IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2009-03-20

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JaffaGeneralAntilles: Yes, I know.00:02
JaffaGeneralAntilles: There's hooks one way. The style can be used no matter what; reversing the link for already linked accounts should be trivial.00:02
b-manStskeeps: shure00:02
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Stskeepsb-man: are you still using xserver-xorg-video-omapfb btw?00:03
Stskeepsdo yourself a favour and try to apt-get install xserver-xomap00:04
Stskeepsshould drop right in00:04
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b-manStskeeps: wouldn't that conflict with xserver-xorg though?00:05
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b-man(when running)00:06
Stskeepsb-man: yeah, it removes it but both work00:06
Stskeepsit's just one of them has to be /usr/bin/X, so00:06
Stskeepsit removes xserver-xorg (one package)00:06
Stskeepsperformance wise it's worth it00:06
* b-man googles "ubuntu jaunty for the nokia tablets" and finds 8+ websites talking about his port XD00:07
b-manStskeeps: btw, the base system is now installable with a simple apt-get install sys-env-x :) - no more manually configuing the base system :D00:09
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* b-man finds his ubuntu screnshots scattered across the web00:17
* lcuk gets bonus points for finding all and deleting00:18
GeneralAntillesHow big is the default alpha SDK install?00:19
Corsac(  )00:19
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: 42.00:20
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GeneralAntillesYou're all useless.00:20
lcukqwerty12_N800, trust you to lower the tone00:20
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lcukGeneralAntilles, it comes down in a script00:21
lcuki dont think anyone knows00:21
GeneralAntilleslcuk, what, qwerty12_N800's man has nice glasses. But a very long nose. . . .00:21
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lcuklol b-man your correction came far too late00:22
lcuktheres like a 10second rule00:22
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b-manlcuk: it's not working XD00:25
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* b-man notices that everyone is refering to him as "some guy" on alot of websites that talk about his port :P00:28
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* b-man needs to start mentioning his real name on his projects00:30
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* b-man also notices that the ubuntu jaunty team is well aware of what he's doing now... lol00:33
Stskeepsnow, why is it that we are checking for /var/run being a symlink?00:34
b-manStskeeps: ?00:34
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Stskeepswhy do we check if /var/run is a symlink :)00:35
b-mangood question00:35
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ymalheirosVDVsx, hi, I saw your nickname as a possibile mentor of a project in gsoc maemo website, can I talk to you?00:39
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alex_mayorgahello all, si there an easy way to move installed apps to the internal card?00:39
alex_mayorgaand install in the card from now on?00:39
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, boot-sd is
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GAN800Any clues for the idiot?
alex_mayorgaGeneralAntilles, thanks, is a guide like that one to have debian/ubuntu & maemo from the get go?00:42
StskeepsGAN800: i think there's a bug on this00:42
Stskeepsor atleast related to GL00:42
* b-man starts composing a proper guide for installing ubuntu-n8x0 2.200:42
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, my problem is that I don't pay attention to things if I don't think they matter to me, then, eventually, they do matter to me and I don't know anything. :P00:42
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: ah, kinda like highschool00:43
GeneralAntillesSimilar error, but not the same.00:43
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alex_mayorgab-man, how about an android one :)00:44
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b-mansolca has covered that allrety ;)00:45
qwerty12_N800GeneralAntilles: tried a fakeroot apt-get -f install?00:45
GeneralAntillesqwerty12_N800, 'scratchbox fakeroot apt-get -f install' ?00:45
alex_mayorgadon't know really where to start, I'm a total maemo n00b :(00:45
GeneralAntillesThrows the same error, anyway.00:46
Shadow__Xwhat should i use to backup so if i break my n810 again i can restore it00:47
sp3000ahh, voted for the new council of overlords, to serve man with relish00:47
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GeneralAntillessp3000, sorry, it's likely to be ketchup.00:47
VDVsxymalheiros, pm ?00:48
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fireunmmm, relish00:49
alex_mayorgais there a newbie channel? :)00:49
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sp3000we're not busy enough to split so this would be it00:53
Pavlovwas there a diablo update?00:53
MacerStskeeps: you around? just wondering how far along mer has gotten :)00:54
Macerget 0.10 going yet?00:54
fireuninternal release only00:55
StskeepsMacer: killed the 0.10 release (wasn't ready on release day) but we're doing quite well00:55
Macerwow really?00:55
alex_mayorgasp3000, OK so I want this on my n800, maemo, ubuntu/debian, android, maemo3 if it gets ported at some point, where should I start?00:55
Macerwhat was wrong with it?00:55
Stskeepsmaemo3? :P00:55
* sp3000 didn't see an update00:55
StskeepsMacer: didn't boot, heh00:55
sp3000alex_mayorga: not me, I'm technically asleep :)00:55
Macerlol. guess that might do it ;)00:55
alex_mayorgaStskeeps, whatever name they got for the omap3 version00:56
alex_mayorgaI forget00:56
Stskeepsalex_mayorga: i'd start out with a vodka bottle, personally00:56
GeneralAntillesPavlov, no, and there's not likely to be one, it seems.00:57
Stskeepssome of these sadly don't intermix00:57
alex_mayorgaGot a liter of absolut pear ;)00:57
PavlovGeneralAntilles: hrm, weird, my n810 just wanted to update a bunch of stuff00:57
GeneralAntillesPavlov, apt?00:57
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Pavlovapp manager00:57
Pavlovmaybe i hadn't updated some of the last stuff?00:57
GeneralAntillesOh, people have been spamming the builder like crazy.00:57
GeneralAntillescommunity stuff00:57
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Pavlovits updating map00:58
GeneralAntillesDiablo updates are a singel package in h-a-m00:58
GeneralAntillesIf you're seeing a lot of stuff, then it's 3rd-party.00:58
Pavlovbluetooth stuff, *shrug*00:58
GeneralAntillesUnless you've got red pill on00:58
Pavlovi'm sure i do00:58
GeneralAntillesShame on you.00:59
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MacerStskeeps: so any word on when .10 will be ready for public consumption?00:59
Pavlovi have too many n810s floating around here, can't keep track of how they're all configured00:59
alex_mayorgahow to check what pill I shallowed?00:59
StskeepsMacer: it'll be 0.11 instead, at 6th april00:59
Macerah ok01:00
Stskeeps2 weeks development, 1 week testing01:00
fireunPavlov: I put stickers on mine01:01
Pavlovfireun: heh, i just did that on a few of them01:01
PavlovGeneralAntilles: so any idea what it was updating?01:01
fireunPavlov: I guess I could have just changed the background image, but.. that seemed like more work01:02
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StskeepsMacer: however Meiz has been playing,
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GeneralAntillesPavlov, without more details, no.01:03
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JaffaBed time.01:41
Jaffanight, al01:41
pupnik"New Octa-Core Intel with quad-SLI Nvidia 18650gt, only 6000watts!"01:41
fireunwith fraking >lasers<01:43
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pinbackhihihi any working jaunty desktop yet?01:48
* b-man checks01:49
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wazdCheck it out:
wazdI'm so proud of it xD01:49
Mouseythat for maemo?01:50
RST38hwazd: !01:51
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RST38hwhy does it say Foreca though?01:51
wazdRST38h: test logo)01:51
wazdRST38h: it will say more)01:51
RST38hAnd where are the bears? =)01:51
wazdRST38h: we'll release'em in 3.0 firmware. Security issues :)01:52
RST38hFlea removal? =)01:52
* RST38h ended up ordering R500 from CompUSA01:53
RST38hIt was either style (Dell Adamo) or function (R500) and function won.01:54
wazdmmm, nice)01:54
Mouseyfor linux?01:54
Stskeepswazd: hehe, that's neat :)01:54
Mouseyi thot compusa went oob01:54
RST38hMousey: will have a bit of Linux on the side01:54
wazdI'm trying to build some more complex things01:55
RST38hMousey: Their break and mortar stores did but not the mailorder01:55
wazdlike dropdown menus or something)01:55
RST38hwazd: Maybe model the whole desktop there...01:55
* Mousey is in the market for a new (exclusively) linux notebook01:55
MouseyRST38h: ah01:55
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RST38hthe idea of fading the background with a vignette effect and drawing on top is mighty cool01:55
pinbackRST: R500-S5008X?01:56
StskeepsRST38h: i wonder how fast that effect can be done..01:56
RST38hMousey: for exclusively Linux stuff I would suggest a netbook01:56
RST38hSts: instantly if you simply cache the vignetted background image :)01:56
Mouseyhave one01:56
StskeepsRST38h: true01:56
RST38hpinback: yes, the one without dvd01:56
RST38hOnly 1.2kg and 7.5 hours of use (real numbers are closer to 5h though)01:57
wazdWell, I saw Maemo 5 demo, they have that effect on menu01:58
wazdNot vignetted just faded01:58
RST38hthe only two problems are 1) it bends and 2) it is covered with garish silvery stuff01:58
pinbackRST: U sure buying from CompUSA is a good idea - I heard they were going bankrupt01:58
RST38hpinback: as I said, their mailorder business never went anywhere01:59
wazddamn, I can watcth that 2 seconds all night long)01:59
Stskeepswazd: hehe, i repeated the flash too a couple of seconds01:59
pinbackbman: any idea whats happening with ubuntu-desktop - broken package list seems different today01:59
RST38hwazd: around 4am you will see the bears.01:59
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wazdIt's so exciting to see something you imagine in your head actualy working)02:00
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Stskeepssoon you'll be able to see mer ui in effect too02:01
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Stskeepssaw Meiz's variant earlier?02:01
RST38hwazd: it may be of some use to make a library of visual components for creating desktop widgets like this02:02
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wazdStskeeps: I guess not02:02
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RST38hwazd: i.e. an app programmer will be able to show not just the weather but anything he wants using several predefined display methods, with vignetting happenning automatically02:02
Stskeepswazd: (with oxygen icons)02:03
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* pinback wants his jaunty desktop02:03
