IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2008-07-31

RST38hThis thing can work as a desktop replacement.00:00
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lcukRST38h, quite a lot of embedded devices nowadays can00:00
RST38hyes, but it got everything down to PS/2 port00:01
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RST38hah, it is not ARM, it's a MIPS00:01
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RST38hand it has got a video accelerator00:04
zapoops, my ssh key doesn't work with garage anymore00:06
zapI was banned?00:06
pupnikRST38h: is this something you can name, or is it NDA00:07
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RST38hpupnik: ICNexus 26x0 series SoC00:10
pupnikwonder what intel wants with that00:11
RST38hIntel has nothing to do with this00:12
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zapwhy someone would want a 960x240 LCD, and how this can replace a desktop00:13
zapthis could replace an HP-42 calculator perhaps00:13
RST38hthey count width in pels00:13
RST38hit is really 320x24000:14
lcukor its 960 greyscale00:14
atkarc^^goodnight all00:17
RST38hlcuk: dream on =)00:17
* zap shudders imaginig his display would do 320x24000:17
* RST38h programmed for 128x96 display once00:17
lcukRST38h, :) not everyone thinks in colo00:17
lcukcolor even00:18
RST38hlcuk <-- YUV man =)00:18
lcukY :)00:18
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lcuki came for the black and white text00:18
lcuki have no need for color (apart from my sketching :D)00:18
zapI came to release you of colors, I am teh Grayscale man!00:19
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ProteousI always liked The Woz story about how he figured out how to output to a color monitor without the normal stuff to do it.00:20
lcukthat sounds familiar00:21
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RST38hProteous: solder two more rows of DRAM on top of the existing one?00:22
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lbtnot being an itt inhabitant - does anyone know of any threads there discussing the logos?00:24
ProteousHe was able to generate the required analog signal with the correct timing just using the few chips he had available, no dedicated DAC00:24
RST38hoh, that...00:25
RST38hbut you don't really need DAC for NTSC00:25
RST38hNTSC is all timings anyway00:25
Proteousthe cool part wasn't that he did it, it was how he did it00:26
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nemoRST38h: ditto on the 128x96 - that was just last month actually00:26
Proteousthe stuff that other people were using at the time was exspensive00:26
RST38hWhat year was it?00:26
crashanddiebtw, it's colour :P00:27
Proteouswhat year did you think it was?00:27
RST38h'cause Atari 2600 appeared in 1977 and it did NTSC just fine00:27
crashanddiefirst colour display ?00:27
RST38hwasn't expensive at all, used MAIN CPU to output video signal00:27
Proteousthe was before that00:28
Proteousthink, homebrew computer club00:28
Proteousapple 100:28
Proteouscomputers cases built of wood00:29
Proteouswirewrap it yourself00:29
lcukatari had a wooden facia00:29
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crashanddieComputers have always been colour enabled :P00:29
crashanddieI remember the screens being green on black, or orange on black00:30
crashanddiethat's colour to me :P00:30
crashanddieEven white on black is colour :P00:30
lcukewwww them were the days: shrek porn00:30
crashanddielooks like we didn't evolve that much00:30
lcuki thought i was a fossil00:30
crashanddienotice how "the matrix" made green on black cool00:31
crashanddielike somehow it was a revelation00:31
Proteousbah, my ssh sessions have been green on black since before the matrix00:31
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ProteousI went through an orange on black faze too00:31
lcuki best get my head back into code anywa00:31
crashanddielcuk, take car00:32
crashanddieor bus00:32
* lcuk sets fazer to stun00:32
lcukthats almost fonzified :D00:32
crashanddieyou're the fonz00:33
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Proteousdon't go jumping any sharks now00:33
crashanddieBack in the day, lcuk was the cool guy, with the torn leather jacket, the 50cc bike, jeans so tight his testicles... well, you get the picture00:34
crashanddieLCUK IS THE FONZ00:34
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crashanddieI'll stfu now00:35
lcukactually, it was manchester inthe 80's - i had jeans so baggy i could fit my waist in the legs00:35
crashanddiein 2000, I was 1400:36
crashanddiewhich means in 1990, you were 1500:36
lcukif 1990 i was 1500:36
lcuki aint *that* old00:36
crashanddieI was 400:37
* lcuk still gets called liam gallagher00:37
crashanddiein 199000:37
crashanddieI mean, you must've had your first look at penthouse when I was being assembled00:37
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crashanddie/alias lcuk Bernie_Barker00:40
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lcuk..?  defies words.  even safe search did not protect my eyes00:41
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lardmanam I too late to abuse lcuk too? ;)00:44
crashanddieis it ever00:44
lardmannah, true :)00:44
lcukshurrup gramps00:44
deisisoy española00:44
crashanddiedeisi, language in this channel is English00:45
lardmandeisi: hello Spanish girl00:45
* lcuk wonders what he did00:45
lardmanto receive the abuse, or change the language? :)00:46
lcuksimon, i am actually thinking about a problem which you may be able to put your mind to00:46
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lcukits mathematical :)00:46
lardmango on then :)00:46
lcuki am revisiting multitouch00:46
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lcukthe aim this evening is for me to take a 1 dimensional set of data points and identify the finger points over time00:47
lardmanhow is the data presented?00:47
lardmanis there some raw form which might give multitouch abilities?00:48
lcukcollection of data points - can be an arbitary array, but its variable in time00:48
crashanddiedeisi, hi, how can we help you ?00:48
lcukat present ive got [x,y,z,t]00:48
lcukz=pressure ;)00:48
crashanddiehow precise is the pressure information ?00:48
lcuknow, when ive tried in the past ive been attempting to work with the whole 2d matrix00:49
lcuk~600 to ~100 units from "are you touching me" to "MEDICCCCCCC!"00:49
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crashanddiepossible to make some kind of scale ?00:49
crashanddieCould be useful for those cops in germany00:50
crashanddiethey could use it to measure how much weed someone's carrying00:50
lcukthe data is very scattered - when you press the second finger the weight distribution spreads and you get a data point at the centre of mass00:50
lcukdoubt it00:50
rm_youyeah but from what i've seen it tends to jump rapidly between the two points00:50
crashanddieleave it for a second, look at the screen, it reads "let him walk", next guy, the screen reads "busted, call Fox, we need the Cops crew"00:51
rm_youdepending on pressure00:51
lcukyes rm - thats the centre of mass shifting00:51
lcukit does it with a single finger, but only within a tiny radius00:51
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crashanddieI'll be back in a small hour, then I'll be heading to bed00:52
lcukim gonna see what i can do tonight to identify it and try a few equations out - but ill build a mini test lab to see it all.  if i get nowhere quick simon, would you take a peek and see if you can manage anything?00:52
crashanddiecheers if I don't catch ya again00:52
crashanddiesimon ?00:53
crashanddiebeing intimate and everything, are we ?00:53
crashanddielardman, how's your cat ?00:53
lcuksomehow seems wrong to call him lardman in public rl, so i got used to simon00:53
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lardmansorry, had to go get a spider00:53
lcukespecially when lardwoman was there :P00:54
lardmansailing close to the wind there! ;D00:54
lcukyer i know lol00:55
lardmanso does it oscillate between the two points, or somewhere between the two depending on the pressure of your fingers?00:55
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lcukit waves between the two depending upon pressure - and its wildly variant at times00:56
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lardmanI have a horrible feeling that unless you can get people to always tap with the same pressure, you're got too many variables00:56
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lcuki can get a rotated eclipse of pressure data - and i think i can know when it expands or contracts00:57
lardmanhow is the pressure measured? If you hold one finger on, then hold another somewhere else, does the pressure measured go down -> is it averaged, or added?00:57
lcukwhich should be good for maps00:57
lcukyou get a data XY at the centrepoint of the 2 fingers (assuming perfect touches) and i believe its lighter pressure but i never looked00:58
lardmanah ok, so look at the time history, decide from the random behaviour that it's multi-touch, then look at how the data changes to see whether the fingers are moving together/apart?00:58
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lcukyes - thats how im thinking00:58
lardmansounds interesting00:58
lardmanyour widget will need to filter the tap/mousedown events and do its own processing then00:59
lcukill see if i can give you a testlab00:59
lardmanwill be annoying if you also want to do single taps in that area00:59
lcukbut thats ok, the mouse event will simply return single touch00:59
lcukits only once the stroke goes bonnkers do you know its a 2touch01:00
lardmanyeah, but you'll need to look at the time history to decide if it's single or multi-touch01:00
lcukthink of the map - the single touch will just floatmove anyway - like the book reader bit of liqbase grab hold and move document01:00
lcukif you then go bonkers it just zooms01:00
lcukfor this device i fear the biggest problem is not technical, but pyhsical - the screen is simply too tacky to use with finger pads01:01
lcukit might need thimbles to work cleanly ;)01:02
lardmanor wait for a multi-touch version to come out...01:02
lardmanor is it all patented?01:02
lcuki dunno01:02
lcuki wouldnt like an apple screen though01:02
lardmanlooks quite nice though01:03
lcukhave you tried using a stlus on the apple ipod you have?01:03
lcukcould you imagine handwriting or sketching on it?01:03
lcukthey have lots of things, but touch on that device is too fat and imprecise01:03
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lardmanah, ok, I've not tried and I can't find it atm01:04
lcukhehe - you cant even use a fingernail01:05
lcukits the wrong type of touchscreen01:05
lcukor wear gloves ;)01:05
lcukanyway, it was just on my mind - if i get anything setup tonight ill give you a shout tomorrow01:05
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jottlcuk: there is most likely a pen that is usable with the iphone touchscreen01:06
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lcukyer, ive got a battery powered one for my other tablet01:06
lardmanlcuk: ok01:06
lardmanhi jott01:06
lcukback later folks :)01:06
lardmannight lcuk01:07
jotthey lardman how is it going?01:07
jottlcuk: bye :)01:07
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lardmanjott: not bad, you?01:07
lcukthanks lardman gnite yourself01:07
jottlardman: yeah fine, but should have achieved a bit more today :)01:08
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jott :)01:08
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lardmanI had a look at the pdf417 (stacked 1D barcodes) code this morning, it expects a b&w image as input, and it should be aligned correctly01:09
jottif you pay your monthly iphone bill you won't notice :P01:09
RST38hlardman: according to mac cultists, expensive=holy!01:09
lardmanjott: ah, ipod touch and it's the gf's01:10
lardmanRST38h: :)01:10
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RST38h[and I am NOT joking, once had to argue with some nutcase complimenting Jobs on how nicely and pleasantly He makes him spend money on iPhone services]01:11
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RST38hTSA Confiscates Homemade Battery and Water Bottle, Declares Victory Over Terror!01:13
lardmanand these barcodes differ in size, but from a rough calculation, that needs to be aligned to ~1.4 degrees01:14
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jottlardman: it would also be nice to have a set of preprocessing filter.01:16
zapand plugins, plugins!01:16
zap(in Python, of course)01:16
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lardmanplugins would be good, yes, so people can slot in whatever type of handling they want01:17
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lardmanjott: Looking at the datamatrix code it actually follows the edge, this might be the best bet01:17
lardmanunless I can hold my hand very still01:17
lardmanand the pre-processing will be the big thing - will look at the 1D code you added to see how to clean up the input data01:18
jotti guess the biggest problem is out-of-focus handling.01:18
jottthe current code just uses a moving average01:18
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lardmanis out of focus that big a thing? The images looked ok to me01:18
lardmanon n810 this is01:19
jottyeah here too.. it's not *much* but given that the bars have a small spacing in the first place...01:19
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lardmanwould be painful having to do a sharpen filter on the data though, computationally01:20
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jottlardman: yeah :(01:20
lardmanbut, I don't actually know how long it would take, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad01:20
jottwell i wonder if it would work on 320x240 images.01:20
jottbecause 640x480 sucks alot of cpu.01:21
jott(the camera alone)01:21
lardmanthe other thing is to just sharpen the line in question01:21
lardmanor rather that line using that + ones above & below01:21
jottlardman: yeah well i guess we could reduce the number of scanlines alot01:21
jottcurrently every 4th row is taken01:22
jottit would probably enough to consider only every 16 rows or so.01:22
lardmanI don't think 1D is a problem though, it works pretty well and is quick01:22
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jottand with that it seems reasonable (atleast for the 1d) to apply filters only on the scanline01:22
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jott(and some adjacent lines)01:22
jottlardman: yeah still could be better ;)01:23
lardmanwas rm_you having troubles because of blurry images or was it something else?01:23
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jotthm blurry, and curvature01:23
lardmanjott: leave the optimisation until the rest of the app works I reckon01:23
lardman1D optimisation that is01:23
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lardmanI'll have to have a play with it01:25
lardmanam feeling a bit left out being away for a week ;)01:25
* jott still does not really care about anything but ean13 :)01:25
* lardman wants it to be complete01:26
lardmanand he also sees quite a few datamatrix & stacked barcodes and wants to know what they say01:26
lardmanso what about ean handling then?01:26
lardmanthere's a database currently? What does it do? Contain lookups?01:26
jottlardman: yeah it's the database from which contains mostly us/uk products.01:27
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lardmanhow large is it?01:27
lardmanisbn lookup would be simple enough to add, it's easy to calculate01:28
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lardmanassuming we can find a db, or fallback to the web (which should also happen with the unknown eans)01:29
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jottyeah would also be nice to allow manual data entry that can be submitted to upcdatabase01:29
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jott955377 items are currently in there01:30
jottminus a bit of spam ;)01:30
brontideThis afternoon I was using the camera application and feeding the .jpg's to a QR code webapp01:30
lardmanthen we just need a web guru to write some code to ask Amazon, etc., how much these things cost and their reviews and we'll be just like AndroidScan ;)01:30
lardmanbrontide: how did it work?01:31
lardmanhow well that is01:31
brontideI can post one of the images, quite well01:31
jottlardman: we could use switch to qt for the gui, this would make everything fairly easy ;)01:31
lardmanIs maemo switching, did I miss something important?01:32
jottlardman: python is also fine, kerthan is working on some bindings.01:32
lardmanyeah python would be good, nice and easy for people to add stuff in01:32
jottlardman: in the long term it's not unlikely ... but for now we soon have nice hildonized qt ;)01:33
lardmanI saw that bit01:34
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lardmanwell, makes no odds to me really, as long as it works well01:34
lardmanone thing we will need to do is work out whether we can run each barcode decoder sequentally until something gets a match, or if that will be too slow and we need to use quick tests to provide hints as to the barcode type01:35
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lardmanbrontide: that's not the image you were trying to decode is it?01:36
jottlardman: hm well i guess it will be too slow. it's at 100% cpu already with 640x480 :(01:36
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brontidelardman: worked perfectly01:36
lardmanjott: yeah, but will lots of runs thougth the 1D code01:36
lardmanbrontide: from that, impressive01:36
lardmanI'm impressed01:37
brontideYeah, i was surprised as well... although much further back and it started to fail01:38
jotthm maybe we should really port zxing to c/c++ :)01:38
brontidezxing is already availible for c/c++01:38
brontideQR codes only though01:38
jottah, ok. still nice.01:38
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derfWhat's with all the Objective C stuff?01:41
lardmanbrontide: is this what you're talking about?
brontideI believe that's the engine being used on the webpage01:42
pupniklardman - did you see this?
