IRC log of #europython for Thursday, 2010-05-20

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zethHow are you?17:18
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zethwhat should it be?17:31
zethsince I don't have a polish keyboard, can you paste here what it should be?17:31
ambvzeth: sure thing, here goes:17:32
zethI got nothing17:33
zethdid you send the name17:33
zethah sorry17:34
ambvŁukasz Langa is a rookie father and husband based in Poznań, Poland. In his free time he's working as a contractor for companies using Python including STX Next, a company developing solutions for the banking sector in Poland. Łukasz is a perfectionist, big fan of readable and testable code, building stuff is his thing since the first box of Legos.17:35
ambvthis is it, in UTF-817:35
ambvslightly redacted so my other employers won't complain (I have a couple of those)17:36
zeththe L turns into a question mark17:38
ambvhow about ń in Poznań17:39
zethIncorrect string value: '\xC5\x81ukas...' for column 'bio' at row 117:39
zethThis may be some mistake how we set up django17:40
ambvwhat DB are you using?17:40
zethI will check the encoding17:41
ambvyup, it's probably the default17:41
ambvwhich is ISO-8859-117:41
ambvPolish special characters aren't in it, they're in ISO-8859-2. but you're better off with UTF-8 anyways.17:42
ambvbut beware not to screw all other special characters on the whole website.17:42
ambvall those ISO-8859-1 ones are currently okay.17:42
ambvmaybe the safest thing to do will be to use some HTML entities for the unicode stuff17:43
ambvand use UTF-8 next year17:43
zethDEFAULT CHARSET=latin117:43
ambvyup, latin1 is ISO-8859-117:43
ambvso, leave it17:43
ambvtry this: (html entity encoding in progress, please wait...)17:44
ambvzeth: in the mean time, you can remove my evil twin brother from the listing ;-)17:45
zethI tryuy17:45
zethalter table submission_speaker modify bio longtext character set utf8;17:45
zethThat seemed to work17:45
ambvno difference on the website, caching?17:46
zethalter table submission_speaker modify name varchar(32) character set utf8;17:46
zethwebsite is generated17:47
ambvah OK17:47
zethhold on a sec17:47
ambvsure thing, I'm waiting :)17:47
zethIt has updated in the django17:49
zethfor reasons I don't particularly agree with17:50
zeththe stuff goes into django17:50
zethand then goes into pickles17:50
zeththen goes into a completely different system17:50
zethwhich generates the website17:50
zethbecause john hates django basically17:50
zethso now it is correct in the Django part (my bit), I might leave it until someone next regenerates the website17:51
ambvin the django the lion sleeps tonight17:51
ambvzeth: BTW, I'm covered in terms of the photo (I have uploaded a square one) but what about most of the other speakers who have their faces warped?17:52
zethlast year we had someone tidy them up17:53
ambvand Grzechu Jakacki has a huge one17:53
zethI don't think the person who tidied the photos up is involved anymore17:53
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paul_boddiezeth: Did you see my mail to europython-improve about the talk submissions creating a docutils error?18:08
zethI have it here18:09
zethwhat is the nature of the medical emergency?18:09
zethWhich talk is the problem?18:09
paul_boddieEmergency? It's just a docutils error!
