IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2008-01-07

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dick-richardsonis there a way to get apt w/autoremove support?00:04
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Luriayour initials or a geeky stargate reference?00:14
ReverseGTRLuria: your brain will explode and spill out of your ears for mentioning that00:15
Luriabrain... nope, still there.00:16
lcukit takes time00:16
Luriawell, as much as it's always been.00:16
lcukits more an ooze than a spill00:16
Luriatime and a 12 gauge buckshot blast.00:17
lcukyou might want to invest in some bulletproof earplugs00:17
Luriai have some impact resistant ones00:18
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ReverseGTRlooks like it already happened to Bug Blue00:18
Luriabut, no, no pasgt laying about.00:18
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Luriaits contagious00:18
ReverseGTRI'm afraid so the Gulwaude00:20
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ReverseGTRimproved their technology immensily00:20
* ReverseGTR killed it :P 00:21
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ReverseGTRow my brains! gnahh!00:22
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rm_youlol... dhd: same question :P00:38
rm_you!! :P00:38
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* Luria is not nuts00:38
* rm_you is nuts.00:38
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Luriaat least not by virtue of that question.00:38
rm_youwell, I am nuts, so I don't know if my asking the same question absolves you :P00:39
* rm_you goes back to hacking away at mplayer/alsa00:39
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dhdmy initials actually :)00:42
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dhdI became aware of the Stargate device just recently00:44
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Luriafinally an answer.00:44
Luriabut i did suggest you initals first. :-)00:44
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dhdso - is there a way to define a control-key combination as a shortcut in osso-xterm? (the one that comes with OS2008)00:46
dhde.g. control-a00:46
sibbehmm that would be nice..00:46
sibbei noticed things like "Home" work00:46
dhdyeah i saw some posting that indicated that <Control>a might work00:48
dhdbut it doesn't ... time to utsl I guess :)00:49
sibbe"gconftool-2 -R /apps/osso/xterm" shows them...00:50
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jga23is there any way to remap keys in fceu?01:19
unique311was the (repostory) thing fix?01:19
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unique311can i use repository now, instead of repostory...01:19
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jga23i think so01:24
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Cptnodegardwe have competition people :p01:25
jga23dhd: you figure it out?01:25
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skiburAnybody have a GrandCentral account?01:35
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unique311skibur, pm me ur email address01:37
skiburo that you on youtube :P01:37
lcuk2hi unique :)01:38
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unique311he should really get a irc client01:41
lcuk2yer i should01:41
unique311xchat is pretty good01:41
lcuk2i got it now for both this win box and for the 81001:41
lcuk2i just feel a bit more comfortable in webchat01:41
unique311skibur you want an invite?01:41
skiburyeah, did you get my email?01:42
unique311did you pm it?01:42
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killfillis there other mpd client for maemo, than "maemo music player client"?01:42
unique311if you not register you cannot send PM/s01:42
skiburo ok01:42
killfillsomething more finger friently.. :)01:42
skiburlet me sign up01:42
unique311 /msg nickserv register <passwrd>01:43
unique311and then identify   /msg nickserv identify <passwrd>01:43
unique311got it01:43
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unique3114 more invites01:44
unique311come and get em, while they hot.01:44
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unique311works, reallly good.  My cellphone is on break, I'm using the grancentral/gizmo thing as a house phone.....01:46
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unique311i just hope gizmo doesn't catch up to the whole thing, and put a lock on it.01:46
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lcukgrrr - you were right uniq - i clicked backspace and it did browser history...01:47
* lcuk is now in xchat01:47
skiburunique311, Thanks Again.  I'm set now. :)01:48
* lcuk now has a whole new set of buttons knobs and switches to twiddle with01:49
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Luriaright, how many are gizmo AND n8x0 users AND grandcentral users?01:52
Luriai dont think this channel is a fair representation :-)01:52
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Luriaim not worried about gizmo making a system change for a handul of users01:52
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unique311skibur, you can use the browser on the tablet to make the calls.01:59 is much quicker to use on the tablet.01:59
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skiburmy CenterStation will not accept my Gizmo Number :/02:01
skibursorry, GrandCentral02:01
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unique311hold on02:04
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unique311i remember this happening to me02:04
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unique311(xxx) xxx-xxxx02:05
unique311that format02:05
unique311then name it gizmo02:06
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skiburgot it02:07
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unique311you tried it with the 102:07
skiburupdate rtcomm?02:08
skiburare you running OS2008?02:08
unique311don't need to02:08
skiburo ok02:08
unique311i tried updating and it wouldn't work for me.02:08
unique311then i stumbled on another post that said you don't need to update02:08
unique311just set up gizmo in the default client02:08
unique311sip, jabber and something else is available without the need to update02:09
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unique311google talk is the third option.02:10
skiburgoing to make a call02:13
fysado we have a working cbr/cbz reader for os2008?02:15
skiburit work nice02:15
unique311of course02:15
skiburI hope it will be free02:15
unique311its free02:15
skiburfor along time02:16
skiburBeta for ever!02:16
unique311just hope gizmo don't change around the system.02:16
unique311but like luria stated, to make a change because of a few n8XX, and grandcentral user.02:16
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unique311business can't be so good02:16
unique311google is not the problem02:17
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unique311google is basically just calling your gizmo number and the number you dialed, and connecting you two.02:17
unique311but then again, i did try to call my gizmo number from my cellphone, and got an error message.02:18
unique311i say google should just buy gizmo, like its buying everything else.02:19
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alteregoAnyone know if you can get the flasher to create a fiasco image from the device?02:22
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unique311so the repos were fixed....02:24
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unique311xmms for The Maemo, hildonize?02:27
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jga23is there any way to remap keys in fceu for the n810?02:39
unique311you check the config file?02:40
skiburI tried calling my gizmo number too02:40
skiburIt asked me to press 1 to accept the call02:41
alteregoHmm .. Why did they get rid of the caps lock VKB key :(02:41
skiburif can bring up the keyboard, then maybe we can accept the call02:41
skiburbring up notes02:41
unique311you don't know how to bring up the keypad02:41
skiburand when it ask to press 1 to accept, see if it will accept it02:42
unique311click on internet call and then choose dtmf dailing02:42
skiburo yeah02:42
unique311did you try calling this from a regular phone line02:42
unique311this being the gizmo number02:42
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unique311skibur, i think you misunderstood me,  try calling the 747 gizmo number on your house phone.02:45
unique311or cellphone.02:45
skiburo ok02:45
unique311you will get an error message, something about the 747 not being valid.02:45
skiburi was calling the GrandCentral one02:45
unique311that will work.02:45
unique311somehow it dials the 747 number and gets thru.02:46
unique311so give out the the grancentral number, and people will be able to call you.02:46
unique311when you answer, bring up the DTFM dailing pad, and press 1 to answer.02:47
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astro76grandcentral just makes a free sip to sip voip call ( )02:51
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* alterego attempts to come up with a backup strategy for his tablet.03:42
alteregoSo far involving mount, tar and ssh.03:42
astro76rsync no good?03:45
Luriadd :-)03:45
alteregodd fails.03:45
Luriawow. speaking of backups...03:46
Luriaive never seen a rate that high03:46
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Luria(other than proof of concept, demos, etc)03:46
alteregoWell, my N810 should arrive in a couple of days :)03:49
alteregoI've got three projects to do for work. Which should be laid to rest by the end of the week. Then I'm going to spend the rest of the month on Ruby-Maemo.03:50
alteregoI've hardly done anything on it for a month now and it's making me feel kind of guilty.03:51
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blahdeblahN800hi - a quick straw poll: what's the next most viable language for maemo development after C/C++?03:56
packetlossmmi've noticed many apps are done in python03:57
* lcuk seems to like python03:57
alteregoRuby is better03:58
Luriapython seems to be pretty popular03:58
blahdeblahN800alterego: Then why do you need to spend the rest of the month working on it? :P03:59
alteregoGood question.03:59
alteregoThere are three libraries I need to bind.03:59
alteregoI'm also working on a port of gems, which is kind of like cpan but for ruby03:59
alteregoI need to optimize it quite a lot.04:00
alteregoI also need to move my build process to scrachbox 2.04:00
alteregoAswell as start work on Ruby 1.9 ready for the next major release. Which is pretty imminent.04:01
blahdeblahN800alterego: consider yourself vindicated ;-)04:02
blahdeblahN800Boy this handwriting recognition is annoying me!04:03
blahdeblahN800So slow04:03
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alteregoI'd also like to work on a rewrite of the website.04:04
packetlossmmi like how the middle button brings up thumb keyboard in 200804:04
alteregoDo some more complete documentation, write a comprehensive and stable set of unit tests.04:04
Luriait always did04:04
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alteregoWhat started out being a project to allow me to comfortable hack apps for my tablet turned into my first proper OSS project.04:05
packetlossmmahh, only notived because finger presses won't register since i upgraded04:05
alteregoI've not even got around to writing any real maemo apps yet :(04:05
Luriapacketlossmm, that's new :-)04:05
blahdeblahN800Ruby & Python are languages i've been meaning to learn for a while, so i might have to give them both a try04:06
alteregoblahdeblahN800, do it. That's how I got into Ruby. I was using Python for about 8 months. Then I started learning Ruby and within a couple of weeks I jumped ship ^_^04:06
alteregoBut whatever, it's up to you which you prefer.04:06
alteregoAnyhow, I think it's about bed time now.04:07
blahdeblahN800alterego: interesting - everyone i talk to seems to th.04:07
blahdeblahN800... think da bomb04:08
alteregoPython is certainly more popular. But it's been around a long time.04:08
alteregoRuby is relatively new, and people are constantly jumping ship from python to ruby when they can.04:09
fysaI went back to python also..04:09
fysamostly because I prefer how it handles modules04:09
packetlossmmwasnt ruby created in early 90's , just not well known04:09
fysaand the vast APIs/third-party modules04:09
alteregoI found Ruby to be more free'ing, Python somehow seems more rigid. Though the two languages share a lot. Ruby is certainly more object oriented though.04:09
blahdeblahN800what made you jump ship?04:09
fysaARexx is better than either of them. ;)04:10
* lcuk remembers arexx fondly04:10
alteregoRuby has a little more lisp and smalltalk rolled in than Python does.04:11
alteregoOh and did I mention Ruby is like Web 2.0?04:11
* alterego throws in a buzz word for good measure.04:11
lcukthe biggest difference with python from other languages is the formatting04:11