lardmanlooks like they do processing to overcome any distortion01:42
lardmanpupnik: :)01:42
darkip_is there a guide for partitioning the internal memory on the n810 for setting up a dual boot?01:43
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brontideThe other python library I saw also used opencv ( computer vision ) to do cleanup/distortion processing
jottyeah opencv would be another option01:45
brontide( once again QR codes )01:45
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lardmancan we just use "extern "C"" and use the library?01:46
brontideOh... and in case you need some more fodder I made a bookmarklet.  Just click on the bookmark and the current URL is translated into a QR code
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BinkyHi everyone01:47
BinkyDoes anyone here have notion of apps porti01:47
jottnow i only have to see a qr code in rl :)01:47
BinkyI'll pay for  porting TuxGuitar or Jokosher01:48
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lardmanjott: I seem to remember reading that it was being ported to C++ for Symbian, or something like that01:48
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jottlardman: zxing or what are you speaking of?01:49
lardmaniPhone even; yes zxing01:49
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jottthen that's probably objc ;p01:50
brontideThanks to google generating QR codes is easy|0&chl=https%3A//
lardman says both01:50
jottyeah in the end the actual algorithm shouldnt be that hard to port ;)01:51
brontideI think the C/C++ backend is targeted for iPhone ( hence the Obj-C )01:52
lardmanporting is boring though01:53
lardmanbut easier than making it up oneself (though not as interesting)01:53
lardmananyway, time to hit the sack for me01:53
jottyeah when it's only a matter of 30-40 mins its ok. everything longer is annoying ;)01:53
derfIt's okay, I haven't been doing a strict port.01:53
BinkyAnyone: will it work on tablets if  i compile from source an app  for another architecture like x8601:53
lardmanderf: as long as it works we'll be happy :)01:54
derfThough the zxing QR code support looks heavily based off the qrcodes project.01:54
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lardmannight all01:55
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Blafaselhrhr.. German (yellow press) TV just talks about "Did we actually land on the moon?" ;-)01:56
* Binky was looking for an answer01:57
BlafaselBinky: If you compile for (the right) arm architecture and the dependencies re in place on the device: Should work01:57
BinkyBlafasel, in Spain,  the NASA anniversary notice took all this week until today01:58
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BinkyBlafasel, i meant to compile for x86... I'll have to look furthr, thank you.01:59
BlafaselBinky: Interesting. This TV stuff is kind of supporting the "It never happened" pov. But - well.. TV over here is worse than reading slashdot at -1 ratings..01:59
BlafaselBinky: Compiling for x86 on the tablet? Same thing: Would work (assuming the right and working toolchain, some patience etc.)02:00
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BinkyHere tv instead of black and white is pink and yellow...02:00
derfI love how they completely stripped the copyright statement of the old Reed-Solmon coder they stole, then converted it into C++ with tons of dynamic allocation and other overhead, fixed at least one of the bugs, and then introduced more of their own.02:01
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crashanddiederf, I'm sorry, what are you talking about ?02:05
crashanddiederf, what was the source language, C++ ?02:06
crashanddiederf, so basically, lemme get this straight. You're bitching because someone took someone else's code, rewrote it in another language with a completely different memory allocation design, and with completely different bugs ?02:07
crashanddieI mean, REALLY ?02:07
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crashanddieI could understand you're whining about copyright infringement if there happened to be the same bugs, or the same design flaws02:08
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derfThe original source language was C, possibly already translated into Java, depending on where they stole it from.02:11
derfBut really, that part was just icing on the cake.02:11
derfI'm mostly laughing at the amount of effort put into to it to make it worse.02:11
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crashanddiewell, I'm always very cautious when accusing someone from stealing code02:13
crashanddienot that I had to up till now02:13
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derfcrashanddie: Having read both the original C and the Java port, I can assure you this was based on it.02:14
lcukbut was the code stolen and used in a closed proprietary app, or into another oss block?  at worst the credit can be returned, i don't see it as a big deal02:14
rm_youjott / lardman|gone : yeah switching to python /QT would be nice02:14
lcukand slow02:14
derfNo, it wasn't a big deal, as I said, "Icing on the cake."02:14
rm_youand I am planning on doing Amazon web scraping for ISBN/UPC02:14
crashanddielcuk, +102:14
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crashanddieI don't get the whole python thing, really02:15
crashanddiepython will go down as one of the dead babies of the geeky boom02:15
lcuki agree that oss code should be attributed, its good practice to respect the shoulders you stand upon02:15
lcukno, python makes it very good to create and modify objects02:16
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lcukbut some code NEEDS low level02:16
crashanddiewhen prettiness becomes one of the selling arguments of a scripting/programming language, you know some guy got funky on crack02:16
jottlcuk: it's not only good practice but a legal issue.02:16
derfjott: A lot of people care a lot more about manners than laws.02:16
lcukjott, like i said - put the notice back up02:16
jottderf: yeah well it is bad manner AND a copyright infrigment02:17
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lcukalthough, technically jott - you are right, the author of a GPL app can sue the fraudulant authors of another gpl app02:17
lcukbut i wonder whether statutary damages would apply?02:18
jottlcuk: it's like copying a commercial binary.02:18
lcukyes, gpl can be commercial02:18
crashanddieit's copyright infringement... Be it of a free piece of something or something you pay for shouldn't make any difference02:18
jottlcuk: no, stealing code, is like pirating a closed source app.02:19
jottthat's my point.02:19
jottthere is no big difference. not even in a legal sense.02:19
crashanddiethis irc bouncer idea was genius :D02:19
crashanddieit's just awesome to have the exact same PMs on my NIT and laptop... No problems with copy/paste :D02:20
lcukok, agreed jott :) they shouldn't have done it02:20
crashanddielcuk, I just made swapper half less useful :D02:20
lcuk:) oh, you are letting everyone logon to the bouncer?02:21
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crashanddieno, not quite02:22
derfjott: Well, in all honesty, most lawyers evaluate legal issues based on the potential damages.02:22
derfAnd one open source project stealing from another is not likely to amount to much in the way of damages.02:23
jottderf: yeah well you won't get millions of dollar probably.02:23
jottbut you can legally enforce it.02:23
derfI mean, it would take a real asshole to even go to court over that.02:23
derfAnd judges aren't generally interested in letting assholes extract their pound of flesh.02:24
lcukdepends upon if you want customer sales revenue, but what if you solved problems in your codebase to obtain grants and donations02:24
jottderf: why an asshole? i mean when the other guy uses some other license and does not react on friendly emails?02:24
lcukusing the code for google soc position02:24
jottand you want your code to be gpl..02:25
darkip_when I try to partition my n810's internal memory when I reboot i'm told the card is corrupted/unformatted, any ideas?02:25
jotti can't see why it would be a problem to legally enforce a copyright notice.02:25
lcukthis is in part related to gpl 3 now isnt it02:25
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crashanddielcuk, I'd love to, but Freenode doesn't allow many clones, I'd have to walk up to Freenode on behalf of Maemo, don't think anyone's gonna let me do that :P02:25
lcukoh, i thought you had a server with your own cloning/merging02:26
derfjott: Well, if the infriger doesn't bother to take any steps when confronted with the infringement, then yeah (in which case they are the asshole).02:26
lcukgive us all YOUR account, we can all solve the cut n paste problem, but that may introduce other issues02:26
derfBut a normal person, when told, "You're infringing my copyright, please fix that or I'll sue you," will add an attribution.02:27
lcukagreed derf, you have spotted something valid, mail them02:27
jottderf: well but that's a question of behaviour.02:27
derfjott: It's a question of risk.02:28
jottderf: why?02:28
* lcuk has gpl license available in scrolly window in liqbase :)02:28
derfIt's very easy to strip off a copyright notice, and the risk that that will come back to bite you in any serious way is small.02:28
derfAt worst, you add the attribution back in.02:28
crashanddielcuk, I'm guessing each one would want one nickname, which still means one single connection to freenode even if it's for multiple guys connecting to my server (the bouncer)... But I dunno how many different nicknames Freenode allows... 2? 5? 10 ? So that's max 10 people I can host02:28
lcuknahhh, we can all be crashanddie for a day02:29
lcukon second thoughts, who would want to be you :P02:29
derfI suspect this goes on a whole lot more in the open source world than people think.02:29
crashanddieI mean... No one can bear this level of perfection :P02:29
crashanddieexcepted me, of course02:29
lcukderf, and i suspect it doesnt actually matter02:29
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derf(I suspect it also goes on even more in the proprietary world, but there it's harder to track)02:29
crashanddiederf, remember the issue of Microsoft using FOSS in their binaries ?02:30
jottderf: well if you change the license it can get a bit more difficult.02:30
lcukits all expanding the gpl universe and a "please be polite" should be sufficient02:30
derfcrashanddie: And 50 million other small embedded developers.02:30
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derflcuk: Yes, this is what I'm saying.02:30
jottderf: and it is good manner not to sue anyone without contacting him.02:30
crashanddienot without ?02:31
crashanddieso it's good manner to sue someone and contact him ?02:31
lcukor get some of your minions to descend upon their website and borl him over with OTT demands to attribute the author02:31
jottcrashanddie: :P02:31
derfjott: Yes, only an asshole would do that, which was my original point.02:31
jottcrashanddie: dawn your native tongue :P02:31
crashanddiewut ?02:32
crashanddienative ?02:32
lcukim vanishing again for a bit :) have code in my head02:32
jottderf: and my point is that the asshole is still in the right.02:32
crashanddielcuk, btw, what do you run on ?02:32
jott(not making him less an asshole)02:32
lcukwhat do you mean?02:32
lcukcomputer wise?02:32
crashanddielcuk, well, you keep having code in your head02:32
crashanddiewhat do you have running in your head ? x86 ? Armel ? SPARC ?02:33
lcukive had code in my head for years :)02:33
derfjott: Yes, but the legal system tends to frown on people who act like that.02:33
lcuknatively its 68k02:33
lcuknot really, 8 data and 8 address regs, a flat memory model02:33
lcuk32bit native02:33
lcuksounds just like the omap :)02:34
jottderf: hm? like all the riaa/music industry cases? :P02:34
pupnikum, do we have any decent whiteboarding with chat for N8x0?02:34
derfjott: Yes, something like that.02:34
lcukpupnik, we will have hopefully soon02:34
derfjott: Or the SCO cases.02:35
lcukthough, chat might be better using the main keyboard still02:35
lcukor vid02:35
pupnikthat could be neat lcuk02:35
lcukanyway, back later02:36
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pupnikif I needed GPS, does someone know of a fast, barebones, cheap extra gps module to pair for n8x0?03:03
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crashanddiebtw, guys03:13
crashanddieI just noticed something03:13
crashanddieit exists03:13
crashanddieI'm flying out from Perpignan at 5:25 PM, landing in London at 5:30PM03:14
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crashanddieThat's what, a thousand miles in 5 minutes ?03:14
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jottcrashanddie: that's way too long for teleportation, it should be a matter of *seconds* :p03:18
crashanddiewell, it's a start, isn't it ?03:18
crashanddieI mean, we're getting there03:18
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nemojott: kjscmd wants dcop. was afraid of that04:44
jottnemo: you should take the kde4 version as i said probably after you started emerge ;) (which should use dbus etc)04:45
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nemojott: dunno what portage you're using, only one version of kjsembed in standard.04:51
jottnemo: not really using gentoo anymore. got impatient ;), otherwise a great distro.04:52
crashanddieheh, same here04:52
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crashanddieGentoo: Love hating it, Hate loving it04:53
jottnemo: it might also come with kdelibs ..04:54
jottdon't know how granular the split-ebuilds are of kde4.04:54
nemojott: ... well. kjsembed is its own ebuild. if you're recommending a newer version of it... dunno.04:56
nemoseems if it needs dcop, it needs dcop04:56
nemoun point c'est tout04:56
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jottnemo: in ubuntu it's also an extra package for kjsembed but the kde4 version is part of kdelibs4-bin. i assume gentoo might have an similar split-up.04:57
jott(but better ask in #gentoo or #gentoo-kde ;)04:57
nemohm. so upgrade entire kde just to try out a javascript interpreter04:58
nemoI'll wait, thanks :-p04:58
jotthehe, that's what you get for building all from source :)04:58
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nemojott: upgrading to new version of desktop is unpleasant in any distro05:40
nemojott: especially if it has not been flagged stable05:40
nemojott: my doing so on my mom's ubuntu system was a long and unpleasant battle05:41
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nemoand I didn't have a choice, there. some idjit broke the sound system pre-hardy05:41
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ricko73is Diablo stable?07:27
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rm_youseems so07:27
ricko73I'm assuming by now it should be, but wanted to check before upgrading07:27
ricko73what I have on there has been good to be so far07:27
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tank-manricko73, you can dual boot if you want to be safe07:57
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kaiehi. is it possible to view web sites with asian fonts on the n810 ?08:10
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aspectno included international calls or data08:21
aspectexcept vidafone live!#08:21
aspect$1/5min block for data within the cap08:22
aspectand they say n95 on the $49 plan in the front page but not in details08:22
aspectbut the switching credit is > what optus is offering me08:23
johnxkaie, yes08:24
aspectoops wrong channel :P08:24
aspectsorry all08:24
kaiejohnx, how? on a thai website my device only displays horizontal lines. install packages?08:24
johnxkaie, aaah, ok. you might need a thai font08:24
johnxcan you tell me which website it is?08:24
kaiejohnx, for example
johnxI added a thai font and I'll see if that's enough to make it work08:30
johnxI added a collection of thai truetype fonts under /usr/share/fonts/thai and it seems to be working08:36
johnxAt least it's displaying characters instead of the horizontal lines...but I can't read Thai so I'm not sure if it's perfect08:37
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kaiejohnx, that sounds cool thanks for testing that! did you simply put .ttf files there? I will try to find some fonts08:40
kaiemy linux system probably has some08:40
johnxkaie, yes. I did mkdir /usr/share/fonts/thai && cp some-thai-font.ttf /usr/share/fonts/thai && reboot08:42
johnxthe reboot probably isn't necessary, but it seemed simplest at the time08:43
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kaiejohnx, thx. it's exciting that it's that simple to fix. I confirm it works for me too09:05
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aquatixmorning all09:53
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zaphere's the morning09:54
zapand my ssh key still doesnt work on garage :)09:54
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zapoops, actually it does09:58
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atka^^good morning ^^10:36
bef0rdhai 2 u10:43
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JaffaMorning, all10:58
lbtTop of the day to you all :)10:59
RST38hhello jaffa, hrw11:00
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KhertanHi !11:09
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avsIf anyone will be at Black Hat or DEFCON in Las Vegas next week, and wants to meet with Nokia side maemo security guys, contact me.11:10
Khertansomeone know the company Bravofly ?11:11
bef0rdI'm wondering, I guess we are all vulnerable to with microb, right?11:12
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Khertanbef0rd > you could check on svn ...
