IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2007-10-27

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LateralusIs there any tutorial or howto for the chinook api as relates to home applets? Almost every library for pre-chinook development is gone. Is there a source example anywhere?01:38
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LateralusI've found a bit of information at
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raflso what's needed to get an application I've got to run on my n800 onto
raflLateralus++ # thanks01:53
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LateralusIs anyone aware of what include files are used to use the home applet legacy API (hildon_home_applet_lib_initialize, etc)?04:49
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sparri think im going to sell my 770s05:57
GeneralAntillesThey make wonderful couch/nightstand machines.05:59
GeneralAntillesBlue the extra batteries for your N800.05:59
pupnikfor the OMAP geeks, i just saw that TI demonstrated OMAP 3430s running up to 1GHz06:02
pupnikBut afaict production units will be much lower at first.06:03
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GeneralAntillesStill, sweet.06:07
GeneralAntillesIf only the N810 had been the N900. :D06:07
pupnikyeah by oct 2008 i expect we can have dosbox running at 386 speeds06:09
pupnikalong with fullspeed 8/16 bit console emulation, fullspeed amiga, fullspeed playstation 106:11
pupnikquake 3 with opengl etc06:11
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GeneralAntillesIt'll be like carrying around a little magical rectangle.06:12
pupnikthat's exactly how i feel about my 770 :)06:12
pupniklittle magical rectangle is my phrase of the day :) thx06:13
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zerojayInternet Tablet Talk (itT) will be moving to a bigger, faster server this weekend. Thanks to everyone, the site has grown exponentially. The site will have limited access from 12:01 AM (EST) of 10/27/2007 and hopefully be back by 10/29/2008 or earlier.08:14
zerojay10/29/2008? An update that takes a year? ;)08:15
GeneralAntillesThey're approaching a black hole08:15
GeneralAntillesSo time's slowing down for them.08:15
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pupnikgood one :)08:34
pupnikThat's my kinda deadline.08:34
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czrmaybe they're just being extra careful while copy-pasting each article content with notepad to the new server09:46
czror, even better, they print out everything on paper and rewrite it to the new system09:46
GeneralAntillesOCR FTW09:48
czrthe C in OCR reminds me that I need to put the coffee on09:49
czrin order not to be caught by the black hole09:50
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JaffaMorning, all11:40
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bedboihi all12:25
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pupnikAnyone planning to fly within the US?
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unique311monkey es un roboto.13:10
pupnikThe Transportation Security Administration and the Department of Homeland Security are quietly pushing for a set of crazy new rules. All travellers in the U.S. will be required to get government-issued credentials and official clearance before every flight, both within the United States as well as internationally.13:10
unique311thank god i don't travel.13:11
unique311international that is..13:11
unique311NWO bring it on.13:11
unique311why would this be needed for national flights..13:12
pupnikJust you know - some people here might want to make business trips13:13
pupnikand then consider buying a n810 instead and just doing the meeting over video chat13:13
unique311pretty sure thats not going to happen.13:14
unique311the new rules13:14
pupnikIt's bin finalized.  They go into effect Feb 19, 200813:15
pupnikRon Paul just introduced a bill to the congress to restore the Bill of Rights and the Constitution13:15
unique311good news...i'm over playing videos on my n800....yesterday a friend gave me a brand new ipod video...30GB13:16
unique311so happy..13:16
pupnikthat's pretty expensive13:17
unique311not that expensive i don't think..13:17
unique311i'll give it up in a heartbeat...for a touch..13:17
gla55display is small on video ipod13:18
GeneralAntillesNo kidding13:18
unique311yeah..but it plays video so well..i don't mind it being.13:19
GeneralAntillesN800 plays video well, too.13:19
GeneralAntillesand it has a bigger screen. ;)13:19
unique311lots of already converted video if you know where to look.13:19
unique311GeneralAntilles, you have a comeback for that one?  ;)13:20
GeneralAntillesYes, Jaffa's mediaserv.13:20
gla55the bonus on video ipod is of course that you have storage...13:20
unique311hey it was free....i am happy very much.  still love my n800...13:21
GeneralAntillesre-encoder for the N800 is faster than bittorrenting for iPod movies, anyway. ;)13:21
unique311google torrentflux my friend..13:22
unique311i would go into details...but im not sure if these type of talks are allowed.13:22
GeneralAntillesWish I still had my connection at home so I could send the transcoded video over the internet.13:25
unique311hmm the 27...13:28
unique311so one thread in IT was wrong about the new OS making its debut on the 26.13:29
GeneralAntillesIf only.13:30
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_|Nix|_Sorry :o)14:44
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* alterego wonders if it's possible to run the SDK through a tablet.15:18
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JaffaGeneralAntilles/pupnik: IT OS 2008 can also apparently play, for example, PSP-targetted videos from Google Video etc.15:35
alteregoWhat is up with glibc in the maemo 4 SDK.15:50
alteregoqemu is throwing up unsupported syscalls all over the place.15:50
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chxwith the Nokia N810, does anyone know whether Google maps and GPS is connected? ie. does google maps know automatically where i am?17:03
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JaffaNAFAIK. There's no Google Maps application, so nothing to look at the GPS.17:04
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chxwell, there is the Opera browser -- I thought maybe they did something... cool.... a change to the browser... a plugin... to make this psosible17:05
chxwould be awesome17:05
Robot101chx: a seperate app like a Google Maps application or something like Maemo mapper can do that, but there's no way to read the GPS location from inside the browser17:05