lcukbut thats also its strength04:11
alteregoYes, the indentation as syntax is a little strange to some.04:11
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blahdeblahN800...hopefully minus all the (((())))04:12
alteregoI don't think it's a strength at all.04:12
alteregoI think it's just a design decision.04:12
lcuki agree04:12
alteregoThe indentation rules in Python make crap all difference in my opinion.04:12
lcukto me its logical04:12
* blahdeblahN800 gives up and switches to his bluetooth keyboard04:12
alteregoIt's logical because it's a programming language :P04:12
lcukthere is that04:13
alteregoIt's more of a short cut in someways. Which yes, is a good thing I suppose.04:14
alteregoBut not everyone likes it.04:14
alteregoThe indentation rule I found quite appealing actually though, when I was using python.04:15
thefoolany news on canola for the 770?04:15
lcuki doubt the nokia designers write in it tho - the 810 doesn't have a tab key04:15
blahdeblahN800Personally, the indenting thing has been the thing that has made me hold off learning Python - y'know, the whole COBOL memories thing...04:15
alteregolcuk, they only need one space :P04:15
lcukbut then it wont look right04:15
alteregoNever touched COBOL me.04:15
alteregoOh, it's about "looks" now :P04:16
alteregoPoser :P04:16
lcukunless i can make a space char a big fatty04:16
alterego"I code Python because it looks cool" ^_^04:16
thefoollcuk: actually I think it looks better with 1-2 spaces then tabbed as you qickly start needing to scroll with normal tabs04:16
alteregoSure, increase the font size :D04:16
alteregoMy tabs are 2 spaces.04:16
lcuki come from a place where 4 spaces is also the default tab04:16
alteregoI believe matz (ruby god) uses 4 space tabs though04:17
lcukso for the last 7 years i have been using 404:17
blahdeblahN800My eyes aren't good enough to use indents that small... ;-)04:17
blahdeblahN8004 for me!04:17
blahdeblahN800(Although i mostly code Java)04:17
alteregoI think anyone that uses 4 space tabs is over compensating for something else :P04:17
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* lcuk drives a small car04:17
alteregothefool, must have the largest appendage here if he's prepared to use a single space ..04:17
alteregoAnyhow, it's 2:20am here. I've got to get sleep, early mornin' and all. Good night folks.04:18
blahdeblahN800My tab is smaller than your tab?  Kind of reverse logic...04:18
blahdeblahN800night alterego - thanks for the tips04:18
lcuki suppose i would have picked up any language as long as it cross compiled and was testable onj this windows box04:18
lcukpython came along and had what i needed04:18
lcuknite alter04:19
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lcukive also got work in the morning04:19
lcuki havent been in since b4 xmas04:19
* rm_you uses 3 space tabs04:19
lcuklol @ rm being odd04:20
* rm_you is an oddball04:20
thefoolI learned python because it I needed something high level that I could take all sorts of proprietary DB and XMLish formats and store them into an SQL DB for a job I was doing. I was able to learn enough python to do that in a few hours04:20
rm_youi also <3 python04:20
rm_youit's a good introductory language, IMO04:20
blahdeblahN800thefool: interesting04:20
thefoolIt really is a beautiful language04:20
rm_youwhen i try to introduce people to programming, i do it with python04:20
lcukunless rm reformats it to look cack :P04:20
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rm_youless annoying symbols to deal with, and the syntax is very english-like04:21
thefooland then you have to tell them that "real": programming is not that fun...04:21
rm_youand the "forced indentation" side effect is nice04:21
lcuki dont introduce ppl to code - its like trying to teach someone ninja skills04:21
rm_youbecause it leads to good coding style later :P04:21
packetlossmmim stuck with vb and at work.04:21
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lcukbesides, you never know if they will become a grandmaster and take your job away04:22
lcukim doin "classic" vb04:22
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* lcuk has got 15 years of code to manage04:22
* lcuk still works with a core library written originally in that crappy dos basic :S04:23
thefoolI am pretty sure I did not know what code was 15 years ago04:23
lcuki knew but it wasnt my problem back then04:23
blahdeblahN800lcuk: Stop it! You're hurting me!  Mum, make him stop!!!04:23
lcuki took over it all (its 99.9% vb classic now) in 200004:23
packetlossmmi was hired for an it operations job and find myself working on a cms lol04:23
rm_youi do VB6 for my job >_<04:24
rm_youi hate it so much04:24
lcuknothing at all wrong with vb in the right hands (mine :D )04:24
rm_you100% maintenance and feature additions <_<04:24
thefoollcuk: so sad... I have an old Cish compiler from before the ANSI days it fits on a few 5 1/4's and ran in DOS, didn't think it got older than that. Guess I was wrong lol04:24
packetlossmmi know its wrong in mine lol04:24
blahdeblahN800Mum, now rm_you's doing it too!  Whine!  ;-(04:25
lcukfool - i was writing in c on the amiga in the 90s, the first things i got on a pc was the source to the original c compiler04:25
lcuki played with that for a while04:25
lcukthen i started college and slid around doin c++ and pascal until i found vb04:26
thefoolI still have my first computer, an old 486...hearing of an amiga scares me.04:27
packetlossmmi think its usually that vb finds you04:27
lcuki wont tell you about the hand written assembler (entered in hex) on the spectrum04:27
thefoollcuk: uck you went from C to C++ to VB? And you liked it?!?04:27
lcukfront end worked - the language was easy - once i split everything up (classes/interface) its no less of a language than anything else04:28
thefoolI could never do any serious work in VB...maybe an interface.... but you have NO real control04:28
lcukwhy not? i can do anything in vb04:29
rm_youVB seems like it's designed to be a prototyping language04:29
rm_youwhich is great for menu systems and all...04:29
rm_youbut it doesn't have very much real power behind it04:29
lcukactually menus are the hardest things..04:29
lcukin MDIs anyway with merging04:29
rm_youthe program i work on is 100% menu04:30
rm_youit's basically a multi-program launcher04:30
lcukthen write it in any language, and build menus at runtime from the interface to your class04:30
lcukyou just need html ;)04:30
rm_youi am sometimes tempted to rewrite the system in something like Java >_>04:31
rm_youit would definately make my job easier04:31
rm_youbut i don't think i'd get paid to do that04:31
lcukeventually my boss is gonna get me to rebuild our breadwinner in .shit04:32
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lcuki think i best go bed04:38
lcukall this talk of vb has given me the shakes04:38
* lcuk will dream of a better life with python04:38
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* dhd|busy has compiled FFT code for the DSP05:40
dhd|busytime to test it05:40
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Lurianicwow. was so busy before.05:46
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tank-mandoes someone know where i can get more info on what the ".desktop" file is?06:02
tank-mando you have suggestions on other search terms to use? i am using "mime desktop os2007 OR os2008"06:07
astro76tank-man: freedesktop.org06:08
dragorntank-man: it's on under docs, if I recall06:08
dragorntank-man: Or just unpack another deb and look at it06:08
tank-manthanks, i'll take a look at those two06:08
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fysahow do you make the videocenter the default for browser?06:14
fysamediaserv + videocenter + mplayer = wireless video heaven06:37
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jga23_anybody know how to remap keys in powermanga?06:39
|Roh, it's out06:41
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|Rjga23_ : does yours crashes when you die?06:55
jga23_|R: yes06:56
jga23_but its fun till then :)06:56
|Ri'm not very good ;)06:56
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jga23_I wish I could map the fire button to the n810 space bar07:09
jga23_or enter button07:09
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dmaddhi all, anyone know why i can't import an os x address book-generated vcard (.vcf), into an os2008 contact list? i'm on os x, v10.4. read somewhere that it was possible. in fact i sent my tab several formats and nothing worked (tab, comma).07:35
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fysaanyone interested in a xbmc 'mod' for mediaserv?08:01
fysathe idea is, you use videocenter to browse all media on your network via mediaserv08:02
fysaso you get a reasonable interface, and easy point-and-click with the super mplayer video player.08:02
fysawhich works perfectly right now -- I have 720p x264 files for my HTPC here, but I can stream them with real-time transcoding..08:03
fysaat reasonable resolutions to my N80008:03
fysawhich means anything that mplayer can play, will work.  which is basically everything.08:03
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fysathe xbmc/htpc 'hack' would basically modify the tablet-encode script to a POST to the built-in xbmc webserver08:04
fysaor using the API -- maybe xmlrpc08:04
fysawhich will trigger the same media being played simultaneously on xbmc (or whatever your htpc software is)08:05
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fysaand the maemo device.08:05
fysaultimately, making the device a touchscreen remote for your home theater.08:05
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fysaset on your coffee table with RSS feeds and a complete tree of your media server collection.08:06
fysait could work for music too.08:06
fysaplay a song on the device, trigger it playing on your real music system08:06
fysaso you can listen and 'take it with you'08:06
fysathe song you listen to in the car on the drive home (if you were streaming online) would be playing when you walked in the door08:07
|Rsounds fun :)08:07
fysaif anyone here wants to test or play with such a beast, please let me know.08:07
|Rbut can't test this right now :/08:08
fysaI have a problem -- I have the skill to do much hackery, but am overwhelmed with projects and new ideas for projects -- but if I can put the pressure of an audience on myself, I'm sure I will emerge victorious over my lazy subconcious.08:08
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Luriaand pidgin is... gone08:33
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|Rhaha wtf08:41
|RNot gone for me until OTR is ported to the OS08:42
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|Roff-the-record encryption08:43
fysayes, reading now08:43
zoranwhat goal whould you liek to fulfil?08:44
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|RAnd it's very easy to use in pidgin :)08:45
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zoranthe very protocol was made with no security in mind08:45
|Rindeed, otr fixes that :)08:46
zoranI recall encryption for irc08:46
zoranit wasw some patch for irssi08:46
|Rthat's a bit harder, multi-key is a pain :|08:46
|Rthough, we should all switch to silc :)08:47
zoranlemme c08:47
zoranhm, pidgin oriented08:48
zorantake a look at "fish", encryption for irssi08:49
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zoranand mirc, also08:49
zorank, there is silc plugin for irssi, too08:50
|Rsilc is a new protocol altogether though08:50
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|Rbut interesting :)08:50
Luriaanyone getting 404s from the rtcomm repo?08:51
zoranpeople disregard encryption08:51
|Ryeah... that sucks08:51
|Rwe should not have to think about it08:51
|Rit should just be enabled wherever possible08:51
zoran|R, ms don't like enc, so most people don't, also08:52
|Rms ? M$ ?08:52
zoranI always write them in small cases08:53
zoran|R, have you tried silc client?08:54
|Ra while back08:54
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|Rbasically looked like irssi08:55
|Rwith some key management functions08:55
zorana lot of environment variables should be set08:55
zorandoes it work as itself or with irssi?08:55
|Ras itself08:56
|Rno, silc?08:56
zoranI mean, how do you connect
|Roh, you can't...08:56
fysayou know..08:56
|Rthey use silc servers08:56
|Rthat's why i was saying it's a whole new protocol08:57
|Rthe goal is a secure IRC08:57
zoranthere is a plugin for irssi on their site08:57
|RSecure Internet Live Conferencing.. SILC :)08:57
|Roh :)08:57
|Ryeah found it :)08:58
fysawe could take an RSS feed of a torrent or tvnzb site, and using mediaserv and videocenter create an intellectual property nightmare -- you queue downloads by playing them -- torrent spawns, when done tablet-encode makes sure you can play whatever it is, feeds them with mediaserv back to videocenter where you can set an unlimited number of feeds up.08:58
