IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2007-09-21

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MDKI managed to get old gdc + gcc 3.4.something version working with old arm target00:00
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DeformatiMichael Dominic Kostrzewa ?00:02
DeformatiAh, I already emailed you.00:02
DeformatiI am not trying to make a cross compiler, I want everything onboard.00:03
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MDKhuh? Why00:04
DeformatiWhy not?00:05
MDKman, it's going to be a PITA to use it, even if possible00:06
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MDKit could be made as an add-on for sbox00:06
DeformatiI got my keyboard working on the 770.00:06
DeformatiAnd D compiles lightning fast.00:06
MDKbut why do something inferior, instead of doing it properly?00:07
MDKwhat are the benefits of running it natively?00:07
MDKyou'll need a shitload of headers, libraries, suff00:07
DeformatiD doesn't need headers.00:08
MDKyou'll need headers to integrate with C00:08
DeformatiAnd all the libraries are needed anyways.00:08
DeformatiNot really.00:08
MDKunless you want to write GUI-less small apps00:08
MDKwell, I presume you want to use hildon gui00:09
DeformatiWhy would I need headers?00:10
DeformatiD reads the binary when you use extern.00:10
MDKdefines for example?00:11
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DeformatiAnd the system needs the libraries ANYWAYS, that is, unless all apps are static linked, which I do not think they are.00:11
DeformatiMDK, in D, you rewrite all all constants in the D code.00:11
DeformatiYou do not use the headers at all.00:11
MDKyou're not getting it00:11
MDKI know how D works00:11
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DeformatiThere are quite a few generators that make d bindings from headers,  you don't need the headers themselves.00:12
MDKbut you need the headers/defines and all the crap from Gtk/hildon/glib/pango/cairo to write anything meaningfull in the first place00:12
MDKanyways, good luck really00:12
DeformatiI can just use the headers on scratchbox and generate bindings on the desktop.00:12
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MDKI don't know, it might be a good way to see if it works00:13
MDKlike, will the GC work, which is the key question00:13
MDK(it worked fine for my tests on old arm abi)00:13
DeformatiYeah, that os tricky.00:14
DeformatiI know a few other D users that got it working on an arm.00:14
MDKbut for any serious development it would be great to have it available in normal development00:14
DeformatiWith the new abi.00:14
DeformatiDo you by chance know a list of the closed source components of the nokia 770 operating system?00:15
DeformatiI want to start rewriting them.00:15
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MDKask on the mailing list00:19
MDKnote that most of the GUI stuff (toolkit, desktop, etc.) is fully open now (the Hildon bits)00:19
feruloonly the bright apps are closed :)00:20
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DeformatiYeah, but the browser, chatting?00:20
MDKother guys (ie. canonical & intel) are already adapting them for their stuff00:20
MDKmicrob is open afaik (mozilla web browser), chat & apps are not00:20
ferulowell, chat ui only00:20
MDKyou'll have problems rewriting things related to hw00:20
feruloall the underlying layers are open (telepathy, mission-control, etc...)00:20
DeformatiI liek the default browser much moe than mozilla.00:20
MDKlike codecs, dsp crap, etc.00:21
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DeformatiYeah, I will leave that how it is.00:21
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DeformatiThought I would liek to learn to program the DSP.00:21
DeformatiSeems like so much fun.00:22
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DigExorcisthi guys - anyone here have experience with the i-tech virtual laser keyboard linking with the 770 or bluetooth keyboards in general?00:40
DeformatiI got my usb keyboard working with the 770.00:41
DigExorcistI'm running into some major stability problems with the maemo-bt-driver00:41
DeformatiI cannot figure out why it only works with xterm.00:41
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DigExorcistWhen used with the maemo-bt-driver, when it works, the setup is nice - works in the browser, xterm, notepad, etc.00:41
DigExorcistwhen it works00:41
DigExorcistsometimes just turning on the bt keyboard crashes the thing00:42
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DigExorcistsometimes it works great - like a rock, and perfect as it should00:43
DigExorcistmost times it either locks the device, or just doesn't link00:43
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DigExorcistre-pairing the thing is a regular activity, and that's not 100%00:43
DigExorcistsometimes it won't detect it, other times it will, but if you don't do everything just right, no luck at all00:44
DigExorcistI'm wanting to perhaps log all the daemons involved, but i00:44
DigExorcist I don't know which ones are used entirely00:44
DigExorcistit's all supposed to syslog I guess, but i dont know where syslog is dumping the logs - definitely not in /var/log...00:45
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sp3000if you install syslogd it would00:50
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DigExorcistdoes installing this mean a reboot afterwards?01:18
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pupnikdo we have a command-line snapshot/screenshot tool?01:23
pupniki need to take a series - or take them very quickly (preferably from the shell)01:23
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pupnikapt-get install mh-shot-tool01:27
pupnik libgcrypt11 libgnutls11 libgpg-error0 liblzo1 libsoup2.2-8 libtasn1-201:27
pupnikhah nice depdencies01:27
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sp3000no shots til you've had your soup01:28
pupnikhow did you know i'm making soup?!01:28
pupnikah libsoup01:28
