IRC log of #maemo-devel for Thursday, 2010-03-18

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njsf_Hi all. Anyone know where I could find the sequence that makes bluetooth select/activate the sw08 keyboard? I have an old Palm BT keyboard I'd like to add the layout for and use :D04:52
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zgoldCan anybody think of a quick way to figure out ow many apps are in C vs python in Fremantle extras or extras-devel ?06:29
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silverbullethi , anyone there ?09:07
silverbulleti have a question about compilation09:08
silverbulletumm, i am writing code in madde, in windows 7 .. . i included glib.h in my source file and "mad make" says it cant find glib.h09:08
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cataskadoes any one know uiemo example out there?11:57
lcukcataska, mm?12:18
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barfoosis there a guide on how to write stable desktop widgets?12:47
barfoosi wonder if i have done everything right. my application sometimes hangs with hildon-home hogging the cpu12:48
barfoosi can't make out the cause, even if i run it (it's a pthon script) from the console12:49
barfoosthere is no exception thrown an no unusual output12:49
cataskalcuk: yeap, uiemo example12:50
barfoosany tips or pointers? do i have to implement some methods, so that hildon-home-plugin runs stable?12:52
barfoosi took as example12:54
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lcukcataska, you will have to lookup yourself, ive never heard of it so port it and make noise on the forums to drum up support12:58
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Tuxprobehi all13:17
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Tuxprobei am trying to finalize my .deb package from a from-scratch automake environment13:19
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lcukfire away Tuxprobe13:19
Tuxprobebut when i do dpkg-buildpackage the resulting package cannot be installed via the package-manager on my device (nor in sdk)13:19
Tuxprobei think i am missing the .desktop and .service files somewhere13:20
lcukmake package in normal scratchbox, then make package in your custom one (for identical source)13:20
lcukextract and diff13:20
lcukand you will confirm13:20
Tuxprobethe problem is, when i run 'make distcheck', these files are not included in the tarball13:21
Tuxprobei distcheck to tar files, then unpack in a different directory to setup debian/ folder, is'nt this the smarter way?13:22
Tuxprobelcuk the package is a new developed application, nothing to do diff :)13:23
lcuksure there is13:23
lcukcreate .deb once from scratchbox ( call it a.deb)13:23
lcukcreate .deb once from n900int ( call it a.deb)13:23
lcukcreate .deb once from n900int ( call it b.deb)13:24
lcukyes you are making debs internally on your n900 arent you?13:25
lcukor did i misunderstand your question13:25
Tuxprobewell ultimately yes - but for now, the goal is to create the basic files needed in an automake environment - fit to create applications on maemo13:26
Tuxprobewas following this :
Tuxprobeunder application installation -> packaging tools13:28
Tuxprobeif you pull up this tutorial, and see the menu item ' application installation -> packaging tools -> automake configuration'13:29
Tuxprobeit states something about .service and .desktop files in the Makefile.am13:29
Tuxprobeoh, i think im getting it now... :)13:37
TuxprobeEXTRA_DIST will prolly make my day13:38
Tuxprobewell, i DO have another question13:45
Tuxprobestill there lcuk? know anything about creating desktop plugins (widgets)?13:45
lcukTuxprobe, apologies, im fighting my own battles too13:45
lcukbest hting is to review existing widgets and their configuration13:45
Tuxprobeno apologies needed13:45
lcukim not sure too many are python tho13:46
Tuxprobeyea, indeed.. well, ive gotten so far as to beeing able to build and install using the cairo-clock 'helloworld'13:47
lcukthats reasonable enough13:48
lcukpeople normally have problems with dependencies13:48
Tuxprobethats not quite the problem for me13:48
Tuxprobei am used to creating libraries with libtool and automake - never the less..13:48
