then build.19:51
RST38hjavis: Oh19:51
fralsdidnt someone say the thing he found unstable was 3g calls on korean 3g networks?19:51
javispedroRST38h: i don't know how the rest of non-free packages do it, sorry19:51
RST38hfrals: Yea, he said19:51
* GeneralAntilles just deleted everything in his mailbox more than 1 day old.19:51
zerojaypenguinbait: I'm not sure, but I think so.19:51
RST38hjavis: I do not even know how free packages do it...weird19:52
javispedroRST38h: I do not.19:52
javispedrosince the autobuilder classifies them in the right repo19:52
javispedroso you get really 3 packages with the same name and same version19:52
javispedroand you pray nobody pulls the fremantle package from the fremantle repo into a n810 ;)19:52
RST38hfrals: But then, my S60e3 E70 reboots every time I try using GPRS at a certain spot of the road to work19:52
Firebirdthe government is on to you19:53
fralsnice feature ;)19:53
RST38hfrals: Probably a pair of faulty ground stations or something. So, what's new?19:53
penguinbaitso where is a good place for Maemo Summit 2010?  Windsor, Toronto, Winnipeg, somewhere in the middle of CA19:53
javispedrooh wait, I've gone through this already :D19:54
qwerty12_N810Somalia. I need a new AK-47.19:54
zerojayGonna be expensive to ship all the european guys over.. probably much more so than just getting us NA people across the pond.19:54
MyrttiI need a pink hello kitty emp19:54
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penguinbaitYou could here to Flint, Michigan, but bring your AK-47, youll need it19:54
MyrttiI think maemo should have an app for emulating it19:54
mchermSo anyhow, my problem is when I use AppManager to try to upgrade OS2008 it says "Unable to install, some required pkgs are missing". Missing pkg is "pre-installed-documentation-rx44 (= 5.4)" What does that mean and how do I fix or ignore it?19:54
Myrttilike there's a gun app for iphone19:55
lcukmcherm, go into your repository management19:55
lcukand make sure you have the standard maemo repositories enabled19:55
lcukand disable others19:55
lcukjust a mo, ill try to find repo list, unless someone knows19:55
penguinbaitmurder rate here is 3x the national average19:56
mchermMyrtti: thanks. That's the "Tools > Application Catalog" in "Application Manager" right?19:56
javispedropenguinbait: hey, that's good actually. no need to warn the police before the summit, they're already used to the high crime rates.19:57
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mchermpenguinbait: wow. Do you wear kevlar? *wink*19:58
lcukmcherm, hes just not been caught yet :O19:58
penguinbaitNo but I can jump on the pavement quickly19:58
mchermlcuk: LOL!19:58
zerojayUh.. Eldar's site is, right?19:59
javispedrotimes change.19:59
javispedroso instead of the über ogg support bug,19:59
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javispedrowe get the über portrait support thread.19:59
derfjavispedro: Yeah, my city is no longer murder capital of the world.19:59
zerojayFirefox is reporting it as an attack site now.19:59
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zerojayOh, nevermind... that's not it.20:00
javispedrozerojay: I disabled that freacking list the second day20:00
fralsim trying to figure out how to propose MMS support as an brainstorm idea, but i find it kinda hard to put it as something more than a 1 solution idea, ie "implement it" :20:01
lcukMyrtti, can you knit bacon20:01
Myrttilcuk: I can't even look at bacon without being sick nowadays20:01
Myrttiapart from Jono Bacon20:01
RST38hfrals: Problem: "Can't send MMS messages from N900" -- Solution: "Implement MMS support in Fremantle"20:01
derfWhat if it's taped to a cat?20:01
javispedrofrals: nokia implement it from scratch, reuse mms stack from X project, community implement it from scratch.20:01
javispedroi've seen those three somewhere else20:01
ShadowJKfrals: you could split it up20:01
penguinbaitis he Alf?20:01
RST38hjavis: Please, make space for the "Just screw it" solution20:02
lcukcommunity helps me support postcards, we have a destination as a contact20:02
lcukbish bash bosh20:02
* lcuk waves hands to the nokia network engineers who would supply the messaging api20:02
javispedroRST38h: that's actually "hands down", which I plan to do.20:03
ShadowJKfrals: there's like.. implement parsing of sms messages for the metadata, implement WAP transport and opening up of separate APNs... implement a WML browser..20:03
fralsthanks for the input, :D20:03
RST38hzerojay: English version at mobile-review.com20:03
mchermlcuk: I've been trying it again with everything disabled but the standard repo. Seems to be doing something, which is progress!20:03
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* lcuk curses non trusted repositories20:04
fralson the other hand i think it would get more "mainstream" attention to post it as one idea, and then the actual implementation of wap transport/sms parsing could be decided later20:05
javispedroyeah, I would for now keep the thing more "high level"20:05
* RST38h rotfls20:05
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RST38hAt the mobile-review forum, they are filing for remote device access at Nokia to find how it feels20:05
RST38hall in russian20:06
RST38hAnd they all seem to be pretty optimistic, so I guess the FUD did not quite work20:07
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zerojayRDA rocks.20:08
lcukgood! rst, now we just need to get the rest of the local mob20:08
mchermlcuk: yes, that worked. Thanks so much: it seems like an obvious solution but somehow I still hadn't thought of it.20:08
fralsbtw - is the messaging ui/related stuff open?20:08
* GeneralAntilles can't believe he just nuked 3000+ emails.20:08
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lardman~lart videorate20:08
* infobot blames videorate for all the evil in the world20:08
lcukGeneralAntilles, rly20:08
