IRC log of #maemo-devel for Monday, 2010-07-05

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LiraNunaso apparently Qt on N900 supports OGL ES 2.0 only05:05
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LiraNunak, so I am now using QPainter + QGLWidget05:40
LiraNunathing is, now QNetworkAccessManager isn't working05:40
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LiraNunaanyone care to test my pre-alpha map app?07:48
LiraNunamostly speed related07:49
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LiraNuna :(10:05
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dotblankLiraNuna, I can test it10:35
lbtLiraNuna: wasn't there something about the HW not being able to do GL pixmap blitting or something?10:41
dotblankit runs for me but the code on github doesn't do much10:41
dotblankI wodnering if he needs to git push the changes or update it10:41
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dotblanklbt, hardware pixmap blitting seems pretty core not to work10:45
dotblankalso the drawing should be doubled buffer10:47
dotblankbecause when I drag I get some terrible tearing and black boxes10:47
w00t_are you viewing using GL?10:48
dotblankI tried both10:49
w00t_and you still see tearing using -graphicssystem raster?10:49
dotblankh/o let me test10:49
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aboyerw00t: does the tearing only happend when using the gl painting engine?10:50
dotblankyup happens no matter what. only occurs in fullscreen mode10:50
aboyerdotblank: are you using qt?10:51
dotblankaboyer, yes10:51
dotblankaboyer, This is not my app but i was just taking a look at it10:52
aboyeri was told that this is a graphics driver problem on fremantle... here is more information
aboyerapparently the situation will improve for harmattan/meego10:53
dotblankActually this is occuring on desktop qt10:53
dotblankin fullsreen10:53
dotblankI don't think the fullscreen is done right in the code10:54
dotblankbecause you should be able to initialize a fullscreen opengl screen right?10:54
dotblankinstead the code just has the opengl widget fullscreened10:54
dotblankI don't think they are the same10:55
dotblanki'm not an expert on open gl I have no clue how this works10:55
aboyerwe need a qt expert here, but i was under the impression that it was...10:55
aboyeryou just put qglwidget as the mainwidget in your app and then call showFullscreen() on your app...10:56
dotblanknow im going to start messing with open gl for the next 3 hours10:56
aboyernot sure how else to do it...10:56
dotblankaboyer, it can't be that simple10:56
w00t_it is supposed to be that simple10:56
dotblankhmm then either my xorg or video drivers are broken with qtogl10:57
dotblankplease wait while I test this mor10:57
aboyerdotblank: that is most likely the case in my experience10:57
aboyeryou can also use the test application i wrote that is attached to the bug report i posted above. it shows major tearing on maemo fremantle but not on desktop (for me at least)10:58
dotblankjust did the hello world ogl example app11:00
dotblankin fullscreen11:00
dotblankno tearing on desktop11:00
* w00t_ looks at the source11:01
w00t_I don't see tearing11:02
dotblankin the n900 google maps code?11:02
dotblankon desktop?11:02
w00t_.. yes :P11:02
dotblank:) hmm11:03
dotblankwhat resolution is your desktop at11:03
dotblankI'm at 1920x108011:04
dotblankafter I drag the image it redraws the screen black11:05
w00t_I don't know offhand, but it isn't small11:05
dotblankw00t_, you don't have a compositing WM do you?11:06
w00t_I do11:06
dotblankI don't11:06
w00t_but at least from what I know fullscreen windows should disable composite11:06
dotblankI dunno if it applies to qt apps11:06
dotblankcan you use the app in fullscreen and hit super e (assuming you have expo with compiz)11:07
w00t_tried things like that, I can't replicate anywhere near what you get11:09
dotblankwell it will just be a mystery forever then11:10
dotblankI got a screen cap of what happens11:23
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w00t_that is interestingly bad, unfortunately, I don't get it at all :-P11:25
dotblanknote when it drag it flickers11:26
dotblankI drag*11:26
dotblankoh well11:27
dotblankits probably nvidia's broken drivers11:27
w00t_I use the closed ones11:29
w00t_really, no idea11:29
w00t_but it's not all that relevant I suppose11:29
