IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2008-05-30

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practisevoodooanyone got any ideas why iwlist doesnt work all the time00:08
practisevoodoothis is in os2008 on an n81000:09
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AStormpractisevoodoo: well, cx3110x doesn't support wireless extensions all that well00:14
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practisevoodoowhat bugs me is that it works some of the time00:15
AStormwhich part of "doesn't support" confuses you? :-)00:16
AStormit may work00:16
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GAN8001We really need a timeline of ITOS releases00:56
GAN8001Getting dates on these things seem impossible at the moment.00:56
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JaffaEditing the wiki in microb is painfully slow in the textarea00:58
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SaviqHmm can anyone help with the 'shared folders' missing from my file manager?00:59
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GAN8001lol, sleeeep, Jaffa. :P00:59
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JaffaGAN8001: I had an idea for the 100 days plan and wanted to document it01:00
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JaffaGAN800: how did you get your username & timestamp on 100_Days without it being a talk page? Is there a handy macro or something?01:05
JaffaAh, found it :-)01:05
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infobotARGH!!! STOP IT gan8001!!!01:08
GAN8001I still needs dates01:09
GAN8001and I'm missing a bunch of OS2005 releases.01:10
GAN8001and the version number on the OS2006 beta release01:10
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JaffaRight. I must sleep instead of fiddling with the wiki articles01:18
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GAN8001night again01:19
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JaffaI'm quite pleased with them, ATM01:19
GAN8001I'm going to italicize the comments on the main page01:19
GAN8001To offset them from the suggestions.01:20
JaffaGood call01:20
Jaffaright, sleep. Hopefully the hotel tomorrow'll have wireless, or it'll be minimal 3G-based spodding for me01:20
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summatusmentis|penguinbait|: thanks for all the earlier02:10
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guentherah, Maemo Mapper on homepage :)02:13
guentherThat's a really cool app.02:13
guentherGranted, it would be much cooler, if I finally get my 810.02:13
guentherThe 800 lacks the GPS -- which limits my fun to browsing.02:14
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GAN8001i-blue 737!02:14
wazdHello there all :)02:14
GAN8001The N810's GPS sucks, anyway.02:14
wazdI need serious help here02:14
wazdMy N800 just throw internal SD to the black hole :(02:14
guentherMaybe I should look into additional hardware.02:14
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wazdIt became totally invisible neiter windows explorer nor Maemo filemanager02:15
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Mouseyformat time!02:15
GAN8001Seriously, i-blue02:15
GAN8001They're beautiful pieces of technology.02:15
wazdCan't format it, it's invisible! :)02:16
texelGAN8001: Holux M-1000 is nice, too. =o)02:16
GAN8001Anybody using Garnet?
GAN8001Holux and i-blue both use MTK02:16
GAN8001I kinda prefer the i-blue's build and formfactor, though02:17
summatusmentisthere's nothing that can be one about the n810's gps is there?02:17
GAN8001It'll be much better in Diablo, summatusmentis.02:17
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summatusmentisGAN8001: that's awesome!02:19
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GAN8001I believe it should work offline, too.02:19
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summatusmentiseven better, since that's mostly when I'd be using it02:20
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wazdnobody help?(02:21
summatusmentiswazd: rebot? what're you doing?02:23
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wazdAlready rebooted02:24
wazdI can't do anything, asking for advice :)02:24
wazdIt's totally invisible02:24
summatusmentiswhat caused it? did it just happen?02:25
n800mis the card locked?02:26
wazdit's unlocked and it's just happened02:26
GAN8001Does dmesg say anything when it's plugged in?02:27
GAN8001There's always the chance that it could just be a bad card.02:27
summatusmentissounds like it's internal?02:27
summatusmentisI suppose it's a bad solder conneciton02:27
wazd8GB SDHC02:27
wazdno, I've swithced them02:28
wazdinternal slot is alright02:28
summatusmentiswait, what?02:28
n800mdoes the card show up in the other slot?02:28
GAN8001take out the card02:28
GAN8001open up xterm02:28
GAN8001plug in the card02:28
GAN8001wait a second or two02:28
GAN8001type dmesg02:29
wazdno, card is invisible in both slots02:29
GAN8001Tell us what it says.02:29
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wazdhell tons of text :)02:30
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Jsn0327is diablo out yet?02:30
GAN8001No, Jsn0327.02:30
GAN8001Month or two.02:30
wazdwhat should I see?)02:31
wazdNow I see too much text02:31
|penguinbait|anyone running 2008OS not 51-3 that can test a command for me?02:31
GAN8001Diablo, |penguinbait|?02:31
wazdhello Penguin :)02:31
GAN8001wazd, if you see the card, it'll say something about voltages02:32
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GAN8001GVM looks a lot better.02:33
|penguinbait|looking for lower not higher :)02:34
n800mi think mine's older02:34
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n800mhow do i check02:34
|penguinbait|control panel02:34
n800m51-3 :/02:35
wazdoh hell02:35
wazdCan't see internal slot either02:35
wazdwhat the F is going on here(02:36
|penguinbait|my new cloning script uses lshal, but I think prior to 51-3 it gives different info back02:36
wazdah no02:37
wazdit's ok02:37
wazdcard is still invisible :(02:37
disqis the wimax tablet's name n810w or n830?02:38
GAN8001N810 WiMAX Edition, disq02:38
GAN8001Abbreviated N810W or N810WE02:38
disqi added a comment to the bugzilla gps entry btw02:38
wazdIs there any SW way to restore that cards?02:40
GAN8001Yeah, saw it, thanks, disq!02:40
GAN8001wazd, if the card is shot, call the manufacturer and get it RMAed.02:40
texelwazd: have you tried seeing if the card works in a card reader on a different computer?02:42
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guentherdisq: What bug exactly, btw?02:42
wazdtexel, I actually haven't got another cardreader :(02:43
texelwazd: how about another device that takes SDs?02:43
disqguenther: it was for GAN800102:44
wazdWhy n800 is innapropriate?02:45
guentherdisq: I know. I'd be interested in the bug number anyway. :)02:45
* Cymor is back (gone 06:50:31)02:45
texelwazd: Not inappropriate -- just want to make sure the SD is okay.02:45
texelOne way to do so is to try it out in either another computer or another device that can handle SDs and see if they recognize it.02:45
guentherMay I introduce myself to you: Karsten Bräckelmann, one of the new bugmasters. :)02:45
wazdWell, I think it's not cause qall n800 slots works fine02:45
disqguenther: i don't remember :) oh hi. it was about a comment about agps-ui and how it fixes stuff02:46
wazdOh hell! Very nice to meet you Karsten :)02:46
texelguenther: good to meet you. =o)02:46
disqguenther: #287802:46
guentherdisq: Thanks. I was just about to string search. :)02:47
guenthertexel, wazd: hi02:47
disqbrowser url history ftw02:47
guentherah, right, that one02:48
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GAN8001guenther, the 70-vote GPS one02:49
GAN8001high 2000s. :P02:49
texelMm. That's an interesting bug, to say the least.02:49
GAN8001Ah, he sent it.02:49
guentherdisq: Thanks for leaving comments like these. Much appreciated and needed.02:49
AStormanyway, we don't have AGPS in Europe... or am I wrong?02:50
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guentherGAN8001: Thanks for poking disq to comment on the bug in the first place. ;-)02:50
texelAStorm: that would be dependent upon your cell-provider.02:50
GAN8001guenther, don't you have a recently-updated bug search. :P02:50
AnunakinHi to all!02:50
AStormtexel: hmmhmm02:50
guentherNot yet. :)02:51
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AStormthey do provide some simple text location tag02:51
disqi was just bragging about how it "rocks" in the channel and GAN8001 suggested that i leave a comment.02:51
GAN8001I just figured out how to make one that includes bugs with new comments, so I have a "all bugs updated in last 2 days" search02:51
AStormbut I don't know if GPS data too02:51
GAN8001Very useful02:51
guentherYeah, I read that initial conversation.02:51
* guenther lurks often02:51
* GAN8001 hides his marines.02:52
texelGAN8001: hm... what exactly do you use for a "relative date" in the Bug Changes field?02:53
guentherGAN8001: You mean "changed between -2d and Now"?02:53
texelIt's not exactly... obvious.02:53
AStormGAN8001: he's got such a nice smile :-)02:53
guenthereasy one, and *really* useful02:54
GAN8001Only bugs changed between 2d and now02:54
GAN8001If you want to include new comments, just don't select anything in "one or more of the following changed"02:54
GAN8001I have 2d, guenther.02:54
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guentherWell, that's I always used it.02:54
GAN8001Works fine.02:54
* GAN8001 shrugs02:54
guentherNever tried a positive int for the first field.02:54
GAN8001Doesn't make sense now that I think about it02:54
GAN8001but still02:55
guentherDidn't know that. It really works. Go figure.02:55
GAN8001texel, there's a "Give me some help" link at the top.02:55
GAN8001It'll enable popups for all the fields02:55
GAN8001just for, you know, future reference. ;)02:55
texelThanks. =o)02:55
GAN8001Oh, guenther, nuke that period here: Give me some help (reloads page.)02:55
* texel doesn't exactly /like/ bugzilla, but lives with it. =op02:56
guenthertexel: Use -2d, -2w, -2m and stuff02:56
guentherdays, weeks, months, use any number02:56
GAN8001AStorm, he wants to eat your liver. :P02:56
guentherGAN8001: What do you mean?02:57
* guenther wonders what "nuke that period" means02:57
GAN8001On the Advanced Search page02:57
AStormGAN8001: bad for his health ;P02:57
GAN8001Oh, kill it with fire. :P02:57
GAN8001Make it go away02:57
GAN8001Nuke it from orbit02:57
wazddang that's a real bad ending of good day(02:57
* guenther scatches his head02:58
guentherWhat would you need help with?02:58
GAN8001At least it's not a horrible ending to a bad day, wazd.02:58
wazdI got my SDHC crashed02:58
AStormwazd: buy SanDisk next time? ;P02:59
wazdit's got invisible :(02:59
texelwazd: does dmesg show the SDHC as even being seen by the kernel?02:59
GAN8001The link does funky js stuff to enable popup (css/js) tooltips for all the search fields.02:59
AStormwazd: reinsert?02:59
AStormah, yes, check dmesg after reinserting02:59
AStormto se if the kernel noticed it02:59
wazdAStorm, oh hell, why I didn't thought of that before! :P02:59
GAN8001But the stupid period in the parenthesis is ugly and should be deleted. ;)03:00
guentherJust go back there. :)03:00
wazdWhat rows should I look for?03:00
wazdthere are tons of them(03:00
guentherperiod in paranthesis?03:00
GAN8001wazd, ssh in and pastebin it.03:00
GAN8001Give me some help (reloads page.)03:01
GAN8001The one there.03:01
AStormwazd: something about menelaus setting MMC voltage03:01
wazdyep, there is03:01
* guenther slaps forehead03:01
AStormwith high number on left (that is, very recent)03:01
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wazd2800 mV03:02
AStormyeah, that03:02
AStormso the kernel sees it03:02
