IRC log of #maemo-devel for Saturday, 2010-02-06

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ptlIs there an easier way to press 'enter' on the emulator terminal than clicking on the Ctrl button on the bottom, then pressing enter, then unclicking it?00:29
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ptlis there?00:42
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fralsgod going insane, anyone know how the hell you get a treeview to be themed correctly using python+gtk?01:48
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ph1li'm searching for the source code of the SIM-PIN entry dialog. maybe anybody can give me a hint?02:04
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johnqI'd like to start the browser from my application, but I couldn't find some documentation how to do it "the right way".12:05
johnqjust running /usr/bin/browser --url "..." starts the browser but it seems that that's not the right way, since it causes incorrect behaviour later.12:05
johnqAnd another question: Scratchbox doesn't have "dh", is that correct? I'm using python distutils for my package, is it necessary to write a complete rules file for that?12:07
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johnqah, there _is_ a package debhelper7, only not preinstalled.12:29
johnqwhy are the binaries in /usr/bin/dh7/ and not on the path?12:31
johnqok so it's not really usable...12:34
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SpeedEviljohnq: there is a dbus way13:00
SpeedEvilif you have logs - look back a couple of days13:00
SpeedEvilI think kenyoung was asking13:01
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johnqSpeedEvil: cool thanks14:47
johnqjust in case someone reads this in the logs and does not want to search further, it's:14:51
johnqdbus-send --system --type=method_call  --dest="" --print-reply /com/nokia/osso_browser/request string:"http://www..."14:51
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johnqok, the problem is that it does not open a new window but reuses an existing window15:00
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SpeedEvilsorry - no idea15:06
ruskie <-- sweet15:09
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johnqah, that one is solved by:15:29
johnqdbus-send --system --type=method_call  --dest="" --print-reply /com/nokia/osso_browser/request string:"http://www..."15:29
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cpasjustei did receive my n900 this morning, and "ported" "battle for wesnoth" 1.6.5 to it, i'm now wondering how to make a .deb package for it. Could someone point me in the right direction (wiki?à16:04
ifreqcpasjuste. first check its not portedm allrdy. then google : maemo jebba package16:09
cpasjusteit was ported to n810 but it seems it has some problems and no sound/music16:10
cpasjustethanks ifreq16:10
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vincentstansfrals are you here ?16:30
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* lupine_85 just built lua for the n900 :)20:06
lupine_85is there some kind of -extras repo that takes these things?20:06
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ruskielupine_85, ?20:14
fralsvincentstans: yes, just got home though so is kinda afkish - whats up?20:14
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lupine_85ruskie: something like or, but for maemo?20:26
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vincentstansdon't know if this was posted yet but i also put it on de maemo forum sended myself a .wav with fmms thought only images were posible20:38
ruskielupine_85, ahh... hmm backports of what?20:39
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ruskieas for third party repos check the wiki... there's a few locations there20:39
lupine_85well, a backport is basically what my lua package is. Grab the .dsc, recompile20:40
ruskiea lot of people do those :)20:41
ruskieeven myself20:41
ruskieiirc jebba has an etch repo20:41
ruskiewith all the etch stuff rebuild for maemo20:41
lupine_85mm, i'd rather not start up my own if there's something already existing20:42
lupine_85mind you, etch isn't getting security updates any more ;)20:42
fralsvincentstans: officially, only images work, for receiving pretty much anything should be handled ;)20:43
vincentstansokay didn't know that thanks20:44
ruskielupine_85, start:
ruskieI think he mentions a lot of other repos as well20:46
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Aranelwhere can I find English localization sources for Nokia Maps?21:12
* Aranel asks it every day, maybe he's more lucky today?21:13
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V13hello. Is there a way to find out if an installed package is a "system" package or one that is installed latter?22:14
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jebbaV13: maemo-list-user-packages22:40
V13however this lists only the programs22:42
V13not the libs22:42
V13right ?22:42
V13(btw, you're the one that compiled etch for maemo right?)22:42
V13(great work!!!)22:43
V13I did it in another way. Get depends of mp-fremantle-generic-pr and exclude those packages.22:43
jebbaya, that lists user installed packages22:48
jebbaya, i did etch too. thx22:48
ruskiehmm I need to work on an initramfs... and an alt distro sometime23:03
jebbai was trying to build mer images but failing.23:03
ruskieI actually want something a bit lower than that :)23:06
jebbajust for the hell of it or for some particular purpose?23:06
ruskiebasic system with a fb console and ability to launch things like vserver or lxc23:06
ruskiethen I could basically run any alt distro with it :)23:06
jebbaah.  Need to get working keymap in the console.23:07
ruskieor to be precise directly in the kernel23:08
ruskieyou can load the loadkeys maps into the kernel by a converter app in the kernel sources23:08
jebbaya, in the kernel would be ideal.23:08
jebbareally? can you fix it plz?  :)23:08
ruskieI can point you to it23:08
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ruskiethis is the one: drivers/char/defkeymap.map23:09
ruskiealso needs a fix in the Makefile else it regenerates it23:09
* jebba goes to look23:09
ruskiedefkeymap.c is the converted one23:10
ruskieloadkeys --mktable > defkeymap.c23:10
jebbahmm, no drivers/char/ in 2.6.2823:10
jebbawait, there is23:10
jebbaHOWTO generate that map? i've made some before, but dont recall offhand.23:11
jebbaah, then just patch that in?23:11
jebbadude, if that works that woudl fkin rule23:11
ruskiethe .map is a regular console keymap23:12
jebbaya, but in this case that is comprised of a few different files read in.23:13
jebba /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-5123:14
ruskiethat's the X map23:14
ruskieneeds to be converted to a console level map23:15
jebbaah, ya, and that's the one that's missing23:15
jebba(there isnt /usr/share/keymaps, at least not on my system)23:15
ruskieyeah I guess there are no console keymaps there23:16
jebbaso need to convert X map to console map to kernel patch, basically.23:16
ruskiemaybe tools exist already23:18
jebbaok, so should we flip a coin or something?23:18
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ruskiefeel free to do it23:18
ruskieI've burned out a while ago23:18
jebbaoh ya, i bet there's like 50 versions of crufty scripts sitting around to do each step.23:18
jebbaya, i really feel like having you do it though.23:19
jebbait's about as much fun as parsing some addressbook import or something23:19
ruskieI've stopped commiting to source mage and harlde do anything but use the n900 atm23:19
jebbabut thanks for the pointer for sure23:19
ruskiemaybe if/once I switch jobs I'll get back to doing interesting things23:19
ruskieI'll probably start putting down all my ideas for a book/universe etc...23:20
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ruskieI've got so many projects on the backburner I want to do23:21
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jebbawow. i have no desire to figure this out now. Just glancing thru this put me off:
jebbanot the smurf! haha23:34
ruskieonly if you want to actually bother with it23:35
ruskieI'd suggest just concentrate on the english keymap23:35
ruskiewith a few mods to have | and > accessible since that is certainly usable23:35
jebbabut perhaps just console-tools can just load it at boot and foo to the kernel.23:35
ruskieor that yeah23:35
jebbathat may be like far easier.23:36
ruskiehmm nice... can sync notes between gnote and conboy... now just need an automated and safe way to do so23:53
ruskieI wonder if anyone got unison on it yet23:58

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