IRC log of #maemo-devel for Friday, 2010-07-02

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lardmanas QtCreator seems to be moaning about certain components, such as QVersitReader, saying the file doesn't exist (which is not surprising), what should one do?00:28
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lardmaninstall the relevant headers under x86 or point QtCreator at the sb header location?00:28
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Venemolardman: huh, how did you get that?00:28
lardmanI've not yet, just hoping that I can use it to import a vCard00:29
lardmanI get the same with e.g. QContact*00:29
w00t_lardman: you're using the Qt SDK?00:29
w00t_(instead of sb?)00:29
lardmanno, sb00:29
w00t_I haven't done things that way so I suppose it's up to you00:30
w00t_technically I'd probably go for the "point at sb" option00:30
w00t_that way you don't run the risk of one copy getting out of sync00:30
lardmanDoes the Qt SDK run under Windows? I will be away for a while with only a Windows laptop00:30
lardmandoes versit come installed? I can't find it via apt-cache search00:32
w00t_versit is part of Qt Mobility.. I imagine installing that gets you the lot00:33
w00t_*I'm not positive though)00:33
lardmanok cool00:33
w00t_SDK runs on windows, yes00:33
dotblankI can't seem to compile qt3 code on windows 700:33
lardmanlibqtm-versit to be exact00:34
w00t_qt3? :-)00:34
w00t_that's a blast from the past00:34
dotblankat least it makes me want to bash my keyboard against the wall00:34
dotblankoops ment qt400:34
w00t_the SDK *should* have made that a bit easier00:34
w00t_let me find links00:34
dotblankwell for windows targets00:34
w00t_ <- that one00:35
dotblankcompiling for the n900 in windows works i think00:35
w00t_oh, I see00:35
dotblankbut for desktop target its a  no go00:35
w00t_compiling *for* windows will largely depend on what you use, too00:35
dotblankits a royal pain trying to do dev on windows00:35
w00t_for instance, I note that Groove has some Maemo5 specific code that isn't ifdef'd for Maemo only (I can send you a patch for that if you like)00:35
lardmanare the qt-mobility libs installed by default on the N900? They seem rather large00:35
dotblankw00t_, it is now00:36
w00t_lardman: not yet I believe, next update00:36
w00t_but other stuff uses them00:36
w00t_(at least, that is just my guessing.. given they weren't really mature when 1.2 came around)00:36
lardmanso what does the contacts app use? QContact?00:37
dotblankw00t_, it was too difficult doing remote debugging on the n900 so Io had to get the desktop client to work00:37
w00t_lardman: the native Maemo contacts stuff?00:37
w00t_in fremantle (no idea about the future obviously) it doesn't use any of Qt00:38
w00t_it's gtk/libabook stuff00:38
lardmanoh right, wrapped and presented with a Qt ui then?00:38
* w00t_ looks confused00:39
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lardmanI thought we'd moved to Qt now?00:39
lardmanoh no, getting ahead of myself00:39
w00t_maemo5 is never going to end up using it for the base platform, it's already written and finished :-D00:39
dotblankbut for meego00:40
dotblankqt will be primary00:40
w00t_hopefully! I haven't actually looked at the reference apps source yet00:40
w00t_been too busy :)00:40
lardmantell me about it!00:40
lcuk_afki have !00:43
lcuk_afkbut im not here right now :P00:43
lcuk_afki tried building it but failed to update repos - i bet it would be simple to build em for fremantle -  they are qt afterall00:44
lcuk_afkwhos gonna offer the first meego .deb patch ;) :p00:44
lardmanI'll fall back to the abook code and see if I can get that to compile using the C++ compiler00:44
Venemolcuk: what do you mean by meego d00:44
Venemolcuk: what do you mean by meego .deb patch?00:44
lcuk_afkVenemo, a patch to add a debian folder and package for those meego apps to run on fremantle00:45
lcuk_afkpeople can get onboard and help right away without waiting or changing os if they are developable and testable without ruining primary device usage00:46
lcuk_afkit will help the final build of meego00:46
lcuk_afkbecause the main apps will get help to be built00:46
lcuk_afkmeego are recommending people not to install it00:46
lcuk_afkso, lets add a deb package and help tidy up the apps from within fremantle00:46
lcuk_afkwe all beneift?00:46
w00t_this reminds me00:47
w00t_I really need to go get hildon-desktop working under meego00:47
* w00t_ grabs an SDK image00:47
Venemolcuk: so basically you mean an app manager that handles rpm format for Maemo?00:48
lcuk_afkno venemo00:48
lcuk_afkfor the primary meego applications listed yesterday that were opened00:48
lcuk_afkthey are open source on gitorious00:48
w00t_he means packaging meego applications to be installed in fremantle00:48
w00t_(at a guess)00:48
lardmanhmm, not sure I like this error message:00:48
lardmanIn file included from /usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtk.h:47,00:48
lardman                 from /usr/include/libosso-abook-1.0/libosso-abook/osso-abook-contact.h:13,00:48