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DigExorcistsp3000, thanks - adding in syslogd does at least provide logging - now if bluetooth was just reliable...01:35
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scheater6A debian developer suggested I check out Maemo for an Archos brand media player.01:38
pupnikwhat is the OR for the archos?01:39
scheater6It's linux based, with alot of proprietary stuff on top.01:39
sp3000DigExorcist: caveats: careful about filling up the flash as that can cause weirdness; also, the many small writes will tend to cause slower bootup due to filesystem garbage collection01:39
DigExorcistI'm certain that I'll have to remove it soon01:40
sp3000meh, I had syslog running for months in the spring without issue01:42
DigExorcistwhat's the name of the memory/screenshot app that sits next to the bt logo??01:43
DigExorcistload-snap-run or something..01:43
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DigExorcistload-applet-run - found it01:44
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DigExorcistWhat's the difference between shutting down using the power switch, and issuing a "shutdown -h now" from x-term as root?01:46
scheater6pupnik:  I see the title of this channel say for Nokia, so are these questions about the archos unwelcome?  Or is Maemo a larger project?01:47
pupnikit's fine01:47
pupnikmaemo is the development environment for the nokia tablets.  ITOS is the OS that runs on the tablet devices.01:47
pupnikSo i have no idea what 'maemo for archos' means01:48
scheater6I've just heard about maemo.  I literally know nothing about it other than a suggestion from a debian developer.  Is it a linux distro?01:48
pupniknot really01:48
pupnikwhat do you want to do?01:49
scheater6I'm almost certainly going to buy the Archos 605, and I would like to replace the OS.01:49
pupniklooks like a nice device01:51
pupnika nokia 800 with 8GB SD cards is a good alternative though01:52
scheater6Well, I have a massive media collection, and I'm really looking for a media player more than an internet tablet - but comparable media players without wifi cost only a little less, if not more (see 80Gb iPod video)01:53
DigExorcistthe Archos lacks bluetooth01:53
scheater6yea, I know.01:54
DigExorcistwhats this thing cost??01:54
scheater6But I don't use bluetooth that often anyway.01:55
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DigExorcistbt keyboards are nice though - when my laser keyboard works, it works great.01:55
scheater6$250-$350, depending on storage space01:55
DigExorcistAnd it is accurate enough to work with01:55
scheater6Yea, this thing would be a laptop replacement if I could put a keyboard with it.  But, there again, the OS is the trouble - no text editor.01:56
scheater6So, maemo is exclusively designed for the Nokia internet tablets, and is not likely to support hardware not on those tablets?01:58
DigExorcistI can't answer that - but my take is probably not01:58
DigExorcistNokia did something different when they embraced open source with a nice little bit of hardware01:58
DigExorcistI think they're realizing now, on the back end, that the 77001:59
DigExorcisthas become far more popular now that it's price is below the $150 mark01:59
scheater6Quite so - if there was one with a nice big harddrive it would definitely be my choice.01:59
scheater6And I still may buy one just to take to class.  But if I could get oss running on this Archos, it may well be something to take notice of.02:03
scheater6"price is below the $150 mark" - that in American dollars?  Because Amazon has the n800 at ~$350 and the 770 at ~$29002:04
DigExorcistFrankly, when it first came out I looked at it and laughed - "what a stupid idea, who in the fuck would want to pay for that?"02:04
DigExorcistOn ebay you can get 770's brand new for $149.  get the Square-trade 3-year warranty for an extra $1202:05
scheater6good to know02:05
DigExorcistNow that the insides of the thing are out there, and people know what's underneath, and that folks can have root on it, it's become the portable hackers choice02:05
DigExorcistI can run freaking nmap over wireless now - that rocks!02:05
DigExorcistif only my i-tech keyboard worked reliably02:06
scheater6I dunno if you'd call me a hacker, but I've gotten used to being able to get under the hood of an OS when I feel like it.02:06
scheater6My main gripes with the Archos are: no feed reader, no text editor, and you have to pay for plugins for codecs (and still no ogg/flac) and the web browser.02:08
scheater6NEway, if it won't support the hardware I guess maemo isn't for me.02:08
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scheater6Thank you for your time guys.  And check out the Archos - get people to check out Archos.  It's a darn good price on some good hardware - if eventually someone could get some good software running on it...02:09
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pupnikxwd -root |xwdtopnm |pnmtopng > screenshot.png  << screenshot from command line  -02:20
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DeformatiFucking damnit.02:33
DeformatiHow could I just "Forget" how to draw.02:33
DeformatiAll of the sudden the girl I like is into art.02:33
DeformatiAnd damn, I cannot draw anymore.02:33
DeformatiFsking stab stab02:33
* Deformati feels like being a troll.02:34
DeformatiBleh, no other trolls.02:34
pupnikfyi: this channel is logged and searchable02:35
DeformatiWhy do I care?02:35
DeformatiAnd freenode isn't supposed to be logged.02:35
* Deformati cuddlewuddles pupnik02:37
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Suliswho says that freenode isn't supposed to be logged?02:38
DeformatiDunno, I read it somewhere.02:39
DeformatiSome subpage of freenode.net02:40
Suliswhat freenode says about logging
Sulissecond paragraph from the bottom02:42
DeformatiThat's it.02:42
Sulisand to be fair, there is something in the topic02:43
pupniki'll ask again - i need precisely timed or repeated screenshots - preferably triggered from ssh command-line to help debug dosbox errors02:43
DeformatiYeah, whatever.02:43
DeformatiI don't really care.02:43