dotblankyea this isn't that big of a deal just a curious problem11:31
LiraNunais my device the only one it happens to?12:00
VenemoLiraNuna: what is happening?12:00
LiraNunaslowness while dragging12:01
LiraNunaor is it purely perception issue12:01
w00t_(I'll have a look in a bit, busy with other things btw)12:01
LiraNuna<dotblank> LiraNuna, I can test it12:02
LiraNunastill up for it dotblank12:02
dotblankLiraNuna, sure12:04
VenemoLiraNuna: slowness while dragging what?12:04
LiraNunaVenemo, ^12:04
VenemoLiraNuna: ah12:05
LiraNunarun it from xterm12:06
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dotblankwhats the problem?12:07
dotblankworks for me12:07
LiraNunayeah, the dragging is sluggish12:08
dotblankI think its because you need to limit the amount of translations12:08
w00t_LiraNuna: no idea if it's relevant, but instead of calling glDraw(), try call update() in mouseMoveEvent()12:08
LiraNunalet's try12:09
LiraNunait used to be updateGL12:09
LiraNunabut that is basically calling glDraw via virtual method12:09
LiraNunaI figured it's heavy12:09
Venemofor me, it just displays a big blank screen12:10
LiraNunayou need internet access12:10
dotblankVenemo, really?12:10
LiraNunait fetches a tile from google maps12:10
Venemoyes, really12:10
dotblankVenemo, thats what I got when running fullscreen on my x64 desktop linux12:10
VenemoI selected a connection when launching it12:10
Venemoah, okay12:11
Venemonow I ran the app AFTER I set up a connection12:11
Venemoit displays the same tile all over12:11
w00t_LiraNuna: update() schedules a repaint instead of forcing one like it looks glDraw() would do, so it might spend a little less of its time worrying about repainting12:11
w00t_but this is just conjecture12:11
LiraNunalet me fetch my phone12:11
Venemoit displays the Same tile in a 6×6 grid, and there is nothing outside them12:13
Venemoalso I see no option to exit12:13
LiraNunano change12:14
LiraNunaVenemo, I know I know12:14
VenemoLiraNuna: btw, dragging is not sluggish for me :)12:14
LiraNunaVenemo, are you sure?12:14
LiraNunaput your finger on something, move it fast12:15
LiraNunaand see if it's there the whole drag time12:15
dotblankthe sluggishness is very small for me12:15
LiraNunait's massive for me12:16
VenemoLiraNuna: well, it doesn't follow my finger pixel-perfectly exactly all the time, but it isn't choppy nor sluggish12:16
* w00t_ gets his n90012:16
VenemoLiraNuna: although some kinetic scrolling would be welcome :12:16
dotblankI mean its really smooth for me12:18
dotblankmaybe lags about 100ms12:18
dotblankno matter what12:18
LiraNunawhy can't it follow me pixel perfect12:19
LiraNunamicrob does it12:19
dotblankit does for me12:19
LiraNunaeven if you move your finger fast enough across screen?12:20
VenemoLiraNuna: it is only noticable when I swipe it crazily fast12:20
VenemoLiraNuna: if I swipe that fast, even MicroB is unable to follow me12:20
dotblankMaybe if you create a QTimer to send updates every couple of ms and connect that to slot to update the drawing12:21
w00t_please, don't do that12:21
dotblankok nvm12:21
dotblankis that bad?12:21
w00t_it shouldn't be necessary and it's a good way to drain battery12:21
Venemodotblank: battery eater12:21
LiraNunathat would make it slower12:21
w00t_the QTimer will add an additional wakeup, and it will appear to respond slowly too12:21
* w00t_ waits for git to clone inside scratchbox12:22
VenemoLiraNuna: don't bother yourself with this stuff... just believe us that it scrolls fine12:22
LiraNunaVenemo, but it doesn't for me12:22
dotblankWhat other apps are you running12:22
dotblankmaybe check top12:22
VenemoLiraNuna: perhaps you are running more background apps?12:22
LiraNunaonly batterygraph is background app12:22
VenemoLiraNuna: for me, media player was running in the background12:23
* LiraNuna reboots12:23
VenemoLiraNuna: did you run it on scratchbox, n900 emulator, or the device itself?12:23
LiraNunaI don't know how to run it on zepher/scratchbox12:24
VenemoLiraNuna: me neither (I use MADDE)12:24
LiraNunawhat's MADDE12:24
dotblankI used to use xbox with zepher12:25
w00t_Qt SDK basically12:25
w00t_I can't really fault scrolling performance either12:25
Venemoit is a cross-compiler along with some stuff that lets you compile for ARM on your computer12:25
Venemoit also has some tools for running your app remotely12:25