lardman                 from ../qrsink.cpp:20:00:48
lardman/usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkbindings.h:79: error: expected unqualified-id before 'protected'00:48
lcuk_afkthey are qt?00:48
lardman/usr/include/gtk-2.0/gtk/gtkbindings.h:79: error: expected ';' before 'protected'00:48
lcuk_afkisnt this automatic?00:48
w00t_lardman: looks like a header isn't C++ compatible00:49
lcuk_afkhow do you make a package for a qt app now?00:49
lardmanw00t_: yep :(00:49
lcuk_afkdo you have to write it yourself?00:49
Venemoso you mean repackaging meego apps for maemo00:49
lcuk_afkyes Venemo, why not00:49
w00t_lcuk_afk: Qt SDK can do some of the work for you but that isn't really tested and finished00:49
lcuk_afkif the individual apps look good to you00:49
w00t_(so long story short: yeah, you'd probably have to do your own debian/)00:49
lcuk_afkthen, why shouldnt you be able to put em on your machine?00:49
lcuk_afkok w00t_00:50
Venemolardman: that means you included a C header into a Qt app?00:50
lcuk_afkso we have a look and take each principle meego app case by case00:50
Venemolcuk: good idea :)00:50
lcuk_afklets first see if they can be run on the machines?00:50
lardmanVenemo: indeed, for lack of a Qt method for accessing the contacts db00:50
lcuk_afki tried last night00:50
lcuk_afkbut i dont have some of the dependencies00:50
lcuk_afkand my head was gone00:50
Venemolardman: okay. I also did that and got similar errors00:51
Venemolardman: a few tips:00:51
Venemolardman: only include such headers from source files, and not from your own header00:51
Venemolardman: and before including anything else in the source file in question, put in there this: #define QT_NO_KEYWORDS00:51
Venemow00t_: correct me if the above are wrong00:52
w00t_that looks right00:52
Venemolardman: basically the problem is that those headers use keywords that are reserved by either C++ or Qt.00:52
w00t_if all else fails, you could try include the contacts code in a .c, compile it with gcc, and link it to your app with g++ - you'll just not be able to use objects or anything else in there00:52
lardmanVenemo: how do I renable Qt keywords after importing the files?00:52
w00t_(and you will probably cry getting the build system to do that)00:52
Venemolardman: you don't.00:52
Venemolardman: anyway, you don't use Qt's keywords in cpp files, so...00:53
Venemolardman: in my case, the problem was some header file using the "signals" word for something...00:53
lardmanmine's still not happy00:54
Venemowhat's the issue?00:54
lardmanI suppose I could pull the header apart and write one that's compatible....00:54
lardmanas above00:54
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lardmanprobably easier to write the QString to a file, then open the file with QDesktopServices::openUrl(uri);00:57
lardman(it contains a vCard)00:57
lardmanDoes QDesktopServices::openUrl() use MIME types out of interest?01:02
Venemolardman: I dunno01:04
Venemonah, I have to go now01:05
Venemogood night folks :)01:05
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lardmanthanks for your hel[p01:05
lcuk_afklol lardman we do that whenever you leave01:07
lardman:p ;)01:09
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lardmanhmm, my masterplan seems to have failed, no vCards being added01:20
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lardmananyone else happen to know if there's a generic mime handler in Qt?01:26
lardmanI'd like to be able to call and have the relevant app open depending on the uri/extension01:27
w00t_I don't think so01:42
lardmanoh, shame02:07
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SpeedEvilI know cuteexplorer opens files in stuff.02:12
SpeedEvilI don't know if it hardcodes it02:12
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lardmanthanks, will have a look at the code for that tomorrow02:16
lardmannight chaps02:27
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barisionedoes anybody have an idea how to prestart my program when the n900 starts?15:05
barisioneit should be started ASAP as the session bus is ready15:05
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SpeedEvilwander around /etc15:25
SpeedEvil /etc/rc2.d/S20dbus for example15:28
SpeedEviladding S21yourservice I think will start just after dbus15:29
SpeedEvildo backup first15:29
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w00t_/etc/event.d/ or whatever it is is interesting too16:03
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albancbarisione, fyi the session D-Bus daemon is started in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/01dbus16:31
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spenaphi, how long uses to take to get permission to upload to extras-devel? I asked for it on Wednesday night, but didn't get it yet17:36
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lullennI think I got it in 3-4 days17:57
spenaplullenn: thx :), will wait18:01
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