IRC log of #maemo-devel for Wednesday, 2009-12-09

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jebbaVDVsx: i'll set you for founder ok?02:32
jebbaVDVsx:  you have to run this command to be founder:   /msg ChanServ SET #maemo-devel FOUNDER VDVsx02:34
jebbaor i can do it to someone else if you prefer02:34
VDVsxjebba, I don't need to be a founder, we only need a way to kick trolls :P03:01
VDVsxand prevent channel hijack :)03:01
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VDVsxbuhh can't change topic :P03:13
jebbaVDVsx: just run that above command and take over dude ;)03:15
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VDVsxjebba, don't think so03:15
VDVsxthe channel seems to be registered :P03:16
jebba /msg ChanServ SET #maemo-devel FOUNDER VDVsx03:18
jebbayou run that?03:18
jebbaonce you're founder i assume you can do WTF you want03:18
DocScrutinizer51jebba, why become founder?03:23
jebbaso he can do all the Ops stuff03:24
DocScrutinizer51jebba, it's sufficient to be +O to dtalk to chanserv, no?03:24
jebbai'm just punting it, and that's one way to do it. if you have another command, give it to me but i'm doing 50 things and am not gonna read freenode docs to find all the commands ;)03:25
DocScrutinizer51 /msg chanserv op #maeno-devel03:25
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VDVsxmy bad I was looking at maemo-ui, that one is 'locked' it seems03:30
GeneralAntillesDamn channels spammers.03:30
GeneralAntillesI gotta make a new tab group. :P03:30
DocScrutinizerjebba: /msg chanserv deop #maemo-devel03:34
DocScrutinizerdunno why03:34
jebba /msg chanserv deop #maemo-devel03:34
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DocScrutinizeralso see /msg chanserv topic|toppicappend|topicprepend foo bar03:40
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jebbayou don't have to run the flasher-3.5 program to update the kernel, just installing kernel, kernel-modules, then the kernel-flasher rpm that gets built when you build a kernel is enough.07:18
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ruskiemmm chanops08:11
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Stskeepsmorning thp :)10:53
ruskiehmm anyone checked if dmcrypt is supported or loop devices and losetup?11:20
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jebbanot in the current kernel afaik11:27
jebbaluks support would be best11:27
ruskiehmm I see loop devices and a losetup11:27
jebbaat the moment, we're hosed if we lost our fones11:27
ruskiewill need to try it11:28
jebbai saw in talk.m.o that someone had built modules for something like that11:28
ruskieI'd be happy with gpg encrypted disk.img11:28
ruskieand losetup that and mount it11:28
ruskieI think the one thing that I'd be missing now is a passcode entry app11:30
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ruskie <-- interesting11:56
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jebbahmm, SmartReflex is enabled in the kernel, but not being used.12:03
ruskiewhat is that?12:03
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ruskie <-- rofl12:03
jebbaSmartReflex can perform continuous dynamic voltage scaling around the nominal operating point voltage according to silicon characteristics and operating   │ conditions. Enabling SmartReflex reduces power consumption.12:04
jebbaPlease note, that by default SmartReflex is only initialized. To enable the automatic voltage compensation for VDD1 and VDD2, user must write 1 to /sys/power/sr_vddX_autocomp, where X is 1 or 2.12:04
Stskeepsjebba: that's done in preinit afaik12:04
jebba$ cat  /sys/power/sr_vdd1_autocomp12:05
jebba~ $ cat  /sys/power/sr_vdd2_autocomp12:05
jebbaCONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP:     ya, that's enabled (statically) in the kernel ruskie12:17
jebbaCONFIG_BLK_DEV_CRYPTOLOOP: is not enabled however12:17
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ruskiedon't need cryptoloop ;)12:30
ruskieas said will use gpg to do the encryption12:30
ruskieor so I hope12:30
ruskiehmm or maybe dmroot12:32
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jebbahmm. i may be blind, but i dont see the debug option that is needed to use powertop.  it's early and i didnt sleep much and i forget it's name offhand, but i dont see it on the list ;)12:39
ruskieI tried running powertop12:39
ruskieit failed12:39
ruskieso I'm guessing there is something missing12:39
