Instructions for reflashing and setting up a cozy Maemo 5 environment (primarily intended as a checklist for myself)
There's also an application manager repository here, which I currently use to test packages too experimental to be uploaded into Maemo extras-devel:
(Browse it or add it to the Application Installer, although you really shouldn't -- better use Maemo Extras instead)
If you're on Harmattan, there's no GUI setup for this, so add the following to your sources.list by hand:
deb harmattan user other experimental
The user component contains applications I've compiled and tested myself.
The other component contains some applications I found on the Internet that weren't uploaded to any of the repositories. Since installing directly from debs (and tracking dependencies manually) is a pain, I put them into a repository for my own convenience.
There's also an experimental component that contains applications I've compiled myself, but these are either not tested, or simply do not work.