Robot101the browser is Mozilla-based in the N81017:05
Robot101so you could always submit a patch :)17:05
JaffaThe N810 doesn't have Opera ;-). Exposing user's co-ordinates to every random website would be a massive breach of privacy, too.17:05
chxwithout a doubt.17:06
Robot101but I think it's more likely that people will write standalone apps17:06
chxsurely there needs to be control17:06
JaffaCould be whitelisted, though - I suppose. Could be cool; but there's no standard for it17:06
Robot101we've been playing with the idea of adding some support for location into Telepathy17:06
Robot101particularly on XMPP there's a standard for publishing geoloc stuff17:06
Robot101put your buddies on a map, that kind of thing :)17:06
Robot101the real-time communications framework that the N8x0 and 770 uses17:06
Robot101for XMPP and SIP as shipped17:07
chxAh, OK17:07
chx this?17:07
chxI am not happy over the browser being Mozilla based :( Opera is far superior IMO but ah well.17:08
* Jaffa very strongly disagrees.17:08
Robot101there's an abstraction layer, you can probably copy opera off an N800 and onto the N810 image and convince it to use it still, with some hackery, but I think the Nokians were right to support free software17:09
Robot101mozilla's not gonna get better unless people use it17:09
JaffaI can understand people saying Opera is superior on the desktop (where it provides feature X, Y and Z that - say - Firefox doesn't), but I want a web browser that works with more websites on my tablet; and that's Mozilla, not Opera.17:09
chxWell, could be. I am an Opera user on my desktop and it indeed provides a much more integrated experience than firefox. It's like a quality furcoat compared to a patchwork coat17:11
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zoranyou could always change the way you see the things17:12
alteregoFirefox has come a long way.17:12
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alteregoMicrobe isn't firefox though :P17:13
alteregoMicrobe is like firefox in that we can write extensions for it. That is sweet.17:13
chxand I am a FLOSS developer... which probably explains my disdain towards Mozilla -- severe bugs open for years makes me go :(17:13
eichihello, i cant delete or move files on my sd card. it allways says: write-protected. i dont think so.. :( mount says, its rw mounted17:13
JaffaMicrob is like Firefox in that it has a shiny Gecko rendering engine. As a web developer, that's what I like most. Although, I've been bitten by long-standing bugs too.17:13
zoraneichi, it says all17:14
Jaffaeichi: perhaps the file is write-protected?17:14
chxanyways. I can't wait to put my hand on two new Nokia gadgets -- E51 being the other.17:14
playyaeichi, maybe the switch on the card?17:14
chxplayya: i do not think mount would mount rw a physically write protected card.17:15
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chxMy favorite question: anyone tried to put the full LAMP stack on the N810 already?17:17
zoranchx, there is a small number of people traveling into the future17:17
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* Robot101 is looking forward to the 6500 phone, it should go nicely with his N810 :)17:19
zoranwhat P stands for? php or perl?17:19
Robot101zoran: yeah, or python17:19
eichiplayya, nice idea with hardare switch. i tried, but doenst help17:19
zoranso, everything is already here17:19
zoranthere is smaller server instead of apache17:20
chxI so want mysql-server , webserver (apache preferred but i am not picky) and PHP on it.17:20
zoranhm, little one script db instead :(17:20
celestehyou want to serve websites from your n8x0?17:21
chxno. type /whois chx .17:21
zoranchx, you could have small factor pc for not so big sum of money17:21
* chx wants to develop Drupal without a laptop.17:21
chxzoran: 4" 800x480 screen PC , where?17:21
celestehah, ok.  reasonable17:21
chxesp with a *keyboard*17:22
zoranah, I see!17:22
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zoranbut you need just server side17:22
chxyes, this is a PHP CMS17:22
chxuse case: you are standing in some queue.17:22
chxit's a waste of time -- but it can be used for perfectly to quickly fix a bug or two17:22
zoranto go somewhere and say: 'Take a look, folks, what this dude has!"17:23
Robot101ssh? :)17:23
chxthat's not always available17:23
chxzoran: for that I have my laptop already, thanks. :)17:23
zoranhow E51 comes into the story?17:23
chxI need a phone to connect17:23
chxone that has decent connectivity options17:24
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zoranlooks similar to 612017:24
chxout of the available HSDPA phones , E51 seems best.17:24
celestehyou might be able to cross compile ins cratchbox17:24
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disqe51 out yet?17:24
chxno, but is N810 out yet :) ?17:24
zoranI see it on the local phone site17:25
disqdunno, 6120classic looks nice. but doesn't have wireless like the e51 does17:25
* Robot101 would like an E65 with HSDPA :)17:25
chxand E51 --compared to knowledge-- is cheap.17:25
zoranwhat sum of $?17:25
chxzoran: where do you see it...?17:25
suihkulokkidisq: for wireless you allways have your tablet ;)17:26
zoranhm, not in the store yet17:26
chxI have seen E51 on for 280EUR or so.17:26
zoranlittle big to be sexy17:26
zoran6233 could do the job with 3g17:28
zoransimilar outlook17:28
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gla55e51 is pretty small17:30
zoranalmost 1 cm more than 623317:31
gla55thinner than 623317:31
gla55108 x 46.5 x 18 mm17:31
Jaffamediaserv v0.04 out: - will do proper announcement on maemopeople when I've taken a video demonstrating it.17:31
gla55thats 6233, e51 115 x 47 x 12 mm17:31
zoranlemme c17:32
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eichiif i try "rm -rf" it says. cant remove, read-only filesystem17:33
disqsuihkulokki: i'm not a fan of wifi capable phones, just saying17:34
chxeichi: what capacity...?17:34
gla55most of the ime it's useless.. if you got 3g coverage and a good plan17:34
chxdisq: it's nice to have at hand. just in case.17:34
chxWell, check Canada data plans and ... you need wifi there .17:35
zoraneichi, did you "mount -r"?17:35
eichichx, 2gb17:35
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eichizoran, ?17:35
zorandid you mount it read only?17:35
zoranand what fs?17:35
eichimount says (rw)17:36
chxeichi: ah. i asked because ther are nonstandard 4GB SD cards (not SDHC) I own one and various devices go bonkers with various errors17:36