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k88anyone knows where i can find pangoft2 library ?11:21
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Khertansomeone know easyjet company ? have already flight on his plane ?11:22
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dannymzap: hi :)11:23
qwerty12In the UK, there's a whole pissing programme dedicated to easyjet :P11:23
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Khertanwhat do u mean by a whole pissing programme ?11:24
Khertana tv show ,11:24
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qwerty12Yeah, a tv show :D. I just think it's pointless :)11:24
dannymzap: I checked the ZIP3 source code now; there is an "extra field" where they store the UTF-8 version of each name in the Table Of Contents...11:24
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Khertanarg ... airfrance have a late flight ... but easyjet not ...11:25
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KhertanAirFrance   294,51 Euros11:26
KhertanEasyJet 109,97 Euro11:26
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Khertanbut the fly back departure is saturday at 18h1011:27
Khertanhum ...11:28
dannymzap: however, they set the locale using 'loc = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.UTF-8");' _within_ the ZIP program (WTF)... and only when that succeeds, then they use UTF-8... and that fails on the device (in addition to being weird)11:28
dannymzap: and in "UNZIP" they set the locale using 'loc = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_GB.UTF-8");' _within_ the program... (yeah, that's a different one)11:29
dannymI don't know what they are smoking...11:29
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Khertanhum ... someone know berlin here ?11:35
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KhertanOUCH ! 177 Euros for two night at Berlin !11:38
dannymKhertan: I was at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin once, why?11:39
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Khertanthis was to know if there is other hotel than ibis, mercure(accord) in berlin a bit less cheaper11:41
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dannymless cheaper? ;)11:42
Khertanyeah ... more cheap :)11:42
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dannymKhertan: I paid EUR 80 per night too (at the Park Inn)... (though at the CCC there was a big dark room where you could sleep in your sleeping bag :D I'm somehow too old to survive that without cramps (yeah yeah - I <- old geezer ;)))11:43
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Khertanthe last time a paid a night in an hotel for 99 Euros it was an ****11:44
Khertannot an ibis hotel !11:44
dannymI see...11:45
Khertanouch more i search more it s high11:46
Khertanit ll be cheap to come back in france to sleep by plane :)11:47
Khertan  Winter's Hôtel Berlin City Messe - 3* - Berlin          .... 70 Euros11:48
dannymzap: there's a new option "-UN=UTF8" which forces UTF-8 names into the regular name field (and we all know which user will specify that option: nooobody :D)11:48
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Khertanhuhu and it s more high to travel in train than plane11:50
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crashanddiemore high ?11:54
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rm_youmore expensive?11:54
crashanddieI think you'll be, in fact, quite higher in a plane than in a train :P11:55
rm_youbut you can't smoke on planes11:55
rm_youso i think you could get higher on a train :)11:55
crashanddiecan't smoke on trains either11:55
Khertan"which is a 2-star hotel sharing the same building and offering single and double rooms from 15€ and 28€. "11:55
Khertanhum when i look i get 28 Euros !11:55
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crashanddieKhertan, you looking into coming to the summit ?11:56
crashanddieKhertan, well, if you want to train your german, or english a bit11:56
Khertanappliance accepted :)11:56
Khertani'm really not a adept of couchsurfing11:56
crashanddiet'as obtenu le sponsoring de Nokia ?11:57
Khertanoui :)11:57
crashanddieoooooh, gg mon gars, gg :)11:57
Khertanrm_you > yes more expensive :)11:57
zapdannym: cool. I have posted some news on project page :)11:57
Khertancrashanddie > five minutes after i apply, i get the answer ... :)11:58
zapdannym: I would like you to have a look at the unzip-fm package, can you?11:58
crashanddieAnyway, I have a shitload to do, plane in 6 hours !11:58
crashanddieKhertan, congrats :)11:58
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Khertanhostel is really expensive in Berlin !12:00
Khertanspecially near c-base12:00
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Khertanouch ... when i go to the validation process ao hostel is now 280 Euros12:01
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crashanddiethe tubes to the UK are full, my phone calls won't get through12:02
crashanddieThis is the 21st century for crying out loud, isn't there a satellite or whatever to help me out ?12:02
inzUse tha intartubes12:03
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dannymzap: cool :)12:04
crashanddieinz, the hell you think I'm doing ?12:04
dannymzap: yeah, I'll gladly have a look at the "unzip-fm" package *curious* :)12:05
inzcrash, oh, right ;)12:05
rm_youKhertan: lol I had to sit on the edge of my seat for the better part of a month before they accepted me :P12:06
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Khertanrm_you > héhé12:06
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Khertanwhere do you find a bed ?12:07
crashanddieusually in a bedroom12:07
Khertanlloll ...12:08
Khertani would say which hostel ?12:08
rm_youI am couchsurfing ^_^12:08
crashanddiethen just ask "where are you staying ?"12:08
crashanddierm_you, haha :D Sweet12:09
rm_youwith the almighty jott :P12:09
crashanddieI bet you're squatting in jott's place12:09
crashanddieHaha :D12:09
crashanddieI had an awesome chat with him last night12:09
crashanddiestarting at 2:20, ending at 3:55 :D12:10
rm_youthat is one hell of a chat :P12:10
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Khertanrah ... can't understand ...12:10
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dannymKhertan: I can speak German and read it to you :)12:11
rm_youi totally read hotel-penis-on-berlin >_>12:11
dannymyeah :)12:11
rm_you*doubletake* OH --pension--12:12
dannymzap: I think we should customize the "setlocale" call in "zip"... it will fail like it is now... do you have a scratchbox handy? (I'm at work so I don't right now)12:12
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Khertandannym > if i can't understand their page ... i think i ll have some problem to communicate on i was in the hostel :)12:13
spcuihow to set the shortcut on N810? just like <ctrl>s12:13
dannymzap: I'd like to know what the result of "setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "en_US.UTF-8")" is when running it on the device :)12:13
Khertanbut thx12:14
rm_youi need $500012:14
crashanddieKhertan, DZ == doppelzimmer == chambre double, EZ == eizelzimmer == chambre simple, no idea what MZ is12:14
dannymKhertan: well the page is a meta-page so it doesn't mean the actual hostel won't understand you just that the meta-page designer was lazy :)12:14
rm_youmoozlezimmer == chambre cow :P12:15
dannym"MZ" is multiple (more than 3) beds ("Mehrbettzimmer")12:15
crashanddieoh, ok12:15
rm_youhey, i know all those words :P12:15
rm_youyay for highschool german12:16
dannymnice :)12:16
crashanddieSame here12:16
crashanddie+ 1 month in Hamburg12:16
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rm_youeveryone was like, take spanish, at least that will be somewhat useful12:16
rm_youwell, WHAT NOW, bitches!?12:16
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glassspain has cheap coke12:17
crashanddieI'd love to see someone go to Berlin "Ola, que tal ?"12:17
Khertani ve stay one month in Ravensburg ... but this isn't a reason to speak the language :)12:17
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Khertani think it ll be a bad idea to find an hostel to far away from c-base ... it ll have more chance to be lost :)12:19
* Khertan think to download map of berlin on the n81012:19
crashanddie"Hola, tiene usted algún cuarto?" "Por supuesto tenemos cuartos, nosotros somos un hotel!"12:19
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lardmanderf: are you about?12:20
lcuk<speak accent="northern"> can i have a room please</speak>12:20
crashanddietranslation: "Hi, do you have any rooms ?" "Of course we have rooms, this is a hotel !"12:21
lcukmornin folks \o12:21
rm_youIch spreche Spanish nicht! (stimmt?)12:21
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* lcuk could possibly ask for a kebab in german12:21
dannym<speak accent="lolcat">can I haz room plz?</speak>12:21
lardmanEin Kebab bitte12:21
crashanddieIch kan gein Spanien sprechen ?12:21
dannymkein* :)12:21
crashanddietypo :-°12:22
rm_youkan == kanne?12:22
lcukein geeros pitta bitte?    (my god, my accent is bad even on irc)12:22
dannymkann = can12:22
crashanddieor we can just play our usual assholes12:22
rm_youkann is shortened to kan for the "ich" form, not made "kanne"?12:22
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dannymnom that's a typo too :)12:23
crashanddieWalk up to the desk, "hey bro, I need to crash, gimme some keys and a room, hear me ? Awesome"12:23
Khertanein Bien bitte12:23
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rm_youkan kannt kanst?12:23
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dannymich kann, du kannst, er kann, sie kann, es kann12:23
lcukive been thinking about this server for tablet/real communication:  is there anything wrong with using an irc channel for communication: send strokes as text commands and use a custom client on device and big pc to decode the stroke messages as they occur12:23
lardmanrm_you: it's "Ich kann"12:23
rm_youah ok12:23
lardmanlcuk: like a bot master?12:24
* rm_you needs to do more german study anyway12:24
crashanddielcuk, if IRC isn't too much hassle12:24
lcuklardman, no just a custom client on the tablet for interactive whiteboard and chat12:24
rm_youlcuk: things like that are done a lot in MMO plugins12:24
crashanddielcuk, also, IRC can't work on a node only base, it needs a server...12:24
lardmanwhat about extending one of the IM clients, then it might be usable with other platforms too12:25
rm_youlcuk: you wouldnt actually want to use IRC, but a custom message hub seems like it makes sense12:25
crashanddieI mean... Who here never coded a poor man's IRC in 2 hours ?12:25
dannymlcuk: I remember that someone wrote a vector dooding plugin for XChat that used normal IRC messages too :)12:25
lcukwhy not irc - the servers are there, they have the message model in place12:25
rm_youcrashanddie: took me 3-4 for my java client >_> I lose12:25
lcukstrokes lines can be short items:   dannym that sounds about right12:25
lardmanrm_you: does the datamatrix code expect its input to be b&w and correctly aligned, or does it try to do this?12:25
crashanddierm_you, no need for a client, just a small threaded server, and telnet12:26
rm_youlardman: expects full color12:26
rm_youlardman: and it takes care of alignment12:26
Khertan3,2 km12:26
rm_youlardman: literally all we have to do is pass the image directly from the camera to the library and it will work12:26
Khertanhum ... not so bad ... 45min to walk12:26
crashanddieanyway, 'later12:26
lardmanrm_you: ok, you said you were having troubles though12:26
rm_youlardman: i just dont understand the image storage formats12:26
lcukcya later12:26
lardmanlcuk: bye12:26
dannymlcuk: bye :)12:26
rm_youlardman: it said stuff about pixel bit order and i was like, wut?12:26
lcukrm_you, is this the datamatrix library you asked me about?12:26
rm_youlcuk: yes12:27
* lcuk isnt goin yet12:27
dannymcrashanddie is :)12:27
lardman search for "QR code"12:27
lardmanthere's an image and a website which will process it using zxing, it's pretty impressive12:27
rm_youcrashanddie: it was a java client because i wanted people to be able to use it straight from a webstart thing12:28
crashanddiedannym, I'm what ,12:28
crashanddieoh, right12:28
crashanddiethough, thanks lardman and dannym, that helped pumping up my ego :D12:29
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lcukare you powering down your server before you leave france?12:29
crashanddieno, why would I ?12:30
* rm_you is investigating getting a 4U server chassis with 5+ hotswap drive bays for his new RAID12:31
RST38hrm_you: BTW, PackRat appears to be down12:32
crashanddielcuk, I'm going to have to do a network/vpn switch at some point though, so I'll be disconnected a few times, probably12:32
* qwerty12_N800 actually prefers microsoft update compared to this 258 update i'm installing in ubuntu12:32
rm_youRST38h: oh?12:32
crashanddiewell, the server will be disconnected/unavailable a few times12:32
* lcuk really wants to RAID some 810s together12:32
lcuklol crashanddie  you running cat5 across the channel?12:33
dannymcan someone do me a favour and compile <> to a N8xx executable binary file?12:33
crashanddielcuk, the server stays here12:33
rm_youRST38h: running the crawler...12:33
rm_youi wonder if my cron script exploded12:34
rm_youthere, looks to be fixing it12:34
qwerty12_N800dannym: find a way of installing sbox :p. i'd do it but i just reformatted my ubuntu install :)12:35
rm_youRST38h: ah, bug12:35
rm_youRST38h: it isn't sorting package numbers correctly12:35
rm_youexample: Download  0.9-2, 0.8-1, 0.14-3, 0.11-712:35
rm_youit thinks 0.9-2 is the newest12:36
rm_you0.14-3 is the newest12:36
RST38hrm_you: I guess we have to use a different sorting function12:36
RST38hLemme check...12:36
rm_youyeah :/12:36
rm_youmay have to write a custom sort12:36
rm_youor try to steal the ACTUAL sorting function from apt :P12:36
RST38hrm_you: I think it comes from SQL ORDER BY statement12:36
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RST38hHopefully, MySQL has some modifier to do sorting numerically12:37
rm_youyeah tho it isnt necessarily numeric >_>12:37
rm_youapt does odd sorting12:37
RST38hit is numeric all right, when a digit occurs in the string12:37
rm_youit has to understand things like 3.12-2osso312:38
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dannyminz: thanks :) (though that was "text/plain", I got the downloader to override it though :D)12:40
dannymas I thought, a locale called "en_US.UTF-8" doesn't exist on the N800 :(12:40
lcukdannym, if you have other small things like this to compile, its fairly simple to install gcc directly on the device, it might not be ideal for big projects, but is ideal for this kind of thing12:40
lardmanhmm, looks like libdmtx does scale/shear and barrel distortion compensation12:41
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rm_youlcuk: was gonna ask, how difficult was that?12:41
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rm_youlardman: yes it is very nice12:41
dannymlcuk: really? cool...12:41
dannymlcuk: how? :)12:41
lardmanrm_you: all good12:41
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lcukadd the sdk repo - add gcc and keep adding -dev libraries as required12:41
lcukits easy12:41
rm_youlardman: i tested using the camera application, took pictures and ran them through their utility programs, they decoded perfectly12:41
rm_youeven the complex ones12:41
lardmanrm_you: I was just looking at similar scale/shear removal code in zxing12:41
dannymhow do I find out which encoding the locales in "locale -a" have?12:42
qwerty12_N800~lart accesskit12:42
lardmanencoding is the issue?12:42
rm_youlardman: so if we can just get the image data to fit into their data format12:42
rm_youyeah >_>12:42
rm_younot sure how to do that12:42
lardmanok, cool12:42
rm_youthey are very vague about the data format stuff <_<12:42
lcukrm_you, im waving my walking stick @ you \o12:42
rm_youat least, for as little i know about it12:42
rm_youlol lcuk12:42
lcuki went through it didnt i :P12:43
lcukdid i actually give you a pastebin with it?12:43
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rm_youlcuk: yeah12:43
rm_youlcuk: it doesnt quite work tho12:43
rm_youlcuk: more like, what it DOES is segfault12:43
rm_youso. >_>12:43
lardmanthe PDF-417 decoder expects an aligned binary image, so I'm looking to see where to grab the alignment code & Booleanisation code from12:43
RST38hrm_you: I think whatever is not numeric it sorts normally12:43
lcukwell you couldv said and i wouldv talked with you then and got it workin12:43
rm_youlcuk: lol12:44
dannymqwerty12_N800: I'd like to find a way to install sbox but unfortunately this is a computer in a bank (as in financial backbone) and they don't take it kindly when I install weird apps on it :)12:44
rm_youlcuk: you were busy :P12:44
lcukmost likely it will nbeed to run the _alloc type function12:44
lcukim always busy :P12:44
rm_youwas trying not to bother you, while you were excited about your new liqbase features :P12:44
lcuk\o/ yer i think i can build a ui now12:45
rm_youi am also busy running a D&D campaign <_<12:45
rm_youentirely unrelated :P12:45
* lcuk is a levvel 70 c coding mage12:45
qwerty12_N800dannym: ahh, I wouldn't attempt it then :p. does your bank use *nix?12:45
lcuk-v of course12:45
dannymqwerty12_N800: hmm, mostly Solaris for the important machines and for Windows XP the dumb terminals...12:46
rm_youbbl as well12:46
rm_youwell, slightly AFK, beep me if you need me12:46
rm_youstill in the same room12:46
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qwerty12_N800dannym: ahh. the bank i'm with used to use nt. i think they upgraded to xp, heh12:47
dannymqwerty12_N800: hehe, yeah, they tend to stay on the tried-and-true versions for a loooong time... I saw a lot of Cobol programs still in use in the data center :)12:48
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lardmanrm_you: in the test code, do you actually set the height & width of the data in the image structure?12:49
lardmanyou've got a couple of comments: //image.width=width; (which should be //image->width=width; I think)12:50
qwerty12_N800X-Fade: what happens if I format the partition my gpg + ssh keys are on? Can I generate a new pair or am I SOL?12:51
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Khertanwho is responsible to validate the amount of the sponsorship ?12:52
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hrwsomeone can suggest good notetaking application for maemo? other then standard Notes or liqbase12:53
Khertan374.72 Euros TTC Hostel + Plane12:53
qwerty12_N800hrw: xournal?12:54
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hrwqwerty12_N800: ah.. forgot to add this to the list of 'please ignore'12:54
qwerty12_N800never used it but i hear maemopad+  is pretty decent12:54
Khertanhrw > :)12:55
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* qwerty12_N800 goes to install kde4. i know now installing kubuntu-desktop isn't a good thing to do before that :/12:56
