IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2007-01-02

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pahartikis there way to open URLs from shell in Maemo?  (just like 'open' would on MacOS X)00:24
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JaffaMorning, all10:50
EloiGood morning and Happy new year ^^10:50
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Guardianmorning all, happy new year11:41
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jtokash2Has anyone done anything with mono on the 770?12:14
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qgiljtokash2: and many more references at
keesjI really think that mono is the main reason that sun is open sourcing j2me12:32
keesjand the startup time is outstanding on the Nokia 770. sounds great12:33
JussiPAlso, Classpath is getting close to 100% compliancy.12:33
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keesjand that would a an other reason to opensource java?12:36
JussiPYes. Since there's going to be a free version of Java anyway, it's in Sun's best interest to control that area as well.12:38
* lle has never understood how Sun makes any money from Java12:39
lleI think open sourcing it means they've finally given up their false hopes of generating serious revenue from it.12:40
llemaybe this reflects the end of yet another hardware company's dream of converting into a software company12:44
keesjlle but just imagine there was no java. what hardware can sun sell12:45
keesjit will not  run MS-webserver or whatever that is called :)12:45
lleSun had a hard time selling hardware, java or not12:46
lleI distinctly remember how some senior exec from Sun was preaching how they'll re-invent themselves as a software powerhouse. That was in late 90's.12:47
lleevery hw vendor goes through that at some point12:48
lleI'm waiting Dell to do it12:48
lleshould be hilarious12:48
koenit crashes every day, but you'll get a new copy delivered via UPS12:49
keesjand what about that slashdot article stating that opensolaris is to become something big?
* lle doesn't hold his breath while waiting for opensolaris to take over the world12:50
koen"What Paul Murphy, resident ZDNet Sun Fanboy, hopes will happen in IT 2007"12:52
koenthe better title for that slashdot article12:52
Guardianand most people are wondering "what the hell is opensolaris" :D12:54
suihkulokkiSun definetly does lots of nice stuff, but their senior execs are repulsive loudmouths12:54
suihkulokkiand sun does understand howto react to competition12:56
llesuihkulokki: have to agree, the damage they took post-bubble was always going to be very bad. I honestly don't know what they could've done to significantly alter the course of history12:57
suihkulokkimicrosoft showed that .net allows creating petshop application in less and more intuitive lines than in java, (much) easier setup, and the .net petshop performed much faster than the java one12:58
suihkulokkiand sun responded by "ow that petshop app is just a demonstration of java tech"12:58
suihkulokki"it's not supposed to be a benchmark"12:58
suihkulokkiinstead of actually finding out why java sucked compared to .net and fixing the issues, and coming back with a better "petshop" demo12:59
lleSun has been in the corporate IT business long enough to know that in the end, it's all about perception13:00
suihkulokkille: sun could have done something with cobalt.. they just killed cobalt and cobalt people formed montavista.13:01
lleprobably true, that was a brilliant waste of about $1B13:01
lledidn't know montavista was started from leftovers from cobalt? are you sure you're not mixing stuff?13:03
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lleI think you're mixing things, monta vista has hired quite a few ex-cobalt people, but that's like way after monta vista was started13:05
lleand it seems it was $2B, but that was bubble-era acquisition so it doesn't have any connection to reality.13:09
suihkulokkiyeh ok, I mixed up. I just remembered mvista seemed to have many cobalt people and made the connection wrong way13:12
suihkulokkille: well, cobalt was bought with (bubble-priced) stock, so it was only investors who lost13:14
llesuihkulokki: that's alwas good to keep in mind ;)13:15
lleI've no experience of the cobalt servers, so can't say if the whole deal was just hot air, or if there truly was something behind it. Not at all surprised that it hit a stonewall at Sun's engineering department though.13:17
suihkulokkille: basicly they created the first successfull linux appliance, a box you could by, attch the power and ethernet and you have file sharing and web.13:28
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suihkulokkisun of course got worried that people would buy rather the cheap and easy cobalt rather than one of the big and expensive sun servers13:30
llehmm, a linux box in 2000?13:31
llethat's what, a 2.0 kernel?13:32
suihkulokkiquite a bit ahead of time, yes13:32
lleyes, maybe too much :)13:32
koen2000? that might be 2.413:33
koen2.0 is ~1994 iirc13:33
koenthe days when 2.0.30 was *new* and *shiny*13:34
lleright, getting these decades right gets harder and harder... :(13:34
lleit must've been 2.213:35
