IRC log of #europython for Thursday, 2008-05-15

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jezdezhi there, the europython wiki seems to have some issues13:59
dboddieThomasWaldmann: Can you see what the problem is?14:04
ThomasWaldmannwiki works for me (except that someone removed RecentChanges from navi_bar, bad idea IMHO)14:31
ThomasWaldmannah, "Updates" :P14:31
ThomasWaldmannhmm, never seen that one, but you can try to stop the wiki, remove data/cache/* and start it again14:32
ThomasWaldmann(you = wiki server admin)14:32
* dboddie redirects to zeth...14:33
ThomasWaldmannah, that helped :)14:37
ThomasWaldmannbtw, using 1.6.3 instead 1.5.x would help against the spam pain14:37
ThomasWaldmannbroken again :|14:38
ThomasWaldmanncan you please kill all moin processes?14:40
ThomasWaldmannlooks like some still run with problems14:40
dboddieThomasWaldmann: Not much I can do about that.14:40
dboddiezeth: ?14:40
ThomasWaldmannif you reload a page showing a backtrace multiple times, sometimes it is rendered ok14:42
ThomasWaldmanni know this behaviour if there are some processes running old stuff and some new, so it depends on which process processes your request14:42
dboddieThanks for the diagnosis. :-)14:45
ThomasWaldmannsince when does this happen btw?14:45
ThomasWaldmannbtw, 1.6.3 on mod_wsgi runs great :)14:46
* ThomasWaldmann registers14:53
dboddieThomasWaldmann: I don't know. jezdez might be able to say. The Wiki looked OK last night.14:54
jezdezI think I first stumbled over it two hours ago14:55
zethPicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'>: attribute lookup __builtin__.function failed14:56
ThomasWaldmannbtw, in the registration checkout, at the payment options, it should mention that you need to have/create a paypal account14:57
ThomasWaldmann(when you click on "pay with credit/debit card")14:58
ThomasWaldmannzeth: did you kill all moin processes?14:59
zethI just saw that14:59
zethshall I delete data/cache first?14:59
zethI moved everything out of the data/cache15:00
zethand it seemed to come back to life15:00
ThomasWaldmannmoin stop, kill, del cache, start15:00
zethhuh, sorry15:02
zethI have forgot everything about moin, paul is the except, I just sort out the server15:02
zeththere is two moin wikis on the server so I don't want to hose the other one15:03
zethit is debian server, BTW15:03
zethI did ps -e | grep moin and there is no moin process15:03
ThomasWaldmannand likely a stable debian moin package :P15:03
zethit is running through apache15:03
ThomasWaldmanns/stable/stale/ :)15:03
zethI think not actually15:03
zethI think it is from a tarball that paul provided15:03
dboddiezeth: Can you use pstree to tell you which processes are children of others?15:04
zethdboddie: sweet command15:04
ThomasWaldmann You will be receiving15:04
zethI never seen this one before15:04
ThomasWaldmann    * An email Registration Ticket, confirming your registration. This is your pass to EuroPython 2008, please bring it to the Conference.15:04
ThomasWaldmann    * Once payment has been made, an Invoice, which you should keep for your records.15:04
ThomasWaldmanna) i got an invoice immediately15:05
ThomasWaldmann(by printing from the web browser)15:05
dboddieThomasWaldmann: You should get a mail as well, I think.15:05
ThomasWaldmannb) i got an order confirmation (no idea if that should be the "email registration ticket")15:06
ThomasWaldmann(by mail)15:06
zeththe other two wikis on the server work15:06
ThomasWaldmann(and the payment details for the bank transfer should better be in that email, not just once on the screen)15:06
zethIs there anyone here who knows about MoinMoin?15:07
zethIf there is not an easy fix then I will probably just restart from base principles15:07
dboddiezeth: ThomasWaldmann is your man.15:07
zethget a new version and move the data across15:07
ThomasWaldmannzeth: you killed all python processes and did like told?15:08
zethkill all python processes?15:08
ThomasWaldmann(all moin python processes, to be exact :)15:08
zethThat would be a bit extreme15:08
zeththere are other things running on there15:09
zethso I would want to be a bit more specific15:09
ThomasWaldmannif you can find out what's what, then maybe just restart apache15:09
ThomasWaldmannhow are the wikis served exactly? fastcgi? mod_python? mod_wsgi? ...15:09
ThomasWaldmann(see apache conf for /community url)15:10
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dboddiepboddie: Just in time for a MoinMoin discussion. :-/15:10
ThomasWaldmannif I get access, I maybe could also help via ssh15:11
dboddiepboddie: Check the channel log.15:11
zethThomasWaldmann: mod_python15:11
zeththere are three wikis15:11
ThomasWaldmannok, then restart apache15:11
zethspring2008 which I set up myself which uses the latest code running completely within its own space15:12
ThomasWaldmann(or rather: stop apache, kill data/cache/*, start apache)15:12
zeththis one is fine15:12
zeththe spring2008 one is fine15:12
zeththen there is the pyconuk one which is the debian package15:12
zeththen there is the europython which is the code from pboddie15:12
zethwhich was installed some magic install script from paul15:13
zethI have killed apache15:14
zethcleared the stuff15:14
zethand then restarted apache15:14
zethif it doesn' work now then15:14
zethI will start the wiki again15:14
zethand move the content back15:14
dboddieLooks fine so far.15:14
zethdoes anyone know what the problem was?15:15
zeththe server was fine15:16
zethother python powered sites were fine15:16
zethtwo other wikis were fine15:16
zeththis wiki had PicklingError: Can't pickle <type 'function'>: attribute lookup15:16
zeththat can't be good15:16
dboddieYes, that looks wrong.15:17
zethlooks like some code problem15:17
zethor some incorrect combinations of versions or something15:17
dboddiepboddie might be able to figure it out.15:18
zethIs it something to do with?15:19
* ThomasWaldmann at phone15:19
zethWe are not at the latest  version15:22
ThomasWaldmannthe code where it crashed is the scanning of the group pages, at the end, it pickles all it got to disk15:22
ThomasWaldmannand there should be no functions involved :)15:22
zethcould it be the problem was a namespace problem?15:23
ThomasWaldmannep runs moin 1.5.3, I guess that's about 2 years old code15:23