texelwazd: there should be a line in there that says something to the effect of "waiting for devices to settle before scanning" as well.03:02
summatusmentisw00t KDE!03:02
AStormtexel: nope03:02
summatusmentisthis thing amazes me03:02
AStormthat's only on startup03:02
texelAStorm: Uhh... okay.03:03
AStormwazd: now check if there are /dev/mmcblk1*03:03
texelI get that every time I insert a card... O.o03:03
* texel shrugs03:03
AStorm(afaicr it's the external card slot)03:03
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wazdwait please I'll reinsert without 2nd SD card03:04
wazdfor clear results03:04
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texelAStorm: okay, I'm a bonehead -- mmcblk drivers don't use the SCSI subsystem. =op03:05
texelSo it'll never say that. =op03:05
AStormyeah, they don't03:05
wazdokay, I have different values03:07
wazd3300, 280003:07
wazd3100, 300003:07
AStormon the same card, or diff ones?03:08
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wazdmenlaus 1-0072: Setting voltage 'VDCDC3' to 2800 mV03:08
wazdI think VDC... is the name?)03:09
wazdthen on different03:09
AStormyes, it is the name of the wire of mmc controller03:09
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|penguinbait|can anyone running firmware prior to 51-3 on 800 or 810 test a command for me?03:12
GAN8001I can if time is cyclical. :D03:14
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guentherDoes that explain deja vues?03:14
texelguenther: Somehow, I don't think so... =op03:15
GAN8001guenther, is there any way to set timezone in bugzilla?03:17
GAN8001I'd like not to have to think about the times when using it. . . .03:18
guentherIIRC yes, let me check03:18
GAN8001Who are the idiots that keep adding software requests to the 2010 agenda? <_<03:18
guentherah, no -- sorry03:20
guentherI had itT in mind, where I recently set it.03:20
GAN8001Should I open a enhancement request? :P03:21
guentherGAN8001: Where are you?03:21
guentherNo. :-)03:21
guenthererr... -0500 r something?03:21
GAN8001-0400 right now03:21
GAN8001Daylight savings time03:21
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guentherWonder if this feature ever has been implemented upstream.03:23
guentherCan't recall seeing it in at least 6 different bugzilla servers...03:23
GAN8001I was googling it a few days ago03:23
GAN8001My guess is "no"03:24
GAN8001Which seems odd.03:24
* guenther nods03:24
guentherIn that case, would be closed RESOLVED NOTMAEMO. ;)03:24
guentherAlas, that GNOME-ism doesn't exist.03:25
GAN8001I still want it anyway. :P03:25
guentherDid you check, if this ever has been filed upstream as feature request?03:25
|penguinbait|lshal -l --show /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_mmci_omap_1_mmc_host_0_mmc_card_rca4660_storage03:26
GAN8001Not specifically.03:26
GAN8001I read something somehwere03:26
GAN8001Don't recall what where03:26
|penguinbait|I use this command to pull storage information03:26
* guenther recalls that place03:26
|penguinbait|would it be different between firmware versions on the same hardware?03:27
guenthersomewhere is nice to stay for a few days, isn't it?03:27
GAN8001Maemo Bugzilla is +0200, right?03:27
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GAN8001Also, b.m.o. == ?03:28
guenther+0300 currently ;)03:28
guentherb.m.o == bugs.maemo.org03:28
guentherAt least in this channel. Mozilla got their own IRC network to claim different usage. ;-)03:29
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guentherGAN8001: You're never come across that acronym before?03:31
guentherSorry, probably a GNOME-ism. :)03:31
GAN8001Probably have, but I've never previously cared what it meant03:31
guentherThe bugsquad and infrastructure teams tend to use these.03:32
GAN8001and it definitely doesn't get used in a maemo context.03:32
GAN8001We usually just call it "bugzilla" here.03:32
guentherAndre and me sure adopted for internal use, and it turned out most folks just understood it.03:32
guentherSo I assumed it's the same here. :)03:32
* GAN8001 is stupid. ;_; ;)03:33
GAN8001I mean, I got that it referred to bugzilla, just not what the acronym was for. ;)03:33
guentheryeah, using the host names only makes sense, in a closed env03:33
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* guenther got a FF "bmo" keyword to jump to bugs numbers03:34
GAN8001I set one up in OmniWeb a few weeks ago03:35
guentherAlmost the first bookmark I saved, with a close second.03:35
guentherHas been invaluable for GNOME, and I already used bmo a lot.03:36
GAN8001Shortcuts are great03:37
GAN8001Got one for everything.03:37
guentherEspecially with %s03:38
GAN8001wiki, imdb, itt, bugzilla03:38
GAN8001wikim for wiki maemo, now, too03:38
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rm_youwait, someone actually uses OmniWeb!?03:48
GAN8001Heck yes!03:49
GAN8001I've been using OW for a long time03:49
GAN8001Fantastic browser. ;)03:50
rm_youi was going around looking for commercial web browsers a while back and i stumbled across OmniWeb, and was having trouble imagining anyone paying for a web browser nowadays ^_^03:50
GAN8001I only paid $503:50
GAN8001So, meh03:50
GAN8001I love the "tab" bar03:50
GAN8001and workspaces03:50
GAN8001and shortcuts03:50
GAN8001resizable text boxes03:50
rm_youdoesn't firefox or opera have those?03:50
GAN8001It's a fun browser03:51
rm_youah, that would be nice03:51
GAN8001Opera is more proprietary nonsense03:51
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rm_youthough i have a firefox plugin that does the resizable textboxezs03:51
GAN8001Firefox is slow as shit and ugly as hell on OS X. ;)03:51
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GAN8001Even with FF3 and their "native" widgets it still looks like shit03:51
rm_youthough 3 is nice, but it the plugins i use don't work with it yet03:51
GAN8001rm_you, moved?03:51
GAN8001Or is your shit still everywhere?03:52
rm_youI'm mostly home now03:52
rm_younot fully set up yet tho03:52
GAN8001Get an Extras account yet? :P03:52
rm_younope >_<03:52
rm_youI pretty much gave up until they roll out the improved interface for extras promotion03:52
GAN8001I netted a few new users yesterday03:53
GAN8001then we complained about you for a little while.03:53
GAN8001It was fun. :P03:53
GAN8001and johnx told me to blame you03:53
GAN8001or blame him03:53
GAN8001I don't remember03:53
rm_youwhy the 8001?03:53
GAN8001so I'm just going to blame you both03:53
GAN8001Quicksilver G4 at my parent's house03:53
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rm_youso you moved back too?03:53
GAN8001I don't feel like getting my proxy up and running again. . . .03:53
GAN8001Just for the week03:54
GAN8001Going back up for summer semester next week.03:54
rm_youI need to get my server set up03:54
rm_youand then i can start developing03:54
Naviblame everyone03:54
GAN8001You would.03:54
* Navi blames GAN800103:54
GAN8001Think I should open a sister bug, rm_you? :D03:55
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GAN8001Navi, finish sorting wikipages so we can get this move started and stop hanging about in limbo. <_<03:56
rm_youi believe i should03:56
rm_youi'll do it...03:57
rm_youand i'll copy/paste their letter, lol03:57
|penguinbait|are the repos messed up again?03:58
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rm_youerr, the stuff they typed03:58
rm_youmake it look like a form letter :P03:58
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GAN8001Seems like it, |penguinbait|. Reopening. . . .04:00
|penguinbait|its so disappointing04:00
GAN8001Maybe spoke too soon04:01
GAN8001tablets-dev responded04:01
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|penguinbait|you must be lucky04:04
|penguinbait|mine is still hosed04:04
GAN8001Repos responded, too04:05
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GAN8001rm_you, supposedly there'll be a wikipage with packages, source status, and (maybe) justification at some point.04:11
rm_youwant to open another for the sound statusbar applet? :P04:11
GAN8001It came up in the last #maemo-meeting04:12
GAN8001and there's a QuestionsforNokia page up with some of it04:12
GAN8001But somebody needs to dump a list, go through the source status of everything and then poke Nokia to start adding the justifications.04:12
rm_youit's depressingly slow going <_<04:13
GAN8001Yeah. . . .04:13
GAN8001A fairly large amount of community frustration can be attributed to Nokia's glacial movement compared to most open source stuff.04:16
GAN8001Vote for the bugs, rm_you.04:16
GAN8001Then we can both poke Navi to.04:17
rm_youhehe k voted04:17
rm_youwhat about johnx too? :P04:18
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GAN8001He's teh sleeps or something04:18
* GAN8001 pokes Navi04:18
GAN8001Vote on the bugs, Navi.04:18
rm_youhe should wake up04:18
GAN8001rm_you, you see the LinuxTag stuff?04:18
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rm_younot yet04:20
rm_youwill look now04:20
GAN8001Well, there you go. ;)04:20
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unixSnobSuppose I want to power a 6 volt 2 inch television from the 1980s using a 5V psu.. will that risk damaging anything?04:27
unixSnobFrom what I understand, a power deficit isn't risky04:27
unixSnobI know the psu can support more than enough current04:28
unixSnobany EE majors?04:28
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ProteousCRT TVs can be pretty touchy04:43
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oilinkidiablo is the wimax version of n810?04:44
rm_youi have a similar question if anyone answers that one :P I need to power a small LCD04:44
rm_youprobably off of batteries04:44
GAN8001No, oilinki04:45
GAN8001The WiMAX version of the N810 is called "N810 WiMAX Edition"04:45
GAN8001Diablo is the next OS2008 release04:45
GAN8001 /maemo 4.104:45
oilinkiGAN8001:  thanks for the info. I was just wondering about the a-gps.04:45
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oilinkiI suppose n810 need to be connected to a  phone to be able to use a-gps?04:47
Proteousnot even then04:47
GAN8001oilinki, or wifi04:47
Proteousunless that phone can somehow give out the extra data that a-gps needs04:47
GAN8001and I think it can be used offline by tapping your location on a map.04:47
rm_youwhat is AGPS?04:48
Proteousasisted GPS04:48
Proteoususing cell tower location to speed up position lockin04:48
oilinkiphone can give the 2g/3g cell information and that info can be compared to the location table04:48
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GAN8001I believe it'll use IP location positioning from Nokia's server's04:49
oilinkibut I guess it would work with wlan as well, if the wlan-ap locations are stored in the terminal04:49
Proteousoilinki: I'm not sure that there is a standard way to get the data from the phone over bluetooth, although you could probably write a java app that would run on the phone to do that04:49
GAN8001I believe the system for the N810 uses the interwebs. ;)04:49
Proteousby data, I mean nearby cell tower data04:49
Proteousthose amazing tubes04:50
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oilinkiProteous: let's see what the technology is behind the diablo agps.04:54
GAN8001It's IP-based.04:55
GAN8001Or click-on-map based.04:55
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hans-castorpgruess dich04:56
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GAN800Oh, rm_you, I added adv-backlight to Downloads.05:05
unixSnobDoes that enable it to be installed using 'apt-get install adv-backlight'?05:08
GAN800Downloads != Extras05:08
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GAN800user__, might want to /nick to something else.05:09
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GAN8001Also, rm_you, did you see this?