Venemoand it is what Nokia Qt SDK uses, too :)12:25
dotblankw00t_, it seems like its trying to update or repaint the screen to often12:25
dotblankthere has to be a way to limit it12:26
LiraNuna<dotblank> w00t_, it seems like its trying to update or repaint the screen to often12:26
dotblankmaybe if you ruduceing the number of calls mousemoveevent12:27
dotblankyou reduce*12:27
w00t_it isn't even hitting the CPU12:27
LiraNunaw00t_, how can you tell?12:27
w00t_LiraNuna: run top in another terminal, wait a while until it calms down, then run your application and do whatever you want to do12:28
w00t_it isn't a scientific measure, but it'll help give you an idea12:28
LiraNuna 1530  1453 user     S    16368  6.6 11.2 ./n900-google-maps12:28
LiraNuna10% CPU12:29
w00t_which is not a significant amount12:29
Venemo10% is not much, at all.12:29
w00t_I get 20-25% just from scrolling the launcher list, for example12:29
dotblankphonon playing an mp3 uses about 30%12:30
dotblankbut pulse pretty much uses the rest12:30
LiraNunaso it is using the gpu12:30
* w00t_ tries something12:31
LiraNunaI think dotblank is right about the mouseevents12:32
w00t_do you know how patches work?12:34
LiraNunapatch -p0 < patchfile12:35
w00t_one moment12:36
LiraNuna"The probleme might be that you update the screen for each mouse event.12:36
dotblankwell I got a method to limit the redraw events12:37
Venemoa simple bool variable would do it actually12:38
LiraNunait's my very first Qt project ever12:38
dotblankVenemo, I tried that but it still updated too often12:39
Venemodotblank: interesting12:39
dotblankVenemo, instead I used QTime and compared times12:39
dotblankI set if it takes less then 25 ms don't redraw12:40
dotblanksomething like that12:40
dotblankworks alright12:40
Venemodotblank: nice12:41
LiraNunathe redrawing routine take sless than 5000 nanoseconds12:42
w00t_try that, tell me what you think of it12:42
LiraNunathat won't use GL, though right?12:42
* LiraNuna scp'd the x86_64 build 12:47
dotblankthis is my changes to make it a timed update12:47
LiraNunadotblank, you can decrease that number to 1612:48
LiraNuna16.67ms / frame == 60FPS12:48
LiraNunaw00t_, same speed, more flicker12:49
w00t_LiraNuna: ok, I don't know what you're seeing, so I guess I'll leave you to it12:49
LiraNunaand CPU is now 60%12:50
w00t_yes, it will be12:50
LiraNunaI assumed so12:50
LiraNunaCPU pushing pixels12:50
w00t_it wasn't intended as a final solution, more as a means to finding the actual problem12:50
LiraNunalet me try dotblank's solution12:51
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dotblankLiraNuna, did it work?13:29
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lcukw00t_, LiraNuna dotblank - ive seen talk and videos of this problem on desktop machines, care to do same for device, and no as much as i think you guys are tops im not running binaries :p13:36
LiraNunaoops, I dosed off13:39
LiraNunalcuk, you don't trust me code? :P13:39
LiraNunadotblank, it's better but it now feels choppy, as I thought13:39
lcukLiraNuna, i trust your code, i dont trust your binaries :P13:43
lcukits on github isnt it13:43
LiraNunaI give binaries for the lazy13:43
LiraNunaalso, do you recompile every .deb for yourself too?13:45
LiraNunathat's quite the paranoia :)13:45
dotblankwell I trust autobuilder slightly more13:46
dotblankbut not really13:46
LiraNunaautobuilder doesn't really verify that malicious code presents13:46
dotblankyea but the source code has to be available for the autobuilder to work13:47
lcukLiraNuna, from maemo servers is one thing13:47
LiraNuna"but from random stranger on the internet it's another"13:47
LiraNunadotblank, that's why I linked to the code13:48
dotblankLiraNuna, +1 one for. we are really just kidding13:48
dotblanknot that big of a deal13:48
lcukLiraNuna, plus its a ballache to get binaries, using app manager is simpler13:48
LiraNunamy very first app for the N90013:48
LiraNunabe gentle13:49
dotblankhonestly I can say Qt has added a lot of new devs13:49
dotblankme included13:49
dotblankalthough new13:49
LiraNunaI'm not going to package it until it reaches a state where it's usable13:49
dotblankLiraNuna, one thing do you intend to call methods in the test.h file?13:50
LiraNunaoh, no13:51
LiraNunait's called test.h for a reason13:51
dotblankthats what I thought13:51
dotblankI was confused13:51
LiraNunait won't stay for long13:51