zeththat some of one version had got mixed in within another?15:23
zethout of the three moinmoin wikis, only one is installed how I would like it to be15:23
zethwhich is completely within its own directory15:24
zeththe other two are wikifarmed together15:24
ThomasWaldmannwhich code which wiki uses is determined by sys.path (or PYTHONPATH)15:25
ThomasWaldmannusually setup in some apache section where the modpy stuff gets invoked15:25
zethI want to be sure this error does not happen again, so if I get a new version of the code, will it be easy for me to export the data across?15:26
ThomasWaldmann(and you can have lots of different moin code versions on the same machine as long as you get that right [and don't use to install them all to the same place :])15:26
ThomasWaldmannupgrading from 1.5.3 to 1.5.9 (latest and last 1.5 release) should not be that hard15:27
ThomasWaldmann1.5. to 1.6.3 is a bit more work and definitely not done in 10mins15:27
zethif I get a new code tarball from the net15:27
zethand put the data in it15:27
zethis that doable in ten minutes?15:27
zethor say under an hour?15:27
ThomasWaldmann1.5.9 likely yes, 1.6 rather no15:28
ThomasWaldmannif i do it, 1.6 could be in below an hour :)15:28
ThomasWaldmannat least if you did not use 3rd party extensions or own hacks15:28
zethcool, you are volunteering for that?15:28
ThomasWaldmanni can do it15:28
ThomasWaldmann(not right now, because of a family birthday starting in some minutes, but tomorrow evening or weekend would be ok)15:29
zethokay we meet up on IRC again and sort it out together15:30
zethat the weekend15:30
zethand hope the exisitng one does not die in other ways before then15:30
ThomasWaldmannyeah, maybe just contact me on #moin when you have time15:30
ThomasWaldmannwe can do it using screen, so you see what I do :)15:30
* ThomasWaldmann is located in Germany, UTC+215:31
ThomasWaldmannbtw, already done the DSA-1571-1 work? :)15:32
ThomasWaldmannzeth: btw, do you think you could install mod_wsgi additionally?15:35
ThomasWaldmann(mod_python == major pain IMHO :)15:36
ThomasWaldmannSee also:
dboddieNote that we'll be having an IRC meeting later today, so we can try to discuss some of these things then.15:37
ThomasWaldmannmod_python is rather old stuff and not very secure15:37
ThomasWaldmannafaik, it all runs withing the apache process. so same uid/gid for everything. and if something fscks up, it might have bad and far reaching consequences.15:38
ThomasWaldmannmod_wsgi has a nice daemon mode and completely manages the daemons for you. so everything is cleanly separated running with own uid/gid and process.15:39
ThomasWaldmannthe site uses mod_wsgi (first 1.3, then 2.0 since a few weeks) and got much more stable (compared to fastcgi/lighttpd before).15:39
zeththe way the spring2008 wiki was setup15:48
pboddieHello everyone! Sorry, was occupied elsewhere.15:48
zethwas that there is a folder in /home, with one folder called live and one fodler called moin-1.6.115:49
zethwas that there is a folder in /home, with one folder called live and one folder called moin-1.6.115:49
zethit does not use the site-packages or /usr or anything15:49
pboddieThomasWaldmann: Alexander said that the problem was with mod_python, which is what I'd suspect to be the problem.15:49
pboddieThe code I supplied to zeth was just theme source files, not a whole MoinMoin distribution - it should be running off the standard Debian package.15:50
zethpboddie: it is15:51
zethpboddie: you are right I think15:51
zethi nthe long run, I want to get rid of the Debian installed version15:51
pboddieSo, I think it's just a problem with versions of that age: they have the race condition that Alexander described.15:51
pboddieIf I were running a system, I'd be tempted to backport a more recent version, but obviously it's risky if you have a number of things depending on it.15:52
zethso if I setup a new version in a directory of its own, I would then want to import the content15:52
pboddieThat should be easy: it's all in the epwiki directory. The only other stuff is the /etc/moin/ file, I think.15:53
pboddieI'd be inclined to agree with Thomas about upgrading: going to 1.6 would be tricky, and there might be some minor changes required beyond what the migration script hopefully does.15:54
zethpboddie: how many user accounts are there on the wiki?15:54
pboddieI think you can see if you look in epwiki/data/user and count the number of user files. Thomas might have a quicker, nicer solution.15:55
zethI could set up a new version at a different URL, then get a load of people to cut and paste the content15:55
zethI assume the markup format is still the same?15:56
pboddieWell, it should be easiest to copy the content (for safety's sake) into another directory, then point a newer MoinMoin version at it, running the upgrade script whose name eludes me (it's in the README).15:56
pboddieYes, the markup format only changed in 1.6. If you stick to 1.5.x then it's the same, as far as I know.15:57
pboddieIf you want, and if Thomas can't help, I can take a look at doing this tonight.15:57
pboddieAn interesting quick fix might be to switch to CGI, though.15:57
zethlooking in that user folder is starting to make moinmoin come back to me in my brain when I used it two years ago15:58
zethwell the other moinmoin wikis work fine15:58
zethso I think just get away from the debian and other mess15:58
pboddieThe biggest hit then would be the front page images, which are attachments, but we could copy them into the static images directory and link to them there.15:58
pboddieHow are the others configured?15:59
zethwell, the best one is the wiki15:59
pboddieIsn't that 1.6, though?15:59
zethbut it is all within its home directory with its own moinmoin code15:59
zethdoes not use the polluted namespace16:00
zeththat is how I would prefer to go forward16:00
zethas we can the move it between servers16:00
zethas we can then move it between servers16:00
Aistepboddie: I'm afraid i won't make it to the meeting tonight -- slightly overworked16:00
pboddieMy feeling is that if we can do the minimum to avoid problems, we could try that to start with. Slow CGI is better than error pages, after all. ;-)16:00