fysasame with an nzb.08:58
|Rbut i'd still have to convince my friends to move from an SSL irc server to that ;)08:59
fysajust run a VPN.08:59
fysathen SSL inside of it.08:59
zoranssl is fine08:59
zoranbut none want to bother even with that08:59
zoranpeople are just too lazy08:59
|RVPN to where?08:59
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fysathat is the killer app.09:00
fysathat the openness of the N800 was designed for..09:01
fysaof maemo..09:01
|Rkiller apps for me is having ssh in my pocket09:01
|Rand then SIP09:01
|Rand a browser...09:01
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zoran|R, I can't get my friends to join irc, how could I make them join encryption and silc server?  :)09:01
|Rand plenty of fun gizmos around that ;)09:02
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zorank, FiSH-irssi looks as the best solution to me09:03
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|Rzoran : irc, i think, is out of the era where people came on #whatever-town to chat... they're now lost on crapbook09:03
zoranI just liek it09:04
zoranif I have a question, I don't ask a name, but a whole #channel09:04
zoranmy contacts are on win09:05
zoranI have nothing to ask them09:05
|RI don't see how this could be practical any other way09:05
zoranthe matter of taste  :)09:05
zoranI liek this #maemo09:05
|Rbut i still prefer a private friend channel :)09:06
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zoran|R, k, if I have im client, like centericq, I'm closed to what they know09:06
|R(though you're pretty much left with your computer geeky friends ;)09:06
zoranif I like to talk about vms, I go to #vms09:07
|RMost people i know at least have OTR on their IM for some reason (most people i know don't run windows for some other reason and those other client come bundled with OTR)09:07
zoranthey know all answers09:07
|Rhaha :)09:07
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* |R doesn't misses VAX ;)09:07
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zoranI tried to but second-hand alpha and was suprised by the prise the bloke asked for09:08
|Ra friend of mine got one a long time ago09:09
|Rsold it back after we played with it basically...09:09
zoranhe should like me to help him get rid of it09:09
zoranvms is vax/alpha/itanium09:09
|Rbut they're pretty much big noisy plastic/metal cube at this point ;)09:09
zorannot for home usage09:10
zoranor pocket storage09:10
|Rhaha :)09:10
|Rpocket alpha! as seen on TV!09:10
zoranhospitals, banks09:10
zoranalpha was fine, but hp killed it and digital unix09:10
zoranwhich was better than hp-ux09:11
zoranthey also killed compaq laptops09:11
|Ri still can't understand why old unix had binaries in /etc...09:11
zoranI have one, writting now09:11
|R(HPUX, Irix, etc..)09:11
zoranevolution of it is a matter of one who wrote it09:12
zoranbsd has teh best placement09:12
zoranbetter than linux09:12
|Rhow so?09:13
zoranqnx could be fine for 770, if could be get free of charge09:13
zoranah, |R, linux os overbloated now09:13
zoranfreebsd stayed simple as it was09:13
zoranno million conf files for just one thing09:14
|Ri don't find it bloated09:14
|Rbut i haven't ran a bsd for a while either09:14
zoranI have freebsd on both desk and laptop09:14
zoranI cannot change it to linux for that reason09:15
zoranlinux is developing faster, must say09:15
|Ri mean, if i had to go bsd and get stock with no 3rd party support beside FOSS etc, or binary compat for linux... i'd probably go for OpenBSD, beeing paranoid etc... but well.. not worth it for me09:15
zoranopenbsd has some problem now, dunno what is going on09:16
zoranbas smp support09:16
zoranbad 64 bit support09:16
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zorannot bad as "not working"09:16
zoranjust not freebsd "stable and fast"09:16
zoranfreebsd is the fastest and, for future 7.0 most stable, beside vms09:17
vegailinux's apparent complexity is due to the distro not due to the kernel+GNU09:18
zoranpeople dislike bsd, since it is not for novice09:18
|Rbut I'm afraid the bsd community won't be able to keep up at some point09:18
|Ri hope they do... but with everyone throwing their weight behind linux...09:18
vegaiBSD doesn't have the momentum, that's the problem09:18
|Rvegai : indeed09:18
zoranvegai, what momentum?09:18
vegaiok, scratch that comment09:19
zoranthey work on most biiiiiiiiiiig clusters09:19
vegaiBSD doesn't have the hype, that's the problem09:19
zoranoh, I like that09:19
zoranhype is for blondes09:19
vegaiyes, for some it's a good thing09:19
zoranTheo de Raadt is my kind of guy09:20
vegaibut it also means that dumb execs don't get to hear about it09:20
zoran"if you don't like, find something else"09:20
vegaiwell, smart execs too09:20
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|RI haven't seen any widescale *BSD news for a long time :|09:20
zoranand " using openbsd is privilage"09:20
zoranyahoo uses them09:21
vegaiPlan9 or Inferno on N8xx might be interesting too, if you're interested in cool non-hyped thing09:21
zoranI mean freebsd09:21
zoranvegai, I have one plan9 account09:21
|Rhehe they still exist? i remember doing a big OS map 10 years ago with all these names ;)09:21
vegaiis it on a N810? :)09:21
zoranplan9 sever09:22
|Rare these OS FOSS ?09:22
vegaizoran: cool.09:22
zoranvegai, I think qnx would be even better09:22
zoranreal time os is just for 77009:22
vegai|R: plan9 is using an OSI certified license, don't remember which one right now09:23
zoran|R, plan9 could be what you like, since they are just a buntch of desperados now09:23
zorantheir comando is on the list, unlike Billy09:23
zoransecond man gave me account on his server09:24
vegaidon't laugh, they just wrote an ssh2 server09:24
vegaior was it client09:24
zoranI dislike graphical nature of plan9, indeed09:24
zoranbut, it is more secure in nature than win09:25
zoranno root09:25
|Rhehe, win is the contrary... STAY ROOT! always!09:25
|Rkill yourself! fast!09:25
zoranI just don't get that thing09:25
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zoranyou even cannot do mundane things as user09:25
|Rthey don't either09:25
zoranmy good friend says that server 2003 was their best home os09:26
zoranI don't have win for so long time, that jst cannot comment09:27
zoranI made rdesktop connection some time ago09:27
zoranl Mb jsut to connect09:27
|Rnever ran it as a personal OS of my life09:27
zoran1 Mb to load wordpad09:27
|Ronly at school, etc..09:27
|Rgot raised on macs, and fled to linux09:27
zoran1 Mb to write "test"09:27
zoran1 Mb to disconenct09:27
zoranon hp testdrive site09:28
zoranmy neghbor installed vista and later could not got rid of it!09:29
blahdeblahIs there a way to get the account details from Rhapsody on the N800 so we can login to their site over the web?09:29
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zoranFiSH-irssi looks implemented in irssi just like native commands09:30
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zoranmust to try on this days09:31
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zoranbtw, someone has britannica perl approach on linux?09:36
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zoransomeone used mediawiki?09:48
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Cptnodegardthe memory card readers of the n800 are fuckign slow -.-09:55
zoranmaybe the card is of low quality?09:56
Cptnodegardits a 150x card09:57
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Cptnodegardwrite speed of 20 MB per sec09:57
fysayeah, right09:57
fysabest-case only09:57
fysafind real benchmarks09:57
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Cptnodegardbut its a 4GB, non SDHC. dunno if the fact its not SDHC somewhat confuses the n800 and slows it down09:57
zoranlow power?09:57
blahdeblahAnd VFAT filesystem is a raw performance beast... ;-)09:57
Cptnodegardits not theoretically, i get full speed with a USB card reader09:58
zoranah, should be formatted09:58
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zoranext2 works fine to me09:58
blahdeblahTrue - but then you can't just put it in any old Windows box to transfer files.09:58
fysahow fast is internal flash?09:58
Cptnodegardinternal card is a class 2 8gb SDHC. external one is a 150X 4GB SD09:59
fysano.. sorry, I mean the built-in flash09:59
Cptnodegardno idea09:59
blahdeblahzoran: Do you know if USB flash drives implement a file-based protocol?  Or do they just provide raw access to the device?09:59
zoranthere must be some usb-ata driver10:00
zoranif it has enclosure10:00
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zoranpenstick should be just usb10:00
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zoranI tried usb hdd on bsd and found it almost ridiculous10:01
blahdeblahI was just wondering whether you could format a card ext3, use it natively on Linux, yet be able to plug the N800 in via USB and get access on Windows boxes.10:01
zoranjust don't use ext310:01
zoranit reads and writes too much over it10:02
blahdeblahs/ext3/any given non-Windows filesystem/10:02
infobotblahdeblah meant: I was just wondering whether you could format a card any given non-Windows filesystem, use it natively on Linux, yet be able to plug the N800 in via USB and get access on Windows boxes.10:02
blahdeblahThat bot's a bit too smart...10:02
zoranyou could format it and read on device, yes10:02
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zoranyou just need to load a module for ext310:02
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blahdeblahThe part i'm wondering about is whether Windows would be able to read it via the N800's USB flash drive emulation.10:03
Luriai would think so10:03
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zoranas I understand, usb cable unloads vfat system10:03
Luriaconsidering the internal partition is jffs210:04
blahdeblahLuria: but you can't get access to that via USB, can you?10:04
Luriaand is plenty readable by by windows without fs drivers10:04
zoranext3 partition stayed mounted10:04
blahdeblahI only see the two card readers10:04
zoranso you have to unload it first10:04
Luriait's flakey10:04
blahdeblahLuria: both cards on my system are VFAT10:04
Luriaok, but the internal 256 is jffs2, and is mounted - provided there isnt any serious filesystem activity going on10:05
blahdeblahHow can you see the internal flash via USB?10:06
Luriadunno. plug in, it works.10:06
Luriatho -10:06
Luriai do have the flash updater installed now that i think about it10:06
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Luriamaybe it added a driver10:06
blahdeblahWhen i plug my N800 into my Debian box, i only see the two card readers.10:06
Luriadunno what to tell you10:07
Luriabut i have done it, not reliably10:08
Luriasometimes there is some sort of volume locking that prohibits mounting... all that said, use scp :-)10:09
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d^_^Bhi guys10:20
d^_^Bhow are ya today?10:20
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d^_^Bi need the charge the nokia n810 after buy immediately???????10:24
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X-Fade_d^_^B: Nah, just start using it.10:25
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d^_^Bso it dosn't need any charge 8 9 hours like mobile phones yes?10:25
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d^_^Bthe first charge10:26
d^_^Bare u sure dear friend?10:26
Cptnodegardyes hes sure10:26
X-Fade_d^_^B: That is really old knowledge :)10:26
X-Fade_Li-ion doesn't care what you do the first time..10:26
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d^_^Bfinally need or no?10:28
d^_^Bfor the first time after buy10:28
X-Fade_10 years ago, yes.10:29
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d^_^Bohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so it is not the same mobile phones exactly pocket laptop10:32
X-Fade_d^_^B: Mobile phones is also the same. You don't need to do that..10:32
X-Fade_li-ion goes bad by aging..10:32
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X-Fade_So it start to die the moment it leaves the factory. (Just as we do btw ;)10:33
d^_^Bbut i know and hear we must do the first charge 8 9 hours after buy for these10:33
X-Fade_d^_^B: It doesn't have a timer that starts when you buy it..10:33
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d^_^BX-Fade_ which one have u? n8*010:34
X-Fade_In a few hours I have all tablets..10:34
X-Fade_My N810 is in its delivery round accoring to UPS :)10:34
fysaanyone know which CPU this uses?10:34
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fysaWindows CE was ARM based wasn't it?10:35
d^_^Bwell n800 n810 doesn't need the first charge and i can use it after buy immediately?10:35
fysathat would be an attractive device if it could run Maemo/Hildon..10:35
X-Fade_d^_^B: The battery won't be full, but there will be some power in it..10:35