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angelhey, i was trying to flash my nokia n810 wit os2008.. i am trying it on ubuntu hardy... i am trying to fix the flasher 3.0.. i dont know the exact thing to put in the path for the flasher 3.0 linux binary.. can someone help?05:29
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summatusmentiscan you be more specific?05:30
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angelwell.. i need to do per -pi -e '  ' -i.backup right?05:31
angeli dont know wat goes in the ' '05:31
summatusmentisumm... I have no idea... I think you mean the flash file, but I don't know05:32
angelyup, on the wiki it says location of the flasher2.0/ 3.0 linux binary05:32
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angelnow i dont know which path it needs, wats given is 's-/proc/bus/usb-/dev/bus/usv\000-;'05:33
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jakenhey ppls. is there another gui besides GTK to use with python in maemo?05:45
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herwoodgood morning everyone09:43
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herwoodI'm fighting with a drag and drop -issue here09:44
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herwoodI always get a segmentation fault when I'm trying to fetch the selection data. Has someone faced this problem?09:45
herwoodBefore I try to fetch the selection data, I have put there something in the drag-data-get -handler.09:46
herwoodthe selection data != null but the segmentation fault comes every time when I try to check that is the selectiondata->data null or not.09:48
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Jaffamorning, all09:59
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Dead_K_n810Morning !10:27
starkmjolkmornin :)10:30
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Dead_K_n810huhu ! D-feet ! it seems i ve found a great oss tool !10:48
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qwerty12heh nice :)10:49
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* Surfer9 Visit (upload pic make mag) - (play with webcam online) - (insulter/anon email) - (fun) - (put your face on funny body) - (health) - (Canada eh) - (geeks)11:03
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Dead_K_n810qwerty12 > i ll port this once i get my tablette11:03
qwerty12Great :)11:04
qwerty12I would like to learn a bit more about D-BUS :)11:04
Dead_K_n810 <- this one should be good too11:04
Dead_K_n810i make a recolt on :)11:04
Dead_K_n810gdick ?11:06
Dead_K_n810what is it ?11:06
Dead_K_n810i ve found :)11:06
Dead_K_n810Korean-English dictionary client for GNOME11:06
qwerty12Some Korean dictionary. Dodgy name though...11:07
Dead_K_n810useless for me :)11:07
qwerty12For me too :)11:07
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qwerty12I like the comedy value of the name :p11:07
Dead_K_n810i always try to port app that i use ... so i use it and have a better view of the use to mod it correctly11:08
Dead_K_n810salut tmonjalo11:08
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tmonjaloDead_K_n810: salut11:11
Dead_K_n810ouch vmware is really slow on windows ...11:11
Dead_K_n810and network don t work :(11:13
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user__Hello, I bought a N810 yesterday but I have connection problems. It's connected to my wifi network. I can't ping it from my desktop unless I am viewing a web page with the browser. Like if before accessing to a web page the network connection was activated and after disactivated12:00
user__wlan idle time is set to unlimited12:00
jjoare you guys getting 401 replies from again?12:01
jjoor is it my problem at the moment12:01
kulvejjo: I seem to be able to download with browser from e.g.:
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Dead_K_n810arg ... scratchbox debhelper < 512:18
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herwoodI'm still having huge problems with dnd. Can someone help me a bit?12:22
herwoodor if someone knows a good tutorial, feel free to tell me :)12:23
jumpulaDead_K_n810: debhelper < 5?12:25
jumpulaDead_K_n810: which version are you using?12:25
jumpuladebian-etch devkit should provide you with a recent enough debhelper12:26
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jumpulaanyway. can't stay, hope you get your problem fixed :)12:26
Dead_K_n810jumpula > as i'm at work12:26
Dead_K_n810i use the vmware appliance sdk12:27
Dead_K_n810and it s an old ubuntu12:27
* qwerty12 gets the latest Garnet. I plan on keeping a copy on my HD and loading it into IDA sometime :/12:32
Dead_K_n810ida ?12:36
Dead_K_n810why ?12:37
* qwerty12 has to admit at this point I don't know anything about disassembling but...12:37
* qwerty12 hates expiry dates ;)12:37
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Robot101user__: the wlan antenna is only enabled when sending data12:42
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Robot101user__: if you run ping or something from the device, it'll keep the wireless activated to receive traffic12:43
user__ah, is there a way to prevent that? at least when it's plugged12:45
qwerty12look into derf's acmonitor12:46
user__qwerty12: me?12:46
qwerty12Yeah, it has some "autoping" feature or somesuch12:46
qwerty12Yeah, "The daemon also pings a remote host once a minute while on AC power (N800 version only), which helps ensure the network interface will continue to accept remote connections (e.g., via sshd) after idle periods. If you'd like to change the host that's being pinged, use gconf-editor or gconftool-2 to set /apps/acmonitor/ping_host. Set this to a blank entry to disable this feature. "12:47
qwerty12I've got a Os2008 version, 1 sec12:47
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rm_youi've never had that issue... in fact, i "found" my n800 when I was doing nmap sweeps for another machine... I sshed in thinking it was my server, and it was actually my n800 that I had forgotten about for like a week in a corner :P13:09
* qwerty12 hates X-Server crashes13:09
qwerty12And I was in the process of compiling a little fix to a maemo annoyance I hate ;)13:10
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qwerty12And I have to reflash. Serves me right for replacing diablo components with ones built from chinook source :/13:21
qwerty12Oh, wait, no I don't :)13:21
qwerty12w00t :)13:21
qwerty12Hehe, that didn't work well. I changed the value for when the arrow shows up so you can have more statusbar applets and now, it doesn't show, but so don't the rest of my applets :p13:24
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rm_youdo you use adv-backlight?13:24
qwerty12I usually do but because I've reflashed recently, I'm taking my time getting my old apps back :)13:24
rm_youwell, that one helps slightly :P13:25
qwerty12Hehe, yeah, I plan on reinstalling it soon13:25
qwerty12I think I need to :P13:25
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rm_youI plan on developing for it soon :P13:28
* rm_you keeps putting it off13:28
qwerty12heh :)13:29
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admin_is there any way to enable javascript in the browser on n770?13:33
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admin_I coudln't change my routers settings, as button clicking was javascript13:34
admin_oh, I got it in Tools13:35
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GatestoneThis is on CHINOOK-x86: I apt-got hello-world-app. I cun run-standalone it, but how do I get the Application manager to see it.13:38
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eocanhaGatestone: I don't know if this hint can be useful, but...13:48
eocanhanot all the packages are shown in appmanager in "normal mode", only selected ones13:48
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eocanhaIf you want to see them all, you have to put appmanager into "red pill mode" (just search in Google about that)13:49
eocanhaMoreover, I think that not every deb package is installed from appmanager. It has to belong to a specific package group13:50
GatestoneEven dpkg calls hello-world-app an "example for the application installer".13:50
eocanhaSection: user/games13:50
eocanhaah, ok, understood13:50
GatestoneWhat about the "section"?13:51
eocanhaThen I don't know the cause of your problem13:51
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eocanhajust check that example isn't from an old SDK13:51
eocanhaI'd recommend you to download the sources of any other free project for Maemo and compare the two debian/control files13:52
eocanhaBecause the key is just that file, I think13:53
Gatestoneok. The red pill mode instruction talk about something, which clearly is not applicable to my sbox + MAEMO 4 SDK13:55
qwerty12Why is it not applicable?13:55
GatestoneLike Tools/Application catalogue menu, which I don't have13:55
eocanhahmmm... you're talking about the SDK...13:55
GatestoneI have Settings / Application manager13:55
GatestoneAnd there is no New button that red pill mode talks about13:56
qwerty12You can set red pill mode another way, wait a sec13:56
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eocanhaI've experienced that, after installing a new app in the SDK, it doesn't shows in the menus. Just restart the scratchbox.13:56
GatestoneI did that13:56
eocanhaIt'll work fine in the real device. It has better setting change detection.13:56
GatestoneI see.13:57
eocanhaThen I don't know. Maybe the hello-world-app is only meant to be run in red pill mode, I don't know13:57
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GatestoneNote that every time I start Application manager it says "operation failed" and show no apps installed, although the SDK as installed by the tutorial at comes with a contact list as the (only) app.14:00
Gatestone(my third time I use MAEMO or scratchbox, and I don't have the device, so bear with a newbie...=14:02
herwoodI'm sorry for repeating this, but I'm still looking for help in using drag and drop in maemo. If there's anyone who has used it successfully, please give me a hand.14:03
mgedminGatestone: does the log say anything?14:03
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Dead_K_n810sb sucks too much !!!!!!!14:16
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mgedminhey, what's the policy for updating ?14:21
mgedmincan I just stick my idea in the middle, or should I ask for some consensus?14:22
keesj:p. we need an action plan14:22
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keesjI would say a brainstorm14:23
keesjI guess that putting it on the wiki is not such a good idea. we want to disccuss stuff. why not mail it to the developers list and sumarize it later?14:24
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mgedminwhy the heck do I need to *log in* to *read* the announcement at ?14:25
mgedminbecause it starts with https?14:25
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andre____http:// works14:27
mgedmin"Over the next 10 days, people are invited to add their ideas, suggestions and gripes to these two pages, to help set the agenda for"14:27
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mgedminme adds14:31
gomiamme substracts ;-)14:32
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* towo pla.14:33