pboddieAiste: I'll be late myself, but there's a lot for other people to talk about, too. ;-)16:00
pboddiezeth: Flexibility is very nice to have, though, I agree.16:01
AisteI think the only info needed from me is streaming and related info16:01
zeththere are 446 users, I presume most of them spam16:01
Aisteand I can't say much, cause hotel people are really slow on this, but it should be alright16:01
zethI have a look through them16:01
Aistealso we have an ok progress on GVR speach16:02
pboddiezeth: Had I raised hosting with people a couple of weeks later, I'd have probably hosted it myself.16:02
pboddieAiste: Great. I think the streaming was something that your colleagues and MrTopf were working on, right?16:02
zethhosting there is fine, just don't like getting the errors16:03
Aistepboddie: yes, I think so16:03
pboddiezeth: Yes, I imagine that many of them are. Did you implement the ACL change, by the way?16:03
pboddieMrTopf: Did the discussion about streaming and traffic-shaping continue?16:04
pboddieI'm half tempted to do a talk about MoinMoin issues based on our experiences. ;-)16:05
pboddieA positive talk, though, not a rant. ;-)16:06
MrTopfpboddie: not that I know of, more waiting for Aiste et al. about that16:07
MrTopfah right, I need to submit talks16:07
pboddieNice to see everyone reads the blog. ;-)16:07
MrTopfbtw, I guess you hard about Joachim?16:07
Aisteyes :(16:07
MrTopfwell, I also know without the blog that there is a deadline16:07
pboddieYes, very sad. :-(16:08
pboddieMrTopf: True. I guess everyone is procrastinating or waiting for an extension to the deadline.16:08
MrTopfmaybe we should make some moment of remembering him at the conf..16:08
MrTopfI am just waiting for my workload to drop a bit ;-)16:09
pboddiePerhaps Martijn might be planning something there.16:09
MrTopfmy idea was also to check with Martijn16:09
zethpboddie: sorry I am not sure16:11
zethpboddie: if we didn't do it together then no16:12
zethpboddie: is it okay that I delete users like viagraforyou00016:12
pboddiezeth: Fine by me!16:13
zeththese are ones that could be real users16:13
zethThomasWaldmann ZethGreen MarcMagransDeAbril Imvu Kristian Rother GeirPedersen MichaelTwomey MauroCavalcanti ImvuCredits UkRodge yahooren regebro DavidBoddie ChristianTheune StephanDiehl HaraldArminMassa AndrewKuchling nobye5878 JanMurre EugeneVandenbulke JamesCrone LauraCreighton JannisLeidel BastianBlank Christian Scholz DaveKuhlman PaulBoddie HuangJian JennyAaeey JackJiang CatherGong AndreasSchreiber JenlyAaefy bossfee213no thomasr EngelbertGruber m16:13
zeththe rest seem clearly spam16:13
pboddiezeth: bossfee213no is a spammer. Check the BlockedUsersGroup for a list of common ones.16:14
zethI have backed up the spam just in case16:14
pboddieI guess HuangJian, JackJiang, Imvu and ImvuCredits are also spammers.16:15
zethI guess so16:15
pboddieDon't know about CatherGong, but it sounds spammish.16:15
zethbut there are not as clear as the rest16:15
ThomasWaldmann(textchas in 1.6 fix the spam problem. is wide open r/w for everybody and no spam since months)16:15
zethmoinmoin spam seems to be a chinese speciality16:16
pboddieThomasWaldmann: I'd have used 1.6 if I'd known last year.16:16
zethmy moinmoin batch admin script from two years ago still works16:16
pboddieI think we have most problems now with repeat spamming - that's why the ACL change to block people in the BlockedUsersGroup was proposed.16:16
pboddieMaybe we should upgrade to 1.6 eventually, but I'm wary of doing so right now, at least to immediately replace the current site.16:17
zethwell I think we should consider it16:18
zethif it will run unattended for longer16:18
pboddieOf course, I wanted to force people to log in, but then it was said that this sets the bar too high for editing. Given the apparent interest in editing amongst the wider community (ie. not very much), I doubt that my suggestion would have been a real problem.16:19
pboddiezeth: True. If you want, I can try and do a migration on my own hardware and see how it works.16:20
pboddieThomasWaldmann: How's the OpenID support for MoinMoin coming along? ;-)16:20
zethpboddie: well this server is used a lot by Python West Midlands16:21
zeththe kind of people who are organising europython next year16:22
zethso having it on this server makes sense in a way16:22
jezdezeuropython next year not in vilnius?16:22
pboddiejezdez: It's typically two years at most in the same place.16:22
zethsince we want to pull the many PyconUK organisers into europython16:22
jezdezI see, good idea16:23
zethjezdez: it is in England next year16:23
zethafter that who knows16:23
pboddiezeth: I wasn't going to suggest moving it anywhere else, really. I'd like to take a back seat around this kind of thing at some point in the future. ;-)16:23
ThomasWaldmannpboddie: i didnt test it personally, but there is a 1.7.0beta2 available for testing it :)16:24
pboddieThomasWaldmann: Backport? ;-)16:24
zethwell this is my first europython, but it seems that PyConUK seems to have more organisers than europython at the moment16:24
zethso next time you can give it to someone else to do16:25
pboddieYou'll be in good shape to take it over, I'm sure. I think a lot of interest in organising EuroPython has evaporated.16:25
zethbecause europython will have the PyconUK people too16:25
ThomasWaldmann(it depends on quite some changes in how auth and userprefs work. this is one of the major changes from 1.6 to 1.7, so if we backport it all, we make 1.6 to become 1.7 which is rather pointless :)16:25
zethWell, it is interesting question whether it should be in the same place for two years, there are good and bad things about it16:26
pboddieThat's why I think there's an argument for having some kind of global super-organiser (the IPC - International Python Committee) who can run the infrastructure for conferences.16:26
zethgood thing is that hopefully people know what to do the second year so they have less to do16:26
zethbut downside it is less exciting to go to the same city twice16:26
pboddieThomasWaldmann: Has anyone given you the WSGI middleware sales pitch yet?16:26
pboddiezeth: Not sure. I'm kind of looking forward to going back to Vilnius. I'd have gone to Gothenburg two years running as well.16:27