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jonekmy new discount code is still invalid in the german nokia store :-(10:40
JaffaMorning, all10:43
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blahdeblahQuestion: does the native N800 media player support the scrobbling plugin that's available in extras?10:56
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d^_^Bwhat is it?11:00
fysausing new Intel chipset (CES is on now)11:01
fysaholy shit.11:03
fysa3600 hours of olympics for stream online11:03
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d^_^Bwhat a cool11:03
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Cordgermany - no points.11:27
pupnik_Cord: it appears nokia will force me to apply to banks to get a visa/mc card.  Is this correct?11:28
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Cordpupnik_: afaik yes. /me will pay with the card of a friend.11:28
pupnik_can you pay with card of a friend?  the name will not match your code name11:29
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X-Fade_pupnik_: Doesn't matter. You can even give your code away..11:29
pupnik_don't tempt me11:29
Cordpupnik_: we'll see. but as some successful appliers didn't even give something that looks like a name...11:30
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X-Fade_My N810 is in UPS delivery round at the moment. I can't wait! :)11:30
pupnik_ok thanks for the info Cord11:30
AD-N770bon dia i bon any nou / good morning and happy new year11:30
CordAD-N770: which timezonbe are you in? it is 7th Jan here already ;-)11:31
wndorder status: open. I wonder what that means.11:31
X-Fade_Cord: GMT+144 ;)11:32
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jkyrohi, anybody have knowledge about chinook installation?11:34
jkyroI have bora SDK installed I'd like to keep that and setup a separate target for chinook11:35
jkyrois it enough to just get the glibc2.5 toolchain and run the sdk install script?11:35
pupnik_Anybody with a phone call 800-244-6397, enter 2406 then listen to the recorded questio nand press '4'11:35
pupnik_new poll11:35
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Monkuluswhat kind of poll?11:37
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wndgoogle says "800 244-6397 Telephone Poll | Ron Paul for President 2008 - Ron ..."11:37
Luriaoh joy11:37
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pupnik_Do it or the TERRORISTS will win!11:42
cesmanwhen the executive office bends the public over and congress does nothing....11:42
cesmanthe terrorist have already won11:43
cesmanwell, the "war on terror" is bs11:43
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maddlermorning all...11:45
vegaipupnik_: that sucks.11:46
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vegaiand Linux is GNU?11:46
b0unc3good morning...11:48
LuriaIf you use maemo, richard stallman wins!11:48
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pupnik_vegai: agree, but if cords is right i can use a friend's card11:52
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vegaiyou're just mudding up the polls. That's information terrorism :P11:54
pupnik_oh that11:54
pupnik_telling people how to vote is what the media does ALL DAY11:54
vegaioh, sorry for carrying on a non-topic conversation :)11:54
pupnik_so I will do it.11:54
pupnik_don't bother me11:56
pupnik_i'm not doing any maemo development yet11:56
KnirchLuria: how do you recon?11:59
Luriaeh, just playing with the ...the terrorists win meme being thrown around12:00
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unique311_anybody home12:23
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lardmananyone know what the Nokia express delivery provides?12:27
X-Fade_lardman: UPS express?12:27
lardmanI seem to remember seeing UPS somewhere...12:28
X-Fade_lardman: My package is being delivered as UPS Standard.12:28
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lardmanI ticked express on Friday afternoon, then after paying saw that they don't deliver on weekends, and have received an email today to say it's just shipped12:29
lardmanI'd expected express to be next (business) day12:29
X-Fade_lardman: Yeah, don't use express on Friday :)12:29
X-Fade_You will get ripped of :)12:29
lardmanstrange it couldn't be moved over the weekend even if it's not delivered12:29
lardmananyway, only ~£6 extra, I'm sure I'll survive12:30
X-Fade_UPS does deliver on Saturday though. But that costs a lot more..12:30
lardmanI see it says that they should deliver in one business day by 12noon12:31
lardmanperhaps I should slope off home and wait :)12:31
X-Fade_So they still have 1.5 hours for your package ;)12:31
lardmanah, that's the problem, I checked my email this morning and Nokia said it had shipped, so I assumed it wouldn't be delivered today12:31
X-Fade_I have Standard and that is before the end of this day..12:31
lardmanah well, I'll go home at lunch time and see if I've got a card through the door12:32
X-Fade_lardman: Use the UPS tracking code..12:32
lardmanhmm, I don't see one12:32
X-Fade_If it is 'Out for delivery' you will know for sure..12:32
X-Fade_Tracking Number: 1ZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX12:33
lardmanI don't have one on my email12:33
X-Fade_You can check your order status too? On the Nokia shop website?12:34
X-Fade_They have that on direct.n.c at least..12:34
kulvelardman: it took day before I got the mail including the tracking code12:34
kulveor more even12:34
X-Fade_kulve: Yeah and I got it 21:00 hours ;)12:34
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kulveand I made the order on friday and it's not even left the place yet12:35
lardmanah well, hopefully it'll be here before the email :)12:35
unique311_i usually bother them as soon as they open on the day my package is suppose to arrive, and make sure i recieve it.12:35
hendrywho wrote ?12:35
lardmanat least the depot is only ~30min drive away12:36
lardmankulve: we have more interest in the DSP, dhd|sleep has written a task which does an FFT12:37
sp3000hendry: pfft, it's right there in the html metadata! (whether it's accurate, who knows)12:37
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lardmanAnyone remember how long it takes to get a garage project created?12:38
sp3000but considering it's the same name as the list announcement, I'd think it's plausible12:38
X-Fade_lardman: Until Ferenc sees it?12:38 tracking: cOrderTracking.aspx.vb:GetOrderTrackingDetails - These columns don't currently have unique values.12:38
lardmanX-Fade_: oh right, he may still be on his hols I guess12:40
X-Fade_lardman: Last project is approved on 3/1, so it is pretty up to date ;)12:40
lardmanFeels like a long time, but I only applied on the 3rd12:40
lardmanI'll just be at least a little bit patient :)12:41
X-Fade_I think timeless can also do that, but I'm not sure..12:41
kulveit seems that some people have got a confirmation email including only the nokia order code and some (like I) have received also the UPS info in the email..12:41
lardmanX-Fade_: that's ok, just felt like a long time (shopping in Ikea does that!)12:42
lardmankulve: I see12:42
X-Fade_kulve: I had a different tracking code in orderstatus. That one was invalid :)12:42
X-Fade_kulve: But the one in the email was correct.12:43
kulve"in orderstatus"?12:43
lardmanmaddler: ping12:43
X-Fade_kulve: The online order status page..12:43
kulveX-Fade_: it just gives an error to me..12:43
X-Fade_Omg, I just saw the UPS truck pass my house..12:44
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hendrysp3000: whoa, meta data was used :)12:44
kulveX-Fade_: :)12:44
unique311_is it possible to be an unknown famous person?12:44
lardmanthe stig?12:44
X-Fade_I hope that he is still looking to find my house..12:44
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lardmanunique311_: but you'd need to watch Top Gear to get that one12:44
X-Fade_The Stig is pretty cool yeah ;)12:45
unique311_can't i just google it12:45
unique311_the artist who did this sculpture is unknown12:46
unique311_and suposedly is famous.12:47
unique311_i don't unknown and famous falling into the same sentence.12:47
unique311_but the stig proved me wrong.12:47
unique311_maybe its famous sculpture, unknown artist.12:49
unique311_but the question is...  Famous Sculptor: Who produced, Nike of Samothrace Statue?12:50
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lardmanAre you doing a pub quiz? ;)12:50
unique311_sorry, its a question that popped up on another channel i'm in.12:51
unique311_one of those survey bots12:51
maddlerlardman: pong12:54
unique311_I think i should start a maemo general chat irc channel....this is a dev channel, correct?12:55
lardmanmaddler: I was wondering if I could get a blog setup?12:55
lardmanmaddler: please12:55
Veggenunique: I think it's easier to start a #maemo-dev.12:59
Veggenunique: simply because users will not find a #maemo-general12:59
Veggen(or similar)12:59
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maddlerlardman|away: sure!13:18
Cptn-N800School ftl13:19
maddlerCptn-N800: having fun with pidgin? :)13:20
Cptn-N800Very much ^^13:20
maddlermy N810 is on its way at last! :D13:21
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wnd"UPS could not locate the shipment details for your request. Please verify your information and try again later."13:22
maddlerCptn-N800: I'd say tomorrow...13:23
VeggenHmm. New broadband-router is on its way, my broadband vendor says. I'm not sure I like it, cause my broadband-router has worked without a hiccup for the last five years at least, and I didn't ask for a new one.13:23
maddlereven if I KNOW the courier will try to deliver right when no1 at home... ;)13:24
BlafaselVeggen: So don't replace it?13:25
VeggenBlafasel: Mmm, well. I expect they want the old one back..13:26
VeggenAnd there might be a reason I need a new one, that is the old one will actually stop work.13:26
BlafaselAfter 5 years?13:26
Cptn-N800Lol nice maddler!13:26
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lardmanmaddler: thanks, what info do you need from me?13:26
BlafaselCredit card no? :)13:27
lardmanwhich one, I've got a list here of 300,000....13:27
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VeggenBlafasel: Wish they'd told me why, instead of just sending a mail that "your new broadband router is on it's way".13:28
BlafaselVeggen: Call the customer support hotline, ask politely? ;)13:28
Cptn-N800Ask politely meaning swear13:29
BlafaselLunch time.. And still no N810 to take with me. Darn.13:29
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maddlerlardman|away: send me a mail with your desired blog name to and I'll send you login informations...13:32
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Luriagrrr anyone here use x-wrt?13:50
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blahdeblahN800Am i right in thinking that there's no video chat support in Skype on N800?13:57
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blahdeblahN800Luria: :-(13:58
Luriawhatever - the video camera sucks anyway13:59
blahdeblahN800So it's only with SIP that i can do a video chat?13:59
Luriai rarely use it, even when supported13:59
blahdeblahN800True - the camera does suck.13:59
Luriaor jabber, if you cant find another client that does the whole jingle thing13:59
Luriawhich is usually another n8x014:00
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Luriabut, it rare to have such reliable and low latency bandwidth on the go14:00
Luriaand if im at home, id prefer my desktop anyway14:01
Luriadoont get me wrong - it would be nice14:01
Luriabut i wouldnt be too upset about it14:01
Cptn-N800I use my cell's cam and send it tothis one with bt14:05
X-Fade_Woohoo! UPS showed up ;)14:06
X-Fade_F*ck, I got a QWERTZ version :( What a mayor screw up..14:09
blahdeblahN800How do i get rid of the14:10
X-Fade_Hmm it says NL version soo on the box. But NL doesn't use qwertz..14:10
blahdeblahN800completion bar at the bottom of the screen?14:10
blahdeblahN800Whenever i use my bluetooth keyboard for a while, this large grey completion bar, and i can't seem to get rid of it?14:13
blahdeblahN800s/bar/bar appears/14:13
infobotblahdeblahN800 meant: Whenever i use my bluetooth keyboard for a while, this large grey completion bar appears, and i can't seem to get rid of it?14:13
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henriquemaemo comes with a default IM application? if yes, which application is that?14:16
kulvegoogle talk?14:16
henriquenah :)14:17
kulveskype is somehow supported. It's there to download by nokia or something14:17
kulveskype is provided by "commercial partner"14:18
blahdeblahN800henrique: It's a Nokia app that supports Google talk, Jabber, and SIP.14:18
kulveoh yeah, I forgot they added the sip support in os200814:18
kulveI haven't yet tried it14:19
blahdeblahN800Skype is a separate app.14:19
henriqueblahdeblahN800, which application is that?14:20
blahdeblahN800I leave Skype, the default IM chat program, and Pidgin running all the time.14:20