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AnunakinJohnx or qwerty12_N800 ? you here?14:57
* Anunakin I have some new and easy ideas about right and middle click emulation for debian14:58
Dead_K_n810does someone have a vmware with scratchbox and python2.5 set ?14:58
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user__Hello, I conneted to SSH to my n810, exported DISPLAY to my workstation but graphics apps are still being launched in the n810 display15:59
user__is it possible to export X with maemo?16:00
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johnxAnunakin, hey17:15
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trbsis there a use-guide for the mapdownloader applicaiton somewhere? it does not seem to do anything except display a black screen where the maps suppost to be :(17:22
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rm_youjohnx: johnx17:46
rm_youvote :P17:47
* johnx votes17:47
rm_youoh, and for GA17:47
qwerty12Give me my money first :P17:47
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rm_youqwerty12: vote :P17:48
qwerty12Hehe, will do :D17:48
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WorkingOnWisejohnx: not naggin, just checkin, have you had any time to work on Evolution yet?17:48
johnxwork on it?17:48
rm_youjohnx: how goes debian?17:48
rm_youback at home now so I can finally check it out again :P17:48
johnxrm_you, haven't done anything with it since beta317:48
johnxWorkingOnWise, sorry, what did you want me to do again?17:49
crashanddiejohnx, we'd love you to ... *lots* of things...17:49
* qwerty12 is still waiting for weedfs17:49
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WorkingOnWiseWe checked the resource use and saw that Evolution was reasonable for the N8x0. You said you might chip away at getting it on the IT's17:50
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johnxuhm...ah, I said I'd run it on Debian...which I did17:51
WorkingOnWiseon the IT?17:51
johnxyup, runs ok17:51
johnxdoesn't fit on the screen very well17:51
WorkingOnWisecool. any chance of seeing a howto on ITT, or is it just a matter of running a Debian chroot and grabbing the debs?17:52
johnxjust apt-get install evolution17:53
johnxin debian chroot17:53
WorkingOnWiseI'll get the source and massage the ui so it works better....17:53
WorkingOnWisenice. hadnt run a chroot yet...17:53
rm_youjohnx: you actually mean chroot, or your beta3?17:53
rm_youdo you run a chroot as well?17:54
johnxrm_you, either one of course17:54
johnxI don't use chroot but there's no reason it wasn't worth17:54
WorkingOnWiseisnt the beta3 you speak of xfce?17:54
WorkingOnWiseas the DE17:54
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AnunakinHi johnx17:54
rm_youwhich one did you test it on?17:54
johnxrm_you, beta317:55
AnunakinI have little ... tip on emulate right click17:55
johnxok, shoot :)17:55
WorkingOnWisejohnx:  any luck with a2dp on debian? would it be worse than in hildon, or the same? maybe better (please be better :)   )17:56
johnxa little better, with the latest bluez17:56
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rm_youlol, now a2dp I would love to work on17:56
rm_youthat's still my favorite project17:56
johnxit's all in the bluez version though, not something debian does different17:56
AnunakinI tring use accessx and xmodmap17:56
rm_youwoo: *** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***17:56
rm_youjust in the last minute or so :P17:56
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WorkingOnWisegood. I kinda thought it would work itself out with bluez as it matured....17:57
* rm_you bows to johnz17:57
rm_youerr... x17:57
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WorkingOnWisejohnx has graduated to johnz17:57
johnxtotally skipping y17:57
RST38hbut there are no letters left!17:58
WorkingOnWiseyup. Evolution ya know  :D17:58
johnxrm_you, yeah, linking bugs to vote on IRC works wonders :D17:58
qwerty12who is this johnx anyway?17:58
rm_youhe's reached his peak :/17:58
johnxI'll just move on from z to aa17:58
RST38h9 8 7 6 5 ... ?17:58
texelYou could say he's reached an evolutionary dead-end. =op17:58
WorkingOnWisenah... johndd next!17:58
GAN800andre____, get my memo?17:59
andre____hmm? what, where? :)17:59
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GAN800 /msg memoserv list17:59
Anunakin/msg memoserv list17:59
lcukanyone at liinuxtag logged in17:59
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RST38hall right, ttg home18:00
qwerty12Looks like work on fremantle has already started...
qwerty12And it's said to be "GTK+ evolved"18:01
qwerty12Fremantle that is18:01
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GAN800one would hope it'd already started. :P18:01
qwerty12Hehe, true.18:01
texelHm. GTK+ evolved, eh?18:02
RST38hPoor Elephanta, we hardly knew you...18:02
qwerty12Yep and thre is a tagged gtk with fremantle on it18:02
texelOne can only wonder what that could mean.18:02
qwerty12I may checkout the fremantle version later18:02
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qwerty12Will fremantle be for the current series of IT's or for the n900?18:03
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GAN800No telling, qwerty1218:03
qwerty12Ah, thanks18:04
* texel smiles18:04
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n800mhey kind of a weird question18:05
n800mwhat eats up more power  --- dark pixels or light ones18:05
texelHm. Presumably dark, I would think.18:05
texelBecause the relaxed state of the liquid crystal is clear.18:06
Khertani think it ll be at least for n810 wimax, so n800 and n810 too18:06
texelThat being said, the most power draw is caused when you use a crosshatch pattern on the LCD.18:06
n800mnot to mention the backlight18:06
rm_youn800 is supposed to be officially supported for two more revisions, right? or just one?18:06
texel(it actually goes for most LCDs)18:06
n800mwhich doesn't care what color pixels are18:06
forge_Has nokia said something about supporting n800 :o18:07
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forgeLike really really said18:07
johnxright now n810 and n800 have the same rootfs basically18:07
rm_youthey had a thing like, "we will support each device for at least two product cycles"18:08
rm_youor something like that18:08
rm_youi think n800 will go to ITOS2009?18:08
johnxif they ship the n810 wimax in october 2008 and drop it with *no software updates* I would be surprised18:08
rm_youI might get a n810 wimax when it comes out18:08
rm_youas an upgrade to this18:08
Khertan ... please some votes :)18:08
rm_youi wonder if they'll do a developer program again18:09
rm_youi might actually apply18:09
texeln800m: well, I was considering the cost of the backlight as a constant.18:09
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texeln800m: in which case the part that matters is the state of each LCD pixel.18:09
n800myeah somehow i was thinking the less backlight the better ://18:09
n800mwhich is true but not covered by pixels abviously18:10
qwerty12So, before I waste me time, would anyone play Spear of destiny on their tablets?18:10
* texel nods18:10
* n800m feels dumb18:10
* texel shrugs18:10
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* qwerty12 leans back18:10
texelqwerty12: as in the second original DOS Wolfenstein? Is that even OSS?18:10
qwerty12texel, yes, the wolf engine source was released years ago and can play SOD too18:11
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AStormn800m: go play Doom instead18:12
AStormoh, wait, that was qwerty1218:13
texelHm... How about a proper port of d2xl?18:13
n800mwell i would to but i don't have the data files18:13
* qwerty12 doesn't like current doom port18:13
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AStormqwerty12: why? it works very nicely18:13
AStormbut that touchscreen part is weak18:13
qwerty12I find it odd to control :/18:14
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AStormon n810, it's pure gold when played on keyboard18:14
qwerty12texel, No OpenGl. Descent 2 with soft rendering exists though18:14
n800mbest ad ever18:14
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qwerty12I need to get usb keyboard :/18:14
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texelqwerty12: well, that's what I was meant really -- probably should have s/d2xl/descent/ instead.18:15
texelOkay, time to get some work done. Less talk, more hack.18:17
* texel goes back to work18:17
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qwerty12Tablets are really dodgy :/. I compiled XaoS the other day for some fractal fun and when matchbox-window-manager is running, it goes really dodgy. I stop it and the fractals work fine :/18:19
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johnxyour app is prolly trying to resize it's window while matchbox is saying "no"18:20
texelqwerty12: have you tried running XaoS inside a straight matchbox on Linux?18:20
texelmatchbox is pretty draconian to most X apps.18:20
qwerty12no :(18:20
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qwerty12I'll try in kde sometime18:20
texelAnd sadly, most modern GTK/X apps are broken in terms of window placement and ICCCM.18:20
qwerty12Or hopefully, the debian crew already have a XaoS port for ARMEL18:20
AStormyeah, we need sawfish in there with correct plugins18:20
* texel uses stumpwm and has to fight with stupid Java swing apps that do all kinds of weird junk18:21
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AStormyeah, Swing is evil18:24
* texel ran Antlrworks yesterday and it consistently crashed stumpwm due to it's X insanity18:24 timing out for anybody else?18:24
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texelp.m.o has had all kinds of weird issues lately.18:25
texelTiming out here as well.18:25
johnxmaybe it's to make us appreciate that it *used to be* somewhat stable18:25
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GAN800Ari's blog is so depressing. . . .18:27
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GAN800Why are the idiots STILL adding their stupidity to the software wishlist on the brainstorm?18:28
johnxas long as it's a wishlist, who cares?18:29
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GAN800It's a waste of time.18:29
johnxanyways, it makes people feel better and that is at least *the right place*18:29
GAN800The wishlist shouldn't even be there.18:29
johnxit's harmless18:29
johnxI didn't even *know it existed*18:29
GAN800They really screwed the whole page up over night. . . .18:30
johnxdid the page do anything useful to begin with?18:30
GAN800read the annoucement.18:30
johnxah, I see18:32
n800mit says stupid allowed18:33
texelHrm... Is SB2 even usable for development yet?18:34
qwerty12Cue RST38h :p18:34
mgedmintexel: yes18:34
mgedminsudo apt-get install maemo-sdk18:34
mgedminit's sb2 based18:34
texelWell, I just noticed that entry under "Update developer libraries" and the last time I attempted to use it I'm afraid it blew up in my face. =op18:35
mgedminand it works on my laptop18:35
texelGood to hear it's stable now.18:35
GAN800n800m, but not IRRELEVANT.18:35
mgedminI don't know about *stable*18:35
mgedminthe website claims it's alpha18:35
* texel nods18:35
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GAN800it's for maemo.org18:35