llethat came out in 9913:35
lle1994 was 1.013:35 wiki says cobalts first shipped with 2.0.x13:36
lleso I guessed right ;)13:36
llestill, my point was that maybe, just maybe the sun engineers were onto something when they didn't immediately say "ooooh!" and jump onboard the merry linux bandwagon.13:37
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llesuihkulokki: you're saying that cobalt used mips?13:40
suihkulokkille: the first ones yes, later they changed to x8613:41
lleno wonder sun dropped it then. I mean, how stupid would you be if you replace your own niche cpu with an even more obscure one... ;)13:41
suihkulokkiaccording some page in the internet (so it must be true) they ported linux to mips13:41
lleif its functionality was anything like the Linux NAS box we got in '99, it must've been crap13:42
llecan't be much difference since it would be based on Samba anyway.13:43
suihkulokkithey still were 7y ahead of everyone else13:45
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timelessi'm confused, this isn't #opensolaris, i'm in both, could you please stop confusing me?14:05
kendertimeless, this is #maemo14:11
timelessa whole bunch of the last comments were about opensolaris. btw i'm not registered, so i can't ctcp reply :)14:12
kendertimeless, oh, I thought that you were using bitchx or iirc , those sometimes are confusing14:12
timelessoh, i'm using epic, and it clealy shows <lle:#maemo> Sun has been in the corporate IT business long enough to know14:13
llehmm, I wonder what would then be the expected content for #maemo?14:15
timelessnote, i'm not specifically picking on you, my scrollback ran out of good quotables14:16
lleyou're seriously complaining about off-topicness on IRC? :P14:17
kenderand, timeless , by the way, why that topic?14:18
timelessyes :)14:18
timelesskender: because i'm in #opensolaris and it's really strange14:18
timelessit /doesn't/ make sense to me for people to be talking about it here14:18
kenderI'm not saying anything about off-topics or not14:19
kenderI'm asking about the topic of this channel14:19
timelesswell, crashes / hangs in pdf viewer14:19
timelesscrashes in home14:19
kender"shapr hugs Finland"14:19
timelessproblems getting WLAN working or finding your WLAN password14:19
timelessproblems w/ scratchbox14:19
timelesscross compiling/porting14:20
timelessproblems w/ maemo.org14:20
timelesshelp w/ garage14:20
timelesscomplaints that sucks14:20
lleall about problems... so negative.14:20
timelessi have a very long list14:20
kendertimeless, yes14:20
kenderand I undertand those14:20
kenderI'm agree with you14:20
kenderbut my question14:20
timelesshrm, well, if you have positive feedback, i'd rather you send it to management or something14:20
kenderisn't that14:20
timelessso that it's archived for posterity14:20
llehaha ;)14:20
timelessirc is too temporal for that14:20
timelessat least let marketting use your happy satisfied customer quotes14:21
lletoo timeless, you might say?14:21
timelessin one meaning, yes :)14:21
lledo not worry, I'll refrain from making positive comments or anything that could be understood as an endorsement concerning maemo or 770.14:22
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timelessi don't mean to come off as that negative14:23
timelessit's just that, there's nothing to fix in a good comment14:23
timelessi can't make good better14:23
timelessi'd gladly try to help w/ porting problems :)14:24
llewell, if it can't be improved upon, just focus on undermining its credibility14:24
timelessis that a sun/java/ms/.net reference?14:25
lleyeah, in a rather vague sense14:25
* pahartik wonders if Canola is hardcoded to not see MPEG ADTS AAC or MPEG audio layer 2 content14:25
* timeless thinks canola is hard coded to cause the device to reboot in 3months14:25
koencheck the source14:28
koenoh, wait...14:28
timelessis it closed source?14:28
llewhat is this Kanala thing people keep talking about?14:29
koentimeless: yes14:29
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keesjlle,something like this
keesjbut it did not work for me14:42
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keesj770 is big endian right18:20
keesjhmm apparently not.18:21
koenit can be bigendian18:22
koenlika any ARM core18:22
keesjcan? I just read on a blog that it's little-endian18:24
lleit's configured that way18:25
koenarm cores are endian agnostic18:25
koenif you want it to be BE, make the kernel init it as BE18:25
llefor this particular implementation using big-endian would be sub-optimal18:25
koenfor extra fun, use softfpa as ABI on a LE booted arm core18:26
koenthat will make the floatingpoint word order BE18:26
koenain't arm fun?18:26
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keesjThat just sounded like some kind of rap,18:44
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Guardiandoes gtk have something builtin that enables to create widgets out of an xml description at runtime ?19:08
tkoUIManager sort of does it, but the libglade equivalent isn't in any released version yet19:10
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tkopublic class Pair { public Object getThird() ...20:13