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eichichx, maybe this one is too. but it worked many weeks now without problems17:36
eichibut now it doesnt work at all17:37
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zoraneichi, could you make ext2 on it?17:37
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zorannokia shows picture of e5117:39
eichizoran, i dont know, wheater the n800 can use ext2/317:39
zoranit can17:39
zoranyou just need extra libs17:39
zoranand load the module17:39
* alterego would like the notes application to have multiple windows ..17:40
playyathe ext lib are shipped with maemo dont they?17:41
zoranwhat phone would be fine for 770/800/810 + 3g17:41
alteregoI think people like the N9517:42
* Jiten personally uses 6120 classic right now17:43
playyathe n95 8gb is great17:43
zoranabput 450 euros17:43
playyaor an openmoko17:43
_Monkeyan openmoko is NeoStrider's phone of choice =-)17:43
zorancould Jiten say his personal opinion about 6120?17:43
alteregoAre they even out yet?17:43
eichizoran, e2fslibs and e2fsprogs?17:43
zoranto make fs17:43
zoranans sfdisk to make partitions17:44
alteregoI just used my laptop.17:44
Jitenopinion on which parts? I haven't really used it for much else than normal phonecalling and as an alarm clock (it's missing a timer, though that's probably easy to fix by downloading a timer program)17:44
Jitenother than that, it has hsdpa17:44
zoranare you happy with that?17:44
alteregoHandy feature when it's plugged into USB ..17:45
zoranbattery and all people do to phone17:45
Jitenyes, very. especially now since I've just moved and ADSL is lagging a couple of days17:45
chxNokia 6301 seems interesting, too17:45
chxNot 3G, though...?17:46
zoranJiten, is it a quality made phone?17:46
Jitenanyway, battery life. 3G mode if you just use it as a phone, you'll be recharging it once or twice a week. More if you talk a lot.17:46
zorannot so much17:47
zoranhow about no 3g mode?17:47
Jiten2G mode the battery lasts at least a week in my use.17:47
alterego1G mode?17:47
JitenI don't call muich17:47
zoran1g mode == talk in person17:48
Jitenanyway, the phone feels solid.17:48
alteregoYeah, how does it fair in that regard?17:48
zoranand the traffic is low that way17:49
Jitenmuch better built than my old el cheapo model :)17:49
zoranin hungary17:49
chxAfter looking around for all , I still feel like buying an E51 :)17:49
zoranreviewers say slipy back cover17:49
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Jitenin 6120? slippy as in slips off accidentally and often? not possible.17:50
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zoranmoves for 1 or mm17:50
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Jitenmy strength is barely enough to get it off.17:50
zoranin revews17:50
zoranI like it as you talk about it17:50
zoranreviews say a lot of things17:50
zorantotally opsite one to another17:51
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Jitenit does move a bit, but less than a mm17:51
Jitennot enough to notice unless you try moving it17:51
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zoranthe most concerning to me is: does it heat as reviews say?17:52
zoransome people post they cannot hold it by ear17:52
alteregoI'm not so much a fan of the E series.17:52
alteregoToo blackberry like ..17:52
alteregoWhich I don't like either.17:52
zorane51 looks like 612017:52
zoranif look buys, I'd take 623317:53
chxalterego: what's the catch?17:53
alteregochx, ?17:53
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Jitenzoran: it does tend to heat sometimes ... though not always. I'm not completely sure what causes it.17:54
suihkulokkiheat? wtf? atleast my 6120 doesn't.17:54
Jitenat the moment I suspect signal strength17:54
alteregoMaybe your battery is frying.17:54
alteregoYou should be careful17:55
zoranpeople thing the speaker17:55
zoranor strong cpu17:55
Jitenthe cpu is the same speed as in n80017:56
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zoransuihkulokki, could you find where your phone is made?17:57
suihkulokkihungary, methinks17:57
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zoranyes, reviews point that17:57
chxYes. Komarom.17:57
chxIn some distant past I was Hungarian17:58
zoranlived there?17:59
chxborn there17:59
suihkulokkimm.. at home and work (the places I most end up calling with it) the 3g coverage is full bars17:59
chxlived there17:59
chxgot sick of Hungarian citizens17:59
suihkulokkiso it could theoretically heat up more when at the edge of 3g coverage17:59
zorancentral europe with all + and -17:59
alteregoCan anyone link be to that blog post about multiple maemo sdk targets that was posted last week?17:59
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chxI missed the memo about the +17:59
Jitensuihkulokki: could be. your 6120 doesn't heat up17:59
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zoransuihkulokki, what is you chose just gsm?18:00
suihkulokkihaven't tried it18:00
JitenI'll have to test the heating up a bit more but I suspect it is the signal strength. Likely in 2G mode it happens less18:01
zoranI would liek to know the result prior buy it18:02
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Jitenat least right now it's not hot.18:02
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zoranJiten, is it ok if I ask you about the subject this days, when you have more data?18:04
Jitenzoran: sure, ask away18:05
Jitenit could be that if you keep the phone in dual network mode (both gsm and umts), it won't heat up18:06
Jitenthat way it'll use whichever network is better at any given location.18:07
Jitenmy current location is rather peculiar. it's constantly switching between hsdpa and umts. sometimes even dropping to gprs18:07
zoranI'd rather use only 2g, gsm18:08
gla55turn it to gsm only mode then18:08
Jitenthat likely works too. gsm can't use as much power18:08
zoranyes, that way ot cold stay cold, probably18:08
zoranI recall reports about 6233 losing connection if dual mode set18:09
Jitengla55: no reason, really. it doesn't cause problems with my internet use.18:09
gla55Jiten: was referring to zoran18:10
Jitenah, ok18:10
zorank ,read18:10
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sciboyHmmmm, may need to do a gecko wrapper with pixel doubling after all. =/18:22
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sciboyCrap this would be so much easier with even basic video acceleration. =(18:27
chxthere is no video acceleration at all o_O ?18:35
wumpusthere is a yuv surface right?18:36