pupnikIs there a command-line screenshot tool for ITOS?02:43
DeformatiI spam random garbage in irc when I am bored.02:43
Sulisoh right....perhaps you should get the stumbleupon toolbar for firefox, that helps to releave boredom02:44
DeformatiIf you just want to publish a single conversation, be careful to get permission from each participant. Provide as much context as you can. Avoid the temptation to publish or distribute logs without permission in order to portray someone in a bad light. The reputation you save will most likely be your own.02:44
DeformatiSpamming irc dev channels is funner.02:44
DeformatiExcept this one is relatively boring.02:44
* Deformati gets back to #d02:44
pupnikchecking for XWD... Package xmuu was not found in the pkg-config search path.02:47
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DeformatiSomeone reteach me to draw.02:50
DeformatiI am looking for skills outside of the small geek socialbase.02:51
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_Monkeyquestion is probably whether you can mask it well enough that they wouldnt notice02:52
unique311ssh to N80002:52
unique311what is the default user password?02:52
DeformatiUgh, see, this is the problem with logged channels.02:52
DeformatiNo one replies.02:52
Deformatiunique311: root is rootme02:53
unique311for user02:53
pupnikdon't know.  as root, set it to whatever you want with "passwd user"02:53
DeformatiNo clue.02:53
unique311Deformati: you want to learn how to draw?02:53
DeformatiDid you try just pressing enter?02:53
unique311no go02:53
Deformatiunique311: Yeah.02:53
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unique311still want a passwrd02:53
DeformatiI used to be insainly good at drawing.02:53
DeformatiNot so much anymore.02:53
unique311not good02:54
unique311you never forget how to draw02:54
unique311just probably impatient now.02:54
DeformatiHow come my drawings look like shit now?02:54
DeformatiCould be.02:54
unique311all you need is patience Deformati02:54
unique311what do you like drawing?02:56
pupnikunique311: as root, type passwd user, and you will not be prompted for the old passwd02:56
Deformatiunique311: people02:56
pupnikat least on my device02:56
unique311thanks pupnik02:56
unique311i gave up on people.02:56
Deformatiunique311: I used to be able to trace a quarter, use it as the head, and it would still look like a person.02:57
DeformatiDispite the circular head.02:57
DeformatiI cannot find any of my old doodles.02:58
unique311trying to give up drawing on paper....which is why i purchase the N80002:58
DeformatiI have some of my longer drawings.02:58
DeformatiI used to be insane with ink.02:58
DeformatiAnd some pencil.02:58
DeformatiBut it appears I lost some tallent.02:59
DeformatiI believe my merging into the geek culture killed my artistic side.02:59
DeformatiEver since I learned to program, I cannot draw.02:59
unique311get a wacom pad.02:59
unique311it'll come back.02:59
DeformatiDrawing was my only attractive feature.03:00
unique311you can always doodle in PS while programming..\maybe03:00
DeformatiNow what can I say? "Oh check this out, I program" "Lameee"03:00
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DeformatiI used to be able to doodle so good.03:03
DeformatiJust come up with stuff out of my brain.03:03
unique311its still there.03:05
DeformatiNot really.03:05
unique311i don't think you ever forget how to draw.03:06
DeformatiHere, lemmi draw something and picky it.03:06
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DeformatiCompletely lost my skill.03:13
DeformatiThat pencil is about 4 inches by the way.03:13
unique311thats good03:14
unique311thought you were going to show me some stick figures..03:14
DeformatiNo, dude, you don;t understand how I did doodle.03:14
unique311you just have to get it back03:15
DeformatiYeah, I hope I can.03:15
unique311conceptart there's guys on that site that draw everyday.  I consider myself an artist and i go weeks sometimes without drawing.03:16
DeformatiI have gone about two years.03:16
unique311yeah, a little too long.03:16
unique311but the face is pretty descent for 2 years.03:17
DeformatiI spent a little too much time programming.03:17
unique311why pick up the pencil after 2 years?03:17
DeformatiI cannot get gdc working on the 770.03:17
_Monkeyhmmm... gdc is gcc's backend03:18
DeformatiPlus, I have been wondering what it would be like if I never became a geek.03:18
DeformatiSo I am going to try to balance myself or something.03:18
DeformatiLike, two years ago, I was using gimp, and I found out that open source existed,  and then went to linux, learned unix, then learned programming, and yeah.03:19
unique311best way to balance it out...get a pad03:19
unique311well when mtpaint gets hildonized you can actually use your 77003:20
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_Monkeymtpaint is good?03:20
unique311to draw some cool things03:20
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unique311paint program with lots of goodies03:20
unique311on the garage its called faint03:20
DeformatiVector or raster?03:20
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unique311no vector programs on maemo yet..i think03:21
unique311it raster03:21
DeformatiTomorrow I am going to try getting gdc I think.03:22
DeformatiThen I will make my own paint program.03:22
unique311really good used it for a while on train rides, but got tired of the small screen.03:22
unique311well if you do, smudge please include..03:23
DeformatiI really need a keyboard.03:23
DeformatiI setup the usb hack.03:23
DeformatiBut eh.03:23
DeformatiIt would be fantastic if the nokia had a real usb port.03:23
DeformatiIf it did, it would be like, the perfect system.03:23
pupnik"If it's too slow for you, you're not drinking enough beer." - Pupnik, on the 770 emulators03:24
unique311synergy Deformati03:25
DeformatiYeah, I was thinking about that.03:25
DeformatiThe 770 is remarkably fast.03:26
DeformatiI love ARM procs.03:26
unique311you can find the gui version03:26
unique311in the garage03:26
DeformatiI want to learn to use the DSP though.03:26