lcuk:( lardman20:09
* lcuk gets simon a bacon butty20:09
lardmanmmmm :)20:09
GeneralAntillesI can't believe it defaults to ANY instead of ALL when doing mail rulse.20:09
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* GeneralAntilles <- dumb, dumb, dumb.20:09
lcukrestore the .pst file from local backup20:10
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lardmanhmm, how do I build gst videorate I wonder....?20:10
lcukvideo rate used to just be a setting20:10
lcukisnt it the case20:10
lardmanthe v4l2 src won't accept anything under 8fps20:11
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lardmanGod only knows how the Makefile is supposed to work20:11
lcuklardman, the n810 camera didnt either20:11
lardmanyeah, this is the N80020:11
lcuknone of them do20:11
lcuki think its cos of the bitbucketing and over exposure issues20:12
lcukcos at 8fps its almost a night camera20:12
lardmananyway, libdmtx clobbers the framerate quite seriously, and as I can't work out how to drop frames, I thought using the videorate plugin would do the job20:12
lcukahhh in your pipeline20:12
SpeedEvilThe cameras of this sort have no shutter. They output to the SoC as they finish exposing.20:12
SpeedEvilthe edge of the rolling shutter is output to the SoC20:13
zerojayfrals: Messaging is all handled by Telepathy and yes, that's all open.20:13
fralscool, ty20:13
zerojayWell... as far as I know anyways. I kind of wonder if the Skype plugin is or not.20:13
lardmanAnnoyingly the gstreamer pipeline gets backed up20:13
lcukyou are running in 640*480?20:13
lardmanI'd have thought it would just drop frames, but no20:14
lardmannah, 320x24020:14
lcukthats how i ran in lb20:14
lcukstill shocked its still backing up20:14
fralsso, if i were to post a thread about this brainstorm idea for discussion, should i put it in community, n900 or maemo5?20:14
derflardman: Normally people want to _avoid_ dropping frames.20:14
lcukis it the parse stage20:14
lardmanderf: yeah20:14
lardmanit's the libdmtx decoder which is slow20:14
lcukc lib?20:15
lardmanfp too though20:15
lcukwhen you send it the data20:15
lcukcan you alter the stride of the bitmap20:15
* RST38h is more interested in ICQ support for Messaging20:15
lcukto skip alternate lines20:15
RST38hI mean, this thing may not have MMS or portrait, and nobody would give a shit20:15
lardmanperhaps, but that won't help much with a 2D barcode20:15
RST38hBut if it has no support for ICQ, Russians will be severely pissed20:15
lcukno you are right20:15
lcukand at 320 its not really practical20:15
qwerty12_N810RST38h: Everyone that is not from Russia is not :p20:15
derf320x240 is already pretty small.20:16
lardmanthe other option is to lower the pri of the thread it runs in20:16
lardmanderf: yeah, their code is just quite slow ~0.5/s scan20:16
lardmanand the camera is outputting 8fps20:16
derflardman: Can't you just only hand it a frame when it's done scanning the last one?20:16
lcukyou need a prefilter section realistically20:16
RST38hqwerty: yea, but we are talking of eldar and people who read his russian site20:16
lardmanderf: that's what I have atm, but the thread it runs in is the same pri as the main thread, it slows everything down still20:17
derfI mean, what's to stop you from doing the dropping yourself?20:17
lcukdoes qr have recognisable things20:17
derflcuk: Yes.20:17
lcuklike standard has a white boundary and guard bars in the middle20:17
lardmanyeah QR works very nicely, and quickly, thanks derf20:17
derfDatamatrix is a PITA to find.20:17
lcuksomething that can be scanned and checked20:17
lardmanqwerty12_N810: you managed to sort my dialog problem yet? ;)20:17
lcukand only pass the rectangle with possible barcode in20:17
* Firebird can't determine what is being discussed but is assuming its about scanning barcodes with a camera20:17
RST38hLast stupid question about packaging: Anyone has a sample postinst script for Fremantle?20:18
lardmandoes anyone know about pthread priorities?20:18
lcukRST38h, liqtorch has a pretty clean one which makes sure icon etc is there20:18
GeneralAntillesOK, now Reggie needs to close the thread.20:18
RST38hlcuk: pastebin? =)20:18
qwerty12_N810lardman: why do you think I'd be able to sort it? Besides, having a fun (read: shitter of a) time with GObject...20:19
javispedroRST38h: fremantle should just need gtk-update-icon-cache and that's about it.20:19
qwerty12_N810RST38h: To do what exactly?20:19
GeneralAntillesIt's funny that he things the nutjobs that came swarming out of the woodwork to comment in that thread are the most active ones.20:19
lardmanI thought you may have chanced upon the problem... ;)20:19
lardmansolution even!20:19
FirebirdGeneralAntilles, what thread20:19
GeneralAntillesGood riddance to bad rubbish.20:20
RST38hthanks =)20:20
javispedroGeneralAntilles: kill the thread!20:20
RST38hGeneral: I do suggest archiving it20:20
javispedroI would plainly delete it, but they would just recreate it.20:20
lcukhold on20:20
RST38hGeneral: Eldar has been spilling so much crap there that it is a shame to lose all this possible blackmail material =)20:20
lcukthat shouldnt work20:20
lcukthats a more filled up one20:21
lcukwith lots of checks and a working icon install bit20:21
lcukthanks to qwerty the great20:21
javispedrolcuk: but you're doing quite a chunk of work20:21
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javispedroa typical app does need only the icon cache call.20:21
RST38hlcuk: This isn't sufficient :( I also need to update mime types etc20:21
lcukahhh RST38h20:21
RST38hclear gconf entries too20:21
lcukeven more stuff20:21
javispedroRST38h: that would be prerm?20:22
javispedroor postrm purge20:22
qwerty12_N810RST38h: Your Diablo postinst should suffice; just make sure you don't call maemo-select-menu-location anymore20:22
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lcukwhat a cool picture.