wumpusI mean, Xv support18:36
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Jitenisn't there a library for really basic stuff that uses the dsp?18:38
Jitenscaling sounds like something that'd be very suitable for the dsp18:39
wumpusthe problem is the the DSP can't interface with the LCD chip18:40
wumpusso that would mean a lot of data passing around18:41
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sparrGeneralAntilles: im replacing the 770 with a different device, no real reason to keep it around18:46
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wumpus17:41 <wumpus> the problem is the the DSP can't interface with the LCD chip18:46
wumpus17:41 <wumpus> so that would mean a lot of data passing around18:46
wumpusI wish it could access the screen directlly otherwise you could do some very interesting things18:46
JitenI see, that makes for abit of a problem18:46
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sixpenceHeya, i'm using my Nokia 770 to connect to my desktop VIA vnc client, and I always use SCREEN when running SSH or VNC for obvious reasons. Now, I can send commands to a terminal that I opened up on my vnc client and press enter (return key) on the tablet, no problem. But within screen I can only type, I cannot press enter, I press it and nothing happens. Any ideas?18:47
wumpusor maybe it can but we just don't know it, it used to be the case on the n770 that the dsp could write to the framebuffer18:47
wumpusback the, the device dsp inluded some video stuff, now it's purely audio18:48
sparrsixpence: off the top of my head, terminal emulation problem?18:48
sixpencesparr: It's urxvt, let me try it with xterm, hold on18:48
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sixpencesparr: You were right. Thanks =D18:49
sciboyDamn, so that leaves me with either pygame or a gecko wrapper.18:50
zerojayto do what?18:50
sciboyGame development.18:50
sixpencesparr: now im talking  to you from my tablet =)18:50
sciboyJust starting to grasp the limitations on the n800.18:51
sciboyI was hoping to do it through the browser and use gecko to take care of a lot for me, but it seems that it won't be able to handle any decent animation without pixel doubling.18:52
Jitendidn't n800 have a 3d acceleration chip that just can't be used?18:52
Jitenpowervr or something18:52
sparrsciboy: if you want games, the gp2x is a far better platform, imho.  im switching back soon.18:52
sparrsciboy: the new gp2x has a touch screen.18:52
zerojayYou have to pay for the company to give you a kernel module to use the acceleration.18:53
zerojayThe kernel module is only for Linux 2.4.18:53
sparrsciboy: ill miss debian packages, thats by far the #1 feature of the nokia devices18:53
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zerojaysparr: #1 pain, perhaps.18:53
sparrzerojay: pain?  relative to what?18:53
sciboysparr, I already have one, the N800 has a better chance in my case.18:53
sparrzerojay: imagine installing software WITHOUT them18:53
zerojaysparr: I'd be far happier.18:54
sparrseriously?  major wtf18:54
sciboyI have to agree, being able to track updates alone is worth it.18:54
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sparrupdating stuff on non-package-manager handhelds is omg-annoying18:55
sparrafter using an Asus PDA and a GP2x as my handheld gaming systems for years, the package-ness of the 770 was a godsend18:55
sparrpackages and wifi, in that order, are the two things im going to miss, moving back to a gp2x18:55
zerojayWhy is it that you're moving back to the GP2X?18:55
_Monkeywell, gaming is priority with gp2x18:56
sparrmy handheld use is 80% gaming, 10% media, 10% PIM18:56
zerojayBetter off with a PSP then.18:56
sparrhomebrew on the PSP is a joke18:56
zerojayHow's that?18:56
amrwhere can you buy a gp2x device?18:56
sparramr: theres only a few places in the USA that have them, mostly order them from the UK or asia18:57
amrwow, i'm in the uk18:57
zerojayI'm still interested in getting a GP2X.. but I'm not sure if it's worth getting if the controller was as bad as the original was (which my friend had).18:57
amri'm shocked that we have something that isn't popular in the us18:57
sciboyI ordered mine inside australia.18:57
amrcool thanks18:57
sparrzerojay: the mk2 has a better joystick than the mk1 and the gp32.  the F200, which JUST started shipping, has a d-pad.  waiting to hear reviews on it18:58
sciboyPersonally I think the GP2X kicks ass but the Maemo platform has more of a future with Nokia's backing and distribution.18:58
zerojaysparr: Yeah, I saw that.. it looks interesting.18:58
zerojayThe GP2X can handle SNES at full speed yet?18:58
amr~100 gbp18:58
amri'm quite impressed18:59
sparrsciboy: i agree.  if nokia built the ngage on maemo instead of on crap, it would succeed in the homebrew scene.18:59
zerojayBecause last I saw, it couldn't.18:59
amrwhats the screen like on them?18:59
sparrsciboy: the 770/800/810 could be decent gaming devices, if the d-pad didnt suck and it had more game-friendly buttons18:59
sparrscreen on the gp2x?  very nice.  brighter than the 770, but less viewing angle18:59
sciboysparr, The N800 would absolutely wipe out the competition if they'd just open up the PowerVR.18:59
amrwhat about resolution?18:59
zerojaysparr: And also if it was built from the start for gaming so that we'd have the video bandwidth, etc...18:59
sparronly QVGA :(18:59
amrsupertux is a paint to play on my 770, i keep hitting the centre button18:59
amr:O thats tiny19:00
zerojaysciboy: That's not really Nokia's decision though.19:00
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sparrzerojay: yes it is.  they have to pay to unlock it, but they could.19:00
sciboyzerojay, I know, cause if it was it'd be silly to let it go to waste.19:00
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zerojaysparr: If they paid, they'd get a kernel module for Linux 2.4.19:00
zerojayWe're on 2.6.19:00
sparrso, pay more  :)19:01
zerojayDoesn't work that way. :)19:01
sparrrumor has it that TI has a decent development team19:01
sciboyI thought the new 2.6 drivers had support for the OMAP 2420?19:01
wumpusor someone would have to reverse engineer the powervr driver that's out there19:01
amrthe first person to make a basic racing game (like a basic supertuxkart) that i can play on my 77019:01
amri will give $10019:01
sparrsupertuxkart?  why not just tuxkart?19:02
zerojayI'd like to see Nokia pay to get it opened up, but honestly, it probably doesn't make much business sense for them to do so.19:02
amrwell whichever19:02
