IRC log of #maemo-bugs for Wednesday, 2009-12-30

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VDVsxandre__, did you tried to reproduce #7285 ? very funny :p02:02
andre__VDVsx: actually I did not try. I simply copy reports that are good - saves time and Nokia has enough testers while I have enough work already ;-/02:03
VDVsxeheh, np, but is funny ;)02:04
VDVsxah, the bug is assigned to a ex University classmate, gonna kick his ass :p02:04
VDVsxandre__, nokia has testers ? really ? :p02:05
* VDVsx his kidding02:05
andre__sometimes I wonder too02:07
andre__but if I'm angry then more with some designers...02:07
frals7126 is pretty funny... only when i got it it just killed hildon-home02:08
* andre__ still grumbles about that unusable polish hardware keyboard layout02:08
andre__stuff I can design in one hour in my freetime, and some paid guys don't get it right in months02:08
VDVsxis this kb design only for Poland ? or more countries ?02:10
andre__only poland.02:10
andre__well. I've ranted enough already internally. :-P02:10
* andre__ postpones his internal weekly report to tomorrow02:11
andre__must people will be on holidays and won't realize anyway I hope02:11
VDVsxthere's also one of CZ or you guys use the German one ?02:11
fralsdoes it add any value to #7126 if add a python script that crashes hildon-home (from what i can see) and note that it doesnt remove any widgets or is that gonna be covered since the already reported removes all widgets? ;o02:14
andre__VDVsx, CZ is a separate layout. and it works perfectly. :)02:17
andre__no, German is completely different02:17
wolf^andre__, there is no polish hw keyboard (thankfully)02:17
andre__wolf^, yeah, it's actually the english one02:18
andre__wolf^, uhm? but do you have four or two arrow keys?02:18
wolf^dpad would be better though02:18
andre__good for some people, maybe bad for average people. depends what you type probably...02:18
wolf^really hard to press up and right, for example02:19
andre__the N3000 will fix it :-D02:19
andre__sigh. too many reports. at least I triaged all reports from the PR1.1 testers now. priorities.....02:20
VDVsxpuff, N3000 is very lame, N7000 is much better:D02:24
wolf^let's make it N900102:24
wolf^to be over 900002:24
andre__sound like ISO standards to me :-P02:25
* andre__ rebooting in Polish02:26
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VDVsxandre__, re bug 7274, strange since I've 51.102:35
VDVsxpovbot`, ping02:36
VDVsxbug 727402:36
andre__VDVsx, it's another branch02:37
andre__it's fixed in master, but not in the PR1.1 branch02:37
andre__(and I might leak information by writing this :-P )02:37
VDVsxgood :)02:37
* VDVsx save the logs :D02:38
andre__darn :-P02:38
andre__this chatroom will self-destruct in 2 seconds02:38
andre__damn, this xchat plugin seems to be broken.02:39
VDVsxthe bug is probably there in previous versions, but I usually use English as default language02:39
andre__same here02:41
GAN900andre__, perhaps we ought to look at a more structured way of distributing the load around in January?02:43
andre__GAN900, oh yeah, highly welcome. I've been thinking about how to do it...02:44
GAN900andre__, the number of reports is steadily increasing, and there are a few people who'd be happy to help but a structure would probably make it more workable. . . .02:44
andre__and whether importing also "less valuable" reports might make sense to create more pressure02:44
andre__and get more Nokians into02:44
GAN900Maybe we need chocolate02:44
andre__but Tero definitely promised me to convince people to get into the open02:44
GAN900We need our carrot/stick02:45
GAN900The Bugzilla report card thing would be really good.02:45
andre__if you have any idea for better structure02:45
andre__i'm more than interested02:45
GAN900Can you feed something like that to management internally02:46
VDVsxbribe them :D02:46
GAN900No, I don't particularly has any useful ideas. :/02:46
VDVsxwhat the finns like ?02:46
GAN900We should do an end-of-year analysis on the Fremantle reports.02:46
wolf^VDVsx, vodka and salamiakki, not necessarily separate ;)02:47
GAN900VDVsx, maybe we should repurpose the "random community members" in the sidebar as a "wall of shame"? *eg*02:48
* andre__ updates his scripts (new version), drops his report for tonight, and hopes to get out into the snow here at 2AM02:48
* VDVsx googles salamiakki02:48
GAN900andre__, I have some time this weekend.02:48
andre__you know, it really depends on report quality. if a report is good it's awesome and not much work. if a report is bad that's what takes away the tim02:48