pboddieThomasWaldmann: Apart from the relentless WSGI promotion going on in the background, of course.16:28
zethwell I suppose two short visits is not a lot if you like exploring16:28
zethpboddie: I don't think corporate run conferences have a good track record16:29
pboddieIt was mostly lightweight tourist stuff for us last year. If you're only there for a week and aren't sprinting, then it's only three or four days.16:29
zethwell my original plan was to go to helsinki then take the superseacat to Estonia and then interail down16:29
zethbut I have so much work to do16:30
pboddieOn IPC, I guess I chose the acronym badly: it'd be a virtual organising committee running the registration, talks, Web site, Wiki, and so on, or at least giving assistance to those doing so.16:30
ThomasWaldmannpboddie: ?16:30
pboddieThomasWaldmann: I was just thinking about having stuff dispatching to MoinMoin with all the user credentials already provided by some component or other.16:31
zethwell we like to think that we in Birmingham are getting somewhere with our conference software which should go fully live for PythonUK at least16:31
pboddieThomasWaldmann: Of course, it's not something only WSGI can do, but I guess people do like to talk about it a lot.16:31
ThomasWaldmannmoin supports wsgi (in 1.6 and 1.7 in a rather basic way)16:31
ThomasWaldmannand we have a SOC 2008 project refactoring everything inside moin to be wsgi16:32
pboddieThomasWaldmann: Are you doing a sprint at EuroPython?16:32
zethwell the wiki has not crashed .. yet16:32
pboddiezeth: Have you changed something?16:32
pboddieOn the subject of conference services, I still think Indico had a good idea behind it, even if the implementation wasn't great.16:35
zethpboddie: I deleted the cache a few times and restarted apache a few times16:36
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dboddiepboddie: Looks like it's going to be a fun meeting tonight. Did you see John's message on the interest list?16:46
dboddie(interest -> improve)16:48
jezdezThomasWaldmann: shameless plug:
jezdezThomasWaldmann: this will be included in next version of virtualmin pro16:52
pboddiedboddie: Yes, and I saw the PSF meeting minutes about it earlier.16:57
pboddiedboddie: Does the PSF have any kind of trademark policy or is that something that is continually "carried forward" in their meetings.16:58
dboddiepboddie: I'll check. Sorry not to have considered that earlier...16:59
pboddiedboddie: I did think of it earlier, but I assumed that someone closer to the PSF would have looked into it. I'm content to run logo competitions, but I'd rather not have to pretend to be a lawyer as well.17:01
pboddie"Python and PyCon are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Python Software Foundation." sort of undermines their PyCon as blanket name for all Python-related conferences.17:03
dboddie"Any use of a derived (modified) logo for any commercial purpose must also be approved first by the PSF. We will generally be unable to do this, because of the confusion it may cause."17:04
pboddie"Use of derived logos for user groups and conferences -- Allowed if used to refer to the Python programming language."17:05
pboddie"Commercial user groups and for-profit conferences require permission from the PSF."17:05
pboddieSince EuroPython is provably non-profit, it satisfies the conference clause.17:06
dboddieWe should contact the PSF anyway. It's better to tread softly with this than to kick up a fuss.17:06
dboddieShall I do that?17:07
pboddieI guess John heard from them because PyCon UK isn't obviously non-profit. In contrast, the Europython Society is a registered non-profit.17:07
pboddiedboddie: I guess you should talk to John about it first.17:07
pboddieI'd argue that the logo doesn't contravene the "confusingly similar" clause. I imagine that the designer may have been aware of this, in fact.17:09
zethPyConUK is non profit17:11
zethPyConUK is for-loss!17:12
pboddieIs it registered as a non-profit organisation, though?17:12
zethno it is just a registered society17:12
zethit was enough work to get that far17:12
pboddieYes, I can believe it.17:12
zethwe are very much non-profit though17:13
zethin that no one gets paid17:13
zethwe run at a loss17:13
zethand everyone has to pay equally for the costs17:13
zethI am not a lawyer17:14
pboddieMaybe the lawyers were looking for the stamp of approval, didn't see it, then fired off a letter.17:14
zethbut we are a society running a members only event17:14
zetheveryone that comes is a member17:15
zeththere was some tax reasons that we are a members-only event17:15
zethto keep it non-corporate17:15
zethavoid some tax or other17:15
zeththough we pay some taxes17:15
pboddieAnd so everyone can smoke cigars indoors, too. ;-)17:15
zethyeah that is right actually17:17
zethexcept the music school might mind17:17
pboddieIn Norway, smoking fanatics have tried those kinds of things and failed. I think it's slightly different in the UK.17:18
zethwe could be a non-profit and we probably will do17:19
zethbut that costs money to not to have money !17:19
pboddieA kind of non-profit incubator would be good for these kinds of things.17:20
pboddieOK. Have to go shortly. Will probably miss the start of the meeting, but dboddie will keep me informed.17:56
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lachi all18:59
dboddiezeth: Do you know if John is joining us this evening?19:00
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dboddieAs if by magic...19:02
lacHi John19:02
dboddiepboddie is hoping to join in later.19:03
dboddieThe agenda is here:
dboddieHi MrTopf19:04
pinnerHello MrTopf19:04
dboddieEveryone ready?19:04
dboddieOh, and Aiste isn't joining us today, either.19:06
dboddieAt least, that's what she said earlier.19:06
dboddieRight. Let's get started!19:06
dboddiepinner: Thanks for getting registration up.19:07
lacyes, thank you john.19:07
pinnerdboddie: ok, we have three registered and paid by PayPal, and two to pay by Bank Transfer19:07
dboddieRight. ThomasWaldmann had some issues, but managed to register.19:08
dboddie[14:07] <ThomasWaldmann> btw, in the registration checkout, at the payment options, it should mention that you need to have/create a paypal account19:08
MrTopfI should register ;-)19:08