sparrdoes it count if i just get SNES emulation working and run mario kart?19:02
zerojaysparr: Sure, if you want to play at ~5fps. :)19:03
amrif i can play it on my 770, sure :P19:03
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wumpusI'd also like nokia to get it opened up and make a driver for it, but I have no confidence in that at all19:03
sparrgp2x runs mario kart at 20+ FPS...19:03
sparrhence me switching back19:03
zerojayOnly 20+?19:03
sparrmost of my gaming on the gp2x is emulation, thousands of great games19:03
amror get me something that can play sonic the hedgehog :-)19:03
zerojayYou'd be MUCH better off on the PSP.19:03
sparrzerojay: i dont overclock my gp2x unless i have to, exponential increase in battery usage19:03
sciboyI couldn't care less about emulation, homebrew is where it's at.19:04
sparri regularly underclock19:04
wumpusindeed sciboy19:04
wumpusemulation doesn't use the full performance of the device anyway19:04
sciboyThe GP2X has some nice contenders in that department.19:04
sparrsciboy: i disagree.  literally thousands of great games for NES/SNES/Genesis/etc, all working for the effort of getting ONE program working19:04
sciboyEmulation just has a large library of games going for it though.19:04
zerojaywumpus: Emulation pushes hardware much more than any simple homebrew game does.19:04
sparrsciboy: do ports count as homebrew?19:04
wumpussure, it pushes the hardware, but does not make effective use of it19:05
timelyxRobot101: fwiw, there is an implementation of GPS for MicroB (and MiniMo)19:05
zerojayWhere do you get something like that?19:05
wumpusit runs much slower than a native game doing the same would19:05
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zerojayThat doesn't mean that it doesn't make effective use of it.19:05
sparri ported enigma to the gp2x19:05
timelyxJaffa: fwiw, i've insisted that any real GPS browser impl include security19:05
wumpusit does, because it means you can do much more with the device if you made a native game19:05
timelyxand they're working on that now19:05
amr :o19:06
amros2006 running flash919:06
zerojaywumpus: Yes, but that has nothing to do with how hard the hardware is being pushed or how effective it is.19:06
timelyxchx: don't assume implementers think about control or privacy19:06
timelyxime, having spoken to a number, they don't <period>19:06
wumpuswell it does, I can a game that is programmed as efficient as possible for the hardware it runs on 'effective'19:06
timelyxJaffa: actually, there's this DCCI stuff which is something like a standard19:06
zerojaywumpus: That doesn't mean that the emulation isn't being "effective".19:06
sparrwumpus: its a matter of scale.  ill take a thousand games running at 80% of the devices native speed instead of ten games running at 100%19:06
wumpusI'm not talking about the amount of games anyway19:07
sparrassuming the games themselves are of equal quality19:07
timelyxchx: calling a browser that's 5 years old superior to a modern browser is foolish19:07
sciboyAnyway, am I right to think I'd be able to push decent animation from gecko if we used pixel doubling?19:07
timelyx_Monkey forget microbe19:08
_Monkeytimelyx: I forgot microbe19:08
timelyx_Monkey microbe is <reply>19:08
_MonkeyOK, timelyx.19:08
timelyxalterego: Microbe is a typO19:08
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sparrsciboy: gecko, the mozilla engine?19:09
sciboysparr, Yep.19:09
timelyxchx: the maemo devices are not aware of physical write protect. so mount will go rw19:09
sparrsciboy: is there a reason you cant use something lower level?19:09
sciboysparr, Not a programmer and don't ever plan to be.19:09
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timelyx_Monkey forget an openmoko19:09
_Monkeytimelyx: I forgot openmoko19:09
timelyx_Monkey an openmoko is <reply>19:10
_MonkeyOK, timelyx.19:10
wumpusindeed, it sounds like a bad idea to use something that high level on a relatively slow device, heck, even on a fast machine the gecko engine sometimes succeeds in being slow19:10
sciboyWell it's pretty imperative I have a graphical environment to work and script with.19:10
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wumpusit's good for rendering web pages, but real time games is a whole other thing19:10
wumpusthough it's certainly possible19:10
sciboyI mean, Blenders Game Engine is quite nice in that department.19:11
wumpusjust make a simple script and see what performance you get19:11
sciboyDon't know where to start. =/19:12
sciboyBut then again it's past 3AM, so I don't know where anything ends either.19:13
wumpusI wouldn't know either, I never considered a web browser as a gaming platform, you'd probably have to do some absolute positioning and html dom magic19:13
wumpusmaybe start with one of those scripts that make a train of penguins behind the mouse cursor :P19:14
zoranmaybe ajax?19:14
wumpusindeed, for online play19:14
wumpusbut would be much more useful for a turn based game than a realtime one I think19:15
zoransciboy could bring up http daemon and ...19:15
chxtimelyx: the maemo device is not aware of the phyiscal protect...? htought the card reports itself read only.19:15
timelyxafa-w-ct whatever would be responsible for such a report is unavailable19:16
sparr  <--  someone should pursue getting these guys to support maemo.  they support linux in general, and gp2x specifically, so we know they can compile for ARM.19:16
timelyxpossibly a certain line is not connected19:16
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sciboywumpus, Huh? I thought you were referring to the pixel doubling. =/19:17
sciboywumpus, Scripting wise a trail of penguins is more complicated than anything I plan on doing.19:17
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amrweird, new tablet and i still can't copy more than 2mb over usb without it crashed19:43
sciboyYou've updated the firmware right?19:44
alteregoMaybe it's not the tablet ..19:44
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zorancould not be tablet issue19:45
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zerojayamr: You didn't mention what exactly was crashing.19:48
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amrwell that was fun, my macbook locked up19:50
amrit does the same thing when i try and copy things over usb on my brothers vista laptop19:50
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amrand for some reason i can connect to irc, but thats it, i can't do anything else like /join19:51
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amroh, thats odd19:52