VDVsxGAN900, good idea, only Nokian with bug karma < 5 :D02:49
andre__GAN900, me too :-P02:49
GAN900I'll ponder on it a bit and see if I can't come up with some proposals.02:49
andre__very welcome02:49
andre__I wonder for example whether to introduce a "not-reproducible" keyword, in case I want a confirmation by a second user02:49
GAN900Can we set the status for canconfirm users to UNCONFIRMED by default?02:49
andre__Not in this fscking old version :-(02:50
* andre__ googles02:50
GAN900Should we use our stick to beat Karsten? :D02:50
GAN900andre__, I have a feeling that we want to move you up a notch up the foodchain02:51
andre__GAN900, actually if Karsten had more hours it would be faster ;-) Hence talk to Nokians (I did not mention some manager's name already, did I?) and say that he's important...02:51
andre__of course I've done so too02:51
GAN900andre__, reduce the number of UNCINFIRMED bugs you're looking at per week02:52
andre__because if he works on technical stuff that's 5 times faster than if I did :-P02:52
GAN900Anybody can triage those.02:52
andre__GAN900, still, if there's important ones I want to catch them02:52
GAN900But we need you for importing and a portion of the poking.02:52
GAN900andre__, indeed, but I'd rather community folks be carrying that load.02:52
andre__because if community finds important flaws they are good "showcases" to convince some sceptical nokians of "hey, that community feedback makes sense"02:53
andre__GAN900, definitely02:53
* GAN900 should triage 5 reports every morning.02:53
andre__Ubuntu has that concept02:54
andre__"5 a day"02:54
andre__pretty cool idea02:54
GAN900NEW stuff is the stuff I see you being more useful on.02:54
andre__in general I love Ubuntu's marketing. and Firefox' of course...02:54
GAN900You're like Quim now, we don't need you bogged down with drudge work. ;)02:55
* GAN900 files a bug about UNCONFIRMED/canconfirm02:56
GAN900bug 746203:01
GAN900Gawds, 344 updated reports in the past 48 hours.03:02
* andre__ writes a last email and then calls this a day03:08
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GAN900Night, andre__03:29
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andre__int received_email_requests_for_PR1_1_testing++;13:14
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andre__somebody with an N900 willing to try ?15:48
povbot`Bug 2723: Pushing key once causes multiple repeats15:48
andre__I'd love to know whether this still happens or not15:48
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edheldilandre__:  I certainly do not see the last reported problem, but I have n900 for a couple of days only16:32
edheldilthe one with kb going "bonky" after repeated Fn16:32
andre__ah, that one16:34
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rangeandre__: Cannot reproduce, added a note.17:01
andre__range, thanks a lot!17:01
rangeNo problem.17:02
andre__The daily spam is getting better: "I am Andrews Taylor and i will like to Place an Order on your (Bricks,   Sheet Size: 15 3/4"W x 11 3/4"L),"17:12
andre__They don't mean a broken N900, do they? :-P17:12
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VDVsxwow, bug 7500, who will report the 10k :)19:14
GAN900Me, and I better get a fricken tshirt. :P19:18
andre__Mozilla always has a contest - they let people guess when exactly it will be filed.19:18
VDVsxTMO poll ? :)19:19
VDVsxwow, someone ported a ngage game to maemo19:19
andre__ahaha, no, that's too anonymous i think19:19
* VDVsx wonders about the effort needed for that19:20
andre__two lemons, a screwdriver and some nuclear material. not *that* complicated.19:20
VDVsxfor what do you need the lemons ? :D19:23
andre__sorry, can't talk about this in public19:25
VDVsxok, just send my the schematics in pvt :D19:25
andre__i saw it on a tv show. I *know* it works, because it was on tv! :-P19:26
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andre__anybody willing to add some results to by opening the terminal, running "ls -al", dropping some unimportant stuff and mention if you have a backup resotred before, or not?21:08
povbot`Bug 7499: Permissions in /home/user on some dirs are much to permissive (rwxrwxrwx)21:08
wolf^andre__, 777 on MyDocs and .signon21:09
wolf^without restore21:10
andre__a damn. moment. I do have a completely fresh second device here. I should try that one21:10
* andre__ sometimes forget all the hardware around21:11
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andre__g'night :)23:05
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