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mgedminand it needs two sysctl tweaks to work on my kernel (ubuntu hardy)18:35
GAN800Which doesn't have anything to do with bundled software.18:35
mgedminand the postinst script PUTS STUFF IN MY /etc/sudoers18:35
mgedminthat's a violation of the Debian Policy18:35
mgedminI believe18:36
n800mis nokia owned?18:36
mgedminstill, it's very close to Just Works18:36
texelOkay, yeah, that sucks horribly.18:36
mgedmin(the stuff is: everyone is allowed to run ifup usb0 and ifdown usb0 without a password)18:36
texelAnd is absolutely a violation of the Debian policy.18:36
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GAN800No, n800m18:37
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mgedmin(it also puts ten lines into /etc/network/interfaces with HARDCODED IP ADDRESSES from the 192.168.2.x net, for usb networking)18:37
mgedmin(that would break horribly if my LAN actually used that address range)18:37
m-chello - wondering about the Command Central software that Maemo uses to tie all the VoIP, email, and IM accounts together18:37
mgedminI can see how they're trying to make life easier for the average user18:37
mgedminbut there's a reason for the debian policy18:37
mgedminnot breaking horribly in unexpected corner cases is also a good idea18:38
texelWow. So... you'd expect that a /developer package/ would have a README with it saying how to do that manually. =op18:38
mgedminhence the alpha status, I guess18:38
texelBecause, well, /developers/ generally know what they're doing. =op18:38
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mgedminor they should18:38
mgedminheh, qualification test18:38
texel"This has been an IQ test -- you just failed" =op18:39
mgedmin"if you're not persistent enough to figure out scratchbox 1 and rootstraps, then we don't want your packages anyway"18:39
n800mman 50% of those things on that wiki is website style stuff18:39
n800myou can consolidate al that crap without nokia18:40
* texel nods18:40
texelSome of the layout things aren't so easily solved though.18:41
texelAs in CSS and such.18:41
m-canyone else annoyed with the instant messaging on the NIT ?  I like getting all my VoIP calls in one central location, but I do not like how it alerts me when someone IM's me "hi there"18:41
texelToo bad we can't just say "ditch midgard's search engine and replace with google completely" =op18:41
n800mit's really not that importnat tho imho18:41
* texel nods18:41
texelBut then, it is a wishlist. =op18:41
mgedminm-c: I'm not annoyed because I don't use it ;-)18:41
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m-cI wish there was a way to keep my Google Talk account, but prevent people from contacting me with the Instant Messaging side.18:42
texelThat being said, the non-underlining of links kinda ticks me a little -- but then, that's one of my pet peeves, anyway.18:42
texelm-c: that's a limitation of Google Talk, not the NIT.18:43
GAN800n800m, how do you figure?18:43
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GAN800We don't have access tp the styles to fix them.18:43
rm_youmgedmin: adv-backlight adds a line to /etc/sudoers on the n8x0 >_>18:43
GAN800it's a _maemo.org_ brainstorm, and style is most certainly that.18:43
m-ctexel : but Command Center provides only one status for all enabled accounts.18:43
mgedmina lot of maemo packages are made by people who are not familiar with debian18:44
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rm_youI made that one, am familiar with debian, and have never heard of that rule >_>18:44
rm_youthough I see the point for it18:44
texelm-c: oh. I misunderstood -- thought you were using something else.18:44
* mgedmin once read the debian policy manual from cover to cover, out of interest18:44
* mgedmin once had oodles of free time18:44
texelmgedmin: were you chased by shoggoths for the rest of your days?18:44
MangoFusiongood read?18:45
rm_youit just isn't possible to do it another way. should I, what, ask "are you sure?" in postinst and if they say no, remove the package you just installed?18:45
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mgedminMangoFusion: actually, yes18:45
rm_youthat makes even less sense :/18:45
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MangoFusionim's on an IT are quite annoying i find18:45
mgedminrm_you: I think The Debian Way would have you patch the base package (sudo in this case) to parse all text files under /etc/sudoers.d/, and then have your package just install a new conffile there18:46
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mgedminscripts modifying configuration files are error-prone18:46
MangoFusione.g. takes far too long to open the chat window18:46
mgedminand may conflict with the sysadmin's wishes18:46
mgedminI don't know how much of that is applicable to the single-user tablets18:46
texelmgedmin: pretty applicable, actually.18:46
rm_youwell, i tried to make my sudoers line VERY specific, and my script is pretty braindead, so i don't see it messing up18:46
mgedminbut having a broken /etc/sudoers would require a complete OS reflash to fix18:47
texelI recently did a dist-upgrade which broke root for me on my N810 because I had it set to give me root in /etc/sudoers and another package came along and clobbered it.18:47
johnxor some real creativity...18:47
mgedminwhat would happen if I did 'echo BLABLABLA >> /etc/sudoers', and there wasn't enough disk space for the full line?18:47
rm_youyou can just ssh, no?18:47
rm_youssh root@localhost18:47
texelrm_you: not on mine. I disabled root logins.18:47
mgedminrm_you: not on mine either18:47
rm_youtexel: how do you ssh in?18:47
mgedminI added a line to /etc/sudoers18:48
texelrm_you: I don't.18:48
mgedminI would be unhappy if a package went and removed it18:48
rm_youTHAT is way more broken >_>18:48
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texelrm_you: Unless I need to, in which case I use ssh key authentication for user.18:48
texelWhich means I start ssh manually.18:48
texelRather than having it start on bootup.18:48
Khertanhave a good week end ...18:48
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texelrm_you: not more broken -- more secure.18:48
* mgedmin loves the ability to just ssh to his tablet at any time18:48
mgedminthat's the only reason I have it autoconnect to WLAN18:48
texelSSH is a little too insecure at the moment. O.o18:49
rm_yousecurity at the cost of usability is lame :/18:49
texelrm_you: I don't need ssh for anything unless something screwball is happing on the IT.18:49
mgedmindon't know about lame, but it usually loses18:49
texelIn general usage, nothing requires it for me.18:49
mgedmincopying clipboard contents ;)18:49
rm_youi use my device from SSH more than I poke at it manually >_>18:49
mgedminxsel | ssh tablet 'xsel -b --display :0'18:49
texelBut then, I need my device to be a bit more secure than usual.18:50
texelIt contains data that shouldn't be accessable to anybody but me.18:50
mgedminis it encrypted?18:50
texelBut encryption doesn't preclude offline attach.18:50
infobottexel meant: But encryption doesn't preclude offline attack.18:50
rm_youdid OS2008 suffer from the debian ssh key fiasco?18:50
texelrm_you: thankfully no.18:50
mgedminI want avahi on the tablet18:50
mgedminwhen I'm in a foreign WLAN, there's no internal DNS server giving a name to my tablet18:51
n800mwhoa i thought i was dyslexic for a second18:51
mgedminI want to just "ssh my-tablet.local"18:51
mgedminwithout figuring out the IP every time18:51
mgedminwhere's the wishlist for diablo/fremantle/harmattan?18:51
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rm_youthat would be nice, yes18:51
johnxI thought avahi was on there...18:51
mgedmincanola used to depend on it18:52
johnxit is, just not cofigured I guess18:52
mgedminI should look at it perhaps18:52
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johnxthat and dbus-scripts might do what you want18:52
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gpdI'm trying to use my Nokia E51 as an HSPDA modem on my Mac via USB. Everything is fine - I have APN, username and Password for my O2 network and use *99# as telephone number - where do I put in the APN on OSX config box!? [this is a long shot!]18:55
gpdOf course it works perfectly to the N800!18:56
GAN800Try #macosx?18:56
gpdyeah - i know - but wrth a shot on here - bright channel :)18:56
qwerty12Who else except for GAN800 uses a mac? for that matter, who *wants* to use one if they can avoid it? :p18:58
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johnxqwerty12, it's a perfectly nice *BSD machine :shrugs:18:59
johnxbetter than windows at any rate18:59
* qwerty12 doesn't use windows18:59
qwerty12I'm only joking anyway :)18:59
qwerty12It's iPhones that I think are shit18:59
* johnx doesn't mind those either19:00
johnxtoo closed for my tastes19:00
johnxI'd suggest one to non-geek, power users though19:00
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texeljohnx: I use a MacBook Pro... ...running Linux only. =op19:01
johnxsee the funny thing is when I had a macbook for work I actually tried linux on it and kinda hated it19:01
texelMm. Well, the Santa Rosa cores actually perform pretty well now under Ubuntu Hardy.19:02
johnxthe lack of at least 2 mouse buttons is quite painful when using linux19:02
qwerty12You can never hate linux on anything!19:02
johnxqwerty12, :P19:02
texeljohnx: even with two- and three- finger tapping on the synaptics?19:02
* qwerty12 really should learn to read better, i've repacked the same deb 5 times now :/19:03
johnxI prefer hardware buttons19:03
johnxguess I'm weird like that19:03
texelI can understand that. =o)19:03
johnxeither way, I actually like osx just fine for a laptop19:03
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johnxwhen I get a new notebook it's gonna be a thinkpad w/ linux or a macbook w/ osx19:04
texelFrankly, when using the MBP at my desk, I use a ThinkPad USB keyboard with a trackpoint. =op19:04
johnxbut having an n800 makes that purchase a lot less urgent :)19:04
texelMm. Actually, last I read, Linux works quite nicely on the X300.19:04
texelbetter than even the T43.19:04
johnxyeah, I'm looking hungrily at the plain old X lineup19:05
texelIf I had the cash, I'd buy one in an instant.19:05
texelThe $1k SSD is killing it for me, though.19:05
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rm_youYeah, those Lenovo machines are tasty...19:06
rm_youLenovo / IBM19:06
n800mi'm on macbook pro, it's pretty sweet hardware19:06
n800mhaven't had a dvd/cd burned yet that didn't work in months19:06
rm_youthat's called having a quality DVD burner :P19:07
johnxah, optical disks! how quaint!19:07
MangoFusionmb pro here. osx. loving it19:07
rm_youI've noted the same in Windoze, using Nero and a highly rated burner :P19:07
rm_younot to push windoze >_>19:07
n800mi do video work so it's a must19:07
n800mi'm in windows right now, on it19:07
n800mworks well that way too19:07
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n800mi ran vmware fusion for awhile but it's to limiting19:08
rm_youyeah, the hardware in Macs is always fairly nice19:08
rm_youthey don't go low-end >_>19:08
texelJust wish they wouldn't use such closed hardware, though.19:08
NaviThose exist? I thought they were just a myth.19:08