Stskeepswazd: (that's not a mockup)02:04
wazdStskeeps: nice!02:04
wazdStskeeps: I wonder, why "Mer" icon is normal, and mclose is small?)02:04
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wazdRST38h: That's Appe's 100000 API idea02:04
wazdRST38h: Apple's*)02:05
Stskeepswazd: well because we're missing the 64x64 pngs :)02:05
wazdStskeeps: aw02:05
Stskeepswazd: as well02:05
Stskeepswazd: anyway, once we get the 64x64 png versions from you, me and zenvoid will sit down and put together the template, theme, etc stuff, so it is installable :)02:06
RST38hwazd: well we won't need that many :)02:06
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Stskeepswazd: really impressive how we can make things look already02:07
wazdStskeeps: That's really nice02:07
wazdStskeeps: Wait I'll make 64x64 icons02:07
Stskeepswazd: and i keep on wondering why noone has headhunted you yet :P02:08
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, is that package available for 0.9? :P02:08
GeneralAntilleswazd, can we get bigger versions of the background and splash images?02:08
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StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i have a 1600x1200 somewhere02:08
Stskeeps(we really need to start collecting the artwork a central place..)02:09
wazdGeneralAntilles: Max I have is 1920x120002:10
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, you don't have any idea what kind of a nightmare it was trying to get just the logo artwork together.02:10
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GeneralAntillesSo, apparently, blanking the screen on the Mini 9 does not include turning the backlight off. :\02:10
StskeepsDSME is needed, heh02:11
Stskeepsor something to manage backlight02:11
wazdStskeeps: As I understand it will resize 64x64 to 48x48?02:13
Stskeepswazd: yes02:13
RST38hJust use svg folks02:13
StskeepsRST38h: ironically the svg loader is closed source02:13
Stskeepsat least the nokia one02:14
wazdStskeeps: so I just need to resize 48x48 to 64x64?)02:14
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RST38hIt is one component you can find in open source :)02:14
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Stskeepswazd: if that works for a graphics person.. if it resizes correctly, i guess02:14
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wazdI wonder how these guys prototype their UI's
Stskeepswazd: do you use PS or vector graphics btw? (out of curiousity)02:15
wazdStskeeps: both02:15
Stskeepsif you have possibility to export svgs that always helps too02:15
wazdStskeeps: but prefer to use PS to make pixel-perfection)02:15
RST38hwazd: AFAIK, Samsung uses Flash for its production UIs02:15
Stskeepswazd: hehe02:16
RST38hwazd: So, no only they prototype in flash...02:16
pinbackeven ledd broken dependencies with ubuntu-desktop now - guess they are changing things on the repo right now02:17
infobotpinback meant: even less broken dependencies with ubuntu-desktop now - guess they are changing things on the repo right now02:18
pinbackdamn u infobot02:18
infobotpinback meant: thank u infobot02:18
wazdStskeeps: check your email)02:19
wazdRST38h: then I wonder how they make that 3d stuff :)02:20
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StsN800wazd, gmail?02:22
wazdStskeeps: yep02:23
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RST38hwazd: isn't there some pseudo-3d extension to flash?02:23
RST38hprolly using opengl es as backend02:23
StsN800wazd, k, waiting for it02:24
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StsN800wazd, much appriciated:)02:27
StsN800now we can start hacking02:27
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yigalI'm so glad I bought a NIT it has made me aware of what level of a community can be obtained with the marriage between proprietary and open source software02:29
RST38haka the Unholy Community (tm)02:30
benson_yigal: this is the only place I've seen it work out this well.02:31
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yigalandroid seems strange so far, but I guess I shouldn't judge and should just see what happens in the next year or so02:33
yigalandroid/tmobile/g1 this bag of goodies, sorry that's what I mean, not just android by itself02:33
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yigalowell I hope maemo/nit etc. keeps on living for a long time, quality stuff02:35
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q0shey guys02:37
q0sis there a fix for the pidgin protocol issue?02:37
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q0sliboscar think it is too old02:37
wazdliboscar fell into midage crisis :D02:40
wazdOk, see ya tomorrow guys, time to sleep!02:41
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q0sbye :)02:42
q0sno one else?02:42
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q0sokay, if someone needs to know: you can replace the with the one from . it works fine for me02:50
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* lcuk curses and moans that babylon 5 night finshed 5 minutes before the end of the movie02:51
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RST38h"The rate at which SCP-088 is able to kill, liquefy, and ingest its victims is astonishing. 3km livestock tests consisting of 5000 animals were consumed by SCP-088 in under 30 seconds."02:57
pupnikyou win for wierd03:01
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* GeneralAntilles banks head on desk.03:04
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* b-man may have found out why ubuntu-desktop is broken;
b-mandoesn't quite make sense though - that message was submited on the 27th of february03:12
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* pinback has his fingers crossed03:26
pinbackbah repos still broken!03:27
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pinbackonly 15broken depends now03:36
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pinbackbut I see nautilus etc there so its not gonna fly03:37
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pinbackThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:57
pinback  libgnome2-0: Depends: libgnome2-common (< 2.26) but 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 is to be installed03:57
pinbackThats the problem - a log of the gonome stuff needs a lib with a lower version thats not in the repos03:57
infobotpinback meant: Thats the problem - a lot of the gonome stuff needs a lib with a lower version thats not in the repos03:57
pinbackany way to force?03:59
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b-manapt-get install libgnome2-common=2.26 - i believe04:02
b-manpinback: btw, i think that the reason why ubuntu-desktop and sevral gnome related stuff is broken is because the ubuntu jaunty repository is undergoing a large update04:03
b-manso the ubuntu-desktop problem (should) be resolved soon ;)04:04
pinbackyup - many changes today04:04
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pinbackhmmm I managed to install libgnome-common but that doesnt help resolve the dependency issue04:05
pinbackhow do I say "install but ignore libgnome-common version requirement"04:07
b-mannot too shure about that :(04:08
* b-man wonders whare xnt is04:08
b-man~seen xnt04:09
infobotxnt is currently on #maemo (14h 29m 18s). Has said a total of 26 messages. Is idling for 13h 38m 37s, last said: 'ok I have to go to school :P'.04:09
z4chhyo b-man what grade you in again?04:10
b-mani'm a sophmore - 10th04:10
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z4chhahhh, right! you taking ogt's? >.<04:11
b-manOhio Graduation Tests -yyyyeeesss >.<04:12
z4chhrofl :D04:12
b-manhow did you know???04:12
z4chhi live in ohio o.o04:12
z4chhand i took the bloody test two years ago04:13
* b-man just took the science test >.<04:13
z4chhi know :)04:13
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z4chhive got sophomores on my tennis team..they bitch about it04:13
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b-manthey should XD04:14
b-manit's horrible04:14
z4chhmy school has two hour delay for not sophomores ;p04:14
z4chhso i go to school like 10:20am...good old sleeping in >.<04:14
b-manheh XP04:14
z4chhwhat does your school do? regular school?04:15
b-manon ogt week? - for upper-classmen yes04:16
* b-man haves to get up an hour earlier XP04:16
b-manyup :(04:17
z4chhogt's are a joke man04:17
b-manz4chh: witch part of ohio do you live in?04:17
z4chhi got a sophomore in my ap stat class that got a perfect score on psats...the teacher was jokingly giving him a hard time about ogt math saying "good luck on that"04:17
z4chhi live outside of dayton04:18
b-mani live outside of toledo04:18
z4chhbowling green, ive seen you on forums ;p04:18
b-manyup :P04:18
xntb-man: I was bored04:18
xntb-man: I was in gym class and my n819 fell out of my pocket ,and the teacher saw it and confiscated it :(04:19
b-manxnt: play some  xbox04:19
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z4chhb-man, if you are able and want the pseo program, it rocks >.<04:19
b-manxnt: that sucks!04:19
xntb-man: I know04:19
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xntI miss my nit04:20
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xntxnt: now all I have left is a blackberry, no ipod, no n810 :(04:20
b-mani feel sorry for you04:20
xntmy ipod touch's screen cable broke, bo Im really bored04:20
z4chhxnt, if i was that teacher, id give you an A for just having an n810 >.<04:20
pinbackb-man: everything for xubuntu-desktop is there - will that work?04:20
pinbacktouchscreen etc?04:21
z4chhxnt, where do you live?04:21
b-manyou'll need to remove xserver-xorg-input-synaptic04:21
xntbut on the bright side , My friend let me borrow his ipod touch 2g, so I have something to do :), gotta get a terminal up here, (the iphone/ipods need a maemo port :), maybe Stskeeps will port mer to it oncve they have frivers for it, )04:22
z4chhgotta jailbreak it first >.<04:22
pinbackok - I can always reformat and try again04:22
* b-man wonders what brb means XP04:23
b-mansms code... lol XD04:23
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* b-man needs to go - i'll be back ;)04:25
b-manxnt: lol04:25
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xnt_ipodhi, the iPod needs a decent irc client :P04:26
z4chhthe ipod needs to die >.<04:27
xnt_ipodircchon displays '/me' as ACTION :P04:27
xnt_ipodz4ch: the iPod is good hardware, just needs an opensource os , and a good kb04:29
GeneralAntillesBetter to wish for the moon.04:29
xnt_ipod/me hates the softkb on ipod, why apple why :P04:29
xnt_ipodga: , a Linux port now it needs drivers04:30
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* xnt hates apple's appstore restrictions04:32
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z4chhGeneralAntilles, indeed ;p'd have better luck trying to divide by 0 o_o04:33
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* xnt imagines a world where the n810, er sorry i810 is manufactured by apple *Shudders*04:35
xnt***** Drivers04:36
xnt5 posts before04:36
xntdo any of you have web hosting service from these guys?