jebbaya. maybe that hit mainline after 2.6.28, but i thought it was there by then12:40
ruskiewell maybe we can hope for a newer kernel release then :)12:42
ruskieI wish there was some way I could lock the camera port so that it would require a bit more than a light touch to open it12:43
simeonipowertop failed for me when I ran it the first time, but worked when I reran it right after.12:43
jebbai'm not sure how many of the drivers in there that are rx51 (n900) specific are in upstream kernels (eg linux-omap).  Nokia doesn't make a public git tree or anything of what they are working on, so dragging the drivers to newer kernels could be problematic. It's something i'm 100% sure i will look at though. Just getting up to speed on it now.12:43
ruskiewell iirc the wifi driver is upstream12:44
jebbasimeoni: really? hmm. well thats good. I must have just missed it somehow then12:44
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simeonijebba, yeah. The same behaviour was also confirmed by someone else.12:44
jebbaruskie:  i'll compile a list at some point of what's where and what's missing.12:44
ruskieseems like it works now...12:45
jebba~ $ sudo powertop12:45
jebbaPowertop 1.13.312:45
jebbastatus: Unknown job: pmtrackerdaemon12:45
jebbaMounting debugfs...FAILED12:45
jebba~ $ sudo powertop12:45
jebbaPowertop 1.13.312:45
jebbastatus: Unknown job: pmtrackerdaemon12:45
jebbaSleeping for 11 seconds before sampling12:45
jebbaCollecting data for 30 seconds12:45
jebbaso ignore what i said above i guess  ;)12:45
ruskie95% in c312:46
ruskienicely optimized12:46
jebbaah, but it doesnt run continuously like powertop i've seen elsewhere, fwiw12:47
ruskiejust collects for half a minute12:47
jebbayou can set how long you want it to sample for12:47
jebba-t %d    Sample interval12:47
ruskiehmm nokia-maps-core and related goobles up 17mbs12:48
ruskiehmm and need a dpkg -L of -core -ui and -maplets to rm from the rootfs12:50
jebbahildon-welcome-default-logo    there's one12:51
jebbayou'll boot up faster too12:51
ruskieremoved it already12:51
ruskieI have a HUGE removelist ;)12:51
jebbaput it up somewhere12:51
ruskiehave a go ;)12:52
jebbaah i think i like sprunge :)12:54
ruskiecat file | curl -> get paste url back ;)12:55
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ruskiehmm can you pastebin me a dpkg -L nokia-maps-core nokia-maps-ui nokia-maps-maplet12:57
jebbanokia-maps-maplets   by the way (s)12:58
jebbahmm, no curl available gah12:58
jebba1 sec will copy it over12:59
jebbaany clue how long they archive for?13:00
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ruskie68% free on rootfs13:08
ruskienot bad :)13:08
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ruskieI could actually rm the entire /usr from it but I'm keeping it13:09
ruskieI wonder though why I can't run ntpd on the n900 :(13:14
jebbai'm at 89% full which isn't bad considering i've added a bit from extras-devel and haven't actively gone thru and done a big purge like you.13:16
jebba(also considering i usually run my laptop at 99% full--though recently a new 256G SSD has helped out there!)  :)))13:17
ruskiewell it's not only the purge13:18
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ruskieI also have /usr mounted to a emmc partition13:18
ruskieI have some stuff from devel as well as testing13:18
ruskieI dislike craptops13:19
ruskieI have an eeepc 701 but it's more or less there for whatever... not really much used13:19
jebbaah, ya, recent checkins to linux-omap from nokia, so i guess that pretty much is their git tree13:19
ruskiemaybe just some things they push upstream13:19
jebbaruskie: ah, 701, you should install freeeee  ;)     (note usually the site is turned off)13:21
ruskieI run openbsd on it13:21
jebbaah ya. nice. freeeee is better though.  Used to run openbsd-current on a zaurus C-3100 or whatever that model was.13:23
ruskienot really13:24
ruskieI have 1 mythbuntu, 1 xubuntu(mom's), 2 source mage and 2 openbsd systems13:24
ruskieow and one maemo naturally ;)13:24
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chaosteiljust wanted to ask.. am I the only one when trying to use profiles_free_profiles() from libprofile who gets a double free error?13:34
chaosteilah, okay, got it, nvm13:37
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jebbaok, building latest linux-omap git kernel...we'll see how this goes...13:46
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jebbaoh so close.........
