IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Monday, 2010-01-25

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GeneralAntillesHi there02:08
SazI'm trying to create a bugzilla account, but I won't get the password mailed...02:08
SazCan I report a bug here, too?02:09
GeneralAntillesYeah, I guess it's a known issue.02:10
GeneralAntillesNot sure what the status is, though.02:10
GeneralAntillesI can poke Andre tomorrow.02:10
SazGeneralAntilles: Can you file a bug report for me?02:11
SazIt's an easy one :)02:11
GeneralAntillesI believe there's already a bug, actually.02:12
jebbait's probably due to the mail server being down.02:12
SazNot a report about bugzilla. I've found an bug in pymaemo hildon manual.02:12
jebbaand not bugzilla specific.02:13
GeneralAntillesjebba, down? Ah, interesting.02:13
Sazjebba: Thanks for clearing things up.02:14
SazIn  there is a function mentioned "hildon.hildon_banner_new_information(widget, icon_name, text)".  This function does not exists, but there is a function called ".hildon_banner_new_information(widget, icon_name, text)02:16
SazArg. Sorry. The last line wasn't finished :)02:16
SazThe function is called ".hildon_banner_show_information(widget, icon_name, text)"02:17
SazCan somebody with a bugzilla account please file a bug for me?02:18
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jebbamailserver still looks down....07:00
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andre__yay, bugmail, finally.13:26
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jebbaaw, i didn't get any bugmail :(         got other maemo mail thru tho13:38
jebbashould service restored be added to the server bugzilla?13:39
andre__well, works now13:42
andre__also stuff from yesterday arrives here now13:42
GeneralAntillesNow somebody go make some insightful replies on -community. :P13:43
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jebbai tried to promote a package and i got a page of midguard spew. Should this be added to the monster server ticket, or a new one?13:49
jebbaah, the promote actually went thru so i'll just ignore the noise ; )13:50
GeneralAntillesandre__, do we want to be pedantic about priorities?13:51
andre__not too pedantic13:52
andre__I think we have enough conflicts already... ;-/13:53
jebbaah, now the bugmail is coming :)13:54
GeneralAntillesWell, just remember to unset any reporter-set priorities when initially triaging?13:54
andre__I normally reset everything to Low always13:55
GeneralAntillesandre__, I've been doing Unspecified.13:56
GeneralAntillesSeems less likely to generate conflict and more accurate.13:56
andre__It's definitely more accurate, true13:56
andre__But I don't think it's too important, except for people setting High because "My bug must be fix immedatly!!!!"13:56
GeneralAntillesandre__, true enough, it's not like the field is meaningful at all13:59
GeneralAntillesBut still.13:59
andre__totally true13:59
andre__unfortunately I cannot disable that field14:00
GeneralAntillesWell, it's used for website.14:00
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kyle88hi. I'm having a little trouble with my nokia n810 and was hoping i could ask someone for help14:34
andre__this is not a support channel - probably #maemo is what you're looking for14:36
andre__this here is just for "maintaining" bugs14:36
kyle88oh ok thanks14:36
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andre__Yay. FOSDEM flight booked.16:34
VDVsxcan't go this year, bahhh, better days will come :)16:40
andre__realized two days ago that my exams are in March and not in February. Yay16:41
andre__well, thanks God. Looks like I can still make it :-P16:42
* andre__ is a lousy student16:43
VDVsxandre__, what's your field of studies ? :)16:45
andre__a nice micture of business, a bit less of computer sciences, a bit less of politics, and a little bit of law, I'd say :-)16:46
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andre__and no bugmail anymore again :-/20:07
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GeneralAntillesandre__, isn't bug 8473 a dupe?21:56
andre__GeneralAntilles, oh yeah, now that you say21:57
GeneralAntillesSo many dupes lately.21:57
GeneralAntillesSomething about SSU failing to update hostname.21:59
andre__don't remember such a report22:00
GeneralAntillesThere had to have been one. . . .22:01
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GeneralAntilles25% dupe rate22:04
GeneralAntilles42% negative resolution rate.22:04
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andre__hmm, I also have stats here, but they refer only to those issues that have an internal ticket.. :-/22:10
* GeneralAntilles is hating on a reporter.22:12
GeneralAntillesandre__, you happen to have sjgadsby's scripts laying about?22:13
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GeneralAntillesWoo, 2% dupe rate22:17
GeneralAntilleshooray me22:17
kimitake________I have a question for media player widget bug.22:18
andre__I don't get at all. Is that SDK, or device? If device, I cannot see that file in the Terminal because of that bug? or what?!22:19
povbot`Bug 8485: ucf hardcodes bash22:19
andre__kimitake________, you've got a looooong tail.22:19
GeneralAntillesandre__, ask Lucas?22:20
andre__yeah, but not around :)22:20
kimitake________On my irc client, my name is displayed as kimitake...22:20
kimitake________anyway, I'm putting media player widget on my N900 desktop and start button does not work.22:21
kimitake________next, prev, and stop button work22:24
povbot`Bug 5894: Play track button doesn't work22:25
andre__you've got eight slashes as suffix to your nickname22:25
kimitake________andre__, yes I just checked log file and found my real name :(22:26
kimitake________povbot`, how did you find it? I just specified "start widget" for media player bugs but I coudn't find it.22:27
povbot`kimitake________: Error: "how" is not a valid command.22:27
andre__povbot` found it because I gave gim the URL? :)22:28
povbot`andre__: Error: "found" is not a valid command.22:28
andre__and because I know my popular bugs... :)22:28
andre__so... my task for this evening: arguments (this also means numbers) to convince Fremantle program managers that community PR testing is useful22:30
andre__if anybody has some input: here I am.22:30
* andre__ looks at GeneralAntilles for example and if something comes to his mind :)22:30
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