johnxyeah, apple does a great job stamping that apple logo on those quanta laptops...19:08
n800mtechno snobs19:08
n800mi'm still amazed by sd cards honestly19:09
rm_youIf I bought a new laptop, I would have to go with the X series Tablets >_>19:09
* texel usually always needs an optical disk for some reason.19:09
johnxn800m, I know what you mean. micro sd cards make my mind hurt O_o19:09
n800m16 gb in the palm of my hand19:09
rm_you32 now!19:09
n800mfirst time i got a 8 Gb one i reminisced about 1.44 floppies19:09
texelrm_you: Good luck paying for it! =op19:09
MangoFusionwatch you don't loose it ;)19:10
texelThat, too.19:10
n800mhehe yeah19:10
rm_youSouthwest Airlines lost one of my bags... with about $3000 of clothes in it >_>19:10
rm_youanyway, gonna spend about $1500 replacing my clothes19:10
n800mwhere the hell do you shop for clothes19:10
rm_youand the rest on a hard drive upgrade  for my server :P19:10
johnxrm_you, was that your space suit or your tux?19:10
NaviExpensive clothing there.19:10
texelrm_you: Do those clothes include a sewn-in wearable?19:11
rm_youIt's called "almost every shirt and pair of pants I own"19:11
n800mspace suit19:11
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johnxrm_you, ah, sadness :(19:11
rm_youand it wasn't a small bag19:11
NaviEvery shirt and pair of pants I wear don't add up to 3k19:11
rm_youjohnx, you've seen my duffels :P19:11
johnxrm_you, yup...I *&$%ing dragged one from the airport once19:12
Navijohnx, timey's traveling the world19:12
NaviI told him to break your door down and steal your cheerios19:12
johnxNavi, I heard, but I have no cheerios19:12
* Navi snaps19:12
rm_youhe has rice! lots of rice! :P19:13
johnxhe'd have to bring them first then steal them19:13
NaviThat works19:13
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texeljohnx: but then, that wouldn't be stealing... =op19:13
johnxwell he can say it's a gift19:13
johnxthen take them back19:13
texelSo maybe if he /gave them/ to you, and then took it... =op19:13
texel(not sure why I used italics there O.o)19:13
johnxI'll turn a blind eye as long as he leaves a box of frosted flakes19:14
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Navitexel, only italic to those that use your IRC client.19:16
Navior that suppor the /italicness of your slashes/19:16
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infobotNavi meant: or that support the /italicness of your slashes/19:16
texelOr use the same mental parser. =op19:16
* GAN800 steals texel's giant nose.19:17
texelOh noes! O.o19:17
* GAN800 runs away19:17
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* texel giggles19:17
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n800mcan you do wildcard search in OS X?19:21
n800mlike *.avi19:21
n800mor is it diferent from win19:21
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NaviTry it out :P19:21
n800mi don't have os x up atm19:21
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rm_youerrr, does oSX include locate?19:22
johnxn800m, find /Volumes/your-drive -name "*foo*"19:22
rm_youlocate -i .avi19:22
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n800mit's for somebody more noobish than me, the terminal wil confuse her19:23
n800mfound a 3rd party thingy tho19:24
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GAN800Or just use Spotlight19:38
GAN800No 3rd party needed. . . .19:39
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n800mXi think the wireless reception is better in OS x on the macbok pro than it is in windows19:41
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n800mXsame hardware19:42
qwerty12Can you search maemo-developers? Someone posted boost libs and I can't find the link :/19:43
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qwerty12Never mind, figured how to do it19:47
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AnunakinAny have gcc-4.x armel packages for maemo OS2008 ?19:59
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GAN800n800m, Spotlight.20:05
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n800m   better than spotlight20:28
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GAN8001Unless you're running on Tiger.20:29
n800myou're kinda of a nazi about your opinions aren't you :P20:30
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GAN8001I've got a lot of experience to back most of them up. :)20:31
n800mwell there are needs and needs20:31
n800mi doubt anypne's experience encompasses all of those20:31
n800meveryone's go some angle20:31
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* johnx has no anglets20:32
penguinbaitrather be smokin20:32
penguinbaithe's 15, gees kids these days20:33
GAN8001I love this: "Today we have too many channels (ITT, Maybe have some more focus like: for developers and ITT for end users"20:34
GAN80012 channels is too many?20:34
johnxwe need to slim it down to 220:34
RST38hGAN: Who is this bright mind?20:36
RST38hThis visionary?20:36
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GAN8001RST38h, I think it's an IP address.20:38
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GAN8001Nope, it's someone known as "morphbr".20:39
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GAN8001Ugh, theses people fail at mediawiki20:42
penguinbaitwiki's are like chat rooms, any maroon can type their miguided opinion's20:42
penguinbait<------ like me20:43
GAN8001penguinbait, I'd rather have your opinions than these jokers. :P20:43
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GAN8001Who can I blame for adding the 100Days article without a space in it. . . .20:44
infobotGAN8001 meant: Quim!20:46
RST38hGAN: When I see this document I can't stop thinking of Sturgeon's law20:46
penguinbaitSturgeon's Law is the name given to two different adages derived from quotes by science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon. The first is "Nothing is always absolutely so", while the second, and more famous, of these adages is: "Ninety percent of everything is crap."20:47
RST38h2nd one.20:47
penguinbaitof cource I pulled this from wikipedia, so its probably 90% crap :)20:47
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GAN8001RST38h, make it not suck. :p20:47
GAN8001Go on20:48
GAN8001I dare yah20:48
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RST38hGAN: As soon as I oass the baby to my wife =)20:48
GAN8001s/oass/toss/ :P20:49
GAN8001No tossing babies!20:49
penguinbaittoss em if you like, just not to me :)20:50
GAN8001I wish Reggie hadn't stuck it on the frontpage of itT.20:51
GAN8001The result of that? A bunch of stupid hardware and software requests that have zero to do with _maemo.org_20:52
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penguinbaitbaby drop20:52
penguinbaitits only 50 feet20:53
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GAN8001If anybody is looking hard at a HAVA, let me know and I might be able to set up a demo for you.20:59
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RST38hGAN: Can I just give you a list of suggestions?21:12
* RST38h does not really know where to insert stuff on that wiki page - its signa/noise ratio is a way too high21:12
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WorkingOnWiseis it safe to say the compare Samsung S5L8900 in the iPhone would eat the N8x0's cpu for lunch? Just trying to get a feel for how well Android would do in the N8x0. I've only seen in on the iPhone, where it is super responsive. Of course, part of that is the full 3d functionality the iPhone has over the N8x021:17
GAN8001RST38h, just hit the discussion page21:18
GAN8001I'll parse it out from there.21:18
RST38hWOW: a) No. b) Android already works on N8x021:18
summatusmentisYou've seen android on the iPhone?21:19
GAN8001summatusmentis, you get NOLO and initfs flashed?21:19
RST38hGAN: ok21:19
RST38hWhere do I leave comments in discussion?21:20
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summatusmentisGAN8001: I ended up not doing it, because I had already started copying root to sd21:20
GAN8001RST38h, login, go to the appropriate page click discussion up top, then click the little + tab to add a new topic.21:20
GAN8001summatusmentis, still need to flash initfs and NOLO.21:21
summatusmentiswhat benefit does it get me?21:21
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GAN8001Your NOLO version is old, your initfs version is for an N800. :P21:21
summatusmentisbut does it matter that much? like, does an old NOLO hurt anything?21:22
GAN8001Not that I KNOW of21:23
GAN8001but I can't guarantee it21:23
RST38hOh you have to login21:24
summatusmentisGAN8001: hmm, I'll maybe do it this evening21:25
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summatusmentisGAN8001: if I flash NOLO and a new initfs, I'm gonna have to find fanoush's initfs again, and re-flash that21:28
penguinbaityes summ21:28
raflis there a summary page with all the useful information to upgrade to diablo? known issues, workarounds, etc. I'm kinda too lame to read >60 pages in the thread at
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summatusmentispenguinbait: thanks for all your help yesterday, btw21:30
GAN800No, rafl21:31
WorkingOnWiseRST38h: the iPhone and N8x0 cpu's are comparable even tho there is a 200Mhz diff between them? I know Mhz does not = performance, but 200 is a pretty big diff, which is why I was asking. As for working on the N8x0, well, I see that it runs, but that might be a long way from working in the wild :)21:31
GAN800Read the thread. ;) You can skip most of the first 30 pages.21:31
GAN800WorkingOnWise, iPhone runs at 402MHz21:31
WorkingOnWiseGAN800 the specs I found said 62021:32
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GAN800The CPU is CAPABLE of that, but for battery life reasons it's underclocked (much like the N800 used to be).21:33
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WorkingOnWisesneaky ba#@$rds! I saw that 620 in 3 places! So much for truth in advertising huh?21:34
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raflGAN800: have you done it? if so: do you happen to be able to tell me if there's anything else one would need to take care of other than changing the catalogues and upgrading?21:34
WorkingOnWisethanks. With that, the N8x0 is easy match for that silly brick21:34
GAN800Apple doesn't advertise the CPU frequency.21:34
GAN800They don't advertise the specs at all.21:35
summatusmentisWorkingOnWise: where'd you see those specs? On the apple website?21:35
summatusmentisoh, nvm21:35
GAN800Gettinf the password, rafl21:35
WorkingOnWisenope, but several other sites do. They must be going on the cpu's capability and not the devices real configuration.21:35
GAN800Yes, I'm running Diablo.21:35
raflGAN800: well, that was the easy part, i guess.21:35
raflGAN800: so you didn't do anything except for changing the repos to diablo and upgrade? i've seen people in here talking about modified initfs', but unfortunately i didn't pay too much attention. something like that isn't necessary?21:37
GAN800Not really21:37
qwerty12_N800initfs modification isn't necessary21:37
GAN800Just don't flash the Diablo initfs21:37
qwerty12_N800you cant21:37
GAN800I have kernel, but not initfs21:37
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raflallright then. thanks.21:37