z4chhi need to get me an n810 >.<04:39
z4chhnow that the price has dropped hah04:39
xntipod touch with a decent keyboard :P I want one of those too bad its only a render
fireunneed like, you'll die without one?04:39
* pinback has 25mins until his desktop is installed04:40
GeneralAntillesxnt, you want #ipod or something.04:40
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xntlol, ok , nevermind, just wanted to show you all :P04:40
* xnt hopes that n900 will have multitouch, (fremantle should have multitouch support.)04:42
* xnt is sick of pressing the +/- keys on his n810, he hates the feel of those buttons.04:42
fireunthey hate you too04:43
luke-jrxnt: ;)04:43
luke-jrxnt: N810 keyboard sucks :<04:43
GeneralAntillesRX-51 is resistive.04:43
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xntGA: :( , it should be at least capacitive04:45
xntluke-jr: :), that game seems familiar...04:46
luke-jrxnt: haha, I have VPS hosting too XD04:46
benson_It should have resistive, capacitive, and active digitizer layers, all with no battery impact!04:47
xntluke-jr: too bad I already have a site, and dreamhost plan, my parents won't buy me anything untill my b-day04:47
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xntbenson: yeah, Im impressed by the maemo power managment.04:48
* xnt wants maemo power management all his electronics04:49
xntluke-jr:, yeah I know I wrote it at 2AM, it sucks04:49
GeneralAntillesxnt, capacitive, like resistive, is a compromise.04:49
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GeneralAntillesxnt, capacitive is not a better touchscreen technology, it is a different one. One that is inappropriate for devices like the tablets.04:50
crocogatorwhy inappropriate?04:50
GeneralAntillescrocogator, you know the nice precision that allows people to use desktop programs? Or sketch? Or write notes? Yeah, can't do any of that with capacitive.04:51
yigalthat's not good04:51
yigalnot good at all04:51
GeneralAntillesIt might make sense if we had a radically different UI or a radically different target userbase (say, Apple's) but we don't so it doesn't.04:52
xntGA: OK :)/:(, I can understand... accuracy and fingers only04:52
GeneralAntillesUnfortunately there is no perfect touchscreen technology, and resistive happens to be the better choice for our platform.04:52
yigalsweet, I know I make the best choices without conscious thought, ahh04:52
GeneralAntillesI wonder when dneary'll wake up. . . .04:53
* benson really likes the idea of capacitive+active digitizer, but that's not happening.04:53
GeneralAntillesYeah, I'd love it if there were some clean, effective way to combine the two.04:54
GeneralAntillesOr just a magic touchscreen technology that does everything perfectly.04:54
xntdoes MicroB  support HTML 5?04:54
xntbtw GA: neural interface ... maybe on the n101004:55
bensonGeneralAntilles: Yeah, but a sufficiently advanced technology touchscreen would be indistinguishable.04:55
GeneralAntillesbenson, feel like eyeball-calculating these results? :P
GeneralAntillesbenson, :P04:55
yigalthat's funny04:56
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darkblue_Bhello- Ive been polishing my app the last 2 weeks.. and unfortunately am getting some really slow response times from the N800s I have... its a python program using SQLite for 1-3k sized records, served with lighttpd04:56
b-mani'm back :)04:56
GeneralAntillesThe vindictive votes are funny.04:56
b-manz4chh, xnt, you guys still here?04:57
darkblue_BI was planning to show the N800 as a physically secure source of the data.. but the 2-3 secs per request that I am seeing is making me think otherwise :-/04:57
crocogatorGeneralAntilles: thank you. as always you are very well informed.04:57
yigalman I love watching videos on the n800 before I go to sleep, that's just the best04:57
bensonOh !@#&*()@!#$&^(&*#$@%^ !04:57
GeneralAntillescrocogator, I do my best. ;)04:57
yigallotta love04:57
xntok brb04:57
GeneralAntillesbenson, you drop your N810 in the toilet?04:57
* benson forgot to vote.04:57
GeneralAntillesI say we include a Word macro in the next voting email that forces people to vote when they receive it. ;)04:58
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bensonStupid deadlines sneak up on me; they ought to have a 24h window so I can't procrastinate.04:59
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* b-man joins twitter05:00
darkblue_BI ran some python sqlite benchmarks casually, and the reads are just s*l*o*w05:00
darkblue_Bsomething about the media? I dont know05:00
darkblue_BI'd like to see it work05:00
darkblue_Bits just not05:01
GeneralAntillesI'd be interested to know if any of the non-voting people weren't deliberate.05:01
crocogatorGeneralAntilles: a lol 4 u
crocogatorThe Little Bar is what people are whining and yammering about05:02
crocogatorThe Big Bar is what they had to pay05:02
GeneralAntillescrocogator, it's a sad situation.05:02
GeneralAntillesWhen you're taking it up the ass, you gotta complain about something. ;)05:02
crocogatorI'd complain about the big painful bar tbh05:03
xntim back :P05:04
RST38hFunny, I have just been reading this:
xntb-man: btw brb means be right back :P05:04
GeneralAntillesThe banking system being what it is, it makes it a lot harder for the market to limits its punishment to the people who deserve it.05:04
b-manxnt: oh05:04
RST38hGeneral: Of course, in a situation like this, the only thing a thinking person can hope for is a good show05:05
RST38hGeneral: Siege, arson, preferably a lynching or two05:05
RST38hThis will help the struggling news outlets too, so it is good for economy05:05
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xntb-man: :P?05:06
xntlol ok05:06
* xnt logs into dreamhost05:07
xntim trting out ruby on rails :)05:07
b-manxnt: i'm now on twitter :) - bman62605:07
xntme to05:07
b-manxnt1337? XD05:07
xntxnt is taken :P05:08
xntI made that alternate username in 0705:08
xntok im back05:09
xntparents are telling me to go to sleep, and no 820 to sneak on irc with :(05:10
xntipod touch irc client is crap05:10
xntb-man: 0 updates?05:10
b-mannot atm :(05:11
* b-man is waiting on the ubuntu jaunty repo05:11
xntb-man: do you have a cellphone with unlimited texting?05:12
xntor like 100 txts a month?05:12
b-manxnt: no - my cellphone broke :(05:12
* xnt uses his blackberry+prepaid($150) to update his twitter05:12
xntb-man: do you have wifi at school?05:13
b-mangot droped when i let my sister use it05:13
* xnt doesn't have a sister or brother to give his nit to05:13
b-manxnt: yes, but you cannot do anything without logging in05:13
xntcaptive portal?05:14
xntor wep encrypted?05:14
* xnt doesn't have wifi at school05:14
* b-man knows a person that might have a portal05:14
b-manxnt: that sucks05:14
xntno what do you mean, does it redirect you drowser to a login page?05:15
* b-man is going to a school that isn't even a year old05:15
b-manxnt: yes05:15
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bensonGeneralAntilles: Doing some quick grep work, there's no Condorcet winner.05:16
b-manz4chh: have you herd of penta?05:16
bensonBut candidates 1, 2, and 4 are shoo-ins from "x beats y" comparisons.05:16
* benson looks to see what names match those numbers...05:17
b-manit's one of the biggest technical schools in the eastern united states05:17
xntb-man:, watch it.05:17
b-mank :)05:18
xntdns tunneling05:18
bensonJaffa, GeneralAntilles, and timsamoff all look like safe bets.05:18
* xnt got his friend ipod online via usb networking, now when I get my nit back ill do the same with it05:18
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xnthi tank-man :P05:20
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xnttanks-man: bad news, I got my nit confiscated by my gym teacher, when it fell out of my pocket :(05:21
xnt* tank-man05:21
bensonJust looking at most "x beats y" ballots for each x vs. all y: The top 5 are Jaffa, GeneralAntilles, timsamoff, sjgadsby, & qole05:22
xntcrocagator: :P?05:22
tank-manyou don't need a computer for gym :P05:22
* b-man sides with xnt05:22
bensonBut everything after the top 3 is close enough to depend on counting method, and the one I'm using is singularly bad, but easily implemented in sh/grep/dc...05:23
bensonSo sjgadsby and qole are _not_ a prediction.05:23
z4chhb-man, nope, penta doesn't ring a bell05:24
GeneralAntillesbenson, hehe, thanks. ;)05:24
xnttank-man: no I keep it in my pocket at all times , I don't put it in my locker (school supplied locks are crap) and I don't leave it in my bag at all :P05:24
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bensonHere's the script:05:25
bensonfor i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do for j in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9; do grep $i.\*$j.\*0$ ./election.blt|wc -l; done; echo ++++++++p;done|dc05:25
xntb-man: be careful , try not to ssh into you server :P it will flag you as too much dns traffic :P05:25
benson(In case anyone's random enough they want to check me... :P05:25
* b-man lost his ipod by using a crappylocker05:25
b-man*crappy locker05:25
tank-manhey, I lost my ipod nano cause it was too small05:26
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b-manheh - when i came back to my locker to get my ipod, there was a huge dent in it and it was open :P05:28
b-man(the locker)05:29
b-mansomeone was pritty desperate :P05:30
xntok nite, my parents are threatening to ban me from my computer :(05:31
xntok nite, ill try to sneak ok with the ipod05:31
fireunmake it stop05:32
z4chhxnt, i used to get that all the time05:32
xntok ill stop05:32
xntb-man: damn05:32
xntok nite05:32
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b-mani'm done XD05:33
* benson probably has the widest irssi window open :P05:33
bensonMy :| line all fit in one line :P05:33
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* b-man needs to go - parents are breathing down his back too05:35
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infoboti guess boot-sd is
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allen_wladi: hi06:36
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infoboti guess flashing is
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AStormevery time I have a hard shutdown (e.g. out of battery)08:25
AStormmy charging indicator locks up08:25
AStormand needs gtk icon cache update...08:26
AStorm(not just gfx locks up - also the actual indicator)08:27
AStormit might be relevant that I'm usually running Canola when the hard "shutdown" happens08:28