paul_boddieThe PyPy 1.2 talk.18:10
zeth"please state the nature of the medical emergency?" - is star trek joke18:10
zethwhenever they turn on the doctor (who is computer generated hologram, he says that)18:11
zethI see the problem18:11
aa_zeth: that guy was my idol when I was at medical school18:12
aa_I even had a star trek badge for my white coat18:12
aa_ah, umour is so lost on ill people18:12
paul_boddieaa_: Are you another person who did medical school but didn't go on to be a medical person?18:13
aa_paul_boddie: I did practise for 6 years after medical school18:13
aa_paul_boddie: but the same outcome in the end :D18:13
paul_boddieaa_: I guess the answer is "no", then. :-)18:13
aa_I needed to save money to pay off the loans and go back to uni to study computer science18:14
zethI thought about becoming a barrister, then I found out the average salary of barristers is less than the average programmer18:14
zeth[PyPy is updated in the datasbase, so that system error should be gone next time they generate it, I will look at the other rst errors]18:15
paul_boddieI was worried that the pickles were all you had.18:16
paul_boddieI also found that the blog software wanted to double-escape everything. Apostrophe became &39; and reST links became encoded twice. Nasty stuff!18:17
zethOnly other error I could find on the talk page was on "Speed thrills"18:17
paul_boddieI only saw one error, myself.18:18
zethThe data goes into the django system18:18
zethbut it is not published from django18:18
zeththat would be too simple18:19
zethIt goes Django > Pickle > Something else > generated HTML18:19
paul_boddieYes, it makes for a bit of a mess.18:19
zethplus the wiki and blog and so on18:22
paul_boddieWell, I don't see the point of this Pyramid stuff, and I've said so a number of times now. It isn't easier than having a Wiki, and even the stated benefits of writing HTML by hand don't really seem to come through when you look at the kind of HTML on the site.18:24
zethWell I don't think it matters too much now18:24
zethas the whole thing will be binned in two months18:24
paul_boddieNope. I guess the Italians will keep doing their own thing for next year.18:25
zethand the world will run on whatever PyConIT uses now18:25
zethbut for PyConUK 2011, we should rationalise the system perhaps18:25
paul_boddieAnd in a couple of years, people running a conference (maybe even EP) will say, "This existing stuff is just too much. Let's write something simpler!"18:25
zethWell I think with this system, the talks and speakers need to be shown in Django18:26
zethor the submission stuff needs to be done in the other system18:26
paul_boddieI have to agree. There's no point integrating stuff for the sake of integration itself.18:27
zethYeah, we did try to run with the idea that each hosting country would be required to sort out the venue etc, but the EuroPython society would keep control of the website and so on18:28
zethbut that seemed to have run out of steam18:28
zethThe benefit of europython soc running the site would be that you would get some CRM benefits18:29
zethas people could keep a constant login from year to year18:29
zethand people can get rebooked in semi-automatically18:29
zethbut because PyConIT is running it, it maybe makes more sense for them just to do their stuff18:30
zethand I will just push my pram around florence eating ice cream18:30
paul_boddieI advocated this a long time ago, but people aren't motivated to make this happen. Another thing is that there's always this constant urge to redevelop everything, so that people who were involved (in addition to being worn down by the work they've already done) feel that their experience isn't being taken seriously.18:31
zetha lot of the problem is that the people who run the conference (like us) get demob happy at the end of the conference18:32
zethwe ditch everything and catch up on our normal lives18:32
zethI think an approach might be just to develop software as generic conference hosting content system18:33
zethand if EP in any given year wants to adopt it, then fine18:33
zethif other conferences want it then fine18:33
paul_boddieWell, for local organisers, it's a lot of work. The problem is that there are other people who could be taking a lot of the load, but they don't have much influence. I understand this: if you're trying to just get things done, it's easier to grab a bunch of local people and put them in a room until you've implemented something, but then there's no remote involvement and the load has to be borne by the local people.18:34
zethYeah indeed. The idea of making the EuroPython Soc keep constant development of the software, website, data etc is still a good idea18:35
zethbut for that I think we would need to reboot the EuroPython soc18:35
zethAt the moment the EuroPython Soc just means Laura18:35
zethin practical terms18:35
zethWe would need to create a committee etc18:36
zeththat would be semi-detached from the local activity each year18:36
zethI think already some people have been talking to the PSF about making a European-PSF18:37
zethso one idea would be to fold the EuroPython Society into that18:37
paul_boddieDespite the complaints, Indico permitted people to get on with the local stuff, and there are other systems out there. I guess the PyCon Tech stuff could be used similarly. I still think that these solutions focus on the wrong stuff - things like ultra-pedantic talk review - instead of the important stuff like registration, useful information.18:37
zethI agree18:38
zeththe really important thing is delegates18:38
zethnot speaker18:38
zeththe CRM type stuff should be with delegates18:38
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zethdelegates should be able to login and rebook for next year etc18:39
zethget info18:39
paul_boddieIf the Italians and others don't get bored soon, there may be no major need for EuroPython any more. Even the incubating powers of EuroPython seem quite limited, really. That's arguably what people should be focusing on.18:39
zethExplain more?18:40
paul_boddieHelping people start their own conferences.18:40
zethand perhaps more importantly, their own local user groups18:41
zethBTW, have you seen this?
