IRC log of #maemo-devel for Sunday, 2015-01-11

*** kong_ has joined #maemo-devel01:09
kong_Hi, i have tryed to code a front-cam application for n900. now i can run it using ssh@root command "./appname", but after i created a file /usr/share/applications/hildon/appname.desktop contains, i can add the app to desktop icons and run but it does just a 'click' and exit after ~5sek.... on the ssh method it works fine!01:15
kong_do i need to run it by root? idk whats wrong01:16
bencohkong_: what if you add Terminal=false to the .desktop ?01:45
bencohoh, and, better to move to #maemo01:46
kong_same bad result01:47
kong_same 'click' is result of execute: gst-inspect v4l2src! :D01:58
kong_looks like if my cv app working, but then freeze01:59
kong_maybe that app needs root, i tryed "Exec=sudo /home/user/app" in .desktop! same bad result. "Exec=fakeroot /home/user/app" looks completly fals ^^02:01
bencohcan you run it as user (from a shell) ?02:02
bencohthen it doesnt need sudo :)02:08
bencohyou should ask on #maemo02:13
kong_but isnt here developer channel? :P02:16
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*** kong__ has joined #maemo-devel05:13
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*** mirda has joined #maemo-devel12:22
*** floty has joined #maemo-devel16:24

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