Tuxprobein the clock plugin, a special _LTLIBRARIES macro is used13:49
Tuxprobeso ive got this
Tuxprobedesktoplib_LTLIBRARIES = widget/libtvguide-widget.la13:50
Tuxprobedesktoplibdir = $(HILDON_DESKTOP_LIB_DIR)13:50
Tuxprobewidget_libtvguide_widget_la_SOURCES = widget/widget.h widget/widget.c13:50
Tuxprobewidget_libtvguide_widget_la_LIBADD = $(DTVGUIDE_LIBS)13:50
Tuxprobebut when doing make, paths are messed up - libtool states 'only absolute paths are allowed' :/13:51
lcukseems like other packages have same13:53
lcukjust googled libtool maemo "absolute paths" and have patches from random places seemingly confirming13:54
Tuxprobewell, yea14:01
Tuxprobeim thinking i might have to disable 'SUBDIRS' macro and implement all make definitions in the topdir/Makefile14:02
Tuxprobebut not quite sure i got it right :)14:02
scooprI wonder why application manager doesn't occasionally do a `apt-get clean`, for me that was the difference between being able to install firmware upgrade or not (also had to remove the gles1 libs, that's a mystery "feature" as well for me)14:11
lcukscoopr, theres changes afoot to that end :)14:13
lcukbut apt-get clean doesnt do everything14:13
Tuxprobeneed autoremove as well imho14:21
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lostinmirkwoodIs this the right place to ask packaging/garage questions?15:41
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Khertanso ... bug #9494 ... :)16:18
Khertansorry still happen16:18
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flukeboxCan we do a reset of user account on scratchbox of maemo5 sdk account ?17:45
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sardaukarneed help from an experienced maemo software packager... plz18:54
encompassI need to make a setting change to my boot configuration in ubuntu for scratchbox to work... could someone help me there?18:54
encompassI can't seem to find the menu.lst in ubuntu anymore18:55
encompassit's been a few years18:55
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flukeboxCan we do a reset of user account on scratchbox of maemo5 sdk account ? ?? Please help18:55
Khertansardaukar, depends on what you want to do ?19:08
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sardaukarI have this port, just built it19:08
sardaukarbut have NO idea where to start to pack it19:09
Khertan <<<< IF someone know how to set the color of the border of the textview ... thx19:10
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sardaukarok, thanks19:13
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Tuxprobehiya, anyone able to pass a pointer?20:44
Tuxprobei need info on how the HD_DEFINE_PLUGIN and HD_DEFINE_PLUGIN_MODULE macros work20:45
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spliffy_hi there!21:07
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spliffymaybe someone can point me in the right direction. i use pygst and my app can play sound the whole day long, in different usage cenarios. i can make calls while it's speaking and use the media player. but when i tap on "music" in the player, my app begins to hang and use 100% cpu21:11
spliffystrange, isn't it?21:12
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spliffynot much action in here. are most developers using other channels?21:22
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spliffyi had imagined there was an active community. :(21:27
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Tuxprobespliffy visit #maemo for a more frequent response :)21:37
Tuxprobeim no expert but it seems like a filedescriptor is locked on an event, like when accepting a call21:39
Tuxprobehence your gst plugin looses rights over it21:39
Tuxprobespliffy: can you provoke a scenario?21:40
spliffyTuxprobe: thanks for you response. i thought i could provoke it through loading of all songs in media player, but not reliably so21:42
Tuxprobedo you grasp the idea of 'owning' filedescriptors?21:43
spliffyi have it running all day and when i drive home (using fm radio and media player) i hangs most of the time.21:43
spliffyit's a hildon home widget btw21:43
Tuxprobesound pretty nice :)21:43
Tuxprobewhen i encounter deadlocks like that, i use 'strace21:44