zethunder "Discuss setting up a European PSF branch"18:41
paul_boddieYes. Has it been updated recently?18:41
zethso I think EuroPython type stuff could be folded into that18:42
zethbecause the US Pycon is organised by PyConUS18:42
zethAkin to what you said above. In a way EuroPython doesn't really exist.18:42
zethIt is whatever conference that would have happened anyway, just moved to July and labelled EuroPython18:43
zethPyConUK and PyConIT happen anyway18:43
zeththis year the first is EuroPython18:43
paul_boddieI guess having a local Python-wide target for donations and sponsors could be useful. Currently, it's all about event-specific sponsorship which doesn't seem to get onto anyone's budgets in any permanent way.18:43
zethnext year PyConIT is EuroPython18:43
zethOne alternative to EuroPython, if there was this PSFEurope getting more regular sponsorship, would be for18:44
zeththe PSFEurope to sponsor the best few speakers of X conference to speak also at Y conference18:45
zethSo someone who gave a great talk at PyConIT then goes and gives it in the UK or wheverever18:46
zethDepends on the volcanos18:46
zethVolcanos permitting, people like to go to new places18:46
zethpeople like to go hang out in florence18:46
zethmaybe even they like to hang out in birmingham18:46
paul_boddieProbably the biggest benefit is just locality: European sponsors would find it more justifiable to sponsor a European organisation, and it'd be easier from a practical perspective, too.18:46
paul_boddieI wouldn't mind going to Iceland again.18:47
zethso for people like us, who enjoy conferences, we don't mind going over to florence18:48
zethbut maybe most people are not like that18:48
zethand maybe in the longer run, developing more local stuff is better use of time and money18:48
zethI hope one day they sort out roaming charges in the EU18:54
zethif there was ubiquitous and cheap 3G18:55
zeththen people who want internet bring 3g with them18:55
zethIf in say 5 years time, laptop battery life is far longer18:56
zeththen that would make organising a geek conference much easier18:56
zethno need for power or wifi install18:56
zethso choice of buildings would be much wider18:57
zethjust have any old shed18:57
zethand setup your own local conference18:57
ambvzeth: not with 3G you won't19:02
ambvthere are a couple of tens of available data channels for each 3G BTS19:03
ambvdon't remember the exact number19:03
ambvbut even a hundred is far too small for a conference with a couple of hundreds of attendees19:03
ambvplus, data rates with that load are dramatically low19:04
ambvso wi-fi is still the way to go19:04
ambvBTW, I also have to go now.19:04
* paul_boddie still doesn't understand why people go to conferences only to spend all their time surfing the Internet.19:04
ambvI hope someone will unpickle those pickles19:05
ambvand the amount of question marks will drop in my bio19:05
ambvbye now guys!19:05
paul_boddieambv is The Riddler!19:05
paul_boddieSee you!19:05
zethbye ambv19:05
zethpaul_boddie: I agree19:06
zethspending all your time on internet is a bit much19:06
zethhowever, people do need a little bit19:06
zethto sort themselves out19:06
zethhandle crises at their workplaces19:06
zethand so on19:06
zethand hotel internet is already nonsense19:06
paul_boddieWould like to see that bandwidth quota idea implemented.19:06
zethWhat was that idea?19:07
paul_boddieQuentin and someone else were talking about it. Limit people to 3G speeds in order to stop people thinking that the fat pipe is for their movie downloading pleasure.19:07
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zethI didn't see it as much of a problem last year19:11
zethpeople socialised with me at least19:11
* _dboddie kicks stupid Wiki "parsers" that can't handle things like trailing whitespace.19:15
zethoh right, what wiki "parser" in particular?19:17