hrwqwerty12_N800: going to kde4 on desktop?12:57
qwerty12_N800hrw: yeah. i hope that tablet port is released soon though...12:58
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dannymqwerty12_N800: hmm? for the SSH keys you can just generate a new pair (for the public key authentication) :)13:15
dannymqwerty12_N800: though how do you get it to the destination server... if you have password auth, it's fine... otherwise root needs to put the new key up for you..13:15
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qwerty12_N800dannym: thanks, it's for the extras stuff. maybe X-Fade can help me out  with it :)13:21
liriI'm unable to get my hands on an N80013:21
lirithough I might be able to get an N77013:22
inz"There is no N770"13:22
liriso you don't recommend settling for it? not even just for playing around?13:23
dannym*points at his Nokia 770* "You don't exist!" :->13:23
dannymnah, the name was without the "N" because it wasn't part of the N series :)13:23
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lirihow does it compare with the n800 in terms of speed?13:24
liriis it considerable?13:24
dannymliri: I liked the Nokia 770... actually the keys on the side are better (bigger) on the 770 than on the N800... :)13:24
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liriif you like it so much I can buy it and sell it to you for the n800 you have :)13:25
dannymliri: it's a little bit slower (not that much for normal stuff - though when doing video you'll notice it) and it has (too) little RAM ...13:25
dannymliri: I have one already, but good try ;)13:26
Khertan770, n800, n81013:26
Khertancarrefull Nokia 810 exist too :)13:26
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dannymliri: but is the 770 Hacker edition OS still alive? if not, you'll not get OS updates... <>13:27
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lirin810 though is pricey for me to get13:29
liriyeah I don't want the 770, I need to get that n80013:29
dannym(as you can see, the buttons are bigger on the Nokia 770 :) I have no idea what happened with the N800 buttons? Ran out of space? ;))13:29
liriwhat do you do with the 770?13:30
MangoFusionhave they stopped selling n800's?13:30
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crashanddiewhy is it everytime you're urgently waiting for an email, the only ones that get through are "Breakthrough in male enhancing !"13:31
liriMangoFusion: well they stopped manufacturing it and it's almost out of every store. and when it is available it's about $27013:31
lirilol crashanddie13:31
MangoFusionmakes me somewhat glad i still have mine13:31
dannymliri: since I have the N800 too the 770 is gathering dust when I'm not borrowing it around :) before that, E-book reading, mp3... nothing much else (runs out of RAM quickly)13:31
MangoFusioni'd sell mine, but i still use it. and it still works. ;)13:33
aspectkeep an eye on ebay, they come up fairly regularly still. AU retail price was closer to $350 and I picked up my 800 2 weeks ago for $20013:34
liriaspect: $200 but without shipping, that will be closer to $50 more for me13:34
hrwliri: avoid 770 unless you get it for less then 20 usd13:35
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aspectliri: shipping to where? I guess you're saying it's unlikely you can buy it locally?13:36
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liriaspect: yes I'm unable to buy it locally. Shipping to Israel.13:36
lirihrw: I agree13:37
hrwI have my 770 somewhere but I got it for best available price13:38
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qwerty12_N800Has anyone done a gtkperf in diablo?13:55
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Khertan_n810mcontacts google sync work !13:57
Khertan_n810i need to make an gui now13:58
Khertan_n810i hope it will be ready for the summit13:58
hrwKhertan: does it supports attenders, alarms, recurrences?14:02
Khertan_n810contacts ...14:03
Khertan_n810not agenda14:03
hrwah.. I misread14:03
Khertan_n810calendar don t suppor  yet alarm14:04
Khertan_n810but recurrences yes14:04
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Khertan_n810what is it ?14:05
hrwattenders? people which are parts of event14:05
Khertan_n810ah not yet :)14:06
hrwif I add event 'meeting with David' I want to add link to David contact inside14:06
Khertan_n810as mContacts isn t finish :)14:06
hrwKhertan: mcontacts use eds to contact with maemo contacts base?14:07
hrwok, then I forget about it14:08
Khertan_n810but a sync is planned with eds14:08
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JaffaOooh, logo winner.14:08
Khertan_n810but i don t like eds14:08
Khertan_n810jaffa > constest is end ?14:08
hrwKhertan: will you support making calls/chats from mcontacts?14:08
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Khertan_n810hrw > of course14:09
hrwany preliminary betas?14:09
Khertan_n810not yet14:10
JaffaKhertan_n810: yup. is the winner.14:10
Khertan_n810there is no ui14:10
Khertan_n810jaffa > there was no vote ?14:10
* Jaffa isn't a big fan - but that could just be the gradient14:10
JaffaKhertan_n810: There was a call for debate on maemo-community but there was never going to be a vote.14:11
hrwI wonder when will get modem upgrade....14:11
qwerty12_N800the speed of is a serious pisstake.14:12
Khertan_n810ouch i don't like the logo14:12
jottadd a "beta" to it and we have an average web2.0 logo :P14:12
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wndand what's with this fixation to æ?14:13
Khertan_n810i don t like that too14:14
RST38hhrw: Or just feed packet-pumping hamster bigger carrots14:15
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Khertan_n810hum opodo has very bad comments14:16
Khertan_n810i should buy from someone else14:16
crashanddieKhertan_n810, they had to steal from another language in order to make theirs more interesting :P14:17
crashanddieKinda sad, really, that you had to take it from the french :P14:18
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Khertan_n810crashanddie > i prefer to buy flight in french in this case i don t need to take an other "assurance"14:19
Khertan_n810:) thx14:19
crashanddieso where you from, in France ?14:20
crashanddieno, where ?14:20
Khertan_n810france to berlin :) maemo summit :)14:20
crashanddieI'm asking you where do you live in France ?14:20
Khertan_n810Ah sorry :)14:21
crashanddieLille, Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Montpellier, Bordeau, Pau ?14:21
Khertan_n810near paris14:21
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Khertan_n810in fact 60km in the north of paris14:21
crashanddieThis song comes to mind... Parigo, tête de veau14:21
crashanddieI don't know how it goes after that, though14:22
Khertan_n810et la suite ?14:22
crashanddieparisien, tête de chien ?14:22
Khertan_n810mairseillais enculé :)14:22
Khertan_n810it s depends which football club you support :)14:22
crashanddieI don't support any14:22
Khertan_n810me too14:22
Khertan_n810seeing guys ruuning after a ball isn't very pleasant14:23
crashanddiewell, as much as I like the sport, I can't stand the french culture around it14:23
Khertan_n810there is culture in france ?14:24
Khertan_n810never see it :)14:24
crashanddieI love watching a good world cup, or even the euro, but I'm really not all that interested in having some club being insulting and stuff towards another14:24
crashanddieKhertan, [boy] "Alors Didier, c'est qui qui va gagner l'Euro 2008 ?" [deschamps] "Bha la France bien entendu" [boy] "Alors Djibril, c'est qui qui va gagner l'Euro 2008 ?"...14:25
crashanddieI hate how the French become so obsessed with themselves during each international cup14:26
crashanddiebe it football, rugby, tennis, basketball14:26
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crashanddieeverytime the French manage to get somewhere, even at the beginning, it's like they're going to own the whole world14:26
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crashanddieDid you watch the Eurovision ? Seriously, the two commentators were just pure racists... Talking how the eastern countries were helping each other out, and not voting for France, cuz else they wouldn't have any vote14:27
crashanddieThey didn't pay any attention to what the hosts were saying in between two songs, they were just babbling about how hot some chick was14:28
crashanddieAnd completely disregarding the fact the French singer was utter bollocks14:28
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crashanddieI mean, the French really ought to take their head out of their asses, and start looking around, they always yell at how they hate the Americans, and the rest of the world, the truth is, they're not much better than the sad picture they keep recalling when thinking of the states14:30
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derflardman: Pong.14:33
lardmanderf: I was going to ask if your QR re-write is a complete re-write?14:34
derflardman: For the most part.14:35
lardmanIn which case, have you implemented the routines to overcome image distortion?14:35
bilboed-piwhich hotel are most people staying at for the Maemo Summit ?14:36
derfAt least through the binarization process.14:36
derfI'm in the middle of the geometric distortion part.14:36
lardmanI'd like to use them for the 1D stacked barcode if possible, rather than re-writing it for each type of barcode14:36
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derflardman: Yes, that would be a good idea.14:36
derfI'm not sure how well they work, but they're at least there and ready to be improved.14:36
lardmanthe zxing code does some nice re-use, with common routines, etc.14:36
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Khertancrashanddie> :)14:37
derflardman: Right, obviously we want to move in that direction.14:37
lardmanlikewise binarization can probably be shared14:37
derfI'll try to get that part cleand up and separated out and into svn today.14:37
lardmancool, thanks14:37
derfThere's definitely still something wrong with the Wiener filter I got from this paper, but the rest of it should work.14:38
lardmanhow expensive is that filtering?14:38
lcukderf, get a smaller wiener and it should pass through the filter14:38
bilboed-piKhertan, thx :)14:38
Khertanbilboed-pi > i m currently searching where to sleep :)14:39
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derflcuk: Tee-hee.14:39
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lcukkhertan, take a maemo branded cardboard box14:39
Khertanlcuk > cardboard box ?14:40
lardmanwhere do we get Maemo branded casrdboard boxes, or T-shirts?14:40
lcukfor sleeping in14:40
tigertthe branded box came with your device14:40
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lcuklardman, i dont think they are ready yet, but doesnt cafe press let you upload any image?14:40
tigertits a bit crammed though unfortunately, but that is to save the environment from excess trash burden14:40
lardmanlcuk: no idea14:40
derflardman: 12 multiplies, 27 adds, one division per pixel.14:41
lardmantigert: it has plastic cover iirc, so we can even see out while in there14:41
tigertlardman: yeh, and it protects from rain!14:41
lardmanderf: ok14:41
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derfBut that's not the only filter.14:41
Khertanbilboed-pi > i think i ll go here :
lcukderf, how many memory accesses?14:41
lcukie, does it require local adjacent pixels14:42
derflcuk: 27 or so.14:42
bilboed-piKhertan, damn, I'm really confused. What's the exact venue of the maemo summit ? Is it the same venue as for OSIM ?14:42
derflcuk: It computes mean and variance in a 3x3 area, and then the average variance in a 3x3 area.14:42
lcukderf, ouch!   is it a full 3*3 cube of pixels to filter the centre element?14:43
lcuklol yer14:43
derfActually, 27 is probably high.14:43
derf18 is closer to the mark.14:43
derfAt least for reads.14:43
Khertanhum ... i ll made my own tshirt with my own maemo logo !14:43
lcukKhertan, thats the idea - turn up to the summit with alternative designs, ie NOT the winning entry14:44
derfBut, anyway, I'm getting better results I think just disabling that stage.14:44
lardmanfiltering should be swappable14:44
derfBut it's certainly along the lines of the most expensive filtering I'd want to do.14:44
lardmanzxing tries/tests for an ideal case first, then starts doing more bits and bobs14:44
derfSo I figured it'd be a good starting point for testing on the device, to see how slow it actually is.14:45
lcukyes, modular choice - you can see how different algos perform14:45
lardmanderf: yep14:45
* lcuk is doing that for multitouch14:45
lardmanmedian threshold, rolling average (a la current 1D code) and histogram binning should all be available for each method14:46
lardmansharpen filter?14:46
lcukcant we just use gstreamer prebuilt filters for this - since the data is coming through gstreamer...14:46
lardmando they exist?14:47
lcukjust add another filter layer14:47
lcukwell you use one now14:47
rm_youlardman: dunno, a lot of those comments were VERY outdated, lol14:47
rm_youick, i think there were much better logos as well <_< ah well14:47
lcukcan some1 give me link to barcode project svn14:48
* lcuk thought it was on desktop but its gone14:48
lcukta :)14:48
rm_youthat is generated from my brain via my fingers :P so hopefully it is right14:48
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bilboed-piKhertan, booked at the ibis berlin mitte14:51
lardmanlcuk: it would be nicer to be able to switch filter at will, unless the GStreamer ones are especially special14:53
rm_youack it got late again before i noticed <_<14:54
* rm_you sleeps14:54
Khertanbilboed-pi > a bit too expensive for me :)14:54
Khertanat least with the flight :)14:55
bilboed-piKhertan, if you find somebody else, it comes at around 40 EUR per person per night14:55
Khertanso i ll be the only one from the summit in the hostel14:55
Khertanthis is what i ll paid 49 Euros by night14:55
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qwerty12_N800Ooh, ITT upgrades14:56
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Khertanah the forum softwares14:57
Khertanhum ... seems down14:59
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crashanddieseems like it15:00
derflardman|lunch: Okay, I just checked in some code.15:01
lcuklardman, you should be able to specify an arbitary chain of filters with gstreamer. theres a massive list of plugins but im not sure specifically.  just an idea anyways
lcukcrashanddie, you have done a bit on gstreamer plugins - have you seen any image processing filters?15:02
Khertanlcuk > hum ... do you think it ll be possible to make a lib so, which take an image in parameters and get the resulting upc code ?15:03
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Khertandoes the upc database is use to accurate the reading process ?15:04
Khertanor just to see something usefull ?15:04
lcukkhertan, thats basically what the function does now:  given a bitmap it returns upc.  all im suggesting is to use the existing gstreamer plugins thing to do the filtering and allow different combinations of filters15:04
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Khertanlcuk > how do you pass that bitmap ?15:05
Khertan(i ven't read all the code yet)15:05
lcuki dont, its just in memory though15:05
Khertanhum ...15:05
dannymzap: are you there?15:05
lcukit arrives in memory by parsing the imagedata at the end of a gstreamer chain15:06
Khertani ask this because i thinking of how to do the thing with python binding and make a python gui15:06
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* Khertan don't like use gstreamer in python15:06
lcuki found it most acceptable tbh, but having a UPC gstreamer filter would make it childsplay15:07
Khertanhum ...15:07
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lcukactually have gstreamer itself expose the upc code as a proper gstreamer plugin15:08
lcukits then available from all languages and uses15:08
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lcuktakes in data in yuv format15:08
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zapdannym: yep15:16
zap(partly :)15:16
Khertani like the new button on maemo downloads comment : "report abuse"15:21
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dannymzap: hehe, me too :)15:32
dannymzap: I'm submitting a bug report to Info-ZIP about the UTF-8 thingie... <>15:33
dannymzap: they have some code like that in their source file already (commented out), let's see what their reasoning for not use it :)15:34
dannymnot using*15:34
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dannymzap: (our side's bug report is <>)15:35
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zapdannym: indeed, nl_langinfo is the easiest thing to do, and ncurses has the same bug15:41
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dannymzap: is it reported?15:45
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macoutehave any1 tried opensync with a nokia phone succesfully?15:54
macoutewith a s60 3rd edition phone to be exact15:54
zapdannym: nope, I fixed it in my mc port though15:55
zapbut it's not fixed in the standard libslang package, which causes most slang apps to display garbage15:56
solmumahamacoute: mistä päin savoo?15:56
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andre___why can't i find any other complaints about AppManager using the error sound when successfully installing a package?16:01
andre___mankind, give me a second confirmation of ! :)16:01
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macoutesolmumaha: mikkelistä/from st. michel :)16:12
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dannymzap: I see... yay workarounds :)16:15
dannymzap: who uses libslang? (I'm really curious, I was of the impression that they either are old apps using ncurses or newer ones using GUI toolkits :))16:17
crashanddieHeading out, talk to you guys when I'm in London !16:18
solmumahamacoute: k, same here16:18
BlafaselProbably a stupid question, but what package (and from where) provides a c compiler? vala depends on one (obviously), but I see no package in extra (chinook, diablo) and extra-devel (diablo).16:18
macoutesolmumaha: oh, i checked your /wii and noticed the same :)16:19
dannymcrashanddie: bye :)16:19
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macoutesolmumaha: are you a native mikkeliläinen? :)16:19
macoutesolmumaha: im now living in helsinki, but originally from mikkeli16:19
dannymBlafasel: hmm... use the SDK repository. Do you mean in Scratchbox or on the device?16:20
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solmumahamacoute: yes, who would move here? :)16:22
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macoutesolmumaha: thats true :)16:22
smyowsopenvpn don't work on maemo16:23
macoutesmyows: in diablo?16:24
macoutei have had it working, so it does work on maemo16:24
macouteon diablo i havent tested16:24
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smyowsi have installed liblzo2-2 but nothing16:24
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smyowsopenvpn have another depends?16:25