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henriqueis it just "default IM chat program" or it has a name?14:21
keesjI strongly belive that the maemo platform really can prove that linux-video calling is ready for the real world. compared to creating a desktop app it's easy because all the hardware is known14:21
X-Fade_keesj: Did you order a N810 too?14:21
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keesjand video callling is really fun if it is not in the dark computer room14:22
blahdeblahN800henrique: It's just called "Chat"14:22
keesjX-Fade_: yes, and it is out for delivery!14:22
X-Fade_keesj: Don't be to pleased. You will get a QWERTZ keyboard.14:22
keesjfirst thing I will try will be gizmo14:23
X-Fade_keesj: Nokia packaged the wrong hardware keyboards for NL.14:23
keesjhmmm . happy happy joy joy.14:23
X-Fade_keesj: The bundle CH,AT and NL versions with the german layout :(14:23
blahdeblahN800keesj: What's gizmo?  I've heard of it somewhere...14:23
X-Fade_I have just made a claim to replace it, but that needs a lot of communication inside Nokia :(14:24
keesjjust google it . it is a viop solution. it workds quite good and is really easy to use. I even manged to video talk with other people and call my own home phone14:25
keesjX-Fade_: I will see how it goes. I guess I will use the device moostly for testing14:25
blahdeblahN800Cool - i'll check it out14:26
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X-Fade_keesj: Whatever it takes, they are going to replace mine ;) I'll make sure of that..14:26
keesjthe current downside of gizmo is that the linux desktop client does not support video calling14:26
MoRpHeUzkeesj: and skype for desktop's funny =)14:28
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keesjMoRpHeUz:  I created two bug reports in the skype jire bugtracker14:30
MoRpHeUzhehe =)14:30
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keesjand now with my brand new machine (acer amd 64) skype on the linux desktop is broken again. lol14:31
blahdeblahN800What do you need to get a python development environment going for maemo?  Can you just start writing scripts and executing them from the command line?14:32
keesjI really don't know who will be the first to provide video over the different platforms (mac/linux/maemo/windos)14:32
keesjblahdeblahN800: on the device itself?14:33
blahdeblahN800I just want to be able to do little bits & pieces of fiddling14:33
jkyroanybody know what happened to gdbm headers? no libgdbm-dev in chinook14:34
X-Fade_jkyro: They are intentionally left out.14:35
X-Fade_jkyro: Every lib that is not on the device by default is left out. You should upload those to extras if you require them in your application.14:36
keesjI made a foto of just before i went for holiday, try to count the number of gadgets and say if i really need a qwerty keyboard?
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X-Fade_jkyro: They do that to never require a user to use the SDK repositories for clients software installations..14:36
DistblahdeblahN800: You need, then just apt-get install it14:37
keesjblahdeblahN800: there is a pygtkeditor with a run button14:37
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X-Fade_keesj: Yeah you do ;)14:38
blahdeblahN800I tried to install pygtkeditor on my system and it failed due to missing dependencies.  Is there a way i can see from the command line what is missing?14:39
keesji guess this pictures tels a lot about me :p14:39
keesjblahdeblahN800: even from the gui there is a menu option showing the log14:39
X-Fade_keesj: "Woonbootjes" :)14:39
blahdeblahN800keesj: Thanks - i'll check it out14:39
jkyroX-Fade_: so there's no repository that contains the headers unless people have bothered to upload them?14:39
X-Fade_jkyro: Yep. But you can take the headers from mistral as those are the same version (in this case)14:40
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X-Fade_jkyro: But the new policy is to upload every lib that is not on the device by default.14:40
keesji needed dropjes for during the trip14:41
X-Fade_keesj: Sure, can't go on a trip without them.14:41
keesjand the tomtom shows where i live14:42
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X-Fade_keesj: A'dam?14:43
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trickiekeesj: hey i work not too far from there14:43
keesjinteresting. how far?14:45
MoRpHeUzkeesj: are you coming to openbossa ?14:45
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trickienot too far14:46
trickiea few blocks a guess14:46
trickiein the amstel business park14:46
keesjMoRpHeUz: I would love to. but it is not planned yet14:47
MoRpHeUzkeesj: it would be nice to have you around! =)14:47
keesjMoRpHeUz: I don't mind either :p. I will try to register for a lighting talk at FOSDEM it hope to show some cool canola/mamona stuff14:49
MoRpHeUzgreat! =)14:49
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henriqueit seems that there is no "chat" program in maemo's repositories, all that I find is "osso-chat-ui"15:02
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henriqueis there a package somewhere else or somebody knows the package name in repository?15:02
dikeanyone can suggest me how to make a simple script to execute 3 line on x terminal?15:03
kulvecreate it on your desktop, scp to the device, run from the terminal..15:03
dikeon n810?15:04
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dikethere is an application to make script on n810?15:05
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kulvevi, piko, notes15:05
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kulveor was it nano, not piko..15:06
wnddike, are you thinkin of shell-scripts or something like os x's script creator gui?15:06
dikeshell sript15:06
pyhimysdike: cat > yer-script15:06
dikety ill try to find it15:06
dikei'm so noob on linux :P15:06
pyhimysthen type the commands you like15:06
pyhimyscrtl-d on a newline when you want to finish15:07
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kulvedike: I think the easiest way is to install ssh server. Then edit the file on your desktop computer and copy it to the device. Then run it from the xterm on the device15:07
dikejust a sec15:08
dikei think i explained it wrong15:08
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dikei want's a script to gain root acces15:08
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dikefrom x terminal15:08
kulvewhy do you need root access?15:08
pyhimysinstall becomeroot?15:08
dikealredy intalled15:08
dikedon't like to write every time sudo gainroot15:09
dikecan make a script to let it auto executing that command for example?15:09
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alteregodike, not to mention it's a security risk :P15:10
dikeyes ofc i know15:10
alteregodike, I'd suggest edit your /etc/sudoers file to give access to whatever commands your script needs, with the NOPASS option15:11
dikecan you explain me how to edit it15:12
dikeor is too long?15:12
alteregoJust look at the file in a text editor. It's pretty self explanatory15:12
dikewith note application installed on n810?15:13
dikethik i can't browse it :/15:13
alteregoNo, I'd use 'vi'.15:13
alteregoOr 'nano' if you can install it.15:13
alteregoThe Note application corrupts plain text files with a UTF header.15:13
dikethink there is nano15:13
alteregomaemopad is probably a better bet. I think that does plain text.15:14
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mgedmindike, alterego: I strongly recommed using visudo to edit /etc/sudoers15:15
mgedminit checks for syntax errors and doesn't let you break the system as easily15:15
mgedminyou can use any text editor with it, e.g. EDITOR=nano visudo15:15
mgedminalthough I don't know about GUI ones -- maemo uses weird dbus stuff for launching programs15:16
dikewhere i can get visudo for n810?15:16
keesjtrickie: do you work in the embedded world?15:16
kulvemgedmin: I think the apps can be launched normally still15:16
trickiekeesj: nah, but hoping to get started soon15:16
trickiekeesj: mainly web dev and sysadmin ATM15:17
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trickiefairly interested in the kernel side of things... trying to get systemtap working and some tapsets for profiling stuff like DSP15:17
trickiekeesj: you?15:18
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hendryhas anyone here packaged up Sun's CDC for chinook?15:26
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alteregoAs far as I know there is a compiled java virtual machine some where. But it's not debianized or hildonized.15:28
keesjtrickie: yes, i switched one year ago (from java/web) and happy ever since15:28
keesjI don't think is even had graphics15:29
trickiekeesj: i will have to meet ya at fosdem... pick your brain a bit... i would like to get started properly15:29
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Sho_Cord: Any changes on your end?15:59
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CordSho_: nope.16:01
Sho_Cord: Me neither. I'm pondering calling the store's support hotline, or have you done that already?16:04
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Takwhat's up, maemers?  Did somebody write a library over the weekend that makes DSP programming trivial, and also prepares bacon on dbus request?16:04
alteregoTak, well. It was on my todo list. But then I ate pizza and watched some TV.16:04
CordSho_: not me but... read
* Tak curses television once again16:05
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Takis anybody in here DataPath from ITT?16:06
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Sho_Cord: :/16:08
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Takunique311_: ping gngeo16:09
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CordSho_: another collegue also tried it some time ago, but he only earned something like 'we are not aware that there is a discount program', but they promised to investigate. that is now two or three weeks ago.16:11
matmohi all. I have followed wiki "becomeroot" instructions but cannot find the "becomeroot" package. Any ideas?16:12
mgedminmatmo: use some other approach?16:16
mgedminor look harder?16:16
mgedminmatmo: which OS?16:17
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mgedminand do you have ssh client/server installed?16:17
alteregoInterwesting .. No order tracking ..16:17
matmomgedmin: hmmm, if I hadn't already spent the last hour trying then I wouldn't be here. 770 with latest 2007HE16:17
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matmono other packages installed except xterm. Intended for GF so only intend to load least possible for tuning various things16:18
CordSho_: but maybe... if you have time to spare ;-)16:18
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mgedminmatmo: in that case, why do you need becomeroot? ;)16:19
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matmoto disable metalayer-crawler16:19
mgedminmatmo: I've got an old version of becomeroot (0.1) here:
mgedminthere was version 0.2 somewhere that worked differently16:20
mgedminand perhaps more reliably16:20
pupnik_Cord: i gave the link to in an online feedback form and asked some questions - last week - no response yet16:21
pupnik_link to maemo discount program to nokia.de16:21
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matmomgedmin: thanks, I will try your link. Any views on easyroot ( I am hesitant to install such software from unknown source.16:23
mgedminI haven't tried it16:23
mgedminI've tried becomeroot 0.116:23
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mgedminIIRC it modifies /etc/sudoers in postinst and adds a rule that lets you sudo to root with no password16:24
mgedminbecomeroot 0.2 was changed not to muck with /etc/sudoers and instead modifies the /usr/sbin/gainroot script to remove the R&D mode check16:24
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mgedminnowadays I ssh to root@localhost and edit /etc/sudoers manually16:25
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matmook, ssh maybe more flexible option since I can admin her tablet from my PC. Thanks for your help.16:26
mgedminif you decide to install ssh, don't forget to change the root password16:28
X-Fade_mgedmin: It forces you to change it on install nowadays..16:29
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mgedminX-Fade_: the os2008 version, yes, but was the os2007 version updated?16:29
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matmodoesn't appear to be16:29
X-Fade_mgedmin: I only use 2008 :)16:30
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michele_hello I have a brand new N810 and Skype fails to install16:31
michele_it says it can't find two libraries16:32
michele_what's up?16:32
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Takhas there been a skype release for os2008 yet?16:34
X-Fade_Sure, several.16:34
michele_it's in the menu16:34