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lardmanrandom questions: thread priorities are higher with lower numerical values?20:24
GeneralAntillesRST38h, analyst's could do with some accountability.20:24
lardmanwell I'll try chopping 1 off the current thread pri and see if that improves matters20:25
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RST38hGeneral: He is a hack, first of all20:27
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RST38hGeneral: Of course he calls himself "analyst", but that is like a whore calling herself "geisha"20:27
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GeneralAntillesBut I've yet to see an analyst who isn't a hack.20:29
RST38hThat too :)20:29
fralsneed some input on this; Brainstorm MMS Support
fralsgood/bad/go back to bed? ;)20:30
RST38hAh, the Itanic20:30
GeneralAntillesfrals, need to find somebody with some technical information.20:30
RST38hPeople who know how MMS work have all ben institutionalized by now20:31
glass_frals: having worked on some mms related stuff, let nokia do it :D..  or find someone willing to lose their brains20:31
RST38hDepression, panic attacks, paranoia20:31
RST38hSo, it is all legacy code now =)20:31
* Myrtti yawns20:31
fralsyeah i looked at the spec the other day, and i really understood why they didnt do it right away, if ever :P20:32
ShadowJKRST38h, Well, it starts by people wondering "How to get internets on phone lol?", someone suggested "Maybe we could take a subset of html?", then a comittee said "stfu noob, we must design an entirely new mobile internet, no HTML allowed!", then the comittee began their work in creating a new http and html, that wouldn't be http and html.20:32
javispedroI say we go to a psychriatric hospital, find someone to code the mms app, the run it under a nobody chroot.20:32
javispedrofor extra brain safety.20:32
konttoriI got wiicontrol working on n900 (yay!)20:33
glass_ShadowJK: yeh blows a lot. 5th edition does interpret html as mms root/body tho20:33
javispedrokonttori: that was fast.20:33
glass_..with the fucking 'services' browser but anyhow20:33
* javispedro looks at time ... ohmy20:33
konttoriyeah. I dropped the bluez code and used the bluetooth lib code instead.20:34
konttorias I had no clue where to find proper examples on how to use bluez.20:34
konttori(for the simple task of listing available devices)20:34
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fralskonttori: cool :D20:34
konttorifrals: so, you are actually trying to get mms support up and running. Great!20:36
glassfrals: it would be adequate mms support if it just managed to show attached images20:37
fralsyeah, im gonna go mental from the abuse all iphone users are gonna lay on me after making fun of them not being able to send mms.. :D20:37
glassfrals: if you try to implement everything you'd go mad as everyone done some stuff differently it seems20:37
konttoriimportant part is to get the cellular level working. Rest is trivial20:37
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fralsglass: yeah, could probably add that as a solution, just do the imagestuff at first.. but once the gsm/lowlevel stuff is done i think the other stuff isnt to complicated?20:38
ShadowJKkonttori, what about slideshows and polyphonic background music!20:38
RST38hINTERESTING: looks like you no longer need to update icon cache20:38
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* ShadowJK would've thought the other stuff would be the most complicated part20:38
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javispedroRST38h: yes. because it won't work even if you do.20:39
glassfrals: well the other stuff i'm referring to is formatting the message, timing of things in it and that. i guess it's trivial, if one just selects one phone or such to clone from whats relevant20:39
qwerty12_N810RST38h: Try installing a few things and watch the inconsistency that appears...20:39
javispedrothere was an icon bug mentioned here not much ago20:39
javispedrohopefully it was fixed.20:39
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ShadowJKI guess I only count establishing IP connectivity as lowlevel20:39
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fralshmm, time to go hunting for some open source mms implementation for a phone...20:40
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ShadowJKfrals, or opensource WAP transport or browser?20:40
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fralsyeah, pretty much all of that, but im hoping if someone has done the one they got resources/links for the others as well :D20:41
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ShadowJKOpera has a WAP browser, but it does it over http afaik :)20:41
ShadowJKand not opensource :/20:41
glassfrals: most mms resources i've found are theoretical.. :\20:41
MaceN8x0i have the flu or something20:41
MaceN8x0maybe swine flu? :)20:42
fralsMaceN8x0: hope its not the swineflu, it really sucked20:42
MaceN8x0well, i am strong and don't live in a 3rd world country20:42
MaceN8x0at least i don't think we have hit 3rd world status yet20:42
fralswas out 3days with the fever and another 3 coughing my lungs up.. and was exhausted for the next week ^^20:43
MaceN8x0so i am sure i will survive20:43
fralsyeah, it just sucks :D20:43
MaceN8x0yeah... i'm at 102 right now. ah well, i have had worse but i doubt it is swine flu ;)20:43
MaceN8x0and even if it is that is ok, that which doesn't kill you...20:43
ShadowJKI never got myself tested to see if it was swinefly or wh at20:44
MaceN8x0most people don't go to the dr for flu20:44
MaceN8x0only weak people die from it20:45
fralsye i never tested myself either, but ~60ppl from the party where i worked got the same symptoms within 3 days so i assume it was20:45
ShadowJKibuprofen was kinda radical though. When fever was at 39.6ish and I got fed up with it and took an ibu, body reversed course and wanted temperature down to normal 3 hours ago. I lost several litres of fluid in 2 hours in sweating :-)20:45
MaceN8x0people with immunodeficiencies20:45
MaceN8x0ginger ale! the cure all20:46
ShadowJKI heard that for hte people that it doesn't kill, swineflu is milder than seasonal flu20:46
MaceN8x0i just downed 2 shots of nyquil20:46
konttoriwohoo! super mario bros works now beautifully with wiimote.20:46
ShadowJKis that paracetamol + caffeine?20:46
qwerty12_N810ShadowJK: Is fever the only way of getting warm in Finland? :p20:46
ShadowJKqwerty12_N810, there's also Sauna20:46
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qwerty12_N810lol, of course20:47
MaceN8x0no mountain hot springs?20:47
ShadowJKand on easter we round up the witches and set fire to them, that warms a bit20:47
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konttoripupnik_: (when you see this) - drnoksnes does not work in non-com mode for some reason. Screen is black.20:48
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javispedrokonttori: "non-com mode"?20:48
* RST38h badly needs hardware scaling =(20:49
konttorinon-composited mode20:49
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javispedrokonttori: I can only think that the XSP still calls are doing "something"20:49