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Stskeepsoh dear god08:51
Stskeepsseems like election results are out08:52
StskeepsWinners are Andrew Flegg (Jaffa), Ryan Abel (GeneralAntilles), Tim08:52
StskeepsSamoff (timsamoff), Kees Jongenburger (keesj), and08:52
Mouseybush, ftw?08:52
StskeepsAlan Bruce (qole).08:52
Stskeeps(that line break was not intentional)08:52
bensonI guessed 4/5 right!08:52
benson(Including the 3 I was sure about, and one of the ones I wasn't.)08:53
x29aelected to do what?08:53
Stskeepsx29a: community council (sp)08:53
* Stskeeps is happy to see keesj made it in08:54
x29adid you want to be part of that?08:54
Stskeepsme? fuck no :>08:54
* Stskeeps spends more time coding than talking08:54
x29aha, great results then ;)08:54
wladieee, i need help...08:55
Stskeepsbut for the sake of the maemo community, i think this new council will be a plus, as we have great challenges ahead08:55
wladii have a n810 and a desktop pc with ubuntu 8.10...i want update my maemo to Diablo, but i doesn't...use this comand: sudo ./flasher-3.0.amd64 -F RX-44_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R08:56
Stskeepswladi: do you follow08:56
infobotmethinks flashing is
x29ahm, is infobot broken?08:57
wladiyes i did...08:57
x29ashouldnt that be a "/me thinkgs"?08:58
x29awladi: and whats the error message?08:58
x29awladi: turn off your device, hook it to the usb, do that flasher command, turn on the device and hold the "switch" button (with little arrow) until its done flashing08:58
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wladifine, i'm trying again, but i don't see a error message09:00
x29ain which way does it then not work?09:00
x29ayou have a terminal or something on your ubuntu machine, right?09:00
x29anot just "execute command"09:01
x29aand you are in the directory where the image is also (checked the md5 hash and stuff)09:01
neatojoneshe may have to chmod +x the flasher-3.0.amd64 file09:01
x29aneatojones: the "error"message which would indicate that is "file not found"09:01
x29abut since there is (doubted) no error message, hmm09:02
x29abut good point09:02
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neatojonesI had a good lesson in permission hell a few days ago when I was building debian packages and recursively copied, tar'ed, moved, and untarred several folders (and moved them between partitions with various permissions).  It was a nightmare.09:05
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x29ai always mess up the gentoo tarball regarding the permissions while extracting09:05
neatojonesI forget which modifiers to use sometimes when extracting or copying.09:06
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* Stskeeps notes to himself he should probably go to work since his local LAN server is getting packet loss..09:06
wladiyes , i have a terminal and have 777 in the flasher... XD09:07
x29adoes the flasher start?09:07
x29aits gotta say something09:07
x29ado you have an amd64 arch?09:07
neatojonesthat would be funny09:08
wladihahaha, yes, i have amd6409:09
neatojonesmuh...I screwed that up.09:09
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x29awladi: so what does the flasher say?09:09
x29aneatojones: ;)09:09
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x29aroot@x31:/home/bene/Projects/N810# ./flasher-3.0.app09:09
x29aflasher v0.8.7 (Oct 17 2006)09:09
x29aNothing to do!09:09
x29awladi: what does your flasher say, when you just start it?09:10
wladi sudo ./flasher-3.0.amd64 -F RX-44_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R flasher v0.8.1 (Jan  5 2007) SW version in image: RX-44_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_MR0 Image 'kernel', size 1536640 bytesVersion 2.6.21-200842maemo1 Image 'initfs', size 2327808 bytesVersion 0.95.22-200842maemo1w38b3 Image 'rootfs', size 125435904 bytesVersion RX-34+RX-44+RX-48_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_MR0 FIASCO subimage data length mismatch09:11
x29asubimage data length mismatch09:11
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x29awladi: md5sum RX-44_DIABLO_5.2008.43-7_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin09:12
neatojoneswladi:  Do you haev N810 or N800?09:12
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wladiredownload?? why??09:12
neatojonesSeems like an easy way to try and fix it.09:13
neatojonesMaybe there is an error in the file.09:13
neatojonesnot flasher, the image.09:13
neatojonesI could be wrong.  But that's what I'd do.09:13
x29awladi: what does md5sum say?09:14
x29aeasy way to check the consistency09:14
x29aok, off to the pool, bye09:14
x29aswimming, water09:14
neatojoneswhat temp is it there?09:14
x29aprobably girls09:14
neatojonesI'm jealous09:14
neatojonesah.  Don't go if there aren't girls :D09:15
wladifine, i redownload the image09:15
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wladimmm, the md5sum is diferent between the file and the md5sum in the page :P09:22
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wladii think that this is the problem, hahaha, i'm downling the image and will try again09:25
neatojonesSounds like the best fix.09:27
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wladithe problem was between the keyboard and the chair!! i was the problem!!09:30
wladinow update to Diablo! thanks!!09:30
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wladinow...anyone used the gnupg in the n810?? for encrypt09:37
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hhahloMeiz_n810: moro09:44
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kyndeis there a common wiimote driver that people use with NITs? I just ported and debianized the cwiid. It's wmgui needs a bit maemofication but seems to work quite nicely as it is. But before I go further with this, I'd like to know wether there's already a wiimote driver/library that's being used with meaemo devices?09:49
qwerty12There's wiicontrol, a python thing written specially for the tablets. cwiid may benefit those who aren't into python though.09:50
kyndeI tried the wiicontrol, but I appeared to lack quite a bit of wiimote's features. Maybe I just overlookd (because I'm one of those "not into python"). Anyway, the cwiid seemed to work almost out-of-the box fully. Toggle leds, all input received, accelerometers, sound buzzing, etc...09:52
qwerty12Yeah, that sounds cool, I can't think of anything else except for a old cwiid tarball (
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kyndeYeah, I saw that, but... "open that tar to /" is not a deployment scheme I'm interested in. Besides the cwiid has configure and the works. All I did was added the debian/ dir with basic rules and that was pretty much it.09:56
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qwerty12Heh, yeah, I can see where you are coming from :)09:57
kyndeI'll give a go at hildonizing it's control gui a bit. And see what happens.09:57
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kyndeWhile we're at it, what about 2D physics engine? (and now should be able to see also where am headed :))09:58
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kyndeYesterday I ported box2d. It's c++, but I can live with that. Works resonably well in n810. Some 30 odd balls bouncing around nicely.09:59
qwerty12Yep, the most excellent numpty physics game for tablets is based on box2d :)10:00
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kynderight, but do they all just link it in? I mean, I took a peek at tomiphy, and it used it statically. And since I don't see the lib available, I take it that the numpty physics does the same thing?10:01
qwerty12The numpty physics source suggests it does10:02
kyndealright. I'm fine it what, although I prefer shared libraries, but what the hell.10:03
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* mgedmin runs out of disk space10:15
Stskeepstoo many logs?10:15
mgedminmaemo has no logs...10:18
mgedminstrange: ash keeps no history now10:19
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x29aneatojones: did wladi mention what exactly was the problem?10:36
neatojonesI think he said there was an error in the checksum10:36
neatojonesthen he said somethign about he typed something wrong.10:36
neatojonesmaybe he downloaded the wrong file.10:37
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neatojoneswrong version from what he meant to download.10:37
x29abut typically started with "there is no error". i like. not.10:39
kyndeIs there an easy or atleast somewhat straighforward way hildonize a glade using gtk applet? (is there "hildon glade" or something?)10:40
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JaffaMorning, all10:50
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Stskeepsmorning Jaffa, timelyx10:55
StskeepsJaffa: and congratulations on the council positin10:55
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JaffaStskeeps: ta11:05
* Stskeeps is fairly happy with the new council :)11:06
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b0unc3good morning11:08
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lcukcongrats new council members!!!  :( to those who didnt make it11:26
Stskeepsyeah, council11:30
lbtnot on maemo.org11:30
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lbthi dneary are the results in? is quiet and doesn't say11:32
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dnearyhi lbt11:32
lbthi :)11:32
dnearyAs I said earlier:
dnearyRun the election yourself :)11:33
dnearyI mailed the results to maemo-community this morning11:33
lbtah, thanks I was just looking round the web for results, not looked at my maemo folder yet11:34
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timelyxdneary: err11:49
timelyxi just got a random file, that was mean11:50
timelyxoh, and could someone make the community/council/ page not crash my safari?11:51
timelyxplease? :)11:51
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dnearyhi timelyx11:52
dnearyRandom file?11:53
timelyxthe dlt link11:53
dnearyYou got the raw ballots of the election11:53
dnearyin .blt formal11:53
timelyxbut your sentence didn't indicate that's what it was11:53
timelyxwhich meant my irc client launched safari which dumped a random file on my desktop11:53
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dnearyAny idea what exactly is crashing safari?11:53
dnearyDoes it crash konq as well?11:54
dnearyOr other webkit-based browsers?11:54