michele_I just clicked the icon16:34
trulsis os2008 for n800 "supported" now, or still something for early adopters?16:34
michele_maybe it needs some not-yet-official updates?16:35
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X-Fade_michele_: No, it should just install. Maybe try it from the application installer?16:35
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michele_this thing is damn sleek, by the way16:37
sKaBoymichele_, do you have the latest firmware?16:37
michele_don't know16:37
sKaBoymaybe you need it, don't know :)16:37
michele_I just unboxed it16:37
michele_how do I check?16:38
mgedmintruls: it's "supported"16:38
mgedmini.e. there's an official non-beta release of os2008 for the n80016:38
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trulsmaybe time to move on then16:39
mgedminyep, it's beautiful16:39
mgedminand the menus are more convenient16:39
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trulsi'm guessing mplayer is available16:39
mgedminthere are downsides, e.g. check if the software you use was ported16:39
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michele_same error...16:39
trulsindividual project's webpages?16:40
trulsah, thanks16:40
michele_packages missing: libhildonfm2 >= 1:1.9.49 and libhildonmime0 >= 1.10.116:40
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trulsthat page is so strange though16:41
trulsno way to view all 96 entries16:41
mgedminmichele_: IIRC there was one OS2008 update16:41
mgedminmaybe you still have the first version16:41
mgedminyou could check: control panel -> device -> about16:41
mgedminyou'll want to upgrade to
michele_thank you16:43
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keesjbugger ups was at my door and i was not in.......16:47
Takthat's why I always leave a bear trap16:47
keesjI was in the whole day , and i just went out for 30 minutes16:48
keesjI want to get on my bicicle and find the damm bus16:48
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sp3000did you see them circling the block waiting for you to leave?16:49
keesjNo, all the buses that stopped where white16:50
sp3000maybe they send those to check if the coast is clear16:50
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keesjprobably. and I can't work from home tomorow16:51
michele_hm the instructions says I have to power on the device while pressing the home button... which is the home button? :)16:52
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* sp3000 wonders if there's some flasher software or procedure that actually needs that home key pressed thing16:53
TakThe one with the picture of the house on it16:53
X-Fade_michele_: You don't need to do that. Just power it on when usb is plugged in and the flasher running..16:54
sp3000at least with the linux flasher all you need is to have the flasher running and waiting when the device is powered up16:54
X-Fade_Tak: There is no house on N810 anymore..16:54
michele_X-Fade_: ok16:54
sp3000there's no house on the N810 :)16:54
keesjyes but they tell about the home button so you at least try it a few times thinking it was you who did not press the button16:54
sp3000it's a "two overlapping boxes" which I guess resembles "windows" or "applications" concepts or such16:55
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keesjunder linux if first start the flasher program, then shutdown the device, remove the power and connect it directly to the computer16:56
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michele_sp3000: I think they are two windows, thus meaning "switch window"16:57
michele_at least, it's similar to the icons in Amiga's workbench16:57
inzsp3000, methinks the windows flasher does need the home button16:57
inzsp3000, not that I'd ever used it16:58
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TakNo house on n810?  Is there still a button that functions like the home button?16:58
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sp3000yeah, but the icon emphasizes the short press functionality instead16:58
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Takthat's fine - as long as my apps aren't suddenly going to be (more) broken17:00
keesjhmm A lightning talk is given by one person, who is a developer of the project.17:02
X-Fade_Tak: No, but the menu button moved to the hardware keyboard.17:02
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lardman:( no delivery17:03
Andy80me too17:03
* michele_ flashing...17:03
TakI may change my mind once I get my hands on a unit, but it seems like the goat was really screwed when it comes to the n810 button layout17:03
X-Fade_lardman: Hmm that is weird..17:03
lardman~lart ups next alleged day delivery for not coming the next day17:03
* infobot whacks ups next alleged day delivery upside the head for not coming the next day17:03
michele_ciao Andy80 (pure qua... ;)17:03
Andy80I just call the customer service... the shipped today17:03
Andy80michele_: hey :)17:03
X-Fade_lardman: I have to send mine back and I have no idea when I get a new one..17:03
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lardmanX-Fade_: what's wrong with it?17:04
X-Fade_lardman: Wrong keyboard layout. Nokia seem to think NL == DE ;)17:04
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dhdlardman: hey - thanks for the help - is there any way to get the TI DSP tools to tell you if you have an unresolved symbol in your .o file?17:05
dhdI kept getting annoying errors last night until I Googled and discovered that was the reason for it...17:05
lardmannot the tools, but dsp_dld will tell you17:05
TakNL, DE, close enough :-P17:06
lardmanrun "dsp_dld -p" in a different term while you try to load the task17:06
dhdyeah I was just seeing the cryptic error in the dmesg17:06
lardmanit's hit and miss though, you might need to (try) running the task a few times before anything gets printed to the screen17:06
X-Fade_Tak: Sure, but we use qwerty ;)17:06
dhdwere you having issues with using const data in your DSP tasks?17:06
lardmanX-Fade_: ah, that's a pita17:06
dhdI'm not having problems but I'm going to be using a lot of it if I port the entire MFCC front-end17:07
lardmandhd: yes, when I read the value of a const array entry it appeared to be 017:07
X-Fade_And it seems that all sales packages for NL are the wrong keyboard layout :(17:07
lardmanjust test and see, I think it depends where the const data are stored17:07
dhdyeah I'm not having that problem - you can see that I'm using const arrays for the twiddle factors17:07
lardmanif indeed pre-initialised const data are supported....17:07
dhdyeah there's some issue with "memory conflicts" according to the  c55x data17:07
michele_seems to be working now, thank you mgedmin et al.17:07
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dhdand you're sometimes supposed to put things in their own section17:08
lardmandhd: yeah, sections allow you to determine what type of memory you place certain data in, and what the alignment of those data are17:08
dhdwell ... like I said, my const data is working fine17:08
dhdso I guess I will keep my fingers crossed :)17:08
lardmandhd: if you have very large structures you'll probably want to place them in a section in the mapped external memory, but that won't be as quick17:09
lardmandhd: good :)17:09
dhdyeah most things are small because I have already optimized them for the ARM17:09
dhdI am using a lookup table for computing fixed-point logarithms and another one for doing addition in log space17:09
lardmandhd: I wonder if my problem was that I maxed out the available memory in the const section (wherever that may be) - this is a vorbis decoder and it's pretty big17:09
trickiekeesj: is that the definition of a lightning talk at fosdem? at conferences i have been to previuosly it is usually pretty open17:09
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dhdlardman: yeah ... I feel like it's probably useful to develop things with CCS and the simulator so you can find these things out17:10
* dhd eagerly awaits his free CCS evaluation CD17:10
lardmanhmm, I have that, but it didn't really add anything17:10
dhdoh really ... hmm17:11
lardmanbut then I didn't really try to use it too much - the problem is that you need to use the instrumented Ti kernel to allow the debgugger etc to communicate (afaik anyway)17:11
lardmanTi dsp kernel that is17:11
michele_is there any way to read PDFs in portrait mode?17:11
dhdI was under the impression taht there was a simulator... o hwell17:11
dhdmaybe you have to pay $3000 for it :)17:12
lardmandhd: I don't think these things are in the Nokia dsp kernel, and certainly Nokia use dspgw rather than the tokliBIOS version, so i was doubtful it would work17:12
* dhd suddenly realizes that he is at a major university with an EE department17:12
lardmanthat's almost cheating ;)17:13
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qoshey guys ...17:54
qoswhats the status of the german discount codes?17:54
melmothshould work. except if there is no stock on the shop.17:56
florianThey did not work this morning...17:56
florian... do still don't work.17:57
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qosomg ... one day or another i am really pissed17:59
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lardmanqos: drink less18:02
Takqos: drink more! much more!18:03
lardmanah, depends whether it's UK or US pissed though18:03
michele_is sbox2 in the topic somewhat nicer to work with than the old one?18:03
qoslardman, Tak: whats your task here? be the funny guys where you can laugh about? :)18:04
lardmanthat's it, we add some essential lightheartedness18:04
lardmanqos: but I do feel your pain18:05
Takqos: Also, I annoy people with broken software.18:05
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zoranand missing hardware18:05
TakNah, I'm uninvolved with the missing hardware.18:06
qoslardman, you do?18:06
lardmanqos: and when I'm not taking the piss I do DSP work, in my spare time18:06
qosTak, thats a important task :)18:06
qoslardman, then you can't be too important ...18:07
lardmanexactly my thinking18:07
lardmanbut I'm going to start a blog, which will make me far more important, in a karma sort of way anyway :)18:08
Takbtw, that was: I annoy people (with broken software), not: I annoy (people with broken software)18:08
lardmanI should of course add the <sarcasm>...</sarcasm> tags around my comment :D18:10
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Taksarcasm tags are inherently hypocritical18:13
lardmanperhaps a sly grin tag then?18:16
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jga23is there any way to install cron on os2008?18:24
zoranif you port it18:25
zoranor use Cron.pm18:25
Takwhy does nobody use anacron?18:25
zoranno need, prob18:26
zoranmultimedia rules18:26
* Tak scratches head18:28
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bedboihi there.18:28
jga23anybody able to remap fceu keys on os2008?18:28
bedboianyone knows if there's some way to get the tracking number for nokia orders?18:29
lardmanyou meant the ups tracking number? I was wondering the same18:29
bedboii rembember that the other times (n770, n800) they provided the tracking number18:29
mgedmindo us discount codes work already?18:29
lardmanbedboi: some people get it, some don't18:29
lardmanmgedmin: ups in the uk18:30
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bedboilardman: so it must be the shitty italian stuff18:30
mgedminthe email that said "your code works now" pretended the US doesn't exist18:30
Takjga23: if somebody provides a good default set of keybindings, I'll create another config file18:31
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mgedminso now I'm not sure if I've got a working european code, or if I've got a US code18:31
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lardmanmgedmin: no idea, sorry18:31
Takmgedmin: afaict, US is out of stock18:31
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JaffaHmm, something on OS2008 keeps popping up the "connect to network" dialogue when no known networks are in range. It then sits there and constantly polls for a wifi connection. I thought it was Modest, but I've disabled it's auto-update and just found it sitting there.18:31
JaffaAnyone know of a way of identifying who's requesting it of libconic?18:31
bedboiJaffa: yep, that sucks18:31
bedboiJaffa: yesterday that bug drained my batteries really fast18:32
zoranJaffa, ps?18:32
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zoranps auxc18:32
thopieka1timeless are you there??18:32
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jga23Tak: B - Backspace, A - Enter, Select = -, Start = +18:34
jga23that's just what I would do18:34
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TakI wonder what's the best way of distributing a config file that's specific to the n810 only18:36
jga23offer it as a download in the garage?18:36