javispedros/still calls/calls still/20:49
infobotjavispedro meant: konttori: I can only think that the XSP calls still are doing "something"20:49
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MaceN8x0Pseudoephedrine (30 mg/15mL) (nasal decongestant)20:49
MaceN8x0isn't that what meth is made from?20:50
javispedrokonttori: while composited, does the game area appear centered?20:50
glassMaceN8x0: it's one ingredient20:50
glassMaceN8x0: or one possible ingredient20:50
MaceN8x0thought it was the main one20:50
konttorinope, it's roughly 200,0 from top left corner20:50
konttoriand running without any scaling20:51
ShadowJKMaceN8x0, "main" ingredient is whatever you can get easily that can be made into meth20:51
glassMaceN8x0: pseudoefe is on recipe in large areas of the world for that reason afaik20:51
MaceN8x0Following the passage of the Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act in 2006, in the United States all pseudoephedrine-containing medications must be kept behind a pharmacy counter and all purchases must be logged.20:51
javispedrokonttori: thus the binary is still calling Xsp. Plan to upload a newer version today20:51
javispedro(without any xsp calls in fremantle)20:51
MaceN8x0there was a combat methamphetamine act?20:52
SpeedEvilpsuedoephedrine is the only thing that will kill chronic asthma sometimes.20:52
SpeedEvilfor me.20:52
qwerty12_N810MaceN8x0: What a shitty law... the person passing that one must've been high :\20:52
MaceN8x0i guess only meth heads would have known that20:52
glass"join the army, get meth"20:52
ShadowJKwikipedia is awesome, almost any nontrivial medication you look up turns out to be hard-drugs in disguise20:52
MaceN8x0they used to test lsd on soldiers20:52
qwerty12_N810lucky bastards20:53
MaceN8x0ShadowJK, yeah haha20:53
glasswell they had heroin in flu meds here untill fifties or so20:53
MaceN8x0qwerty12_N810, that's what i said20:53
ShadowJKeven the anti-diarrhoea pills I had turned out to be some special opium that only affected the bowels20:53
ShadowJKand made them slow20:53
MaceN8x0i'd volunteer for that!20:53
konttorijavispedro: should the sounds work?20:53
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konttoriI am not hearing anything20:53
javispedrokonttori: try toggling the sound checkbox in gui20:54
javispedro(even if its on or off, there was a settings gui iirc)20:54
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javispedrosettings gui bug I mean.20:54
pb-awayI used to test LSD too20:54
MaceN8x0Vicks chose to keep its products more easily accessible by reformulating NyQuil Sinus, replacing pseudoephedrine with phenylephrine. Many people were outraged by this change and chose to boycott the product, because studies have shown that phenylephrine is no more effective than a placebo.20:54
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MaceN8x0meth heads unite!!!20:54
ShadowJKyou need huge quantities anyway..20:55
pb-awaymeth head is is jail, he was breaking into the drug store next to my house last night20:55
pb-awayAll for some sinus medication20:55
konttorijavispedro: Ah. I needed to switch from silent profile to generic profile20:55
konttoriBut yeah, now sounds work!20:55
javispedroah, well :)20:55
glassShadowJK: well, purchasing big quantities in several areas of usa was apparently no problem, since theres population density enough to have so many drugstores to buy from20:56
MaceN8x0pb-away, haha... yeah.. like a crackhead robbing the cartel20:56
ShadowJKglass, I guess it's prescription now?20:56
aSIMULAterpseudoephedrine isn't prescription in the US20:56
glassShadowJK: dunno. here(finland) it's on prescription20:56
zerojayRST38h: Nice post. :)20:56
javispedrokonttori: i am writing a slow sw scaler for this version so there may be a (hopefully not big) performance hit.20:56
glassbut that act that was pasted here, said that they have to keep records of who buys it20:56
RST38hzerojay: I actually thing he is baiting you all right now20:56
RST38hBut anyway...20:56
javispedrountil we can get ogles2 scaling right, that will suffice.20:57
pb-awayIn Michigan you need to show ID and sign a paper with your address to buy any sinus meds20:57
aSIMULAtermy dr here in finland gave me a prescription of an anti histamine with pseudoephdrine and i was surprised to see that he gave me a prescription for over 10 packs20:57
zerojayRST38h: Yeah... probably. I'm long done with it.20:57
aSIMULAteri was like wtf20:57
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glassi take duact sometimes to battle allergy symptoms20:57
RST38hjavis: no need to write slow sw scaler when you can use a fast one20:57
lcukjavispedro, what happens if you request an x11 window at the dimensions you need20:57
glass(it has pseudoefe)20:57
lcukdoes it get opened at that and scaled20:57
lcukor does the wm force it bigger20:57
javispedrolcuk: I get a x11 window at the dimensions I needed :)20:57
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javispedrounless you mean there's compositor magic between, which I can't test.20:58
MyrttiI got duact before the operation to prevent nausea20:58
* lcuk curses music groups with generic unsearchable names "james"20:58
qwerty12_N810lcuk: it's a sign: those are the ones to avoid20:58
lcukbut they are good20:58
penguinbaitI thought I was good with penguinbait, but there is now some girl using my name, she works at a zoo, with penguins20:59
* SpeedEvil sits down.20:59
javispedroRST38h:  yeah, I should have used yours, but I've changed a lot of things and I wanted something working or crashing at a C source file at least ;)20:59
qwerty12_N810penguinbait: /nick masterbait20:59
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MasterbaitHow did you know I was married?21:00
RST38hjavis: You should get away by just doubling SNES screen, right?21:00
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javispedroRST38h: yes, whose width is 256 so your scaler is fine21:01
penguinbaitRoman Polanski nabbed in Switzerland, haha21:01
* RST38h has another stupid question: how do I redirect BOTH stdout and stderr into a file in Maemo shell?21:01
javispedroi'll try if I can finish the rest of things today (drawing onscreen controls + more gui bugfixes) but If I can't i'll just ship21:02
RST38hjavis: Well, sometimes I need to scale by 1.3, 1.5, etc21:02
RST38hjavis: The code for these is different21:02
javispedroof course :P21:02
lcukbut at least the 2x can be specifically optimized21:02
lcukjavispedro, 32bit read/writes makes a big difference21:03
RST38hlcuk: They can all be specifically optiimized and that is what I do21:03
MyrttiRST38h: 2>&1 > file?21:03
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* lcuk nods21:03
* Myrtti shrugs21:03
RST38hMyrtti: trying21:04
javispedroall those splits and joins are making me queasy21:04
javispedroenough with them dammit21:04
RST38hdo a select21:04
qwerty12_N810javispedro: Welcome to FreeNode.21:04
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RST38hMyrtti: Thanks, it seems to work21:04
MyrttiRST38h: that would be 2€ to Red Cross donation box next time you see one21:05
Myrtti(I don't do sh scripting for free ;-D)21:05
