IRC log of #maemo-devel for Sunday, 2010-07-11

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malcolmciHey guys, what would be the recommended IDE for a fledling maemo dev? Going through the wiki, not sure if I should go with MADDE/QtCreator, Eclipse, or CLI with vim/gcc etc. Help?08:02
malcolmciI'm on Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit, basically just after the best-supported platform08:02
ptlNokia QT SDK 2.008:04
ptl(it comes with MADDE and QtCreator)08:04
malcolmciOK, thanks pt1. I'm on the page for Nokia QT SDK 1.0, got a link for 2.0 ?08:06
malcolmciJust going through the wiki for 1.0 (2.0 was a typo?), I've already got the SDK set-up in Xephyr - is that going to complicate things?08:10
ptlno, it will not, but they will be two separata environments08:11
ptlit's 2.008:11
ptlnot a type08:11
ptl*not a typo08:11
malcolmciCould you link me to the download page for 2.0?08:11
ptler... oh, sorry08:12
ptlit's really "Nokia QT SDK 1.0" but it comes with Qt Creator 2.008:12
malcolmciAhh, gotcha08:12
malcolmciAlright, so just to make sure, I have a scratchbox/sdk installation on /scratchbox/ - but this Qt SDK won't get confused? Does it supply it's own sandbox environment?08:15
malcolmciSorry, just going through its website. Looks like everything should be OK. Thankyou ptl :)08:18
ptlyou're welcome :)08:18
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ptlmy time to ask a question. How can I get the album art image for MP3s like in the Media Player?08:39
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SpeedEvilAnyone done SDL stuff?19:21
SpeedEvilI - as a quick test - compiled ffplay for something - it seems to work surprisingly well for me.19:21
SpeedEvilhowever - the system gets rather upset at what SDL does19:21
Venemowhat do you mean by upset?19:23
SpeedEvilwell - for example - SDL content showing over whatever is on the desktop at the moment, and then not responding to touch events19:24
VenemoSpeedEvil: that's weird19:27
VenemoSpeedEvil: all I know about SDL comes from here:
SpeedEvilyes - I'm not doing that19:27
VenemoSpeedEvil: not doing what?19:28
SpeedEvilIt seems I'm drawing on the raw framebuffer19:28
VenemoSpeedEvil: you may also want to look at this:
SpeedEvilI am at the moment just doing quick hacks to work out stuff.19:29
SpeedEvilMy build process looks like:19:29
SpeedEvilapt-get install build-essentials, then wget/configure/make install for SDL, ffmpeg19:29
SpeedEvilwhich works - but I probably need to actually read stuff :)19:30
VenemoSpeedEvil: reading the docs is always a good idea -  if you have docs19:32
VenemoSpeedEvil: for example, I would gladly read the MADDE docs if there were any19:32
SpeedEvilI have way too little energy for proper hacking.19:32
VenemoSpeedEvil: I'm struggling to get a 3rd party library installed in MADDE - with no success19:32
SpeedEvilI'm trying to act as a catalyst by showing quick proof-of-concept hacks.19:33
SpeedEvilSo others with more of a clue can polish them into actual usable stuff.19:33
VenemoSpeedEvil: do you use Scratchbox or MADDE?19:35
SpeedEvilI build on the device19:35
VenemoSpeedEvil: ah.19:35
SpeedEviljust copied / to /data/chroot - and then apt-get'd the sdk build-essentials package and went from there19:36
VenemoSpeedEvil: and isn't it slow?19:36
VenemoSpeedEvil: I mean, it can take considerable time to compile sometimes even on my dual-core machine19:37
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SpeedEvilThere is slow and slow.20:05
SpeedEvilYes, the kernel - for example - takes around 3 hours to compile.20:05
SpeedEvilBut I rarely have times when I can't just work on other stuff for 3 hours.20:06
SpeedEvilAnd smaller stuff - for example - wpatools - took only a few mins to build.20:06
VenemoSpeedEvil: good to hear that :)20:13
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ecksunWhat package is needed to use QtPlugin?22:34
Venemoecksun: I dunno... isn't it in QtCore?23:01
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ecksunVenemo, I dont think so23:07
ecksunI have it installed23:07
ecksunit works in my normal setup, but not inside scratchbox23:08
Venemoecksun: is it a separate library then?23:09
ecksunwell, thats what I dont know23:10
Venemoecksun: perhaps try #qt or #qt-maemo23:10
ecksunyeah, will do23:11
ecksunthank you23:11
Venemoecksun: on workdays, some people from the Qt team are there. (In European work time)23:16
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ecksunokay, nice23:28
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