IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2007-12-05

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sp3000timeless: so yeah, I have a bookmark for starting the browser now00:23
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sp3000it starts with about and ends with false :)00:23
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halleysp3000, and what's in the middle?00:33
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Segnale007hi guys00:35
Segnale007I have a question00:35
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GeneralAntillesStupid, bitch ITT.00:35
Segnale007Can I install xfce on my n800 with running os2008 ?00:35
Segnale007because, I have some problem when I trying to install it00:36
Segnale007problem about kernel I guess ..00:36
Segnale007hi GeneralAntilles00:36
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GeneralAntillesxfce is out of my expertise. :)00:37
dragornxfce the window manager?  I think you have to build a custom fw to get something like that going00:37
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dragornbut it's plausible that I'm incorrect00:38
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Segnale007I don't know00:38
dragornI haven't seen any WM replacement stuff as packages on top of the maemo builds00:38
Segnale007I wanna install it or kde00:38
Segnale007yah .. it's true00:39
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Segnale007have u tried to install some wm on ur tablet pc ?00:39
Segnale007sorry my lang so poor :(00:40
fysaXFCE 'pack' is posted to the forums00:40
Segnale007I know00:40
Segnale007just tired to install it00:40
Segnale007but, I have got some error00:40
Segnale007about mount loop00:40
Segnale007someone bitch .. I have lose the logs00:41
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Segnale007after I will paste this00:41
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fadecdoes anyone have experience running scratchbox on a non-debian based OS? Trying to build on archlinux.00:46
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Segnale007arch is a nice distro00:47
Segnale007more better debian based00:47
Segnale007I wanna try it on my n80000:47
Segnale007somebody do this ..00:47
dragornfadec: my experiences in the past were negative00:48
dragornfadec: to the point that I just threw vmware server on a big box and ran sb on ubuntu in a vm00:49
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fadechmm - vmware is a possibility00:49
dragornalso, I'm a paranoid SOB and didn't really want sb weirdness bindmounting all over my system00:50
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fadecI've changed a few things in the build script for scratchbox to try and make it work but I wonder if it's going to be futile.00:50
dragornnot that their methods aren't neat, I'm just happier with it locked in it's own vm :)00:50
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fadecit's a good idea to lock it away - I had it on ubuntu before and I didn't really know what it was doing to my system. Still - everything appeared to be in the /scratchbox dir.00:51
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dragornit is, for the most part, I'm just over-paranoid.00:51
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dragornand it didn't work for me under gentoo w/in my time limit for being willing to mess around anyhow00:52
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fadecI find it strange they limit it to debian but then I don't know much about it. Thanks for the VM idea. Nice chatting.00:53
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hozanoHi folks. Can somebody help me about python-evas ?01:06
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Mikhowhy does it seem learning autotools is the most difficult and confusing programming subject I've encountered so far01:16
elbbecause autotools are not so much a coherent programming experience, as an ad-hoc pile of macros that work Just Well Enough01:17
Segnale007when I try to install xfce01:17
Segnale007I get this errors01:17
Segnale007mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on /usr/local failed01:17
Segnale007Press Enter01:17
Segnale007./ line 57: clear: not found01:17
wumpusMikho: agreed01:17
Mikhoelb, I think you're right01:17
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Segnale007what wrong ?01:18
* celesteh hunts the wumpus01:18
wumpusit's a lot of work especially if you need special things, like a compiler that is not automatically supported by automake, or a library that doesn't have it's own m4 macros, etc..01:18
wumpusbut even the base autotools is a nightmare :)01:18
wumpuslol celesteh01:18
Segnale007anybody have some idea ?01:19
Segnale007I just use os200801:19
Segnale007maybe the problem is it ?01:19
Segnale007or me ?  lol01:20
MikhoI wanted to use 3rd party software, with ready written basic Makefiles without autotools. Included the directories with SUBDIRS command, which worked well enough until I tried to create a debian package of the whole thing. Complained something about can't make target distdir or sth01:20
Mikhoafter half an hour of googling resolved the problem by using nodist_SUBDIRS instead of SUBDIRS01:21
MikhoI wonder how many specifically recognized prefixes/suffixes there are in autotools01:21
halleyMan, I hate it when someone's on ignore, but they actually log in from several different hosts.01:24
zerojayhalley: Can't you ignore , say.. username!name@* ?01:26
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halleyThis one uses the same nick, but some use foo|work, foo|home variants.  This one does not use the same ident.01:28
halleyMost clients make it easy to ignore *!foo*@* but it's still annoying to do it twice.01:29
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MikhoI'm including some files in the deb package with 'dist_<filename>_DATA' command in a file. How can I make it appear with executable permissions when the deb package is installed?01:39
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lardmanthat question flies far over lardman's head01:41
halleyAnd yet, you feel compelled to comment.01:41
lardmanmerely to make sure he realises there are actually people listening, and that his question is difficult01:42
* halley rolls his eyes.01:42
MikhoI'm almost there. I can get the file to install properly from the package, but I want it marked as an executable01:43
* lardman goes back to doing something productive with a dsp and not annoying the late night inhabitants of #maemo01:43
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Mikhoa simple chmod command would do the trick01:43
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halleyAnnoying when an app only has like a 3x3 pixel icon, instead of the stock size of other apps.02:00
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Mikhohahaha, I did it. Just had to list the file with dist_pkgdata_SCRIPTS macro in the file02:05
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BuckWildI can't seem to be able to flash my N800 using the linux flasher02:06
BuckWildit looks like it's going to work but then it does nothing02:06
BuckWildI have an N800 and I'm trying to flash on ubuntu amd64 bit, with OS 2008 beta02:06
Esworpthis is a test of the thinkoutside keyboard...02:07
EsworpI'm happy.02:07
Esworpyay n sh_t.02:07
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l7_I have heard the windows flasher is betterI have heard the windows flasher is better02:09
l7_qThat was odd.02:09
l7_That was odd.02:09
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l7_Looks like a bug with OS2008 in the thumb board02:11
l7_in xterm02:11
l7_it prints to the terminal, then the text st ays in the buffer02:12
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astro76Esworp, got the ultra-slim?02:17
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Esworpi had one for my palm, it's about he same, but a bit snappier.02:18
Esworpand the pairing is more transparent...  once you set it up.02:18
Esworpso, does os2008 update the email app?  i hate the included one.02:19
astro76I'm really happy with it... would be nice if they labeled where the print screen, scroll lock, pause, insert, and function keys are, I had to find them myself02:19
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Esworpheh..  i just wanna type.02:25
halleyFlashing an N810... need to hold any buttons like older models?02:25
Esworpnone of that weirdness for me, kthx.02:25
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BuckWildI'm having problems using the linux flasher with the N800 and OS 2008, anyone done this successfully?03:00
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BuckWildit just exits instead of updating03:01
astro76BuckWild, followed this?
halleyBuckWild, must do the sudo.03:02
BuckWildit's executing the command03:02
halleyBuckWild, the -u step is unpacking; did it do that?03:02
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BuckWildunpacking? nah, I was trying to flash it with -f -R as switches03:03
BuckWildis there something I have to do first?03:03
astro76BuckWild, yeah I needed sudo03:03
BuckWildI did the sudo, I'm a pretty regular linux user so I know that's not the problem03:03
BuckWildit waits for my thing to start, but when it starts it just jumps off without doing anything03:04
BuckWildI get this:03:04
BuckWildUSB device found found at bus 001, device address 03703:04
BuckWildFound device RX-34, hardware revision 130103:04
BuckWildNOLO version 1.1.603:04
BuckWildVersion of 'sw-release': <no version>03:04
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BuckWildand then it goes back to the prompt03:04
halleyI'm on OSX, but I used these:03:04
halleysudo ./flasher-2.0.macosx -u -F RX-44_2008SE_1.2007.42-19_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin03:05
halleysudo ./flasher-2.0.macosx --enable-rd-mode03:05
halleysudo ./flasher-2.0.macosx -k zImage -f03:05
halleysudo ./flasher-2.0.macosx -n initfs.jffs2 -f03:05
halleysudo ./flasher-2.0.macosx -r rootfs.jffs2 -f -R03:05
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halleyHm, maemocjk is not working well.03:06
BuckWildalright this seems to be working03:09
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BuckWildlooks like this worked03:10
BuckWildthanks guys03:10
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BuckWildhas anyone else had bluetooth pairing problems with OS 200803:15
l7what kind of problems?03:17
l7i am able to share files over bluetooth in 200803:18
BuckWildit said pairing with my phone failed03:18
BuckWildmy phone didn't seem to be having a problem tho03:18
l7did you punch in the code?03:18
l7i haven't tried my phone yet...03:18
BuckWildI really like the layout of the OS a lot better03:18
l72008 seems pretty buggy though03:18
BuckWildwell, this isn't a final release03:19
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BuckWildI honestly don't use the device as much as I thought I would03:20
l7yeah i can't wait until 2008 is out of beta03:20
BuckWildI was willing to experiment a little03:20
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l7did you get the 800 or 810?03:20
BuckWildI wish I would've waited for the 81003:21
BuckWildcuz I really would like a built in keyboard03:21
BuckWildI think that's the big thing that prevents me from using it more actually03:21
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astro76besides the screen I prefer the n80003:23
astro76really hope the next one goes back to SD03:23
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BuckWildoh, the 810 doesn't have SD?03:25
astro76external minisd, internal 2GB fixed03:25
BuckWildthat's not too bad I guess03:25
BuckWildthey are supposed to be targeted for different markets or whatever03:25
BuckWildI have an 8gb card, so that would kinda suck to not be able to use that03:26
BuckWildthis OS seems a lot snappier03:26
astro76well, the cpu is now running at 400 MHz instead of 33003:26
BuckWildyeah, that's what I heard03:28
astro76the difference is definitely noticeable03:28
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|Rzerojay : i just sent an inquiry to to see if they could arrange something for discount code + canada shipping... (worth a try i guess..)03:29
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|Ri'll keep you up to date if something ever comes out of it :)03:30
BuckWilddoes anyone know if you can install firefox addons03:31
BuckWildnow that it's mozilla based03:31
BuckWildI guess not03:31
|R(and if other canadian have a discount code too, tell me ;)03:31
BuckWildthat would be awesome tho03:31
BuckWildif I could have adblock plus03:31
astro76install greasemonkey and you can use this script for adblocking
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fadecanybody else have crashes with the installed nokia 770 email program?03:44
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zerojay|R: ok.03:47
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BuckWildis there a version of this bomberman for linux PCs?03:56
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srwalterWhy might an AVI file take many seconds to start playing (on both mplayer and media-player)04:35
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blitheWoo! Just ordered an n800 last night!05:41
* blithe does a little happy dance.05:41
srwalterWhat'd you pay?05:44
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blithe$230 free shipping?05:44
blitheGot it from, not sure if they still have them.05:45
srwalterI was just curious.  I bought an n810 last week05:45
blitheOoo, cool.05:45
blitheHow much that set you back?05:45
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srwalterI gotta have the hardware keyboard05:46
blitheYeah, it'd be nice for ssh'ing.05:52
blitheI just can't afford the N810 right now. :P05:53
srwalterNice for IRC, too :)05:53
blitheThey were selling those igo stowaways on amazon for $30 the other day.05:54
blitheSo I don't mind.05:54
* blithe grins05:55
blitheThe GPS would be nice though.05:55
|Rsrwalter : how's the typing ? speed/accuracy ?05:56
srwalterIts not bad.  The response is a little iinconsistent05:57
srwalter(Note the double I, for example)05:57
|Rhaha :)05:57
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|RI'm eager to be able to order mine ...05:58
|Ri have an n800+stoaway right now... it's not perfect either but it's a quite good mix :)05:58
blitheHow do you like the stowaway?05:58
|RA little getting used to for the Fn keys, # row, etc... and since i usually speak french i still need to fix the accents in some way, but it works well :)05:59
srwalterGot a link for the stowaway?05:59
|Rsrwalter : information?05:59
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blitheThat's the amazon deal.06:00
|Rbut just search stowaway ultra-slim bluetooth keyboard and you'll find miriads of data :)06:00
|Roh it's still up06:00
blithe|R: Can you remap keys easily with it?06:00
blitheI type with a dvorak layout.06:00
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| is really anoying for canadians, you can order books from the .com but not electronics or anything else for that mather...06:01
|Rblithe : well i guess that if you type with dvorak you know avout xmodmap ;)06:01
blitheAh, k.06:01
infobot|R meant: blithe : well i guess that if you type with dvorak you know about xmodmap ;)06:01
* srwalter uses dvorak, too06:01
|Rblithe : dovrak is not in the default choices :)06:01
|Rreally? wow, i thought it was pretty rare :)06:01
blitheI love it.06:02
|Rwe should have keymap generators based on language sets06:02
srwalterI'm mixed.  Not sure if it is worse than qwerty for this, but a lot of pprogramming keys are right-pinky06:02
|Rlet's say, generate me a keymap that is going to be efficient if i use french 60% of the time and english 40%06:03
srwalterThat'd be pretty cool06:03
|Rand than add japanese and swahili haha ;)06:03
blithesrwalter: Will a standard dvorak xmodmap file work with the bt keyboards?06:03
blitheOr will I have to make my own?06:04
|Ri'm guessing it should, but not sure... i know that when running on an old mac PPC i had to remake my own06:04
srwalterI suspect it would be no different.  Not using a bt keyboard here06:04
elbJapanese will work find with any latin layout06:04
|Ryeah, i guess :)06:04
blitheAight, I'll mess with it when mine comes in the mail. :P06:04
elbxkb *does* suck, though06:04
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|Rス<-  su06:04
blitheI use xkb on my laptop.06:05
blitheI have a hardware dvorak keyboard for my desktop.06:05
|Rhaha nice :)06:05
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elbyes, I am aware of how Japanese input works, and I use it regularly06:06
mariorzman mpd+mmpc rocks06:06
|Ri'm already the fastest typer in my group of friends, i can't switch, i'd loose my edge ahha ;)06:06
blithemariorz: That's one thing I'm really excited about!06:06
elbunbiased tests don't show dvorak to have any particular speed gain or loss06:06
blitheI'm a huge mpd fan.06:06
elbbut it *does* seem to be better with respect to RSI06:06
blitheelb: It's just more comftorable in my mind.06:06
mariorzjsut installed it, this going to be my default setup for rocking out06:06
blitheAnd I make less typing errors.06:07
elbblithe: I was responding to |R's comment about speed06:07
elbI tried to learn dvorak a few years ago ... but qwerty is hard-wired06:07
|RHow hard is it to switch back and forth between qwerty and dvorak ?06:07
blitheNah, give yourself a month.06:07
blitheTrust me.06:07
elbit was almost physically painful to remap my brain ;-)06:07
blitheAnyone can switch.06:07
blitheYou realize how annoying it is for new computer users thouh.06:07
blitheAnd why they hate using them so much.06:08
blitheBecause it's painful to type for a week or so. :P06:08
elblearning and re-learning are two different things06:08
elboh, yeah, typing while learning is painful06:08
elbbut it doesn't take too long to learn, the first time06:08
blitheI'd say relearning is easier.06:08
elbI had hunt-and-pecked for long enough that picking up touch typing didn't take me very long at all06:08
|Rwell started learning on typewriters at 5, had plenty of time to make my mind since hehe06:09
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GeneralAntilles|R, I switch completely seamlessly.06:28
GeneralAntillesI just type whatever's on the layout in front of me.06:28
Epeloon2I have one small question: I've just bought the n800 and i'm looking for a good quality/price GPS Bluetooth. Which one should i buy? Thanks.06:29
GeneralAntillesThough I can't type Dvorak on Qwerty or vice versa, and blank-cap keyboards absolutely don't work (as they just become a mishmash of both.06:29
GeneralAntillesi-blue 737/75706:29
Epeloon2Thanks GeneralAntilles. But i read that they aren't Sirf III (i think) like Holux 240. So, do you think that i-blue is better than Holux even if Holux are Sirf III? Thanks.06:30