timelyxwell, 200 stack frames is expensive, but i don't think that's relevant...11:54
timelyxbasically safari 1 sucks :)11:54
timelyxand in case you're curious, i can't run firefox 3 either...11:55
timelyxoh weird11:56
* timelyx didn't realize surplus votes were transfered11:56
timelyxso, is the software that did open?11:58
timelyxbecause its line wrapping sucks and a bug should be filed :)11:58
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timelyxactually, that's not really related to open source, as long as it supports bug reporting :)11:59
timelyxso, is a surplus vote any vote from a voter for which each vote they've casted hasn't actually voted for a winner?12:00
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sp3000surplus is when a candidate has >threshold ballots sitting on them afaiui12:14
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timelyxi'm vaguely considering lunch12:15
timelyxoh, actually, yes12:15
timelyxsince i have a dinner today if i don't screw up12:15
sp3000not too sure which ones get transfered12:15
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timelyxi'd hope it's something like: election 2 seats, 3 cands. 5 voters, [1 2 3] [1 2 3] [1 3 2] [1 3 2] [1 2]. everyone voted for 1, and everyone is allowed to vote for 2 candidates, so everyone has their second vote transfered12:17
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bensontimelyx: No way, that would make too much sense.12:23
bensonSTV, the single means you're only casting one vote.12:24
sp3000I think the idea is the sum stays the number of nonempty ballots12:24
bensonBut if your first choice wins with votes to spare, your vote _may_ get tossed to your second pick12:24
bensonOr if he gets booted with too few, then your vote _does_ get tossed down12:25
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timelE61ibEnson: arg12:29
timelE61iSo someone else's ballot is randomly chosen12:29
bensonThe way they're doing it, the redistirbution is random, so not even repeatable.12:30
timelE61iHow about we use ...12:30
timelE61idOnald trump's method12:30
timelE61iEvery candidate is elected12:30
timelE61iAnd every week we fire someone12:31
timelE61iWhen we reach the correct number of people, we stop firing12:31
bensonIMHO, STV is horribly broken in so many ways. But somehow, it gives us a lot better results than the previous system should, and so it's not apparent how rotten it is.12:31
bensontimelE61i: I rather like that, actually.12:31
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bensonMuch saner than STV.12:32
timelE61iIt seems  a hell of a lot better12:32
timelE61iAnd the american public agrees w/ it12:32
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sp3000all voting systems are broken, pretty much :)12:38
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timelE61iThe only problem w/ trump's system is the potential for too many candidates (not a problem we have) and the management overhead required for the long eection12:45
timelE61iTrump can be replaced by american idol/dancing w-stars to support popular vote12:47
shpaqis there any way to uninstall orphaned dependencies via apt?12:51
shpaqstandard apt has autoremove option which is missing in maemo12:51
timelE61ii thought app manager would remove junk12:52
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shpaqtimelE61i: if you're installing apps using manager it will12:52
shpaqi'm doing it via ssh & apt12:53
shpaqi such case app manager doesn't remove orphaned deps12:53
timelE61i"don't do that" ;) ENOTSUP12:57
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shpaqmaybe is there some logfiles, or some tool which can find such deps?12:58
Passeli_i have same problem as this message ->
Passeli_cannot start hildon13:01
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Stskeeps'lo vdvsx13:02
VDVsxhi all13:02
VDVsxwe have a new council today :)13:02
Stskeepsthink it's a good one13:02
VDVsxsome surprises for me13:04
Stskeepsthink keesj is good to have on the team and qole for understanding the importance of regular applications on the tablets..13:05
Passeli_at ARMEL target it does work13:05
* boneslaw rips out his left arm and waves it in the air excitedly13:06
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VDVsxI meet keesj in fosdem, is a very nice guy :)13:07
Stskeepsdear god @ the Maemo 5 Reveals its Features thread13:07
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Stskeepshas skype -ever- declined their old clients to join their network? :P13:07
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ShadowJKAre people speculating skype on n8x0 will be killed once "n900" is released?13:22
timophso it seems13:23
* ShadowJK shall assume you mean that people seem to be speculating13:23
timophyou'll be right13:23
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StskeepsShadowJK: no, on the contrary13:43
StskeepsShadowJK: that RX-51 won't have skype13:43
Stskeeps(and Mer won't have skype)13:43
bensonMaybe I misunderstood (projecting sanity), but I thought there were two fears.13:44
bensonTha RX-51 vgets shiny new Skype, and Mer can't have it13:45
bensonand that RX-51 vgets no Skype.13:45
Stskeepsand that "Mer can't use Skype cos it's 3rd party"13:45
Stskeepslike, even the n8x0 version13:45
bensonEither way, Mer should have OS2008 Skype if anyone wants iut bad enough.13:46
Stskeepsyes, it's not really difficult, once we get the Nokia-closed + Mer image distribution going13:46
Stskeepsi actually already wrote the script for it13:46
Stskeeps(it is not configured for obvious reasons)13:47
* benson makes astonishingly many typos when typing lkefthanded and eating pizza...13:48
Stskeepsbenson: it's trivial to get skype working since nokia pretty much said we can distribute nokia closed stuff using a scheme ..13:48
bensonYeah, but Skype doesn't even need that, I think; tablets just come with a Skype downloader, right?13:50
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bensonSo we just get the Skype client from same URL/whatever that uses?13:50
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* benson hasn't really looked at it.13:50
* lcuk nicks bensons pizza13:51
Stskeepsbenson: aye.13:52
* benson types much straighter now13:53
Stskeepsthe problem is 1) osso-dsp-modules-rx-44, 2) adobe-flashplayer (don't get me started), and wifi/bt firmware13:53
Stskeepsas they are in updates repository (first two), but is 3rd party13:53
bensonI see13:54
Stskeepsand hence we can't legally pass them under the "nokia closed software to nokia tablets" :P13:54
bensonAdobe can't _possibly_ mind, considering it makes their platform-grip all the stronger, but that's not exactly a license. :/13:55
Stskeepsbenson: they can mind if it works like crap :P13:55
Stskeepsbenson: but for what it's worth, i'm not about to start including guides for mer how to let's say, include flash, or sound (yet), as it would damage the process13:56
bensonAh, so Nokia's paying them big money to use it, even though it works like crap already?13:56
lcukget the graphics drivers as well :P13:56
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* benson likes Java better, simply because it's not associated with evil, broken, horrid binaries.13:57
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lcukits just associated with evil, broken, horrid bytecode :P13:58
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lcukbenson, should we go the google way and produce a java framework?13:59
bensonWhy? Google already made one, we can just rip it!14:00
lcukspeaking of which, will the android ui sit ontop of any linux?14:00
lcukie without having to rip out your entire system and start agian14:00
bensonCould be made to, but AFAIK, nobody's done it yet.14:00
lcukwhat are the principle apps on android14:01
bensonYou could get at least gvm-level UI continuity, and probably better.14:01
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bensonIDK, never had an android yet.14:02
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lcuki hear you can buy some from eastern countries - some even interface with asimo14:02
* lcuk wants a real android :)14:03
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lardmanOctave/gnuplot anyone14:08
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xntlearning ruby :P
threshruby <314:27
xntthresh: its a nice language14:27
threshi published some of my projects in ruby14:27
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* Jaffa yawns a bit14:28
Jaffalardman: enjoying your first day of freedom?14:28
lardmandunno, am still getting the emails ;)14:29
lardmanbut yes, am certainly reasonably productive (though that's not actually because I'm not on the council anymore)14:29
RST38hmoo lardman14:30
lardmanStskeeps: did ssvb have any more to say about ARM-side audio for the n810?14:30
lardmanhi RST38h14:30
Stskeepslardman: no sorry, it's a bit over my head that area :) to me it looks a bit like we can't get around the PCM dsp task14:31
Stskeepsbut i don't know enough of this area14:31
X-Fadelardman: I'm going to shut your email forward down now ;)14:32
* xnt xnt|atschool14:32
lardmanwell currently that is the problem, but if we could move access to the audio (hw) codec to the ARM side we could free up the DSP completely14:32
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lardmanX-Fade: ok14:32
xnt|atschoolok i have to go to school :P14:32
lardmanAs I said yesterday, I wonder how much of the Fremantle dev was done on the n810, and therefore whether they have a kernel driver for the audio hwe14:34
StskeepsX-Fade: can i get a quick overview if something like (the part) is technically plausible on servers? - i've written the scripts to make images and all that stuff already14:34
Stskeepsit basically takes a mer image, installs debs into it and tar.gz's it up for distribution :)14:36
lardmanI've wondered about a bare-bones Mer base image which on first boot (& agreeing to EULA, etc.) installs the required Nokia .debs14:37
lardmanthough I guess that wouldn't prevent people installing on a non-Nokia device still14:38
Stskeepslardman: in the long run this solution is better because of wifi firmware14:38
Stskeepswhich we'll have to put on at some point14:38
Stskeepsand without wifi firmware no connectivity14:38
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lardmanyep of course, silly me14:38
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X-FadeStskeeps: I have to catch up with a few things, but I'll check it out..14:39