DeformatiWell, I had synergy on my laptop/desktop/media computer.03:26
DeformatiBut I got bored of it.03:26
unique311only use for the N800 right now is kagu....03:29
unique311until faint gets hildon.03:30
DeformatiHmm, getting better.03:30
unique311this question was asked on ITT, is it possible to use the IT as a tablet for a desktop/notebook?03:31
unique311i can use my ppc6700 as a tablet for my desktop or notebook, running windows....with a little app called ppc tablet.03:32
DeformatiGetting slightly better03:34
unique311ur own style?03:37
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trevarthanwhat do you guys think about sync'ing with an mp3 device via wifi?03:39
trevarthanmp3 device = n80003:39
Deformatiunique311: ?03:39
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unique311Deformati: I'm about to pick up the old moleskin.03:41
* Deformati is confused.03:41
unique3112 years...03:42
erstazitrevarthan: sync through wifi to what?03:44
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Deformatiunique311: Still not following you,.03:45
unique311just a sketch book..03:46
unique311sketching something really quick..03:46
unique311i'll up it for ya03:46
DeformatiBut sketchbooks attract attension.03:47
DeformatiPlus they are awkward and smudge the drawing.03:50
DeformatiMakes it less crisp.03:50
DeformatiAnyways, I give up drawing for today.03:50
trevarthanerstazi: to a pc. avoid th whole usb/sync loop03:57
erstazitrevarthan: ah03:58
erstazitrevarthan: its possible I imagine03:59
erstazitrevarthan: personally, I use slimserver, and I do not like housing the music on my device03:59
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trevarthanerstazi: my device is mobile, so i have to get stuff on there somehow.04:01
erstazitrevarthan: ah, does your ISP not let you have incoming ports?04:02
trevarthan:) not on the interstate. no.04:02
erstazitrevarthan: some are becoming a real pain anymore... a few years ago it was not an issue to have a server or what not04:02
erstazitrevarthan: ah I see04:02
erstazitrevarthan: good point04:02
erstazitrevarthan: you could always scp them over04:03
trevarthani'm thinking more of an itunes like setup, with automated transcoding for videos and stuff.04:04
pupnikpingus is available for testing here
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trevarthanbut then i was thinking about doing application specific stuff too. so you don't have to rescan for media.04:05
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trevarthanpupnik, coulen't get dgen to load sonic rom. :(04:07
erstazitrevarthan: I would be interested in something like that04:07
pupnikyeah dgen doesn't run sonic04:07
trevarthanerstazi: yeah. me too. hmmmmm.04:08
pupnikon the tablet i mean - it does on the pc04:08
pupnikwhenever i cd to my picodrive tree i start getting heart palpitations and panic attacks now04:09
pupniki think unique311 remembers the picodrive nightmare04:09
unique311was it picodrive04:11
unique311or the snes9x04:11
_Monkeyrumour has it the snes9x is too slow04:11
unique311Deformati: here is the sketch....had to find a way to upload it from my phone..04:12
unique311can't go wrong with the bald look...04:13
unique311pupnik: you still working on picodrive?04:14
pupnikno not since may04:14
pupniki've looked at it a couple of times04:15
pupnikyou know -- like you look at roadkill when driving by04:15
unique311which dgen did you get working?04:16
unique311sdl version?04:16
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trevarthanunique311: which paint app do you use on maemo?04:18
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unique311none as of now...04:19
unique311waiting on faint to make its hildonized appearance04:19
unique311i played with mtpaint, rgbpaint, and mypaint.04:19
pupnikdamn mh-shot-tool taking 2MB of disk space04:23
unique311i think mypaint was probable the one i would choose if all were hildon'd, because of the touch screen sensitivity feature.04:23
pupnikjust for that flickr-upload capability04:23
Deformatiunique311: too much anatomy for me.04:25
DeformatiI draw based on what I remember.04:25
DeformatiI never had a techneque.04:25
DeformatiI always just doodle out of my brain.04:25
unique311well that was just doodlin'04:25
DeformatiIf i am drawing something for real, I like, well, I still have no techneque.04:26
DeformatiI just go with it.04:27
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unique311i have no technique also.04:29
unique311i'm into graffiti, which is basically another form of abstract art(some people might not think so)...I can take letters and make magic happen with them.04:32
unique311i suck at colors.04:32
DeformatiI was never good at words.04:33
DeformatiNot organic enough.04:33
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unique311I got sonic to run on a neogeo emulator in scratchbox...but controls wasn't working.  a while back.04:53
unique311at really fast speeds04:54
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pupnik [ The Illustrated Road to Serfdom ]04:56
trevarthanis there a samba server for maemo?04:59
erstazitrevarthan: good question05:08
erstazitrevarthan: one can install from source but libpapm is needed05:11
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ds2is the "serial port" pinout on the N800 documented on any page? all I can find are N770 pinouts which seems to have more pads05:13
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trevarthanDoes anyone know if maemo has something like FAM or Gamin? Something to notify us when files change?05:31
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alucardo_6666anything have the package??05:39
alucardo_6666to nokia n77005:39
_Monkeybecomeroot is, like, is easily obtained from [770/OS2006] or [770/OS2007HE and N800/OS2007] or for a more long winded method
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alucardo_6666THANK YOU VERY MUCH Monkey05:44
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sparrtrevarthan: FAM on a battery powered device is a Bad Thing (TM)05:49
trevarthanthat's nice. it's using something though.05:49