febbhi all !06:30
GeneralAntillesPersonally, I've had better experience with the MTK chipset in the i-blues than any SiRF III device.06:31
GeneralAntillesMTK has just a slight edge right now.06:31
febbFor those of you in the USA, which place would be the one to go and buy a  Nokia N810 ?  Would you recommend any mail order (or internet order) shop to buy an  N810 ?06:32
Epeloon2ah ok :). That's sounds good for me. Just a last small question: where can i bought one of them. is Buygpsnow a good place to deal with or should i deal with semsons (i think)? Thanks.06:32 if they'll ship to you.06:33
Epeloon2hmm ok. By the way, Amazon has a goos price for the Igo Ultra slim keyboard for 30$ with free shipping. Thank you GeneralAntilles.06:34
|REpeloon2 : i have an Holux M1200, works well and is very small (fits in a jean's lighter-pocket)06:36
|RGeneralAntilles : hehe for dvorak i'm not sure the gain would be practical for french typing though :)06:36
GeneralAntillesMeh, I'm just saying. ;)06:37
|Rhehe i know :)06:37
|Rthe i-blue 737 is nice but bigger / more expensive (but removable battery as a bonus...)06:38
|Rwell not that much more actually06:38
|R(check eBay...)06:39
* |R doesn't trust shippers from hongkong on electronics though...06:39
Epeloon2even on ebay i find the same dealers buygpsnow and semsons06:39
Epeloon2even hongkong guys have the same prices or even more expensive06:40
|Rthe holux M1200 can be had for 50-60 on ebay... shipping included06:40
|Rthe i-blue 737 seems to be around 70-80 total..06:41
Epeloon2i-blue 737 also fron Amazon (semsons) for 60$ shipping included :)06:41
|Ri don't know how real life battery life differ though, i-blue will probably last longer as it is bigger :)06:41
|Rit all depends of what you plan on doing i guess :)06:41
Epeloon2i-blue last longer because it havs the on/off feature i think06:41
|Rthey all do06:42
Epeloon2ah ok, i didn't know that :)06:42
|Rwell, you're talking about a switch?06:42
|Ror that it has an idle mode when not probed?06:42
Epeloon2idle mode06:42
Epeloon2it is automatic when there is no bluetooth signal06:42
Epeloon2the i-blue becomes in idle mode06:43
GeneralAntillesNo, Holux do not have the on/off feature.06:43
Epeloon2like shut down i think06:43
|RGeneralAntilles oh06:43
Epeloon2that's why the i-blur last longer06:43
GeneralAntillesYeah, it powers off, basically.06:43
Epeloon2this is the best thing i found people like in i-blue06:43
GeneralAntillesIt does about 24-26 hours of active positioning.06:43
|Rgood :)06:43
Epeloon2is it faster to fix a signal? i-blue 73706:44
GeneralAntillesIs anybody else just completely fed up with ITT today?06:44
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GeneralAntillesThey're probably almost exactly the same, Epeloon2.06:44
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GeneralAntillesAll the bitchiness and the trolling is driving me up a wall.06:44
|RGeneralAntilles haha why? what's up with ITT ?06:44
GeneralAntillesReggie needs to add a big fat, flashing search button to the homepage.06:45
Epeloon2Thanks GeneralAntilles. So, i'll see prices now :). Thanks for all.06:45
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GeneralAntillesI'm so tired of answering the same questions over and over and over.06:45
GeneralAntillesI can't even take out my anger with "Search first" posts anymore. :(06:45
elbforums do suck for that, though06:46
elbthey're pretty much the worst possible interface to ... basically everything06:46
|Rand maybe the search should use google as an alternate too06:46
|Rthe internal search is pretty random sometime06:46
GeneralAntillesFair enough, but these people aren't even trying.06:46
elbI'm sure they aren't06:47
elbthey're the same people who have submitted the same bug to the Pidgin bugtracker 100 times in the past week ;-)06:47
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PalintheusStarted a new channel ( #nokia-tablet ) for discussion on the NXXX tablets since this channel is for devs mostly06:48
halleyelb, did you get your device yet?06:48
GeneralAntillesYeah, no, Palintheus.06:48
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halleyI attempted the first .install of maemocjk for n810 but it failed to reboot.  :/06:49
oil_is there an similar app for n800 as  'nokia sports tracker' for S60?06:50
halleyWell, I got to see how much WAS saved in a backup file, vs what WASN'T.06:50
* halley mutters something under his breath.06:50
oil_eh. I could record the route and then send it to a web site. also interested of realtime location update06:50
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K`zanHummm, does the n800 work with a bluetooth mouse?!?07:20
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GeneralAntillesNot well, or easily, K`zan.07:27
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l7damn, the tablet video converter is great!07:37
oil_but it can not use DVD as source?07:38
GeneralAntillesWho stores their DVDs are VIDEO_TS, anyway?07:39
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ol_schoolahi all07:40
oil_I tried yesterday on linux. marked all the files on the VIDEO_TS directory.. and non of the file were accepted.07:41
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ol_schoolai have a trip report on my six-wekk-old n80007:42
ol_schoolait went for a swim07:42
GeneralAntillesNow, why'd you do that?07:42
ol_schoolai didn't, it did07:42
GeneralAntillesWhat water, how deep, how long?07:42
ol_schoolaok, i did, but didn't ask it to join me :)07:43
ol_schoolalong day in an attic, so i filled the spa and set it off to the side as usual07:43
ol_schoolastreaming bbc news and all of a sudden....07:43
ol_schoola... a newly placed plant on a shelf above came down07:44
GeneralAntillesWell, the first step, obviously, is to take the battery out, open up all the various ports and pieces and leave it in a dry place for a couple weeks.07:44
ol_schoolawe're gettin there....07:44
ol_schoolai see the thing fly across the tiles and land right next to me, bubbles and jets going full blast07:45
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GeneralAntillesGood nows is, that as long as nothing shorted, it'll probably be ok07:45
GeneralAntillesI've heard of more than one N800 emerging unscathed from an unscheduled swim practice.07:46
ol_schoolatwo frantic grabs and i got it, pull it out, rip off the nokia magnetic cover (which was flipped full back) and start grabbing at the door07:46
ol_schoolarapped it quickly on the floor to get the batt out07:46
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GeneralAntillesQuick thinking, good. :)07:46
ol_schoolaand toweled everything off07:47
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ol_schoolathis without my glasses and i'm like, 20/80^607:47
ol_schoolathere we both sit, maked and vulnerable07:47
ol_schoolai have forced air gas heat with a bypass-style humidifier07:48
GeneralAntillesGood recommendation to future would-be N800 swimmers: stick it in a zip or two and vacuum seal it with your mouth. Works great. ;)07:48
ol_schoolathis is better....07:48
ol_schoolai shut the water supply to the humidifier, opened her up and place the pieces seperately inside the horizontal bypass, making sure the pointy screws didn't scratch the screen07:49
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ol_schoolafurnace goes on and off about four times an hour, two or three minutes a shopt07:50
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ol_schoolanext morniong, i was still paranois07:50
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ol_schoolai put a medium sized silca bag inside the battery compartment and closed it up07:51
ol_schoolaTHEN i tried the ziplock baggie trick (tips hat to the General)07:51
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GeneralAntillesUse the ziplock BEFORE you stick it in the pool. :P07:52
ol_schoolanext few days, the resistive pad had a bit of moisture under it and was in the shape of a histogram (ala photoshop)07:52
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ol_schoolait went away (phew) after a few more days07:53
l7oil_: not sure, i haven't checked yet07:53
l7you could use a two step process i guess07:53
K`zanGeneralAntilles: Thanks, I'll hold off for now :)07:53
l7or you could find another program i guess07:53
GeneralAntillesWorking now, ol_schoola?07:55
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K`zanIs there a point to map over maemo mapper?07:55
ol_schoolaGeneralAntilles: seems perfetly fine, other than i buggered my "early adopter" 2008 install, can't flash the "blessed" one07:56
K`zanOther than missing the <+> and <-> tapping points I don't see much difference.07:56
ol_schoolaGeneralAntilles: you got a sec to point me in the right direction?07:56
GeneralAntillesWhat happened with the flash?07:56
l7i guess you have map's own set of POIs07:57
l7not sure if they are better than maemo mappers07:57
K`zanDunno at this point, my iblue 737 is on the way :-).07:57
ol_schoolausing a mac, tiger not leopard, running the flassher and then powering gives: Found device RX-34, hardware revision 1301 ...... NOLO version 1.1.6 .... Version of 'sw-release': <no version>07:58
K`zanSeems that setup software for it only runs on a mobile pc (wincrap) device, not sure if that is important or not.07:58
ol_schoolai'm using Fanoush's initfs and have removed all cards07:58
GeneralAntillesI'm clueless with a non-factory initfs setup.07:59
ol_schoolathink i ought to remove the bootloader?07:59
ol_schoolaoh wait, you just said you had no exop07:59
GeneralAntillesDon't have a clue. :)08:00
K`zanAnyone here using the i-Blue 737 Bluetooth GPS ?08:00
GeneralAntillesI know things weren't working so well with his dual-boot setup and OS2008.08:00
GeneralAntillesMe, K`zan.08:00
K`zanGeneralAntilles: Ah, you are the one that got me to spring for that :).08:00
GeneralAntillesWould seem so. :P08:01
ol_schoolai'm not dual booting, just booting from internal mmc card08:01
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K`zanGeneralAntilles: Any comments you might have?  How did you set it up or do you have a mobile wincrap device?  Docs are a little sparse...08:01
GeneralAntillesShould work straightout with the N800.08:02
K`zanGeneralAntilles: It's ALL *your* fault :-) LOL08:02
GeneralAntillesDunno about the WinMob (shudder)08:02
GeneralAntillesSame thing, ol_schoola08:02
K`zanSeems you need wincrap to set it up (fuzzy on/off, etc.?)08:02
K`zanOr does it just do that - handy for battery conservation it would seem.08:03
* ol_schoola puts hex on GeneralAntilles for naming that which should not be named08:03
K`zanAnd I am not going to spend another damn dime on wincrap :-)08:03
K`zanCoffee, brb08:03
ol_schoolai'll go peruse the fora. is it just me or are the wiki articles at maemo about as stale as a truck stop bagel?08:04
K`zanback, burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....08:05
ol_schoolais the coffee outside?08:06
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GeneralAntillesYou're not kidding, ol_schoola.08:06
GeneralAntillesWe need a good wiki.08:06
GeneralAntillesmaemo's is crap08:06
GeneralAntillesitt's is crap08:06
K`zanNo :-), but it was warm enough today to open the door and I just remembered it :)08:06
ol_schoolai'm active with the mythtv wiki, maybe i can redirect some resources08:06
ol_schoolaK`zan:  hah08:07
K`zanAnything would help, maemo is better than nothing, but not by much :-(.08:07
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GeneralAntillesIt'd be nice if ITT's didn't suck so much.08:07
ol_schoolabut i'll be damned if i work on anything other than mediawiki08:07
GeneralAntillesI don't see any reason why it should.08:07
K`zanHorribly cold - 46.4F :-).08:07
|RGeneralAntilles : ask for one on wikia08:07
ol_schoolai'm a contractor by profession08:07
ol_schoolaand my toolkit is full of tools, like screwdrivers, and power thingies08:08
ol_schoolai don't program and learning mediawiki was all i could do08:08
K`zanWish I could find a decent (and cheap) USB adapter kit...08:08
ol_schoolain a past life i integrated big iron like Alphas with DEC UNIX and Oracle and T1's and thus, but never programming08:09
K`zanLucky you :-)08:09
ol_schoolai think so :)08:09
K`zanMe too, having been on the other end :-)08:09
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ol_schoolabut now i have to run wire like monkey through walls, atytics basements and earth when the going gets tought08:10
ol_schoolai don't ghave a lot of guys and i still have to work for a living08:10
K`zanGood exercise :-)08:10
ol_schoolagood thing i'm skinny :)08:10
K`zanToo true.08:10
K`zanThey took me off running cable when I started using my crossbow to get across the building :).08:11
K`zanFor some reason that made management nervous.08:11
K`zanSure saved a LOT of time though.08:11
K`zanWimpy managers :).08:12
K`zanI really wasn't aiming for them and I didn't even have points on :).08:12
ol_schoolai do mostly commercial life safety and house of worship A/V now, use my old IM6 spincasting setup to run a lead line :)08:12
K`zanThe more I use the n800 the more I am in love with it!  With the BT keyboard it should be close to perfect.08:13
ol_schoolawho says you can't fish and work?08:13
K`zanA mouse would be nice, but...08:13
K`zanWish I could stream my TV card, would be nice to drag TV around with me.08:13
|RK`zan : i think i saw something to that effect somewhere08:14
|Rcan't remember what/where though :|08:14
K`zanSome stuff out there, but a frugging nightmare to get working.  Same reason I do all my editing under wincrap :-(, its easier.08:14
K`zanvideo editing...08:14
K`zanCrappy tools, but ultimately a LOT easier to deal with :-( :-( :-(.08:15
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ol_schoolawhat i REALLLY want, is to hack up a webcam so it is very low profile, mount it to the end of a gooseneck with an LED light, plug it into my n800 and have realtime video while i shove it into walls, crevices, behinf equiipment racks, etc...08:15
K`zanNice idea!08:15
ol_schoolainspection camera08:15
K`zanSnaking crap through walls is a PITA at best.08:15
ol_schoolacommercial units start at 2500 USD08:15
K`zanSome cheaper stuff at Harbor Freight IIRC>08:16
ol_schoolaf#%@^$ that08:16
K`zanNo kidding.08:16
K`zanWHere did I see those, checking.08:16
ol_schoolai currently use a chip cam on a gooseneck with a GoVideo Off-Road and a power supply08:16
K`zanStill not cheap, but...08:17
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ol_schoolaty, at <300 bones, i'll try one08:17
ol_schoolai'm used to expensive test equipment. but i make it pay for itself and then some08:18
ol_schoolaTHAT's what i was referring to08:18
K`zanUnderstand, if you can afford and need the good stuff, it pays for itself.08:18
ol_schoolaway more than iwant08:18
solmumahaK`zan: stream tv card on what platform?08:18
K`zanfedora8 at the moment08:19
K`zanDon't think so.  Have an old HD-3000 in the drawer, I think that might be.08:19
ol_schoolai'm US so i use a the HD HomeRun08:19
K`zanoops, typo - fedora708:19
K`zanFirst one would seem to be a better choice for cable routing?!08:20
solmumahait's possible with vlc08:20
K`zanWill have to get that card installed and see if it will coexist with the leadtek.08:21
ol_schoolasecond one is definitely for the plumbing/sewer types08:21
ol_schoolai'll try the first and report back08:21
K`zanNever had any luck getting that to work as an HD card :-(.08:21
K`zanWell, there was a place where we did route through drains and sewers (govenment job, of course ;-).08:21
ol_schoolabut i tell, ya, you can't improve the sales glitz with a web-enabled inspection camera ;)08:21
K`zanol_schoola: Hope I will have helped some :-).08:22
ol_schoolacome to think of it, i never did get the reall answer on whether an n800 can be a USB host adapter....08:23
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ol_schoolacan you use a powere usb hub and the patch to make it go?08:23
K`zanI looked into a usb keyboard for it, but the bt one was cheaper :).08:23
ol_schoolai'm still thinki9ng webcam08:23
K`zanol_schoola: You would need at least a power supply for it and some module that may or may not be available unless you compile your own kernel.08:24
ol_schoolaand the Think Outside BT kboard works great!08:24
K`zanNever seen a webcam that was that small...08:24
K`zanClosest was, lemme find it...08:24
ol_schoolai stripped one down the other night, reall small, and i can compile kernels, been usi9ng myth with HD since .1508:24
ol_schoolai'm not sure if i want to bite off that big a piece of cake though08:25
K`zanAt some point I need to figure out what it takes to build a kernel and get it working on the n800, at this point I am clueless.08:26
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ol_schoolai'd need a vmware mamemo ubuntu device to develop/compile in, right?08:26
K`zanI suspect that will become important in time.08:26
K`zanI got the app development stuff installed, but I don't think I can build a custom kernel with that.08:27
K`zanMy embedded linux knowledge is really! sparse.08:27
ol_schoolacan do. just need to find the time. like i said, im no programmer so i bump into more walls and obstacles than helen keller08:27
vlad_anyone know what's up with ?08:27
K`zanIt is terminally slow, patience grasshopper :)08:28
rip_there is a heap of kernel modules in that tarball08:28
K`zanrip, cool thanks!08:28
rip_its for OS2008 Beta for N80008:28
rip_im not sure if the module you are looking for is in there08:28
rip_but doesn't hurt to have a look08:28
GeneralAntillesIt sucks, K`zan.08:29
K`zanrip, it is a starting point.  Not sure if those will work with the 2008 for the n800 device though.08:29
K`zanGeneralAntilles: maemo site?  Yes, sigh, it does in many ways.08:29
rip_I'm using the CIFS module from that for OS2008 Beta for the N80008:29
rip_works fine08:30
ol_schoola rip_  TY so much. that'll prolly save me a ton of time (and open a few doors too!)08:30
ol_schoolaoooh ooh oho hohh! i need that too08:30
vlad_mm, quite terminally slow :)08:30
GeneralAntillesUSB host should work out-of-the-box with OS2008.08:30
vlad_is there a mirror of the extras repo anywhere?08:30
ol_schoolathat's kinda what i thought GeneralAntilles08:30
GeneralAntillesbugzilla appears to be down.08:30
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ol_schoolabeen REAL busy at work since the synchronized swimming incident, first i've had to try and mess about08:31
rip_I wrote a small page on ITT how to auto load the modules, its not exactly the best way to do it, but it works for me08:32
K`zanvlad, fwiw, it seems to work better for me early in the morning and late at night on the west coast USA.08:32
K`zanBlessed are all the developers for this :-)!08:32
rip_but it lets me mount my 900 gig partition to the N800 :D08:32
