IRC log of #maemo-devel for Monday, 2010-06-21

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dotblankLullen, you have to set the widget attribute on all of the windows... but theres a bug00:20
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LullenI have set the attribute on all windows but I dont think I have the same problem as I it works on all windows just that it dont register what the last windows orientation was00:23
dotblankLullen, yup.. thats the exact problem I had00:24
dotblankI had to really mess with my source code to get it to work with manual portrait code00:25
dotblankbut it worked00:25
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Lullenyou havnt heard if it been fixed?00:26
dotblankLullen, there is a bug report opened for it... but.. I haven't heard much about it00:26
dotblankLullen, the workaround works well though00:27
LullenSo I add the rotator for all the windows?00:27
dotblankFeel free to vote for it00:27
povbotBug 10521: Phone app's settings affect other applications00:28
dotblankyes but you also have to set what the last known rotation is00:28
dotblank    if(orientation == QMaemo5Rotator::PortraitOrientation)00:29
dotblank        pd->rot->setCurrentOrientation(orientation);00:29
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dotblankI did that after creating my new widget00:30
dotblank /window00:30
Lullenokey thanks00:30
LullenDo I still need to set the attribute?00:32
dotblankLullen, no00:32
dotblankbug is now confirmed :)00:34
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Lullennice :)00:35
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Lullenworks like a charm =)00:45
dotblankLullen, great to hear00:47
dotblankbtw what are you working on?00:48
Lullenim working on a gym program called qexercise00:58
Lullenits in devel00:58
Lullenand you are working on?`00:58
dotblankIm working on Groove, grooveshark client for the n90001:08
SpeedEvilI'm working on a networked n900 computing solution. I shall call it skynet.01:09
dotblanksounds great01:09
dotblankthat project skips extras-testing doesn't it01:09
DocScrutinizerthat project EATS extras-testing once it's started01:10
SpeedEvilMore seriously - some sort of advanced power analysis tool01:10
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dotblankSpeedEvil, is that its name or...01:10
dotblankoh :(01:12
dotblankis way more scary01:14
DocScrutinizernot really scary01:14
dotblankoh yes01:14
dotblankat a site named sky.net01:14
dotblankeveryone should be scared01:15
SpeedEvil I want01:15
SpeedEvilPacket switched single-person rail01:15
SpeedEvilRunning on lightpole-like structures01:15
dotblankPRT is cool01:16
DocScrutinizerlooks a liiiiitle bit like peoplemover I worked on the control system01:16
SpeedEvilThe idea is that you basically go continuously from the origin to the destination at ~50MPH01:17
SpeedEvilwith no traffic issues01:17
dotblankSpeedEvil, sounds great... but it holds a max of 2 people... some im going to assume everyone will have one to themselves... unless the pool together01:18
dotblankwhich is weird to have only one other person01:18
DocScrutinizersipem people mover01:19
SpeedEvildotblank: that's the idea01:19
SpeedEvildotblank: they all go to different locations01:19
DocScrutinizerpush button, <30s you enter a cabin01:20
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DocScrutinizerinternal project name HBDUS for Duesseldorf, and HBDO for Dortmund01:22
DocScrutinizerwas a fun project01:23
lcukmmm bacon01:23
Lullendotblank, do you know how I make all windows in portrait exept one that should be in landscape?01:25
dotblankLullen, hmm you may not need the auto rotation then01:26
dotblankIf you have designed certain parts of the application to be used that certain way01:26
LullenI found out that the rotation is annoying :) But I have a window where I need to type in text and it needs to be in landscape. I try to set the orientation to landscape but nothing happends, tried with the rotator too but still portrait01:31
dotblankLullen, did you try setting the behaviour to landscape?01:32
dotblankyou might actually try the widget attribute01:32
LullenI did both01:32
dotblankhmm can I look at your code?01:32
LullenIf I make a button with setAttribute(blbalbala) it works but not else01:33
Lullenits like the start window is controlling all the other windows01:38
dotblankLullen, ah yes.. that could be it01:38
dotblankbecause from what I see here its not going to change orientation01:38
dotblankoff landscape01:39
Lullenit should move to landscape01:39
dotblankhave you tried explicitly sett auto rotation off?01:39
Lullenthe windows that call that window is all portrait01:39
dotblankin setAttribute?01:39
Lullenthink you missunderstand me, all windows are in portrait mode (and it works) but that window needs to be in landscape01:40
dotblankLullen, ok I see what you are saying now..01:40
dotblankI think I would have to see the code for the other windows01:40
dotblankdo you have a git repo?01:40
Lullenno I dont understand that stuff01:42
dotblankhave you tried widget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Maemo5LandscapeOrientation);01:42
dotblankafter declaring the central widget01:42
LullenI'll try01:43
Lullenno nothing :(01:44
dotblankLullen, hmm maybe setAttribute isn't setting the value01:45
dotblankits supposed to set it to true01:45
dotblankand also set setAttribute(Qt::WA_Maemo5PortraitOrientation,false);01:46
Lullenwill try, just testing to call it when pressing save01:46
dotblankmaybe if both flags are set then the portrait flag takes priority01:47
Lullenit worked before I think01:47
dotblankyour not calling this window outside of this source.. something like newexerciswindow.setAttribute are you?01:48
LullenI only call
dotblankdo you set a parent?01:49
Lullenyes and it works as it is a stacked window01:50