macoutelzo shouldnt be a depedency for openvpn16:25
macouteif you are not using compression16:25
macouteor am i totally wrong?16:26
macouteor has the packager made a mistake? :P16:26
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smyowsi don't know16:26
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dannymmacoute: dunno... but well, what's it supposed to do? Ask whether you want to install lzo when you first use a compressed connection? :D16:27
zapdannym: actually most console programs with kind-of-GUI use libslang16:27
zapiptraf for example16:27
smyowswathever i have lzo on maemo, but openvpn don't work16:27
dannymzap: I see... good to know :)16:27
zapAnybody got YouAmp working on their tablet?16:29
zapIt shows just a empty window to me16:29
mikkov_smyows: from  where did install openvpn? it should work16:29
qwerty12_N800zap: it's a python app afaik. try running something like youamp -v [vv] etc16:30
lardmanderf: thanks I've pulled that16:31
smyowsmaemo repository16:31
lardmanderf: what method did the original code use out of interest?16:31
smyowsand put my key and config on /etc/openvpn16:31
lardmanrm_you: did you see my comment about image->width/height?16:31
derflardman: They split the image up into 16 blocks, computed the average gray level in each block, and thresholded.16:31
lardmanah ok16:31
lardmandoes that work?16:31
mikkov_smyows: do you have some error message?16:32
derfI guess it worked for them :)16:32
mikkov_smyows: you must use verb 016:32
lardmanwas it simply a median calculation, or some histogram binning?16:32
mikkov_smyows: it crashes if you have verb 4 or more16:32
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derfNot even median, mean.16:33
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smyowsonly display FAIL if i use initd script to start16:33
derfErr, sorry, actually looking at the code, even worse.16:33
derfThey used (max-min)/2 as the threshold.16:33
derfErr, (max+min)/2, of course.16:34
smyowsif i run openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/config.conf  not display nothing16:34
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mikkov_smyows: do you have this version 2.0.9-4etch116:38
smyowsone moment16:38
smyowsmy openvpn is 2.0.9-4etch116:40
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mikkov_run this: openvpn --genkey --secret test && openvpn --test-crypto --secret test16:43
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brontidex11vnc + personal menu = FAIL17:01
qwerty12_N800can't click it?17:01
zfigzWhat's the best format for movies if you're going to play it via mplayer on the n810?17:02
brontidevnc works perfectly until I activate the menu and then the menu stays there and vnc gets "stuck" and stops refreshing the screen17:02
zfigzBecause I'm trying a movie out and it's terribly sluggish17:02
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brontideI'm using vnc in "view only" mode to mirror the screen17:02
nemozfigz: just as a WAG, it'd be same as any generic processor without HW video decoding (like the iphone uses)17:03
brontidehoping to use it at the Summit and also to record "screen sharing" sessions for training17:03
nemozfigz: which means, find a format that requires less decoding, and maybe you need videos with less bits per frame17:03
nemozfigz: seems that's sorta thing you could ask in the mplayer channel.  but then, I'm new here17:03
zfigznemo, oh, I didn't know there was a mplayer channel17:04
nemoAnd speaking of being new here - 128MiB of memory... that is, as it turns out, more than my laptop which has only 96MiB - however, I'll always take more.17:04
nemois there a model with 256MiB?17:04
nemoseems like an easy target nowdays17:04
qwerty12_N800nemo: nah, the lcd controller on the n8x0's suck so heavy videos don't play right with mplayer17:05
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hrwhmm.. how to make osso-mahjong run..17:08
zaphrw: from scratchbox?17:09
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hrwin non-maemo env17:10
hrwall those maemo-launcher/invoker crap..17:10
zapdoes it use libosso?17:10
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hrwzap: it links to it17:11
qwerty12_N800hrw: without the startup screen?17:11
zaphrw: maemo-launcher can be stripped without much hassle17:11
zapjust that the app will start slower17:12
smyowsmy openvpn have problem with crypto17:14
smyowsmikkov ?17:15
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nemoqwerty12_N800: ok. so it is simply an LCD refresh rate thing?17:18
mikkov_smyows: ey17:18
hrw~curse maemo for lack of tools like strace17:18
hrwless, wget etc17:18
nemoqwerty12_N800: no matter how small the video, the N8x0 will always be slower than the usual video frame rate?17:18
nemoqwerty12_N800: I don't suppose you know about the memory thing? :)17:19
smyowsmikkov_, my openvpn do not run the second command17:19
smyows openvpn --test-crypto --secret test17:19
zapdannym: how do you think, does it make sense to throw GNU tar into the zip/unzip project? :)17:19
mikkov_smyows: did you get "Assertion failed at integer.h:94"17:20
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nemozfigz: BTW. didja catch qwerty12_N800's explanation?17:20
smyowslet me put on pastebin[17:21
mikkov_smyows: that's normal :)17:21
hrwor even lldd17:21
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mikkov_smyows: does your config work in normal linux?17:21
zapUghm.... Advanced Backlight Control is Nokia-provided software???17:22
zfigznemo, was this it?17:22
zfigznah, the lcd controller on the n8x0's suck so heavy videos don't play right with mplayer17:22
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zfigzSo large video files don't work or ?17:22
mikkov_smyows: i got invalid id from the link17:22
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zapzfigz: N8xx will play video at a larger resolution than most PDAs I've ever seen17:23
zfigzzap, what's a good format to convert it to?17:23
zapzfigz: it at least has hardware support for YUV and scaling17:23
zfigzit's mp4 right now17:23
zapzfigz: yes17:23
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zapzfigz: what OS are you using?17:24
mikkov_smyows: still doesn't work17:24
smyowsa moment17:24
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smyowssmall display and blind man isn't cool xD17:25
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zfigzzap: Diablo and 200817:25
mikkov_smyows: yes, i get the same results with my openvpn. that should be ok17:26
zapzfigz: I mean on PC17:26
zfigzzap: 0s x17:26
zapzfigz: there are progs for converting video to a tablet-supported format17:26
mikkov_smyows: i suspect that your config might be somehow borked17:26
zfigzI'm using iSquint now17:26
zfigzzap, what's a tablet-support format though?17:26
zapthere are lots of them ,they were listed in internettablettalk Wiki, but its down now17:26
smyowsmy config works on slackware machine17:27
smyowsis the same17:27
zapzfigz: you want the exact details? I can look up17:27
smyowsi'll paste on pastebin17:27
smyowsone moment17:27
zapzfigz: okay here's what my experience shows: mplayer can smoothly play any videos up to 512x304 resolution, GStreamer engine can play only up to 400x24017:28
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zapzfigz: also for GStreamer engine I would disable B-frames17:28
zapthat's about all about limits17:29
BlafaselJaffa: Are you running valac on the device as well?17:29
zapzfigz: I'd recommend the XviD encoder as it's about ten times faster than lavc17:29
zfigzOk, we'll see here17:30
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zfigzzap, I'm not entirely sure what I'm converting it to17:30
zfigzmy gawd17:30
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zfigzit's gonna take 700 min for it to convert17:30
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nemozfigz: qwerty12_N800 appears to be stating the LCD rate is just too slow for normal video17:31
nemozfigz: which is interesting to me17:31
smyowsmikkov_, my config is okay?17:31
nemozfigz: but seems surely normal things like frame size and decoding cost *must* play *some* part17:31
zapzfigz: the software you're using is crap17:32
nemosooo. 256MiB - is there a nokia tablet with a bit more than 128?17:32
zfigznemo, yeah...I don't know. I just know this movie was playing terribly last night and now I'm at work and I'd like to watch it incognito17:32
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zapzfigz: it takes 20-30 minutes for me, for a single AVI (and I can convert two at a time, using two cores)17:32
mikkov_smyows: i get nothig with you config too... IÃ'll test a bit more..17:33
smyowsif i run ifconfig tun0 up the interface is going up?17:33
zapno, its going to the left usually17:34
smyowsto start vpn is only run openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/myconfig.conf17:34
smyowswhat is wrong on my vpn :/17:35
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BlafaselHmm.. The only thing regarding gcc on the device is this: - Can anyone with more experience than me tell me if this would break major things?17:37
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mikkov_smyows: comment that daemon line and then you shouls see the error message. verb 3 should be ok17:37
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zfigzzap, yeah...1000 min to convert17:38
nemooh. it appears the N810 is upgradeable to 256MiB - from googling17:39
nemono thanks to channel :D17:39
zfigznemo, oh yeah?17:39
nemooh. n/m17:39
nemothat's just a random internet commenter17:39
* nemo sighs. I gues 128MB isn't a huge deal. 17:40
nemoSo long as it isn't using Gnome :)17:40
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lardmanderf: very high-tech then :)17:40
BlafaselKhertan: In that thread you claim to have installed gcc on the device as well. Would you share how?17:40
lardmanderf: but also very quick if it works17:40
mikkov_smyows: ah yes there is no group nobody change that to nogroup17:40
nemoBlafasel: why would you put  your compiler *on* the mobile device?17:40
nemoBlafasel: wouldn't it make more sense to do cross compiling on a desktop?17:41
Blafaselnemo: Well, to compile *on* the device ;)17:41
nemoBlafasel: why?17:41
nemowhat'd be the point?17:41
Blafaselnemo: For big things? Yes. For compiling on the go, small tests? No ;)17:41
nemook. silly question.17:41
nemoI do lots of things with no points17:41
nemosmall tests, I do ssh'd into home computer :-p17:41
nemo$ cstdin17:42
nemoprintf("hello world");17:42
nemohello world17:42
BlafaselNope. But I think lcuk uses C on the device as well...17:42
lardmanderf: is that the technique from zxing or from the Japanese QRCode decoder?17:42
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dannymBlafasel: should work, but didn't try :)17:42
smyowsmikkov_, works :D17:43
smyowsmikkov_, thanks a lot!17:43
dannymBlafasel: though I don't get what "libc6_2.3.5cs2005q3.2-5.osso12_armel.deb" is for... is that supposed to be .."_dev" ?17:43
mikkov_no problem ;)17:43
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dannymBlafasel: robmiller's post on the forum looks disheartening though :)17:45
zapzfigz: install linux and try my prog ;-\17:45
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zfigzzap, I'm getting something better now17:48
lcukBlafasel, installing gcc on the device is just like installing anything, its just another app.  it doesnt break things.  you get it from the same repo that scratchbox uses (i cant remember which off hand).  and you get the -dev libraries from the same place17:49
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Blafasellcuk: Thanks a lot17:51
* lcuk runs away again17:51
nemolcuk: what do you use it for though? :)17:54
nemothen again, I think some maniacs have put it on the iphone.17:54
chellimikkov_: are you there? i just saw that you uploaded openvpn-applet to diablo-extras-devel, package is uninstallable because openvpn is not included in diablo-extras(-devel) yet, do you plan to upload it, ok should someone else take care (i would have a backport from Debian Etch almoast ready)17:54
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BlafaselI'm at a customer here (yawn) and no access to my desktop. If anyone out there has access to a scratchbox environment and could issue a package search for gcc (dpkg -S /path/to/file afaik) and an apt-cache policy packagename (should show the repository) that would be awesome.. I'm lost on the scratchbox howto sites..17:55
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nomisBlafasel: uh, it is a bit wierdly linked around in scratchbox17:57
derflardman: From the Japanese one.17:57
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nomisBlafasel: diablo/sdk/free Packages17:58
Blafaselnomis: Yeah, probably depending on the target, I guess.17:58
lardmanderf: the zxing one uses histogram binning17:59
Blafaselnomis: You, sir, are my hero of the day ;)17:59
nomispackage "gcc-3.4"17:59
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lardmanderf: I've not tried it, but thought I'd pull the idea out and stick it in a shared binarization.c file17:59
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* nomis bows towards the audience17:59
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brontidex11vnc not run as root = me FAIL :-P18:09
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lcuknemo - search for liqbase and you will find out18:11
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lcuktive posted lots of comments and notes about my usage and speed of compilation etc.  for me as a *dont shoot me* windows user, it was simpler and more logical to do on device compilation18:12
qwerty12nemo, sorry about earlier. my internet got disconnected. If someone didn't already answer, the lcd controller cannot keep up with the video fast enough and writes too slowly to the screen AFAIK. It doesn't help that Nokia decided to use a Low Speed Serial connection for connecting it either...18:12
nemolcuk: heh. you're doing it basically 'cause you couldn't be bothered to setup cross-compiling? :)18:15
lcukqwerty12, nokias lcd decision sounds like your low speed internet decision18:16
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qwerty12lcuk, Nah, my router keeps acting funny. I get 8MB here. Not the fastest by any means but definitely not slow.18:17
lcuknemo, ive got vmware image here and have it setup and configured, it was just slower than the current approach and was more glitchy.  i never used the emulator thing and managing extra multiple machines was annoying18:17
lardmandelete Windows and install Ubuntu ;)18:17
lcukbesides, i can go out for a coffee break and recompile whilst out :) can you?18:17
nemolcuk: you can do cross-compiling under windows18:17
lcukubuntu wont install fully on my 81018:17
lardmanI can compile while doing my shoe laces :p18:18
qwerty12lardman++ (on the deleting windows bit anyway) :P18:18
nemolcuk: but, I've found VirtualBox to be almost equal in speed to windows.  For file I/O it was faster18:18
nemolcuk: back when I had to run Ubuntu under virtualbox...18:18
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nemolcuk: but, you know, there's always cygwin for setting up a compilation env18:19
lcuknemo, the only good thing a bigger box gives is the autotools, if i could get that on my device (i  can already solve the space issue) then i would not even consider anything other than direct native compilation18:19
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nemolcuk: bigger box means more memory, more space for source, faster compiles, less wear and tear on flash18:19
nemolcuk: but. hey. do whatever you want to do. I'm sure not going to do it :)18:20
lcukcompilation times for the software i build and use (in c at least) are faster than my big fast machine building apps18:20
nemoI think I'd find that really frustrating.18:20
nemolcuk: lol. that's no comparison18:20
hubthe flasher failed with an error
hubany idea?18:20
lcukwhy frustrating - flash drives are 10 a penny18:20
lcukif one breaks, so what18:20
lcuknemo, of course it is - i work in .shit all day and so my little box working faster is double bonus18:21
hubso my device is bricked18:21
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lcuknemo :) building my app on my device using standard tools works for me, ymmv is the best answer18:22
lardmanhub: not bricked18:22
hublardman: rebooting in a loop18:22
lardmanhub: not sure what that error indicates though18:22
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hubwell I'd look at the source code of the flasher18:23
lardmanhub: well yeah, you don't have any kernel modules for the new kernel probably18:23
hub(unless I missed something)18:23
hubI tried with both the static and non static version of the flasher18:24
hub(I'm on openSUSE 11 since that may matter for a binary only)18:24
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nemolcuk: like I said, whatever works for you. certainly would not be my natural impulse18:25
nemolcuk: you might be surprised at how much more pleasant development gets when you give the compiler more memory and a better CPU though18:25
nemolcuk: especially if you're tweaking.18:25
nemoclean builds every minute or two get old fast18:26
hubdoes that one work better?18:27
lardmanwell you have the source code for it18:27
lardmanso you could try and work out what's going wrong18:27
hubgood point18:27
huband I can actually package it for suse18:28
hubTODO: Implement the fiasco flashing here.18:30
lardmanwell you could use the Nokia flasher to extract the parts and then try flashing the rootfs18:31
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lardmanthat's the only bit you need to flash still18:32
derflardman: The problem with a single histogram is if the lighting changes across the image or someone's spilled some crap on part of it, no single threshold can work for the whole image.18:33
hrwlcuk: Xsp.h - which package contains it?18:33
hublardman: I guess FIASCO really means what it means18:33
lardmanyeah, I wonder if they do it for regions; I didn't look too closely though18:33
huba real fiasco18:33
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derfIt looked like they did either for a single row (for barcodes) or for the whole image.18:34
lardmanderf: still room for improvement then, but it still works very well18:34
derfSure, if you don't have any serious degredation, it'll work just fine.18:35
derfBut then, so will almost anything.18:35
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lardmanyeah, of course, but we don't need something that's perfect, just something that will work in most cases18:36
lardmandid you see the image which the online zxing could decode?18:36
derfWell, perfect is impossible.18:36
derfBut you can always optimize on the margin.18:36
derflardman: No.18:36
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lardmanderf: search down to "QR" and look at the image brontide tested18:37