StskeepsX-Fade: alright, ta14:39
StskeepsX-Fade: just wanted to push it past you before getting the whole machinery on it :P14:40
lardmanStskeeps: how far off a useable image is Mer then? Is there a list of what to install to make it useable?14:41
Stskeepslardman: my first goal is hald-addon-bme really14:41
Stskeepsso we can get battery reporting14:41
Stskeepsthen we can slowly start integrating and making patch recipes14:42
Stskeepslardman: is how API compatible with Fremantle alpha we are atm14:42
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Stskeepswill hopefully be a good place to point Nokia developers to, to help them bring their packages to modern environments :P14:44
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Stskeepswhich is one of the purposes of mer14:45
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mgedminsupposedly I now have 25 megs free on .15:03
mgedminsupposedly I now have 25 megs free on /15:03
Stskeepsthat's much :P15:03
mgedminwill that be sufficient for fennec 1.0 beta 1, which requires 10 megs (according to app installer)?15:04
mgedminjffs2 is like drive space: you can't rely on the numbers15:04
Stskeepsit can compress so15:07
JaffaStskeeps: there's been no reply on the 3rd party stuff yet, has there?15:07
StskeepsJaffa: qgil discussed it a bit recently - we can probably go ahead with the nokia-closed stuff, they're talking to TI about codecs i believe - for now, we can survive with not touching initfs15:08
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SaBerDoes maemo have screen savers?15:09
StskeepsSaBer: there's a xscreensaver port, but it's a waste of energy..15:09
* mgedmin wants the app installer to have categories based on the first letter of the package name15:09
mgedminwell, "categories"15:09
mgedminbuttons, really15:09
StskeepsJaffa: but so far the "app" 3rd party stuff is 1) flash 2) skype (has .install and distributable by themselves, depends on nokia stuff), 3) gizmo (deb distributed by them)15:10
StskeepsJaffa: i'm personally happy with if we get the HW interfacing done, cos that's the most important part :P15:11
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ymalheiroslfelipe: hi, can i talk to you about a gsoc project?15:42
lfelipeymalheiros: sure15:43
ymalheiroslfelipe: pvt?15:44
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mgedminjffs2: 25 megs free - 10 megs for fennec = 5 megs free15:59
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Myrttiand I wonder which part I'm missing out when I can't setup any msn/icq accounts on the n80016:15
MyrttiI go through the wizard and press finish, and the account isn't in the account list16:15
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rkirtiHello everyone. I read the details of the Maemo GSoC idea of integrating Maemo and Hildon with OE. Can someone please give some pointers about where I can get more details on this particular idea ?16:21
Stskeepswhere did you see this?16:21
rkirtiStskeeps, Maemo GSoC ideas page16:22
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rkirtiStskeeps, it was put forth by Florian16:22
Stskeepswell i guess poking him could do the trick16:22
Stskeepsyou can possibly use the huge amount of Mer packages16:23
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rkirtiStskeeps, I thought so, but I am not sure of my IRC etiquette knowledge and hence not sure if a general onlooker like me PM-ing a developer is allowable16:24
rkirtiStskeeps, thanks for that info16:24
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boneslawgenteel rkirti|afk16:34
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rkirti|afkboneslaw, you pinged ? wrong person I guess ?17:12
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boneslawi was just praising your politeness17:17
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derkaiserI want to know whether there is anyone would be mentor on the project "smart news reader on n800"17:33
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lcuk_baconderkaiser: there is already a news reader for n800, what would make it smart?17:37
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lcuk_bacon / rss17:37
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* RST38h feeds lcuk some more bacon17:46
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lcuk_baconRST38h: i dont need any more bacon.  but im always  thankful of a topup17:49
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Woolly-workI'm having trouble getting a python status bar working, does anyone have any experience in this area?18:06
Woolly-worki have installed python2.5-hildondesktop and hildon-desktop-python-loader, have placed my .py application into /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/ and my Desktop Entry file into /usr/share/applications/hildon-status-bar/18:08
Woolly-workthe application appears in the Status Bar tab in Panels, but when it is checked, will not appear in the actual status bar18:09
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Woolly-workrestarting hildon-desktop using /etc/init.d/hildon-desktop stop ; /etc/init.d/hildon-desktop start doesn't make any difference either18:15
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Woolly-workcan anyone help with a python status bar not loading?18:22
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RazumihinOh those js warnings are annoying. Can't I somehow set file:// as trusted?18:25
Razumihin(as you can do on firefox)18:25
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Woolly-workhas anyone developed python status bar applications?18:34
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qwerty12412b with advanced power and there's a whole thread on the topic on itt18:34
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* prebacon oinks18:38
Woolly-workcheers qwerty12, was just hoping someone would be around just now18:38
Stskeepscurious question18:42
Stskeepsis my "Charging" screen supposed to be scrolling?18:42
Stskeepsyes, it's scrolling vertically across the screen18:43
prebaconrolling out of tune?18:43
prebaconis this mer or maemo? cos the maemo one is static in the middle18:43
Stskeepsand honestly, it was scrolling across the screen, like when a display is out of synnc.18:43
Stskeepseither that or i had too much beer.18:44
prebaconyeah, firstrun glitches - ala liqbase?18:44
Stskeepserr. maybe.18:44
Stskeepsthis -really- shouldn't be scrolling.18:44
prebaconno, take a vid18:44
prebaconis it corrupted?18:44
Stskeepsjust scrolling18:44
prebacontake a vid :D18:44
Stskeepstoo late now18:45
Stskeepsi don't want my tablet to die.18:45
prebaconi noticed the bootwizard comes up before charging starts18:45
prebaconbtw, i once managed to get liqbase over the top of the charging screen18:45
qwerty12I've done that a few times with a few apps18:45
prebaconit was running as root and drawing directly on the xv overlay and got stuck in a loop18:45
prebaconbbl anyway18:45
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Woolly-workanyone experienced in python status bar apps? i've installed python2.5-hildondesktop and hildon-desktop-python-loader, and have placed my .py application into /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/ and my Desktop Entry file into /usr/share/applications/hildon-status-bar/. The status bar app shows up in Panel, but doesn't appear in the bar, when it's checked??18:48
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qwerty12Run the py from a terminal and see if it spits out errors. A pastebin of the desktop file would be nice.18:49
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Woolly-workpython /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/ doesn't give any tracebacks18:49
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Woolly-workstatus-bar-app.desktop contains: [Desktop Entry] // Name=Status Bar App // Type=python // X-Path=status-bar-app18:50
qwerty12Try python2.5 instead. If you have python-launcher running, it stops console output from being displayed >.<18:51
Woolly-workahh i'll give that a bash18:51
Woolly-workpython2.5 doesn't give any tracebacks either :(18:52
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Woolly-workthis is a pain18:54
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Woolly-workcan anyone else offer any suggestions?18:58
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fireuntried peanutbutter?19:01
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Woolly-worki'm allergic19:02
fireunwe'll you're stuck then19:03
fireunadd debug messages19:03
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spsneoHi devs I want to contribute to maemo as gsoc student19:04
spsneoany dev there to discuss ideas19:04
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VDVsxhello spsneo, what do you have in mind ?19:09
spsneosocial app based on open socia19:11
VDVsxspsneo, pm ?19:12
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spsneopm means?19:12
spsneoVDVsx: pm means?19:13
VDVsxspsneo, means private mensage :)19:13
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bjvwhere's a good source for FIASCO images19:28
bjvyeah, i tried out 2008HE for the 770 but the diablo/sdk repo isnt very friendly to that19:28
mikkov__Woolly-work: your best bet to debug python status bar apps is to run it in scratchbox19:29
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bjvwithout a 3rd party 2008 FIASCO, i guess i might as well reflash & try another dselect-upgrade19:29
bjvnothin to loose.19:29
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GeneralAntillesbjv, because OS2008HE isn't Diablo19:34
GeneralAntillesIt's Chinook.19:34
bjvalso, because the diablo/sdk repo isnt intended to run on the device?19:34
bjvit maybe could, though. right?19:35
GeneralAntillesWhy would you want to?19:35
GeneralAntillesThere's a reason it's not intended for it.19:35
bjvbut it ~is all arm-compiled debs19:35
GeneralAntillesI wont argue with you if you want to break things.19:36
bjvi would like to know what repo the actual diablo installs are pulling from, though.19:36
GeneralAntillesThe updates are coming from the update repo.19:37
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bjvany Diablo users here?20:08
vasily_pupkini am20:12
bjvwhat does your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ look like20:12
bjvwhen i try   deb   ./20:13
bjvi get a   401: Unauthorized20:13
vasily_pupkinit change its place afair20:13