GeneralAntillesCan anybody get to bugs.maemo.org08:32
K`zanIf USB works, it might be worth the effort to port jpilot...08:32
K`zanI wish I could get NFS to work, IIRC it did under 2007.08:33
rip_GeneralAntilles: Nope, been down for me for awhile08:33
vlad_K`zan: hmm, thanks08:33
GeneralAntillesNot more than an hour.08:33
vlad_K`zan: who supports the site? is it pretty much just nokia, or is it mostly community supported?08:33
K`zanvlad_: Dunno as GeneralAntilles08:33
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K`zanPretty sad if it is Nokia, community site I could understand.08:34
ol_schoolaalrighty, 'night all. gotta meet the crestron programmer and the architect at 8am. apparently my services now include "translation"08:34
K`zanNight ol_schoola08:35
ol_schoolaeveryone in favor of a user supported, mediawiki-based site?08:35
rip_Well, it would be nice if nokia moved maemo to a more stable server :p unless they are constantly playing with the serve to see if it breaks ;)08:35
K`zanWould be nice if they had a better way to list the apps available too, that is a confusing mess.08:35
ol_schoolaif they spent one week of one person's time to shore that thing up.....08:36
K`zanYeah, well, too busy making $$$ :)08:36
GeneralAntillesrip_, that is, apparently, the case.08:36
ol_schoolathey are intentionally downplaying the community side because this is an experimental platform08:36
GeneralAntillesThe live server is their development server.08:36
ol_schoolamy opinion anyway08:36
GeneralAntillesAs ridiculous as that sounds.08:36
K`zanHonesty don't know.08:36
GeneralAntillesI'd say maemo is doing a lot to support the community.08:37
ol_schoolaGeneralAntilles: no way08:37
K`zanBut it sure isn't reflecting what this is, sad to say.08:37
GeneralAntillesMost of the official stuff coming out of Nokia has made light of just how important it is.08:37
GeneralAntillesHell, the only reason for the 770 was to start developing a good community.08:37
K`zanThen where is fmradio ;-) LOL08:37
GeneralAntillesDeveloper device codes?08:37
ol_schoolathe mythtv-users list has half as many subscribers tyet there are at least 15 different automated build machines08:37
GeneralAntillesmythtv has been around longer08:38
GeneralAntillesand isn't dependent on people spending money. ;)08:38
ol_schoolatrue ture ture08:38
K`zanNokia is getting killed by motorola, they can't afford it ;-) LOL08:38
rip_is Maemo working with OpenMoko at all? or even sharing Ideas ?08:38
rip_just off topic08:38
ol_schoolamoney? myth users spend GOBS of money08:38
GeneralAntillesOpenMoko is using a lot of stuff from maemo08:38
GeneralAntillesNot as much going the other direction.08:39
rip_ahh ok08:39
GeneralAntillesYes, but they're buying much more generic parts08:39
ol_schoolai'm surprised that a user driven site hasn't taken over tyhe non-official nokia stuff08:39
GeneralAntillesas opposed to handheld linux devices. ;)08:39
rip_I have a mate who owns a OpenMoko :p is all and was curious08:39
ol_schoolai see08:39
rip_and thinks its Maemo stealing ideas from OpenMoko :p08:39
ol_schoolado tell rip_08:39
ol_schoolatell more ;)08:39
rip_he didn't really get into it :p08:40
GeneralAntillesMaemo was around BEFORE OpenMoko. :)08:40
rip_he just reads the openmoko forums alot08:40
GeneralAntillesBeyond that, this isn't Microsoft versus Apple08:40
rip_so I honestly wouldnt have aclue what his talking about08:40
GeneralAntillesthis is Open Source. :P08:40
* rip_ hugs his N80008:40
GeneralAntillesol_schoola, how long have you been involved in the community here? :P08:40
* K`zan hugs mine too :)08:40
ol_schoolasix weeks08:40
GeneralAntilles<- November 200508:40
ol_schoolamid November?08:41
rip_so I'm guessing Ubuntu mobile is based around the idea of Maemo ? since they are going to use maemo?08:41
GeneralAntillesYeah, it's all part of the Gnome Mobile stuff.08:41
ol_schoolai got my n800 with 26-8 on it and instinctively flashed it up to 38-2 after a short bit of reading08:42
blitheI'm like an excited ferret waiting for my n800 to come in the mail. :P08:43
GeneralAntilles'tis a wonderful device.08:43
K`zanblithe: hehe, THEN it start getting good :-)08:43
blitheI have never seen one in person.08:43
GeneralAntillesIt's too bad the haters on ITT just can't see it.08:43
blitheI love hacking and playing with stuff.08:44
blitheNot just using. :P08:44
K`zanI really expected to be disappointed, but that sure didn't happen.08:44
ol_schoolaloaded it with apps galore, perused red-pill, figured out how to boot from internal mmc, tried the leaked 2008, and here i am08:44
blitheSo I figure it'd be right up my alley.08:44
blitheOh, I still don't know what red-pill is?08:44
rip_I have found, people get unreasonable expectations on the Nokia tablets, and think they are something they arn't08:44
K`zanStill not sure going to 2008 was wise...08:44
rip_all my mates thought it was an ugly phone08:44
* rip_ repeats "It's not a phone" 08:45
blitheWhat is red-pill mode?08:45
ol_schoolablithe: i bought it for the specific purpose of hacking about\08:45
blitheI'm kind of anxious to wander around town and find open access points.08:45
ol_schoolared-pill open up the application manager to all the rest of the "hidden" programs on your tablet08:45
milhousegeez... off the air again?08:45
K`zanI got mine mostly for an ebook reader - essentially to replace the crap Palm z-31.08:45
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K`zanFortunately with much masturbation I can run the palm emulator on it and eventually get things syn'd.08:46
GeneralAntillesred-pill isn't something you really need to worry about.08:46
ol_schoolathe stock app mgr hides all of the system dependent apps and libraries, useful to use red-pill mode if you are trying to solve a trick dependency problem08:46
GeneralAntillesIt opens up a lot of stuff in apt-get that could nicely wreck your install. ;)08:46
blitheHonestly, I'm just excited to have a small ssh client. :P08:46
K`zanThere is one, it is wonderful!08:46
K`zanIt is why I got the bt keyboard :)08:47
K`zanErr that was for the xterm.08:47
ol_schoolaworks as advertised08:47
K`zanI can use this keyboard with ssh :).08:47
blitheAnd my job 2 stories underground surrounded by concrete - no cell phone service.08:47
K`zanMight make wireless a bit difficult too... :-(08:48
blitheSo something where I can still make/recieve basic calls would be nice.08:48
blitheIt's blanketed in wireless.08:48
milhouseis crapping out for everyone else of just me? :)08:48
K`zanCOOL :)08:48
ol_schoola hmmmm, low bandwidth VHF maybe?08:48
infobotmilhouse meant: is crapping out for everyone else or just me? :)08:48
K`zanDead as a rock here...08:48
ol_schoolaerrr... sb/VLF08:48
GeneralAntillesIt's dead, milhouse.08:48
milhousewhat a bag of shite... thanks08:48
K`zanFirefox can't establish a connection to the server at
K`zanOnly slightly slower than normal ;-)08:49
K`zanIt's dead Jim.08:49
milhousei'd file another comment against the "maemo too fragile" bug but even bugzilla has gone this time!08:49
milhouseyeah my squid proxy is giving me "(113) No route to host" when attempting to connect to
K`zanGonna call it a night here folks.  Everyone have a good day/night :-)08:50
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milhouse^ that's for bugzilla, and for it's 62.6108:50
ol_schoolanight, same as well, thanks for advice all08:50
K`zanThanks to everyone for all the help and info, bless you all!08:50
rip_nite K`zan08:51
GeneralAntillesIt's amazing how bad is08:51
oil_GeneralAntilles: I'm thinking the same08:51
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GeneralAntilleshow hard is it to drop in another couple servers at another host to act as a backup? :|08:51
milhousei wonder what the excuses will be this time?08:51
rip_do they actually post excuses ?08:52
rip_I haven't seen any reason they go down :p unless I'm blind ;)08:52
GeneralAntillesThe last one was something along the lines of "Our live server is our development server"08:52
GeneralAntillesWhich is absolutely mind boggling for something like maemo08:52
rip_why host repositorys off it then08:52
GeneralAntillesIt REAKS of unprofessionalism.08:52
milhouseGA: yeah, pretty lame08:53
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milhouseAlso, their ISP has to be the most unreliable ISP on the planet, or there are a lot of elk causing mayhem with the fibre in the wilds of Finland08:54
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milhouseITT is more reliable than maemo.org08:54
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GeneralAntillesUgh . . . ITT08:54
GeneralAntillesIt's been home to the trolls today.08:54
milhouseMy home ADSL is more reliable than :)08:54
milhouseShame it's only 128KB up or I'd have offered it to Quim as an alternative host :)08:55
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GeneralAntillesEverybody throw in their home connections to host!08:55
GeneralAntillesBetter uptime and faster speeds can be here today!08:55
blitheThat'd be cool if someone came up with a good way to distribute bandwidth for sites.08:56
blitheKind of like a torrent type model.08:56
milhousewe should have distributed hosting among ourselves... replicate all over the world, have some sort of dynamic hosting manager to redirect requests seemlessly round-robin style... brilliant!08:56
blitheSo instead of donating money to sites you like, you could just donate bandwidth.08:56
GeneralAntillesIt's called coralcache08:56
milhousei'd do it08:56
GeneralAntillesHaha, mariorz.08:57
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timelyxmilhouse: some portion of is available from timeless.justdave.net09:08
milhousewe need you to mirror the whole of! :)09:08
GeneralAntillesWhy don't you just take over :P09:10
milhousegets my vote! :)09:10
timelyxonce the garage section is synced and maemo indexed, i'll try to get a dns record for or mxr.maemo.org09:12
timelyxwith a lot of luck, that could come tuesday of next week09:12
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* timelyx notices that the dates in garage are from yesterday09:21
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* spikebike spent a few years with a n77009:28
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spikebikethe new n800 + os2008 rocks09:28
spikebikeA shockingly big upgrade actually09:28
oil_hey. is there a way to get the wlan AP MAC address on os2008 without installing extra wireless-tools?09:28
GeneralAntillesYeah, N800 is an amazing improvement over the 770.09:28
milhouseoil: it's also in dmesg...09:29
spikebikeany apps yet for it?  sshd?09:29
oil_milhouse: it will only give the device mac, not the ap09:29
spikebike(with os2008)09:29
oil_milhouse: yes, I noticed it. but wondering if there is another way to fetch it09:29
milhousespike: yes, openssh is available for 2008 - add the extras repository to app manager. unfortunately with off the air you won't be able to update your catalogues right now09:29
oil_with a comman.. in case there is a lot's of stuff on dmesg and  the start will be written over.09:30
milhouseoil: not sure how to get it programatically09:30
spikebikemilhouse any eta?09:30
milhousespike: no idea... the guys should be in the office now, but i've no idea what the problem is09:30
spikebikeah, thought maybe someone had heard something09:31
milhouseprobably got posted on Maemo Announcements09:31
spikebikeI got a type 6 8GB card for under $60 (USA), seems to help09:31
spikebikeI'm not on maemo-announce 8-(09:31
oil_milhouse: seems to be on /proc/net/arp .. but there would be others as well.09:31
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milhouseoil: my n800 doesn't appear in /proc/net/arp so i don't think thats very reliable09:33
oil_milhouse: ok. thanks. then need to find another way09:33
spikebikearp times out09:34
spikebikethere's a proc/net/wireless or something09:35
spikebikeif I could ssh into my n800 I'd find it for ya09:35
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zuhIt was announced on maemo-devel, should be on-line at 13:0009:58
timelyxnice, bugs is down09:58
zuh(the server downtime that is)09:58
timelyxzuh: what time zone?10:00
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milhouse"The break will last from 09:00AM till 01:00PM (UTC/GMT+2)."10:07
milhousejust found the post myself (dated 3 Dec) - i'm a bit behind on the mailing list10:07
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corevetteon my nokia 770, i'm unable to write anything to the memory card, nothing wil save10:17
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melmothcorevette: may be it s mounted read only10:22
melmothkernel does that sometimes when it thinks the filesystem is too screwed up to change it before a proper fsck10:23
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_berto_what happened to ?10:25
GeneralAntillescorevette, you corrupted it.10:29
GeneralAntillesFormat it.10:29
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ML-37whats upp or rather down with
milhousePlanned maintenance10:32
ML-37k thnx10:33
milhouseShould be back in a 2 or 3 hours10:33
ML-37thats what i figured10:34
_berto_they're probably changing the battery of the 770 where the web server is installed10:35
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sikahakkiis down?10:46
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sikahakki_berto_: thanks, I wonder where I could get xterm now in n800?10:50
_berto_no idea10:51
GeneralAntillesmaemo hackers?10:52
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zuhI wonder why nokia/the ISP doesn't have a redirection of to a "sorry, we'll be back at $DATE"-page...10:56
GeneralAntillesBecause they're all incompetent. ;)10:57
timelyxit's not really nokia10:57
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zuhwould be slightly better since the mailing list archives are down at the same time so there's really no official place to see that info unless you read the list actively10:58
timelyxwe could stick it into the channel topic10:59
timelyxbut that'd be way too logical10:59
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zuhthat would also require IRCing10:59
timelyxit'd still help some people :)11:00
zuhjoe random who isn't really following the lists nor IRCs, but is a passionate maemo-developer will be quite miffed about now...11:00
zuhSure, I wasn't implying it was a bad idea :)11:00
sikahakkiDasajev: thanks, what about ssh do I get it in same place maemo-hackers?11:01
zuhJust saying that if to find out a service is on maintenance break you need to go to an unofficial IRC channel or 3rd party forums...11:01
zuhI think I won't repeat kulve's words here but... :P11:01
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milhousebugzilla not yet available11:08
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ashurais garage down for you too?11:11
milhousegarage is still down11:11
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ashuradoes anybody know if does exists zsnes on 770 ?11:11
ashurai was looking to a gphoto2 port too...11:12
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Rocketmanno garage here either11:14
milhouseashura: FCE Ultra is a NES emulator for Maemo11:15
oil_Could not connect to ( - connect (113 No route to host)11:15
bergieoil_: all servers are moving now11:15
bergieshould be back up in 1h 45min11:15
oil_bergie: ah. ok. thanks.11:16
ashuramilhouse, thanks, but i was looking for a snes, not nes...11:17
Rocketmanmoving, as in physically?11:17
AD-N770bon dia / good morning11:17
ashurahallo AD-N77011:17
bergieRocketman: I think so, but that is up to the ISP11:17
sikahakkiis ssh in some repository for os2007?11:19
milhousesikahakki: extras11:19 is such a rinky dink operation11:20
sikahakkiin which is down, or elswhere?11:20
bergieRocketman: AFAIK this is a scheduled downtime that couldn't be avoided since the ISP is moving their hosting center11:21
RocketmanThen they need to span their hosting infrastructure across multiple datacenters11:22
Rocketmanhas nobody over there heard of bigip?11:22
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wumpusit is an open source project, those usually have no money for nasa style redundancy :P11:23
bergieRocketman: we'd love to do a bit higher-end stuff with the servers but not with current resources11:24
milhouseservice outages will be even less acceptable if/when the successor to the N810 appears and targets a more mainstream audience...11:25
milhousei doubt anybody will care about a lack of resources while they get their refund from bestbuy11:25
bergiemilhouse: yep, but then again is not the site for that audience11:25
RocketmanI honestly get the feeling that is running on a dell desktop sitting in some guy's office11:25
milhousebergie: it is when the repositories are off line and the application manager is crapping out11:25
bergieRocketman: AFAIK it is a normal low-end server11:26 is not being given the resources it needs and as a result nobody wants to use it to host their projects11:26
bergiebut yes, we're trying to convince nokia to set up a bit move resources11:27
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timelyxif you need garage projects, you can find most of them here:11:27
bergiemore memory for the main server (that now runs everything), and maybe separate servers for some things like memcached and static file serving11:27
milhousesome redundancy would be a good idea11:27
Rocketmanshees, it isn't even on a cluster?11:28
wumpusRocketman: where are the funds for maemo coming from anyway?11:28
bergiemilhouse: that too. Midgard supports replication so it would be trivial to have multiple site instances in different hosting centers11:28
timelyxshould be... :)11:28
bergieRocketman: nope, single server running bugzilla, midgard, gforge, ...11:28
RocketmanNokia, a multibillion dollar company11:29
timelyxwumpus: it doesn't work that way11:29
wumpusthought so11:29
timelyxlots of divisions... small allocations11:29
RocketmanWell, they are shooting themselves in the foot with the dev community who add a lot of value to their products11:30
bergielater, guys... hopefully the servers come up all right :-)11:30
milhousethanks bergie11:30
timelyxRocketman: you're preaching to the choir11:30
wumpusanyway, imo you can't complain too much about something being free, most of the time it *is* avaibble11:30
timelyxnone of whom have any control over the pursestrings11:30
bergieI'm meeting Quim today so I can talk to him about these things11:30
timelyxbergie: private or open?11:31
bergietimelyx: mostly a sprint to close some remaining enhancement reqs :-)11:31
timelyxi wonder if most of them are mine :)11:32
timelyxbergie: btw, who controls DNS? is it basically ferenc?11:32
timelyxi bet i can be moderately evil11:33
timelyxthat could be fun11:33
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bergietimelyx: I'll be in Ruoholahti in about 40mins, and will be in Ferenc's room if you want to chat11:34