dotblankcan you upload your complete source so I can tinker around with it?01:50
Lullencan you open rar?01:53
Lullenmade it zip instead01:54
Lullenthe startwindow.cpp sets portrait and that one and almost every other window calls newexercisewindow01:55
dotblankk one sec as I download it01:58
LullenI like how the phone gives me small shocks when I thouch the side of it :D01:58
dotblankk I downlaoded it02:01
Lullengreat :)02:02
dotblankjsut got it build and run on my n90002:03
LullenYou see anything thats wrong?02:04
dotblankthe new exercise window needs to be in portrait :)02:05
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MasseRI've just a few hours ago downloaded scratchbox, and have been trying the examples foudn around the net. All the ui-elements are grey, what could be the cause? (
Lullenwhy does it need to be in portrait? :P02:08
dotblankLullen, because it would be awesome.. but its not your fault virtual keyboard needs portrait mode02:09
Lullenhaha yeah we really need it :(02:10
dotblankah.. I think I found out why02:15
dotblankthe constructor gets called and sets the auto-rotation immediately02:15
dotblanknot when shown02:15
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LullenI think I have tried that too02:19
Lullenbeen having this problems since nokia qt sdk came out :(02:19
dotblankLullen, I got it to work02:25
Lullensounds awesome02:26
dotblankwell I called setAttribute on the startwindow before I called nw->show();02:27
LullensetAttribute on nw?02:27
dotblankthen I made the nw set the attribute back when it was saved or destroyed02:28
dotblankno on the sartwindow02:28
dotblankthe orientation has to be set on top level widget02:28
Lullenhow do I do that?02:28
Lullenset it back i mean02:28
dotblankalso when the button is clicked you should create a new window02:28
dotblanknot create it during the initializeation of the program02:29
LullenYeah I have been thinking about doing that but I never understood why02:29
dotblankyou have to call ((QWidget *)parent())->setAttribute()02:29
dotblankbut thats less then ideal02:30
dotblankso you want to destroy the window and connect the signal02:30
dotblankso whenever nw gets destroyed the portrait mode is restored02:31
dotblankalso the scave funstion should make the window destroy itself02:31
Lullenthat code is going to be messy as it can be like: startwindow->weightwindow->listwindow->infowindow->exercisewindow->newexercisewindow02:31
dotblankor emit a signal that it should be destroyed02:31
Lullenwhat do I call do destroy it?02:31
Lullenmy first c++ program here :)02:32
dotblankactually im not too sure but you could do nw->~nw()02:32
Lullenah thats true02:32
LullenI can't make some public function or something that newexercisewindow can call instead of calling parent?02:34
Lullenannoying to 5 parents to set the orientation02:34
Lullento call*02:34
dotblankLullen, actually im working on making it so the nw doesn't even call setAttribute in regard to window orientation02:35
Lullenokey nice :)02:35
dotblankthis app takes forever to build02:39
dotblankughs :)02:39
Lullenyeah its annoying >:(02:41
Lullenit is getting kind of big02:42
dotblank5329 lines of code02:43
Lullenif I was better I guess it could be at least 3000 lines02:44
SpeedEvildotblank: this is some sort of diet program?02:45
Lullennot yet02:46
Lullenits more of a program to have at the gym02:46
Lullenmore diet functions will come02:48
Lullendont know when tho soon I won't have that much time02:48
dotblankLullen, almost got it all working02:55
Lullennice work :)02:58
dotblankLullen, ran into a snag03:01
dotblankbecause when you hit the back button on a stacked window it does not destroy just hides03:01
dotblankso I can't catch the destroy signal..03:02
LullenI know03:02
Lullenthere is a way03:02
Lullenvoid ExerciseWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event)03:02
Lullenthat is called when you hit the back button03:03
Lullenthen you can call ~03:03
dotblankhmm ok03:03
dotblankWhat close event is it specifically?03:03
dotblankoh ncvm03:04
dotblanknvm thot it was a signal03:04
Lullennope :)03:05
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SpeedEvilIs there a nice installable package for powertop?03:14
dotblankLullen Why are you linking with phonon?03:15
dotblankLullen, does it play sound?03:15
Lullenyes it does03:17
dotblankoh ok then :)03:17
dotblankwell I got it all to work03:17
Lullenwhat did you do?03:17
dotblanklet me send you some diffs03:17
dotblank thats startwindow03:20
dotblank startwindow header03:20
dotblank new exercise window03:21
dotblank newexercise window header03:22
Lullenat the startwindow03:23
Lullenthis->setAttribute(Qt::WA_Maemo5PortraitOrientation,false); and connect(nw,SIGNAL(closed()),this,SLOT(restorePortrait())); is before right?03:23
dotblankLullen, after03:24
dotblankhere is all of the files together03:28
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Lullenthanks alot :)03:30
dotblankmaybe the show and load should be done after the set attr.03:31
dotblankthink it would look better03:31
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plastunhello! how to get cellrenderer from hildon.TouchSelector?09:23
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plastunhello! how to add markupped text to HildonTouchSelector?10:34
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MacGyver_Hi together20:04
MacGyver_is there anybody how can tell me a little bit about using SDL with the n900 motion sensor ??20:05
lcukMacGyver_, theres an excellent overview about maemo accelerometers using many languages hold on20:06
lcukits not an SDL thing specifically :)20:07
MacGyver_thanks for the link20:07
MacGyver_thats not a problem20:07
MacGyver_i want to rewrite my game OpenPong and i want to use the sensor for move the paddles20:08
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