IRC log of #europython for Monday, 2009-11-16

*** Mikaskami has joined #europython01:03
*** Mikaskami has left #europython01:03
*** lenscape_ has quit IRC01:03
*** pedronis has quit IRC01:48
mattiWhy most of XML parsers in Python are so ... grr..04:13
*** lac_ has joined #europython04:41
*** lac has quit IRC04:41
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*** lac has joined #europython08:46
*** lac_ has quit IRC08:46
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*** matti has quit IRC09:07
*** ambv has joined #europython10:31
*** lac has quit IRC10:31
*** mgedmin has joined #europython11:00
*** pedronis has joined #europython12:29
*** lac has joined #europython12:41
*** lac has quit IRC12:53
*** lac has joined #europython12:58
*** pedronis` has joined #europython13:32
*** pedronis has quit IRC13:33
*** pedronis` is now known as pedronis13:33
*** lac_ has joined #europython14:25
*** lac has quit IRC14:25
*** jacob|home has quit IRC14:25
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*** ambv has quit IRC17:08
*** pedronis has quit IRC17:29
*** matti has joined #europython19:07
*** mgedmin has quit IRC19:11
*** lenscape_ has joined #europython21:38

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