timelyxok, i'll grab lunch and try to drop by11:34
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lardmanderf: can I pick your Tremor brain11:41
lardmandpb_: hi11:41
lardmanor tremoring brain perhaps... :)11:41
lardmanor indeed anyone with experience of tremor?11:44
lardmanov_open_callbacks() to be exact, in the callbacks.read_func function, there are a few parameters -> void *ptr, size_t byteSize, size_t sizeToRead11:45
lardmanI'm wondering why there's both a size and length to read11:45
lardmanand what units byteSize is in11:45
lardmanlooks like the standard callback is directly mapped to fread()11:50
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sikahakkiwonder what is user passwd in os2007 couldn' change it thou11:52
lardmankulve: you about?11:53
dpb_sikahakki: I don't think the user has a password set11:53
sikahakkidpb_: but couldn't ssh into device11:54
lardmansikahakki: ssh as root11:54
sikahakkiok, with empty passwd?11:55
kulvelardman: pong11:57
lardmankulve: I was going to pick your brain about whether alloca() was implemented for Speex11:58
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lardmankulve: but since then, I've found the slab implementation I was using before, so I'll patch that in11:58
kulvealloca()..? The speex' memory handling for c55 is quite simple..11:58
lardmantremor uses alloca() for short term allocations11:59
lardmanthe slab code I have uses two buffers, one for normal allocations and another for these alloca ones, and then clears the whole buffer when the function returns12:00
lardmanwhole alloca buffer that should read12:02
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rothielH guys :)12:05
lardmantime to go to work, bbiab12:06
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bergieok, seems to be up, other services still down12:25
bergieah, seems to have been premature, back down12:27
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sikahakkiwonder why os2007 keeps 6000/tcp open X11 ?12:30
wumpussikahakki: I believe that was fixed in a newer release12:32
wumpusX was started without -nolisten12:32
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sikahakkiwumpus: ah, ok12:34
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* lardman enjoys a bacon sandwich :)12:41
lardmanoh yes and lettuce and tomato in a nice granary baguette12:43
lardmanfor a bargain £212:43
lardmanat least some things are still cheap at uni12:43
GeneralAntillesSounds good12:43
* GeneralAntilles wants a BLT12:43
lardmanI'm tempted to go get another and enjoy it for you12:44
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ashurai want one of those too12:44
lardman|afk(not getting another BLT though :( )12:44
GeneralAntillesI need to buy bread12:45
GeneralAntillesand bacon12:45
GeneralAntillesand lettuce and tomato12:45
GeneralAntillesbut I have the mayonnaise!12:45
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toresbeI thought the media player supported mpeg 4 video?12:57
jeddy3so, what is your opinions, upgrade to os2008? :)12:57
toresbedoes it have to be in any particular container?12:57
* jeddy3 received n800 yesterday12:57
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felipectoresbe: it does support it13:01
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felipectoresbe: you can use avi and 3gp13:05
toresbenot the native mp4 container, or MPEG TS?13:05
GeneralAntilles.mp4 works fine over here.13:06
GeneralAntillesThere's no real reason not to use .avi, though.13:06
GeneralAntillesTS is MPEG2, no?13:06
GeneralAntillesThen why are you asking? :)13:06
GeneralAntillesOf COURSE it can't handle MPEG2.13:07
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, mp4 what is that h.264?13:07
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GeneralAntillesh.264, or mpeg413:07
GeneralAntillesI use avi on almost everything, though.13:07
toresbeGeneralAntilles: wtf!? that's not an "of course"! It's a de facto standard!13:07
GeneralAntillesMPEG2 . ..13:07
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, speaking of which, have you tried h.264  on device?13:07
toresbethat's like saying 'Of *COURSE* that web browser can't handle HTML files.'13:08
GeneralAntillesMPEG2 is incredibly processor intensive.13:08
GeneralAntillesjeddy3, works fine for the very small stuff.13:08
toresbeWhat? No!13:08
GeneralAntillesYou're better off with divx right now.13:08
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, very small stuff? resolution wise?13:08
toresbempeg4 is immesurably more processor-intensive than mpeg2!13:08
GeneralAntillesYeah, toresbe, and that's why most computers do hardware MPEG4 decoding. :\13:09
toresbemine doesn't13:09
GeneralAntillesMPEG2 is absolutely ungainly, anyway.13:09
GeneralAntillesWhy would you want to use it as a compression format on your mobile device?13:09
* toresbe facepalms13:09
toresbe*I* don't. Millions of others do.13:10
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, i tried yesterday with a sample clip in mencoder and x264 to 320x240, and it did not work...barely att all13:10
toresbeThat's why I want the player to support it.13:10
GeneralAntillesIn mplayer on Media player, jeddy3?13:10
GeneralAntillestoresbe, MPEG2 is for two things: DVDs and HDTV13:10
GeneralAntillesIt is _not_ appropriate for a mobile device.13:10
toresbeGeneralAntilles: that's plain BS13:10
toresbeGeneralAntilles: btw, Norway is using MPEG4 for the terrestrial HDTV broadcasts.13:11
toresbeGeneralAntilles: discussing the relative merit of a de facto standard when discussing a player is pointless. The point is, it's a de facto standard. A player should be able to play it.13:11
GeneralAntillesA PMP of some sort, perhaps13:12
GeneralAntillesthey have HARDWARE decoders13:12
GeneralAntillesI don't know if you recall the introduction of DVDs to the desktop13:12
GeneralAntillesbut all machines back then did hardware decoding13:12
GeneralAntillesBecause a 400MHz CPU just can't handle MPEG2. :)13:13
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, mplayer, and also mediaplayer eventhough i knew it would not work in os 2007 :)13:14
GeneralAntillesmplayer handles h.264 like shit. ;)13:14
GeneralAntillesMedia player does a passable job on small stuff under OS2008.13:14
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, ah, that maybe explains it :)13:15
toresbe12:12 < GeneralAntilles> they have HARDWARE decoders13:15
toresbeso does an N80013:15
toresbe12:13 < GeneralAntilles> Because a 400MHz CPU just can't handle MPEG2. :)13:15
wumpushuh? it does, toresbe ?13:15
GeneralAntillesThe IVA chip, technically13:15
toresbenot at full PAL, when it has to handle I/O as well13:15
GeneralAntillesbut there's no way to use it.13:15
toresbeGeneralAntilles: I thought it was used for MP3 and MP4.13:15
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, and i know h.264 is maybe a little on the upper limit for n800/n810 processor, but n810 specs says it handles it, so i thought i try :)13:15
wumpusif there is no way to use it, then you can just as well consider it not to be there13:16
GeneralAntillesThe DSP is used for AUDIO decoding13:16
wumpusyes, DSP is used for autio only, it cannot access the screen13:16
GeneralAntillesOnly in OS2008, jeddy3.13:16
toresbeoh, OK13:16
jeddy3if it can do h.264 that would be all that i need, and very sweet :)13:16
GeneralAntillesPowerVR + IVA = win13:16
GeneralAntillesToo bad we can't use them.13:16
wumpusif that is your specific requirement, then n800 is not the good choice13:16
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, ok, kindoff figured, that would have been my next bet13:17
GeneralAntillesIt's there, more or less, but you're going to get better quality out of mpeg4.13:17
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, but since download locations for 2008beta seems to be down right now... :P13:17
mariorzman visor for ox is pure win13:18
GeneralAntillesHehe, recent discovery, mariorz?13:18
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, youre last reply for me?13:18
GeneralAntillesI found that just after I had installed leopard.13:18
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, about mpeg4 and quality13:18
mariorzyeah today, had been user the iterm widget13:18
mariorzso much better this13:18
GeneralAntillesQuality versus dropped frames. ;)13:18
GeneralAntillesYeah, it's pretty sweet, mariorz. Gotta love that Alcor follow.13:19
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mariorzyeah <· quicksilver too13:19
jeddy3everyone? os2008 vs os2007, time for upgrade? :)13:19
GeneralAntillesHonestly, I'd wait for the final, jeddy3.13:19
GeneralAntillesIt's less than two weeks away.13:20
jeddy3btw, after reading every review about n800 and os2007 being so SLOW...i was positively surprised!13:20
GeneralAntillesNot much point in wiping everything now to just have to do it again for the final.13:20
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GeneralAntillesIt's called "unrealistic expectations". ;)13:20
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, got it yesterday, not much to wipe :)13:20
GeneralAntillesYeah, but you'll have to do it again for final.13:21
GeneralAntillesJust don't get yourself built up too much now.13:21
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, oh thats true13:21
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, how come? :)13:22
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GeneralAntilles'Cause you're gonna have to nuke it in two weeks. ;)13:22
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, ah :D13:22
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jeddy3i realise this device is not anything everyone have the need for, but being the nerd i am this could be my new life companion =), it hasn't left my side a minute since yesterday afternoon13:25
GeneralAntillesBe sure to check out maemo mapper, FBReader, and Doom if you haven't.13:25
GeneralAntillesand sign yourself up at if you use AIM/MSN/Yahoo/ICQ/etc.13:26
GeneralAntillesjeddy3: don't even get me started. ;)13:26
GeneralAntillesHeck, my 770 even got me a date one time. :D13:27
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jeddy3surfing in the livingroom on evening, managing files on fileserver (xterm+ssh+midning commander ftw)+listening to local music while walking to train, streaming internet music while sitting at goes on :)13:28
GeneralAntillesHave you checked out mmpc?13:28
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jeddy3ah, for mpd, sweet!13:29
mariorzGeneralAntilles: mmpc+mpd is awesome man, thanks for that tip13:29
GeneralAntillesGot it on all 3 of my maemo devices here.13:29
GeneralAntillesControl from any room in the apartment. :D13:29
jeddy3maybe GF will even be joined in front of TV here on after, win/win situation xD13:30
GeneralAntillesJust wish there were an mpd -> iTunes transceiver.13:30
mariorzGeneralAntilles: how would that work?13:31
sikahakkican I set os2007 behave like "normal" linux asking username and passwd?13:31
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GeneralAntillesHave mpd pass commands to iTunes using AppleScript or something.13:32
GeneralAntillesI'm sure I could set up a script13:32
GeneralAntillesbut I'd rather somebody else have done it for me. ;)13:32
GeneralAntillesNo, sikahakki.13:32
mariorzbut like what commands?13:33
GeneralAntillesmaemo isn't really designed as a multi-user system.13:33
GeneralAntillesPlay/paus forward/back, etc.13:33
mariorzinstead of using mpd to play the tines directly?13:33
GeneralAntillesSo I could be listening to music at my computer13:33
sikahakkiused to use familiar which act pretty much like pc-linux13:34
GeneralAntillesthen go into the bedroom or something13:34
GeneralAntillesit cycles to a song I don't like, and I can use the 770 there to skip13:34
mariorzwhy would that be bette? im happy not to have to load itunes on my ibook g4 :P13:34
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GeneralAntillesI've got plenty of RAM on my G5.13:34
GeneralAntillesSo iTunes is always open. ;)13:34
mariorzthe one thing i want is a way to make mpd jive with audioscrobbler, tough i believe ther are scripts for that13:35
GeneralAntillesYeah, there are scripts.13:35
GeneralAntillesI suppose I could download one of the OS X mpd clients and use that13:36
GeneralAntillesbut it kinda lacks the Spit-Polish of iTunes.13:36
mariorzwhy not use the tablet for all music related controls, thats what im doing13:36
mariorzmpc for quick pass maybe13:37
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GeneralAntillesI've got menuet and Quicksilver setup for system-wide iTunes control.13:38
GeneralAntillesSo control-shift-left/right/space13:38
GeneralAntillesIs iTunes back/forward/play/pause13:38
mariorzwhat about setting up quicksilver for mpc instead13:38
mariorzi think ill do that13:39
GeneralAntillescontrol-shift-s is shuffle, and control-shift-f brings up a QS prompt with the searchable library.13:39
GeneralAntillesWonder if there's an mpd script for growl13:39
mariorzoh yea cant beat the library on quicksilver13:39
GeneralAntillesReally makes it easy to control playback in games and whatnot.13:40
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lardmanany image analysis experts here?13:56
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GeneralAntillesWhat,, lardman? :P13:58
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lardmanlol, I'd forgotten about that13:58
lardmanno, more along the lines of computational difficulty of various image resizing schemes13:59
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GeneralAntillesThey're hard.13:59
lardmanI was wondering whether it can be done in the frequency domain, and if so, whether there are any advantages to doing so13:59
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lardmanthis is for a framebuffer sink, so not a completely random question14:03
wumpusI'm sure scaling in the frequency domain is possible, you might even do 'perfect' sinc interpolation14:05
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rothielHi guys... I need to play a video within the game I make14:07
rothielbut ffmpeg isn't compatible wih the N80014:07
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rothielhow ? the video must be read inside the game14:08
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_berto_have a look at the 'Video' section14:09
rothielthx I check that14:09
lardmanwumpus: depends how long it takes to do though14:09
BuckWildcan you install OS 2007 apps on OS 2008?14:09
GeneralAntillesDepends, BuckWild.14:10
GeneralAntilles99% of the console-only stuff will work14:10
GeneralAntillesbut there's been a lot of breaks in the GUI APIs14:10
GeneralAntillesSo those wont work.14:10
BuckWilddoes mplayer work?14:10
GeneralAntillesIt's been updated, yes.14:10
BuckWildalright, sweet14:10
GeneralAntillesmaemo extras-devel14:10
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pupnikwhat's the prospects for a noscript and noflash functionality for microb?14:16
pupniki'm using noscript/noflash on browser on PC and it's fixed most of the stability/speed problems14:16
GeneralAntillesI would guess it would be fairly straightforward to do.14:17
GeneralAntillesBut it's out of my realm.14:17
pupnikHey GeneralAntilles, nice sunglasses :)14:17
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GeneralAntillesOakley . . . pft Optometrists are the way to go.14:18
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alteregoI'm suprised no one has pointed that guy trying to install libgtkmozembed to the microb building instructions ..14:55
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alteregoOn the mailing list.14:57
alteregoThere are clear instructions on the microb garage website .. Which he obviously hasn't found :)14:57
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* halley always feels weird when mailing list topics are discussed in IRC as if everyone is plugged in.15:00
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GeneralAntillesHehe, I don't pay any attention, either, halley.15:00
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twegIf anyone is interested:
alteregoThere's occasionally good stuff on the mailing list. And it's a good place to help the newbies./15:17
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Takmeh, why is so much maemo software written in python?15:20
vegaiinstead of?15:20
vegaiand: it is?15:20
alteregoTak, because you've not written anything in Ruby yet :P15:21
alteregoruby-maemo has desktop plugins .. Use 'em :P15:21
vegaithink of the memory! Won't anyone think of the memory!?15:21
* vegai sobs uncontrollably.15:21
alteregoDelete Python, install Ruby15:21
alteregoSeriously though. Who do you know that's run out of memory?15:22
TakI love ruby, but I probably wouldn't write anything for the device in it.15:22
TakI have.15:22
Taknot unless it proves to be significantly less resource-intensive in general than python is.15:22
vegaiMe too... then again, I was doing some freaky things at the time :P15:22
alteregoI've not done any benchmarks. I probably should though.15:23
vegaiit? Ruby?15:23
twegwon't anybody think of the development time! :-P15:23
vegaidevelopers' sanity is cheaper than users'15:24
twegthis was just a quick port so that I had something that could play ogg vorbis with easy to make playlists. Just scratching my own itch.15:24
twegPay me if you want it in C. :-P15:24
Takyes, where it == ruby15:25
alteregoI sit somewhere in the middle. I write ruby extensions in C for my applications when I need to optimize certain things.15:25
jeddy3|lunchhas anyone tried twonkymedia for upnp with canola?15:25
alteregoOr interface with a library that is already in the system.15:25
TakI blame developers (I'm a developer) for punishing users for their laziness15:26
GeneralAntillesI'd recommend against it, jeddy3|lunch. It's pretty much garbage.15:26
GeneralAntillesIt works, but it's garbage.15:26
alteregoYeah, there's a lot of garbage around.15:26
GeneralAntillesDevelopers are people, too.15:26
alteregoSpeak for yourself. I'm an angry dwarf.15:26
* Tak half-orc15:27
alteregoI'm an angry dwarf that hasn't been paid yet >:(15:27
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KhertanHi !15:28
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Takoops, crap15:29
Taksomebody cross-posted a question to like 10 lists, and I didn't notice when I replied-all15:29
Takalterego: you raise a semi-good point, though - I should package and release the rubygame vkb15:30
alteregoWell, I'm a semi-good developer :)15:31
Takis anybody here Kimmo Jukarainen?15:32
rip_will I get paid if thats my name ?15:33
rip_I can pretend15:33
alteregoI need money too!15:34
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* Tak /join #Hah15:34
alteregoI'm supposed to go Christmas shopping tomorrow :/15:34
rocketmanAnyone have instructions for getting A2DP to work on an N810?15:34