dboddiepinner: I'll cut and paste these into a mail and send it to you, shall I?19:08
dboddieMrTopf: Of course. :-)19:08
pinnerwhich begs the question: who monitors the bank account to see if a transfer has taken place19:08
dboddieWho has access? lac?19:09
pinnerdboddie: yes, please. Ibelieve You do NOT have to have a Paypal account, however I have one, so I can't test it.19:09
dboddieWe had some issues with the Wiki earlier, but I think ThomasWaldmann managed to talk zeth through the fixes.19:10
MrTopfI usually have issues as my account is somehow broken and my credit card is attached to it and it does not allow me to reuse it19:10
MrTopfbut I will find a way19:10
pinnerlac: looks like you will need to check the bank regularly, and let me know when payments have been made19:11
pinnerlac: or you could ahve a login to the cart and mark them paid yourself.19:11
lacI can do this for the wire transfers easily enough, but I don't know how the paypal transfers work.19:11
lacDon't we have to manually instruct paypal to send us money?19:11
pinnerThe PayPal payments stay in our PayPal account until we initiate a transfer to the bank account19:12
pinnerlac: yes, that's right19:12
lacOk.  So you want me to monitor our paypal account?19:13
lacor just when we make a transfer make sure that it gets to the bank account?19:13
pinnerlac: you do it through the PayPal login, looks easy, but I resisted the temptation to try it out19:13
pinnerlac: no, monitor the bank account19:13
dboddiepinner: Are you funthyme at gmail dot com?19:13
MrTopfthe important part is to put my account number in before you press the button ;-)19:14
pinnerlac: the mailings from europython-adm will tell us when something goes into PayPal19:14
lacok, I can monitor our swedish bank account just fine.19:14
pinnerdboddie: yes19:14
dboddiepinner: mail coming your way19:14
lac(over the internet, its easy.  provided you have a magic encryption  box, which I have.)19:14
dboddieOK, did anyone else have problems with registration?19:15
* dboddie guesses that's a no.19:15
dboddieShall we talk about the logo?19:16
dboddieInterpreting the PSF Trademark Usage Policy, it looks like we might be able to use the logo we have under the following Derived Logos clause:19:18
dboddieUse of derived logos for user groups and conferences -- Allowed if used to refer to the Python programming language. Commercial user groups and for-profit conferences require permission from the PSF.19:18
dboddieBut we should contact the PSF, just to be sure.19:18
lacI can do that.19:19
lacBut I am quite sure they won't mind in the least.19:19
dboddielac: Do you want to do that?19:19
dboddiepinner: Do you want to say anything about the logo, or are you still fuming?19:19
pinnerthere is currently a lot of discussion on the psf list about these logos, initiated by mal following my posting to europython0-improve19:20
pinnerno, i"m not fuming, we've take the decision in principle to change our log when we have an appropriate ideq for a rep;acemnet19:21
dboddieWell, perhaps lac and pinner need to coordinate on this, just to avoid confusion. It wouldn't make sense to ask them about it twice.19:21
pinnerI just want to make sure that ep doesn't fall foul of this as well (we already have swag bags printed, for example)19:22
dboddiepinner: Ouch. Sorry to hear that. That's why we need to clear it up before doing T-shirts and the sponsorship brochure...19:22
dboddie...which leads us to...19:22
lacjacob is not here, at a meeting that runs right nowö19:23
lacI can forward whatever you ask to him19:23
dboddieShould I send you the brochure?19:23
dboddieSponsorship brochure.19:24
dboddieQuentin sent me the PyCon UK one, I looked at the Akademy one, and I made a draft EP one.19:24
pinnerlac: just checking, are you going to clear the logo usage with the PSF?19:25
lacI can, or you can.19:25
lacwhatever you think is correct.19:25
dboddieI think lac should do it. Let's not confuse the PyCon UK and EP issues.19:25
pinnerlac: best if you do, as I'm already in the dog house19:25
lacbut I just read your mail to ep-improve which apparantly was on my disk that got creamed.19:25
lacsomebodies in the psf are insane,19:26
lacbut I will ask.19:26
dboddieJust don't say that in your e-mail. ;-)19:26
lacprobably better not for that email19:26
dboddieOK, well, as to sponsorship, I think (apart from the logo) that I just need a sane set of terms and conditions, then we're set.19:27
pinnerlac: what really did bug me is that they'd all lloked at the website with the logo when we asked for approval over a year ago!19:27
dboddieAs long as jacob22 is OK with the brochure, of course.19:27
lacI think he is fine with it.  He didn't leave me with any comments for you guys, at any rate, before running off to his 1800 meeting19:27
dboddielac, pinner: I'll send you both the brochure, anyway.19:28
dboddieI told Quentin that I'd put the raw resources somewhere as well, in due course.19:28
pinnerdboddie: thanks19:28
dboddieI think we can skip over the surveys this time, unless there's anything to say.19:29
pinnerdboddie: nothing to say because nothing done! sorry.19:29
dboddiepinner: No problem.19:29
dboddieAnd I guess we'll have to wait for logo clearance before doing anything else with T-shirts.19:29
dboddieMrTopf: Do you know what the situation is with streaming?19:30
pinnerfwiw, I don;t anticipate a problem with the logo because it's in it's original IKEA form, albeit surrounded by EuroPython graphics19:30
pinneron the other hand, a lawyer is involved...19:31
MrTopfdboddie: Aiste just said that the hotel is slow but she does not expect any problems19:31
dboddiepinner: I agree.19:31
dboddieMrTopf: Do we need to think about volunteers, equipment, ...?19:31
MrTopfbut my guess is that we only will find out on location if it works when it's traffic shaping19:31
MrTopfyes, I guess we need to think about this19:32
pinnerdboddie: I wouldn't let the logo issue stop you using it in the brochure, we need to get it out to the sponsors19:32
MrTopffor every room we need: 1 camera, 1 tripod, 1 laptop/computer to which the camera can be connected plus 1 person controlling it19:32
dboddieMrTopf: I think it's about time we started using the europython-volunteers list that SteveA set up.19:32
dboddiepinner: OK.19:32