trevarthanEver notice how media player always knows you've added files?05:49
trevarthandoes anyone have a dpkg-dev deb I can use?05:52
trevarthanI'm getting perl5 dep errors when I try to install via apt-get05:53
trevarthanand I get a cannot compute sizeof error when I try to build my own package05:53
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sparrnow that i sold my tablet pc i might get back to maemo stuff  :)05:54
sparrgot $810 for it, not a horrible deal05:54
trevarthan:) If someone gave me a tablet PC, I'd make a Kagu .exe for it.05:56
trevarthanyou tried the new Kagu sparr?05:56
trevarthangot a nice volume slider, just for you. you're right too, it's much nicer.05:56
sparri have not05:57
sparri havent installed anything on my 770 in weeks05:57
trevarthando an upgrade. it ain't bad.05:58
trevarthanah. I'm not cut out to be a packager. I just don't have the patience.05:58
trevarthanI don't think I spelled that right. :(05:59
sparrpackages are for things with lots of files in lots of places05:59
sparri think a tgz for kagu is just fine, except for the lack of a menu entry :(05:59
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trevarthanlol. just run your app manager and go to updates.06:00
trevarthanif kagu is already installed, that is.06:00
trevarthanI'm talking about this samba package I'm trying to build.06:00
trevarthanno fun.06:00
trevarthanI think maemo should ship with a samba server and a control panel applet for configuring it.06:02
trevarthanthat would make sense.06:02
trevarthansparr: did you see the new VideoCenter application?06:03
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trevarthandunno if it's for the 770 or not.06:04
trevarthanlooks like IPTV for maemo. It's got an EPG and everything.06:04
trevarthanSo far it looks useless to me though. I don't know anything about IPTV.06:04
trevarthanI've got MythTV, but it's b0rked in this release of VideoCenter.06:05
trevarthanLooks like it's got potential though.06:05
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DigExorcistanyone here a bluetooth expert?06:46
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alucardo_6666I have a big problem i download and install the aircrack-ng package v0.9 to my nokia n770 , i run the aircrack , airdump , and airmon , but the aireplay "not found".. some idea??07:58
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e-squizoI' ve been trying to set up a development environment under Debian sid, unsuccessfully. Does scratxhbox2 work at all?08:55
e-squizomaybe I' m being too anal, but I wanted to do as little as possible outside the distro, and scratchbox1 seems not to be available in sid08:56
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pupnikerstazi: sid here - yes  it works10:23
pupnikoh sry10:23
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_stfn_Mh... anyone knows how long it should take the N800 to show _any_ livesigns when being attached to the charger given that the battery was completely empty before?10:37
_stfn_I've read, that the charging is controlled by software and so it takes longer, if there's no more power left on the battery to boot.10:38
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roopeI've seen it take a minute or so.10:46
pupnikone advantage to dim room lighting is that mosquitos are drawn to your monitor glow, where you can kill them easily10:46
JaffaMorning, all10:47
pupnikhi, one10:49
pupnikso no success on figuring out how to do a hair-trigger screenshot applet, or one that runs from command line10:50
pupniklooking at xmd and mh-shot-tool and haven't figured out how they do the magic yet10:51
pupniktoo impatient i am10:51
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janihair-trigger ?10:55
wazzzzzaphi, is there some reference where I can look up, which adresses on the n 770 are related to which driver and stuff like that?10:55
_stfn_roope: Well, then I'm screwed... device has been plugged in for ~20 minutes, no sign of life...10:56
pupniki need to screenshot some display errors in software to show the dosbox developers10:58
pupnikand it flashes by pretty fast - maybe i should just see about pausing dosbox10:59
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Jaffapupnik: osso-screenshot-tool runs from the command line and has been available since IT OS 200511:04
`0660stfn, just keep charging it11:13
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_stfn_`0660: For how long approximately? Any guess?11:29
_stfn_I just wonder when I'll have to the further steps, like calling the nice lady at Nokia again...11:30
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TPCno life for 20 minutes? could be the charger that is broken11:31
_stfn_Nope, tried several ones.11:31
TPCyou probably need a new battery then11:31
_stfn_My guess would be a) Battery b) Device...11:31
TPCthe kind of batteries in today cellphones are pretty sensitive11:31
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TPCovercharge them and they die permanently, let them run to dry and they die permanently11:32
_stfn_I'll keep it on the charger for another hour, then I'll probably try to get a replacement from a Nokia Service Point11:32
TPCthey have built in failsafes to stop charging before they get too high, or turn themselves off before they get too low11:32
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TPCbut if those failsafes fail, then there is nothing you can do11:33
_stfn_Mh... well, yeah. But actually shouldn't the device power on when being plugged in?11:33
TPCyes, it should11:33
_stfn_I doesn't.11:33
_stfn_I -> It11:33
_stfn_Which makes me worry.11:34
TPCif you want to, I can try mine without a battery in, see what happens11:34
_stfn_If you got a minute, this would be great to know11:34
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TPCnope, it didn't turn on11:36
_stfn_Okay, thanks. So a broken battery would explain all symptons. Which is good, as a new battery will actually cost me less money than a new N800...11:37
TPCin either case you would still get a new one, warranty and all, wouldn't you?11:40