KhertanIt s me ... gimme the monney :)15:34
dpb_Oh yeah, christmas shopping.. wonder when I have time for that..15:34
rip_I would love money ;) but I couldn't code to save my life :p so developing is out for me15:34
vegaiwell... ruby's main stable implementation is known to be rather slow, even for a dynamic language15:35
rocketmanI saw some instructions about editing the audio.conf file in /etc/bluetooth/15:35
alteregorocketman, send me your N810 and I'll write you some.15:35
vegaipython is rather wasteful as well. I wouldn't think either to be a good choice for an embedded device15:35
rocketmanbut it was kinda vague about what lines I was supposed to add/subtract15:35
alteregovegai, it's not _that_ slow. But yes, it doesn't have a VM yet.15:35
alteregoRuby 2.0 does and that's out soon :)15:35
alteregoAnd I've already started work on ruby2.0-maemo :)15:35
Khertan"python is rather wasteful as well" <<15:36
vegaiso burn me15:36
* Tak corroborate the heresy15:36
alterego"Wasteful", "Embedded Device". You realise that the N8X0's are more powerful than most desktop machines 8 years ago :P15:36
pupnik   PowerVR SDK15:37
alteregoIf it runs, and it runs well I don't think anyone should care how it's written.15:37
fysamore everything than my poor old amiga15:37
vegaiand much more powerful than desktop machines 20 years ago, and yet those desktop machines managed to solve about the same problems15:37
vegaimiraculous, is it not :-P15:37
Tak300MHz arm9 isn't really comparable to 300MHz P215:38
fysabut the amiga felt snappier ;)15:38
Khertan"python is rather wasteful as well." It can be true, it's mainly depends on developers who use it.15:38
derfalterego: I just find it vastly amusing that we can't have a _real_ shell and _real_ utilities, but have to put up with busybox, but I have to install 8+MB of crap for a Python interpreter all for one 50-line program.15:38
alteregoderf, you don't _have_ to :P15:38
rocketmanAnybody here has played around with a2dp on OS 2008?15:38
vegaihmm, can you run vice on maemo?15:38
derfTrue. I don't _have_ to use busybox, either.15:38
vegaithat would be a nice upgrade :-P15:39
derfExcept that when I changed user's shell, I bricked the device.15:39
rip_isn't bash available for the N8x0 series ?15:39
Takderf: I agree15:39
alteregoWell, I created ruby-maemo so _I_ could hack programs for myself, in a language I like to use. I intend to advertise and show off programs I eventually get time to write. But it's up to you as a user to decide whether you want to use it.15:40
alteregoCurrently Ruby-Maemo's install size is 7M15:40
vegaiand runtime memory consumption?15:40
alteregoWho knows ;)15:40
alteregoHang on .. I'll check.15:41
alteregoWell, my ruby desktop applet doesn't seem to show up.15:41
VeggenI hate cell-phones and wap and stuff.15:41
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Khertandeef > alterego you have binding for ruby to make desktop applet ?15:42
Khertanarg ... i ll retry ...15:42
Veggenalterego: Installed ruby-maemo monday, btw. Not had time to play too much with it, yet. I need to learn gtk etc ;)15:42
Khertanalterego> you have binding for ruby to make desktop applet ?15:42
rip_can anyone answer this whats the real difference between , cifs and smbfs ?15:42
alteregoKhertan, yeah. ruby-maemo 0.4.0 has support for all kinds of desktop plugins. Statusbar, home and navigator.15:43
rip_buggerd if I can find a real answer on google15:43
KhertanRAHhhyhhhhhh !!!! Why binding for python isn't yet available !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:43
derfThere's a bunch of minor differences.15:43
Khertani've many applet in progress but i m waiting for the binding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:43
derfsmbfs is the "old and deprecated" and has a number of bugs that will never be fixed.15:43
KhertanI want it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:43
Khertan(ok i stop ...)15:43
* Tak confiscates Khertan's !15:43
rip_i've just noticed cifs on the N800 is disgustingly slow15:43
alteregoDefect, join the ruby-maemo camp :P15:44
derf(like, for example, argument parsing of -o mount options from /etc/fstab is totally broken)15:44
Khertanjoin the ruby-maemo camp> oh no ! my god !! Not that !15:44
rip_so cifs is the new implementation of smbfs ?15:45
derfcifs on the other hand is missing some things, like for example I've never quite been able to get character set conversions to work correctly, which is what I was trying to use the mount options for in the first place.15:45
alteregoThe only good thing I've seen in Python is Canola ..15:46
Khertanalterego > pffff ... and PyGTKEditor ? :)15:46
rip_ahh ok cheers15:46
alteregoOh great, a syntax highlighting text editor on a touch screen device .. Very practical :P15:46
Khertanalterego > ukmp too :)15:46
alteregoI don't like ukmp15:46
derfI think the main difference is that with smbfs, if your connection drops, you can deadlock (unkillable) any process using files on a share, while cifs seems to handle this more gracefully.15:46
Khertani don't like canola ;)15:46
alteregoCanola is the only python program on maemo I've actually thought was any good.15:47
KhertanCanola, i hate it, too much ressource eating ...15:47
Khertanstart a webserver ...15:47
rip_well, the new version looks sweet15:47
Khertanand an other daemon to index file15:47
alteregoPyGTKEditor is useless IMO (maybe a bit more useful with a real keyboard), UKMP and others are just very immature.15:47
rip_of canola15:48
Khertanrip_> yes the next version seems to be great15:48
TakI thought python was in C?15:48
Takerr, wtf15:48
TakI thought Canola was in C?15:48
rip_I liked the look of the first version, but it did suck how it used the inbuilt media player to play movies15:48
alteregoI'm talking about the new version.15:48
rip_I couldn't play squat15:49
Khertanalterego> the new version ... is it released ?15:49
alteregoIs the N810? :P15:49
Khertanbut s interface look beautifull15:49
alteregoYes, it's very creative.15:49
Khertani ve try modest ... and it s a really good embedded imap client !15:50
* Khertan is searching for great python app ...15:50
alteregoKhertan, ha .. Good luck :P15:51
Khertanalterego > is there some application coded in ruby wich is available ?15:51
alteregoNo, not really.15:51
alteregoI'm not sure anyone has released a ruby-maemo app yet.15:51
alteregoNot properly.15:51
Veggenalterego: I only played a little with your examples, but not much yet.15:51
jeddy3|lunchGeneralAntilles, you have any other idea of a good upnp server...they don't excactly grow on trees for linux :)15:52
alteregoVeggen, yeah. That's the way to do it :)15:52
vegaiit's just... when I run the whole test set of this rails application, I feel like I'm in the 90's, compiling a huge project...15:52
GeneralAntillesaflegg's mediaserv isn't UPnP, but it works really well.15:52
KhertanErmining ... a other good app for maemo :)15:52
jeddy3|lunchGeneralAntilles, daap?15:52
Takheh, I have an xchat plugin in ruby, but I'm waiting for an xchat release with plugins enabled before I release it15:52
alteregoWhat has rails got to do with Maemo?15:53
KhertanI ve four desktop plugin to release (IP, Weather, NetUse,DiskUse) but i m waiting for python binding ...15:53
KhertanTak > :)15:53
* alterego steals Khertan's idea and implements it in Ruby15:54
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rocketmanI would love some actually useful desktop plugins15:54
rip_give Geexbox's UPNP server a go15:54
rip_its called 'Ushare'15:54
rocketmanI really miss IPhome15:54
rip_works for me15:54
rip_only problem is it doesn't transcode15:55
Takwhat's a good name for a rubygame-based vkb?15:55
* Khertan ll use a make a new package with PyPackager which install a script in initrc 'find / -name *ruby* -exec "rm -rf $1"15:55
alteregorgvkb ?15:55
rip_if you could merge afleggs mediaserv and Ushare id be happy :p15:55
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, aah, those utils! yes i read about them a couple of days ago also...thanks15:56
Khertanalterego > but mine we ll be better ! The user ll doesn't have to reinstall it at each reboot :)15:57
GeneralAntillesUgh, what have I started . . . I bitch about people not starting new threads for questions that have already been asked, so now they're PMing me. :\15:57
alteregoKhertan, erm. That wouldn't happen with mine either? Why would it?15:57
Tak"Done any work with SDL?"  "You mean as in pygame?"15:58
* Tak cries15:58
alteregoAs it goes, ruby-maemo's support for desktop plugins is stable.15:58
Khertanalterego > it s a joke read a few line before :)15:58
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, sorry for bothering you GeneralAntilles15:58
alteregoOh, very funny :P15:58
alteregosed 's/ruby/\//g' khertans_plugin.py15:59
alteregoYou just try that :P15:59
solmumaharip_: mediatomb supports transcoding16:00
Takon a semi-related note, is it possible to make plugins for metalayer-crawler?16:00
KhertanTak > i hope not ! it bugged enough !16:00
solmumahait should be possible to use tablet-encode with it16:01
KhertanHuhuhuh ?16:01
Khertanmy tablet has just reboot ?16:01
Khertanwithout reason ...16:01
Khertanit s the four or five times since the os200816:01
alteregoKhertan, you have Python installed don't you?16:01
vegaithere's always a reason...16:01
Takheh, I just had to flash mine out of infinite reboot again16:02
Khertandoes someone know something about this ?16:02
alteregoI've not had any problems with it at all.16:02
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Khertan(at each reboot too i ve metalayer which eat all cpu for 3 or 4 minutes and touchscreen is useless)16:03
Khertani think there is too many mp3 file on the sd card16:03
Khertanalterego > i think it s since i ve installed ruby16:04
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alteregoYou haven't installed ruby16:04
Khertani ve ... on 2007 :)16:04
felipecTak: there's a plugin for GStreamer... that's not enough?16:04
pupnikhehe @ Tak16:06 down again.  always feels like *I* broke it16:07
alteregoProbably because it is you :P16:07
* alterego blames pupnik16:07
KhertanKhertan blames pupnik16:07
* Khertan blames pupnik16:07
Khertan(ggrrrr stupid windows touch ... grrr)16:07
* pupnik skulks to the corner16:08
* pupnik has to install winXP to recover someone else's ipod nano :( :(16:09
* Khertan think it can be done with wine ...16:10
pupnikdidn't work here :/16:11
Takmeh -
* Khertan remembering doing this for his own first generation ipod16:11
alterego$$ is PID right?16:11
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felipecTak: metalayer-crawler plugin16:13
Khertansomeone have already see lucasr from gnome blog here ?16:13
Khertan_monkey ?16:13
Khertan_monkey is dead ?16:14
Takfelipec: ah - I was thinking a way for all of maemo's media players to leverage the results of the metalayer-crawling without having 50 separate daemons all crawling the flash and indexing the contents16:16
vegaiI thought they did16:17
derfI don't understand why anyone needs any deamons crawling anything.16:17
derfIf I wanted my media player to know about some media, I'd tell it.16:18
KhertanTak > i don't hope ... a daemon for crawling is a stupid idea i think16:18
derfKhertan: Exactly.16:18
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Takheh...but every MP has one16:18
TakI blame iTunes16:18
Khertannot all16:18
derfTak: I know. I don't understand why.16:18
KhertaniTune don't have16:18
Khertanthere is a itune daemon for ipod ... but not for crawling16:19
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Khertanukmp doesn't use a daemon16:20
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Taka manually launched scanner is the same thing IMO16:20
derfWell, no, it's not as bad. I can choose to never launch it.16:21
vegaiTak: indeed, the media things seem to be heavily influnenced by mac players16:21
Takgrr, how do I tell apt to quit trying to upgrade those packages?16:21
Khertanamarok doen't seem to use one too16:21
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KhertanTak > no ... it's doesn't eat cpu/mem when it's not needed16:22
Takheh...but it's /never/ needed16:22
derf_Some_ users must use it. Presumably.16:22
KhertanHeretic !!!!!!16:24
vegaiYou keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.16:25
sikahakkiafter adding few repositories, just maemo and maemo-hackers and so, browser doesn't work anymore, collapse on startup, any idea where to get working browser for os2007? gecko, dillo, or links2 would be fine if found somewhere?16:25
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rocketmanI can't stand the crawler either, so I disabled it16:26
felipecisn't it a game from the 90's? Heretic16:28
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rocketmanYeah, Heretic and Hexen were games built on IDs engines16:28
pupnikcrawlers aren't so bad - indexing files speeds up user experience - if done right16:28
rocketmanwith a medieval swords and magic type them16:28
GNUtonHey guys!16:29
GNUtonN810 is avaible on spain online shop!16:29
vegaihas metalayer-crawler always been that slow?16:29
rocketmanthat "if done right" is a big caveat16:29
rocketmanas metalayer-crawler is definately the wrong way about it16:29
vegaican you wager a guess what it does wrong?16:30
KhertanGNUton> great news !16:31
rocketmanRuns all the time16:31
vegaireally? Also when nothing changes?16:31
vegaiin the filesystem, I mean16:31
rocketmanand can easily get caught in an infinite loop recursively indexing the filesystem16:31
KhertanRobAtWork> definitly16:31
Khertanarg wrong indent16:31
Takiirc they fixed the filesystem loop bug16:31
Khertanrocketman > definitly16:31
GNUtonKhertan: :)16:31
rocketmanand has really high CPU load when actively running16:32
KhertanTak > but it still hang up when launched for 3 or 4 minutes16:32
rocketmanit absolutely pukes on maemo mapper cache16:32
vegaido many applications depend on it?16:32
rocketmanDepend, no, but it generates the media lists for the media player16:33
KhertanGNUton are you french ? (your pseudo is pretty near of an other french argo word)16:33
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rocketman12 MB of ram is an aweful waste for something that could be generated on demand16:33
rocketmanEverybody see that Exaile is now available for OS 2008? Awesome!16:34
rocketmanNow there is a music player I can love16:34
Khertanvegai > i don't think ... osso-media-player...16:34
GNUtonKhertan: no, i'm italian :)16:34
KhertanExaile ... don't know16:34
vegaithen it'd probably be a good idea to remove both of them16:35
Takrocketman: yeah, that's what launched me into my "WTF is everything in python" rant16:35
KhertanProduct not found. still not available in france16:36
rocketmanYeah, it isn't exactly the fastest, but gets the job done without a lot of flash16:36
Khertanouch the desktop version of exaile seems great16:37
vegaiwell... that too is another iTunes clone16:37
Khertanvegai > but why reinvent the wheel when this wheel is near perfect ?16:37
vegaiKhertan: some sort of middle-management thing is probably the reason.16:38
vegaior upper-16:38
vegaiwhere 'thing' equals 'incompetence'16:38
Khertanvegai > Yes, it s why there are so many clone with few differences ... :)16:38
Fatalgoals, management, direction16:38
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Khertanto content everyone :)16:39
vegaiExaile doesn't do video, though, does it?16:39
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pupnikwhat is exaile for?16:39
Khertanhum ... gui isn't well designed for a small device ...16:39
Khertanof course it s not the goal16:40
pupnikoh music manager16:40
vegaiI'd probably just install musicpd on the device and write my own UI16:40
vegaiunless somebody did that passably already16:40
Khertanvegai> and what ui isn't passably for u16:40
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vegai that thing16:40
pupnikIf you are in need of a player that handles Ogg Vorbis, m4a and mp3 (among others) on OS2008 and has decent playlist management features and you are willing to put up with a slightly slow and fat app then Exaile for maemo may be for you.16:40
vegaiKhertan: if it is as good or better than what I can write, then it is passable :)16:41
vegaiI suppose it can be little worse, too16:41
Khertanvegai > :)16:42
Khertanvegai> but i don't know many music player ... and i like itunes style ... but it's not the perfect gui ... so i'm open ...16:42
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Khertanand as you said is passable for u, i want to see what u use or like :)16:43
vegaimpd doesn't suit all, of course16:43
Rust311Getting into dev for my nokia 810. Once sdk etc is setup, should I be able to apt-get source XXX anything that's pre-installed on the Nokia 810?  There are a few stock apps I want to modify, and in once case bug fix... However a few things I'm not finding16:43
Takiirc there's glurp for maemo16:43
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jeddy3anyone using mediaserv here?16:43
kulveRust311: stock apps are mostly closed source16:43
Khertanjeddy3 > no sorry16:43
rip_solmumaha: the doco for Mediatomb says transcoding is a planed feature down the track ...16:43
Khertanjeddy3 > i would say not me ... sorry16:44
vegaianyone know if 3d hardware will be supported?16:44
rocketmanHey pupnik, are you still working on just a 770?16:44
GeneralAntillesI am, jeddy3. ;)16:44
Rust311kulve: Thanks hmm I'm looking at modifying like osso-email osso-rss-feed-reader osso-wlan ... is there a simple way to determine what's closed16:44
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, hehe :)16:45
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kulveRust311: not really. Email is closed (open source version is coming, afaik), rss is closed. What do you mean by osso-wlan?16:45
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, just one question: have you had any troubles with it? ...for me it launches webserver and encoder just fine, but it refuses to serv the encoded file16:46
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, clients just stall waiting for host upon asking for a videofile16:46
sKaBoykulve, rss is not closed, there's the source.. but i've not tried to compile it16:46
GeneralAntillesI'd blame mencoder.16:47
GeneralAntillesBut, dunno.16:47
kulvesKaBoy: ah, ok. My mistake then16:47
GeneralAntillesI've had all sorts of problems16:47
Takheh, all the complaining about the rss app, and it's not closed, AND nobody's fixed it?16:47
GeneralAntillesbut they're all related to the fact that there's no decent mencoder binaries for OS X out there.16:47
* Tak tsks16:47
Rust311kulve: Um I think there's an osso-wlan package. I want to improve the connection applet some wifi improvements , and also add packet injection patch to the wifi drivers16:47
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, mencoder seems to be fine, i thinks it boils down to something else...but thanks anyway16:47