Myrtti(1€ or equivalent is ok too)21:06
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Myrttiok, .50€21:06
RST38hMyrtti: Which is like...mhm...never21:06
derfThey have a website.21:07
RST38hIt did not redirect stderr unfortunately :( But that's ok, looks like most output was to stdout21:07
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derfRST38h: Put the pipes in the other order.21:07
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RST38hMyrtti: But as a consolation prize, I can send you the latest build of VGBA for Fremantle21:07
RST38hNobody has it yet =)21:07
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Myrttihehe, no thanks :-)21:08
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derf> file 2>&121:08
penguinbaitwhere is the n64 emu, we got opengl right?  who's working on that?21:08
penguinbaitI want to play smash bros.21:08
javispedrowe got opengles2 so far.21:08
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zerojaypenguinbait: a) we can't run open gl stuff straight on N900. b) emulation of N64 is completely fucked since almost no one out there cared about accuracy.21:11
konttorijavispedro: So, even the soft scaler coming now. Sounds really good!21:11
konttoriI need to put wiicontrol to repo then.21:12
zerojayEmulators for N64 and everything newer just seem like plugin runners these days.21:12
konttoriand get it to support 2 controllers.21:12
javispedrokonttori: heh. I'd need to do that too.21:12
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konttoriopengles1.1 should also be available if that helpts21:13
javispedrokonttori: the ogles 1.1 libs are not in the beta2sdk (so the only way for now is to grab them from imagination)21:13
konttoriok. we need to address that then21:14
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javispedrothe headers are in the armel target though.21:14
javispedro(iirc, lemme check)21:14
javispedroyes, they are.21:16
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javispedroalong with stub libs. so you can indeed build something with ogles 1.1, only you can't test it.21:17
konttorilol. not very useful then.21:18
konttoriwe are going to be publishing next sdk version next week afaik. I'll try to check if we can pushi386 content in there still21:19
javispedrofor the record, kate did the i386 2.0 package21:19
javispedro(according to debian/control)21:19
fralsfound a php and one java mms-lib *starts reading source code*21:20
javispedrophp mms lib? lol21:20
fralsjust for encoding and decoding, doh21:21
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fralswell its something anyway.. ;P21:21
javispedromaybe RST38h is right and everyone who has ever written a MMS lib has gone crazy ;P21:21
konttorijavispedro: I'll check if she would have the time to get the 1.1 done as well if our opengl wizards don't21:23
javispedro:P :)21:23
RST38hdpkg-shlibdeps: warning: dependency on could be avoided if "debian/vgba/usr/bin/vgba" were not uselessly linked against it (they use none of its symbols).21:24
RST38hIs this anything to worry about? I am getting a lot of these21:24
pupnik_with accel we should also have a Marble Madness clone21:25
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javispedroRST38h: presumably you're using pkg-config, so I'd say not.21:25
javispedrounless you have clearly stated dbus in pkg-config call.21:26
lardmanhmm, lowering pri didn't do much21:26
derfThread priorities are usually pretty useless.21:27
lardmanin which case I need to slow down the framerate21:27
derfI haven't touched one in over 15 years, and haven't missed 'em.21:27
lardmanwill have to work out how to build videorate21:27
pupnik_what are you doing lardman ?21:29
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lardmanbarcode decoding21:29
lardman3 codes, 1D, Qr and dmtx21:29
pupnik_oh right21:29
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lcukdoes the queue of data come in sequenctially21:30
lcukor does it push another frame whilst you are in the middle of processing the first21:31
lcuksequentially even21:31
lardmanI think the frames queue up21:32
RST38hjavis: I have not21:32
lcuki suppose thats the pipeline effect21:32
lardmanI just need them to be dropped really once they are too old21:32
lcukyou mentioned threading the decoding process21:32
lcukif its a different thread to the newframe event21:33
lardmanI'll have to do some fiddling with the pipeline settings, see if I can work out some way21:33
lardmanyeah the libdmtx decoder is in another thread21:33
lcukyou could simply say "if(frame_process_in_progress) return -1;" and do nothing21:33
lardmanbut it still clobbers everything eles21:33
lardmanyeah, I do that now21:33
lardmanbut while it's processing, frames are building up21:33
lcukwhat about pausing the pipeline itself21:34
lcukor do you suffer from lag still with pause/stop21:34
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lardmanyeah, not tried that as I assumed it would be slow21:34
lcukwhile its processing you should just be dropping frames21:34
lardmanbut may well give it a go this evening21:34
lcukcos its busy21:34
lcukit sounds like your main work is occuring in sync with the thread gstreamer is sending under21:35
lardmansome of it is done in the same thread21:35
pupnik_  * RST38h badly needs hardware scaling =(   <<< for the faster emus (older systems)?21:36
lcukRST38h, RGB xv was murmured to be gaining support21:36
konttorixv is probably also a very good idea21:37
lcukwhich if it acts like yuv XV mode will get automatic hardware level scaling21:37
RST38hpupnik: to save time when emulating on n90021:37
lcuklike i get arm21:37
* lcuk never uses it tho21:37
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Myrttiplease please tell me there's a better audiobook player for fremantle than panucci?21:56
RST38hNo =(21:56
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konttoriSomeone should do a better player21:56
RST38hI mean, you can do s/fremantle/Maemo and it will still be true21:56
RST38hkonttori: We discussed it before21:56
konttoriI would really like to see a better audio player to be also for podcases21:56
konttoripodcasts even21:57
MyrttiRST38h: I was kinda hoping that there'd be a better one for *atleast* Fremantle21:57
RST38hkonttori: The Nokia one is a wreck unfortunately :(21:57
RST38hMyrtti: There is a player that copies iTunes UI21:57
konttorifor audio book use, yeah, definitely, it's not good for that21:57
RST38hMyrtti: But is has not been properly packaged and needs Qt21:57
RST38hkonttori: For anything :(21:57
RST38hMyrtti: So if you feel adventurous...21:58
konttorifor audio books and podcasts, there needs to be good bookmarks and good skip buttons.21:58
MyrttiRST38h: I can't even package hello world.21:58
RST38hkonttori: No playlist management in the nokia player21:58
RST38hMyrtti: Neither could I21:58
Myrttibut, I'm willing to set up an amount of money for a bounty for developing a proper bloody app for this21:58
RST38hMyrtti: Still can't, really21:58
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konttorifrade: ^^^ You are not alone --- now you have do do your audiobook client app! ;)21:59