_stfn_Well, the N800 isn't even out for a year... so yes, I guess so.11:41
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TPCin the EU at least they have to give you 3 years for manufactural errors (that is, if it breaks under totally normal usage and you can proove that you didn't drop it on the floor or something)11:43
_stfn_I live in Switzerland, so I don't know if this applies here as well.11:44
_stfn_However, as it's not even a year since the release, this shouldn't be a problem.11:45
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amrjust reinstalled becomeroot12:04
amrnow when i go to do sudo gainroot i get:12:04
amrcal_read_block(r&d_mode): size zero, block not found?12:05
amrEnable RD mode if you want to break your device12:05
TPCjust give your user permission to do sudo su in the sudoers file12:06
TPCof course you have to be root do to this :P12:07
amrwell then, im kind of stuck with that aren't i :P12:08
TPCor just install the ssh server12:08
TPCand ssh to root@localhost12:08
TPCpassword is rootme if you haven't changed it12:08
amrno i dont think i have12:08
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amrgah i need to be root to install it?12:12
amrmaybe not12:13
amrpackage is incompatible with current software12:13
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amrunable to install :/12:19
amrno public key apparently12:19
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JaffaSo shiny:12:41
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VladDracyeah I've been waiting for the eeePC for months12:53
JaffaI'm trying to work out if the black or white looks better, and if I'll still want an N800 if I have an Eee12:53
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VladDracapple charges extra for black, so it must be better ;)12:55
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cosmohello, is there documentation for sobexsrv somewhere?13:06
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_stfn_TPC: Got a new battery - seems to be working, as it's fully loaded. The only thing I worry about now is that I don't get a "Plugged in" Icon in the upper right corner when charging.13:21
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amrtrying to install openssh-server from application manager13:32
amri flashed my tablet so its completely empty but ive got 'unable to install'13:32
amr /var/lib/dpkg/info/openssh-server.postinst: 308: cannot create /etc/ssh/sshd_config: Directory nonexistent13:33
amrdpkg: error processing openssh-server (--configure):13:33
amrsubprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 213:33
amrwhat can i do?13:33
sp3000offhand that sounds like a bug in the postinst script, but...13:33
sp3000um, but nothing :)13:34
amrhow do i install openssh then?13:35
sp3000maybe go root and mkdir /etc/ssh and see if it works then?13:35
sp3000the install that is13:35
amrok cheers13:35
sp3000and file a bug on the package ...where-ever it takes bugs, I guess13:35
amrive enabled redpill mode and trying to install 'ssh' now13:38
amrwhich has worked13:40
amrdoesnt have a persistent connection at all13:42
amri have to hit refres in the browser for my ssh to work13:42
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amris there a way to fix that13:45
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amris it normal for the device to only allow pings and ssh'ing when there is an active session on the tablet?14:22
amre.g. i can only do anything over ssh while i keep hitting refresh on the browser14:22
amrand i cant ping unless i do the same14:22
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Snig178Does anybody have any idea why my Xephyr display of scratchbox has unbelievably small font size?14:45
guardiandpi ?14:46
guardiando you start it with -dpi 96 ?14:47
Snig178Oh dear!14:47
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ulpei've got a bit of a (stupid) problem. I'm trying to draw a pixbuf on screen on window expose_event (kind of splash screen on window show), but the best I get is gray screen.14:50
ulpeI take a screenshot of the background, do stuff to it and try to show it...14:50
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ulpenow the stupid part: can the drawing be done in root window?-)14:52
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lardmanafternoon all15:17
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Snig178Does anyone have an example debian/rules file for packaging python apps?15:58
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devSnig178: - works for me16:24
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alteregoWell .. There's some consistency for you 'HILDON_TELEPHONE_EDITOR_TYPE' :/17:08
* alterego wonders whether that was intentional ..17:09
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SE-Wilco2Is there a CPU/memory monitor for OS 2007?17:21
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_Monkeyi heard osso-statusbar-cpu was at
SE-Wilco2Hmm.  The 2007 version wasn't visible when browsing maemo's web list.  And I have maemo-hackers repository but it didn't show there.17:30
disq2007 version is really nice17:30
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SE-Wilco2What is maemo-hackers name for app components?  "FIXME" is shown in
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disqno idea but i'll find out17:34
disqi updated my simple-launcher btw, not recommending it. the icon spacings are too narrow now. can't be used with fingers unless you use huge icons17:34
disqbora / main17:35
disqthe applications FIXME is for the available apps list17:36
disqyou don't need that to add the catalogue17:36
SE-Wilco2Oh.  osso-statusbar-cpu is showing in App Mgr.  Don't know how I overlooked it.17:38
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SE-Wilco2I configured osso-statusbar-cpu in Control Panel, but I don't see it anywhere.17:46
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disqSE-Wilco2: you have to enable the icon in statusbar17:58
disqfrom cp / navigation / status bar17:58
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SE-Wilco2Aha.  That's how statusbar is controlled.  Thanks.18:03