brontideI was impressed with it being able to decode that image. I'll have to try a few more "curveballs" to see what it can do18:39
lardmanI'd say that's "good enough" for starters anyway18:39
derfWell, the resolution is pretty bad, but the contrast is good.18:40
hublardman: now I get this18:40
hubFlashing initfs (/home/hub/Desktop/initfs.jffs2)18:40
hub| hash: 0xcf16 size: 2286848 (00 22 e5 00)18:40
hub[=] Bulkwriting the initfs piece...18:40
hub  100% [#################################################################]18:40
hubOops. Invalid checksum?18:40
derfAnd that's all you really need.18:40
lardmanhub: dodgy download?18:41
hublardman: md5sum match18:41
lardmanhub: or faulty checksum after the write?18:41
derfThat will look like shit after going through the Wiener filter, though.18:41
hublardman: maybe columns b18:41
derfWhich is why I think that part is still broken.18:41
lardmanderf: skip the filter for the time being, add it in as an enhancement18:42
hublardman: ok flashing the previous revision seems to work18:42
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derflardman: Yeah, you just comment out one line of code in qr_binarize().18:42
k88any idea where i can find : gdk-pixbuf-2.0 ?18:42
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hublardman: so I guess this image is just fucked and nobody realised18:44
lardmanhub: no idea, which is it and where from?18:45
hublardman: the official Nokia image18:45
hubthe one that is a PITA to download18:46
lardmanhmm, worked for me18:46
hub <- this one worked18:46
lcukhrw libxsp18:46
derf_lardman: Anyway, I'll add that image to my test set.18:46
lardmanderf_: cool18:47
lardmanhub: sorry, I don't know; perhaps try downloading it again?18:47
hublardman: since the md5sums match I don't see why18:47
hubbut anyway18:47
hubI'll just content myself of this one18:47
hubit is still better than last time18:47
hubI don't really have time to hack18:48
hubthanks for the help18:48
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lardmansorry I couldn't do more18:48
hublardman: yeah well, that's how it works with proprietary crap.18:49
hubI'll mention it18:49
qwerty12RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.51-3_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin - Is that the chinook imag?18:50
lcukhrw - actually, its the -dev variation18:51
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hubqwerty12: IT OS 200818:51
qwerty12hub, Doesn't tell me much. I can't be arsed to dig out my N800's mac just to open the tablets-dev page.18:51
eichii miss the "lock applet" option on the maemo desktop, to often i move the applets wheater i dont want to do that18:52
eichiwhy is it kicked?18:52
Khertanbye :)18:53
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qwerty1200194F9EDD2D - Sigh. Magic mac address.18:54
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qwerty12anyway, hub, the location and size of initfs was changed in diablo. It doesn't seem to be flashing right for you. What I would do is to flash it with RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.51-3_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin and then flash the bootloaders (secondary, xloader, config etc) with the --flash-only option and then reboot and try flashing again.18:56
hubqwerty12: how do you want me to know if it is chinook or not18:56
hubqwerty12: it is like the stupid mac naming18:56
qwerty12hub, it doesn't matter, I'm in the page, it is chinook :)18:56
hubwhat's the difference in the end?18:56
qwerty12s/anyway, hub, the location and size of initfs was changed in diablo. It doesn't seem to be flashing right for you. What I would do is to flash it with RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.51-3_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin and then flash the bootloaders (secondary, xloader, config etc) with the --flash-only option and then reboot and try flashing again./anyway, hub, the location and size of initfs was changed in diablo. It doesn't seem to be flashing right for you.18:56
qwerty12 What I would do is to flash it with RX-34_2008SE_2.2007.51-3_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin and then flash the bootloaders (secondary, xloader, config etc) with the --flash-only option using RX-34_DIABLO_4.2008.23-14_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin and then reboot and try flashing again./18:56
hubyeah I read that18:57
qwerty12I was correcting a mistake.18:57
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hub"chinook" is installed18:57
qwerty12Usually infobot jumps in but I think that was a little to big for X-Chat to handle :/18:57
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hubit is just idiotic that it does not work18:58
JZAhi I just upgrade to diablo but I can't find Opera18:58
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qwerty12JZA, Opera was removed from chinook even.18:59
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JZAqwerty12: wow, that sucks, I am a hardcore opera fan18:59
JZAI also don't see it on the Opera site to get a download from it.19:00
hubfor once Nokia free some stuff and there are people that don't like it19:00
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JZAhub: opera rocks19:01
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Khertan_n810Hi again ...19:11
Khertan_n810is there someone interested by helping me to make a better gui to mCalendar ?19:12
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lcukKhertan_n810, try starting simple - suggest a brainstorm about best calendar apps (with preview pics and explainations) and see what comes of it19:15
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lcukwe love coloring competitions but hate real work ;)19:15
JZAKhertan_n810: i am pretty lost on the clendar side since I am new to diablo I dunno which calendar is better for what19:15
hrwlcuk: would you accept some patches to liqbase to un-maemo it?19:15
lcukheh hrw :) which devices have you been tweaking with?19:16
hrwlcuk: now I just try to build it19:16
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lcukbut now isnt really best time to talk - i will certainly accept patches19:16
Khertan_n810lcuk > hum i know what could be good ... but needs some help with gtk19:16
hrwwithout Xsp crap etc19:16
lcukcan we talk later on19:16
lcukhrw, xsp isnt crap but i know its not available on most platforms19:17
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hrwxsp is maemoism19:17
lcukill be back from work later and run over with you19:18
lcuksay 8pm (~3hours from now)19:18
lcukor is that too late?19:18
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hrwlcuk: tomorrow will be better19:19
lcukok - ill try to get back asap (i have to go shopping) if i see you this evening great, if not tomorrow19:19
* Khertan_n810 think the first priority for is to have better server .... !!!!19:19
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* lbt thinks we need a new logo19:20
qwerty12Having a shit server won't convince anyone that maemo is great.19:20
lbta logo will19:20
Khertan_n810u don t like the new one ?19:20
zapwhatz the new one?19:20
lcukhow about a shit logo on a great server?19:21
Khertan_n810i prefer ...19:21
qwerty12lcuk, That wouldn't piss me off :P. A shit server gets me frustrated though :/19:21
zapremembers me the Fedora logo :)19:21
lbtno, link to this one :
Khertan_n810but at this time there is no great logo and a really poor server19:21
lbtit will be updated in place as it is tweaked19:21
qwerty12lbt, true. I was just on the itt page at the time :D19:22
lbtlcuk : that was the fastest logo submitted19:22
qwerty12Ah well, a logo isn't going do anything for me. Improvements to the platform a new server will :)19:22
qwerty12*and a19:22
lbtgo faster stripes principle19:22
qwerty12Wow, I wonder what the changes in bluez 4 will mean for maemo.19:23
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lbtKhertan_n810: do some research on calendar apps and start a wiki page on the pros and cons19:24
* qwerty12 needs a changelog before trying to build the latest bluez from maemo stage again19:24
Khertan_n810rah !!!!! why i can t choose os version when create a maemo product19:24
Khertan_n810pffffff !!!!!19:24
Khertan_n810borring with this !19:24
zapwhat hardware is behind
Khertan_n810i ll no make it listed on !19:24
lbtzap:  a 770 I think19:25
jottzap: nokia 77019:25
qwerty12zap, 770 connected to 33.3 K modem19:25
jott(we are all pretty sure of this)19:25
Khertan_n810zap> surely apache on a 77019:25
lbtrunning XP under vmware19:25
Khertan_n810with an connection by bluetooth to an edge phone19:25
* zap remembers the times when had a compile farm built on a cluster of iPAQs19:25
qwerty12Probably ran faster than the server does now.19:26
brontidedon't insult the ipaq's19:26
qwerty12Why, will you throw one at my head? :P19:26
brontideNo, I need to work19:27
qwerty12Brb, scratchbox's adduser wants me to ctrl-alt-bksp19:27
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faheem_And it seems by doing that, xchat didn't remember my settings :rolleyes:. My fault.19:28
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nemoCheapest N810 I could find was $345 - good price?19:29
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Khertan_n810in france this is around 400 Euros19:29
Khertan_n810but we can buy in us19:29
nemoKhertan_n810: vous etes français?19:29
Khertan_n810moi oui :)19:30
nemoc'est permit de parlez en français ici?19:30
Khertan_n810bah c est pas sympas pour les autres19:31
nemoJ'ai pas souvent la chance d'y pratiquer maintenant.19:31
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Khertan_n810connection will drop19:32
Khertan_n810entering subways19:33
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* lbt cuts Khertan_n810's wires in the real world...19:33
zapAnybody knows why BlueTooth device are so power-hungry, unlike 2.4GHz radio keyboards/mices ?19:35
* qwerty12 cant decide to mount Os2007 rootfs or not...19:36
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hrwqwerty12: what for?19:48
qwerty12hrw, I want to get out some newer opera libs from the last Os2007 image so I can repack that port of the opera browser for OS2008 and someone on itt was asking for the keyboard theme from the Os2007 to be put on Os2008 :/19:49
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hrwqwerty12: I wonder will opera eal works with os2008 eal19:51
hrwgtk changes etc...19:51
hrwbut worth try19:51
qwerty12"* Theme is not working (needs a separate sapwood-server for that, if someone can tell me how to run a second sapwood-server - i'm all ears)..."19:52
hrwos2007 had black keyboard and os2008 has white - right?19:52
qwerty12By default yes. But felicia in os2008 has black keyboard but it's quite different to the Os2007 one.19:53
hrwso it is a matter of tweaking theme19:53
hrwI do not use IM keyboard in os2008 - hardware one works fine19:54
qwerty12Yeah, I'm no gfx expert so I'll steal nokia's stuff.19:54
* qwerty12 only has a N80019:54
hrwI skipped n80019:55
hrwor rather n800 skipped me as I got 770 with words like "sorry, we've got out of n800"19:56
nemoOh. Hey. Another thing before I smack the order button on this N81019:56
nemoI heard stuff about an N820 ?19:56
hrwnemo: no19:56
hrwnemo: there is n810 wimax edition but not available in the stores at all19:57
nemomeh. screw wimax.19:57
hrwnemo: only some demo units exists19:57
qwerty12hrw, Heh. I like the N810's keyboard but the gps and the stuff they took out made it lose its appeal to me :)19:57
hrwqwerty12: agreed19:57
nemoWhat'd they take out?19:57
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hrwqwerty12: but after zaurus I cannot use devices without keyboard19:57
hrwnemo: n800 has 2 SD slots. n810 has 1 miniSD slot + 2GB internal storage (visible as sd card)19:58
qwerty12hrw, Heh. I know, I thought I would be able to use the N800 fine after using a keyboardless pocket pc but my aching wrists disagree.19:58
hrwnemo: so n800 can take 2x32GB sdhc cards... n810 can take 8gb card + 2gb internal19:58
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nemohrw: ah. that's not really a big deal for me. but useful to know19:59
nemohrw: My current laptop has 4GiB of HD space :)19:59
nemohrw: along with the 96MiB of RAM19:59
hrwnemo: my current laptop has 80GB hdd and 1GB ram.. but desktop beats it with 4gb ram and 820gb storage20:00
* jott laptop is a n810 :)20:00
nemohrw: I was too cheap to pay much for my laptop20:01
hrwnemo: mine laptop costed me less then n81020:01
nemohrw: X + ssh + XFCE4 + NFS chew up almost 50MiB20:02
nemoPaid $50 for my laptop as a refurb, 2 years ago :)20:02
nemoSeamonkey suite takes up another 15MiB20:02
nemo'course, battery died on it, and replacing that now would cost more than laptop20:03
nemocheaper to get an N81020:03
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qwerty12*Sigh*. It's always good having a sbox target that uses CS2008.20:04
hrwI want sbox free SDK20:04
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lcukback later20:09
RST38hNokia dropping phone prices20:09
RST38hIncluding 5310 price, if any cheapskates are interested in a really thin phone for tethering20:10
dannymcan I implement my own connectivity Internet Access Point which will be picked up by "icd2"?20:10
qwerty12Nokia drop prices. Sony Ericsson drop workers...20:10
RST38hSeem to be S40-based though, so you may wanna skip on this offer20:11
hrwRST38h: I am thinking about motorola razr2 v8 for hacking (when someone manage to skip kernel blocks)20:11
RST38hqwerty: Nokia did it too - just ask Germans present here =)20:11
qwerty12Ah, yes, Bochum :)20:11
RST38hhrw: No.20:11
RST38hhrw: Just no.20:11
qwerty12RST38h, Do Russians have a hate of Razr phones?
hrwRST38h: so bad?20:12
RST38hhrw: Very nice build quality. Absolutely horrible phone.20:12
RST38hqwerty: Bought one for my wife - virtually indestructable. But still sucks.20:13
RST38hThe photo is actually an ad campaign though20:13
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hubRST38h: too bad the price don't drop for services20:14
RST38hWhat services?20:15
hubthe crooks called "carriers"20:15
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hub'cause a phone without the service is not really useful20:15
RST38hOh, not in Russia20:15
RST38hThey are ok here.20:15
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RST38h[at least for now]20:15
hubRST38h: yeah that the saddest part. is we have the most expensive service here20:16
hubhere = Canada20:16
RST38hhub: worse than US?20:16
hubRST38h: by far20:16
RST38hActually, South Asia probably has the nicest carriers20:17
hubeven more since the $ are on par20:17
smyowsn800 run java aplications?20:17
hubsmyows: not out of the box, for sure20:17
dannymsmyows: interpreted, yes...20:17
MangoFusionRST38h: razr phone? didn't get one of those shitty V3* ones, did you? :(20:18
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smyowsmpmaps for mobile phones get routes from googlemaps and shows on non vectorized maps20:19
smyowsmaemo mapper have this feature?20:19
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chellimikkov_: i successfully uploaded openvpn to diablo-extras-devel a few minutes ago, so your package openvpn-applet is now installable for users who have only diablo-repositories configured ;-)20:19
RST38hMango: I have got one of the first-gen ones, the slim model20:20
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RST38hMango: may be V3, dunno, not really interested in using it for anything but an occassional call20:21
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lardmanrm_you: ping20:21
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hubthe razr v3 software is a piece of shit20:22
hubthe phone is ok20:22
hubI'll see if it last me longer than my last Nokia20:22
hubit is in a good shape for that20:23
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MangoFusionyes. the software is shit. too locked down too20:23
hubMangoFusion: but it gives phone call :-)20:24
hubbetter than a broken Nokia :-))20:24
MangoFusiontrue, true20:24
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hubtoo bad OpenMoko is so craptastic20:25
huband less capable too20:25
hub(my motoral is quad-band)20:25
lardmanhub: you go to South America often then?20:27
hublardman: Europe20:27
hublardman: I mean I don't really use it there, but I won't sacrifice the possibility to use it there20:28
hubtri-band could work, but not as good20:28
RST38hMay I suggest an HTC "phone" as a good hacking target?20:28
RST38hThese are generic and I am sure WinMobile is full of holes20:28
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lardmanEurope doesn't need quadband20:28
hublardman: it does. here it is 1900 and 850, europe is 900 and 180020:29
hublardman: see, 1,2,3,4 bands :-)20:29
lardmanwhere's here?20:29
hublardman: north america20:29
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lardmanI see20:29
ShadowJKDon't forget the 3G frequencies too ;-)20:29
hubShadowJK: no 3G, don't care20:29
lardmanOne of your bands isn't used much is it?20:30
hublardman: they are20:30
lardmanwhere though20:30
hubI'd tell you if I knew20:30
hubbut I know that 850 is also in wide use20:30
zapX-Fade: does DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS include "thumb" in the extras builder? For some reason I see that the packages are built as non-thumb ARM...20:30
hub1900 is the original deployment20:30
hubbut anyway, that's not the debate20:31
lardmanmy phone is triband, has worked in NY, Chicago, Oregon20:31
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ShadowJKtriband usually means 850 or 900, plus 1800 and 1900, I think20:31
hrwShadowJK: here it is usually 900/1800/190020:32
lardmanfor me it's probably 900+1800+something American20:32
hrwas we have 900 and 1800 gsm20:32
lardmanGSM/EDGE 900/1800/1900 to be exact20:33
lardmanso I assumed that 850 wasn't used much in the US20:33
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hrwand then goes 1800/2100 umts.. and then some 1700MHz thing..20:34
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Stskeepsdespair is walking around with your n800 in a polish mountain village, and none of the wifi networks will connect20:35
zapuse aircrack, chap20:36
lardmanStskeeps: try walking around Chicago and having likewise20:36
mikkov_chelli: thanks ;)20:36
Stskeepszap: i might have been able to connect to one if i had brought my tcpdump :P20:36
Stskeeps.. which i forgot20:36
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zapwhen I need wifi somewhere in a unexpected place, I always find someone's unencrypted access point :)20:37
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chellimikkov_: now it would be extremely cool, if the openvpn-applet would provide and graphical editor for openvpn-cfg-files ;-)20:37
Stskeepsi thought so too, but noo..20:37
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Stskeepswhich reminds me i need dnstunnel for my tablet :P20:37
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hrwbye guys20:38
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lardmancu hrw20:38