spliffyTuxprobe: filedescriptors would only be a problem if two apps want to play the same sound file? am right? i'm no expert there21:44
Tuxprobei beleive it is 'strace -p `pgrep myplugin`'21:44
Tuxprobeno, the filedescriptor is your snd output device21:45
spliffyahh .. good to know. i knew strace, but it didn't come to my mind21:45
spliffymost of the time though it's continues playing after i close the other sound playing app21:45
Tuxprobeit works like a FIFO in most ways, so 'only' one program can send data into the speakers at a time21:45
Khertanit s a well know bug21:46
Khertanwhich is still not fixed21:46
spliffybut isn't pulse communicating through ip?21:46
Khertansame probleme with mplayer, vectormine, solarwolf21:46
Khertanand many other21:46
spliffyi thought it could handly multiple input streams simultaneously?21:46
Khertanyep it could21:47
spliffyif it were configured to?21:47
Tuxprobewell.. it does so by queing the bits to send to the filedescriptor..21:47
Tuxprobethere is only ONE /dev/snd/pcmX21:47
spliffyhum, ok21:48
spliffyKhertan: thanks :)21:48
Tuxprobesounds like it could be a problem in the sound server khertan?21:48
spliffydamn, i wrote a http(s) polling widget... it would be so cool if it ran reliably21:48
Tuxprobepolling is 3v0l ;)21:49
spliffyyes, but sometimes it helps :)21:49
Tuxprobethats exactly why the cpu goes 100% when deadlocks occurs21:49
spliffyi only poll every n seconds21:50
spliffyohhh... i think i see the problem21:50
Tuxprobetry run the strace :)21:50
spliffyi will thanks so far :)21:51
Tuxprobethink its 'FD_READ' you should look for21:51
spliffyand if this is the problem. all i could possibly do to resolve it would be workarounds?21:51
Tuxprobethough - if its a common problem, it may not be your process you should strace21:51
spliffyif i understood correctly21:52
Tuxprobemaybe lsof (a bit extreme outputwise) tells you which process has problems if strace dont say nuttin :)21:53
spliffygrep is my friend :)21:53
Tuxprobeworkaround: if you kill the application and restart it - will the 100% cpu drop?21:53
spliffyyes. if i start it from console.21:54
spliffyit's a hildon destop plugin21:54
Tuxprobeoh - kind of tricky then i guess :)21:54
spliffyif i start it through the menu i don't see the python process and have to kill hildon21:54
spliffyoh yeah :)21:55
Tuxprobeyea, to be able to debug properly, must run the proc from terminal21:55
* spliffy nods21:55
Tuxprobeok, then workaround: identify which lines of code causes problems21:56
spliffyi use audio for logging. it could be everywhere :)21:56
Tuxprobefigure out how to check if it is hung (im guessing you have multiple threads)21:56
spliffyyes. one for the gui and one for every http request21:57
Tuxprobethen if a problem occurs, 'restart' your 'sound daemon thread'21:57
spliffyhum, should i have one? :D21:57
Tuxprobehow do you issue sound? by events?21:58
spliffyyes... might be a good idea to move audio out of the http request thread21:58
Tuxprobek, if its inside network requests - timeouts are often used21:59
Tuxprobeso if sound hangs - so will your download21:59
Tuxprobekill the http request if it takes too long and your sound deadlock hopefully dies as well? :)21:59
spliffythat would be nice. i'm not that experienced with thread. and it's also my first python script :)22:00
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Tuxprobebut I dont know nuttin mate - just my 50 cents while i wait for my tvshow heeh22:00
spliffyhehe.. it did help very much though :-)22:01
Tuxprobegood to know :)22:02
Tuxprobeif your fork http request into threads - the gnomevfs could help tell you when data has arrived22:03
spliffyhmm... another new area for me, but i'll look into it if strace/lsof don't help22:04
scooprstrange, (in madde) gcc supports neon intrisincs, but g++ doesn't?22:05
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Tuxprobescoopr neon is an ARM mult cpu-feature or something?22:40
Tuxprobethis is from g++ Lite 'getting started':22:43
TuxprobeTo enable generation of NEON vector code specify -ftree-vectorize -mfpu=neon22:43
Tuxprobe-mfloat-abi=softfp. -mfpu=neon also enables generations of VFPv3 scalar floating-point22:43
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