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SE-Wilco2Oh, good.  Opera's "connecting" bouncing blue stripe does not eat CPU.  Unlike some browsers' busy indicator.18:07
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sp3000you also can't make it go faster by trying to do more actions18:08
sp3000which is just boring18:08
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dortoWhat is the risk of upgrading Nokia N800 to IT OS 2007 version(<10%?)? My friend upgraded N770 to new version and his device went blank(WSoD)! :(18:10
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SE-Wilco2Mine updated to 2007 OK, as have others.  I don't know what the odds are, but hope Nokia would not have released it if there was a high probability of failure.18:13
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dortoSE-Wilco2, ok, thanks. Can the updated 2007 version be installed parallel to the currently installed version, say on a different SD card?18:21
SE-Wilco2I don't know.  Anyone know if one can download OS 2007 and install it on an SD card without flashing it internally?18:23
Jaffadorto: The N800 doesn't suffer from the WSOD problem and most/all N800s have been flashed without any problem.18:24
SE-Wilco2(I'm running from SD card 1, but I copied its OS from the internal)18:24
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toedhow fast are rs-mmc cards? 80mb is taking ages to copy over18:25
JussiPN800 only does USB 1.1, IIRC. That is slow.18:25
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toedjust the card though18:26
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JussiPThose are quite fast, I think.18:27
toedI'm using it with the little adapter thing and the sd card reader in my laptop and it's quite slow (~100KB/s)18:28
JussiPThe card reader may have a slow bus. Have you tried it with another card that would be faster?18:29
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toedI don't recall feeliing it was particularly slow when I used a regular sd card18:34
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dortoThanks SE-Wilco2, Jaffa, I will upgrade it then. I don't live in US so was a bit scared if the servicing situation would come up.18:37
dortoBoth my SD cards works at ~5 MBPS18:37
dortothe spec was ~12mpbs but 5mbps is quite good.18:37
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JaffaN800's USB 2 - it was 770 which was USB 1.1 IIRC18:56
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saaibmorning everyone19:03
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pupnik_  morning19:08
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saaibI downloaded a video from google video and used the Media Converter to have it 770 customized19:23
saaibhowever, the generated file (avi) can't be reproduced by the 770 video player19:23
saaibcomments, suggestions anyone?19:24
zeenixsaaib: reproduced?19:24
saaibzeenix, played, viewed19:24
pupnik_last time i used the media converter it was intended to make video for mplayer19:24
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saaibI have the avi file available on an apache web server, on the 770 I open the stream type in the url and the media complains it can't play the file19:25
saaibmhh.. so the default media player won't play it? well, now that I have the AVI file, what should I do to convert it so the 770 media player can play it?19:25
pupniki am not sure what the standard media player can handle.19:26
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saaibthe discovery video that comes with the 770 has a mime type video/x-msvideo, is that a wma?19:27
saaibmhh, its a Video for Windows (AVI)19:28
pupnikavi is just a container format, you also need codec information19:29
pupnikgoogle maemo media player supported codecs or something like that19:29
dortovideo successfully converted using Nokia Media Converter N770 should play with the default N800 media player19:34
dortocan you paste the video details somewhere and link here? say, using GSpot on Windows?19:34
dortoMedia Converter should convert it to MPEG at correct resolution(400x240 etc)19:36
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amrwell this is strange..19:41
amrbrowser starts and within seconds19:41
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amrif i run browser.launch from xterm19:42
amri get 'segmentation fault'19:42
amrhow come the default video player doesnt like 400*240 anyway19:46
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pupnikthe 770 is not a PC.  It has limited capacity for video playback.  Mplayer is a highly advanced and optimized hack that does 'more than it should be able to do' on that device.19:53
saaibdorto, Media Converter convert the file from mp4 to avi, I'll upload the video19:55
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latzkoI wrote an applet, I can put it onto the desktop but if I try to select any of the applet later, tablet hangs az layout mode. After a reboot the half of the desktop is messed up. After another reboot, the whole desktop is a mess :) After removing my applet with ssh , it will be fine20:03
dortoI select these settings: 400x240, frame rate: 29fps, bitrate: ~70kbps and all the videos play without any problem on default media player(no MPlayer required).20:03
saaibomg, the video is now playing :S I guess the first time I uploaded the file got corrupted somehow20:04
latzkoWhat's wrong with my code? Where to start? :)20:05
dortolatzko, did you try your applet in sandbox(that comes with developer SDK) first? Is it working there?20:08
dortosaaib: great :)20:08
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latzkodorto, yes, it works fine in sbox20:10
dortolatzko, hmmm. that's a toughie then :(20:11
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saaibdorto, did you use those setting on the Video converter application?20:14
dortoNot needed if you use Media Converter to conver the videos. Just select the quality you want and it will create compatible video.20:14