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tkohmm, if I'm interpreting the message from tax office correctly, they're basically saying "we made a mistake, you pay"20:31
s-ndh-cis there a c# binding for the hildon librarys?20:33
s-ndh-ci would like to testdrive mono on my 77020:34
s-ndh-cif not i will stay with c instead :)20:34
florian_kcuse c :-)20:42
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s-ndh-ciam used to gtkmm i hope using the c api isnt that much different20:49
s-ndh-cis it?20:49
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Pioyou guys have much luck with gpesyncd syncing to evolution?21:59
koenPio: yes, but I last tried a year ago since gpe-calendar now supports .ics over http22:01
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Guardianre, in a RC file, is it possible to make bg_pixmap use a region on a bigger image file by specifying origin x,y and width,height ?22:38
bstockso, i saw this video of a guy using a 770 to get into cell phones via bluetooth. I know it's a vulnerability in the cell phone's bluetooth implimentation, but is it just that the phones allow unauthorized pairing or is it more then that? the video is here:
qgilbstock: interesting video, the 770 itself seems to be innocent, though23:03
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bstockright i agree23:04
bstocki was just wondering if he had to run special software to get that to work or just pair it up and do it... i don't know how some of the other cell phones work23:05
X-Fadebstock: Typical bluesnarfing? You can use any pc with bt for that?23:06
qgilbstock: I'm not the bluetooth expert but it seems that pairing is just enough - the "privacy" is based on proximity23:06
bstockhuh.. i'd be surprised if they would allow pairing without authentication. i know current phones do23:07
bstockwikipedia says 'Any device with its Bluetooth connection turned on and set to "discoverable" (able to be found by other Bluetooth devices in range) can be attacked'23:08
bstockthat really sucks, must be a vulnerability in the bluetooth RFC or something..?23:08
s-ndh-cbstock: why?23:11
bstockwhy what?23:11
s-ndh-cdont use bluetooth untrusted locations, its as easy as that23:11
s-ndh-cor better dont use it ever23:11
bstockright i don't..23:11
bstockwell i use bluetooth to pair to my 770 as well as bluetooth headset23:11
s-ndh-cyeah i see23:12
bstockbut on my razr, i have to enable discoverable mode manually and it only lasts 60 seconds, so i'm not worried about getting attacked or anything23:12
bstockit just sucks that bluetooth has those problems23:13
* pahartik uses Bluetooth everywhere23:13
* s-ndh-c doesnt even have a single bluetooth device besides my n77023:18
* pahartik would not know how to use Nokia 770, or what to use Nokia 770 for, without Bluetooth23:21
suihkulokkipft, that wikipedia article is hysterical and uninformative23:21
bstockyes well it's not exactly a hacking guide or anything..23:22
bstockjust general info about the subject23:22
Pioso if i see a package that wants some scirocco libs, but i have mistral, if i add scirocco repos in my sources.list, it will pull in the scirocco packages that it needs and keep my other mistral stuff intact right?23:23
suihkulokkibstock: nobody is claiming that tcp/ip is insecure because there are tcp/ip servers with security issues23:23
rabelaisagreed, just because the implementation by most stacks is buggy doesn't make the protocol itself flawed...23:25
bstockyes but the bt problem seems to be an issue with the bt protocal.. i think, not the implimentation of bt23:25
bstocki don't know much on the subject23:25
bstockit just looked like the protocal had security flaws23:25
bstockis that not true?23:25
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suihkulokkisome specific bluetooth _services_ have security issues23:27
bstockhmm alright23:28
bstockso only certain phones have issues, not all phones that are discoverable by default?23:28
suihkulokkicertain phones have issues23:29
bstockalright, then the wikipedia article is inaccurate23:30
suihkulokkifor example 770 does not have any listening bluetooth services, so there is notthing to attack23:33
suihkulokkifrom the vague descriptions of bluesnarfing I could find, it seems that basicly many phones allow accessing virtual serial port service from any client when set to discoverable23:34
glass_snarfing on media is usually media hungry moviestyle misinformation shit23:35
suihkulokkigenerally allowing anyone to access when discoverable should only be allowed for services such as OBEX push, where a dialog is presented to user to accept/decline23:36
suihkulokkialthough many people will just hit accept to whatever dialog they see..23:37
suihkulokkibut you don't want to pair with someone just to exchange vcards23:37
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llesuihkulokki: depends how she looks23:44
rabelaisoh, I have a question about the telepathy connection managers, when telepathy-sip is released, will it just be dropped into the framework and now the 770 will have SIP support?23:51
rabelaisor will we also need some kind of frontend as well?23:51

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