erstazisame hostname19:52
amrmy tablet19:52
zoranamr, what fs is on your card?19:53
amrlet me check19:53
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amrit doesn't tell me, i believe its fat19:53
zorancould be 16/3219:54
zoransome apps for making new fs could read data from it19:55
zoranflag could be N or something19:55
amr2Ill have a look after dinner19:56
zerojayYour cards could be read-only.19:56
amr2I can write to it on my tablet and if i plug it into a card reader19:57
zoranbe aware of fat16 restrictions19:58
zerojayWe'll probably see an update to Claws Mail soon. Security hole found in it.19:58
amr2How do you mean zoran?19:59
sixpencezerojay: I find Claws Mail rather useless compared to the stock nokia mail ap.19:59
zerojaysixpence: I don't use it either. Just warning people.19:59
sixpencezerojay: Alrighty19:59
zerojayAnd with Modest on the way.. not sure there will be much of a need for Claws anymore, but we'll see.20:01
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_MonkeyModest is an email client built on libtinymail20:01
sixpenceWhat i'm really trying to do is to get portage on my 770 =|20:02
sixpenceOr some variation thereof. Has anything like this been done?20:02
zerojayIt was meant to be the e-mail client for IT2008, but it didn't make it in time.. so we'll see a beta for it around the time IT2008 is released.20:02
zerojaysixpence: No, you don't.20:02
zerojaysixpence: The tablet doesn't really have the horsepower to compile much of anything in a decent amount of time.20:02
sixpencezerojay: I suppose you're right, I considered that being a problem.20:03
zerojayYou can more or less forget anything more than smallish.20:03
sixpenceOr DSL20:03
* alterego wonders what you're talking about.20:03
zerojayAs a portage user myself, I understand wanting it.20:03
sixpencezerojay: Do you own bot a 770 and an 810?20:03
sixpencezerojay: Hehe. Gentoo? :D20:03
zerojaysixpence: Just a N800.20:04
gla55..what would be the advantage over apt-get?20:04
zerojaysixpence: Yep.20:04
zerojaygla55: Not dealing with apt-get.20:04
sixpencezerojay: Same. I'm actually on it right now. All my servers/systems run Gentoo20:04
amr2Why compile for your device when they are all the same  if you see what i mean20:04
gla55amr2: exactly..20:04
alteregoDebian ftw20:04
sixpenceDian FTN (Nubs)20:04
zerojayamr2: Because I may not want all the features you do.20:04
sixpenceKidding. Kidding..20:04
alteregoNever heard of dian20:05
sciboyamr, You can have your racing game if someone can get the blender game engine working with super-low-poly scenes. =P20:05
sixpencezerojay: Yeah. It's really hard not being able to optimise compilation options like use flags and whatnot.20:05
sixpenceoptimize, even.20:05
zerojaysixpence: I'm not really worried about CFLAGS, but I don't like pulling dependencies that I'll never use, especially on a device that's as limited as the tablets.20:05
alteregosciboy, or to work with the power vr chip.20:05
sixpencezerojay: Precisely.20:05
sixpencezerojay: But I did get dwm working on the 770, which ras a huuge relief.20:06
alteregoProbably requires too much power though.20:06
zerojaysixpence: What arch are you on?20:06
sixpencezerojay: amd_6420:06
_MonkeyYou are doing this as root?20:07
* zerojay sees glibc updating from 2.5-r4 to 2.6.1 and is slightly nervous.20:07
zerojaysixpence: Same.20:07
sixpencezerojay: That's never good.20:07
sciboyalterego, I'd be happy enough just moving a dozen textured tri's around really, should be in the realm of software rendering at 300mhz20:07
sixpenceWhy would I settle for anything else with a 3.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo?20:07
alteregosciboy, easily.20:07
celesteh_away_monkey forget root20:07
_Monkeycelesteh_away: I forgot root20:07
celesteh_away_monkey, root is <reply>20:07
_MonkeyOK, celesteh_away.20:07
alteregosciboy, quake II should run on the N800 under software.20:07
sciboyalterego, It already does.20:08
alteregoProbably not too speedy though, as there's no FP.20:08
celesteh_away_monkey forget you20:08
_Monkeycelesteh_away: I forgot you20:08
zerojayIt'll run even better at 400mhz, when the tablets get IT2008.20:08
sciboyReally? I thought it did have an FPU, oh wll.20:08
celesteh_away_monkey you is <reply>20:08
_MonkeyOK, celesteh_away.20:08
alteregoNo FP20:08
sixpencezerojay: With DWM instead of the stock WM, I can use SSH with SCREEN on my server (comfortably) instead of VNC. Saves a lot of cpu usage.20:09
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sixpencezerojay: I'll do the same with my Windows box once I get netstat working.20:09
* alterego shudders20:10
zerojayI'd do some ssh to my home box if it weren't running at 1680x1050.20:10
zerojayI meant VNC.20:10
sixpencezerojay: Lol.20:10
sixpencezerojay: Yeah, you lost me for a sec20:10
amr2 Haha20:10
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zerojayI don't feel like having to scroll all over the place. ;)20:11
sixpencezerojay: Which is why I prefer ssh to tabbed screen any day20:11
zerojayModest should support IMAP perfectly... as tinymail, which it is based upon, does.20:11
kala_anybody can successfully use Canola r2473M with Firefly media server svn-1586? It seems to start to send the mp3 faile to the Canola, but the 770 responds by connection reset.20:12
sciboyalterego, Well it stands, if they can get the blender game engine running under the N800 at a half-decent rate, I could easily design and develop games for it. (Probably at 400x240)20:12
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alteregoWhat's wrong with SDL and GTK?20:13
sciboyThat's like comparing apples to cats.20:13
alteregoThere are other free OSS game engines.20:13
sixpenceDoes thoughtfix ever come in here?20:14
zerojayI think he does.20:14
sciboyBut none nearly as easy for a graphically oriented developer like myself to work in.20:14
alteregoWell, your obviously not wired to create games then :P20:14
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sciboyNo I'm wired to work with established engines and tools. I'm an animator not a programmer.20:15
zerojayIs there a vmware image for the Chinook SDK?20:15
alteregoDoes the blender SDK have AI?20:15
sciboyI can still script physics and all that, but I don't have any patience for low-level programming.20:15
alteregoYou could use Python,20:16
sciboyI know, which is why I'm option for BlenderGE.20:16
sciboyIt uses python scripting.20:16
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alteregoThere's PyGame ..20:16