dortoI need to use those settings if I want to use another conversion tool, say AutoGK or HandBrake.20:15
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Alecrimhi all!!!20:45
Alecrimhow could I open the menu using command line on my N800?20:46
Alecrimany idea?20:50
bedboiAlecrim: i'm not sure if there's a dbus method to call20:50
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bedboibut if there is one, then you can use dbus-send20:51
bedboibtw i'm just guessing20:51
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Alecrimbedboi : thanks you very much !! how can I find the dbus method? any idea?20:52
[31d1]run dbus-monitor --system and see what it spits out when you do whatever20:53
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sp3000you could probably fake a keypress20:57
* sp3000 isn't sure about the dependencies on that20:57
* nomis probably would synthesize a mouseclick.20:58
sp3000in fullscreen?20:58
sp3000depends on the case :)20:58
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Alecrimsp3000: it's not in fullscreen21:01
sp3000e.g. can do clicks21:02
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AlecrimI tested xresponse, but not the version you're showing me.21:04
Alecrimsp3000: I'll test it with xresponse(version indicated)21:05
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Alecrimsp3000: sorry!! I'm wrong. I was using xautomation to automate clicks21:16
AlecrimI'll test xresponse21:16
* sp3000 spins the angel and the dark river21:20
sp3000(relevant sp3000 is relevant)21:20
pupnikanybody got a sdl-ttf 2.0.7 for osso?21:25
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Alecrimxresponse does not work with menu21:31
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pupnikbuilt libsdl-ttf2.0-dev_2.0.8-3_armel.deb21:47
pupnikhad to pull out the opengl stuff21:51
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pupnikmmap2(NULL, 69632, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x4084400022:19
pupnikthat means it wants to map 69632 kbytes ?22:19
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disqvoid * mmap2(void *start, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t pgoffset);22:20
disqso yeah22:20
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disq(from the mmap2 manpage)22:21
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pupnikhow do i edit applicationcatalog wishlist wiki?  i am logged in22:37
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pupniki can find no link to click on to edit incorrect/outdated stuff22:38
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erstazipupnik: do you have javascript turned on?22:44
erstazipupnik: if you have javascript turned on, you will have a menu that you can move around the screen.22:45
sp3000it doesn't seem to appear if you load the page initially with an anchor22:46
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sp3000or it's picked a clever spot to hide22:46
pupnikok thanks22:46
* sp3000 asks domi where it is22:46
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* sp3000 wonders wth javascript:alert(window.scrollY) says 0 when it's clearly not 022:49
sp3000no wonder my autoscroll bookmarklet doesn't work on these22:49
sp3000midgard does some strange stuff22:49
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sp3000in konqueror it appears the first time but not reload on an anchor22:55
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erstazisp3000: I have never been a fan of midguard... but they know the people, its right down the road from nokia I guess /:22:58
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khemhello, I want to see kernel messages over a serial port on my N800 any hints on how to do it23:00
erstazikhem: someone else asked this a few days ago23:01
erstazikhem: I don't remember the answer but google could be your friend to find it on the logs, they are accessible online23:02
khemerstazi: there seems to be some pads besides the battery23:02
khemthat can be used but I dont know which pin is what23:02
khemalterego: what would it take to get serial over USB23:06
alteregokhem, hostmode possible a powered HUB and a USB-RS232 adapter.23:07
alteregoThat's supported by Linux.23:07
alteregoAnd possibly a driver kernel module for said adapter.23:08
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khemalterego: kernel module might load pretty late23:12
khemin the boot process23:12
alteregoWell, custom kernel then :/23:13
alteregoThough, the module can be loaded as soon as linuxrc is executed from the initrd if you like.23:14
alteregoOtherwise yeah. If you want the kernel boot process too then you'll have to have it built in.23:14
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pupnik[Switching to Thread 16384 (LWP 1763)]23:14
pupnikSoftRenderSurface<unsigned short>::Fill32 (this=0x1eb670,23:14
pupnik    rgb=65535, sx=17, sy=224, w=2, h=8) at memset_n.h:13023:14
pupnik130     memset_n.h: No such file or directory.23:14
pupnik        in memset_n.h23:14
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pupnikah an alignment issue23:20
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pdbHello boys23:24
pdbI am using the nokia 77023:25
pdbI got a little problem with it23:25
pdbdoes not start streaming in vorbis *.ogg23:26
pdbonly mp323:26
pdbI downloaded ogg vorbis player23:27
pdbI installed it23:27
pdbWhen i founded the voice stream i putted the http23:28
pdband now is locked without doing nothing and without give a reply, it remains totally white why ?23:29
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pdbThen it is impossibile to visit other pages when i am downloading something i must to wait any time that fiinish the download to be sure that have downloaded all, many times happen it stops, or download any parts of all without i said to stop it it does himself23:39
pdbnow i got the battery down i must close the connection i must turn back to home to charge the battery and take my dinner23:41
pdbI invite all of you to visit http://richardwarriors.net23:43
pdbBye bye paolo23:44
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