IRC log of #maemo-devel for Tuesday, 2010-02-09

VDVsxsimoneb_, a full text editor with copy/paste, rich text and file opening is 10 lines in Qt, I've one here :D00:00
simoneb_that involves rewriting my widget in qt :/00:00
VDVsxsimoneb_, perhaps the best way is try to open your files with the default editor and see what happens00:00
simoneb_how would i do it?00:01
VDVsxyou can also call the editor directly, dunno if the user can remove the default one00:01
simoneb_VDVsx: tried that, but i can't get osso_notes to open my text file00:02
VDVsxbetter than deal with mimetypes, because other app can change those00:02
fralsif you wrote it in c theres api for getting mimetype and opening it with default mimehandler in gnomevfs00:02
simoneb_yes it's in C00:02
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simoneb_"gnome_vfs_mime_get_default_application_for_uri" ?00:04
fralshildon_mime_open_* seems to be what you want00:04
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simoneb_where do i find the hildon_mime_open_* API spec?00:21
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tpeterFor a small to medium size project, should I rather use the garage bug tracking system or
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simoneb_VDVsx: i saw that one, i hoped in a more complete reference00:50
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VDVsxtpeter, you choice, gives karma, garage don't :D00:50
VDVsxsimoneb_, more complete reference, so the source code right ? :D00:51
VDVsxdunno if that part is OSS, but should be00:51
tpeterVDVsx: ok ;-)00:52
simoneb_VDVsx: well not the source code, but maybe the list of the functions in the hildon_mime_open_* family ...00:53
tpeterand then another question: I promoted my package to testing, now someone commented that there is no bugtracker. Do I need to upload some new package with a new version and the missing XSBC-Bugtracker field and promote that, or can I change the current package?00:53
VDVsxtpeter, you need a new version, because the builder will reject a lower or equal version00:54
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VDVsxtpeter, just change you debian/changelog00:55
VDVsxdch -i inside the debian dir will create a new entry00:55
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tpeterVDVsx: ok, thanks00:59
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juke_anybody can help me to build a package for maemo, i have uploaded one (masstransit) but it doesnt work01:57
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ruskiehmm I guess due to things needing /usr early I'll have to use /usr/local as my data store...08:35
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sardaukaranyone willing to help a n00b developer?16:07
fralssardaukar: usually its best to ask a specific question if you want an answer ;)16:12
sardaukaroh ok16:12
sardaukarI have a touchscreen issue with a port16:12
sardaukarI have 2 binaries from the same source - one for N900 and one for desktop linux16:13
sardaukarthe desktop one works great16:13
sardaukarbut the N900 one deselects stuff on click instead of keeping them selected :|16:13
sardaukarsome context: in the game, one clicks on something to make it a target16:13
sardaukarbut on the N900, clicking apparently is messed up with the right click button or something16:13
sardaukaris there a known SDL issue/gotcha with the touchscreen on the N900?16:14
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Shaderanyone here?16:29
lcukShader, you have to ask a decent question and offer incentives to get responses ;)16:37
Shaderlol I got it on the other channel :D16:37
Shaderthis place is too quiet hehe16:38
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anidelyeah it is16:41
ShaderI installed the n900 SDK to see maemo 5... I installed xterm for it but can't get root access by typing "sudo gainroot" it returns me "must be setuid root"16:43
Shaderso what to do?16:44
fralsapt-get install rootsh (i think)16:46
bricksis invoke-rc.d broken on the device?16:46
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pillar_is there dbus signal to activate gprs connection?17:13
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HukkaWhat do I need for single click install? I've set the content type to x-install-instructions like in, but still the browser show the .install as text?19:13
HukkaAh, I need the Content-Disposition: attachment too19:16
HukkaUngh, not enough19:29
HukkaNeed to set the filename19:29
HukkaI wonder if foobar.install will do for all the files...19:30
anideljust download and check a .install from Ovi Store or from the Downloads Section in Maemo.org19:47
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HukkaThat completely misses the point20:40
HukkaAnd I see he's gone already, too20:40
HukkaAnyway, the install is now working20:40
HukkaAny hints on how to debug why an app doesn't start from the .desktop file properly, even if the same command from xterm does work20:40
HukkaThere's just an white window with the spanner animation at the top, and then it dies20:41
HukkaI put the stderr to a file, nothing unusual20:41
HukkaNo, wait... the file isn't even created20:42
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cpasjusteis there some know problem with sdl audio ? (crappy sound)20:54
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JaffaHukka: You're DBUS service is wrong21:26
JaffaHukka: And anidel's point was valid - look at the content and HTTP headers of a working .install and you could see what was different21:26
HukkaJaffa: I did point out that I need to have the header, and was just wondering if the filename in the header can be garbage.install, which it can21:29
HukkaThere's no need to have a unique name in the header, HAM doesn't actually use it anywhere21:29
HukkaAnd I just realized that I apparently might need a service file, though my previous scripts didn't use one. But can't still get it to work, even with the service file21:30
HukkaHmh, and it seems that the service file isn't even necessary, if I don't care about having multiple instances running21:32
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HukkaOr is it?21:40
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JaffaHukka: If you don't specify a service in your .desktop file a .service file is not necessary21:44
HukkaOk, so then the problem isn't there21:44
HukkaBut I'm again fresh out of ideas21:46
HukkaIs there really no other way than just blindly trying the desktop-files?21:50
HukkaNo way to get any errors anywhere?21:50
fralshow about you paste your desktop file on pastebin and let us take a look at it?21:53
HukkaHuh? Selecting text over ssh to N900 doesn't change my local clipboard...21:54
HukkaNow that's odd...21:54
fralswhats the first line of your pythonscript?21:56
HukkaLike I mentioned, just running the app from terminal works fine21:57
HukkaSo the app itself is ok21:57
fralstry changing it to #!/usr/bin/env python2.521:57
Hukkafrals: Same result21:58
HukkaBlank window, then that dies too21:58
HukkaI've also tried to put python <path to file> into the desktop, doesn't help21:59
HukkaNeither does /usr/bin/python, or trying to redirect the stdout and stderr...21:59
fralsyour launching it from terminal as user and not root i assume22:01
fralsand the file is +x etc22:02
HukkaWell, I installed it from a deb22:03
HukkaActually, it was +x only for root, testing...22:03
Hukkafrals: You're my hero22:04
fralshehe, happy to help ;)22:04
HukkaThough my question stands, is there no way to get logging from the app menu?22:05
Hukka(And of course the question why were the permissions off after installing the package, but I'll check that)22:05
fralsuh dunno, i use pythons logger module22:05
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fralsbut that doesnt help when the file cant be run :p22:06
Anidelanyone got an issue with Xterminal inside the emulator ? I can't seem to press Enter?22:06
Anideloh.. hi :D :D22:06
fralsAnidel: use the keypad enter instead22:06
fralsor ctrl+enter or something like that22:06
HukkaAnidel: It's the old thing why mutt doesn't work in N900 over ssh22:07
AnidelI see22:07
HukkaThe symcodes (or wosisname) are "unorthodox"22:07
Anidelvirtual keyboard works22:08
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BabelOevening all23:47
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BabelOwhat are the new deps for qt4 maemo ?23:47
BabelOhere is the log23:52
BabelObuild two day ago23:52

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