jebbathat's the fix14:22
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jebbaok, lets see if i patched that correctly. I'm a noob @ deb packaging14:43
jebbarun ccache run!14:43
ruskiewell I'm used to packaging but for a source based distro14:43
ruskieand find deb packaging annoying14:43
jebbai guess just plonking it in  debian/patches  and adding the filename to debian/series doesn't do the trick  :(14:49
jebbaah, that's just with quilt14:50
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jebbaphukkit,just kludge it into the tarball til i figure out the proper way...15:02
jebba        /me boggles15:13
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xorAxAxso devel issues are off topic on #maemo?15:29
Stskeepsit's more like people have a place to go when there's too much noise15:29
ruskiethis is just the low-noise channel ;)15:29
Stskeeps(as i understood it015:29
Stskeepsin #-ux it's possible to get UI advice pretty easily as well15:30
ruskieyou know like we want to figure out some particular thing without having 20 people talking over it15:30
xorAxAxhow about a n900 chan? :)15:30
ruskiewhatever for ;)15:32
jebbawoo hoo kernel_2.6.32-0.6833f1a8_armel.deb15:41
jebbanow lets see if it works haha15:41
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fnordianslipplace your bets on jebba's kernel running now15:45
Stskeepsif he doesn't have a serial console, very little15:46
jebbai would like to keep the old kernel installed at the same time15:47
jebbabut dpkg -i just replaces the old kernel15:47
fnordianslipdon't you have to flash the kernel?15:48
jebbacuz if i can keep both installed, i can just reflash the zImage and it will revert to it's old /lib/modules/2.6.2815:48
fnordianslipoh.  i c15:48
jebbabut would be nice to have both 2.6.28 and 2.6.32  kernel modules15:48
jebbaanyway to keep both. I know you can with rpm, fwiw15:48
jebbaand in other debian installs i've done it keeps old kernel when upgradign (iirc)15:49
jebbathis way, if i fuck it, i can just run the maemo_flasher/flasher-3.5 -k zImage, and it will debrick15:49
fnordianslipcan't you copy them and put them back after installing the new ones?15:49
jebbaI guess i could just manually copy the modules, but would be cleaner to have both.15:49
jebbai'll just do that for now15:49
jebbagonna reboot 2.6.28 again just to make sure i have that even working (i have a build of that going, but i just bumped version, nothing more)15:53
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jebbaStskeeps:   oh, and next kernel build, i'm going to enable framebuffer console so i can see the text as it boots  :P15:53
jebbaok, 2.6.28 booted at least ;)15:54
ruskiemmm I want the console as well15:54
jebbasudo dpkg -i kernel_2.6.32-0.6833f1a8_armel.deb kernel-modules_2.6.32-0.6833f1a8_armel.deb15:55
jebbasudo dpkg -i kernel-flasher_2.6.32-0.6833f1a8_armel.deb15:55
jebbagulp. that went ok. here goes reboot...15:55
jebbadamn, i havent been this nervous rebooting a kernel in 10 years ;)15:55
fnordianslipany way of getting console over ssh?15:55
jebbawhoa, almost forgot to copy the old modules back in case i have to revert hahaha15:56
fnordianslipor telnet?15:56
jebbafnordianslip well, netconsole and stuff, but would need to build kernel for that in particular too15:56
jebbathis is the stock config for rx51 from linux-ompa15:56
fnordianslipworth a though perhaps15:56
fnordianslipthought, even15:56
jebbaok here goes15:57
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jebbauh, so far, not so good  ;)15:57
argontusdid it boot?15:58
fnordianslipdid it explode?15:58
jebbalemme just pop the battery out real quick ahahaha15:58
argontus;D sounds great15:58
jebbadefinitely need the framebuffer....15:59
jebba i may have realllllly made a true brick15:59
* fnordianslip likes the usb attached serial and jtag ports on his sheevaplug15:59
fnordianslipdid it do anything?16:00
jebbawell, it appeared to load (i still get initial white nokia screen and stuff)16:01
jebbaand the screen distorts, then black....16:01
jebbagonna flash old zimage to see how hosed i am16:01
Stskeepsnot hosed16:01
Stskeepsyou might get into a state where it needs a proper bootup, shut down properly, and then it's able to restart16:01
jebbaoh man, thank god16:04
jebbai was able to revert to my previously built zimage ok16:04
jebbaand it found the backup /lib/modules I copied over.16:06
jebbawell, so that's one "procedure" for testing kernels i guess.   Good to know it can be recovered from with just a simple kernel flash.16:06
jebbai swear i cooked something in there tho16:06
fnordianslipdoes it smell?16:07
jebbafnordianslip, there any way to do a USB/serial thing on n900?16:07
jebbaif by smell you meant does it smell like burnt electronics, the answer is yes.16:08
jebbanot hot tho16:08
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fnordianslipdunno.  haven't got brave enuff to get adventurous with mine yet.  bad news about the smell16:09
jebbaall seems to be working fine. I can ssh in, make calls, etc.16:09
