IRC log of #maemo-devel for Sunday, 2009-12-27

Miniscalopekk i found ;)00:14
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BabelOruskie: around ? or sleeping ?01:06
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goodwillpardon me ... has anyone managed to install scratchbox on gentoo?10:03
goodwillso far mine is erroring out10:03
goodwillseems to be a path issue10:05
goodwillI thought I located all the paths in install script10:05
goodwillE: Give installation path using '-s PATH' argument.10:05
goodwillah ... past that hurdle10:09
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KhertanHello !13:14
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ruskiemmm finally can make any app still have sound when in silent15:41
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swc|666in trying to follow this guide, has anyone been able to mount the rootfs.jffs2 image ?17:12
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fayhey everyone17:27
faymaybe anyone is up to making a side scrolling game?17:36
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ruskieswc|666, for the n900?18:09
ruskiewee finally got rid of mediaplayer18:09
ruskiexmms2 for audio and mplayer for video is all I really need :)18:10
ruskieand djmount to have upnp shares accessible18:10
swc|666ruskie, yea18:18
ruskieswc|666, the root fs is UBIFS18:19
ruskienot jffs218:19
swc|666aha.. so the rootfs.jffs2 is misleading then?18:19
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go1dfishruskie: you removed mediaplayer?18:56
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go1dfishjust an fyi, if you're playing videos through mplayer (or anything else that doesn't go through gstreamer) the onboard DSP will not be used18:57
go1dfishi.e. you'll get much better battery life, and performance in mediaplayer for codecs that are decoded on the DSP18:58
go1dfishthan you would playing the same codecs in mplayer18:58
ruskiego1dfish, naturally18:58
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ruskieas for watching vids on it...18:59
ruskienot really gonna happen much18:59
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ruskiemaybe an occasional youtube run with mytube18:59
ruskiebut beyond that18:59
go1dfishcool, just wanted to make sure18:59
ruskiehell probably won't even do much music listening18:59
go1dfishnot many people realize the dsp only works through gstreamer, or that it's even present heh19:00
ruskiefrankly I dislike gst19:00
go1dfishI don't like it much either...19:00
goodwillstupid question ... I installed scratchbox ... but it does not seem to have any emulation for cellular, battery, volume, inet and bluetooth ... is that correct?19:00
ruskienot to mention the mediaplayer sucks at playing so many things19:00
go1dfishbut most concerns I have (cpu usage, crapy codec implementation etc....) fall away when it's driving a dsp19:00
ruskiego1dfish, correct19:00
ruskieerm goodwill even19:00
ruskiego1dfish, I thought the dsp wasn't much used overall19:01
goodwillruskie: even?19:01
go1dfishruskie: it get19:01
go1dfishit get's used for h264 I know, on both encoding and decoding19:01
go1dfishencoding for the video recorder that is19:01
ruskieso something I generally don't have all that much off19:01
go1dfishI'd like to figure out how to use it for my own transcodes through gstreamer, that could be useful19:01
go1dfishalso gets used for Xvid iirc19:02
ruskieI'd rather see the hooks for the decoding on the DSP in the libs directly19:04
go1dfishas far as I'm aware, they aren't19:04
go1dfishI think they were worried about conflicts from multiple apps trying to use the dsp at once19:05
go1dfishand so use gstreamer to mediate19:05
ruskiethey seem to be worried about a ton of issues... mostly for $dumb_user types19:06
ruskieyet the device as is I would never recommend to a $dumb_user type19:07
ruskieway way to many issues for something like that19:07
ruskiehell even the mail client lacks basic functionality for imap19:08
ruskiethe orinigal and the latest home built version19:08
ruskieand by basic I mean list all the folders, support subscribing to folders, support imap idle for notifications19:09
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goodwillruskie: what does "even" mean in response to my question?19:14
ruskiegoodwill, read one line above it19:14
ruskieand you'll understand19:14
goodwillthank you19:15
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goodwillso given a choice between gtk+ and qt ... its probably best to use qt given that is where maemo is moving toward?20:29
ruskieI would assume both will continue to be in use20:30
goodwillscratchbox seems to be pretty out of date20:32
ruskiehow so?20:32
ruskieshould be the same versions as on the device20:33
goodwilldefault python on scratchbox is 2.320:33
goodwillmy n900 has 2.520:33
ruskieyou have 2.3 2.4 and 2.5 in scratchbox20:34
goodwillI guess I expected scratchbox to be the same as the latest stable n900 setup from the beginning20:34
ruskieyou are aware you can set the python version in the debs iirc20:35
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goodwilloh I see ... the default python in scratchbox is not in /usr/bin its /scratchbox/tools/bin/python20:44
* goodwill wonders if there is a stable pyqt4 right now he can look at20:51
go1dfishgoodwill: is there a reason you're trying to get pyqt4 going instead of pyside?20:54
goodwillgo1dfish: I never heard about pyside till you just said it20:54
goodwillI am about 2 hours in trying to develop on maemo20:54
goodwilltotal n00b20:54
go1dfishthat's a python app I wrote last year in pyqt420:55
go1dfishported to pyside/maemo in a day or two20:55
