IRC log of #maemo-devel for Tuesday, 2016-02-23

*** M4rtinK has quit IRC00:59
*** povbot has joined #maemo-devel06:57
fredddIf a package says karma 6 out of 6 does that mean it will be pushed toward "extras" if it meets the other requirements?10:56
fredddThe wiki mentions a karma of >10 is required.10:56
*** freddd has quit IRC12:15
*** freddd has joined #maemo-devel13:05
*** DocScrutinizer05 has joined #maemo-devel18:55
*** DocScrutinizer05 has left #maemo-devel18:57
*** M4rtinK2 has joined #maemo-devel21:12
*** freddd has quit IRC21:50

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