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GeneralAntillesDid you point it to tablet-encode?16:48
GeneralAntillesAre we certain mencoder is starting fine?16:48
kulveRust311: sorry, I don't know the details of those. The wifi driver is open, firmware is closed.16:49
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Rust311kulve: okay thanks16:49
KhertanGeneralAntilles > /whois kulve16:49
rip_make sure tablet-encode is in your path,16:50
jeddy3GeneralAntilles, yes it launches i can see that if i keep the shell that spawned mediaserv encodes the whole file and then exits16:50
rip_and executable with chmod +x16:50
rip_mines sitting in /usr/bin/16:50
kulveKhertan: I'm me!16:50
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Rust311I'll just keep trying to pull things down with apt, and try to see if all the source is there or if it's an interface or some such. Just be handy if there was a list of open/closed sources16:50
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dpb_kulve: are you sure?16:50
jeddy3tablet-encode IS launched, first problem was that i did not have it in path, but now it launches16:50
kulvedpb_: well, I'm never sure about anything..16:51
Khertankulve > yes but your pseudo mean something ... so i ve look at your host ... :)16:51
Khertanbut you aren't the other kulve i know :)16:51
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kulveKhertan: the other kulve..?16:52
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dpb_omg, kulve has a clone?16:52
kulveso it seems16:52
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Khertanyes an other one which play on the same enemy territory server as me :)16:54
kulvehmm.. I have same account in etqw and in irc..16:55
Rocketmananyone else noticed really low max volume in apps on n810?16:56
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Khertanit's not etqw ... but et the first !16:56
kulveKhertan: oh16:56
Rocketmannot just a function of speakers, using headphones too16:56
kulveRocketman: built-in apps, or 3rd party?16:56
kulveat least kilikali is unable to increase the volume in 200816:56
mgedminRocketman: have you maxxed both volume controls?16:56
toresbeoh ffs.16:57
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toresbeIs there a list of Media Player's supported video and audio codecs and container formats somewhere?16:57
Rocketman3rd party16:57
kulveRocketman: yep, it seems that some APIs has changed..16:57
RocketmanI've noticed it in a few different apps16:58
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Rust311Rocketman: I have 810 havent' found that at all, but all i've used is stock apps17:02
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toresbethis *should* be supported. Wonder why it won't work. Maybe VLC is emitting wrongness.17:05
L0cutus <rocketman> Everybody see that Exaile is now available for OS 2008? Awesome!17:06
L0cutuswhere ?17:06
Rocketmancheck the planet17:06
Rocketmanlinks there17:06
toresbeExaile? whatis?17:06
Rocketmanaudio player17:07
RocketmanAnyone know how to adjust keyboard backlikght timeout?17:08
Rust311Rocketman: it's not in control panel?17:09
gomiamRust311: it is, at least in OS200717:10
pupnikthere is no backlit keyboard on N80017:10
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Rocketmannothing in control panel that I have seen17:12
gomiamoh, my fault. I thought about screen timeout.17:13
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dragornRocketman: Nothing I've seen either17:14
dragornRocketman: There may be a config in /etc somewhere, I started poking around but didn't care enough to keep looking17:14
Rust311Rocketman: I think it's in display17:15
Rocketmanhey dragorn, any updated version of kismet? I have one from Bora that works well enough, but I know there have been changes since then17:16
RocketmanRust, not in display control panel17:16
dragornRocketman: Now that I've got an 810 i'm inspired again to look at it more, so while don't hold your breath I'll see what I can do17:16
dragornRocketman: It's also interesting now that the 800/810 should have host mode, so a usb NIC is plausible17:16
Rust311Rocketman: really... control panel->display->"switch off display" "display stays lit" though i haven't actually changed on mine17:16
Rocketmanyeah, could always plug in a better radio17:17
Rocketmanor a wispy17:17
dragornRocketman: As soon as the cables get here today I'll be looking at wispy support17:17
dragornhopefully os2008 has gtk+cairo, otherwise it'll take some hacking17:17
RocketmanI soo want the new version, but $400 for a dongle...sheeesh17:17
Rocketmanyes to cairo17:18
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dragornRocketman: I saw it had libcairo, does it have a new enough gtk that the cairo functions are built in?17:18
jeddy3ooh, mediaserv works just fine if i ask for file, let it start encoding, and ask for file AGAIN :)17:18
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jeddy3and it works REALLY good17:19
RocketmanThe main purpose of OS 2008 from what I have heard was to bring it up to date with GTK and support everything upstream17:19
dragornRocketman: Nice.17:20
dragornRocketman: Well, that'll make porting the new spectools code very easy, i think.17:20
RocketmanApplications seem to be getting ported much more quickly now that it is running much closer to a standard desktop linux stack17:21
dragorn2007/6 weren't BAD, but I'd written code w/ the assumption of gtk having cairo surfaces17:21
dragornwhich made it... difficult.17:21
dragornI had it running on the 770 at one point w/ the original wispy-tools code, which other than some font bugs worked, but those were such a pain to hack there wasn't any demand for it17:22
RocketmanI really should solder a sma onto my wispy one of these days so I can attach a directional17:22
pupnikRocketman:  are you still working on just a 770?  << yes17:22
RocketmanPupnik, I might have one to spare, but I should offer it to my brother first17:23
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pupnikthanks but i'm getting a n810 when they ship to germany :)17:23
Rocketmanbut I might be willing to donate it to the cause if it keeps you porting games17:23
Rocketmanah, did you get a developer discount code?17:24
pupnikyes.  i'll be hopefully getting back in the game soon.17:24
alteregoDid he apply? ;)17:24
alterego10 days ..17:24
pupniki got some kind of neat pics up on my site, if you're bored17:24
alteregoMmmm .. Cheese muffins17:25
lardmanblt is still better ;)17:25
lardmanthough I could be tempted....17:26
alteregoblt muffins?17:26
lardmanbacon and cheese, best of both worlds17:26
alteregoBacon and soft cheese, like Brie is nice.17:26
lardmanwe'd better not forget beer in the list17:26
alteregoThey go together really well in an omlette.17:26
* lardman feeling distracted17:27
alteregoWell, I have to more graphical effects to write and this module is done :)17:27
alteregoreflection and motion blur.17:27
GeneralAntillesWhat kind of power can the N800 put out for USB?17:28
GeneralAntillesHow many device really need injection?17:28
lardmanalterego: what's this for?17:28
alteregoGeneralAntilles, 3v 200ma17:28
alteregolardman, it's just a graphical toolbox for dynamic graphics in web applications.17:28
lardmanah, I need to docs about implementing scaling17:29
lardmanhmm, that was quite a typo on my part17:29
alteregoI try to stay away from "The GIMP"/"Photoshop" as much as I can. So I've been writing little methods to do the silly "Web" effects.17:29
alteregoI think I'll stop today on that strange effect they have a lot of at apple. Where there are two 3D slides on one side and another two on the other side, then one flat in the center.17:30
alteregoNot sure what you call that effect ..17:31
pupnik  lardman, some scaling stuff17:32
pupniknot sure of your context for 'scaling' tho17:32
* Tak <3 rake17:33
pupnikthe albumview?  it's nice.  all their ui stuff is real purty17:34
pupnikdoesn't kagu do that now?17:34
corevettewhen i try to put stuff on my nokia 770 memory card, it never saves on it17:35
rip_does anyone know if OS2008 has V4L2 installed by default ?17:37
rip_I can't see it listed as a package17:38
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rip_anyone know off the top of their head where the Kernel stuff is kept ?17:42
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rip_im trying to compile a kernel module but the build dir in the scratch box doesn't exist17:43
rip_for eg.17:43
lardmanpupnik: looks good, thanks17:43
dragornalterego: that'd be 5v 200ma, wouldn't it?  Usb is always 5v as far as I know.17:43
alteregodragorn, even OTG?17:44
lardmanrip_: I thought the v4l stuff was all in the kernel17:44
dragornGeneralAntilles: Enough for a kb/mouse, lower power wireless nic (none of those 500mW USB things)17:44
alteregodragorn, baring in mind that the N800 power supply is 3.7V ..17:44
dragornalterego: as far as I know it has to be 5v17:44
rip_yeah I think it is, just wasn't sure as i couldn't see any packages listed17:44
alteregoma .. Not mw ;)17:44
alteregodragorn, well it's not :P17:44
dragornalterego: "According to the OTG Supplement Rev 1.0, an OTG A-device must provide at least 8mA between 4.4V and 5.25V to power VBUS."17:45
alteregoWonderful. Now you know why host mode isn't enabled by default.17:46
alteregoAnd you also know that it's not standards complaint.17:46
alterego~compliant ..17:46
Takyeah, kagu does album view17:46
dragornOr they step up the voltage and drain the battery a bit faster, since I'm fairly sure normal usb devices plugged into otg won't operate properly on 3.3V.  I don't know where my multimeter is since packing things up to check however.17:46
alteregoWell, I think a lot of things will ..17:47
alteregoRegardless, that's what the N8X0's give out.17:47
dragornand since I (and others) have normal usb stuff operating fine on the N800 port in host mode doing self-power, I'm going to say theres something else going on to provide standard power levels, but if you slap a multimeter on it and prove me wrong I won't complain.17:47
rip_where on earth is the kernel source kept in OS2008 ?17:48
lardmanrip_ download it17:48
alteregoNo dragorn, there isn't.17:48
rip_so its not in the apt-get for scratchbox ?17:48
lardmanrip_ apt-cache search *kernel*17:48
alteregoYour peripherals are obviously just working off of what they're given.17:48
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lardmanrip_: yes it's there, I apt-got it at the weekend17:49
rip_lardman: I can only see the Kernel headers17:50
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lardmanah, apt-get source rx-34-kernel17:53
rip_I was pretty sure it installed the kernel-headers to /usr/src/ so I could compile against it17:54
rip_ahh ok17:54
rip_Ill give it a shot17:54
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inzlardman, kernel-source-rx-34 is better candidate17:54
inzBut build-depping rx-34-kernel will pull it in17:54
lardmaninz: ok, I'm on a WinXP box atm so can't test. Apologies.17:55
inzlardman, no worries -- I just rebuilt the kernel an hour ago or so ;)17:57
lardmanI rebuilt it over the weekend to enable dsp debbugging, and then realised they'd already enabled it - thanks Nokia :)17:57
alteregoMy dynamic reflection effect is coming along nicely :)17:59
lardmandoes Kagu use SDL?18:00
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alteregoI'm pretty sure it does yes.18:01
lardmanjust wondering if it would benefit from opengl accel if it ever works18:01
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lardmanand yes, opengl (software only mind you) support added to SDL:
Takyeah, kagu uses sdl via pygame18:04
pupnikWhat is the name of the project to make a completely open-source ITOS?18:06
lardmanAngstrom? Poky?18:06
pupnikthose are hildon-based?18:06
pupnikI mean, could someone run ITOS apps on a fully open-source OS?18:07
pupniki'll look ty18:07
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lardmanthe hildon stuff was in Angstrom a while back too, not sure if it's current though18:10
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pupniki'm hoping that the omap3430 gaming portable coming out will use ITOS or an open-source variant18:14
pupnikthat way we'll get the synergy of development18:14
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lardmanand it'll go faster too ;)18:17
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Takpupnik: link?18:18
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pupnikbut if there's no bootable open-source variant of maemo18:20
pupnik(angstrom, poky look to be based on openembedded)18:20
pupnikthat idea is pretty much dead18:20
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dragornalterego: Just slapped a MM on one18:21
dragornalterego: credit where credit is due, it's 3.3v.  I'm very surprised.18:21
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rip_the Linux kernel makes my head hurt at the best of days18:25
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rip_let alone working out how to compile against Chinooks Kernel-headers :\18:25
rip_its almost 2am18:25
rip_I better crash I guess18:25
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lardmanrip_: what are you compiling?18:27
lardmanrip_: actually go to bed and tell us tomorrow18:28
rip_well, I was going to try and compile Linux-uvc for Chinook18:28
rip_mainly to see if it would work18:28
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lardmanrip_: do you have a device you want to use?18:32
rip_Yeah its a UVC camera18:33
rip_I was going to try build the module and grab an adapter for it tomorrow18:33
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rip_no idea if it would work but its worth a try18:33
disqzerojay: hey, there?18:33
lardmanI thought the module building was a case of setting a path as a switch for configure18:33
lardmanthough I've not built any modules for a long time, so may be wrong18:34
rip_uvc-linux doesn't come with a configure script18:34
rip_it just expects it to be in the same place on all 2.6 linux kernel OS's18:34
rip_which is kinda frustrating18:34
lardmanhmm, looks like that just builds built-in ones though18:36
rip_yeah thats for OS200718:36
rip_already read that18:36
rip_and all the packages are slightly different :p18:36
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lardmanI don't know then sorry, good luck anyway18:37
rip_lol cheers18:37
pupnik   beautiful new ukmp cover view18:37
rip_I can't find anything official either on setting up the kernel to build anything for chinook18:38
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rip_thats where OpenWRT is good :) I love the build system for that18:38
* rip_ hugs [mbm]18:38
lardmanrip_: setting up to build built-in modules is easy enough18:38
lardmanrip_: i.e. enable them in .config18:38
lardmanrip_: but for you, building from an external source tarball, you probably need to alter the Makefile to point to the kernel source, or something like that18:39
rip_yeah ive tried pointing it at the kernel source18:39
lardmanpupnik: I'd still lke to see iPhone'esque covers :)18:39
rip_it complains that everything is undefined18:39
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lardmanrip_: does it say it's missing some or other header?18:40
rip_so I think I pointed it at the wrong spot18:40
rip_sh-2.05b# make18:40
rip_Building USB Video Class driver...18:40
rip_make[1]: Entering directory `/targets/CHINOOK_ARMEL/usr/src/kernel-source-rx-34-'18:40
rip_  Building modules, stage 2.18:40
rip_  MODPOST 1 modules18:40
rip_WARNING: "__kmalloc" [/home/rip/trunk/uvcvideo.ko] undefined!18:40
rip_thats pretty much all it says18:40
rip_but lists everything its trying to compile18:40
rip_and bombs out with an error18:40
pupniklardman: yeah well ... you know... python and all, and no opengl.  I'm hoping we'll get the opengl and some native apps supporting nice scaling/transposition  - no idea how that could integrate into gtk/hildon tho!18:41
rip_the makefile wants /usr/libs/kernelname/build18:41
rip_doesn't matter Ill have a look at it tomorrow18:41
rip_cheers anyway :)18:41
rip_nite all18:41
lardmanrip_: night18:41
lardmanhome time for me, see you all later18:42
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solmumaharip_: it's in svn19:03
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* timeless looks around19:08
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* Tak cast Improved Invisibility19:08
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timelessso, does someone actually have the rss reader source outside of nokia? :)19:11
Takhmm, on a standard ruby install, do I need to do something special to pick up things installed into the site path?19:11
|RAnyone know if the device lock password is reseted when flashed? I cannot use 12345 (got it from eBay eh ...)19:11
timelessotherwise you could steal someone's locked device19:12
timelessand just reflash it19:12
timelesscontact the ebayer19:12
timeless(this is the official position)19:12
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|Rtimeless : i had it for a while and it works well19:14
|Ri just realised from another friend who got it from a store, that i couldn't change mine (never used the lock option)19:14
|RSo when locked the device, even if force rebooted, is going to ask for a password ?19:15
timelessit should19:15
|Rit's a good thing it ask for the pass _when_ locking otherwised i would have been locked out already19:15
timelessi just forced a reboot and now it wants my lock code19:16
|Rargh :(19:17
Atarii|R you scared me then, i had to quickly check mine was still set to default :p19:17
|Rand it can be up to 10 chars, it's no like i could bruteforce it by hand like a 3-4 char :(19:17
|R(even that would be long...)19:18
timelesscontact the vendor19:18
|Rjust did19:18
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|Ri guess it's a good feature, just not in my case hehe19:19
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|Rhow is this special password memory dealt with ?19:20
|Rit's a TPM chip ?19:20
|Rotherwise i could try and overwrite it somewhere in memory...19:20
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Atarii|R just open the firmware .bin file in notepad and do a replace on "12345"19:23
|Rthe flash image you use to upgrade OS ? timeless just said it's not in there ?19:23
wumpususing notepad as hex editor? that doesn't sound a good idea19:24
|Rwumpus indeed hehe19:24
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wumpusanyway, it got to be easier to just contact the seller19:26
|Rok i had kept the email that was configured in when i got it, i'm gonna write to that person too19:26
* |R crosses fingers :(19:26
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timelesswumpus: is a reasonable hex editor. |19:29
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Takheh, I came across my manager editing some C code in ed the other day19:32