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Takyeah, but it has to be saved into /home/user/.fceultra, which is nonaccessible to the ITOS file browser18:37
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jga23or post it in the ITT forums, people will find it18:37
zoranany idea about console imap client?18:38
sp3000Tak: eep, there's no corresponding system config file that you could install based on hw in postinst?18:39
sp3000(of course if ~/.fceultra never changes that's somewhat academic)18:39
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* sp3000 doesn't know if you're shipping the corresponding software18:41
fysawrap the file in a script that echos itself to the proper location18:41
sp3000such that you could have that tag along, or if this is an addition by a different party18:41
fysaso running it backs up the existing file, then unloads itself18:41
TakI am shipping the corresponding software18:43
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Takis there a way to determine what hardware you're running on, scriptastically?18:44
fysauname -a should work18:44
Takhow is uname -a on n810/os2008 going to differ from uname -a on n800/os2008 ?18:44
smcvfysa: you can change the hostname in the console, if that's your auto-detection...18:44
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fysayou want to load an N810 specific keymap18:45
fysaor such?18:45
smcvand if you're using avahi, it's advantageous to give each device a unique hostname18:45
sp3000Tak: osso-product-info (you probably need to be root)18:45
fysanot with hostname, smcv -- uname -a includes kernel v18:45
smcvfysa: oh, they have different kernels?18:45
fysathat will let you see os2007 vs os2008, etc18:46
fysais there anything in /sys?18:46
smcvin that case you want uname -r18:46
bill2or3 /proc/cpu ?18:46
bill2or3err, cpuinfo18:46
fysasame CPU18:46
sp3000/proc/component_version is another one18:46
fysabut maybe different stepping18:46
fysaif you can read that without root, you're set18:47
smcvyou can18:47
smcvRX-44 is N810, RX-34 is N800 I think18:47
Takwhat's going to be different in /proc/component_version?  hw-build?18:47
smcvI believe RX-?? is the Nokia internal product designation, for which N800/N810 is a marketing name18:48
sp3000the hw part is visible in osso-product-info without root fwiw, it just complains a bit about not being able to get some of the variables18:48
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sp3000and you're root in postinst anyway :)18:48
smcvcertainly the N800 and N810 images you can download have RX-?? in the filename18:48
Tak770 is showing SU-1818:49
smcvand indeed, yeah, maintainer scripts run as root18:49
smcvTak: well, there you go, identifiers for all three18:49
bill2or3Tak, are you looking to determine OS version, or the actual hardware device?18:49
fysapossibly script here that has code you can use18:49
Takbill2or3: device18:49
* bill2or3 pokes around on his N80018:49
smcvyep, looks like RX-34 is the N80018:49
fysagrep -q RX-34 /proc/component_version && EVNAME=event2 #n80018:50
fysagrep -q RX-44 /proc/component_version && EVNAME=event2 #n81018:50
Takheh, I just don't know how confident to be that RX-whatever isn't going to change18:50
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smcvTak: ask a nokian. I think those designations correspond 1:1 with marketing names for products, though18:51
fysahave they ever changed before?18:51
* Tak shrugs18:51
sp3000(it's also on the back cover compartment sticker)18:51
sp3000you can take a poll ;)18:51
* Tak /msg nokians ${what smcv said}18:52
fysaprobably built into a serial number somewhere18:52
sp3000and, say, sales package content lists18:53
bill2or3Tak:  /proc/component_version looks like it may be what you're after.18:53
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timelesstak: the 770 wasn't rx-34 :)19:00
timelessi think it's fairly safe to assume that the n800 will always be rx-3419:01
Takactually I'm more concerned about N81019:01
timelessif nokia releases something w/ another number, there will be /something/ different about it :)19:01
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timelesslike the color :)19:01
donkey_darkohi folks, i think all the guides to boot from memeory card are outdated. can someone help me please?19:02
donkey_darkoi'm on an n800 with the latest firmware19:02
TakI can't wait for the brown N81019:02
Takyou can release it in a bundle with the zune19:03
donkey_darkoi've got root, partitioned my memory card but am stuck there19:03
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skugh zune19:03
bill2or3it's like an ipod, but for idiots.19:03
donkey_darkoipod is for idiots too19:03
skits like a mircosoft product, by microsoft19:03
* bill2or3 shrugs.19:03
skjust stay away from them as much as you can19:04
bill2or3that whole 'wireless sharing' (suprise, there's DRM!) is so lame.19:04
skyeah very lame19:04
TakI thought ipods were already for idiots? :-P19:05
donkey_darkohas any of you guys managed to boot from sd on 0s2008?19:05
donkey_darkoipods are overrated.19:06
sp3000Tak: actually, you may already have $OSSO_PRODUCT_NAME in your environment19:06
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Takheh, not on 2007HE19:07
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sp3000could be an OS2008 addition, yeah19:08
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* czr peeks19:10
* sp3000 is reminded of the C6419:10
sp3000all that peeking and poking!19:10
donkey_darkocan the n800 be overclocked beyond 400mhz?19:10
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* czr sends sp3000 a two-color sprite19:11
* czr sneaks into sp3000's todo list and adds "implement parallax for N810"19:12
* donkey_darko needs help19:12
czrgreetings from red-neck-country19:12
* Tak doesn't boot from mmc, doesn't know if n800 can be overclocked past 400MHz19:13
czrI'm still suprised at all the variety of music that people here can line dance to19:13
Takczr: which one?19:13
czrTak, USA/GA.19:13
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czrI'm hiding here from Nokia19:13
czrthey'll _never_ know to look for me here19:13
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Takyou must be in rural ga19:14
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czrtak, very.19:14
czrin the woods/marshes near savannah19:14
czrnear being relative obviously19:15
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czrit is actually. at least it's warm and sunny and such. compared to .fi19:16
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TakI'm sure it must be19:19
* Tak clearwater, fl19:19
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czrah, close enough :-)19:19
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moontigersince none of my students have showed up yet i thought id ask again about nicotine ... it doesnt seem to run19:29
moontigerit installs fine but does nothing when i try to run it19:29
moontigerdoes anybody know the magic incntations reqd?19:29
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fysaruns and asks for login for me19:32
fysanever made an account though19:32
fysanice, I'm in Tampa, Tak.19:32
fysajust moved from St. Pete..19:32
Takhmm, how about that19:32
Takyeah, I actually live in st pete; work in clw19:33
fysawas down near Pass-e-grille/a block from the Don CeSar19:33
Tak...and you moved?19:33
fysanow up in Ybor a couple blocks from Columbia..  wife goes to UT19:34
fysaI work from home..19:34
Takah - she didn't like the drive?19:34
fysaand the commute was getting a bit much with long school + work hours19:34
fysashe was doing 4 10-12 hour sessions19:34
* czr was really suprised at the total lack of publis transport here19:34
czrbut I guess it figures..19:34
Takczr: yeah, no kidding, it sucks19:34
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derfThe US has no public transport.19:34
czrso far I've seen exactly one bicyclist here19:35
fysaDC is pretty nice.19:35
Takwith the minor exceptions of NYC and DC19:35
fysaBut nothing compared to Hong Kong still.19:35
derfDC is nice if you happen to live in very specific spots.19:35
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derfI've lived in the DC area for 20-something years, and _never_ lived in one of those spots.19:35
czrin a metro station?19:35
fysayou have to hunt them out specifically, really..19:35
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derfAnd they are uber-expensive.19:35
fysathey'll go for more money, but you save it in gas.19:36
derfBecause, apparently, everyone else also hunts them out.19:36
fysaand sanity ;)19:36
TakI'd skate/bike/jog to work if we had a nice shower facility19:36
fysawhere do you work?19:36
derfI work in Fairfax. By design.19:36
fysaFairfax is nice.19:36
derfBut no real public transport.19:36
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fysawhere do you work?19:37
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Takoh, haha - I thought the question was directed at derf19:37
fysaI mean, when you're not in your alter-ego maemo superhero form..  what kind of widgets do you smash around?19:38
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Takwe make visual inspection software19:38
* czr misread "midgets"19:38
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fysagotta run to lunch19:39
* Tak only smash around midgets in my maemo superhero form19:39
* czr hides19:39
fysafacial recognition/biometric type stuff?19:39
mbufN770 are available in the market?19:40
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fysathat's kind of cool.19:41
fysaso many toys at CES19:41
Takno, more interpretation of different visual patterns on objects19:41
czrreal-time tattoo-analyzer to catch those pesky people who have tattooed RC4-128-bit algorithm (128-bit form) on their bodies?19:41
Taknot to mention the Time Code19:42
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bstockanyone try getting openvpn running on an 810? mine starts to run but gives a weird error19:48
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* lcuk says hello to all the little ppl in his 81020:08
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henriqueis the chinook's default IM program the one based on telepathy framework?20:10
henriqueinz, thanks20:12
Robot101and you can get extra telepathy backends for chinook at http://rtcomm.garage.maemo.org20:13
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sibbe\o/, finally got out some statistics which were parseable by bootchart..20:16
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fysavery cool20:17
sibberoot on memory card, booted with specialized bootmenu and so on..20:17
sibbeneed to clean up these scripts and binaries _alot_20:17
fysahow is mmc speed with fast sdhc vs internal flash storage?20:18
sibbeplaying with initfs is "exciting"20:18
sibbeno clue yet on speeds... i have a regular sd card, and i guess the bootchart-logger slows things down a bit20:19
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kulvesibbe: try with the mmc patches? Afaik, those should speed up most new cards..20:20
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fysathat aren't in any official releases?20:20
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fysalink? :)20:21
sibbehmm i need some kind of a blog / website to write to...  just too lazy to setup any :)20:22
kulvefysa: those exist for Bora but I'm not sure if they are ported to Chinook already20:22
fysawhat kind of speed improvement?20:23
fysanice.  RSS is good.20:24
sibbehmm.. /proc/diskstats shows just zeroes for mtd blocks20:24
sibbei guess that's a feature20:24
fysashouldn't that be built in to OS2008 by default?20:25
kulvesibbe: I noticed the same with other arm devices..20:25
kulvefysa: there are some issues or something which prevents nokia from putting hose there..20:25
fysaThe one remaining patch is the one that enables 48MHz highspeed support. As I’ve mentioned before, the 48MHz mode is not supported by Nokia because they’ve observed problems with it and TI aren’t confident that it really works. So, this patch will never be accepted by Nokia, and I don’t blame them. Nevertheless, it works for me and many other people, so I’ll continue to offer patched kernels here.20:25
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fysathe diffs are there and relatively simple.20:27
kulvefysa: go ahead, patch and test. And let us and the author know how it went :)20:28
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fysaDefinitely will this weekend.20:29
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fysaFaster swap space would be very welcome.20:30
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sibbesomeone should do usb ram dongles :)20:32
fysawhat is the bus speed limit out of USB?20:32
fysaand processing hit for reaching it?20:32
fysacould always try a RAID of SDHC cards..20:32
fysawhat happens if we RAID mmc1 and mmc2? ;)20:33
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glassthats an intresting question :p20:33