MrTopfare there people on it? :)19:32
MrTopfmaybe we should also promote it a bit19:33
dboddieMrTopf: Apparently, it's all the people who signed the sheet last year.19:33
MrTopfso the number of cameras/laptops will then define how many rooms we can stream19:33
MrTopfand people of course19:33
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MrTopfit would also be good to have more than 1 person per room so that you can also attend some talks yourself19:33
dboddieIncidentally, does anyone know the current status of sponsors or people wanting sponsorship?19:34
pinnerMrTopf: thsi sounds like Startrek: streaming people ;)19:34
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dboddieHi pboddie!19:34
pboddiedboddie: Hello!19:34
MrTopfHi pboddie19:34
pinneryes, hello paul19:34
pboddieHello all!19:34
* pboddie is just catching up with the logs.19:34
MrTopfwill there be an option to get sound in every room?19:35
MrTopfI cannot remember from last time except that I did not had a sound connection19:35
dboddieI guess that depends on equipment.19:36
MrTopfI think this is the most important issue for streaming19:36
dboddieI agree. Video streaming isn't as important as having clear audio.19:36
dboddieAh, I almost forgot about keynotes...19:37
MrTopfso people responsible for equipment should take an audio output to the camera into account then19:37
dboddieIt looks like Aiste is taking over from Lennart with respect to Hans Rosling.19:38
pboddieMaybe the streaming equipment is just a question of having enough people, with enough equipment, in all the right places.19:38
MrTopfpreferably mini jack   or what it's called (what you can put into your laptop)19:38
MrTopfyes, but if the equipment has no audio out then the quality will decrease quite a bit19:38
MrTopfand you will mostly hear people typing on their laptops next to the cam19:38
* dboddie makes a mental note to bring an audio plug adaptor.19:39
dboddiepboddie: What were you thinking of when you wrote about keynotes in the agenda?19:39
pboddieJust to make sure that the necessary arrangements are being made to secure the keynote speakers.19:39
dboddiepboddie: Having enough information to announce them?19:39
pboddieProbably what Lennart was talking about.19:39
lacI want to know if Hans Rosling got back to Lennart with a firm yes, and what day does he then want to talk about?19:40
MrTopfLennart was twittering me that Hans Rosling is only preliminary so I hope we can make that final soon :)19:40
lacI don't mind talking to Hans Rosling, but what was it that needed doing? or is Aiste doing that?19:40
pboddiePerhaps Lennart and Laura can synchronise by a mechanism other than Twitter.19:40
lacI will email him.19:41
MrTopfmaybe CC Aiste19:41
dboddielac: You're getting all the mail tasks this week. :-)19:41
pboddieMy impression is that he'd got him interested but couldn't "sign off" on it, or something like that.19:41
pboddieThe thing that requires the equivalent of "root privileges" in the context of the conference organisation.19:42
MrTopfHans Rosling could bring some people to EP :)19:42
dboddieMrTopf: He has an entourage? ;-)19:42
MrTopf"if you don't want to spend US$6000,- for watching Hans Rosling at TED, come to EP!" ;-)19:42
dboddiepboddie: Was there anything you wanted to add about registration/budget/Wiki?19:43
pboddieI think we can say that registration is dealt with, apart from publicity.19:43
pinnerSorry to go back. You do not need a PayPal account to register, I've just tried. There is a link:19:44
pinnerDon't have a PayPal account? Use your credit card or bank account (where available). Continue19:44
MrTopfthe only problem is usually if you have a credit card which is attached to an paypal account19:44
MrTopfin thtis case you have to use that account19:44
pinnerbut of course they'd  like you to have a PayPal account19:45
MrTopfsure but mine is broken and thus I don't use PayPal these days ;-)19:45
MrTopfbut maybe it also has changed by now, will find out soon19:45
pinnerMrTopf: I think that you can still bypass the PayPal account and pay using the card19:45
MrTopffor the past that never worked19:46
MrTopfI tried everything, even dissolving this account which maybe made it even more broken ;-)19:46
MrTopfas soon as it detecs that that card is attached to an account it wants you to login to it19:46
pboddieIs this about credit cards just using PayPal as the payment service? (Rather than hooking into the whole PayPal system.)19:46
MrTopfbut anyway, probably my own special problem19:46
pinnerWe could havve the PayPal Website Payments Pro option, which hide the PayPal account stuff19:46
pinnerbut that cost a monthly subscription, which rules it out when we want for only two month in the year19:47
pboddieAbout the Wiki: it needs looking at a bit in order to resolve some of the errors that keep coming up. As far as I am currently aware.19:47
MrTopfI will get registered somehow, don't worry :)19:47
pinnerpboddie: is this what Zeth's supposed to be lookign at?19:48
pboddiepinner: Zeth and others were talking about it earlier. I'm convinced that it's a mod_python + Debian-era MoinMoin problem which would go away if CGI were used instead.19:49
pboddieI said that I'd help look into it. Effective immediately!19:49
pinnerOK, so we use CGI. I hope it's that simple (we use mod-python elsewhere on the server).19:50
pboddieI didn't understand why the other stuff works, but apparently you're using MoinMoin 1.6 elsewhere.19:51
pboddieWe did discuss installing a fixed or patched version of MoinMoin to run privately, with an eye to migrating to 1.6, but I don't intend to do the latter "live".19:51
dboddieThat would be asking for trouble.19:51
lacOk, right now are we in the state where if a user doesn't have a paypal account, and absolutely doesn't want to register to paypal19:52
lacthen they cannot pay?19:52
dboddielac: They can still do bank transfer.19:52
lacor they can using a credit card anyway?19:52
pinnerpboddie: I'm afraid that I'm MoinMoin ignorant19:52
dboddieThomasWaldmann: ?19:52
pboddiepinner: I relied on the default Debian version, but this is a bug which, if fixed in later 1.5 releases, isn't apparently available in Debian.19:53
pinnerlac: No, I don't think so. They do NOT need a PayPAl account to the best of my knowledge.19:53