derfI prefer vim -b19:34
derfIt handles multi-gigabyte files.19:34
Takyeah, that's worked well for me19:34
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Takanybody interested in testing out rubygame vkb package?19:37
* Tak prepares for the mindblowing rush of feedback19:39
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wumpusderf: vim includes a hex edit too?19:42
wumpushm, vim -b doesn't do anything interesting here19:44
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derf-b just means it won't do silly things like add \n to the last line or attempt to do multi-byte character conversion.19:44
wumpusah, right19:45
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|Rwumpus you can use xxd in vim :)19:45
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|Rtimeless : the manual says nokia will do a software reload to reset the password, urhm :|19:46
timeless|r: technically it is possible19:46
onionoh what fun.. reflashed again. sigh19:46
timelessbut the idea is that they'll make sure you don't get the other user's data19:47
shacka1uh? he can code? and use ed? how did he become manager?19:47
timelessin practice, they're wiping the contents of a different flash region19:47
|Rthat's fine, there is none already, but do you think they do anything special? it's a flasher option?19:47
timelessi'd rather not think about it, i probably know enough fo the details but it's probably best if i silence myself19:48
|Ri'm gonna write to the OxFFF guy, maybe he knows19:48
|Roh, working for nokia? ;)19:48
timelessoh yeah, wasn't that stated somewhere?19:49
|Rhehe no :)19:49
|RBut i don't want to send the device in for 1+ month just for that :|19:49
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onionI sure hope the N810 is not as sensitive as the 770 to go to boot-loop after low battery poweroff19:51
|Rok, i'm just gona grep de flash block for random strings..19:51
|Rdamn french :P19:51 that what prompts the boot-loop?19:52
onionTak: for me at least19:53
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alteregoNice, finished reflections :)20:00
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SmackPotatanyone know anything about tslib20:05
SmackPotatis it the only way i can modify mouse behaviour20:05
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alteregoSmackPotat, best ask on the mailing list.20:10
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SmackPotatcool thanks20:11
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* konttori just met canola developers today20:12
MoRpHeUzkonttori: gustavo ?20:13
* Ryback_ haven't met konttori 20:13
chencahandful is not a developer20:13
* MoRpHeUz neither20:13
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konttoriwell, guys behind canola20:13
Ryback_yep, nice20:13
konttorianyway, saw canola. Pretty amazing stuff. I gotta say.20:14
konttoriI'm really looking forward to 12th20:14
kenne<chenca> handful is not a developer20:14
kenne* MoRpHeUz neither20:14
chencadid you mean 31th ?20:14
konttorithe image viewer is spectacular20:14
MoRpHeUzkenne: =P20:14
kenneMoRpHeUz, what are you then?20:14
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MoRpHeUzkenne: you know I can just get up and kick you, don't you ? =P20:15
kennehaha... if you could reach20:15
konttori12th is when they release beta20:15
MoRpHeUzkonttori: we hope so...if kenne stops talking and fixes his bugs.. =P20:16
kenneMoRpHeUz, actually, yesterday I watched a movie called Bug20:16
chencakonttori: really ??? I don't believe this20:17
chencakonttori: this is bullshit20:17
kenneI also can't wait... I guess there will be some partying afterward :)20:18
MoRpHeUzkenne: you pay! =)20:18
kennekekek... ok ok... I will buy you a beer if you will drink it20:18
konttorichenca: what is?20:18
MoRpHeUzkonttori: he is just making fun...he's one of canola's developers too =P20:19
konttoricanola 2 was even better live than I had hoped.20:19
konttoriahh.. cool. Kudos... big kudos for you guys for making such a great program in so little time20:19
MoRpHeUzkonttori: good to know you liked it =) and the version that they have with them is a little bit bugged...20:19
lsobralkonttori, good to hear that, thanks20:19
chencakonttori: I know some guys that are "really working" on new version of Canola20:19
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konttoriyeah, it was crashing quite a lot, but hey, I'm used to seeing buggy software20:20
lsobralkonttori, you are our first user review :)20:20
konttoriI'm also so very happy that I don't have to maintain ukmp anymore, because you guys have made it obsolete. good stuff!20:20
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konttoriby the way, did you guys figure out a good way to keep the python code closed?20:21
MoRpHeUzkonttori: haha, thanks! =)20:21
chencakonttori: This is confidential20:22
Takmeh, canola2 is going to be closed-source as well?20:23
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Tak - comments?20:23
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K`zanMaemo is back up I see!  Still no fmradio :-(.20:26
timelesswhy would fmradio relate?20:26
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MoRpHeUzkonttori: hey, btw....aren't you interested in developing new plugins for canola 2.0 ? =)20:31
konttoricould be if I had the time.20:32
konttoriI haven't coded even one line at nokia.20:32
konttoribut I suppose I will have a little bit more time in january on my free time20:32
MoRpHeUzkonttori: great ;-)20:32
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konttoribut yeah, when I get a good idea for a plugin, I'm pretty sure I'll dig into doing it.20:34
|Rtimeless : ok recovered it :D20:34
timelessfrom vendor?20:37
|Rtimeless : no, from device20:38
inztimeless, did you see my comment on #1767?20:38
timelessi think so20:38
timelessthe only think i did was assign it to that guy because he posted to maemo-devel20:38
timelessand therefore irritated me :)20:38
timelessmy general view of bugzilla is that if people have an opinion, they deserve to own bugs :)20:39
inzI think Kalle works on lower level stuff tho...20:39
timelesskalle expressed an opinion in this area20:39
timelesskalle suffers :)20:39
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timelessin case people care, i own lots of bugs20:40
timelessand i suffer quite enough20:40
timelesspeople are welcome to try to make me suffer more, but it's unlikely they'll succeed in any way that they would logically choose to try20:40
inzI own none -- buahahaha20:41
Takso...I take it there are no comments20:41
inzBut then again, I have no opinions ;)20:41
Segnale007Hi guys20:42
Segnale007hi have just installed kde on my n800 running os200820:42
Segnale007but , how can lunch it right now ?20:42
timelesstak: sorry, i'm trying to multitask, what was worth commenting?20:42
Segnale007where is the configuration file ?20:43
Segnale007for lunch kde ?20:43
* timeless doesn't think kde is edible20:43
timelesstak: looks kinda short20:43
Segnale007could u help me ?20:43
Segnale007I need to tell at Xserver for start it20:44
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timelesstak: does it do soemthing? :)20:45
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Takyeah, it's sample usage code for my rubygame-based vkb20:46
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Takit sets up the vkb, displays it, and prints out the "typed" text to stdout when the vkb is closed20:46
timelesstak: does the vkb invalidate the stuff behind it?20:47
timelessor reflow or what?20:47
timeless[Bug 406981] New: Crashes, crashes, and crashes!20:48
Takit doesn't invalidate the stuff behind it20:48
sikahakkiI flashed os2008 to n800, what repositories I now should use n800 or n810?20:48
Takunless I misunderstand what you're asking20:48
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timelesssikahakki: see topic /it/ for a list20:49
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GeneralAntillesOS2008 repositories, sikahakki.20:50
Okkoos2008 out for N800?20:53
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Okkooh, just a beta20:54
sikahakkitimeless: thanks20:55
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celestehhow is the beta?  will i be happy to upgrade or is it crashy and missing many apps?21:02
GeneralAntillesWell, at this point, you're better off just waiting for the final21:03
Okkothe final should come in about 10 days21:03
GeneralAntillesrather than nuking your install now, and then nuking it again for the final.21:03
celestehgood point21:04
celestehi just finally got around to the latest stable update, though21:04
Okkothought so too21:04
fysathe dpad hack still work?21:04
fysasorry- microb21:05
fysain OS200821:05
GeneralAntillesWhich d-pad hack?21:05
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GeneralAntillesI found turning off snav and fuddling around somewhere in chrome gave me good results.21:05
GeneralAntillesIt's mentioned somewhere on bugzilla21:05
GeneralAntilles(Thanks, timeless!)21:05
GeneralAntillesYeah, that.21:06
bilboeddamn, one killer app that would be doable in no-time if we had full gst-plugins-* and pygdata : a real youtube browser21:06
bilboedlike the iPhone one21:06
bilboedexcept better obviously, since it'll be on a free platform :)21:06
fysacould do it with python and mplayer..21:06 could do it with C and mplayer21:06
* bilboed sighs21:06
fysayes, or C21:07
Sho_Has anybody actually been able to use their discount code yet, btw?21:08
alteregoOr Ruby21:08
alteregoYou could have a utube feed to a home plugin21:08
GeneralAntillesSo many options, so little time.21:08
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Segnale007anybody can help me with kde ?21:08
alteregoYuk ..21:09
Segnale007how I can start it when start the os ?21:09
Segnale007when I starting the os21:09
* bilboed rubs eyes21:09
konttorifysa: very cool.21:09
bilboedwhy not vista !21:09
* Tak starts a Save the Memory campaign21:09
Segnale007just launch the default vm of os200821:09
konttorisomeone should make a small app to do that change for people21:10
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konttoribilboed: just take uktube as basis and add the browsing support to that.21:12
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fysayeah, something like that would be ideal21:13
fysaa single 'media environment' would be nice.21:13
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bilboedeven better. Just adding the proper gst-plugins... would make youtube videos playable in the default player21:14
fysaperhaps (likely) some asm in use..21:14
bilboedit really sucks there isn't a repo with all the gst plugins for maemo21:15
fysaso make one.21:15
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bilboedI'm a dick at packaging21:15
konttoriperhaps someone could make canola plugin for browsing youtube.21:15
konttorimplayer + python + canola 2 should be pretty nice combo21:16
konttorito develop on21:16
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rip_I mentioned a youtube browser not long ago on ITT and got shotdown :p21:19
rip_when I thought it would be a cool idea21:19
rip_since they have a pretty cool youtube browser on XBMC in python21:19
rip_oh well, it really is ZZZ time 4:50am :\21:20
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fysaanyone tried working this into microb?
timelesslooks better than the behavior we're required to implement21:29
timelessbut it won't really help the fun cases21:30
fysaI just want that faster-than-finger scrolling21:30
fysaand I suppose it should be trivial to pull that out of it..21:30
timelessfysa: i'd rather the ie/seamonkey middle mouse relative continuous scrolling feature21:31
timelesswhich i probably should specify21:31
timelesssince that's one of the more useful pieces21:31
fysait makes a center point at the mouse position and you scroll relative to that?21:31
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timelessyou scroll at a rate proportional to the distance from the original point21:32
fysaif they touch and hold, you average the first Nms x/y, then enter listening state for 1000ms and wait for movement21:32
timelessdirected from the original point to the current point21:33
eidohi folks.  question about the N810 which I'm seriously considering.  does it support a bluetooth profile for HFP?  importantly, can it -be- a handsfree device?  can i hook up headphones to my N810, listen to music, and receive a phone call through it from a BT enabled phone?21:33
GeneralAntillesI'd be happy of scrollbars didn't behave like the original Mac. :\21:33
timelessit stops when you tap again/escape/or you run out of scrolling21:33
GeneralAntillesWhy in the world would taping the scrollbar outside of the slider mean "scroll one page" instead of "scroll to here"21:34
fysabecause they have no page down otherwise ;)21:34
timelessgeneral: standard windows behavior? :)21:34
timelessit's been the standard behavior everywhere outside of x for a long time :)21:35
GeneralAntillesIs it?21:35
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timelessactually, it's not quite that simple21:35
* GeneralAntilles hasn't touched a windows box in almost a year.21:35
timelessif you tap and hold, the behavior gets less consistent21:35
timelessit will repeat every <time interval>21:35
timelessbut the question is whether it will stop when the slider reaches the mouse21:35
timelesssome platforms do21:35
timelesssome don't21:35
timelesswindows stops21:36
timelessthe idea is that you probably want to reach where you clicked21:36
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timelessbut in the interim, you want to see the in between21:36
konttorigotta say that that scrolling behavior is close to what should be in the microb (imho)21:36
timelessin windows nt5, if you right click on a standard scrollbar, there's a "Scroll Here" menu item21:36
timelesskonttori: that = what i'm describing?21:37
konttorialthough continuos scrolling would be cool as well.21:37
* konttori is reading buffer 21:37
konttorisorry for not having reached the end yet21:37
* timeless tries to remember what the current behavior is21:37
timelessi'm sure it's specified by someone21:37
timelessand i'm sure it's not idea21:37
timelessoh, right21:38
timelessit'll jump down, jump up, and jump down again :)21:38
timelessi think actually most of what i'm seeing atm are things i'd rather blame on the touchscreen/driver :)21:39
konttoriahh... no, that=grabanddrag21:39
konttoribut, as commented, continuos scrolling would be cool as well21:39
GeneralAntillesThe one thing that always catches me off guard with the 770 is input not jumping all over the place.21:39
konttorianyway, I'm pretty happy on n810 and space key21:39
GeneralAntillesIt's like they have some palsied old bastard in there interpreting the touchscreen input.21:40
GeneralAntilles*touchscreen input21:40
timelesskonttori: yeah, just tested spacebar, it really does work "correctly"21:40
timelessbtw, did you try shift-space?21:40
konttorinope. what does that do?21:40
timelesstry it?21:40
timelessi promise it won't hurt21:41
* konttori will go and get n81021:41
GeneralAntillesOoh, tasty.21:41
konttoridoes shift clip open link in new window?21:41
konttorias it does on pc21:41
konttoricould it open it also in bg?21:41
GeneralAntillesWhen am I gonna get "Open in new background window". :P21:42
GeneralAntillesThat would make for a perfectly acceptable substitution for tabs.21:42
timelessi think shift-click seems to trigger focus/active w/o triggering the link21:42
timelessbut i could be wrong21:42
GeneralAntillesSeems like it, timeless.21:42
timelessGeneralAntilles: when there's enough memory to handle >5 pages21:42
konttorishift-click should open in new window if we follow traditional use pattern21:43
timelessso people will stop complaining that the browser crashes :(21:43
konttoribg open would be very cool though21:43
timelessi'm fine w/ bg by default21:43
konttorimaybe fn-click to open in bg would work21:43
GeneralAntillesCan you just distribute a waiver instead so I can get my feature now? :D21:43
* timeless wonders what's actually handling shift-click today21:43
konttorican /usr/lib/microb-engine/chrome/toolkit/content/global/platformHTMLBindings.xml21:44
konttori be used to change behavior?21:44
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timelesskonttori: i think someone said that once they disabled spatial nav they were able to muck w/ that file to get things to do things21:45
timelessnot certain21:45
timelessi need to go home21:45
timelessor get dinner and then home21:45
timelessnote: i'm going to rome tomorrow21:45
timelessso have a good weekend21:45
timelessi'll be back late monday21:46
konttorihave a good trip!21:46
GeneralAntillesYeah, disabling snav worked for me.21:46
GeneralAntillesTake care, timeless.21:47
timelessdid you document that somewhere? :)21:47
GeneralAntillesI suppose I could make mention of it in the bug21:48
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foodshi, I heard you give away free t-shirts for the poor? Where can I sign up for receiving some?21:57
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timelessnot to the poor22:04
timelessto the contributors22:04
timelesshelp maemo or the browser project enough, and a shirt might go your way22:04
foodsoh ok, thanks timeless22:05
TakI thought there was like a 92% intersect between "the poor" and "contributors"22:05
foodswow that sure is a good looking t-shirt, what's the ugly thing on the left though?22:06
konttorihmm.. flash 9.3 supports h26422:08
konttoriwill be interesting to see how flash videos will start to be h264 pretty soon all over the place22:09
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konttoriand how n810/n800 will be (not) able to playback those videos22:09
|Rscrew flash22:09
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konttorihmmm... device should have some hw accelerator for decoding video. maybe that could be utilized for h264 decoding if h264 is not doable with SW.22:10
wumpuswell, hopefully the next generation of device will include that22:11
konttorihulu has already switched to h26422:11
konttoriI would assume other video providers will follow soon22:12
flatfaceCoreAVC has some really good results on PDAs (ran well on my Palm T|X). If only they ported it...22:12
konttoriyoutube has been converting to 264 for some time (for iphone)22:12
konttoriso, they might switch soon as well from flv to h26422:12
wumpusthat'd be bad for slow devices22:12
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konttorilike n810?22:14
konttorimplayer *might* be able to play them.22:14
GeneralAntillesDoesn't that IVA thingamabob handle h.264?22:14
* timeless is confused22:14
foodshi GeneralAntilles22:14
glass_n95 decodes h264 well.. hw decoding though22:14
timelessdoes the device not natively support 264?22:14
* foods hugs GeneralAntilles22:14