LiraNunaI just want to design it as such that fetching tiles isn't a big deal13:51
LiraNunagoogle has 4 tile servers you can offload13:52
dotblankmaybe the lag in input is more of an issue with the touchscreen driver and kernel and qt sending events13:52
dotblankI would say it would add a bit of delay13:52
dotblankmaybe if you inluded raw xinput support13:52
lcukLiraNuna, whilst testing, include a small set of cached tiles on your folder13:58
lcukonce downloaded use them13:58
lcukgoogle can and do kick you off their servers13:58
LiraNunaoh they did13:59
lcuki once got blocked from them from my ip and have never gotten back on since13:59
LiraNunaI got a 24h ban13:59
lcuki did similar to you, a simple tile renderer - and i set off on an epic pan west13:59
lcukdownloaded ~200 tiles almost at once13:59
LiraNunayeah, that's burst13:59
LiraNunahappened to me 2 days ago13:59
LiraNunawas banned for 24h13:59
lcukso cache cache cache13:59
LiraNunalcuk, I got caching going14:00
LiraNunabut I'll need to make it possible for multi-server input14:00
LiraNunasince there are 4 tile servers14:00
lcukthere are many tile providers also14:01
LiraNunaI know14:01
LiraNunaI'm going to focus on google and their services14:01
lcukyou know lira, you should look at ..14:01
LiraNuna^ that's why14:01
LiraNunaI want street view, I want google's navigation, POIs14:02
LiraNunaI downloaded it14:02
lcukit has much of what you are trying to hack at14:02
lcukis simplistic code14:02
lcukand works on device14:02
lcukand multiprovider14:02
LiraNunaI don't know if it's too heavy for my needs though14:02
LiraNunaI'm aiming for speed mainly14:02
lcukqmapcontrol is light14:02
LiraNunaI'm sick of Ovi Maps 50 seconds startup time14:03
lcukyou could get the qt marble thingy if you want heavy14:03
LiraNunaand Mapparo is just NOT user friendly14:03
lcukbut qmapcontrol looks like the kind of code i would write ;)14:03
lcukie i downloaded it and understood it :p14:03
LiraNunadidn't look at it yet14:04
LiraNunajust downloaded it14:04
dotblanklcuk, you understood code?14:05
lcukdotblank, shush14:06
* lcuk dreams in code14:06
lcuksometimes even vb14:06
lcukthose days i wake up incold sweats14:06
dotblanklcuk, that must have been a literal nightmare14:06
fralsyou should start dreaming in python! ;-)14:06
lcukeeeeeep frals14:07
lcuktho i have python doing what i need now14:07
lcukand liqbase is also feeling good14:07
lcukglad ive spent some time getting head back into it14:07
dotblankI used to use python but know im trying to be native :)14:08
LiraNunalcuk, qmapcontrol was kinda the way I was going for14:09
LiraNunajust without 'adapters'14:10
lcukadapters is fine and allows it to be expandable14:10
lcuk"imagine a world without google"14:10
LiraNunaI don't care about expandability -14:10
LiraNunalcuk, then it's a world without my app14:10
dotblanklcuk, and what AOL keywords being the main thing to go for?14:10
LiraNunalcuk, only thing I "envy" the iphone is native google maps14:10
dotblankmy TI-83 had native google maps14:11
lcukdotblank, ?14:11
dotblankoh whoops14:11
lcukLiraNuna, i dont envy the iphone anything14:11
dotblankI ment palm treo14:11
dotblankti-83 and palm treo.. same thing really14:11
LiraNunalcuk, neither do I - because now I'm fixing the situation14:11
LiraNunalcuk, remember this is an open source project - if anyone wants another provider - feel free to modify14:12
fralslcuk: wheres the "send as MMS" option in liqpostcard? ;)14:12
lcukfrals, waiting for your input :)14:12
lcukand also for me to fix the damned sketch drawing in portrait mode14:12
lcuki am having some trickery getting it to happily handle scaling and drawing14:13
LiraNunakguys it's 4am here; I'm off to bed14:14
fralslcuk: what do you need my input for? ;-)14:14
fralso/ LiraNuna14:15
lcuktell me whats needed to fire off fmms with a picture and message14:15
lcukit will need some contacts dialog stuff adding i bet14:15
lcuki dunno still how liqbase interacts with popup dialogs ontop14:16
fralsi got a dbus interface for opening a new mms with message+text attached in a new window14:16
fralsie what happens when its launched from sharing services thingy14:16
lcukreasonable enough14:17
fralsdont have one for straight away sending since the error handling is a bit meh atm ;)14:18
lcuksame with many things frals14:19
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