mikkov_chelli: would it be enough if you could just open cfg to editor from applet? ;)20:38
hrwopenvpn-applet? sounds interesting20:38
mikkov_openvpn has so darn many options ;)20:39
chellimikkov_: would be ok, but at least some options like possibilities to import existing cfg-files would be cool :)20:40
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mikkov_chelli: i have somewhere half made version where you can select your cfg directory and then just copy files with normal filemanager20:41
ryoohkiany idea when the new n800 will come out?20:41
chellimikkov_: btw: how are you calling openvpn? with sudo? sudo-support is activated in my openvpn-package for user20:42
* lardman looks for a datamatrix for testing20:42
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mikkov_chelli: i think that 0.2 is using sudo openvpn... or was it sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn. can't remember ;)20:43
hubryoohki: the N810 is available for a while20:44
mikkov_chelli: it sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn because that way it easier to stop openvpn20:44
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chelliok, so your openvpn-applet-package configures sudo automatically in postinst?20:45
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lardmanwow, that is really slow code20:46
mikkov_chelli: it places file to /etc/sudoers.d/20:46
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mikkov_0.1 version used sudo openvpn, but then i had to use sudo kill to stop it :(20:47
pcaddicthows everyone doing20:48
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chellimikkov_: ok, and do you also call "update-sudoers" in debian/postinst, afaik, this is required, without it should not work ;-)20:48
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mikkov_chelli: no it doesnn't... didn't really test it, I'll add that. thanks :)20:49
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chellimikkov_: i have "update-sudoers || true" in debian/postinst in the configure-section of the openvpn-package, i guess you should add do the same ;-)20:51
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mikkov_... and the fix is done :)21:11
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teamcobrafinally did my first scratchbox port last night.... dopewars  ;)21:19
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teamcobranow onto chibitracker, but is it possible to to build a scons-based project in scratchbox?21:25
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jottteamcobra: should be possible. you could also take a look at milkytracker which already works fine :)21:28
teamcobraI'll still learn how to port it and put some debs out, choice is always a good thing (plus making debs for the first time last night was a great learning experience :D)21:30
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* jott should finally push it to extras :/21:30
teamcobrabtw, if anyone wants dopewars, I can put it up someplace, but it's far from beautiful ;p21:30
Jaffateamcobra: you might also be interested in mud-builder for helping you to build debs for Maemo21:31
teamcobraI need to hildonize it, I think... so that fullscreen works, etc21:31
jottteamcobra: sure, go ahead. i think chibitracker might have some problems with the 480 height.21:31
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qwerty12teamcobra, penguinbait's already compiled dopewars but its not hildonised :)21:31
JaffaBlafasel: no; lcuk's tried it tho'21:31
teamcobraJaffa: looking at it now21:31
* Jaffa apolgises for the plug ;-)21:31
teamcobraqwerty: cool, I just did it because I knew it wouldn't fail/would make a good first try port ;)21:32
teamcobrathe 810 = best 300 bucks I've spent in the past 10 years21:32
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teamcobrare: mud-builder, can it handle other types of make, like cmake/scons/qmake/blahblahblah ?21:34
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Jaffateamcobra: you should try and make it to the summit in September to see some cool stuff.21:34
hublardman: ok so in the end upgrading to diablo from chinook works. somebody dropped the ball at nokia, clearly21:35
teamcobraJaffa: googling it to find info21:35
teamcobrabecause I just might do that21:35
Jaffateamcobra: Not tried for a while. It's basically a wrapper around dh_make and is undergoing some reinvigoration:
teamcobraahh, berlin is a bit of a trip.... if I'm pulling in a bit more cash by then though, I just might pull it off21:39
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teamcobrahmm, milky is pretty nice, thanks for the heads up jott :)21:42
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ryoohkicd #nomachine21:44
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qwerty12zap, just out of question, do you use scratchbox in fedora?21:48
* qwerty12 is thinking of switching21:48
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mikkov_i have scratchbox under fedora21:49
qwerty12Does it work well, minus deb related utils?21:49
mikkov_default fedora9 configuration doesn't work with scratchbox :(21:50
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mikkov_you have to give echo 4096 > /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr and echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/vdso_enabled21:51
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qwerty12Ah, that's easily done :). I do the same in my sysctl.conf in Ubuntu 8.04, thanks!21:51
mikkov_ok, thought that it was fedora only thing :)21:52
mikkov_installer probably had some minor bug :)21:52
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teamcobrayea, couldn't test in 8.10 because it's x86_64, grabbed 1gb ram for $20 and put it in the laptop, got a 8.04 vm in vbox that works great21:52
teamcobraJaffe, mud-builder is insanely sweet ;)21:53
teamcobrahello sbaturzio!21:53
brontideMy boss is posting QR codes with a link to an internship page  *gah*21:53
mgedminJaffa: did you build vim 7.0-0maemo1 for diablo extras-devel with mud-builder?21:56
mgedminwhy not 7.1?21:56
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teamcobraf9 makes babies cry21:58
zapqwerty12: no, I'm using qemu-kvm and running Ubuntu 8.04 inside it21:58
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zapqwerty12: scratchbox is impossible to use on Fedora 9, on 8 it was possible21:58
qwerty12zap, Ah :/21:58
kulvezap: imbossible?21:59
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teamcobraI've used linux for 13 years.... and f9, as far as sane usability defaults are concerned, is around 10 steps back from debian etch21:59
zapqwerty12: problem is, you can't disable VDSO on later kernels21:59
zapkulve: yes21:59
mgedminis anyone working on scratchbox 1.x?21:59
brontideWhat, 200mb of updates a day and a network manager that doesn't always behave isn't normal ?21:59
zapkulve: in Fedora kernels there's no vm.vdso_enabled sysctl21:59
mgedminif the kernel is incompatible with scratchbox, which one should be fixed -- kernel or scratchbox?22:00
kulvezap: ok. I've always compiled my own kernel (and never used fedora)22:00
brontidezap: I've installed sbox under f9, it's there22:00
kulvemgedmin: seems that fedora is incompatible, not the kernel22:01
* mgedmin had fun debugging network-manager under ubuntu once22:01
zapbrontide: do a sysctl -a|grep vdso22:01
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teamcobraJaffe: one quick question... I've made my package xml, and did a mud build pkgname, it pulls down the debian source, but does a source-only upload, not creating any debs/armel debs in upload/22:01
mgedminturns out, dhcp plugin scripts that do an 'exit' prevent later scripts from even running, breaking the communication chain between dhclient and n-m22:01
zapkulve: I know how to compile a kernel, but I have better things to do22:02
* brontide wonders why sbox work then22:02
mgedminteamcobra: you upload the source debs to extras builder, and get binaries in extras-devel22:02
zapbrontide: thats very strange22:02
zapbrontide: it definitely does not work with vdso=122:02
teamcobraohhhhh, wow, will give it a shot then22:02
zapat least the qemu arm emilation22:03
brontidethis is stock f9, my work laptop22:03
zapwhat CPU?22:03
zapmaybe it's something core duo 2 related22:03
brontideIt's an old D60022:03
zapmaybe vdso is disabled on earlier CPUs, as it maybe uses some support from hardware22:03
brontideDell D600 that is22:03
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kulvezap: the issue came with 2.6.2122:05
mgedminvdso is purely a software thing22:05
brontideOh  vdso... [root@localhost ~]# sysctl -a|grep vdso22:05
brontidevm.vdso_enabled = 022:05
mikkov_i have and sbox working22:05
mgedminit's a faster ABI for making system calls22:05
zapbrontide: very strange22:05
kulveI have "vm.vdso_enabled = 2"22:05
zapbrontide: rpm -q kernel ?22:05
zapI'm on x86_6422:06
zapperhaps thats the reason22:06
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brontideUmmm... last I checked sbx was incompatible with 64bit22:06
zapperhaps even vdso cannot be disabled on x86_64 on any distribution?22:06
zapthats it then22:06
mgedmincould be22:06
kulvebrontide: sbox is quite self contained and runs on 64bit too22:06
mgedminubuntu 8.04, no vdso in /proc/sys/vm on 64-bit22:07
zapkulve: the 32-bit syscalls are a bit different on x86_6422:07
brontidethe documentation says nay, but I haven't pushed it22:07
zapmgedmin: does sbox work for you?22:07
mgedminon 64 bit? never tried22:07
mgedmininstalling scratchbox is JUST TOO MUCH HASSLE to do it on random machines22:07
kulvezap: I know that 32bit sbox works on 64bit debian22:08
mgedminI did it two or three times on my laptop22:08
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zapI even tried to build scratchbox on fedora22:08
zapthat was a horror22:08
mgedminhm, I could run the maemo sdk installer script22:08
mgedminnot on the build server at work, but on my desktop at home22:08
mgedminsee how it fails22:08
kulvemgedmin: I usually install sbox from tar balls to some weird location. Works well and can be easily removed when not needed anymore..22:09
kulvethat can be done with the maemo installer script too22:09
brontideI tried under f8 x86_64 and got most of the way through before it said outright that it doesn't work under 64bit... at least until sbox 2.0+22:09
* zap gives another try to scratchbox-on-fedora22:09
zapnow that I know how it should work... :)22:10
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brontidethen I looked at sbox 2.0 and walked away22:10
teamcobrais there a way to put up a build server that mirrors the functionality of the extras builder @ garage, that way I can test my packages/mud-built sources w/o just diving head first and having those packages pop up in extras-devel? (I don't want to be anyone's headache while I test things this week ;p)22:10
teamcobrahell, I'd even be willing to host such a vm myself w/ a launchpad ppa type interface22:11
zapteamcobra: isn't it enough to build a .deb on your system first?22:11
brontidewe really need a self contained qemu ARMTEL environment that mimics the unit22:11
zapwhich can be flashed with the ROM image :)22:11
brontidewhich doesn't require a lobotomy just to be installed22:11
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mgedminthat would be great for testing22:12
mgedminnot so great for building22:12
teamcobrazap: heh, I've done that..... just enamored w/ mud-build now that I've seen it ;p22:12
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RST38hbrontide: as hrw said, we need to get rid of sb22:13
* RST38h isn't even sure why Nokia decided to implement something as convoluted as sb22:13
brontideprobaby becasuse it WORKSFORME22:14
teamcobrato be fair, sb's learning curve is low because it's just like a chroot environment22:14
RST38hit IS chroot environment22:14
qwerty12brontide, get off the bugzilla before it takes you too!22:15
teamcobrarst: and that fact alone saved my hide last night when I couldn't upload the deb from my vm to my website22:15
RST38hbrontide: yes, but they had to make a lot of non obvious and difficult steps before it started working for them22:15
teamcobrahad to copy it out of the chroot to the vm's filesystem, then sftp from vm to host to get it out ;p22:15
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RST38hteamcobra: you do understand that if you did not have sb, you would never even have to think about it?22:16
brontideI  would much rather just have a .img of an ontablet environment that runs in a vm22:16
RST38hYou would not even need a vm22:16
teamcobraRST38h, without a vm and without a chroot, what do you propose?22:17
RST38hteamcobra: a standard cross compiling gcc environment that you can run either in Windows or in Linux22:18
RST38hyou compile a binary and scp it to the device22:18
teamcobrathat's what I thought ;)22:18
RST38hor you use packaging tools provided with the environment to make a package22:18
teamcobrawell...... that _is_ the endgame best idea22:18
RST38hIt is also the simplest idea to implement22:18
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brontideactually it's not22:18
RST38hSo I am wondering just WHAT exactly moved Nokia guys toward doing it the way it is done22:19
mgedminisn't that documented on
brontidesince you have to develop and maintain documentation, headers, and libs for every dev platform and you still need a VM for testing22:19
teamcobrawell... what about apps dealing w/ different versions of libs (think maemo libs)22:19
mgedminI remember reading something about it, and the reasons seemed plausible22:20
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RST38hbrontide: Why do you need a VM for testing again?22:20
RST38hmgedmin: if you can find a url, please do22:20
brontidea cross-compiler only works to make the binary, you still need to test22:20
mgedminRST38h: is a url, will it do?22:20
RST38hbrontide: and how are you supposed to test on a vm?22:20
lardmanhub: cool, glad you got it sorted out :)22:21
RST38hmgedmin: not really, as I am tired and lazy22:21
hublardman: yeah, it is just annoying.22:21
lardmanhub: you should ping a Nokian about it if you're sure it's corrupt22:21
mgedminRST38h: try
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brontideHow do you propose testing in a cross-compiling environment?  last I checked windows doesn't contain libosso22:22
RST38hmgedmin: thanks22:22
* mgedmin is too lazy to read that page himself22:22
hublardman: it was not corrupt.22:22
zapscratchbox does not use on my x86_64 kernel, barfs about VDSO22:22
RST38hbrontide: you test on a real device, and this is true even if you have a vm22:22
hublardman: it is the flasher that suck monkey balls22:22
lardmanhub: oh, fair enough; do you know why?22:22
brontideSure, if we all have money to burn on devices22:22
hublardman: FIASCO22:22
RST38hbrontide: because testing it on vm is unreliable and does not reflect how it will work on a real device22:22
zapand since there's no way to disable VDSO on x86_64, I take this as a verdict22:23
hublardman: somebody else here said they changed the layout22:23
mgedminRST38h: do you propose flashing a clean OS image before each test?22:23
RST38hbrontide: you have exactly one platform (OS2008), unless you are doing real exotic stuff with outdated versions22:23
lardmanhub: yeah, but that shouldn't be an issue22:23
hublardman: apparently the last chinook knows about it22:23
lardmanhub:  qwerty12 I guess22:23
mgedminotherwise how can you be sure your package will work for someone who doesn't have those 3rd party repos & packages set up on your everyday device?22:23
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hubyeah I think22:23
RST38hmgedmin: I propose targeting the latest version for testing and letting beta testers test the rest, if they really need it22:23
qwerty12lardman, moi? I would never say such a thing.22:23
lardmanqwerty12: :D22:23
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mgedminRST38h: that was not my question22:23
hubqwerty12: it did work just be reflashing diablo after chinook22:24
qwerty12I said they changed partition layout. I guess chinook NOLO can read those changes.22:24
RST38hmgedmin: the answer to your last question is that if your program requires and external package, it will not work without that package, either on vm or on real device22:24
hubqwerty12: yeah well, that did the trick22:24
RST38hmgedmin: so, your question is kinda void22:24
mgedminno it isn't22:24
mgedminreal-world problem22:25
mgedminyou build a deb that works for you, but nobody else22:25
RST38hmgedmin: so?22:25
lardmanqwerty12, hub: still it's a bit strange22:25
mgedminbecause that deb depends on other debs that you have from a random 3rd party repo22:25
mgedminand you didn't notice22:25
hublardman: no source code, none can tell22:25
brontideTesting on real hardware is critical, but that also limits development to hackers with hardware.  A VM based system would allow 90%+ of the coverage of a real device and allow clean installs and reversion.  If my n810 is in the shop/home/with my wife playing mahjong I should still be able to program22:25
lardmanhub: tell me about it ;)22:25
hublardman: i just did ;-)22:25
RST38hmgedmin: well, do not be careless about dependencies22:26
mgedminif you're very careful, you don't need testing22:26
RST38hmgedmin: and use beta testers22:26
qwerty12lardman, yeah :/. I still think flashing the xloader, nolo,initfs etc and the config partition from the diablo image and rebooted would have worked :P :)22:26
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RST38hIf you *really* want a VM, nothing prevents Nokia from throwing in a standalone QEMU based VM with the SDK22:26
lardmanqwerty12: I thought that's what he did?22:26
RST38hYou do not need sb for that22:27
lardmanqwerty12: anyway, not to worry, not bricked :)22:27
qwerty12lardman, he did it from chinook, but I guess what you say is true :)22:27
qwerty12Yeah :)22:27
RST38hBut, again, I do not find testing on the VM neither reliable nor necessary22:27
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brontideBut if Nokia's going to support a qemu vm environment, why waste time on sbox22:27
Stskeepsqwerty12: the thought of flashing nolo gives me the creeps22:27
RST38h <-- does not really explain why they would create such a monstrosity22:28
hubqwerty12: I had already installed chinook in the mean time22:28
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qwerty12Stskeeps, Hehe, but it has to be done, muhahaha22:28
Stskeepsqwerty12: you have Brick insurance? :P22:28
hubqwerty12: I just jumped too many release, probably because the website stalled at 20MB previously22:28
hubanyway thanks for the help22:28
RST38hbrontide: so far, nobody form Nokia is talking about a standalone vm env22:29
qwerty12hub, Yeah, I think I downgraded to the first fiasco image, upgraded to chinook, then to diablo when I messed up my wifi playing with a tool I shouldn't have been playing with...22:29
RST38hbrontide: the best you can hope for is the completion of sb222:29