konttoriIVA should the be able to do it22:15
wumpuskonttori: yes, at low resolutions it probabbly can22:15
wumpuslol, should be22:15
wumpusnoone knows and noone probably ever will22:15
GeneralAntillesStupid dead weight.22:15
* Tak cries22:15
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alterego"This website is best viewed on an 800x480 pixel transflective display whilst drinking a beer in the pub"22:18
konttorihey, mplayer is giving me: ADecoder preinit failed22:19
konttoriIs there a fixed version of mplayer for n810?22:19
konttoritimeless: i don't think device supports h264 by default22:20
konttorimight be wrong though22:21
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pupnikkonttori: your media player looks awesome22:26
pupniki hosted a screenshot on my site since the available one on the web got blocked after hotlinking it in a forum22:27
konttoricool. thanks for mentioning me22:28
pupnikyou are redefining standards for looks22:28
pupnikstandard gtk/hildonisms are functional but blergh for looks22:29
pupniki hope those guys will contact nokia about getting access to enough ITOS sources22:30
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pupniki do not expect the n9x0 will be a gaming device22:31
konttori;) I can imagine that!22:31
konttoriOTOH. n810 is already better than n800.22:31
pupnikbut if those two camps (CraigIX and Nokia) cooperate, there could be a higly synergistic cooperation22:31
konttoriso, it might be moving to even better direction. Let's see22:32
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pupnik#maemo on more hardware would be good.22:32
guerbyhi, how to find the gateway for a ppp connection on N800/OS2008? I have route -n as follows:22:32
guerbyDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface22:32
guerby10.6.6.6 UH    0      0        0 ppp022:32
guerby0.0.0.0         U     0      0        0 ppp022:32
guerbyno "UG" line. May be my telco is doing something bizarre?22:33
konttoripupnik: did you notice the wiimote application for n810?22:33
konttoriwould be cool too integrate that to emulators22:33
konttoriuse wiimote as the dpad controller (and A+B buttons)22:33
pupniki suppose, but emulators can also be played with bt keyboard22:33
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pupnikguerby: seems odd22:34
guerbypupnik, everything works fine through this connection22:34
pupniki can't find my 770 right now so i'll have to pass on assistance22:34
maddlerevening all!22:34
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guerbypupnik, only thing is that openvpn needs a gateway and obviously it's not in the route :)22:35
pupnikhi maddler22:35
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konttoripupnik: wiimote is even better than bt kb (and cheaper too) (and smaller) (and more ergonmic) (and don't need a table to use)22:37
konttori(and less generic ) ;(22:38
pupniki am hoping datapath fulfills his promise to start working on SNES in 3 weeks22:38
shackankonttori: what does this application do other than (supposedly, I've never heard about it) moving the cursor?22:38
konttorinothing else as far as I remember22:40
* timeless sighs22:40
timelessgarage-all is syncing 240/38822:40
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doc|homepupnik: the gp32 link?22:49
doc|homethey're going using maemo?22:50
pupnikthey're building some kick butt hardware22:50
pupniknot yet22:50
pupniki want to convince them to22:50
pupnikbut maemo may not be open enough22:50
flatface   <--CorePlayer for the N800 = decent h264 performance :D22:51
flatfaceknowing the time they take to do releases though, don't expect a fast release22:52
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guerbyhi, how do I define Ctrl-C as a toolbar shortcut in xterm OS2008?22:57
inzguerby, <ctrl>c?22:58
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guerbyinz, thanks it worked22:59
guerbyinz, is there a way to find a key name? eg for enter22:59
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inzguerby, strip off the GDK_ -prefix23:01
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guerbyinz, many thanks!23:01
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* shackan wants a way to exploit the button on the default headphones23:01
guerbyEnter launches the thumb kbd :)23:02
inzguerby, then use Return ;)23:02
inzguerby, or KP_Return whatever it was called23:02
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guerbyinz, Return sorry (not Enter)23:03
inzguerby, well, then try KP_Return ;)23:04
inzEr, KP_Enter23:04
ccooke... okay. Someone tell me where I'm being a moron - I can't see any way to enter a *hex* WEP key into the n81023:04
guerbyinz, thanks again :)23:04
inzccooke, the same way as an ascii key?23:05
inzccooke, works for me at least23:05
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inzccooke, it should decide automatically (based on the key length) what to do with it23:05
ccookeah! missing digit23:06
freakingtuxthe new pdf reader on it20008 is just great, thanks23:06
* czr peeks23:07
inzfreaking, whoa, lucky you, we need to wait 18000 years for that23:08
czrinz, unless you find a time machine before that :-)23:08
czrinz, you know, the kind of that they have in that one sad commercial about pensions23:08
wumpusor just freeze yourself, a la futurama :)23:09
pupnikgenerally speaking, i think nokia should have fast-tracked N810s to those receiving developer discounts23:09
czrwumpus, you'd have to be pretty sure you'll be unfrozen in time. otherwise bad things happen :-)23:09
Takeh, they're doing better than they did with the n800s23:09
TakI expect by the N2000 liquid metal series, they'll have it worked out23:09
freakingtuxit is a bug in the virtual keyboard handling it often thinks i press the button twice23:09
|Rpupnik: any ETA news btw? :)23:09
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guerbyinz, s,u,d,o,space,g,a,i,n,r,o,o,t,KP_Enter23:10
pupniknot here23:10
guerbyinz :)23:10
|RTak : that's the T1000, but don't tell anyone :P23:10
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czr"In the year 2000: Nokia will finally send the developer discounted N810 devices"23:10
pupnikit would have been *slightly* motivational to receive a n810 before getting sick and tired of seeing countless americans complaining about it23:10
* czr hides & runs23:11
elbnote that "Americans" who have the developer discount still cannot get one23:11
|Ri hope that will answer me for those of us in .ca23:12
czrmaybe the developer program is just a ploy to get people to migrate over to 4.0 sdk23:12
|Rhaha :)23:12
zuhelb: They can buy one and sell the discounted later for profit ;)23:13
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czrthey're waiting for the devices to be sold on ebay for 99E, then they'll buy them and sell them to the developers23:14
czrthat'd be pretty devious23:14
|Rwell, it's not really profit23:14
inzguerby, should work23:14
|Rit's just time shifted money23:14
sikahakkiwhich os I should use in n800 os2007 or os2008?23:14
czr|R, yeah, and what is money, other than time shifted work? :-)23:15
timelesssikahakki: if you want to use the vkb to enter passwords, 2007 is the only option23:15
czrsikahakki, depends on what you want to do23:15
czrtimeless, hello.23:15
|Rso non-profit is time shifted work?23:15
guerbyinz, it works :)23:15
* |R lost :P23:15
timelessczr: hi23:15
czr|R, sure. just shifted slightly more :-)23:15
timelessczr: i'm about to go home, i have garage *almost* sync'd from swift23:16
timelessand mozillasvn is waiting a bit23:16
czrtimeless, I just woke up :-)  = don't care quite yet :-)23:16
zuhYou can buy one full prized (500€?), buy the discounted for your wife (100€) and then sell both for 300€ after the next one is arriving ;)23:16
timelessit's not tomorrow yet23:16
timelesswhat are you doing waking up @11pm?23:16
czrtimeless, semantics :-)23:16
czrtimeless, I overslept my nap ;-)23:17
inzguerby, well, the parser for the strings is done by yours truly, so it must be perfect23:17
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czrbeen really tired for couple of days. stress doing catch-up methinks23:17
* timeless too23:17
* guerby bow before the master of the perfect code23:17
sikahakkiI would like to use ssh and skype, I didn't manage to get skype working either one of os thou23:17
czrbut next tuesday all that will change23:17
* guerby bow before the master of the perfect code (alias inz)23:17
|Rguerby : knuth?23:17
* czr is planning his great escape23:17
* timeless will fly to rome in <24hrs23:17
czrooh, that's cool. you have a date in the colosseum? :-)23:18
czrat? at probably.23:18
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timelessin works23:18
timelessdepends what you mean23:18
czrI mean lions and stuff23:18
czrin/at? :-)23:19
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czrah yes, the material got green-lighted now, I think.23:19
czrgoing live on monday. maybe.23:19
alteregoHmmm ...23:19
timelesswanna give me a link?23:19
timelessi can read it on thursday and torture you from an airport :)23:19
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czrnoo. it's already been green-lighted! :-)23:20
timelessnot my fault!23:20
czrmine neither :-)23:20
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czrtimeless, I wouldn't have the time/motivation to fix anything anyway, flight leaves on tuesday and have a load of stuff I need to get done by then (doesn't include doing yet another release of the material)23:21
alteregoHmm ..23:21
czrhey alterego23:21
timelesshey, my flight leaves this thursday :)23:21
alteregoAloha czr, haven't seen you for a while :)23:21
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alteregoThink I might make my USB host mode gender bender.23:21
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czrtimeless, which is why I don't want you to send me any fixed before tuesday. after tuesday I don't care (won't be reading my emails anyway ;-)23:22
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czrfixes even23:22
czralterego, was training on mon-tue, and just tired the rest of the time. how's ruby?23:22
alteregoRuby's great, spent the day working on a nice little library to generate "Web 2.0" graphics ..23:23
alteregoSaves me having to touch photoshop/gimp23:23
pupnik  schubert - the soul of germany23:23
czralterego, what about Hype 3.0? :-)23:24
alteregoYeah, that's next.23:24
* czr hates the whole "web 2.0" thing23:24
alteregoYeah, I generally only mention it as a joke. I don't even really know what it's supposed to mean ^_^23:24
K`zanThanks pupnik :-023:24
alteregoI thought we were still on HTTP 1.1 ..23:24
czrwell, obviously it's the home of the mathematically inclined spider23:25
guerbyany ppp expert around? my phone doesn't push a gateway when pairing with my OS2008 N800, any idea?23:25
* wumpus prefers "Web 0.1"23:25
* alterego prefered gopher23:25
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czrwumpus, home of the mathematically challenged spider?23:25
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GNUtonN810 is avaible on Spanish and German nokia E-store... but nothing in italy yet! :(23:28
czralterego, ah, I did start a useless project couple of days ago. only on paper so far. the most useless ever. a program with no aim at all. a sudoku solver.23:28
wumpuscheater :P23:29
alteregoczr, I wrote one of those in TCL :)23:29
czrGNUton, italy is behind the mountains, it takes a while for the poor nokians to deliver the devices over the mountains23:29
alteregoIt didn't use the math. It attempted to solve the puzzles how I would.23:29
alteregoWas quite pretty.23:29
wumpusa sudoku generator might be more useful23:29
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GNUtonczr: :)23:29
czrwumpus, I prefer ones that ran on benzene/gas. some how I don't see a generator running on sudokus beind too powerful.23:30
czrunless you have a load of them.23:30
alteregoczr, if yer interested:
alteregoI wrote it a _long_ time ago ^_^23:31
alteregoIt's neat though. It has ANSI colour codes and everything ^_^23:31
shackanwhat's wrong with you guys?23:31
shackanall this fuss about the discounted devices..23:31
wumpusczr: well, as long as it generates enough power for the n80023:31
alteregoI'm complaining about the discontinued devices.23:32
alteregoPulled before they even got released to us .23:32
czralterego, my brain just melted23:32
K`zanMy cell phone crank charger works pretty well :).23:32
alteregoczr, sorry. It's not a pretty program :/23:33
czrcan't you prettify it?23:33
alteregoI'm not sure I can remember how to code in TCL ..23:33
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alteregoAll I'd do is make it load puzzles from a file ..23:34
alteregoInsted of having them at the top of the file as they are ^_^23:34
alteregoWow, that _is_ ugly code ..23:34
czralterego, you also should be able to display all the valid solutions. not just the first one23:34
czryeah, it is quite ugly :-)23:34
alteregoIt doesn't work like that.23:35
alteregoIt solves the puzzles how I would solve them.23:35
alteregoIt's actually missing 1 rule.23:35
czryou solve them? :-)23:35
alteregoHow I _would_ solve them ;)23:35
guerbyGNUton, nothing on FR nokia store ...23:35
czrI mean. do you always manage to solve them? :-)23:35
alteregoI've not done a sudoku in years.23:35
czralterego, "08-Jul-2007 15:09    14k  "23:35
alteregoYeah, even the really hard ones where you have to guess.23:35
alteregoYeah, that's when I moved it from it's original location.23:36
alteregoThat's the date I spring cleaned my home directory on freeshell ^_^23:36
czranyhow, an irc-friend got to write a sudoku solver for his CS-course or smt23:36
czrand I was helping him out by reading through his C.23:36
alteregoYeah, probably a good 1st year task.23:36
czrthen one of the long nights started thinking about group theory and relative group constraints23:37
czrand playing with couple of ideas on paper23:37
czrand the algorithms seem to work (on paper at least), but I yet have to implement them in code.23:37
alteregoHeh, the code might be ugly but it's not a bad design really.23:37
alteregoVery LISP ..23:37
alteregoThen again, TCL is quite LISPish in some respects.23:38
* czr shrugs23:38
czrnever quite liked tcl too much23:38
guerbyGNUton, well great! I don't know how nokia manages its web sites...23:38
GNUtonguerby: :)23:39
alteregoI learned it a long time ago when I was experimenting ;)23:39
czrguerby, by the power of perkele of course23:39
alteregoLike you do when you're young ^_^23:39
alteregoAfter TCL I learned Python.23:39
czralterego, LSD? LSD & TCL go hand in hand. and LISP.23:39
alteregoThen after that I got into Ruby23:39
alteregoWhich was 2 years ago.23:39
czrI got stuck on python round 2000 methinks.23:40
czrnever had the reason to move on really.23:40
alteregoWell, I was perfectly happy with Python.23:40
alteregoLike I said, I was experimenting. Every now-and-again I like to just learn another language.23:40
alteregoI started on Ruby and thought. "Wow, this is better than Python". So I ditched Python and kept with Ruby ever since.23:41
czr"every now and then I like to implement a new language"23:41
czrwell I do.23:41
alteregoI still haven't gotten around to that yet ...23:41
alteregoMaybe one day.23:42
czrmost of them are quite domain-specific, so not sure if they count as language languages23:42
czrand developing a generic language doesn't make a lot of sense to me23:42
alteregoMy language would be a lot like Ruby, just with slightly different syntax and naming conventions.23:43
czrexcept maybe when I have enough time I'll get back to one thing that been speccing for many years (mostly off, but still)23:43
alteregoAs well as a VM from get go ..23:43
fysaI miss ARexx.23:43
alteregoThe VM side is more appealing to me than the language side really.23:43
* czr doesn't count runtime design issues as part of a language per se (including whether using a VM or not makes more sense. what is a VM anyway)23:44
timelessczr: wanna help me write something evil?23:44
alteregoI think I'd make it more network oriented too. The language would somehow be completely network transparent.23:44
* alterego starts prototyping something.23:44
czrtimeless, not really :-) what did you have in mind?23:44
czralterego, again, that's just an implementation detail :-)23:45
alteregoczr, sure.23:45
czrC could easily be "completely network transparent"23:45
alteregoStill, it'd be interesting.23:45
wumpusjust what we need, another language :)23:45
fysa$data = file_get_contents("/tmp/blah.tmp");23:46
czrwumpus, once you've written yet another mail client and yet another irc client, what else is there to do, except writing yet another language :-)23:46
alteregoI'm suprised no-one has come up with a web language. (other than PHP)23:46
fysa$data = file_get_contents("");23:46
derfczr: You need another editor, first.23:46
alteregoAnother OS too ..23:46
wumpusI was just kidding, if you find it interesting then do it, it's how all the other languages that are now popular were started23:46
czrah, forgot to add that. was thinking about it of course23:46
fysayet another yet another.23:46
wumpusyour own BSD fork!23:47
czryet another editor with yet another built in mail client and yet another build in irc client, with a plugin interface which uses yet another programming language23:47
czrbuilt in even.23:47
alteregoemacs 2.0 ?23:48
wumpusrunning on your own os, which again runs on your self-built hardware :P23:48
czremacs for Web 2.023:48
TheFool2any bluetooth pen testing stuff work on OS2007 ?23:48
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czrwumpus, or even better, the editor emits VHDL directly to an connected FPGA programmer which runs the editor, in effect, building its own environment23:49
czror rather, Yet another Skynet23:49
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wumpuswell, at least this one will not go out of control, will it?23:50
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czrthey all get out of control. how else would they be fun?23:50
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sciboyStill looking for any info concerning running pygame apps at 400x240 with pixel doubling.23:50
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pupnikpy-i-dont-wanna-think-about-what-system-im-running-on games23:52
czranyhow, have fun guys & gals, I'll be off sleeping ->23:52
alteregoYeah, me too.23:52
alteregog'night folks.23:52
* czr corrupts two bits in alterego's Ruby23:52
czrtoo late.23:53
czrthey're now in my pocket23:53
czrI have compromising photos of them in dubious positions23:53
alteregoOoo .. Ruby port.23:53
* czr hides & runs away23:53
infobotYeah, like I couldn't tell what that REALLY means!23:53
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sciboypupnik, Exactly the reason I'm looking to use it.23:54
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