aa_even worse are language parsers that can't handle traiing whitespace /me hides19:17
_dboddiezeth: Textile19:18
zethoh right19:18
_dboddieStill, it's not as bad as using Markdown as a Wiki syntax...19:18
zethI never really used it19:19
zethI know that the Django markup module supports textile, markup and restructuredtext19:19
zethbut I don't like any of them really19:19
zeththey are all over the top19:19
zethThey start with a great idea19:19
zethlets have a markup that looks nice when read in text form19:20
zethbut then they make hundreds of tags that look ugly and lose the simplicity19:20
_dboddieMaybe the problem is that I'm usually converting some other format to a Wiki format.19:21
zethand that is the other thing I hate19:21
zeththey often have really poor one way parsers19:21
zethso you can go from restructuredtext to HTML ot PDF or whatever19:22
zethbut you cannot go from HTML to restructuredtext19:22
zethvery easily19:22
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zethMaybe one just has to do things in HTML19:22
_dboddieMy mistake: it's OK with trailing whitespace - it's just that it doesn't like links to be enclosed with markup for italic text.19:23
zethoh thats weird19:23
_dboddieNormal Wiki markup uses [ and ] for this, and there's a good reason for that, which people tend to forget.19:24
paul_boddieAlthough Moin's table syntax could be better, you don't want to stare at the reST table markup for very long. I found that things like URLs just can't go in the "simple" tables in various places at all.19:46
zeththe reSt url syntax is too hard19:47
zethLink_ then19:47
zeth.. _Link: http:www...19:47
zethno one would guess that19:47
_dboddieIt's a nice idea, but it doesn't scale very well.19:48
paul_boddieYes, but if you look at the EP front page, there are relative links in the not-particularly-nice-looking table. Try making some begin with "http:" and docutils gets really upset.19:48
paul_boddieBecause you've used a colon.19:48
aa_I know this is a really silly question, and sorry, but are _dboddie and paul_boddie related? :)20:19
zeththey are both from the superclass Boddie20:19
zethor both instances of the class Boddiw20:19
zethnot sure which20:20
zethpaul = Boddie()20:20
zethdavid = Boddie()20:20
zethbig hierarchy or derived classes and superclasses is a bit Java-ish20:21
zethso we keep it flat20:21
aa_zeth: are you speaking this year?20:21
zethwhat year?20:24
zethare you talking about new style classes?20:24
aa_no I am talking about spekaing at europy20:24
zeththey are there but people don't use them in the same extreme way in java20:24
zethah okay20:24
zethcompletely got the sense wrong20:25
aa_it's ok, I can see my lack of punctuation was confusing20:25
zethI submitted a talk today20:25
zethmight fit somewhere20:25
aa_I'll be there to heckle you20:25
aa_zeth: and have we got pyconuk again next year?20:25
zethI couldn't decided whether to keep on with the same as before or write a new talk from scratch20:25
zethwent for a new talk20:25
aa_cool, about what?20:25
zethUsing OWL in Python20:26
aa_OWL as in RDF schema stuff?20:26
zethI originally called the talk "Who the Fuck are you" but I changed it to "What does it all mean"20:26
aa_oh cool, I'll definitely be there20:26
aa_have had some interesting wanderings through all that semantic bollocks20:26
zethI will probably rewrite what I have done so far20:27
aa_by bollocks I do of course mean "stuff"20:27
zethsince someone else has already submitted a semantic web talk20:27
aa_that's a django talk20:27
zethbut is doing RDF with practical working stuff20:27
zethI am doing more of a "lets go on a journry to see if this all nonsense or can we make it do something useful out of it"20:28
aa_call it "RDF is the 'java' of data storage"20:28
paul_boddieIt's all nonsense! ;-)20:28
paul_boddieSpoiler alert! :-)20:28