RST38hlcuk: Email21:59
* Myrtti waves 25€ around21:59
lcukRST38h, you want it or i should check it21:59
RST38hlcuk: Check it21:59
RST38hMyrtti: We charge in favors here =)21:59
qwerty12_N810Is that 25€ valid for packaging hello world? :p21:59
lcukRST38h, cluestick - which address and which content22:00
RST38hlcuk: Oh, come on, you know22:00
lcukive currently got a big list of read messages and nothing is jumping out#22:00
RST38hqwerty: Could you package that itunes like thingie?22:00
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MyrttiI desperately want an app that has a bloody sleep timer in it22:01
qwerty12_N810RST38h: Packaging Qt stuff gives me a headache22:01
Myrttiand a more sensible way of adding files to the queue than one by one22:01
qwerty12_N810<-- GTK fan22:01
Myrttiwhich is my #1 gripe about this Panucci shite, sorry22:01
penguinbait<------ Linux Enthusiast22:01
javispedroin which languages do you want hello world package?22:01
MyrttiI hate you all.22:02
javispedroWelcome to FreeNode! :D22:02
Myrttino cookies for you22:02
lcukMyrtti, mmm22:02
lcukfiferboy has a countdown app22:02
penguinbaitcookies are disabled anyway22:02
qwerty12_N810Myrtti: Fine, can I get 25€ for making a script that speaks "Hello world"?22:02
* javispedro sues whoever made HildonCheckButton not inherit from GtkCheckButton. arr!!22:02
lcukbut you mean to turn off XXXXXXX after a duration22:02
Myrttilcuk: the Nokia Audiobook Player has a sleeptimer, it stops the playback after (5|10|15|20|30|60)mins22:03
RST38hqwerty: Ah, just package the thing for lulz =)22:03
qwerty12_N810lcuk: Why would any sane person wish to do that?22:04
Myrttiwhich is nice, because I usually go to bed with an audiobook, and it's really annoying to hear the stupid audiobook play when I wake up, and having no way of guessing where it was when I fell asleep22:04
Myrttiand with the Nokia Audiobook Player I mean the one for stupid bloody S6022:05
lcukhaha Myrtti22:05
konttoriI checked and we don't have i386 based opengl support (as in some wrapper that would wrap those to opengl2.x/1.x). So, better you guys just wait for n900 and then port the opengl 1.x apps (n64 emu and whatnot).22:05
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penguinbaitjust start your audiobook, then do a "sleep xxx; killall" or sleep 3600; shutdown -h now22:05
konttorijavispedro: ^22:05
lcukneed to implement the heartrate monitor that ecoach wants and use it to know when your heart rate changes22:05
javispedrokonttori: a, ta22:05
lcukwill also work for qwertys xxxxx usage22:06
Myrttithat requires the files encoded to a stupid bloody amr-wb or whatever it is, and the index file and argh22:06
javispedrokonttori: imagination sdk has the22:06
Myrttipenguinbait: hrm.22:06
Myrttipenguinbait: that's no fun22:06
lcukpenguinbait, it wont remember hwere it stopped22:06
* lcuk understands your plight22:06
konttorijavispedro: really? So, you can use that then atm, right?22:06
javispedrokonttori: imagination sdk has that, but then it comes with their gui debug tools and doesn't play as fine with the compositor.22:06
lcuko_O dead mans switch22:06
Myrttipanucci actually might22:06
lcukif you are touching the screen or a key it plays22:06
SpeedEvilI wonder if the mic can pick up breathing noises22:07
javispedrokonttori: yes, in a way.22:07
lcuklol @ snore detection22:07
penguinbaitSo if it runs for 1hour and it stops, you may not know if you heard more than 15minutes before you fell asleep?22:07
penguinbaitisn't that the same problem?22:07
Myrttipenguinbait: I've got audiobooks that run for 15+ hours22:07
lcukwe need an app which every 30 minutes will go "ARE YOU AWAKE?"  at top of its voice22:07
penguinbaitif your sleeping your not hearing them right?22:08
Myrttiif I need to look for a time frame of one hour, it's better than looking from a timeframe of six22:08
SpeedEvilMyrtti: All you need is a webcam feed to a website where people watch you fall asleep, and then press a button.22:08
penguinbaityou need to find out where you fell asleep, not just start back in the spot it stopped?22:08
Myrttipenguinbait: yes.22:08
lcukits a reasonable request22:08
lcukOLD tech has such things22:08
lcukwhy do we lose nice features22:09
lcukby upgrading22:09
Myrttilcuk: yeah, cassette players ftw22:09
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SpeedEvilBecause someone decided they clutter the interface typically :/22:09
lcukwhoa there Myrtti22:09
Myrttithey're still the best interface for audiobooks22:09
penguinbaitSo you still have to figure out where the book left off, even if its set for 1 hour?22:09
Myrttiif you *really* think about it22:09
lcukSpeedEvil, a timer option somewhere discrete should work22:09
lcuki like the idea22:09
lcukit makes sense22:09
lcukfor nighttime22:09
lcukand goes with powersaving kick22:09
lcukmy missus has never watched a whole movie at night22:09
penguinbaitI like SpeedEvil's idea, although I think the buzzer should wake him up so he can keep listening22:10
SpeedEvilI tend to read ebooks using my laptop, which avoids that issue.22:10
Myrttipenguinbait: yup, but looking from within one hour is better than looking from a timeframe of "pushing play to the moment of waking up" which could be anything from 45min to 8 hours22:10
lcukSpeedEvil, how?22:10
Myrttilcuk: the powersaving is one of the points22:10
lcuki have fallen asleep on keyboard before now22:11
SpeedEvillcuk: I stop pressing pagedown, and it stops.22:11
penguinbaitmy point was if it kills the app within the hour its the same thing22:11
lcukSpeedEvil, autoscroll ftw22:11
Myrttimy n800 can go on if no audio is playing for days22:11
lcuksame problem tho22:11
penguinbaityou still have the 1hour to look through to figure out when you fell asleep22:11
SpeedEvillcuk: I could never get along with autoscroll22:11
Myrttibut with panucci, it can go on for about 4 hours atm22:11
lcukthe more we discuss this Myrtti the more it seems like a reasonable general feature22:11
lcukSpeedEvil, upgrade your brain then22:11
Myrttiafter which I wake up to the bloody "YOUR BATTERY IS LOW" noise22:11
lcukat least you will only be a few hours into the system22:12
lcukthats key - go to bed with a low battery22:12
lcukiy will automatically stop soon enough22:12
Myrtti(and disable the warning sound effects)22:12
lcuki hate it when devices return from the dead22:12
lcukto warn you they are dying22:13
lcuka new convert to liqbase :)22:14
penguinbaitThats like opening your laptop and turning it on, only to realize its still shutting down from last time you were using it22:14
penguinbaitoohhh I hate that22:14
javispedroRST38h: I saw you were purging gconf settings from the postrm script, but that is run from the root user and not from "user" user.22:14
javispedrohow can that work?22:14
MyrttiI might end up blogging about this22:14
RST38hjavispedro: Dunno, but it does flush the settings22:15
RST38hjavispedro: Maybe they are global for all users?22:15
lardmanmmmm, chilli22:15
javispedromaybe. sbox gconftool-2 spends all day and night complaining about his haxxoring by his evil maintainers22:15
lcukMyrtti, :) do it would be a nice thing22:15