qwerty12it's passworded20:14
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bjvqwerty12:  where's the password stored?20:14
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bjvcan someone post the apt config file that has this password, then?20:27
bjvor just the file name/ the line?20:27
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bjvDiablo repositories are just not documented anywhere. T_T20:30
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bjvwhat kind of operation is nokia running here.20:30
keesjStskeeps, VDVsx  and others thanks a lot for the support . I will  do my best to make things work!20:30
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GeneralAntillesbjv, that update repository is for N800/N810 only.20:32
bjvim aware20:32
GeneralAntillesIt's passworded because unless you own one of those devices, you do not have a license to use several of those packages.20:32
bjvthen that is a significant roadblock20:33
bjvwhat packages?20:33
GeneralAntillesFlash, for one.20:33
bjvoh weird, they have different version Flash?20:33
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GeneralAntillesAdobe doesn't have a free version of Flash for ARM.20:34
bjvplaintext http login though,  - i wish my buddy was here with his 800 so i could tcpdump the router :O20:34
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GeneralAntillesIt's in apt, so it's not like the source is difficult to locate.20:35
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lcukkeesj, GeneralAntilles Jaffa qole tim, congrats!20:36
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GeneralAntillesRight back at yah.20:36
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lcukwe need a virtual qole and tim in irc, even if they never visit, if someone posts a comment regarding them they should see it20:37
VDVsxkeesj, btw, you live in Amsterdam right ?20:37
GeneralAntillesAttach an IRC bot to a printer and a paper ball cannon? I like it!20:37
keesjYes, in amsterdam20:37
lcukmaybe a tweak to the mariusbot to listen for mentions of the current council nicks and adds them to a small history page20:37
VDVsxAh, another victim to help with the next summit venue :P20:37
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lcukevening VDVsx20:38
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VDVsxlcuk, lo20:38
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lcukwhy does it still take as long nowadays to format a hard drive as it used to 10 years ago20:38
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GeneralAntilleslcuk, things got faster, but drives got bigger and filesystems more complicated.20:39
lcukhard drives lag behind most other tech though \@/20:39
keesjlcuk: we don't have More^2 law so the dist speed and size kinda grow together perhaps. but clearly you must be formating a old kind of file system :p20:40
lcukfirst format on a brand new drive :) and yes, ntfs lol20:40
GeneralAntillesAh, right, Windows.20:41
* GeneralAntilles slaps lcuk with his paper-launching bot.20:41
* lcuk connects you to his ad-hoc20:41
fireunlcuk: what did you get?20:41
fireunsomeone in another channel was getting a 512GB 2.5" 7200rpm drive20:42
lcukjust a new one cos my old pata packed up (im convinced it was a dodgy pata-sata converter)20:42
fireunI'm still stuck with a 30G that came with the laptop20:42
lcuk3.5 desthstar 500gb20:42
fireunwanna die20:42
* lcuk still has to work out a way to see if the data can come off it20:43
lcukive filled up the sata connectors ive got available now20:43
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* GeneralAntilles just got a 750GB20:45
lcukshow off20:45
fireunand when that fails, you'll lose 3/4 of a terrabyte!20:45
GeneralAntillesHehe, well, now it's only marginally less like packing a dozen clowns into a Beetle.20:45
GeneralAntillesfireun, I know, right?20:45
fireunthink of all the porn you'll have to find again20:45
lcukmind you, this 500 takes me to 1.620:45
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GeneralAntillesDrives are getting too damn big.20:45
GeneralAntillesIt's messing with my head.20:46
ds3now go do daily backups20:46
lcukbacking them up is a big problem20:46
lcuki only backup my code nowadays20:46
lcuki used to put movies and stuff20:46
* GeneralAntilles remembers when a 75MB made his year.20:46
VDVsxwhich is the max size in the market for a 2.5 driver nowdays ?20:46
GeneralAntillesds3, hourly.20:46
fireun512 from what I saw yesterday20:47
lcukwhat capacity was the first hard drive ppl got and how much was it?20:47
ds3new netapp product... filer + 2.5" drive in a 3.5" case :D20:47
infobotds3 meant: new netapp idea... filer + 2.5" drive in a 3.5" case :D20:47
GeneralAntilleslcuk, IBM had something in the 50s that was about 4MB20:47
lcukbut you didnt cos you are still a PFY20:47
lcukyou werent even a twinkle in the travelling salesmans eye when they were out20:48
GeneralAntillesProbably this thing:
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lcuki had a quantum fireball 245MB for my amiga!! cost about £26020:48
lcuki drive past the building where i got it from every day :)20:49
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||cwfirst I actually bought was a 800MB, which failed in less than a month so they gave me a 1GB20:51
lfelipelcuk: just to remember it ?20:51
||cwthat was included in a system though20:51
lfelipeor do you really need to pass by it ?20:51
lcuklol no, i work about 200metres from it20:51
||cwI had a 10MB given to me though, in a XT20:51
||cw1/2 height 5.25" MFM disk20:52
lcuki once had a plan to double the capacity of floppy disks by removing the mfm encoding - "cos everything is written twice"20:53
||cwmy fav was a 40MB SCSI disk that if you didn't run a head park util before powering off would corrupt the partition table20:53
||cwwas hella fast though20:53
lcukyou could shut them down couldnt you, but if you moved it then you were screwed20:54
||cwhad a 16MB ram card in a 386, ran win 3.11 with no swap file and could run anything I wanted no problems20:54
lcukthats hot!20:54
lcuki bet your mates were mega-jealous :D20:54
||cwthis one would corrupt the partition table if you shut it off without parking, not sure why20:54
lcuksounds cargo cultish and a big enough warning to make sure you never tried it20:55
lcukcos it wouldnt park in a powercut20:55
||cwI suspect that it wasn't parking correctly and was hovering on the partition table, the park util somehow forced it to flush and park20:56
lcukyeah agreed20:56
||cwonly had a sinlge partition on it, so fixing it was no big deal, just anoying20:56
* fireun never uses single partitions20:56
||cwran IBM PC-DOS 7 on it too, was sweet20:56
lcukthe head on my quantum used to get stuck and if i ever moved the amiga properly i would have to bang the back of it to get it moving again20:57
||cwI had a 32MB mfm with a scratch, I figured out that if I partitioned it just right, the scratch was between the partitions and it worked fine, only lost 1MB of space20:57
lcukheh, you shouldv just got a bitmap editor and marked a whole swath as bad ;)20:58
||cwman I had some crap PC's back int eh day20:58
||cwon mfm disks?  did they even support that?20:58
fireunmy gateway was sweet20:58
lcukthe innards mightv been crap, but old pcs were built externally to last20:58
lcukyeah - all drives support a bitmap for bad allocation areas20:59
||cwthese were all hand-me-downs, the 386 I had in 199520:59
lcuki remember cases being so heavy i could barely pick em up20:59
fireunyou were smaller then I bet20:59
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lcuklol compared to my amiga they were "serious business"21:00
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fireunI booted CPM yo21:01
lcuki recall some of the first c code i read and tried to decypher were for cpm, there was a compiler and some other stuff :) never got to run it though21:02
lcuk53% complete21:03
fireunnothing like having a computer with a "run" button21:03
fireunah, the good ol days21:03
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lcukturbo buttons need to come back for nokias21:03
lcukswitch between ondemand and performance (H)21:03
fireunwith a little led display showing the mhz21:04
lcukOLED nowadays ;)21:04
lcukand using custom glyphs for l33tness21:04
fireunmmm, glyphs21:05
fireunthe aztec/inca/myan really were ahead of the curve21:05
lcukbest comment ever on slashdot:
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Maceri think i better get some opertons before they are no longer available :-\21:07
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alecrimaloisiojr, depois eu cai21:33
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alecrimaloisiojr, mostra ai o teu nira.conf21:33
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bjvok, without a Diablo-blessed apt.conf21:42
bjvwe're going to try using a mirror, to try and dselect-upgrade 2008HE to diablo21:43
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* lcuk hits LinuxCode on the head with a broken harddrive21:53
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* LinuxCode dies 21:53
LinuxCodeallo ;-}21:53
lcukhi there lc, hows tricks21:54
* lcuk gives u a beer to revive u21:54
LinuxCodeIm having xen issues21:54
lcukyou tried the lotus position?21:54
LinuxCodelcuk, you ever used xen ?21:54
* LinuxCode takes the harddrive and kills himself21:55
AStormbjv, uh, it may explode ;)21:55
AStormor rather, it will explode21:55
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bjvAStorm: im having to do it in shifts.21:57
lcuk95% complete i want my life back21:57
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AStormLinuxCode, what issues?21:58
bjvno way to free 11meg, so we've got to eg: update browser, delete .debs, etc.21:58
LinuxCodeAStorm, can we take it private, considering its off-topic really21:58
lcukfully public its not offtopic21:59
* LinuxCode nudges lcuk 21:59
AStormLinuxCode, yeah21:59
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wazdHello there)22:33
GeneralAntillesHey, wazd.22:33
wazdI've finaly done all my routine work so I can spend weekend on maemo stuff :)22:34
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, ping?22:41
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lcukGeneralAntilles, you should have something like a bat-signal22:45
lcukyour council tablets should start glowing22:45
lcuk"quick, its the bat-phone"22:46
GAN800Neck tasers22:46
* lcuk boogies to katy perry22:46