sciboyIt comes down to the fact that I work inside graphical environments.20:17
sciboyOh yay, SDL wrapper. >=|20:17
alteregoIt's pretty easy to develop games with SDL.20:17
alteregoWith Python, it should be easy for even you.20:18
sciboyBlender already has animation, audio, physics, rendering etc. handled and logic abstracted on a nice level.20:18
alteregoMe, I don't really have any interest in games unfortunately.20:18
sciboyThat means I can get right into the core gameplay instead of blitting. =/20:18
alteregoBlender is meant for desktop hardware. Not mobile hardware.20:18
sciboyYup, but doesn't mean it won't work.20:19
alteregoI think it does.20:19
alteregoHave you tried compiling it?20:19
alteregoThat sounds promising.20:19
sciboyJust a test case that you might find interesting.20:19
alteregoFor Pocket PC.20:20
alteregoWell, that might work.20:20
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sciboyIt doesn't have the game engine enabled but it shows blender can run under such environments.20:20
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sciboyThe lowest-end hardware I've used blender on is a 200mhz laptop with 32mb of memory and no video acceleration and still managed realtime work. Although that's still a totally different ball-game since it had an FPU. =/20:22
alteregoI would quite like blender on the N800 ..20:23
alteregoI don't really care about the game engine but the actual app would be funky.20:23
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sciboyI'm all about the game engine, that means I can develop games and content for the N800 piss easy.20:24
sciboyEven if I only got a dozen tri's and a low res. to work with. =P20:24
alteregoThat kind of sounds pointless.20:25
alteregoA dozen triangles ..20:26
sciboyI'm quite use to pseudo-3d content, such limitations are things I have no trouble working around.20:26
alteregoWell, I might attempt to port it at.20:28
sciboyI only need 3 planes to do a simple 2d game, 6 is more than enough.20:28
alteregoAh, right.20:28
sciboyThe more I get though, the more I can push the graphics and gameplay.20:29
sciboyThat's just setting the minimum really.20:29
raflI wonder what a good way to debug networking problems with an n800 would be.20:29
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amr2Weird.. Application manager says operation failed when i try and install an app20:30
raflit authenticates properly, but only 1 out of 5 or 10 connections actually get established. And even if they are they seem to timeout or lag heavily.20:30
raflother devices which are connected to the same wifi network work well though.20:30
zerojayrafl: Using Wireless N?20:31
sciboyalterego, Regardless of polies though it seems the N800 can't handle fast frame rates at the native resolution.20:31
sciboyFor editing that's not a problem, but game engine wise I'd have to jump to pixel doubling, frame rate is more important than resolution.20:31
raflzerojay: what's that?20:32
chxzerojay: 802.11n?? these thingies support pre-N or what??20:32
zerojayrafl: A wireless protocol used by routers.20:32
zerojaychx: No.20:32
raflusing 802.11g if that's what you're refering to.20:32
zerojayMost routers using N G B in mixed mode break G or B.20:33
chxthere is an upcomign standard and you mentioning wireless n made me o_O20:33
raflthe router does a/b/g.20:34
raflalso happens with another router doing b/g only.20:35
zerojayAre you in Europe but bought a US tablet?20:36
raflit says "made in finnland".20:37
zerojayUS routers use channels 1-11, European routers use 1-13... so if your router is on 12 or 13 but you have a US tablet, it won't be able to connect.20:37
raflthe router uses channel 1.20:37
zerojayTry changing the channel. Might be too much interference.20:38
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sciboyalterego, So what would you compile it against for software GL?20:40
alteregosciboy, I don't know.20:41
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alteregoIt uses SDL right?20:41
sciboyAnd OpenGL20:41
_MonkeyOpenGL is a bit of a pandora's box for the tablets20:41
alteregoThe tablets don't have OpenGL20:41
sciboyThey don't have hardware acceleration, but that's why there's slow as shit software rendering libraries.20:42
amrand i'm back20:42
alteregoI don't think anyone's compiled mesa for maeom.20:42
infobotwell, maemo is a development platform to create applications for Nokia 770 Internet Tablet and other maemo compliant handheld devices in the future.
sciboyalterego, Oh... there's alternatives, one sec.20:43
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sciboyMight find that interesting.20:44
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etonHow to change maemo's UI fonts? Any GUI tool?20:50
timelyxyou can replace the font files20:52
timelyxor modify them20:52
alteregosciboy, maybe you should talk to those guys then.20:52
timelyxeton: the hebrew for maemo wiki (?) explains how to modify them20:53
etontimelyx, thanks20:54
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raflzerojay: changing the channel doesn't seem to fix anything.20:55
raflzerojay: also all other devices I own work well with that access point.20:56
snowmoonHmm... I reflashed the device and it's still got my contacts I imported last time20:56
snowmoonUnless... does it pull them down from google?20:58
timelyxbut how did it have your account info?20:59
timelyxdid you add the account?20:59
snowmoonyes I added the accounts20:59
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timelyxthen yes, when you did that, it grabbed your contacts :)20:59
snowmoonLooks like I'm going to have to edit some of the aliases again21:00
snowmoonget those cleaned up21:01
timelyxuse your web browser :)21:01
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sciboySo who here wants to port Blender? =D21:18
suihkulokkiyou could just make a debian/armel chroot and apt-get install blender there ;)21:19
alteregosciboy, sounds like something you could do.21:22
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etontimelyx, i think the page you mentioned is not available.21:34
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BlueGenehi to all :)21:49
BlueGenesomebody speak Spanish?21:52
sp3000between 322 and 400 million people, natively21:55
BlueGenesp3000 thanks so much lol21:55
alteregoOh, I thought it was a request.21:55
BlueGenealterego hola21:56
BlueGeneq tal?21:56
alteregoI don't actuall know Spanish, sorry.21:56
BlueGenealterego where do you from?21:56
BlueGeneI think the official channel language is English but I'd like to know if there is somebody of Spain21:57