lcukespecially if the played was just paused22:16
lcukso you can continue22:16
qwerty12_N810javispedro: Maemo has the GConf tree on the disk stored in /var, not in ~ as is the custom, I believe, on a real distro...22:16
lcukand that way it should work for movies too22:16
javispedroqwerty12_N810: ah.22:16
javispedroyeah, ~ is on debian at least.22:16
Myrttianyway, I'll go to bed now with my Panucci of fail22:17
lcukMyrtti, a cassette mode would actualyl be nice - press the screen to turn the tape over and continue22:17
lcukno press, no continue22:17
Myrttilcuk: indeed22:17
lcukunderstandable for old folks too :)22:17
Myrttiit would be a dead mans switch in a way22:17
* javispedro will purge gconf settings from postrm script too :)22:17
Myrttiand an opportunity to make a killer UI22:17
Myrttiwith retro feel22:17
lcukindeed :) great idea22:17
* lcuk high 5's Myrtti 22:18
javispedro"error: Cannot access URL, return code 18"22:18
* Myrtti shall blog about this tomorrow...22:18
javispedrosomebody was asking for those kind of errors the other day?22:18
qwerty12_N810javispedro: I use a schemas file & dh_gconf for that :)22:18
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MyrttiI'll go and suffer with my panucci. I'm sure I'll wake up at some point of the night to pause the stupid audiobook22:18
javispedroqwerty12_N810: I will package a schema from now on, but then It does not seem to purge22:19
RST38hMyrtti: Maybe if I have enough time, we will get together with wazd and make the new media player UI for Maemo22:19
* ml-something bangs on nokia's door, demanding his n90022:19
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RST38hMyrtti: Although I expect somebody else to implement the playback part :)22:19
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javispedrowhat's MAFW for! :)22:20
qwerty12_N810javispedro: Ah, yeah, it only does so if you "dpkg --purge" :\. Although I'm not entirely sure busybox supports the commands put into the postrm by dh_gconf...22:20
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fralsmicrolith: appearently some swedish retailer have confirmed 28th as shipping date... one can hope its true at least :)22:20
javispedroqwerty12_N810: i've been reading them, and at least the etch dh_gconf ones are easy enough22:20
javispedrobut it does not purge settings on --purge, only schemas.22:20
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qwerty12_N810Ah, I see22:20
javispedroqwerty12_N810: and that would seem sane behaviour to me, since on debian you can't expect to be able to delete user settings as root ;)22:21
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microlithfrals: no joke, at least I hope that's true for the US release22:21
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javispedro(unless there's a trick with the "owner" field in the schemas, since I don't know what that's for)22:22
javispedroqwerty12_N810: rmdir: unrecognized option `--ignore-fail-on-non-empty' you were right. *sigh*22:23
javispedrobasically, no app using dh_gconf can be purge in diablo.22:24
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qwerty12_N810*gulp*. At least I've restricted myself to using it in programs that you'd be insane to remove, in that case...22:25
Stskeepsjavispedro: yeah, ran into that one too22:25
Stskeepsjavispedro: submit it as a bug, it isnt fixed yet22:26
qwerty12_N810Stskeeps: C'mon, with Fremantle still using debhelper 5, do you really see it as being fixed? =)22:26
javispedrothat would be from a etch devkit bug22:26
infobotjavispedro meant: that would be  a etch devkit bug22:26
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Stskeepsqwerty12_N810: busybox error, not devkit22:29
* Jaffa wonders what a good game on VGBA is22:29
javispedroStskeeps: i'd say bashism22:29
javispedrosolving it n the devkit would be as easy as " || true"22:29
GeneralAntillesJaffa, Pokémon, clearly.22:30
Stskeepsrmdir != bash :P22:30
javispedrognuism then ;P22:30
javispedroand I wonder why not just use gconf-schemas --unregister22:32
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javispedroah, it's there actually.22:32
* javispedro thinks about patching the dh_gconf generated file in debian/rules *evil grin*22:33
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javispedroso what's that snippet for? nothing at all.22:35
* javispedro sighs22:36
javispedrorm -f $(CURDIR)/debian/package.postrm.debhelper #Remove this and die22:36
lcuki need to be able to afford real cigs :'(22:38
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lcukmakin rollups sux22:38
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pupnik_in the war we used newspaper22:38
lardmanand camel dung22:39
lcukhang on22:39
lcukwhich war pupnik_22:39
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* qwerty12_N810 laughs at you cigarette addicts. if you're gonna get addicted to smoking stuff, at least smoke the right stuff22:39
lcukyou are only about 12 yo arent you22:39
lardmancamel dung probably22:39
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lcukqwerty12_N810, theres a whole different reason to need to rollup those kind of cigs22:39
lcuki just want normal regular cigs22:40
* lcuk has a hankering for menthol22:40
Firebirdhm, is there anything preventing "rm -rf /" from being in a postinst22:40
lcukyour future involvement in the community22:41
pupnik_planes, trains and baseball bats22:41
lcuknd a lot of pissed off users22:41
qwerty12_N810Firebird: The value of your life22:41
Firebirdsome pissed off member decides to upload a seemingly useful package and trods off into life?22:41
pupnik_upload to where?22:41
lcukdevel is totally unstable tablet breaking non regular users anyway22:42
konttoriwell, it won't end up in extras that way anyway (only devel)22:42
pupnik_also nice that autobuilder builds binary from the uploaded source22:43
javispedroFirebird: more interesting would be hidden spyware. but that's quite an interesting topic of discussion not only for #maemo.22:43
javispedroaw, I see black helicopters.22:44
lcukif you see them, theres something wrong22:45
lcukand they arent what you think22:45
pupnik_maybe a type of 'zonealarm' service would be useful22:45
pupnik_'proccess X is trying to connect to...'22:45
javispedropupnik_: useless for "cloud" apps.22:46
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pupnik_sure if the app is supposed to use an interface, it's not a bug22:46
javispedrowell, gotta hide from the helicopters, cy22:46
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Firebirdwas that a metaphor for the night sky...22:48
mavhcprocess y is asking process x to connect to website z that will send your data to pakistan22:48
RST38hyes, Osama will now get the complete list of naughty sites you have visited since you got your computer22:49
RST38hIf he finds any that are new to him, he will send you a postcard22:49
pupnik_well i'd like to know if a process is using microphone, camera, cell radio...22:50
mavhcwell, all this acceptable blowing people up came from a guy who visited america and was disgusted by people dancing so close together22:50
RST38hWrong, he is faking a reason.22:50