lacbut no credit card?  After all, I pay for freenode using a credit card using a service that uses Paypal, but I still haven't gotten a paypal account19:53
zethHi all19:53
lacare we set up the same way, or no?19:53
lacOk, thanks John19:54
ThomasWaldmanndboddie: ?19:54
pinnerlac: just so, you don't need a PayPal account!19:54
pinnerlac: you just need to be able to read the PayPal screen.19:54
pinnerzeth: hi19:55
dboddieThomasWaldmann: You said "re". I thought you were going to say something.19:55
ThomasWaldmannthat just means that I returned :)19:55
lacok, great thank you.19:55
pinnerzeth: [dp]boddie were just talking about MoinMoin and mod-python vs CGW19:55
pboddieCGI, that is.19:56
ThomasWaldmannzeth: i have an hour, do we want to do something?19:56
pinnerpboddie: cgw is a new module i just wrote ;)19:56
zethHi ThomasWaldmann thanks, maybe after the meeting has closed proper, we have a little sub group about it19:57
zethlet them rattle though the other topics first19:57
dboddieHave we resolved everything we can this meeting?19:57
dboddielac to send mails to the PSF and Hans Rosling.19:57
* dboddie to send mails to lac and pinner about Sponsorship.19:58
pinnerdboddie: I thinks so, but it would be good to have a progress report on Talks19:58
dboddiepinner: Agreed.19:58
dboddieStatus, anyone?19:58
ThomasWaldmannzeth: ok, ping me when ready19:59
dboddiepboddie: Are you following the talks list?19:59
pboddieI think we've only had three submissions or something like that.19:59
pinnerso that's one talk per day, so far20:00
zethHave we had any hints about sprints yet?20:00
pinnerof course certain people (like me) haven't submitted anythin yet...20:00
dboddieI read something about sprints. Wasn't there going to be a Python sprint?20:00
dboddiepboddie: Does that include tutorials?20:00
pboddieThomasWaldmann mentioned a MoinMoin sprint when asked.20:00
pboddiedboddie: No tutorials that I'm aware of.20:01
dboddieOK, so we can potentially add an lxml tutorial to that.20:01
pboddieAgain, I think publicity is needed, plus reminders for people to actually submit talks.20:01
dboddieDid Stefan submit his other topic for a talk?20:01
pboddieI haven't seen it yet.20:01
dboddieOK, so we should nudge a few people, at least.20:02
pboddieI put the word out on a few lists and channels.20:03
dboddieWe know that people are going (they've blogged about it) so we need to encourage some of them to talk.20:03
dboddieRemind them that they don't have to give talks in Lithuanian. :-)20:03
pinnerThe Talk_Submission page gives a deadline of 22nd May. This seems pretty unrealistic and we should change it20:04
dboddieMaybe align it with the end of early registration.20:04
zethyeah, just subtlely drop it20:04
pboddieI say we keep everyone under pressure and only when it's upon us do we push it back.20:04
pboddieMaybe people will think more seriously about submitting talks now that they can register.20:05
zetha day or two before the date we just quietly remove the data20:05
zethunless we have nough stuff20:05
zeththe talks submission is closed when you have filled the time20:05
pboddieOf course, we'll get the usual complaints about people not knowing what the talks are before the end of early registration.20:06
zethwell thats fair20:06
zethearly registration discount is for that20:06
dboddieYes, but that's the deal. You pay less because you don't know what you're getting.20:06
zethdboddie: +120:06
pboddieIndeed. I tried to explain this once.20:06
pinnerpboddie: well it's a community conference, the delaeates need to submit talks as well20:06
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lac_sorry lost my connection.20:07
zethby trusting us and allowing us some cash in the kitty to get bills paid they help us20:07
lac_I don't think that people feel under pressure to submit talks now20:07
* ThomasWaldmann added the moin sprint and created the suggestions page20:07
pboddieMove the deadline forward, perhaps? ;-)20:07
dboddieThanks, ThomasWaldmann. :-)20:07
zethso are all the organisers staying for the sprints?20:07
zethor do they organise themselves?20:07
dboddieI guess all the sprint organisers do that.20:08
dboddiezeth: Are you sprinting?20:08
zethdboddie: well that is what I am trying to work out ;)20:08
pinnerzeth: pretty much themselves, once the sprint organisers have the facilites installed20:08
zethI think we should probably remove the line from the website that says:  Thursday 29th May20:09
pinnersounds like zeth is on the moin sprint20:09
zethSchedule announced20:09
pboddieI didn't sprint last year, since I didn't take any hardware with me.20:09
zethif I don't want to live forever in Lithania then we need a flight home ;)20:09
zethback on topic, the schedule announced date seems a bit early20:10
zethjust publish the schedule when it is done20:11
dboddiepboddie: Maybe push that back a week.20:11
pinnerChange of subject: Will 13-15th July be OK for EP 2009, or would you prefer September?20:11
pboddiePerhaps remove it. I don't know, really. It may be best not to keep people's hopes up if they're planning on knowing everything and yet registering early.20:11
pinner(I'm just getting venues booked)20:12
dboddiepinner: No preference.20:12
pboddiepinner: No preference from me, either.20:12
zethSeptember seems better for people20:12
zethno conflicts with holidays or family20:12
pinnerEP is usually July20:12
zethnothing happens in September but rain20:12
dboddieThat's Birmingham for you.20:13
pinnerzeth:that's why we have July20:13
zethalthough it was sunny last year20:13
lac_EP being in July was a matter of me being able to get conference space cheaper at a uni in hte holidays20:13
lac_it wasn't to suit the fact that people liked july, just liked  cheap20:13
zethwell our venue is music school that is very good price20:13
lac_And, I have a meeting I must leave for in 2 minutes.20:13
pinnerlac_ July or Septembe ris the same price20:13
dboddielac_: OK. Thanks for attending.20:14
ThomasWaldmannpinner: date like this year is good20:14
zethreally good price for the dead centre of Britain's 2nd biggest city20:14
lac_what I meant is that we had ep in july, despite the fact that people disliked july, because they liked cheap20:14