zethwell yeah20:29
zethMy default position is that the semantic web etc is all nonsense20:29
zethbut I have a go to use OWL20:29
zethaa_: tell me about your interesting wanderings20:33
aa_zeth: medical data storage20:34
aa_massive distributed data sets20:34
aa_where literally old granny publishes her blood glucose, and then gp queries it20:35
aa_or some drug company publish their research and clinicians use it to make decisions20:35
aa_then the data is indexed and searched like a search engine20:35
aa_it's actually not too bad an idea20:36
paul_boddieWhat technologies, aa_?20:36
aa_paul_boddie: just plain rdf20:36
aa_with that querying thing, rasql?20:36
zethI am trying to use it with manuscripts, my work is paying me to find out about it20:36
paul_boddieBut the indexing and stuff?20:36
aa_paul_boddie: ah, no idea on that20:37
paul_boddieIt's a magic box?!20:37
aa_paul_boddie: I was thinking something custom20:37
aa_paul_boddie: it never got to the build it stage20:37
zethso the talk will hopefully appear as part of the process20:37
paul_boddieI heard that the Allegro Lisp people do RDF stuff these days. They do like their niches. ;-)20:37
zethso if ambv comes back we can tell him that his name is fixed:
zethhe has a little line through the L rather than the question mark20:38
aa_paul_boddie: for a start any of the indexing engines should be fine I think20:38
zeththe site has been updated20:38
paul_boddieI wrote an RDBMS-backed triple store once. Wouldn't recommend it, really.20:39
aa_paul_boddie: triplestores are popping up over and over20:39
aa_paul_boddie: did your one make release?20:40
paul_boddieI'm skeptical about a lot of this stuff.20:40
aa_paul_boddie: why skeptical?20:41
paul_boddieI think it's tempting to use RDF because "we might not know what we're going to store", but there are some awkward consequences of dumping stuff into a triple store, rather than specifying a proper schema and doing it all relationally.20:42
paul_boddieThis thing used RDF underneath:
zethgood point20:42
zethI'll take that for my talk20:42
zethFor me, RDF and OWL etc20:43
paul_boddieI've already taken some stuff discussed today for my talk. ;-)20:43
zethare more for exchanging data20:43
zethrather than storing it permentantly20:43
aa_paul_boddie: the attraction for me was having an inherently scalable situation, where everyone publishes as much data as they need20:43
aa_"it's scalable like the internet" is how I tried to explain it to the money people20:44
paul_boddieI think the query optimisation is pretty awkward. I've learned a lot about that since making that solution, and I'd probably want to think a lot harder about it if I had to do that stuff again.20:44
aa_paul_boddie: also, if you have a real graph of data, sometimes squeezing it into rdbms is a pain20:46
paul_boddieNot that you couldn't make it work, but I think people don't really appreciate that one major strength of RDBMS solutions is the work they do to find a hopefully optimal query strategy.20:46
aa_many man hours gone into that though in the history of the universe :P20:46
paul_boddieaa_: Agreed. You can have a basic triples table, which is what I did, but it doesn't lend itself to good performance.20:46
paul_boddieThe main reason for writing that stuff was because rdflib had a dependency on the awful bsddb and its continual readiness to lock itself into oblivion.20:48
aa_paul_boddie: I found rdflib really bad21:02
aa_well, way better than I could make, but still :)21:03
paul_boddieIt may all be better now, but bsddb in particular was annoying.21:04
* paul_boddie has to go.21:04
paul_boddieSee you all!21:04
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aa_oops wrong window22:49
aa_wrogn screen and wrong keyboard too, if anyone was wondering :D22:49

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