penguinbaitis it just me or does liqbase sound like some kind of sexual reference?  I am pronouncing this correctly right lick-base?22:50
RST38hThe real reason is that blowing up things (and people) is fun22:50
pupnik_mavhc has watched the Power of Nightmares22:50
mavhcblowing up yourself isn't fun though22:51
RST38hmavhc: more fun than spending the next 60 years in a penitentiary I guess22:51
lcukpenguinbait, unintentional.  however i do have to be careful with naming other liq* modules for this reason22:51
mavhcto bring this back on topic, can I use an n900 to detonate a bomb?22:52
RST38hYes. Do you want to?22:52
penguinbaitsee it still sounds like your up to something22:52
mavhcwhat did you name your library for viewing lolcats?22:52
* RST38h off for now22:53
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qwerty12_N810lcuk: Can I propose liqadiqaday22:53
lcuki have liqdoc22:54
qwerty12_N810Tame. At least make the o an i22:55
Mekfor a dictionary application?22:55
qwerty12_N810Sure :)22:55
lcukMek, the document reader class22:55
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lcukliqbattery is shocking22:56
penguinbaitliqtwit and liqface for the social butterflys22:56
* lcuk does like liqbrain :)22:56
qwerty12_N810lcuk: name one after yourself...22:56
qwerty12_N810and dedicate it to crashanddie_22:57
lcuki like liqface :D22:57
penguinbaitAKA liqhead / liqbrain22:58
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lcukliqbrain was the name of the database classes ;)22:58
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qwerty12_N810Ironically, talking about database classes would not get you brain22:59
lcukdepends if it was run in a zombie process or not23:00
penguinbaitI got to go bake a chicken, and make mash potato's23:00
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qwerty12_N810lcuk accepts23:00
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pupnik_thanks to penguinbait, i now know what to call people who use twitter23:01
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SpeedEvilmashed potatos?23:04
pupnik_both are good, SpeedEvil suihkulokki :)23:06
liqpb-awayyeah mashed potatos even23:06
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pupnik_i like Mike and Rich better.  more fun.23:11
pupnik_get 'Expert Knob Twiddlers' fnordianslip23:12
fnordianslippupnik_: tnx for the recommendation - will have a listen.  personally, i'm just an amateur DIY knob twiddler23:13
pupnik_have you heard the venetian snares 'einstein-rosen bridge' 12"?23:14
fnordianslippupnik_: not sure. hard to tell what i've heard, but i don't know it by name.23:15
SpeedEvilIs it a covered bridge?23:15
pupnik_i think you'd remember it, actually23:15
pupnik_quite a worm, that track23:15
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pupnik_you know how kids always stand around listening to music from one cell phone?23:17
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pupnik_it would be cool if they could share the stream and get synched playback over BT23:17
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fnordianslipbetter to hack them and make them listen to punk!23:18
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fnordianslipthat track is pretty warped23:19
pupnik_or pixies.  straighten em out.23:19
pupnik_yeah i heard it on a german radio station23:19
pupnik_almost had to pull over23:19
* fnordianslip likes23:19
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* pupnik_ bounces23:21
* lcuk flows23:21
* SpeedEvil farts.23:22
lcukpupnik_, simpler solution nowadays23:23
lcukn900 has FM radio transmit23:23
lcuklots of cells have fm recv (n900 does i think ..?)23:23
lcukso everyone in your little group have same music23:23
lcukfnordianslip, workplace radios can be hacked once you know the frequency ;)23:24
pupnik_nic enice23:25
lcukwe control the airwaves :)23:25
pupnik_fm xmitters are cool23:25
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pupnik_i should not have started with venetian snares23:25
RST38hSpeedEvil: You should have really done it on twitter, not here23:25
pupnik_now i'm all weirded-out23:25
fnordiansliplcuk: indeedy.  once i had to sabotage a company car's CD player with chewing gum, when i realised the boss had a Tina Turner CD23:26
* SpeedEvil goes into a stirring rendition of 'Simply the Best'.23:26
lcuki thought they removed the frequency range testing disks when they sold car23:26
fnordianslipit wouldn't play it or eject it after that23:26
lcukthe very first digital sample i ever ripped on zx spectrum! was a tina thing23:27
lcukas long as it didnt play thats ok23:27
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fralsanyone familiar with the internet connectivity api for fremantle? i.e. would all network access require user confirmation?23:38
RST38hunless you let it connect automatically23:39
RST38hthere is an option23:39
fralsis it a per app setting or systemwide?23:40
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fralssince fetching an MMS automatically would require the gprs/3g connection to be able to autoconnect23:40
SpeedEvilfrals: AIUI - it requires a seperate APN for MMS23:40
SpeedEvilfrals: ideally - otherwise you tear down the internet connection, which is obviously not optimal23:41
fralshmm yeah good point23:42
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lcukmmm twitter is odd23:44
lcukfollower counts go up and down but no new people are added23:44
lcukor removed23:44
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derfThey're magic twitter fairies.23:45
lcukyeah i tihnk same23:45
lcuktis odd23:45
lcuk incase anyone has acct23:45
ShadowJKuh oh, "write error on swap device"23:45
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crashanddie_qwerty12_N810, I'm going to dedicate something to yourself23:48
rkirtiI sound really n00bish here, but does anyone here have recommendations for a WSYWIG html editor that actually works well ?23:48
rkirtiI am a little pained with Seamonkey.23:49
qwerty12_N810crashanddie_: Awesomeness23:49
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ShadowJKthat's weird23:56
ShadowJKthe microsd -> sd adapter died23:56
ShadowJKI thought my microsdhc card had died in my N800, but I put it in another adapter and it works23:56
SpeedEvilIt's not exactly complex circuitry...23:56
RST38hToo flimsy23:57
ccookeShadowJK: I've had two die so far23:57
RST38hA lot of them do not work in n810s to begin with23:57
SpeedEvilyou've tried removing it and put it back in again?23:57
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, lol yeah, now it works on both adapters23:57
ccookeI actually have a small stack of 2g microSD cards, because that was the cheapest way to get another adapter23:57
lcukuse old console method - remove, blow reinsert23:58
ShadowJKlcuk, don't forget the step where you rub it against your shirt23:58
ccookelcuk: the first one of mine that died... well, it just split in two. Not very well made.23:58
ShadowJKI had a mini-full that split in two23:58
lcuki dont know what you guys do with adapters and memory cards23:59
lcukthe only thing i manage is losing them23:59

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