qwerty12Stskeeps, Will getting a serial cable that fits the N800 be the same? :P22:29
RST38hbrontide: which, thankfully, does not lock you in chrooted environment22:29
StskeepsRST38h: atleast the debian armel port has qemu VMs running debian armel that compiles debian armel..22:29
Stskeepsqwerty12: depends on how much you can screw up :P22:29
* qwerty12 already has a service cable for my phone that I once used when I bricked it...22:29
lardmanStskeeps: it's actually reasonably safe, if you look at the messages which come out, it checks to make sure it's got a good version before flashing it22:30
RST38hSts: This sounds like something done by a personal who has no real life.22:30
lardmanStskeeps: I think it would be pretty hard to make a real brick22:30
StskeepsRST38h: yes, but it's better than compiling debian packages on a slow armel board.. :P22:30
RST38hSts: I still do not understand why you can't CROSSCOMPILE armel packages22:30
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brontidebecause it's no less uninviting to developers than sb22:31
qwerty12lardman, nah, insert fanoush's module, use mtd-utils to write /dev/null to /dev/mtd0 :P22:31
chelliStskeeps: debian soes not allow compiling official packages in emulated environments, there was a very long flame-war because of such a setup last year ;-)22:31
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lardmanqwerty12: there's always one! ;p22:31
Stskeepschelli: i'm sometimes considering that debian is -actually- hell, with all the flame wars..22:31
jottRST38h: you can crosscompile them. but there are quite a few applications that compile an intermediate tool that process further files etc.22:31
qwerty12I cooked that up in 2 seconds, ooh, aren't I evil22:31
RST38hjott: And that tool only runs on armel?22:32
jottRST38h: and when you run this on an x86 host this would fail.22:32
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RST38hjott: I mean, it is a command line tool with stdin and stdout and it runs on armel only?22:32
Stskeepsmy problem with scratchbox has been that often qemu-vm died horridly when there's an intermediate tool22:32
RST38hjott: then I suggest to throw this tool away as a piece of garbage it is22:32
Stskeepstry porting python22:32
jottRST38h: yes if you have "niftyhelper.c"  that is needed to process "bigpile.tmpl"22:32
chelliStskeeps: afaik debian uses a few Thecus N2100 as buildd machines for armel22:32
RST38hjott: and that niftyhelper can't run on x86? how so?22:33
Stskeepsi often just ended up doing sbrsh to my n800 and be happy, and go for a long coffee22:33
jottRST38h: many bindings for interpreted languages suffer from this22:33
StskeepsRST38h: because you just cross compiled it for armel..22:33
RST38hjott: well, fuck 'em22:33
jottRST38h: if you put work into it it will work..22:33
RST38hSts: I can create a separate target for intermediate tools, no big deal there22:34
Stskeepssomeone should create a qemu armel VM that runs a subset of maemo22:34
jottand nobody actually stops you from simply using the gcc from sbox in your host to crosscompile without sbox22:34
chelliStskeeps: see for a list of official machines and i really share your opinion regarding flamewars ;-)22:34
RST38hSts: In fact, a decent makefile will have this already22:34
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Stskeepschelli: i've had debian-legal after me, both in email and irc. that was fun enough. (insert sarcasm)22:34
Stskeepsand i even didn't want them to package my product22:35
jottRST38h: if the world only would be that easy in the land of oss confusion :)22:35
Stskeepsdidn't someone make Maemo run on a qemu VM, as in, standalone OS?22:35
Stskeepsi remember some screenshot22:35
chelliStskeeps: what is you product? ;-)22:35
Stskeepschelli: google debian-legal unrealircd22:35
Stskeeps(i think)22:35
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Stskeepsmany years ago22:36
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qwerty12Stskeeps, If you didn't want them to package your ircd, should have shown them your middle finger22:37
Stskeepsqwerty12: /whois stskeeps22:37
Stskeepsit's been like that since that period.22:37
Stskeeps(insert irony that i like making debian work on tablets when i dont always share their values.. :P)22:37
chellii guess, i really know why i do not read debian-legal ;-)22:37
RST38hjott: I do not think OSS has anything to do with this22:39
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Stskeepsis gcc armel under -ARMEL target?22:40
RST38hjott: But a few people with a lot of paid time on their hands and unhealthy obsession with doing stuff for the sake of doing stuff...22:40
Stskeepsas in, armel instrution set22:40
RST38hSts: Don't think so22:40
RST38hWouldn't compile so fast22:40
jottRST38h: well, i meant the fact that in a usual oss environment alot of different libraries and tools are involved which tend to use different build systems etc.22:40
jott(which then increases the likelihood that things break with a plain crosscompile)22:41
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jottthat's why there is scratchbox, openembedded, t2 and others.22:42
RST38hjott: then you either throw away things that break or recompile them on a native system (see above)22:42
RST38hjott: + file a bug with the maintainers22:43
jottRST38h: sure there are solutions...22:43
Stskeeps-/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/3.4.4/cc1: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.17, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped22:43
RST38hSts: Oh my god...22:43
jottRST38h: but it's ususally not *that* easy.22:43
jott(as in time and effort)22:43
RST38hjott: even Symbian has a normal SDK with a normal cross compiler22:44
RST38hjott: even Windows CE does!22:44
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RST38hjott: why the hell are we supposed to go through this crap? =)22:44
jottRST38h: yes, see above. they have other constraints than a usual oss environment.22:44
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RST38hjott: Well, I have just been looking on a MIPS-based SoC that runs Linux as an option22:45
RST38hjott: It has a standard cross compiling SDK22:45
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RST38hhow is it different?22:45
jottRST38h: how did they build the base system?22:46
jottRST38h: if you restrict to a subset of tools and things, you can provide an sdk.22:46
StskeepsRST38h: the issue mentioned about make process with some friendly helper just means that the Makefile is not cross compiling compatible..22:46
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Stskeepswhich is where stuff like sb is needed :/22:46
jottlike a plain gtk sdk.22:46
robinkWoah, weird; this chat session should be dead.22:46
Stskeepsor an actual machine with the target arch22:47
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robinkI had to change my V6 address.22:47
RST38hjott: Well, you probably can't build the kernel with their SDK but you can build apps just fine22:47
Stskeepsrobink: zombie chat sessions!22:47
robinkStskeeps: Indeed.22:47
RST38hjott: And 99% developers are not compiling kernels22:47
jottRST38h: sure, as i said. if you restrict to a defined subset you can provide a simple sdk.22:48
jottit's just that there are quite a few apps where the buildsystem is not ready for crosscompilation.22:49
jottif you start your own projects with just the sdk dependencies everything is fine.22:49
robinkBRB, reconnecting.22:50
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RST38hjott: As I said: depending on how badly you need them, either throw them out or compile natively22:51
jottRST38h: but you are right, nokia could provide an sdk for direct gui development.22:51
* RST38h does not need direct gui development22:51
jottRST38h: yes. and to automate this scratchbox/openembedded/t2 where developed ;)22:51
RST38h[just need an sdk that exists in the same environment as I do]22:52
jott(i.e. compile "natively" or via qemu if necessary and do the rest with the host gcc)22:52
RST38hBut I do not want to compile *my stuff* natively22:52
RST38hIf python guys can't get their makefile act together, they are welcome to suffer22:52
RST38hBut why make me suffer? My stuff cross compiles perfectly fine22:53
StskeepsRST38h: you may technically be able to take a debian armel running in a qemu armel vm, copy over your maemo rootfs, chroot into it, apt-get in gcc and stuff needed, and instant good devel environment :P22:53
Stskeepswithout all the crap22:54
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Stskeepsyou obviously canÃ't runui apps so easily but.. X forwarding? :P22:54
hrwStskeeps: you like to combine...22:54
Stskeepshrw: i like wacky solutions22:55
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hrwqemu can boot maemo on n800/n810 emu22:55
RST38hSts: Once again: I do not want to take debian armel running in qemu armel vm22:55
Stskeepswell there you go :P22:55
StskeepsRST38h: alright22:55
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RST38hSts: I just want to boot my Windows XP, start up FAR, write a makefile and type "make"22:55
jottRST38h: why not use host gcc and crosscompile? ;)22:55
RST38hjott: 'Cause there is no crosscompiling sdk right now22:56
RST38hthe only two sdks are sb1 (insulated from your home env) and sb2 (better, but still not entirely your host env)22:57
jottRST38h: start scratchbox, install all -dev packages you need, copy the target dir and dump scratchbox ;)22:57
jottor use openembedded ;)22:57
RST38hjott: Stskeeps> -/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/3.4.4/cc1: ELF 32-bit LSB22:57
RST38h+executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.17, dynamically linked22:57
RST38h+(uses shared libs), stripped22:57
RST38h<Stskeeps> -/usr/lib/gcc/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/3.4.4/cc1: ELF 32-bit LSB22:57
RST38h+executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.4.17, dynamically linked22:57
RST38h+(uses shared libs), stripped22:57
brontideand hope you don't need updates22:57
RST38hjott: See above22:57
Stskeeps(that's from -ARMEL though)22:58
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Stskeeps-X86 may have cross compilation for armel thoug22:58
RST38hNot really22:58
* RST38h tried once, no bagel22:58
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jottfile /scratchbox/compilers/cs2005q3.2-glibc2.5-arm/bin/arm-linux-gcc23:00
jott/scratchbox/compilers/cs2005q3.2-glibc2.5-arm/bin/arm-linux-gcc: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped23:00
jottor what do you mean?23:00
Stskeepsah, thought that might be hiding somewhere23:01
hrwhave a nice rest of day guys23:01
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Stskeepsyou can get the same from codesourcery's site, can't you?23:02
jottif they still link it ;)23:02
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Stskeepsthere's a "g++" lite 2008q1-126 for arm, ia32 gnu/linux tar.. think s23:03
jott2008 is gcc 4 ...23:04
jottRST38h: you should really be able to dump scratchbox without very big effort and just use the toolchain from it :)23:05
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corq-ubuis there a maemo hackers edition for Diablo, perhaps unofficial?23:07
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jotti bet you could even fetch the cs2005 for windows and crosscompile under windows with the nokia rootstrap and maybe a few extrafiles23:09
zanshinIf I run Xomap as a regular user I get this error message executing it with strace: geteuid32()                             = 100023:12
zanshinwrite(2, "\nFatal server error:\n"..., 2123:12
zanshinFatal server error:23:12
zanshin) = 2123:12
zanshinwrite(2, "LinuxInit: Server must be suid ro"..., 36LinuxInit: Server must be suid root23:12
zanshin) = 3623:12
zanshin-r-sr-xr-x 1 root root 1358656 Jul 31  2008 /usr/bin/Xomap23:12
zanshinit's suid root isn't it?23:13
Stskeeps'lo zanshin23:13
* zanshin wonders23:13
zanshinhey Stskeeps how was your trip  in the mountains?23:13
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Stskeepszanshin: interesting, but could have been better..23:14
atka_hello ^^23:14
Stskeepszanshin: i think that means that owner can do the setuid.. not entirely sure23:14
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Stskeepszanshin: try chmod a+s?23:14
Stskeepszanshin: are you struggling with Xomap from 2008HE?23:14
Stskeepsor ours?23:14
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zanshinXomap from 2008HE. I contacted the maintainer of Xomap about the error I send you and he said it's kernel related. Either we need a new kernel or use the old Xomap23:17
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zanshinI talked to johnx about it and he said it isn't worth the trouble of a new kernel23:17
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zanshinas the new Xomap hasn't advantages for the 77023:18
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zanshinchmod a+s doesn't work either. Running it as root works though23:18
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summatusmentisso, logo contest was decided, when can we buy the t-shirts?23:19
hrw|goneall: if you have n800 or n810 and you disabled lifeguard-reset (via flasher) then please send me /dev/mtd1 from your tablet - email: maemo@haerwu.biz23:21
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hrw|gonezanshin: 2.6.18 from os2007 works on 770 with xomap from os2007. thats what we use in poky23:22
jotthrw|gone: working on full n8x0 qemu again? :)23:22
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GNUtonX-Fade: ping23:26
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X-FadeGNUton: pong ;)23:27
jotthaha :)23:28
jottnice error ;)23:28
jottcp: writing `debian/libqt4-webkit-dbg//usr/lib/': No space left on device23:28
RST38hno shit...23:28
GNUtonX-Fade: :/23:28
GNUtonjott: :(23:28
lcukjott, im used to seeing those errors ;)23:29
X-FadeGNUton: EEK!23:29
X-FadeGNUton: At least we have a lot of progress with the package.23:29
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X-FadeGNUton: But this needs to be fixed.23:29
GNUtonX-Fade: I´m very unlucky!! :(23:29
X-FadeGNUton: I'll ask Ed to look into it.23:29
GNUtonX-Fade: ok thank you!23:30
jottX-Fade: run docpurge ;)23:30
X-FadeGNUton: Btw, it would be a good idea to not include the documentation files.23:31
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jottX-Fade: might be useful for scratchbox.23:32
jott(they are in a separate package anyway)23:32
jottbut you are probably right23:32
X-Fadejott: Ah ;)23:32
X-Fadejott: Well, separate package is no problem.23:32
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jottbut why the heck the buildserver has less than 5-6gb hdd space free? ;p23:34
X-Fadejott: I have no idea..23:34
derfIt's probably some blade in a rack somewhere with a 20 GB hdd.23:34
X-Fadejott: Perhaps old builds are kept for debugging.23:34
mikkov_I think that one of the builders is like <1 GHz ;)23:35
X-Fademikkov_: I think they are all on the same physical hardware.23:35
jottwe will narrow down the "nokia runs everything on 770 as servers"-theory :)23:35
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X-Fadejott: Well, I have 4 shiny new servers for :)23:36
X-FadeAnd no, not a cluster of N810's ;)23:36
jottn810 instead of zhe 770 ?23:36
jottah ;)23:36
jottok ;)23:36
jottany eta for them?23:37
macoutejott: no, theyre using n800 as its more inexpensive ;)23:37
X-FadeCurrent setup was a test, now we need to scale up.23:37
mikkov_X-Fade: care to tell server specs?23:38
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X-Fademikkov_: for
mikkov_X-Fade: for those new servers23:39
jottthe 4 shiny new servers you mentioned i guess :)23:39
X-Fade3 dual core xeons and a quadcore xeon.23:39
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chelliGNUton: it really seems that you want to try out all possible failure reasons of the autobuilder ;-)23:42
GNUtonjott, X-Fade the Qt documentation takes "only" 319Mb.23:42
GNUtonchelli: I tryed them!!23:42
X-FadeGNUton: Blah ;) Good thing I have you .orig.tar.gz file as hot backup ;)23:43
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* GNUton think that X-Fade will kill me on the maemo summit...23:44
X-FadeGNUton: Nah...23:44
GNUtonX-Fade: :)23:44
GNUtonX-Fade: ok I hope... but I´m very sad to give you all this problem..23:45
X-FadeGNUton: I'll try to contact the right people to get more and better builders.23:45
X-FadeGNUton: Don't worry.23:45
X-FadeGNUton: I have put the big file in place again. So when I get the ok from Ed, I'll restart the build.23:46
GNUtonX-Fade: k, I trust in you.23:46
X-FadeGNUton: lol.23:46
chelliX-Fade: any ideas for #3466, it seems that GNUton had a lot of problems with it, as far as i look into the mailinglist of the autobuilder. i hope this can be fixed until i will try out the next upload of gnumeric ;-)23:47
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jottmeanwhile we can start with the qt 4.4.1 package ;)23:47
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X-FadeGNUton: How long does your scp tell you it takes to upload that 106 MB file?23:48
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GNUtonX-Fade: It takes more than 1 hour.. probably 1 hour and 30 minutes..23:49
lcukgnuton, just pretend to throw a glass of beer @ X-Fade..23:49
X-Fadelcuk: Kees already did that last time ;)23:49
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lcuk:D see you will be watching out for it23:50
X-Fadelcuk: Soaked my N95 btw.23:50
GNUtonlcuk: yeah! :)23:50
lcuk:O you never said lol23:50
X-Fadechelli: Ed can't seem to reproduce it. He was testing it out yesterday.23:51
X-FadeGNUton: I think your upload stalls.23:51
X-FadeGNUton: So it just hangs there.23:51
X-FadeGNUton: I have seen your upload of the big file stay the same size for an hour.23:51
mikkov_GNUton: do you upload tar.gz as last?23:52
mikkov_GNUton: i mean first :)23:52
GNUtonX-Fade: are u sure?23:53
GNUtonX-Fade: I have a 2Mb cable internet connection..23:53
X-FadeGNUton: I have seen it sit at 60MB for an hour yesterday or the day before.23:53
X-FadeGNUton: Have you seen ssh disconnects?23:54
GNUtonno never.23:54
GNUtonit stall some time but only for few seconds..23:54
X-FadeI really need to make that build from garage plugin ;)23:56
BlafaselStupid question: The autobuilder stuff just uses scp, right?23:56
X-FadeBlafasel: dput uses scp, yes.23:56
mikkov_you can use scp directly23:57
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BlafaselOkay. Following the stupid question a stupid idea: Did you think about something like this? Trying to keep the session alive artificially?
Blafaseli.e. giving a shell that just outputs a "." every N seconds, reused? Not even sure if that is feasible though.23:58
BlafaselThat would involve upload (build stuff) and downstream traffic (...... from the shell).23:59
BlafaselBut as I said: It might be a brainded idea.23:59
Blafaseldead, even23:59

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