fnordianslipfingers crossed then16:09
jebbai think next step is to actually *look* at the patches that are in 2.6.28 and compare with what has made it upstream...16:10
jebbai gotta get another one of these as a backup fone to actually use, cuz if i lose this i'm kind of foneless, cuz my old fone is t.r.a.s.h.ed.16:11
jebbatoo bad they are obscenely expensive in .ar ...16:11
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ruskieyay got the n900 privacy guard16:33
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jebbahasnt exploded yet!  :)16:50
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ruskiehmmm quite a thick protector16:57
ruskiebut it does fill out the bevel nicely16:57
ruskienot sure if I'll stick with it16:58
ruskiebut I'll give it a try16:58
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misiekhello devs19:09
misiekI have a small question...19:09
misiekis it possible to compile linux drivers on x86 platform and run them under emulator?19:10
misiekinsted of running them directly on the device...19:10
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VDVsxmisiek, probably, I think this depends on sbox, but should work19:11
zaheermKhertan, you were working on google sync stuff? i have a working multicalendar one way sync which i am in process of making a dbus service so i can do the ui in python...what have you worked on?19:12
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Khertanzaheerm: i'm not working on it for the moment ... but yes i ve made in the past a dual sync / multi calendar google sync19:14
Khertanthe hard part currently is accessing in python to the native calendar application19:14
Khertanas i ven't see any api yet19:14
zaheermok i've done that with the native calendar19:15
zaheermdone it in c++ because that is the api provided19:15
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Khertanmulticalendar one way << not in the both way ?19:18
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zaheermboth ways is not too hard19:20
zaheermi want to just slap a ui on first19:20
zaheermboth ways meaning events on local device get synced to google19:22
zaheerm is a screenshot19:24
Khertanbut the ui can be clearly minimalist ...19:28
zaheermyas but writing ui in c++ is shitty19:28
Khertana control panel ... with prefs ... and viewing the sync log19:28
Khertanzaheerm: yep :)19:28
Khertanin python too ... as there is many errors in the docs :19:28
zaheermso i am writing a dbus interface on my c++ sync app, and using python for ui19:28
zaheermbut yah someone told me you worked on stuff, so i'm making sure we don't duplicate efforts19:29
Khertani'll try to look friday if i can do a simple control panel with login / pass / view sync logs / and some prefs like device always erase conflicting events19:29
Khertanzaheerm: not yet19:30
Khertani was working on something else like the a todos with a web site and sync19:30
Khertanas google todo sucks :)19:30
Khertanand i don't like the one in fremantle in the calendar19:30
zaheermmy code is at (though dbus interface stuff is not pushed there yet)19:31
Khertanzaheerm: did you know that Mail For Exchange already have a sync with google ?19:31
zaheermyes but not multicalendar19:31
zaheermand i have multiple google accoutns each with at least 10 calendars19:31
zaheermso it doesn't work for me19:32
zaheermKhertan, homeasvs is working on todo and sync stuff using couchdb/python etc.19:32
Khertanyep me too i use many calendar19:32
Khertanzaheerm: yep ... but i ve a strange vision of todo :)19:33
zaheermhis vision is strange too :)19:33
zaheermmaybe you guys could collaborate19:33
Khertanzaheerm: it ll look like something like that19:34
Khertanand i ll not use a proprietary db ... but a ics file for storage19:35
Khertanstandard ... simple !19:35
Khertanoups doesn't seems to work19:36
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ruskiehmm just remember that my first nokia 5110 device id was NX-51 kinda fits with the RX-51 :)20:50
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jebbasome people raise their kids christian anti muslim, some socialist anticapitalist. mine likes jackd; anti pulseaudio  ;)22:03
wndwell it's only natural to be anti-pa22:05
ruskieand I'm anti-all sound servers :)22:07
wndthey have their place in the world but I don't need them -- or at least I don't know I need them22:08
woglinderuskie sure and how will you handle sound in cell phones?22:08
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ruskiewoglinde, doesn't alsa have softvol and dmix?22:18
ruskieossv4 has something similar built in as well22:18
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detectivehey guys, is a testing marathon planed in near future? O_o22:31
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VDVsxdetective, need some testing ?22:33
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detectiveVDVsx: yep22:34
VDVsxwhich app ?22:35
detectiveVDVsx: irssi22:35
VDVsxthat's a CLI app ?22:36
ruskiegenerally is22:43
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