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go1dfishpyside is api compatibile with pyqt4, pyside is nokia's python bindings for qt4 (they did their own because they wanted to have it available under more liberal licensing)20:55
goodwillI thought pymaemo uses pyqt420:55
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goodwilland that those were the official bindings20:55
go1dfishiirc pymaemo is gtk+20:55
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go1dfishpython qt development for maemo is still in it's infancy20:56
go1dfishthe pyside dependencies aren't in the safer repos yet iirc20:56
goodwillwell from what I've been reading QT4 is whats officially supported for maemo (plus it looks nicer)20:57
go1dfishI haven't messed with pymaemo at all20:57
goodwillso I figured pyqt4 is a way to go20:57
go1dfishMaemo5 is based on GTK+, Nokia is encouraging QT4 for new development20:57
go1dfishMaemo6 will be based on QT4.6, but will still support GTK+20:57
goodwillI am googling now on this, but maybe you have the answer already20:58
goodwillwhats the diff between pyside and pyqt20:58
go1dfishpyside is lgpl'd20:59
go1dfishand given that nokia has bought trolltech (i.e. are now the primary maintainers of qt) I'd trust them more than riverbank to get things working well in a timely fashioned21:00
go1dfishOther than that at the moment, the main difference is instead of...21:00
go1dfishfrom PyQt4 import....21:00
go1dfishyou do: from PySide import....21:00
go1dfishthere are plans to create a more 'pythonic' interface in pyside to, rather than just a straight wrapper around the C++21:01
go1dfishif you're targetting maemo, I don't see any reason to prefer PyQt4 over PySide, PySide is much more likely to be easily available on the platform, espescially in the future21:02
go1dfishit's quite possible to support both bindings in the same app though, with conditional imports21:02
goodwillthank you21:04
go1dfish good overview here21:04
goodwillI see its in extras-devel21:05
go1dfishyeah, thats why I haven't bothered packaging pyfret yet21:05
goodwillyeah, that would seem premature21:07
goodwillpyqt is not installed on the maemo5? doing import PyQT4 does nothing21:08
go1dfishno, it isnt, I don't think pyqt has been packaged at all for maemo521:09
go1dfishjust pyside21:09
go1dfishpython isn't installed by default on maemo5 either btw21:09
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goodwillyeah it is21:09
go1dfishor QT4 in general21:09
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goodwillat least on my n900 it came by default21:09
go1dfishQT4 gets pulled in the first time you install something with a dependency21:10
goodwillI think21:10
go1dfishpretty sure python is the same way, but not as sure as I am about the qt bindings21:10
goodwillit might have got pulled in when I installed some app21:10
go1dfishI know for a fact the qt bindings arent on maemo5 by default21:10
goodwillI meant python itself21:10
go1dfishand m 90% positive python isn't either but not positive21:10
goodwillits definately on the device21:10
go1dfishI think it likely got pulled in by a dependency21:10
goodwillyeah ...21:11
go1dfishcause I've seen at least one guy on trying to avoid python like the plague for some reason21:11
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ruskiego1dfish, you have a lot of faith in Nokia21:12
ruskieI don't... considering that there was a "Fixed in Harmatan" before the N900 was even out21:12
go1dfishruskie: not always, and I might have rose colored glasses because most of my interactions have been with the engineers21:13
go1dfishI have much faith in their engineers, the suits not so much21:13
go1dfishand in this instance, I'd say it's more that riverbank never felt particularly necessary to me21:13
go1dfishI mean, charging for bindings for an open source library, to use in a open source language, wtf21:14
go1dfishplease die in a fire21:14
go1dfishriverbank that is, not you ruskie21:14
go1dfishthe "Fixed in Harmatan" crap bugs me to, espescially given the silence on whether or not the n900 will run it21:17
goodwillgo1dfish: you were right ... python is part of extras (and of sdk) but not official repos21:18
go1dfishgoodwill: cool21:19
goodwillgo1dfish: so pyside is in extra-devel ... and the packages are only for i386 ..21:28
goodwillgo1dfish: have you heard anything on pyside going stable?21:31
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go1dfishgoodwill: nope21:52
go1dfishI installed pyside directly on my device, not sure what repo though21:52
go1dfishI installed through apt-get, this was a couple of weeks back however21:53
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Miniscalopegoodwill are you a maemo guru?22:02
goodwillMiniscalope: no22:03
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Miniscalopei need some help from someone who know well the system22:04
Miniscalopeanyone know how apps are launched in maemo and how i can handle that lauching?22:07
Miniscalopethere is some stuff in hildondesktop launcher.c ...22:07
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an0nym1teHi, probably a n00b question, but I am having some problems with internet connectivity from applications such as fenec and the application manger from within the Virtual Image SDK.  I have the scratchbox environment resolving DNS and have fixed the nokia apt proxy,, so I can apt-get from the scratchbox console, but if I wish to test connectivity (before starting to code...) from one of the maemo applications I receive connection errors22:21
an0nym1teI can't find anyhting on this in the wiki's dev guides22:22
an0nym1teAny help/guidance/pointing to the obvious web page (that I can't find) would be appreciated22:23
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