Nokia 770 and other Internet Tablets

Stuff for Nokia internet tablets (770, N800, N810, N900, N950)

Instructions for reflashing and setting up a cozy Maemo 5 environment (primarily intended as a checklist for myself)

There's also an application manager repository here, which I currently use to test packages too experimental to be uploaded into Maemo extras-devel:

mistral (for OS2006)
bora (for OS2007)
chinook (for OS2008)
fremantle (for Maemo 5)
harmattan (for Meego 1.2 Harmattan)
user other

(Browse it or add it to the Application Installer, although you really shouldn't -- better use Maemo Extras instead)

If you're on Harmattan, there's no GUI setup for this, so add the following to your sources.list by hand:

deb harmattan user other experimental

The user component contains applications I've compiled and tested myself.

The other component contains some applications I found on the Internet that weren't uploaded to any of the repositories. Since installing directly from debs (and tracking dependencies manually) is a pain, I put them into a repository for my own convenience.

There's also an experimental component that contains applications I've compiled myself, but these are either not tested, or simply do not work.