pboddieI thought Glasgow was Britain's second biggest city. Wikipedia time!20:14
lac_so 'its traditional' shouldn't stop people from moving to sept.20:15
pinnerlac_: we're always cheap (skates)20:15
zethpboddie nope heresey20:15
zethGlasgow is 580,69020:16
zethsmall village ;)20:16
dboddieI guess the Wiki team is taking over...20:16
pboddieYes, I guess we should figure out what to do.20:16
zethbham is 1-3 million according to how you count it20:16
zethso are you done on all non-website business?20:17
pinnerzeth:I think so20:17
zethpinner are you LUGing?20:17
pinnerzeth:no, I didn't think there was one tonight, nothing on the list20:18
zethit is third thursday of the month20:18
pinnerzeth: and I plenty else to do20:18
zethhas not missed one for a decade20:18
zethwell I have, but the group has alway done it the same night20:18
zethpinner: well it is the visit of the Perlmongers20:18
zethso maybe you are allegic ;)20:19
zethso I think by the silence this is the end of the formal part of the meeting?20:19
dboddieYes. See you all next time.20:19
pinnergood night!20:20
zethzeth, pboddie and ThomasWaldmann will now talk about the wiki20:20
zethmy vote is we ditch the current one because it has unknown bugs, get the latest version from moinmoin, put it in a directory, and delete the ancient Debian system installed version20:21
zeththen move the theme and the content over?20:21
zethproblems with this?20:21
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* pinner is signing out20:22
pboddieI don't know about deleting the system one. Is it used by anything?20:22
* pboddie wishes non-Wiki people a good evening.20:22
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zethpboddie: yes but I deal with the consquences serpately20:23
ThomasWaldmannzeth: we might have to fix the theme. are other extensions in use?20:24
zethgood question20:24
pboddieI'm still not clear about the other Wikis. One uses 1.6.1, I think, but the other?20:24
pboddieThe only extensions I've added are a few plugins.20:24
ThomasWaldmannif we install new code to a custom location, only the wikis with that in sys.path will run the new code20:25
zethyup, the spring2008 wiki running 1.6.1 is on its own, so that is not a problem20:25
ThomasWaldmannand everything 1.6.x x<3 must be upgraded urgently anyway20:25
pboddieYes, I guess it's configurable with the mod_python directives.20:25
zethI fix the rest20:26
zethLets do what is best to get the europython site fine20:26
ThomasWaldmanncan we have mod_wsgi?20:26
pboddieSo, should we go to the latest 1.5.x or up to 1.6?20:26
zeth1.6 I say20:26
zethlets move with the times20:26
zethif we can20:26
ThomasWaldmannwe'll try 1.6.3 and in case we find major compat problems, we can use 1.5.920:27
zethThomasWaldmann: if mod_wsgi runs on Debian and will not do anythong nasty to Django sites on the same machine , I say go for it20:27
ThomasWaldmanni don't use django, so I can't say much about it. but the way mod_wsgi works, it should be a separate thing and not get in conflict with other stuff.20:28
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MrTopfHi Lennart20:29
regebroHi MrTopf was/is there a meeting today?20:29
regebroIs there no warnings about that nowadays, or did I miss it? :)20:29
MrTopfthere was20:29
* pboddie is just looking at how he installed MoinMoin 1.6 on some hosting.20:29
MrTopfI wasn't aware of one just happened to be here by accident20:30
regebroMaybe I should just auto-add this channel.20:30
MrTopfbut you were mentioned and lac wanted to email you20:30
pboddieThomasWaldmann: Is 1.6.3 the latest?20:31
regebroHmm. Annoying.20:31
dboddieregebro: I think you will still get an e-mail. :-)20:31
zethokay, next issue20:31
ThomasWaldmannpboddie: latest release, yes. latest is hg repo :))20:31
MrTopfthe main question I guess was what the state with Hans Rosling is20:31
zethhow do we get the data and theme from our current one to20:31
zeththe new one?20:31
MrTopfas you can imagine ;-)20:31
regebrodboddie: That's good at least. :)20:31
ThomasWaldmann(we can also use stable repo :)20:31
MrTopfand afaik lac wanted to email you about it20:32
regebroMrTopf: I've mailed Rosling and Aiste to get those into contact to organise the flight.20:32
ThomasWaldmannzeth: data will get run through the mig scripts, I can do that20:32
MrTopfah, good20:32
pboddiezeth: The data and theme are part of the wiki directory. Whichever MoinMoin is running should just suck that in.20:32
ThomasWaldmann(if you let me log in :)20:32
regebroRosling has not yet said definitely yes, but he hasn't said no either, so it's still tentatively "yes". :)20:32
ThomasWaldmannconfig needs some changes, theme maybe needs some minor changes20:32
* MrTopf wonders if he will do sword swalling then20:33
regebroMrTopf: You have to make good video of it, because I won't be able to come. :-/20:33
MrTopfdepends on what the light will be ;-)20:33
zethpboddie has a login already?20:33
MrTopfand too bad you won't be there!20:33
zethThomasWaldmann: I can add you to the server temporaly if required20:34
zethor you can tell me what to do20:34
pboddiezeth: Yes, I'm logged in already.20:35
pboddieWas just looking at a MoinMoin installation elsewhere, though.20:35
pboddieOK, so what I had thought of doing was to install a private copy of MoinMoin on my own machine and to run through a migration.20:36
ThomasWaldmannzeth: i suggest you let me log in and we cooperate on a screen20:36
ThomasWaldmannand we don't need to copy the data to another machine, we won't migrate them in-place on the server, but in another directory20:39
ThomasWaldmannso while we work on the migration, the wiki will still run20:39
ThomasWaldmann(and we can try out the new one on port 8000)20:40
* pboddie looks at installing MoinMoin 1.6.20:46
* pboddie considers the permissions of various files.20:46
ThomasWaldmann1.6.3 or repo?20:50
* pboddie hopes that will do the right thing. He now considers the effect of running the migration script.20:50
ThomasWaldmann(hg is already installed)20:50
pboddieThis is on my own machine, by the way.20:50
ThomasWaldmannah, ok :)20:50
pboddieI'm setting up another Moin to see whether the theme will work. I imagine that it won't work without some changes.20:51
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