fysaI have two 8GB Transcend SDHCs that I could test.20:33
fysamirrored would probably be a reasonable 'trade-off'20:35
fysathen you could pop one out and still run in degraded (single) mode and have it resync when you plug it back in.20:35
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qosdoes somebody know how to add an image to a python gtk.button?20:39
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lmourasearch for the "class CatalogButtonBox(gtk.HButtonBox):"20:42
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lmourathere they use gtk.Button.set_image20:42
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skiburanybody using grandcentral.?20:45
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sibbehmm the maemo bootchart is actually quite funny because dsme starts about half of the stuff..20:54
qoslmoura, it works if the application gets started without the hildon support (so without any suggestions ...20:54
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jga23is there any way to data log the gps position of the built in n810 gps?20:58
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kulvejga23: it's pretty simple to make your own..21:00
kulvebut there's gps-saver app too21:00
kulvewhich is very simple21:01
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jga23I would write my own, but I don't think the python gps libraries are done21:02
* Tak wonders if alterego has done ruby gps libs yet21:03
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penguinbaitI am looking for some help with deb making, whos the guru?21:12
penguinbait<-- Drops Pin21:13
* dhd is no guru but knows a few things21:14
penguinbaitI am making then fine, but my KDE 323MB deb, the appliation manager says its corrupted21:14
penguinbaitinstalls fine on the command line21:15
Takis it in the group user/something ?21:15
penguinbaitis it?21:16
penguinbaitthe files?21:16
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Takthe deb21:18
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Tak"Section: user/whatever" in debian/control21:18
penguinbaitSection: user/support21:19
penguinbaitis this a problem?21:19
Takno, that's correct21:19
Takwhat does the app manager's log show?21:20
penguinbaittheres a log21:20
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penguinbaitdoh, I would never have looked there21:21
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penguinbaitunable to install, installation file corrupted21:23
penguinbaithmmm. tar write error: no space left on device?21:24
penguinbaitits not out of space though, and installs via command line fine?21:24
penguinbaitdoes it try to use tmp?21:25
Taknot sure21:25
fysamediaserv is so amazingly hot.21:25
sibbeprobably not, since /tmp is only 0.5MB21:25
fysa14333kbps MPEG2 1080i of Munich w/DD51 audio -> real-time mencoder -> 340x252 XVID with original audio copied21:25
fysaworks instantly.21:26
fysaand with Video Center, you can 'download' to queue up transcodes for the road.21:26
penguinbaitwhen I look at the details in app manager before installing it says "Not Installable"21:26
penguinbaitwtf, I mad three debs all basically the same, the only diff is the size of this one, there must be some kind of size limitation in the gui21:27
penguinbaitI guess I can make another one with same control but less files, and verify its a size issue21:28
penguinbaitthanks TAK21:28
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lmouraqos, the code I sent worked here21:36
tureI get "no such target" when I try to run sb-conf select chinook_x86 after following the sdk installation manual on maemo.org21:36
lmouracan you put it in a pastebin?21:36
qoslmoura, there is the methode set_from_stock() used. i am using set_from_file()... could that make the difference?21:37
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henriqueanyone knows if POIs are particular to wayfinder or if I can get the POI list through something else21:38
lmouradid you try using absolute or relative path (or both)?21:38
|RAnyone remember who was developing a memory card game to learn hiragana/katakana ?21:39
qoslmoura, the relative path. but it works without the run-standalone.sh21:40
Tahitibobhendry, perhaps this :
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Tahitibobhenrique, perhaps this :
lmouraqos, even with relative path it worked here.21:43
lmourawhat sdk version are you using?21:44
Tahitibobproblem with TAB key, ;)21:44
* lcuk also has no tabkey21:44
qoslmoura, did you try the load_from_file() method?21:44
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lmouragtk.Image.set_from_file? yes21:46
henriqueTahitibob, thanks21:46
qoscan u send me the whole relevant code in a pastebin?21:47
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lmouraqos, got it21:49
lmouraI was using only the image21:49
lmouraif I create it with a label, using shows only the label21:50
d^_^Bi need the charge the nokia n810 after buy immediately???????21:50
lcukdb - i charged and played at same time21:50
lcukit was about half full when it arrived21:50
d^_^Bso it dosn't need any charge 8 9 hours the first charge?21:50
lcukbut i didnt see it unplugged for more than a few seconds21:51
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lcuki left it on charge from dinner time till 5.30 and its been fine21:51
lcuki switched it on whilst i was hunting for a socket21:51
* lcuk is impatient21:51
d^_^Bnono my mean is21:52
d^_^Bit really needs the first charge after buy21:52
d^_^Bbefore useing21:52
lcuki had mine on and was pottering with it21:52
lcukbut charging at same time21:52
d^_^Breply me plz21:53
qoslmoura, do you know a solution?21:53
lmouraqos, I'm taking a look on it now21:53
lcuki had it charging for its initial charge, but i was also using it whilst it was charging...21:53
lcukit would not have lasted long with the power that was in it when i got it21:54
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lmourathe property "gtk-button-images" was set to false on gtk.Settings, hiding all button images22:02
lmourathis examples switches it each time you click the button22:02
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raviousdoes anyone know if the problems with the repositories have been fixed or if their still all broken?22:10
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lcukrav - you mean where we had to rename them just after 810 update came out?22:12
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lcukcos if so, all mine are sorted and back to what they should be22:12
raviousI dont know.. Im not sure what caused it. But every time i tried to install something it always said the package was broken22:13
lcukyer i had that - then i read that if you renamed something in your extras repo it will work - which it did, then it stopped working and i restored back to what it should have been and its worked ever since22:14
lcukit might be though that you are installing something from a broken repo22:14
raviousah ok22:15
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* sp3000 scratches head22:18
melmothI m on maemo2008 scratchbox...Any idea how to tell swig _not_ to use the embedded swig engine (/scratchbox/devkits/maemo3-tools/bin/swig) but the one i installed ?22:18
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Takchange the PATH?22:20
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melmothi changed the path, but it still generate swig file that mention the other version22:24
lcuksp3000, whats worse is 30 people have downloaded it22:25
TakWhat, isn't that a finnish word?22:27
melmothexport SWIG_LIB="/usr/share/swig/1.3.31" is my friend.22:27
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qoslmoura, your sample works for me. but i don't know why. i think it has to do with "settings.set_property". is there a documentation for this?22:38
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lmouraI saw it in the pygtk docs22:39
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qoslmoura, thanks for o23:08
qoslmoura, thanks for your help. got it working ...23:08
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blahdeblahN800Hi. After a failed map download, my map application won't open, and the application manager won't apply the update to because it contains updates to packages from a different source which may harm the system.  How can i fix this?23:16
blahdeblahN800Also, how can i get rid of the grey word completion bar down the bottom of the screen when i use my bluetooth keyboard?23:17
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qosblahdeblah, did u try to uninstall the map app first?23:20
tbbis perl standard on os200823:21
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blahdeblahN800qos: I just uninstalled it now. Is there any reason to choose maemo mapper over the default map application?23:28
qosblahdeblah, try to reinstall it23:28
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blahdeblahN800qos: OK - any ideas about the choice between the default Map application and maemo mapper?  I assume from what i've seen that you have to be online for maemo mapper to work - is that right?23:30
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Luriaonly for downloading new maps and directions23:30
lcukblah -try unticking control panel/text input/languages/settings/"next word prediction" and "word prediction"23:31
lcuk^ word complete i mean23:31
Cptnodegardwhy does people still have os2007?23:31
qosits more complex than this. but yes, maemo mapper is (in most cases) offline unusable for navigation. so, if you want an navigation system choose the map thing23:31
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lcukcpt - some apps havent been transfered yet or simple "if it aint broke..."23:32
blahdeblahN800lcuk: Thx - will i have to turn this off and on when i switch between bluetooth and pen?23:32
Cptnodegardwhats hildon, btw?23:33
lcukblah, it appears so - there appears to be only one set of settings23:33
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lcukhildon is the main interface/desktop we run on the NIT isnt it?23:35
lcukhence hildonizing standard linux apps23:35
Cptnodegarddunno, read something about "hildonizing"23:35
* lcuk takes the words out of your mouth23:36
blahdeblahN800Bah - map still crashes after a reinstall.23:37
blahdeblahN800Is there a place it stores settings?23:37
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lcukare there any python lurkers around?23:39
* lcuk asks anyway..23:41
lcukthe first line of a lot of python examples looks like this:   #!/usr/bin/env python23:41
lcukdoes this mean if I set the execute attrib on the file and just enter its name in the console it will execute and run the python interpreter on it?23:41
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Knirchit's called a shebang23:42
lcukahhh cool23:42
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derfI've long envied the T-shirt that says: "Hash bang slash bin slash bash."23:43
lcukthanks knirch, its good to know :)23:43
penguinbaitI always likeed the shirts that said "Hash Bash"23:45
penguinbaitjust drop the bang slash bin slash23:45
* lcuk prefers slashdot :)23:46
blahdeblahN800This map thing is frickin annoying.23:46
blahdeblahN800It doesn't even seem to store the maps in $HOME23:47
lcuki dont think the maps are reinstalled with a flash23:47
lcukotherwise it would need a worldwide map database which would be bigger23:47
blahdeblahN800Any idea what the map application is called on the command line?23:47
lcukhave you tried map?23:47
* lcuk hides23:48
blahdeblahN800lcuk: YES.  :-|23:48
blahdeblahN800derf: No, the default one, not the OSS one23:48
blahdeblahN800I'm just hoping that i can see some output if i run it from a terminal which might point to the cause of the problem.23:48
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* blahdeblahN800 remembers dpkg is installed and pulls out dpkg -L23:49
threethirtyhello all23:49
lcukhi 33023:49
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blahdeblahN800lcuk: It's called navicore, not map23:51
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blahdeblahN800and it's getting a gtk error: navicore-navigator[3646]: GLIB DEBUG ConIc - con_ic_connection_send_event(0x249410, Home, WLAN_INFRA, 0)23:51
blahdeblahN800navicore-navigator[3646]: GLIB WARNING ** Gtk - gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -24 and height 023:51
* lcuk_2 wonders what happened23:51
threethirtyhas anyone here ever crashed a n770 to the point where it sticks on the white nokia screen and wont go any further.  the buttons still make noise, but thats it23:52
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lcuk_2330 - is it still in warranty23:58
lcuk_2reading up the 770 WSOD needs a proper fix from nokia23:58
threethirtynope, got it on ebay23:58
lcuk_2based on what i just found on google you should try nokia but other ppl might have better ideas23:59
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