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, I know you're there somewhere. :P22:51
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, you need to sign in as mentor too, in order to access and rank the students proposals :P22:51
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, did I get an email for that?22:51
* GeneralAntilles 's inbox is full of Maemo spam.22:51
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, maemo @GSoC22:52
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GAN800I think I read that one, but didn22:52
GAN800't notice instructions22:52
lcukVDVsx, do i need to be marked as a mentor as well22:52
GAN800I'll look again22:52
VDVsxGAN800, I sent it today22:52
VDVsxlcuk, yes22:53
VDVsxlcuk, I will send instr in pm22:53
lcukerrr email is better right now22:53
lcukim not on final machine22:53
VDVsxlcuk, oki22:53
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, ah, I see it. It's hiding between a council thread and another council thread. :P22:54
VDVsxVDVsx, heheh22:54
VDVsxlcuk, sent22:55
VDVsxlcuk, add your info here too:
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GeneralAntillesmidgard in the builder?22:58
* lcuk kicks his horrid machine22:58
lcukok vdv done :)22:58
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VDVsxGeneralAntilles, wtf, lol22:58
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GeneralAntillesVDVsx, uploaded by root.22:59
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VDVsxGeneralAntilles, you should receive a system notification now, in order to complete your profile23:00
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, done.23:02
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, thanks23:02
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Macergood afternoon23:05
GAN800Is it worth archiving the former council's wiki page?23:07
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lcukits already archived if its in the wiki23:08
lcukcould do with a roll of honours though23:08
lcukwith current and previous members and their contributions :)23:08
GAN800Sure, but there's no way to mark a particular edit, though.23:08
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* lcuk kicks his computer some more23:09
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Macerwhy are you kicking your computer?23:11
lcukhard drive finally died23:11
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lcukso i got a new one and its taking forever to get back to normal so i can rebuild everything and actually put my computer back together23:12
ds3finally? did it linger for months on end with errors?23:12
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lcukits a pata drive with a sata connector, it originally died a couple of months ago, just gave up.  so i disconnected it and left it for a few days23:12
lcukand out of curiosity plugged it back in23:12
lcukit worked again for a couple of weeks..23:13
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lcuk(nothing essential on it)23:13
lcukit died again last night..23:13
Maceryou should have replaced it once it started to die ;)23:13
lcuki DID buy a new drive23:13
Macerand taken a hammer to it23:14
lcukbut plugging it in worked right there23:14
Macerso it wouldn't sit there lingering haha23:14
lcukso tracy got a new drive for her sims machine23:14
Macersims hahaha23:14
Maceri usually have drives just lying around.. i swear i have a drawer of them23:14
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lcukyeah i do, but none with the capacity of this23:15
Macerwhat was it? 750G?23:15
Macer1.5TB? :)23:15
lcukno, only 250 but it was the first 250 i got23:15
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lcukmost of the drives sitting are 80 and 120s23:15
Maceri need to get hotswap bays for my server23:16
lcuksata is hotswp isnt it23:16
Macerand i still need to get a passive video card since newegg was gay and sent me the wrong card23:16
lcukunderclock and remove the fan23:16
lcukor add a resistor23:17
Macerlcuk: already sent it back23:17
Macerand waited a week and they still hadn't sent it out yet23:17
lcukouch, dont like mailorder23:17
lcukthankfully around manchester theres plenty of hardware shops23:17
Macerlcuk: usually they are very good but i still haven't gotten a refund or replacement23:17
lcukcompetition is good for prices as well23:17
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Macerand it's been over 2 weeks.. so now i've totally gotten pissed and told them to close my account and that i want my money back and will never order anything from them again23:18
Macerwtf... i have to wait 2 weeks for a refund or replacement because of their mistake?23:18
Macerwhat makes it even worse is they received the card over a week ago23:18
lcukhell yeah23:18
Macerit takes that long for them to check it and send my replacement or give me my refund?23:18
* lcuk wishes irc had <sarcasm> tags23:19
lcukthat is shit of them23:19
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Macerit is..... i just talked to their live chat and he said that my information can not be deleted from their server23:27
Maceruhm... yeah.. that made no sense... you can just as easily pull my infromation up.. there isn't a delete button ?23:27
Macerthere is a frys pretty close to here.. i think i will just drive there from now on :) i love frys23:28
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: pong23:31
Jaffalcuk: ta23:31
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, just wondering about the Council wiki page23:31
GeneralAntilleswhether it's worth archiving the whole thing at the end of a council's term.23:32
JaffaIt's got history in the wiki.23:32
JaffaHaving a section of previous council members (i.e. one section per term) makes sense, I think; but - certainly with the current content - evolution seems best.23:33
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* Jaffa prefers the idea of a UK-style civil service continuing traditions and procedures as much as possible, rather than US-style "let's redo the whole administration from top to bottom" approach ;-)23:33
lcuk+1 jaffa, look at [21:08]23:34
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bensonJaffa: those are largely dictated by the power structure -- since we have a council, and no Pres (or equivalent), it's likely to work out that way.23:35
bensonExcept in the unlikely case where no or few incumbents remain in office -- probably indicating something _did_ need redone. ;)23:36
* lcuk offers everyone a penguin (the chocolate kind)23:36
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lcukbenson a political coup!23:37
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bensonlcuk: exactly23:37
* benson is secretly planning a coup, that's why he hasn't run for council.23:38
* lcuk offers you a coup of cocoa23:38
benson(They're much more pleasant for the incoming than the outgoing, or so I hear.)23:38
* Jaffa sends an email to the secret mailing address to ensure lcuk gets home "safely"23:39
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lcukyou didnt mail them ealier and tell em to break my drive did you?23:40
lcukwhen do the council costumes arrive by the way23:40
lcuki heard there was a problem with the spandex23:40
lcukTHAT has to become a forum topic23:41
StsN800ok, my screen isn't rotating atm.23:41
StsN800i am so fucked if my n800 dies.23:42
StsN800s/rotating/scrolling vertically23:42
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StsN800it did it for 4 hrs23:43
bensonlcuk: That's the council's M.O. now? If your belly hangs out, you just blame the spandex? They should move on to _real_ politics!23:43
Luke-Jr2stupid bt headset is refusing  to work :(23:43
bensonThey've obviously got the necessary skill set.23:43
Luke-Jr2any ideas?23:44
GeneralAntillesAh, damn, lcuk, I wish I had moderator permissions so I could abuse them. :P23:44
Jaffabenson: I'm an IT consultant. Bullshit's my middle name ;-)23:44
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lcukluke-jr, batteries connection switched on enabled running audio ...23:45
jaskabullshit, shit, it :D23:45
bensonLuke-Jr2: FM radio?23:45
lcukdoes it have batteries, is it switched on, is it connected, are you runniing audio23:45
bensonIf you use FM radio, it bludgeons the sound output control, and won't let it do HSP.23:45
StsN800Jaffa, i think it's impressive people are imagniing up The Mer Foundation..23:46
Luke-Jr2lcuk it thinks it is idle23:46
Luke-Jr2blue blink evry 3 sec23:46
lcukreboot both as simplest quickest attempt..23:46
Luke-Jr2benson there is no FM23:46
benson(It probably does it on the N810, too, but I presume you haven't installed it...)23:46
Luke-Jr2lcuk how to reboot WEP200?23:47
lcukturn it off and back on again..23:47
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bensonIt's the FM software, not thwe hardware, but if you didn't install it, you're cool there.23:47
lcukluke-jr2 does it normally work23:48
* benson still makes astonishingly many typos when typing lkefthanded and eating the rest of my pizza...23:48
GAN800So much pizza23:48
lcuksame pizza as earlier?23:48
bensonPizza: next best thing to a seat on the council23:49
JaffaStsN800: Very cool, yes.23:49
GAN800But that reminds me, I need food.23:49
bensonlcuk: yep,23:49
benson0.625 pizza = breakfast23:49
benson0.375 pizza = supper.23:49
GeneralAntillesDamn, all I've got left are sandwich ingredients.23:50
* benson thinks he might need another meal right after supper.23:50
* lbt just had pancakes23:50
lcukbeer and penguins for my tea23:50
bensonGeneralAntilles: OK, so maybe pizza's _better_ than a council seat.23:51
* lbt enjoyed his pancackes with lemon juice and sugar... so easy to make ... you could go and make your own right now you know....23:51
lcuki can make many things23:51
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GeneralAntillesJustify your failings however you please, benson. :P23:51
lcukbut after the week ive had i need to at least try to wind down :)23:51
GeneralAntillesMmm, an evening Village Inn run does sound good. . . .23:51
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lcukbye for now23:54
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Luke-Jr2_i think wep200 is crashed23:54
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* qwerty12_N800 immediately, for his own sanity, restores the old FBReader icons. 23:57
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