BlueGenecool, I have family in Manchester21:57
alteregoDo they speak Spanish in Brazil?21:57
BlueGeneKnutsford really21:57
BlueGenethey speak Portuguese21:58
alteregoAh, my mistake.21:58
BlueGenedoesn't matter21:58
BlueGeneI preffer the irc than the maililist21:58
BlueGeneI preffer the irc than the mail list21:59
alteregoWell, it has it's benifits and it's drawbacks.21:59
BlueGenelike everything in this life22:00
BlueGenealterego where do you live in England?22:00
_MonkeyCambridge is a weird outer london IT haven too22:00
alteregoMaybe some one should setup a TUG (tablet user group).22:01
BlueGeneI was in Manchester, Knutsford, Chester and Blackpoll22:01
amr<- leeds22:02
BlueGeneChester is so nice22:02
alteregoI've never been there22:02
BlueGeneI live in Leon, at the north of Spain22:02
BlueGenealterego Chester is a nice town with lot of Roman ruins22:03
alteregoI've never been to spain either.22:03
alteregoCambridge is a nice town/city with real roman buildings :)22:03
BlueGeneThe best season to came to Spain is the summer22:03
BlueGenealterego then I must go to Cambridge22:04
alteregoIt's one of the oldest architectural havens in the country I believe.22:04
alteregoVery scenic. Lots of grass and trees.22:04
alteregoNot very big though, for a city.22:04
BlueGenelike every England lol22:04
BlueGeneI live in an old Roman city too22:05
BlueGenethe Cathedral is so beautiful22:07
* alterego goes to watch some TV22:07
alteregoTalk to you soon22:07
BlueGeneI hope, nice to meet you :)22:07
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* alterego wonders what all the segfaults in the chinook beta SD Kare about ..22:35
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tkoalterego: I think xan expressed it quite nicely: :)22:51
alteregoNot when the segfaults are from glibc22:52
alteregoI can't even apt-get install somethings without it segfaulting.22:53
* timelyx shrugs22:53
alteregoThis has nothing to do with my code ..22:53
timelyxapt-get is buggy :)22:53
tkoglibc is buggy22:53
tkoqemu is buggy22:53
timelyxtko; that too :)22:53
alteregoIt's not just apt-get22:53
tkoall software sucks22:53
timelyxtko: do you have access to swift from here? :)22:53
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alteregoThis is beyond buggy. What have nokia done to glibc2.5 ?22:54
tkotimelyx: technically yes, practically I don't have securid with me :)22:54
tkoso it might take a while22:54
etontimelyx, could you point me to the hebrew wiki?22:54
etontimelyx i googled but still can't find it.22:54
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timelyxeton: ?22:58
timelyxhow did you google?22:58 hebrew22:58
etontimelyx "maemo hebrew"22:59
etontimelyx, thanks22:59
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shackanis it possible to use gcc4 in chinhook ?23:07
shackan(building it from sources fails because of different abi version, and scratchbox does have gcc4, but only in apophis)23:08
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shackan(i mean apophis r4)23:08
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alteregoshackan, update ?23:18
shackanalterego: sorry?23:19
alteregoWhy don't you update to r4?23:19
tkoare you sure you really really want to know? :)23:19
alteregoNo, I don't think I do ;)23:20
shackanI have, but chinhook does not use gcc423:20
alteregoDoesn't it?23:20
shackangcc version 3.4.4 (release) (CodeSourcery ARM 2005q3-2)23:20
alteregoAh, so why do you want gcc4 anyway?23:20
shackanit seems what I'm trying to compile (LLVM) isn't happy with gcc 3 on arm23:21
shackanso, I've got
alteregouclibc ..23:23
alteregoThat's not right ..23:23
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alteregoI'd look more into why it wont compile under gcc323:24
shackanlink errors23:24
shackanhell, everytime I want to do anything with scratchbox I run into these sort of issue23:25
alteregoThis doesn't sound like an issue with scratchbox.23:25
alteregoThis sounds like an issue with whatever it is you're attempting to build.23:25 build, inside scratchbox :)23:26
alteregoThat is really beside the point shacken.23:26
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alteregoYoud have the exact same problem if you were compiling it on the device.23:26
raflzerojay: wifi problem solved by increasing wlan_sleep_timeout via gconf.23:26
shackanyes, because it's stuck at gcc323:27
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alteregoNo, it's because the software you're attempting to compile is buggy23:27
alteregoWhy should GCC versions matter?23:27
raflbecause gcc has bugs and newer versions tend to fix those?23:28
shackanbecause gcc has its share of bugs23:28
alteregoSo you think the reason this package wont build is because of a GCC bug?23:29
tkoor package bug23:29
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tkoin my experience bugs tend to be more common in the higher levels23:29
shackanalterego: if the same package builds on gcc4 and not on gcc3, then yes23:30
alteregoshackan, that's a guess.23:30
alteregoYou don't know.23:30
shackan(mind you, only the arm version has this problem, gcc3.3 and 3.4 work on x86 and amd64)23:30
alteregoYour time would be better spent sorting out the bug than attempting to build your own toolchain.23:31
shackanalterego: you neither, so what?23:31
alteregoIf I was in your shoes, I wouldn't be wasting my time guessing.23:31
shackanwell, I assumed one could upgrade the compiler, sorry for wasting your time23:31
alteregoThat's okay :) I have plenty of time to waste.23:32
shackanyou could try to help then :P23:32
alteregoI can't even install chinook ..23:32
alteregoapt-get keeps segfaulting when downloading packages under ARM.23:33
alteregoIt's not very fun.23:33
alteregoThere must be something I'm missing.23:34
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macluvjaywondering if there is anything to get home/end/pgup/pgdown for the new slim Apple Bluetooth Keybord23:56
macluvjayalso, * that should be a tilde23:56
macluvjayhints, suggestions?23:56
alteregoAh, I think I've fixed it :)23:57
macluvjayother than this, Im in love with my n800 :)23:57
alteregoYou can remap your keyboard.23:58
alteregoYou can make up combos to do home/end/pup/pdwn'23:58
alteregoDoes it not have an extended function key?23:58
macluvjayfunction key doesnt do what id expect23:59
alteregoYeah, it'll need to be configured.23:59
macluvjayalterego: xmodmap or something?23:59
alteregoThat's the bunny :)23:59

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