qwerty12_N800Don't flash the kernel though if you are using n810 though.21:38
raflthat's not something that'll happen automatically when upgrading via apt, is it?21:39
qwerty12_N800no because the  initfs stops flash-and-rebooyt21:39
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qwerty12_N800but subsequent upgrades using ssu do flash kernel21:40
raflbut they don't modify the initfs, do they?21:40
raflso I guess it will be easy to unbrick if anything happens.21:41
qwerty12_N800usually initfs would be flashed but it's too  big atm21:41
RST38hGAN: Done21:42
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GAN800RST38h, I'll go over it in a bit. Thanks!21:47
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gnutonHi there21:48
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summatusmentishas anyone tried getting OpenMoko running on the N8x0 tablets?21:51
x_madbotanyone know how to install packages on sb2?21:52
Naviinstall packages?21:53
x_madbotNavi: install deb packages inside a maemo rootstrap21:56
NaviNever used sb2.  apt-get?21:59
x_madbotNavi: if I can update the package list with "apt-get update", I should be able to install, don't you? :)21:59
rafli wonder why apt-get update says 'UNAUTHORIZED' for the diablo updates repo after adjusting the uri in the sources list to contain the username and password that works well with my browser and wget…21:59
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n800mi just learned an important lesson: hitting things CAN make them work22:00
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summatusmentiswhere do I find the echowb theme package?22:01
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penguinbaitn800m = The Fonz22:05
penguinbaitguess I am slow22:05
penguinbait<--- = potsy22:06
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summatusmentiswell, found echowb, does anyone have gnumeric running?22:07
GAN8001rafl, apt does the password a certain way, I believe.22:08
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n800mjean peer reset me22:08
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raflGAN8001: typo, sorry.22:12
raflwow… and i spend hundreds of euros on 19" racks :-)22:15
GAN8001rafl, just make sure you have enough room if you're upgrading on the flash.22:15
raflGAN8001: i guess i won't do that given how slow that storage is.22:18
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GAN8001I symlinked the cache to mmc1 and just made sure I had about 100MB free.22:21
GAN8001The documentation PDFs are what'll kill you.22:21
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n800m<mute> my ds pwn'd your n800 again22:22
GAN8001Get back to me when DS browses YouTube. :p22:23
raflGAN8001: 100mb just for the cache and some temporary space for unpacking or 100mb additional to the downloaded packages?22:23
GAN8001It was something like 70MB for the packages.22:23
GAN8001Just symlink the cache on one of the cards22:24
GAN8001Otherwise it'll just be "yeah, right, good luck with that." :P22:24
GAN8001It'd be something like 140MB with cache and packages.22:25
* GAN800 still hasn't gotten the guts to ty 21-422:26
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raflnow what's that?22:28
GAN800Latest Diablo image.22:28
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rafloh, there's an image available already?22:28
GAN800I'm still on 20-422:28
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term-sigit's for 800 or 810 ?22:29
GAN800it's SSU22:29
rafli'm instaling what or whatever it's called has currently.22:29
raflwill that be 21-4?22:29
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n800mpenguinbait - on your KDE install, is there QT? does sound work?22:31
raflGAN8001: i'll net you know how it works out.22:31
summatusmentisn800m: sound works22:32
summatusmentisI don't know about QT22:32
n800mare you running it?22:32
summatusmentisI installed it last night, yeah22:32
n800mi know it's slow, but other than that how do you feel about it?22:33
n800mkeeping it?22:33
summatusmentismeh... it's kinda cool, but the slowness makes it sort of unusable for me22:34
summatusmentisI'll keep it for a while, keep playing with it22:34
raflGAN8001: also apt is telling me that it wants to remove almost 900 packages to install 100 new ones and upgrade ~300. is that what's expected?22:35
n800mwould you consider installing a sound app to see if it's capable?22:35
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GAN800Yes, rafl22:38
GAN800Mostly l10n stuff22:38
GAN800They moved from one l10n per language per app to one per app.22:38
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nn800nsummatusmentis would you consider installing a sound app to see if it's capable?22:39
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summatusmentisnn800n: what do you mean? what sort of sound app?22:39
summatusmentisit makes the kde login noise22:39
nn800nnot a player, something off kde-apps for music making22:40
summatusmentiserm... I'm not sure how much space I have, hold on22:40
summatusmentisis it bigger than 300M?22:41
nn800nlooking for a small one22:41
nn800nhm i guess most are compiled for x86 tho22:42
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GAN8001RST38h, my initial reaction to your software aggregation website was negative (another problem-causing band-aid), but I like it as a sort of "test-bed" for ideas for the Application manager.22:45
GAN8001Do you want to expound on that point a bit more for when I stick it on the main page?22:45
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nn800nsummatusmentis thanks anyway, none of the apps i'm finding are compiled for ARM22:49
summatusmentisnn800n: sure. You could try compiling it for arm22:49
nn800ni'm not that good at that stuff22:50
nn800ni can't find my own ass once i start tinkering with xterm22:50
summatusmentislearn it!22:50
summatusmentisit's good for you22:50
summatusmentisI'm loving the screen size on the n810, irssi works!22:51
nn800nit's good for you if you can afford the time :/22:53
summatusmentiswell, you just need to stop working :)22:53
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* GAN8001 is checking his IMs through VNC from the N800.22:55
GAN8001Fun stuff.22:55
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summatusmentisGAN8001: why not just run IM on the n800?22:55
GAN8001I do22:55
GAN8001But it's a different account on the desktop22:55
GAN8001and I forgot to set an away message before I went out of town, so everybody's been messaging me up there. ;)22:56
GAN8001I suppose I could probably set something Jabber-related up to automate it all, but. . . .22:56
summatusmentisGAN8001: because of you I ordered the boxwave screen protector... :)22:57
GAN8001If only I got a commission. ;)22:58
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summatusmentiswell, that, and I was tired of using the stylus22:59
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GAN8001Yeah, I pretty much never use the stylus anymore23:00
GAN8001Maybe if I occasionally get pissed off trying to hit a link23:01
GAN8001but 99% of the time it's thumbs/fingers23:01
summatusmentisI need to clean my screen before I put the protector on though... it's got finger prints on it :)23:02
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GAN8001Damp cloth23:03
GAN8001It'll come out fine.23:03
summatusmentis:) good23:03
penguinbaitI just use my shirt23:04
penguinbaitbut I'm a slob23:04
summatusmentisthat's what I've been doing, but then it builds up against the bevelled edge23:04
RST38hApplying boxwave protector to N810 is difficult like hell23:04
penguinbaitgrown the pinky nail out a little, you can get in there :)23:04
GAN8001Need to do it in a clean room.23:05
* RST38h almost got it but a few corners and two side spots did not stick23:05
RST38hit is exactly the size of a window in the n810 front panel23:05
summatusmentisGAN8001: any idea how to take off the front panel on the N810? is it just the two screws on the back?23:05
GAN8001Is the N810's panel removable at all?23:05
summatusmentisoh :)23:06
penguinbaitAnyone tried playing with this? (Google Gadgets for Linux 0.9.1)23:07
summatusmentisnot fo linx23:08
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summatusmentislinux... I tried it a little bit on linux, but I like my Word 2008 better than Google Doc23:09
penguinbaitWord 200823:09
summatusmentisyeah... on OS X23:10
summatusmentissorry, tried it a little bit on OS X23:10
summatusmentisnot linux23:10
summatusmentisI can't talk today23:10
GAN8001Looks a lot better than Word on Vista. :p23:10
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* GAN8001 just uses TextEdit or LaTeX23:10
penguinbaitpb hates apples23:10
summatusmentisI don't know LaTeX23:10
penguinbaitI like oranges better23:11
summatusmentis<3 my MacBook23:11
GAN8001<3 citrus fruit23:11
GAN8001Florida oranges are the best.23:11
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GAN8001I'd kill myself if I had to use a MacBook as a primary machine.23:11
GAN8001The palm wrest kills my wrists.23:12
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sjgadsby??? Your wrists shouldn't be rested on anything while typing.23:13
GAN8001Tire my arms out23:13
GAN8001I have wrist rests on all of my keyboards. :P23:13
sjgadsbyThat's bad for your wrists.23:13
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GAN8001Since when?23:14
GAN8001I don't have any wrist troubles.23:14
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summatusmentisI rest one wrist :)23:15
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GAN8001My wrists aren't at an angle if that's what you're thinking, sjgadsby.23:15
sjgadsbyNo, that's not it.23:15
sjgadsbyFrom what I understand, wrist rests hold in warmth under the wrists and can cause inflammation of the tendons, etc.23:17
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sjgadsbyIf I recall correctly, open foam rests are less problematic than closed foam or gel.23:18
GAN8001I don't experience any wrist troubles, and not having it sounds more immediately painful than having it. :P23:19
penguinbaitremember the first apple23:19
GAN8001Hi, milhouse.23:19
milhousehi gan800123:20
sjgadsbyI used to have wrist troubles.23:20
milhouseor should is ay General Antilles :)23:20
GAN8001So did I, then I switched to Dvorak and added a wrist rest. :P23:20
infobotmilhouse meant: or should i ay General Antilles :)23:20
milhouseoh arse23:20
nn800nanyone know if you can customize the keybindings in FBReader?23:21
* GAN8001 is all incognito. :P23:21
sjgadsbyI use ergonomic, Dvorak keyboards now. And I don't MUD>23:21
GAN8001milhouse, you get your shirt?23:21
milhouseoh yes i did - i must thank timeless for that23:21
GAN8001nn800n, it's in prefs23:21
GAN8001Yeah, I was wearing mine the other day23:21
GAN8001hot swag. :D23:21
milhousehaven't had an oppurtunity to wear it yet - summer lasted about 2 days in the UK!23:21
nn800ni don't think the prefs one do what i want23:21
GAN8001Let's see . . . . it's 92°F out.23:22
nn800nwanted to replace the keys for scrolling pages from the -/+ to something else23:22
GAN8001nn800n, it does everything23:22
GAN8001rebinds everything23:22
milhouserain... rain... more rain23:22
GAN8001orientation-specific bindings, too.23:22
milhousehad flooding last night in parts of the country23:22
milhouseno doubt we've got water shortages as well23:22
GAN8001We're droughting it up over here.23:22
GAN8001Getting ready for the fires. :\23:23
nn800ni don't think so GAN800123:23
milhousetwo posts from ari in two days - i don't think i can cope... too much communication!!23:23
GAN8001Fires are fun23:23
GAN8001milhouse, he's depressingly disconnected, isn't he?23:23
GAN8001nn800n, then look harder. ;)23:24
GAN8001It's there, trust me.23:24
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* GAN8001 has a completely custom key setup from the prefs in FBReader.23:24
GAN8001We had a fire last summer23:24
GAN8001Was up in northern Florida23:25
milhousei've just read the ubuntu post - he's possibly right about UI's and how open source struggle to produce anything amazing, but it's a bit rich coming from someone at Nokia23:25
GAN8001flames came 350 miles south23:25
Naviga is an fbfreak23:25
infobotGAN8001 meant: smoke came 350 miles south23:25
GAN8001Zero visibility from the smoke23:25
GAN8001crazy stuff.23:25
milhouseto clarify that last comment: "anything amazing in terms of UIs (compared with Apple etc.) on mobiles"23:25
GAN8001Navi, I <3 FBReader. :P23:25
GAN8001I remember installing it on the 770 way back when and having my moth drop open.23:26
Navis/amazing/ridiculously flashy/23:26
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infobotGAN8001 meant: I remember installing it on the 770 way back when and having my mouth drop open.23:26
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GAN8001I almost killed myself trying to post from an iPhone yesterday23:27
GAN8001People who say it's faster than MicroB don't have a clue.23:27
Navientranced by the "oooohhhh shiny"?23:27
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GAN8001milhouse, did you see?:
nn800nGAN8001 - i don't see it23:28
milhouseGAN - reading the latest post now... yeah, he does seem pretty disconnected... he's banging on about open source and how bad closed source development is... wtf, doesn't he realise his own devices contain too much closed source code and for no good reason? :(23:28
milhousejust catching up :)23:29
GAN8001Be nice if we could swap him out with Quim. <_<23:29
GAN8001nn800n, open up Preferences, go to the Keys tab.23:29
nn800nyeah i'm there23:29
GAN8001Tap the "Action for key" field23:29
GAN8001press the key you want23:29
GAN8001change the action23:29
milhousei think Ari is the detached big picture guy, whereas Quim is more in touch - I suppose you need both23:30
nn800noh sweetness23:30
GAN8001I just wish Ari weren't so detached. :\23:30
GAN8001From reality, that is.23:30
raflGAN8001: says do flash-and-reboot afterwards. is that something i want to do?23:30
milhouseGan: I wonder if he is as detached as he makes out... pretty remarkable if he is23:30
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GAN8001initfs will keep it from doing it, rafl.23:31
GAN8001You on N800 or N810?23:31
GAN8001rafl, then don't bother.23:31
GAN8001Kernel is mostly just IPv6 and some WiMAX stuff23:31
raflin fact ipv6 would be pretty cool23:32
GAN8001milhouse, CLOSED is for Nokia QA to set after the product with the fix is shipped.23:32
GAN8001rafl, did you substitute rx34 for rx44?23:32
milhouseGAN: reading the comments to the "ubuntu" post... is daniels no longer at nokia?23:32
GAN8001Good question23:33
GAN8001I was looking at his site23:33
GAN8001Seems like it, but dunno.23:33
GAN8001Gutsy comment.23:33
milhouseCan't imagine he'd be saying that if he were still there - he always struck me as someone who wouldn't publicly criticise the product or colleagues...23:33
raflGAN8001: yo23:33
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crashanddieManaged to get my algorithm working for finding prime numbers between 2 and 100M23:34
milhouseGAN: re CLOSED, thanks.23:34
milhouseHopefully they'll follow up and close the bugs rather than leave them open23:34
GAN8001rafl, N810 owners have reported non-bootable tablets with the Diablo kernel (requiring reflashing the kernel)23:34
GAN8001You could try it, not hard to recover from, but there's not much need23:35
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GAN8001Just delete the initfs image and it'll only flash the kernel.23:35
GAN8001milhouse, they've been pretty good at closing the resolved bugs in the past23:35
GAN8001But getting the UNCONFIRMED/NEW/ASSIGNED bugs RESOLVED is a little harder.23:35
milhouseNow that Andre seems to be on the case I hope the situation will improve23:36
milhouseHe's doing a pretty good job so far23:36
GAN8001I hit about 2-dozen that were floating around from all the way back to 2006 and andre's been hitting a lot more.23:36
cpt_nemoI have a problem with my N810. When it is turned on it starts booting and shows the white screen with NOKIA. The blue progress bar grows from the left all the way to the right. Then nothing happens for a while, the display is garbled for a moment and the device reboots.23:36
cpt_nemoDoes anyone know what is wrong here? The device worked fine this morning and I hadn't during the day. What can I do to get it working again?23:36
GAN8001Yeah, andre___ and karsten are my new heros. :D23:36
milhouseI'll go through all my bugs (comment or reporter) and review them once Diablo drops and bump them if there's no change, or close 'em23:37
GAN8001cpt_nemo, watchdog is killing it.23:37
GAN8001Reflash will fix it.23:37
milhousesorry, ask ask for them to be closed by Nokia QA :)23:37
cpt_nemohadn't _used_ it I meant.23:37
cpt_nemoGAN8001: I suspected something like that.23:37
Cptnodegardffs nickalert -___-23:37
GAN8001Haha, Cptnodegard Cptnodegard Cptnodegard. :P23:37
GAN8001You just can't win, can you? :D23:37
GAN8001milhouse, I was chatting with Karsten/guenther about the finally getting the guided submission form in place.23:38
cpt_nemoHow well does it charge the battery while it is stuck in this reboot loop?23:38
GAN8001Maybe the stupid "REPRODUCIBILITY: (always/sometimes/once) always" will finally go away.23:38
raflGAN8001: you're saying that n810 owners have had problems with the diablo kernel but you also say that i should delete the initfs. that'd mean that i'd be running the diablo kernel with the chinook initfs.23:39
raflGAN8001: i can't make sense out of that.23:39
jukeycpt_nemo: is there enough energy left in the batteries?23:39
milhouseheh yeah... and does it still add the browser details?23:39
GAN8001rafl, that's what I'm doing.23:39
cpt_nemoI'm asking because the battery is empty and the manuals say to only reflash once the battery is fully charged.23:39
GAN8001Diablo really isn't a large change over Chinook.23:39
milhousewhat's the point of adding my desktop browser details when i'm posting about a bug in my tablet??23:39
cpt_nemojukey: How much is "enough"?23:39
raflGAN8001: so is rm /usr/share/osso/images/initfs.jffs2 what i should do before doing flash-and-reboot?23:39
GAN8001milhouse, who knows.23:39
GAN8001Right, rafl.23:40
raflGAN8001: so the n810 users have had problems with the initfs, not the kernel?23:40
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GAN8001Nobody can flash the initfs that I know of, rafl.23:40
GAN8001It's too big.23:41
GAN8001N810 users seem to have trouble with the kernel23:41
raflok then. i'll delete it and flash the kernel. right?23:41
GAN8001N800 users don't.23:41
raflok. thanks!23:41
GAN8001It wont let you flash either with the initfs there.23:41
jukeycpt_nemo:  not sure but yesterday i had the same problem and after using the power adapter there where no problems23:41
GAN8001So you gotta delete it to get flash-and-reboot to do it's thing.23:41
cpt_nemojukey: So you reflashed while the power adapter was connected?23:42
milhousei must say the Android demos are looking pretty slick23:42
jukeycpt_nemo: no23:43
raflGAN8001: ok, i think i fucked it up.23:44
Naviandroid demos look _okay_23:44
raflGAN8001: at least it seems to reboot in a loop23:44
Navimore flair than functionality23:44
GAN8001Flash the kernel from the Chinook image.23:44
jukeycpt_nemo: i thougth the software is broken but it only was not enough power to boot the device, it sounds like your decription23:45
milhousewell, they're looking better in beta than maemo after 3 releases let's put it that way - touchscreen looks to be quite sensitive, web page scrolling looks responsive, generally quite well integrated...23:45
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GAN8001rafl ./flasher-3.0 -F <51-3 FIASCO image> --flash-only=kernel -R23:45
cpt_nemojukey: Ah, but the same happens on mine when it is connected to the power adapter.23:45
GAN8001milhouse, you wouldn't happen to have a crazy-stupid memory for dates and or version numbers relating to old releases of ITOS, would you?23:45
milhouseGAN: though obviously I'd never dream of trying to compare Maemo with a phone... :)23:45
raflGAN8001: FIASCO image?23:46
milhouseGAN: Probably - I have them all and typically downloaded on the day of release... which version?23:46
GAN8001That needs filing out.23:46
GAN8001Particularly OS200523:46
GAN8001rafl, the .bin from
raflGAN8001: Desktop/RX-44_2008SE_2.2007.51-3_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin?23:47
GAN8001Yes, that, rafl.23:47
* Cymor is back (gone 16:36:17)23:47
jukeycpt_nemo: okay, then i don't had an other idea than to reflash the tablet but sombody with more experience maybe would hav a better ides23:47
cpt_nemojukey: Thanks.23:47
RST38hFear-mongering hacks at The Daily Mail have been caught mistaking footage from a popular video game series as proof of al-Qaeda's "terrifying vision" for a nuclear attack on Washington.23:48
milhouse2.2005.45 is missing - I appear to have downloaded that on 21 Nov 200523:48
GAN8001Build number?23:48
GAN8001Call it -1. ;)23:49
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milhouse3.2005.51-13 I downloaded on 31 Dec 2005 at 20:44 (I obviously didn't celebrate New Years Eve that year...!)23:49
sjgadsbyIs there a way of browsing profiles on
raflGAN8001: hrm. now it displays the nokia logo for a while and shuts down.23:49
milhouserafl: if you have any memory cards installed, remove them before booting (sometimes helps)23:50
rafli just have the internal card installed right now23:50
milhouse5.2006.13-7 I have a download date of 23 Apr 2006 - is that right?23:50
milhousethe wiki says Feb 200623:51
GAN8001sjgadsby, I always go and just change the url.23:51
GAN8001milhouse, most of the dates are complete fabrications. ;)23:51
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sjgadsbyYeah, that's what I've resorted to as well, GAN8001.23:51
GAN8001sjgadsby, bug X-Fade about it when he gets back from LinuxTag23:52
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GAN8001He'll either have a hot profile page for you to use or put it on his TODO23:52
sjgadsbyOkay, thanks.23:52
nikosapidoes it make sense that the latest OS 2008 doesn't come with python?23:52
GAN8001nikosapi, yes.23:53
nikosapiiirc the original firmware had python, could that be?23:53
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GAN8001No, nikosapi.23:54
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GAN8001Something you installed pulled it in.23:54
Navi not everyone needs python.  You can always install it yourself.23:55
nikosapiah cool23:55
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